Is it worth flying on the aircraft. Is it necessary to be afraid to fly by airplanes? Plane crashes are approaching close attention

Video from places a plane crash does not fall asleep to many tourists. And the fact that the probability of death in the sky is extremely small, soothes not all.

Falling in the sky, like a bird, is a long-standing dream of a person who was exercised relatively recently. If everyone is accustomed to ride on Earth and make it many centuries already, then mass flights have become relatively recently. Brothers Wright made the first managed flight in 1903, and since then, aviation has become a rapidly pace. And with her eternal question: Is it dangerous to fly by plane?

According to statistics,. However, despite the obvious convenience, half of the people who were in the sky at least once experienced anxiety during the flight. Especially the fear is common among the elderly and pregnant women, due to their low stress resistance. Although other categories of the population is not alien. Approximately 15% of people are in varying degrees exposed to aerophobia, some refuse to air travel forever.

Many are judged by the danger of flights on the stories of the press about the plane crash. Now you can freely see the footage from the places of any crash, the details are saved in the press and broadcast throughout the media.

Few people think about the fatal accidental accidents occur much more. So much that telling about everyone will not have enough airtime. About 1200 people permanently die in plane crashWherever, due to car accidents, 1.2 million is sent to that light. By the way, hippos, lightning and obesity kill more people per year than aircraft.

A man who is afraid to fly, the crew sees immediately: a frightened look, hand shake, sweating. Such people are trying to calm down so that the panic is not aggravated or has not become contagious. Fear that the crew will be mistaken, partly justified, most of the air coaches are the root cause.

Worry that the pilot will fall asleep, not worth it. In addition to him, there is a second pilot and autopilot, which will not leave the car without control. No need to be afraid of system failure. Each of them is interchangeable, everything is thought out, not fools built. Even in case of engine failure, there is a second, and sometimes the third one.

Why dangerously fly by plane

There is quite a real danger that a bird will fall into the engine. If it is a small bird, then the tragic consequences will be only for the very feathery. If the engine is flying, for example, a crow, it can cause serious consequences for the engine. But at the height of the flight of birds does not happen, and at airports there are special discharges.

Dangerously flying on airplanes, you can judge by the number of crashes. If initially, with the development of air transport, the number of catastrophes increased, then from the 80s of the last century this trend was interrupted. For the last ten years, the number of aircraft crashed by 36%. IN Western Europe And America, the plane crash in general has become uncommon. In the black list of unfavorable some countries of Africa, Latin America and Asia.

What is more dangerous, takeoff or landing the aircraft

No wonder these actions of pilots are accompanied by a request to hide the phones and are encountered with stormy applause of passengers. Why dangerous takeoff and landing of the aircraft? Because it is they who demand the most effort and experience from the pilot, especially in complex airports.

During the take-off, there is a high probability of engine failure due to an extraordinary load. Borf is loaded by people and fuel, and the height is not yet recruited. The largest aircraft crash in the number of victims occurred precisely during the take-off. In 1977, 583 people died due to the collision of two aircraft on Tenerife.

The landing scares the passengers with its vibration and blow to the ground, and pilots, sometimes even experienced, is unpredictable. The pilots have even a saying on the occasion: "It's dangerous, the flight is beautiful, planting is complex." During landing, much depends on the crew skill. The longer and wider the runway, the easier it is to plant the car.

Thus, both processes are equally dangerous, but for various reasons. Take off - due to the risk of equipment failure, landing - due to the complete dependence on the actions of the pilot. According to statistics, the most accidents occur at the landing.

Real dangers

If the risk is really minimal, then there are more real reasons why you are dangerous to fly on airplanes. For example, the danger to pick up the infection. Air in the cabin circulates with pumps, and is not always quickly replaced by fresh. Given the closure of space, even one patient can infect half of the passengers. When flying into unfavorable countries, the crew is improved and sprays insecticide in the cabin, which protects against infection.

