Transport infrastructure of Crimea. Transport complex of Crimea

Crimean studies 9th grade: “Transport system, its modernization. Transport “arteries” of Crimea, seaports, airports.” Practical work No. 9 “Applying to contour map main objects of the transport system of Crimea" (educational).

Planned results:

personal: develop the ability to analyze, compare, develop the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, broaden your horizons;

meta-subject: develop the ability to highlight the main thing;

subject: study the features of the transport system of Crimea, ways of its modernization; get acquainted with the transport arteries of the peninsula, seaports, airports, consolidating knowledge in work on a contour map.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: demonstration map of Crimea, textbook “Crimean Studies: Social and Economic Review”, notebook with a printed base edited by A.V. Suprycheva, atlas, multimedia complex with direct Internet access.

During the classes.

I . Organizing time.

Preparing students for the lesson.

II . Learning new material.

Transport provides economic connections and transports passengers. The “circulatory system” is a transport complex that affects economic development separate territories. By exchanging products between different regions, transport completes the process of geographical division of labor. Location Crimean peninsula between Black and Seas of Azov contributed to the development of maritime communications in ancient times. All the main cities of Crimea were located on the coast and were ports. Inside the peninsula there were horse-drawn roads and mountain trails. Convenient geographical position Crimea led to the fact that caravans passed here trade routes, connecting China with Europe. Merchants and trading people traveling along the Silk Road sold Chinese silk (the first period in the history of the development of the transport system).

From the second halfXIXcentury to the first half of the 20th century - the second period of formation of the transport complex of Crimea. After the abolition of the anti-serfdom reform of 1861, the construction of railways began: Lozovaya - Sevastopol, Dzhankoy - Feodosia, Vladislavovka - Kerch. Great importance had a road to Sevastopol, because it became the framework around which the transport network of the peninsula was formed.

From the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, the third period of formation of the peninsula’s transport system continues. In 1950, construction of the Moscow–Simferopol highway was completed. In 1955, a railway crossing was built across Kerch Strait, which shortened the route from Crimea to the Caucasus. Net main gas pipelines, power lines, rapid development of air transport. The construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait by December 2018 is the main and long-awaited road and railway route that will even more tightly connect Crimea with mainland Russia. Today, the main automobile axis of the peninsula is the Simferopol – Feodosia – Kerch highway, connecting the peninsula with the Crimea ferry crossing. Important highways are Simferopol - Evpatoria, Simferopol - Alushta - Sudak - Feodosia, Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta - Sevastopol. High traffic intensity on the highway Simferopol - Krasnogvardeyskoye - Dzhankoy. The sore point of highways is their small width.

After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the role of railway transport changed. Transportation by this type of transport has decreased, and passenger transportation is mainly carried out within suburban traffic.

Traditional for the peninsula is the increased role of maritime transport. It is he who helps to carry out the most important and significant interregional connections: the port of Kavkaz - Kerch sea fishing port; port of Novorossiysk - port of Sevastopol; port of Novorossiysk - Kerch commercial port. Kerch ferry crossing- “road of life” for Crimea. After the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, the role of railway transport will change and its importance for Crimea will increase. After the lifting of sanctions, of course, the “weight” of traditional sea transport for the peninsula with the main ports: Sevastopol, Kerch, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Feodosia - carrying out trade, passenger and cargo transportation - will become greater. The federal target program provides for the resumption of activities of all sea ports of the republic.

Well developed in Crimea air Transport. Simferopol – largest airport Russia. After reconstruction in 2018, about 7 million passengers will be able to serve here annually. The Belbek airport near Sevastopol is used to receive government aircraft.

Pipeline transport is the youngest. It is used by the Chernomorneftegaz enterprise to supply gas to consumers. The length of the gas transportation network is 1361 km.

Trolleybus service is successfully developing in Crimea not only in cities, but also between them. Europe's first mountain trolleybus route Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta was put into operation in 1961.

Demonstration of the video “Crimea. Trolleybus. Simferopol - Yalta" dated November 29, 2014, duration 12 minutes. (skip the first minute, and then geography and history - interesting!).

For Crimean resorts located in mountainous areas they use cable cars, elevators that take vacationers to the sea.

According to the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Sergei Strelbitsky, a unified retro transport system will be created on the peninsula in the near future. Retro equipment from the 1950s to 1970s will be launched in Crimea: tram, trolleybus, bus, train, motor ship, taxi, plane. Tourists will be able to get an unforgettable experience from the opportunity to ride on retro transport, as well as get acquainted with the cultural historical heritage Crimea.

In the future, the transport complex in Crimea will continue to develop and it must be environmentally friendly in order to preserve recreational resources and the image of the republic not only as a “museum under open air", but also as a popular holiday destination.

III . Reinforcing the theoretical part of the lesson.

    What role does transport play in the lives of people and territories?

    What are the three stages in the development of the transport complex in Crimea?

    How did the role of leading modes of transport change after the annexation of Crimea to Russia? Give brief description the main modes of transport on the peninsula.

    What problems and prospects are facing the peninsula’s transport complex?

IV . Carrying out practical work No. 9 “Drawing on a contour map of the main objects of the transport system of Crimea”(p. 77 notebook with printed base). Working in pairs, show wireframes on the map car roads, railways, gas pipelines, seaports, airports.

V . Summing up the lesson with grading for active learners.

VI . Homework: paragraph 26, complete practical work No. 9.


