Mainland South America. Geographical position, opening history

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Study of South America

South America, south mainland Western hemisphere, between quiet ok. in the West and Atlantic OK. In the East, Caribbean in the North and Magellan Prol. In the south, from 12 ° 28 "s. sh. up to 53 ° 55" Yu. sh. Connected by Panama Crest from North. America. Area with Islands [Arch. Fire Earth, Chilean, Falkland (Malvinsky) O-Va, Galapagos, etc.] 18.28 million km 2. The largest length of 7150 km, width of 5100 km. The relief is distinguished powerful mountain belt Andonkagua, 6960 m) in the north and west and platform, flat-polar East. Platform raising corresponds to the Gwianskoye plateau (N. Nebina, 3014 m) in the North-East and Brazilian (G. Bandeira, 2890 m) in the East, separated by a deflection occupied by Amazonian lowland (Amazonia). In the edge and foothill, the plains and lowlands are located between the plateales and Andes: the Orinoco and internal plains (Pantanal, Grand Character, Mezhdrachye and Pampa); South of her, in the south-east, up to 2200 m of the Patagonia Plateau. On plateaua large deposits of iron and manganese ores, bauxite, non-ferrous and rare metals; in the foothill and intermor deflection of oil and gas; In the mountains of the field of copper, polymetals, tin, etc.

Climate For the most part, the subequatorial and tropical, in Amazonia is equatorial, constantly wet, in the south subtropical and moderate. The whole northern plain part of South America to the southern tropic has the average monthly temperatures 20-28 ° C. Summer (in January), they are reduced to the south to 10 ° C, in winter (in July) on Brazilian plateore up to 12 ° C, in Pampa to 6 ° C, on the Patagony plateau up to 1 ° C and below. The greatest amount of rainfall per year is obtained by the windows of the Andes in Colombia and South. Chile (5-10 thousand mm), Zap. Amazonia and the surrounding slopes of the Andes, the eastern slopes of the Guian and Brazilian Plane (2-3 thousand mm), on the rest of the territory of the East to 35 ° YU. sh. falls per year 1-2 thousand mm. Arudes (150-200 mm and less) Region to the west of Pamp, Patagonia, South Center. And especially the Pacific slope between 5-27 ° sh. Most rivers belong to the Atlantic Basin.; The largest Amazon, Paranu with Paraguay, Orinoco. River Fatherland Pedroins and, as in Andes, rich in hydropower. On lowlands, large rivers shipping. In soil cover in a hot belt, latheite (ferllaltic and ferritic) red color types of soils are dominated, in subtropics reddish-black and gray-brown, in moderate latitudes of brown (forest in the west and semi-desert in the east). Amazonia, Oriental Slopes of Plane and Andes (up to 18 ° sh.) Covered by evergreen wet equatorial and tropical forests with valuable types of trees (Kauchonos Gevery, Red Tree, Cocoa, Hinny, etc.), on the other plains and plateales of savanna and gentle ; In the subtropics of Prairie, steppes and semi-deserts, in a temperate belt in the west, everganese mixed forests with an admixture of deciduous, in the east shrub semi-deserts. Very rich and peculiar fauna southern. America belongs to the neo-enemy region and is distinguished by a large number of endemics: sloths, musicals, armadors, wide monkeys, puma, jaguar, bakers, nutria, guy pigs, etc. from birds Nanda, Goacin, Tucanians, and others. A variety of fauna, fish and insects . In the south. Americas are located states: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Chile and Ecuador, as well as the ownership of France Guiana; South. America includes Falkland (Malvinsky) about.

Relief. The relief of South America is clearly distinguished by the flat-polar platform of the Underman East and the Mountain Andyian West, corresponding to the moving orogenic belt. The raising of the South American platform is represented by Guiang, Brazilian and Patagonian Plateau, the deflection - the lowlands and the plains of Llanos-Orinoco, Amazonian, Beni - Mamor, Grand Character, Mezhdrachy (PR. Paran and Uruguay) and Pampa; from the east. Plateau framed by narrow intermittent stripes of coastal plains.

Gwyan Plateau rises to the center (Nebina, 3014 m), Brazilian - with S.-Z. on Yu.-v. (G. Badeira, 2890 m), Patagonian - with V. on Z. (up to 2200 m). In the relief of the Gwianky and Brazilian plane, the baseland hollow-wavy plains prevail (high. Up to 1500-1700 m), within which the remaining cones of the vertices and ridges are distinguished (for example, Serra do-Espinyas) or dining rooms, mainly sandstone, hill - the so-called Shapada (Ayang-Tempui and Rooraima, etc.). The East Territory of Brazilian Plateau is divided into separate arrays (Serra da Mantikair, etc.), having characteristic forms of "sugar heads" (for example, Pan-Di-AsCarus in Rio de Janeiro). The defignments and the depressions of Brazilian plateau in the relief are expressed by monocillic-reservoir plains with raised edges-koustami, accumulative plains (Vpadina r. San Francisk, etc.) or lavva plateau (on average parana). In the relief of the Patagonia, layered, including volcanic, step-down plateaus, covered with ancient moraine and water sediments; The plateau is cut into the deep canyons of the rivers nascent in the Andes; Characterized arid forms of denudation.

