Called Czech Republic. Official country name: Czech Republic

Czech Republic(Czech Republic)


Czech Republic, geographic abbreviation CR), Czech spelling Česká republika(abbreviation ČR or Česko), English international spelling Czech Republic(abbreviation CZ), is a state located in the territory of the “Czech Lands” or in Central Europe. On January 1, 1969, the Czech Socialist Republic was officially formed in the federalization of Czechoslovakia, and on March 6, 1990, the current name was assigned - the Czech Republic. On January 1, 1993, in connection with the collapse of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic became a full-fledged subject of international law and on the same date the first constitution of the Czech Republic came into force. The Czech Republic is a parliamentary republic, a democratic state governed by the rule of law with a liberal government regime and a political system based on free competition of political parties and movements. The head of state is the president. The only supreme legislative body is the bicameral Parliament of the Czech Republic. The state supports the basic principles of liberalism, capitalism, market economy and free markets. The Czech Republic is on the list of developed countries. According to economic, social and political indicators such as GDP per capita, Human Development Index, Press Freedom Index, Internet Censorship Index, the Czech Republic was ranked very high rating among the world's countries. Economically, the World Bank has ranked the Czech Republic among the 31 richest countries in the world with the highest financial income. The Czech Republic has one of the best indicators of any country in the proportion of its population living below the poverty line. The Czech Republic has relatively low levels of inequality between rich and poor, and a relatively balanced distribution of wealth among the majority of the population. The unemployment rate is low compared to other developed countries. The environmental damage index is significantly lower than the European average.

Date of independence (from Czechoslovakia) January 1, 1993
Motto Pravda vítězí (Truth triumphs)
Hymn “Kde domov můj” (Where is my home)
Capital Prague
Other major cities Pilsen, Brno, Czech Budijovice, Ostrava, Olomouc, Pardubice, Hradec Hradec Kralov, Liberec, Usti nad Labe
Square 78,867 sq. km. (2% of water surface) - 115th place in the world
Highest point Mount Snezka (1602 m)
Timezone +2 hours from Moscow time
Population 10,505,445 people (as of January 1, 2012)
Population density 133 people/ (82 people/ is the global figure)
Human Development Index ▲0.873 (very high) (28th place 2013)
Official language Czech
Other languages Slovenian, Polish, Russian, German, Ukrainian, English
Religion No faith 34.2%, Catholics 56%, Orthodox 3.6%, other 6.2%
State system Parliamentary republic
The president Milos Zeman
Currency Czech Koruna (CZK)
GDP per capita: $26,125 (18th place in the world)
Telephone code +420
ISO code CZ
Internet domain .cz

The Czech Republic is a member of the United Nations, NATO, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, European Customs Union, European Union, Schengen Area, European Economic zone, member of the Visegrad Group and other international structures.

Today the Czech Republic consists of lands (parts) of historical Czech Republic, which were a significant part of history under the control of the Czech Crown: Bohemia, Moravia (in 1920 the lands of Czech Austria were also annexed), as well as part of Silesia. IN currently square Czech Republic is 78,867 km 2. Currently, the country is a landlocked European state, bordered in the west by Germany (border length 810 km), in the north by Poland (762 km), in the east by Slovakia (252 km) and in the south by Austria (466 km). km). Administratively, the Czech Republic is divided into 14 administrative districts (regions). The capital is the city of Prague, which is also one of the 14 districts. In 2012, approximately 10.5 million people were registered in the Czech Republic. The vast majority of people living in the Czech Republic consider themselves to be of Czech or Moravian nationality.






6. Largest cities in the Czech Republic by population
7. Political system in the Czech Republic

7.1. Parliamentary political parties of the Czech Republic

7.2. Government of the Czech Republic
8. Administrative divisions of the Czech Republic

8.1. Territorial regions

8.2. Districts

8.3. Municipalities and counties

8.4. NUTS

8.5. Army
9. Economy

9.1. Economic development

9.2. Mining and agriculture

9.3. Industry

9.4. Services

9.4.1. Telecommunication

9.4.2. Tourism
10. Transport

10.1. Air Transport

10.2. Trucking

10.3 . Railway transport

10.4. Water transport

10.5. Transportation of energy resources
11. Culture

11.1. Literature

11.2. Theater

11.3. Movie

11.4. Music

11.5. Fine Arts
12. Other characteristics of the Czech Republic

12.1. The science

12.2. Education

12.3. Sport

12.4. Kitchen
12.5. Vacations and Holidays

1. History of the formation of states on Czech soil.

The first documented state structure on the territory of the current Czech Republic was formed in the second half of the 9th century - Greater Moravia. When Great Moravia (circa 907) disappeared under the onslaught of nomadic Hungarian tribes, the state's focus of development shifted to the Czech Republic (Bohemia). Local rulers from the Přemyslid family built the medieval "Přemyslid" state, also called the Czech State, and from the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries, part of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1526, the Czech lands were gradually incorporated into the Habsburg Empire, whose rulers used the victory at White Mountain (1620) to finally eliminate the last vestiges of former independence. From 1749 until the end of the First World War, namely until 1918, the crowned lands of the Habsburgs remained the Czech Kingdom, the Moravian Margraviate, the Upper Duchy and Lower Silesia, which, however, were not connected to each other. Since 1804, these lands have been part of Austria, and then, since 1867, the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1918, after military-political actions, on the basis of cultural and linguistic proximity, the state of Czechoslovakia was created, which included the Czech and Slovak lands. Immediately after its emergence, Czechoslovakia limits the freedom of its lands, which, with the exception of Slovakia, had their own laws, charters, parliaments, and becomes a strictly centralized state. The Czech lands were part of it until 1992, that is, until the collapse of Czechoslovakia. The Czech Republic was officially created on January 1, 1969 under the federalization of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic under the name Czech Socialist Republic. Revolutionary political changes after November 1989 meant not only changing the name of the federation (Czech and Slovak Federal Republic), but also the Czech Republic (March 1990 Czech Republic, after the adoption of the Constitution the word “socialist” was removed). The disintegration of Czechoslovakia took place without a referendum; on January 1993, the agreement on the formation of the Federation was terminated. The legal successors of Czechoslovakia were the states of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. At the same time, he entered into the first in history, his own, constitution of the Czech Republic.

2. Titles and state symbols of the Czech Republic

The territory on which the Czech Republic is now located is usually referred to as the “Czech Lands”, which is an auxiliary historical-geographical term that is used as a general term for the corresponding geographical Czech Republic (that is, the three historically Czech lands - Bohemia (Bohemia), Moravia and the Czech part of Silesia). The term is based on the traditional, historical, geographical division of political entities on the territory of the modern Czech Republic, which lasted from the Middle Ages until 1928 (when Moravia and Czech Silesia were united into one region Moravskoslezské), after 1948 when the Moravskoslezské region was abolished, the "Lands Czech" already designated the Czech part of the state of Czechoslovakia. The concept of "Czech Lands" was now expanded to include parts of Czech Austria, which until 1919 were part of "Lower Austria".

Official name country according to the constitution is the Czech Republic, the one-word name “Czech Republic” is not used in the constitution. Czechs are not used at all, part of the society of the Czech Republic refuses to use the word “Czech Republic” as a designation of the state. The first use of the expression "Czech Republic" dates back to 1777 as a synonym for "Bohemia", as the official designation of the Czechoslovak Federation, the word appeared in Czech in 1978. During the national revival, the form “Czech” was also used, derived from the word “Czech Republic” (and the use of the word “Czech” was considered incorrect); in general, the word “Czech Republic” is a translation from the Latin word “Bohemia”. Due to tradition, the words “Czech Republic” are still used in circulation, as well as the adjective “Czech”.

State symbols of the Czech Republic - large and small coat of arms, state flag(The Czech Republic, after the collapse of the Czechoslovak Federation, took over the original flag of Czechoslovakia, since Slovakia was not interested in further use of this attribute), the presidential standard, the state seal, the state colors of the republic and the national anthem "Where is my home?" State symbols point to the traditions of the medieval Czech state (symbol), the Hussite movement (slogan on the presidential standard), national revival (anthem) and democratic Czechoslovakia (flag).

The name "Czech" was a simplification of the word "Czesko", derived from the adjective "Czech", (although historically the original spelling read "Czechi", which is the Latin word for "Bohemia"). The documented entry "Czech Republic" dates back to the 18th century, and since the 19th century it has also been referred to as the name of the "Czech Lands". In this status, the word “Czech Republic” was used by the Moravian linguist Frantisek Travniček in 1938. In the dictionary of the literary Czech language of 1960, the word "Czech Republic" is used both as a designation of the state and as a designation of the region "Bohemia", at the same time it is called obsolete. The 1978 dictionary uses the word “Czech Republic” only as the region “Bohemia”. In the spring of 1993, the Czech Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, on behalf of the government, appointed to use the word "Czech Republic" as an abbreviation for the "Czech Republic". After fierce debate in support of the Czech Geographical Society and despite the opposition of President Havel and other figures, the term was significantly expanded, but not given official status.


3.1. PervonAinitialsettlements

Presumably, the territory of the current Czech Republic was inhabited by humans about 750,000 years ago. About the settlement of people in the territory of the Czech Republic starting from 28000 BC. confirmed by a number of archaeological finds. From the third century BC. This area was inhabited by the Celts (Boii), and in the first century AD. German tribes came (Marcomanni and Quads).

From the end of the fifth century, the first Slavs appeared on the territory of what is now the Czech Republic. In the 7th century, Slavic tribes formed the state of "Samo" (ca. 623-659), although the state of Samo was more like a large union of tribes. Between 830 - 833, on the lands of Moravia, Slovakia, Hungary in the north and west of Transcarpathia, the Great Moravian Empire was created, which gradually subjugated the Czech Republic (890 - 894), Silesia, Lusatia, Lesser Poland and the rest of Hungary. Great Moravia was the first state formation on the territory of the modern Czech Republic. In 894, the Czech Republic left the control of Great Moravia, and in 906 or 907 it was subjected to a devastating attack by the Hungarians.

3.2. Middle Ages and Modern Times

Origins Czech state date back to the second half of the 9th century, when the first, documented, Czech prince from the Přemyslid dynasty, Bořivoj I, was baptized. During the 10th and 11th centuries, the state was consolidated due to which the territories of Moravia were annexed to it . The Czech Principality gradually developed signs of a more or less independent state within the medieval Holy Roman Empire (the bishopric of Prague was founded in 973, St. Wenceslas became the national saint).

The Czech kingdom appeared only in 1198, when the German king recognized the heredity of the Czech royal title, which was then recognized by the emperor, the pope, and in 1212 the document Golden Sicilian Bull was signed which assigned the king of the Czech Republic Přemysl Ottokar I his royal title and established his heredity, and also granted other privileges to the Czech Kingdom. The Czech ruler was henceforth to be freed from all obligations towards the Holy Roman Empire, including participation in imperial meetings. Přemysl Otakar II significantly expanded his possessions, which now extended beyond the Alps all the way to Adriatic Sea. Wenceslas II turned his attention to the north and east, where he managed to acquire the lands of Poland with access to Baltic Sea, and his son Wenceslas III annexed the Hungarian territories. The Czech Kingdom reached its maximum greatness during the reign of the last of the Přemylovich family and Charles IV. (1316-1378), who in 1348 secured the borders of the Czech Crown Lands and annexed Brandenburg (in 1415), Lusatia (in 1635) and Silesia (in 1742).

After the burning of Master John Hus in 1415 in Konstanz, Germany, the rivalry between Catholics and Hussites turned into open hostility and events led to the Hussite Wars. The Hussites founded the city of Tabor, which became the center of the Hussite revolution. Jan Žižka from Trocnov and Prokop Goly were able to repel all four crusades in the Czech Republic. The war was ended after the signing of an agreement between the Council of Basel and the Hussites in 1436.

In 1526, the Habsburg dynasty ascended the Czech throne, which incorporated the country into the Habsburg monarchy. In 1547 and 1618, armed uprisings took place for the sovereignty of the Czech Protestant state. The defenestration (throwing out of a window) of the imperial governors in 1618 was the cause of the Thirty Years' War. The troops of the Czech state were defeated in the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, and the remnants of the captured troops were publicly executed in Prague. The forced re-catholization (re-conversion to the Catholic faith) of Czech Protestants began. Most of The Czech nobility and intelligentsia became loyal supporters of the Habsburgs. Until the mid-17th century, the population declined in Bohemia and Moravia from 2.6 million to 1.5 million. In 1627, a new set of laws was adopted in the Czech Republic, according to which the Habsburg family received a royal hereditary title, the Catholic one was declared the only permitted religion, and the German language received the status of a second state language on par with the Czech language.

The proclamation of the lands of the Czech Crown was canceled in 1749 by Maria Theresa, but Czech kings continued to be crowned within the framework of the Czech Kingdom. In 1781, the reforms of Joseph II led to the abolition of serfdom, and also gave rise to religious tolerance in society. From the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century, processes took place that led to the centralization of the monarchy. This centralization helped the German language become dominant in government and church administration. In response to the Germanization of culture and language, the end of the 18th century marked the beginning of the “Czech National Revival”, attempts were made to restore Czech culture and language, and then to gain a political force representing the interests of the Czech ethnic group. In the second half of the 19th century, an important economic and cultural upswing took place in the Czech Republic. The majority (about 70%) of Austria-Hungary's industry was concentrated in the Czech Republic.

3.3. Pre-war Czechoslovakia

In the First World War, 1,500,000 people fought, recruited from the Czech regions, of which 138,000 were killed defending the monarchy and about five and a half thousand people fought as part of the foreign legions. More than 90,000 volunteers formed the Czechoslovak Legion in France, Italy and Russia, where they fought against the Central Powers and later the Bolsheviks. After the defeat of Austria-Hungary on October 28, 1918, the Czech lands, part of the Kingdom of Hungary, and Carpathian Rus' united, creating the new state of Czechoslovakia. Despite the fact that the state was formed primarily on a national basis, nevertheless, the state also included Germans, Hungarians, Poles, as well as Romanians (as part of national minorities). After Czechoslovakia gained independence, there were border conflicts on the border with Poland and Hungary, as well as unrest in the German regions of the country (Sudeten Germans). Tomas Garrick Masaryk was elected the first president of Czechoslovakia. From the founding period until the dissolution of the First Republic, Czechoslovakia was a unitary state and remained the only democratic state in Central Europe.

