Transport industry in tourism. Modes of transport used in tourism activities


federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

Altai State University

Faculty of Geography

Department of Recreational Geography, Tourism and Regional Marketing


(essay on the discipline "Organization of inbound and outbound tourism")

Completed by a student

course 923-z group

Ivanova I.I ..

Barnaul 2014










Transport services are one of the main types of services in tourism. They also account for the main share in the structure of the tour price. Depending on the duration and distance of travel, it (in most cases) ranges from 20 to 60%. Various types of transport are used by tourism organizations to transport tourists while traveling.

Transport trips are trips by organized groups of tourists in the presence of vouchers (vouchers) along the developed routes using various vehicles. Transport travel is considered both as an independent type of tourism, and as a component of the tourism product as a whole.

When planning his trip, a tourist takes into account such factors as the speed of delivery to the place of rest, travel comfort, cost, the possibility of transporting luggage and its weight, the possibility of stopping on the way, food conditions, conditions for rest, noise level, the presence of harmful environmental factors and, of course , - security.

The main tasks of this work are to determine the main modes of movement and types of transport used during inbound and outbound tourism.


Transport is one of the most important components of the material base of the economy of any country. Since ancient times, transport has been the engine of progress. The man used any means at hand to transport people and goods. With the invention of the wheel, and somewhat later of various types of engines, man began to develop the means of transportation accordingly: carts, carriages, steamers, steam locomotives, airplanes, etc. This made it possible to travel long distances and for various purposes

Currently, transport is one of the most important components of the economy of the state, both developing and with a highly developed economic and social base. Transport ensures the normal functioning of the economy, increasing the efficiency of social production, creates conditions for the rational distribution of production forces throughout the country, taking into account the most appropriate approach of enterprises of various sectors of the economy to the sources of raw materials and areas of product consumption, specialization and cooperation of production, allows the development of such industries as trade , agriculture and others. Transport is a leading factor in the development of tourism.

Transport plays an important role in solving social problems, ensuring business, cultural and tourist trips of the population, developing cultural exchange within the country and abroad. Transport ensures the development of international economic relations, contributing to the implementation of mutually beneficial exchange between different countries.


According to statistics, the growth rate of the popularity of air transport is higher than that of motor transport, which is due to the increasing expansion of the geography of travel and the existing steady trend towards reducing travel times in favor of their frequency (growth of short-term long-distance tours). All this causes close attention tourism business for air transportation. Airplanes are the most popular form of transportation in the world. The same can be said about air travel in tourism. And there are a number of reasons for this:

firstly, aviation is the fastest and comfortable view transport when moving long distances;

secondly, the service on flights currently looks attractive for tourists;

thirdly, airlines pay commissions to travel agencies directly and through international reservation and reservation networks for each seat booked on the plane, thereby motivating them to choose air travel.

Air transport is one of the most rapidly and dynamically developing sectors of the world economy and every year it occupies an increasingly strong position in the global transport system

There are more than 1,300 airlines in the world now. On average, about 1.5 billion people are transported on flights annually. International air services are now provided by over 470 carriers, about 250 of them operate internationally. regular flights... More than 1,000 airports of the world take part in servicing international air communications, about 650 of them serve international scheduled air services.

The largest airlines in the world in terms of traffic are American Delta Air Lines, Pan Amerikan, United, French Air France, German Lufthansa, British British Airways, and others. Russian Aeroflot is considered a major airline.

However, the system of international air transport is made up not only of international air carriers and airports, but also states connected by international air lines and providing these communications, as well as international organizations in the field of air transport, taking measures to ensure its effective functioning and safety.

The international transport network currently covers all geographic regions and more than 150 countries of the world.

Since air transport takes more and more solid positions in the global transport system every year, it has long been necessary for its worldwide coordination and regulation. These issues are dealt with by international aviation organizations.

Within the organization tourist travel there are several forms of interaction between travel agencies and airlines:

seat reservation and redemption of air tickets through the airline's agencies;

seat reservation and redemption of air tickets through reservation systems;

an agreement with an airline for a quota of seats on regular airlines;

agency agreement and work as an agency for the sale of air tickets for their tourists;

organization of charter flights for tourist transportation.

