Population of Samoa. Western Samoa

Western Samoa is an almost untouched and quite amazing corner of our planet. It was here that the famous drama film “Return to Paradise” was filmed. heavenly place the great writer R. L. Stevenson decided to retire from civilization and spend his last years.

Thanks to coastline, volcanic landscapes and tropical forests, Western Samoa became wonderful place For active rest and hiking.

You can use a boat or canoe to explore the island, sometimes this is the only way to get to some uninhabited islands and atolls.

To others, no less in an accessible way transportation is a bicycle. You can have a great time cycling around the island of Savaii. Fishing - good view recreation, but this pleasure is not cheap, since exclusive fishing rights in local waters belong to residents of coastal villages.

The official name of this state since 1997 is the Independent State of Samoa, before which it was simply called Western Samoa. The fact is that the group of Samoan islands is divided in two, an independent state is located on the western islands, and an American trust territory, the so-called American Samoa. This division was associated with the civil war, which split Samoan society into two parts at the end of the 19th century. The western part - the islands of Upolu and Savaii - was captured by Germany, and the eastern part - Tutuila and Manua - by the USA. During the First World War that unfolded in Europe, the German part of the archipelago was captured by New Zealand without any resistance from the Germans, and was subsequently forced to grant the Samoans limited self-government, and then independence. By the way, Samoa is the first state in the Pacific Ocean - not counting New Zealand - to gain independence. Eastern Samoa remains American to this day, and it is unlikely that it will ever be reunited with its western part. There are several good reasons for this, the main one being the reluctance of the Eastern Samoans themselves to leave US custody. Although American Samoa is not included in the United States, Eastern Samoans have an excellent opportunity to go to the United States and obtain full American citizenship there. If they join an independent Samoa, they will lose such a privilege.

Geographically, the Samoan Islands are located in the very center of Polynesia, practically at the crossroads trade routes them from America to Australia and New Zealand. The islands have a very mountainous topography and are of distinct volcanic origin. On the island of Savaii is active volcano, although the last time it erupted was a hundred years ago, but it did not fall asleep, and the next eruption can be expected at any moment. However, this volcano is small, and its eruptions did not cause any noticeable damage to the local economy. The climate in Samoa is tropical; the islands are often hit by cyclones, with wind speeds often reaching 150-200 km/h. Despite the fact that Samoa is very far from all continents - Asia, Australia and America - a very large number of different plants grow on the islands, more than a third of which are endemic, that is, they cannot be found anywhere else. In contrast to the flora, the fauna in Samoa is very poor - only 8 species of endemic birds are found on the islands, and 35 were introduced by Europeans, or came to Samoa from Australia and Asia in other ways. And although there are a lot of insects - mainly butterflies, there is only one species of snakes and 7 species of lizards - that's all that Samoa can boast in this regard. But the marine fauna around the islands is very rich. Turtles, crabs, shellfish and fish are found in abundance in Samoa.

On Upolu, which is the main island of the archipelago, you can visit the wonderful museum of the English writer Robert Louis Stevenson, the center of traditional Polynesian art, the Samoan village museum and, of course, Paradise Beach. Those who wish can enjoy the beauty of the ocean by scuba diving, take part in fishing or delve into the nature of the interior of the island. The only city in Western Samoa that is also the capital is Apia. Despite the banks, offices and eateries that should have given it a modern touch, the city has retained its national charm. Landmarks for walking around the city can be the clock tower and the memorial erected in honor of those killed in the Second World War. To the west of the tower is Flea Market - a market where you can find very diverse and even interesting goods. There are electronics, clothing, sipao - local fabrics that are traditionally dyed with leaf juice and bark, and, of course, coconuts and precious shells. There are many churches scattered around Apia, the largest of which is the Catholic Church, which is located on the city's shore. The smaller Anglican Church has beautiful stained glass windows, and the relics of the missionary, the Rev. John Williams, who was one of the first to come to these islands, rest in the Congregational Christian Church. Apia has three hotels, an observatory, small businesses and government offices. The villages of the coastal region stretch from the center to the west.

Stevenson's estate is located on the outskirts of the capital. Here is also the tombstone of the English writer. When Stevenson died, the islanders worked around the clock to cut a path to the top of the hill. They wanted to bury their beloved "tusital" - which means "storyteller" - the next day with full honors.

On south coast Upolu, on its palm-fringed coastline, is a great place to unwind and unwind, enjoying the tranquility of the area. The best beaches considered "Return to Paradise", named after the film of the same name, beach complex Matareva and a number of other wonderful and well-equipped to conduct a full-fledged beach holiday places They abound quiet bays and small bodies of water that seem to be created specifically for snorkeling. To the east of Apia there are wonderful beaches with ideal places for swimming. Continuing along the coast, you can get to the eastern edge of the island and see the unforgettable reefs of the Aleipata region.

Another one of the places worthy of attention- this lake is Lake Lanoto'o, it is also called Goldfish Lake, today it is not very well known, but during the German occupation the lake was popular place rest, officers loved to relax here with their ladies. Today, the strange green water of the lake is filled with schools of goldfish that swim to the shores in search of food. No one has yet managed to reach the bottom of Lanoto'o, although many attempts have been made. It is so deep that diving to its bottom is dangerous without special diving equipment.

Savai'i is one of the largest Polynesian islands, and at the same time the most sparsely populated, partly because it is home to the unpredictable Matawanu volcano, and a large part of the island is covered with frozen magma on which nothing grows. The island has largely retained its original charm, and is almost untouched by Western civilization, and the lifestyle of the inhabitants has undergone less changes than even on Upolu. And of course, there is a lot amazing places for relaxation and diving. Tafua Rainforest, a wonderful rainforest reserve, is located on a stretch of coastline with caves, grottoes and lava fields. The lava fields were formed during the Matawan eruption of 1902-1911, and today form a spectacular landscape. Those who wish can take an unforgettable walk around the crater.

Between Savaii and Upolu, right in the strait, is Manono Island. This is very quiet place, where residents of the bustling capital like to spend their holidays. The government is making a lot of efforts to preserve the fragile ecosystem here. West of Manono the island of Apolima is lost. It consists of petrified lava flows. And the only village, whose population is only about 150 people, can only be reached by one tiny passage from the sea. To travel to Apolima you will need an invitation from one of the residents and a chartered yacht or boat. Those who, having overcome all difficulties, visited this island, claim that they have never experienced greater isolation from the world in their lives.

In September, Western Samoa hosts its biggest festival, the Teuila Festival, which affects almost all the islands. Its program includes choral singing, fire dancing, the traditional Siwa dance, and of course the Fautasi boat race. The Divers' Festival takes place a month earlier; it is a very interesting festival, giving those who wish to try their hand at the best sites, where pearl shells can be found. From mid to late February, the Argungu Cultural Festival and Fisherman's Festival takes place on the Sokoto River. It is dedicated to fishing, but also features duck hunting and other aquatic competitions. In August, during the Pategi Regatta, there is a celebration that can probably be considered the most grandiose. The key point of this festival is a competition in long canoes, in which all the men of the clan often participate, this turns the competition into a struggle between clans, and gives the race a special spice.

Samoa - Western and east island. About children's misconceptions about Polynesia after reading books by Stevenson and Jules Verne...

The plane, its turbines roaring and overcoming the gravity of the Earth, rose above the trees and while the threads of rain and strong side winds that accompanied our flight from Samoa danced a frenzied dance on the surfaces of the Boeing. Until the gray clouds in several layers that entangled this place in the Pacific Ocean hid the picture below (and they hid it so quickly that I didn’t even have time to get my iPhone ready to take photos), I captured the beautiful transitions from turquoise to aquamarine, as well as the white borders of the sea foam and lemon-cream contour of sandy shores...

-Fuck! And where was all this? - an alarming thought flashed - Maybe I missed it somewhere?

