Southeast Asia. Center for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania

Southeast Asia (SOUTH) is an extensive region of the world, where there are 11 sovereign states with an area of \u200b\u200babout 4.5 km 2. It is squealed between two ancient foci of civilization, demographic (and now economic!) Giants - China and India. This circumstance could somehow affect the processes of settlement, economic development, the formation of ethnic, religious and cultural appearance of the region.

By the way, the expression "between two Gi-Gantami" expression is in essence is a reflection of the Toponym "Indo-Tai". The region under consideration was destined to stay aside from early civilizations, but later he was gradually engaged in their orbit. Through Indochina, the paths of relocation from China and the path of culture from India.

Of course, Indonesia, Philippines and other countries are not indochyatay, but classical Southeast Asia (Fig. 6.1). However, in these countries, the cultural and economic influence of China and India is very sensible.

Geographical location and natural conditions

The region includes two parts: continental(Indochina Peninsula) and ost-flat(Numerous Islands of the Malay Archipelago). Yuva seemed to "stitches" the mainland of Eurasia and Australia and is the born of the basins of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Through the countries of the Regio-on are the most important marine and air communications. Malacca Strait.according to maritime shipping, compared with Gibraltar, Suez and Panaman channels.

Key geographical position At the crossroads of the most important seaside roads, a variety of natural resources, the good climate - all this as a magnet attracted Euro-Pants here in the colonial period. (Only Thailand remained formally independent as a buffer zone between the British In-Dia and French Indochine.)

The current geographical locationsoutheast countries East Asia fold from the following factors:

The situation between the global economic and political centers - Western Europe, USA, Japan, defining a global development strategy and main regional political trends;

The situation between India and China is the largest in the population of the world, large economically and influential political powers;

The position between the two oceans (quiet and Indian), which makes it possible to control strategically important provisions connecting them - Malakki and Zondi.

The Malacca Strait is located between P-B Malacca and about. Sumatra, His
Length is 937 km, the minimum width is about 15 km, the depth on the fairway from 12 to
1514 m. Through the Strait, a particularly intensive movement of ships and

The probe strait is located between the islands of Sumatra and Java in Indonesia, its length is 130 km, the minimum width is 26 km, the depth on the fairway is 28 m.

On the peninsular part of Southeast Asia, mountain ranges are dominated, which in the form of a place diverge in its territory, separating river valleys from each other. In the north and in the west of the mountains are higher than in the south and east. Mountains share the mainland region of the region into several separate parts, land co-communication between which are difficult. All the islands of the Malay archipelago are also distinguished by mountainous character. Here, there are many volcanoes, a number of which are valid. (More than 80% of all registered tsunami are formed in the Pacific Ocean, including in Southeast Asia. Explanation of this simple - out of 400 volcanoes operating on Earth 330 are located in the Pichean-Ocean Basin. There is also more than 80% of all land-sharing .)

Only in the east Sumatra and on the shores of Kalimant-on there are relatively extensive low-lying spaces. Thanks to the abundance of heat and moisture, Southeast Asia is generally distinguished by a variety and wealth of plant and belly world, soil fertility.

The climate of this region is hot, subequatorial and Ecuato-Rial, with a total amount of precipitation to 3,000 mm per year. Here are hourly guests Tropical cyclones - typhoonpossess major destructive power, not to mention the increased seismic hazard, while the population of most countries. Although most of the SUVA is covered with wet tropical evergreen forests (hence the second place in the world after the sconium Zilia in the reserves of the wood of tropical breeds), savannas are dominated in the internal indochite. River network thick, rivers (Me-Kong, Salouin, Iravadiet al.) - Full-breed.

Tsunami(from Japanese hieroglyphs - "Go 7", which means harbor,and "us"a big wave)they are called gigantic waves arising on the surface of the ocean as a result of underwater earthquakes or eruptions of underwater and island volcanoes. In rare cases, tsunami can be caused and a fall in the world ocean and space objects - meteo-ritis, asteroids, etc. And although any historical evidence of such events, fortunately, was not recorded, scientists believe that the likelihood of such a case is not so small (according to some estimates - up to 1%). According to calculations, the fall in the ocean is a relatively small asteroid 300 - 600 m will generate tsunami, far exceeding all the well-known.