Harm can cause thrombosis arising during long-term seat. Therefore, it is better not to be hushed up, but something to do, sometimes get up or do special exercises in order not to allow blood to be aligned.

It is dangerous to fly on airplanes often for a long time. For 200 hours of summer, you can get the most allowable dose of radiation, and if you fly on supersonic speeds, the time is reduced to 80 hours. Long flights promote biorhythm failures. Flights to the east or with intersection of time zones are especially dangerous in this regard. The overall working capacity of the body, sleep, the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.

Empty at each airport, the planet rises to the aircraft with passengers on board. 70% of people sitting in the cabin are fear of flight, which is quite natural. That's just not everyone can cope with his phobia. To understand how not to be afraid to fly by plane, you should deal with the reasons for this fear.

Causes of fear

The fear of flying on the plane is a natural sign, peculiar to any person. Some people know how to drown and ignore him, others, "blowing out of an elephant fly," turn everything into a phobia. It happens for many reasons, and the roots of the problem are laid in the subconscious.

  • The reflex fear is transmitted to people with the genine code from the ancestors that were frightened by the first "iron birds". For this reason, the person is unwittingly shrinks when the plane flies away;
  • When the airliner swears into the sky, the human body intuitively reacts alertness - it was pulled out of the familiar medium. Those who are psychologically subject to phobiam begin to be nervous, and sometimes to seriously panic, not always aware of the cause of their fear;
  • Part of people are afraid to fly on the plane consciously, after watching the thrillers about the plane crash, although real news do not die daily reports about the crash of the aircraft. Such panicers still tune themselves to the tragedy of the situation;
  • Usually afraid of flights carried out for the first time, - here frightens the fear of unknown. There is also such a category of people for whom the first flight turned out to be unsuccessful because of poor well-being arising aboard. Having accepted a strong tendering for a danger, the subconsciousness put the taboo on this method of movement, and the psychological perception turned him into a phobia.

Note! Whatever the cause of fear during flight, it is necessary to figure out how much it is a phobia (or only an uncomfortable feeling of an unusual situation).


Aerophobia is not the only form of fear that people suffer. There are fearing heights and closed space, as well as an unfamiliar company. It is these fears that can cause panic attack. To understand how airlike you are, the symptoms described below should be performed:

  • Fear of feeling before the flight on the plane you start long before the trip, and is not able to control the inner panic;
  • Before climbing the plane, you take a sedative dose of alcohol, sedatives or antidepressants;
  • When takeoff and landing the airliner, you unconsciously affect passenger chair, your palms sweat, and the fingers frantically dug in armrests;
  • During the flight, all your consciousness is focused on tracking the sounds of engines. If an overview of the porthole, you do not move the eye from working motors;
  • If the plane fell into the turbulence zone, the situation introduces you to shock, and you mentally forgive life with life;
  • Each action of the stewardess causes you suspicion, and you are trying to understand what she hides behind a smile.

Note! If even half of these signs are present, you are an Aerophobe for which the flight becomes a present punishment.

How to smooth the situation

When a person obeys his fears, it develops into a serious illness. If the journey by the aircraft is not perceived, as a natural event, it can be done more relaxed. To do this, you just need to distract from your phobia, switching to something else.