But the passing blue outlines of the pool and still visible sun loungers around put everything in its place - this is a resort. This is not Samoa. This is an exception for honeymooners and the elderly - the main contingent of tourists who come here.
The Rest The most appeared for a second and immediately disappeared behind the thick gray cotton wool - a wild downpour began charging from the night, making a commercial break and then covering the space around with triple the energy of the flood.

The rest: whitish-turquoise water near the shore (knee-deep + sharp coral formations in the form of pumice with sharp teeth, on which I have already injured my knee and palm), a gray reef barrier and a blue ocean lazily dangling with large pussies of waves.
I deliberately left Samoa, having lost quite a lot of money on exchanging non-returnable tickets and abandoning the car, paid for for a week in advance, at the island’s airport.

I left 2 days after arriving.
Why so fast? Yes, because I no longer saw the point in masturbating in search of an awesome beach a la Boracay or Cuba…. Well, or at the end a la the Red Sea of ​​Egypt... There are no such corners here. As well as special natural beauties that you could enjoy for days on end. All waterfalls are monotonous and washed out. Landscape in a crater with grazing cows...

Yes it's beautiful. But to repeat this day after day and sacrifice days of your life for this? Nope...
I didn’t find any adventures or activities other than a couple of scows with divers’ cylinders and a couple of boats with school holders with exorbitant prices for a trip in depth or in search of tuna or marlin.
Even with the natives it was not possible to agree on the rental of their Polynesian boats...

All that remains is a seal rest in the shallow waters in front of the resort with a price for a bungalow starting from 200 US dollars and lying on a sun lounger with a book... And this is a 5-hour flight from Australia (you still need to get to Australia). You wonder: is it worth such a waste of health and money. My answer: NOT WORTH IT.

You can blame me, as for example Borracho is doing now - like your eyes are blurry... you constantly travel and that’s why you got greedy.
But no. Not at all like that.
I didn’t get greedy, I just have the opportunity to compare and boldly make a choice, without trying to find diamonds in my ass.
I see absolutely no point in traveling around the islands of Oceania. Unless you have a goal to spend a lot of money by increasing your image conditional level and waste the time allotted from above. Everyone's business. I proceed from the principle: if I don’t like it, I don’t eat it. Someone may follow the axiom “soap is not soap - money paid - you have to eat”...

Here. My verdict: all the islands of Oceania, accessible to reach for reasonable money, are similar to each other based on their historical birth: volcanic - will be the same in the center, side and bottom. Coral formations, attols - similarly.
The theory is based on the practice of telling two coral formations: the Galapagos and Samoa, the practice of advertising marketing and human psychology - if you have visited, then you should praise the place, otherwise it turns out that you spent your money in vain...

I don’t consider atolls because I haven’t been to them and I’m generally in no hurry. It seemed to me a little that I would rather explore the islands in the Caribbean Sea.
More economical and practical.
What are your impressions of Samoa?

Quote from Sergei Vinsky, said by Borracho several times during yesterday: standing on a frozen slab of porous chocolate of solidified lava, lying in the sea at knee-deep depth in front of sharp pitfalls, sitting in a car on board a ferry under a furious downpour...

This is your Samoa...

I put a bold point on the islands of Polynesia, Macronesia, etc. and I won't go here again.
I wish the same for you...

Regarding the island of Savaii, which we arrived at yesterday morning by ferry and left safely today:
cost of transporting a car: 80 tala including driver
passenger transportation cost: 12 tala
Travel time 1.5 hours

Tickets for the car are sold at the Samoa Shipping Co office located in Apia
The pier from which ferries leave for Savaii is located 40 km from the city.
Ferries run 3 times a day, except Tuesday: only one ferry.
On the island of Savaii itself, ferry tickets are sold immediately at the pier.

There is an asphalt road around the island good quality. The island itself seemed more rural and wild. It’s not just that the fucking people are interesting, but that the tourist infrastructure is not particularly visible.

But the volcanic origin of the island is very noticeable: black streams of solidified lava descending to the water and stunted vegetation on it.
Reminds me a lot Galapagos Islands, but only without birds and seals. But with people.

Beach nearby Cape Tapaga, Upolu
What caught my eye was the strip of white sand that flashed after many kilometers of thickets and outright hackwork in the form of an obscene sea.
Stopped right away. At some backpacker monastery: there are small palm bungalows on curia legs along the shore without amenities or electricity - fale are called here. Since my plans for Samoa coincided with Borracho’s plans: to live in normal conditions, on a normal beach for several days. Swim and acclimatize. Take leisurely drives from the beach around the area…. And this place did not meet the level of comfortable living... we decided to at least take a swim.
Bottom line: in shallow water near the shore you can lie in warm water (more than 30 Celsius). Further (noticeable from the photo - the water is a different color, darker) there are razor-sharp coral slabs and even smaller ones.
In addition, we were immediately asked to get out of the water and go to the manager. The manager was not found. They were very hungry, but they refused to feed us, sending us again to the elusive manager, from which I concluded that in order to swim here or eat in a restaurant, you need to buy a residence permit in a bungalow without water and electricity. Why is this necessary? About food in Samoa

In Samoa they don't know how to cook at all. I order meat. They answer that it’s local and not ice cream. From local cows. They bring something in jelly, I can’t even cut it with a knife.
Fish only tuna. In general, it’s already dry in structure, but here it’s baked on the grill... From shells, only imported kiwi from Zealand.

Borracho adds:

In general, the Samoan islands are the only ones I have been to where fish is present almost in the form of canned food.
I understand that people are God-fearing, terrible on the face, but kind inside. But for example, a Cuban you don’t like with a wretched inflatable tube from a wheel or a raft made from the remains of the foam thermal insulation of an old refrigerator, sailing somewhere a hundred meters from the Malecon in Havana, will catch more fish in a day than the entire catch at the fish market in Apia. Or the 65-year-old father of a Cuban friend of mine, with a homemade spearfishing gun, old fins held together from different parts with wire, and a bottle fresh water on the belt from 8 am to 4 pm...

It's better not to ask. Is it logical to sell ferry tickets at the pier? Logical. Following this logic and without specifying, you risk getting on the ferry only by leaving your car on
shore - you have to buy a ticket for it in the city.

We drove around the island and decided to go back to Australia.
We stopped at the airport today. Changed tickets. And we are now flying back to Sydney.

I think we’ll rent a car there and slowly drive to the Fraser Coast. Past the Gold Coast, past Brisbane...
So, the island epic is over quickly and fearlessly: $1000 down the drain.

We arrived in Sydney. We changed our tickets and will be on the Fraser Coast on April 3 (Shamasha, we will meet you at the airport on the 5th), and now in the area Blue Mountains. You can't see the mountains because it's dark and it's raining. But we have a bottle of rum with us mobile connection(Beeline did not work in Samoa) and there is Internet (in Samoa there are problems with it, and 20 tala per hour is not very budget-friendly).
Tala rate 2.85 per US dollar

Independent State of Samoa(Samoan: Malo Sa'oloto Tuto'atasi o Samoa, English: Independent State of Samoa) is an island state in the South Pacific Ocean, occupying the western part of the archipelago of the same name. Previous names were German Samoa (1900–1914) and Western Samoa (1914–1997). It was admitted to the United Nations on December 15, 1976, and has been a member of the Commonwealth of Nations since 1970.

The capital of the country, the city of Apia, is located on the island of Upolu, which is one of the two most large islands State of Samoa.

Etymology of the name

The exact origin of the country's name is unknown. There are several versions.

According to one of them, "Samoa" is a shortened form of the word "Sa-ia-Moa", which is translated from the Samoan language as "sacred to Moa". One of the legends associated with this version is that the god of the Universe Tagaloa had a son named Moa and a daughter named Lu. After getting married, Lou gave birth to a son, whom she also named Lou. One night, while sleeping, Tagaloa heard his grandson Lu singing the words "Moa-Lu, Moa-Lu." After a while, Lu changed their order and began to sing “Lu-Moa, Lu-Moa,” that is, putting his name before the name of his uncle Moa. Tagaloa, hearing this, became very angry, considering his grandson too arrogant. He asked Lou to scratch his back. As Lou began to do this, Tagaloa grabbed the boy and began beating him. Frightened, Lou ran away and went to live on earth. Tagaloa also warned his grandson to honor his uncle Moa. Lou remembered the order already on earth and decided to name his new home “Sa-ia-Moa”. Subsequently, this name was transformed into “Samoa”.