In order to correctly choose the most convenient and profitable section of tourist transportation, as well as to correctly conclude a contract for air transportation of tourists, you need to know all the features, advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of interaction with the airline.


Car services used in travel services include three main areas:

) organization bus travel;

) organization of travel by personal transport of tourists;

) car rental.

Bus travel. International bus tourism is a relatively young type of tourism. The beginning of its development can be attributed to the 70s. XX century Prior to that, in different countries buses were used mainly for transfers, excursions and local travel.

As an economic form of tourism accessible to the general public, bus tourism is constantly evolving. Until now, there is a tendency to an increase in its volume. Priority is given to weekend bus tours - 2-3 day trips to European cities for sightseeing and educational purposes are quite popular. On the second place in popularity - route tours lasting 1-2 weeks in European cities also with excursion and educational purposes.

When organizing bus tours, the seasonality does not play such a big role as in other trips. In fact, bus tours operate throughout the year. Some decline in demand is observed in January-February. During these two months, usually one bus is "busy" on one route.

According to experts, with all the importance of the price aspect, competition in the bus tours market is observed in the field of a variety of routes and quality of service.

Opening traffic on regular international routes is regulated by bilateral government agreements, and transit through third countries requires permission from the Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE).

The rights and obligations of the carrier and tourists are governed by the contract for carriage, contract for tourist services and a voucher

Bus travel can be organized on our own buses belonging to travel companies, as well as on rented buses owned by independent motor transport enterprises (ATP) of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, Russian companies work with rented buses. With such ATPs, the travel company concludes a special contract for the rental of a bus for tourist transportation.

Traveling using the personal transport of tourists. Organization package tour car travel includes the whole range of services, except for transport. However, the travel company still provides special assistance in organizing the movement of tourists along the route on their cars. This is reflected in the specifics of the organization of car tours.

The preparation process for a road trip includes:

route development;

development of a timetable;

registration of routing documentation.

Car rental. Car rental (or rent) is a very common and demanded service among tourists, especially on stationary and resort tours. In any tourist or resort center, there are many car rental offices - from large to smallest. The leading car rental company in the world is HERTZ. Competing with it "AVIS" in the mid-90s. was named by the English magazine "Institutional Investor" the best car rental company in the world.


The railway is a convenient means of communication for transporting all categories of tourists, from individual tourists, large and small tourist groups on regular scheduled lines and charter trains and ending with the organization of special tourist and excursion trains for local and long-distance communication.

Currently, many companies that own railway lines (Vagon-Li, Akkor, etc.) are making great efforts to maintain and increase tourist passenger traffic. The main directions in this regard can be called:

laying of high-speed lines (to speed up transportation);

organization of special tourist trains, including "retro steam locomotives" (special thematic trips to railway transport).

Regular trains. Commuter trains follow a fixed schedule within an area or edge. The train usually accommodates up to 1,500 passengers, and seating up to 1000. Trains make frequent stops at local stations. The seats in the wagons are unnumbered.

Off-travel (charter) trains. These are registered trains specially appointed outside the regular schedule. Special trains often include tourist-excursion trains, which also follow outside the regular schedule according to specially laid routes for them and traffic schedules, drawn up taking into account the windows in the regular schedule and excursion and tourist purposes. Off-route trains also include the so-called export trains - organized out of schedule during public holidays, national and international competitions and games, as well as for the export of equipment and people for harvesting, agricultural and other work.

Trains and carriages are also classified into different categories.

Special tourist trains. There is an established opinion that any railway trip, especially a long one, is tiring and unpleasant. It is even difficult to imagine that it can be not just a forced movement from one point to another, but a fascinating journey. However, this truth has long been realized by foreign travel agencies and operators offering specialized rail tours. Western experts have brought the technology to carry them out almost to perfection.

Standard rail tours can be roughly divided into three independent categories:


short (2-3 days);

multi-day (from 5 days or more).

Day tours start in the morning and end in the evening of the same day. On the way, tourists sit at the tables of dining cars. On the way, they can not only have another snack, but also watch the performances of variety and circus artists. Tourists are taken to a specific station, where a special program is prepared for them. It can be a sightseeing trip or a picnic in nature. Most often, passengers have the opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

Short tours. During two or three days rail tours passengers are accommodated in separate compartments. Trips are traditionally designed so that at night, when everyone is asleep, the train is on the way. During the day, tourists are busy with all kinds of excursion activities.