The German population in the border areas, as a result of the Great Depression, mass unemployment and intense, radical Nazi propaganda, began to demand separation from Czechoslovakia. The greatest efforts in this area were made by the Sudeten-German Party, led by Konrad Henleine. Under pressure from Nazi Germany and the European powers, in September 1938, Czechoslovakia, under the Munich Agreement, was forced to cede the Sudetenland to Germany. Czechoslovakia ceded the southern regions of Slovakia and Carpathian Rus to Hungary, a small part of Czechoslovak territory (in particular, the region of Cieszyn Silesia) went to Poland, and thus the “second republic” of Czechoslovakia appeared.

3.4. Protectorate of Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Morava

On March 14, 1939, Slovakia declared its independence, and after occupation by German troops on March 15, 1939, the remaining part of Czechoslovak territory (that is, the Czech Republic without the Sudetenland, annexed in 1938 by Germany, and in the eastern part the region of Cieszyn Silesia, which in 1938 it was also annexed by Poland) Bohemia and Moravia was declared a protectorate (a very small part of Czech Silesia around the cities of Ostrava and Fridku remained on the territory of the protectorate; the remaining lands, including the eastern part of the Czechoslovak Tiszyn Silesia, were annexed to Germany). The German occupation of Czechoslovakia was met with massive resistance from the country's population (Czech sources) and groups supported from abroad, to which the Nazis responded with terror. During the war, the Nazis implemented a policy of forced labor of Czech labor in Germany, as well as the destruction of the Jewish diaspora in the protectorate. Despite this, it should be noted that the Czech Republic made a very impressive contribution to Germany’s successes in the first years of the war. The lion's share of Germany's weapons, incl. and tanks were produced in factories located in the Czech Republic and where Czechs worked, and cases of sabotage in factories were isolated and did not make any significant contribution to the disruption of production. Also, a large number of citizens of the former Czechoslovakia served voluntarily in the SS troops. So, for example, Knispel Kurt, one of the greatest tank aces in Germany, who destroyed 168 enemy tanks, was from Czechoslovakia. It is worth noting that the partisan movements in the Czech Republic, which appeared almost immediately after the occupation, did not make any significant contribution to the liberation of Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reliably determine the mood of the population of the Czech Republic on the day of the occupation, but based on the measures taken or not taken to stop the occupation, we can confidently say that the Czechs were not against the inclusion of their country in Germany and considered this as a logical continuation of Germanization countries. The only exception can be considered the heroic act of Captain Karel Pavlik, who on March 14, 1939, with his company, offered armed resistance to the occupying German forces. He was the only officer who violated the order and resisted.

3.5. Post-war Czechoslovakia

In May 1945, Czechoslovakia was completely liberated by the Allies, marking the official restoration democratic state Czechoslovakia. However, during this period strange political phenomena occurred in the Czech Republic, such as the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia to Germany and Austria or restrictions on party competition, extensive nationalization of key enterprises in the fields of heavy industry, energy, film industry, banking, insurance companies, large construction companies, and etc.. In February 1948, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia came to power in Czechoslovakia, the country became a totalitarian state and part of the Soviet bloc (Eastern bloc). The structures of civil society were suppressed, ranging from self-government of regions (1949) to the suppression of freedom of speech, press and abolished market relations V economic life countries. State nationalization and monetary reform (1953) led to the fact that millions of citizens lost their property. In 1960, a new constitution changed the country's official name to the "Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR)". In the late 50s - 60s there was a gradual liberalization, which reached its peak in 1968. The period during which movements aimed at liberalizing Czechoslovakia took place is known as the Prague Spring. The Prague Paddle was suppressed by the invasion of the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact countries on August 21, 1968. After the invasion, an outflow of Czech intellectuals began, with many educated people emigrating to democracies in Europe and to the United States, further accelerating the economic decline in a country that had undergone a violent process of joining the Soviet bloc. At that time, Czechoslovakia was occupied by the Soviet Army, which finally withdrew from the country only in 1991, i.e. the “normalization” process, which lasted more than 20 years, completely suppressed the sense of freedom among Czech citizens.

Post-war Czechoslovakia was not a completely unitary state, but had an asymmetrical structure. On the territory of Slovakia, the legislative body was the “Slovak national council", until 1960, the executive body was the "Assembly of Representatives", while there were no such bodies on the territory of the Czech Republic. While the mutual borders of the Czech Republic, Moravia and Silesia were subject to regional division in the post-war period, the border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia was prohibited at the legislative level from being changed, i.e. The borders of Slovakia remained untouched and remained a single entity until the very end. Some Czechoslovak laws and regulations adopted were limited to the territorial coverage of the Czech region. An example is state environmental law. The Slovak National Council adopted Law No. 1/1955 “Protection of State natural resources", valid only for the Slovak region.

3.6. The Socialist Republic of the Czech Republic and the Czech Republic as part of the federation.

The most lasting state-legal consequence of the Prague Spring was the federalization of the Czechoslovenian Socialist Republic, established on January 1, 1969, when the unitary state became a federation of two sovereign states - the Czech and Slovenian Socialist Republics.

The Velvet Revolution, launched on November 17, 1989, overthrew the communist regime and provided an opportunity for democratic reforms and the restoration of free enterprise, but also contributed to a sharp increase in crime rates, a large public debt and provoked the collapse of the Federation. In 1990, the word “socialist” was removed from the name of each federal state and the Czech Republic received its own state symbols. Disagreements soon began to emerge between the two groups of federal subjects, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, and a split emerged between the two republics, which ultimately led to the rapid collapse of the unified state. Czechoslovakia peacefully ceased to exist on December 31, 1992, and the new republics divided the assets and liabilities of the former Czechoslovakia among themselves. Since this period, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have existed as two independent states.

3.7. Independent Czech Republic

The Czech Republic became a subject of international law on January 1, 1993, after the collapse of the federation. The Czech Republic joined Western European political structures. On March 12, 1999, the Czech Republic was admitted to NATO and on May 1, 2004, it joined the European Union. In 2004, it joined the Schengen Agreement, and on this basis, on December 21, 2007, it became part of the Schengen zone.

The existence of the Czech Republic as a subject of international law is recognized by the vast majority of countries in the world. From its creation until July 13, 2009, the Czech Republic was recognized as an independent state only by Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein seeks, as a precondition for the recognition and establishment of diplomatic treaty relations with the Czech Republic, to resolve issues of a property nature (property disputes have existed between Liechtenstein and Czechoslovakia since the founding of Czechoslovakia, disputes related to the expropriation of Liechtenstein property according to the Benes Decree). Liechtenstein made significant efforts to prevent the Czech Republic from joining international organizations, but this activity was not successful.

4. Geography

The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe and borders four countries: Germany to the north, Poland to the north, Slovakia to the southeast and southern border shared with Austria. The length of the western border with Germany is 810.7 kilometers, with Austria 466.1 kilometers, with Slovakia 251.8 kilometers and with Poland in the north 761.8 kilometers. The total area of ​​the Czech Republic is 78,867 km², of which 2% is water surface. The Czech Republic has mountains and hilly terrain around its perimeter, the most high mountains are located in the north, the Krkonose Mountains. The highest point in the Czech Republic is Mount Snezka (1602 meters above sea level). The Elbe (Laby) and Vltava rivers flow in the western part of the Czech Republic, while the Oder River has its sources in the eastern part. Thanks to the rivers, the Czech Republic has access to the North, Baltic and Black Seas. The climate in the Czech Republic is mild, only a week a year it is “very” hot and a week a year it is “very cold”, the rest of the time the temperature and weather are always comfortable, without sharp fluctuations (in summer average temperature+20 degrees, in winter -3). This ideal climate is achieved due to maritime and continental influences. Due to the fact that the Czech Republic is surrounded by mountains along its entire perimeter, the negative influence of winds is significantly reduced, and a significant amount of snow falls in the mountains, which makes the Czech Republic a ski country.

4.1. Geology,geomorphologyand soil

Most of the territory belongs to the geologically stable Czech massif, formed in the fourth geological period Paleozoic era Hercynian folding. The region of the Western Carpathians, in the east of the territory, was formed in the last era of tectogenesis by Alpine folding.

From a geomorphological point of view, the Czech Republic is located on the border of two mountain systems. The central and western parts of the Czech Republic are located on the “Český masiv” mountain range, mainly consisting of hills and mountains (Sumava, Český Les, Krusne Mountains, Jizerske Mountains, Krkonoše Mountains, Orlícke Mountains, Kralický Snezík, Jeseniky), and in the east of the Czech Republic there are Western Carpathians (Beskids). An area of ​​52,817 km2, which is 67% of the total area of ​​the Czech Republic, is located at an altitude of up to 500 meters above sea level, 25,222 km2 (32%) are at an altitude of 500 to 1000 meters, and only 827 km2 (1.05%) are at altitude above 1000 meters above sea level. Most high place in the Czech Republic is the Sněžka mountain, 1602 meters above sea level, and the lowest is the Labe river near the city of Hřensko, 115 meters above sea level. The average altitude above sea level is 430 meters.

The country's soil cover is varied. The most common soil type in the Czech Republic is “Brown soils”, fertile black soils on the plains.

4.2. Hydrology and climate

The main European watershed separating the Northern, Baltic and Black Sea basins passes through the territory of the Czech Republic. The main river axes are in Bohemia - Labe (370 km) with the Vltava (433 km); in Moravia - the Morava rivers (246 km) with the Taya (306 km); in Silesia Odra (135 km) with Opawou (131 km).

The climate in the Czech Republic is mild, transitional between continental and oceanic types. An alternation of four seasons is typical. Western winds and intense cyclonic activity predominate. Maritime influence is manifested mainly in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia are more susceptible to continental climatic influences. The greatest influence on the climate in the Czech Republic is exerted by altitude and relief.

4.3. Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna in the Czech Republic is a classic manifestation of the Central European fauna, which demonstrates the interpenetration of guiding principles. Forests, mostly coniferous, cover 33% of the total land area.

4.4. Security environment

The preserved pristine nature is protected in national parks and reserves. Supreme body Dealing with the protection and preservation of the environment in the Czech Republic is the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Czech Republic. There are four national parks in the Czech Republic: Šumava National Park, Krkonoše National Park, National Park Czech Switzerland and Podyje National Park. Protected areas include: National parks(NP), Protected Landscape Squares(CHKO), National reserves(NPR), nature reserves (PR), national natural monuments (NPP), natural attractions (PP).

Population changes in the Czech Republic according to data from the Czech Statistical Office.
Year Total population Changes
1857 7,016,531 -
1869 7,617,230 +8,6%
1880 8,222,013 +7,9%
1890 8,665,421 +5,4%
1900 9,372,214 +8,2%
1910 10,078,637 +7,5%
1921 10,009,587 -0,7%
1930 10,674,386 +6,6%
1950 8,896,133 -16,7%
1961 9,571,531 +7,6%
1970 9,807,697 2,5%
1980 10,291,927 +4,9%
1991 10,302,215 +0,1%
2001 10,230,060 -0,7%
2011 10,526,214 +2,9%

5. Population

The birth rate in the Czech Republic is one of the lowest in the world, in 2012 there were 1.27 children per woman. The total population, according to the Czech Statistical Office, decreased slightly in the years 1995 to 2002, currently the overall growth is around zero (-0.08 in 2003 and + 0.9% in 2004) due to increased immigration from abroad, although natural increase has always been negative since 1994. Average life expectancy continues to slowly increase and exceeds 72 years for men and 79 years for women (2004 estimate). 71% of the population lives in cities.

IN last census of the population in 2011, 63.7% of Czech citizens considered themselves to be of Czech nationality (86% of those who classified themselves as some nationality), which prevails in all regions of the Czech Republic, 4.9% of the population considered themselves to be of Moravian nationality and 0 .1% are of Silesian nationality, although both nationalities exclusively use Czech for communication. According to the Czech Statistical Office (CSU), we are talking about the consequences of the division of the Czech nation, as a result of intense media coverage and politicization of the Moravian national question, as the Moravian political party actively uses this issue for its political purposes. Before the 1991 census, it was virtually impossible to identify nationalities, since there was no column in which this could be indicated, therefore it is not possible to trace the complete demographic situation among each nationality. In the 2011 census, 26% of the population, in the nationality column, did not enter any information, i.e. left the field empty.

5.1. Religion

The Czech Republic has one of the least religious populations in the world. In the Eurobarometer Project surveys in 2005, 19% of respondents responded that they believed in God, 50% believed in the power of spiritual life, and 30% Not believe in religion. According to the latest census in 2011, about 3.6 million people do not belong to any religion. This is 34.2% of the population. Almost 1.5 million people (13.9%) considered themselves to have different religions. Approximately 707,000 people (6.7%) identified themselves as believers, but not identifying themselves with any of the existing religions. In general, about 2,100,000 people or 20.6% considered themselves believers (regardless of religion). Czech population. A total of 4,700,000 people (45.2%) in this voluntary column did not complete the census form.

The most common religion in the Czech Republic is Christianity. The largest religious group is the Roman Catholic Church, which has 1.1 million believers (10.26%), which is significantly lower compared to 2001, with a total of 2.7 million people classifying themselves as believers (26.8%). A high proportion of believers is still in the Orthodox Church, which has a total of 27,000 believers, supporters of Jediism - 15,000 people, Jehovah's Witnesses - 13,000. More than 700,000 people indicated that they were religious but did not identify themselves with any organized church. The number of adherents of Judaism is about 1,500 inhabitants, Islam is preached by almost 3,500 people. 6,100 people identified themselves as belonging to various branches of Buddhism. 1075 people classified themselves as Atheists, 863 people declared paganism.

The share of people who declared themselves religious, compared with previous censuses, decreased significantly in 2001. The number of people who have not declared any religion has decreased significantly. An innovation of the 2011 census was the opportunity to register as believers without belonging to a particular church, this opportunity was used by almost 7% of the population, but the percentage of people who chose not to answer the question regarding their religion also increased. Largest quantity religious people live in the eastern part of the Czech Republic - Moravia.