Transport, along with communications, education, energy, which is part of the complex of infrastructure sectors that provide the basic living conditions of society, is the most important tool for achieving the social, economic and other priorities of the region. In order to really influence economic growth, transport reduces delivery time, thereby speeding up trade turnover, affects the development and placement of productive forces, and, as a result, increases labor productivity. Thanks to the expansion of the transport network, the accessibility of social infrastructure services for the population is improved, the conditions for using free time are improved, and the quality of life in general increases.

Therefore, the level of transport development in the region determines the level of socio-economic development. The functioning of the transport complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is ensured by 32 thousand people, which is almost 8% of the number of workers in the republic’s economic sectors.

The transport system includes 6.7 thousand km of paved roads, including 2.3 thousand km of highways; 0.7 thousand km of railways, of which 0.3 thousand km are electrified. The length of main gas pipelines is more than 0.6 thousand km. The scope of work performed by various types of transport in Crimea is shown in the table.

Freight transported

Passengers transported

Freight turnover

Passenger turnover

Thousand t. for 2005

Thousand for 2005

Million tkm. for 2005

All types of transport




Currently, in the transport of Crimea, the main transport of goods and passengers is road transport, which accounts for more than 90% of intraregional transport. Passenger traffic through the bus station network increased by 70.0%. This was facilitated by the development of the route network and an increase in the number of bus departures with the replacement of rolling stock with buses of more than high level comfort, opening new international and interregional routes.

The main axis of the Crimean highway network is the Kharkov-Simferopol highway. In addition, the leading framework structures of the system include the Simferopol-Sevastopol highways; Simferopol-Alushta-Sudak-Feodosia; Simferopol-Feodosia-Kerch; Simferopol-Evpatoria; Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta-Sevastopol.

The main road routes of regional importance on the territory of Crimea are the roads Simferopol-Krasnoperekopsk-Armensk and further to Kherson-Nikolaev-Odessa. The role of this road especially increased after the construction of a highway bridge across the river. Dnieper near Kherson.

Intraregional passenger and freight transportation is provided along the following roads: Krasnoperekopsk-Dzhankoy-Nizhnegorsk; Evpatoria-Chernomorskoe and others. For these roads, the predominant type of surface is asphalt-concrete, and only a small part (21.3%) has a black-gravel surface.

The average density of the Crimean road network, calculated relative to the total area, is 244 km per 1000 km, versus 234 km in Ukraine. The density of paved roads varies widely across regions.

Problems of further improving the territorial structure of the road network and reducing the destructive impact of road transport on environment, reducing the scale of alienation of agricultural land for roads in Crimea should be solved in the following way: by universally improving the quality of the surface of local roads, by reconstructing traffic lanes and improving the surfaces on roads of interregional and republican significance, by expanding traffic lanes, and by eliminating numerous dirt roads that duplicate the the direction of movement of the main highways of republican and local significance.

Railway transport occupies a leading position in the transportation of raw materials, fuel, construction materials and other bulk cargo, as well as passengers in interregional exchange. The Crimean branch of the Dnieper Railway is one of the most heavily loaded highways due to its access to non-freezing warm seas and to the Caucasus. Expanded operational length of the main railway tracks is more than one thousand kilometers, and the developed length of stationary tracks is about 0.5 thousand km.

The main sections of the Crimean railways: Simferopol-Dzhankoy (91 km), Simferopol-Sevastopol (77 km), Dzhankoy-Vladislavovka (101 km), Vladislavovka-Port Crimea (108 km), Simferopol-Ostryakovo-Evpatoria (82 km).

Leading transport hubs - Sevastopol, Feodosia, Kerch and Evpatoria - transship cargo from sea transport to road, rail and vice versa. The most heavily loaded sections of the Crimean branch of the Dnieper Railway are: a) Simferopol-Dzhankoy, b) Dzhankoy-Vladislavovka, c) Vladislavovka-Kerch. The Dzhankoy-Novoalekseevka section has the highest freight load per kilometer of the route, since it is located on the main direction of interregional exchange. Quite a high intensity of cargo movement is observed on the Dzhankoy-Vadim section. The formation of cargo flow in this direction is determined by the location of large chemical industry enterprises of interregional importance in the northern part of Crimea.

The main cargoes transported by rail include: coal, coke, oil and petroleum products, iron and manganese ores, ferrous metal ores, ferrous metal scrap, timber cargo, chemical and mineral fertilizers, grain, cement, etc.

The development of the railway transport subsystem of Crimea has currently reached its maximum in terms of the intensity of public functioning. Further improvement of the territorial structure and building up the potential of the region’s railway network should be carried out on the basis of solving the following tasks: a) increasing freight capacity and bandwidth railways based on the construction of second tracks, double-track inserts, and in the longer term - three-track inserts, which will make it possible not to withdraw additional land resources from agricultural circulation; b) construction in the near future of second tracks on the Simferopol-Dzhankoy-Kerch sections; c) reconstruction and increase on this basis the capacity of the Kerch ferry crossing or the construction of new railway lines: Krasnoperekopsk-Razdolnoe-Chernomorskoe-Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai (Suren station)-Yalta, Nizhnegorsk-Belogorsk.

An increase in throughput and a noticeable reduction in the level of negative impact of railway transport on the environment can be facilitated by the electrification of the Dzhankoy-Kerch-Port Crimea railway line along its entire length.

