7 of the most famous monuments of the ancient world. Brief Story of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World (8 photos)

Time is fleeting. Civilizations are replaced by leaving the grand architectural heritage. Unfortunately, everything is susceptible to destruction, especially what was built by human hands. That is why the ancient seven wonders of the world, the description of which is known to each culturally for the most part not survived to our time. They replaced others, still existing ones. Seven miracles of the world of our time were elected long enough and scrupulously. The result of this work was seven grand architectural structures that became famous for the whole world.

Definition of concept

What is the wonders of the world, and for what they got such a proud name? Why did they all be singled out among all the monumental works of the ancient world and modernity? And they are named so due to the fact that they are above the category of time. These monuments of architectural thought are admired now in the same way as admired in antiquity. There are legends about them.

Until recently, there were ancient seven wonders of the world. Hope's pyramid is the only one that has been preserved to this day. Others, such as hanging gardens or Alexandrian lighthouse, did not survive. They are known only on manuscripts, essays of contemporaries and pictures recreated by descriptions.

How was the new list

Thus, it was necessary to choose new seven wonders of the world. Architectural monuments withstood a real competition (he was conducted by the independent organization "New Open World Corporation"). All modern funds were involved, including the votes and across the Internet, and through SMS messages. 90 million people all over the world gave their voice to the monument that considered the most worthwhile to wear such a honorable title. Thus, among several dozen applicants in 2007, seven wonders of the world of our time were chosen. Each of them will tell you more below. I also want to list those that were only in step from the highest award. So, in the final, the Red Square in Moscow, the Stonehenge Building, Eiffel Tower and Acropolis in Greek Athens participated.

It is noteworthy that the Pyramids of Giza were also finalists of the competition, but the authorities of Egypt refused to participate in it. Most likely, they do not consider it possible that these architectural monuments include in new seven wonders of the world, because they are already appearing in the ancients.

the great Wall of China

About how many legends and believes are built. So, so far, many are confident that people who worked on her erection are buried right inside the construction - it is not. Although the fact that during the construction more than a million people died is the truth.

So, the construction of the Great Wall of China takes its origin in the III century to our era. Her construction was conceived by the emperors. The building pursued a lot of goals, the main of which were:

  • protection of land from nomadic tribes;
  • invalidation of alien assimilation with the Chinese nation;

Thus, the construction began, which was dragged on the century. The rulers were replaced: some treated the construction dismissive (Mangchurian Qing Dynasty), others, on the contrary, was observed with all thoroughness.

It should be said that a significant part of the wall collapsed, because they did not follow it properly. Lucky only the site near Beijing - for a long time he served as a kind of gate to the capital. Nevertheless, in the late eighties of the 20th century, large-scale restoration work begins, and in 1997 the wall entered into seven wonders of the world of our time.

Why was she awarded such a honorable title? This is the most extended architectural structure: a total length - 8851.8 kilometer. How did the Great Wall of China built, what could achieve such unprecedented sizes? The process was the millennium, systematically. However, it is worth saying that this is not a solid structure. Over the wall there are gaps. That is what allowed Great Genghis Khan in due time to conquer China and edit it for 12 years. Every year tens of millions of tourists visit this miracle of the world of modernity.

Rio: Statue of Christ

Absolutely on the other end of the planet, the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer is worth in Rio de Janeiro. He rises above the city, spreading his hands, as if hugging all the inhabitants and guests of the multi-million city.

The monument is built in honor of the century anniversary of Brazil independence. For its construction, a truly picturesque place was chosen: Mount Corcovado, with which on the palm, is visible to the whole Rio, with his top of the "sugar head", famous beaches.

The construction was collected by the entire country: the magazine "About Cruise" announced a subscription, the funds from which and went to the construction of the monument. The project was entrusted to Silve Cute, although, and other options were offered: so, stretched, like crucifier, the hands of Christ offered K. Oswald, an artist.

Brazil at that time was a poor, non-industrial country, accordingly, it was impossible to realize such a large-scale project. France came to the rescue - it was there that the statue of Christ of the Redeemer was delivered. And then it was transported to Brazil. By the construction site, the details were delivered along a small railway, which still functions. Millions of tourists make an ascent annually to one of the most famous constructions of our time.

Taj Mahal

In the Indian Agro on the banks of Jamna, the greatest palace-mausoleum Taj Mahal is located. This is the tomb of the wife of the Great Descendant of Tamerlan, Shah-Jahan. A woman was called Mumtaz-Mahal, she died at birth.

Taj Mahal in India is the top of the Mogoli architectural style. He included the synthesis of the art of Indians, Persians and Arabs. The most famous element of the structure is a huge snow-white dome. Mausoleum itself is made of white marble. It is a five-cycle palace, in which the tomb of both Shah himself and his wife are. It is noteworthy that four minaret, located at the edges, are slightly inclined - it protects the tombs from destruction in case of earthquakes that are not uncommon in India. The park with picturesque fountains and the lake is adjacent to the Mausoleum itself. Built Taj Mahal in 1653. 20 thousand builders managed with such a large-scale project for 22 years.

Mausoleum himself, thanks to numerous visitors, rectifies considerable funds to India.

Chichen Itsa

The legendary city of Maya is located on the Peninsula Yucatan A Mexico. This is not an ordinary city - he fulfilled the role of the capital, political and religious center. Chichen Itza was erected in the VII century of our era. Most facilities belong to the Mayan culture, some of them were erected by Toltecs. At the end of the XII century, there were no residents in Chichen-Ice. This is connected with this one of the mysteries that the explanations have not been found so far: whether the perpetrators of the Spaniards who destroyed Maya at the invasion of Mexico, or everything happened naturally due to the decline of the economic situation of the capital.

There are several architectural structures in an ancient city at different times. However, the most remarkable of them is the pyramid of Chichen Iza. This is a kind of focus of the legendary knowledge of Maya, their religious beliefs, the center of the cult. The 24-meter B has four faces that are made by 9 steps. Stairs located on each of the sides of the pyramid number 91 level. If you add their number, it turns out 364 plus one, leading to a small temple, crowning the pyramid. It turns out 365 - the number of days a year.

