Brief characteristic of Italy. Italy

Italy is one of beautiful countries The world, where the snow-white peaks of the Alps contrast with the orange groves of Sicily, and the Vineyards of Tuscany and Lazio - with rugged lands of basilicates.

Italy is a state located in the central part of Southern Europe. The territory of Italy is 301 thousand km².

The total length of Italy's borders is about 9,000 kilometers, of which 20% is the land border and 80% - marine. The land border in the north of the country takes place mostly in Alps, separating Italy (from west to east) from France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. In the south, Italy is separated from the northern coast of Africa with a Tunisian strait of about 150 kilometers wide, in the southeast of the Strait of Otranto separates Italy from Balkan Peninsula.

The territory of Italy includes the Pandan lowland facing it the slopes of the Alpine Mountain Arc, the actual Apennine Peninsula, large islands Sicily and Sardinia, and so numerous small islands, including Panteleryria, Capri, Elbe, Egadian and Liepan Islands.

The Apennine Peninsula deeply goes to the Mediterranean Sea. Italy's shores are washed by seas that are part of the Mediterranean Sea: in the West - Ligurian and Tyrrhensky, in the south - ionic, in the East - Adriatic.

The variety of Italy climate is determined by the length of its territory in the longitude and mountainous relief of the most part of the country.

In the Padan Plain, the climate is transitional from the subtropical to a moderate - hot summer (July from + 22 ° C to + 24 ° C) and a cool foggy winter (January - about 0 ° C).

In the central regions of the Apennine Peninsula, the climate subtropical climate, with hot (from + 24-27 ° C in the north to + 26-32 ° C in the south) in summer and warm (on average not lower than + 5 ° C) in winter.

Sardinia has a typical Mediterranean climate with hot summer and short warm winter, very favorable for visiting the island at any time. Summer heat (in Cagliari in July, the temperature often reaches + 32-38 ° C, in winter - + 18-22 ° C) soften with stable sea winds.

The climate in Sicily is also a Mediterranean, very similar to Sardinsky, but even faster in summer and a little more cool in winter. The precipitation falls a bit (up to 500 mm per year), mainly from October to March. At the same time, the difference is well noticeable weather conditions (both in temperature and moisture) between the coast and the inside of the island - in mountainous areas Always somewhat cooler and rainy than on the coast, and the western slopes of the mountains receive an average of 2 times more precipitation than the eastern. Such a prominent variety of climate makes a visit to the island convenient at any time of the year.

Of all european countries Italy is perhaps the most difficult thing to determine. Italy is a modern industrial state, style legislation, whose designers each season determine fashion trends all over the world. At the same time, this is a Mediterranean state with all concomitant circumstances: most of the territory of the country is engaged in agricultural grounds, and in the south, feudal relations are not up to the end. In cities and villages throughout the country, business life stops at the time of the Seside. The cult is reigning, respect for the traditions and rituals of the Catholic Church.

Italy is a country that is famous for the whole world with the wealth of culture and history. Not possessing extensive territories, Italy with a high concentration in it beloved by all places, such as Rome, Milan, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Lombardy, Calabria, Liguria, Sardinia, Sicily, generally represents one solid historical cultural monument.

Italian atmosphere is truly unique: the openness and sincerity of the Italians, their family values, a kitchen, a famous world of wines, cheese, paste and pizza, melodic, picturesque nature With her mountain and sea landscapes and the soft Mediterranean climate speak only in favor of this southern European country.

If there is such a characteristic, with which it is possible to determine the life of the country, then in Italy, it is hundreds of local holidays that are literally every day, as well as the value that the good kitchen gives. Of course, this is a huge cultural heritage: in the only Tuscany more great historical monumentsThan in any other country of the world, and after all, each region of Italy can boast by its artistic tradition. That is why Italy is the birthplace of great art leaders, starting from Rafael, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Donatello, Vivaldi and ending with Pyrandendel, Pavarotti, Fellini and Antonioni.

Italy was united only in 1861, but today the regional division remains. The northern part of the country is one of the most industrial developed regions The world, and the south, on the contrary, is one of the most economically backward zones of Europe. The spirit of the rich north is most clearly felt in Piedmont and Lombardy in the north-west of the country and in the two main city centers of the region - Turin and Milan. Liguria, a small coastal province in the south, has long been known as "Italian Riviera"; The capital of this area is Genoa - a lively port, glorious by its long-standing seating. In the North-East Italy, interest is primarily Venice - a unique city, beautiful in every part.

Further to the south there is an area of \u200b\u200bEmilia-Romagna, who turned out after the war in the epicenter of industrial boom. Rest on the coast in this area still remains popular, this is especially true of Rimini. It is worth viewing the ancient cities of Ravenna, Parma and Bologna, the latter is one of the busiest cities of Italy.

The central part of the country, especially Tuscany with its classic hilly landscape, as well as the Florence, Pisa and Siena, abundant artwork, create the most familiar image of Italy.

South of Roman Campaigns lies Naples - a wonderful noisy city, the spiritual center of the Italian south, next to Pompeii and Herkulanum, as well as the spectacular coastal strip near Amalfi, the "heel" of the Italian boot, is characterized by unpleasant treasures, among which - Bari City where the power attracting the power of pilgrims is stored. Nicholas, and Lecce, Pearl of Baroque style.

On Sicily Island, which actually represents the state in the state, can admire the ancient Greek ruins and the mountain of Etna, the city of Palermo will charm you with its beauty. Sardinia is also very different from the mainland, especially in its inner part.

Italian flavor, as the real estate in Italy has always attracted tourists from all over the world, many of which, moving there several times, acquired real estate in Italy to be able to be there as much as they themselves want. Property acquisition in Italy makes it possible to feel this life from the inside, and here, unlike many other resort directions, you will be surprised how much better and more pleasant to be "local" than the tourist. With your own real estate in Italy, you will not be applied to the terms of stay in the country and you can spend how much time on shopping in Milan, traveling through the picturesque canals of Venice or a visit to the legendary opera in Rome. Hurry nowhere else, you are at home.