* The most famous and devastating in their consequences was due to the versa of Krakatau volcano on about. Rakata in the Stern Strait In 1883, as a result of his explosion to the sea, gigantic waves were formed (up to 30 m high), which rushed to the shores of Sumatra and Java, washing off on their way. Then up to 40 thousand people died and luxurious tropical vegetation disappeared everywhere. These willow walked around the whole globe, reached Europe and in many places were called on-water. Volcanic ash from Krakatau was raised to a height of several tens of kilometers and also spread across the planet.

The force (or magnitude) of the earthquake in Southeast Asia, who called Tsunami 2004, was about 9 points on the Richter scale, which happens relatively rarely. A powerful rift of the earth's crust, the total length of which was about 1,300 km, occurred at the junction between the three tectonic plates - Indian and Australian ("Popi-Shimi") and the Burmese microphole. The epicenter of the earthquake was found in the open sea, near Indonesia. The earthquake caused a sharp deformation of the oceanic floor, as a result of which huge energy was released, equivalent to 200 million tons of trinitrotrololuola (which is 4 times more powerful than the hydrogen bombs in the USSR).

Over the epicenter of the earthquake, a wave hump was formed, which provoked the most powerful wave ridges, which resumed to Africa. The province of Aceh in Indonesia was stronged more than others, where the wave of up-stale 15-20 m and entered 10-15 km deep into the island. Large destroying struck the elements on southern coast Bengal Bay, eastern coast Sri Lanka, a number of Thailand Islands (including the popular tourist island of Phuket), and many small islands in Indian Ocean For a while they just went under the water.

This natural catastrophe not only entailed the death of about 300 thousand peoplebut also destroyed wholes. So, most likely, a full-time has been destroyed. ongyhe lived on the Andaman and Ni-Cobar Islands and consisted of only 100 people to the tsunami.

The value of SUVS is also determined by the presence of large stocks of the most important species rawand fuel.The region is particularly rich by ores of non-ferrous metals: tin (according to its reserves, the region is superior to all countries of the world), nickel, copper, molybdenum. Great reserves of iron and manganese ores, chromites. There are significant fields of oil and natural gas, there are brown coal, uranium. Natural wealth are valuable woody breeds of three-pics and equatorial forests. In general, the SOVA represents the co-battle is difficult to replace the global source of many strategic resources.

Within the region, the following physico-geographic areas are usually allocated by representatives of natural geography:

1) peninsula Indochina,forming the Southeast Peri Feria of the Mainland (Southeast Asia) and the disseminating pool of Indian and Pacific Ocean. There are no latitudinal orographic obstacles here, so in the north indocidant
Respiratory of continental air masses. The main Mas-Su moistle brings south-western equatorial monsoons;

2) Malay Archipelago,associated with Indonesia and includes large and small probe, Molokki and O. Cera. The region is characterized by the colossal natural specificity. Her erectional and island position determines
The domination within its limits of equatorial and sea tropical air, uniformity of temperatures, constantly high humidity and abundance of precipitation. The kingdom of wet rainforests;

3) Philippine Islands,sometimes included in the Malay archipelago, but in physico-geographically, constituting an independent area. It is located in a sub-screen and partially equatorial climate with abundant precipitation.


For the peoples of South, the combination of the Mongoloid and Australoids (on this basis they are sometimes referred to south Asian Little Rose).The ethnic composition is extremely Pedro - about 500 indigenous peoples, many immigrants from China (Huaciao), but there are few Europeans.

In the most crowded country in the region - in-subseesia (a little less than 50% of the population of SUVA) prevail malay peoplesin Thailand - thaietc. For example, 75% of the total population of Thailand form the people of Taii (or Siamese) and the people of Lao (TAI live predominantly in the southern half of the State Gos Daria, Lao - in Northern and Northeast, including flat-mountain); In Malaysia, Malays and the Chinese make up almost equal parts of the local population, the remaining 10-11% - Indium-TSI; The bulk of the population of Singapore is the Chinese (up to 80%).

Residents profess Islam, Buddhism, Christianity (Philippi), Hinduism, and most of the Chinese are Confucianism and Tao-Soff. The greatest population population is observed in the regions with fertile and irrigated lands, as well as in port prices-trach.