The system of the Ridges of the Andes extends to 9,000 km on S. and Z. Mainland. At S. and S.-V., in Venezuela, - two chains of caribbean and deeply dismembered by faults and river erosion. The main, meridional Andes system, or Andiy Cordillere (Cordillera de Los Andes), reaching 6960 m (Akonkagua), snaps in the west of Yu.A. And divided into the northern, central and southern Andes. Northern Andes (up to 5 ° S.) are distinguished by alternating high fold-lump ridges and deep Vpadin. In Ekuadore, they consist of Eastern and Western Cordillers, in between which is filled with the products of the activities of Chimborato Volcanoes, Kotopakh et al. In Colombia, there are three main cordillers (Eastern, Central and Western), separated by depressions of PP. Magdalena and Kauca. Volcanoes (Wylas, Ruis, Pouras, etc.) are concentrated mainly in Central and Yu. Western Cordiller; For the central part of Eastern Cordillera typical of ancient-armed plateau, the height is 2-3 thousand meters. In the north and west, the largest lowland in the Andiy West is the Retroinsky and Prostochoan.

Central Andes (up to 27-28 ° sh.) Is significantly wider and monolithic northern. They are characterized by up to 3.8-4.8 thousand inner plans, bordered by edge ridges; most high mountains A significant glaciation is carried. Southern part - Central Highlands - the widest (up to 750 km) of the segment of the Andes; The main element is a Pune plateau with ancient-turn altiplano plateau in the southwest and a number of chill ridges in the east and south. In the east, Puna is framed by Cordillery-real, with Z. - Volcanic Western Cordillery (2-volcanic area of \u200b\u200bthe Andes with volcanoes Misti, Lulylyalyako, Sakhama, etc.), longitudinal tectonic depression (with an attacham desert) and coastal cordillera.

In the southern Andes in the north (up to 41 ° 30 "Yu. Sh.) The relief is expressed: the double major Cordillera (Akonkagua in Eastern, or advanced), to which the arrays of the precordeiler are harsh; the longitudinal valley of Chile and the Coast Cordillera. Between 33-52 ° H. sh. There is another volcanic region of Andes with a lot of existing volcanoes By Z. From the main cordillera and extinct - east of her. In the most southern segment of the Andes - the Patagonian Andes - the coastal Cordillera turns into the archipelago of the islands, the longitudinal valley - to the system of straits, and the flooded rogs of a sharply declining Patagonian Cordillera are in fjords. Glacial forms dominate. Modern glaciation in Yu.A. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b25 thousand km 2, of which over 21 thousand km 2 falls on the South Andes. Glaciers are also in Western Cordillera, between 9 and 11 ° YU. sh. And on the islands of the fiery land.

Opening.The Europeans became reliably known about the existence of South America after the Swimming of Christopher Columbav 1498, who opened the islands of Trinidad and Margarita, explored the coast site from the Orinoco River Delta to the Paria Peninsula.

In 1499-1504, Amerigo Vespucci made three navigation to the South American continent at the head of the Portuguese of Expeditions, opening the northern coast of South America, the Amazon Delta, Rio de Janeiro Bay, Brazilian Highlands.

Research.As a result of swimming pools along the northern and eastern shores of the newly open Earth Earth. Vespucci has developed a correct idea of \u200b\u200bit as a southern peasant mainland, and in 1503 in a letter to his homeland he proposed to call Mainland new light. In 1507 Larring Cartogrand Martin Waldzemueller attributed the discovery of the "fourth part of the world", made by Kolumbomb, a. Vespucci and "Okrestil" this continent of America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. In 1538, this, already recognized name, was distributed on a Mercator map and North America.

First swimming in Vespucci

In 1499-1500, Vespucci was a navigator on the expedition Alonso Okhaya (on three ships), commanding two ships, equipped at his own expense. In summer, 1499 flotilla came to the northern coast of South America in 5 ° or 6 ° of the northern latitude, where it was divided. Veszpucci moved to the south-east, on July 2, he opened the Amazon Delta and her basic sleeve of a couple, the boats penetrated at 100 km. He then continued to swim in the southeast to the bay of San Marcos (44 ° West longitude), revealed about 1,200 km of the northern seaside band of South America, discovered the Guiangic current. From there, Vespucci turned back and in August, caught up with Alonshi echo near 66 ° Western longitude. Following the west together, they opened more than 1600 km southern Shore Mainland with Paraguian and Guahir Peninsula, Trista and Venezuelan, Lagoon Maracaibo and several islands, including Curaçao. In the fall of Vespucci, he again separated from OKHA, examined the coast of South America by 300 km to the southwest and returned to Spain in June 1500.

