The average temperature of the water in the Okhotsk Sea. Sea of \u200b\u200bRussia - Okhotsk Sea

Square of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk 1.603 million square meters. km. The average depth of 1780 m is the maximum depth of 3521 m. The western part of the sea has a small depth, and is located on the continental shelf. In the center of the sea there are depressions of Derjugin (in the south) and Wpadina Tingro. In the eastern part there is a Kuril's hollow, in which the depth is maximum.

From October to May-June, the northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The southeastern part almost does not freeze.

The coast in the north is strongly cut, in the northeast Sea Okhotsk Located its largest bay - Shalikhov Bay. Of the smallest bays of the northern part, the most famous is the most famous are the most famous lips and the bays of the shelling, Zakabyak, Babushkin, Kekurn, Odessa Bay on the island of ITUURUP. In the east, the coastline of the Kamchatka peninsula is practically devoid of bays. In the southwest, the largest aniva and patience are the bays.

Fisheries (Salo, Herring, Mintai, Mois, Navaga, etc.).

Main ports: on the mainland - Magadan, Ayan, Okhotsk (portway); On the island of Sakhalin - Korsakov, on the Kuril Islands - North-Kurilsk.

The Okhotsk Sea is named by the Hunt River, which in turn comes from Even Okat - River. The Japanese traditionally called this "Hockey" (北海) sea, literally "North Sea". But since now this name refers to the North Sea Atlantic OceanThe name of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, they changed to Oletzuku-Kai (オホーツク 海), which is the adaptation of the Russian name to the norms of Japanese phonetics.

The sea is located on the Okhotsk subpite, which is part of the Eurasian Plate. The bark is largely part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bContinental Type.

Area - 1603 thousand km². The average depth is 821 m, the maximum depth is 3916 m. The western part of the sea is located above the gentle continuation of the continent and has a small depth. In the center of the sea there are depressions of Derjugin (in the south) and Wpadina Tingro. In the eastern part there is a Kuril's hollow, in which the depth is maximum. From October to May - June The northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The southeastern part almost does not freeze. The coast in the north is strongly cut, in the northeast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the largest bay is located - Shalikhov Bay. From the smallest bays of the northern part are the most famous for the most famous lip and shelving bays, Zabichka, Babushkin, Kekurn. In the east, the coastline of the Kamchatka peninsula is practically devoid of bays. In the west, the coastline is strongly cut, forming the Sakhalin Bay and the Shartar Sea. In the south, the largest Aniva and patience are the bays, the Odessa Bay on the island of ITUURUP. River Amur, hunting, kitchen. The Amur River brings about 370 billion cubic meters of water a year, which is 65% of the drain of all the rivers flowing into the sea.

Most of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk outside the territorial waters of Russia and Japan refers to the exceptional economic zone (EEZ) of Russia, with the exception of a small part adjacent to the island of Hokkaido and related to Japan's IEEs, as well as a narrow enclave in the central part of the sea, which is at a distance of more than in 200 nautical miles from all shores. Specified Anclave, fully surrounded IEZ Russian Federation, on request of Russia and the subsequent decision of the UN Commission on the borders of the Continental Shelf dated March 14, 2014, it is assigned to the continental shelf of Russia, so that the Russian Federation has exceptional rights to the resources of the subsoil and seabed in this part (but not to covering water and air space above them); In the media sometimes there are erroneous statements that the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is completely the inner waters of Russia.


The Sea Okhotsk is called the Hunt River, which in turn comes from Evensk. Oakat - "River". Earlier was called Lamb (from Evensk. Lam - "Sea"), as well as Kamchatsky Sea. The Japanese traditionally called this sea hockey (北海), literally "North Sea". But since now this name refers to the North Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, the name of the Okhotsk Sea, they changed to Okhotsyuk-Kai (オホーツク 海), which is the adaptation of the Russian name to the norms of Japanese phonetics.

Legal regime

Western sector of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk from the height of 5100 m, from the side An-26-100, the flight Khabarovsk - Okhotsk

The waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are inland water, territorial waters and the exceptional economic zone of two coastal states - Russia and Japan. In its international legal status, the Okhotsk Sea is closest to the semi-crumpled sea (Article 122 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea), since it is surrounded by two or more states and mainly consists of the territorial sea and the exceptional economic zone of two states, but is not, since Connected with the rest of the world's ocean is not the only narrow passage, but a number of passes. In the central part of the sea at a distance of 200 sea miles from the source lines in the area with coordinates of 50 ° 42 's. sh. - 55 ° 42 'p. sh. and 148 ° 30'v. d. - 150 ° 44 'in. d. There is an elongated plot in the meridional direction, in the English-language literature traditionally referred to as Peanut Hole, which is not included in the exclusive economic zone and is an open sea outside the jurisdiction of Russia; In particular, any country in the world has the right to pay fish and conduct other activities permitted by the UN convention on the sea, excluding the activity on the shelf. Since this region is an important element for reproducing a population of certain types of fishing fish, the governments of some countries directly prohibit their courts to lead fishing on this site.

On November 13-14, 2013, the subcommission created under the UN Commission on the Borders of the Continental Shelf agreed with the arguments of the Russian delegation as part of the consideration of the Application of the Russian Federation on the recognition of the bottom of the open sea section by the continuation of the Russian continental shelf. On March 15, 2014, 33 sessions of the Commission in 2014 adopted a positive decision on the Russian application, first submitted in 2001, and filed in the new edition in early 2013, and the central part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk outside the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation was recognized as a continental shelf Russia. Consequently, in the central part to other states prohibited the extraction of "sitting" biological resources (for example, crab, mollusks) and the development of subsoil. On catching other bioresources, for example, fish, restrictions of the continental shelf do not apply. The consideration of the application was essentially possible thanks to the position of Japan, which was the official notewable of May 23, 2013 confirmed consent to the Commission of the essence of the application regardless of the decision of the Curil Islands.

Temperature and salting

In the cold season, more than half of the sea surface for 6-7 months is covered with ice. In winter, the water temperature near the sea surface ranges from -1.8 to 2.0 ° C, the temperature rises to 10-18 ° C in summer.

Below the surface layer, at the depths of about 50-150 meters there is an intermediate cold layer of water, the temperature of which does not change during the year and is about -1.7 ° C.

Entering the sea through the coarse straits of water Pacific Ocean Formed deep aqueous masses with a temperature of 2.5-2.7 ° C (at the bottom - 1.5-1.8 ° C). In coastal areas with a significant river flow, water has a temperature in winter around 0 ° C, in summer - 8-15 ° C.

15 vessels hit the ice captivity, on which there were about 700 people.

The operation was carried out by the icebreaking flotilla: Icebreakers Admiral Makarov and Krasin, Magadan icebreaker and Tanker "Victoria" worked as auxiliary vessels. The coordination headquarters of the rescue operation was in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, work was carried out under the leadership of Viktor Olemer's Deputy Transport Minister.

Most of the ships got on their own, the icebreakers aroused four vessels: the "Cape Elizabeth" trawler, the research vessel "Professor Kzewater" (the first half of January, Admiral Makarov), the Refrigerator "Coast of Hope" and the Floa Commonwealth.

The second liberated vessel was "Professor Kizewter", the captain of which, according to the results of the investigation, was deprived of a diploma for six months.

In the area of \u200b\u200bJanuary 14, icebreakers collected together the remaining vessels that endure disaster, after that icebreakers carried out the wiring of both caravan courts on the coupling.

After the breakdown of the "Usov" "Commonwealth" it was decided to first spend the refrigerator through heavy ice ice.

The wiring was suspended in the area of \u200b\u200bJanuary 20 due to weather conditions, but on January 24, it was possible to bring the refrigerator "Coast of Hope" on clean water.

On January 26, there was a breakdown of towing "mustache" again, it was necessary to lose time for the delivery of new helicopter.

On January 31, the Floa Base "Commonwealth" was also removed from the ice captivity, the operation ended at 11:00 to Vladivostok time.

In culture

  • Two-particle Australian documentary "Wild Sea of \u200b\u200bRussia" (eng. Russia "S Wild Sea,) is dedicated to the Sea Sea.


  1. Old maps of Russian cities - from ancient times to the present day (Neopr.) . Checked January 15, 2016.
  2. Dobrovolsky A. D., Svalodin B. S. Sea of \u200b\u200bthe USSR. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1982 with IL., 192 p.
  3. A.I.Alekseev, V.A.Nizovtsev, E.V.K., G.Ya.Lisenkova, V.I. Sirotin. Geography of Russia. Household and geographic areas. Grade 9. / A.I.Alekseev. - 15th, stereotypical. - Moscow: Drop, 2014. - P. 254-255.
  4. Revised partial representation of the Russian Federation to Commission on the borders of the continental shelf in relation to the continental shelf in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Part 1. Summary. 2013.
  5. The UN Commission included an enclave in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk to the Russian continental shelf. UN News. March 14, 2014.
  6. Okhotsk Sea - our all (Neopr.) . // Checked November 22, 2015.
  7. FAO: World Review of Highly Migratory Species and Straddling Stocks ...
  8. Peanut Hole scheme
  10. Esimo (Neopr.) . Checked February 6, 2011. Archived August 22, 2011.
  11. Bondarenko, Anna.

Tidal phenomena in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Ridge

The tides are the dominant factor determining the dynamics of water in the straits, and significantly determine changes in the vertical and horizontal structure of water. Riding in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ridge, as in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, are formed mainly by tidal waves propagating from the Pacific Ocean. Own tidal movements of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, due to the direct effects of fading forces are negligible. Tidal waves in the northwestern part of the Pacific are predominantly progressive and moving in the southwestern direction along the Kuril Ridge. The speed of moving tidal waves in the ocean when approaching the Kuril ridge reaches 25-40 nodes (12-20 m / s). The amplitude of tidal oscillations of the level in the ridge zone does not exceed 1 m, and the speed of tidal flows is about 10-15 cm / s. In the straits, the phase velocity of tidal waves decreases, and the amplitude of tidal oscillations of the level increases to 1.7-2.5 m. Here the rates of tidal flows increase to 5 nodes (2.5 m / s) and more. Due to the repeated reflection of tidal waves from the shores of the Okhotsk Sea in the straits themselves, there are complex progressive waves. Tidal flows in the straits have a pronounced reversing character, which is confirmed by measurements of flows at daily stations in the Straits of Bussol, Fries, Catherine and other straits. Horizontal orbits of tidal flows are usually close in their form to direct lines oriented along the straits.

Wind excitement in the Survei district

In the summer, both with the ocean and ocean side of the Kuril Islands, large waves (height 5.0 m or more) are less common than in 1% of cases. The repeatability of gradation waves of 3.0-4.5 m is 1-2% from the ocean side and 3-4% with the ocean. For gradation of wave heights 2.0-2.5 m in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, repeatability is 28-31%, and from the side of the Pacific Ocean - 32-33%. For weak excitement of 1.5 m and less from the oxomorsk side, the repeatability is 68-70%, and from the ocean side - 63-65%. The prevailing direction of excitement in the Surveil part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - from the south-west in the south of the district and the Central Kuril Islands, to the North-West - in the north of the district. From the ocean side of the Kuril Islands in the south, the south-west direction of excitement prevails, and in the north - with equal probability, the North-West and Southeast is observed.

In the fall, the intensity of cyclones increases sharply, respectively, wind speeds are enhanced, which generate larger waves. During this period along the ocean coast of the wave islands with a height of 5.0 m and more than 6-7% of the total number of wave heights, and from the ocean side - 3-4%. The repeatability of the North-West, northeastern and southeastern directions increases. Hazardous excitement is produced by cyclones (typhuses) with a pressure in the center of less than 980 GPa and large gradients of the baric pressure - 10-12 GPa by 1 ° latitude. Typically, in September, Typhoon overlook the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotns, moving along the Kuril ridge

In winter, the intensity of passing cyclones increases. The repeatability of waves with a height of 5.0 m and more at this time from the ocean side of 7-8%, and with the ocean - 5-8%. The north-west direction of waves prevails and the excitement of Rumbes neighboring with him.

In the spring, the intensity of cyclones drops sharply, their depth and radius of action will significantly decrease. The repeatability of large waves throughout the water area is 1% or less, and the direction of excitement changes to the south-west and northeast.

Ice Conditions

In the Curil Straits in the autumn-winter period, due to intense tidal mixing and the flow of warmer water from the Pacific, the temperature of the water on the surface does not reach the negative values \u200b\u200bnecessary for the start of the ice formation. However, permanent I. strong winds Northern Rumbes in the winter are the main cause of the floating ice drift in the area under study. In harsh winter floating ice They go far beyond its middle position and reach the coarse straits. In January, the individual languages \u200b\u200bof floating ice in the harsh in Icelishness years come out of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOcean in the ocean through the Strait of Catherine, spreading to 30 - 40 miles into the open part of the ocean. In February, the Southern Kuril Islands, ice languages \u200b\u200bare sent to the southwest, along the island of Hokkaido, to Cape Erimo and further south. The width of the ice massif at the same time can reach 90 miles. Significant ice arrays can be observed along the island of Onekotan. The width of the ice strip here can reach 60 miles and more. In March, in extremely difficult years, the yield of ice in open Ocean From the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, is carried out from the massif in the south-west of the sea through all the straits, ranging from the cruise-seater and south. Ice languages \u200b\u200bemerging from straits flow into the southwest, along the Kuril Islands, and then - along Hokkaido Island, to Miss Erimo. The width of the ice array in different places can reach 90 miles. W. eastern coast The Kamchatka Peninsula The width of the ice array can reach more than 100 miles, and the array can spread to the island of onjects. In April, floating ice can go through any sheds of the Kuril ridge from the Cruise Strait and south, and the width of the Ice languages \u200b\u200bdoes not exceed 30 miles.