Political history of the region

To the Southeast Asian region (SHA) includes the Indochina and Malack Peninsula, as well as the Malay Archipelago - the most extensive archipelago in the world *. At the Indochinese Peninsula are located Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. Malacca is occupied by Malaysia and Singapore. In the Malay archipelago there are Indonesia, Brunei, East Timor and Philippines (Table 6.1).

In the past, Southeast Asia was called the back or distance India, as well as Indo-China. The last name reflects is not so much the natural similarity of this part of the continent in the West with India, and in the East with China, how much transientethnocultural state of the region. In-dyan penetration into Southeast Asia was the earliest. In the meantime, Indian "civilizers" did not colonize the region. They brought here their scientist (Sanskrit), writing and literature, methods of political and public life (elements of the caste system), techniques of their art. Under Indium influence there were various states of South-Ra-accurate Asia.

* The Malay archipelago accounts for more than a third of the total area of \u200b\u200ball islands of the globe. Some of the islands of the archipelago (for example, Su-Matra) are superior to many European states. Total within the archipelago can fit more than three states such as France. There is an order to believe that in remote geological epochs The Malay Archipelago was a wide experiencing connecting Asia with Australia. In the stepwise it turned into remote groups of the islands, which, according to E. Reclethey are like the pile of the collapsed bridge.

Formation political card The region took place in the complex historical conditions. The first colonialists, invading-owls in Southwer, were immigrants from Spain, Portugal, the Nether-Landov. The first country enslaved by the Europeans was in-donsenia, which became the Dutch Colon "Netherlands India" at the beginning of the XVII century. The activities of the colonizers at the time abundant-shaft "unsurpassed paintings of betrayal, bribing, murders and palls" *. Later in the region invaded the British, French, Americans.

Formally, the colonies were not included in Thailand, which retained the status of an independent state due to the confrontation between the UK and France (and with the support of Russia). In the period of World War II, all countries of SOU were occupied by Japan.

After the war, the states of the region achieved sovereignty. In 1984, the independence found the British Protectorate of Brunei, in 2002. Independent was proclaimed East Timor, which became the 192nd sovereign state in the world.

The political situation in the region is largely determined by the daily eagle of the national, religious and social composition of the population. The characteristic feature of the SUV is the presence of a MNO-Romallion group of people of Chinese nationality (so nazi-vapables huaciao).

The main social support of modern state regimes in the countries of South Kazakhstan is a growing national bouquet. The internal and foreign policy of the states, as the rule, is aimed at creating favorable conditions for accelerated capitalist modernization. The process of political and economic integration proceeds actively in the region. At the same time, the Association of States of Southeast Asia (ASEAN) is the most mature grouping of this nature among the periphery countries.

Uniqueness of countries

We usually say that era and styles are mixed here, Europe, America and Asia are encountered here, arranged luxury and poverty. At the same time, every country of the region has a unique specificity. So, the modern in-uplistric Thailand (the old Siam is from here: Si-Amin Twins, Siamese cats, etc.) with its 27 thousand Buddhist temples, with fantastic structures of the Emerald Buddha temple and countless "Du-HOV houses" ( amazing monuments of "small architecture") not at all like the largest country The region under consideration is in-donsenia, where there is no pagodas, since the population professes Islam.

In its development, Agricultural Laos is not much like Singapore - "Economic Tiger", an oasis of economic bla-gopolum and prosperity, one of the world's largest financial centers; And a predominantly Christian Country of Philip-Pina, seeking to develop high-tech industries, is straightely different from Laos - the state of Buddhist culture, where the village economy fully defines its economic "face". A somewhat "mansion" is the Sultanate of Brunei, "Ryssheyev," on petrodollaras.

Significant influence on the current development of re-giion states were historical and geographical circumstances. Thus, the geo-graphic position of Singapore was one of the most important factors of his advanced, compared with neighboring terrains, development. Already since ancient times, Singapore acquired the Slave of a major trading and distribution center in the south of Asia, serving foreign trade relations of India and China, Euro-Peys and Indonesia. Singapore was initially performed the functions of the transshipment point, and then, as the world trade expands, the creation of a plantational (in particular, Kau-Chukovoye) farms and the development of the Tolly Mining Indoor in Malaya, Indonesia and other countries of Singapore, Singapore became the major world market for tin and rubber .

