10 largest islands. The biggest island in the world

    The content of 1 island with a population of more than 10,000,000 people 2 islands with a population from 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 ... Wikipedia

    Below is a list of islands in the Baltic Sea, which exceeds 10 square meters. km, or the population exceeds 1000 people. The Baltic Sea is considered to include its bays Finnish, Boat, Riga and others. Islands surrounded by the Baltic ... ... Wikipedia

    French Polynesia consists of 118 islands and atolls located in the Pacific, 67 of them are settled. The total area of \u200b\u200bsushi is 3660 km² (without an area of \u200b\u200bwater surface). The population is 259,596 people (2007). Below is a list of ... ... Wikipedia

    Islands of Croatia. A feature of the Dalmatian coast Adriatic Sea It is a large number of islands known as the Dalmatian Islands. Most of the islands are located near the coast and has an elongated shape along the coast. ... ... Wikipedia

    New Zealand consists of a large number of islands. The islands of the southern and northern two largest islands of the state, in the area and the population are several times superior to all other islands taken together. South Island local residents Often ... ... Wikipedia

    Faroe Islands, Ferrey (headlights. Føroyar, Furyar, "Sheep Islands", dates. Færøerne, Norv. Færøyene, D.Il. / Isl: Færeyjar) A group of islands in the northern part Atlantic Ocean Between Scotland (Shetland Islands) and Iceland. They ... ... Wikipedia

    Most of the islands belong to one country or do not belong any. This list includes those few islands, whose territory is divided by the state border between two or more countries. Content 1. Sea Islands 2 lake islands ... Wikipedia

    The coast of Largo Del Sur Caribbean islands consist of several groups of large and small islands, it is: from large and small Antille Islands and Bahamas. The surface of all islands is 244 890 ... Wikipedia

    Canada owns many islands, their lists are presented below. Content 1 in Square 2 in the population 3 Marine Islands ... Wikipedia

    Cook Islands consist of 15 islands and atolls located in the Pacific Ocean in Polynesia between the equator and the tropic of Capricorn on the square of 2.2 million km², between Tonga in the West and the Islands of the Company in the East. The total area of \u200b\u200bsushi is 236.7 km² ... Wikipedia

As is known, the island is considered to be any section of sushi, completely surrounded by water. However, not all areas of sushi, which are in the water, can be attributed to the islands. In addition to the latter, there are also continents and continents, the most famous of which is certainly Australia. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis continent (not to be confused with an island) is approximately 7,600,000 square meters. km.

In the top 5 presented below big Islands In the world, the islands entered, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is noticeably inferior to Australia, but at the same time no less impressive.

The biggest islands in the world: Greenland

So, the largest island of our planet, whose name is literally translated as a "green country", is Greenland. Located in the Atlantic and Northern Arctic Oceans, 80% covered eternal iceAutonomous Danish Territory has a temperate climate and a total area of \u200b\u200b2,131,500 km². Known by its white nights, Northern Lights and Local Eskimos, Greenland is also famous for the larger reserves of natural fossils (oil, gas). The main occupation of the 57 thousandth population of the island is fishing.

The biggest islands in the world: New Guinea

The second in its area the largest island in the world has become New Guinea. Water washed Pacific Ocean the island located between Papua New Guinea And Indonesia, in 1526 he was opened by Portuguese. They gave him his initial name "Papua", which means "Curly" in Malaysky. The island's name was obliged to inhabited him at the time to dark-skinned aborigines with curly, dense hair. Today, New Guinea is a tropical island with a total area of \u200b\u200b786,000 km2 and a real paradise for tourists. Despite a large number of various types of plants, birds, mammals and amphibians living in the territory of the island, scientists still reveal all new species of various representatives of the animal and plant world in New Guinea. It is worth noting that most of the animals of New Guinea are completely not afraid of people, so they can be easily taken on their hands.