The most traditional mode of transport in Crimea, providing both intraregional and interstate transportation, is sea. The basis of the export-import turnover of the region’s ports is iron ore, grain, machinery, equipment, chemical products and other bulk cargo, which account for more than 2/3 of export goods. Imports are dominated by machinery and equipment, canned food, tea and other food products. Through the Crimean seaports, various cargoes are transported from more than 40 countries of the world.

In small cabotage, oil and petroleum products, iron ore, sinter, manganese ore, salt, construction materials, fish and other seafood are transported. Despite the more than thousand-kilometer length coastline Crimean peninsula, the share of this type of transport in intraregional transportation of passengers and goods is small. This situation is explained by the predominant gravity of the main economic structures of the regional complex towards the mainland and the underdevelopment of the coastal production core. Moreover, the recreational specialization of coastal areas is not in harmony with the majority of the social and production structures of the peninsula and slows down maritime cargo flows. Sea transport of Crimea is carried out through the following main seaports: Sevastopol (commercial, fishing, passenger, base of the military fleets of Russia and Ukraine), Kerch (fishing, commercial, ferry crossing), Feodosia (military, cargo), Yalta (passenger, to a lesser extent cargo degree), Evpatoria (passenger, cargo).

55 countries around the world used agency and chartering services for the merchant fleet, which accounted for 9.1% of the services of transport complex enterprises. The closest ties are with Russia (19.8% of total service exports), Sweden (14.5%) and Panama (12.4%).

Air transport is quite well developed in Crimea. Simferopol is not only the only major air hub in the region, but also one of the largest airports in Ukraine, not much inferior in traffic volume to Kyiv, as well as the famous airports of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In 2005 transportation of passengers by aircraft of the Simferopol airline exceeded 2.2 million people.

The pipeline network of the gas industry plays an important role in the transport system of Crimea. The total length of gas pipelines is more than 800 km. With the discovery and development of natural gas fields within Crimea in 1966, the first Glebovka-Simferopol gas pipeline was put into operation. At that time, the total length of the gas pipeline in the republic was 159 km. And in 1967 a branch of the Simferopol-Sevastopol gas pipeline was laid, and by 1970 - Dzhankoy-Simferopol. With the construction of these gas pipelines, the problem of gas supply to the city of Crimea with natural gas was partially solved at the expense of local natural gas reserves.

The longest main gas pipelines are Golitsyno-Glebovka-Simferopol; Dzhankoy-Simferopol. A gas pipeline to Feodosia and Kerch is at the development stage. At the present stage of development of the Crimean economy, the growing demand for gas can be partially satisfied from local resources. In this regard, a branch to Krasnoperekopsk from the Shebelinka-Dnepropetrovsk-Krivoy Rog-Izmail gas pipeline was built. With the commissioning of the Krasnoperekopsk-Dzhankoy gas pipeline in 1975, the Crimean gas pipeline system was connected to the interregional gas pipeline network of Ukraine, which ensured an uninterrupted supply of natural gas to consumers. It is planned to lay a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Karkinitsky Bay from the Shtormovoe field, located on the shelf, to the Glebovsky gas storage facility. This will ease the fuel problem in Crimea.

Improving the territorial structure of the gas pipeline network is possible by solving the following problems: 1) expanding the existing gas pipeline system based on the creation of an extensive multi-line network covering the eastern territories of Crimea; 2) construction (in addition to Glebovsky) of underground storage facilities, allowing for a more complete and uniform supply of natural gas to all consumers in the region throughout the year; 3) construction of a gas pipeline network with an optimal pipe diameter (more than 500 mm), which will not only reduce pipe consumption, but also significantly reduce the destructive impact of gas pipelines on agricultural land.

It should be noted that part of the services for cargo and passenger transportation by all modes of transport of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the total volume of exports of the complex is insignificant. Thus, maritime transport services for foreign and coastal navigation account for 5.4%, air transport – 1.1%, urban and road transport – 0.6%, railway transport – 0.1%. But compared to 2004, there is a tendency to increase the volume of exports of the above services.

By 2007, it is projected to increase the volume of transportation by all types of transport: for the transportation of passengers - by 1.0%; for cargo transportation - by 2.0%. Forecasts are determined primarily by the commissioning of a railway crossing across the Kerch Strait; intensifying the work of business entities of all forms of ownership in the international road transport market; opening of new airlines from airports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the CIS countries and others foreign countries; implementation of the state program "Rural Bus"; replacing the low-capacity passenger fleet with medium- and large-capacity buses.

Transport complex of Crimea - 2.9 out of 5 based on 9 votes

Vershitsky A.V. 1, Salabutin A.V. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-9628-070X, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, 2 ORCID: 0000-0003-1830-2958, Student of the Department of State and Municipal Administration, Institute of Economics and Management (structural unit) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky"



The article discusses current problems related to transport provision and the tourist information environment in the Republic of Crimea. As a result of the analysis and study of tourism development factors, the main methods for solving problems were developed, and the main advantages of the innovation were reflected. The need for modernization of the transport system, the use of information and communication technologies that contribute to the development of domestic and inbound tourism, which affects the economy of the state and the development of the region, is substantiated.

Keywords: tourism, transport support, Republic of Crimea, tourist region, intelligent transport system, information and communication technologies.

