Tourism in different countries. Abstract on the topic “International tourism in various regions of the world”

1. The concept of "tourism"
2. Types of tourism
3. International tourism
4. Main trends in the development of international tourism
5. International tourism in Russia
List of sources used


Tourism is one of the largest and dynamic sectors of the economy. The high rates of its development, large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. The tourism sector accounts for about 6% of the world's gross domestic product, 7% of global investment, every 16th job, 11% of global consumer spending. Thus, today it is impossible not to notice the huge impact that the tourism industry has on the world economy. In many countries of the world, tourism is developing as a system that provides all the opportunities to get acquainted with the history, culture, customs, spiritual and religious values ​​​​of a given country and its people, and generates income for the treasury. In addition to a significant source of income, tourism is also one of the powerful factors in strengthening the prestige of the country, increasing its importance in the eyes of the world community and ordinary citizens.

Tourist activity in various countries is an important source of improving the welfare of the state. In 1995, the United States received $58 billion from the sale of tourist services to foreign citizens, France and Italy - $27 billion each, Spain - $25 billion.

In Russia, the tourism business is developing with a predominant focus on outbound travel. The vast majority of travel companies operating in our country prefer to send their compatriots abroad, and only a small part of them work to attract guests to the Russian Federation - i.e. everything is done in such a way that the capital from the tourism business floats abroad. What is the picture international market tourism services now, how will it change in the future? In the current conditions, these questions seem to be relevant, which is why I chose the topic of this essay.

1. The concept of "tourism"

Definition of tourism

Tourism is a type of travel and covers the circle of people traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes. At first glance, the concept of “tourism” is accessible to each of us, since we all made trips somewhere, read articles about tourism in newspapers, watched TV shows about travel, and when planning our holidays, we used the advice and services of travel agents. However, for scientific and educational purposes, it is very important to determine the relationship between the constituent elements of tourism as a branch of the national economy. Although various interpretations of this concept have appeared in the process of tourism development, the following criteria are of particular importance in determining this phenomenon:

Change of location. In this case, we are talking about a trip that is carried out to a place that is outside the usual environment. However, people who make daily trips between home and place of work or study cannot be considered tourists. these trips do not enter outside of their usual environment.

Stay elsewhere. The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long-term residence. In addition, it should not be related to labor activity (wage). This nuance should be taken into account, therefore they are classified as tourism. Another condition is that travelers must not stay in the place they visit for 12 consecutive months or more. A person who stays or plans to stay for one year or more in a certain place is considered a permanent resident from the point of view of tourism and therefore cannot be called a tourist.

Remuneration from a source in the place visited. The essence of this criterion is that the main purpose of the trip should not be the implementation of activities paid from a source in the place visited. Any person entering a country for work paid from a source in that country is considered a migrant and not a tourist to that country. This applies not only to international tourism, but also to tourism within one country. Every person traveling to another location within one country (or to another country) to carry out activities paid from a source in that place (country) is not considered a tourist of that place.

These three criteria, underlying the definition of tourism, are basic. At the same time, there are special categories of tourists for whom these criteria are still insufficient - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers who do not formally enter the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Analysis of the above features, characteristics and criteria allows us to identify the following features of tourism:

business travel, as well as travel for the purpose of spending leisure time, is movement outside the usual place of residence and work. If a resident of the city moves to him in order to make purchases, then he is not a tourist, since he does not leave his functional place;

Tourism is not only a branch of the economy, but also an important part of people's lives. It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment.

Consequently, tourism is a set of relationships, connections and phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their work activity.

2. Types of tourism

The following types of tourism can be distinguished.

Excursion tourism is a trip for educational purposes. This is one of the most common forms of tourism.

Recreational tourism is travel for recreation and treatment. This type of tourism is very common all over the world. In some countries, it stands out as an independent branch of the economy and functions in parallel with other types of tourism.

Business tourism - trips associated with the performance of professional duties. In connection with the general integration and the establishment of business contacts, business tourism is gaining more and more importance from year to year. Trips are made for the purpose of visiting objects that belong to the company or are of particular interest to it; for negotiations, to search for additional supply or distribution channels, etc. Turning to travel companies in all such cases allows you to organize a trip at the lowest cost, saving time. In addition, the sphere of business tourism includes the organization of various conferences, seminars, symposiums, etc. In such cases great importance purchase a building hotel complexes special rooms, installation of communication equipment, etc.