A very long country of Southeast Asia existed in the knowledge of Soviet people as a stronghold of social population. However, at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Some of them (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore) turned into the so-called new in-custody countries ("Asian Tigers"or "Little drako").At the same time, 80% of the exports of said countries fall on the products of the manufacturing industry (sea booming platforms, video recorders, air conditioners, electronic components, magnetic discs, toys, etc.).

The striking takeoff of these countries is the result of choosing the right long-term economic strategy, the ability to absorb on-teaching and technical achievements and create their own spheres of superiority at the main areas of international approach. Also should also be forgotten about the cheapness of the local labor force and the inherent in the east of the Executive discipline not, diligence. In recent years, the countries of the region are increasing oil production (Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia). The most populated in economic relations remain Vietnam, Cambodian and Laos.

The historic thrust of Thailand (Siam) to the Commonwealth with Russia has old roots. Yeshe at the end of the XIX century. King Siam Rama IV visited Russia and skillfully used its influence in Europe to get rid of the colonial enslavement by the powerful France and England. In recognition of the merit of Russia in front of his homeland, the king introduced a Russian form in his army (the front form is a white twitch with Axelbanti-Mi to this day Russian). Music for the royal hymn wrote Russian composer P.A. Shurovsky.

The basis of agriculture of the countries of the SUVA - subtropical landland, and which is entirely dominous fig(in the Philippines up to 90% of all land treated, in Indonesia more than half). The region has long been famous for the cultivation of spices (red and black pepper, ginger, vanilla, carnation). Natural Rubber (Malaysia, thanks to the plantations gevent)coco-owl oil, copra and abaci fiber, or Manila Hemp (Philippines), Tea, Coffee, Cora Hinny Tree (Indonesia), etc. The weak level of livestock development is partly compensated by river and maritime fishing.

A significant part of the best lands and irrigation systems is to be major owners (often foreigners). The modern agricultural machinery and scientific techniques of economy are used only on large plantations. Despite the fact that in the agrarian sector, the main part of the economically active population is occupied, in many countries of the region there is a deficit of pros.

Rapidly developing industry becomes industry.Mineral development is allocated: tin (almost 60% of global mining), tungsten, chromium, nickel, copper. Ongoing place is given to oil production *. Development of valuable wood is developed. Other industries are created.

Russia and countries of Southeast Asia

On the dynamization of the As-Atrial Pacific countries, including a huge triangular nickname - from the Russian Far East and Korea in North-Break to Australia in the south and Pakistan in the West, well known. We are talking about the real socio-economic progress of a whole group of once backward states who have achieved grand-la4 success due to a carefully thought-out economic strategy and internal discipline. Many of them are following the units of economic, humanitarian and other ties.

Southeast Asia is a rather large region of the planet, within which 600 million people live. Today there are 11 list of which is given below, differ significantly from each other in terms of level and models. economic Development. About these differences and will be discussed in our article.

Southeast Asian countries: list and capital

The South-East Asia region covers an area of \u200b\u200bfive million square kilometers. From the very name it is clear that it is located in the south-eastern part of Asia. Part of this region Geographers typically include 11 states. Six of them are located on the continent, and five more - on the islands adjacent to the mainland and archipelagoes.

So, all countries of Southeast Asia (list):

  • Vietnam.
  • Cambodia.
  • Laos.
  • Myanmar.
  • Thailand.
  • Malaysia.
  • Indonesia.
  • Philippines.
  • Singapore.
  • Brunei.
  • East Timor.

It is worth noting that geographically to Southeast Asia also includes the eastern parts of India and Bangladesh.

Southeast Asia: Cultural and Economic and Geographical Characteristics of the Region

At least 600 million people live in this region, 35% of which are residents of one country, Indonesia. It is here that is (the most populic on the planet). There are many migrants from China in the region. Basically, they will settle in Malaysia, in the Philippines and

The indigenous peoples of this region are distinguished by a large variety. Malays, Thais, Vietnamese, Burmese, Yavantsy and dozens of less nations live within Southeast Asia. The most popular religions here are Islam and Buddhism, Protestantism is spread in separate territories.

