Ice regime. Toros What is a torus on Baikal

It is difficult to stay from the temptation to ride a car with a breeze on smooth and thick baikal iceYes, so that fluffy snow flew from under the wheels. In sunny weather, the frozen lake is simply uncontrollably manitis to leave onto ice and drive up close to the sparkling pin of the toroids or to coastal rocks, bizarrely decorated with heights of the shafts and swirling storm winds.

Landmarks of Ice Baikal

Transparent Baikal ice and sparkling toros are especially impressive in spring. After thawing I. strong windthat blows all the snow, the ice becomes perfectly polished. Through it perfectly visible on the shallow water stones at the bottom. If the snow falls over the winter, there are not so many open areas of mirror ice on the lake. From the end of February to the beginning of April, most trips on the ice of Baikal are performed. This is the perfect time to travel around ice: warm, you can go, for example, on a bike in light clothes, without gloves, and even briefly undress to T-shirts. The sky is blue-blue, the sky is clean, and the snow-covered mountains of the opposite shore clearly differ up to the details, as if they are nearby.

In recent years, there has been popular skiing, skating or bicycles to make long journeys from the south of Baikal, from the village. Cooltuk, north - to Severobaykalsk.
At the end of March, the ice becomes rough, snow wear harvested, which allows you to move on bicycles without special studded rubber. In general, ride a smooth ice on a bike is quite complicated, it is a little stronger to turn the pedals, and the bike is guaranteed to slip the side. Tourist travel practices on ice on cars, snowmobiles, Yeji-10 amphibian ships on an air cushion and dog sledding is Nova enough for Baikal, such tours began to be held regularly only since 2003. Baikal can be much faster than in the summer, Get to remote places on the coast, usually affordable only from water. For example, to get to the Baikal Lena Reserve on the boat, you need to continuously sail about two days, in the winter it is all available for five to seven hours drive from Irkutsk.
Winter Baikal leaves an indelible impression. At the end of winter, there is a powerful ice support, and individual bulk can exceed human growth. Peasic fields attract the attention of photographers with an unusual jet of sparkling ice. The mirror Baikal ice and amazing blue lights on the chips of ice block are striking all coming. Exceptional Ice transparency allows you to see the bottom near the shore and look into the black mysterious depths of the lake. The thickness of even thick ice is imperceptible and is defined on the eye only in places, made by cracks.

Coastal cliffs in winter are decorated with multi-meter in height, sparkling in the sun with ice hearts. The thickness of the ice on coastal stones reaches several tens of centimeters, and the height of such ice nicks on the rocks from the windward side with a strong autumn storm sometimes exceeds tens of meters. Numerous grots are decorated with a variety of large icicles and ice columns. Such ice sculptures are created again every winter. Particularly spectacular ice and sockey nicks are found on the rocks of the Ushkah Islands, Olkhon Island Cams - Kobli's head, Sagan-Khushun, Hoicobo. Every year, powerful ice jewels form exceptionally beautiful torus near the cape.

Sagan Hushun - "White Cape" - an extremely picturesque rocky cape, is located on Olkhon Island, about 1 km long, composed of marble of light tones, thickly covered with a red lichen and having a burgundy shade. In winter, drive around the ice by him, without noticing, it is impossible. Zimnik, as a rule, goes close to the rocks. At the foot of the foot - the rag of transparent ice, the rocks on the height of tens of meters are decorated with openwork branched icicles. In a small stone bay between the rocks, for tens of meters up, every year during the freezing of the lake formed milled ice stalactites, similar to the branches of the Christmas tree. Near the north there is an 8-meter grotto, as in a fairy tale about the snow queen, fantastically decorated with transparent ice icicles, stalagmites, ice crystals and patterns. All this beauty sparkling in the sun is difficult to convey on video or photos. Especially the smoke lace of grottoes at sunset, when, for a short time, sunlight illuminates the inside of the grotto.

Baikal ice

Baikal freezes annually, and expensive on ice every year. With the beginning of cold weather, at the air temperature below -20 ° C, in the first 3-4 days ice increases 4-5 cm per day. At the water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, the thickness of ice ranges from 70 to 113 cm, while the pattern was revealed: the more snow, the thinner the ice. It is believed that the ice, broken by a storm when the lake freezing is less durable than homogeneous and monolithic. But even homogeneous and monolithic ice can suddenly give a crack. The torn ice is moving forward, the crack is very quickly freezing, it slows down a slightly snow, and a dangerous trap for cars with 2-centimeter ice arises on the road with Veshkov. Therefore, overpowering ice from the mainland on Olkhon is open only in the daytime day: from 9 to 18 hours.

The ice with a thickness of 50 cm withstands the weight up to 15 tons, and the thickness of about a meter is the weight of the helicopter or locomotive. In the history of Baikal, the fact of laying on the ice of the rail route between Baikal and Troika stations in a particularly severe winter of 1903-1904 was distinguished. The loaded wagons were distilled in the ice path of the sully horse.

Usually, ice leave early in the morning to catch the moment of the enchanting sunrise. The first rays of the rising sun fill usually crystal clear ice cinexes with mysterious golden radiance. The desire to see this winter beauty manits on the ice, away from the winter mounted on the ice of the winter to unusual torus or icing rocks. But it is better not to risk and not to move away from the winter, but in places where the rigs and cracks are possible, moving with a local conductor, who knows the features of the ice. The difference in the roads on the ice is dense on the snow, on which, like on a springboard, jumps the car. When overcoming frozen cracks and snow-covered torosa, the machine suspension often experiences strong blows. Only at first glance, from afar, the ice seems smooth, as a mirror, in practice it is often found that it is impossible to drive straight on ice due to winding cracks, peasic fields and snowy drifts.
Locals and fishermen have long and confidently mastered the ice expanses to move on cars. Between the villages of the coast, there are ice roads, and where there are no roads, in most cases you can drive, better with the conductor, the ribs of the torus and cracks.