5.2. Ethnographic groups

In the Czech Republic there are several ethnographic groups closely related to the region where they live, which in the past had cultural differences, as well as dialect characteristics. In Bohemia these are: Chody, Plzenatsi, Blatatsi, Duleby, in Moravia: Horatsi, Hanaks, Moravian Croats, Moravian Slovaks, Podluzatsi, Wallasi, Lashi and others in Silesia, for example, Guraly. Differences between ethnographic groups began to blur after the "Second World War", but some regional characteristics are still maintained. In addition to these geographically diverse ethnographic groups, it is necessary to note groups that are not geographically tied to the place of residence, but are also significant, these are: the Roman and Israeli ethnographic group.

5.3. Foreigners

Overall, in the Czech Republic, the number of foreigners in 2011 decreased compared to 2010 by almost 8,000 people to 416,700 people (4%). Prague and the Central Bohemian Region account for more than half of the total number of foreigners living in the Czech Republic. Most immigrants came from Slovakia (1.4%), Ukraine (0.5%), Poland (0.4%), Vietnam (0.3%), Germany (0.2%), Russia (0.2% ) and Hungary (0.1%). Compared to other European countries, the Czech Republic remains a relatively homogeneous country, for example neighboring Germany has the largest number of foreigners living in the EU, i.e. 7.2 million foreigners (9% of the population), Austria 10.8% and Spain 12% . An undeniable advantage is the fact that in the Czech Republic such ethnic groups as Turks and Blacks are represented in small numbers and are not a problem for the state, unlike Germany and France.


Czech Republic- a state in the center of Europe with a simply crazy concentration of attractions per square kilometer in the literal sense of the word.The country borders on Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Poland. Territory Czech Republic is divided into three regions: Bohemia (west), Silesia (northeast), Moravia (east).

Tourist Czech Republic

The most interesting cities Czech Republic
Prague- the capital of the Czech Republic, the most beautiful and romantic city in Europe.
Brno- the largest settlement in the eastern region Czech Republic(Moravia).
Krumlov- one of the oldest Czech cities, where the castle of the same name is located.
Opava- the most important city Czech Republic with a high concentration of historical values. It is located almost on the border with Poland.
Karlovy Vary- the highest concentration of health resorts, historical attractions and simply beautiful cobbled streets with colorful houses.
Jesenik- a well-known winter resort town.
Kutna Hora- historical value Czech Republic, where the Cathedral of St. Barbara is located, silver mines and many other interesting structures.
Pilsen- the largest city in the west of the country, the birthplace of the most famous foamy drink in Russia and not only Pilsner Urquell.

Useful information for tourists:
- tips in restaurants, taxi drivers and guides are 10% of the check amount
- museums and attractions where admission is not free are closed on Mondays and the day after holidays
- sale entrance tickets Entry to the museum ends one hour before the museum closes. Almost everything museum complexes operate from nine in the morning until six in the evening. Working hours Jewish Museum, located in Prague from Sunday to Friday. Saturday is a day off.
- V Czech Republic Smoking is prohibited at public transport stops, as well as in the premises of educational institutions and public institutions. For violating this prohibition the fine is 1000 CZK
- emergency numbers: fire safety service - 150; medical assistance - 155; police - 156
- There are a lot of ticks in the country - carriers of borreliosis and encephalitis. Local residents try to vaccinate themselves and their loved ones in the spring, and tourists should be extremely careful, choose paved sidewalk paths for walks and avoid lawns and walking on tall grass.
- Czech- a country where it is legal to carry drugs, but in limited quantities
- if you don’t know Czech or English, you can try to communicate with local residents in Russian; most old-timers remember the language perfectly and can speak it fluently with tourists from Russia.

"Mobile" communication in the Czech Republic
IN Czech Republic You can purchase a SIM card from the Vodafone mobile operator. The cost of a SIM card is 200 CZK, which is credited directly to your account (the so-called conversation credit). You can purchase a SIM card in Prague in close proximity to Wenceslas Square. Calls to Russia should be as follows: +7, then the codecity, then the subscriber number. IN Czech Republic call code +420. To top up your account, Trafika kiosks are installed in Prague. The nearest such kiosk is located near Wenceslas Square at the Mustek metro station.

Currency transactions in the Czech Republic
The country, which is part of the EU, has its own currency - the Czech crown. The exchange rate for each bank is different. BUT! You should not be fooled by an attractive exchange rate - most private exchangers set a commission fee for currency exchange, often up to ten percent of the exchange amount. Usually the commission is indicated on the stand, but it can be written in very small letters, which you cannot immediately understand, and when the exchange has taken place, it will be very difficult to get the money back. Many exchange offices employ not Czechs, but people of Asian appearance. Therefore, when you come to the bank, you should first ask about the commission and its percentage. You can exchange currency in any hotel, even a three-star one, although the exchange rate is not very favorable. Also exchange offices work for railway stations, in an Aeroport.In Prague, you can exchange currency at souvenir sellers. Usually, guides know good “currency traders” who will not deceive you and will exchange without any commissions.

Czech traditions and holidays
The formation of the culture of this wonderful country took place over several centuries. The traditions of neighboring countries also actively influenced it. Czech Republic countries
Hospitality is amazing local residents. Moreover, this is not a feigned quality, a desire to show oneself from the best side. The Czechs are really very friendly, hospitable, constantly smiling and try to help every tourist who contacts them. Many old-timers still remember the Russian language, so it will be easy for a tourist who does not know Czech or English to communicate with a local resident whose age is 45+. Young people, young and old, have a good command of English, so when going on a tour Czech Republic You can take an English-Russian phrasebook with you. In general, the Czech language is not that difficult - before the trip, to replenish your vocabulary, you can learn a couple of frequently used phrases in order to feel comfortable and respond with your own courtesy to the courtesy of the locals.
IN Czech Republic love to celebrate holidays. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether we are talking about a religious event (Catholic or Orthodox) or a secular one.Here's what you really should visit when you're in Czech Republic, so this is a local wedding, taking place according to all Czech traditions. Impressive and incredible action!
The Czechs have a special attitude towards national holidays - they not only honor them, but also celebrate them according to all traditions and rules. December is one of the busiest months of the year, celebrating St. Barbara's Day (the fourth of December), St. Nicholas Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.
IN Saint Barbara's Day local residents cut a sprig of rowan and place it in the water. If the branch blooms by Christmas, then next year will be successful for the family.
St. Nicolas day - it's like International Day children, celebrated around the world on June 1, only in Czech. On this day, children's events, matinees, concerts and competitions are held throughout the country.
Christmas Traditions
Christmas without carp is not Christmas. This is precisely the opinion held by the Czechs, who cannot imagine a holiday without carp in any form of preparation. The fish is stewedbaked, stuffed, fried, made aspic. Generally in Czech Republic more than a dozen dishes led by carp. It is believed that every self-respecting housewife must cook this fish for Christmas.
An interesting fact: on the eve of the Catholic holiday, stores begin actively selling well-fed, well-fed, and selected carp. But he swims in aquariums, barrels, mini-pools, bathtubs right on the street near the entrance to the store. Moreover, the containers with water and fish are not fenced in any way - you can touch, look, and get the fish. For many Russian tourists A small fish left unattended and without proper control causes at least surprise and a logical question: “Are they really not stealing?” Let's explain. No. They don't steal. Local residents would never even think of stealing. They have it built into their upbringing and mentality. By the way, many shopping centers have self-service terminals for paying for purchased goods. This is done so that people do not stand idle at the cash registers, but can independently scan the cost of the goods and pay for them. We asked the security service a logical question: “What if they don’t pay for all the goods?” The security responded with a smile: “We trust our customers.” That's it!

How to get to Prague from Moscow

Get to Czech Republic If you have Schengen, it won’t be difficult. The country is located on the mainland, not fenced off by seas and oceans, so you can safely travel by car, especially when it comes to residents of Moscow, the Moscow region and other non-remote regions.
By personal vehicle
You can give yourself a lot of pleasure and go to Czech Republic by personal car. The distance from Moscow to Prague is about 1600 kilometers.
By plane
If the principle “quickly and comfortably” applies, then it is optimal to choose an air flight. Fly to Prague (the capital Czech Republic) you can get from Moscow in just over two hours. The flight is organized by several airlines: Aeroflot, Czech Airlines. Every day from Moscow these airlines operate up to six flights to Prague and back.
On average, the cost of a ticket during the “peak” season is 9,000 rubles per direct flight Moscow-Prague. If you choose the option with a transfer, you can get 1,400 rubles as a “bonus”. The only caveat is the increased flight time (minimum - 4 hours, maximum - 19 hours). Therefore, if you want to get to Prague quickly, then the best option would be a direct flight to Prague from Moscow.
The cheapest tickets can be bought in February, June and July.

Transport in the Czech Republic

Urban transport connection

Municipal transport links in the Czech Republic are very well developed, function smoothly and are in high demand among local residents. For trips to public transport There is a single travel ticket, which can be purchased at ticket offices at metro stations or at special kiosks located at many bus stops.A single ticket allows you to freely travel around the city on any type of public transport. The only condition is the validity period of the travel card, the countdown of which begins from the moment the ticket is validated. The cost of travel cards is quite affordable. If you plan to travel by metro, by tram induring the day, it is better to buy a daily pass. By the way, ticket inspectors are a regular occurrence in public transport, and fines for expired travel cards are significant. It's better not to take risks.
Public transport runs only according to a schedule. Moreover, for daylight there is one schedule, and for night - another. You can get acquainted with the traffic flow at literally every stop.
IN Czech Republic intercity transport links are well developed - you can move around the country by rail, by regular buses or by plane.
Railway connection
The cheapest and most comfortable option for traveling around Czech Republic there will be a railway. IN Czech Republic Well-developed railway connections led by management company Ceske Drahy (abbreviation - CD). Trains depart to all regions of the country from Prague several times an hour.
The country has three types of trains running between cities:
- InterCity, EuroCity (sometimes you can see the abbreviation “IC”, “EC” on the cars). Travel is not cheap, but it is very comfortable, convenient and fast.
- Rychlik, Express (abbreviation - R, Ex) - the cost of travel is average, the speed of movement is high.
- Osobni (abbreviation - O) - they travel very slowly, but they are also cheap.
Ticket offices at railway stations are only open during the day!
Intercity buses
Bus passenger transportation is well developed in Czech Republic. This method of transportation is used by the local residents themselves. There is nothing surprising - dozens transport companies offer passengers comfortable, convenient, modern buses, on which traveling is a pleasure.
Every city has at least one bus station where you can buy bus tickets. Buses run strictly on schedule, and the trip will bring a lot of pleasant emotions and will not tire you in any way.Bus tickets can be purchased from the driver directly at the entrance to the bus or through online services. The seats are not indicated on the tickets, so the passenger can sit anywhere.
The main bus carrier in the Czech Republic is CSAD, which operates both domestic and international flights. In Prague, you can take a bus from this company from the Florenc bus station.You can also contact the CSAD information window, open from six in the morning to eight in the evening on weekdays, on Saturday from 6 in the morning to 16 in the afternoon, on Sunday from eight in the morning until six in the evening. In the information window you can immediately purchase a travel ticket.
No less popular in the Czech Republic is the motor transport company that provides bus transportation throughout the country, Student Agency, vehicles which are characterized by impeccable comfort, as well as unparalleled service. By the way, tickets for a route are often cheaper with Student Agency than with other carriers. Buses leave Prague from the Zlicin metro station. Tickets, which indicate the landing locations, are sold there, at a special kiosk near the metro station.
How much do travel tickets cost in the Czech Republic?
The cost of a ticket is influenced by several factors, firstly, the class of the carriage, and secondly, the distance. But you can save a lot of money by purchasing SONE+ weekend passes. The advantage of this pass is that it gives you the opportunity to travel around the country on any type of train without restrictions throughout the weekend. By the way, this type travel ticket valid even in areas on the borders of neighboring countries of the Czech Republic. For trips on weekdays you can buy a Sitova jizdenka ticket.By the way, students have the opportunity to receive significant discounts on public transport. Children under six years old can travel for free. A 50% discount will be provided to children under fifteen years of age. And for students, a ticket will cost one and a half times less than for ordinary passengers.
Car rent
During a long stay in Czech Republic The best option would be to rent a vehicle. To rent a car, two conditions are required: age - from 21 years old and a new driver's license.
Attention! Rules for driving on the roads of the Czech Republic!
Traffic Laws Czech Republic slightly different from the rules established in Russia.
Eg, maximum speed travel around the city - 50 km/h, on the highway - no more than 90 km/h, on high-speed roads the maximum permissible speed is 130 km/h.In the city, the tram has an advantage when moving and this must always be remembered - in every city the tram service is well developed.
To move freely around the country by car (even a rented one), you must pay a transport tax. This can be done at any gas station, after which you will be given a special permit card, which must be kept and not lost, and it is best to immediately stick it on the windshield. The coupon is valid for a year. Its absence entails the imposition of a very significant fine on the driver.
Gas stations are located at the entrance to cities, as well as on highways at a distance of approximately every fifty kilometers. But unlike gas stations in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, which operate around the clock, in Czech Republic they are open until nine in the evening and then close.
Biking around the Czech Republic
Riding two-wheelers is very common in Czech Republic. There are more than 37 thousand kilometers of bicycle paths throughout the country. Prague has the largest number of cycling routes. Other regions have no fewer bike paths than Prague. Routes have been laid, which locals call “greenways”, mainly along ponds, rivers, railways. Traveling around Czech Republic by bike, you can explore a lot historical places, including pilgrimage and trade roads, routes, architectural and historical monuments. You can rent a bicycle at any of the numerous rental points located in literally every city.

Holidays in the Czech Republic

Czech- a country with incredible tourism potential. Each city is a real treasure of the country. Prague alone, with its cobbled streets and breathtaking architectural monuments, drives you crazy, and what can we say about Karlovy Vary and Brno, which are beautiful regardless of the time of year and the weather outside the window. Numerous castles, estates, and caves deserve special attention, which are impossible to explore even during a week’s vacation in the country.

Accommodation in the Czech Republic
The country is well developed hotel chain. Moreover, you can safely stay even in three-star hotels, private boarding houses, renting apartments or apartments. A distinctive feature is the high level of service regardless of the hotel's star rating, spacious, comfortable, clean rooms, affordable prices even in four and five-star hotels. Most hotels have free Wi-Fi and parking (albeit paid). For large families It is most profitable to rent an apartment with children. Apartments, even the most presentable ones, are also distinguished by their low cost.