Vershitskiy A.V. 1, Salabutin A.V. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-9628-070X, Associate professor, PhD in Economics, 2 ORCID: 0000-0003-1830-2958, Student of department of the public and municipal administration, Institute of Economics and Management of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "V.I.Vernadsky Сrimean Federal University"



The article considers urgent issues related to the transport service and tourist information environment in the Republic of Crimea. As a result of analyzing and studying the tourism development factors the basic methods of problem solving are worked out, as well as reflects the main advantages of the innovation are presented. The necessity to modernize the transport system as well as the use of information and communication technology to promote the development of domestic tourism, which affects the economy of the state and development of the region are justified.

Keywords: tourism, transportation services, Republic of Crimea, tourist region, intellectual transport systems, information and communication technologies.

Tourism has a direct impact on the economy of states and the development of regions, is an important source of cash receipts, increases employment, improves infrastructure, influences the increase in business activity, ensures income growth and increases the level of well-being of citizens. The development of tourism and transport is a mutually determined process, in which transport support is the most important element tourist infrastructure and is part of the main range of services, including tourist transportation, transfers, and servicing program events.

The Russian Federation has a high tourism potential, which includes the uniqueness of original natural complexes, a rich cultural and historical past, a variety of natural, climatic, tourist and resort areas. According to the Russian Border Service, there is a positive trend in the increase in the number of foreign tourists in the first half of 2016 by 10% compared to the same period in 2015. However, the share of tourism in the structure of Russian GDP still remains low: 1.5%, compared with the world average of 10%.

As a result, there is a need to modernize domestic tourism. Particular attention should be paid to the problems of tourism development in a new, promising entity Russian Federation– The Republic of Crimea, which became part of Russia in 2014 and is one of the five most popular tourist regions of the country. According to the Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, there are pressing problems in Crimea that need a practical solution, which include an insufficiently comfortable tourist information environment, as well as the lack of modern road transport.

The purpose of the study is to identify the main methods for solving current problems related to the provision and provision of services tourist transport.

Formation of a new subject of the Russian Federation and changes legal status Republic of Crimea directly affected the state of the tourism sector of the region, focused on the development of domestic and inbound tourism, which is facilitated by an increase in tourist flow: the number of tourists visiting the regions in 2016 amounted to 5.57 million tourists, which is 21.2% higher than the level of 2015. The youngest and actively developing mode of transport is air, which demonstrates significant potential. At Simferopol airport there is an increase in tourist flow, which will continue to show extremely positive dynamics (Fig. 1).

After the reconstruction of the airport in Simferopol, it will be able to accommodate 6.5 million passengers a year, with the possibility of increasing this figure to 10 million people. Increasing the number of parking spaces and two-lane roads in front of the terminals, purchasing new equipment, as well as special equipment for airport services, will significantly increase the level of comfort for tourists. In connection with the emerging trend of increasing the use of air transport, there are significant problems regarding the provision of cars transport services.

Rice. 1 – Number of tourists arriving by air at the airport in Simferopol

Tourists arriving at the airport in Simferopol are provided with transport services to move along trackless tracks in the form of temporary rental of a private vehicle, transfer, use public transport. The lack of proper modern regular transport - buses providing transportation specifically for tourists in the Republic of Crimea has a negative impact on the development of tourism. According to reference information on the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea in 2016, among the reasons for choosing a holiday in Crimea, the last place was taken by the quality of service, in which a significant role is played by transport service.

2016 has been declared the year of ecology in the Russian Federation and therefore the transition of the transport sector to new environmentally friendly technologies is also relevant, due to the fact that Crimea this moment is a "gasoline region". Up to 80% of sales at gas stations come from motor gasoline. Therefore, buses must comply with modern Euro-5 environmental standards, which regulate the content of harmful substances in exhaust gases. It is possible to use hybrid vehicles that can reduce fuel consumption, as well as electric buses, for example LiAZ-5292 buses, which are the most environmentally friendly buses in Russia.

Modern vehicles intended for transporting tourists must be environmentally friendly, have increased comfort and safety, be equipped with innovative technologies, and use intelligent transport systems (ITS). Intelligent transport systems represent a systemic integration of modern information and communication technologies and automation equipment with transport infrastructure, vehicles and users, aimed at improving the safety and efficiency of the transport process, comfort for drivers and transport users. World experience demonstrates the targeted promotion of ITS as a method of implementing transport policy, starting from the 80s in Europe and the USA.

The creation of intelligent vehicles is based on the modernization of existing transport systems, the formation of a unified information exchange system, standardization of the means used, communication and control procedures. Vehicles equipped with innovative technologies help improve safety and provide the ability to monitor and regulate traffic flows in real time. ITS are already used in the regions of the Russian Federation (implemented in 60 regions, in more than 240 cities of Russia) in order to increase the efficiency of the transport complex. The introduction of new ITS in Crimea will ensure the safety of tourist transportation and create a unified tourist transport network.

To be able to distribute the tourist flow heading to the tourist cities of Crimea, it is necessary, when placing an order to purchase an air ticket, to indicate the city to which the tourist is heading upon arrival in Crimea. Analysis and synchronization of received information minimizes financial losses, due to the vehicle being understaffed, and will also help optimize the schedule of new buses.

The development of transport is one of the priority tasks in the Republic of Crimea, which cannot be solved without modern and high-quality technology. And as practice shows, we have such equipment, not only foreign, but domestically produced. Buses must be environmentally friendly and modern, which will help solve the problem associated with the lack of modern transport facilities intended for tourists.