Italy enters the euro zone and among the Schengen countries, which, in combination with the developed network of iron and road roads gives residents of this country an excellent opportunity to travel throughout Europe. It is especially convenient to visit France, Switzerland bordering from Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, as well as directly on its territory San Marino and the city of Vatican.

High living standard in Italy. This is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country, which plays an important role in the EU, and therefore in the world. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is a close friend of his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin, which, of course, fastens friendly relations and between countries. Italian real estate - a standard of quality, so the investment in it will bring dividends in any case, and perhaps not so much in the cash equivalent, as in the beautiful mood, health and comfort of its owners.

Currency and banks in Italy

Currently, the Italian currency is the euro. Banks work from 8.30 to 13.30 and from 15.30 to 19.30. ATMs are common. Exchange currency and cash traveler checks are more profitable in the exchange office, and not in the bank, such services are provided in large hotels. Students and persons under 25 years have enjoyed free access or big discounts.

Transport in Italy

With the exception of several private highways in the northern part of the country and in Sardinia, in Italy there is a network of state railways. You can travel by Eurostar / Lntercity trains, where you need to pay extra 30%, and ordinary trains - Diretto, Interregional and Regionale. Interrail, Euraail and Trenitalia cards operate across the entire network of Italian railways, but a trip to express or train far follow Requires surcharge. Buses are almost everywhere. And of course, who did not ride through the canals of Venice, he did not see Italy

The shops

Most stores work from 9 am to 8 pm and are not closed on Sundays. Lunch breaks if there is, then from 13:00 to 15:30

Food and Drinks in Italy

A little exist in the world where you can eat so tasty as in Italy. If you eat only pizza and panini (sandwiches), you will lose a lot, be sure to try local dishes (Piatti Tipici). Most Italians start the day in the bar with breakfast in the form of Cornetto with Croissant (Cornetto). Lunch bars offer toasts from white bread (Tramezzini) and Panini. Another alternative is Arancini, fryer rice balls with meat or cheese. Good and cheap food you can buy on the market.

Italy will have to get used to eat and drinking: in many places for sitting place Challenge an additional fee. Italian ice cream (Gelato) is right: the horn is a constant attribute of the evening walk. The best choice - in ice cream (Gelateha).

Italy - Sameya detailed information About country with photo. Attractions, the city of Italy, climate, geography, population and culture.

ITALYA (Repubblica Italiana)

Italy is a state in southern Europe in the center of the Mediterranean, located for the most part on the Apennine Peninsula. The country also takes a small (North-Western) part of the Balkan Peninsula, Pandan Plain, Southern Alps and a number of large and small islands of the Mediterranean Sea, including Sicily and Sardinia. Italy in the north-west borders with France, in the north - with Switzerland and Austria, in the northeast - with Slovenia. The state also has internal borders with the Vatican and San Marino. This is a country with the greatest cultural, historical and artistic legacy, the cradle of one of the greatest empires in the history of mankind and the Renaissance.

Italy is one of the most unique and charming places in the world. It has one of the most beautiful and varied landscapes in Europe, the world's largest treasure treasure of history, culture and art, a favorable warm climate and delicious authentic kitchen. In this case, Italy is not perfect at all. Her historic cities and antiquity suffer from modern DevelopmentThe infrastructure works in his peak, there are problems in the economy and social sphere. But, having been here, you will definitely love this country for her buoy temperament, reckless temper, delicious kitchen and a special atmosphere.

Useful information about Italy

  1. The population is 60.8 million people (in this indicator Italy occupies the 23rd place in the world).
  2. Area - 301 340 square kilometers.
  3. Language - Italian.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, in summer +2.
  7. VAT (Tax Free) can be returned with a purchase of 154.94 euros.
  8. The voltage of the electrical network is 220 V, 50 Hz. ATTENTION: Italy uses its own electric connector in Italy, so adapter may be required for some devices. It can be bought in any supermarket.
  9. Italy is enough safe Country. The main thing to adhere to the elementary safety rules and beware of scammers in popular tourist sites.
  10. Italy is a unitary republic of parliamentary type. The head of state is the president. Executive power - Parliament, the chapter of which is the Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Geography and Nature

Italy is located in southern Europe in the Mediterranean. Most of the country lies on the Apennine Peninsula. Territory, mainly hilly and mountain. From the north of Italy, the Southern Alps refrease, and the Peninsula are located Appenne Mountains. The territory of the country is located at the point of contact of lithospheric plates, so there is no rare earthquake. In addition, there are several large volcanoes: Etna, Vesuvius, etc.

Italy is a huge coast in length. The country is washed by the following seas of Mediterranean water area: the Adriatic and Ionian in the East, Tyrrhenian and Ligurian in the West. The largest river is the river by. Large lakes - Garda, Como.

Thanks to the geographical and climatic characteristics, the nature of Italy is very diverse. Although most of the territory is changed by the human activity in antiquity. In the north, on the slopes of the Alps, mixed and coniferous forests grow, on the coast and south - subtropical plants. The central part of the country is a mixture of the nature of subtropics and moderate latitudes.


The climate of Italy is very diverse and may in some regions heavily differ from the Mediterranean. For most of the territory, the summer is very warm and dry, and July is the hottest month. Autumn is usually rainy. Winters are cool and wet (from here frequent fogs) in the north and softer in the south. In the provinces that are located in the foothills of the Alps, the climate is mountainous. Summer is cool, and winter cold and snowy.

Best time to visit

Italy has a favorable warm climate. Although in the Alps and the foothills can be quite cold. To choose best time To visit, you need to weigh several factors: prices for hotels and food, weather, cultural events and seasonal atmosphere. The highest season is summer. If you want to come to Italy to explore her wonderful cultural and historical heritage, it is better to choose the lowest season - winter. The most optimal time from the point of view of the weather and the number of tourists - April-May and September-October.


The history of Italy is very rich and diverse. The country for the period of its existence knew the takeoffs and falls, was fragmented and merged. In its territory in antiquity, the Great Empire arose - Roman. And it is Italy that can be called the cradle of Western civilization.

