Holidays in Vietnam by the sea are better. Holidays in Vietnam: where is the best place to go? Major city codes

Southeast Asian countries are becoming increasingly popular among Russian tourists. This is due to the relatively mild climate and numerous attractions. Among the countries in this region, Thailand and Vietnam stand out. They are located close to each other and have similar cultural traditions and the same climate. All this creates difficulties for tourists when choosing a holiday destination. Thailand or Vietnam - which country should you prefer? This is discussed in this article.

An important factor when choosing a place to visit as part of a tourist trip is the possibility and duration of stay without registration; this period is thirty days. There are only fifteen in Vietnam. Flight time to both countries is up to nine hours.

Thailand has a more developed one than Vietnam. In terms of the number of attractions, Thailand and Vietnam are not inferior to each other.

Like any country, Vietnam and Thailand have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at some of them.


The climatic conditions in both countries are similar. The optimal time for vacation is from June to September. Thailand or also successfully receives tourists. However, the region is warm all year round. The rainy season will create certain inconveniences for tourists. Both countries are attractive for beach holidays. Average temperatures during the peak tourist season reach +32°C. Hot weather in Thailand is more difficult to endure due to high humidity.

In Vietnam, the influence of the monsoons is felt during the winter season. Therefore, the temperature during this period can reach +5°C. Based on this indicator, it is difficult to determine where it is better to go, Vietnam or Thailand. Since the countries are located almost at the same latitude and have a similar climate. There are other, more important selection criteria.


For connoisseurs of a comfortable beach holiday, Thailand is most suitable with its unforgettable beaches and numerous resorts equipped with everything necessary. The beaches in this country are distinguished by their sandy bottom and clean sea. The only downside is that it is overcrowded with tourists during peak season. The number of swimming places in Thailand reaches more than a hundred. Those that are located on the islands are distinguished by the greatest purity. The beaches in Vietnam are somewhat less numerous, however, they are in no way inferior to those in Thailand. The sandy coasts in both countries have a gently sloping entrance. The beaches on the islands are surrounded by cliffs and located in bays. Thanks to this, they are protected from waves and wind and provide calm and quiet places to relax.

Vietnamese beaches are characterized by perfectly white sand and clear blue water. They are great place for relaxing with children. Local beaches have fewer opportunities for active water recreation, but water sports enthusiasts can still find some decent options for themselves.

Where is it cheaper? Vietnam or Thailand

An important, and for some, the determining factor in choosing a country for a holiday, is the cost of staying at the resort. In Thailand and Vietnam, tourists have the opportunity to choose the most suitable holiday options for themselves, based on their financial capabilities. You can use the services of travel agencies and go on vacation with a package. It is also possible to implement independent trip. One of the options for staying at the resort is to stay in a rented bungalow. Let's consider various pricing policy options in Thailand.

The cost of any tourist trip consists of the price of air tickets, costs of recreation, purchase of souvenirs and excursion services.

The purchase of air tickets is a mandatory expense item, since it is simply impossible to get to these countries in any other way. It is better to book tickets in advance. Their cost varies according to the class and level of comfort during the flight. The higher it is, the more expensive air tickets are. Since the distance and flight time to Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same, the cost of air tickets will be the same.

The second significant expense item is the cost of living. Depending on financial capabilities, accommodation can be either very expensive or relatively budget-friendly. For example, staying in a luxury hotel room or in a separate bungalow will cost significantly more than staying in an economy class hotel.

Cost of food, visits entertainment events in Vietnam is lower compared to Thailand. Sometimes they are much cheaper than in Thailand. Great importance has a choice of places to eat and relax. Individual excursions local attractions will cost more than similar group events. In terms of saving money, independent travel around the country is promising.

Roads and leisure

For such trips with a rented vehicle, Thailand is best suited. The quality of roads in this country is slightly better than in Vietnam. Therefore, it is better not to book tours to Thailand from travel agencies. It will be much cheaper to travel around the country on your own. There is also a more developed network of shops, cafes and restaurants and all kinds of entertainment centers. Options for a fun night out in Vietnam are more limited for tourists. After midnight, life here comes to a standstill. Due to the population's habit of going to bed early, it is very difficult to find a working grocery store.

In this regard, Thailand is more preferable as a leisure destination. It doesn’t stop here until the morning. The list of entertainment for tourists is also more extensive. In Thailand you can not only relax, but also improve your health.


Where to go for health, which country to choose - Thailand or Vietnam? Medical care in these two countries has significant differences in terms of treatment prices. In Thailand, the cost of visiting a doctor in a public or private clinic is up to forty dollars. Similar services in Vietnam will cost slightly less. However, it all depends on the severity of the disease or injury. A necessary condition for receiving quality medical services is that the tourist has health insurance. In Vietnam there may be some difficulties in obtaining medical care due to lack of knowledge by local doctors in English. However, despite some inconveniences, the quality of medical care in both countries is approximately the same.


The cost of living and its comfort in hotels in Thailand and Vietnam are approximately the same. Vietnam, however, has a slight advantage in terms of cheap hotel stays. A stay in one of the hotels in the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi - will cost about five dollars less than the cost of a stay in a similar establishment in popular Thai cities among tourists. Therefore, travel agencies sometimes offer incomparably cheap tours to Vietnam. This is due to the fact that in this country you can save a lot on housing.

Undersea world

The availability of recreational opportunities is of great importance for travelers. Staying in Vietnam and Thailand is the most promising for diving. Thailand wins somewhat in terms of the diversity of marine species and the number of places recommended for diving. The marine fauna of Vietnamese waters is less diverse, however, divers can find a lot of interesting things here too.

Local population

For tourists, when choosing a holiday destination, the friendliness of the local population towards visitors is of no small importance. If we compare Vietnam/Thailand on this basis, we can say that the residents of both countries are equally friendly to guests. Hospitality local residents based on profitability tourism industry for the economy. Thais are more reserved and do not reveal their feelings and emotions to tourists. Vietnamese are more emotional. In addition, the joint historical past of the countries affects the attitude towards Russians, namely, the assistance provided by the USSR to Vietnam in repelling American aggression is not forgotten.


In Thailand and Vietnam it is quite developed transport connection between cities. You can get to any corner by taking a bus or by plane. The most common vehicle in both countries there is a bike available for rent by tourists.

But which country should gastronomic gourmets choose, Vietnam or Thailand? Where is the best food?


National cuisines in both countries are distinguished by their originality and abundance of exotic and incomprehensible dishes for Russian-speaking tourists. Frogs and all kinds of insects are widely used as products. Local dishes of national cuisine are usually nutritious and spicy. In this regard, the masterpieces of Thai cuisine are more famous. Food in Vietnam is sweetish due to the use of a variety of sauces and seasonings. Therefore, for lovers of sweet tastes, according to this criterion, the choice is obvious. Thailand or Vietnam? For them, this issue loses relevance.


A trip to Vietnam or Thailand can be overshadowed by the local fauna. One specific feature of both countries is the abundance of tropical insects (such as lizards). In Vietnam, in addition, they do not particularly care about cleanliness. Thanks to street garbage dumps in cities, tourists can encounter numerous rats and cockroaches. Mosquitoes, which carry dangerous diseases, pose a great danger in Vietnam. Therefore, before traveling to this country, you must get all the necessary vaccinations. Agencies offering tours to Thailand and Vietnam strongly recommend this. After arrival, you must carefully observe basic rules of personal hygiene. You should not eat local food if its appearance and taste are incomprehensible or cause unpleasant associations for tourists. It should be remembered that not everything that is familiar to the local population is suitable for a tourist who is accustomed to a completely different way of life. The comfort of your stay and the impressions gained during your vacation depend on compliance with hygiene rules.