Ethnic tourism - trips to visit relatives. In this case, the services of travel companies are resorted to by the leaders of sports teams, organizers of competitions, as well as fans and those who simply want to attend the competition.

Target tourism is a trip to various public events.

Religious tourism - travel aimed at performing any religious procedures, missions.

Caravanning is a journey in small mobile houses on wheels.

Adventure (extreme) tourism- tourism associated with physical exertion, and sometimes with danger to life.

Water tourism - trips on board a motor ship, yacht and other river and sea vessels along rivers, canals, lakes, seas. Geographically and in time, this tourism is very diverse: from hourly and one-day routes to multi-week cruises on the seas and oceans.

All these types of tourism are often closely intertwined, and it is often difficult to single them out in their pure form.

3. International tourism

Economic Importance of International Tourism

The importance of tourism in the world is constantly increasing, which is associated with the increased influence of tourism on the economy of a particular country. In the economy of a particular country, international tourism performs a number of important functions:

International tourism is a source of foreign exchange earnings for the country and a means of providing employment.

The development of international tourism leads to the development of the country's economic infrastructure and peace processes. Thus, international tourism should be considered in accordance with the economic relations of individual countries.

International tourism is one of the 3 largest industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry, specific gravity which in world exports are 11% and 8.6%, respectively.

International tourism in the world is extremely uneven, which is primarily due to different levels of social economic development individual countries and regions.

The most developed international received in the western European countries Oh. This accounts for over 70% of the global tourism market and about 60% of foreign exchange earnings.

The World Tourism Organization in its classification distinguishes countries that are mainly suppliers of tourists (USA, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, etc.) and countries that are mainly receiving tourists (Australia, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, and etc.).

4. Main trends in the development of international tourism

In the last 20 years, the average annual growth rate in the number of foreign tourist arrivals in the world amounted to 5.1%, foreign exchange earnings - 14%.

According to WTO experts (World tourism organization), the number of tourist trips in the world by 2015 reaches a billion tourist arrivals, of which 1 billion will fall on the Central and Eastern Europe, including the CIS and Baltic countries, where tourism will develop at a faster rate than in the European regions as a whole.

According to various analysts, the following factors underlie the development of international tourism:

Economic growth and social progress have led to an increase in the volume of business trips for educational purposes.

The development of interstate ties and cultural exchanges between countries has led to the expansion of interpersonal ties between and within regions.

The development of the service sector stimulated the development of the transportation sector and technological progress in the field of telecommunications.

The most important factor determining the geography of tourism in the world is economic. In terms of return on investment, the tourism industry is among the economic forwards, generating impressive value additions. Tourist services in the world market act as an "invisible" product, a characteristic feature of which is that a significant part of these services is produced with minimal costs on the spot.

Table 1. Factors of growing popularity of certain regions of the world

5. International tourism in Russia

In 2000, the Russian tour business strengthened its positions: almost twice as many went on vacation abroad than in 1999, moreover, the number of tourists exceeded the pre-crisis level. It became obvious that the crisis contributed to the consolidation and specialization of the Russian tourism market.

Currently, more than 15,000 organizations operate in Russia, the main activity of which is tourism. With the creation of a new tourism market infrastructure, the issues of replenishing the state budget through tourism activities, demonopolizing the industry, stimulating the development of other sectors of the national economy (trade, transport, communications, production of consumer goods), as well as the constitutional rights of citizens to rest, are being resolved.

Despite the ongoing tourist boom in Russia, the impact of the tourism industry on the country's economy is still insignificant. It is adequate to the state's contribution to the development of this industry and is constrained mainly by the lack of real investment, the low level of hotel service, the insufficient number of hotel beds, and the shortage of qualified personnel.

According to the most optimistic estimates, only one worker out of 300 is employed in the Russian tourism industry, which is 309 times lower than the same global figure.

Structure of trips to Russia foreign citizens The purpose of the trip is as follows:

  • Service - 2899 thousand people (28.2%)
  • Tourism -1837 thousand people (17.9%)
  • Private - 3903.1 thousand people (37.9%)
  • Transit and transport service - 1651.1 thousand people (16%)


Today we perceive tourism as the most massive phenomenon of the 20th century, as one of the brightest phenomena of our time, which really penetrates into all spheres of our life and changes the world and landscape. Tourism has become one of the most important factors in the economy, so we see it not just as a trip or vacation. This concept is much broader and represents a set of relationships and the unity of connections and phenomena that accompany a person on travel.