An insufficiently comfortable tourist information environment is expressed in the lack and fragmentation of information resources about tourism programs in the region, as well as the impossibility of pre-booking and purchasing tickets via the Internet. The low level of information support slows down the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Republic of Crimea. It is possible to inform tourists about tourist programs, attractions, and resorts in Crimea within the framework of tourist transport support. Modern buses will meet tourist needs in the quality of services provided and provide:

  1. Screening of films about picturesque places, legends, history of Crimea;
  2. Showing videos or slide shows of regional tourism programs;
  3. Announcement of the current and next stop;
  4. Displaying time, air temperature, ticker, urgent information on the screen;
  5. Voiceover and provision of information is carried out in Russian and English.

The high activity of Internet users and the widespread use of the Internet demonstrates the need to provide the possibility of pre-booking and purchasing tickets via the Internet, by introducing this function in terminals, as well as on the websites of institutions and through a mobile application.

Due to the presence of the Russian GLONASS satellite system in modern buses, it will be possible to implement additional tourist services by creating a mobile application that will allow monitoring of tourist transport going to and from the most common tourist cities using a mobile device with Internet access. The application will allow you to track the movement, route, location and schedule of tourist transport in real time, and will provide the ability to plan time by constructing a movement schedule with notification of the time of arrival and departure of the vehicle. The presence of complete, reliable and up-to-date information helps to increase the pace of tourism development.

The source of financing and implementation of the project can be resort fee, which is planned to be introduced in the Republic of Crimea.

By implementing the listed methods to solve problems, by modernizing transport support and creating a comfortable tourist information environment, it is possible to transition Crimea to a new level in the development of tourism. The positive dynamics of tourist flow in the republic, in particular at the Simferopol airport, contributes to an increase in the share of tourism in the structure of GRP, as well as State GDP, which proves the importance of the topic under study and the priority of solving socio-economic problems that complicate the development of the tourism industry.

The Republic of Crimea has all the necessary, as well as unique tourism resources, however low level transport provision hinders the realization of the region's potential. That is why the development of transport is an important task of the Republic of Crimea, which cannot be solved without modern and high-quality technology. The introduction of innovative technologies provides the opportunity to use environmentally friendly buses with increased comfort and safety.

Modern buses that organize transportation exclusively for tourists in interaction with information and communication technologies can not only solve existing problems, but also become the hallmark of Crimea, which will directly affect the development of tourism.

List of literature / References

  1. Dobrodomova T. N. Assessment of the development of the tourism services market in Russia / T. N. Dobrodomova, Yu. V. Kelioglu // Current problems of the economy in the conditions of reforming modern society. – 2016. – pp. 423–427.
  2. National tourist rating 2016 [Electronic resource] - URL: (access date: 02.17.17).
  3. Reference information on the number of tourists who visited the Republic of Crimea in 2016 [Electronic resource] - URL: (date of access: 02.17.17).
  4. On the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea in 2016 [Electronic resource] – URL: (access date: 02.17.17).
  5. Kozlov L. N. On conceptual approaches to the formation and development of ITS in Russia / L. N. Kozlov, B. E. Tsiklis, Yu. M. Urlichich // T–Comm: Telecommunications and transport. – 2009. – No. 6. – P. 8–14.

References on English language/ References in English

  1. Dobrodomova T. N. Ocenka razvitija rynka turistskih uslug v Rossii / T. N. Dobrodomova, Ju. V. Kelioglu // Aktual’nye problemy jekonomiki v uslovijah reformirovanija sovremennogo obshhestva. – 2016. P. 423–427.
  2. National’nyj turisticheskij rejting 2016 – URL: (accessed: 02.17.17).
  3. Spravochnaja informacija o kolichestve turistov, posetivshih Respubliku Krym za 2016 god – URL: (accessed: 02.17.17).
  4. About razvitii turistskoj otrasli Respubliki Krym v 2016 godu – URL: (accessed: 02.17.17).
  5. Kozlov L. N. O konceptual'nyh podhodah formirovanija i razvitija ITS v Rossii / L. N. Kozlov, B. E. Ciklis, Ju. M. Urlichich // T–Comm: Telekommunikacii i transport. – 2009. – No. 6. – P. 8–14.

Crimean studies grade 10

Lesson topic: “Transport system, its modernization. Transport “arteries” of Crimea, seaports, airports.” Practical work No. 9 “Drawing on a contour map of the main objects of the transport system of Crimea” (educational).

Planned results:

personal: develop the ability to analyze, compare, develop the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, broaden your horizons;

meta-subject: develop the ability to highlight the main thing;

subject: study the features of the transport system of Crimea, ways of its modernization; get acquainted with the transport arteries of the peninsula, seaports, airports, consolidating knowledge in work on a contour map.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: demonstration map of Crimea, textbook “Crimean Studies: Social and Economic Review”, notebook with a printed base edited by A.V. Suprycheva, atlas, multimedia complex with direct Internet access.

During the classes.

I . Organizing time.

Preparing students for the lesson.

II . Learning new material.

Transport provides economic connections and transports passengers. The “circulatory system” is the name given to the transport complex, which affects the economic development of individual territories. By exchanging products between different regions, transport completes the process of geographical division of labor. The location of the Crimean Peninsula between the Black and Azov Seas contributed to the development of maritime communications in ancient times. All the main cities of Crimea were located on the coast and were ports. Inside the peninsula there were horse-drawn roads and mountain paths. The convenient geographical location of Crimea led to the fact that caravan trade routes connecting China with Europe passed here. Merchants and trading people traveling along the Silk Road sold Chinese silk (the first period in the history of the development of the transport system).