The territory of modern Italy was populated more than 50 thousand years ago. The name of the country comes from the tribe of Italians, who in the 5th century BC, set up a small part of the Emilia-Romagna region. Already in the 3rd century under Italy, the entire peninsula was understood to the Rubicon River, and in the 2nd century - the territory to the slopes of the Alps. In the Dorim period, the tribes of the ligurov, Etruscans, Umbrov and even Galla lived here.

In 753 BC, Rome was founded on the Tiber River. The Romans gradually began to spread their influence on the entire Apennine Peninsula. Initially, Rome ruled 7 kings. In 509, the kings replaced the republic. The republican period began active military expansion to other tribes. By 3 century BC, Rome conquered most of the modern Italy.

In 390, Gaul defeated the Roman army, captured and burned Rome.

The growth of the power of Rome and the spread of its influence in the Mediterranean led to a collision with the Carthage. As a result of three Punic wars, Carthage was destroyed, and its territory became part of the republic. In the 1st century, the republic shocked internal conflicts. At first there was a riseber of slaves under the leadership of Spartacus. Later the civil war broke out, in which Julius Caesar won. He set the dictatorship and laid the foundations for creating an empire.

After the murder of Julia Caesar, the power passed to Octavian August, which is considered the founder of the Roman Empire. After the death of the first Roman emperor, the authorities went to Tiberius, who became the first of the Yuliyev-Claudiyev dynasty. The Claudiyev dynasty ended in the middle of the 1st century of our era with the murder of Nero. Further until the end of the 1st century, the rules of the Flaviev dynasty, which the Antoninov dynasty replaced first, and later the northern. During this period, the Roman Empire reached a peak of his power and development, owning almost all Southern Europe, a huge part Western Europe and North Africa.

In the 4th century, the fall of Rome began. In 330, Emperor Konstantin founded Constantinople and moved his capital there. At the end of the 4th century, the Western and Eastern Roman Empires formed. In the 5th century, Vandals and Westges invaded in Italy. Rome was taken and looted, and the mighty ancient empire fell. The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) existed after that for almost a thousand years and fell only in the 15th century.

In the 5th century, Italy captured the isgotes. In the 6th century, the Kingdom of Langobards originated in the north. In the 8-11 century, Italy was part of the franc empire. Its part of it during this period was captured by the Normans. In the 11-13 centuries, the empire francs was destroyed. The government focused on the "hands" of the Roman dads. There was a Sicilian kingdom and several free states in northern Italy.

In the 13th and 15th centuries, the PA power decreased significantly. There were many states on the territory of Italy: the Kingdom of Naples, Papal Region, Republic and Genoa, Savoy, Milan. At the end of this period, the era of the Renaissance began, the cradle of which was Florence.

In the late 15th - the first half of the 16th century several Italian wars broke out. The first Italian war arose due to the claims of France to the north of the country. French troops occupied Tuscany, Rome and moved to Naples. But they were stopped by the Union of Venice, Milan and Emperor Maximilian. During the second Italian war, France captured Genoa and Milan, and Spain. As a result of the third war, the Spaniards broke the French, who were forced to abandon the claims to Italy. In the 16th century, most of its territory was under Spanish influence.

At the beginning of the 18th century, after the war of the Spanish legacy, Italy became part of the Austrian Habsburg Empire. At the end of the 18th century, French troops entered here. At this time, several republics were formed, which later united into the Italian Republic, in 1805 transformed into the kingdom. During this period, the freedom and independence movement arises - risornets. By 1860, the association of the country around the Sardinian kingdom begins. In 1870, the Italian kingdom entered Rome, who became its capital.

At the beginning of World War I, Italy announced her neutrality. But in 1915 he joined the Antante. In 1919, a fascist movement arises here. In 1922, the fascists led by Mussolini came to power. In 1940, Italy joined the second world War On the side of Germany. In 1943 - capitulated. In 1945, Mussolini regime was overthrown. In 1947, the Constitution was adopted and the country became the parliamentary republic.

Administrative division

Administrative Italy is divided into 20 regions: Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venice Julia, Piedmont, Liguria, Venice, Tuscany, Umbria, Emilia-Romagna, Mark, Abruzzo, Lazio, Molise, Basilicata, Campaign , Calabria, Apulus, Sardinia and Sicily. The capital of the country is Rome. The areas, in turn, are divided into provinces, which are numbered 110.

Also conditionally Italy can be divided into regions:

  • North-West Italy (Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Valle-d "Aosta) is the richest and developed region of the country. Here is the largest port of the country - Genoa, the main financial and business center - Milan, the Center for Industry and Technologies - Turin.
  • Northeastern Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venice Julia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto) - a diverse region with excellent Venice and one of the main student cities - a bolome, charming Parma and Romantic Verona. Here you can find almost everything: from ski resorts and natural beauty of southern Tyrol to the coast and beaches.
  • Central Italy (Lazio, Mark, Tuscany, Abruzzo and Umbria) - breathes history, culture and art. Here are the most important attractions of the country and the most famous artistic masterpieces. Cities here do not need a view: the eternal city is the legendary Rome, the cradle of the Renaissance and the modern Italian language - Florence, ancient Pisa, Lucca and Siena.
  • Southern Italy (Apuli, Basilicata, Calabria, Campaign and Molise) - Southern Region with incredible temperament: Stormy Naples, Dramatic Ruins Pompeii, the romantic coast of Amalfi and Capri.
  • Sicily and Sardinia islands - beautiful sea and beaches. Here are the most famous resorts Italy.


In terms of population, Italy occupies the fourth place in the European Union. More than 90% of the population - Italians. Large diasporas: Romanians, immigrants from North Africa, Albanians. Official language - Italian. In Bolzano and South Tyrol, they also speak German, in Trieste - in Slovenian, in Aosta - in French.

Italians themselves are open, friendly, very temperament and emotional. Although there are features between the North and South. So in the north of Italy, people are more closed, punctual and pragmatic, whereas in the south everything is quite the opposite.

Italians are very traditional, proud of their country and cuisine. They love their region very much, having fun and eat well.