In March, a rare phenomenon can be observed - powerful ice drums, with a hydrought, separate chips of ice fly up from the gun and fly away far along the ice. The silent equilibrium of the torosa is scattered at the same time the rustle of the revived ice. Right on the eyes of the ice floes are squeezed out of the ice. All this is accompanied by a continuous roar, as with an earthquake, the sound goes straight out under the feet, scaring with its power. People's seam cracks will noticeably move, separate ice floes fall and scattered into small pieces. Item's skiding can be figuratively compared with the work of the millstone - as if tightly compressed jaws are rehearsed with ice into a small crumb. It happens that in such moments on the ice, water is rapidly acting and in a short time covers it for 4-5 cm. After three or four minutes, it usually freezes everything, and complete silence comes.

In April, intensive melting of ice begins. In a matter of days, and sometimes the watch automotive trail completely disappears, covered with water, and it falls on deep puddles at random, in a spray cloud, as from Glisser. It happens that after dinner, the snow on ice is so folded that it is not possible to find her morning car trail.

Ice traps

Numerous car traces on ice in all directions create an illusion of safety. However, it should not be seduced - no matter how reliable ice seemed to be, his cunning is unpredictable. Even the roads marked with viscosity sometimes presented unpleasant surprises.

Open prescriptions - Walnings are visible on ice from a considerable distance, you just need to watch carefully and be able to distinguish them. It is more dangerous when the propaparines are hidden by the thin crust of the ice, and after the snowfall, the layer of snow is sorgan. In this case, find them difficult. If the propaparves are caused by the output of deep gases, then under ice, if it is clean and transparent, you can see gas bubbles. Prouches formed by thermal waters, keys or flow of warm water tributaries, it is more difficult to notice. To do this, it is necessary to carefully examine the ice in a suspicious place and test it with a thickness of a walk or other sharp object. Best of all local features of ice know old-timers fishermen from these places.
Every year, stale gaps occur in the same places - peculiar temperature seams in ice cover. They are formed in the same places, as a rule, in a straight line between adjacent speakers. Separate through slots can reach lengths up to 10-40 km and width up to 4 m, but most often the cracks are wide from 0.5 to 1-2 m. The appearance of these slots is caused by a linear expansion or compression of ice at daily temperature drops that reach sometimes 20 -30 C per day. It is estimated that when the ambient temperature changes by 1 degree, the linear expansion of ice reaches 70 mm per 1 km of ice.

The danger is cracks and cracks with a width of 0.5-2 m, stretching for tens of kilometers. Many of them do not freeze the whole winter, periodically narrowing or expanding. No crack, even the simplest not intersects with the go. Before each of them, it is necessary to stop and check the condition of the ice by walking - with a special wrought acute peak with uneven faces, so that it does not stick to ice. Often there are cracks with thin iceeasily made through water overwhelming. Such cracks easily jump over the velocity cars. To mitigate the end of the crack edge, are covered with a walking. Slices of ice are clogged with a metering gap with water, the machine for overclocking is departing for 200-500 meters, the gate is set - a landmark for the driver, where the car will jump through the gap, then rapidly overclocking up to 70-80 km per hour - and jump through the gap.
On the thickness of the ice also affect the underwater flows that reduce its strength. For example, in the Strait, Olkhon Gates do not make ice crossing for this reason. In winter, there are many cracks and proper here. The crossing on Olkhon is denoted by Veshkov, regularly clearing the grader and check the thickness of the ice. In different years, the ice crossing is arranged either from the Bay of Curcut, or from the mainland after the delta of the Sarma River. The pointer with the "Ice Cross" arrow will help in the right place to go to the ice.
At the end of March, when the sun begins to harvest, it becomes dangerous close to approach the ice to the rocks, about whom the melting of ice occurs rapidly than in the open water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake. It should also be known that, despite frosts and thick ice, if a lot of snow fell and it quickly melted, such an ice due to the absorption of melt water and changes to its structure less reliable and uniform than the ice on which there was no snow.

Winter on Baikal

Official winter skins on the ice of Baikal are marked by the ice on the ice and numerous signs at the congress from the coast: "Permissible carrying capacity of cars 5 t", "distance between machines 200 m", "stop is prohibited", "Recommended speed 10 km / h", "time Work from 9.00 to 19.00. " But usually most roads are laid fishermen and have no warning signs. Experienced drivers always prefer to stick to the track in the right direction, and if they ride directly, they try to ride cracks and suspicious places that differ on a smallest color of ice from afar.

One hundred percent reliability by ice roads It does not even happen to the conductor. It is known a few cases when the cars fell on the permanent winters between the villages of Listvyanka and large cats, in the edge of the crack, which begins immediately from the shipyard in Listvyanka. Significantly more often go under the ice machines moving along the ice at your own risk. In 2002, the Emergencies Expedition of the Emergencies Ministry spent a special search for sunken objects and only in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Small Sea registered 15 unreasured cars. According to local residents, at the bottom of the Small Sea is from 25 to 50 cars.

Usually on South Baikal, the road makes his way from Baikalsk to the village. Cultuk and from the village. Cultuk to the village. Marita. On the middle Baikal roads less. Most often on ice ride from the village. Listvyanka in the village. Cats (18 km), from the village. Largely holocious in the sandy bay. Sometimes the locals, if the winter was cold, punch the winter skirmin across Baikal from the mouth of the Ahhi River to East Coast. Official crossing, equipped with viscosity and pointers, is organized annually between the mainland and Olkhon Island. There are only more roads on the ice of the Small Sea, it is mostly fishing roads to the places of the treated fishing, but there are constant roads from the village. Huzhir, along the island and in the village. Ongurenes, to Cordon of the Baikal Lena Reserve on Cape Sunny and further to the Bay of Varnogle. Every year it is laid in the winter in the northern part of Baikal between the city of Severobaikal and pos. Ust-Barguzin through the Chivirkuy Bay.