However, another version is most popular among local residents. Samoans indicate that "Moa" means either "center" or "chicken" (however, in the Manu'a Islands this word is not used in this context; there the word "manu" is used for chicken). Therefore, the name of the state can be translated from the Samoan language as “the sacred center of the universe” or as “the place of the moa” (the moa is a local poultry that resembles a chicken).

In addition, “Moa” is the surname given to holders of the royal title of Tuimanua.


The Samoan islands, like the islands of Fiji and Tonga, were, as some scientists believe, inhabited in the 5th century AD. e. during the migration of representatives of the Lapita culture from the Bismarck Islands located in Western Melanesia.

According to other sources, settlement took place at the turn of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. e. The Samoan Islands were one of the centers of formation of Polynesian culture. It was from Samoa that the development of the islands and atolls of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean began.

There is very little reliable information about the history of Samoa before the arrival of Europeans there. From legends and traditions, as well as from materials from a few archaeological excavations, it is known that there was a constant bloody rivalry for dominance in the region between the tribes inhabiting Samoa, Fiji and Tonga. The empire of Tu'i Pulotu (Tonga) was replaced by the empire of Tu'i Manu'a (Samoa), and this was replaced by Tu'i Tonga (c. 950 AD). Aristocratic families were linked by marriage, which maintained the cultural and historical closeness of the states.

By the mid-17th century, Samoan ports carried out the main trading functions in the region, both within Polynesia and in trade with Europeans.

The European discoverer of the islands was the Dutch traveler Jacob Roggeveen, who landed on Samoa in 1722. Subsequently, in 1768, the French navigator Louis Antoine de Bougainville visited the archipelago, calling it the Navigator Islands. Until the 1830s, when English missionaries and traders began arriving on the islands, contact with foreigners was very limited. In August 1830, John Williams, a member of the London Missionary Society, began his missionary work in Samoa. The Samoans had a reputation as a wild and warlike people, which resulted from frequent clashes between local residents and the French, British, Germans and Americans, who used Samoa until the end of the 19th century to refuel steamships with coal. By this time, the process of decomposition of the primitive communal system and the formation of a class society was underway in Samoa: the islanders were divided into nobility and ordinary members of the community, and quite large territorial associations arose led by the supreme leaders.

By the middle of the 19th century, rivalry flared up between Germany, Britain and the United States for control of the islands, which was expressed in sending warships to the islands, supporting the warring Samoan leaders, supplying them with weapons, organizing training, and even direct participation in internecine clashes. Already from the middle of the 19th century, these three states began to increase their presence in Samoa: in 1847, Britain opened its consulate in Apia; it was followed by the United States in 1853 and Germany in 1861. In 1881, the rivals agreed to recognize High Chief Malietoa Laupepa as the Samoan king, but King Laupepa in 1885 entered into open conflict with the Germans, who responded by supporting his main rival Tamasese. Taking advantage of Germany's virtual domination of Samoa and the lack of unity among the British and Americans, the Germans overthrew Laupepa in 1887, sent him into exile, and proclaimed Tamasese king. The German captain Brandeis, appointed prime minister, imposed heavy taxes on all Samoans and, relying on German warships, tried to strengthen his position on the islands through bloody repressions. These actions led to a series of protests among the indigenous people. The dissatisfied leader was led by the leader Mataafa, who was very popular. After the victory of Mataafa's warriors over Tamasese's troops, the German authorities had to recall Brandeis. Stung by this failure, the German consul ordered an attack from the sea on the villages of Mataafa's supporters.

Concerned about the aggressive actions of the Germans, the governments of Britain and the United States sent armed forces to the islands to defend their interests. This led to eight years civil war, actually inspired by opposing external forces. All three countries sent their warships to Apia, and a large-scale war seemed inevitable, but on March 16, 1889, a severe storm caused serious damage to the fleet, which led to the end of the military conflict. As a result of the Berlin Agreement, a protectorate of three powers was established over the islands.

However, already in 1899, the Samoan islands were divided into two parts (the dividing line ran along 171° W): the eastern group, now known as “American Samoa,” became US territory (Tituila islands in 1900, Manua in 1905); western islands received the name "German Samoa", and Britain renounced its claims in exchange for the return of Fiji and some other Melanesian territories.

Wilhelm Solf, who later became Secretary of the Colonies of the German Empire, was appointed the first German governor. During the years of German rule, there were constant protests against the colonial regime in the country. The largest uprising, which was brutally suppressed by German troops, occurred in 1908.

Samoa in the 20th century

On August 29, 1914, a New Zealand detachment of 1,374 people landed on Upolu with the aim of capturing a German radio station. Having received no resistance from the Germans, the New Zealanders quickly took possession of the islands.

From the end of the First World War until 1962, Samoa was administered by New Zealand, initially under a mandate from the League of Nations and later by the UN. About a fifth of Samoa's population died as a result of the 1918–19 influenza epidemic, partly because New Zealand authorities failed to enforce a quarantine.

In the early 1920s, Western Samoans founded the patriotic organization Mau (Opinion) with the slogan "Samoa for Samoans", a non-violent people's movement against the mistreatment of the Samoan people by the New Zealand administration. Mau was led by Olaf Frederick Nelson, half Samoan and half Swedish. Among the forms of protest used were non-payment of taxes, cessation of work on plantations, disobedience to the colonial court, and the creation of their own governing bodies. Nelson was exiled from the country during the 1920s and early 1930s, but continued to support the organization financially and politically.

On 28 December 1929, the newly elected leader of the Tupua movement, Tamasese Lealofi, led the Mau in a peaceful demonstration in Apia. New Zealand police attempted to arrest one of the demonstration leaders, which led to a clash. The police began firing indiscriminately into the crowd with a Lewis machine gun. The leader of the Tamasese movement, who tried to bring calm and order among the demonstrators, was killed. Another 10 demonstrators died on the same day, and 50 received bullet wounds and injuries as a result of police actions. This day in Samoa is known as Black Saturday. Despite constant repression, the Mau grew, remaining a nonviolent movement.

After World War II, Western Samoa changed from a mandate to a trust territory of New Zealand, which began implementing political reforms, including granting the territory limited self-government. In 1961, a referendum was held in which the residents of Western Samoa voted in favor of independence. An agreement was signed with New Zealand, according to which it assumed the defense of Western Samoa, as well as its representation in relations with foreign states. On January 1, 1962, Western Samoa became the first Pacific island state who gained independence.

In July 1997, amendments were made to the country's constitution, establishing the new name of the state - "Samoa", under which it joined the UN in 1976. The administration of American Samoa protested against the renaming, arguing that it called into question the national identity of American Samoa itself. In American Samoa, the expressions “Western Samoa” and “Western Samoan” are still used to refer to Samoa and its inhabitants.

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of both Samoans belong to the same nation and have the same language, there are cultural differences between them. People from Eastern Samoa tend to migrate to Hawaii and the continental United States, and the residents themselves adopt specific American hobbies, such as American football and baseball. People from Western Samoa are usually oriented towards New Zealand, whose influence can be seen in the great popularity of rugby and cricket.

Political structure

The 1960 Constitution, which came into force after independence, established a republican (de facto), (de jure) federal elective absolute monarchy form of government based on the Westminster parliamentary system combined with local traditions and customs.


The country's legislative body is a unicameral parliament - the National Legislative Assembly (Fono Aoao Faitulafono). It consists of one representative each from 41 territorial constituencies, six additional members, as well as two deputies elected by people included in the special electoral lists of citizens of non-Samoan origin. Only citizens of Samoa have the right to be elected to the assembly. Deputies are elected on the basis of universal suffrage. The term of office of deputies is 5 years.