Main Czech attractions

Castles of the Czech Republic
This is the most important pride of the country - in total Czech Republic there are more than 2.5 thousand castles that have been perfectly preserved to this day! In every region Czech Republic It has its own castle attraction, with history and legends.Today, the territory of many castles hosts various festivals, theatrical performances, concerts, costume shows and knightly battles. And each of the events is aimed at revealing the story Czech Republic with its flavor, characteristics and traditions.

Czech cities according to the Must See principle
IN Czech Republic, probably one of the highest concentrations of ancient cities that are definitely worth visiting when arriving in this wonderful country.
Czech krumlov
One of the most famous cities South Bohemia, where historical buildings in the Renaissance, Baroque, and Gothic styles are located. Krumlov Castle is not inferior in importance to Prague Castle and is included in the UNESCO list. The Krumlov ensemble includes more than forty buildings, palaces, five courtyards and a wonderful garden with centuries-old green spaces.
In the immediate vicinity of Krumlov there is an interesting attraction, opened in 2012 and received the title of the best Czech attraction of the new generation - observation tower with a suspended structure made of wood, starting from the ground, extending over Lake Lipno and rising to the very top of the tower.
Telc - Czech "Venice"
In the Moravian region there is a unique city on the water, surrounded by two artificial reservoirs and a canal. The central object of Telč is considered to be an ancient fortress, built during the Middle Ages and preserved in almost its original form to this day. Arriving in Telc, you should definitely visit the Palace with many halls, distinguished by their luxurious decoration and incredible beauty and entertainment.
Jindrichuv Hradec - visiting the 13th century castle
This city is home to the third most important and largest castle complex, built back in the 13th century. The main attraction of the complex is the palace with the most valuable paintings, the Church of St. John, the interior of which is decorated with rare frescoes, as well as the Minorite monastery. The city annually hosts nationally significant folk and classical music festivals.
Brno - the largest concentration of spiritual values
The central object of the city is the Gothic town of Spielberg, founded in the 13th century and still amazing with its charm. The city is located on the top of the mountain, so the view from its central point is stunning. By the way, the town of Spielberg is depicted on almost all Czech coins.
When in Brno, you should definitely visit the Moravian Gallery - the second most important and largest Czech museum.Brno is also very beautiful Cathedral Saints Paul and Peter, the Catholic Churches of Saint Jacob, Saint Michael, the majestic Town Hall, the Basilica of the Virgin Mary and many other equally significant historical attractions.
Kutna Hora
It was here that active silver mining took place in the 14th century. The city is also home to the famous Chapel of All Saints, built in the 15th century. While in Kutná Hora, you should definitely get acquainted with the Vlaš Court - a complex of buildings dating back to the 13th-14th centuries (this is where the residence of the Czech kings was in the old days). Kutna Hora is also famous for its mint, the Silver Museum located in the Stone Palace, and the Cathedral of St. Barbara (outwardly the cathedral is practically no different from the French Notre Dame de Paris).
Memorial complex "Terezin"
Russian tourists will be interested in visiting the Terezin memorial, where during the Second World War there was a Jewish ghetto, in which it is estimated that there were about 140 thousand people. During the hostilities, only 17 thousand people survived. Terezin was liberated by Soviet troops on May 9, 1945. Today Terezin is a memorial complex dedicated to the victims of the concentration camp.

Czech cuisine

National cuisine Czech Republic: not for those losing weight and that’s a fact! “Great” - that’s what you can call the kitchen Czech Republic, where meat, flour, and fried dishes predominate. Portion sizes are a food lover's dream. But with such an abundance of food and its high calorie content, the locals are distinguished by their slim and fit figure! By the way, many Czechs consider most national dishes to be snacks. Yes Yes. Precisely appetizers for the main dish, or rather the drink - beer. Brewing is so developed in the Czech Republic that the country can safely be placed on the podium for the production of this foamy drink. Hundreds of varieties, tastes and aromas. Delicious beer is served at the table in any restaurant and cafe. Moreover, many tourists note that it is in cafes and bars that the most delicious beer, the most delicious pork knuckle and dumplings are found. Therefore, when walking around a Czech city and looking for the “best” restaurant, pay attention to a cafe on some quiet street. IN Czech Republic the quality of food, the level of service in the establishment, the degree of serving of dishes are not determined by the status of the catering establishment.

Shopping in the Czech Republic

Czech one of the most attractive countries after Germany for shopaholics. In every city you can find stores of famous world brands. You will be pleased with the wide range and reasonable prices. IN Czech Republic The TESCO supermarket chain is well developed, where by Russian standards the price tag for most goods and food products is simply ridiculous. You should definitely pay attention to the “red price”, as you can literally buy excellent things and interior items for next to nothing.
Most shopping centers are open from nine in the morning until six in the evening. Hypermarkets and grocery stores are open until nine in the evening and can open at six in the morning. On weekends, pre-holidays and public holidays, store opening hours are reduced by several hours, but not critically. By the way, many hypermarkets, especially in large cities, operate around the clock.
The day before Catholic Christmas, national holidays, most boutiques and shopping centers, for example, in Prague, operate as usual. But on Christmas itself, almost everything is closed - local residents really honor this holiday and try, despite the huge flows of tourists, to welcome religious holiday in the circle of your family.

Official country name: Czech Republic

National flag: stripes of white and red with a blue triangle.

National holiday- October 28 - withdrawal from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the founding of the independent state of the Czech Republic.

Capital of the Czech Republic - Prague, with a population of more than 1,250,000 people.

Largest cities in the Czech Republic:

  • Brno - about 390,000 inhabitants;
  • Ostrava - about 330,000 inhabitants;
  • Pilsen - about 175,000 inhabitants;
  • Olomouc - about 106,000 inhabitants;
  • Ústí nad Labem - about 106,000 inhabitants;
  • Liberec - about 104,000 inhabitants.

Population of the Czech Republic - about 11 million people.
National composition - 81.3% Czechs, 13.7% residents of Moravia and Silesia, 3.1% Slovaks, 0.6% Poles, 0.5% Germans, 0.3% Gypsies, 0.2% Hungarians.
Official language: Czech, which belongs to a group of West Slavic languages ​​related to Russian.
Territory: 78,864 sq. km
Geographically, the Czech Republic is located in the central part of the European continent. Between the cities of Pilsen and Cheb there is even a granite obelisk with the inscription “Center of Europe”.
It borders: in the north - with Poland, in the east - with Slovakia, in the south - with Austria and in the west - with Germany.
Czech Republic includes historical areas Moravia, Bohemia and Silesia, characterized by an unusually beautiful landscape. Along all the borders of the Czech Republic there are low mountain ranges.
The largest river in the Czech Republic is the Vltava, which is 440 km long.
Administrative division- 73 regions and 4 municipalities.
The country has a long and rich history.
The first Czech state arose already at the end of the 9th century, when the process of unification of Slavic tribes began on the territory of the Czech Republic. Despite its rather turbulent history, often associated with wars, both medieval and modern, about 2,500 ancient castles and towns have survived to this day in the Czech Republic.
According to its political structure, the Czech Republic is a parliamentary republic. The highest official in the Czech Republic is the President of the Republic, elected by parliament for a term of 5 years (since February 1993 - Vaclav Havel, re-elected in 1998, next elections in 2003).
The President approves the composition of the Czech government proposed by the Chamber of Deputies.
The bicameral Parliament consists of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.
Both chambers are directly elected by the people.
Deputies are elected for 4 years, and senators for 6 years, while every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are re-elected.
Citizens of the Czech Republic over 18 years of age have the right to vote. Citizens of the Czech Republic from 21 years of age have the right to be elected to parliament, and from 40 years of age to the Senate.
IN populated areas Also, every 4 years, elections are held for local councils (representative bodies) and elders (in large settlements they are called “primators”).
The highest executive body is the government. The head of government is the Prime Minister (currently Milos Zeman).
In 1995, the Czech Republic became a member of the international organization for economic cooperation and development.
Since the autumn of 1997, active preparations have been underway for accession to the European Union.
On March 12, 1999, the Czech Republic joined NATO.

Czech Republic\Geography

The Czech Republic is located in the very center of Central Europe.
In the north it borders with Poland (border length 658 km), in the north and west with Germany (border length 646 km), in the south - with Austria (border length 362 km), in the east - with Slovakia (border length 214 km .).
The total length of the border is 1,880 km.
The total area of ​​the country is about 80,000 square meters. km.
The country's territory includes the historical regions of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, characterized by a varied landscape.
Low mountain ranges stretch along almost all the borders of the Czech Republic. The Giant Mountains extend for 40 km. across Bohemia, creating a natural border between the Czech Republic and Poland. The highest peak is Snezka (1602 m). Several other peaks exceed 1500 m.
In the north and northwest, the Ore Mountains represent a natural border.
The second highest mountain range in the Czech Republic is Hruby Jesenik, the most high point- Peak Praded (1491 m), located in northern Moravia.
The third highest mountain range in the Czech Republic is Šumava, the highest point is Plechy Peak (1373 m). Šumava extends for 125 km. into southwestern Bohemia and creates a natural border with Germany.
Inside this peculiar ring there are two large lowlands - the Polabskaya in the northwest and the Morava River valley (part of the Middle Danube Plain) in the southeast. Between them is the low (up to 836 m) Bohemian-Moravian Upland.
Main rivers: Vltava (length 440 km), Morava, Laba (Elbe), Oder.
The Czech Republic is not very rich in mineral resources. On its territory there are reserves of coal, various types of clay used for the production of ceramics and bricks, as well as reserves of building stone, deposits of semi-precious stones (garnets, agates). Deposits of glass sands, used in the manufacture of famous Czech glass and crystal, are of great importance.
In the depths of the country there is a large amount of medicinal mineral waters, which became the reason for the development of resorts.
The climate of the Czech Republic is temperate continental, and the continental nature of the climate intensifies in the easterly direction.
The ruggedness of the relief has a significant influence on the climate of individual regions. The differences in summer temperatures are especially great. So, if in the Danube and Potis lowlands the average July temperature reaches 20 degrees, then in the elevated regions of the Czech Massif it does not exceed 13-15 degrees.
The average January temperature drops to - 7-8 degrees in the mountains; on the plains and hills it is - 2-4 degrees.
In general, in most parts of the country, precipitation falls annually from 500 to 700 mm. precipitation.
Vegetable world
The mountains are dominated by coniferous-forested vegetation. On flat terrain, deciduous forests of oak, beech, ash, and maple are more common.
Animal world
Among the representatives of the relatively poor fauna one can distinguish the brown bear, fox, wild boar, wolf, and chamois.

Czech Republic\Public Administration

The Czech Republic is a presidential republic.
The head of state is the president (since February 1993 - Vaclav Havel, re-elected in 1998).
The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
The President is elected for a term of five years by a joint session of both houses of Parliament. Continuous tenure as President of the Czech Republic can be no more than two consecutive terms.
He has the right to veto any decree passed by parliament, with the exception of constitutional decrees.
Legislative power belongs to the Parliament, which consists of 2 chambers - the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Parliament approves all decrees that are in force on the territory of the Czech Republic, authorizes the most important acts of the state such as declaring war or approving the deployment of foreign armies on Czech territory.
The Chamber of Deputies has 200 representatives who are elected for a term of four years. The President may dissolve the Chamber of Deputies in cases specified by the constitution.
The Senate consists of 81 senators who are elected to six-year terms. One third of the Senate is re-elected every two years. The Senate cannot be dissolved. Elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are held by closed ballots based on general, equal and direct voting.
The Chamber of Deputies is elected on the basis of proportional representation. Political parties must receive at least five percent of the popular vote to win seats in the House.
The Senate is elected by majority vote. All citizens of the Czech Republic who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote.
Candidates for the Chamber of Deputies must be at least 21 years old, while candidates for the Senate must be at least 40 years old.
The highest executive body is the government. It consists of the Prime Minister and ministers coordinating the activities of ministries and central bodies of public administration throughout the state. The government has exclusive legislative initiative within the state budget.
There are more than 80 political parties and movements in the country. There are more than 200 youth organizations.
The Supreme Audit Organization is an independent control agency that implements the use of state property and the implementation of the state budget. This organization reviews the way the state budget of the Czech Republic is created and used.
The Czech National Bank is the central State Bank of the Czech Republic. The main goal of the bank is to preserve and stabilize the purchasing power of the currency and, in fulfilling this goal, the bank does not depend on the Cabinet of the Czech Government. The president and executive bodies of the bank are appointed by the head of state.
The Constitutional Court is founded to protect constitutional rights. The court consists of 15 judges appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate for a term of ten years.
The Supreme Court is the highest legal authority on all matters within the jurisdiction of the courts.

Czech Republic\Population

The population of the Czech Republic at the beginning of 2001 is about 10,272,000 people, which is 0.08% less than in the previous year.

Average life expectancy in 2000 was:

  • for men - 71 years old,
  • for women - 78 years.

The infant mortality rate is 5.6%, 1% less than in 1999, which is one of the lowest levels in Europe.

By ethnic composition:

  • Czechs - 81.2%,
  • Moravians - 13.2%,
  • Slovaks - 3.1%,
  • Poles - 0.6%,
  • Germans - 0.5%,
  • Silesians - 0.4%,
  • gypsies - 0.3%,
  • Hungarians - 0.2%,
  • other ethnic groups - 0.5%.

Population density - 130 people. per sq. km.

The working-age population is 5,389,000 people, the unemployment rate is 9%.

33.1% of the working population is employed in industry, 6.9% in agriculture, 9.1% in construction, 7.2% in the transport sector, and 43.7% in the service sector.

The most common languages ​​are Czech and Slovak, which belong to the Western Slavic language group.

75% of the population lives in cities, including:

  • in Prague - about 1,300,000,
  • in Brno - 390,000,
  • in Ostrava - 330,000,
  • in Pilsen - 175,000.