Balustrade on the edges of the stairs is the body of the snake, the head of which is at the base of the pyramid. The impression is created that the snake is moving. And in the fall down, and spring is up.

Ritual temples are located on the top of the pyramid and inside it. They probably were used for sacrifices.


New seven wonders of the world of our time include both European monuments. This is the famous Roman Colosseum. His appearance is partly due to the despotic rule of Nero. He, ending with life, left behind the Grand Palace with the Lake in the very center of Rome. Vespasian who came to power decided forever to erase from the memory of the people of cruel Nero. The chic palace was decided to give imperial institutions, and on the site of the lake to build a huge amphitheater. So appeared by the Colosseum. Initially, after the construction of the year 80, he was named Amphitheater Flaviev. The contemporary design was obtained only in the VIII century, most likely because of their impressive sizes.

Initially, it was used to enjoy the people with gladiator battles, travelers of animals, etc. In it even celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Rome. However, in the Middle Ages due to the invasion of the Barbarian tribes, the Colosseum was partially destroyed, in this process the powerful earthquake of the XIV century played the last role. After the Grand Construction is cleared of bricks for construction needs.

Only in the XVIII century Pope Benedict XIV Colosseum begins to be protected as an important object of architecture. Now this is a symbol of Rome, which visits the great many tourists from all over the world.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the unique city of South America, which is at an altitude of almost 2500 thousand meters above sea level. Spanish conquerors could not get to him, which is why the architecture of the ancient city remained untouched.

Machu-Picchu was opened only at the very beginning of the 20th century by Professor of Yale University. It is noteworthy that very little knows about the city, do not know anything about the number of people nor about the purpose of building and so on. Obviously one thing: Machu Picchu has a very clear structure and layout.

At the moment is under guard. UNESCO limited the number of daily visitors to 2500 people.

Peter - Jordan Pearl

The city in the rock is so you can characterize another miracle of the world of modern world, Jordan Peter. The path to the city lies through the natural gorges, which are urban walls. In ancient times, Peter had the most important meaning - she lay on the trading path between the Damascus and the Red Sea area, as well as the Gas and the Persian Bay. Trade city and lived.

The inhabitants of Petras were able to not only work masterfully to process the stone, but also to collect water. In fact, the city became an artificial oasis in the middle of the desert.

The main attraction attracting tourists is El Hazne. By the suggestion of scientists, this is a mausoleum temple. Many legends are associated with the construction. According to one thing - this is the place where Pharaoh hid his wealth during the time of Moses, according to others, is a repository of stunned robber.

Tourists of the whole world of Peter and its main temple are known on the film about the adventures of Indiana Jones.

The first person on planet Earth appeared 2 million years ago, such conclusions help to make archaeological excavations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania. During its existence, humanity has evolved, leaving the bright traces of their being.
What can we clearly demonstrate the level of development, religion, power in different periods of human residence on earth, how does human hands? Architectural monuments are a real storehouse story. This is what helps us remember our magnificent past, about your own power, to recreate lost historical information, be proud of our ancestors and believe in the strength of modern society.
7 Wonders of the World - This is the brightest demonstration of the Majesty of the past years. Why exactly 7? Let's start with the fact that 7 wonders of the world have been identified in ancient times. The number "7" was considered to be holy, the number of the Great God of Apollo, it was a symbol of completeness and impeccability.
There are stories about these delightful monuments of history still in the era of Hellenism - this is the period of time, which ends with the death of Alexander Macedonsky, or rather 323 a year before our era. The ancient papyrus that came to us say that the wonders of the world were subject to study at school.
The first one who described the world's famous worlds today was Herodotus. True, an ancient Greek historian in his work "History" displaced, only three monuments. And in the third century of our era, the world has already appeared a complete list of "7 wonders of the world", which has been preserved to the present day.
With the last time, the list repeatedly changed, the old one was removed, a new one was added. Nevertheless, we will now consider the wonders of the world, which were in the very first antique list, which reached the present day.
7 Miracles of the world include: In Egypt, there were a pyramid of Heops and Alexandrian Lighthouse, in mainland Greece Statue of Zeus, in the Babylonian Gardens of Semiramids, on the territory of modern Turkey was located the temple of Artemis and Mausoleum in Galicarnassa, on the island of Rhodes rose Colossus Rhodes
Of these all majestic historical monuments, only one, the remaining masterpieces of architecture, to great regret, have been destroyed.
The Pyramid of Cheops. This is the only miracle of the world that has survived to the present day. The largest pyramid in Giza was built in about 2000 to our era. The base of construction is square, its height reaches 147 meters, but due to the fact that several millennia around the pyramid took place sandy storms, strong winds, one of the 7 miracles of the world left underground, significantly reducing its height.
According to scientists, the construction of this tomb continued for thirty years. But the body of Pharaoh inside the walls of the tomb was not found - this fact is a mystery to today.
Looking at this historical monument captures the Spirit. Hope's pyramid is striking with its beauty and greatness. Are the ancient Egyptian slaves were able to build such a masterpiece without modern devices? How did they do it?

Hanging Pyramids of Semiramides. In fact, the hanging gardens needed to be called "hanging." During the archaeological excavations, historians stumbled upon the palace complex, which was made in the form of a pyramid. The whole pyramid was covered with a lot of vegetation, which hide from the buildings of the structure.
One of the seven wonders of the world was erected in the VII century BC, by order of Tsar Nebuchadnezzar II, which in those times of the rules Babylon Great.
Nebuchadnezzar concluded a union with the ruler of Musseli Kaaksar, which was reinforced by the marriage of the Babylonian king and the daughter of Kiacar Amitis. Amitis from the mussels - countries with a rich nature, filled with greens and fresh air was forced to move to Babylon, a city built on dry terrain, dusty and sandy. Watching how the wife suffers, a caring husband decided to make his spouse a gift - to create a kind of oasis, where Amitis will feel at home. Nebuchadnezzar did it, thereby showing one of the 7 wonders of the world to the world - the hanging gardens of the semiramides.
Why are the gardens of semiramides? The answer to this question is very simple: it is an error of ancient historians. They ordered the gardens of the Assyrian Queen of Semiramide, which lived in two centuries earlier.
Where exactly were the hanging gardens, still remains a mystery. Historians have several hypotheses on this score.