The effect of atmospheric circulation on the dynamics of water

A feature of the atmospheric processes of the Suril district, like the entire Okhotsk Sea, is the monsime nature of the circulation of the atmosphere (Fig. 2.3). This is the predominance of southeastern winds during the summer monsoon and the backward directions of the winds - in winter. The intensity of the development of monsoon is determined by the development of large-scale atmospheric processes associated with the state of the main centers of the atmosphere, regulating the atmospheric circulation over the seas of the Far Eastern region. A fairly close causal relationship between the peculiarities of atmospheric circulation and the variability of the intensity of the development of one or another level of the flow system of the Kuril Islands district, which, in turn, largely determines the formation of the temperature background of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region.

CO - "Cyclones over the ocean"; OA - "Okhotsko-Aleutsky" /

Characteristics of Soy and Kuril's currents in September 1988-1993 (1SV \u003d 10 6 m 3 / s)


Waters transfer during soybean on the traverse strait of Catherine

Soybean flow limit

Strait Catherine

Strait Frieza

Strait Frieza

Island ITUPU.

Island ITUPU.

Island ITUPU.

D T, O C at point

45 O 30 "N, 147 O 30" E

Water transfer in the Kuril current on the traverse of the Strait Bussol

D t, ° C at point

45 ° 00 "N, 153 ° 00" E

These data on the state of the Curl flows in September for the period from 1988 to 1993. Specifies the interannual variability of the characteristics of the system of these flows.

In the spring year of the year, with the predominance of the Okhotsk-Aleutian type of atmospheric circulation, there was a significant penetration of the soybean flow into the Okhotsk Sea in the next summer season and, as a result, the formation of an increased temperature background of the water area in the South Kuril district. When prevailing in the spring period of the north-western type of atmospheric circulation in the subsequent summer season, on the contrary, there was a slight penetration of soybean soybean in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, greater development of the coercion and the formation of a reduced temperature background of the water area.

The main features of the structure and dynamics of the water of the Surigil region

The structural features of the water of the Suril region of the Pacific Ocean are associated with the Kuril course, which is the Western border flow in subogenous circular circulation of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The flow is traced in the waters of the Western modification of the subarctic structure having the following characteristics water masses :

1. Surface water mass (0-60 m); spring ° C \u003d 2-3 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.0; Summer ° C \u003d 8 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.0.

2. Cold intermediate layer (60-200 m); ° С MIN \u003d 0.3 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.3 ‰ with a kernel at a depth of 75-125 m.

3. Warm intermediate layer (200-800 m); ° C Max \u003d 3.5 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.1 ‰ with a kernel at a depth of 300-500 m.

4. Depth (800-3000 m); ° C \u003d 1.7 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.7.

5. Dinon (more than 3000 m); ° C \u003d 1.5 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.7.

Pacific waters near the northern straits of the Kuril ridge are significantly different from the water of the southern straits. The waters of the Curil flow, forming by very cold and more desalinated waters of the Eastern coast of P-ov Kamchatka and Pacific waters, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheds of Kuril ridges mixed with transformed ocean waters. Further, the water of the Oyasio flow is formed by a mixture of oxomorsk waters transformed in the straits and the waters of the Curil flow.

General scheme circulation water The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in general is a large cyclonic circulation, which in the northeastern part of the sea is formed by surface, intermediate and deep Pacific waters coming by water exchange through the northern coarse straits. As a result of a water exchange through the southern and central Kuril Straits, these waters partially penetrate into the Pacific Ocean and replenish the waters of the Curil flow. Characteristic for the Okhotsk Sea as a whole, the cyclonic diagram of flows, due to the prevailing cyclonic atmospheric circulation of the atmosphere over the sea, is adjusted in the southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea with a complex bottom relief and local features of the water dynamics of the Curil Strait. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe South Basin, a steady anticyclonic cycle is noted.

The structure of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, defined as the ohuntomore variety of subarctic water structure, consists of the following water masses:

1. Surface water mass (0-40 m) with temperature and salinity of about 2.5 ° and 32.5 ‰ in the spring and, accordingly, 10-13 ° and 32.8 ‰ - in summer.

2. Cold Intermediate Water Mass (40-150 m), formed in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in winter, with the characteristics of the kernel: ° C MIN \u003d -1.3 °, S ‰ \u003d 32.9 ‰ at a depth of 100 m.

Along the Kuril Islands in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, there is a sharp "opening" core of the cold intermediate layer with minimal temperature below + 1 ° at a distance of 40-60 miles from the coast of the islands. The "cliff" of the cold intermediate layer indicates the existence of a pronounced frontal section of the actual oothomors of intermediate waters and transformed waters in the straits during tidal vertical stirring. The front-end section limits the spread of stains of colder surface water on the water area along the Kuril Islands. That is, the cold intermediate layer in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is not associated with such in the smoke-kamchatka flow and is determined by the winter temperature conditions of the region.

3. Transitional water mass (150-600 m), which is formed as a result of tidal transformation of the upper layer of Pacific and oxomorsk waters in the zone of the coarse straits (T ° \u003d 1.5 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.7).

4. Deep water mass (600-1300m), manifested in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the form of a warm intermediate layer: ° C \u003d 2.3 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.3 ‰ at a depth of 750-1000 m.

5. Water Mass South Basin (more than 1300 m) with characteristics: ° C \u003d 1.85, S ‰ \u003d 34.7.

In the southern of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk surface water mass It has three modifications. The first modification - low-salted (s ‰<32,5‰), центральная охотоморская формируется преимущественно при таянии льда и располагается до глубины 30 м в период с апреля по октябрь. Вторая - Восточно-Сахалинского течения, наблюдается в слое 0-50 м и характеризуется низкой температурой (<7°) и низкой соленостью (<32,0‰). Третья - теплых и соленых вод течения Соя, являющегося продолжением ветви Цусимского течения, распространяющегося вдоль охотоморского побережья о.Хоккайдо (в слое 0-70 м) от пролива Лаперуза до южных Курильских островов. С марта по май имеет место “предвестник” течения Соя (Т°=4-6°, S‰ =33,8-34,2‰), а с июня по ноябрь - собственно теплое течение Соя с более высокой температурой (до 14-17°) и более высокой соленостью (до 34,5‰).

Straits of the Kuril Ridge

In the Kuril archipelago, about 1,200 km long there are 28 relatively large islands and a lot of small. These islands form a large Kuril ridge and a small - located along the ocean side of a large Kuril ridge in the 60 km south-west of the latter. The total width of the Kuril straits is about 500 km. Of the total amount of cross sections of the straits, 43.3% falls on the strait of Bususol (the depth of the threshold of 2318 m), 24.4% - to the sheds of the cruise-seater (the depth of the threshold of 1920 m), 9.2% - on the freezing of frieze and 8.1% - On the IV Kuril Strait. However, the depth of even the deepest of the Kuril straits is significantly less than the maximum depth of those adjacent to the Kuril Islands of the Oshansky Sea (about 3000 m) and the Pacific (more than 3000 m). Therefore, the Kuril ridge is a natural threshold, the cooing sea depression from the ocean. At the same time, the Kuril Straits are exactly the zone in which water exchanges occurs between the specified pools. This zone has its own characteristics of the hydrological regime, differing from the mode of adjacent deep-sea areas of the ocean and the sea. Features of the orography and the relief of the bottom of this zone have a corrective effect on the formation of the structure of water and the manifestation of such processes, as tissue, tidal mixing, flow, etc.

Based on the generalization of these perennial observations, it was established that in the zone of the straits, it is more complicated than previously supposed, the hydrological structure of water. Firstly, the transformation of water in the straits is not manifested unequivocally. Transformed Water Structure, having characteristic signs of a coicilla variety of subarctic water structure (characterized by negative temperature anomalies and positive - salinity on the surface in a warm half-year, a more powerful cold intermediate layer and more smoothed extremes of intermediate aquatic masses, including the positive anomalies of the minimum temperature), is observed Mostly on the shelf of islands, where tidal mixing is more pronounced. In shallow water, tidal transformation leads to the formation of a homogeneous vertical structure of water. In deep-water areas of straits, well-stratified waters are observed. SecondlyThe complexity lies in the fact that for the zone of the coarse straits is characterized by the presence of different-scale inhomogeneities forming in the vortex formation and frontogenesis in the process of contacting the jets of the Curl flows occurring against the background of tidal mixing. At the same time, in the structure of thermohalin fields there is a change in the position of the boundaries and extremes of intermediate layers. In the areas of the vortices, as well as in areas of stringing flows that carry and preserve their characteristics, there is a localization of homogeneous minimum temperature kernels of the cold intermediate layer. Thirdly, the structure of water in the zones of the straits is adjusted by the variability of the water exchange in the straits. In each of the main coarse straits in different years, depending on the development of a particular system of the district flow system, either the prevailing stock of ocean waters is possible, or the predominant nutrition of Pacific waters, or bilateral water circulation.

IV Kuril Prolve

IV Kuril Strait is one of the main northern strands of the Kuril Island ridge. The cross-section of the Strait is 17.38 km 2, which is 8.1% of the total transverse area of \u200b\u200bthe cross sections of all Curil Straits, the depth of it is about 600 m. The topographic feature of the Strait is its openness towards the Okhotsk Sea and the presence of a threshold of a depth of about 400m from Pacific.

Thermohalin Structure of Water IV Curil Strait


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰

Depth, M.

° S.

Saltness, ‰








Cold intermediate


core: 50-150




core: 50-150



Warm intermediate


kernel: 350-400



kernel: 350-400



> 1000


> 1000









Cold intermediate


75-100, 200-300




75-100, 200-300












Cold intermediate


kernel: 60-110




kernel: 60-110



Warm intermediate






> 1000


> 1000


Due to the complex relief of the bottom in the strait, the number of water masses is different. In shallow water vertical mixing leads to homogenization of water. In these cases, only the surface water mass takes place. For the main part of the strait, where the depth is 500-600 m, two aqueous masses are observed - surface and cold intermediate. In deeper stations from the oakomorsk side, there is also a warmer bottom water mass. At some stations, the strait is observed the second minimum temperature. Since in the Strait from the Pacific Ocean, there is a threshold with depths of about 400 m, then the water exchange between the quiet ocean and the Okhotsk Sea is practically carried out to the depths of the threshold. That is, the Pacific and oxomorsk water masses, located at high depths, do not have contact in the Strait zone.

Strait Krusenstern

Solving Cruisesttern is one of the largest and deep strands of the Kuril Island ridge. Area cross section Strait - 40.84 km 2. The threshold of the strait, with depths of 200-400 m located from its ocean side. In the Strait there is a gutter with depths from 1200 m to 1990 m, through which water can be carried out by deep waters between the quiet ocean and the Okhotsk Sea. The northeastern part of the Strait occupies a shallow water with depths less than 200 m. Unlike other straits of the Kuril ridge, the system of islands and straits (shedding and head sheds), which are essentially in the sheds of the cruise store, is formed by a group of small islands and rocks limited from the south island Simushir and from the North Island Shiashkoltan.

Thermohalin Water Structure Strait Cruise


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰


° S.

Saltness, ‰

Surfaceing Pacific




kernel: 75-100

kernel: 75-100


kernel: 250-350.

kernel: 250-350.






the kernel: 75-150

the kernel: 75-150



Surifying to the Strait of the Okhotorsky district




the kernel: 75-150

the kernel: 75-150



Strait Bussolol

Strait Bussol is the deepest and wide strait of the Kuril ridge, located in its central part between the Islands of the Simushir and Mr. Due to the large depths, the cross-sectional area is almost half (43.3%) from the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200ball sheds of the ridge and is 83.83 km 2. The underwater relief of the strait is distinguished by sharp drops of depths. In the central part of the Strait there is a raising of the bottom to a depth of 515 m, which is dismembered by two gutters - Western, depth of 1334 m and Eastern - a depth of 2340 m. The presence of large depths in the strait creates more favorable conditions for the preservation of vertical water stratification and penetration of Pacific waters in the sea Big depths.

Thermohalin Structure of Water Tide Busol


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰


° S.

Saltness, ‰

Surfaceing Pacific










core: 50-75




core: 50-75



Warm intermediate






> 1000


> 1000









Cold intermediate


kernel: 100-150




kernel: 200-300.



Warm intermediate






> 1200


> 1200


Surifying to the Strait of the Okhotorsky district








Cold intermediate


kernel: 75-100




kernel: 150-250









> 1200


> 1200


Strait Frieza

Frealing - one of the main straits of the southern part of the Kuril Island ridge. The strait is located between the Islands of the Warpet and ITUP. The cross-section of the Strait is 17.85 km 2, which is 9.2% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe cross sections of all straits. The depth of the Strait is about 600 m. From the Pacific side there is a threshold with depths of about 500 m.

Thermohyline Water Structure Strait Freeza


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰



Saltness, ‰

Surfaceing Pacific











core: 50-75




kernel: 125-200.











> 1000


> 1000
















kernel: 100-200.






Surifying to the Strait of the Okhotorsky district











kernel: 75-100




kernel: 100-150









> 1000


> 1000


For a significant part of the strait, where the depth is about 500 m, only two aquatic masses are distinguished - the surface and cold intermediate. On deeper stations where the upper boundary of the top border of the warm intermediate aquatic mass is observed, due to the small depths of the strait (about 600 m), this aqueous mass is donon. The presence of a threshold from the Pacific prevents the penetration of the water well-pronounced in the Pacific Ocean of a warm intermediate layer. In this regard, the warm intermediate layer in the Strait zone has smoothed characteristics - closer to the indices of the warm intermediate layer of oxomoreous waters. Due to the small depths of the strait, the deep octic and Pacific aqueous mass practically do not have contact in the zone of the strait.

Features of water circulation are associated with the interannual variability of the non-periodic flows of this area, in particular, with the variability in the intensity of soybean. As established at present, the current occurs in the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the spring, enhanced and maximizes the summer and weakens in the autumn period. In this case, the border of the spread of the flow depends on its intensity and varies from year to year. In general, the freezing of the frieze is neither purely stock, nor purely feed, although in some years it can be as such.