What should be known when driving on ice

As the knowledgeable people tell, failure under the ice occurs unexpectedly and rapidly. In a matter of seconds, the machine dives nose and instantly turns out to be under ice. If the car fails, the main thing is not to panic and have time to open the doors. Already at diving by 2-3 meters, excessive pressure from the outside makes it difficult to open the door and knock out the glass. When hitting the hammer on the windows from the inside of the machine under water, the glass begged, but not broken. Lower the glass and jump out through the window in winter clothes, overcoming a powerful oncoming water flow, not everyone will have time. If the depth is known and insignificant (10-15 meters), it is recommended to wait for the water supply of the car and align the pressure, then the doors can be opened. There is enough time to remove the unites and collect the things of the first need for documents, matches, knife. If you manage to get out of the water on the ice, the danger is preserved just to freeze in the cold and wind, while you get to the saving heat of the wrong housing. Be sure to have a knife in my pocket to get out on the ice, and a lighter to divide the fire on the shore.
Most often on ice ruffles excessive confidence and driving of a car in a drunken state. Even experienced drivers are not insured against cunning ice traps. In the warm winter, especially at the end of winter, cracks are not fatal, but if they are covered with thin ice and rotate with snow, become extremely dangerous for cars. In the cold time, on the contrary, they are fatal almost instantly, but the thickness of the ice is insufficient in such a place to withstand the weight of the car.
Usually fishermen neglecting the danger and prohibiting signs, go on the ice of Baikal in all imaginable directions. Unjustified self-confidence often ends the tragedy.

How to raise drowned cars

The lifting of drowned cars are engaged in both locals and specially trained MES and the Irkutsk Dilaznous Firm "Aqua-Eco". You can raise the car from the depth to 40-50 m, the depth of 60-80 m is the limit for the operation of submariners. The divers tell that cars for some reason most often get up on the bottom on the wheels, rarely turning over to the roof. And if the car does not raise a lot when the lifting, it will remain in excellent shape. For lifting, the diver clings the car at one point, usually behind the frame or for the outpost. Then, with the help of an arrow or self-made design of three-four logs, frozen vertically in the form of a hut in the ice, at the top point of which a block for a cable is installed, the machine is raised from the bottom and tightened to ice.

Sometimes they do without an arrow, as, for example, it was with a failed opposite village. Angosolka Light Louise. There is a shallow bank in that place, and depths of 130 m immediately begin, the car failed in 1.5-2 meters from the edge of the cliff, in this place the strong underwater flow and beat the keys. The ice was too thin and did not allow the car to raise the car in the usual way. Rescuers decided to make a bad rubber boat into the salon, which was then pumped by ice hose from a cylinder with compressed air. It was enough for Loise to surface. If the ice is thin and does not allow you to organize an increase in the machine, it is removed from the water in summer with the help of a boat, which tows a recessed car to the shore. And already there it pulls the tractor on the shore.
Buryats get the car from the lane with the gate. A hole on the diameter of chocks, to a chock, inserted into the hole, is tied by a gate with a long rope. One end clings to the frame or the outpost of the car at one point so that the machine is released on the surface or the nose or the back. On the edge of the lane, build an arrow from thick logs or specially welded iron construction with a length of 6 meters long, as a rule in the length of the car. The arrow is installed on the edge of the ice, at an angle of 45 degrees above the water, and with a winch or the gate rises along with the machine over the ice into the vertical position, after which it tipping over to ice along with the machine, which is accompanied by a strong roar when the machine rises on the wheels.
If the street is warm, raised from the bottom car towed without draining oil and fuel. If low temperatures need to prevent water freezing, which could get into car units. For this, the engine oil is immediately merged, brake fluid, fuel and oil from bridges. All filters and candles are replaced.

Here is what the process of pulling out the car from the ice:

Ice roads Baikal

There is such a profession on Baikal - Ice Captain. These are real "ice wolves" who know almost all about the Winter Baikal, its ice shell, underwater flows and winds. The main task of the ice captains is to choose the road on the ice of Baikal so that it is most secure to move on vehicles in the winter. On Baikal there is a so-called "League of Ice Captains", which in the winter time of the year determine the location of the winterers on Baikal and are engaged in car caravans on the ice of the lake. The basic principles of movement on the vehicle on Ice Baikal was laid by Alexander Yuryevich Burmeister in 1964. Once upon a time in a complex ice environment, he survived himself, and brought people. Since then, he systematically studies the ice environment of the northern and middle parts of Lake Baikal. Its observations were based on a unified system of safe passage, in the complex navigation conditions of Baikal. League of Baikal Ice Captains - E-Mail: [Email Protected]

Here are the most popular automotive routes By laid on the ice of Baikal Wimers:

1. Expedition on Ice Baikal "Big Ring"

The route lasting 5 days: Irkutsk - Yelansey - the Small Sea - the coast of the Baikal Lena Reserve - Zaimka in the Bay of Varnogle - Chivirki Bay - Irkutsk. The distance is 1200 km, of which Baikal Ice is 750 km.

The format of this route may be the following:

First day. 260 km on asphalt, 60 km on Gravel Good Road, 60 km on Ice Baikal. A visit to the shamanic sirge and ancient rock paintings. On the way lunch in the cafe "Buryat Kitchen". Accommodation on tourist base In substitute or on the tourist base of Olkhon Island. Russian sauna. Festive dinner.
Second day. About 200 km on Ice Baikal. Olkhon Island: Inspection of the scarves on the rocks and garrotes. Traveling on ice to the cautious cavity and to the innocent caves. Crossing the Small Sea with a conductor. Picnic has a sacred cape, where powerful multi-meter torosa are formed annually. Visiting the Nerroy Cave at Cape Sagan Moria. Overnight at borrowing in the Bay of Varnobat.
The third day. The intersection of Baikal. Trip to hot springs in Chivirkuy Bay in Zabaykalsky national Park. The famous Ushkanya Islands is a favorite fan of the Baikal Nerze. In the evening, a Russian bath with brooms and swimming for those who want to be in ice-hole.
Fourth day. Fishing on smoke. The hole in the coastal torus will be prevented in advance. The bait is embanked - Bormash. If you sit quietly and look in the hole, you can see how smoking smoking and how he takes a bait. This is one of the most grooved winter fishing species. Fresh fish is prepared at the ear of the ear or school.
The fifth day. Early departure and return to Irkutsk.