The Chinese, Indian, Arabic, as well as Spanish culture was provided to the formation of local culture. The cult of tea and the habit of drinking food with the help of sticks is very common in Southeast Asia. Music, architecture, painting very little differ in each of the ethnic groups of the region.

The economy of many States of Southeast Asia is strongly tied to agriculture, industry and services are gradually developed. In the individual countries of the region, tourism has become an important sector of the national economy (this is primarily Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia).

Developing countries of Southeast Asia: List

A developing country is a rather relative concept. Under it implies the state whose indicators are significantly lower than the rest of the world.

According to the generally accepted classification, all 11 countries of Southeast Asia should be attributed to the group of developing countries. However, among them there are three countries with a weaker level of development. They are also called them:

  • Laos.
  • Cambodia.
  • Myanmar.

The richest and developed state in the region is considered Brunei, which is quite often referred to as "Islamic Disneyland". The reason for such well-being is simple - solid oil and gas reserves. The country has long been in the first world dozen in terms of income of the population. It is curious that every second who works in industrial enterprises Brunei, came here from neighboring, less prosperous, countries.

NIS countries in the region

Under new (abbreviated - NIS), a group of states that have experienced a significant leap in development and significantly improved all their economic and social indicators for a very short time (only a few decades).

The countries of this group demonstrate stunning pace (up to 5-8% per year), generate powerful transnational corporations, actively introduce the latest technology, a lot of attention and funds are distinguished by the development of science and education. What states of the region can be attributed to the NIS group?

So, the new industrial countries of Southeast Asia (list):

  • Singapore.
  • Malaysia.
  • Thailand.
  • Indonesia.
  • Philippines.

In addition, quite real prospects to replenish this list has another country in the region - Vietnam.


The countries of Southeast Asia, the list of which is given in this article relate to developing states of weak and secondary development. Their economies are still largely dependent on agriculture.

The most developed countries of the region are Singapore and Brunei, and the poorest - Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

South East Asia (Beng. দক্ষিণ পূর্ব এশিয়া, whale. 東南亞, Taish. เอเชีย ตะวัน ออก เฉียง ใต้, Khmersk. អាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៍, Vietn

Natural area in Asia, including Indochaytai, Malay Arch. and adjacent territories, 4.5 million km & sup2. Population of 463 million people (1993). Relief Middle Age and Plains. Tropical forests and savanna. To the south ve Asia belongs to Brunei, Vietnam, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SOUTHEAST ASIA - the total area of \u200b\u200b4.5 million square meters, the population is more than 300 million years. South East Asian countries include Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines. It is economically weak developed region With Agrarously, Eva's raw material ... World shepherdie

Southeast Asia - - EN Southeast Asia A Geographic Region Of Continental Asia, South of China, West Of The South Pacific Ocean, North Of The Indian Ocean and the Indian ... Technical translator directory

Natural area in Asia, including Indochytai Peninsula, Malay Archipelago and surrounding areas. 4.5 million km2. Relief Middle Age and Plains. Tropical forests and savanna. The countries of South East Asia include Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Southeast Asia - Southeast Asia … Russian spelling dictionary

Geogr. The area uniting Indochina, Malay Arch. and related territories of Asia common pl. OK. 4.5 million km². Here are Miaanma, Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Southeast Asia - … Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

SOUTHEAST ASIA - Natural region. In Asia, including Indochina, Malay Arch. and adjacent ter. To Yu. V.A. Believe Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia, Timor, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, often Philippines. ... ... Military Encyclopedic Dictionary

Xi. SOUTHEAST ASIA - 8000 6000 to R.Kh. Mesolith (culture of NIA, Hoabin et al.). 6000,2800 to R.Kh. Neolithic (Fungnguen culture, etc.). 2800 800 to R.Kh. Eneith. 800 to R.Kh. 300 R.Kh. Bronze Age (Dongshon culture, etc.) ... The rulers of the world


  • Southeast Asia Volume 1 Catalog of postage stamps of the countries of the former French Indochina 1859-2002 with the numbers of the Michel catalog numbers, Kocharyan G. (Red. Sost.). Catalog of postage stamps of Southeast Asia (black / white). In Russian with prices in the Euro currency, which established in Moscow in Moscow ...
  • Eastern and Southeast Asia - 2007. Problems and contradictions. Collection of scientific articles Eastern and Southeast Asia - 2007. Problems and contradictions is the thirteenth issue of the Asian Research Center (now the Eastern and Southeast Sectors ...