Strait Catherine

The strait is located between the islands of ITUURUP and Kunashir. The width of the strait in narrowness is 22 km, the threshold depth is 205 m, the cross-sectional area is about 5 km 2. From the north, the head of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is suitable with a gutter with depths of more than 500 m, the continuation of which is the deep-water central part of the strait with depths of more than 300 m. The western part of the gripping, in the eastern part of the depth of the depth to the center increases more smoothly. On the approaches to the shed side of the ocean, the depth does not exceed 200-250 m.

At the Okhotorsk coast of the island Kunashir, the surface aqueous mass is made from the warmer water of the flow of soybeans and surface oxomores of the appropriate (in this case - summer) modifications. The first kunashir north shores are held, usually occupy a layer from the surface to a depth of 50-100 m. The second is located, usually, the monastery of the northern border of the soybean flow and in the case of the lateness of the latter approaching Catherine from the north. Their spreading in depth rarely exceeds the upper 20-30 m. The above-mentioned surfaces of the water masses are maintained by the cooling waters in the summer-autumn period of the year the cold intermediate layer.

From the ocean side of the Strait of Catherine, the spread of surface and subsurface aquatic masses is entirely determined by the Kuril course, the coast of the island of ITUP and the coast of the Small Kuril Ridge.

Thermohalin indexes and vertical boundaries of water masses

in the Strait of Catherine


Surface water


Cold Intermediate Water Mass

° S.



° S.









Water soy










The flow of water from the Ocean of the Sea to the ocean is expressed in the phase of low tide in the central part of the Strait. The cast flow enhances the adevection of heat with a branch of warm soybean. At the coast, the flow rate sharply decreases and changes the direction, and in some situations, the coast has a tidal counterchange. In the zones of a sharp change in speed and direction of the flow, a longitudinal front is usually visible. Changing the phases of the tidal and refreshing flow occurs simultaneously in connection with which at certain intervals, sufficiently complex divergence zone and convergence convergence arise and suloa bands appear.

For the horizontal distribution of water temperature in the Strait, a spotted structure is characterized, which is likely to be the result of the interaction of non-periodic flows, the relief of the bottom and tidal movements. The "foci of insulated water" is not stable formations and are generated by the action of unbalanced forces.

Seasonal variability of circulation of waters of Kuril Straits

The results of calculations of geostrophic flows for the Kuril Ridge District, based on the data of expeditionary observations, indicate the formation of a bilateral flow chart in the straits. Since the pattern of water and the ocean water and the ocean are significantly affected by the dynamics of the adjacent areas of the sea and the ocean, it is observed a change in the balance of spending in the sheds, the nature of the water exchange is changed through a specific strait - predominantly sewing or vice versa, right up to a purely waste or feeder. However, these estimates give only a high-quality picture, do not allow to judge the costs through the straits, seasonal and interannual variability of water exchange.

Using a mathematical quasi-beadic model A.S. Vasilyev, a number of numerical experiments were conducted for the zone of the coarse straits, which includes the most active area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Island Arc - the Strait of Frieze and the Strait of Busol with surrounding water areas. Expeditionary research materials for 80-90 GG are used as the source information. In the zone of the coarse straits, as well as the available archival data on temperature, salinity on the surface of the ocean and real fields of atmospheric pressure. Calculations were carried out on a uniform grid in 10 ¢ in latitude and longitude. Numerical calculations in the study area were carried out taking into account the types of atmospheric circulation prevailing for each of the four seasons (Fig. 2.3), for characteristic months, when water circulation maximally takes into account the effect of seasonal atmospheric impact. As a rule, this is the last month of the season.

Winter(December- march). For the winter period with the North-West (SZ) type of atmospheric circulation, the water circulation corresponds to the direction of transfer of air masses (in the zone of southern coarse straits from the northeast). A bilateral circulation with a well-pronounced removal of ohuntomormous waters is observed in the Strait of Bussol. In the freezing of the frieze - the preferential takeaway of the Okhotomorsk waters. At the same time, there is a one-sided movement of streams along the islands on both sides of the strait in the southern direction - and from the sea, and from the ocean side. Evaluation of integral expenditures shows that the shedding of the frieze in the winter season with the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation is a waste stranded with a maximum removal of up to 1.10 s. With a typical atmospheric circulation of cyclones over the ocean (CSC), the water circulation circuit is substantially corrected - two-sided water circulation is formed. . In the zone of the Strait, the Bususol is observed "dense packaging" of multidirectional vortex formations.

Integrated waters in the Kuril Strait (in SV) (Positive values \u200b\u200b- the receipt of Pacific waters,negative - removal of oochomorsk waters)

Winter (March)

SZ Tso

Spring (June)


Summer (September)


Autumn (November)

SZ Tso



0 - Note

Spring(April - june). With the North-Western (SZ), the type of atmospheric circulation in the zone of the Strait of Busus is noticeable to increase the number of multidirectional cycles. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Western gutter of this strait from the Pacific, a cyclonic cycle in contact with anticyclonic formation further in the Pacific Ocean is well traced. In the eastern groove, the conditions of bilateral circulation are created, more explicit than in the winter season. In the freezing of the frieze, with this type of atmospheric circulation, it is maintained and somewhat enhanced (up to 1.80 s) preferential removal of ocean waters in the northwestern part of the strait. Another type of atmospheric circulation, which is also characteristic of this period - the Okhotsk-Aleutian (OA) (transfer of air masses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southern Kuril Islands in the direction from the south-east), significantly changes the direction of water flows, especially in the freezing of the frieze. The flows here are mainly sent to the Okhotsk Sea, i.e. There is a prevailing flow through the strait of Pacific waters. The balance of spending through the strait shows an increase in the flow of water (compared with the previous type of atmospheric circulation) - from 0.10 sv to 1.10 s. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Strait, a large number of multidirectional cycles are formed.

Summer (July - september). In the north-western type of atmospheric circulation in the freeze station, a bilateral direction of water movement is formed (unlike previous seasons, when with this type of atmospheric circulation, the preferential stock of oxomoreous waters was observed). In the Strait, Busus is also noted changes in water circulation. A sharp frontal section between the cyclonic circulation from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and anticyclonic formation from the Pacific Ocean passes across the east. At the same time, there is a preferential removal of oxomorsk waters through the central part of the strait. The estimates of costs through the strait show a significant amount of flow of hunting waters - up to 9.70 centuries, and during the flow of Pacific - only 4.30 sv. Another, characteristic of the summer season, the Okhotsk-Aleutian type of atmospheric circulation, somewhat adjusts the circulation of the water circulation. In the Strait, the Bussol is formed the second frontal section, the orientation of the fronts is changed - along the strait, the circulation scheme is complicated. In the central part of the Strait there is a stream of Pacific Water to the Okhotsk Sea. The removal of oxomore waters is divided into two streams - through the western and eastern shedding gutter and the balance of spending through the strait is balanced (costs are about 8 st in the other direction). In the freezing of the frieze, there is a well-pronounced bilateral scheme of flows.

Fall (October- november). The autumn period, like the Spring - the time of restructuring atmospheric processes over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The duration of the North-West type of atmospheric circulation increases, as well as instead of the Okhotsk-Aleutian type, the type of "cyclones over the ocean" is obtained. A significant weakening of water circulation intensity is noticeably. With the north-western type of atmospheric circulation, the flow diagram in the freezing of the frieze maintains a bilateral orientation (as in the summer period with this type of atmospheric circulation). In the Strait, the salary circuit of the water circulation is represented by an elongated across the strait of a two none anticyclonic circulation, which determines the two-sided circulation of water in each of the stratum gutters. When the type of atmospheric circulation "Cyclones over the ocean" for the circulation of water in the Strait, the Bussol is noted the removal of oxomorsk waters in the Western gutter of the strait and double-sided circulation of water in the anticyclonic cycle in the Eastern Gutter of the Strait.

Thus, according to the results of model calculations in the freezing of the frieze, a preferential removal of oxomorsk waters is observed in the winter and spring period with the north-western type of atmospheric circulation, as well as in the winter and autumn period with a typical synoptic situation "Cyclones over the ocean". A bilateral flow diagram takes place with the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the summer and autumn periods. The preferential entry of Pacific Waters is observed under the Okhotsk-Aleutian type in the summer. In the Strait, the Bussol is a preferential removal of octomorsk waters in the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the summer. A fairly well-pronounced bilateral circuit of circulation of water in the strait is formed with the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the winter and spring seasons. With the remaining typical synoptic situations, circulation in the strait is represented by flows of a versatile orientation, due to the "dense packaging" of the vortex formations of various orientation. Seasonal variability of the intensification of water circulation in the straits can be traced. From the cold period of the first half of the year to the warm value of the waters increases by an order.

Hydrological zoning

Research of hydrological conditions zones of Kuril Straitov And the adjacent areas of the Pacific and the Ocean Sea revealed a number of similar features and features of the formation of the thermohalin structure of the waters in each of the districts.

The Sea Okhotsk and part of the Pacific Ocean in the Kuril Islands are filled with the waters of the subarctic structure - more precisely by the Okhotorskaya, Pacific and Kurilic species. Each - in the spring, summer and autumn consists of surface Water mass, cold and warm intermediate layers and deep root water.

In the subarctic structure of all three varieties, the main features are: a minimum temperature cold intermediate layer and maximum temperature of a warm intermediate layer. However, for each of the species is characterized by their own characteristics. The cold intermediate layer is most sharply expressed in the oothomorsk waters. The temperature in the core of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is maintained negative for most of the water area during the entire warm period of the year. In the zone of the ohuntomorsk coast of the Kuril Islands, there is a sharp "opening" of the cold intermediate layer, contracted by isotherm with + 1 ° associated with a well-pronounced front section of the actual oothomor waters and transformed waters of the Kuril Strait zones. For the coalkual variety of subarctic water structure in the warm half year, lower temperatures are characterized by lower temperatures and higher salinity values \u200b\u200bon the surface relative to the adjacent water and ocean, the expansion of the boundaries of the cold intermediate layer and the smoother temperature extremes of the aqueous mass. In the Pacific Waters, the intermediate layers are quite well expressed. As a result, on the side of the Pacific Ocean, along the islands, the Kuril flow, carrying the water of the Pacific subarctic structure, creates contrasts of thermohalin characteristics. A frontal zone is formed here, well-pronounced in the temperature of the surface and intermediate waters.

Warm intermediate layer The most clearly expressed in the Pacific waters. In the oothomorsk waters and in the zone of the sheds, this layer has more smoothed characteristics. This circumstance makes it possible to identify this aqueous mass as a Pacific or as an oothomorskaya in the study of water exchange through the straits.

Due to the peculiarities of the topography of Kuril Straits depth Okhotomorsk and Pacific Waters have contact only in the straits Bussol and Kruzenchtern. At the same time, the ohuntomore deep waters are colder than Pacific almost 1 ° and have a slightly smaller salinity - by 0.02. The coldest water (bringing the East Sakhalin flow in a cold intermediate layer to the Southern and Central Kuril Straits from the Formation Places on the Shelf of the Okhotsk Sea), as well as the warmer (associated with the penetration in the surface layer in the southern part of the Warm Waters of Soybean Sea), Enters the ocean through the Strait of Catherine and Frieza. In the ocean, these water nourish the Curil Current.

Studies of the thermohalin structure of water by analyzing cuts and cards of thermohalin fields, as well as analyzing T, S-curves, taking into account the conditions that form this structure in the whole area as a whole, allowed to clarify the previously division of the species of the subarctic structure of water in the Kuril Islands area and highlight a number of types (or species) Structures with the corresponding indexes of the considerations of their aquatic masses.

Selected the following varieties of water structure:

  • pacific type subarctic structure - Pacific waters carrying by the Kuril current;
  • okhotomorsky a type - hunt sea waterscharacterized by particularly low minimal temperatures in a cold intermediate layer and a weakly developed warm intermediate layer;
  • a type south of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - ocean waters, distinguished by the high values \u200b\u200bof thermohalin characteristics in the surface layer associated with the penetration of soybean water in the South Okhotomorsky district;
  • a type zones of Kuril Straitov (Curil type) - Transformed Waters characterized by characterized by thermohalin characteristics in the surface layer (lower temperature and higher salinity, relative to the adjacent water and ocean), more powerful vertically with a cold intermediate layer and more smoothed by the extremums of the aquatic masses;

  • type of shallow zone - Waters that are distinguished by a practically homogeneous vertical distribution of thermohalin characteristics.

Typification of the thermohalin structure of the water of the Kuril Islands

Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)

1. Tyookean type






kernel: 250-350

kernel: 250-350



2.Ochotomorskoy type




kernel: 75-100






3. FIP of the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk







4. Thip zone of Kuril Straits


(IV Kuril)





(IV Kuril)



kernel: 100-150



(IV Kuril)




(Kruzenshtern) (Bussol)

5. Scale zones of shallow water


Designations: (C *) - on the traverse IV of the Kuril Strait, (Y *) - Strait Busol.

The selected types of water structure are separated by the front zones of various intensity. The following fronts are defined:

  • coastal Front of the Curil Current - zone of the interaction of the 1st and 4th types of water structure (intrastructural Kuril Front);
  • curl Front of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk Intermittent with water exchange between the Okhotsk Sea and the Surveillars area is the area of \u200b\u200binteraction of the 2nd and 4th types of water structure. Here a "opening" of the cold intermediate layer of the ohotomorskoy type of water was found. The front is particularly clearly manifested in intermediate layers. It shares the cold water of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and abnormally warm water of the cold intermediate layer of the Curil Strait zone;
  • fRONT of the flow of soy associated with the invasion of the warmer and salt waters of the soybean in the surface layer observed in the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the structure of the 3rd type. The front is the zone of contact of the water of the 2nd and 3rd types of water structure.
  • fronts in the zones of the coarse straits associated with the circulation around the islands, with the ruptures of the 1st or 2nd Surveillant fronts upon the invasion of Pacific, or oxomorsk waters in the zones of the straits and what is happening with the vortex formation;
  • fronts of shallow zones arising from the formation of the 5th type of water structure (separating homogeneous waters of shallow water and stratified waters of the 1st, 2nd or 4th types of structures).