Second swimming

In 1501-02, Veszpucci consisted of Portuguese service as an astronomer, a navigator and a historiographer in the 1st Portuguese expedition to Gonzalu Kuelu in 3 ships. In mid-August 1501, they approached the Atlantic coast of South America in 5 ° 30 "Southern latitude and passed to 16 °, repeating the opening of the Spaniard Borotol Rollyan (1500). On January 1, 1502, the expedition found the Rio de Janeiro bay (Guanabara), followed the shore By 2000 km to the southwest (up to 25 ° of southern latitude) and, making sure that the Earth still stretches in the same direction, turned back. One Karavella arrived in Portugal at the end of June, the other with Cuel and Vespucci in early September ( The third who came to the dissent was to be burned).

Third swimming

In 1503-04, Vespucci commanded Karavella in the 2nd expedition to Gonzalu Kuelu in six ships. At the beginning of August 1503, the Outdoor Ascension Island (8 ° of South Little) was sank, 3 went missing. Cravella Vespucci and Kuelu reached the Bay of All Saints, discovered in the previous swimming in 13 °. The detachment dropped on the orders for the first time climbed onto a steep obset of Brazilian Highlands and penetrated 250 km deep into the country. In the harbor in 23 ° south latitude during a 5-month parking, the Portuguese built a fleet, where 24 sailors left, and with a load of sandalwood returned to Lisbon at the end of June 1504.

As a result of swimming pools along the northern and eastern shores of the newly open land, Veszpucci has developed a correct idea of \u200b\u200bit as a southern castlastic mainland, and in 1503 in a letter to his homeland, he proposed to call the mainland with a new light. In 1507 Larring Cartogrand Martin Waldzemueller attributed the opening of the "fourth part of the world", made by Columbus, Vespucci and "Ocsetle" this continent of America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. In 1538, this, the already recognized name, was distributed on the map of the Mercator and North America. In 1505, after the secondary crossing to Spain, Vespucci received Castilian citizenship. In 1508, appointed to the newly ancestral position of the Chief pilot of Spain and held it until his death.

The Pacific Coast of South America was opened in 1522-58 by Spanish marine expeditions. In 1522 P. Andagoy traced the North-West Coast of South America. up to 4 ° C. sh. In 1526-27 F. Pizarro called the coast up to 8 ° Sh., Opening Guayaquil's Bay on the way, from where he began in 1532 to conquer Peru. After the country's conquest and the founding of Lima (1535), the Spanish seawards were familiar with the coast at least until 12 °. sh., and after trips to Chile D. Almagro (1535-37) and P. Valdivia (1540-52) - up to 40 ° sh. In 1558 H. Ladrillero opened between 44 and 47 °. sh. Chonos Archipelago and Titao Peninsula, A P. Sarmiento de Gamboa in 1579-80 - a number of islands between 47 and 52 ° YU. sh. In 1616, the Dutch Ya. Lemer and V. Schauten opened and reinforced Cape Horn (56 ° H.). In 1592 Englishman J. Davis opened in the Atlantic Ocean in 52 ° YU. sh. The Earth of Virgin, R. Hawkins in 1594 described her northern shores, adopted for a single land, and J. Strong proved that it is divided into two large and many small islands, and called them Falkland Islands (1690).

In 15-16 centuries. The largest contribution to the continent's study was made by Spanish Expeditions of Conquistadors (from Spanish Qoncuista - conquest).

In search of the "Golden Country - Eldorado" Spaniards D. Ordas, P. Eereda, Kesada, S. Bellaksar and agents of German Bankers of Velzer and Ehinger (A. Ehinger, N. Federman, Hoevermut, F. Khuteten), who received In 1528 from Karl V patent for colonization of the southern shore CaribbeanIn 1529-46 discovered and crossed in all directions North-Western Andes and Llanos-Orinsko, followed the course of all the large left tributaries of Orinoco and Magdalena with Kauche. G. Pharroy in 1541-42 descended by r. Heads to Amazonian lowland, and the separated F. Eagelian separated from his squad in 1541 went down the Amazon to the sea, making the first intersection of South America. In search of silver in the La Cabot pool in 1527-48 S. Cabot, P. Mendoza, H. Aiolas, A. Kavesa de Vaca, D. Iral opened and explored several major rivers of Parana Paraguay and crossed Grand Charco. The bottom of the tributaries p. Amazon was opened by the Portuguese Expedition P. Teixira - B. Akoshta 1637-39, rising from the city of Couple to Equatorial Andes and returned down the river. In the 2nd half of 16 and in 17-18 centuries. Portuguese methuses (Mamiluki), connecting to the detachments for the hunting of Indians-slaves, searching for gold and precious stones, Crossed Brazilian plateau in all directions and followed the course of all the large tributaries of the middle and lower amazon. Upper Amazon System at 17 V. And in the 1st half of the 18th century. The mainly jesisite missionaries were investigated, including Czech P.S. Fritz.