  • Knowing about the upcoming flight, you can tune in in advance. You should not learn reports on the already occurring aircraft crashes, it is better to look at the statistics of accidents occurring on Earth. In DPT people die much more than in the air;
  • To psychologically tune in to the flight, it is advisable to register in advance and ask for a place aside from the portholes. While the aircraft is loading, you calmly mastered in your chair. It is not necessary to ask for places in the tail area - there is a tangible turbulence;
  • Before the flight is not recommended to calm itself alcohol and serious drugs - they can provoke an inadequate reaction. Does not help and coffee acting exciting to the psyche. It is better to always have a pill with otcript and fruit candy;
  • In order not to succumb to the phobia, you need to distract yourself, so it's worth take on the road an interesting book or a magazine with crosswords, download a movie with an exciting plot to a laptop or tablet, take yourself a fascinating game;
  • Listen to a pleasant soothing music, pouring from headphones, it will help to drown out the sounds of the engines. Especially for the flight can be downloaded on the relax-phonetek relax player;
  • Talk to the Salon's neighbors. Talk - good way Distract from your fears. Even if the same aerophooth sits nearby, as you, mutual communication will help you cope with the problem;
  • If there is no desire to send secular conversations, nor distract yourself from bad thoughts to their suctivities, you can simply sleep. To do this, it is enough to capture an inflatable pillow and a blanket with you to the salon (as well as the birushi and eye bandage). If you forgot about such an opportunity, some airlines can offer you bedding;
  • It is not even necessary to sleep - you can simply lie with your eyes closed and remember the pleasant moments of your life, think about the upcoming meeting, remember loved ones or build plans for the next year.

Additional Information! You have taken all measures, and the panic state does not let go? Then make a breathing gymnastics. Exercises are done like this: first breathe deeply in the air, hold it into the lungs for 5 seconds, then exhale 4 more. Do not breathe. Repeat actions several times: it will help very quickly calm down.

Professional help

If the flight fears have been present for a long time, and the journey by airplanes is a frequent forced reality, without the help of a specialist can not do here. It is worth paying serious attention to his psycho-emotional state, devoting enough time to him.

  • Find an experienced psychologist who will help to figure out why you are afraid to fly, and teach it right to cope with the phobia. One conversation here is not to get off - you have to go through a course of psychotherapy, before you begin to perceive flights more naturally and stop being afraid to fly;
  • Part of the treatment is the use of airstamulators that allow on virtual simulators to work out addiction to flights. This moment is good in that in landed conditions, in a specially equipped room, a sense of reality is created;
  • The doctor will help to choose medicines for the upcoming journey. Here you need to take into account that the proposed tablets are not a solution to the problem, but only part of therapy, and they independently do not destroy from phobia.

Medicinal preparations appointed by the doctor for flight can be divided into 2 types: cumulative and fast action. The first group includes those that are accepted in several stages - immediately before departure, and then every half an hour. The second group of drugs has a sufficient concentration of sedative so that 1 tablets are enough for several hours of exposure.

The treatment is carried out by medicines of a sedative and anti-theyem, braking nerve impulses that remove spasms and cramps in the muscles.

Important! What exactly to treat Aerofob, the doctor decides itself, based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the state of his psyche, the reasons that cause fears and the neglence of the problem.

It should not be resorted to this to the tools, since it may be addiction to most of them. This method of treating Aerofobia must be short-term, and applying to those who travel by airplanes are not so often.

The person himself can prepare for the future flight in advance. Weeks 3 before the upcoming journey can begin to take daily glycine or Valerian extract in the doses specified in the instructions. This will help reduce nervous tension and avoid a stressful situation.

Laws of physics

Some people are panicky flying precisely because of conquering from the ground. Not everyone is aware of the principle of aerodynamics, so do not fully understand how such a heavy metal Mahina with a bunch of passengers on board and the large volume of baggage can be held in the air for several hours.

If you fly for the first time to calm your imagination and stop afraid, you should familiarize yourself with some constructive features of the aircraft:

  • Airliners are equipped with powerful engines capable not only to raise the car into the air, but also to hold it for a long time among the clouds;
  • Do not be afraid that the engines break: their aircraft, at least 2 pcs. If 1 motor for some reason refuses, the 2nd will take its function on itself. Even if both engines refuse both the engine, the plane can neatly land like a glider;
  • Keep and plan in the air the plane helps wings that are firmly attached to the body. The chance that they will fall out in flight, is reduced to zero;
  • All systems that are equipped with airliners have duplicate programs. It is worth a failure to happen, how to work immediately the dubler (and in their passenger aircraft at least 4);
  • You can not worry about the risk to get into the plane crash due to the poor well-being of the pilot - in airplanes a reliable piloting system that allows you to gently put a machine on the program laid in it;
  • The flight of each liner is controlled from the Earth by dispatch services, with which pilots are on a permanent communication. About all non-standard situations, Changes weather conditions Pilots will be immediately notified;
  • There should not be frightened and the zone of turbulence, in which not every aircraft falls. The aerodynamic parameters of the design are calculated with this natural phenomenonso the aircraft has a sufficient margin of strength to withstand such shakes;
  • On board work professionals who do not consider themselves Kamikadze. They quietly fulfill their duties, as they are confident in the reliability of the "steel bird".

Additional Information! To have an extraordinary situation, the fate will have to try, because each aircraft before departure carefully check technical services. They are used by special diagnostic devices, so that faulty techniques will not allow even the take-off strip. The terminals have strengthened customs inspection, which eliminates the horn of dangerous baggage.

Feel free to confess the surrounding - "I'm afraid to fly by plane." Among your friends there are already repeatedly flying. They know what to do to overcome their fear. Please note their tips.

Impressive feedback from third-party people who have learned to subordinate their fears:

  • Dmitriy: "I used to be afraid to fly by plane, although I could not realize the reasons for this. In one of the business trips fell in love with a beautiful girl. Now I'm going to date every Friday. During the flight, I only think about the upcoming meeting, building plans, as we spend time. Now, while I am on board, it never happened a feeling of anxiety or panic ";
  • Olga: "I constantly overcome some fears. I am not comfortable in closed rooms, I am also careful to get into a plane crash. Because of this lost very favorable job - In our business, even moments matter. Quickly solve problems allow airplanes - the most the best way Mobility. I used exclusively by car, losing time and customers. As a result, I had to turn to a psychotherapist and go through a special training. I am and now periodically lead unconscious emotions, but I try to control them. Realizing that phobias is the game of my subconscious, I risked use the services of the airline and had already managed to do 2 flights. "

If not to treat phobia

When it is impossible to avoid a flight, and you are also afraid of it, problems are not only the psychological plan. If you do not learn to cope with fears, phobia absorbs a person completely, turning into a sullen neurasthenka.

  • Before the upcoming flight of a person, panic thoughts begin to overcome, as a result, nightmares are tormented, or he cannot sleep at all;
  • Becoming irritable, unrequisite, Aerofob breaks up on people close to him, why the family relationships will deteriorate;
  • Those who hide their fears are even more difficult to carry flights. Phobia, drove into herself, leads to the development of heart diseases, hypertension, heart attacks;
  • If the need for flights is associated with professional activities, each attempt to delay the flight or replace it with another type of movement affects career growth. Psychological shakes on this occasion are made by Aerofob in the patient of the neurological department;
  • Fear of using the services of airlines impoverish holidays - not every resort can be quickly and easily reached rail transport (and even more car).

Important! Any kind of phobia will quickly progress if they subjugate her psyche and refuse to help professionals.

Hoping that he could cope, a person resorts to the use of powerful psychotropic drugs or alcohol. The more often the need for flights, the faster the harmful habit is developing. Such doping does not make it easier for situations, but makes it even more running.

Alcohol under conditions of low pressure and dry air in the cabin can provoke a fool (sometimes with vomiting). The body is in suspended state, and even a small share of alcohol at an altitude of several thousand meters from the ground is able to cause severe intoxication, as a result of which the forces occurs. From this, a drunken man immediately worsens the mood, and the panic is filled with even greater force.


If you are aware that the phobia is subject to, it is not worth it to be shy and hide. Each person has their own complexes and fears from which it is better to get rid of, and not to drive them inside themselves. Aerofobia can be overcome if you carefully examine your fear, to penetrate the design features of the aircraft industry and understand the principles of aerodynamics.