In recent years, immigration from the former republics has become a big problem for the Czech Republic. Soviet Union. Moreover, the bulk of those arriving are illegal immigrants. Their number, according to various estimates, is about 3-4% of the general population. This influx of immigrants, who compete with the native population in the labor market, and the growth of organized crime associated with immigrants, led to a tightening of the state's immigration policy.
In 1999, a new law on the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic was adopted (came into force on January 1, 2000), according to which, in particular, a foreigner can receive a permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic after 10 years of residence in the country upon fulfillment of a number of conditions. In addition, it contains a number of other fairly strict restrictions on the stay of foreigners. This law caused a negative reaction from the European Commission of Human Rights.
Currently, the Czech Parliament has prepared amendments to this law, which will somewhat soften the requirements for travelers to the country. They will come into force in mid-2001.

Czech Republic\Religion

The Czech Republic is a secular republic.
The history of the Czech Republic as an independent state is dramatic. It lost its sovereignty for a long time as a result of joining stronger states that imposed their religion on it, which ultimately led to the fact that the Czech Republic is the most atheistic state in Europe. According to a survey by the world's largest sociological service, Gallup International, 55% of the Czech population does not consider itself a member of any Church. The Czech Republic ranks 2nd in the world and 1st in Europe in terms of the share of atheists out of 60 countries where the survey was conducted.
27.1% of Czech residents, according to a 1991 pan-European survey, trust the church - this is the lowest figure among all European countries (and almost half as much as in neighboring Slovakia).
The main denomination in terms of the number of believers is the Catholic Church - 86.6% of the total number of believers.
Catholicism finally took shape as a creed after the division of churches in 1054. The Catholic Church is strictly centralized, has a single center in the Vatican State, a single head - the Pope, a strict church hierarchy and discipline. Catholics recognize (unlike Protestants) as the source of their doctrine not only the Holy Scripture, but also the Holy Tradition, which in Catholicism (unlike Orthodoxy) includes the decrees of the ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church and the judgments of the popes. The clergy in Catholicism takes a vow of celibacy. A feature of Catholicism is also the veneration of the Mother of God, the recognition of the dogmas of her immaculate conception and bodily ascension, and the addition of the filioque to the creed (from the Latin Filioque - “and from the son”). An addition made in the 7th century by the Western Christian Church to the Christian Creed of the 4th century in the dogma of the Trinity: the procession of the Holy Spirit not only from God the Father, but also from the Son. The Filioque was not accepted by the Orthodox Church, which later served as one of the reasons for the division of churches. Thus, the Catholic Church maintains that the Holy Spirit comes from “the Father and the Son.” The Orthodox Church believes that the Holy Spirit carries out the will of only God the Father, the dogma of purgatory.
The second largest number of believers is Protestantism - 11.1% of the total number of believers.
Of these, about 7%, according to the latest data, belong to the Hussites, Evangelical Reformers - 4%, Lutherans - 0.1%.
Protestantism is a collection of numerous and independent churches and sects, connected only by their origin. The emergence of Protestantism is associated with the Reformation, a powerful anti-Catholic movement in the 16th century in Europe. In 1526, the Speyer Reichstag, at the request of the German Lutheran princes, adopted a resolution on the right of everyone to choose a religion for themselves and their subjects. The Second Reichstag of Speyr in 1529 overturned this decree. In response, there was a protest from the five princes and a number of imperial cities, from which the term “Protestantism” comes. Protestantism shares Christian ideas about the existence of God, his trinity, the immortality of the soul, hell and heaven, however, rejecting the Catholic idea of ​​purgatory. At the same time, Protestantism put forward three new principles: salvation by personal faith, the priesthood of all believers, and the exclusive authority of the Holy Scriptures. The clergyman is deprived of the right to confess and absolve sins; he is accountable to the Protestant community. In Protestantism, many sacraments have been abolished (with the exception of baptism and communion), and celibacy is absent. Houses of worship have been cleared of altars, icons, statues, and bells. There are no monasteries or monasticism. Worship in Protestantism is simplified as much as possible and reduced to preaching, prayer and singing psalms and hymns in the native language. The Bible is recognized as the only source of doctrine, and sacred tradition is rejected.
Feature religious life The Czech Republic is the Czech Reformed Church (Hussite). Supporters of the Reformation in the Czech Republic and Slovenia in the 1st half of the 15th century were participants in the Hussite movement and followers of Jan Hus and other popular preachers.
It was formed as an independent confession in 1920 after a break with the Pope. In 1920, Rome was adamant in condemning Jan Hus and his teachings, which served as a signal for the formation of the Hussite church immediately after Czechoslovakia gained independence. Now many Czech Catholics are coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to canonize Hus in order to preserve and increase the influence of the Catholic Church.
The Czech Orthodox Church, to which 1.7% of the total number of believers belongs, is part of the Churches of Ecumenical Orthodoxy (Ecumenical Orthodoxy is a collection of local Churches that have the same dogmas and a similar canonical structure, recognize each other’s sacraments and are in communion), founded on the territory of the Czech Republic (in Moravia) in 863 through the work of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. After their death, Orthodoxy remained only within the Mukachevo diocese, but in 1649 this diocese also entered into a union with the Catholic Church. Only in 1920, thanks to the Serbian initiative, Orthodox parishes of Serbian jurisdiction again arose in the Carpathians. After World War II, they turned to the Moscow Patriarchate for help and were organized first into an exarchate, and from 1951 into the Autocephalous (independent) Czechoslovak Orthodox Church.
Orthodoxy arose on the territory of the Byzantine Empire. Initially, it did not have a church center, since the church power of Byzantium was concentrated in the hands of four patriarchs: Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. As the Byzantine Empire collapsed, each of the ruling patriarchs headed an independent (autocephalous) Orthodox Church. The most important postulates of the Orthodox faith are the dogmas of the trinity of God, the incarnation of God, the atonement, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. It is believed that dogmas are not subject to change and clarification, not only in content, but also in form. Orthodoxy is characterized by a complex, detailed cult. Worship services are longer than in other Christian denominations and include a large number of rituals. The main worship service in Orthodoxy is the liturgy. The main holiday is Easter. Worship services are conducted in national languages; Some faiths also use dead languages. The clergy in Orthodoxy is divided into white (married parish priests) and black (monastics who take a vow of celibacy). There are male and female monasteries. Only a monk can become a bishop.

Czech Republic \Politics

Until 1989, there were two ruling parties in Czechoslovakia: the Communist Party and the National Front.
On November 17, 1989, the Velvet Revolution began in Czechoslovakia when students gathered to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Jan Opletal, a student killed by the Nazis. The student demonstration led to the start of a strike, which in turn led to the founding of the "Civic Forum", a social movement that united all opposition movements in Czechoslovakia. The future president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, was at that moment the recognized leader of the dissident movement.
The "Civil Forum" became a political body that won the next elections. It became the basis for the formation of all the main political parties in today's Czech Republic.
On November 29, 1989, the Czechoslovak parliament abolished the constitutional article on the leading role of the Communist Party in society.
On January 1, 1993, the Czech Republic becomes an independent parliamentary republic.
The president in the Czech Republic is elected by parliament; only the person who receives a majority of votes in each chamber can become president.
On December 29, 1989, Vaclav Havel was elected president of Czechoslovakia; in 1989-1993 he was president of the Czechoslovak Federation, and since 1993 of the Czech Republic.
Vaclav Havel - playwright, philosopher, dissident, was born on October 6, 1936 into one of the richest families of the first ("bourgeois") Czechoslovak Republic. In the early 60s, he became a well-known playwright in the theater community, performed in the samizdat press, and after 1968 he became one of the leaders of the dissident movement in Czechoslovakia. He was arrested several times and spent several years in prison. One of the creators of the platform for independent thinking - Charter 77, which was signed by 241 people.
There are currently two ruling parties in the Czech Republic: social democratic and civil democratic. In the 2000 elections. The Social Democratic Party has surpassed the Civic Democratic Party in popularity.
According to the Constitution, the Senate, the upper house of the Czech Parliament, does not control the activities of the government.
The majority of senatorial seats following the Senate elections in November 2000 belonged to the so-called “Coalition of Four” - a coalition of opposition parties - the Freedom Union, the Christian Democrats, the Civil Democratic Alliance and the Democratic Union.
As a result of the disappointment of some part of society in economic and democratic reforms, the Communist Party of the Czech Republic strengthened its position: in polls in the last months of 2000, it held the sympathy of 20% of the population.
The only parliamentary religious party - the Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party - has only 20 seats out of 200 in parliament, second even to the Communist Party, which is not particularly influential in the Czech Republic. The Christian Democrats maintain influence in the Czech Republic through their 1992 merger with the Czechoslovak People's Party, which existed from 1918 to 1938 and was part of the National Front from 1948 to 1989.
There is an Ecological Party in the Czech Republic, and its radical part is especially active. In addition to its annual fight against the Temelín nuclear power plant, the largest Eastern Europe demonstrations against transnational corporations that resulted in street clashes with the police.
Currently, there are more than 80 different parties and about 200 youth organizations in the Czech Republic.
Article 3 of the 1992 Constitution of the Czech Republic states that the “Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms” is part of the constitutional order of the Czech Republic.
The principle that allows everyone to do everything that is not prohibited by law is written down in Part 4 of Article 2 of the 1992 Czech Constitution.
In the Czech Republic, the law on lustration (the law on the crime of the communist regime) has been adopted and is in force. Czech President Vaclav Havel refused to sign the extension. However, this refusal was overcome by a qualified majority of the Czech parliament, after which the law came into force. In the years since the Velvet Revolution, there has not been a single case when a former functionary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia became a government official.
The European Commission concluded that Czech legislation is not in compliance with the so-called axis, that is, the set of European norms that act as “umbrella norms” in the countries of the European Union. One of the comments about the Czech Republic is the presence of a lustration law.
The results of a sociological study conducted by the Sofres-Factum agency in April 2000 showed that 53.5% of respondents voted for Havel's early resignation.
In 2002, elections of deputies to the House of Representatives of the Czech Parliament will take place.
The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, was born on September 28, 1944 in the city of Kolin. During the events of the Prague Spring of 1968, he joined the Communist Party headed by Dubcek; after the occupation of Czechoslovakia, he was expelled from it for his sharp criticism of the “normalization” regime. During the “Velvet Revolution” of 1989, he was active in the center-left wing of the “Civil Forum”. In 1990 he was elected to the Federal Assembly. In 1992, he joined the Czech Social Democratic Party and was re-elected to the Federal Assembly from this party. June 26, 1996 became

Czech Republic\Economy

Since the mid-nineteenth century, the Czech Republic has been one of the most industrialized countries in Europe. The leading industries were textiles, food, mining, metallurgy, and engineering. In 1861, the length of the railway network was about 700 km, and in the 90s it was already 4596 km. In 1869, the first Czech bank itself opened - Zivnostensky Bank.
In the twentieth century, the industrial development of the Czech Republic continued.
Mechanical engineering, metalworking, electrical engineering, chemical industry, as well as textile and clothing industry are the most developed industries in the Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic is considered the richest country in Central Europe, the most industrialized and with the smallest share of agriculture in its gross domestic product. According to 1997 data, GDP per capita in the Czech Republic was $5,050 (for comparison: in Hungary - 4,415, in Poland - $3,512). Among the post-communist states, the Czech Republic currently ranks second in terms of living standards after Slovenia.
The level of consumer prices in the Czech Republic in 2000 increased by 4% compared to 1999. Currently, the average family spends from its budget on: food - 21.3%, transport - 12.2%, rent - 10.8%, water, electricity, gas - 10.4%, recreation and culture - 9. 9%, alcoholic beverages - 9%, clothing and shoes - 6.7%, visiting restaurants and consumer services - 5.2%, home improvement - 5.2%, other household services - 5.1%, mail and telecommunications - 2%, maintaining health - 1.2%, education - 0.5%.
In the Czech Republic there are 358 cars per 1000 people.
About 500 thousand people are regular Internet users (the population of the Czech Republic is 10.2 million people).
Czech industry equipped with modern equipment and qualified workforce. However, in terms of growth rates, the Czech Republic is seriously behind Hungary and Poland and cannot count on joining the European Union with them in 2004. The average monthly salary in the Czech Republic as of March 2000 was 354 in US dollars (for comparison: in Slovenia - 881, in Croatia - 608, in Poland - 487). The unemployment rate in December 2000 was 8.8%.
After the Velvet Revolution of 1989, large-scale economic reforms were carried out in the country, which were based on voucher privatization of enterprises, attracting foreign investors, price liberalization and foreign trade, devaluation of the Czech crown. As a result of the reforms, industrial production grew and the rate of investment increased. However, mistakes made during the reform process led to a significant decline in economic development and a decline in GDP.
In 1997, the growth of the Czech economy slowed down, and the country entered a period of stagnation, which it is currently experiencing.
To stabilize economic development, the leadership of the Czech Republic took a number of measures aimed at increasing industrial production, increasing the influx of investment and increasing exports. Thus, in April 1999, the government adopted an industrial plan to stabilize the situation at about ten vital enterprises in the country. The list of companies that had the opportunity to participate in the program included: Aliachem, SKD Рraha, Sрolana, Skoda Рlzen, Tatra, Vitkоvice, Zetor and ZРS Zlin.
A maximum favored nation regime has been created to increase investment in the Czech economy. Investors who allocate more than 10 million USD to industrial development are exempt from taxes for up to 10 years and receive grants in the amount of 100 USD for each created workplace, have the right to duty-free import of equipment. Special benefits are provided for companies planning to make long-term investments. As a result, 47 thousand foreign companies operate in the republic.
In total investments in the Czech economy, the share of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries is 97%, EU member countries - 68% and G7 countries - 57%. According to experts, at the beginning of 2000 the volume of foreign direct investment directed into the Czech economy amounted to 15.5 billion USD. Thus, in 1997 they received 1.3 billion USD, in 1998 - 2.5 billion USD, in 1999 - 3.5 billion USD.
The largest investments were made in the sectors of transport and communications (24%), production of transport equipment (16%), consumer goods (13%), and construction (9%).
During the reforms, the indicator of gross financial formation to GNP in the Czech Republic reached 24%, while in EU countries this value is 20%.
The Czech banking system is based on principles accepted in economic developed countries peace. The Czech People's Bank (CNB) does not depend on government instructions, which has affected the effectiveness of the entire monetary policy in the country.
The foreign exchange reserves of the CNB in ​​1999 amounted to 12.4 billion US dollars.
Industry is the most developed and important sector in the Czech economy, accounting for 40% of national income. By the beginning of 1999, after the privatization program, the private sector of industry exceeded 80%. Stably operating enterprises include food industry enterprises (partners Danone and Nestle), electrical engineering (ETA company, partners Bosch and Moulinekh), paint and varnish (partners Union Carbide and BASF), household chemicals and detergents (partners Henkel and Proster & Gamble), aviation ( partners McDonnall Douglas), automotive (bus production - Karosa, partner Renault),
Skoda-Auto (bought by Volkswagen), the export of its products in 1999 increased by 45% compared to 1998. In addition, small sub-suppliers of the plant also improved the quality of their products. Currently, to implement plans to expand production, it is planned to build a plant worth 560 million USD to produce engines and transmissions that will be used not only in Skodas, but also in Volkswagen cars produced in other countries.
The share of agriculture in the Czech Republic's GNP is 4.5%, employing 5.5% of the population. Agriculture in the Czech Republic is a developed industry with a high level of automation and mechanization, fully meeting the country's basic needs for agricultural and livestock products and exporting products to the EU countries (37%), Slovakia (23) and the CIS (14%).
Measures to liberalize foreign trade and attract serious foreign investment have significantly improved the balance of foreign trade turnover and the structure of exports. Most of it falls on countries that are members of the European Union (63%, of which 43% are in Germany).
The trade deficit in 1999 was $2.6 billion, down $3.2 billion from 1996.
The improvement in the export structure was expressed, first of all, in an increase in the share of mechanical engineering products; in 1999 it amounted to 47%.
Appeared in principle new article- export of licenses and construction of industrial facilities based on them abroad, for example: in Russia - production of passenger cars under the license of the Skoda company, in Kazakhstan - production of explosives for industrial and mining work, in Georgia - pharmaceuticals, in Ukraine - trams and trolleybuses, in China - turbines for hydro and thermal power plants.