2. On Ice in the Bay "Sandy"

3. To the Small Sea Games

The journey can be carried out in two days with one overnight stay in warm conditions or on Olkhon Island (Benchanrov's Manor), or on the basis of Individual Rest "EHKOK" (Slim Cape, West Coast of the Small Sea). The total mileage is 750-800 km. A trip is interesting to visiting the ice grottoes, in the summer that are visible only from the boat. Beautiful safe additional transport for excursions will serve bicycles or snowmobile, they can be safely used outside the winter, moving near the cliffs, such as Cape Hobbo (336 km from Irkutsk), to which to drive closely by car is quite difficult because of the large number of cracks and torosa on ice.

From the mainland on the island in the winter, the winter is laid in the winter, marked with pests and road signs. All winter on it are passing cars, including heavy trucks.
From Irkutsk to the shore of the Small Sea, the road (250 km) is held in 3.5 hours. You can refuel in Bayanda and Flyans. In Elantsha, it is necessary to fill out a minimum of a gasoline canister to stock. In the village Yeans runs a cozy cafe "Olkhon Gate" (after a petrol station, to the right of the road), where it is advisable to snack before leaving the ice.
Do not reach MRC (45 km from the village. Yelansey), it is necessary to turn to the Sahurt base to the Bay of Curcut or R. Sarma on the "Ice Cross" pointer. The binoculars clearly visible the ice trail with the vests on ice and road signs. The road is regularly cleaned by the grader, and it is easy enough to notice. The road is located annually in approximately the same safe place, a length of 15-20 km. Peasive areas in front of Olkhon island are cut off with a bulldozer, so at the ice road, it is comfortable to go even on passenger cars. In the Olkhon gate, where the distance to the island is much shorter, the crossing is not made due to submarine flows in the strait, with the result that the ice there is heterogeneous in thickness and is dangerous for machines. Near the cape of Kobyal's head is also formed by a raznaya crack, which starts from a large straightened near the cape itself. Cape Horin-Irgi is separated from the Kobyl Peninsula to the head of a sheer cleft to the surface of the water and reminds of the head of the horse. In winter, this cleft is clogged with ice above human growth. Strongly iced cliffs of Cape from afar attract attention, but it's not recommended to approach them, especially closer to the spring, when the intensive melting of ice begins near the sheer cliffs. Ice nicks - Sokui are formed on the rocks when freezing the lake. Ice squeezes due to frequent autumn winds here at Cape Kobyel's head biggest in the small sea.

You can stay for the night in the village. Khuzhir in the hotel, private manors or forestry. For help in placement you can contact information Center In the manor Nikita Benchanova, there will always help with accommodation. In winter, tourists are practically no, and finding the night in the village are easily even without prior arrangement.
In the evening, before sunset, you can walk on the ice around the famous Shaman-cliff from the village. Huzhira.

On the south side of the shaman-rock, with a certain extent of imagination, you can consider the image of the dragon with head and tail. On the morning of the next day, you can continue the journey through the ice of Baikal to the northern tip of the island, Cape Hobbo. Congress on the ice is located to the right of Cape Burkhan or immediately from the pier, depending on the ice environment. It is clearly visible from above. The road to the north is not denoted by Veshkov. Basically, her rolling fishermen, so the roads on the ice, as in the Mongolian steppe, sometimes diverge to fan. The principle of movement is the same - to hold on to the roll and do not ride without a gauge. Cape Sagan Hushun and Cape Hoicoba, having a grotow, ice healing on the rocks, and Cape Hoea are and powerful ice hacks with large torus.
Cape Sagan Hushun on ice from Khuzhir 35 km, from Sagan-Khusun to Cape HOWICH 4 km. On the way, fishing kamchatka will be met - fishermen camp with tents and machines. Cape chaoboons - the northern cape on Olkhon Island, difficult to reach in the summer due to a bad dirt road (4-5 hours. From the village of Khuzhir), and in the winter on the ice of Baikal, the fare will take no more than 40 minutes.
It is sometimes difficult for driving a close to the cape of HOW, sometimes difficult to go, and the last hundred meters have to go on foot. From the side of the Big Baikal near the rocks almost annually formed large sheer shafts broken icewhich is even difficult to climb. Many large torosa and fresh cracks. From the northern side of the cape at the water level there are two grottoes. One of them goes under the rock for 21 m, and for his visit you need a flashlight. Like all the Baikal grots, formed by the Warborbic Process, it has a sufficiently large inlet inlet, in which you can stand in full growth, and gradually tumped down, at the end of which you can get only Clear. Throughout the grotto, hurt ice and icicles. Especially effective input with frequency of ice pillars of different diameters.
In addition to the grottoes of Cape, the grottoes on the mainland of the Small Sea are known: on Cammy Cams, Aral, Haltya.
From Cape Hobchoba, the road goes on the ice of Baikal to the mainland cavity and to the Baikal-Lena Reserve. From there, go to the Ushka Islands, the Chivirkuy Bay, to the north of Baikal.

The advanced version of this route is a car mileage around Olkhon Island, which can be made in 4-5 hours, neatly rugged stale cracks and ice rugs on the northeastern part of the island near the mountain of the press.

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Baikal. Ice Sneaking, Tosos and Grotto

Baikal ice is an amazing mystery of nature. It is not clear why we, let's say, on the Volga ice of ten centimeters white, while on Baikal, leaving the meter in depth, the ice remains transparent, like glass?

However, on Baikal affects not only ice transparency. Any works of nature from the frozen water - torosa, sandy and ice grottoes, - also attract attention and fascinate travelers. About this in more detail in today's post.