Thousands of people use the services of airlines every day, making multiple flights during the year, and continue to live quietly, love, work. They understood them on their own experience that the risk of being a victim of a plane crash microscopically small. This should be an effective argument for you. So is it worth afraid of aircraft?

We had to fly to Turkey on September 22nd. But the husband fell ill. There is no insurance from the unbearable. Tui travel agency said that non-return tickets and they disappeared: "Buy new tickets."

1. Night Flight. Many light

The nearest flight was the Turkish airline Pegasus. This is the second largest airline in Turkey after Turkish Airlines.

Some common numbers about Pegasus Airlines. Companies are 27 years old, it employs more than 5 thousand employees. Pegasus owns almost a half of all AIR MANAS Kyrgyzstan shares.

Pegasus has more than 80 aircraft, and it is much more than most russian airlines. For example, A / k Russia for the summer of 2018 in the airpark park there are 64 aircraft. Turkish Loxtorrine recently purchased a lot of completely new liners.

Buying tickets. We could not fly in time by the "Yamal" charter. Read about it. And we bought on Aviasales tickets to the most closest flight to Dalaman. 3 tickets two days before departure cost us at 32 thousand rubles. First I thought it was regular flight Pegasus from Moscow. But then found that this is a tourist charter. The major Russian tour operator bought the flights for all summer and autumn.

Flying on Pegasus. Airplane Boeing 737-800. On the cabin is not old, inside looked fine. The age of the liner in the on-board number did not look, as they flew out of Domodedovo at night, with cold and strong wind.

Seats are sort of at a standard distance, but the place for the legs is almost almost oppressive. True, it happens and worse. The interior of the aircraft is quite normal, but ... Even before takeoff, I went to the tail toilet and he was already unpleasant. But we just sat on board. Flight 3 hours with a little. It is quite certain that the toilet in Moscow is not soap. I think that the Turks save and do not order normal cleaning in our Domodedovo arrival. They are removed in Turkey, so it is cheaper. For the company - savings, for passengers greasy minus.

The team was all Turkish: pilots and flight attendants; Passengers are all Russian tourists.

Mandatory announcement about evacuation has passed somehow loud and sluggish at the same time. The voice on the radio read everything in Turkish (in the plane there is not a single Turk) and loudly in English.

2. My logbook in Turkish was decently lit. Found one more

Stewardles - the tall beautiful Turks and one guy. Feelings from them are strange. It seems to smile, but without enthusiasm and interest. I think with the native Turks they would fly more comfortable.

Flew off late for 25 minutes. Not very critical. Strong wind in the airoport. Flew up with full light. Despite the deep night and fatigue of all, the light did not turn off more than an hour until they distributed the "light breakfast". Passed a guy with a red bag, showing a sandwich, with a dumb question: "Want?"

3. Night Snack: Cheese Bun

Sandwich - too loudly said. The elongated bunch, dried in half, inside two pieces of cheese and thin very, very small (with marigolds) pieces of sweet pepper. The cheese is normal, just ate it. Pepper ... Well, there is nothing. Swallowed.

Then there were girls with a trolley distributed water, juice, coca-cola. No hot coffee and tea. With boiling water too many troubles. After 1.5 hours after takeoff, the top light was finally repaid and it became a little bit like the night.

4. Water and juice on board

It was hot. I had to go to the flight attendants, ask to make air not so hot. In English, they seem to say, but understanding each other is not 100%. She told them that in the plane "Hot Air", and for some reason they all said that they were cold on the plane. Well, yes, they hope to southern the heat of the heat, they probably freeze. Still they answered that they would be passed to pilots and after 15 minutes it became better.

Before the flight I read how air is regulated in airplanes. Cold air is tightened outside through the engines. Next, the pilots can cool it or warm up, adjust through certain systems.

40 minutes flew with minimal light. People dreamed, then suddenly included all the lights and flight attendants ran. Maybe someone became not good. Well, soon the decline has already begun.

In Dalaman, the strip right in the mountains, so at night the planes are usually sitting from the sea. We turned over the sea at 180 and gently sat down. Applause.