The biggest islands in the world: Kalimantan

Kaliman not in vain occupies the honorable third place in the top 5 largest islands in the world. The area of \u200b\u200bthis island, also known as Borneo, is 737,000 km². Kalimantan is washed simultaneously by four seas and two straits. Unlike Greenland, 80% of the entire territory of Kalimanthane is covered with tropical forests. In this connection, the Forest Industry of the island is extremely developed and brings three, located on its territory to states, considerable income. In addition to the forest, Kalimantan is also known for large reserves of oil, gas and diamonds, the extraction of which is actively conducted here for more than one century, about whom it clearly shows the name of the island (translated from Malay, Kalimantan means "diamond river").

The biggest islands in the world: Madagascar

Fourth in our ranking becomes a famous, recently, on the eponymous cartoon, Madagascar Island. The entire territory of the island (587,040 km2) occupies a sovereign state of the Republic of Madagascar. The island is rich in minerals, including gold and iron rocks, more than 80% of all animals living in Madagascar are exclusively representatives of local fauna. Due to the fact that a long time island inhabited a large number of boars, the local natives and called it "Madagascar" ("Kabanov Island").

The biggest islands in the world: Buffinova Earth

The largest island of Canada Buffhin Earth, located west of Greenland, closes the top 5 largest islands in the world. And with this and the most interesting placeswhere your wedding photographer is required for your personal event! Due to the harsh climatic conditions, despite the extensive territories - 508,000 km², the population of the baffin land is a little more than 11 thousand people. The island received its name from the famous English traveler and researcher William Buffin, who in the XVII century the first described the island. Interesting is the fact that, in spite of the widespread presence of a person on the rest of the islands, the central part of the Baffin Earth has not yet been studied completely, and therefore the place remained on the territory of the island, where the person's leg did not go.


This article lists the largest islands on Earth, some of which in the area and the number of the population could well go beyond the whole continent. Most of the islands in this ranking are widely known, but there are also those you could not hear about. The islands in this list are distinguished by a special flora and fauna, characteristic of them only, which attracts tourists from all over the world and allows you to consider them as places for a honeymoon.

10. Elsmir Island, North Arctic Ocean

Having an area of \u200b\u200b122,000 square meters. KM:

  • the tenth largest island in the world,
  • third in Canada,
  • the North Island of the Arctic Archipelago.

Most of the island of Elsmir is covered by the famous mountain chain Cordiller. Second by size national Park Canada is located on this island.

9. Island Victoria, North Arctic Ocean

This island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Victoria Island has an area of \u200b\u200b135,000 square meters. km and is the second largest in Canada. He is named after Queen Victoria and is amazing on beauty. The island boasts a mild climate and offers tourists to distract from the bay world on the Lona wildlife.

8. United Kingdom, North-West Coast

Most big Island British Islands, It covers an area of \u200b\u200b143,000 square meters. km. In the UK in 2011, about 61 million people lived, which made it the third most densely populated island after Java and Honshu. It is surrounded by 1,000 small islands and is famous for history, magnificent architectural monuments and an excellent ecology.

7. Honshu, Japanese Sea of \u200b\u200bPacific

Honshu is the most densely populated island in Japan. Pay attention to . It includes the largest cities of Japan:

  • Kyoto,
  • Tokyo,
  • Osaka.

This is the second population island after Java. According to estimates in 2005, the population was 103 million people. The island is almost 1300 km long and from 50 to 230 km wide, with a total area of \u200b\u200b143,500 kV km, about 60% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bJapan.

6. Sumatra, Northeastern Indian Ocean

This island, located in Western Indonesia, is part of the Zonda Islands. Sumatry Square is 294,283 square meters, and the population is more than 50 million people. Medan - the largest city Islands, has 4,300,000 inhabitants. Its landscapes are drooped by two geographic regions: wetlands in the east and the Barisan mountains in the West.

Wild and mountainous island has great natural wealth. The main attraction of Sumatra is natural beauty: volcanoes, lakes and jungle.