Near the shore of the ice is hidden under the snow, but if you go down for two hundred meters, Baikal exposes his purest blue ice:

Seeing the mirror stroke, everyone immediately began to be photographed:

Starfish on ice:

Of course, we have "beat", thanking local spirits for hospitable weather:

And this is the nicks. They are also called Sokui:

These squeezes on the stones are formed when the lake freezing at the very beginning of winter. With a strong storm, the windscreens can be covered with ice whole, up to ten or more meters in height:

After Baikal freezes completely, its level falls, forming impressive slits under the heals:

Sades are of various shapes:

The nicknames are hidden with many grotts. In the summer, it is not to approach them (the ship will break up about the rocks), however, in the winter there can be easily driving on the ice:

Ceilings of grottoes stuck with ice icicles, countless abundance of which draws beautiful surreal paintings:

Cracks on ice are different. There are huge stigma (about them later), and there are usual, which is devouring the entire surface of the frozen lake. These cracks pass along the top of the ice cover, forming a patterned mesh on a mirror stroit. Fantastic beauty:

Noticed local cyclists. Bicycles on Baikal in winter - the usual thing. Next, during our journey, we often met tourists and travelers on two wheels:

Next to Olhon is the island of ogoy. He, too, the whole shaman and sacred, they say, this is the place of power. I do not know, maybe I am an insensible chubban, but how much I travel, no places of strength and sacred energies I do not feel. And you?

The ogus is a rocky island with several bays, three kilometers long from west to east:

Until recently, he was of interest only for animals and local fishermen:

Everything has changed when in 2005 on the island was built by the sacred Buddhist suburge or a stue of enlightenment. The eight meter structure consists of three steps, dome and spire. It is believed that Buddhist stups are intended to dissolve negative energies and favorably contribute to the prosperity of the area. Volunteers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, New York, London and Lisbon took part in the construction of the steps. Everything necessary for construction was moved to the island on the boats and then manually raised to the top. Particular loads were transferred to the island with helicopters.

By the way, the construction of the Stupa led Lama from Bhutan. At his account, more than 40 built Buddhist stupas in different countries of the world:

Our cars:

After the wow, we went to ride a Baikal:

That's where the car is visible by the rod. Such faults occur after the freezing of the lake and constitute through ice cracks. Their appearance is accompanied by a stunning crackle. Often, water appears in the field of cracks, however, during our journey there was a cold in the area -20 and the water instantly frozen. Local overcomes these faults using special labels from thick boards laid across the slots. These boards can often be seen on the roofs of cars:

With increasing temperature and the narrowing of the slots, the ice is extruded onto the surface and creates a torus - the heated of the wreckage of ice:

In our expedition was a dude who turned to me with the words: "Oh! You have a good photo, take a picture of me!". I can understand when one or twice asked to take off on my camera, but this twigs me constantly at every tree and every ice cream, as if I was his personal photographer. I do not know, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me, this is at least intense:

Sun start slowly to tear. It seemed that ice was ripple on water with small snow islands:

This year on the Golden Turtle won the photo Volodya Medvedev With Baikal ice. All the way, remembering this frame, I tried to reproduce a similar plot in my own way. In general, I often watch photos of good photographers and try to reproduce them in your own way. In my opinion, it perfectly stuffing his hand:

On this ice, it is clearly visible, what a lot happens with us (white) and what on Baikal (transparent). In this block, somehow turned out and the other. It is very beautiful to transition to one structure to another - with the smallest volumetric hairs cracks:

Finally, we arrived at Olkhon. I drew attention to the icy ship on the healing ice:

Thus, the locals covered the small harbor with their ships (view from the side of the coast):

We spent the night in Khuzhir - the only village on Olkhon:

In the next post, I will tell you how you can have fun on Ice Baikal!

Turkey stretched the ridge of Torus Mountains. Coniferous and deciduous trees, deep valleys, alpine meadows, rapid waterfalls and rivers made these mountains a beautiful, amazing and worthy place of tourist attention.

Torus mountains can be called a torosa or brand, from the European Taur - elevation.

Tavra from all sides surround Antalia Bay. In the heart of the mountains there is a famous lake Egirdir, famous for the famous attractions of history. Torus mountains cover evergreen forests that stretch along the whole shore. A thousand years ago, Turkmen tribes came here, who searched good pastures in the mountains for their animals. Nomads adapted to wintering in mountain lower reaches and over time the first stationary settlements were formed. Mountain roads transported goods and people who came to portalities bay. In the magnificent valley of Escher is located ancient city Xantos, the past of which was closely intertwined with mythology. Many tourists prefer to get acquainted with the mountains, going on a tour of the jeeps or to the alloy along mountain rivers.

Nature Mountains

Tavra Mountains have a length of 1600 km from the west to the East, from Aegean Sea Euphrates, capturing historical areas of Lycia, Kariya, Kilicia and Pamphilia. In the East reach up to 3,500 meters, and in the western part, they gradually decrease to 2000 meters, completely breaking the approach to the sea (only near the city of Adana is open, famous Cylitian gates). A continuous mountain range of wooded slopes is crossed by a variety of river valleys, where you can go rafting. In some places, the mountains are close to the shore, breaking into the sea with sheer cliffs, and in others, on the contrary, retreat, forming a narrow coastal valley. Gorgeous bays with beaches are built here, which attract endless tourist flows. The northern slopes of the brains are inconspicuously moving to Anatolian Plateau.

At an altitude of about 1000 meters, Torus Mountains are covered with McWis - thickets of evergreen bushes, low-spirited trees (Mirt, Laurel, Podanenik, strawberry trees, tree heather) and high grass. Camping among such nature turns into infinite photography of the surroundings. With an increase in the height (about 2400 meters), real forests begin (oak, cypress, pine, pine, fir, Lebanese cedar), replacing the thickets of juniper and alpine meadows.

Geographically mountains divide on Eastern, Western and Central Tavr

Western Tavr. - Country of numerous blue lakes. From the south side of the mountain embraces the resort bay of Antalya, northern part - Misder of fresh and salty lakes (Egridir, Sumag, Akshir, Baishihir, etc.). Self high ridges: Beedagre - 3086 m and Elmala - 3073 m. The western part of the mountains occupies the former territory of historical Licks and part of Kilicia. Here you can observe the remaining traces of the glaciation of the planet.