Zeus statue in Olympia. According to Greek mythology Zeus - the main god. He is worshiped by thunder and lightning, sky and air, his remaining gods are afraid.
The statue of Zeus, which struck the minds of mankind, was erected in the V century BC in the temple of Zeus at Olympia. The temple was made of marble, and struck with his majesticity, beauty. One of the most famous and talented architects of Greece is invited to manufacture Statue of the thumbnail.
In 435, the opening of the statue took place. At that moment, all Greece froze in amazement. No wonders of the world could compare with the power, strength, the beauty of the statue of the Great God of Zeus. Zeus was made of gold and ivory. He sat on the Golden throne, in his hands he was a golden scepter, near the legs, Golden Eagle was sitting, and his head decorate a wreath.
It is known that in the V century of our era, the statue still existed. But after the adoption of Christianity, all temples were closed. Theodosius I ordered to disassemble the statue on the part. After that, the great work of art burned down, or in Constantinople, or in Greece itself.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The temple of Artemis was built in the VI century BC. But before this architectural structure acquired the form in which it became one of the wonders of the world, it was many times built and destroyed many times.
Residents of the ancient world, namely Greece worshiped the great goddess of the fertility of Artemis. At a certain point, by choosing a place where the sacrifices for the goddess were mainly made, the inhabitants of Ephesus began construction. Wooden buildings could not withstand natural destruction, so the temple was built several times.
Finally, the famous and talented sculptor Khersonon in 450 BC built a better temple, but after a hundred years he was burned. Then followers of the sculptor decided to perform the temple from marble. It was the greatest masterpiece of art, and it was he who became one of the 7 wonders of the world. The majestic facility was huge scales: length - 105 meters, width - 51 meters.
Unfortunately, in 263, the temple plundered the goths. In the 4th century, our era was proclaimed a single religion Christianity, which demanded the destruction of all pagan monuments of culture.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus. When it was the construction of the Mausoleum that still remains unknown. They are considered to be the beginning of construction approximately IV century BC. The time when Kariya was another colony of the Persian Empire.
The ruler of Karya - Mausol, began construction while life. He finished him, already wife of Malsol.
By the way, the name "Mausoleum" went precisely on behalf of the ruler - Malsol.
The finished construction admired, it was so beautiful. Mausoleum in Galicarnaça was a large architectural building, inside which was his own yard. Thin and at the same time very powerful carved images decorated the decoration of the construction.
How exactly the mausoleum was destroyed. Finally destroyed the historical monument of the Malta raid in the XV century, or earthquake.
The remnants of the Mausoleum were found in 1977 as a result of the archaeological excavations of Christian Jeppeza.

The Colossus of Rhodes. Colossus Rhodes is the penultimate in the antique list of 7 wonders of the world.
Unfortunately, if you now want to admire one of the most powerful monuments of ancient architecture - the Greek 36 metering God of the Sun - Helios, then it will not work. Since the greatest historical monument was destroyed by Earth-Station in 226 to our era. That work of art, which for 12 years created the greatest antique sculptors, stood only 60 years.
On the decision to create such a sculpture of impressive sizes pushed the gratitude of the inhabitants of Rhodes, for the fact that allegedly the Great Helios contributed to the fact that Demetrius Macedonsky was able to protect the city from conquerors.
Now one of the 7 miracles of the world are trying to restore. According to the plan of modern architects, the statue will be increased in the amount of another 30 meters, and there will be an entertainment complex within it.

Alexandrian lighthouse. Finishes a list of "Wonders of Light" The work of art that was located near Alexandria.
Alexandria was a port city, and the coast of the Mediterranean was too shallow, and the bottom is stony. Therefore, in 285, on the island of Faros, that a grandiose structure began near Alexandria.
As a result of long work, the world appeared 120 meter statue consisting of three branches. In the upper compartment of which a huge fire was burning. Stone and marble are the main components of the facilities, which was supposed to be built on the century. But, unfortunately, the magnificent tower was not prepared so long existence. Holding almost 1000 years, the masterpiece of ancient art collapsed as a result of the earthquake.

Wonders of Light, how many riddles in them, and secrets? How much we still do not know, and no longer know. It becomes clear one, it is necessary to carefully protect our cultural values \u200b\u200bso that our descendants can personally admire the amazing historical monuments.

On the legendary 7 miracles of the world - the greatest creations of humanity - everyone was accurately heard in childhood, even if not everyone could remember them in order. And although the majority of monuments from the history textbook will no longer succeed, people managed to draw up to tourists a lot of others, alternative, outstanding attractions that have survived to the present day.

Ancient wonders of the world

The first attempts to distinguish the exceptional achievements of humanity to the list of miracles of the world took shape in the writing heritage of the ancient Greek authors, starting with the era of Hellenism. The "selection" of the main monuments of all times took place gradually.

So, one of the first historical list of "miracles" was Herodot: in his "History" we are talking about three grand facilities on the island of Samos - the mountain tunnel, the dam and the temple of the gera.

Soon, other thinkers have completed a list of up to seven attractions: the seven in ancient Greece was considered the holy digit, was an indispensable attribute of solar gods and myths about them.

The classic "7 wonders of the world" of the ancient world, familiar to many by the school program, is historically connected with the Empire of Alexander the Macedonian - the second half of the IV century BC. e. Of these, two attractions were ancient Egyptian, four were located in the territories of ancient Greece and one - in Mesopotamia (and even more precisely - in Babylon).