5. Baphinova Earth, North Atlantic Ocean

The largest Canadian island, which lies in the nunavut. Its area is 315,112 kV km, the population in 2007 was about 11,000 people. Alpine Mountains Different high peaks And ridges, however, are also present. Barnes and Penny Ice Happers are the largest on the island. Baffinova Earth is an impressive wilderness, exciting Motherland of Eskimos and the Arctic land, open for bold people and lovers of extreme.

4. Madagascar, Indian Ocean

This island is an island state in Indian Oceanofficially known as the Republic of Madagascar ( previously, Malagasy Republic). It covers an area of \u200b\u200b434,500 kV km, which makes it 47 largest countries in the world and the fourth largest island.

As a result of a long isolation from adjacent continents, it is home to animals and plants that do not exist anywhere else. Different island ecosystems are under threat of disappearance due to environmental hazards.

3. Borneo, West Central Pacific

This is not only the third largest island in the world, but also the largest in Asia. It is divided between three countries:

  • Indonesia,
  • Malaysia,
  • Brunhem.

Almost 73% of the island is the territory of Indonesia. This island is home to one of the world's oldest type of tropical forests (about 140 million years old). Borneo has an area of \u200b\u200b462 365 square meters of square kilometers, which is 1% of the Earth in the world, but contains almost 6% of global biodiversity. Amazing land, similar to the island in the clouds.

2. New Guinea, South-West of the Pacific

The second largest island, located in the southwestern part of the Pacific, occupies an area of \u200b\u200b138,500 square meters. km. The population of the island is 11.306,940 people. Earth on it contains an uninterrupted chain of the mountains with tops of more than 4,000 meters, which are crowned with ice caps.

The climate of the country is mainly tropical, with an average annual maximum temperature between 30 and 32 degrees on lowlands. While daytime temperatures in the highlands are usually above 22 degrees all year round. The island is characterized by colossal biodiversity, it contains more than 5% of the total number of species inhabiting our planet.

1. Greenland, Northern Atlantic

Greenland is the largest not continental island of the world. Located within the Arctic belt. The island has an area of \u200b\u200b3,500,000 square meters. km, but is the least densely populated country with a population of 56.452 people. Greenland - independent country as part of the kingdom of Denmark. More than three-quarters of the island is covered with the only modern ice shield outside Antarctica.

... Miracle Island, Miracle Island,
Live on it easily and just ...

Do you remember this children's song about a miracle island?

But the truth when it comes to the islands, we all imagine a bright tropical paradise with a gentle bakery, palm trees and a variety of all sorts of drinks. But it turns out, there are islands where summer almost does not come, and winter lasts 6 months a year.

In this article we will tell about the biggest islands of the Earth.

Greenland (2 175 600 km²)

We will go to such an island now, but it is called Greenland - the biggest, the coldest and most snowy island in the world.

You can't find outstanding attractions of architecture here, but you can see powerful, admire the northern lights, ride a harness and even to go fishing, and if you are very lucky, which happens to be infrequently, you can even catch a shark for dinner. Fans of Extreme I. non-standard rest Here very much.

In the photo: Summer in Greenland. Tijilak.

New Guinea (790,000 km²)

Until recently, the island of New Guinea, which in the Pacific Ocean, was connected to Australia, but since the sea level rose all the time, the island was separated from the continent of funny kangaroo and Aboriginal Torres Strait.

A variety of amazing flora and fauna island just fascinates. And recently, scientists have opened at all in New Guinea "Eden Garden". There are still unknown birds and animals inhabited there, as well as unknown plants. On the island to our time there is an agricultural settlement of Cook.

Kalimantan (737 500 km²)

Kalimantan (Borneo) is a storehouse of fabulous seats of wildlife, only here you can enjoy the beauty of evergreen jungle and see animals that live only on this island.

The island is divided into four parts central, southern, western and eastern. It is difficult to believe it, but there are places where a man's leg has never stepped on Kalimantane. And civilization has not yet reached these lands. Data tribes who inhabit the island, live according to their rules and traditions for many years now and they are not going to change anything in their lives, trying to protect their original culture in this way and convey their customs to their heirs.

Madagascar (587 041 km²)

Madagascar is the land of the richness of paints, exotic plants and diversity of wild animals. Lemurs are particularly popular, because they are very friendly animals.