Central Tavr. - The highest mountain range in the Torus mountains. The height of the ridges is more than 3000 meters. The western part of it approached the sea, and the northeast borders with a kilician lowland - the fertile district of Turkey, where citrus, olives, sugar cane and cotton are growing. After the gathering avalanches, the Central Taurus becomes an ideal place For mountain trips. Here is the Aladagar National Park and the famous Kapuzbashi Waterfall, pouring directly from the mountain subsoil.

Eastern Tavr (Armenian) casts 600 km from the Murat River to the Euphrate River to Border with Iran and Iraq. This part of the Toros Mountains is famous for the ancient glaciers, pointed peaks, deep caves, underground rivers and stalking picturesque waterfalls.

In addition to Aladagra, Tavrian Mountains have three more national Park: Nemmut, Beidaglas-Sahil and Baishir Gehl. On the territory of NErthut is the mountain of the same name, the famous tomb of Antioch I - the ruler of the Armenian region. The tomb is surrounded by unique archaeological monuments - stone heads of 10 meters included in lists World Heritage UNESCO.

Tavra mountains at one time inhabited the Greeks and Armenians, now the Turks and Kurds live here. It is also the birthplace of a rare animal - a rampant goat, which climbed on the verge of extinction. Mineralized food masses, which were postponed in the intestines and the stomach of this goat, attributed magic and therapeutic properties.

Torus mountains will always attract tourists. Rustic tours organized here introduce the travelers with the natural beauty of the region and the Turkish culture. More extreme tourists are ordered quad or jeep safari, Enduro tours. The great popularity of vacationers and local residents enjoy beautiful fish restaurants built along the mountain streams. Tables with chairs are right in clean cool water. Tavra offer an alternative and the possibility of those who are already tired beach rest And I want to hide from the scorching sun.

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February and March - the traditional period, when many Russians, tired of the endless frost, are sent behind the Sun and warmth to Asian countries. So I was ripe in this year, finally, for a similar trip. Masted the route, accumulated the right amount, found travelers. The only thing that was not ready - the passport, who promised to do to the middle of March.

Meanwhile, the yard stood on February 17. The Day of Defender of the Fatherland and Weekend, which turned out to be longer this year than usual. And I really wanted to take advantage of the case and spend on a journey. The choice, however, was limited to Russia only. And now I understand that it was even for the better! I then remembered how a couple of years ago on one of the photo exhibitions first learned that the Winter Baikal was. Its fantastic landscapes inspired that I promised myself to ever see this magnificence alive.

When I was on the same day on the eyes of the announcement about the nearest round of Baikal - I realized that time came! True, very quickly and suddenly somehow. My brain resisted for a long time, analyzing the budget of the trip. "Yes, for this amount you can fly to Thailand for 2 weeks! And you choose a 5-day tour, and even in the cold. You have little in Moscow, or what? ". However, such a response was felt in the shower! Intuition suggested that I still have time to fly to Asia. And in the case of Baikal - you need to catch the moment! In addition, February - the most favorable time for traveling there in winter.

And now on the evening of February 21, I sat in an airplane, crowded with adventurism and the spirit of the discoverer. I did not leave the feeling that something adventure was waiting for me ahead and even in something expedition. After all, Baikal, especially winter, has not yet managed to become a popular tourist resort. And this fact could not but rejoice!

Upon arrival in Irkutsk, we met with the guide and after half an hour I sat on the shuttle service to the destination. I could not believe that after 5 hours, this Baikal will open before me - the cleanest and deep lake in the world, which we were told about the younger school. Moreover, I will spend 5 days in his heart itself - on the famous Olkhon Island! Drinking by these thoughts and did not sleep a day, I plunged into a sweet dream right to our guest house.

The place where we lived turned out to be more than worthy! The rooms are very cozy and warm, there is a small fireplace in the living room. There is also a private bath and dining room, where it is wonderfully prepared!

And the house itself was located near a beautiful pine grove.

This species has opened with our veranda!

On the very first day, I enthusiastically went to study the island.
It was something incredible! What I managed to see and know for all 5 days, it is difficult to fit into one article. So many discoveries, emotions and new impressions! It seems that I gave a part of my soul to this wonder ...

1. Tonos.

The instability of the physical composition of the lake and the temperature of the ice cover lead to the formation of torosa - ice fragments, rising above the frozen surface.

The pronounced turquoise tint of the toroids is formed about the same way as the blue color of the reservoirs. Passing through the ice sun rays are refracted and dissipated. Long red rays are absorbed more, and short blue scatters better, visually staining the transparent water in a stunning turquoise color.

The height of the toroids is usually small - up to 1-1.5 m. But at the end of winter, when there is a powerful place of ice, they can be higher than human growth!

Somehow there were not just ice fragments, but real blue mountains.
I can not convey words how much these landscapes excite my imagination ... mentally tolerated somewhere in the glacial period or to the North Pole!

Here, as if the chronicle on the ice parchment is depicted

And here you can see the ice floes in the form of sunken ships, whose sails rise over the snow cover ...

2. Music

Yes, yes, Winter Baikal has his own music! And the speech here will go at all about the local folklore or folk instruments.

This sound will not compare anything ... It was incredible, grand and scary at the same time!
Sound when breaking so huge lake, Like thunder. My guide explained that winter Baikal only seems to be quiet and asleep until spring ... In fact, the water continues to move under ice, and even how! It is these underwater flows that create a bulk and cracks covering almost the entire surface of the lake. By the way, it is due to the cracks that all living beings living under water are obtained by oxygen.

Hearing the first time these sounds, it seemed to me that somewhere in the distance driving a car with the included music. It really resembles a muffled bit! But when the sound gradually gained the volume, and no car did not appear, it was not in itself. My rich imagination has already drawn the approaching Lochnes monster, which is about to prolomate the ice right under the legs!