In 1520fern, Magellan examined the Patagonian Beach, then passed to the Pacific Ocean through the strait, named after his name, completing the study of the Atlantic coast.

In 1522-58. Spanish conquistadors were studied pacific coastSouth America. Francisco Pisssaro passed along the shores of the Pacific Ocean to 8th. sh., in 1531-33 He won Peru, deliriving and destroying the state of the Inca and founding the city of kings (later called Lima). Later in 1524-52. Spanish conquistadors organized expeditions along western coast South America won Peru and Chile, led the fierce struggle against Araucanov. Go down along the coast up to 40 yu. sh.

Extreme southern Point Continent Cape Horn was opened by Dutch LEMERE LEMER (1585-1616), Dutch merchant and navigator.

In 16-18 centuries. The detachments of Portuguese Metis Mamilukov, who committed conquering campaigns in search of gold and jewelry, repeatedly crossed Brazilian plateore and traced the course of many of the bortions of Amazon.

Missionaries-Jesuit also took part in the study of these regions.

Alexander Humboldt examined the Orinoco River basin, Quito's plateau, visited the city of Lima, setting out the results of his research in the book Journey to the equinogenic areas of the New World in 1799-1804.

In 1799-1804, Humboldt, together with the French nerd, E. Bonplen traveled through Central and South America. Returning to Europe with rich collections, he processed them in Paris for more than 20 years along with other prominent scientists. In 1807-34, a 30-Tomny "journey to the equinogenic areas of the new light in 1799-1804 was published.", Most of which are the descriptions of plants (16 TT.), Astronomer-geodesic and cartographic materials (5 tt.), Other part - Zoology and comparative anatomy, description of the journey, etc. According to the materials of the Expedition, the city published a number of other works, including the "paintings of nature"

The first scientists - researchers of South America were the French participants of the equatorial expedition to measure the arc of Meridian 1736-43 (the leaders of Sh. Kondamin and P. Bugger). At the end of the colonial period, comprehensive scientific studies of the La Board basin were held (Spaniard F. Asara) and the river basin. Orinoco (German A. Humboldt and Frenchman E. Bonplan). The exact outlines of South America were established mainly by the English expedition of the 2nd quarter of 19 V. (F. King and R. Fitzroy).

English Hydrograph and Meteorologist Fitzroy (Fitzroy) Robert (1805-1865), Vice Admiral B1828-30 made shooting the southern coast of South America.

In 19-20 centuries. Studies of Brazilian Plateau and Amazonian Lowland (German V. Eshvega (1811-1814), Frenchman E. Joffrua Saint-Ilher (1816-22), participants of the Austria-Bavarian Expedition 1817-20 K. Martius, I. Spex, I. Paul , I. Natterer; Participants of the Russian Complex Academic Expedition 1822-28 G.I. Lamaddorf; French Complex Expedition F. Castelno (1844-45), British A. Wallace (1848-52), Bates (1848-58), W. Chandless (1860-69), J. Welles (1868-84), German K. Steinen (1884 and 1887-88) and Frenchman A. Kudro (1895-98)].

Gwyan Plateau and Orinoco Pool studied: in 1835-44 Germans in English service, Robert Brothers and Richard Schomburg: In 1860-72 Pole in the English service K. Appun; In 1877-89, French J. Krevo, A. Kudro and J. Schaffanjon, who opened the source r. Orinoco (1887). Bass. La fees studied American hydrograph T. Page (1853-56) and Argentine Topographer L. Fontana (1875-81).

In the Northern and Equatorial Andes worked: Frenchman J. Boussengo (1822-1828); German geologists A. Stewubel and V. Flight (1868-74); English topograph F. Simon (1878-80 and 1884); German geographers A. Gertner (1882-84) and V. Sivera, who mainly studied the Sierra de Periha ridges, Cordillera Merida (1884-86) and the seaside Caribbean Andes (1892-93). Central Andes investigated Naturalists - German E. Pöppig (1829-31) and French A. orbinhi (1830-33); In 1851-69, Peruvian Andes and the La Montanyan region studied and filmed a geographer and anopographer, an Italian on the Peruvian service A. Raimondi. South Andes - Chilean-Argentine Cordillers and Patagonian Andes - studied Europeans in Chile: Pole I. Domeiko (1839-44), Frenchman E. Pissy (1849-75), German Botanist R. Philippi (1853-54) . In Argentina, English Sheptuer J. Master crossed the entire Patagonia from the south to the north and laid the beginning of the study of the basin. The Chubut (1869-70) was then advanced Argentine topographers F. Moreno (1874-97), K. Myno (1877-1881), L. Fontana (completed the study of the Pubolu basin in 1886-88).