High rates of tourism development, large exchanges of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. The tourism sector accounts for about 11% of the world's gross national product, 14% of global investment, every 16th job, 22% of global consumer spending. Thus, today it is impossible not to notice the huge impact that the tourism industry has on the world economy.

An important property of the current stage of tourism development and changes in its organizational forms is the penetration into tourism business transport, trade, industrial banking, insurance and other companies.

The intensive development of international tourism relations has led to the creation of numerous international organizations, the promotion of better organizations, the promotion of a better organization of this sphere of international economic relations.

List of sources used

1. Markova VD Marketing services.
2. Dobretsov A. Export of services and international tourism.
3. Sirotkin S. P. Economic theory.
4. Lyubushin N. P. Analysis of financial and economic activities of enterprises.
5. Bakanov. M. I. Sheremet A. D. Finance and statistics Izd. 4th
6. Kozyrev V. M. Tourist rent.
According to the magazine "Travel&Toursim"
Abstract taken from the site: 2005-2015

Abstract on the topic “International tourism in various regions of the world” updated: April 21, 2018 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

An experienced traveler tries to choose an interesting and original place for each new trip, but everyone was once a beginner. When I first started traveling, like most ordinary tourists, I first of all visited those countries that I heard and knew the most about. So what are the most visited countries today? Where are the crowds of tourists?

No. 10. Mexico - 29.1 million visitors per year

Mexico is the 10th most visited country in the world. In the ranking of countries on the continent of America, Mexico ranks second in terms of attendance after the United States, even ahead of Canada! The number of visitors to Mexico in a year is more than visitors to the entire Caribbean (22.8 million people per year). The most visited region in Mexico is the Yucatan Peninsula. People come here for the magnificent beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, lush rainforests and bustling nightlife.

No. 9. Russia - 29.8 million visitors per year

In recent years, Russia has been in the top 10 most visited countries in the world, only slightly behind the UK. There are 26 sites in Russia that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lake Baikal, the volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the Black Sea coast, the snowy mountains of Altai are just a few of the thousands famous places for visiting.

Russia is rich not only natural objects but also cultural attractions. Main cultural centers- Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Kazan, etc. - are famous for their numerous churches, museums, historical buildings, theaters, palaces, fortifications and other objects with a rich centuries-old history.
The popularity of Russia as a country to visit is growing every year. About a million people in Russian Federation work in the tourism sector.

No. 8. United Kingdom - 32.6 million visitors per year

The tourism business annually brings $ 17.2 billion to the state treasury. Most of the UK tourists are Europeans, the second largest group of tourists comes to the UK from the USA and Canada. London is the most visited city in the United Kingdom and the Tower is the most visited place.

No. 7. Germany - 33.0 million visitors per year

Germany is considered one of the safest tourist countries in the world. Tourism is developed in Germany both for its own citizens and for foreign ones. According to statistics, 30% of Germans prefer to rest within the country.

In Germany, 2 million people work in the tourism sector, and the share of tourism in the country's GDP is 4.5%. Cultural tourist centers Germany is Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, they are also the most visited cities in the country. Of the natural attractions in Germany, the most famous are: national park Saxon Switzerland, Western Pomeranian Lagoons National Park, Jasmund National Park. These parks are visited by millions of tourists every year.

No. 6. Turkey - 39.8 million visitors per year

Turkey is in 6th place in terms of attendance. This country is known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. Turkey has a large number of historical, cultural and archaeological monuments, and in addition to this, charming seaside resorts on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Istanbul is the most visited city in Turkey.

In 2015, the tourism industry in Turkey suffered losses due to a number of accidents related to the activities of terrorist groups. Turkey has lost a third of the entire flow of tourists.

No. 5. Italy - 48.6 million visitors per year

Visiting Italy is a dream of many people. 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, countless cultural artifacts, archaeological sites Roman Empire and the Renaissance, mediterranean coast and much more! Italy rightfully occupies the 5th place in terms of attendance.

The most visited cities in Italy: Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan. 48.6 million tourists a year bring huge funds to the country's treasury.

No. 4. China - 55.6 million visitors per year

Great Chinese Wall, sacred mountains China, Shaolin Monastery, Huangguoshu Waterfall, forbidden city, the Three Gorges Power Plant and many other attractions make China one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. According to the World Trade Organization, by 2020, China will take the first place in the world among the countries in terms of attendance.