Did you know that Madagascar is the island that occupies the fourth place in the area confidently leads to the production of such a fragrant spice as Vanilla?

There are here and their little strange for Europeans customs and tradition. For example, Madagascar residents never remove the web in their home, as they consider it grace, and spiders with sacred animals.

And Madagascar is one of the biggest island states peace full list Which you can find on the site.

Buffinova Earth (507 451 km²)

This island rightfully can be called the possessions of the Snow Queen. Such a huge and snowy, he striking his unearthly beauty and greatness. And let them say that Buffhin the land is not at all adapted for life, and it is very difficult to survive here, Inuit - the indigenous people of the island are ready to argue with this statement. After all, despite all the difficulties, they live, they are here for almost 4 thousand years.

Especially valuable this place for climbers, and all because almost half of the island occupy the mountains. White bears, walru and seals live on the island, if you want to see them, rather collect suitcases and forward.

Sumatra (425,000 km²)

Sumatra - one of the largest islands Indonesia. Tropical paradise admires various attractions, both natural and architectural.

If you do not know where to start your journey through Sumatra, we really advise you to visit Lake Toba - the largest crater lake in the world. And Bukit Lavang village will help you plunge into amazing world wildlife. Previously, there was a center for the rehabilitation of orangutans, but now it is closed.

In the photo: Lake Manjnejau, Western Sumatra, Indonesia.

Cozy town of Berasstagi, Nias Island, Lake Manjnjau - and this is not all the sights of Sumatra. They are waiting for you and ready to show you all your splendor.

But it is worth noting that, despite the bright variety of nature, Sumatra - not the most safe place for tourists. Natural cataclysms, such as, tsunami and landslides occur here very often. But if you are not from the grivy, welcome to Sumatra.

United Kingdom (229 946 km²)

No, no, you did not hear, the United Kingdom is an island, which is part of the British Islands Archipelago and is divided into three parts: England, Wales and Scotland.

It's no secret that the United Kingdom is replete with all sorts of attractions of different times and even epochs. A large number of medieval castles, cozy chapels, historical museums, modern exhibitions and other architectural buildings attract tourists from all over the world of the globe. What is Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Tower.

But, except for architecture, the island is rich and natural monuments: The legendary lake Loch-Ness, the centuries-old Stonehenge and the fascinating road of the giants will be delighted with the most demanding tourist.

Honshu (227 414 km²)

This japanese Island takes seventh place among the most high islands The world and the first in the number of volcanoes. Almost all over the territory of Honshu is occupied by mountains and volcanoes: both the current and for a long time. Here it is national treasure Japan is the legendary Volcano Fujiima, which is still valid.

The capital of Japan is Tokyo and the legendary Hiroshima, which survived a nuclear attack, is also located on the territory of the island. Traveling in Japan, be sure to enter your route O. Chonse, because there is something to see.

For each traveler, there will probably find something interesting. The entire coast of the Pacific Ocean burns with fires of provincial cities and villages, walking through the streets of which, you can enjoy an ancient culture and meet Japanese architecture. Siracawa, Gokaya, Canadzawa and other cities of O. Chonsey are waiting for you at any time of the year.

Victoria (217 291 km²)

Victoria is another snowy and cold island in our list. Due to the harsh climate and the absence of fertile soil is almost not populated, there are only about 1,700 people on it. And architectural monuments here you will not find.

Frosty climate and eternal snow do not help attract tourists to these edges. Therefore, on the island, except for permanent residents, you can see except scientists and meteorologists.

Elsmir (196 236 km²)

Elsmir is an integral part of the islands of Queen Elizabeth, and he is named after the English poet and the Civilian of the 19th century Count Elsmir. Due to the eternal freezlot and the lack of sufficient sunlight, there are almost no plants here, and representatives of the animal world can be counted on the fingers: white bears, sheep, walruses and sealing - this is probably the entire list.