The cultural heritage of a particular country can also influence the choice of a tourist. Thailand or Vietnam? What is the culture of these countries? Both states have ancient history and have an interesting and unique culture. For vacationers it will be very educational to get acquainted with local attractions. In addition, being in Vietnam has a special flavor in terms of the fact that the dominance of communist ideology remains in this country. Lovers military history Modern travelers will also find a lot of interesting things to discover in Vietnam. The memory of American aggression, which brought many troubles to the local people, is carefully preserved here. You can see numerous samples on display. military equipment that era. There is an opportunity to take part in excursions to places associated with the local partisan movement (in particular, see underground passages, used by the rebels). Also in Thailand and Vietnam, tourists will be curious to get acquainted with the local architecture, which is distinguished by its originality and unique national flavor.

At the end of the 20th century. Thailand has become popular place for lovers of so-called sex tourism. However, it should be taken into account that in Lately The authorities are doing everything to get rid of this peculiar image of the country. Therefore, lovers of all kinds of pleasures, often forbidden, risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The main rule for a tourist should be compliance with the laws of the country they are visiting. Vietnam or Thailand? It is up to the tourist to decide where it is better to spend his leisure time. The choice of places to visit is varied in both countries.

So, both states are attractive places to visit. The mild climate, the beauty of the local seascapes, the presence of a developed tourist infrastructure and the friendly local population are certainly attractive aspects. To this must be added the relatively low price level. But what do vacationers themselves say about these countries, which resort to choose, Thailand or Vietnam?

Many tourists are interested in holidays in Vietnam. This country has become popular for many reasons, including visa-free entry, and chic sandy beaches, and a pleasant climate, low prices for local hotels.

So tourists from all countries flocked there, including Russo tourists.

I was lucky enough to visit two of the most popular Vietnamese resorts in this country, so I had the opportunity to compare them. And in this article I will talk about the features of these resorts, and why Vietnam can become your most vivid tourist experience!

Socialism in paradise: who will enjoy a holiday in Vietnam

Do you remember how in times Soviet Union Did we treat foreign tourists? That's right: they ran on their hind legs in front of them, they, foreigners, were offered only the best. They were built for them good hotels, expensive restaurants worked for them.

This is exactly what it looks like in Vietnam. If the same Chinese built their loved ones for themselves, then the Vietnamese do not yet have so many rich people to build luxury hotels for them. And they were built specifically for tourists. Moreover, they were built quite recently - about 10 years ago. Since, unlike the same thing, before this Vietnam was somehow in no hurry to develop resorts.

But after a tourism development program was adopted in the country at the beginning of the 2000s, the Vietnamese began to build in such a way that everyone gasped.

So, if you want to feel like a celestial, go to Vietnam!

By the way, please note that there have been changes to the rules for entry into Vietnam. You can read more about this in this article:

When is the best time to go: holiday seasonality

To begin with, let's first determine the best season to travel. In Vietnam there is a dry season and a rainy season. Due to the fact that Vietnam is sort of “stretched” from north to south, the climate in different parts of Vietnam is also different.

But both the north and south are affected by the monsoons. From November to April it is cooler in the north, but there is less rainfall. And from May to October it is hot and humid. The south has high humidity all year round, and the rainy season lasts from May to November. Because most popular resorts are located closer to the south of Vietnam, perhaps, it is worth choosing for a trip to Vietnam time from November to April.

Most often, tourists do just that. Accordingly, prices in the dry season are more expensive, and during the rainy season, tours to Vietnam are slightly cheaper.

You can view current prices for holidays in Vietnam here: Tours to Vietnam

Resorts in Vietnam - which one to choose?

Choosing a resort in Vietnam should also be approached quite responsibly, because two most popular resorts Vietnam - Nha Chang And Phan Thiet- very different in their structure and location.

Having been both there and there, I can say that by choosing any of them, you will get great holiday and a lot of opportunities for excursions.

But it’s still better to know about the features of these resorts in order to get exactly the impressions from your trip that will make you remember Vietnam with love and delight.

Phan Thiet Resort

So, Phan Thiet located quite far from the airport - 200 km, the transfer there takes 3-4 hours. Actually, the town of Phan Thiet itself is not a tourist destination. This is an ordinary small town where the local population earns a living by fishing.

Next to it - about 15 km - there is Mui Ne resort area . That's where all the hotels are located.

Just 10-15 years ago, mostly surfers and kitesurfers traveled to Mui Ne. During the day, the guys rode the waves and in the evening they drank beer on the beach and picked up girls in several local bars. A kind of specific paradise on earth, a party for our own people.

But everything is changing. The big ones found out about Mui Ne travel companies. The monsters of the tourism industry considered the potential of the local beaches and began to lovingly improve this place and sell organized tours to a godforsaken village in the south of Vietnam.

Now there are more than 70 hotels. They are of different levels - from three to five stars. But the nice thing is that all the hotels in Mui Ne have their own large or not very large, but, as a rule, beautiful and green territory, and are located on the 1st line from the sea, and their beaches with pleasant golden sand have a gentle entrance to the sea .

3* hotels: Vinh Suong Resort 3* , we lived in it: amazingly green and cozy hotel, very well located - everything is nearby. Hotels MUINE OCEAN RESORT & SPA 3*, CANARY BEACH RESORT 3* also decent, with beautiful areas and good rooms.

4* hotels: BAMBOO VILLAGE BEACH RESORT & SPA 4* — very stylish, with good territory; PALMIRA MUINE 4* A little further from other hotels, but ideal for a relaxing holiday with children. NOVELA RESORT 4*- small area good rooms(and view from most rooms), good location. SUNNY BEACH PHAN THIET 4* great area, flowers everywhere, nice rooms .

Two 4* hotels stand out: Novotel Coralia 4* And PARK DIAMOND HOTEL 4*. They are no longer located in Mui Ne, but on the outskirts of Phan Thiet itself. But if Novotel Coralia 4* is a large area, its own beach, infrastructure, excellent rooms with balconies, i.e. a good hotel for a good rest, then PARK DIAMOND HOTEL 4* this is essentially a city hotel without territory, with the beach across the road. And I wouldn’t want to spend all 10-12 days of my vacation there...

5* hotels: ANANTARA MUINE 5* pretentious, high-tech style, excellent territory, endless swimming pool, huge rooms with stylish interiors... in short, the coolest hotel in Mui Ne. MUINE DE CENTURY BEACH RESORT & SPA 5* a large beautiful area, colonial-style houses, in general, heaven on earth.

Across the road from the hotels, on the 2nd line from the sea, is the entire tourist infrastructure of Mui Ne in the form of restaurants, shops, massage parlors, travel agencies and rental offices.

And in the surrounding area there are several natural and cultural attractions:

  • white sand dunes
  • red dunes
  • hot springs and geysers
  • Fairy Creek (Red Creek)
  • Cham towers

All of them are located at different distances from the resort. You can try to get there on your own by renting a scooter, or you can take a tour and go admire the nature and landscapes of southern Vietnam with a guide.