Large international airports:

  • Rome - With two airports: Fudumicino (FCO - Leonardo da Vinci) and Champino for low cost airlines.
  • Milan - with two airports: Malpensa (MXP) and Linate (LIN). In addition, there is airport in Bergamo (BGY - Orio Alkioo).
  • Bologna (BLQ - Gullylmo Marconi).
  • Naples (NAP - Capodikino).
  • Pisa (PSA Galile Galilee).
  • Venice (VCE - Marco Polo).
  • Treviso (TSF - Antonio Canova).
  • Turin (TRN - Sandro Pepini).
  • Palermo (PMO - Punta Razi).
  • Catania (CTA - Vincenzo Bellini).
  • Bari (BRI - Pale).
  • Genoa (GOA - Cristoforo Colombo).

Railway communication connects Italy with Germany (through Munich), Austria (Vienna, Innsbruck, Phillah), France (Paris, Lyon, Nice), Switzerland (Basel, Geneva), Spain (through Barcelona). High-speed trains Go to the largest cities of Italy: Rome, Turin, Milan, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Naples.

Separately, it is worth noting the motorway that permeate the whole country. These roads are simply excellent quality and not different from the famous German autobahn, except that they are paid. When arriving at the motorway, you need to take a special ticket. When you go, you need to give this ticket to the cashier or insert it into a special machine. Cash and cash and bank cards. Payment methods are indicated on special signs.

Cities of Italy

In Italy, hundreds of popular cities that should be visited. Almost every city boasts interesting attractions and rich history. But there are places you owe to see. Our top 10 cities of Italy:

  1. Rome is the capital of Italy and one of its oldest cities. The place where the story literally frozen on the streets, and the sights have long become symbols of the whole country.
  2. - One of the most romantic cities in the world. Unique place With channels, bridges, gondolas and wonderful architecture.
  3. Florence - the Renaissance Cradle, the city where Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo and still dozens of geniuses were born. The capital of Tuscany will affect you museums and collections of art.
  4. Milan is one of the capitals of world fashion. Modern megalopolis, financial and business center of the country. If you are interested in shopping - you are exactly here.
  5. - The capital of the Italian south. Ancient city with southern temperament and the birthplace of pizza.
  6. - One of the most romantic cities of Italy, in which you can touch the story and feel yourself with the heroes of Shakespeare.
  7. Bologna - the gastronomic capital of the country, the city of youth, culture and art.
  8. Pisa is one of the most popular Tuscany cities with a famous falling tower.
  9. Turin is the first capital of the United Isalya, the city of industry and technology.
  10. Genoa is the largest Italian port, a city with a rich history and plenty of attractions.

Other Places of Interest:

  • Lake Garda and Como, as well as pearl dolomites Alps - Bries.
  • Italian Alps and South Tyrol - picturesque nature and stunning mountains.
  • Amalfi is a rocky coast with beautiful towns.
  • Cinque Terre is charming seaside towns on the coast of Liguria.
  • Pompeii and Herculaneum are the ruins of ancient cities destroyed during the eruption of Vesuvius.
  • Sardinia - stunning beaches and sea landscapes.


Italy has so many attractions as any country has no country in the world. There are 53 objects on its territory. World Heritage UNESCO. Only the list of major attractions will take several pages. Therefore, only the sights are indicated here.

Grand Antique Amphitheater and, Probably, the most famous landmark of Italy. Located in Rome. It was built in just 8 years. Construction began emperor Vespasian, and finished tit.

The Colosseum is made in the form of a giant ellipse. This is the largest amphitheater of antiquity, striking with its sizes - the outer axis in length is 524 meters, the size of the site is 85 x 53 meters, and the height is 48 to 50 meters. This is one of the most striking and tremendous structures of ancient Rome.

One of the greatest dome buildings of the world. It was built between 25-27 years old. Consul Markov Vipsania Agrippoy and rebuilt in 126 after a fire during the Board of Adrian. Pantheon is translated as a "temple of all the gods". This is one of the most well-preserved antique constructions of Rome.

The heart of the Roman Empire, the main political and public center of the ancient Rome. It is a rectangular area that surrounds the remains of ancient buildings and temples. The Roman Forum is located in the valley between the Capitolian and the Palatine hills in the center of the capital Italy.

Vatican - the heart of the Catholic world, mini-state in the center of Rome. Here is the largest Christian church in the world. And the Vatican museums exhibit great treasures of art.

Pisanskaya Tower - the famous falling tower, chief symbol Pisa. It was conceived as a bell tower of the Cathedral of Santa Maria-Assunta. It was built over the past two centuries from the 12th century. The height of the tower is more than 50 meters, and the deviation from the axis is at least 4%.

Santa Maria del Fiore is the main attraction and one of the most recognizable characters of Florence. A beautiful and impressive cathedral with a decoration of pink, white and green marble is made in the Gothic style and is located in the historic center on Piazza Duomo. Santa Maria del Fiore built on the spot where there was once ancient Cathedral The capital of Tuscany is Santa Reparate, the remains of which are visible in the crypt.

Duomo or Cathedral of Santa Maria-Nazu is a symbol of Milan, located in the heart of the city on the Square of the same name. It is one of the largest religious buildings of the world (accommodates about 40,000 people) and, probably, the most beautiful church in the style of Gothic. Duomo was built over the course of 4 centuries from the 14th century. Its roof is crowned with 135 spiers, and the facade is decorated with 2 245 marble statues.

Amalfi is a stunning portion of the coast of the coast south of Naples with picturesque towns, which climb on the sheer rocks.

Venice is a city of amazing beauty, which in itself is a landmark. More than 20 million tourists come here to look at the charming channels, elegant architecture and bridges, ride in the gondolas, take a walk on San Marco, see the Rialto Bridge, buy glass products on the island of Murano and take pictures of colorful houses Burano. The historic center of Venice is built on 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon.

Pompeii - legendary ancient city, destroyed during the devastating eruption of Vesuvius in 79 of our era at the peak of his power. Despite the streams of lava and tons of ash, which buried the city and its inhabitants, it is preserved in a fantastic state.


IN major cities and popular tourist areas you can find many accommodation options: from world-class hotels family hotels and apartments. One nuance - few hostels in Italy. In Tuscany, Piedmont, Umbria, Abruzzo, Sardinia, Apule and Emilia-Romagna, agriculturalism is increasingly popular. In Italy, you can find a lot of charming hotels with two stars and less.