From the second halfXIXcentury to the first half of the 20th century - the second period of formation of the transport complex of Crimea. After the abolition of the anti-serfdom reform of 1861, the construction of railways began: Lozovaya - Sevastopol, Dzhankoy - Feodosia, Vladislavovka - Kerch. The road to Sevastopol was of great importance, because it became the framework around which the transport network of the peninsula was formed.

From the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, the third period of formation of the peninsula’s transport system continues. In 1950, construction of the Moscow–Simferopol highway was completed. In 1955, a railway crossing was built across the Kerch Strait, shortening the route from Crimea to the Caucasus. A network of gas pipelines, power lines, and the rapid development of air transport. The construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait by December 2018 is the main and long-awaited road and railway route that will even more tightly connect Crimea with mainland Russia. Today, the main automobile axis of the peninsula is the Simferopol – Feodosia – Kerch highway, connecting the peninsula with the Crimea ferry crossing. Important highways are Simferopol - Evpatoria, Simferopol - Alushta - Sudak - Feodosia, Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta - Sevastopol. High traffic intensity on the highway Simferopol - Krasnogvardeyskoye - Dzhankoy. The sore point of highways is their small width.

After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the role of railway transport changed. Transportation by this type of transport has decreased, and passenger transportation is mainly carried out within suburban traffic.

Traditional for the peninsula is the increased role of maritime transport. It is he who helps to carry out the most important and significant interregional connections: the port of Kavkaz - Kerch sea fishing port; port of Novorossiysk - port of Sevastopol; port of Novorossiysk - Kerch commercial port. The Kerch ferry crossing is the “road of life” for Crimea. After the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, the role of railway transport will change and its importance for Crimea will increase. After the lifting of sanctions, of course, the “weight” of traditional sea transport for the peninsula with the main ports: Sevastopol, Kerch, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Feodosia - carrying out trade, passenger and cargo transportation - will become greater. The federal target program provides for the resumption of activities of all sea ports of the republic.

Air transport is well developed in Crimea. Simferopol is the largest airport in Russia. After reconstruction in 2018, about 7 million passengers will be able to serve here annually. The Belbek airport near Sevastopol is used to receive government aircraft.

Pipeline transport is the youngest. It is used by the Chernomorneftegaz enterprise to supply gas to consumers. The length of the gas transportation network is 1361 km.

Trolleybus service is successfully developing in Crimea not only in cities, but also between them. Europe's first mountain trolleybus route Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta was put into operation in 1961.

Demonstration of the video “Crimea. Trolleybus. Simferopol - Yalta" dated November 29, 2014, duration 12 minutes. (skip the first minute, and then geography and history - interesting!).

For Crimean resorts located in mountainous areas, cable cars and elevators are used to deliver vacationers to the sea.

According to the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Sergei Strelbitsky, a unified retro transport system will be created on the peninsula in the near future. Retro equipment from the 1950s to 1970s will be launched in Crimea: tram, trolleybus, bus, train, motor ship, taxi, plane. Tourists will be able to get an unforgettable experience from the opportunity to ride on retro transport, as well as get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of Crimea.

In the future, the transport complex in Crimea will continue to develop and it must be environmentally friendly in order to preserve recreational resources and the image of the republic not only as an “open-air museum”, but also as a popular holiday destination.

III . Reinforcing the theoretical part of the lesson.

    What role does transport play in the lives of people and territories?

    What are the three stages in the development of the transport complex in Crimea?

    How did the role of leading modes of transport change after the annexation of Crimea to Russia? Give a brief description of the main types of transport on the peninsula.

    What problems and prospects are facing the peninsula’s transport complex?

IV . Carrying out practical work No. 9 “Drawing on a contour map of the main objects of the transport system of Crimea”(p. 77 notebook with printed base). Working in pairs, show frame roads, railways, gas pipelines, seaports, airports on the map.

V . Summing up the lesson with grading for active learners.

VI . Homework: paragraph 26, complete practical work No. 9.

The transport system, being the circulatory system of the peninsula, makes a significant contribution to the development of the peninsula. In Crimea there are all types of transport with the exception of river transport. The change in the legal status of Crimea most affected the transport and logistics of the region. Previously, the vast majority of supplies were carried out from the mainland of Ukraine. At the moment, supplies from this direction are being carried out, but their volume has dropped significantly. Considering the current situation in Crimea, it is necessary to form new routes for the supply of materials and logistics centers. Taking into account the various specifics of goods (perishable, large, explosive, etc.), a competent approach to restructuring the transport sector is needed. The issue of ensuring proper passenger flow to Crimea during holiday season in Crimea.


  • Automobile transport;
  • Sea transport;
  • Air transport;
  • Logistics;


  • Obsolete vehicles;
  • Difficulties with the availability of effective channels for freight and passenger turnover with the regions of the Russian Federation;
  • Complications of the export-import activities of the peninsula due to the partial recognition of Crimea as a subject of Russia;


  • The departure of a number of large companies from Crimea;
  • Reduced fuel prices (gasoline, diesel fuel, gas, kerosene);
  • Preferential tax policy in Crimea;
  • Development of ferry services;
  • Development of air transport with preferential prices for passengers;
  • Development of cruise transport;
  • The need to organize new logistics channels for the supply of goods to and from Crimea;

ERA CRIMEA is forming a working group for the development of the transport system and logistics in Crimea.