By choosing the second option, you will see several amazing places in one day: you will visit the White Sand Dunes and you will be able to admire the lotus blossoms on the lake next to the dunes. Near the Fairy Creek, where, according to local legend, magical fairies live, you will take a barefoot walk right along the shallow stream. It goes along the jungle and sand mountains and leads to a small waterfall.

In addition, you can take a cable car up Mount Taku, 694 meters high. It offers stunning views of the South China Sea and the landscapes of South Vietnam. On the mountain you will also see the famous 49-meter statue of Buddha, see an active temple in which monks live, and pagodas to which Buddhists make pilgrimages.

The pretty girl Alexandra can take you on such an excursion. You can view the program for this excursion here: Amazing Binh Thuan

As I already mentioned, the Mui Ne resort area is a mecca for wind, kite and other surfers. There are excellent conditions for practicing these sports - stable winds and moderate but also stable waves.

The only disadvantage of a holiday in Mui Ne may be the abundance of compatriots. Even in Turkey there are probably last years became smaller. Signs in cafes and restaurants are entirely in Russian, and in the evenings you can hear Baskov’s drawn-out voice and Pugacheva’s old songs from the speakers. But if after 10 days of rest you get bored with seafood and want borscht, you will find it.

Kega District

I would like to say a few more words about the resort area Kega (KE GA).

It is also located a 20-minute drive from Phan Thiet, but only in the opposite direction from Mui Ne. About 10 hotels have now been built and operate there. They are all very decent, even three rubles, for example ROCK WATER BAY 3*, or Eco Spa Village 3*(in the spirit of a Vietnamese village with cozy houses in eco-style, buried in the jungle).

But there is really nowhere to leave the hotel in the evening - there is no infrastructure around. So if you book a hotel in the Kega region on breakfast, then you will have a problem with dinner - you will either need to go to Phan Thiet, or pay extra and make do with the hotel restaurant. Usually tourists choose the first option, because... At a hotel dinner, everyone quickly gets bored.

In Phan Thiet itself, even if you have a hotel in Mui Ne, in general, you can go a couple of times, renting a scooter, to get acquainted with the life of the local population. Well, perhaps young people will like it night club: it can be easily found by the glowing beam of the club spotlight, which is visible against the background of the night sky even at the entrance to the town.

In general, lovers of parties, crowds and nightlife, as well as anyone who does not like long transfers from the airport to the hotel, are better off going to another popular resort in Vietnam - Nha Trang.

Hang out in Vietnam: Nha Trang

Nha Chang– a fairly large and modern city (about a million people), the road to it from the airport will take a maximum of 40 minutes.

All hotels except one - ANA MANDARA RESORT 5*, - are located across the road from the sea, but right in the city itself (with the exception of island ones). This is both a plus and a minus.

Plus - all the temptations are available to you right on your doorstep big city. The downside is that the population of this big city is numerous on this very city beach. But this is a minus rather for those tourists who are ready to communicate with the local population only in the form of refined hotel staff.

As for good hotels in Nha Trang, I can recommend the following:

More expensive: Sheraton Nha Trang , Balcony Seaview Nha Trang Center, InterContinental Nha Trang, The Light Hotel & Spa

Cheaper: Dendro Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel, Green Hotel, New Sun Hotel, Euro Star Hotel,Seaway Hotel

Those tourists who need an ideal beach with sun loungers/umbrellas and no local population on it, and indeed all tourists vacationing in Nha Trang, will really like it on Vin Pearl Island , which is connected to Nha Trang by cable car.

In addition to a gorgeous beach in a quiet, wave-free harbor, this island has luxury hotels - VINPEARL RESORT NHA TRANG 5 * And VINPEARL LUXURY NHA TRANG 5*, and the huge Winpearl Land park with a water park, an aquarium, an amusement park and a 3D cinema. Tourists with children, I think, will appreciate all the possibilities of Vin Pearl Island.

All this is available for about 600 rubles with our money. Having paid this amount for the ticket, you get there by cable car and spend the whole day there on the beach, water slides and other attractions (you only have to buy food and drinks). And it all ends with an evening fountain show. It is also included in these 600 rubles.

Why else should you choose Vietnam?

Well, how do you like this country already? Let me give you a couple more reasons in favor of a holiday in Vietnam.

Good excursion programs

In Vietnam you can and should go on excursions . At any resort in Vietnam you will be offered an excellent excursion program: from a trip to hot mineral springs or to Sand Dunes before Dalata.

IN Dalat It is advisable to go just for a couple of days, because... The road takes quite a long time, and there is a lot to see.

Those who are more active will of course go to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) And Ha Long Bay.

If you don’t like to follow the beaten path, and you want to see the real Vietnam, views that will make your heart beat faster, then you should take these excursions:

Dak Lak Province and Lien Son Village– two-day trip: wild nature, rice fields, coffee fields, huge waterfalls, elephant and boat rides, local tribes and their national cuisine.

Fishing village and Vinh Hy Bay: see how ordinary Vietnamese fishermen live, learn about their way of life and the structure of the village, see how the fish is dried, which is then sent to stores around the world; look at salt fields, where the locals mine salt, and look at Vietnamese vineyards, try young Vietnamese wine.

Good inexpensive shopping

Vietnam is good shopping . The country is famous for its cosmetics, tea and coffee, as well as silk and pearl products. What can you bring from Vietnam? Yes, almost everything: jewelry, leather goods, clothes and shoes. And all this is very inexpensive. After all, many famous brands have been making their collections in China and Vietnam for a long time. It sells both traditional silk clothes and clothes made from patterns from world brands; You can also find local designer shops.

When going shopping, be prepared to play by the rules. And they are as follows: if you want to buy a thing, do not immediately give the amount stated by the seller. You need to bargain, even you are not used to doing this. But you will get an item of excellent quality for an inexpensive price. These are the rules of shopping.

When buying street goods, you can also use the following “psychological maneuver”: walking away from the tray with an offended look. The merchant will call you back and will definitely give in. Well, there is no bargaining in supermarkets: their prices are fixed.

Seafood and other delicacies

What else can make you fall in love with Vietnam is its cuisine. Vietnam is not only a variety of fruits and seafood at ridiculous prices:

Vietnamese kitchen represents the totality of all known world traditions: Indian, Japanese, Chinese and so on. Let's remember the history of Vietnam - who was there: the Mongols, the French, and even the Americans!

Thus, the Vietnamese share the Chinese concept of “five tastes”: food should have a balance of salty, sweet, sour, bitter and spicy. As in Chinese cuisine, vegetables and herbs play a large role in dishes. However, the Vietnamese use less oil when frying food than the Chinese.

Following China, Mongolian shepherds came to Vietnam in the 10th century and taught the Vietnamese to eat beef. Neighboring Cambodia also influenced the development of Vietnamese cuisine: thanks to it, Indian spices and seasonings became quite common in Vietnam.

The French, coming to Vietnam in the 19th century, brought their philosophy to cooking: respect for the high quality of ingredients and the correct use of them. Asparagus, avocados, corn, tomatoes and wine appeared in Vietnam thanks to the French. They taught the Vietnamese to eat bread (baguettes), drink beer, coffee with milk and make ice cream.