Russian tourists, as always, run, left the plane.The feeling that everyone at the airport is cars and now they will break home through traffic jams. Extremely, you have to have time!

I am in Dalaman more than 10 times and did not hurry anywhere. All the same passport control and suitcases.

The steward began to unexpectedly customize me, although I did not dig up, I just left the plane of the latter, and suddenly spoke in Russian: "faster-faster." I somehow did not like it very much, against the background of the fact that the Russian words were not heard during the flight. Maybe for the evacuation, one word was learned.

The baggage got quickly, as the night airport was empty.

Results. The airline is more or less, but I have not experienced any delight, and the smelling toilet, not the most friendly staff and frires in the middle of the flight spoiled the impression. And the most pleasant thing was that the plane was not completely loaded. I sat alone and pulled my legs.

I hope my review will be useful to you. Successful flights and soft landings.

Statistics persistently argue that this type of transport is the safest of all available.

  • Let's figure it out, is it dangerous to fly in air transport?
    On the plane, one passengers feel comfortable, others are looking forward to landing. Some are so panic that they prefer the ground type of transport, to the detriment of their own time and comfort.
  • Daily people overcome thousands of kilometers in the sky for various reasons, is it dangerous?
    First of all, you need to fly with a positive attitude. IN lately News from all over the world broadcast about the crashies of liners and numerous victims. It is not surprising that many refuse to travel in such a kind of transport. But, the wolf fear into the forest does not walk, so the following information should be adopted when the aircraft is coming.

Myth 1 - on airplanes is dangerous

The slogan of any airline: "The well-being of passengers - first of all."

Modern aircraft respond to all standards, they are reliable and pass regular checks. Theoretically, the refusal of the equipment of the aircraft during the flight is not possible, A few cases were recorded when the technique was led. Is it dangerous to abandon the flights, each tourist solves independently. Many do not even think about risk, flying by plane.

Choosing flights of large companies, you can be confident in their responsibility. Such companies take to work the best pilots who pass tests, pass exams, demonstrating their professionalism. Knowing people claim that in most cases the human factor affects the plane crash, the technique in this case does not fail.

We recommend simply relaxing during the flight - after the plane took off, nothing depends on you. Why overest present? It is better to send your strength to have time to take the best places in the plane that will help to increase the feeling of your comfort on board the liner.

On a note:
How to choose a safe place in the plane?
Useful recommendations - which places on board the liner should pay attention when choosing chairs for the upcoming flight. Information article about which places in the plane are considered the safest during flight: reasonable explanations and arguments.

Myth 2 - Airplanes constantly tolerate crashes

Any fear bothers to fully live. But, the fear of the flight can cost a person a career or personal life. It is absurd to abandon the journey of your dreams only because it is terrible to fly. A way to the airport may be much more dangerous. Is it worthwhile to fear by plane if life is unpredictable at all?

I would like to note what is present minimum riskBut flying by plane - it means to save time on other no less important things. The person scares the inability to control the situation, this is not subject to passengers of aircraft. If the bus can be left at the nearest stop, then the plane is not. Sometimes fear to such an extent can take possession of a man's mind that he completely forgets about the established rules of behavior on the plane, which creates a nervous situation among all passengers. The details of the aircraft crash can now be seen in the news, read in the newspapers and even watch the video of the worst on the Internet. Such personnel undoubtedly suggest horror and make a hundred times think about the danger before you fasten the belts in the cabin. But, is it worth believing everything that is broadcast on TV? How truthful is the information? It should be noted that there is a high probability to die from obesity, the impact of lightning or hitting the hippo, rather than break by flying over the clouds.

From scientifically proven - safety

How much is the plane is a safe movement tool? There are many misconceptions, legends and opinions composed on rumors and stories of other people. It is worth noting that official statistics differ from the results of social surveys. Is it dangerous to give preference to air transport? Of course not! You can fly on the plane and even need, despite the fears that you have to face. People believe that aerial view Transport is the most dangerous, while the ground does not represent such a threat. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite, it is proved that million flights have only one accident, while car accidents happen every day.