At the first meeting after the elections, members of parliament elect a speaker from among themselves.

The head of state of Samoa can at any time call a recess in the work of parliament, as well as dissolve it after consultations with the prime minister of the country.

The Samoan Parliament has the power to make laws through the passage of bills. Once a bill is approved by parliament, it is sent to the head of state, who must sign or reject the bill on the recommendation of the prime minister.

Executive branch

The executive power of Samoa is concentrated in the hands of the head of state.

The title of the head of state in the Samoan language is called O le Ao o le Malo (Samoan: O le Ao o le Malö), which can be translated as “chief of the government”: ao is a title of chiefs, little means “government”.

In 1962, when Samoa gained independence, two paramount chiefs, Malietoa Tanumafili II and Tupua Tamasese Meaola, were given lifelong rights to serve as head of state. Tupua Tamasese Meaole died in 1963, Malietoa Tanumafili II died on 11 May 2007, aged 95. At that time, he was the oldest living monarch in the whole world. His successor Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi (Tupua Tamasese's eldest son Meaole) was elected by parliament to serve as head of state for a constitutional term of five years on 17 June 2007.

According to the Constitution, the head of state (with the exception of the first two O le Ao o le Malo) is elected by the Legislative Assembly from among its members for 5 years and can be re-elected an unlimited number of times. The head of state has mainly representative functions, but has the right to veto decisions of parliament. In fact, only members of the Malietoa and Tupua families are vying for this post.

The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible for the overall direction and control of the country's executive branch, and is also collectively responsible to Parliament. The Cabinet of Ministers is headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the head of state on the recommendation of Parliament. Also, the head of state, on the advice of the Prime Minister, appoints at least eight and no more than twelve ministers of the country from among the deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Judicial branch

Samoa's judicial system consists of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Magistrates' Courts, Village Fono and Land and Titles Court.

The Supreme Court of Samoa is the court of first instance in criminal and civil cases. It consists of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and several judges. The chairman is appointed by the head of state on the recommendation of the prime minister. Other judges of the Supreme Court can only be persons who have practiced as barristers in Samoa or another state provided for by Samoan law for at least 8 years. They are appointed by the head of state on the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission.

The Supreme Court also hears appeals from decisions of the Magistrates' Court for claims amounting to $40 or more.

The Chief Justice and his fellow judges constitute the Court of Appeals, which hears appeals from Supreme Court decisions in claims of $400 or more.

The constitution also provides for the creation of a magistrate's court, or faamasino fesoasoani, which hears civil claims whose amount does not exceed $40 (in some cases up to $200), as well as criminal cases in which the amount of damages does not exceed $40 (in some cases up to $200). ..

The Magistrates' Court operates under the Magistrates' Court Act 1969. He handles civil claims whose amount does not exceed $1,000, as well as criminal cases in which the amount of damages does not exceed $1,000.

Electoral districts

The country is divided into 41 electoral districts, called faipule (Samoan: faipule). They do not perform any administrative functions. All Samoan citizens over 21 years of age are entitled to vote.

Local government

At the local level, villages and districts are governed by matai. The village is inhabited by several aing (communities). The head of the most noble ainga is the matai of the entire village. He sits on the village council (Fono) along with the heads of other communities. Ten to twelve villages make up the district. IN guest house the most influential village gathers a district council, in which the heads of all villages participate.

Foreign policy

Samoa is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies, the Asian Development Bank, the Pacific Islands Forum, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization (as an observer) and other international organizations.

Diplomatic relations between the USSR and Western Samoa were established in 1976. However, there is no Russian embassy in Samoa. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to this country (concurrently) since July 28, 2004 is Mikhail Nikolaevich Lysenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Russian Federation in New Zealand.


The country is located in the western part of the Samoan archipelago between 171°20’ and 172°50’ West. and between 14°10’ and 13°20’S. The total land area is 2935 km² and includes two large islands - Savaii (1825 km²) and Upolu (1100 km²) - and six small ones, of which only Manono and Apolima are inhabited. Samoa has 130,000 km² of exclusive coastal economic zone and 23,100 hectares of reefs and lagoons (no more than 5 m deep). The country borders territorial waters Tokelau - in the north; American Samoa - in the east; Tonga - in the south; Wallis and Futuna Islands in the southwest and Tuvalu in the northwest.


The relief of the islands that make up Samoa is predominantly mountainous, since the islands are a continuation of an underwater ridge of volcanic origin. The highest points are Silisili (Savai) (1,857 m) and Fito (1,115 m) (Upolu). The peaks on the two large islands are cut by deep gorges containing wide valleys. The slopes facing the sea are mostly steep and steep. The coastline is narrow, indented by lagoons and coral reefs. It is in the low-lying coastal strip between mountain ranges and the sea are concentrated Samoan villages.

The Russian navigator O. E. Kotzebue, who visited Samoa in 1824, wrote about “the generosity of local nature, dressing even the steepest cliffs in a green outfit.”


The climate of Western Samoa is humid tropical. Average annual temperature 26.5 °C, annual amplitude does not exceed 2 °C.

Based on the amount of precipitation, the year is divided into 2 seasons: wet (November - April), when trade wind circulation is often disrupted by cyclones coming from the northwest, and drier (May - October), at which time southeast trade winds predominate on the islands. The plains receive 2000-3000 mm of precipitation per year; their number increases with height and reaches 5000-7000 mm. More rain falls on windward (southern and eastern) slopes than on leeward (northern and western) slopes. The average relative humidity is 80%. The average relative humidity is 80% and the average annual sunshine is 2500.

The predominant wind direction is northeast, which accounts for 80% of the wet season and 50% of the dry season. Average wind speeds are about 20 km/h with gusts up to 48 km/h.

Samoa is periodically affected by tropical cyclones. In 1990 and 1991, cyclones Ofa and Val hit the islands, with wind speeds reaching 180 km/h. The most devastating hurricane for the country was the Hurricane of the Century, which hit Western Samoa in January 1966. The wind speed reached 200 km/h.

Geological structure

Seismographs at the observatory in the city of Apia quite often record tremors, but these tremors have not yet caused destruction. Although all the islands are volcanic in origin, only Savaii can be called volcanically active. The last major eruption dates back to 1700, smaller ones - 1904-1906. Part of the territory of the island of Savaii, covered with young lavas, is almost devoid of vegetation. However, in other areas, as a result of erosion and weathering of older volcanic rocks, fertile soils were formed. There are especially many such lands on the island of Upolu.

No mineral resources have been found in the country.

Water resources

Samoa is washed on all sides by the Pacific Ocean. The islands of Upolu and Savai'i are separated by the Apolima Strait, which contains the smaller islands of Manono and Apolima.

More than 3/4 of the country's population has access to tap water. However, large amounts of water are lost due to leakage due to poor infrastructure and poorly maintained water pipes.

Samoa's volcanic origins have had a major impact on the area, which is replete with small rivers and waterfalls, except for the western part of Upolu and most of Savai'i. The traditional sources of fresh water for the local population in these areas are groundwater and rainwater. In Savaii, rivers are used for these purposes, despite the fact that they are located closer to the coast. During the dry season, reservoirs often dry up. In many areas, the amount of water supplied is insufficient to meet drinking and hygiene needs.

In Apia, the quantity and quality of fresh water supplied is decreasing due to the inability of water pipes to cope with the fast flows of rivers, which are the main source of fresh water in the capital. Some areas of Savaii also experience severe water shortages throughout the year. Local residents meet their needs by collecting rainwater in cisterns.

Despite heavy rainfall, almost all the water evaporates and is also absorbed by the porous soil within 3-6 months after the end of the rainy season.


Most of the soils located in the mountainous areas of the islands are formed from volcanic ash. Most of it contains olivine basalt, but is poor in potassium and phosphorus. However, frequent precipitation and favorable temperature conditions help to increase its fertility.