The friendliness of the Vietnamese

In Vietnam, no one, I repeat - NO ONE, will pull you by the hand into their store, shop, restaurant. No one will pester you on the street with their goods. The Vietnamese generally deserve the sympathy of tourists precisely because of their friendliness and unobtrusiveness.

So, to summarize: Vietnam is a great option for your vacation if you need a warm sea, good hotels, cheap seafood and a lot of impressions.

For those who could not decide on a resort, there are combined tours that give the opportunity to live in both Nha Trang and Phan Thiet.

See you on the blog!

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I am hereby being the Customer tourist services included in the tourism product, and an authorized representative of persons (tourists) specified in the Application, I give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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Vietnam is one of the “rice civilizations” with ancient Buddhist temples lost in the jungle, underground guerrilla tunnels and a rich colonial heritage, perfectly preserved from French times. Vietnam is the Thailand of 20 years ago, not yet trampled by millions of tourists. “Fun, bright, inexpensive” - this is how you can describe local resort life in three words. Incendiary discos until the morning, forbidden pleasures, excellent shopping, unimaginable exotic dishes... Or relaxing holiday with children, romantic sunsets, mountain hikes and best photos as a keepsake. You choose what you like.

How to get there?

It takes approximately 9 hours to fly from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City on regular Aeroflot or Vietnam Airlines flights. And this is the only point that can confuse beach lovers in winter. Our fellow citizens do not need a visa to Vietnam. And if you want to see more in one trip, it’s logical to combine a vacation in Vietnam with a visit to neighboring countries - China, Laos, Cambodia, Burma or Thailand. Where is the best place to relax? More on that later.

Which resort should you choose?

If you fly now or in the coming months, then a rain-free holiday is most likely in the south and center of the country. These are popular resorts: Phu Quoc Island, Vung Tau, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Da Nang. Focus on flights to Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang, depending on the chosen resort. January and February are “velvet” months, it’s comfortable to relax, the air and water are +25...+28 °C. In March and April it is hot and dry, the temperature is +30…+35 °C. In the summer months, it is better to choose resorts in Northern Vietnam with a flight to Hanoi. And now we will briefly describe the most popular and rated resorts in the country, where you should go first.

Nha Trang

Nha Trang and its antipode Phan Thiet top the rating of preferences of Russian tourists. Nha Trang Bay takes an honorable 29th place in the world ranking of the most beautiful resort bays. Nha Trang (Russians from the Far East say “nishtiang”) is growing and developing rapidly, new hotels of international hotel chains appear every year. Many restaurants, shops, colorful markets, a beautiful resort promenade. You won't be bored. After or instead of the beach, you can go on a boat to the neighboring islands - see the monkeys or hang out for the whole day in an amusement park. Temple complexes, Buddha statues, pagodas are a cultural component of the resort. And you can improve your health in local mud baths and thermal baths. Nha Trang has a lot of European youth, decent clubs with trendy DJs, a good choice inexpensive alcohol. A few disadvantages: most hotels are on the second line; Locals come to the city beach, which is used by most tourists, in the late afternoon; after work, they like to relax here with their children. And in the summer months there are many jellyfish near the shore.

Phan Thiet

The complete opposite of Nha Trang. Relaxed, democratic, inexpensive. Most of the hotels are two- or three-story cottages on the shore, comfortably hidden in palm groves. Here everyone smiles at each other, there is no crowd on the beaches, only the sea, the sun and a light, fresh breeze. If flip-flops (aka “flip-flops”), shorts and a white Panama hat are your style of relaxation, but you want to forget about the dress code at least for a while, this is definitely the place for you. Tourists come with children because it is inexpensive, sandy beaches and the entrance to the water is gentle. Couples find romantic sunsets and time to be alone in Phan Thiet. Lovers of large portions of seafood with ice-cold beer will find relaxation here, and local masseuses will make you see “the sky in diamonds” with their little hands. There are no particularly interesting attractions in Phan Thiet and the surrounding area. Tourists tired of the sun prefer to lie idle on the sand to dilute aquatic species sports And the downside is perhaps the only one. From the nearest airport in Ho Chi Minh City, it will take 5-6 hours to get to the resort by bus or taxi.

Mui Ne

A neighbor of Phan Thiet, this resort is loved by outdoor enthusiasts. Thanks to the constant wind, there is an ideal wave for surfers and kiters and several dozen specialized schools with professional instructors. The prices are tolerable: an hour of windsurfing costs about $50, kitesurfing costs $70. Many speak Russian, and there are several establishments where you will be treated to borscht and dumplings. True, prices at the resort are higher than in Phan Thiet, again thanks to the large number of our tourists. On the central street of Mui Ne you will find spas and massage parlors, cafes and souvenir shops.

Phu Quoc

An island resort in the very south of the country, in the Gulf of Thailand, just 15 km from the coast of Cambodia. Taking into account the size of the island (the largest big Island Vietnam is the size of Singapore) there is room to expand here. Active tourists choose trekking through the jungle, kayaking and canoeing, walks through numerous gardens and parks, and excursions to pearl factories. And diving in coastal waters is considered the most interesting and inexpensive in the country. But most importantly natural wealth The islands have luxurious sandy beaches stretching for many kilometers. There are still very few tourists on the island, although the infrastructure is rapidly developing. Hotels, casinos, golf courses, shopping and entertainment complexes are being built, new airport. But today it is still a calm, clean and still inexpensive resort. Best place for a quiet family or romantic getaway Can't find it in Vietnam.

Vung Tau

Popular family resort 130 km from Ho Chi Minh City. It is almost as large and famous as Nha Trang, but it’s stormy night life missing here. But in the evening you can while away the time in bars with live music, which is very rare for Vietnam. The beaches are wide and sandy, in the former villas of the French aristocracy there are now restaurants and guest houses. The choice of hotels is also decent, for every taste and budget. Buddhist temples, pagodas, parks, former royal residence, caves and underground tunnels– there is where to walk and what to see. There are two disadvantages: petty theft on the beaches and the presence of oil drilling platforms in the water area.

Con Dao

“Let’s catch up and overtake Thai Phuket!” – this is roughly how one can voice the ambitions of the Vietnamese tourism authorities on the islands of this archipelago in the South China Sea. The first description of the islands belongs to Marco Polo, and Con Son (the old name of Con Dao) received its notorious fame thanks to the most terrible prison for political prisoners in Vietnam. Today it is a young resort with beautiful beaches and the best Six Senses hotel complex. Most occupies the islands National Park, many interesting dive sites and fishing spots.


A popular international mountain resort in the south of the country, 300 km from Ho Chi Minh City. These places are reminiscent of the French Alps with their mild climate and natural beauty. And it was built during the French colonization of Indochina as a mountain refuge from the sweltering heat. It is cooler here than on the coast, and daytime temperatures, even in the hottest summer months, do not exceed 25 °C, and at night drop to a comfortable 15 °C. From November to April is the dry season, it is better to come at this time. Dalat can be compared to Ubud in Balinese. Here are the best spas and massage parlors in the country, and also offer several options for treatment and healing using traditional oriental methods. These are acupuncture, Vietnamese herbal massage, Indian massage, Tibetan practices of facial and body massage with warm basalt stones. And Dalat has the best themed restaurants serving Vietnamese and French cuisine. As souvenirs, tourists buy the famous Luwak coffee (a palm marten has already feasted on its beans), artichoke tea, ceramic dishes inlaid with mother-of-pearl, and premium quality silk products. It’s logical to combine Dalat with a holiday on the beaches of Nha Trang and a few nights in Ho Chi Minh City.