Hope's pyramid is the oldest, the first miracle of the world and the only one who preserved to the present day. Included in the complex of the pyramids in Giza is the main attraction of Egypt.

The legendary Babylonian Hanging Gardens of Semiramides, the second miracle of the world, existed presumably from the end of the VII century to N. e. until I century BC er, destroyed due to flooding.

The temple statue of Zeus in Olympia, reaching about 12-17 meters together with the pedestal, was made of ivory, ebony and gold, stood about nine centuries: from 435 BC. e. Until the V century, burned in a fire.

The ruins of the fourth miracle of the world, Artemis in Ephesus (with VI in IV or III century BC. Er), now enter the line of the Turkish city of Selchuk (not far from Izmir).

Of the lost attractions, the most persistent was Galicarnasian mausoleum. Non-standard for the middle of the IV century BC. e. The architectural monument existed in the 19th centuries: destroyed by an earthquake, then partially disassembled to building materials. The ruins of the mausoleum can be seen in Bodrum, Turkey, - this is what is now called a city with the historical location of the fifth miracle of light.

The earthquakes caused the death of two more ancient wonders: the bronze statue of the colossus on the island of Rhodes (stood only 65 years, destroyed in the same III century BC) and Alexandrian lighthouse in Egypt (the seventh miracle of the world, collapsed in the XIV century).

Google Maps Panorama "At the foot of the Hoeop Pyramid (Hufa)"

New seven wonders of light

The list of new miracles of the world, each of which continues to surprise tourists, is drawn up in the first decade of the XXI century, in 2001-2007. Currently, it is the most famous from such ratings and therefore, along with the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Must See's main landmark for tourists who are actively traveling around the world. It was a specially created non-commercial fund The NEW 7 Wonders of the World based on international voting through the Internet and other means of communication. As part of the selection of attractions, about 100 million votes were taken, but since the conditions allowed to vote several times, this list almost immediately began to cause doubts.

One of the undisputed list leaders is the Great Wall of China. It stretches through the north of the country by almost 9 thousand kilometers, and taking into account the ruins - more than 20 thousand kilometers. The most famous landmark of China is organically inscribed in the landscape and is a truly impressive spectacle. For tourists, several sites are open. The most popular - Badalin, is connected by transport with Beijing.

Antique Colosseum is a sign of the landmark of Rome, his corporate silhouette. This amphitheater, the masterpiece of the architectic thought of the I century of our era, almost immediately after the creation, was proclaimed a miracle of the world in the list of the Roman poet of Marziala, his contemporary.

The symbol of Rio de Janeiro is the statue of Christ-Redeemer on Mount Corcovado - blesses the city, from the height of arms over him. At night, the backlit figure of Christ is clearly visible from almost any part of the city, but the best view of it appears from the pan-de-AsCarus mountain. In the list of new 7 wonders of the world, a statue, built in honor of the Independence of Brazil, is the youngest attraction, her age is less than a hundred years.

Losting in the midst of the desert in Jordan Peter - the capital of the ancient kingdoms of the Idumens and Nabota, opened for Europeans only in the XIX century. The main attractions of Petra, the "Stone Town", - the scleps and rocky temple of El Dair are walked in the rocks of the red sandstone.

The pearl of Muslim architectural art in India - Mausoleum-Mosque Taj Mahal in Agra, built in the XVII century by the will of Padishah Shah-Jahan in memory of his third wife of Mumtaz-Mahal, deceased during childbirth. It is not surprising that today the Taj Mahal is considered not just an outstanding architectural and spiritual monument, but also a symbol of love. Every year the marble complex becomes a place of pilgrimage of millions of people from around the world.

The lost city of Inca Machu-Picchu is located on the territory of modern Peru. This sixth new miracle of the world was created as a sacred mountain shelter, when the Inics of the Rules of Pachaktek - in the middle of the XV century. However, the alpine city remained inhabited less than a century - until the invasion of the Spaniards, who, however, did not get to him. The global discovery of the Inca "city among the clouds" occurred only in 1911. Many Machu Picchu riddles remained unsolvable, they don't even give rest to researchers.

Completes a list of modern miracles of Light Heritage Maya - another lost civilization of America. The sacred city of Chichen-Itsa in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula is based on the VII century of our era, the capturing Toltec captured its contribution to the architecture of the complex. It is definitely unknown why such a developed city was empty at the end of the XII century. The complex of the preserved monuments of Chichen-Itza includes temples-pyramids, gaming "stadiums", ruins of colonnade, well of sacrifice and observatory.

Egyptian pyramids in El Giza

Egyptian pyramids, tomb of Egyptian pharaohs. The largest of them are the pyramids of Heops, Hefren and Micrine in El Giza in antiquity were considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The construction of the pyramid, in which the Greeks and Romans seen the monument of the unprecedented pride of the kings and cruelty, who converted the entire people of Egypt to senseless construction, was an essential cult act and should have expressed, apparently, the mystical identity of the country and its ruler. The population of the country worked on the construction of the tomb in the free extensive work part of the year. A number of texts indicate the attention and care that the kings themselves (however, a later time) paid the construction of their tomb and its builders. It is also known about the special religious honors, which turned out to be the pyramid itself.