About the industry:

The favorable geographical location, the specific territorial organization of the economy, and natural conditions contributed to the development of sea, rail, road and pipeline transport in Crimea, which constitute a single interconnected and complementary system.

Transport and communications are the most important sector of the economy, having strategic and priority importance for the development of the region. This type of economic activity is one of the most important factors and integration processes leading to the intensification of international relations and meeting both the external and internal economic interests of Ukraine.

Transport and communications in the Republic of Crimea occupy second place after industry (15.7%) in the formation of the Gross Regional Product. In the activities of the transport complex of the Republic of Crimea for last years there have been positive changes, namely an increase in the volume of cargo transportation, the development of passenger transportation, etc. A change in the legal status of Crimea will naturally entail the development of new transport flows, as well as the development marine species transport.

Along with this, there are factors hindering the development of transport, which include: insufficient investment in the industry (12.1% of the total investment in the Republic of Crimea); significant depreciation of fixed assets for all types of transport, obsolete production base, in particular rolling stock (60% wear), non-compliance of their technical level with regulatory requirements. Of the 43 investment projects operating in the territories of priority development and SEZ “Port Crimea”, 7 are aimed at the development transport infrastructure(development of auxiliary transport services) with a planned investment volume of 14.2 million dollars. USA (including Alushta - 0.8 million, Kerch -7.4 million, Sudak - 6.0 million), or 6.8% of the total investment in the TPR and SEZ of the republic.

In the existing transport system Republic of Crimea railway transport occupies one of the leading places. The basis of the railway network is the Sevastopol-Simferopol, Sevastopol-Simferopol-Kyiv, Izmail-Odessa-Nikolaev-Kherson-Dzhankoy-Kerch highways. Today, the Krasnodar-Kerch-Simferopol-Dzhankoy line has also begun to actively develop. The main railway junctions are Simferopol and Dzhankoy.

The railway transport system has 70 linear stations and sidings. The total length of railway tracks, taking into account station, access and special tracks within the borders of the Republic of Crimea, is 1.35 thousand km, including the length of operational tracks 0.64 thousand km.

Rail transport, which accounts for more than 24% of the total volume of cargo transportation (second place after road transport), transported 6.8 million tons of cargo. The peculiarities of the natural resource potential of the peninsula have determined the predominance in the transportation by rail of building materials (natural stone, gypsum, lime), soda, etc., and in order to provide the population and economic complex of the republic, the transportation of oil, petroleum products, ferrous metals, etc. is significant.

The republic has a passive transport balance of railway transportation, i.e. the arrival of cargo exceeds its departure. In terms of the volume of passengers transported, railway transport is inferior to road and electric transport and accounts for 10.2% of the total number of passengers in the Republic of Crimea (about 23 million people)

The largest volume of passenger traffic is carried out by the stations Simferopol - 37.3%, Dzhankoy - 15.4%, Evpatoria - 13.0%, Feodosia - 4.5%, etc.

Automobile transport. The length of the public road network in the republic is 6.2 thousand km; network density – 243 km/thousand. km2, which is lower than the average for Ukraine (273 km/thousand km2). The highest density of roads is in the area of ​​Yalta (950.4 km/thousand km2) and Alushta (402.2 km/thousand km2), the lowest in Belogorsk (180.5 km/thousand km2) and Leninsky (164 .9 km/thousand km2) areas.

Highways of national importance pass through the territory of Crimea: Simferopol-Feodosia-Kerch, Simferopol-Yalta-Sevastopol, Kherson-Krasnoperekopsk-Sevastopol, etc. The volume of cargo transported by road in the total volume of cargo transportation in 2004 amounted to 67.9% (19, 1 million tons), first place among all types of transport.

The largest amount of cargo was transported by automobile enterprises in Simferopol (28%), Yalta (7%) and Saki district (12%). In terms of the number of passengers transported, road transport occupies a leading position - 119 million passengers (or 53.7%), including about 70 million passengers who used the services of business entities (individuals and legal entities). The main volume of passengers transported falls on enterprises in the cities of Simferopol and Kerch - 64.0% (among them: VAT "Simferopol ATP-14329", ATP-39359, VAT "Kerch ATO 14364", etc.)

Electric transport. The only intercity trolleybus line in Ukraine, Simferopol-Yalta, operates in Crimea (electric transport company Crimetrolleybus. In terms of the number of passengers transported, this type of transport ranks 2nd after automobile (35.6%)

Pipeline transport– the only type of transport for transporting significant volumes of gas in the Republic of Crimea (the Center-Crimea gas pipeline). The operational length of the pipelines is 1174.5 km; the volume of gas transported in 2004 amounted to 1,407.0 thousand tons (5.0% of the total volume of cargo transportation). The main pipeline transport enterprises include the Feodosia Linear Production Directorate of Trunk Gas Pipelines (Feodosia), the State Joint Stock Company Chernomorneftegaz (Simferopol), etc.

Maritime transport plays a significant role in the formation of foreign economic relations of the Republic of Crimea and is a type of transport that has a foreign exchange resource. There are four sea trade ports on the territory of the republic - Evpatoria, Kerch, Feodosia, Yalta.

Ports connect the region with the southern regions of Ukraine, Krasnodar region Russia, Georgia, through the Volga-Don shipping canal - with the Caspian, White, Baltic seas, with the countries of the Black Sea basin, and through the Bosporus, Dardanelles and Gibraltar straits - with almost all countries of the world. All ports have limited depths in transit and approach channels.