Danang and Hoi An

Most Popular seaside resorts Central Vietnam. Best season for a beach holiday - March and April. Da Nang has a modern international Airport, the city is the fourth largest and industrial center of Vietnam. Nevertheless, it is very picturesque, there are several nearby good beaches, including the famous China Beach - a place for youth hangouts and surfing stations. And 40 km away is the cozy town of Hoi An with a huge number of temples, pagodas, art salons, silk and souvenir shops. This is a museum city, with only 844 officially registered historical monument. Here you should try authentic Vietnamese cuisine and inexpensively replenish your summer wardrobe with handmade silk items, literally sewn in front of you. The ancient imperial capital of the country, the city of Hue, is a place of pilgrimage for tourists, history buffs and adventurers a la Indiana Jones, located a few hours away by car from Da Nang.

Halong and Haiphong

Ha Long Bay is very beautiful and unusual place in the north of Vietnam. From Hanoi it takes 3-4 hours (150 km) by bus or taxi. If you've seen James Cameron's film Avatar, the cliffs of Ha Long will remind you of the floating boulders of the planet Pandora. Only in Ha Long do they strangely stick out from the turquoise waters of the bay. The best way to spend a few days in Ha Long is on board a wooden cruise ship. So you can bathe to your heart's content in warm and clean water, visit the most beautiful and interesting places, buy authentic souvenirs in the floating village, go down to the mysterious caves on the shore and take the best selfies of your life. And don’t forget to try the local delicacy – sweet and sour fish baked in sugar. Halong is also famous as a filming location for the films “Indochina” with Catherine Deneuve in leading role and Tomorrow Never Dies with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Haiphong is a cozy resort town not far from Ha Long. It is reminiscent of Hanoi twenty years ago with its clean flower-filled boulevards, colonial houses and leisurely pace of life. In addition to good shopping, the city has many temples, inexpensive restaurants, and a decent zoo. The proximity to Hanoi makes it easy to visit Halong and Haiphong in one trip, along with a few days' stop in the capital.

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

A description of the resorts will be incomplete without mentioning the main cities of Vietnam, which are usually visited by almost all tourists, because they air gate countries. These cities are definitely worth attention and at least a short introductory visit.

Hanoi is the capital of the country. This city will not leave anyone indifferent: old French houses are surrounded by greenery, and two steps around the corner there are ancient temples. Halt a rickshaw and ride along the city boulevards, and in the evening catch a performance at the Theater on the Water. Have dinner at a national restaurant, and the next morning go take a photo at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, look into the Temple of Literature and be amazed at the elegance of the One Pillar Pagoda and throw a coin into the Lake of the Returned Sword. And if you have time and energy left, go for a while to the mountains to the former French resort of Sapa. In one day in Sapa you can feel all four seasons, enjoy natural beauty, see the unique Tafin Underwater Palace and the Thac Bak Silver Waterfall. And the bravest and most resilient will be able to climb highest peak Indochina Mount Fansipan (3,143 m).

Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon, as locals and American tourists usually call it, - main city South Vietnam. Saigon is interesting during the day and does not sleep at night. Colonial buildings of the last century peacefully coexist with skyscrapers, shopping centers and office buildings. You'll be impressed by the former Presidential Palace, and you can buy interesting finds from local designers on Dong Hoi Boutique Street. Military history buffs will be interested in descending into the guerrilla tunnels of Cu Chi, while families with children will appreciate a river cruise along the Mekong with lunch and a visit to a snake nursery. And in the evening it’s so nice to admire the bright lights and life boiling below, while sipping a cocktail or a cool beer at the hotel’s rooftop bar. And with renewed vigor, go in search of “adult” night adventures after an invigorating foot massage. In terms of the number and density of bars, discos, and entertainment on the edge, Saigon is not inferior to Bangkok.

Vietnam is a country in South-East Asia, located on the Indochina Peninsula and washed from the east and south by the South China Sea. Officially the country is called the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The neighboring states of Vietnam are Laos and Cambodia, with which Vietnam borders in the west, as well as China, with which the border lies in the north. The country's total area is 331,212 square kilometers, which is only 65th in the world. B O Most of Vietnam is occupied by low or medium-high mountains and plateaus. Highest point countries - Mount Fansipan (3143 meters) mountain range Hoang Lien Son. In addition, the largest Indo-Chinese rivers, the Mekong and Hong Ha, flow through Vietnam and empty into the South China Sea.

For a long time, Vietnam was an Indo-Chinese colony of France and achieved independence only in the middle of the 20th century - this happened in 1945, although armed clashes continued in the country for several years. Vietnam was also the scene of a war with the United States from 1965-1973, which cost many lives on both sides.

Modern Vietnam is a socialist state that has chosen the Chinese version of development - modernization and liberalization of the economy. As of 2016, the population of Vietnam is 94,569,072 people.


To enter Vietnam for a period of more than 15 days, citizens of the Russian Federation must have a visa obtained from the Vietnamese consulate; they can also apply for a visa upon arrival.

In order to obtain a visa at the consulate, you need to provide the following documents: international passport(minimum validity period is 6 months from the end of the trip); 2 photographs measuring 4x6 cm; 2 forms filled out in Russian, English or French; invitation, travel voucher or reservation. The visa is issued within 5 working days and is valid for 30 days. In addition, there is a US$25 application fee.

When obtaining a visa directly at the border, at the Vietnamese airport, you need to provide 2 photographs measuring 3x4, one completed application form, as well as a visa permit from the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, which is issued within 5-7 working days. Upon arrival, citizens must go to the “Visa on arrival” window, and from that moment their vacation in Vietnam begins.

Among other things, the visa specifies the points of entry and exit through which a visitor to the country can cross the border. To change the specified location, you must contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. This service is subject to payment.

If the period of stay in Vietnam does not exceed 15 days, then Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa. In addition, similar rules apply in neighboring Laos and Cambodia (in Cambodia, a visa can be obtained at the border without any problems), so after a 15-day stay in Vietnam, you can go to one of the neighboring countries and then return again for 15 days. Often, when entering Vietnam for a period of less than 15 days, border guards may require you to present a ticket to leave the country - this is prescribed by the rules, but is not always followed.

Customs regulations

When entering Vietnam there are certain customs regulations. Thus, you can import an unlimited amount of foreign convertible currency into the country, but if the amount exceeds 3,000 US dollars, then the currency must be declared, since no more than the amount that has been declared can be exported from the country.

You can also transport the following goods without paying duty: a maximum of 1.5 liters of strong alcohol or 2 liters of drinks with an alcohol content of maximum 22 degrees; either 400 cigarettes, or 100 cigars, or 500 grams of tobacco; 5 kilograms of tea; a maximum of 3 kilograms of coffee, as well as two cans of black or red caviar weighing no more than 100 grams. In addition, other goods are also transported, the total value of which does not exceed 5 million VND (Vietnamese dong).

As in other countries of Southeast Asia, the penalties for attempting to smuggle drugs are the most severe - up to death penalty. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to transport medications containing narcotic substances without having a doctor’s permission to use them, as well as explosives, firearms, products of a pornographic nature or that offend the local culture.