The picture of hydrological zoning of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits with the surrounding zones of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, as well as the distribution of the allocated types of water structure and the position of the front sections - quasi-stationary. The complex dynamics of waters in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands, due to the variability in the development of the intensity of development and the nature of the interaction of Curl flows, determines the evolution of the front partitions. Fronts become unstable, which is manifested in the form of formation of meanders, vortices and other inhomogeneities.

For the subarctic structure of water in the Pacific Ocean, the vertical distribution of sound speed is monotoned in winter and non-monotonic summer. In the warm period of the year, a thermal type of sound channel is formed with severe asymmetry. The upper part of the channel is due to the presence of seasonal thermocline. The position of the axis is the minimum temperature in the cold intermediate layer. Further increase in the speed of sound with depth is associated with increasing temperature in a warm intermediate layer and an increase in hydrostatic pressure. In this case, the formation of the so-called flat-grained waveguide.

Sound speed field in waters pacific Structures are non-uniform. In the zone of minimum sound speed values \u200b\u200balong the coast of the islands, an area is distinguished, characterized by particularly low values \u200b\u200b(up to 1450 m / s). This area is associated with the flow of a coicilla flow. Analysis of the vertical sections of the sound speed field and temperature shows that the axis of the sound channel corresponding to the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer coincides with the strand of the flow. At the cuts of the sound velocity field crossing the flow flow, lenzo-shaped areas are observed, refurbished out of the minimum sound velocity (also as in temperature - the lens-shaped areas of the minimum temperature in the core of the cold intermediate layer). When crossing the coastal front of the coastal flow, where the magnitude of the temperature changes can reach up to 5 ° at a distance of several hundred meters, the differences of sound velocity values \u200b\u200bare 10 m / s.

IN okhotomorskaya The structure of water characteristic of the cold intermediate layer, the negative values \u200b\u200bof the minimum temperature cause the appearance of a sharply pronounced underwater audio channel. At the same time, as well as for a cold intermediate layer, in the field of sound velocity, there is a "opening" of a flat-grained waveguide when crossing the Surveil Front of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The spatial distribution of sound speed is extremely inhomogeneously. In the distribution of speed of sound on the surface there is a decrease in its values \u200b\u200btowards the shelf of islands. The spatial pattern of the sound velocity field here is complicated due to the presence of diverse inhomogeneities of thermohalin fields associated with observed constant vortex formation. Here are lenzo-shaped areas with lower values \u200b\u200b(with a difference of up to 5 m / s) compared to the surrounding waters.

In structure south Okhotomorsky Waters, which is formed during the invasion of warm lattern water flow water in the surface layer of water, sound speed profiles are distinguished by both the values \u200b\u200bof sound speed values \u200b\u200band the form of the vertical distribution and the position of the extremums. The form of the vertical sound velocity curve here is determined not only by the temperature profile, but also the non-monotonic vertical distribution of salinity, characterizing the structure of the flow of water flowing into the South-Okomorsk region. The vertical saline distribution in the surface layer has a maximum that prevents a decrease in sound speed values. In this regard, the position of the axis of the audio channel is observed several deeper the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer. Consequently, in this area, the type of sound channel ceases to be purely thermal. For a south-oxomorskoy type of water structure, the maximum range of changes in the speed of sound (from 1490-1500 m / s on the surface, to 1449-1450 m / s per axis of the audio channel).

IN strait zone And on both sides of the Kuril Ridge as a result of tidal mixing, a significant number of frontal sections of various scale are formed. With frontogenesis and vortex formation, the depth of the seasonal thermocline is changed and respectively - tachoklin (sometimes before exiting it to the surface), the position of the kernel of the cold intermediate layer, its boundaries and, accordingly, the axis of the sound channel and its boundaries changes. The most striking features of the structure of the speed field are found in the zones of stripping flows in the area of \u200b\u200bthe straits (as in areas adjacent to the islands). There is a localization of homogeneous minimum temperature cores in a cold intermediate layer that coincides with the zone maximum speeds flows. In the planes of transverse thermohalinous cuts, these zones correspond to areas limited by closed isotherms. A similar picture is observed in the sound velocity field - these zones correspond to the areas limited by closed outflows. Similar, but more pronounced areas were discovered earlier in the study of such mesoscale inhomogeneities, as vortex education, frontal and inter-terror zones in the areas of Kurosio - Oyasio, California. In this regard, the existence of a special type of sound channel in the ocean, which is a three-dimensional acoustic waveguide. In contrast to the known flat-grained waveguide, there are not only elevated vertical, but also horizontal sound speed gradients, limiting the area to the left and right. In the plane of transverse cuts - these are areas limited by closed outflows. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits, there is a weakly generated similarity of three-dimensional acoustic waveguides. The expeditionary data of the FEA of the Russian Academy of Sciences show the constant existence of such waveguides in the area under study.

Thus, in the area of \u200b\u200bKuril Islands, the following features of the hydroacoustic structure of water are observed:

  • comparatively low sound speed values \u200b\u200bon the sea surface in the shelf zone of the Kuril ridge;
  • erosion of the axis of the sound channel and the increase in the speed of propagation of sound towards the islands;
  • the destruction of the sound canal in the shallow water of the islands, up to its complete disappearance;
  • along with a flat-grained waveguide, three-dimensional acoustic waveguides are forming.

Thus, the formation of a hydroacoustic structure of water in the area under study is generally determined by the characteristics of the hydrological structure of water. Each area is the zone of the Curil Straits, adjacent areas of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - are characterized by both certain types of thermohalin structure of water, as well as certain features of the structure of the sound velocity field. In each area, there are types of vertical sound distribution curves with appropriate numerical indexes of extremums and types of audio channels.

Structure of the Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bField in the Kuril Islands Area

warm half year

Sound speed, m / s

Depth, M.




axis of the sound canal

okhotomorsky Type of hydrological structure



axis of the sound canal

south Okhotomorsky Type of hydrological structure



axis of the sound canal

Zones of Kuril Straitov



axis of the sound canal

Zone shallow


For pacific Subarctic Water Structure Formation of the Sound Speed \u200b\u200bField is largely due to the Kuril current, where the axis of the sound channel, as studies have shown, coincides with the streamline and the zone of the minimum temperature of the cold intermediate layer. The type of forming sound waveguides is thermal.

IN okhotomorskaya Watery structure The negative values \u200b\u200bof the minimum water temperature in the cold intermediate layer determine the formation of a sharply pronounced underwater audio channel. It was found that in the sound speed field here, as for the core of the cold intermediate layer, there is a "cliff" of a flat-grained waveguide with the intersection of the Curl front of the Okhotsk Sea.

In structure south Okhotomorsky WATER The shape of the vertical sound velocity curve is determined not only by the vertical temperature profile, but also the non-monotonic distribution of salinity profile due to the invasion of the warm, more salted water of the soybean. In this regard, the position of the audio channel axis is observed several deeper the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer. The type of sound channel ceases to be purely thermal. A feature of the structure of the sound speed field in this area is also the maximum range of changes in the speed of sound speed from the surface to the axis of the audio channel, compared with other areas considered here.

For the structure of water zones of Kuril Straitov The relatively small sound velocity values \u200b\u200bare characterized on the surface, smoothed extremmas curve of the vertical sound speed profile and erosion of the axis of the sound channel.

In homogenized waters zones of shallow water There is a destruction of the sound channel up to its disappearance. In the zone of the coarse straits and areas adjacent to them - both from the Pacific Ocean and the Okhotsk Sea - along with flat-grained waveguides there are weakly pronounced three-dimensional acoustic waveguides.

Okhotsk Sea - Sea of \u200b\u200bPacific Ocean, separated from him by the peninsula of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Hokkaido Island.
The sea is washes the coast of Russia and Japan.
Area - 1603 thousand km². The average depth is 1780 m, the maximum depth is 3916 m. The western part of the sea is located above the gentle continuation of the continent and has a small depth. In the center of the sea there are depressions of Derjugin (in the south) and Wpadina Tingro. In the eastern part there is a Kuril's hollow, in which the depth is maximum.

Okhotsk Sea Map of the Far East

In the chain of our Far Eastern seas, it occupies a median position, it is quite deeply going to the Asian mainland, and from the Pacific Ocean, the Arc of the Kuril Islands. The Okhotsk Sea almost everywhere has natural frontiers and only in the south-west of the Japanese Sea, the conditional lines are separated: the southern - m. Syk and in the Laperus Strait. Krylon - m. Soy. The southeastern border of the sea goes from the m. Odladpa (about. Hokkaido) through Kurile Islands to m. The blade (Kamchatka), with all the passages between about. Hokkaido and Kamchatka are included in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Under these limits, the space of the sea extends from north to south from 62 ° 42 'up to 43 ° 43' s. sh. and from west to east from 134 ° 50 'to 164 ° 45' in. The sea is significantly stretched from the southwest to the northeast and expanded in about its central part.

General data, geography, islands
The Okhotsk Sea is one of the largest and deep seas of our country. Its area is 1603 thousand km2, the volume is 1318 thousand km3, medium depth 821 m, the greatest depth of 3916 m. By geographical position, predominantly depths up to 500 m and significant spaces engaged in large depths, the Sea Okhotsk area refers to the outskirts of the mixed mainland-type mixed seas.

There are few islands in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The largest bordered island - Sakhalin. The Kuril ridge has about 30 large, many small islands and rocks. The Kuril Islands are located in the belt of seismic activity, which includes more than 30 valid and 70 extinct volcanoes. Seismic activity is manifested in the islands and under water. In the latter case, waves of tsunami are formed. In addition to the above-mentioned "edge" islands in the sea, the islands of Shantarsky, Spafferov, Zavyalova, Yam's and small island of ions are located - the only one, removed from the shore.
With a high length, the coastal line is cut relatively weakly. At the same time, it forms several large bays (aniva, patience, Sakhalin, Academy, Tugursky, Ayan, Shelikhov) and lips (Uska, Tuyan, Giuginskaya and Penzhinskaya).

atsonopuri Volcano, ITUURUP, Kuril Islands

From October to May - June The northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The southeastern part almost does not freeze.

The coast in the north is strongly cut, in the northeast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the largest bay is located - Shalikhov Bay. From the smallest bays of the northern part are the most famous for the most famous lip and shelving bays, Zabichka, Babushkin, Kekurn.

In the east, the coastline of the Kamchatka peninsula is practically devoid of bays. In the west, the coastline is strongly cut, forming the Sakhalin Bay and the Shartar Sea. In the south, the largest Aniva and patience are the bays, the Odessa Bay on the island of ITUURUP.

Fisheries (Salmon, Herring, Minttai, Moja, Navaga, etc.), seafood (Kamchatka crab).

Production of hydrocarbon raw materials on the shelf of Sakhalin.

River Amur, hunting, kitchen.

Okhotsk Sea Cape Giant, Sakhalin Island

Main ports:
on the mainland - Magadan, Ayan, Okhotsk (portway); On the island of Sakhalin - Korsakov, on the Kuril Islands - North-Kurilsk.
The sea is located on the Okhotsk subpite, which is part of the Eurasian Plate. The bark is largely part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bContinental Type.

The Sea Okhotsk is called the Hunt River, which in turn comes from Evensk. Oakat - "River". Earlier was called Lamb (from Evensk. Lam - "Sea"), as well as Kamchatsky Sea. The Japanese traditionally called this sea hockey (北海), literally "North Sea". But since now this name refers to the North Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, the name of the Okhotsk Sea, they changed to Okhotsyuk-Kai (オホーツク 海), which is the adaptation of the Russian name to the norms of Japanese phonetics.

cape Chaniy Okhotsk Sea

Territorial mode
The focus of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is inland waters, territorial sea and the exceptional economic zone of two coastal states - Russia and Japan. In its international legal status, the Okhotsk Sea is closest to the semi-crumpled sea (Article 122 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea), since it is surrounded by two or more states and mainly consists of the territorial sea and the exceptional economic zone of two states, but is not, since Connected with the rest of the world's ocean is not the only narrow passage, but a number of passes.
In the central part of the sea at a distance of 200 nautical miles from the source lines, a plot extended in the meridional direction, in the English-language literature traditionally referred to as Peanut Hole, which is not included in the exclusive economic zone and is an open sea outside the jurisdiction of Russia; In particular, any country in the world has the right to pay fish and conduct other activities permitted by the UN convention on the sea, excluding the activity on the shelf. Since this region is an important element for reproducing a population of certain types of fishing fish, the governments of some countries directly prohibit their courts to lead fishing on this site.

On November 13-14, 2013, the subcommittee created under the UN Commission on the Borders of the Continental Shelf agreed with the arguments of the Russian delegation as part of the consideration of the Application of the Russian Federation on the recognition of the bottom of the open sea section by the continuation of the Russian continental shelf. On March 15, 2014, the 33 session of the Commission in 2014 adopted a positive decision on the Russian application, first submitted in 2001, and filed in the new edition in early 2013, and the central part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk outside the exceptional economic zone of the Russian Federation was recognized Continental shelf of Russia.
Consequently, in the central part to other states is prohibited from the extraction of "sitting" biological resources (for example, crab) and the development of subsoil. On catching other bioresources, for example, fish, restrictions of the continental shelf do not apply. The consideration of the application was essentially possible thanks to the position of Japan, which was the official notewable of May 23, 2013 confirmed consent to the Commission of the essence of the application regardless of the decision of the Curil Islands. Okhotsk Sea

Temperature and salting
In winter, the water temperature near the sea surface ranges from -1.8 to 2.0 ° C, the temperature rises to 10-18 ° C in summer.
Below the surface layer, at the depths of about 50-150 meters there is an intermediate cold layer of water, the temperature of which does not change during the year and is about -1.7 ° C.
The Pacific Ocean, entering the sea through the Curil Straits of the Pacific Ocean, form deep aqueous masses with a temperature of 2.5 - 2.7 ° C (at the bottom - 1.5-1.8 ° C). In coastal areas with a significant river flow, water has a temperature in winter around 0 ° C, in summer - 8-15 ° C.
Saltness of surface seawater - 32.8-33.8 ppm. The saline of the intermediate layer is 34.5. The deep water is salty 34.3 - 34.4. Coastal waters have salting less than 30.