Egypt's pyramids served as graves for their deceased kings. In the center of the ritual complex of the building - the Egyptian pyramids, according to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, possessed magical power, in them the mummified pharaoh could reach eternal life. The first step, which served as the creation of the "Egyptian Pyramids" complex was the Joser Pyramid, built shortly after Egypt became a single land (approximately 3000 BC). The Pyramids of Egypt became known mainly due to the pyramid of Heops, located in Giza, which was open a century later. Egyptian pyramids were distinguished by unique technological features, and still not fully clear how to build them. The real evolution, as the Egyptian pyramids developed, can be traced from the most ancient prehistoric graves to the magnificence of the Giza Plateau. The pyramids are built on the Left-West Bank Nile (West - the Kingdom of the Dead) and towering over all the city of the dead - countless tombs, pyramids, temples. The largest of the three is the pyramid of Heops (architect chemoon, 27 century BC.). Its height was initially 147 m, and the length of the base side is 232 m. It took 2 million 300 thousand huge stone blocks for its construction, the average weight of which is 2.5 tons. Plates were not fastened with mortar, only an extremely accurate fit holds them. In ancient times, the pyramids were lined with polished plates of white limestone, the vertices were covered with copper plates, sparkling in the sun (the limestone wrapper also retained the peyramid of Heops, the coating of other Arabs pyramids were used during the construction of a white mosque in Cairo). Near the pyramids of Hefren, one of the largest statues of antiquity and our time - carved out of the cliff, the figure of the lying sphinx with the portrait features of the Pharaoh Hefren itself. The great pyramids were surrounded by a number of small tolls of Pharaohs and their approximate. Such complexes have necessarily entered the sanctuary of the Upper and Lower Egypt, large yards for the holiday of Cheb-Su, the funeral temples whose ministers had to support the cult of the deceased king. The space around the pyramid surrounded by steles, by means of a long indoor transition connected with the temple on the bank of the Nile, where they met the body of Pharaoh and the burial ceremonies began. All pyramids are precisely identified by countries of light, which indicates a high level of astronomical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, the calculation of the angles of inclination of the faces is completely immaculate. In the pyramid of Heops, the angle of inclination is such that the height of the pyramid is equal to the radius of an imaginary circumference, which is written to the base of the pyramid. The wonderful engineering find of the ancient architects and builders was the construction in the thickness of stone masonry over the burial chamber of five unloading cameras, with which they managed to remove and evenly distribute the colossal load on its overlap. In addition to cameras in the pyramid there are other voids - corridors, passages and galleries, the entrances to which were carefully closed and disguised. Nevertheless, burial in the pyramids were looted, apparently, rather soon after the burial of the pharaohs. Thieves knew all traps well, so they were most likely related to either builders, or with the priests who were buried. The structures in El-Giza are their grandiiness and visible usefulness hit the imagination already in antiquity, which the Arab Proverb is best: "Everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids."

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Semiramides, Gardens in the Palace of the Babylonian Tsar Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC), which he ordered to break for his beloved wife - Midiy Tsarevna; Traditionally, they are counted for seven wonders of light. The first mentions of the wonderful gardens were preserved in Herodotus History, probably visiting the Babylon and left us the most complete description. Perhaps with a loaf at the "Father of History", the hanging gardens in the Hellenistic era were placed in the list of the greatest and famous structures.

Gardens in Babylon

It is curious, however, one of the most impressive attractions of the world is not even mentioned by Herodot: the hanging gardens of semiramides, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Indicate that the hanging gardens of the Semiramides were built by King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled the city for 43 years, starting from 605 BC. There is a less reliable alternative story that the gardens were built by the Assyrian Queen Seminiramide during its five-year-old board, starting from 810 BC. It was the peak of the city's power and its influence when King Nebuchadnezzar built an amazing array of temples, streets, palaces and walls, which was the hanging gardens of seminimides. According to the legend, the hanging gardens of the seminimides were built to surprise and please the wife of Nebuchadnezzar, Amitis. Amitis, the daughter of Tsar Musia, married Nebuchadnezzar with the aim of creating an alliance between nations. She came from a green, sunny country, and the terrain of Mesopotamia dried in the sun seemed depressing. The king decided to recreate his homeland by creating artificial mountains with gardens. The hanging gardens of semi -ramides received their name not because they hang like cable or rope. The name comes from the inaccurate translation of the Greek word, which means not only "hanging", but "hang", as in the case of a terrace or balcony. Already at the time of herodood, the construction of hanging gardens was attributed to the legendary conqueror of all Asia - the Assyrian Tsaritsa Shamurmat (in the Greek pronunciation of Semiramide). Gardens were placed on a wide four-tier tower. The platforms of the terraces were folded from stone plates covered with a layer of reassembly and asphalt poured. Next, gaskets were stacking from two rows of bricks bonded by plaster and lead slabs that did not let the water in the lower floors of the garden. All this complex structure was covered with a thick layer of fertile land, which allowed to plant the largest trees here. The tiers climbed the ledge, connected by wide stairs with pink and white plates. Daily thousands of slaves swung water from deep wells to the top into numerous channels, from where it flowed to the lower terraces. Miraculously seemed murmur of water, shadow and coolness among trees (taken from distant mussels). At the base, the design rested on columns and forming overlap crops. It was in these halls of the palace in the lower yarus of the garden Alexander Macedonian, the conqueror of Babylon and Asia died. After the confusion of Babylon (Alexander heirs were no longer returned to this capital of their great predecessor) flood destroyed the walls of the palace, the water softened the poorly burned clay, the terraces were assieved, the crops and support columns were collected. The only footprint of an ever received a grand monument of engineering thought - open thanks to the excavations of Robert Koldoyeva in 1898 network of intersecting trenches near Iraqi G. Hill (90 km from Baghdad), in the cuts of which and are now visible traces of dilapidated masonry.