Current time in Hanoi:
(UTC +7)

Upon arrival, all tourists undergo sanitary and epidemiological control, and also fill out a Health Declaration on board the plane. If, when passing control, the visitor does not show any symptoms of diseases such as AIDS, plague, tuberculosis, cholera, yellow fever and others, then no problems will arise. Otherwise, the tourist will face treatment in one of the local hospitals, and not a full-fledged vacation in Vietnam.

How to get there

From Russia it is relatively easy to get to Vietnam - regular flights Several airlines operate at once, but the list of Russian cities from where you can fly directly to Vietnam is small - these are Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok. However, in tourist season(during winter months) charter flights are also carried out from other cities, for example, from Yekaterinburg (sometimes), St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk.

You can fly directly from Moscow to the largest Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City on Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines flights.

Aeroflot operates direct flights from Sheremetyevo Airport to Hanoi, Noi Bai Airport. The flight is very long, so passengers are provided with meals twice. Along the way, the airplane covers almost the entire Asian continent - Central Asia, India, etc. Time in the air is 9 and a half hours.

From Domodedovo Airport, regular flights to both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are operated by Vietnam Airlines, the country's main air carrier. In Ho Chi Minh City, planes land at Tan Son Nhat Airport. Vietnam Airlines Boeings have all the conditions for a long, comfortable flight, including many technical aids such as screens mounted in the backs of seats, etc. During the flight, all passengers are offered hot meals twice, as well as a certain amount of alcohol. It is also worth noting that Vietnam Airlines has special tariffs for residents of other Russian cities, which can make it much easier to get to Vietnam with a connection at Moscow Domodedovo Airport (if you fly from Vladivostok, the connection is in Seoul).

Representative office in Moscow: Moscow, Frunzenskaya 3rd street, 1, building 1, tel. 5892450, fax 5892552. Office at Domodedovo airport: room. 512, 5th floor, opening hours 14.00-20.00, tel. 9268661, fax 9268661, E-mail: [email protected].

The S7 airline (Siberia) also has regular flights to Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, but not from Moscow, but from Novosibirsk. Planes fly every two weeks.

From Vladivostok to the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, you can fly by Vladivostok-Avia. The flight frequency is once a week, and the flight itself lasts just over 5 hours.

Connecting flights

From Russia to Hanoi

  • By Hong Kong Airlines from Moscow with a transfer in Hong Kong.

From Russia to Ho Chi Minh City

  • By Cathay Pacific airline from Moscow with a transfer in Hong Kong.
  • By Thai Airlines from Moscow with a transfer in Bangkok.
  • By Qatar Airways from Moscow with a transfer in Doha. Qatar Airlines often captivates with very favorable rates.
  • By Asiana Airlines from Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with a transfer in Seoul (Incheon Airport).
  • By Korean Air airline from Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg with a transfer in Seoul (Incheon Airport).
  • By Japan Airlines from Moscow with a transfer to Tokyo (Narita Airport).

There are more complex options - with two transfers. However, during airline sales periods it makes sense to take advantage of them due to attractive prices. For example, you can get to both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with Air France from Moscow and St. Petersburg with transfers in Paris and Bangkok.

It is worth remembering that long flights are associated with a certain risk to the health of passengers who do not tolerate such stress well.

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Climate and weather in Vietnam

So that your holiday in Vietnam is not ruined weather conditions, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the climate data for the country. Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate, so the humidity is quite high - an average of 84% throughout the year. However, the climate often varies markedly depending on the region. This happens due to the difference in latitudes and the relief features of a particular area. The winter dry season, lasting from November to April, is dry only in comparison with the rainy season, since even in these months there is sufficient rainfall, thanks to the monsoon winds blowing from the northeast coast of China. In the southern regions of the country it is quite hot in winter - about 25 degrees, while in the north it is on average 10 degrees colder. The lowest temperatures are in December and January, sometimes reaching only 1 degree above zero. In any case, it is most comfortable in the south of the country, where in any season the temperature rarely drops below 20 degrees, and in April - the hottest month - sometimes even reaches 37 degrees.

Average annual rainfall ranges from 1200-3000 millimeters per year, with 90% percent of all rainfall occurring between May and October. At this time, each region of the country receives its share of precipitation, but in the winter months in the south of Vietnam the probability of rain is much less than in the north. It is also worth knowing that at the end of summer and beginning of autumn there comes a time for typhoons, often with truly destructive power.

Cities and regions

Vietnam consists of 59 fairly small provinces, plus there are 4 centrally controlled cities - the cities of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong and Da Nang. The most economically developed provinces are located in the northeast of the country, which is not so popular among tourists, as well as in the south of the country near Ho Chi Minh City.

Administrative divisions of Vietnam

Provinces of Vietnam

Hau Giang
Cao Bang
Dien Bien
Yen Bai
Tuyen Quang
Buck Kan
Lang Son
Vinh Phuc
Thai Nguyen
Buck Giang
Bac Ninh
Hai Duong
Quang Ninh
Hung Yen
Haiphong City
Thai Binh
Ha Nam
Nam Dinh
Ninh Binh
Hoa Binh
Thanh Hoa
Nghe An
Ha Tinh
Quang Binh
Quang Tri
Thua Thien Hue
Quang Nam
Quang Ngai
Zia Lai
Binh Dinh
Fu Yen
Dak Lak
Khanh Hoa
Dak Nong
Lam Dong
Ninh Thuan
Binh Thuan
Binh Phuoc
Dong Nai
Baria-Vung Tau
Tay Ninh
Binh Duong
Long An
Tien Giang
Dong Thap
Vinh Long
Hau Giang
An Giang
Sok Trang
Bac Lieu
Kien Giang

Main cities and islands of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam's largest city and the country's economic capital. There are a lot of industries developed here; It is estimated that 40% of Vietnamese exports come from Ho Chi Minh City. The city was founded by French colonialists in 1874 (the official founding date is March 15, 1874). Until 1975, the city was called Saigon.

Nha Trang

The city of Nha Trang is the capital of Khanh Hoa province and at the same time the capital of beach holidays in Vietnam. Simply the most popular resort in the country. Nha Trang is home to about 200,000 people, and almost the entire life of local residents is connected with the tourism industry.

Ha Long

Halong is called both a city and a bay. The city itself is nothing special, and the real pearl of this area and all of Vietnam is Halong Bay. This bay is included in the list world heritage UNESCO. Surprisingly, over an area of ​​1,500 square kilometers, more than 1,600 islands and rocks of various shapes, sometimes very bizarre, are scattered, making the bay more reminiscent of a fairy tale than a real place. It's no surprise that Ha Long Bay is one of the most visited places in Vietnam.

Phu Quoc

The Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc is located in the Gulf of Thailand just 15 kilometers from the shores of neighboring Cambodia. The island, whose area reaches 567 square kilometers, is also called the “island of 99 mountains.” Fukuoka is home to 85,000 people, mostly engaged in tourism services or agriculture.

What to see

By following the links in the text, you can get more detailed information about a specific object (description, location on the map, cost entrance tickets, opening hours, ways to get there, photos, reviews from tourists, etc.). If you are interested in the sights of Vietnam in general, without dividing into cities, there is a special section for this.