Do not count around here, and the swimsuit can also be not taken, he is definitely not useful for you, but the warm sweater will be just by the way. It is not for sure that this place will definitely not name, almost half of the island are covered with glaciers.

And if you want to learn about the coldest places of Russia, then proceed by reference.

Sulawesi (174 600 km²)

The largest island of Indonesia - the handsome of Sulawesi translates as the Iron Island and is surrounded by water elements from all sides, namely by the sea of \u200b\u200bSulawesi, the sea of \u200b\u200bgang and Makasar Strait.

An interesting feature of this island is existence on its territory. acting volcano Ambang. The last eruption was 1845, and when the next thing happens is unknown, it remains only to hope that no soon.

Sulawesi also surprises with his flora and fauna, among which the Buffalo Anaa. This type of buffaloes has long been under the threat of extinction and is listed in the Red Book, but poacher hunters does not stop. Also on the island there is a very interesting wild swine-Babirussa.

South Island (150 737 km²)

New Zealand also boasts a large and beautiful island, which is located on its territory and is called Island South Island.

Southern Island Roads with the South Alps, among which the snow-covered mountain Cook is banging. And the beautiful and bright parrots of Kea, inhabiting the island, make it more interesting for tourists.

Java (132,000 km²)

Indonesian giant island with beautiful title Java is also worthy of space in our list. After all, he is not only large, but also culturally developed and beautiful. In this island, the capital of Indonesia is the city of Jakarta, who is also the largest Indonesian city.

Java is famous for its volcanoes, there are 120s here 120, 30 of which will spell Lava and today. One-third of Java's territory occupy the impassable jungle, which are filled with the most diverse flora and fauna. And here the countries called the solo proceed.

And the gardens that can be destroyed by the eruptions of volcanoes, read the site in the article.

North Island (114 050 km²)

Another major island of New Zealand is the second only in the area, but the first to economic and industrial development is called - North Island. It is on it that the capital of the country is located - the city of Wellington, as well as volcanoes, the famous Long New Zorka River and on the island of Taupo.

Rich is an island and attractions, including the village Russell, Church of Christ and Lighthouse Baring Head.

Newfoundland (108,860 km²)

Beautiful Island Newfoundland is located off the coast North America And belongs to the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Even the name speaks for itself, because if we translate with of English language The word Newfoundland, we will hear "the land, which found" or "newly open earth".

The island is very beautiful and decorated with bright local plants. It will suit the "ecotourists" and fans to be afraid. After all, only on this miracle island you can see places untouched by a person. And these landscapes simply fascinate and admire.

Cuba (105 007 km²)

"Cuba is far away, Cuba is far away, Cuba nearby" - this song has sowed all soviet Union, Dreaming to visit the wonderland. But such a mysterious and controversial island of Cuba is one of the world's largest islands. It is located in the north of the Caribbean.

"Freedom Island" - as it is also called, is famous for minerals, among which oil and gas, as well as hot heat, rains and gusty winds. You will be in Cuba, be sure to visit the fortress of Castillo de San Pedro and Park military history Havana.

Luzon (104 688 km²)

Luzon is the largest island of the Philippine Archipelago. It is located on it the capital of the city of Manila, which consists of whole 17 districts and can rightly be called a whole metropolis. But modern technologies will not be able to eclipse the golden beaches of the island, because progress is not important here at all.

The island will appreciate the lovers of nature, silence and tranquility, here your soul will find peace and peace, and the body will get strength and energy.

Iceland (102 828 km²)

At first glance, it may seem that Iceland is an island is indebuty and even non-smart. But, despite the abundance of glaciers and snow, the climate is very soft here, and in the summer, when the temperature reaches up to + 20 ° C, it is very comfortable here.

It is noteworthy that in Iceland there are no polar nights, since the whole island is the south of the polar pole. In Iceland a huge number of hot springs, thanks to which, in the houses of Icelanders is always warm and cozy.

From the sights of Iceland worth a visit botanical Garden, national Museum And the art gallery in Reykjavik. According to the popular site of Most-beauty.ru, Iceland is one of the most beautiful islands in the world.