And in some places, by the way, there were truth cracks, where someone could easily plunge. Not first, only now I begin to realize where I was worn at all ... 😉

3. Snow-Ice Patterns

Since it comes to real cracks after April, in February-March you can easily and without any concerns to enjoy unique ornaments, which covered the lake. You can consider this endless cloth for hours, where no barcode, no crack, no pattern will repeat! And when you realize that all this is created by nature - once again make sure that people still learn and learn from her.

Due to the combination of ice with snow, in some places the outlines of individuals or animals were identified. It suggests the phrase "there on the unknown tracks the traces of unprecedented animals ..."

In some places, the snow lay straight snow-white intact carpets, and the ice was pure, without cracks. It created a truly dizzying effect - as if you walk on the clouds, and not on the ice!

Like a track between clouds 😉

4. Sokui and Ice Grotes

Sades on the shores and rocks that are formed when the lake freezing at the very beginning of winter is called societies. Like the patterns on the ice, the socces are the most diverse and bizarre forms!

Sometimes it resembled beautifully frozen waterfalls ...

A variety of caves and grotts are hidden behind the squeezes, which are not available in the summer due to higher water levels. Despite the fact that I was more than once in real and quite large caves, the Baikal grotto was very impressed with me. It is as if an ancient sacrament, which is afraid of disrupting excessive movement or sound. And hardly believes that in the summer it all tatt and disappears.

Grotto ceilings are littered with many icicles resembling stalactites.

5. Frozen bubbles in ice.

It was always interesting to imagine how the bubble frozen in ice looked. And is it possible, in principle? It turns out - as possible!
From the bottom of the Baikal on the surface, the gas is rising methane released by algae. When the lake is covered with ice, the bubbles of this gas freeze. And since they are frozen at different depths, it creates an amazing visual effect!

6. Ice transparency

Not in vain Baikal is still officially recognized as the most pure lake in the world. Its water is rich in oxygen and are so transparent that through the ice can also read the newspaper, and watch the film.

And pieces of ice - even in tea to add, or straight and there is 😉

It is believed to crystal clean water Baikal is obliged to microscopic raff - Baikal epishie, which filters water, passing it through itself.

7. Means for movement and active rest.

Winter tourists who went on about. Olkhon, lucky much more than summer.
After all, it disappears any need to wait for the ferry, which will for a long time to cross you from one shore to another. Thanks to ice, a huge freedom of movement opens and the opportunity to visit even the most hard-to-reach corners of Baikal. However, this opportunity to use only in February and March, when the ice is already strong enough and has not yet started to melt.

Also ice is a great place for outdoor activities. Here each is having fun, as can.

And our group was on one day dinner straight in the middle of the lake. Very unusual feeling, I tell you! As if we participants in a large and long road, on which there are no signs of civilization. When our driver online welded in the kitte, she seemed to me the most delicious ear in life!

But the most interesting entertainmentthat I saw - this is the branch of the fire right on the ice. Someone clearly lacked adrenaline 🙂

Summing up, I want to say that everyone at least once, but it is worth visiting Baikal. And it is winter!
You will experience such a gamut of sensations that you will not get anywhere else.

But that's not all! It is also worth mentioning a few words about the most Olkhone, in particular, about the village Huzhir, who is also rich interesting features and riddles.

During the student walk in the village, my guide stopped near one house and pointed to a small hole in the fence.

- What do you think it is?

My assumptions is that it is a window for domestic cats, or that it is used instead of eyes or as a hole for transmitting something, failed. Looking around, I realized what a hole on the fence is almost in every home. What is such an important need to be needed to all local residents? Yes, it also opens this window outside.

My guide laughed and said that such a question was even in the transfer "What? Where? When?" Paradox, but the inhabitants of the huzir, which is located on the shore of Baikal, bring drinking water in special cargo cars. When the inhabitants are not at home, the public utilities open the window in the gate, stretch the hose and pour water into the barrel, which is always there at the ready. That I did not expect to hear! Then I was told that even electricity was held here only since 2005.

Another thing that surprised me while walking - the New Year decor was still hung at many homes! I already wanted to attribute it to the characteristics of the local tempo of life ... But then I was discovered by the fact that Buryats, which constitute a considerable part of the population of Olkhon, celebrate New Year On the night of February 26-2 February 27.

It is a pity that it was the 26th evening that I had a reverse transfer to Irkutsk. It would be interesting to look at the local traditions and how they celebrate this important holiday!

I also remember the atmosphere in the territory of an abandoned Malomorsky fishing industry. Once he was a real pride and beauty of the huzhir and the ipkytck area. It functioned several workshops: fishing, processing, sequers, flattery, mechanical, etc.

But what a picture opens on the pier near the fisheries ... in something gloomy, but beautiful and even attractive.

Over some ships, artists-graffiti worked very well, turning them into a kind of masterpiece. I even had a question - why did the acting ships do not paint so?)
This place of accumulation of old vessels can even be called a kind of local museum. Each ship seemed to feel his own soul ...

I could not notice the local temple that was beautifully touched by a hill near the entrance to the village.

It was quite unusual to see him. Personally, I always have Baikal and Olkhon associated with shamanism or Buddhism. But even more surprising was the story of the construction of this temple, which I then read on the Internet. Quote from the source:

"The slave of God Natalia arrived to me," says the decklessness of Verkholnsky degree about. Vyacheslapav Pushkarev. "Thoughtful her life, she spoke about one decisive her life of the event: in a halfway, the Mother of God appeared to her and told her to sell an apartment in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bIrkutsk, on Gagarin Boulevard, and bought on. Olkhon House, and the temple built for the remaining money. In doubt she went to about. Kalinnik, who did not see some kind of charms in her dream, but sent me as an adolescent of this area. We decided to try. If it is from God, it will turn out, and if not, it will stop. The funds reversed from the sale was not enough. Therefore, the temple was erected by the tart of the whole world for several years. " A very large response caused this idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean tourists who left considerable donations to the construction of the temple.

Now this is the temple of the Mother of God's holding icon. Doors are open there, no employees, you can take candles and pay how much you want.

Thus, Olkhon is a place where paganism and Christianity are peacefully adjacent.