Ho Chi Minh City

In Ho Chi Minh City you can see many interesting buildings - colonial buildings, Notre Dame Cathedral, Buddhist temples and pagodas, the Presidential Palace, mosques and much more.

In addition, from Ho Chi Minh City itself you can easily get to the neighboring province of Tay Ninh, where many beautiful Cao Dai temples are located, as well as the Mekong Delta region.

As for attractions, in the central part of the city there are several very interesting places for tourists. And if you come to Ho Chi Minh City in the summer, from mid-May to the end of August, you can find "Southern Fruit Festival", held here every year.

Nha Trang

Among the attractions of Nha Trang, one should highlight the Long Son Pagoda, behind which on the top of the hill there is a large stone statue of Buddha seated on a lotus flower. You can also look at the 13th-century Cham towers, which were built during the era of the Champa state. There is also the opportunity to sail with an excursion to Monkey Island, located 12 kilometers away north of the island Hong Che. The excursion includes a cruise around the islands, fishing, visiting the Bajo waterfall, mud and mineral springs, and local craft villages. If you wish, on the island you can visit the Dog and Monkey Circus, the Elephant and Bear Circus and much more.

Ha Long

A mandatory item on the program is a trip on a boat or some other vessel around the islands. At the pier in the city you can find out in detail about all possible routes, which can be both short and long and even include an overnight stay on the ship. A typical excursion includes a visit to a fishing village on one of the islands, a cave, and an island named after German Titov, the famous Soviet cosmonaut who vacationed here in the 70s. You can also go night fishing directly from the boat, which, however, must be booked in advance. But then you can enjoy the taste of your own catch! Popular islands in Ha Long Bay are Tuan Chau and Cat Ba Islands.

Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc has big amount beautiful beaches stretching from the town of Duong Dong to the town of An Thoi. The island has many beautiful hills and mountains covered with tropical forest. In addition, in Phu Quoc you can watch the sunset on the sea, which is not possible in other resorts in Vietnam that face the east.

Vietnam resorts

Tourists in Vietnam, first of all, will be interested in its numerous beaches and warm sea, and only then the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and everything else. There are plenty of resort towns in the country. Of course, not all of them correspond to the European level of quality, equipment and infrastructure. It is noteworthy that resorts stretch along the entire coast of Vietnam - from south island Phu Quoc to the resort of Mong Kai in the north of the country.

Water South China Sea quite salty - saltier than in the neighboring Gulf of Thailand, but at the same time healthier. At the confluence of rivers (especially the Mekong and Red) the water is fresher.


Museums and galleries


Parks and Recreation



Shops and markets

Wellness holiday

Private guides in Vietnam

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Vietnam in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Getting around the country

In Vietnam, all modern types of transport can be found and used in varying quantities - from domestic aircraft to intercity buses and taxis. Some of them are very well developed, some are not well developed, but in some cases they can be irreplaceable. In any case, it is possible to get even to remote places in Vietnam, even if you have to make several transfers from one type of transport to another or, say, from one bus route another.

The following types of transport are developed in the country: air transport, railway transport, buses, water passenger transport and various types of taxis. You can find recommendations for traveling in the country and learn more about each type of Vietnamese transport in our special material “Transport in Vietnam: from a scooter to an airplane.”


Vietnamese is a member of the Viet Muong group of the Australasian language family and is the mother tongue of the Viet and Kinh people. Great influence on Vietnamese language and neighboring China provided culture: two-thirds of the words in the Vietnamese language are of Chinese origin.

It is very convenient for tourists that instead of hieroglyphs in the Vietnamese language, the Latin alphabet is used, although with the addition of diacritics to the vowels under or above the letter, which indicate a particular tone. Due to the fact that Vietnamese speech has a huge number of tones and semitones, it is very difficult to perceive it by ear. At the same time, the Vietnamese themselves have problems with the correct pronunciation of European words. It is often very difficult to understand what a Vietnamese person is saying in English.

English is the most common foreign language among local residents, which, however, is not surprising. It is studied at school, at universities, in courses, etc. Also in educational institutions in Vietnam, Chinese is taught - the second most popular foreign language after English. English and Chinese are followed by French, Russian and German, but they are much less common. Thus, Russian is most often known by adults who studied at universities in the USSR, as well as Vietnamese traders who returned from Russia, but their level of language proficiency is very low. Recently, due to the growing number of tourists from Russia to resort areas local residents are slowly starting to master the Russian language.


Vietnamese culture throughout its centuries-old history has been subject to numerous influences from its powerful neighbors or mother country, but each time melting them into something original and unique in its own way. India and China play a special role in the development of Vietnamese culture. China introduced more than half of the words and hieroglyphic writing into the Vietnamese language (replaced by the Latin alphabet in the 20th century), and Confucianism and elements of Taoism into the culture. In addition, in the Middle Ages the influence of Indian culture was noticeable, and subsequently, after the colonization of Vietnam by the French, also French. This was reflected, in particular, in the architecture of many cities, especially Ho Chi Minh City. In the second half of the 20th century, with the communists coming to power, many cultural elements began to be borrowed from the Soviet Union.

Vietnamese literature has rich history- starting from ancient folklore, including the legend of the Dragon Sovereign Lac Long Quan, the Muong epic “The Birth of Water and the Birth of the Earth” to books of the 20th century, similar in theme to European literature. In modern times, the most significant writers in the history of Vietnam worked - Nguyen Chai in the 15th century, Nguyen Binh Khiem in the 16th century and Nguyen Du at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. Nguyen Chai is one of the first major Vietnamese writers, as well as an outstanding statesman and philosopher. Nguyen Binh Khiem was an outstanding poet, close in worldview to Taoism, and Nguyen Du, who wrote the poems “The Lamentations of a Tormented Soul” and “The Story of Kieu,” is as significant a figure in Vietnam as Pushkin in Russia.

Vietnamese folk music is quite original. Might surprise you a large number of vocal genres, and among the main musical instruments There is an amazing disc-like guitar that can be either four or five strings, as well as the dan tam (three-string guitar), dan ni (a violin with only two strings) and om dit - this is a Vietnamese bamboo flute.

Theater is popular in Vietnam, presented in several interesting genres. Teo is an ancient folk theater that at one time originated among peasants living in the Red River Delta. Today it exists in Thai Binh and Hai Hung provinces. Theatrical performances include folk music and the use of traditional folklore stories.

Vietnamese opera is called Tuong. Tuong originated in the courtly atmosphere and is considered a high theater genre that combines dance, music, mime, poetry, acrobatic arts and much more. By the way, there are no decorations on the stage, and a heroic character is always at the center of the performance.

Particularly interesting is the water puppet theater, which simply has no analogues in the world. It also originated in the Red River Delta. The dolls move through the water during sunset, and all the action is accompanied by pleasant melodic music. The puppets are controlled by actors standing waist-deep in water, hidden behind a bamboo screen, so that they have the opportunity to observe the puppets. The performances begin with the appearance of a boy doll, Teu, saying: “Hello everyone! I probably don’t need to introduce myself?”


Vietnam is a paradise for foodies. The culinary traditions of this country amaze with their richness and variety of dishes and ingredients. Many recipes were borrowed from China, India and France, but in no case can we say that Vietnamese cuisine is a clone of any of them.