No. 3. Spain - 65.0 million visitors per year

Tourism is the main industry in Spain. The share of tourism is 11% of the country's GDP. People go to Spain to visit Barcelona and Madrid, to the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea, to participate in Carnivals and Ensierro (Spanish national custom, which consists in running away from bulls, cows or calves specially released from the corral).

15 national parks attract nature lovers. Spain is also famous for its ski resorts. 13 Spanish cities are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and attract tourists from all over the world.

No. 2. USA - 74.8 million visitors per year

The huge country of the USA can surprise both beginners and experienced travelers. In cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the flow of tourists does not stop all year round. Of the natural attractions of the United States: the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, the wonderful landscapes of Alaska, the beaches of Hawaii and much more. In 29 US states, tourism is the main industry that brings a lot of money to the treasury.

In the United States, the largest flows of tourists come from Mexico, Canada, and the UK. According to statistics, by 2025 the US will earn $2.5 trillion. dollars for tourism.

No. 1. France - 83.7 million visitors per year

For the most part, people are attracted local flavor and a special atmosphere, in addition, France is famous for its fine cuisine and wines.

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world thanks to eiffel tower. In addition to Paris, people go to Lyon, Strasbourg and other cities. France is famous for its great ski resorts, Alpine mountains, beaches, picturesque French villages, beautiful gardens and parks and much more.

It would seem that we all know the answer to this question. The word “tourist” refers to countries that are interesting for travelling. But we always evaluate this “interestingness” from our own point of view, without thinking that someone may be interested in the country, but someone will not see anything attractive in it.

For example, any Russian will immediately call Turkey and Egypt tourist countries. Everyone knows that Russians come here to the beaches of Red and mediterranean seas. Antalya, and everyone knows.

But if you ask the inhabitants about, then not everyone recognizes this country as a tourist one. However, more people come to Vienna to look at and for a year than live in Austria itself.

Or another vivid example -. Every year, twice as many foreign tourists come here than in Egypt. Many want to see and. If you ask an ordinary layman in Russia, then not everyone will call China a tourist country. Our fellow citizens associate this country with cheap smartphones and gigantic overpopulation.

Types of tourist countries

We share everything tourist countries into several groups.

The first group is the countries of beach holidays. The leaders among the Russians are Turkey, Egypt and Greece. Further, descending in the statistics of the tourism industry, we will find, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, and. Almost all of these countries are described on our website with varying degrees of detail.

The second group is the countries of excursion rest. These are Austria, China, Japan and other states. We are proud of our informative section on Keith, which is already approaching the size of 100 articles.

Of course, on other sites you will find more pages about China, but our reviews are distinguished by their large volume, completeness of the information provided and rich photographic material. We do not make small pages where only general information, and some promises of a great holiday are published without any evidence. We describe everything in detail, we give specific and valuable advice. Recall at least our articles “”, “” or “”.

On the site we place special program modules that provide the visitor with up-to-date information. In the article “ ”, you can always see the current exchange rate of the Chinese currency, which is updated four times a day.

The third group is the countries of sports and extreme tourism. We are primarily described with his famous tracking and. Many beach and excursion countries boast opportunities for sports and extreme sports. Recall the same Egypt, where is an important direction for aquatic species sports. in China is popular for surfing. - one of the most interesting entertainment.

Which country to choose for vacation?

This is a difficult question, which each tourist answers independently. We will try to share our point of view on this problem.

Listen to yourself and ask yourself, what exactly do you want? Do you want to just lie on the beach in a sun lounger, or do you want to watch? Follow your heart, and there are always options to plan your vacation. The choice of the modern tourist is simply gigantic. You can buy a package tour, you can book a hotel yourself and buy air tickets. You can buy a cruise or go to the right place by car. Even 50 years ago, our grandparents did not have such opportunities.

Having chosen the desired country and the purpose of the trip, you need to decide on the form of purchasing services. Will it be a package tour or independent travel. When we talk about package tours, we mean not only tours in beach hotels, which occupy an overwhelming position in the Russian market of tourist services. Exist excursion tours loved by many travelers. Very popular Bus tours to Germany, Austria or Italy. It often turns out that sightseeing vacation they allow you to save a lot of money, although they will somewhat limit your freedom of movement.

Independent travel is always complete freedom of choice. But for this type of recreation, it is desirable to know foreign languages, and this causes problems for many Russians.

Many are embarrassed that they do not know languages ​​well, they are not confident in their abilities. In fact, you don't need to be fluent in English, German or French. Remember the movie "Brother 2", how did the character of Sergei Bodrov speak English there? Barely, but it was enough.