Large volume of research Yu.A. Completed Russian scientists and travelers: diplomat and geographer A.S. Ionin (1883-92), researcher of the fiery land Botany N.M. Albov (1895-96), ethnographer G.G. Manizer (1914-15), Botanist and Geographic N.I. Vavilov (1930, 1932-33).


geographical Vespucci America Swimming

Lukashova E.N., South America, M., 1958

Essays on the geology of South America. Sat Art., Per. from English, M., 1959

Magidovich I.P., History of opening and research of Central and South America, M., 1965

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GP. History of opening and research of South America

Purpose: to form students with the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe geographical position, the size and form of the mainland; consolidate the practical skill of students to draw up the characteristics of the FGP of the mainland using atlas cards; deepen the knowledge of students about the history of the opening and research of the mainland; Develop memory, logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Equipment: physical Card. South America, atlases, contour cards, portraits of researchers in the mainland, paintings of the nature of the mainland, textbooks.

Support and basic concepts: Mainland, part of the world, geographical position; Hemisphere, Meridians, parallels, Gondwan, Parts of the World Ocean; Compound coastline, mainland area, equator, zero meridian, extreme points, researchers.

Geographic nomenclature:continents: South America, Africa, North America, Antarctica; Moxies: Galinas, Froaeard, Kabu Branka, Parinas, Horn; Caribbean Sea, La Plata Bay; Strait: Magellan, Drake; Islands: Fire Earth, Falkland.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Psychological attitude of students for further productive work. Pay attention to the image of the people of children with a different mood, find out who feels like. Pupils in turn for analyzing each drawing raise hands.

II. Actualization of supporting knowledge and skills of students

Reception "Blitzopros"

Name the continents that you studied. Show them on the map.

What plan is the mainland study?

Why is it important to know the geographical position of the mainland to determine the peculiarities of its nature?

III. Motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students

Reception "I will surprise everyone"

Teacher. Mainland got the name " New world" On this mainland, the heroes of the book of Jules are Verne "Children of Captain Grant". Here the very largest river of the world occurs. On this continent there are the highest volcano and waterfall, the most dry desert, the smallest bird, bloodthirsty fish. With this mainland, the associated words "Carnival", "Football", "Tango".

Pupils determine the mainland, complement the teacher's story (ahead of homework).

IV. Studying a new material

1. Reception "Creative Laboratory"

Task (work in groups)

Group I-II. Using the atlas card, determine the coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland.

II-IV groups. With the help of atlas cards and the student's reference book, determine the features of the physico-geographical position of the mainland.

Group V-VI. Determine the distinctive and general features of the geographical position of South America, Africa and Australia.

Summing up the work of each group. Conclusions.

2. Reception "Geographic Laboratory"

Apply on contour map The names of the extreme points, the oceans, washing the mainland, and the continents with which South America borders.

3. Teacher's story (complemented by students' messages - ahead of homework)

Teacher. How was South America? Ground paths in India were blocked by the Arabs. Therefore, the Europeans were forced to look for the sea to the state where it was possible to purchase pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, which were highly valued in medieval Europe, sometimes on the weight of gold. Christopher Columbus believed in the shag-likeness of the earth, so I decided to go to India in the opposite direction - through Atlantic Ocean. October 12, 1492 Sailors saw the land, it was an island from the group Bahamas Islands, Columbus called him Salvador ("Holy Savior"). Opening Cuba, Columbus decided that this is the eastern outskirts of Asia. The official date of opening of America is considered to be October 12, 1492.

Why open Columbus Land got the name of Vespucci? Amerigo Vespucci, examined in 1501-1502. east coast, proved that this land is mainland, and described its nature, gave a name New World. Therefore, the Larring Cartograph Waldzemueller in 1507 called this mainland by his name, and then this name spread to both Western continents. The first scientists - researchers in South America in 1735-1743. The French and Spanish participants of the Equatorial Expedition. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The mainland explored the German scientist Alexander Humboldt, he published the results of his research in the 30-languid book "Journey to the equinox of the Region of the New World". The study of the South American continent acted as a scientist Charles Darwin to develop an evolutionary theory of the development of the organic world of the Earth. Great importance There was a Botaniko-Agronomic Expedition of Nikolai Vavilov (1932-1933), during which the formation of cultivated plants in South America was established.

V. Fixing the studied material

Reception "Press Conference"

Name the features of the geographical position of South America.

Name the extreme points of the mainland, the sea, the oceans, it is washed. Show them on the map.

Why is the mainland named the name of the person who opened it?

Vi. Total lesson

1. Reception "I conclude"

North America is located in Western and mostly southern hemispheres, has a significant extent from north to south.

The first Europeans were the Portuguese and Spaniards, turned the mainland to colonial possessions.

A significant contribution to the study was made by A. Humboldt and N. Vavilov.

2. Return to the test at the beginning of the lesson in order to obtain information on the well-being of schoolchildren after work in the lesson.