Czech Republic\Education

The Czech Republic is famous for its high level of education.
Preschool education of children in the Czech Republic begins in a developed network of kindergartens. Children are accepted into kindergartens from the age of 3. The fee for their maintenance depends on its affiliation (state, departmental, private) and on the area where the kindergarten is located.
Education in public schools is free.
Primary school educates children from 7 to 10 years old.
From 11 to 19 years of age they receive secondary education in gymnasiums or, if desired, after graduating high school, from 16 to 19 years of age receive specialized secondary education in colleges.
When entering a Czech lyceum, gymnasium or college, you must pass entrance exams.
Upon completion of studies in lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges, it is necessary to pass a matriculation exam. At the same time, this gives the right to enter a university or other higher education institution.
At the end primary school, 52% of students continue their education in gymnasiums and colleges, and 48% go to secondary school.
Starting from the middle grades, all subjects studied are divided into compulsory and elective, that is, studied at the choice of the students themselves.
Schools are divided into regular, general education and specialized, with in-depth study of mathematics, physics, foreign languages, physical education, and music.
There are several paid international schools where instruction is conducted in English, the curriculum in which is fully consistent with the programs Western countries(England, USA), and upon completion of such a school the student receives a Western-style diploma.
About 7.2% of Czechs receive university education.
Higher education in the country is paid, but the fee is rather symbolic - about $100 per year.
Since January 1, 1999, studying in Czech at universities has become free.
Higher education in the Czech Republic is divided into two main types: university and non-university.
University education includes bachelor's, master's, doctorate degrees, while non-university education mainly takes students up to the bachelor's degree.
A bachelor's degree is intended for those who seek to obtain a so-called “short-term education” - the duration of study in this case is 3-4 years. Upon completion, a bachelor's degree is awarded - this is the necessary basic knowledge.
Master's studies last for 5-6 years depending on the specialty.
The third level of education - doctorate - is intended for individual creative activity and scientific research. It corresponds to our postgraduate program and here you can obtain a candidate and doctorate degree by passing certain disciplines and defending a dissertation.
There are about two dozen universities and more than a hundred institutes in the Czech Republic.
One of the most famous is Charles University, which was the first higher education institution in Central Europe. It was founded in 1348 by the Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV. The university became famous for the fact that master Jan Hus taught there, world-famous writers Karel Capek and Franz Kafka came from its walls, professor of philosophy T.G. Massarik and professor of sociology E. Benes, who later became presidents of the Czech Republic, taught there.
Charles University has 16 faculties: 3 theological, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, philosophical, natural history, physics and mathematics, pedagogy, social sciences, physical education and sports.
There are full-time, evening and correspondence departments, a department for foreign students, preparatory courses, postgraduate and doctoral studies.
To enter the university, you must have a certificate of secondary education and successfully pass the entrance exams. A three-year course of study provides a bachelor's degree and the opportunity to begin professional activity. To obtain a master's degree, you need to study for 5 years and defend a thesis.
The oldest universities in the country include: the University of Olomouk, founded in 1573; Czech Technical University, which traces its ancestry to the Engineering School established in 1707, which laid the foundation for the development of higher technical education in the Czech Republic.
Among economic universities, the most famous is the University of Economics in Prague.
Every major city in the Czech Republic has its own university, and they all have a high level of education.

Czech Republic \Medicine

The healthcare system and medicine in the Czech Republic has developed, just like in other European countries oh and has quite a long history.
Back in 1880, the First Congress of Czech doctors and natural scientists took place in Prague.

In the pre-war Czech Republic, as well as throughout Europe, the health care system was mainly private and paid. This did not stop her from making certain discoveries in the field of medicine.
As an example, we can cite the experiments of the Czech doctor J. Jansky, who in 1907 established that the blood serum of some people causes the accumulation of red blood cells in other people in a certain regular order, however, these experiments were forgotten and only in 1930 the discovery was recognized Austrian immunologist K. Landsteiner on the division of red blood cells into 3 groups.

After World War II, with the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic, the health care system was no different from the one we were used to under socialism: free medical care, a local doctor, symbolic prices for drugs in pharmacies, but, at the same time, not a very high level of medical care. services.
After the Velvet Revolution, dramatic changes took place. The health care system in the Czech Republic was reorganized and became non-state, but with state guarantees.

In the Czech Republic, medicine has again become paid, and medical institutions have been privatized.

However, the chosen insurance system with a network of health insurance companies is very expensive, as evidenced by the increase in healthcare costs in the Czech Republic.

The country has introduced a system of universal health insurance, according to which a patient who regularly pays insurance premiums, does not worry about the cost of medical services and medications - the insurance company pays for it.

Entrepreneurs pay a percentage of their earnings, the owner of the enterprise pays for hired workers, and children and pensioners receive insurance from the state.

The cost of health insurance depends on gender and age. The largest contributions are set for 68-70 year olds.

For foreigners in the Czech Republic, emergency treatment and outpatient ambulance care are free. Any other inpatient care is covered.

For a foreigner in the Czech Republic, there are three options for receiving medical services:

  1. Do not pay for insurance, but pay for each doctor visit and each medical procedure separately. At the same time, very simple services can require very significant amounts.
  2. Contractual form of insurance. Under the health insurance contract, a foreigner has the right to receive basic medical care at the clinic and be treated in the hospital. His insurance provides him with discounts on the purchase of medicines; he has the opportunity, on doctor’s orders, to be treated at Czech resorts for a lower fee than uninsured spa visitors. The advantage of contractual insurance is a wide network of medical institutions in the Czech Republic.
  3. The insurance system, compulsory for employment, is linked to the conclusion of wages and gives the right to health care equal to that of Czech citizens.

In the Czech Republic, the system of spa treatment has been historically developed.
Resorts in the Czech Republic are equipped with the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment, specialized in the treatment of specific diseases, and have a network of dietary canteens, cultural and public institutions.
Most resorts in the Czech Republic are unique due to the use of the healing properties of the springs mineral water, combined with the most modern physiotherapy equipment

Czech Republic\Culture

The oldest written monuments appeared in the Czech Republic in the second half of the 10th century, when it was part of the Great Moravian Empire. They are connected with the activities of the Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, who spread Slavic writing to the territory of the entire state. These are spiritual and fighting songs, such as “Lord, have mercy on us”, “St. Wenceslas”, etc.
Starting from the end of the 10th century, the Czech Republic was already part of the “Holy Roman Empire” and Latin became the only written language of the Czechs. The “Chronicle of Bohemia” by Cosmas of Prague (1045-1125) dates back to this period.
At the end of the 13th century, secular, “knightly” literature appeared (Alexandride), satirical and didactic genres related to city life developed (the drama “The Seller of Healing Ointments”, the dialogue “The Groom and the Schoolman”, etc.).
The flourishing of Czech literature in the 14th century was also facilitated by the opening of a university in Prague in 1348.
The end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries are characterized by the influence of the Reformation movement on literature. At this time, new literary forms emerged: anti-Catholic sermons (Jan Hus, Jan Zhevlinsky); epistolary works (Jan Hus, Jan Zizka); poetic appeals (“Budisha Manuscript”). After the defeat of the radical wing of the Hussites (1434), the writer and thinker Peter Helczycki (1390-1460), author of the theological work “The Network of Faith,” spoke. An important event This period marked the beginning of printing in the Czech language (1468).
After the Czech Republic lost its independence (1620), the development of literature occurred under conditions of pressure on Czech culture from foreign nobility and the Roman Church. During this period, Czech literature was represented by emigrant writers. One of them is the humanist teacher Ya.A. Kolensky.
A new upsurge in Czech literature occurred at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries during the period of national revival. The genre of scientific and journalistic treatises has become widespread. A major role in Czech literature was played by works on the history of language and writing by philologists J. Dobrovsky (1753-1829), J. Jungmann (1773-1847), works by poets I. Tam (1765-1816) and etc.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the movement of romanticism was formed in Czech literature (J. Jungmann, J. Kollar, F.L. Chelakovsky, etc.). The French Revolution of 1830 and the Polish Uprising of 1830-1831 had a significant influence on Czech literature in the middle of this century. Critical realism, which reached its peak in the second half of the century, was reflected in the works of such writers as J. Neruda, V. Galek, S. Cech and others.
In 1890, the Czech Academy of Literature and Arts was founded.
The twentieth century was one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Czech Republic. First World War, the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic, the Second World War, the formation of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, each of these events had an impact on the development of Czech literature, changing its styles and directions from decadence and symbolism to socialist realism. During this period, such famous writers and poets as J. Hasek, A. Sova, K. Chapek, M. Puymanova and others worked.
art and the architecture of the Czech Republic began its development back in the Stone Age and the Bronze Age (sculpture, ceramics, metal jewelry, etc.).
In the 10th century, Prague occupied the main place in the artistic life of the country, where the rotunda of St. Vitus was built in the Castle in the first half of the 10th century.
In the 10th - 12th centuries, Romanesque style architecture developed, and the Church of St. George was built. Book miniatures (manuscripts of “Humpold’s Legend of St. Wenceslas” around 1000) and frescoes (depictions of sovereigns from the Przmyslid family in the chapel in Znojmo (1134)) are developing.
In the 13th - 14th centuries, with the growth of cities, the development of crafts and mining, the Gothic style was established in the art of the Czech Republic (Anezka Monastery (1230) and the Tin Church, in Prague, etc.).
In the middle of the 14th century, realistic trends began to develop, which were embodied in the work of the art school of P. Palerzh (1330-1399), he built the Charles Bridge and created a number of sculptures.
In the 15th century, late Gothic art was represented by B. Reith (1454-1536), the creator of the unique star vaults of the Vladislav Hall in Prague Castle.
The 16th century in the Czech Republic is the Renaissance. Art glassmaking is flourishing, and art collections are being collected.
In the 16th and 18th centuries, realistic painting developed - K. Shkret (1610-1674), engraving - W. Hollar (1607-1677). The Baroque style is represented in the architecture of K.I. Ditsenhofer (1690-1751), in sculpture - F.M. Brokov (1688-1731) and M.B. Brown (1684-1738). In painting - P.Brandl (1668-1735) and V.V.Reiner (1689-1743), etc. In 1799, the Academy of Arts was created.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, realism was represented in painting: A. Mahek (1775-1844), K. Manes (1828-1880), A. Kosarek (1830-1859), A. Bubak (1824 -1870), J. Manes (1820-1871), etc. An architectural achievement was the building of the National Theater in Prague, built in 1868-1883 by J. Zitek (1832-1909), based on Renaissance trends. F. Zhenishek (1849-1916), V. Brozhik (1851-1901), V. Ginais (1854-1925) took part in the picturesque decoration of the theater. Sculpture - J. Myslbek (1848-1922), etc.
At the end of the 19th century, the widespread development of Czech graphics began; M. Shvabinsky (1873-1962), J. Preisler (1872-1918) and others worked in this genre.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Art Nouveau style with the use of new designs became widespread in architecture - J. Koter (1871-1923), in painting - realism is present in the work of landscape painters: A. Slavichek (1861-1910), J. Uprk ( 1861-1940), compositional paintings - M. Iranek (1875-1911), etc. In sculpture - J. Sturs (1880-1925), B. Kafka (1878-1942), etc. The middle of the century is characterized by the development of such styles in architecture as constructivism and functionalism.
Czech musical culture developed on the basis of rich folk art. In the middle of the 11th century, festive folk round dances were accompanied by playing flutes and drums. In the 13th century, chronicles mention trumpets, kettledrums, zithers, and harps and psalteriums were also widely used.
A major role in the development of musical art in the Czech Republic belongs to the Faculty of Liberal Arts of the University of Prague. Starting from the second half of the 14th century, many outstanding Czech musicians studied there, among them Master Zavis (1360-1411) - the author of liturgical chants and the first Czech lyrical song that has reached modern times.
The era of the Hussite wars was a period of flowering of song creativity, which is distinguished by its original melody and rhythm.
In the 16th century, Czech polyphonic art developed, its prominent masters: J. T. Turnovsky, J. Richnovsky, J. S. Klatovsky and others.
After the loss of independence, the country was flooded with foreign musicians. The influence of foreign music is evident in the works of Czech composers from the 18th to 18th centuries. Among them, J.D. Zelenka (1679-1745), B. Chernogrsky (1684-1742) and others stand out.
In the 18th century, Czech composers mastered complex polyphonic vocal and instrumental genres and successfully worked in the symphony genre. Outstanding musicians of this period were: F.V. Michi (1694-1744), J. Stamitz (1717-1757), J. Mysliveček (1737-1781), etc.
The development of Czech music in the 19th century was facilitated by the opening of the Conservatory in Prague in 1811. The first opera in the Czech language, "Drotar", was written by F. Skroup (1801-1862). This period is marked by the work of world-famous classical composers: B. Smetana (1824-1884) and A. Dvorak (1841-1904). There were also major masters: Z. Fiebich (1850-1900), L. Janacek (1854-1928), J. Suk (1874-1935) and others.
In 1861 it was opened national theater, in 1901 - the Czech Philharmonic.
In the 20th century, the traditions of great Czech musicians continued: V. Novak, J.B. Förster, V. Dobiash, Z. Blazek, J. Hanush and others.