In Samoa there are differences between the soils of the mountains, uplands and lowlands. IN mountainous areas There is a tendency for the thickness of the soil layer to increase with height, although, as a rule, the soils of these areas of Samoa are not used for agricultural purposes.

Flora and fauna

The flora of Samoa is diverse (there are about 775 plant species, of which 30% are endemic to the archipelago). Among the plants there are lat. Atuna racemosa, lat. Bischofia javanica, lat. Canarium harveyi, lat. Glochidion ramiflorum, lat. Gnetum gnemon, lat. Hoya australis, lat. Macaranga harveyana. Two-thirds of the islands' surface is occupied by tropical rainforests, which are characterized by an abundance of tree ferns. There are valuable species with very hard wood. Large-leaved myrtles and orchids are common. Forests are located mainly on mountain slopes, while cultivated plantations predominate on the coast. At the peaks the most high mountains forests are replaced by small forests and shrubs. 150 species of Samoan plants are used for medicinal purposes.

The fauna of Samoa, like other Polynesian islands, is relatively poor. Before humans appeared on the islands, bats lived on land and dolphins lived in coastal waters. Ancient Polynesian sailors brought dogs and pigs here, and Europeans brought cattle and horses. Rats also entered the islands with the ships and settled throughout the archipelago.

Birds are much more diverse (honey plants, weed chickens, pigeons, small parrots, etc.). In total, 43 species of birds permanently live on the island, of which 8 are endemic, for example, the scalloped pigeon. The Polynesians brought chickens here, and the Europeans brought other poultry. Reptiles include lizards (7 species) and snakes (1 species). There are many insects, especially butterflies (21 species). There are turtles and crabs along the coast.

Ocean waters abound in fish, including valuable commercial species. Far from the shores there are sharks, tuna, mackerel, swordfish, and in shallow waters there are mullet and conger eels. Numerous mollusks live on coral reefs.

Administrative structure

The territory of Samoa is divided into 11 itumalo (districts), which were formed even before Europeans arrived on the islands. Each district has its own constitutional structure (faavae), based on the traditional order of precedence of titles in each district's faalupege (traditional greeting).

The village which is administrative center district, conducts district affairs, coordinating its decisions with the centers of other districts. For example, the center of Aana County is Leulumoega. The paramount chief of Aana bears the title TuiAana. The council of chiefs that grants this title, Faleiva (House of Nine), sits in Leulumoega. Similar cases are being conducted in other districts. Thus, for example, in the Tuamasaga district the title of paramount chief is called Malietoa and is conferred by the Fale Tuamasaga Council of Chiefs sitting in Afega.


According to the 1986 census, 157 thousand people lived in the country. By 2004, the population increased to 177.7 thousand. As of July 2007, Samoa had an estimated population of 214,265, of which 92.6% were Samoans, 7% were descendants of European-Polynesian marriages, and 0.4% were Europeans. More than 70% of the country's population lives on Upolu, although this island is one and a half times smaller than Savai'i, where 28% of Samoans live. The islands of Manono and Apolima account for about 1% of the population. The remaining small islands are uninhabited. The vast majority of residents are concentrated on the coasts; the interior of both large islands is very sparsely populated. The most densely populated areas are the northwestern coast of Upolu and the area of ​​the capital, Apia.

28.3% of the population belongs to the age group under 15 years, 65.5% to the group from 15 to 65 years and 6.3% to over 65 years. The birth rate is estimated at 15.69 people per 1000 inhabitants, mortality - 6.47 per 1000, emigration - 11.59 per 1000. Infant mortality is 28.72 per 1000 births. In recent years, there has been a continuing downward trend in the population of Samoa (this is explained by the fact that young people are leaving abroad, mainly to New Zealand, in search of work).

Mass emigration from Samoa is explained by the backwardness of the local economy. Young people are leaving the country in search of work or for higher earnings, and also because of dissatisfaction with traditional orders, which, in their opinion, do not correspond to the realities of the modern world. The main flow of migration is directed to New Zealand. Some emigrants, having saved money or completed their studies, return to their homeland, while others send their families to live with them and leave Samoa forever.


98% of Samoans profess Christianity. The share of Congregationalists is 35.5%, Catholics - 19.6%, Methodists - 15%, LDS followers - 12.7%, Assemblies of God followers - 6.6%, Seventh-day Adventists - 3.5%.

The head of state until 2007, Malietoa Tanumafili II, was an adherent of the Baha'i religion. Samoa is home to one of the seven Houses of Worship of the Baha'i religion, founded in 1984. It is located in Tiapapata, 8 km from Apia.


The official languages ​​are Samoan and English. Samoan is a Polynesian language belonging to the Oceanian zone of the Austronesian language family.

Samoan writing is based on the Latin script. Samoan writing was created by missionaries back in 1834. Textbooks, religious literature, as well as laws and government regulations are published mainly in Samoan. The country publishes a government newsletter in Samoan, and two private weeklies with articles in English and Samoan. Both of these languages ​​are used in their broadcasts by local radio and television.


Taro, an agricultural root vegetable, has traditionally been Samoa's main export, accounting for more than 50% of exports in 1993. However, due to the destruction of fields due to a fungal disease, since 1994 taro has accounted for less than 1% of exports.

Advantages: The growth of light industry attracts foreign firms, mainly Japanese. Rapid growth due to improved infrastructure for tourism and the introduction of offshore companies in the service sector. Agriculture in tropical conditions allows exports mainly of taro, coconut oil and milk, cocoa and copra.

Weaknesses: Cyclones make development difficult. Unstable international markets copra and cocoa. Poor transport system. Dependence on foreign aid and remittances from citizens living abroad.

Samoa's economy has traditionally depended on humanitarian aid, private transfers from foreign countries and exports of agricultural products. Agriculture employs two-thirds of the country's workforce and produces 90% of the country's exports, including cream of coconut, coconut oil, noni (noni fruit juice), bananas, copra, and others.

The country's gross domestic product (GDP) (at purchasing power parity) in 2006 was US$1.218 billion. According to 2004 data, the manufacturing sector is the main component of GDP (58.4%), followed by the service sector (30.2%), and agriculture (11.4%). Samoa's working population is estimated at 90,000.

Industry and energy

In 1967, a large American company built a timber processing complex on the island of Savaii and began harvesting valuable wood species. However, her predatory actions angered the Samoan government. In 1977, it terminated the agreement with this company, acquired all of the company's property and took control of the logging operations. Most of the timber produced is exported.

In addition to the timber industry, the country's industry consists of several small enterprises. These are a soap factory and a brewery, a clothing factory, a factory for the production of furniture, coconut oil, cookies, ice cream and Coca-Cola. The authorities encourage the development of folk arts and crafts. A special government organization is engaged in the export of products of folk craftsmen.

35% of the required electricity is generated by hydroelectric power plants; the remaining electricity needs are met by imported fossil fuels.


Tourism is a growing sector that currently accounts for 25% of GDP. The number of tourists increased from 70,000 in 1996 to 100,000 in 2005. The Samoan government announced a reduction in the government's role in regulating the financial sector and promoting investment. Observers note that labor market flexibility is the basis for economic growth opportunities. The development of the tourism sector has been greatly facilitated by investment in construction hotel infrastructure, political instability in neighboring countries and the government’s agreement with Virgin Airlines to launch regular passenger flights.

Among the main sites visited by tourists:

  • Apia - Among the attractions of the capital of Samoa is a memorial tower dedicated to the victims of World War II, a flea market and many churches;
  • The Robert Louis Stevenson Museum is the writer’s house, located four kilometers from Apia;
  • South coast Upolu - beaches of Samoa: Matareva, Salamuma and Aganoa, Coral reefs Aleipata;
  • Rock Papasea - a five-meter descent from the waterfall into a small Forest Lake;
  • Savaii - Tafua and Falealupo nature reserves, Olemoe waterfalls, Taga geysers.
Agriculture and fishing

Samoa is an agricultural country, and 77% of its population lives in rural areas. Favorable climatic conditions allow the cultivation of a large number of tropical and subtropical fruits. During the period of German colonization, the country produced mainly copra. German traders and settlers actively expanded plantations and introduced new crops, in particular cocoa and rubber, importing workers from China and Melanesia to care for them. When natural rubber prices plummeted at the end of World War II, the New Zealand government began encouraging banana cultivation to satisfy its own market.