VII. Homework

Paragraph ___

Fill the map

The history of the study of South America can be divided into two stages:

First stage
The Europeans became reliably about the existence of South America after swimming H. Columbus in 1498, which opened the islands of Trinidad and Margarita, explored the seaside site from the Orinoco River Delta to the Paria Peninsula. In the XV-XVI centuries. The largest contribution to the study of the continent was made by Spanish expeditions. In 1499-1500, Spanish Conquistor A. Otheda headed the expedition to the northern coast of South America, which reached the coast in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Guiana and, following in the north-western direction, examined the coast of 5-6 ° YU. sh. Before the Venezuelan Gulf.

Later, the ketage was examined by the North Coast of Colombia and founded the fortress there, putting the beginning of Spanish conquests on this continent. The Spanish Traveler R. Bastidas is completed the survey of the Northern Coast of South America, which in 1501 studied the mouth of the Magdalena River and reached the Bay of Uracha.

The expeditions of V. Pinson and D. Lepye, continuing to move south along the Atlantic coast of South America, at 1500 opened one of the sleeves of the Amazon River Delta, explored the Brazilian coast to 10 °. sh. H. Solis further went to the south (up to 35 ° H. sh.) And opened the Bay of La Plata, the grassroots of the largest rivers Uruguay and Paran. In 1520 F. Magellan examined the Patagonian coast, then passed to the Pacific Ocean through the strait, named after his name, completing the study of the Atlantic coast.

In 1522-1558 The Pacific Coast of South America was studied. F. Pisarro held along the shores of the Pacific Ocean to 8 ° sh., in 1531-1533 He won Peru, deliriving and destroying the state of the Inca and founding the city of kings (later called Lima). Later - in 1535-1552. - Spanish conquistadors D. Almagro and P. Valdivia descended along the coast up to 40 °. sh.

The study of intocontinental regions was stimulated by the legends of the hypothetical "country of gold" - Eldorado, in search of which Spanish expeditions D. Ordas, P. Elea and others in 1529-1546 crossed different areas Northwestern Andes, traced the flow of many rivers. Agents of German bankers A. Ehinger, N. Federman, and others examined, mainly northeast of the continent, the rover of the Orinoco River. In 1541, the detachment F. Orelyans first crossed the mainland in its widest part, tracing the average and lower flow of the Amazon River; S. Cabot, P. Mendoza, etc. In 1527-1548 passed large rivers Pool Parana - Paraguay.

The extreme southern point of the continent - Cape Gorn - was opened by the Dutch navigators Ya. Lever and V. Sakouten in 1616. The English navigator D. Davis in 1592 opened the "land of the Virgin", assuming that it represents a single land; Only in 1690 D. Strong proved that it consists of a variety of islands and gave them the name of Falkland Islands.
In 16-18 centuries. The detachments of Portuguese Metis Mamilukov, who committed conquering campaigns in search of gold and jewelry, repeatedly crossed Brazilian plateore and traced the course of many of the bortions of Amazon. Missionaries-Jesuit also took part in the study of these regions.

Second phase
To verify the hypothesis about the spherical shape of the Earth, the Paris Academy of Sciences for measuring the arc Meridian sent in 1736-1743 to Peru an equatorial expedition under the leadership of P. Buger and Sh. Kondamin, confirmed by the justice of this assumption. In 1781-1801, Spanish Topographer F. Asar held comprehensive studies of the Bay of La Plata, as well as Parantine and Paraguay River basins. A. Humboldt examined the Orinoco River basin, Quito's plateau, visited the city of Lima, setting out the results of his research in the book "Journey to the equino and new light in 1799-1804."

English hydrograph and meteorologist R. Fitzroy in 1828-1830 (F. King's expedition) performed the shooting of the southern coast of South America, and later led the famous around the World Travel On the ship "Beagle", in which C. Darwin also took part. Amazon and the brightening to it from the south of Brazilian Plateau investigated the German scientist V. Esheghe (1811-1814), French biologist E. Joffrua Saint-Iller (1816-1822), Russian Expedition under the direction of G. I. Langsdorf (1822-1828), English Scientist A. Wallace (1848-1852), French scientist A. Kudro (1895-98). The German and French scientists studied the Orinoco River pool and Guiangskoye Plateau, American and Argentinean - the lower rivers of Parran and Uruguay in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Plata.

In the study of this continent, Russian scientists N. M. Albov, which in 1895-1896 studied Fire Land, M. Manizer (1914-1915), N. I. Vavilov (1930, 1932-1933).

Opening of South America

In the history of geography of the 15th century, it is usually considered transitional from late Middle Ages to the Epoch of the Great geographic discoveries.

From Western Europe, there was a continuous leakage of gold to the East, because the Europeans bought significantly more than sold. Moreover, trafficking in spices and other eastern goods was to lead through the mediation of Arabs, which aggravated the high cost of these goods. In the middle of the 15th century, a new obstacle arose in the way of the development of economic relations between Western Europe And the countries of the East - Turkish conquest. In 1453, the Turks captured Constantinople, and by the end of the 15th century, in their hands, everything was practically trading routes Eastern Mediterranean.