Czech Republic\Massmedia

There are 90 national and regional daily newspapers published in the Czech Republic.

The most popular daily newspapers include:

  • Mlada Fronta Dnes(daily circulation - 425,000) - the largest independent national daily newspaper, formerly a youth newspaper, now has a modern style and is designed for a wide range of readers;
  • Shine(daily circulation - 300,000) - published seven days a week, once a week a glossy magazine is published along with a newspaper;
  • Pravo- former name Rude Pravo (daily circulation - 260,000), was previously a publication of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, now strives to give an objective and independent interpretation of events, does not openly belong to any political party, but has a left-wing political slant and focuses on discussing social issues, has a reputation as a highly professional newspaper;
  • Zemske noviny- formerly Ceske moravskoslezske Zemedelske Noviny (daily circulation - 160,000) - is the heir to the daily newspaper Zemedelske noviny (l945-1990), published as a national newspaper, but more aimed at rural and provincial readers;
  • Hospodarske noviny(daily circulation - 125,000) - an economic daily newspaper, trying to adhere to the style of economic daily newspapers such as the Financial Times or Handelsblatt;
  • Lidove noviny(daily circulation - 80,000) - is an independent daily newspaper aimed at a liberal reader with a higher education, known as a dissident newspaper.

The political freedom that emerged after 1989 brought about a huge upswing in all forms of media that were previously censored. Many new periodicals, radio stations, and television channels have appeared at the national and regional level.

The main periodicals in the Czech Republic have a very large share of foreign investors - mainly Switzerland and Germany, among which it is necessary to highlight the Swiss syndicate "Ringier" and the German Passauer Neue Presse.

Along with daily newspapers, many weeklies are popular. Western influence is also evident here in their quality and design. The most widely read periodicals are weeklies such as Kvety, Reflex, Tyden and Mlady Svet.

Two English weeklies are published in Prague: The Prague Post and The Central European Business Weekly. One glossy business magazine, La Tribune De Prague, is published in French and English languages. On German published by Prager Zeitung.

They contain weekly news, features and analysis of economics, politics and culture in the Czech Republic, Eastern Europe and the European Union.

Radio and Television

The Czech Republic has both public and private television and radio broadcasting networks.

The state-owned Radio Czech Republic and Czech Television are funded by the government.

The Radio and Television Broadcasting Council is responsible for issuing broadcasting licenses in the Czech Republic. He is elected by parliament and is independent of the government.

To date, the Council has issued more than 70 licenses for radio broadcasting, and there are already about 150 radio stations operating in the Czech Republic.

The largest of them include:

  • Radio KISS 98 FM;
  • Impuls;
  • Radio Frekvence 1;
  • Radio Europa 2;
  • BI - BI - SI (BBC World Service);
  • Radio Free Europe.

In the Czech Republic, 52 television licenses have also been granted. There are two public and two private television stations (Nova and Prima), which are broadcast throughout the Czech Republic.
In addition, there are 118 small television stations in the country.


Administrative division of the country

In November, elections to regional parliaments will be held for the first time in the Czech Republic. The administrative division of the country is changing. Instead of 7 areas, there will be 14 edges. The parliament adopted a package of laws that define the competence of the territories and allow the creation of regional legislative bodies.

Although formally the new division of the country comes into force on January 1, in fact, it will come into force only after the elections of regional parliaments and the formation of executive authorities.

Zemstvo reform is on a solid legislative basis. The law on territories, communities, district administrations, on the capital Prague, on the competencies of regional authorities, on elections to regional parliaments was adopted.

The new government will initially have the right to formulate regional policy in the fields of education, health care, culture, transport, and the social sphere. A significant expansion of the competencies of the new authorities will follow in 2003, when the existing district administrations will cease to operate.

The composition of the regional parliaments will be elected for 4 years. This year the elections will not affect only Prague (it is also an independent region). The composition of the Prague magistrate elected the year before last will serve until 2002.

Zemstvo reform will cost the country approximately 5 billion crowns. What will change after the election of regional parliaments in 2000? The country's territory will be divided into 14 regions. Each region will have a representative body consisting of 45 - 64 people, at the head of the region there will be a council (9 - 11 people) and the council will elect a hetman.

A 5 percent barrier is introduced for political parties during parliamentary elections. Residents of the region who have reached 18 years of age can become regional deputies.

It is curious that in those communities where at least a fifth of the residents belong to a national minority, street names can be written in the minority language if at least half of the residents belonging to the national minority request it.

The leaders of the regional government will be called HEtmans (Hejtman). In government bodies in the Czech lands, the positions of hetmans existed for about 100 years from the middle of the last century. These were district leaders and were appointed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The new hetmans will become leaders of local government. Their salaries are set. They are quite tall. The hetman will receive 57,000 crowns per month, members of the regional council - 48,400 crowns.

New administrative division of the country (see map)



Area km sq


Number of communities

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary




Hradec Kralove




Usti nad Labem














305 086



1 209 855

Central Czech








510 072




1 289 002


Ceske Budejovice


626 897




522 846




1 141 172




600 617

The Czech Republic is made up of three geographical regions - Moravia, Silesia, Bohemia. Bohemia is the largest region and, in turn, it is also customary to divide it into parts - Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western. The administrative division of the Czech Republic does not entirely coincide with the geographical one. Prague and its surroundings belong to Central Bohemia.
Each region has its own pearls, information about the most interesting of them you will see on the following pages

Czech Republic is the most detailed information about the country with photos. Sights, cities of the Czech Republic, climate, geography, population and culture.

Czech Republic (Česká republika)

The Czech Republic is a small state in Central Europe. This is one of the most distinctive and attractive countries of the European Union for tourists with rich history, many interesting sights, castles and cultural monuments. The Czech Republic borders on Poland in the north, Germany in the west and northwest, Slovakia in the east, and Austria in the south. It is a parliamentary republic. The official language is Czech.

What comes to mind when we talk about the Czech Republic? These are the Gothic spiers of Prague and Prague streets, this is the ancient Charles Bridge across the Vltava, these are hundreds of castles and churches in cozy old towns, this is excellent beer and delicious food. All this is true, but there is something more. The Czech Republic is an atmosphere of calm and silence, the cordiality and unhurriedness of the local residents, the pace of life, beautiful natural landscapes: leisurely rivers, fields and picturesque wooded hills. Interestingly, the country is also one of the safest in Europe and has one of the lowest levels of corruption.

The country is located almost in the center of the former Austria-Hungary - in the past it was one of the largest and most powerful states in Europe. The Czech Republic occupies the historical regions of Moravia, Bohemia and part of Silesia. The turbulent past has left a colossal historical legacy, and low prices for food and hotels make the Czech Republic one of the cheapest countries in Europe for tourists.

Helpful information

  1. The official language is Czech.
  2. Currency - Czech crown.
  3. Visa - Schengen.
  4. The capital is Prague.
  5. Population - 10.5 million people.
  6. Area - 78.9 thousand square meters. km
  7. The standard of living is high.
  8. In the Czech Republic, Central European time is UTC +1.
  9. Driving in the Czech Republic is on the right. The speed limit in populated areas is 50 km, outside the city - 90 km, on highways - 130 km. When driving on motorways, you need to buy a vignette. The consumption of alcohol by drivers is strictly prohibited. Car headlights should always be on. From November to the end of March, all cars must be driven on winter tires.
  10. High season - May, July, August. Low - January, February.
  11. Stores are open from 9.00 to 17.00 on weekdays. In large cities, shops are open until 20.00 and even on weekends. Shopping centers and large supermarkets are open from 9.00 to 21.00. Museums and attractions are often closed on Sundays.
  12. The kitchen in restaurants and cafes is usually open until 21.00 - 22.00. Tips are not included in the bill and amount to 5-10% of the bill.

Geography and nature

Despite its small size, the Czech Republic is a geographically diverse country. Here you can find mountains and hills covered with forests, fields and plains. The country is landlocked. Western and East End, mostly hilly and mountainous. The central one is predominantly hilly plain. The highest peak is Mount Snezka (1602 m).

Several rivers flow through the territory of the Czech Republic. large rivers- Vltava, Odra, Laba, Morava. The nature of the Czech Republic is very picturesque - hills and low mountains covered with deciduous and coniferous forests interspersed with agricultural land. Castles and fortresses rise on high hills and cliffs - a legacy of the past. Roe deer and deer graze in the fields, running away as soon as you stop.

Best time to visit

You can visit the Czech Republic all year round. The most comfortable time is the period from May to September. Atmospheric in the Czech Republic during the Christmas holidays. The low season lasts from January to March.


The climate of the Czech Republic is moderate, with warm but not hot summers and fairly mild winters. The four seasons are clearly defined. Spring is cool with an average temperature of 8-12 degrees. Precipitation is 150-200 mm. Summer is warm with a fairly comfortable temperature of 15-20 degrees. Hot weather doesn't happen often. But it gets cold often. Therefore, when visiting the Czech Republic in summer, we recommend taking light jackets with you. The most precipitation falls in summer. Autumn is quite warm with an average temperature of about 10 degrees. Winter lasts from December to February. The temperature is kept around zero degrees. There are both thaws and frosts.

Winter in the mountains of the Czech Republic


The historical name of the Czech Republic is Bohemia. This territory includes several historical regions - Bohemia, Moravia and part of Silesia.

Human settlements on the territory of the Czech Republic existed back in the Stone Age. At the beginning of our era, Germanic tribes lived here. The Slavs came to these lands in the 6th century. There is a well-known legend about three Slavic brother leaders - Ruse, Lyakh and Czech. Each of them became the founder of the people. Although the etymology of the name of the country and people still causes controversy among scientists.

The unification of the Czech Slavs and the creation of the Czech state dates back to the 9-10th century. Initially the center was Budec. In the 10th century, the center of the state moved towards modern Prague. At this time, the Vysehrad fortress and Prague Castle were founded. Czechs were baptized in the 9th century.

The Czech Principality gained independence under the first Přemyslids. From the 11th to the 14th centuries, the Czech Republic was under the rule of the Frankish emperors. In 1241, the united Czech army successfully repelled the Mongol invasion.

The main flourishing of the Czech Republic and Prague in the Middle Ages occurred during the time of the legendary King Charles IV. Karl not only expanded the Czech lands, but also developed agriculture and winemaking, began construction of the famous bridge over the Vltava in Prague, founded the University, Karlstejn Castle, St. Vita. Charles also issued a law on succession to the throne - when the eldest son inherits the throne. A woman can become head of state only if there are no male descendants.

The development of the Czech Republic was suspended in the 15th century. This process and loss of independence was provoked by the Hussite movement, which arose at the beginning of the 15th century. Despite the fact that Jan Hus (one of their leaders) was burned as a heretic, the Hussite War broke out. After it, first came the time of monarchless rule. Later, the Czech state lost its independence and became part of the Habsburg possessions. The Czech Republic remained under their control until 1918.

After the end of the First World War, the country gained independence. A new state is formed - Czechoslovakia. Masaryk becomes the first president. Czechoslovakia existed until 1993.

In 1939, the country was occupied by German troops. Liberated in 1945 by the Red Army. After the war, the Czech Republic was part of the socialist camp under the influence of the USSR.

In 1989, after the Velvet Revolution, Soviet troops left the Czech Republic. In 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two independent states. Since 1999, the Czech Republic has joined NATO, and since 2004 - the EU.

Administrative division

The Czech Republic consists of a capital and 13 regions. The regions are divided into districts (okres) and statutory cities (district centers).

  • Central Bohemia - includes the capital - Prague, Kutna Hora.
  • Western Bohemia (Pilsen and) is a wooded and mountainous area, picturesque nature, spas and great beer.
  • Northern Bohemia (Liberec and Ústí nad Labem) is a mountainous and industrial region.
  • Eastern Bohemia (Hradec-Králové and Pardubice) - mountain range Giant Mountains and the highest peak in the Czech Republic - Mount Snezka.
  • Southern Bohemia (Ceske Budejovice) - hills and forests, the upper reaches of the Vltava.
  • North Moravia (Ostrava and) is an industrial region. Although you can find here beautiful nature and interesting sights.
  • South Moravia (Brno) - hills and forests, agricultural land and wine production. These are the warmest regions of the Czech Republic.


The population of the Czech Republic is more than 10 million people. Considering the area of ​​the country, it can be classified as densely populated. About 95% of the population are ethnic Czechs. Large diasporas are Ukrainians, Russians, Slovaks, Vietnamese, Germans.

Official language is Czech, which belongs to the West Slavic group of languages. Czechs can easily understand Slovaks and vice versa. Also, the Czech language has common roots and words with other Slavic languages ​​- Russian, Polish, Ukrainian. The Czech language has big amount colorful words: lepidlo - glue, letushka - flight attendant, letadlo - airplane. The stress is almost always on the first syllable.

The Czechs themselves are calm, welcoming, polite people. They respect traditions, are reasonable and unhurried.


Located almost in the center of Europe, the Czech Republic has good transport accessibility.

International airports are located in Prague (the largest in the country), Brno, Ostrava, Karlovy Vary and Pardubice.

The main means of transportation around the country are trains, buses and cars. It is worth noting that the condition and quality of roads in the Czech Republic lags behind neighboring Austria and Germany. Although the country has highways that connect major cities and neighboring countries and pass near Prague, Pilsen, Brno and Ostrava.


Accommodation in the Czech Republic is much cheaper than, for example, in Germany and Austria. A double room in a three-star hotel with breakfast can be found for 30-50 euros even in Prague. Of course, it all depends on the location of the hotel (logically, the closer to the center, the more expensive), season, etc. Large cities usually have a wide range of accommodation options, from hostels to expensive hotels. It is better to take care of accommodation in high season in advance. Rooms in Czech hotels are usually quite clean and very simple.