Incident in December 2010 - January 2011
Icebreaker "Krasin" (year of construction 1976), an analogue of the icebreaker "Admiral Makarov" (year of construction 1975)

From December 30, 2010 to January 31, 2011, a rescue operation was conducted in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, which was widely covered in the media.
The Operation itself was large-scale, according to the Deputy Minister of Transport of Viktor Olemer and the head of Rosrybolovy and the Andrei Eltimate, rescue operations with such a scope were not carried out in Russia for 40 years.
The cost of the operation was within 150-250 million rubles, 6,600 tons of diesel fuel were spent on it.
15 vessels hit the ice captivity, on which there were about 700 people.
The operation was carried out by the icebreaking flotilla: Icebreakers Admiral Makarov and Krasin, Magadan icebreaker and Tanker "Victoria" worked as auxiliary vessels. The coordination headquarters of the rescue operation was in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, work was carried out under the leadership of Viktor Olemer's Deputy Transport Minister.

Most of the ships got on their own, the icebreakers aroused four vessels: the "Cape Elizabeth" trawler, the research vessel "Professor Kzewater" (the first half of January, Admiral Makarov), the Refrigerator "Coast of Hope" and the Floa Commonwealth.
The first help was provided to the Seinera "Cape Elizabeth", whose captain he led his vessel after the introduction of a ban on an approach to this area.
As a result, "Cape Elizabeth" wamps in the ice in the Zone of the Sakhalin Bay. Okhotsk Sea

The second liberated vessel was "Professor Kizewter", the captain of which, according to the results of the investigation, was deprived of a diploma for six months.
In the area of \u200b\u200bJanuary 14, icebreakers collected together the remaining vessels that endure disaster, after that icebreakers carried out the wiring of both caravan courts on the coupling.
After the breakdown of the "Usov" "Commonwealth" it was decided to first spend the refrigerator through heavy ice ice.
The wiring was suspended in the area of \u200b\u200bJanuary 20 due to weather conditions, but on January 24, it was possible to bring the refrigerator "Coast of Hope" on clean water.
On January 25, after the bunkering "Admiral Makarov" returned to the wiring of the floating.
On January 26, there was a breakdown of towing "mustache" again, it was necessary to lose time for the delivery of new helicopter.
On January 31, the Floa Base "Commonwealth" was also removed from the ice captivity, the operation ended at 11:00 to Vladivostok time.

Hokkaido Island
Hokkaido (Yap. Gubernation north Sea"), Previously known as EDZO, in the old Russian transcription of Jeso, Jesdo, Iedzo - the second largest island of Japan. Until 1859, Matsumae was also called on the name of the ruling feudal clan, who owned the castle city of Matsumae - in the old Russian transcription - Matsmai, Matsmay.
From the island of Honshu, the Sangan Strait separates him, however, between these islands under the seabed, Tunnel San is laid. The largest city Hokkaido I. administrative center Simulated Prefecture - Sapporo. The north coast of the island is washed by the Cold Okhotsk Sea and addressed to the Pacific coast of the Far East of Russia. The territory of Hokkaido almost equally divides between mountains and plains. And the mountains are located in the center of the island and stretch the ridges from the north to south. SAMI high top - Mount Asahi (2290 m). In the western part of the island, on the Isicari River (length of 265 km), there is a valley with the same name, in the eastern part, along the River Tokati (156 km) - another valley. The southern part of Hokkaido forms the Osima Peninsula, separated by the Sangsko Strait from Honshu.
On the island is extreme eastern Point Japan - Cape Nosappu Saki. Also on it is located and extreme northern Point Japan - Cape Soy.

cape Red, Islands three brothers

Tshalehova Bay
Gulf of Shelikhova - the Bay of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk between the coast of Asia and the base of the Kamchatka Peninsula. I received my name in honor of G. I. Shelikhov.
Length is 650 km, the inlet width is 130 km, the largest width is 300 km, depth to 350 m.
In the northern part of the peninsula, Tiagonos is divided into Gizhihinsky lip and Penzhinsky lip. The Gauli, Penjin, Yama, Malkachaan rivers flow into the bay.
Covered with ice from December to May. Inclusters are incorrect, semi-dry. In the Penzhinsky lip reaches the maximum value for the Pacific.
Bay is rich in fish resources. Fishing facilities are herring, halibut, flounder, Far Eastern Navaga.
In the southern part of Shelikhov's bay there is a small archipelago Yaman Islands.
In the Gulf of Shelikhov, herbs reached 14 m.

Sakhalin bay, swans flew the Sea Okhotsk

Sakhalin Bay
Sakhalin Bay - Bay of the Okhotsk Sea between Asia's coast north of the mouth of the Amur and the northern tip of Sakhalin Island.
In the northern part, wide, southerly narrows and goes to Amur Liman. The width to 160 km of the Strait of Nevelsky is connected to the Tatar Strait and the Japanese Sea.
From November to June is covered with ice.
Infections are incorrect daily, up to 2-3 m.
In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe bay, industrial fishing (salmonary, cod) is conducted.
On the shore of the bay is the port of Moskalvo.

bay Aniva, Port of Korsakov, Sakhalin Island

Bay Aniva
Aniva - Bay of the Okhotsk Sea, southern Shore Sakhalin Islands, between the Peninsula of Krölonsky and Tonino Aniva. From the south is widely open in the strait of the lapere.
The origin of the title of the Gulf is most likely due to the aminas words "An" and "Iva". The first is usually translated as "available, located", and the second - as " mountain Ridge, rock, vertex "; Thus, Aniva can be translated as "having ridges" or "located among the ridges (mountains)".
Width 104 km, length 90 km, the highest depth of 93 meters. The narrowed part of the bay is known called Salmon Bay. The warm flow of soybeans affects the temperature regime and the dynamics of the flows inside the bay, which is a changeable nature.

Sakhalin (Yap. 樺 太, whale. 库页 / 庫頁) - island at the Eastern Coast of Asia. It is part of the Sakhalin region. The largest island Russia. Washed by the Okhotsk and Japanese seas. From mainland Asia is separated by the Tatar Strait (in the narrowest part - the Nevsky Strait - has a width of 7.3 km and freezes in winter); From the Japanese Island Hokkaido - Laperose Strait.

The island got its name from the Manchur name of the Amur River - "Sakhahalyan-Ulla", which means "Black River" - the name is printed on the map, it was mistaken to Sakhalin, and the name of the island was printed in further editions.

The Japanese call Sakhalin Karafuto, this name goes back to the Aynian "Kamu-Kara-Puto-I-Mosir", which means the "earth of the mouth of the mouth." In 1805, the Russian vessel under the command of I. F. Kruzenshtern investigated most of the Sakhalin coast and concluded that Sakhalin - Peninsula. In 1808, Japanese expeditions, who headed Matsuda Denzuro and Mamia Rindzo, proved that Sakhalin is an island. Most European cartographers were skeptical to Japanese data. For a long time on different cards Sakhalin designated either an island or by the peninsula. Only in 1849, the expedition under the command of G. I. Nevelsky put the final point in this matter, having passed on the Baikal Military Transport ship between Sakhalin and the mainland. This shed was subsequently named after Nevelsky.

The island is pulled by Meridionially from Cape Krylon in the south to Cape Elizabeth in the north. Length is 948 km, width from 26 km (belongings of the belt) up to 160 km (on latitude with. Lesogorskoye), an area of \u200b\u200b76.4 thousand km².

Bay of patience
Bay of patience - the Bay of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk at the south-eastern shore of Sakhalin Island. In the eastern part, partially limited to the patience by the peninsula.
The bay was opened in 1643 by the Dutch navigator M. G. De Friz and named it to the Bay of patience, since his expedition had to be overwhelmed here a long time a dense fog that did not allow the opportunity to continue swimming.
The length of the bay is 65 km, the width is about 130 km, the depth is up to 50 m. The river Poronia flows into the bay.
In winter, the bay freezes.
Water bay is rich in biological resources, among which Keta and Gorbow.
In the patience of Poronaysk's patience. Okhotsk Sea

- The chain of the islands between the Kamchatka peninsula and the Island of Hokkaido, a little convex arc separating the Okhotsk Sea from the Pacific Ocean.
The length is about 1200 km. The total area is 10.5 thousand km². By the south of them there is a state border of the Russian Federation with Japan.
The islands form two parallel ridges: a large Kuril and Small Kuril. Include 56 islands. Have important military-strategic and economic importance. Kuril Islands come in Sakhalin Oblast Russia. The southern islands of the archipelago - ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai Group are disputed by Japan, which includes them in the composition of Hokkaido Prefecture.

Refer to the districts of the Far North
The climate on the islands of sea, pretty severe, with a cold and long winter, cool summer, high humidity. The mainland monsonic climate undergoes significant changes here. On the southern part of the Kuril Islands, frosts can reach -25 ° C, average temperature February - -8 ° C. In the north part of winter softer, with frosts up to -16 ° C and -7 ° C in February.
In winter, Aleutian bary minimum affects the islands, whose action weakens by June.
The average temperature of August on the southern part of the Kuril Islands is +17 ° C, on the North - +10 ° C.

List of islands of more than 1 km² in the direction from north to south.
Name, Square, km², Height, Latitude, Longitude
Large Kuril Gang
Northern Group
Atlasova 150 2339 50 ° 52 "155 ° 34"
Schisha 388 189 50 ° 45 "156 ° 21"
Paramushir 2053 1816 50 ° 23 "155 ° 41"
Antsiferov 7 747 50 ° 12 "154 ° 59"
Maca Kanrushi 49 1169 49 ° 46 "154 ° 26"
Onekotan 425 1324 49 ° 27 "154 ° 46"
Harimkathan 68 1157 49 ° 07 "154 ° 32"
Chirincatan 6 724 48 ° 59 "153 ° 29"
Ecarma 30 1170 48 ° 57 "153 ° 57"
Shiashkotan 122 934 48 ° 49 "154 ° 06"

Medium group
Raikok 4,6 551 48 ° 17 "153 ° 15"
Matua 52 1446 48 ° 05 "153 ° 13"
Frames 67 948 47 ° 45 "153 ° 01"
O-Va Ushishir 5 388 - - -
Riponkich 1.3 121 47 ° 32 "152 ° 50"
Yankich 3.7 388 47 ° 31 "152 ° 49"
Keta 73 1166 47 ° 20 "152 ° 31"
SIMUSHIR 353 1539 46 ° 58 "152 ° 00"
Brutona 7 800 46 ° 43 "150 ° 44"
O-va Black Brothers 37 749 - - -
Chirp 21 691 46 ° 30 "150 ° 55"
Brother-Chirpoov 16 749 46 ° 28 "150 ° 50"

South Group
Urup 1450 1426 45 ° 54 "149 ° 59"
ITUURUP 3318.8 1634 45 ° 00 "147 ° 53"
Kunashir 1495,24 1819 44 ° 05 "145 ° 59"

Small Kuril Gang
Shikotan 264,13 412 43 ° 48 "146 ° 45"
Polonsky 11,57 16 43 ° 38 "146 ° 19"
Green 58.72 24 43 ° 30 "146 ° 08"
Tanglifyeva 12.92 15 43 ° 26 "145 ° 55"
Yuri 10.32 44 43 ° 25 "146 ° 04"
Anumina 2.35 33 43 ° 22 "146 ° 00"

Geological structure
The Kuril Islands is a typical ensematic island arc on the edge of the Okhotsk Plate. It is located above the subduction zone, in which the Pacific cooker is absorbed. Most of the islands of Goris. The highest height of 2339 m is the island of Atlasov, Volcano Alaid. The Kuril Islands are located in the Pacific volcanic fiery ring in the zone of high seismic activity: out of 68 volcanoes 36 are active, there are hot mineral springs. Care of large tsunami. Tsunami is most famous on November 5, 1952 at Paramushir and Shikotanian Tsunami on October 5, 1994. The last of the major tsunami occurred on November 15, 2006 on the Simushira.

Detailed Geography of the Okhotsk Sea, Description of the Sea
Basic physico-geographical features.
The straits connecting the Okhotsk Sea with the Safety Ocean and the Japanese Sea and their depths are very important, as they determine the possibility of water exchange. The straits of Nevelsky and Laperose are relatively narrow and shallow water. The width of the Nevelsky Strait (between the capes of Lazarev and died) is only about 7 km. The width of the stroller of the laper is somewhat more - about 40 km, and the greatest depth is 53 m.

At the same time, the total width of the Kuril Straits is about 500 km, and the maximum depth of the deepled of them (Strait Busol) exceeds 2300 m. Thus, the possibility of water exchange between the Japanese and the Okhotsk Sea is incomparably less than between the Okhotsk Sea and the Pacific Ocean. However, even the depth of the deepest of the Curil straits is much smaller than the maximum depth of the sea, so r, the sealed sea depression from the ocean.
Most important for water exchange with the ocean of the Bussol and Cruise Strait, as they have the largest square and depth. The depth of the Strait of Bussol was indicated above, and the depth of the cruise-seater of 1920 m. Little value is of the freezers of the frieze, the fourth Kuril, Ramikord and Hope, the depths of which are more than 500 m. The depths of the remaining straits are mainly not exceeding 200 m, and the areas are insignificant.

Inactive for the external forms and the structure of the coast of the Okhotsk Sea in different areas belong to various geomorphological types. From fig. 38 It can be seen that in most part these are abrasive, altered by the sea of \u200b\u200bthe shore, only in the west of Kamchatka and in the east of Sakhalin are accumulated shores. Mostly the sea is surrounded by high and climby shores. In the north and northwest, rocky ledges go down straight to the sea. Less than tall, and then the lowland mainland coast comes to the sea at the Sakhalin Bay. Southeast coast of Sakhalin is low, and the northeast is the lowered. Very ripples. Northeast Hokkaido coast is predominantly lowered. The same character carries the coast of the southern part of West Kamchatka, but its northern part is characterized by some increase in the shore.