In the 70s - 80s, the 15th century in Portugal, several expeditions were cut into portugal for the search for the legendary osdans of the Atlantic Ocean, but there are almost no information about these expeditions.

Casual travel photos

These swimming were the source of rumors, which subsequently gave rise to some researchers to challenge the priority of Columbus * in the opening of America. In the 16th century There were rumors about the opening of the Portuguese, some "gold" and "silver" islands. Such legends served as the basis for some Portuguese historians to argue that their compatriots opened Brazil back in 1447 and almost in 1342.

Fernan Magellan *** committed circumnavigation. His ships went from Seville on August 10, 1519; In November of the next year, Magellan passed the strait, which nowars his name now, and after four-month swimming through the Pacific Ocean reached the Philippine Islands.

Attempts to refute the priority of Columbus meet many substantiated objections. However, it is possible that any navigator 15 in. could accidentally reach the shores of America to Columbus, but it would hardly be to consider such an event as its discovery correctly, for it did not play any historical role, it did not influence the geographical representations of humanity, not to mention those colossal economic and political consequences, to who led the navigation of Columbus.

It is his first swimming through the Atlantic Ocean in 1492 it is considered to be the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries. The result of this swimming was the opening of the islands of Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti (Espanyola). The second expedition of Columbus (1493 - 1496) led to the discovery of some osundles from the group of small antilles, O. Puerto Rico and Jamaica; In addition, the South Coast of Cuba was examined (which Columbus accepted for a part of the mainland). During the third swimming (1498), the northern coast of the mainland of South America was opened with the mouth of Orinoco and O.Trinidad. Finally, the last expedition of Columbus (1502 - 1504) had its result to survey the coast of the mainland from Honduras to Hall.

In 1499 - 1500, with the participation of the rich Spanish shipowners of the Pinson brothers and the representative of the Florentine trading house in Seville Amerigo Vespucci ** (see below), four expeditions were cut to the northern shores of South America. One of them, under the entry of Vicente Pinson, examined the coast for 700 - 800 miles to M.Sv.Avguishin (S.K) - and opened the mouth of the Amazon. In 1501 - 1505, the Spaniards continued to swim from the South American shores.

In 1500, the Portuguese Pedra Alvaris Kabral, heading to India, was discarded the beard to the shores of Brazil, which O. Santa Cruz called. In 1508, the Spaniards Juan Diaz de Solis and Vicente Pinson opened Yucatan's shores and proved that Cuba is an island, and next year they passed along the shores of South America south to 40 degrees. Yu.Sh. In 1515 - 1516. Solis opened Laa fee, having accepted it for the desired passage.

Amerigo Vespucci, swimming off the coast of South America, first hoped to find Malacca and Catigar there, but in 1503 in a letter to Lorenzo Medici expressed the opinion that the countries visited by them should be considered a new light. This statement of Vespuccic was published in different languages. Laroking geographer from San Dier, Martin Waldseemyuller, also known under the Latin name Hylacomylus (1470 - 1527), in 1507 suggested calling new Light America. But long premiece this name was not generally accepted, and if it was used, only in relation to Brazil (which the land of Santa Cruz was also called).

Swimming of Spaniards off the coast of South America (1500 - 1501) showed that in tropical latitudes, high mountains are covered with snow. Pedro Martyr de Angiera tried to explain this phenomenon, as well as some other natural science facts contained in the conquistador reports. Thus, the growing of powerful trees that struck the imagination of the first researchers in South America, this scientist pointed out that, since the last stony, it can be expected more than gold, but for the same reason they are less fertile and less suitable for settlement.

Swimming through the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe belts of calm, trade winds and western winds; Columbus discovered the equatorial flow in the Atlantic, and Ponce de Leon (in 1523) - Golf Stream; Pedro Martyr gave the flow diagram of the Atlantic Ocean. Since the time of expeditions, Columbus has become a famous magnetic decline.

Sailing Columbus

August 3, 1492 Three ships came out of the port Palos: Santa Maria, Pint and Nine with 90 participants. Ship crews mainly consisted of convicted criminals. After the repair of the ship "Pint", the Canary Islands reached offense. 33 days after the ships left the Canary O-Wa, and there were no lands. Soon there were signs of the proximity of the sushi: the color of the water has changed, the birds of birds appeared. Ships entered Sargasovo Sea. Soon after this sea, on October 12, the handpiece saw the sushi strip. It was a small island with magnificent tropical vegetation, which Columbus called San Salzodor and announced the possession of Spain. Columbus was confident that Asia reached.

Columbus left a few people headed by Espanyola on O-ves, and sailed to Spain, taking several Indians, the feathers of unprecedented birds and several plants. On March 15, 1493 in Palos, he was greeted with a triumph as a hero.