Multi-day tours. The timetable for trains serving multi-day trips is very varied. Depending on the route and excursion program, tourists often travel during the day. As practice shows, so that travelers do not get tired, the tour train should go no more than a day and a half between two points non-stop. Long day crossings are planned, as a rule, in those cases when along the route there are open interesting views and landscapes. However, in some cases, it is assumed and short-term "green camp" directly in the forest or in the mountains, on the shore of the sea or a large lake.


tourist market air transport train

A motor-ship trip (cruise) is a tourist trip along a river or sea, usually with a call to ports, on board a special passenger vessel. Dozens of cruise lines Hundreds of passenger ships operate around the world with a capacity of 70 to more than 1000 passengers and offer exciting trips to almost any region of the world.

Cruises are one of the fastest growing sectors of the market. In 1998, more than 8 million tourists traveled by water, and by 2004, according to WTO forecasts, this figure will reach 11.5 million.

Water cruises are organized both on the seas, oceans, and on different rivers. The organization of sea and river cruises has a lot in common. However, in terms of vessel capacity, organizational features, service programs, as well as the location of the tours, there are a number of differences among sea and river cruises.

Sea cruises. Today in the world, sea cruises are experiencing a happy boom. The cruise fleet is growing, the designs of passenger ships are being improved, their comfort is increasing, new sea and ocean routes are being developed. The most popular boat trips are in the USA, Great Britain and Germany. The demand for cruise ships is noted in France, Italy, Switzerland and other countries.

Main cruise areas:

) Mediterranean Sea - from May to October;

) Caribbean winter months;

) around Europe and Scandinavia - from mid-May to late August.

The largest cruise operators are American: Carnival Cruise Line Corporation (CCL), Royal Caribbean, as well as British P&O Cruises Divison.

Payment on ships depends on:

on the comfort of the vessel;

River cruises. Unlike marine river cruises less susceptible to weather, more informative, as they have a coastal view, there is a great opportunity to use green parking.

Western Europe has a fairly long navigable waterway network. On its territory flow: Seine, Elbe, Danube, Rhine and other rivers. All of them are connected by a complex system of canals, which provides excellent opportunities for the growing popularity of river cruise travel. Germany holds the first place in river cruises, followed by Great Britain, Holland, Switzerland and Austria. The most popular routes are along the Rhine and its tributaries (Moselle, Main, Neckar, Weser). In Europe, river cruises on the Danube through seven countries are in great demand.

Tourist transportation is carried out on 80 different routes with a duration of 3 to 20 days.

The shipping companies of the Central and North-Western basins account for about 87% of all tourist traffic.

When servicing tourists on motor ship tours, the following are involved:

the crew of the ship;

ship restaurant workers;

cruise tourist brigade.


Transportation takes one of the central places in almost any tourist product, are an integral part of travel and tourist trips. The transportation industry is decisive in the generation of tourism and tourism as a highly profitable sector of the economy. Without transport, there is no tourism, if not to talk about walking excursions and hikes, limited by both the number of tourists and the distance. Scientific and technological progress in society has led to the emergence of vehicles that can quickly deliver a person to anywhere in the world, as well as the introduction of new technologies in the field of transport services.

Competition for the client both between individual transport structures and between carriers within each mode of transport gave a powerful impetus to the process of improving the service for passengers. An increase in the level of service is manifested in the modern technical equipment of the rolling stock, the creation of comfortable travel conditions, the organization of leisure for passengers on board vehicles, the provision of special meals to them, the development of incentive programs for regular customers transport companies.

Thus, we can conclude that the transport and tourist complexes are in continuous interaction, constantly influencing the development of each other, especially in the context of the expansion of travel geography, international relations, globalization of the world economy. In such a situation, clear coordination of activities is necessary, cooperation of subjects transport complex and the tourism industry. Only in this case is it possible to effectively operate the tourism and transport sector of the world economy and fully meet the needs of the main object - the tourist.


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The role and place of air transport in tourism

Different types of transport are used tourist organizations for transporting tourists while traveling. Main share in the overall structure transport services belongs air transport... The largest number of tourists, especially long-distance travelers, use aviation services.