Understand that no one will laugh at you if you speak badly. On the contrary, you will be encouraged. You can say so that you are understood, already good.

Don't be afraid to travel, don't be afraid of anything. Go to a travel agency or a booking site for tickets and hotels, buy the right package and enjoy the realization of your dream. With our articles we will always help and bring you the most important information no matter what country you choose for your vacation.

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Features of the tourism industry in different types of countries


  • 1.1 In developed countries
  • 1.2 In developing countries

1. Features of the tourism industry in different types of countries

In this paper, we will consider the features of the tourism industry in different types of countries and find out which type of countries is most represented in the tourism services market.

1.1 In developed countries

Consider the structure tourism industry on the example of Finland, Great Britain and the USA.

Finland has recently become a popular destination tourist holiday, and Russians make up the largest group of tourists in the country. share Russian tourists in the summer tourist flow in 2010 amounted to 40%. In total, 1.4 million tourists from Russia visited Finland last year, ranking first in terms of the number of arrivals. In second place after the Russians are the Swedes with a score of 420 thousand, while, compared with 2009, their number has decreased. General statistics of tourist arrivals in Finland can be seen in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

Statistics of arrivals of foreigners in Finland in 2009-2010 (persons)

2009 all year

Other countries

The total foreign tourist flow to Finland in 2010 reached 3.6 million tourists. Revenues from the tourism industry increased by 25%, amounting to 1.2 billion euros.

Transport: Sea transport plays a significant role in the transportation of passengers. This is facilitated by the presence of large river and lake networks, as well as sea ​​coasts. Most of the tourist traffic is carried out by small vessels with a good level of service. The main ferry company is Viking Line.

The national company Finnair has a wide network of both international and domestic flights. This company is recognized as one of the top airlines for customer service.

Finnair's operating revenue in the third quarter of 2010 was 42 million euros (last year the airline suffered a loss of 33 million euros in the same period). The company's turnover increased by 26% to 551 million euros. In the first 9 months of the year, Finnair carried 5.5 million passengers on scheduled and charter flights.

Accommodation: Finland has a highly developed hotel industry. Thousands of well-equipped hotels and cottages provide comfortable conditions for various types of tourism.

Entertainment: The entertainment industry is booming in Finland, for example in summer time Dozens of international music and theater festivals are held, new recreation parks and water parks are opened. In winter, you can go skiing or take a trip on snowmobiles. This type of recreation attracts many tourists from all over the world.

In the summer, dozens of international music and theater festivals are held in the country.

tourism industry country service

In winter time in Finland there is an opportunity to engage in all kinds of skiing, take part in a safari on a dog or reindeer sled, make a trip on a snowmobile.

Great Britain.

Great Britain, the birthplace of tourism, has always been characterized by a high level of its development, firmly occupying the fifth or sixth place in the world in terms of the main indicators of arrivals and income from tourism. However, in the last decade there has been a stabilization, and then a slight decrease in the quantitative indicators of the development of the industry, as well as significant qualitative changes associated with a change in the priority directions of travel, places of recreation and types of tourism in the country. This caused a legitimate concern in the UK and increased attention to the problems of tourism development, the search for new directions for its development, and maintaining the country's image in the tourism market.

The UK is most interested in the industry's response to changes taking place in it, in particular, the analysis of the vulnerability of the industry to external influences, the study of factors causing changes in the industry, as well as new trends in the development of tourism in the country arising in connection with this.

The importance of tourism in the UK economy is very high.

The largest airline in the UK is British Airways, its passenger traffic for 2008-2009 amounted to 33.2 million people, and revenue amounted to €10.31 billion.

The main problems of the hotel industry are high prices for accommodation and poor service, which leads to a decrease in the number of tourists. The cost of living is calculated not from the occupied room, but from the number of people. Very popular with tourists guest houses, because have a price much lower than in a hotel, but have a more limited number of services.

In the UK, the International Youth Hostel Association also operates, the main task of which is the development of youth tourism.

Restaurants, as well as hotels, are not famous for their cheapness and quality of services.

The main influx of tourists to the UK came at two events, such as the royal wedding and the release of the latest film about the wizard boy - Harry Potter.

Tourists who came to watch the wedding brought about 400 million pounds into the UK economy. To see this event, people were willing to pay over 350 pounds per night. Many of the visitors looked

sightseeing, shopping, which also brought a lot of money.