The cost of living depends on the popularity of the region, the place and season. The highest prices for hotels from May to August. The lowest is in winter. In general, prices for hotels and apartments, compared to the rest of Europe, in Italy is not the highest. Most of all money for accommodation will be required in Milan, Venice, the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bGarda Lakes and Como. Although there you can find interesting and cheap options.


Italian cuisine may be the most delicious and varied in Europe. With this kitchen remains purely regional. Believe me, the kitchen of Italy is not only pasta and pizza. These are a huge amount of dishes and ingredients that can satisfy any gourmet.

Traditional dishes italian cuisine and products:

  • Pizza is one of the most popular Italian dishes that spread widely around the world. Each region has its own traditions of her cooking. How to prepare pizza in Italy - so do not prepare it anywhere.
  • Risotto - rice with meat, vegetables and seafood.
  • Polenta - corn croup with meat.
  • Pasta (spaghetti, paste) with sauces and meat.
  • Lasagna.
  • Tortellini - Italian dumplings with cheese and meat
  • Jelato - ice cream.
  • Panini - sandwiches.
  • Cheese. Some types of cheese can only be performed in a particular region. Italy produces more than 800 types of cheese.
  • Wine.
  • Olive oil.
  • Sausage and ham - more than 400 species.

The main drink in Italy is wine. Grapes are grown in almost every province, except for high mountains. In each region, the traditions of winemaking are strong.

Italy is a modern state that is located in the southern part of Central Europe in the center of the Mediterranean region. The territory of Italy covers the Padan Plain and the Apennine Peninsula.

Also, the state belongs to Islands - Sicily and Sardinia. The state consists of 20 administrative centers, 5 of which have autonomous status: Sardinia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Sicily, Valle-D "Aosta, Sardinia and Friuli Venice Julia.

Italy borders with France, Slovenia, Austria and Switzerland, and also has internal state borders with San Marino and the Vatican. The capital of the state is Rome. Despite the fact that the roots of Italian statehood reaches the era of ancient Rome, the date of the foundation of the modern Italian Republic - June 2, 1946.

Geography of the country

The territory of Italy consists of predominantly mining systemthat becomes a constant threat of earthquakes. In the north of the state are the southern slopes of the Alps, in the center - the Mountains of Appenina and Sabini. In Italy there are two actively existing volcanoes - Etna and Vesuvius.

The territory of Italy is washed by five seas: the Andriatic, Ionian, Mediterranean, Ligurian and Tirren - all of them belong to the group of seas Atlantic Ocean. Italy rivers are formed by a full-water network, most pronounced in the north of the country.

Often rivers are used for the irrigation of agricultural land. The fastest rivers are by, Arno and Tiber, on the shores of which is Rome. Italianostrov rivers are less developed, compared with continental, and in the summer period often completely dry.

In the territory of Italy there are rich reserves of minerals. However, their mining is actively conducted only on the island of Sicily, since the active man-made intervention in the system of rocks can cause an earthquake.

Population and economy of Italy

According to the population census in 2007, Italy's population is more than 61 million people, from which only 25 million are economically active. The population growth rate becomes 1% per year.

The state is inquired unevenly, 60% of the population live in the northern part of the country. In Italy, low urbanization of the population. Despite the population rather high enough for European countries, in Italy there are only two cities - Millionnik: Rome and Milan.

Italy applies to the number of economically developed countries. In the state farm at a fairly high level, both industry and an agricultural complex are developed.

Leading branches of the state industry metallurgy, engineering, petrochemical, food and tissue production. Italy is the largest global importer of cars, household appliances, radio-electronic products, chemical fibers and plastics, clothing, shoes and cosmetology.

The agricultural sector mainly prevails crop production. Italy is a global leader in the production of citrus, gravestone crops, grapes and olives. A significant place in the country's economy occupies tourism, incomes from which are 15% of state GDP

About country:

Italy is one of the most romantic countries of the world, every corner of this country is unique and unique. Italy is a muse for artists and poets, its air is saturated with atmosphere of creativity and freedom. Italy is located in the south of Europe, borders with Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and France, washed Adriatic Sea., Ionian sea, Mediterranean Sea, Tirren Morce, Ligurian Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Italy belongs to the island of Elba, Sicily and Sardinia, as well as several small islands. Two independent states - San Marino and Vatican - are located on the territory of the Apnepsian Peninsula and are completely surrounded by Italy. The territory of the country from north to south is 1 170 km, from west to east - 260 km. Total area of \u200b\u200bthe country 301302 sq. Km.
Beautiful and varied landscapes, family beachesNumerous monuments of history and culture enchant travelers arriving in Italy from all over the Earth.

On the years:

In Italy, one of the most favorable weather conditions in Europe, sunbathing and swimming here from the end of May until the beginning of October, and on the Adriatic coast the swimming season depending on the year it can even be extended. Warm air and sea smell are always charming in all seasons. In winter, you can relax in the mountains, go skiing in Italian Alps And on Appenna. It is worth noting, the Mediterranean can be called the climate of the peninsula and island Italy, average temperature July-August there +26 degrees, and in nordic parts The countries of the middle of the summer are a little cooler, but not more than 2-3 degrees. It is rare to see the snow in winter, which falls unless at night.

About nature:

In Italy, many environmental zones and national ParksThe largest Parks of Abruzzo, Grand Paradise, Chircho and Stelvio are considered. Vegetable world Italy is very diverse, the coast of the Apennine, form a predominantly thickets of McVis, consisting of evergreen shrubs and some species of subtropical trees - citrus, olives, almonds, figs, grenades. On stony slopes, the type of vegetation is Gariga, consisting of low-speed evergreen shrubs, semi-stamps and perennial herbs. In the districts of the Alps and Appenin there are foxes, roebles, bears, wolves and sulfas. On the island of Sardinia, you can meet a mugle, boar and lan. From reptiles in Italy, turtles, lizards and snakes are found. In the mountainous areas there are hollows-wellkeerals, Berkuts and vultures, Berkut, and in the Alp's Alpine Regions, Glukhari, Ryabchiki and Strey. About 400 varieties of birds live in the country. The sea inhabitants of Italy - Kefal, Cod, Tuna, Kambala, and carp, eel and trout are found in the rivers.