Today Samoa's main products are copra, cocoa and bananas. Exports of agricultural products in 2001 were estimated at US$5.1 million. The cocoa produced is of high quality and is used in New Zealand chocolate production. Despite good conditions for growing coffee, stable production has not been established. Rubber has been produced in the country for many years, but its export has little impact on the country's economy.

Samoa also has great fish resources. However, fishing is predominantly of a consumer nature and is carried out, as a rule, from traditional double-hulled boats - catamarans. Due to the lack of sea fishing vessels, modern freezing equipment and fish canning factories, the country not only cannot export fish, but is even forced to import fish products from abroad. Therefore, the government considers one of its urgent tasks to be the creation of its own fishing industry.

Transport and communications

The country has 2,100 km of roads, mostly rural. Valid ferry service between the islands of Upolu and Savai'i, as well as from Pago Pago (American Samoa). The international airport in Faleolo (34 km from Apia) can receive aircraft up to heavy Boeing 747. Provision of cell phones - 130 pcs. per thousand population (2003-2004).


The currency of Samoa is the tala, which is divided into 100 sene (“tala” and “sene” are equivalent to the words “dollar” and “cent”). The tala was introduced in 1967 and replaced the Samoan pound at the rate of 2 tala = 1 pound (equal to the New Zealand dollar). The tala rate remained equal to the New Zealand dollar rate until 1975. The symbol WS$ is usually used to denote currency; the symbols SAT, ST and T are also used.

Foreign economic relations

The main exports have traditionally been fish, clothing, coconut oil, coconut cream, beer and copra. The main imports are bicycles, equipment, construction materials and consumer goods. Main partners - export: Australia (63%), USA, import: New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, USA and Japan.

Member of the international organization of African Countries, Caribbean and Pacific Region (ACP).



The traditional Samoan way of life (called faa Samoa) remains an important component of Samoan life and politics. Having been exposed to European influence for centuries, the Samoans nevertheless maintained their historical traditions, preserved their social and political structure, and their language.

Samoan culture is based on the principle of walealoai - a specific system of relationships between people. This relationship is based on respect (faaaloalo). When Christianity was brought to Samoa by missionaries, most of the population accepted it. Currently, 98% of the population identifies as Christian. The remaining 2% either identify themselves as non-religious or belong to other faiths.

Most Samoans live in traditional oval huts (fales). The roof is made from pandanus or coconut palm leaves and rests on wooden pillars. There are no walls, but at night and in bad weather, the openings between the pillars are covered with mats, which are rolled up and stored under the roof (along its perimeter). The floor is laid out with smooth large pebbles. Nowadays there are fales with an iron roof.

The main socio-economic unit of Samoan society is the community (ainga), which consists of three to four generations of immediate male relatives, women who came into the community by marriage, and persons included in it as a result of adoption. Members of the aingi (on average 40-50 people) jointly own the land and jointly perform all labor-intensive work.


Like many other Polynesian islands, Samoans have two types of tattoos for different genders. Tattoos for men are called tatau and consist of complex geometric designs placed from the knees to the ribs. A man with such a tattoo is called a sogaimichi. Samoan girls (teine) are given a mala that extends from just below the knees to the top of the thighs.

music and dancing

The traditional Samoan women's dance is the siwa. This dance is similar to the Hawaiian hula - the dancers “tell” their “story” with smooth movements of their arms and legs to the beat of the music. Male Samoan dances are more aggressive and energetic. Sasa is a male Samoan dance in which rows of dancers perform quick synchronized movements to the beat of drums or rolled mats. Its name is translated from Samoan as “slap” because it involves slapping different parts of the body.


The Robert Louis Stevenson Museum (Vailima, 4 km from Apia) is the house in which Stevenson spent the last years of his life (1890-1894). The writer's grave is located nearby. The writer's house and the entire estate have been declared a nature reserve. The official residence of the head of state is located here.

The National Museum (Apia) houses a variety of exhibits in three halls that tell the history of the country. Some of the exhibits are kept in museums and private collections in New Zealand, the USA, Australia and Germany. For example, tapas - traditional printed fabrics made from sun-dried vegetable paste and therefore very fragile - are on display at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra. All foreign museums and galleries pledged to return exhibits after creating appropriate conditions for their storage. All museum exhibits can be divided into two categories: archaeological artifacts and handicraft items. The age of the most ancient objects is more than 1000 years BC: these are mainly stone axes and chisels.


Expenditures on education (2002–2004) amounted to 4.3% of GDP. Samoa is characterized by a high literacy rate of the population - 98.6% (2005). The proportion of the illiterate population aged 15 to 24 years is 0.5%. This is explained by the fact that the country has a wide network of primary public and private church schools, in which 3/4 of children aged 7-12 years study. Compulsory education includes ten-year schools, which admit children at the age of five. Teaching is conducted in Samoan, but English is intensively studied. Schools were created at the beginning of the 20th century by missionaries.

Some children (66% - 2004) study in secondary schools, and can also receive special education at the College of Tropical Agriculture, the College of Commerce, as well as several vocational and trade schools. Hundreds of Samoans have completed higher education abroad, mostly in New Zealand.

Higher education in the country is represented by the National University of Samoa, the University of the South Pacific, the Samoa Polytechnic University and the Oceanic Medical University.

Samoa is a founding member of the University of the South Pacific, main building which is located in Suva (Fiji), and the Samoan - in Alafua. National University was founded in 1984. Approximately 10% (2005) of the population of the corresponding age receive higher education.


Health institutes are represented by the national hospital in Apia, four district hospitals and medical centers. Most of the medical staff are graduates from the Fiji School of Medicine. Vaccination coverage is 95%, access to clean drinking water 85% of Samoans have.

Periodicals are published in Samoan and English: the Samoa Observer and Samoa Times (daily), Savali (4 times a week) and Talamua Magazine (monthly). Radio (Magik FM, K-Lite FM, Talofa FM, Samoa Broadcasting Corporation) and television (Samoa Broadcasting Corporation, O Lau TV, TV3, Vaiala Beach Television) are broadcast.

The number of radio receivers among the population is more than 175 thousand (1997), television sets - 8.5 thousand (1999). On the archipelago, 2 providers provide their services to 10 thousand Internet users (2007).


The most popular sports in Samoa are rugby and Samoan cricket. The Samoan national rugby team, dubbed Manu Samoa by fans, regularly competes against opponents from other countries. Samoa has competed in every Rugby World Cup since 1991. The team reached the quarter-finals in 1991 and 1995, the second round in 1999, and the quarter-finals of the Rugby League World Cup in 2000.

They also won the Rugby League Cup in Wellington and the Rugby Sevens tournament in Hong Kong in 2007 - in honor of which Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, who is also the chairman of the national rugby union, declared a national holiday. Samoa also competes in the Pacific Nations Cup. The sport is governed by the Samoan Rugby Union, which is part of the Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance, and also facilitates the Pacific Islands national team. At the club level there is a local national championship and the Pacific Cup. The most famous Samoan players are Pat Lam and Brian Lima. Many Samoans also play for the New Zealand national team, British Super League and British National League clubs.

Samoans have also found success in American professional wrestling, boxing, kickboxing and sumo, where Musashimaru Koyo achieved the rank of yokozuna.

The Samoan Football Federation has been a member of FIFA since 1986, but the country's national team has not achieved significant results even in tournaments on the scale of Oceania.

The country has competed in every Summer Olympics since 1984. There are no Olympic medals. A native of Apia, David Tua, playing for the New Zealand team, won an Olympic bronze medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. It is noteworthy that in the same year, Marcus Stephen competed for the Samoan Olympic weightlifting team, who became the President of Nauru in December 2007.