Diverse and uneven relief of the bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. In general, it is characterized by the following main features. The northern part of the sea is a mainland ovens - underwater continuation of the Asian mainland. The width of the mainland bells in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ayano-Okhotsk coast of about 100 miles, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Uska lip - 140 miles. Between the Meridians of Okhotsk and Magadan, its width increases to 200, miles. From the western edge of the sea, the island of Sakhalin island, from the eastern edge - the mainland shallow of Kamchatka. The shelf takes about 22% of the bottom area. The rest, most (about 70%) of the sea is within the mainland slope (from 200 to 1500 m), on which separate underwater hills, depressions and gutters are distinguished.
The deepe-water southern part of the sea is deeper than 2500 m, which is a piece of bed, takes 8% of the total area. It is stretched by a strip along the Kuril Islands, gradually narrowing from 200 km against about. Itupourk up to 80 km against the Cruise Strait. Great depths and significant bottom slopes are distinguished by the southwestern part of the sea from the northeast, lying on the mainland shallow.
From large elements of the relief of the bottom of the central part of the sea, two underwater elevations are highlighted - the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Institute of Oceanology. Together with the protrusion of the continental slope, they determine the separation of the sea basin for three basins: the northeast depression Tinro, the northwestern Vpadina of Derugin and the southern deep-water Kuril Basin. The depressions are connected by the gutters: Makarova, P. Schmidt and Swan. To the northeast of the Tinro's depression, Gulf Gulf of Shelikhov.

Kamchatka, Race on the Okhotsk Sea, Berengia 2013

Least deep vpadina Tingro is located west of Kamchatka. The bottom of it is the plain lying at a depth of about 850 m at maximum depth 990 m. Wpadina Dergina is east of the Sakhalin underwater base. Its bottom is flat, raised along the edges of the plain, lying on average at a depth of 1700 m, the maximum depth of the depression is 1744 m. The deepe of curl brand. This is a huge flat plain, lying at a depth of about 3,300 m. Its width in the western part of about 120 miles, the length in the northeast direction is about 600 miles.

The elevation of the Institute of Oceanology has rounded outlines, it is stretched in a latitudinal direction by almost 200 miles, and in a meridional about 130 miles. The minimum depth over it is about 900 m. The hillside of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR is cut by the vertices of the underwater valleys. A wonderful feature of the relief of the hill is the presence of flat peaks that occupy a large area.

Climate of the Sea Okhotsk
In its location, the Okhotsk Sea is in the monsoon climate zone of moderate latitudes, which is significantly affected by the physico-geographical features of the sea. Thus, his significant part in the West is deeply going to the mainland and lies relatively close to the Pole of the Cold of Asian Sushi, so the main source of cold for the Okhotsk Sea is in the West, and not in the north. Relatively high ridges Kamchatka make it difficult to penetrate the warm Pacific air. Only in the south-east and in the south, the sea is open to the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese sea, from which there is a significant amount of heat. However, the effect of cooling factors affects more than pecificent, so the Okhotsk Sea as a whole is the coldest of the Far Eastern seas. At the same time, its large meridional length causes significant spatial differences in the synoptic situation and meteorological indicators in each season. In the cold part of the year from October to April, the Siberian Anticyclone and Aleutian minimum affect the sea. The effect of the latter applies mainly to the south-eastern part of the sea. Such a distribution of large-scale baric systems causes the dominance of strong sustainable northwestern and northern winds, often reaching storm power. Malmaty and stole almost completely absent, especially in January and February. In winter, the wind speed is usually equal to 10-11 m / s.

Dry and cold winter Asian monsoon enhanced air over the north and northwestern areas of the sea. In the cold month (January), the average air temperature in the north-west of the sea is -20-25 °, in the central regions -10-15 °, only in the southeastern part of the sea, it is -5-6 °, which is explained by the warming effect Pacific.

For autumn-winter time, cyclones are characterized mainly continental origin. They entail strengthening, wind, sometimes lowering the air temperature, but the weather remains clear and dry, as the continental air from the cooled mainland of Asia comes with them. In March - April there is a restructuring of large-scale baric fields. The Siberian Anticyclone is destroyed, and the Honolulian maximum is enhanced. As a result, the Warm Season (from May to October), the Okhotsk Sea is under the influence of the Honolulic maximum and the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure located above Eastern Siberia. In accordance with such a distribution of the centers of the atmosphere at this time, weak southeastern winds prevail over the sea. Their speed usually does not exceed 6-7 m / s. Most often, these winds are observed in June and July, although these months are sometimes there are stronger northwestern and northern winds. In general, the Pacific (Summer) monsoon is weaker than Asian (winter), since in the warm season horizontal pressure gradients are small.

bay Nagaevo

Summer air warms up unequal over the whole sea. The average monthly air temperature in August decreases from the southwest to the northeast of 18 ° in the south, to 12-14 ° central and to 10-10.5 ° in the north-east of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. In the warm season over the southern part of the sea, oceanic cyclones are often held, with which the wind gain is connected to a storm, which can last up to 5-8 days. The predominance in the spring-summer season of southeastern winds leads to significant cloudiness, precipitation, fog. Monsoon winds and stronger winter heating in the western part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk compared to the eastern - important climatic features of this sea.
There are quite a few predominantly small rivers in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, so the mainland stock is relatively small. It is approximately 600 km3 / year, and about 65% gives Amur. Other comparatives large rivers - Penjina, Hunting, Uda, Big (in Kamchatka) - bring significantly less fresh water into the sea. It comes mainly in the spring and early summer. At this time, the influence of mainland, mainly in the coastal zone, near the mouth areas of large rivers.

Geographical location, high length of meridian, monsoon wind shift and good sea connection with the quiet ocean through the Kuril Straits - the main natural factors that significantly affect the formation of the hydrological conditions of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The values \u200b\u200bof the arrival and consumption of heat in the sea are determined mainly by the radiation warming and heating of the sea. The heat, brought by Pacific Waters, has a subordinate value. However, for the water balance of the sea, the arrival and stock of water through the Kuril Straits plays a decisive role. Details and quantitative indicators of the waters through the Kuril Straits are still not sufficiently understood, but the main paths of water exchange through the straits are known. The flow of surface Pacific Waters to the Okhotsk Sea occurs mainly through the northern straits, in particular through the first Kurilsky. In the sheds of the middle part of the ridge, both the flow of Pacific waters and the flow of the Okhotsk are observed. Thus, in the surface layers of the third and fourth coarse straits, apparently, the flow of water from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, in the bottom of the same - the influx, and in the Strait of the Bussol, on the contrary: in the surface layers of the influx, in the depths - stock. In the southern part of the ridge, mainly through the Straits of Catherine and Frieza, there is mainly the flow of water from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The intensity of water exchange through the straits can change significantly. In general, the in the upper layers of the southern part of the Kuril ridges the flow of oxomorsk waters is dominated, and in the upper layers of the northern part of the ridge there is a flow of Pacific. In the deep layers, the receipt of Pacific waters dominates.
The influx of Pacific waters is largely affected on the temperature distribution, salinity, the formation of the structure and the total circulation of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

cape Column, Kunashir Island, Kuril Islands

Hydrological characteristics.
The water temperature on the sea surface is generally lowered from the south to the north. In winter, almost ubiquitous surface layers are cooled to the freezing temperature, equal to -1.5-1.8 °. Only in the southeastern part of the sea, it holds around 0 °, and near the northern coarse straits, the water temperature under the influence of penetrating the Pacific waters reaches 1-2 °.

Spring heating at the beginning of the season mainly goes on melting of ice, only by the end of it begins to increase the water temperature. In summer, the distribution of water temperature on the surface of the sea is quite varied (Fig. 39). In August, the most prohibited (up to 18-19 °) water adjacent to about. Hokkaido. In the central areas of the sea, the water temperature is 11-12 °. The coldest surface waters are observed from about. Ions, at m. Pyagin and near the Cruise Strait. In these areas, the water temperature is held within 6-7 °. The formation of local foci of increased and reduced water temperature on the surface is mainly due to the redistribution of heat by trends.

The vertical distribution of water temperature is different from the season for the season and from the place to the place. In the cold season, the temperature change with a depth is less difficult and varied than in warm seasons. In winter, in the northern and central areas of the sea, the cooling of water spreads to the horizons 100-200 m. The water temperature is relatively homogeneous and decreases from -1.7-1.5 ° on the surface to -0.25 ° on the horizons 500-600 m, it deeper It rises to 1-2 ° in the southern part of the sea, near the Kuril Straits, the water temperature from 2.5-3.0 ° on the surface drops to 1.0-1,4 ° on the horizons of 300-400 m and then smoothly rises to 1, 9-2.4 ° at the bottom.

In summer, surface waters are processed to a temperature of 10-12 °. In the subsurface layers, the water temperature is somewhat lower than on the surface. A sharp decrease in temperature to magnitudes -1.0-1.2 ° is observed between the horizons 50-75 m, deeper to the horizons 150-200 meters the temperature rises to 0.5-1.0 °, and then its increase occurs more smoothly horizons 200-250 m It is 1.5-2.0 °. Hence the water temperature almost does not change to the bottom. In the southern and southeastern parts of the sea, along the Kuril Islands, the water temperature from 10-14 ° on the surface is reduced to 3-8 ° on the horizon of 25 m, then up to 1.6-2.4 ° on the horizon 100 m and to 1 , 4-2.0 ° at the bottom. For vertical temperature distribution in summer, a cold intermediate layer is characterized - the rest of the winter cooling of the sea (see Fig. 39). In the northern and central areas of the sea, the temperature in it is negative and only near the coarse straits it has positive values. In different parts of the sea, the depth of the cold intermediate layer is different and varies from year to year.

The distribution of salinity in the Okhotsk Sea relatively little varies on the seasons and is characterized by its increase in the eastern part under the influence of Pacific Waters, and a decrease in the western part, designed by the mainland flow (Fig. 40). In the western part of the salinity on the surface 28-31, and in Eastern it is 31-32 ‰ and more (up to 33 near the Kuril ridge). In the northwestern part of the sea, due to the desalination salns on the surface 25 and less, and the thickness of the desalinated layer is about 30-40 m.
With a depth in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk there is an increase in salinity. On the horizons 300-400 m in the western part of the sea salinity is equal to 33.5, and in Eastern about 33.8 ‰. On the horizon is 100 m salinity is 34.0 and further to the bottom increases slightly - only 0.5-0.6 ‰. In individual bays and sheds, the magnitude of salinity, its stratification can differ significantly from the open sea depending on local hydrological conditions.

Temperature and salinity determine the values \u200b\u200band distribution of the density of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. In accordance with this, more dense waters are observed in winter in the northern and central ice-covered areas of the sea. Somewhat less density in a relatively warm boncuril area. In summer, water density decreases, its smallest values \u200b\u200bare confined to the zones of the influence of coastal drain, and the greatest are marked in areas of spread of Pacific waters. The density increases with depth. In winter, it rises relatively slightly from the surface to the bottom. In summer, its distribution depends in the upper layers from the temperature values, and on the middle and lower horizons from salinity. In the summer, a noticeable density stratification of water vertically creates, especially significantly the density increases on the horizons of 25-35-50 m, which is associated with waters in open areas and desalination off the coast.

cape Nyukl (Sleep Dragon) near Magadan

With the peculiarities of the vertical distribution of oceanological characteristics, the possibilities of the development of mixing the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are largely related. Wind mixing is carried out in a lack of year. It is most intensive in the spring and autumn, when strong winds blow over the sea, and the stratification of water is expressed not very sharply. At this time, the wind stirring spreads to the horizon of 20-25 m from the surface. Strong cooling and powerful gland formation in the autumn-winter time contributes to the development of convection in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. However, it proceeds unequal in its different areas, which is explained by the peculfles of the bottom, climatic differences, the intake of Pacific waters and other factors. Thermal convection on most of the sea penetrates to 50-60 m, since the summer heating of surface waters, and in the zones of coastal flow and substantial desalination cause water bundle vertically, which is most dramatically expressed on the specified horizons. An increase in surface water density due to cooling and caused by this convection is not able to overcome the maximum stability located on the referred to the horizons. In the southeastern part of the sea, the Pacific Waters are mostly distributed, there is a relatively weak stratification by vertical, therefore thermal convection extends here to the horizons 150-200 m, where it limits the density structure of the water.
Intensive gland formation for most of the sea excites the enhanced thermohalin winter vertical circulation. At depths up to 250-300 m, it applies to the bottom, and its penetration on more significant depths prevents the maximum sustainability existing here. In areas with crossed terrain, the distribution of density mixing in the lower horizons contributes to the location of the water in the slopes. In general, the Sea Okhotsk is characterized by a good mixing of its water.

Features of the vertical distribution of oceanic characteristics, mainly water temperature, indicate that the Susta water is characterized by the subarctic structure of water, in which the cold and warm intermediate layers are well expressed in summer. A more detailed study of the subarctic structure in this sea showed that it exists the Okhotorskaya, Pacific and Kuril varieties of the subarctic structure of water. With the same character of the vertical structure, they have quantitative differences in the characteristics of the aquatic masses.

Based on the analysis of T, S-curves, in combination with the consideration of the vertical distribution of oceanic characteristics in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the following aquatic masses are distinguished. Surface aqueous mass having spring, summer and autumn modifications. It represents the upper resistance maximum due to the main temperature. This aqueous mass is characterized by the corresponding temperatures and salinity values, on the basis of which its mentioned modifications differ.
The ohuntomorsk aqueous mass is formed in winter from surface water and in spring, in summer and in the fall, it is manifested in the form of a cold intermediate layer that flies between the horizons 40-150 m. This aqueous mass is characterized by quite homogeneous salinity (about 32.9-31.0) and different Places to the place of temperature. For most of the sea, its temperature is below 0 ° and comes to -1.7 °, and it happens above 1 ° in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits.