Researchers A plane crash argue that the cause of the accident is the intersection of rare circumstances, the percentage of what they repeat is negligible.

Having preferred this type of transport, keep in mind that every three seconds on our planet safely lands the plane.
Pleasant flight and soft landing!

Flying is an unpleasant setting. From the usual conditions, a person falls into a new environment, which he almost has no control. But thoughtful preparation and promotion of a personal plan create a useful feeling that the situation is at least in part - you are managed. It helps dispel extra alarms.

A couple of days before the departure, see, for example, a list of all things that plan to take with you, and the cases that must be completed before and during the flight. As item executes, delete them from your list.

2. Learn more about the aircraft

People often feel the fear of unknown and unattended things for them. You may be afraid to fly precisely because your knowledge of aircraft is formed mainly by tragic news and Hollywood blockbusters.

Observe how the aircraft works, at least in general terms. Take a look at the same "Wikipedia". Learning, for example, that according to statistics, airplanes are the most safe view Transport, and small turbulence is normal, you will probably dump your anxiety. Remember, informed - it means armed.

3. Come to the airport in advance

Hurry is a stress factor. In order not to worry and because of a possible late, it is better to count the time so that everything is good. Ideally, always come to the airport in advance. Thus, you are insurfrant of yourself from unnecessary experiences and keep strength for flight.

4. Plesh yourself

While waiting for a flight at the airport, use the moment and treat yourself before boarding the aircraft. Buy a drink or food that you would not allow yourself in other circumstances. Return from those frameworks and rules that you strictly stick to ordinary life. Relax (only without alcohol!) In such a situation, it is always useful.

5. Take away from the source of fear

Fear before the flight makes us tightly dwell on one thought like: "Oh Lord, I'm in kilometers above the earth!" An infinitely scaring at the mantra, you risk earning a nervous breakdown before the plane will overcome half the path.

Try to dare to music, book, podcast or mobile game - all this will help you to stop the approach of panic. Before landing, you can call friends or relatives. If you fly with relatives or acquaintances, get a conversation with them to an abstract theme.

6. Think in a positive key

Focus on flight goals. Remember why you fly to whom and what is waiting for you when you go with the plane. You probably are heading for the resort, to a new country for you, to relatives or friends, on the desired internship or to study at the university, where you always dreamed of getting.

7. Think about people around you

Dozens, hundreds, and what is there - millions of people - every day they fly somewhere, even though they don't always like it. Look back in an airplane or airport: how many of them are nearby. Awareness that you are not alone and surrounding our fear and overcome it, soothes well.

8. Pray or meditate

If you are a believer, try mentally to seek support to God. Surely it will give you strength to fight with fear. If the prayers are not for you, meditate: Muffle all thoughts and try not to think about as much as you can. This practice helps to relax.

9. Act confidently, even if you are scared

Smile a neighbor in a chair, even if you are shaking you from fear. Who knows, perhaps the conversation with your fellow traveler will be a rescue circle and will help you distract. In all its actions, proceed from the message: "What would I do if I hadn't been afraid of flight?" And act as if it's really not afraid, try: at first it will be difficult, but you will get used to and understand that 99% of your fears were completely in vain.

Perhaps you are flying with children or spouse, which is also not easy. Find the strength for the sake of them and help them cope with fear.

10. Manage your body biochemistry

Do not eat coffee, strong tea and energy minimum during the day before departure. Thus, you minimize the presence of caffeine in the body, and therefore reduce its predisposition to the alarm.

At the moments of excitement breathe on the full chest. Remember that intensive oxygen exchange is one of the best alarms.

If you are so afraid to fly that you have a panic, take a few drops of valerian tincture or other sedative. You can also try weak sleeping pills. But you will first consult about this with your doctor.