Automobile transport can rightfully be called a transport of general use, since it is used everywhere: from transfers and excursions, intra-route transportation by buses to renting small cars by tourists for personal use on vacation. Buses and cars are transport of local and intraregional importance. Bus excursion and educational tours with visits to several cities and places of interest... For touristsit is convenient that they can travel along the route and within the city on their own transport .

The main competitor of buses in group transportation - Railway... Within our country, it has some priority over air transportation. The advantage of rail transport is also morelow rates and (in foreign countries) an extensive system of discounts, travel tickets etc., allowing you to travel much more low prices ... However, neither bus nor raildo not compete with aviation over long distances
Water transport, river and sea, by themselves already evoke the image of tourist - cruise service and are used in tourism quite actively. Water travel has a number of both advantages and disadvantages compared to other modes of transport.
The most significant advantages are a high level of comfort, a large volume of one-time loading, the possibility of implementing various types and purposes of tourism (educational, business tourism, educational, shopping tourism, etc.), good rest, full complex life support ... The main disadvantages are the low speed of movement.vehicles, high fares, limited mobility, and often the susceptibility of some people to "seasickness" on sea cruises.

Air transport in tourist transport

Airplanes are the most popular form of transportation in the world. The same can be said about air travel in tourism. And there are a number of reasons for this:

Firstly, aviation is the fastest and most convenient form of transport when traveling long distances;

Secondly, the service on flights currently looks attractive for tourists;

Third, airline companies pay travel agents a commission for each seat they book on the plane, directly and through international booking and reservation networks, thereby motivating them to choose air travel.

There are more than 1,300 airlines in the world now. On average, about 1.5 billion people are transported on flights annually. International air services are now provided by over 470 carriers, about 250 of them make international regular flights. More than 1,000 airports of the world take part in servicing international air communications, about 650 of them serve international scheduled air services.

The largest airlines in the world in terms of traffic are American Delta Air Lines, Pan Amerikan, United, French Air France, German Lufthansa, British British Airways, and others. Russian Aeroflot is considered a major airline.

Air transport is regulated in three ways:

1) national regulation - licensing of air carriers operating both on domestic and international routes;

2) intergovernmental regulation - when regular air routes are based on agreements between the governments of the respective countries;

3) international regulation - when tariffs for scheduled flights are established (for members of airlines) on the basis of mutual agreements between the participating airlines through the mediation of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or a third party

One of the types of international regulation of air transportation are plans to createpool connecting airlines operating on certain international routes.

Pool agreement connects airlines operating on the same international routes in order to optimize the flight schedule, reduce directions and regulate passenger flows during peak hours and periods, as well as to increase profits on these routes and its further distribution between airlines

The travel agent also needs to know the rules for booking air tickets, working with stocks, fares and discounts provided by airlines.

Professional ethics requirements when booking air tickets. In order to avoid additional inconveniences for air carriers, as well as to facilitate the booking process and improve the quality of service for passengers, travel agents should adhere to the following simple rules:

Follow the standard airline-specific booking procedures.

Never book a double booking for a passenger if they can't decide which flight to fly. Moreover, never issue two or more tickets for such a passenger if it is obvious that he will be able to use only one of them.

Regardless of the passenger's itinerary, be sure to try, as much as possible, to supply the airline phone numbers for emergency contact with a passenger along the route.

If the passenger changes the route, immediately cancel the corresponding reservation with the airline, as well as refuse all other related services that are not required.

Strictly adhere to the deadlines and procedure for issuing tickets required by air carriers. Never issue tickets with a guaranteed seat until this guarantee has been validated by the airline concerned.

All airline bookings must be accurately registered and properly documented. The documents to be drawn up and the copies remaining with the agent must necessarily contain an indication of the flight number, date and class of the flight, status (guaranteed / non-guaranteed seat) of each individual flight, surnames and initials of passengers and their contact numbers or addresses. Report immediately in the prescribed form on the receipt of all deposits.

Agency agreement with the airline ... In principle, some airlines consider all travel companies that have an agreement with them on a quota of seats as their agents. However, in its purest form, an agency agreement is working with stocks, i.e. when a travel company gets the opportunity to independently act as an airline agency selling air tickets (both for its tourists and just a sale), which simplifies and speeds up the procedures for booking and issuing travel tickets documents. The travel agency itself acts as the airline's "ticket office", that is, it issues tickets itself and has the appropriate computer equipment and the right to access the airline's reservation network (for example, Gabriel at Aeroflot). This type of work with air tickets is called “work with a stock of air tickets”.