About language:

Italian language belongs to the Romanesque group of Indo-European languages, originated from the conversational Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire. Italian language is the official language of not only Italy, but also the Vatican, San Marino, Switzerland. Recognized by the second official language in several districts of Croatia and Slovenia with a significant Italian population. Italian language is distributed among immigrants in the USA, Canada, Australia and in the Republic of Somalia. For the first time in the literature, it is found at the end of 12 V, Italian has had a significant impact on all languages \u200b\u200bof Western Europe, especially in English, German, French, and Spanish. There are several hundred words of Italian origin in these languages \u200b\u200bin areas such as music, art and literature, musical terminology worldwide still remains Italian. In Italian, many dialects that differ very different from each other, to the appearance and existence of which influenced the centuries-old fragmentation of the country, and the independent development of its individual parts in subsequent periods of history, currently there are 16 major dialects, very far from each other. Among the languages \u200b\u200bof the Romance Group Italian most dialectically fragmented. Dialects can be divided into three groups: northern, central and southern. Today, Italian is considered one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bof the Romanesque Group.

About the past:

The first people in the territory of modern Italy existed during the periods of Paleolithic and Mesolitis, to the beginning of Neolithic, about 5,000 years BC, small communities of hunters were transformed into more civilized settlements with developed agriculture and using stone guns and clay dishes.
The history of Italy begins with the period of the Roman Empire. In 753 BC Rome was founded, which united the lands of modern Italy. In 510 BC. Rome became a republic. Before that, Rome ruled the kings, and already in 2nd. BC. The city controlled the central and south ItalyAnd after three Punic Wars with Carthage, he took control of almost all the Mediterranean and already to 5 century BC. It took the huge territories of Europe, Asia and North Africa.
Modern Italy at the end of the 5th century was conquered by Germanians, Ostats and Gotami, whose board lasted several centuries. In the Middle Ages, rich city-states arose, which peacefully existed until the middle of the 15th century. At the end of which neighboring states began a series of wars for possession of the territories of the Apnepsinsky Peninsula.
Almost all Italy (in 1550) was captured by the king of the Dynasty of the Habsburgs Karl V, who wore the title of Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and King of Spain. When Karl renounced the throne and divided the lands of Habsburg between his brother Emperor Ferdinand I and the Son Philip II Spanish, Italy became part of the inheritance of Philip. Before the war in 1701-1714. The Spanish power remained the dominant power in Italy, and after the war, he moved to Austria.
Only in the 18th century of independence reached some areas of Italy - Savoy (Kingdom of Sardinia after 1720) and parts of Lombardy, and in 1735 the Kingdom of both Sicilia became an independent monarchy under the control of one of the branches of the Spanish Dynasty of Bourbon.
By this time, Italy no longer played a central role in European politics.
King Sardinia Viktor Emmanuel II in 1861 proclaimed the creation of a single state, in which however, not yet included Rome and Venice.
Already by 1870, Italy was almost in modern borders, in 1871 Rome became the capital of the United Isalya.
In October 1922, when the fascists came to Rome, King Viktor Emmanuel appointed Mussolini Prime Minister. He created the fascist regime of Mussolini, who existed until 1943, when Benito Mussolini dictator was executed by partisans, and allied troops landed in Italy.
Italy was proclaimed by the republic, after in June 1946, the King of Italy renounced the throne and left the country. Since 1944, Italy's political life was very violently, which testifies frequent (sometimes two or three times a year) the resignation of the government of the country.
Currently, Italy is an active participant in the processes occurring in Europe and around the world. Italy is a member of the UN and all specialized agencies of this organization, NATO, EU, OSCE, organizing economic cooperation and development.

What is italian?

Italians are expansive, hot, poushers, differ in great sociability. Communication in the life of Italians occupies a leading position, communicating, Italians show their emotionality and liveliness. They colorfully tell some story and strongly help themselves in this gesture. There is a saying that the Italian with knitted hands can not speak.
Italians are often leopard and inattentive, can, having met their old acquaintance and in the process of a lively conversation, tanning the exit in the store, even not to notice this.
In the Italian character combines pride and quick temper, friendly and goodwill.
Italians do not have equal, in any situation, be it friendly communication or dispute, they are very clear and competently arrange offers.

What does the Italian do on the weekend?

The weekends of the Italians visit their numerous relatives and spend them together in a noisy family circle or go to the city, in nature. One of the most important entertainment of Italians is to be football, followed by walking on motorcycles and bicycles around the surrounding area, tennis, and of course rest on ski resorts. Opera, theater, art galleries, cinema are always in the circle of the interests of the true Italian.
Holiday Italians spend on nature, more often on Italian Riviera. They love to travel especially in Italy.
In Italy, a huge number of festivals are held, the most popular of which is: International Film Festival in Venice, "Venetian Biennale", Venetian carnival masks, "Historical Regatta" - which are going to the best gondolors of the city, and a grand parade of historical boats is held. "Festival of two worlds" - opera and ballet performances, theatrical performances, concerts, numerous exhibitions.
The International Exhibition-Fair is held in Milan - the most representative fair of the world is held annually at the end of April.
Each city and village celebrates his saint's day: Rome - Peter, Turin - John, Milan - Ambrose, Naples - Yanuaria, and so on.
Many cities have local holidays that have become very famous and popular: Siena Palio - horse racing, are held 2 times a year: July 2 and August 16, in Siena, Rovente in Venice on July 18, etc.
In many places, the "Sagra" is held - weeks in honor of any composer or poet, vintage or local sports competitions. February - a month of carnavals, which take place in almost every city - the celebration of the carnival begins before the post, in the so-called "ash environment", festive processions and festivities continue up to the "oil Tuesday"
Every spring in Kurmayor is held "carnival masks", a festive procession with folk dances is held on St. Valentine's Day. The opening of the ski season is marked with a colorful spectacle of the mass "flare" descent from the top. The Eurošocolate Festival is held in Perugia October 13-21. On about. Sardinia is held a carnival in February-March, Easter holidays in April, countless festivals of the autumn harvest in September-October. On August 23, the "Tomato Festival" is held in Bunole, during which numerous fairs and exhibitions dedicated to this vegetable are held, but also arrange a fun "tomato party."