Feodosia sea trade port ranks first in Crimea in terms of transshipment volumes of oil and petroleum products (up to 4-5 million tons per year). The port area is 13.4 hectares. The port has two cargo areas: one is designed for transhipment of dry cargo, the other for oil and petroleum products. The port has an extensive network of railway tracks, eleven berths, two of which carry out passenger transportation.

The port's design capacity allows it to process 6.5 million tons of cargo per year, of which up to 1 million tons is dry. Now the port processes 400 thousand tons of cargo monthly. The port's cargo structure is as follows: metal products, lumber, grain, fertilizers, cement, scrap metal.

Kerch sea trade port The port's capacity allows it to process 2.5 million tons of cargo per year. The port has container transhipment complexes, eight covered warehouses with a capacity of up to 8.3 thousand tons of cargo, open warehouses with a total area of ​​about 140 thousand m2, and seven berths with a total length of 1224 m.

Access railway tracks allow cargo to be processed at the front and rear of the berths. The port's cargo structure is metal products, equipment, ferroalloys, cast iron, scrap metal, pellets, containers, wheeled vehicles, bulk grain. Along with the sea trade port, the city of Kerch houses the Sea Fishing Port and the state shipping company “Kerch Ferry”, which carries out automobile and passenger transportation in the Crimea-Kuban direction.

Yevpatoriya sea trade port

The territory of the Evpatoria sea trade port is 6.6 hectares, and the cargo area, which is located in Donuzlav, is 1.9 hectares. The total length of the berth line is about 939 m, the passenger berths are 438 m. The cargo-passenger complex accepts car ferry and passenger ships. Currently, the demand for such transportation is low and amounts to about 70 thousand passengers per year.

In the cargo area of ​​Donuzlav, sand is reloaded, which is mined in Lake Donuzlovskoye. The port's capacity allows it to process 800 thousand tons of cargo per year. The main cargo is sand (75%), which is mined in Donuzlav, as well as transportation of cars (23%) and others (2%). There is no railway line to the port, the nearest one is railroad station is located 4 km from the port.

Yalta sea trade port is the cruise gate of Crimea.

The port is a member of the International Association of Cruise Ports Mediterranean Sea"Medcruise" and specializes in servicing foreign cruise ships. In addition, the port transports passengers between settlements South Bank Crimea and cargo transshipment.

The Yalta sea trade port includes: a passenger area, which is located in the city center (with a berth line of 1230 m); cargo area in Massandra (with berthing line - 850m); port points and berths of the Yalta port, which serve for excursion passenger transportation, mainly in summer season and are located in Foros, Simeiz, Alupka, Miskhor, Livadia, Gurzuf, Alushta, Malorechansky, Sudak, etc. The transshipment complex in the cargo area of ​​the port in Massandra processed about 218 thousand tons of construction cargo. The port's fleet can transport up to 1.5 million passengers per year, but the actual annual traffic volume has decreased to 0.4 million people. In 2004, of the total volume of maritime cargo transportation in Ukraine (9 million tons), the ports of the Republic of Crimea accounted for about 9% (without the Sevastopl Seaport) or about 800 thousand tons of cargo.

Of the total cargo turnover of sea trade ports of Ukraine (111.5 million tons), the ports of the Republic of Crimea account for more than 13%, or about 9.5 million tons (of which: Feodosia sea trade port - 5.3 million tons, or 55 .8% in the total cargo turnover of the ports of the Republic of Crimea; Kerch - 2.6 million tons or 27.4%; Evpatoriya - 1.3 million tons or 13.7%; Yalta - 0.3 million tons or 3.1 %).

Volume of passengers transported by sea transport insignificant and amounted to 1.2 million pas. in 2004. (0.5% of the total number of passengers transported by transport of the Republic of Crimea).

The maximum figure for the volume of passenger traffic occurs during the “peak” holiday season (about 86%)

Aviation transport represented by the state international airport"Simferopol", which performs the reception and departure of passenger and cargo planes and helicopters, the municipal enterprise "Kerch Airport", which performs international passenger and cargo air transportation, LLC "Veteran Airlines" (airfield "Dzhankoy" performs cargo transportation), the Crimean State aviation enterprise"Universal-Avia", serving local airlines.

Air transport does not significantly affect the total volume of cargo and passenger transportation in Crimea. For 2009 by air transport 11.9 thousand tons were transported. cargo, respectively, 0.02% in the total volume of cargo transportation in the Republic of Crimea. At the moment, Simferopol Airport has begun to operate a number of passenger flights with regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Kaluga, Belgorod, etc. For the development of air transport, preferential prices for the use of air transport have been established.

For the future, it is planned to develop Crimea as a transport and communication system, including the construction of new highways, railways, expansion and construction of new ports with developed port and warehouse facilities, construction of oil terminals for pumping oil and oil pipelines.

Further development of the industry is associated with the need for significant investments to develop innovative solutions, which will ensure the introduction of intensive and resource-saving technologies, the development of the computer science and information technology base, the modernization of rolling stock and international transport infrastructure, the creation of a new information infrastructure - a telecommunications network, the development of a communication network based on fiber optic utilities.

Considering that communications is one of the industries favorable for investment and innovation processes, the conceptual basis for its development is the focus on attracting investors who own modern information technologies and investments.