The material contains data on the Asian subregion. It tells about its specifics and growth rates in terms of major factors for the development and development of territories in their modern form and condition. The article gives an idea that it caused such a rapid progress of individual countries of Southeast Asia.

Subregion of Asia

This is a kind of macroregion. It covers the territories of continental and island, which are located between China, India and Australia.

Fig. 1. Southeast Asia on the map.

From a geological point of view, the region is considered a volcanic plot of the planet. However, it is reimbursed by tropical climatic conditions and unique naturewhich captures the number of exotic representatives of flora and fauna.

The region stretched 3.2 thousand km away in the direction from north to south and 5.6 thousand km in the direction from the west to the East. It lives almost a hundred nations that make up almost 8% of the entire population of the Earth.

In particular, the island of Java is tightly populated, which is recognized as the most populated plot of the planet.

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Fig. 2. Island Java.

Now because of the similarity of geographical and natural conditions Formed a typical economic, cultural and ideological complex for the region.

Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos are still referred to as Indochian powers, and island countries Denote by the name of Nusantar generally accepted for them.

States are in the Commonwealth through the Association of States of Southeast Asia (ASEAN), which includes everything, excluding East Timor.

The bones of the community is the region itself, which has high growth rates - 8-10% per year with averages of 2-3% for countries with a developed industrial complex.

List of countries in Southeast Asia

  • Vietnam;
  • Cambodia;
  • Laos;
  • Myanmar;
  • Thailand;
  • Brunei;
  • East Timor;
  • Philippines;
  • Malaysia;
  • Indonesia;
  • Singapore.

Currently, countries, like their capitals, are intensively progressing. This is indicated by the high positions that they occupy in the modern world. New industrial powers are developing extremely rapidly. Here the main difference is attached: the development of the population, as well as the development of the economy and the creation of new production facilities.

In terms of index of human development, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia occupy a leading position in the world.

Fig. 3. Night Singapore.

The main feature of such countries is the transparency of the economy, the formation of industries based on high technologies, a high level of services, tourist orientation, attractiveness for foreign investors, significant investments in their own economy.

Southeast Asia - This is a subregion of Asia whose area is 5 million km2. About 600 million people live in the territory of this region. The map of Southeast Asia is different, but mainly the 11 countries located between China, India and Australia are calculated.

In geologically, the country of Southeast Asia is located in one of the most volcanic regions of the planet. But this is compensated by a tropical climate, a variety of nature, which captures its diversity and the number of exotic plants and animals.

Southeast Asia is an important part of the global trading system. The economy of the countries of the region significantly depends on agriculture, while the production and services are constantly developing, ousting the agricultural market. Indonesia is the largest economy of Southeast Asia, while Singapore and Brunei countries with the most developed richest economy. At the same time, tourism is a key factor in the development of the countries of the region.

The population of Southeast Asia is about 600 million people, and more than 1/5 of them live on the island of Java (Indonesia), the most densely populated island in the world. Indonesia is considered the most densely population, the population is equal to 230 million people. About 30 million people in the region are Chinese emigrants living in Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.

The peoples of Southeast Asia are diverse. Basically, you can meet Malayans, Lao, Thais, Vietnamese, Semygi, Burmesers, Filipino, Indonesians, Yavalents, as well as many other less numerical peoples.

The main religion of Southeast Asia is Islam, numbering about 240 million followers. In Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Singapore and Vietnam, Buddhism is practiced. Also in Singapore and Vietnam there are Confucianism. And in some territories you can meet Protestants and Catholics.

The culture of Southeast Asia is mainly a mixture of Indian and Chinese. And in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore, the Arab, Spanish and Portuguese culture is also influenced. All these regions had, first of all, the effect on the food culture. In all countries, it is customary to eat with the help of sticks, the cult of tea is common, which can be found in any corner of the region.

Features of the culture of a country in the region can be traced on the example of painting or music, which is insignificant, but still different in each ethnic group.