Statue of Zeus Olympic

Zeus Olympic statue, famous statue of the king of gods and people work of the Greet Greek Sculpty Fidia; One of the seven wonders of the world. The statue was placed in the cult center of the Olympic sanctuary - the temple of Zeus, in the sacred grove of Altis. To the question of the artist Panan, what fidium conceived to present the Supreme God, the master replied: "So, as Zeus is represented by Homer in the following verses" Iliad ": rivers, and in the banner, black Zeus enters the eyebrows: fast Varia incense up climbed immortal chapter; And shared Olympus Multi-Fiber. "

Zeus statue in Olympia

The statue of FIDIA was performed in Christhelefactory technique: open parts of the body were laid out by plates of ivory, robes are cast from gold, and the sculpture base was wooden. The statue height reached ok. 17 m in height. If God "rose", his growth would have exceeded the height of the temple itself. Travelers who have seen Zeus in Olympia are called an amazing combination in his face of authority and mercy, wisdom and kindness. In the hand, the thumbnail kept the statue of Niki (victory symbol). The richest throne of Zeus was made of gold and ivory. The back, armrests and foot decorated reliefs from ivory, golden images of gods and godesses of Olymp. The lower walls of the throne covered the pictures of the Pangan, its legs - images of the dancing nickname. Zeus's feet, shoved in golden sandals, rested on a bench, decorated with gold lions. Before the pedestal statue, the floor was lined with a dark blue Eleusinsky stone carved in it the pool for olive oil should have saved the elephant bone from drying out. The light penetrated into the door of the dark temple, reflected from the smooth surface of the fluid in the pool, fell on the golden clothes of Zeus and illuminated his chapter; It seemed that shine comes from the very face of the deity. Perhaps at the end of the 4th century. The Zeus statue was transported to Constantinople and was installed on the metropolitan hippodrome, where he died during one of the fires.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus.

Mausoleum in Galicarneas, tomb of Karia Mawsol (died at 353 BC. Er), one of the seven wonders of the world. The construction originally combined the eastern stepped pyramid and the Greek ionic peripter (Satir and Pill architects). Like other Greek monuments from among the seven miracles of the world, Mausoleum was famous not only by the greatness of his architecture, but also a collection of sculpture - the pyramid base, which was resting to the Greek type of temple and another pyramid, decorated reliefs with the scenes of the Amazonacia of the most famous sculptors 4 in. BC e. - Leohara, Skopas, Brixis and Timothy.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

In 377 BC, the city of Galicarnas was the capital of a small kingdom along the Mediterranean coast of Malaya Asia. It was this year that the ruler of this land died and left control over the kingdom to the Son, Malsol. Maulsol continued his father's expansion of the territory, reaching the southwestern part of Malaya Asia. Mawsol, with his queen, rules Galicarnas and surrounding territories within 24 years. Mawsol, although he was a local resident, spoke perfectly in Greek and admired Greek lifestyles and the government. Then, in 353 BC. Mausol died, leaving her queen one, who was also his sister (it was a local custom for rulers - marry her own sister), with a broken heart. As a tribute to him, she decided to build the most magnificent Galicarnas Mausoleum, who became his grave. Soon, the Galicarnasian mausoleum became a famous structure, and now the name of Mawsol is connected with all the majestic tombs, since it was from his behalf the word "Mausoleum" appeared. Galicarnassian mausoleum was so beautiful and unique that he became one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Almost untouched by mausoleum stood OK. 1800 years in the midst of an empty city to 15 century, when he was disassembled by the crusaders who had strengthened his stoves with his support fortress on the Aegean Sea - Castle St. Peter (Sovr. Bodrum in Turkey). It was in the walls of the fortress and the surrounding houses that were found in 1857 by the English archaeologist. Tsar Construction of already common tomb) and a colossal chariot, crowned all the construction.

Temple of Artemis Efesse.

Artemis Ephesus Temple (Artemius), one of the most famous and revered centers of the pilgrimage of the ancient world; The era of Hellenism is traditionally included in the list of seven wonders of the world.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The Temple of Artemis Efesse today is the remnants of columns and scant fragments, lying on Earth, and that's all that remains from the seventh miracle of light. According to Strabo, the temple of Artemis Efesse was destroyed at least seven times, and the same time was rebuilt. Archaeological finds indicate at least four recovery of this temple, starting from the 7th century to our era. The calcifone and metagen erected a double temple in the 6th century BC. And his, in Herostratu, burned - the next majestic structure, built entirely from marble, appeared in 334 BC, and was completed in 250 BC. The temple of Artemis Efesse caused admiration even Alexander the Great, who paid the continuation of work. They also worked Skas and Praxitel, and he was answered by the design. The Hellenistic Temple was built on the podium to which the 13-speed staircase led. The double colonnade surrounded the external and internal space (105 x 55 m). The embossed columns were the work of the square, and Praxitel worked on the decoration of the altar. Unfortunately, as we said, the temple of Artemis Efesse was not preserved. The oldest traces of the worship of Artemis near its place of birth refer to betrayal times; The giant temple of the goddess was built in 6 c. BC e. Architect Hersfron from Crane. During one of the Osid, the inhabitants of Ephesus stretched the rope from the temple to the city, thereby turning it into an inviolable sanctuary. The glory of Artemision was so great that people had their savings from all over the Greek Okumen. Student Socrates, the famous historian Xenophon, who passed the goddess of a large amount of money before going to Persia (described in Anabasis), a small temple was built on them as a sign of gratitude to Artemis - a small temple - an accurate copy of Ephesus - in the town of Skillunte in Elide. July 21, 356 BC. e. The temple of Artemis Efesse, the main shrine of the lowland Greeks, was burned with Herostratom - the blasphemy was accomplished, shook the entire Elllinsky world. Subsequently, there was a legend that Artemias burned down on that day when the future conqueror of Asia Alexander Macedonsky was born. When Alexander went to the city in 25 years later, he wished to restore the temple in all its magnificence. Architect Alexander Dynokrat, who led the works, retained his former plan, only raised the building to a higher stepped base. All construction is amazed by magnificence and inconspicuous for Greek architecture scale. The temple occupied a huge area - 110 x 55 m, the height of the Corinthian columns (there were 127), the double number of surrounding the construction was also the grandiose - about 18 m. ; The roof of the artemision was covered with marble tiles. One of the attractions of the facilities were 36 columns, decorated at the ground with reliefs in almost human growth. The Great Greek Masters took part in the decoration of such a revered place: Praxitel Slap the reliefs for the altar in the fence of the sanctuary, the reliefs of the column performed the scas, the Apelles placed his paintings in the temple; Artemision's art gallery used as great fame as the collection of paintings in Athenian propiles. The sanctuary flourished and during the Romans, the sources report the rich gifts to the church of silver and gold statues and the construction of the portication along the road from the city to the Sanctuary (approx. 200 m). In the Acts of Apostles, it is mentioned about the indignation, which caused the preaching of the Apostle Paul in the city, which preserved the trade in silver models of the church of the Goddess, the manufacture of which was here the most profitable craft. In 263, the goths that heard about the irrelevant wealth of the city and Artemision, granted the sanctuary; The next blow was the prohibition of pagan cults in the Roman Empire in 391 at Feodosia I Great. It is known, however, that the cult of Artemis continued to go here for two more centuries, until it was completely abandoned after the earthquake. In 1869, as a result of the excavations started by the English archaeologist, J. T Wood in a swamp on the intended place of the sanctuary, a support plate of the structure was discovered and numerous offerings to the temple were found. The famous reliefs of Artemision columns are currently in the British Museum (London).