Charter (aircraft rental ). When organizing charter air transportation, the customer determines the route with the airline, the obligations of the parties are negotiated with him, and the compliance of the lease agreement is determined international rules, the cost of the flight is determined. Then a special charter agreement is concluded, which stipulates:

Aircraft type (make);

Number of places for sale;

Aircraft rental cost;

Itinerary indicating the airports of departure and arrival;

The term of the contract (season, year, etc.);

Regularity of flights;

Possibility and deadlines for canceling (canceling) flights and corresponding sanctions.

The peculiarity of charters is such that one full flight (the second and penultimate flights - the first return after the first delivery and the last there before the last export) is performed without tourists: on the last flight, the plane picks up the last tourists, but does not bring new ones, since it is no longer behind them. will return (that is, for 10 tourist arrivals there are 11 flights). The formula N + 1 applies here. Thus, the largest number of flights during the period of the air charter program reduces the cost of the “drop-out” flight, and hence reduces the transportation tariff.

Soft block , in which the customer does not have any financial responsibility and has the right to fully or partially abandon his seats within a predetermined time frame, is more convenient for the travel agent. However, if the refusal occurs later than the deadline, then the customer will have to pay a fine. Usually soft blocks are used quite rarely, since they are not always beneficial to the charter holder (be it an airline or a wholesaler tour operator).

Hard block stipulates strict contractual obligations regarding the timing of the sale and payment. The customer makes a prepayment, the amount of which usually includes the sum of the cost of two paired flights. At the same time, the tariffs for the implementation of a hard block are approximately 5-10% lower than for the implementation of a soft block. In addition, with a contract for a rigid block, the operator and the agent fix the price for the entire period of the charter, which gives good opportunity sellers vary prices during the "high" period of the season.

The most common sale of seats for charter flights is the so-called combined method that combines elements of the two above-mentioned options. The total number of places included in the block being implemented is divided in a certain proportion into two parts: one of which is implemented according to the "hard" system, and the other - according to the "soft"

Often, not one, but several tour operators act as the initiator of the charter program. At the same time, they agree in advance among themselves the conditions for organizing flights.

Normal relations with airlines when renting an aircraft provide for payment according to a contract with a mandatory balance sheet after each flight.

Charter flights must not contradict the requirements of the Warsaw International Convention on the obligations of the carrier to the passenger

By signing an agreement on the organization of a charter, the airline almost always puts the tour operator in tough conditions. First of all, an advance payment is required from the company. Whatever the maximum size, the airline always insists that the first and last flights of the charter cycle be paid in advance. Thus, she insures herself and previously brought tourists against possible non-payments. Payment for flights is negotiated in advance and is made, as a rule, 7-10 days before the start of the flight. In case of late payment, according to the contract, the company has the right to impose penalties on the customer or to terminate the existing contractual relationship with him.

Currently, there are 315 airlines operating in the air transportation market in Russia. Of these, 96 are licensed to operate scheduled flights and carry 99% of the total volume of air passengers.

Aeroflot remains the undisputed leader of the Russian aviation business. Aeroflot Russian International Airlines is the national flag carrier of Russia.

According to statistics, the growth rate of the popularity of air transport is higher than that of motor transport, which is due to the increasing expansion of the geography of travel and the existing steady trend towards reducing travel times in favor of their frequency (growth of short-term long-distance tours). All this causes close attention of the tourist business to air transportation. Airplanes are the most popular form of transportation in the world. The same can be said about air travel in tourism. And there are a number of reasons for this:

  • - firstly, aviation is the fastest and most convenient form of transport when traveling long distances;
  • - secondly, the service on flights currently looks attractive for tourists;
  • - thirdly, aviation companies, directly and through international booking and reservation networks, pay travel agencies a commission for each seat booked on the plane, thereby motivating them to choose air travel.

Air transport is one of the most rapidly and dynamically developing sectors of the world economy and every year it occupies an increasingly strong position in the global transport system.