Thousands of people came to watch the premiere of the latest movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II". Only in the county of Pembukshire, where the scenes were filmed in the cottage "Shell", attracts 4.2 million tourists, the income from which was about 620 million euros. Tourists are also interested in the Oxford University Library and King's Cross Station.

The United States is a recognized leader in the global tourism market. But international tourism is only a small part tourist market.

Spending by foreign tourists in the US in May 2011 amounted to $12.6 billion, up 12% from the same period in 2010. This is reported by the Tourism Department of the Ministry of Commerce of the country. The indicator has been increasing for the seventeenth month in a row. In May, overseas tourists spent more than $9.6 billion in the United States, up 12% from a year earlier. The remaining $3 billion came from paying for the services of American carriers.

From January to May, international tourists spent more than $61 billion in the US. The trade surplus in travel settlements for the first five months was $16.6 billion, up 35% from 2010.

1.2 In developing countries

Consider the structure of the tourism industry in developing countries on the example of Argentina and Thailand.


The main airline of the country is Aerolineas Argentinas, which provides both domestic and international flights.

Argentina has regular air links with almost all countries in the Americas and with many countries in Europe. main center airlines - Buenos Aires with two airports, Ezeiza Airport serves mainly international routes.

Medical tourism is becoming a prominent destination in Argentina's offerings. Low prices For medical services of the highest level, a large number of residents of Europe and the USA are attracted here, where the cost of similar consultations, operations and procedures is many times higher.

Over the past 10 years, Argentina has become a leader in South American tourism. A large number of people travel abroad, as well as tourists tend to visit Argentina.

In 2009, Argentina was visited by about 2 million tourists, who brought in an income of about $2.8 billion. USA. The aviation industry has responded to the rise in tourism by increasing the number of flights both in and out of the country.

In February 2011, the entry flow to Argentina increased by 9.3% compared to February 2010 and amounted to 203 thousand people, according to a government report.

The National Bureau of Statistics reported that tourists spent 14.3% more than in 2010 - $ 265 million. About 235 thousand Argentines went on foreign trips.


Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations in the world, with international tourism revenue accounting for only 7% of Thailand's GDP, yet this revenue item is almost US$16 billion.

The transport system is developed in Thailand at a high level. To move around the country, you can use road, rail, air transport; in cities, the most popular means of transportation for short distances among tourists are open three-wheeled taxis.

Transportation is carried out by two companies "Thai Airways" and "Bangkok Airways".

Thai Airways operates ten flights daily from Bangkok to each of the country's major cities. Today, THAI serves 75 destinations in 35 countries, connecting 5 continents with its routes. Bangkok Airways is private company, which specializes mainly in flights to resort towns and other places where "Thai Airways" does not fly. About 500 flights have been canceled due to flooding in Thailand this year. Which negatively affects the influx of tourists. The airline, in order to attract tourists who fear flooding, has reduced airfare.

According to the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Thailand, during the flood, the country's tourism industry lost about 340 million dollars, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

Water disrupted communications, which caused the shutdown of 143 tourist portals in 30 provinces of the country.

Measures to restore the country's tourism industry will include preferential

loans for Thai tour operators, as well as the money will go to support organizations related to tourism.

The number of foreigners visiting Thailand, according to international airport Bangkok can be seen in tab.2.2.

Table 2.2

Statistics of arrivals in Thailand in May 2009-2010

May 2010 (people)

May 2009 (people)

Thailand is distinguished by the most diverse hotel services - from lost huts in the jungle to luxurious hotel complexes.

There is no official classification of hotels in Thailand. The categories of hotels indicated by us are conditional and are given taking into account the subjective assessment of the service of hotels and rooms.

Hotels belonging to international hotel chains are represented in Bangkok, Phuket and Koh Samui. The famous Thai hotel chain DUSIT is represented by hotels in Pattaya and Phuket. To the prestigious group "The Leading Hotels of The World"includes the hotel" Dusit Laguna "(Puket).

5-star hotels correspond to the highest level, while it is in Thailand that the prices for such hotels are much lower than European counterparts.

The restaurant business in Thailand is famous for its variety of types. national cuisines and plays an important role in the country's tourism economy.

1.3 In countries with economies in transition

Consider the tourism industry in countries with economies in transition on the example of Russia and Estonia.

Russia has a huge potential, both for the development of domestic tourism and for the reception of foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature.