Equipment immediately a new expedition, Columbus went from Cadix to second swimming, which continued from 1493 to 1496. Many new lands in the ridge were opened Antille Islands (Dominica, Guadeloupe, Antigua), O-v Puerto Rico, Jamaica, were examined southern coasts Cuba, Espanyola. But and on this time Columbus Non-cost of the mainland. With rich prey, ships returned to Spain.

The third sailing of Columbus took place in 1498-1500. On six ships. He sailed from San Lucar. On the espanyol, Columbus expected a heavy blow. The treacherous rulers of Spain, fearing that Columbus can become a ruler of the lands of them, sent the ship to him with order to arrest him. Columbus challenged into the shackles and brought to Spain. Almost two years spent Columbus to prove his innocence. In 1502, he reappeared into his west sailing. This time, Columbus visited many of the Outdoor Islands, crossed from the South Coast of Cuba, the Caribbean Sea and reached the shore of South America. From the fourth sailing, Columbus returned in 1504, the fame of his fool. In 1506, Columbus died in one of the little monasteries.

Amerigo Vespucci

At the very beginning of the XVI century, a leaving of Italy, a trade owl of Amerigo Vespucci, participated in one of the swimsters to the shores of West Indies. Having visited the coast of South America, he came to the thought that the land that Columbus opened, that this is not Asia, and this is an unknown extensive land, a new light. He reported his guess in two letters to Italy. Rumor about it spread quickly. In 1506, a geographical satin with a map of the northern part of South America was published in France. The author of the cards called this part of the new World of Amerigo. Cartographers of subsequent years have distributed this name to Central and North America. Thus, the name of Amerigo Vispucci was assigned a whole part of the world and is illegally immortalized by cardographers.


(genuine name Magalyansh) was born in Portugal around 1480 poor Portuguese nobleman fought in North Africawhere was injured. Returning to the Motherland, he asked the King to enhance the service, but received a refusal. The insulted Magellan went to Spain, where he concluded a contract by which Karl I has 5 ships with suggestions for 2 years. Magellan became the sole head of the expedition.

September 20, 1519 Flotilla came out of the port of San Lucar at the mouth of Guadalquivir. September 26, flotilla came to Canary IslandsNovember 26 reached Brazil's coast near 8 Yu.Sh., December 13 - Guanabar bays, and on December 26 - La fees.

Indians of very high growth were approached by the place of wintering. They were named by the Patagonians (in Spanish "Patagon" - Bolshoiy) Since then, their country is called Patagonia.

September 21, 1520 for 52 Yu.Sh. A bay was found or against the west, after Magellan opened Atlantic coast South America. Magellan walked a few days south through narrow straits until I saw 2 channels from about. Dawson: one in the south-east, the other to the southwest. Magellan sent one sailor to the southeast, another - to the southwest. Sailors returned after 3 days with the news that they saw the cape and the open sea. The admiral was assisted and called this Cape "desired" from joy.

The opening of South America is directly connected with the name of Christopher Columbus - the famous navigator who was looking for India.

His searches continued for about a month, three ship "Pint", "Santa Maria" and "Ninia" left Spain in 1492 to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Then Columbus saw the land, which is now the Bahamas.

South America's opening history

Then the famous navigator was confident that he was located in Asia, and called Islands West India - West India. After the discovery of the navigator was made by three more maritime travel.

And only in 1498, Columbus visited South America - he landed on the shore, located opposite the island of Trinidad. Columbus was confident that he opened India.

The real opening of South America happened with the help of another navigator - Amerigo Vespucci. This happened at the beginning of the 16th century, when the Italian participated in the journey to the shores of the West Indies.

Then Vespucci realized that his predecessor was not discovered by India, but an unknown mainland, which was then called the new world. The name went on behalf of Vespucci himself - the territory was called Amerigo land, which later turned into America.

The proposal to call the mainland just that came from the German scientist Valdzemueller. Subsequently, the name of Columbus was named one of the countries in South America.

Story Study Study

The value of the opening of the mainland of South America is still spoken. Indeed, in those days, the inhabitants of Europe had nothing known about the other part of the world, and the brave travel of Columbus forever changed the ideas of humanity about our planet. This is the largest geographical discovery.

But after the discovery, a long process of colonization began. After it became known about the opening of the new lands of Columbus, the conquerors who wanted to find incredible treasures, wealth and assign their land there. These conquerors were called conquistadors.

But in order to fulfill their ideas, they needed to exterminate and enslave the indigenous population of South America. This process was accompanied by constant looting and devastation of newly open territories.

At the same time, many geographical studies of new lands took place with the conquest: the coastal maps were created, long transitions on land.

One of the important points in the history of the development of South America is the expedition of the scientist Alexander Humboldt. The German researcher was aimed at learning the nature of the mainland and explore its indigenous population.

His works are priceless - he described the nature surrounding him, studied about 12 thousand plants and even created a map of South America, which can be called geological.

He conducted so in-depth studies for 20 years that the book written later was called by the book almost the second discovery of America.

This work is of particular scientific importance, as the studies of the German scientist are extensive and relate to many geographic factors.