There are more than 1,300 airlines in the world now. On average, about 1.5 billion people are transported on flights annually. International air services are now provided by over 470 carriers, about 250 of them make international regular flights. More than 1,000 airports of the world take part in servicing international air communications, about 650 of them serve international scheduled air services.

The largest airlines in the world in terms of traffic are American Delta Air Lines, Pan Amerikan, United, French Air France, German Lufthansa, British British Airways, and others. Russian Aeroflot is considered a major airline.

However, the system of international air transport is made up not only of international air carriers and airports, but also states connected by international air lines and providing these communications, as well as international organizations in the field of air transport, taking measures to ensure its effective functioning and safety.

The international transport network currently covers all geographic regions and more than 150 countries of the world.

Air transport is regulated in three ways:

  • 1) national regulation - licensing of air carriers operating both on domestic and international routes;
  • 2) intergovernmental regulation - when regular air routes are based on agreements between the governments of the respective countries;
  • 3) international regulation - when tariffs for scheduled flights are set (for members of airlines) on the basis of mutual agreements between the participating airlines through the mediation of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or a third party.

Travel agencies participate in IATA's activities through its dedicated branch, the International Travel Agents Network (IATAN), the International Organization of Airline Agents, and through international civil airport organizations.

As part of the organization of tourist travel, there are several forms of interaction between travel companies and airlines:

Ё seat reservation and redemption of air tickets through the airline's agencies;

Ё seat reservation and redemption of air tickets through the reservation system;

Ё agreement with an airline for a quota of seats on regular airlines;

Ё agency agreement and work as an agency for the sale of air tickets for their tourists;

Ё organization of charter flights for tourist transportation.

In order to correctly choose the most convenient and profitable section of tourist transportation, as well as to correctly conclude a contract for air transportation of tourists, you need to know all the features, advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of interaction with the airline.

The travel agent also needs to know the rules for booking air tickets, working with stocks, fares and discounts provided by airlines.

Professional ethics requirements when booking air tickets. To avoid additional inconvenience for air carriers, as well as to facilitate the booking process and improve the quality of passenger service, travel agents should adhere to the following simple rules:

  • - Follow the standard airline-specific booking procedures.
  • - Never book a double booking for a passenger if they can't decide which flight to fly. Moreover, never issue two or more tickets for such a passenger if it is obvious that he will be able to use only one of them.
  • - Regardless of the passenger's itinerary, be sure to try, as far as possible, to provide the airline with emergency contact telephone numbers along the way.
  • - If the passenger changes the route, immediately cancel the corresponding reservation with the airline, as well as refuse all other related services that are not required
  • - Strictly adhere to the terms and procedure for ticketing required by air carriers. Never issue tickets with a guaranteed seat until this guarantee has been validated by the airline concerned.
  • - All seats booked with airlines must be accurately registered and properly documented. The documents to be drawn up and the copies remaining with the agent must necessarily contain an indication of the flight number, date and class of the flight, status (guaranteed / non-guaranteed seat) of each individual flight, surnames and initials of passengers and their contact numbers or addresses. Report immediately in the prescribed form on the receipt of all deposits.

Always remember that the convenience of passengers and the smooth operation of other agents and airlines depend on your efficiency, accuracy and consideration.

Charter (aircraft rental). When organizing charter air transportation, the customer determines the route with the airline, the obligations of the parties are negotiated with him, the compliance of the lease agreement with international rules is determined, and the cost of the flight is determined. Then a special charter agreement is concluded, which stipulates:

Ё type (brand) of the aircraft;

Ё number of places for sale;

Ё the cost of renting an aircraft;

Ё route indicating the airports of departure and arrival;

Ё the term of the contract (season, year, etc.);

Ё regularity of flights;

Ё the possibility and deadlines for cancellation (cancellation) of the flight and the corresponding sanctions.

The peculiarity of charters is such that one full flight (the second and penultimate flights - the first return after the first delivery and the last there before the last export) is performed without tourists: on the last flight, the plane picks up the last tourists, but does not bring new ones, since it is no longer behind them. will return (that is, for 10 tourist arrivals there are 11 flights). The formula N + 1 applies here. Thus, the largest number of flights during the period of the air charter program reduces the cost of the “drop-out” flight, and hence reduces the transportation tariff.