Czech cuisine is very high in calories. Traditional dishes: voles (various soups), chesnechka (garlic soup), boar's knee (pork), meat dishes (mainly pork, beef, chicken, duck) with dumplings, fish dishes (carp), fried cheese (Hermelin), seasonal vegetables (greens), potatoes (bramborak) and, of course, beer. In restaurants, food is usually prepared until 21.00-22.00. Tips are not included in the bill. If you liked the food and service, you can leave 5-10% of the bill.

Beer is the special pride of the Czech Republic and its main drink. It is one of the best in the world here. At the same time, beer is often the cheapest drink and often cheaper than Coca-Cola. Beer brands such as Krusovice, Budweiser, Pilsner, Radegast, Bernard, Gambrinus are brewed here. There are also a huge number of small breweries. Beer is usually differentiated into light (light) and dark (tmave). Dark beer has a richer taste.

Cities of the Czech Republic

The most popular and beautiful city The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague. It is often called the “city of a hundred spiers” and “golden”. Prague is located almost in the center of the Czech Republic. It is the largest city in the country. The historic city center is listed World Heritage UNESCO, and such sights as Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Old Town Square and Tyn Church, Vysehrad are real symbols of the country.


Second in importance and size is the capital of Moravia - Brno, which has a compact and beautiful old town and has long competed with Prague economically and culturally.

Nearby is the student town of Olomouc, which is often called “little Prague”. The city has wonderful architecture and many interesting sights (one of them is included in the UNESCO list).

To the north is the industrial capital of the Czech Republic and one of its largest cities - Ostrava.

Not far from Prague is the small town of Kutná Hora with several famous attractions (ossuary, St. Barbara's Cathedral).

In the west stands out the famous Czech resort- Karlovy Vary. And in the northwest is Liberec.

The main city in the south is České Budejovice, with a wonderful old center. Not far from it is located one of the most beautiful towns Czech Republic - whose old town is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Sights of the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a country rich in sights and monuments of history and culture. Despite their turbulent past, the Czechs managed to preserve their historical heritage.

Listing the interesting sights of the Czech Republic could take a whole book, so we will limit ourselves to the most iconic ones.

In Prague, the most famous landmarks are Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Old Town Square and Vysehrad.

UNESCO sites in Kutna Hora: beautiful gothic cathedral St. Barbarians and the gloomy Ossuary.

In Olomouc - this is one of the most significant monuments of the Czech Baroque, the Column of the Holy Trinity.

One big attraction is the town of Cesky Krumlov in the south of the Czech Republic.

Among the natural beauties, the Bohemian Paradise Nature Reserve occupies a prominent place, national park Giant Mountains and Šumava, Macocha Gorge.

There are many beautiful castles on the territory of Chekhov. Here, almost every ancient town has mighty fortresses or romantic ruins. Many castles are well preserved and can tell us a lot about the history and culture of the past.

  • Prague Castle
  • Karlstein
  • Pernstein
  • Loket
  • Hluboka nad Vltavou
  • Blatna
  • Bouzov
  • Orlik nad Vltavou
  • Zvikov
  • Kokorzhin
  • Křivoklat
  • Miller
  • Mikulov

The country of the Czech Republic is a small state. It is located in the very center of Europe. We are all familiar with the countries near the Czech Republic. After all, it borders on Poland and Germany, Slovakia and Austria. So lucky geographical position at intersection trade routes from Europe to Asia, mild climate and abundance mineral springs gave the Czech country a great chance to prosper. Every year millions of tourists from all over the planet flock here to improve their health at balneological resorts and admire the unique architecture of the country and its ancient castles.

The Czechs are a highly cultured and educated nation. After all, they went through the difficult period that came after the collapse of the socialist camp with dignity. What is the Czech Republic rightfully proud of today? The country's economy is first and foremost, which is in second place among the countries of Eastern Europe.

For travelers

Country Czech Republic on tourist market conditionally divided into three directions: balneological, ski and excursion holiday. For lovers of wide cultural program it is proposed to visit Pilsen, Brno, Cesky Krumlov, Ostrava and, of course, Prague.

Those who want to improve their health go to the west of the country. It is here that the main resorts are concentrated, such as Marianske Lazne, Karlovy Vary, and Kynzvart. For ski holiday the country of the Czech Republic offers its eastern territories. Here, on the border with Poland, there are resorts such as Harrachov, Rokytnice nad Jizerou and Vitkovice.

In this amazing country More than two and a half thousand medieval castles have still survived, striking with their unique architecture. And it is not surprising that artists and romantics, lovers of antiquity and connoisseurs of beauty love to visit the Czech Republic. Having arrived in the country only once, it is impossible to cover the huge number of attractions available on its territory. That is why many tourists return here again and again.

What else attracts travelers to the Czech Republic? It is impossible to describe the country without talking about the original and delicious national cuisine. a haven for gourmets, making people forget about diets and their waist circumference for a while.

The Czech Republic is a real earthly paradise for beer lovers. The recipes and traditions of preparing this drink, represented by a huge number of different varieties, are carefully preserved here.


The country of the Czech Republic has 658 km of borders with Poland in the north, 646 km with Germany in the northwest and west, 214 km with Slovakia in the east, and 362 km with Austria in the south. Thus, the length of all borders of this state is 1880 km.
The territory of the Czech Republic has a very diverse landscape. Thus, the region of Bohemia in the west is located in the basin of rivers such as the Vltava and Laba. It is surrounded by low mountains.

The eastern part of the Czech Republic is the territory of Moravia. It is also distinguished by its hilly surface. This area is located in the Moravian river basin. The Czech Republic has no access to the seas. However, all its rivers rush towards them. They flow into the Black, Baltic or North Seas.

The highest mountains of the country are in its northern part. They are called Kokonoshi. Most high mountain is Snowball. It rises 1600 m above sea level.

You can find the Czech Republic on the world map at the coordinates of 49 degrees 45 seconds north latitude and 15 degrees 30 seconds east longitude. This is the very heart of Europe. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the area located between the cities of Pilsen and Cheb. It is here that a memorial sign is installed, on which there is the inscription “Center of Europe”.

The country's territory is 78,866 square kilometers. In its own way it ranks 115th in the world. Two percent of this territory is water surface.


The Czech Republic is a country with amazing weather. The climate here is quite mild. It is very hot in this area only during one week of the year. The country enjoys comfortable weather in all seasons. In summer, the average temperature here is within twenty degrees, and in winter the thermometer practically never drops below minus 3. Such an ideal climate is created due to continental and maritime influences. The mountain environment reduces the negative impact of winds.

Administrative division

On the map of the country you can see thirteen regions, or edges. Main administrative center The country is its capital - the city of Prague.

What areas (edges) are included in this European state? Their list includes the following:

  • Central Bohemian.
  • Plzensky.
  • South Bohemian.
  • Karlovy Vary.
  • Ustetsky.
  • Karlovegradecki.
  • Liberetsky.
  • South Moravian.
  • Slomoutsky.
  • Pardubitsky.
  • Moravskosilevsky.
  • Zlinsky.
  • Vysočina.


The territory of the Czech Republic was inhabited by people back in the Stone Age. The very first mentions of this country were found in chronicle sources dating back to the 9th century. During this period, the territory of the Czech Republic was under the control of the Přemyslid princes.

The second name of these lands is Bohemia. It came from an ancient Celtic tribe that inhabited territories located in modern Northern Bohemia. After them, these lands were developed by Germanic tribes - the Marcomanni, who were replaced by the Slavs in the 5th century. The latter were the ancestors of modern Czechs.

This Slavic state reached its peak at the beginning of the 11th century. During this period it was called Great Moravia and had an impressive territory, which included the current lands of Slovakia, Bohemia, as well as parts of Hungary and Austria.

Interestingly, there is no historical information about which city was the capital of this state and why its collapse occurred. Most likely, this was due to numerous internecine wars. It is known that Great Moravia was a Christian country, and its baptists were the apostles Methodius and Cyril (the same as in Rus').

In the 17th century. The Czech kingdom became part of Austria-Hungary, and after its collapse in 1928, the unification of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic took place. These countries became known as Czechoslovakia. In 1939, the country was occupied by the troops of Nazi Germany. Liberation came only at the end of World War II, when Soviet soldiers entered Czechoslovakia. After this, the country entered the socialist community.

However, in the late 1980s, Czechoslovakia was gripped by mass demonstrations and protests. All of them resulted in the so-called Velvet Revolution. This was followed by a strike of enormous scale, which resulted in regime change. The country was led by former dissident, playwright Vaclav Havel.

On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia was peacefully divided into two states. Two republics were formed on its territory - Slovakia and the Czech Republic. After that, the history of the country began to take shape independently. Thus, in 1999 the state became a member of NATO, and in 2004 - a member of the EU. Since 2007, the Czech Republic has been participating in the Schengen Agreement, which means that a person with a visa from this country can travel throughout Europe without any obstacles.

Political structure

The country of the Czech Republic is a state with a representative democracy. In such a political regime, the main source of power is the people, but various representative bodies are delegated to govern the state. The Czech Republic is a parliamentary republic. Its executive powers are the president and the government. The latter, in turn, is responsible to the Chamber of Deputies.

The head of the Czech state is the president. From January 27, 2013 until today, this post has been held by Miloš Zeman. He replaced Vaclav Klaus.

Milos Zeman is one of the most prominent figures in European politics. This opinion about him was formed due to the tough personal position of the leader of the Czech Republic and controversial statements. It is worth saying that the current president of the Czech Republic, unlike most European politicians, supports Russia’s actions in many areas. The opinion often runs counter to the statements of Brussels. And his position is quite firm.

As for the Czech parliament, it is bicameral. It includes the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The Chamber of Deputies is supported by the work of its two hundred members, who are elected by the people once every four years. There is a principle of proportional representation. Renewal of one-third of the Senate occurs once every two years. Each of the 81 senators is given a six-year mandate.

The Constitutional Court is the guarantor of ensuring the basic rights of the Czech people. It consists of 15 judges with the power to repeal laws that contradict the country's constitution.


The Czech Republic today is included in the list of densely populated countries. According to the latest statistics, its population is slightly more than 10 million people. A tenth of them live in the capital of the state - Prague. The rest of the population, as in most European countries, is mainly concentrated in other cities.

For several years in a row, the Czech Republic has seen a steady increase in natural population growth. This occurs due to a decrease in mortality and an increase in birth rates. In addition to natural growth, there is an influx of emigrants. It also increases the population of this European state.

Official language

Throughout the centuries-old history of the Czech Republic, various peoples and tribes have lived on its territory. However, today 95% of the population is Czech. They preserve their own national traditions. Knowledge about historical roots, of which the Czech Republic can rightfully be proud, is also highly respected. The language of the country is Czech. It is spoken by the people of this state, despite its multinational composition, represented by Poles and Slovaks, Gypsies, Germans and Jews. Of course, they are all a minority, but they are full citizens of the country.

Today, the population of the Czech Republic uses the three most common groups of dialects to communicate. Here people speak East Moravian, Middle Moravian and Czech. The country's official language was able to survive centuries of decline and Germanization. Its revival occurred in the 18th century as a literary one. But then Czech began to penetrate more and more into life ordinary people, becoming everyday.

To date official language country sounds on the streets of its cities. At the same time, young people speak English well, and the older generation easily switches to German.

Prague city

The largest metropolis and the most popular tourist destination is the capital of the Czech Republic. More than 6 million travelers visit Prague every year. Everyone who understands architecture and appreciates the taste of beer strives to visit this friendly and elegant city.

Since ancient times, Prague has been considered one of the most beautiful cities Europe. And its names confirm this. Thus, this amazing city is sometimes referred to as “golden Prague” or “city of a hundred spiers”, as well as “stone dream”.

The capital of the Czech Republic has cobbled narrow streets, the amazingly beautiful Charles Bridge, as well as a huge number of different attractions.

The exact date of the creation of Prague is unknown. However, already in the 15th century, chronicles contain references to fairs held at the confluence of the Vltava and Berounka rivers. The formation of Prague Castle took place in the 9th century. In the next century, Prague received the status of the capital of the Czech Kingdom. Yours rapid development the city received in the 12th century, becoming the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

During World War II, Prague was occupied by the Germans. However, fortunately, the military operations carried out on its territory did not lead to the destruction of unique historical structures.

In the post-war years, a metro appeared in the capital of the Czech Republic. The construction of new microdistricts proceeded at a rapid pace.

After the victory of the Velvet Revolution, Prague became one of the most popular European cities among tourists. Her historical Center recognized as a UNESCO heritage.

Today, the population of the capital of the Czech Republic is more than 1.3 million people, who live in 15 districts, numbered depending on their distance from the center. On the map they can be seen arranged clockwise.

A country's economy

The basis of the national economy of the Czech Republic is mechanical engineering and electronics, the food industry and ferrous metallurgy, the service sector and construction. One of the most successful post-communist states today is the Czech Republic.

The characteristics of the country in economic terms indicate the success and stability of its national economy. After the Velvet Revolution, the Czech Republic inherited energy-inefficient and environmentally unfriendly production facilities from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. In those years, too large a share in the production sector was occupied by ferrous metallurgy, which relied on imported raw materials, as well as the military industry and mechanical engineering.

As for foreign trade, it was mainly focused on the needs of the USSR, which significantly restrained the growth of the country's economy.

Since independence, the government of the Czech Republic has made some significant changes. It abolished centralized price regulation, introduced freedom of private enterprise, abolished the monopoly of state foreign trade, and carried out privatization and reconstruction of property. Thanks to the influx of foreign investment, the Czech Republic carried out modernization and restructuring of industry in the shortest possible time, and also developed the necessary auxiliary and technical infrastructure.

Today, the Czech Republic is experiencing rapid growth in GDP. This is due to the growth of the industrial sector and the reduction in the share of ferrous metallurgy and production intended for military structures. The share of the automotive industry and the production of electrical products increases. This allowed the Czech Republic to achieve a positive foreign trade balance. Success became possible even despite the rapid rise in prices for gas and oil imported into the country.

It is worth saying that the size of foreign trade per capita in the country is very high and is ahead of countries such as Great Britain and Japan, Italy and France.