  • Each fourth bottle of wine, made in the world, is produced in Italy, which is the leader of Europe to grow grapes; Italian wisdom says that salad must prepare four cooks: a miser, philosopher, ILO and artist. Skupoy should be sent to the salad by vinegar, the philosopher - salted, the ILO - pour the oil, and the artist is to mix salad;
  • In Italian pizza, in addition to the test, there must be: sauce from fresh tomatoes, Mozarella cheese and parsley leaves. These three pizza components have not only culinary, but also symbolic meaning - they form the color gamut of the Italian flag.
  • The first plumbing appeared in Rome. He spent in 312 BC. censor Appia Claudius
  • In the Italian city of Siena, it is forbidden to work as a prostitute for women named Maria;
  • In Italy, Mickey Mouse is known as Topolino;
  • Every year on January 17 for St. Anthony's Day in the small medieval town of Cape, north of Rome, the whole city, including young children, is for the tradition of a cigarette.

What to bring from Italy:

  • Cantuchchini and other sweets - Kantuccini Tuscan cookies with almond or chocolate together with Tuscan red wine is a refined dessert.
  • Candy "BACI" (in translation means "kisses");
  • "Limoncello" - a sweet liquor from lemon zest;
  • Wallet from Fendi, Things of famous brands Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Versace and Patrizia Pepe;
  • Carnival costumes and masks;
  • Dolls, toy ceramic gondolas and other toys and souvenirs;
  • Murano glass - vases, cups, glasses, chandeliers and other luxury and decoration items;
  • Postcards, posters, calendars, mugs, lighters, bookmarks, notepads, handles and napkins, decorated with reproductions of famous paintings by Renaissance artists;
  • Religious symbols from the Vatican.

The Italian Republic, founded on June 2, 1946, is part of the countries of the Schengen Agreement. This is a highly developed industrial-agricultural country with a large budget (5th place in the world). Leading industry industries are metallurgy, mechanical engineering, light, chemical and food industries. Italy is one of the largest suppliers of cars, mopeds, agricultural machinery, refrigerators, air conditioners and other household appliances, radio electronics, plastics, clothing and shoes, pasta, cheese, wine and canned on the world market. The agrarian industry overcomes crop production. Italy is considered to be a tourist Mecca of Europe (the proportion of tourism in GDP 12%) - architectural monuments, museums, history, kitchen, the life line can hardly leave tourist indifferent. For one trip, it is impossible to visit even the main places of pilgrimage of tourists, and it is unlikely to be attributed to the disadvantages of the country. This cradle of the European civilization stores about 60% of the monuments of the history and culture of the world entered into the UNESCO Register. And then the tourist should determine which part of Italy he would like to see, for almost every city is a museum under open sky with rich and unique history and culture.

Geography of Italy

Italy is located on the Apennine Peninsula and in Pandan Plain, occupies the Southern Alps, Islands of Sicily and Sardinia, as well as a number of small islands. In the North-West, the country borders with France, in the north - with Austria and Switzerland, and in the northeast - with Slovenia. In the territory of Italy, two states are also located - the Republic of San Marino and the Vatican. Washed by seas: Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian and Ligurian. Capital - Rome. The largest cities: Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples.

The country area is 301.230 sq. Km.


About 60.6 million people live in Italy.

Official currency is the euro.

Official language - Italian

Schengen visa

Cheap flights to Italy


Due to the territorial length, the Italian climate varies from subtropical in the south to moderately continental in the north. On the Apennine Peninsula and Islands, hot dry summer and soft, warm winter, which is characteristic of the Mediterranean climate. In the mountains (north of the country), the climate varies from moderate to the cold. The air temperature on the coast (south) in winter +10 ... + 15 s, in summer to +32 ° C, the temperature of the water at this time is +17 ... + 25c. In the mountainous part of the country, the temperature in the winter is lowered to weakly negative values, the snow holds up to 6 months a year, and on the tops of the mountains - constantly. In the summer, the air warms up to +20 ... + 30 C.

Attractions Italy

"All roads lead to Rome". The most recognizable places Eternal city - Roman Amphitheater Colosseum, St. Peter's Cathedral, Pantheon, Sisikstinskaya Capella, Forum, Castle, Sv.Angel, Anclaw Vatican State. Milan is a city of mods, aristocrats, aesthetes and football fans. On the central square, Duomo is located the second largest after the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican Cathedral Duomo Di Milano, which was built for five centuries. Immediately - Luxury Gallery Passage. Not far from the Duomo Square is the Opera House of La Rock and Sorforesco Castle. Leonardo's "Last Supper" can be contemplated in the church of Santa Maria-Grazie, there is also a canvas of no less mast masters of Titian, Rafael, Caravaggio, Veronese, and Dr. Verona - the city of lovers, there you can see the house Juliet Capulti, and in the theater Arena by 22,000 seats Listen to the greatest singers of modernity, admire the Christian Basilica gothic cathedral St. Anastasia and wander through the Verona Kremlin - Castelvekio Castle. Venice, located on the 118th islands, is a unique shevr architecture equal to which is not in the world. These are streets-channels, palaces, churches, bridges and, of course, famous carnival. Sights: Square and Cathedral of San Marko, Palace, Church of Santa Maria, Salute Church, Santa Maria Assuanta Cathedral, St. Martin's Bell Tower and San Donato Basilica. Renaissance Motherland Florence, where the great masters of the past lived and worked and worked - artists, sculptors, musicians, writers and poets. Pearls of Florence - Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Signoria Square and on it Palace Palazzo Vecchio and Fountain Neptune, Gallery of the Palatina and Ufiji, Church of Santa Maria Del Carmina and Santa Maria Novella, Patti Palaces, Palazzo Medici Ricardi Micrezzo, Rchelllai. Naples, a very dynamic city, however, it has hiking walks, suborder, to the national archaeological Museum, Museum de San Martino, to Vergil's grave on Merdhelllin's Hill, to Piazza del Munichipio and the San Carlo Theater, Umberto Gallery and the Royal Palace. Rimini - Pearl Adriatic coast Italy. In addition to the beaches, the Fellini Museum, the Arch of Emperor August and the Park of the masterpieces of Italian architecture. Pisa is a city of enlightenment, the place of the first university, the Motherland of Galilee, one of the centers of culture. Attractions: Pisa Tower and Pisa Cathedral, Baltisteria, Camposantto Cemetery. Genoa, the birthplace of Columban and Paganini, the world's first bank, Italian football and denim is remarkable by such an element of architecture as multi-colored curtains in city houses, as well as aquarium and pirated galleon, built for filming the film "Pirates of the Caribbean".