The intermediate aqueous mass is formed mainly due to the lowering of water on the slopes of the bottom, within the sea ranges from 100-150 to 400-700 m and is characterized by a temperature of 1.5 ° and salinity of 33.7 ‰. This aqueous mass is distributed almost everywhere, except for the northwestern part of the sea, Shelichov Bay and some areas along the shores of Sakhalin, where the oakomorskaya aqueous water comes to the bottom. The thickness of the intermediate aqueous mass layer is generally reduced from the south to the north.

The deep Pacific aqueous water is the water of the lower part of the warm ocean layer, entering the Okhotsk Sea on the horizons below 800-2000 m, i.e. below the depth of the water drop in the straits, and is manifested in the form of a warm intermediate layer. This aqueous mass is located on the horizons 600-1350 m, has a temperature of 2.3 ° and salinity 34.3. However, its characteristics change in space. The highest values \u200b\u200bof temperature and salinity are noted in the northeast and partly in the northwestern regions, which is connected here with the rise of water, and the smallest values \u200b\u200bof characteristics are characteristic of Western and southern regions, where water is lowered.
The aqueous mass of the South Basin has a Pacific origin and is the deep water of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean from the horizon of 2300 m, corresponding to the maximum depth of the threshold in the Kuril Straits (Strait Bussol). The water mass under consideration, in general, fills the named hollow from the horizon of 1350 m and to the bottom. It is characterized by a temperature of 1.85 ° and salinity of 34.7 ‰, which only slightly change with depth.
Among the highlighted aquatic masses, Okhotomorskaya and deep Pacific are basic and differ from each other not only by thermohalin, but also by hydrochemical and biological indicators.

Under the influence of winds and flow of water through the Kuril Straits, the characteristic features of the system of non-periodic currents of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk (Fig. 41) are formed. The main one is a cyclonic flow system covering almost all the sea. It is due to the predominance of the cyclonic circulation of the atmosphere over the sea and the adjacent part of the Pacific Ocean. In addition, resistant anticyclonal cyphans and extensive areas of cyclonic water circulation are traced in the sea.

At the same time, a narrow strip of stronger coastal currents, which, continuing to each other, is quite clearly distinguished, which, continuing to each other, as if bypassing the coastline of the sea against a clockwise arrow; Warm Kamchatka flow sent to the north in the Bay of Shelikhov; the flow of Western, and then south-west direction along the northern and northwestern coast of the sea; Sustainable East Sakhalin course, and a fairly strong soybean, which joins the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk through the strait of the laper.
On the southeast periphery of the cyclonic cycle of the central part of the sea, the branch of the northeast flow is distinguished opposite to the direction of Kuril's flow (or Oyasio) in the Pacific Ocean. As a result of the existence of these streams, some of the coarse strands, sustainable areas of the convergence of flows are formed, which leads to lowering water and has a significant impact on the distribution of oceanic characteristics not only in the straits, but also in the very sea. Finally, another feature of the circulation of the Water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - two-way sustainable flows in most of the coarse straits.

The non-periodic flows on the surface of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are most intense from the western shores of Kamchatka (11-20 cm / s), in the Sakhalin Gulf (30-45 cm / s), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits (15-40 cm / s), above the South Bathtone ( 11-20 cm / s) and for soy (up to 50-90 cm / s). In the central part of the cyclonic area, the intensity of horizontal transfer is significantly less than on its periphery. In the central part of the sea, the speed varies from 2 to 10 cm / s, and the speeds are dominated less than 5 cm / s. A similar picture is observed in the Gulf of Shelikhov, rather strong flows off the coast (up to 20-30 cm / s) and small speeds in the central part of the cyclonic cycle.

In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are well expressed and periodic (tidal) flows. Here are their various types: semi-sufficient, daily and mixed with the predominance of semi-diversity or daily components. The speeds of tidal flows are different - from several centimeters to 4 m / s. Departed from the shores of the speed of the flows is small (5-10 cm / s). In the straits, bays and the coast of tidal flow rates, they increase significantly, for example, in the Kuril sheds, they reach 2-4 m / s.
The tides of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are very complex. Tidal wave enters from the south and southeast of the Pacific Ocean. The half-length wave moves to the north, and on the parallel 50 ° is divided into two branches: Western turns to the north-west, forming the north of m. Patience and in the northern part of the Sakhalin Gulf of Amphidromic areas, the Eastern is moving towards the Gulf of Shelikhov, at the entrance to which occurs Another amphidromy. The daily wave is also moving to the north, but on the latitude of the northern tip of Sakhalin is divided into two parts: one is included in the Gulf of Shelikhov, the other comes to the North-West shore.

In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, there are two main types of tides: daily and mixed. Daily tides are the greatest distribution. They are observed in the Amur Liman, the Sakhalin Gulf, on the Kuril Islands, from the West Bank of Kamchatka and in Penzhinsky Gulf. Mixed tides are observed on the North and Northwest Sea coasts and in the Chartarka Islands area.
The greatest magnitude of the tide is noted in the Penzhinsky lip at the m. Astronomical (up to 13 m). These are the greatest tides for the entire coast of the USSR. In second place, the Shartar Islands Area, where the magnitude of the tide exceeds 7 m. Extremely significant tides in the Sakhalin Gulf and in the Kuril sheds. In the northern part of the sea, the magnitude of the tides reaches 5 m. The smallest tides were observed at the eastern shore of Sakhalin, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Laperuz Strait. In the southern Sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, the magnitude of the tides of 0.8-2.5 m. In general, tidal level fluctuations in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are very significant and have a significant effect on its hydrological regime, especially in the coastal zone.
In addition to tidal, well-riding levels are well developed here. They arise mainly when passing deep cyclones over the sea. Non-level raises reach 1.5-2 m. The greatest arrings are marked on the coast of Kamchatka and in the Bay of Patience.

Significant sizes and large depths of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, frequent and strong winds over it determine the development of large waves. Especially stormy sea is in the fall, and in crushing areas and winter. These seasons account for 55-70% storm excitement, including with wave heights 4-6 m, and the greatest heights Waves reach 10-11 m. The most restricted - the southern and southeastern areas of the sea, where the average repeatability of the storm unrest is 35-50%, and in the north-western part it decreases to 25-30%, with strong excitement in the straits between the Kuril The islands and between Chartarka Islands are formed.

Severe and long winters with strong northwestern winds contribute to the development of intensive gland formation in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Ice of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk exclusively local education. There are both fixed ice (soldering) and floating, which are the main form of the sea. In one or another, the amount of ice are found in all parts of the sea, but in the summer all the sea is cleared by the ice. The exception is the area of \u200b\u200bChartarka Islands, where ice can be maintained in summer.
Ice formation begins in November in the bays and lips of the northern part of the sea, in the coastal part about. Sakhalin and Kamchatka. Then the ice appears in the open part of the sea. In January and February, ice occupy the whole northern and middle part of the sea. During the usual years, the southern boundary of a relatively stable ice cover passes, bending to the north, from the strait of the lapere to m. The blade. The extreme southern part of the sea never freezes. However, due to the winds, significant ice masses are taken from the north, often accumulating the Kuril Islands.

From April to June, the fracture and gradual disappearance of ice cover occurs. On average ice in the sea disappears at the end of May - early June. The north-western part of the sea thanks to the trends and the configuration of the shores is most clogged with ice, which remains there until July. Consequently, ice cover in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is preserved for 6-7 months. Floating ice is covered with more than three quarters of the sea surface. The cohesive ice of the northern part of the sea represent a serious obstacle to diving even icebreakers. The total duration of the ice period in the northern part of the sea reaches 280 days a year.

The southern coast of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands belong to areas with low ice visibility, here the ice on average holds no more than three months a year. The thickness of the increasing ice during the ice reaches 0.8-1.0 m. Strong storms, tidal flows Slide ice cover in many areas of the sea, forming a torus and large divorce. In the open part of the sea, there is never a continuous fixed ice, usually the ice drifting in the form of extensive fields with numerous divorces. Some of the ice from the Okhotsk Sea is taken out to the ocean, where almost immediately collapses and melts. In the harsh winter, floating ice floats with northwestern winds pressed against the Kuril Islands and scoring some straits. Thus, in winter, there is no such place in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, where the meeting with ice is completely excluded.

Hydrochemical conditions.
Due to the constant water exchange with the Pacific Ocean through the deep Kuril Strait, the chemical composition of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is generally not different from the ocean. The values \u200b\u200band distribution of dissolved gases and biogenic substances in open areas of the sea are determined by the intake of Pacific Waters, and in the coastal part, the coastal stock has a certain effect.

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is rich in oxygen, but its content is not equally in different parts of the sea and varies with depth. A large amount of oxygen is dissolved in the waters of the northern and central parts of the sea, which is explained by the wealth of phytoplankton producing oxygen here. In particular, in the central part of the sea, the development of plant organisms is associated with the rise of deep water in the convergence zones. The water of the southern areas of the sea contain a smaller amount of oxygen, as they come here relatively poor phytoplankton Pacific waters. The greatest content (7-9 ml / l) of oxygen is observed in the surface layer, it is gradually decreased and on the horizon 100 m is equal to 6-7 ml / l, and on the horizon 500 m - 3.2-4.7 ml / l, Next, the amount of this gas is very quickly decreasing with a depth and at the horizons 1000-1300 m reaches a minimum (1.2-1.4 ml / l), but in deeper layers it increases to 1.3-2.0 ml / l. The minimum of oxygen is timed to the deep Pacific Water Mass.

The sea layer contains 2-3 μg / l of nitrites and 3-15 μg / l nitrates. With the depth, their concentration increases, and the content of nitrites reaches the maximum on the horizons 25-50 m, and the number of nitrates here increases sharply, but the greatest values \u200b\u200bof these substances are marked on the horizons of 800-1000 m, where they are slowly reduced to the bottom. For the vertical distribution of phosphates, an increase in their content with a depth is characterized, especially noticeable from the horizons 50-60 m, and the maximum concentration of these substances is observed in the bottom layers. In total, nitrites, nitrates and phosphates dissolved in the waters of the sea are increasing from north to south, which is mainly due to the rise of deep water. Local features of hydrological and biological conditions (water circulation, tides, the degree of development of organisms, etc.) form regional hydrochemical features of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

Economic use.
The nationality of the Okhotsk Sea is determined by using it natural resources and marine transportation. The main wealth of this sea is commercial animals, primarily fish. It is mainly produced mainly its most valuable species - salmon (Keta, Gorbow, Narki, Kizhuch, Chang) and their caviar. Currently, salmon reserves decreased, so their mining decreased. Fishing this fish is limited. In addition, herring, cod, cambala and other types of sea fish are caught in the sea in limited quantities. Okhotsk Sea is the main area of \u200b\u200bcrab fishery. Calmarov is mining at sea. One of the major stades of sea seals focused on the Shartar Islands, the extraction of which is strictly regulated.

Sea transport lines associate the Okhotsk ports of Magadan, Nagaevo, Ayan, Okhotsk with other Soviet and foreign ports. There are various cargo from different regions of the Soviet Union and foreign countries.

To a large extent studied Okhotsk Sea still needs to solve different natural problems. According to their hydrological aspects, the study of sea water exchange with the quiet ocean, total circulation, including vertical movements of water, their fine structure and vortex movements, ice conditions, in particular in the predictive direction of ice formation, direction of ice drift, etc. . The solution to these and other problems will contribute to the further development of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Melnikov A. V. Geographical names Far East of Russia: toponymic dictionary. - Blagoveshchensk: Interra-Plus (InterRa +), 2009. - 55 s.
Shamraev Yu. I., Shishkin L. A. Okeanology. L.: Hydrometeoizdat, 1980.
Lithosphere of the Okhotsk Sea
Okhotsk Sea in the book: A. Dobrovolsky, B. S. Svalod. Sea of \u200b\u200bthe USSR. Publishing House Mosk. University, 1982.
Leontyev V. V., Novikova K. A. Toponymic dictionary of the northeast of the USSR. - Magadan: Magadan Book Publishing House, 1989, Page 86
Leonov A.K. Regional Oceanography. - Leningrad, hydrometeoisdat, 1960. - T. 1. - P. 164.
Wikipedia website.
Magidovich I. P., Magidovich V. I. Essays on history geographic discoveries. - Enlightenment, 1985. - T. 4.
Photo: O.Smoliya, A.Afanasyev, A.Gill, L.Golubtsova, A.Panfilov, T. Sielen.

Okhotsk Sea - One of the largest water pools, washing the shores of our country.

Its area - 1,603,000 km 2 - one and a half times the area of \u200b\u200bthe Japanese Sea and is inferior only to Bering Sea, from which it is separated by the Kamchatka peninsula. The chain of the current and extinct volcanoes of the Kuril Island ridge, the Sea, the Sea are fenced off from the Pacific Ocean, and Hokkaido and Sakhalin Islands - from the Japanese Sea. Penzhinskaya Guba in the north, Usa in the West, the bays of the Tugursky, Academy, Patience and Aniva in the south are deeply passing into the land. Completely closed in the north, the Sea Okhotsk in the West through 19 Kuril Straits exchanged waters with the Pacific Ocean, and even south, through the straits of Laperose and Tatar, - with the Japanese sea. His coastline stretches for 10,444 km.

Morse covers an ancient land hunting, and therefore it is shallow on most of its water area. Only in the Yuzhnokhothskaya hollow depth reaches 3372 m. If you look at geomorphological map The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, you can find a row of depressions and raises on it: the elevation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the depressions of Tinro, Derugina, Makarov's gutter and Peter Schmidt. In the north, the shelf of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea shallow, south of the depth gradually increase. The shelf area is 36% of the entire sea water area.

Okhotsk Sea nourishes a lot of large and small rivers, but his home artery - Amur, Great River East Asia. The shores of the Okhotskiy Islands and the Kamchatka Peninsula mostly lowland, wetlands, with relic salty lakes, bays and lagoons. Especially many of them on Sakhalin. The western coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is mountainous, with ribbed straight shores. The ridges are coastal, the Ulinsky and the spurs of the Suntar-Hayat Ridge closely approach the sea in Ayana, Okhotsk and Magadan.