How often do Russian people want to take a break from the frosts and dull spring sun, to find a heavenly warm place with blue water and evergreen trees... You can only find it several thousand kilometers from Moscow, say, in the vast Pacific Ocean. An example is a small archipelago called Samoa. Its unique and fascinating nature attracts tourists from all over the world. It seems that everything here is created for rest and relaxation.


Those who decided to visit the archipelago for the first time will be interested to know detailed information about it, about the traditions of the local people, as well as about the sights of this lost corner, the features of flora and fauna.

The Samoan Islands are located in the South Pacific Ocean and are part of the Polynesia subregion. The population of this area has always been famous for its sea ​​voyages, at the beginning of the new millennium, the natives successfully developed neighboring territories: the coasts of New Zealand, Hawaii, and the islands of Samoa. The ocean became their home and source of food.

The total area of ​​the archipelago is 3030 km, more than 250 thousand people live here. It is divided into two states, commonly referred to as Western and Eastern Samoa. Both of these territories differ in ideological, cultural and political ideas. If the first state has an independent character, then the second belongs to the United States, and the local population gravitates towards the lifestyle adopted there.

Islands of the archipelago

Even before the discovery by Europeans, Samoa was the center of Polynesian culture; it was from here that the development of neighboring atolls and distant lands of the Pacific Ocean began. The archipelago consists of two largest islands - Savaii and Upolu and two small ones - Manono and Apolima, the rest are practically uninhabited.

The government structure of the American part of the earth is not entirely ordinary: the region is under the authority of the US Department of the Interior and under the tutelage of the president. The country is led by a governor and eighteen deputies from among local leaders. People here adhere to the American way of life and often emigrate to Hawaii or the mainland.

Tourism development

The Samoan Islands have recently become tourist place, however, this applies to the western part. Previously, the economy of a small state was completely dependent on foreign subsidies, but today the share of tourism in GDP is 30 percent. In 2012, the archipelago was visited by a total of 250 thousand people from all over the world.

As you can see, tours here are very popular. In particular, one of the most famous travel agencies specializing in the sale of tours, including to Guam (island) is “Byzantium”. Both the western (Samoa, as we remember, is divided into several parts) part of the archipelago we are considering, and its entire territory as a whole, by and large, have good potential for the development of tourism, you can still find wild places and deserted beaches here, and the population is friendly and not intrusive. This archipelago amazes with its unique beauty from the first second. These islands are of volcanic origin, so the entire territory is covered with picturesque hills, immersed in the greenery of the tropical forest.

The country's leadership, together with the New Zealand authorities, have invested heavily in the construction of hotels and other related infrastructure, so there are all the conditions for a relaxing holiday.


The main thing that the Samoan islands are famous for is the ocean. Amazing blue lagoons and the mild, warm climate make your stay here as comfortable as possible. It is because of the beautiful nature that many rich Europeans come here; the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson also spent the last years of his life here. His house now houses a museum, located a few kilometers from the capital of the western part of the Alia archipelago.

Especially good beaches on the southern side there are “Matareva”, “Salamuma” and “Agaona”, nearby are the coral reefs of Aleipat with rich marine life, so there are all conditions for lovers of underwater tourism. On the islands of Upolu and Savaii there are stunningly beautiful waterfalls hidden in forests and between small mountains. Surfing enthusiasts often come here, however, this type of active recreation in the local coastal waters is quite extreme due to the wind and underwater currents.

For those who want to take a break from the ocean and learn more about the Samoans, their culture and history, there are also activities and attractions available. To get to know them, you need to travel the length and breadth of Samoa. Photos taken by people who have already been here once confirm that this country has something to be proud of besides the beaches. In the only city eastern state- Alia - you can walk through the old capital of the state of Mulinuu, there are several interesting buildings here, such as the observatory and the Parliament House.

Visitors traditionally visit the Fleya Market, where you can not only look at very colorful representatives of the local population, but also buy some inexpensive goods from Mainland, as well as products of folk craftsmen. There are many Catholic and Christian churches on the island of Samoa, which deserve special attention temple complex.

The pristine nature of this corner is amazingly beautiful; it is incomparable to any other place on earth. Isolation from Western civilization and the correct policy of resource use make this resort one of the most interesting and pleasant places to relax. The tourism industry here is still developing, but it is very active; the government has relied on attracting tourists from all over the world to the country.

Among all the resorts in the South Pacific region, the Samoan Islands are among the cheapest; here you can rent a room for 50-100 dollars; individual houses built in the national style are slightly more expensive. You will be lucky if your trip coincides with one of the Samoan holidays: on these days, stunning performances are held on the ocean shore in honor of a fishing tournament, a surfing festival, or an international rugby competition.

Shops and supermarkets in the country are open from 8:00 to 16:30, but some private traders keep the doors of their shops open until the evening. The capital is home to the country's largest port, from where ships depart daily to New Zealand and America. Samoa is considered one of the safest resorts in Oceania, but, as in any unfamiliar place, you should not neglect the basic rules of personal safety.


The Independent State of Samoa occupies the western part of the archipelago of the same name in the South Pacific Ocean. It consists of two large islands - Savaii and Upolu, two small ones - Manono and Apolima and several other small islands. All islands are the tops of an underwater ridge of volcanic origin. The terrain is mostly mountainous, with a slope towards the shore, and there are many fast mountain rivers. Rocky, rugged shores alternate with wide beaches. The island has active volcano Matawan ( last eruption- 1911).

Residents of the Samoan islands celebrate the New Year among the last on our planet: near the borders of the state there is a conventional line of changing calendar dates, days of the week, months, years...

This line on the globe runs along the meridian of longitude 180° from Greenwich, between Asia and America along the Pacific Ocean, bypassing the land. Samoans are proud of their role as guardians of the “gates of time,” albeit conditional ones. But they also have grounds for unconditionally high self-esteem. Most ethnographers of the world believe that this small archipelago is the very core around which the entire Polynesian culture grew: myths, customs, traditions, way of life, ideas about beauty.