Italian cuisine is considered one of the best in the world. Business card - paste, i.e. Pasta all kinds included in most Italian dishes. Lasanya and Raviolley use very popular. All pastes, like soups, belong in first dishes. Recommended Italian soup - Minestrone. Vegetables, which include in the main menu, are very common in the cuisine, or served with a stered dish - tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, artichokes, salad. Parmesan cheese is an ordinary satellite of the first dishes. Risotto - a dish of rice, slightly reminiscent of the pilaf. Pizza - no comment. It is worth noting desserts (sometimes unexpectedly cooked from the dough in the form of raviolli), ice cream and coffee. National drink - Wine, Italians - its great connoisseurs.


Railways and rail services in Italy are considered one of the best in Europe, so most travelers prefer this type of travel for travel around the country and in neighboring states (if there are no employees' strikes at this point in time). Website of railways - There are a number of categories for trains: Ic-Intercity - Trains of internal and near-sore message (first and second class); EC-EURICITY - for international flights; Expr - Express trains for international communications; Dir-diretto - trains with many stops (second class with seating places); Espresso - carriages predominantly second class; Locale - Pretty comfortable train. The price is moderate, there are discounts for passengers under 26 and over 60 years old. Aircraft. The price of tickets is noticeably more expensive railway. Long-distance buses are comfortable, the price is noticeably cheaper than zene-heated transportation, and in time it turns out faster. Cars. Movement of right-hand. The speed limit in settlements is 50 km / h, but it is often not respected. On public roads, the speed limit is 90 km / h, on the super dusts - 100 km / h, on the highway - 130 km / h. Be sure to use seat belts, children under 9 months should be in children's chairs, children from 9 months to 4 years can sit on the rear seats. Rental - it is necessary to have an EU driver's license or a national, translated into Italian (Russian international together with national). Rent a fairly expensive (Eurocar, Avis, Hertz, a small car from 50 euros per day), like gasoline. Sometimes a roller company requires a deposit equal to the amount of rental. Possible troubles on the road are negotiated in the rental agreement. Many gas stations do not work after 19.00 and on weekends. City buses - inexpensive transport, but too slow due to traffic jams. In large cities there is a metropolitan with different types of tickets (one-time period within an hour, traveling one day, etc.) Taxi is quite expensive. There is a landing rate (7.5?), An enlarged luggage rate, for the night, a country trip, weekend and holidays trips. Separate tariff for standing in traffic. Taxi is equipped with a meter.

Currency exchange

When exchanging currency, not only the current course should be paid to the commission, but also to the commission charged for the exchange. In exchange offices at the station, this commission can reach 10%. To exchange currency, you must provide an identity card. The maximum amount of exchange is no more than $ 500. The time of operation of banks - from 09.00 to 17.00 with a break on Siesta. In hotels, the exchange rate is usually lower than banking. There are automatic exchange terminals that change the main currencies of the EU and US dollars for the euro. In the cities to pay, American Express, Diner "S Club, Visa and Master Card, in the outback preferred cash. It is recommended to use road checks and Visa Travel Money cards.


230V / 50Hz Type of sockets: C (European socket without grounding, the usual Russian "euro" -vilka with two round pins), f (European socket with grounding, plug by type with grounding plates), l (fork with three round pins in row).


About 97% of the population - Catholics. The remaining denominations: Orthodoxy, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Assembly of God in Italy, the Federation of Evangelical Churches of Italy.


The best way to pay for goods or services - Cash. Should be careful when using plastic cards, because There are many methods to reset the card account, and many local know these methods. In large cities, homeless and motorbikers can snatch the bag from the hands - the most common area of \u200b\u200btheft. The economically prosperous north of the country as a whole is safe for tourists. The South of Italy is significantly less well-being, so caution should be taken for walks in southern cities.


A great way to support your health - thermal and mud baths. The most famous thermal center Montecatin Terme is located near Florence. Another wonderful center is on Ischia Island. The thermal course is usually designed for 2 weeks. For those who prefer mud baths, there is a complex Abano Terme. With ailments, refer to your insurance agent and follow its instructions. All medicine in Italy paid, state-in particular. A normal queue to the doctor in the state institution continues for 2-3 weeks. If there is no desire to wait, then for an additional fee (70-100 euros) can be enrolled in urgent reception. The ambulance brigades carry mostly transport function and are not always equipped with doctors.

Russian consulate

consulate-General Russian Federation in Rome
Via Nomentana 116, 00161 Rome, Italy
tel. (+ 39) 06/44235625, fax (+39) 06/44234031,
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Consulate General of Russia in Milan
Via Sant "Aquilino, 3 | Tel. +39 02/487 50 432; +39 02/487 05 912
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Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Palermo
Via Salvatore Meccio, 16, Int. 4, 90141 Palermo
Phone: 091/6113970; 899933912
Fax / phone 091/329379
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Consulate General of Russia in Genoa
Ul. Girardelley Feather, 16
16167 Genoa Nervi.
Phone 010/372-6047; 010 / 372-6304
Fax 010 / 374-1361
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Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation in Ancona
The actual address of the Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation in Ancona:
Via Coppetella, N. 4 - 60035 Jesi (AN), Italia
In the building Interporto Marche, 2nd floor
Tel. +39 0731-605816
Fax +39 0731-605816
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[Email Protected]

Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation in Verona
Street Akille Forti, d. 10
37121 Verona (Italy)
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00
Tel. 045/8020904.