Faros Lighthouse.

Faros Lighthouse (Alexandrian Lighthouse), lighthouse on the eastern shore about. Faros within Alexandria, the Hellenistic capital of Egypt; One of the seven wonders of the world. The builder of this miracle of technology, the first and sole in the whole Greek world of a beacon of colossal sizes, was Costrath Book. On the marble wall of the structure of the constructions of the Sostrah, the inscription: "Sostrath, the son of Dexphan from the book, dedicated to the Savior Savior Bowls." He closed this inscription in a thin layer of plaster with the glorification of the king of Ptolemy Saker. Over time, the falling plaster revealed the true name of the builder and the Great Engineer.

Alexandrian lighthouse

With the construction of the lighthouse, the most wonderful and ingenious inventions of the Alexandrian scientists were applied. The lower floor of the three-tier 120-meter tower had four faces facing north, east, west and south, eight edges of the second tier were oriented towards eight main winds. The third floor - the lantern was crowned dome with a poseidon statue with a height of about 7 m. A complex system of metal mirrors increased the light of fire, lit up on top of the structure and allowed to monitor the sea space; The lighthouse itself was also a well-fortified fortress with a large military garrison. Travelers who saw the lighthouse wrote about the helica-arranged statues who were adorned by the Lighthouse Tower: One of them always pointed out his hand on the sun on all his way and lowered his hand down when it came, the other beat off every hour and at night, on the third one could learn the direction wind. The amazing structure stood up to 14 centuries, but even in an already strongly destroyed form height was approx. 30 m. Currently, only the groundhouse is preserved, entirely built into the medieval fortress (now - the base of the Egyptian fleet).

The Colossus of Rhodes.

Colossus Rhodes, Giant Statue of Helios, the work of the Harez sculptor on about. Rhodes; One of the seven wonders of the world. Erected by the money received by Rhodes after the sale of siege machines Demetrius I Polyorod, who tried to capture this richest Greek island in 305 BC. e.

The Colossus of Rhodes

Travelers in New York Harbor can see a wonderful spectacle. Before them there appears standing on a small island in the harbor of a huge statue of a woman in clothes holding a book and a torch in his hands, rushing into the sky. The statue has almost one hundred and twenty feet from the legs to the crown. It is sometimes called the "modern colossus", but more often it is called the statue of freedom. Colossus Rhodes, which so reminds us the statue of freedom, is the ancient creation of ancient, located on the island of Rhodes. Colossus Rhodes was a statue standing on the shores of the Strait, one leg was on the same shore, the second - on the second. According to the project, the statues should be saved between the legs of the statue. Unfortunately, the Colossus Rhodes turned out to be "weak in the legs", because of the earthquake his legs were lifted, and a huge statue collapsed into the water. For a long time, the remains of his feet that served as evidence of its existence remained, but they did not reach this day. Colossus Rhodes today has become a symbol of a large-scale, but poorly thought out at the base of the project, which can easily collapse. Helios was not just a particularly revered deity on the island - he was his creator: without having a place for him dedicated to him, Sunny God was an island on her hands from the sea depth. The statue of God was towering right at the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes and was visible to swimming already from the neighboring islands, the statue was OK. 35 m, i.e. almost three times the "copper rider" in St. Petersburg. The statue was based on a clay with a metallic frame, on top of finished bronze sheets. To work on the image of God directly at the site of its installation, Harez used a cunning reception: with a gradual elevation of sculpture rose and an earthen hill around her; The hill was subsequently broken, and the statue in full was revealed to amazed inhabitants of the island. The manufacture of a grand monument took 500 bronze talents and 300 iron talents (respectively approx. 13 and approx. 8 tons). Colossus gave rise to a kind of fashion on the giant statues, in the Rhodes already in 2 V. BC e. About one hundred colossal sculptures were established. Creating a bronze giant lasted approx. 12 years old, but he stood, however, only 56 years old. At 220 BC e. During the earthquake, the statue collapsed, not withstanding soil oscillations. As Stracon writes, "the statue lay on the ground, defeated by the earthquake and broken by the knees." But then Colossus caused surprise with its sizes; Pliny senior mentions that only a few could grab the thumb of the statue with both hands. Colossus fragments were lariped on Earth for more than a thousand years, until finally, they were not sold by the Arabs who captured in 977 Rhodes, a merchant, who, as described in one of the chronicles, loaded 900 camels. Currently, reconstruct to the full appearance of the statue fails. Not so long ago, a couple of years ago, the next elections were held, where the new 7 wonders were determined.

Modern wonders of the world

The following wonders entered the new list:

The Great Wall of China is in our humble opinion, it should be included in all such lists, where new world wonders are addressed. The wall is a truly incredible object, at what a variety of means, materials, and human lives were spent. The design striking in size causes admiration when we just think about the technique that existed then.

- Peter - This object is also rightly included in the new 7 miracles of the world, since it represents a whole city, fully chopped in the rocks. The skill of workers surprises even according to modern standards, and if they again remember that the city is several thousand years old, then it is possible to assert with confidence - this is a real miracle.