The use of a variety of sauces and seasonings is common in Vietnamese cuisine. In dishes prepared, by the way, only from fresh ingredients, seasonings from garlic, onion and ginger root are often added, as well as purely Vietnamese sauces “nuoc mam” and “nuoc cham”. Various herbs and even bamboo are very popular in Vietnam, the young shoots of which are readily eaten.

The most popular foods used in Vietnamese cuisine are rice, seafood, pork, noodles, herbs and more.

It is especially worth paying attention to rice. This crop is one of the symbols of all of Southeast Asia, and Vietnam is the second largest exporter of rice in the world. In addition, Vietnam refused to grow genetically modified rice, so there is no doubt about the quality of the product. In every Vietnamese family, rice is the main dish on the table, but besides this, it is part of countless of the most amazing and original recipes.

Vegetarian cuisine is also developed in Vietnam, which is explained primarily by Buddhist gastronomic traditions. Vietnamese non-meat dishes include rice with fried dou fu bean curd and rau vegetables. In general, soybeans and products made from it in Vietnamese cuisine replace dairy products, which are practically not used among the Vietnamese. There is, for example, a special soy milk called sya-dau-nan. Soy sauce is very popular.

Various fruits that grow in abundance in Vietnam are widely used. These are coconuts, durian, guava, lemons, lychee, Java apple, Siamese persimmon, papaya, rambutan and many other exotic fruits.

As for meat dishes, the Vietnamese usually eat the familiar beef, pork and poultry. Various insects or reptiles are now considered rare delicacies that are not served in any restaurant.

In general, Vietnamese cuisine is rich in exotic meats. For example, you can try boa constrictor meat, which is considered extremely healthy. Or try a snake dish, which is a whole ritual-like action that can truly shock the especially impressionable. The waiter makes a small incision on the still living snake, then removes the heart from it and drains the blood. The person who ordered the dish eats a beating snake heart and drinks rice vodka mixed with snake blood. Afterwards, vodka is used, mixed with snake bile. After some time, the finished dish is served - snake meat, fried with spices and nuts. The head of the snake is cut off during cooking so that the poison cannot get into the dish.

Other exotic dishes include dishes made from field rats, dogs, cats (although there is an official ban on their use) and many other amazing ingredients.


Shopping is an essential part of any vacation. In some places it is so developed that it seems there is nowhere to develop further, and in other places in terms of purchases everything is not the same in the best possible way. Vietnam is somewhere in the middle, with a tilt towards the first group. Shopping here is not at the same level as in neighboring Thailand, but with the growing number of tourists there are good reasons for quality development. Moreover, Vietnam has a lot to offer its guests.


For calls to other countries in Vietnam there are special call centers, as well as street payphones. Hotel residents have the opportunity to make calls directly from there, but this is quite expensive.

The international code for Vietnam is 84.

  • To call from Vietnam to Russia you need to dial: 007 - area code - subscriber number
  • For calls from Russia to Vietnam you need to dial: 8-10-84 - area code - subscriber number

Major city codes

  • Hanoi - 4
  • Ho Chi Minh City - 8
  • Haiphong - 32
  • Da Nang - 511
  • Hue - 54

There are no problems with cellular communications, since all three largest Russian operators - MTS, Beeline and Megafon - have agreements with Vietnamese companies. Vietnamese operators: MobiFone, VinaFone, S-Fone, G-Tel, Vietnamobile, Viettel Mobile. A SIM card from a Vietnamese operator costs about $5, which includes 30 minutes of talk time.

Useful phones

In addition, in almost all hotels you can access the Internet. Some of them have Wi-Fi. In large and resort towns There are many Internet cafes.



The crime rate in Vietnam, according to Interpol, is very low, since the existing political regime in the country copes quite successfully with organized crime. Robberies on the streets or murders are extremely a rare event. One of the most serious crimes that a tourist can face in Vietnam is pickpocketing, which occurs more or less regularly. In this regard, it is recommended not to carry cash or documents in the back pockets of your trousers. The best option is to keep them in a hotel safe, and carry a small amount of money and a photocopy of your passport with you. In addition, tourists should be careful when making calculations, as the Vietnamese are sometimes not averse to fooling visitors.

You need to be careful if you are dealing with local “priestesses of love”, who are often not averse to profiting from their clients’ wallets. Foreigners can only gamble in special establishments, and an attempt to involve local residents in them can result in criminal prosecution. Anything related to drugs - storage, distribution, use - is punished especially severely. In this case, the most severe punishments are applied, up to and including the death penalty. This is a traditional practice in Southeast Asian countries.

Tourists should exercise discretion while on vacation. In particular, this applies to drinking alcohol, since an “overdone” tourist in Vietnam can easily get into trouble, become a victim of robbery, etc. When swimming, you should watch out for the ocean surf, which can become a source of danger. Between September and November, Vietnam is frequently hit by typhoons and severe flooding in some areas of the country.

As for health issues, before arriving in Vietnam you need to take care of the issue of obtaining health insurance (regular or extended). You can also pay a fee to International SOS and use their medical services at their offices in Vietnam. The address in Hanoi is 31 Hai Ba Trung in the central part of the city. Phone - 9340555.

In the Vietnamese province, sanitary conditions are not very good - both in local hospitals and in hotels. Doctors' services are paid almost everywhere only in cash, and treatment under insurance policies is carried out only in some metropolitan clinics. However, it is worth noting that prices in Vietnam are lower than in neighboring Thailand.

You need to be careful when ordering Vietnamese cuisine, which is quite unusual for Europeans due to its spiciness, abundance of spices and exotic products. If you overestimate your strength, then problems with the stomach and intestines are likely.

Where to stay

Vietnam will delight all visitors with a large selection of accommodation options - there are not just many hotels and guesthouses, but also a wide range of prices, and the level of service is quite high. In addition, Vietnamese hotels have a unique Asian flavor that adds color to the entire vacation. In total, there are approximately 11 thousand hotels in Vietnam, but they do not experience a serious shortage of guests.

Cheap accommodation options are 2- and 3-star hotels, which are of the same quality as Turkish 3- and 4-star hotels, so many experts rightly note that the class of Vietnamese hotels is somewhat underrated. 2-star hotels are usually located in old 4-6-story buildings, well decorated inside. The rooms have a bath or shower with hot water, air conditioning, satellite TV and even a minibar. three-star hotels occupy more modern and larger buildings, and the level of service and equipment in them is quite high. Prices in hotels of 2 and 3 star categories are approximately 15-40 dollars per night.

Even more budget option are guesthouses, prices in which are often below 10 dollars, and their number is in tourist places truly huge. In Ho Chi Minh City, for example, many guesthouses and cheap hotels can be found in Pham Nu Lao, considered a backpacker's area. True, it is not a fact that cheap guesthouses and hotels will have hot water.

In resort cities, in particular in Nha Trang, accommodation will most likely cost more than in the capitals. Many tourists come to these cities who have little understanding of the intricacies of the Vietnamese tour business and, moreover, are able to easily part with large sums of money. For such tourists, there are luxury 4 and 5 star hotels with their own swimming pools, private beaches, etc.

For more budget-conscious Vietnamese beachgoers, there are plenty of bungalows available. True, the amenities in them are minimal, and besides, if the walls of the bungalow are bamboo, then mosquitoes can fly inside through the existing cracks. However, anti-mosquito ointments may well correct the situation. In any case, the most vivid memories of a holiday in Vietnam almost always remain!