It should be noted that it is realistic to organize 20 races per season (for weekly flights). However, a charter can also be launched with a frequency of 2 times a week - then the number of flights per season increases to 40. This significantly reduces the tariff, but is not available in terms of loading for the absolute majority of travel companies. This explains the emergence of "intermediate" entrepreneurs on the tourist transportation market - wholesalers, who consolidate large charters in their hands and distribute them later among smaller companies in the form of block charters (i.e. 10-30 seats each) ). The wholesale tour operator, as a rule, conducts the sale of blocks of seats on its charter according to three worked out options: hard, soft and combined blocks of seats.

A soft block, in which the customer does not have any financial responsibility and has the right to fully or partially abandon his seats within a predetermined time frame, is more convenient for the travel agent. However, if the refusal occurs later than the deadline, then the customer will have to pay a fine. Usually soft blocks are used quite rarely, since they are not always beneficial to the charter holder (be it an airline or a wholesaler tour operator).

The hard block provides for strict contractual obligations in terms of sale and payment terms. The customer makes a prepayment, the amount of which usually includes the sum of the cost of two paired flights. At the same time, the tariffs for the implementation of a hard block are approximately 5-10% lower than for the implementation of a soft block. In addition, with an agreement for a rigid block, the operator and the agent fix the price for the entire charter period, which gives a good opportunity for sellers to vary prices during the “high” period of the season and at the end of it.

The most common sale of seats for charter flights is the so-called combined method that combines elements of the two above-mentioned options. The total number of places included in the block being implemented is divided in a certain proportion into two parts: one of which is implemented according to the "hard" system, and the other - according to the "soft" system.

Often, not one, but several tour operators act as the initiator of the charter program. At the same time, they agree in advance among themselves the conditions for organizing flights.

Normal relations with airlines when renting an aircraft provide for payment according to a contract with a mandatory balance sheet after each flight.

Aeroflot remains the undisputed leader of the Russian aviation business. Aeroflot Russian International Airlines is the national flag carrier of Russia. And in Belarus, the national airline Belavia is the leader in passenger traffic. The airline's activities are based on the principle of creating a positive image, which is formed on the basis of safety, regularity and accuracy of flights, and improving the quality of passenger service.

Belavia is a modern, dynamic company that meets the latest innovations in the field civil aviation, strives for continuous development and improvement, as well as attracting a new number of passengers. Priority tasks are set for modernization air fleet, efficient use of resources, introduction of new information technologies and continuous improvement of the quality of service, both on board and on the ground.

The main emphasis in its work of the airline is on providing customers with the opportunity to fly both by direct flights and without delay to continue their journey to anywhere in the world, trying to take into account all the wishes of the passenger.

The attitude to work of Belavia employees and the Belarusian hospitality can be appreciated every time you travel by airlines on official business or on vacation. Thanks to a close-knit team of high-class professionals who love their work and are proud of it, Belavia has established itself as a reliable and competitive air carrier in a short period of time.

The Belavia company also provides such services as:

Ё Transportation of goods;

Ё Transportation of animals;

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    presentation added on 12/12/2012

    Transport classification for tourism development. Analysis of the infrastructure of road, rail, water and air transport in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Improving the management of the transport infrastructure of Yakutsk for outbound tourism.

    term paper added 02/25/2014

    Information and service requirements in modern tourism, its social and humanitarian character. Tourism industry development forecasts. International Air Transport Organization, goals and objectives of the activity. Tourist primary service enterprises.

    term paper, added 08/20/2013

    The essence transport infrastructure Italy and its role in tourism. Development of communication between tourist centers country. Characteristics of air, rail, road and water transport. Delivery of tourists to Rome, Milan, Florence and Rimini.

    term paper, added 02/26/2012

    The current state, problems and prospects for the development of small aircraft in Russia. Experience in using air transport in tourism. Territory prospects Khabarovsk Territory... The Japanese destination as a priority for the development of an inbound tourist flow.

    term paper added 03/21/2012

    Rail travel in tourism. a brief description of features of organizing a cruise vacation. Yachting location on international market tourist services. Travel preparation using road transport, bus tours.

    test, added 06/29/2013

    Assessment of the quality of the transport system in Spain. Determination of the level of comfort and accessibility of rail, road, air and sea ​​transport Spain. Transport problems and ways of developing transport infrastructure in the country.

    term paper, added 04/21/2015

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