According to the Discovery research group, for 2008-2010, in Russia, the share of tourism in GDP is 2.5%. The blow that had to be contained by the participants of the tourism market during the global economic crisis turned out to be severe. In 2009 Russian market Inbound tourism decreased, according to the most conservative estimates, by 15-20%, a similar situation was observed in the outbound tourism market. After the crisis, the rise of domestic tourism has not yet occurred.

In 2010, the main interest in terms of attracting tourists is provided by developed countries, such as Germany, the USA, Finland, because they are the main suppliers of tourists to Russia in 2010 (Figure 2.1)

Figure 2.1 Countries supplying tourists to Russia in 2010.

the largest Russian airline is Aeroflot. Byresults2010 of the year Aeroflot's passenger turnover amounted to 34 billion 777.1 million passenger kilometers, which is 33.8% higher than in 2009. The number of passengers carried by the company increased by 28.9% and amounted to 11 million 285.8 thousand passengers. Employment percentage passenger seats also increased to 77.2%, which is 7.7 percentage points higher than last year. Commercial load was 63.2%, which is 7.3 percentage points higher than last year .

Over the past five years, Russia has seen a rapid development hotel business. International hoteliers are coming to large cities, the number of small private hotels is growing, old Soviet hotels are being reconstructed.

In St. Petersburg, such a direction of the hotel business as a mini-hotel is actively developing, which provide comfort and service to vacationers for a low cost of living. Mini-hotels in St. Petersburg are known and attract tourists with their homely atmosphere and comfort. It seems to me that a flexible pricing policy has a favorable situation in the tourism sector of St. Petersburg.

Today Moscowrestaurantmarket are distinguished by high growth rates: at least ten new restaurants are opened in the capital every month, and, according to experts, this growth trend will continue for five years. However, there are still not so many public catering establishments in Moscow compared to other global megacities. Let's say there are 17,000 restaurants, bars and cafes in Paris, and 20,000 in New York.


The current year for Estonia has become one of the best in terms of the number of tourists in recent times. In the first half of 2011, about 1.2 million tourists visited Estonia. In just six months, about 800 thousand tourists arrived in the country, the rest are residents of Estonia. In September, 212,000 tourists visited Estonia, of which 151,000 stayed in hotels, according to statistics. Most of all, the number of tourists from the UK and Russia has increased.

Based on this, one can see that both external and internal tourism are well developed in the country.

Estonia, with its small territory, has a developed transport network.

In the field water transport AS Tallink Grupp (TG) is in the lead. It is one of the largest passenger and cargo shipping companies in the Baltic Sea region.

Revenue for the twelve months of the financial year 2010/2011 (09/01/2010-08/31/2011) reached 897 million euros, 10% compared to the previous financial year. The number of passengers carried during the twelve months increased by 8%, i.е. up to 9.1 million passengers. Gross profit amounted to almost 187 million euros, 11% compared to last year. In the fourth quarter of the financial year 2010/2011, passenger traffic increased by 5% to 2.98 million passengers.

In the field of air transport, Estonian Air can be distinguished.

In September 2011, 915 placements successfully operated in Estonia, which is 16% less than last year. In total, tourists were offered 18.5 thousand rooms and 42 thousand beds. The hotel occupancy center decreased by 19% compared to July. Hotel rooms were 44% full.

It seems to me that developed and developing countries play the main role in shaping the tourism market. Countries with economies in transition are better represented in the domestic tourism market than in the world.

The main problems in the field of tourism development are the security of providing tourism, the high cost of the tourist product, as well as the poor quality of service, etc.

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  • Europe. European countries receive the largest number of foreign tourists. In 1989-1997, the number of tourists who arrived in Europe increased to 350 million people, and cash receipts from international tourism doubled. However, the share of Europe in world tourism is gradually falling. Studies of the nationality of tourists traveling around the continent show that 90% of European tourists are residents of the European countries themselves. The Germans make up 19% of the total number of travelers, the British - 10%, the French - 7%, the Danes - 6%.

    The relative loss of European dominance in tourism is due to:

    Aging of the tourist product of the southern European countries (Greece and Italy);

    High prices for tourism products in the Nordic countries (Great Britain, Sweden)

    Socio-economic and ethnic problems in Eastern European countries;

    Growing popularity of Southeast Asian countries.

    Tourist flows are mainly directed to the recreation centers of Western and Southern Europe(France, Spain, Italy). Such concentration is the result of the habit of summer beach holiday. The UK is known for educational tourism, while Northern Europe (Scandinavia and Ireland) specialize in eco-tourism.