- Statue of Christ - known to us in Brazilian TV shows, high design, crowning the hill in Rio. Considering the new 7 miracles of the world, we believe that it would be possible to choose something more, more worthy, but this is only our personal opinion.

- Machu Picchu - Indian city, preserved to this day, and representing a monument to the ancient civilization of the Inca. New miracles of the world put it on one place with a Chinese wall and Egyptian pyramids, and we tend to agree with them - indeed, there is something to see.

- Reading itz - These are the buildings that became a monument to another great civilization - Maya. Ancient sculptures, buildings, inventions, inventions, have been preserved here, almost in perfect condition. Even some furniture items were found here. Our verdict - modern wonders of light should include this city.

- Roman Coliseum - The place where the battles of gladiators, impregnated with blood and terrible stories, the last sighs of people and animals. New wonders of the world include the Colosseum not just because of its beauty, but because of history, participation in ancient works, stories and narratives.

- Taj Mahal - Owned romantic halo, a temple built into memory, probably one of the most famous love stories in the world, he is worthy to be included in the modern 8 miracles of the world exclusively because of its history.

- Pyramids Egypt - They were included in the new 8 miracles of the world, since the Egyptians were offended due to the fact that their "miracle" did not enter the list of the best. It was decided to respect the request, since the truth, the design deserves admiration. The next new 8 miracles of the world are currently a new selection of applicants for the list "Modern 8 Wonders of Light". The fact is that the previous selection attracted a lot of attention, allowed much to increase knowledge of natural wonders, engineering and others. Therefore, today it is proposed to once again choose the new 8 miracles of the world - natural. The choice will be held in several stages, 21 finalists are defined now.

Illustrated interpretation Seven wonders of the world.

Modern person is subject to much: people conquer outer space, reveal all new and new riddles of nature - not to list everything. It is more difficult to hit the imagination of a modern person, because in his eyes the most audacious dreams are carried out, ever created by the uncpendless human fantasy.

However, the fact that today seems to be an extraordinary miracle and a vertex of creative thought, after a few decades will become the same ordinary and familiar, as, for example, television for us with you now. Nevertheless, things remain who are able to surprise, regardless of the time, which through many generations will be like looking with admiration and, probably, tremble. You probably guessed that I'm talking about "Wonders of Light".

As you know, there were seven wonders of the world, which are now called "the wonders of the light of the ancient world." Only one of them remained to this day - these are the legendary Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Therefore, on the initiative of the Swiss Bernard Verber, a project was organized, designed to determine which of the existing structures and attractions are worthy of referring to the "wonders of the world."

The Non-Profit Organization "New Open World Corporation" conducted a worldwide vote, in which more than 90 million people accepted around the world. Of the few dozens of applicants for the title of one of the seven miracles of the world, winners were chosen, and the results of the competition were announced in Lisbon on July 7, 2007, in the "Three Seven Day".

So, we invite you to see photos of new seven wonders of the world, as well as read their brief descriptions:

Location: China

This is the largest architectural structure in the world, the length of the wall is 8851.8 kilometers. It was built to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from nomads. Today the wall is considered to be one of the greatest structures ever built by a person. This is the most visited attraction in the world - more than 40 million tourists per year come to the country, so that with their own eyes to see the Great Wall of China. By the way, one of the sections of the wall goes close to the capital of China - Beijing.

Location: Italy, Rome

This is the largest of the ancient Roman amphitheators, the full symbol of the eternal city, is hardly the most recognizable monument of architecture in the world. His second name is the Amphitheater of Flaviev - obtained in honor of the Flaviev dynasty, then in ancient Rome and organizing the construction of the amphitheater. For a long time, gladiatorial battles were held for a long time and other entertainment spectacles for guests and residents of Rome.

Location: Peru

The legendary ancient city of Inca, located on the territory of modern Peru. Machu-Picchu got the nickname "City among the clouds" due to its location - it is on top of one of the mountain ranges, at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. The city was built by the ruler of Inca Pacchaktek as an imperial residence - "Sacred Mountain Shelter."

Location: Jordan

The famous stone carved from the town of Peter, located on the territory of modern Jordan. The city is located in the Valley of the Arava, in Canyon Sik, from all sides surrounded by sheer cliffs. You can enter the valley only through narrow gorges that are a kind of gate of the city. Most of the buildings of the city are joined in the rocks of red sandstone - even the name of the city "Peter" is translated as a "rock". More than half a million tourists per year come to look at the mysterious city from stone. By the way, the final scenes of the famous film Stephen Spielberg "Indiana Jones and the last crusade" were filmed here, in Peter.

Location: India

The Mausoleum Mosque Taj Mahal from White Marble is located in the city of Agra in India, on the banks of the Jamna River. This is a real pearl of the Muslim world, the best example of the architecture of Indian, Persian and Islamic styles. The magnificent mausoleum is built by Emperor Shah-Jahan in honor of his wife, who died in childbirth.

According to one of the legends, an absolutely identical building from a black marble should have been built on the opposite bank of the river, and the bridge from gray marble should have connected them. Today, Taj Mahal is visited by millions of tourists a year, he undoubtedly deservedly took its place in the list of new seven wonders of the world.

Location: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

The next miracle of the world is the magnificent statue of Christ-Redeemer at the top of the Corcovad Mountain in Brazilian Rio de Janeiro. The statue is considered a symbol of Rio and all Brazil, is one of the highest sculptures in the world. The statue height is 38 meters, the sweep of the hands is 30 meters, the weight of the statue is 1145 tons.

Location: Mexico, Yucatan

The ancient city of Chichen-Itza is the political and cultural center of the Maya state, located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. According to the archaeologists, Chichen Itza was one of the religious centers, the so-called "Power Places" of the Mayan culture.

Location: Egypt

Formally, the pyramids of Giza are not among the seven new miracles of the world, but are present here as an extra-competitive, honorary candidate. Egyptian pyramids are the only of the seven wonders of the world of the ancient world, which has come down to this day. Excursions to Pyramids are regularly held from the capital of Egypt and are very popular with tourists.