Archaeologists date traces of the first human settlements on the islands of Upolu, Apolima, Savaii and Manono to two to two and a half thousand years. However, other scientists believe that these were not the ancestors of the current Samoans, but some other Austronesian tribes. Their real ancestors came in the 5th century. from the Bismarck Islands in Western Melanesia, and these were representatives of the Lapita culture. However, there is very little reliable information about the life of the Samoan archipelago before the arrival of Europeans; archaeological excavations here were carried out only sporadically and not widely. But if we take the legends and traditions of Samoa as the source of information, and (with reservations, of course), then according to them it turns out, and here all the legends agree with each other, that it was the Samoans who were distinguished among all Polynesians by their special belligerence. As many historical examples confirm, it is on the shoulders of victorious warriors that customs and traditions often come to the lands they conquered, in this case to the nearby Pacific islands and atolls. In this regard, linguistic versions of the origin of the name Samoa are also interesting. According to one of them, “Samoa” is an abbreviation of Sa-ia-Moa (“sacred to Moa”), and Moa was the son of the god of the universe Tagaloa. According to another version, more common among the islanders themselves, Samoa is nothing more than the “sacred center of the universe.” In fact, in the Samoan language one of the meanings of the word "moa" is "center". It is also translated as... “chicken” (more precisely, one of the local species of this poultry on some islands). But what does chicken have to do with it? And besides, the Samoans answer that where there is a chicken, there is a house. It is truth too.
XVII century provides more accurate evidence regarding the role of Samoa in Polynesia. By this time, the archipelago, the geographical center of Polynesia, also became a busy crossroads of trade and commodity exchange in the region. From time to time, merchant seafarers from more distant countries. The discoverer of the islands among Europeans, however, is not a merchant, but a Dutch traveler, Jacob Roggeveen (1722). The Frenchman Louis Antoine de Bougainville, who arrived here in 1768, dubbed the archipelago the Islands of the Seafarers. His more famous compatriot, Jean-François La Perouse (1741-1788), also visited here. They were all surprised by how the seemingly wild islanders lived: they were clean, practical, and their handicrafts were simply excellent - both beautiful and durable.
In 1830, English missionary preachers John Williams and James Harris landed in Samoa. The Samoans greeted the reverend fathers friendly and were baptized willingly and in large groups. This was unexpected: the missionaries met with a completely different reception on other islands of the Pacific Ocean; let us clarify that both of them were eaten by cannibals in 1839 on the island of Eromanga in the New Hebrides archipelago (Vanuatu). It is believed that the Samoans were so loyal because in myths their gods always told them: the day will come when a new faith will come to you, which must be accepted with humility. And so it happened. And Samoa began to be called the “Bible Belt of the Pacific” in the world.
Germany, Great Britain and the USA looked at Samoa not as an outpost of Christianity in Oceania, but as a stronghold for their future influence in the region. On March 16, 1899, ships from all three countries entered Apia harbor almost simultaneously. And here you can’t imagine it on purpose - the elements intervened in the plans of the colonialists: under the blows of an unexpectedly powerful typhoon, only the British frigate Calliope survived. Well, the Americans and Germans said cynically but quickly: you, gentlemen, have no losses, therefore you do not need any compensation. For some reason the British did not object. Thus, the Samoan islands were divided between Germany and the United States. Their western part, now the Independent State of Samoa, went to Germany, and the eastern part, now American Samoa, to the USA (an unorganized territory not part of the country). With the outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918), Germany had no time for Samoa, and in 1914 it occupied former German Samoa, then, in 1920, with the sanction of the League of Nations, it made Western Samoa its protectorate. In 1961, the UN, being the legal successor of the League of Nations, terminated this mandate. On January 1, 1962, Western Samoa became an independent state; since 1997, this is not only the status, but also the name - the Independent State of Samoa. And not a kingdom at all, despite the fact that its first person is the monarch. This is where the uniqueness of the state and social system of Samoa begins, which at first glance is quite chaotic. But this is not at all the case; on the contrary, it is very slender, because it is based on local unshakable traditions.
So, the monarch is an elective position, but at the same time he is a tribal leader, or, in exact translation, “leader of the government”, elected for five years, but can be re-elected as many times as he likes. The government is formed by the party that wins the elections, its leader becomes prime minister. There is also a parliament. But the main organizing structure of the country is a system of communities comparable to a honeycomb, each of which consists of an average of 40-50 people. The head of the most noble community (aingi, or aigi) is at the same time the chief (matai) of the village, a larger element of this structure. Communities own all the land. The largest share of community income goes to health care and education. The result is clear: 98.6% of the Samoan population is literate. For higher education, young people go to New Zealand with community money. Many then stay there, but carefully send money transfers home. Villages also have their own courts. There are no appeals against their decisions and prohibitions. Law and order in your village comes first. Under the wing of the Samoan community from birth, the family receives an allotment of land in proportion to the number of its members. No one is left alone with their problems. If necessary, they will support you with money, albeit small, and as for human participation, it would be strange to even think that there is none among the Samoans. The old people here will never be abandoned, they will always look after the kids, both their own and those of others, and goodbye they will ask, what else can I help you with? Against this background, other residents of developed countries seem to be enlightened ignoramuses...
It is difficult to say for sure what scenario the state will develop in the future. Its current economic situation is not brilliant. Foreign assistance is still needed, there is a dependence on private transfers from abroad, plantations are constantly damaged by hurricanes, there are not enough roads. Prospects: the Japanese and Australians are willing to invest in the light industry that has begun to develop (cheap labor) and tourism (excellent natural conditions). 35% of electricity is generated by local power plants. But the main guarantee that the country will develop is that it is very calm here.

general information

Official name: Independent State of Samoa.
Form of government: constitutional monarchy with elements of parliamentary democracy.
Administrative division: 11 districts (Itumalo).
Capital, largest locality and port: Apia on the island of Upolu (37,700 people - 2010).
Languages: Samoan (belongs to the East Austronesian group of the Austronesian language family, writing is based on the Latin script), English.
Ethnic composition: Samoans - 92.6%, Euronesians - from marriages of Europeans with Polynesians - 7%, Europeans - 0.4%.
Religion: 98% of Samoans are Christian, and they are: Congregational - 35.5%, Catholic - 19.6%, Methodist - 15%, LDS - 12.7%, Assemblies of God - 6.6%, Seventh-day Adventists - 3.5%. The head of state until 2007, Malietoa Tanumafili II, was an adherent of the Bahai religion.
Currency unit: tala.
Largest islands: Savaii, Upolu. Large rivers and there are no lakes, but many small ones, as well as waterfalls.
Largest airport: international Airport Faleolo, 35 km west of Apia. Direct flights to New Zealand, Australia, USA, Tonga, American Samoa and Niue.


Land area: 2821 km2.
Population: 193,161 people. (July 2011).
Population density: 68.5 people/km 2 .
Coastal Economic Zone: 130,000 km 2. 23,100 hectares of reefs and lagoons.
The most high point: Mount Silisili (1858 m) on the island. Savaii.


GDP: $1055 million (2010).
GDP per capita:$5200 (2010).
Industry: food, light, production of building materials and auto parts.
Agriculture: coconuts, bananas, taro, yams, coffee, cocoa.
Exports: fish, coconut oil and cream, copra, taro, auto parts, clothing, beer.
Import: machinery and equipment, food products.
Service sector: tourism

Climate and weather

Subequatorial, trade wind.
Average daily temperature throughout the year:+26°С, temperature fluctuations are small ( average temperature in summer - +27°С, in winter - +25°С).
Average annual precipitation: from 2500-3000 mm in the north-west of both large islands to 5000-7000 mm in the central mountainous regions.
Two seasons: the dry season lasts from May to October, and the rainy season from November to April. Tropical hurricanes and typhoons are frequent.


Apia: Catholic Church, Anglican Church (wonderful stained glass windows), Apia Samoa Temple complex (1983, Bahai); Mulinuu - the old ceremonial capital of the islands, occupies the western part modern city. Fale Fono (Parliament House) is located here; memorial tower dedicated to the victims of World War II; National Museum;
■ House-museum of Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) 4 km from Apia (Vailima), where the writer spent the last four years of his life, here is his grave. The writer's house and the entire estate are a nature reserve.
Upolu Island: Matareva, Salamuma and Aganoa beaches, Aleipata coral reefs with a protected area for seabird nesting sites; Fuipisia waterfall is 55 m high.
Savai'i Island: churches on the island of Savaii, including the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart in Saleolog, churches in the villages of Matavai and Salelavu; the 12 m high Tia-Cey ritual mound is the largest ancient megalithic structure in Polynesia; Tafua Rainforest and Falealupo Nature Reserves; Olemoe waterfalls, Taga geysers; Mu Pagoa waterfall; lava caves Peapea (Letui) and Paia Dwarfs; Mount Silisili and the protected Aopo Cave at its foot.

Curious facts

■ Universal suffrage was introduced in the country in 1991. Before that, only matai (chiefs) participated in elections, but they still have an important privilege: only they can stand for parliament. There are more than 25,000 matai in the country, about 5% of them are women.
■ Two-thirds of the islands' surface is covered by tropical rainforests.
■ The most popular sports in the country - rugby, Samoan cricket, Australian football, or fugue - involve kicking an oval ball on an oval field and allowing tough power struggles.
■ One of the ancient rituals of Samoa is the initiation (initiation into warriors) of teenagers 12-13 years old. He's cruel. The Samoans consider the shark to be the forefather of their people, and it was she who was supposed to “bless” the boy into adulthood. He was immersed in a vat of fish blood, tied with fish carcasses, given a small knife in his hands and taken by boat to the sea for five days. The boy, firstly, had to survive, and secondly, kill the shark. If he failed to do this, he became an outcast. There were many cases when teenagers preferred to die than to return home without confirmation of their feat. Now this procedure is no longer performed, but 50 years ago every man went through it.