    America. America is the second region after Europe in terms of the number of foreign tourists. These are South, Central and North America, islands Caribbean. Half of international arrivals in the region are from the USA and Canada, and Europeans take the 1st place here - 15%.

    USA and Canada - a huge domestic tourist market and a highly developed infrastructure with extensive hotel chain and the transport industry. Second place is occupied caribbean hosting 12 million tourists a year. IN South America tourist flows are relatively weak due to political instability and economic development. The main types of tourism are beach, sports, sightseeing, business tourism.

    Income from international tourism reaches 10-20% of the total export income. Such a high level is a consequence of the competitiveness of the region and the specialization of some areas in tourism - Canada, the Caribbean, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina.

    East Asia and the Pacific region (WAT). BAT is in third place in the world in terms of tourism development, and mass visits by tourists to this region began in the 80s. XX century. These are mainly industrial countries - active exporters of goods: Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Taiwan.

    Since 1985, these countries have increased their share of tourist arrivals to 18% and their financial receipts from tourism to 20%. The main tourist flow is generated by the countries of the region themselves (78%). For example, Japan provides financial incentives for Japanese vacationers abroad. The second and third places are shared by Europe and the USA.

    WAT attracts tourists with its unique nature, and new industrial countries with business tours. Leisure tourism developed in Japan South Korea and in Taiwan. The Japanese industry ranks second in the world after the United States. Singapore offers shopping tourism. Thailand develops new beaches on south coast countries, organizes educational trips to northern part. IN largest cities there is a highly demanded sex tourism industry.

    Tourism is well developed in Australia and New Zealand, in Melanesia and Micronesia. Holidays on the islands Pacific Ocean benefits from the relative proximity of the Australian market and has a good image in Europe.

    In the BAT region, the average spending per tourist exceeds the world average of $659 and amounts to $764. Although in some countries, such as China or Mongolia, spending by vacationers is extremely low - up to $200.

    Africa. The number of foreign tourists visiting Africa and the cash receipts from them are relatively small and amount to about 2-3% of the world. The growth of international tourism in Africa was constrained by the high prices of the African product in the tourist markets. However, in recent years, the region has switched to low-cost mass, mainly beach tourism, especially in the north of the continent near the Mediterranean coast.

    The largest generating market for the countries of the region are the African countries themselves, providing up to 50% of all tourists. Other tourist-generating countries are France, Germany, Great Britain. This is explained by the fact that not so long ago these countries were the metropolises of African colonies.

    The most popular tourist destinations are located: in the north - Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco; in the east - Kenya, Tanzania, Seychelles, Mauritania, Zimbabwe. Some of them specialize in luxury beach tourism and develop upscale hotel industry, receiving from each vacationer up to $ 900.

    Popular in southern Africa tourist center is South Africa, which leads the list of the first countries of the continent in terms of arrivals and receipts. South Africa has a developed transport and hotel infrastructure, and is also becoming a fashionable country in international tourism.

    However, Africa as a whole lags behind in international tourism, because many countries in the region are not economically developed and do not have political stability, and military conflicts and epidemics continue in many parts of the continent.

    Russia. According to the Federal Border Service, in 2003 5.7 million people left Russia for tourist purposes, in 2004 - 6.6 million people, in 2005 - 6.78 million people, in 2006 - 7.75 million people .

    The formation of the Russian tourist market began in the 1990s, when three processes were going on simultaneously: the collapse of Soviet-era enterprises (tour agencies, travel agencies); the creation of new enterprises, which later became known as tour operators or travel agents; modification of old tourist enterprises by restructuring to develop a tourist product that is in demand among the Russian consumer.

    Some countries have introduced a number of measures to attract Russian tourists: the countries of the former socialist community, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc.); simplification of visa formalities in Greece, Spain; economic tours for Russian tourists (Egypt, Turkey).

    The European part of Russia, the Caucasus and the mountains of Western Siberia became the most priority areas for domestic tourism. This is a holiday in seaside cities- (Sochi, Gelendzhik, resorts of the Kaliningrad seashore); educational tourism in cultural and historical centers (" Golden ring Russia", Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pskov, Uglich, Yaroslavl). Ecological and sports tourism, safari tours (hunting, fishing) are developing almost throughout the country, popular river cruises along the Volga, Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei, sea ​​cruises on the Far East. Winter types of tourism, mountaineering, water tourism, trekking are cultivated in the Urals, in particular in the north Perm Territory, Altai, Caucasus, Kamchatka, in Karelia.