In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, almost all of the islands are located near the coast. The largest Sakhalin, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 76,400 km 2. The Kuril archipelago, stretching at 1200 km between the Japanese Island of Hokkaido and Cape of the blade on Kamchatka, has 56 islands (except for small volcanic origin). Volcories revealed and taken into account here. 38 and 70 extinct volcanoes. At the extreme West of the Sea there are Shartar Islands. The most significant one is big chatestar. Its area is 1790 km 2. Some of these 15 islands have long been caught by birds and attract the attention of scientists. South of the Peninsula of Patience is a small island of nuclearies, famous for its root fan. But the tiny island of ions lying in 170 miles east of Ayan is just a lonely rock, which only seabirds are visible. In addition to these Sushi fragments in the very top of the Sakhalin Gulf, Chkalov Islands, Baidukova and Belyakova, called the names of the brave Soviet Asov, spread.

The aquatic masses of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, moving mainly counterclockwise, form a cyclonic flow system. Due to these two main factors - stock river Water and the flow of warm waters of the Pacific Ocean through the Cruise Strains and Bussol. Around the Shartar Islands there is a circular motion in the opposite direction (clockwise), reminiscent of the flows in the bays of anise and patience.

On the south of the sea, the branches of two powerful water streams - a warm flow of churo-sivo and cold oyia-sivo. In addition to these trends in the Okhotsk Sea through the strait of the laper, the jet of the soybeans are penetrated. The effect of warm currents is intensified in summer and weakens in winter. In addition to the flow of Oyia-Sivo, which flows into the Okhotsk Sea through the Curil Straits, the cooling of the waters also causes the hourly eastern Sakhalin course directed from the north to south. Through the southern Curil Straits, cold water goes to the Pacific Ocean.

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is known for its powerful tides. In the Pyzhinsky lip, their height reaches almost 13 m (a kind of record for the USSR), a slightly smaller difference in sea levels with a complete (tide) and small (sang) water is observed in the Giuginsky lip and in Chartarka Islands.

A storm is often enveloped on the windows of cooling. Especially disturbed by the Southern Sea Area, where strong winds are blowing from November to March, and the crests of the waves take rise to a height of 10-11 m. Another feature of this huge water basin is its businesslikeness, the largest in the Far East. Only the western shores of Kamchatka and the Medium Curil Islands are preserved in the winter strip clean water. The destruction of the ice cover lasts from April to August - as we see, our sea is called student far from randomly. The movement of air masses also affects the harsh temper of the Okhotsk Sea. Winter anticyclone determines the northwest direction of winds, and in the summer southeastern winds prevail, which is characteristic of the monsoon climate. The amplitude of the annual air temperature fluctuations is 35 ° C, 10 ° is exceeded in beregov and Japanese seas. The average annual air temperature in the Okhotsk Sea varies from -7 ° (in. Gižigi district) to 5.5 ° (abasiri on Hokkaido).

Summer Warming Waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is limited to: the upper layers. In August, the temperature of the surface water reaches 16-18 ° off the coast of Hokkaido and 12-14 ° C - in the north-west. The lowest summer temperature of the surface waters is kept along the middle smoked (6-8 ° C) and the Pyagin Peninsula (4-6 ° C). In February (the coldest month), negative temperatures dominate in all of the Okhotsk Sea. The layer of "permafrost" hydrologists call the horizon of waters, occurring at a depth between 50 and 100 m. At the shores of Sakhalin, the temperature of this water layer is the lowest and reaches -1.6 °. Deeper, about 200 m, the temperature rises by 1.5-2 ° above zero. Only in the northern part of the sea and the southeast of Sakhalin for this depth is characterized by a negative temperature. With further immersion, the temperature is slowly rising, reaching 2.4 ° at a mark of 1000 m (due to the warmer water of the ocean), and then again slightly decreases. At depths from two to three thousand meters, it is 1.9 ° in winter and summer.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands, the salinity of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea reaches 33 ppm (a little more than 30 grams of salts in one liter). Other places salinity below; The most desired water in the Sakhalin Gulf, where Amur flows. With the depth, the salinity of sea water increases, and below two thousand meters it fully corresponds to the oceanic, reaching 34.5 ppm.

The maximum saturation of water oxygen and the highest degree of hydrogen ions concentration are fixed at a depth of 10 m, which is associated with the intensive development of phytoplankton. At a depth of 1000-1500 m, a sharp deficiency of oxygen was noted - up to 10% saturation. The zone of "biological depression" is formed here. Deeper the oxygen content increases to 20-25%. Filling through the sheds by ocean waters with a reduced oxygen content, the oxygen basin contains aqueous masses, weakly mixed due to sharp differences in individual layers by density. Vertical waters circulation occurs within the first two-dimensional layer. This is caused by the formation at a depth of 50-100 m of a more dense and cold intermediate layer of water. Winter cooling is accompanied by an increase in salinity and density, which leads to the lowering of these masses from the surface.

Differences in the salinity of water in the Amur Liman can reach 22 ppm. From the north in Liman, salted sea waters are enjoyed with fresh river. With strong southern winds in the Amur sometimes there is a correspondence, salt water rises up in its direction, and the so-called "faunistic barrier" is formed, to overcome which is not at the power of animals.

The bottom sediments of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are represented by sands, peccles and stony stamps with an admixture of il on the shelf. IN closed baysSandy brazes separated from the sea are retained. Sand precipitates prevail in the Sakhalin Gulf, and pebble - in the Penzhinsky Gup. In the deepwater basin in the south of the sea, the bottomshadis with sandy sludge, and in the central part it is greenish and brown ily at the depths between 1000 and 3000 m determine the propagation of the zone of stagnant water. Iron's island at a depth of about 500 meters found iron-manganese concrete.

In precipitation, many flint shelves of the smallest single-celled organisms - diamo-algae and radolation.

The history of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk has many hundreds of millions of years. Marine algae and bacteria that existed over one and a half billion years ago, left traces of their livelihoods on west coast The current Sea Okhotsk. In the Silurian period (about 450 million years ago), the southwestern part of the modern pool of the Okhotomory and the Area of \u200b\u200bSakhalin was stayed under water. The same situation was maintained in Devon (400-350 million years ago) in the area of \u200b\u200bChartarkne Islands, where even coral reefs developed, or rather refractory communities with the participation of coral polyps, Mshanok, sea hero And lilies. However, most of the pool in Paleozoic rose above sea level. The ancient dryness landing here is about 220 million years ago included the central part of the current sea, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. From the north, the West and the south hotting washed a pretty deep sea with a lot of islands. Finding remains of ferns and cicadophytes indicate that a subtropical flora has grown here, for which high temperature and humid climate.

About 100 million years have passed. On the site of Sakhalin and Japanese islands The huge chain of coral reefs stretches, the size of the current large barrier reef eastern coast Australia. The Jurassic reef system probably first laid the position of the future island arc that separated from the Pacific Japanese Sea. Large transgression flooded about 80 million years ago all the hunting and surrounding areas of sushi. Two parallel island ridges originated on the site of Kamchatka. As they approached the modern era, they were increasingly extended in the southern direction, separating another arc pools of the Bering and the Okhotsk seas.

50-60 million years ago, a sharp decrease in the ocean level led to the complete drainage of hotty and boringia. Big expert ancient history The Okhotsk Sea Professor G. U. Lindberg convincingly showed that there was even a mountainous river in places, large rivers, which began to be far in the west, Paleoamur and Paleopenzhina flowed. They have developed deep canyons, subsequently become underwater depressions. Some forms of ground relief and traces of ancient coastal lines Preserved at the bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and these days.

Eastness went under water about 10 thousand years ago, with the end of the last quaternary glaciation. Over time, the Yuzhnokhothskaya brand separated from the Pacific, the most young island arc of the Far East - Kurilsky, - and the outlines of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea finally decided.

We passed the century. The first inhabitants appeared on the coast of the coast. The bays and limans of the sea were overwhelmed by the frying of the seals, the walru came to the northern part. The ancient northerners was engaged in sea fishing, the edible mollusks and algae were collected.

The significant similarity of the ancient cultures of Koryak, Aleutov and the indigenous inhabitants of Kodiak is near Alaska, marked by the Siberian historian R. V. Vasilyevsky, gives reason to assume that in the settlement of new light, at least starting with Neolith, and maybe earlier, the aborigines took part Okhotomory and Kamchatka. Protoaleutic features This researcher found in the structure of harpunov koryakov, the shape of stone fatty lamp lamps and arrows, the characteristic type of tools with grooves-jar, hooks, ostrog, shile wheels, spoons and other hunting and economic inventory.

In the south of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, there was an island culture, close to a number of signs to the ancient-circuit. We note the presence of a rotary harpoon and a significant number of seals and whale bones on excavations, similar ceramics and stone inventory of the Amur Sea settlements and parking of the ancient inhabitants of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Soviet anthropologist M. G. Levin noted that the "anthropological, language and cultural proximity of Nivekhov Sakhalin and Amur, reflecting, undoubtedly, the processes of permanent communication between them for a number of recent centuries, it goes along with its roots and in a more distant past - Neolithic era ... It is likely that the Aynian legends of tons draw the ancestors of Gilyaks or the tribes related to them, whom Aina caught on Sakhalin with their relocation to this island "(ethnic anthropology and problems of the entogenesis of the peoples of the Far East, M., 1958, p. 128 - 129).

But who are NIVHI, or gilacs, how have recently called these indigenous people of Lower Amur and Sakhalin? The word "Nivh" means "man." Rites and customs, religious beliefs, myths and legends of Nivkhov reflect the history of this ancient nationality of the Amur region and have long become an object of scientific research. Not so long ago, scientists agitated a message about the striking analogies in the language of Nivers and some African tribes, in particular in West Sudan. It turned out that the dumplings and axes of Nivkhov like boats and axes of the inhabitants of Tahiti and Admiralty islands.

What are the coincidences talking about? So far it's hard to answer this question. Maybe some thread turns out of the sacred chants of Nivers?

The sea was boiling all. Sealing and fish died.
No people, there are no fish.
Then the mountain was born from the sea.
Then the earth was born out of the sea.

Does this legend indicate that the Kuril Islands was born in the eyes of Nivers? If you allow such interpretation of it, one of the most ancient peoples of the Far East should be recognized in Nivhah. From shaman's chants we learn about warm seas and white mountains, shallows from white sand And left wives of Nivkhov. Apparently, we are talking about the coral islands of the Pacific Ocean, from which the ancestors of Nivekhov to the pool of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk could come.

An even more mysterious is the story of Ainov, unexpectedly appearing among the Aboriginal Sakhalin. Back in 1565, the monk de Froes reported in "Japanese letters": "... Aina almost, European external species And dense hair covered with the head ... Differently differed from the faborlogo mongoloids. " Their warlikeness, endurance, the custom of women to black lips, nudity, barely covered with the "belt of shamefulness", so common among the South Islanders of the Pacific Ocean, - all this is so amazing the imagination of travelers that some of them even called the Ainov black people. In the "abusive speeches", Vasily Poyarkova speaks about the island lying to the east (i.e. Sakhalin), about Nivhah, inhabiting his northern part, and "black people who are called Kuyi" living in the south. The parking lot of the Negroinov, local historians discovered in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky today.

According to the outstanding Soviet scientist L. Ya. Sternberg, the features of culture and anthropology of Ainov bring them with some peoples of South India, Oceania and even Australia. One of the arguments in favor of the theory of Austronesian origin of Ainov - the cult of snakes, which also widespread among some tribes of Southeast Asia.

When in the II millennium BC. e. Aina came to the southern islands of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, they caught here thin. If you believe legends, these were sea viscosity and fishermen.

It suggests that the peoples who inhabited the once southern archipelagoes of the Pacific Ocean, India and even Australia, rolled into the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk Sea. In part mixing with the local population, they adopted his culture, customs. Typical residents of southern countries, Aina borrowed in the Kamchatka kamchatka constructions, the tile of Sakhalin - the type of boat, and Nivkhov - winter clothes. Even in the Aynian ornaments, as R. B, Kozyreva writes (Ancient Sakhalin, L., 1967), there are simple and geometric patterns and notches characteristic of the history of local culture on the ceramics and bone articles, characteristic of early periods.

Already in front of a person, the formation of the modern coastline of the Okhotsk Sea continued. Even in the new and the newest time, its level did not remain constant. Just 200 years ago, as Khabarovsky Palegeographer L. I. Klollova believes, Sakhalin has connected with the mouth of the Amur. According to its calculations, based on the establishment of functional dependence between ocean ocean oscillations and changes in the temperature regime of the Earth, the lowest marine waters accounted for 1710-1730. Comparing this data with the dates of swimming dates of the famous Seviers, L. I. Kollov came to the conclusion that J. F. Layruz in 1787, W. R. Brouton in 1797, and even I. F. Kruzenshtern in 1805 Could pass through the Tatar Strait, because it did not exist at all: Sakhalin was in those years was the peninsula.

In 1849-1855, during the activities of the Amur expedition, sea waters have already blocked the jumper between the mainland and Sakhalin and this allowed G. I. Nevelsky to convey N. N. Muravyev: "Sakhalin island, entrance to Liman and the Amur River is possible for Nautical ships from the north and south. A century-old misconception is positively scattered, truth has discovered "(B. V. Struve. Memories of Siberia 1848-1854, SPb., 1889, p. 79).

And yet, L. I. Kollov, apparently, overestimates the real significance of ocean level fluctuations. Without the shade of doubt, she writes, for example, that in 1849-1855. This level was 10 m above the modern. But where in this case, marine sediments, terraces, abrasion sites and many other signs, inevitably accompanying coastal shifts? The only proof of a higher level of the Far Eastern seas in the postradite time is a low terrace with a height of 1-3 m, the remains of which are detected in many places. However, the time of its formation is: several thousand years from our days.