Mindanao (94 630 km²)

Mindanao - this is where a real paradise for vacationers: Sea, sun, beach, attractions. All this is here in huge quantities. But enjoying all this beauty, it will not be superfluous to remember about the precautionary measures: boil water and do not go to the prohibited territory - here are the main rules for staying at Mindao.


Only love and the opportunity to travel make a person absolutely happy, so traveling and fill your life with bright colors.

The biggest island of land is Greenland. The population of Greenland consists of Greenland Eskimos and emigrated by Norwegians, Danes. The island's indigenous people call inuita. Their main language is Greenland, the Danish is popular among emigrants. Inuit, living in the north of the island, still adhere to the long-standing tradition of building the needle.

Islands of the world

Which island is the biggest on earth? On our planet, there are a lot of islands, but only four of them really amazed with their sizes:

  1. Greenland. Greenland is the largest island in Europe and the world. It is located in the north-east of North America and washed by two oceans. Greenland is an autonomous unit subordinate to Denmark.
  2. New Guinea. The main advantage of Guinea is not nature and rich fauna, but culture of various tribes living in the territory of the island.
  3. Kalimantan. The island is divided between three states.
  4. Madagascar. Madagascar, island countryknown worldwide unique animals and rich floral world. A third of the whole territory occupies Highlands. On a lot of island extinct volcanoes, sometimes earthquakes occur.

The biggest island of land and the first settler

Eric Redhead - Simple Norwegian Viking. Despite the severity, which is attributed to the scandinavas, he was a good and peaceful man. As the legend says, Eric saw that his friend spoiled a walkway running at his house. For this Viking killed a neighbor to a shovel. The act did not remain unpunished. Eric was sent from Norway on someone else's deserted island for the polar circle.

I didn't want to live on the huge island of Erika, so he decided to attract more people here. For this he called the island Green land, or Greenland. As soon as the term of Eric's link approached the end, he returned to Norway and began to actively call people to the island. He described all Greenland as the most beautiful place on the planet.

Independent Republic

Until the end of the XIII century, Greenland Island was an independent territory, but soon the population recognized with his suzeraine King Norway. For this, the crown promised to supply products to the island and materials that residents could not get or produce independently. Despite the vassaly, there were own orders and laws on the island that differ from European.

After some time, Denmark should claim the biggest island. Territorial complaints They were fully justified, since not all Norwegians were able to adapt to a difficult climate, so many Danes came to the island. In 1536, Norway and Denmark united in one country, and Greenland legally entrenched Denmark.

Greenland - the largest island on Earth

Greenland Square - 2 130,800 km². Because of the high length of the island, the climate of one part is fundamentally different from the climate. Not everywhere in Greenland cold: in some places in summer time The temperature rises above +20 ° C, although it rarely rarely exceeds 0 ° C. In winter, the temperature drops below -20 ° C. The shore blows very cold winds, and in the summer it is covered with fog.

Despite the fact that the island is called the Green Earth, develop farming here. Mostly people are engaged in fishing or hunting for animals, and here inhabit: a polar bear, sands, reindeer. Island exports:

  1. Cod.
  2. Shrimp.
  3. Salmon.

Greenland is the largest island on the ground rich in minerals. On the island mining:

  1. Lead.
  2. Tin.
  3. Coal.
  4. Copper.

Colorful expanses of Greenland attract tourists from around the world. Enjoy the amazing landscapes and beauty of the island can at any time of the day. One of the most famous natural phenomena - northern Lights. It is best to watch from the beginning of autumn and until the middle of spring.

Flora and Fauna Island

The largest island of the Earth is the most sufficiently poor variety of vegetation. And here animal world Impressive: he is rich and unique. Greenland Square is huge, but there is no railwayAnd the length of all highways is 150 km. For the local population it is more convenient to use dog harmors.

The biggest island of land is difficult to call a favorable land for life, travel or research, but the beauty of the Arctic nature will not leave anyone indifferent. It helps to survive all the grave life on the island and not quite suitable conditions for recreation.