By the way, the hill on which the temple stands is simply created in order to observe the sunsets from it and reflect on the eternal ...

I wish everyone who goes in winter to Baikal, experience as many bright emotions and sensations!

Ice kingdom

Winter Baikal leaves an indelible impression. Exceptional ice transparency allows you to see the bottom on the shelf near the shore and look into the black mysterious depths of the lake. The thickness of even thick ice is imperceptible and frightened with its uncertainty. Because of the transparency on the ice is afraid to go out, although the thickness can exceed the meter. Through the Baikal ice, you can read newspapers and shoot, like through glass, portraits of people. Winter travel on Baikal often conjugate with extreme conditions: Strong wind and frost on outdoor ice - a serious test for a traveler. Hide from the penetrating cold away from the shore there is no place, so winterwear should be the most warm and not blurred in the wind.

At the end of winter, there is a powerful ice support, individual bulk can exceed human growth. Furrow vertically transparent floes attract the attention of photographers with their unusual shape and sparkling chaotic jet. The mirror Baikal ice and amazing blue lights on the chips of ice block are striking all coming. On smooth ice, traveling on skates and bores, along the snow-covered lake - on skis and on foot.

The nicking ice is bizarrely at the rocks

Coastal cliffs in winter are decorated with multi-meter in height, sparkling in the sun with ice hearts. The thickness of the ice on coastal stones reaches several tens of centimeters, and the height of such ice nicks on the rocks from the windward side with a strong autumn storm sometimes exceeds tens of meters. Numerous grots are decorated with many large branching icicles and ice columns. Such ice sculptures are created again every winter. Particularly spectacular ice and sockey nicks are found on the rocks of the Ushkah Islands, Olkhon Island Cams - Kobli's head, Sagan-Khushun, Hoicobo. Every year, powerful ice jewels form exceptionally beautiful torus near the cape.

Transparent Baikal ice and sparkling toros are especially impressive in spring. After thaw and strong wind, which blows all the snow, the ice becomes perfectly polished. From the end of February to the beginning of April, most trips on the ice of Baikal are performed. This is the perfect time to travel: heat, you can be on ice in sunny weak weather in light clothes, without gloves and even briefly undress to T-shirts. The sky is blue-blue, the sky is clean, and the snow-covered mountains of the opposite shore clearly differ up to the details, as if they are very close. During this period, ice routes along the coast of Northern Baikal are interesting - mirror ice and snow-white pointed peaks give the unique flavor of the winter journey.

Enclosed ice floes hit their exceptional transparency

In March, it is possible to observe a rare phenomenon when, with a powerful ice-moving ice, it occurs with hydrate, individual fragments are flying up, both from the gun, and fly away far around the frozen lake. The silent equilibrium of the torosa is scattered at the same time the rustle of the revived ice. Right on the eyes of the ice floes are squeezed out of the ice. All this is accompanied by a continuous roar, as with an earthquake, the sound goes straight out under the feet, scaring with its power. People's seam cracks will noticeably move, separate ice floes fall and scattered into small pieces. Items can be figuratively compared with the work of the millstone - as if tightly compressed jaws are grinding the ice into a small crumb. It happens that in such moments on the ice, water is rapidly acting and in a short time covers it for 4-5 cm. After 3-4 min, it usually freezes everything, and complete silence comes.

At the end of March, the ice becomes coarse, snow wear harvested, which allows you to move on bikes with studded tires. Ride on smooth ice - the lesson is quite complicated, it is necessary to grow pedals slightly harder, and the bike is guaranteed by the side. Practice for holding travel travel On the ice on cars, snowmobiles, Hivus-10 amphibian ships on an air cushion and dog sledding is Nova for Baikal, such tours began to be held regularly only since 2003. On Ice Baikal, you can significantly faster than in the summer, get to remote places On the coast, usually accessible only from water. For example, to get to the Baikal-Lena Reserve on a boat from Listvyanka, it is necessary to continuously sail about 2 days, in the winter all this is available for 5-7 hours by car from Irkutsk.

Usually, ice leave early in the morning to catch the moment of the enchanting sunrise. The first rays of the rising sun fill usually crystal clear ice cinexes with mysterious golden radiance. The desire to see this winter beauty manits on the ice, away from the winter mounted on the ice of the winter to unusual torus or icing rocks. The difference of ice roads is the dense supervisors of snow, on which, as on the springboard, rinsing the car. When overcoming frozen cracks and snow-covered torosa, the machine suspension often experiences strong blows. Only at first glance from afar seems smooth as a mirror, in practice it is often found that it is impossible to drive directly due to winding cracks, peasic fields and snow-drifts.

The speed of movement depends on the ice environment, so, according to GPS navigators, 1537 km was completed in one of the car trophy raids on ice, the average speed was 45.1 km / h, the maximum on smooth snow-covered ice - 102 km / h.

For car travel On the ice it is necessary to listen to the weather forecast so as not to get into the snow trap after the snowy blizzard. Separation after heavy snowfall without a tap-free track for passenger cars is sometimes impossible.

In April, intensive melting of ice begins. In a matter of days, and sometimes the watch automotive trail completely disappears, covered with water, and it falls on deep puddles at random, in a spray cloud, as from Glisser. It happens that after dinner, the snow on ice is so folded that it is not possible to find her morning car trail.

Locals and fishermen have long and confidently mastered the ice expanses to move on cars. Between the villages on the coast, there are ice roads, and where they are not, in most cases it is possible to carefully drive, rising apes and cracks. But it is better not to risk and not to move away from the winter, but in places where the propaparines and cracks are regularly formed, move with the conductor. Winter months - the most difficult time for travel, deleted from the towns of the coast of the North Baikal coast is completely deserted, there are no tourists, nor fishermen, only ice and burning frosty wind. Say that in the coming years, vacationers will rush in this cold Kray, prematurely, there is no warm bases or roads on the coast of Northern Baikal. The pedestrian crossing with the northern tip of Olkhon on the Ushka Islands, for example, will require about 2 days, and this will not be a pleasant walking on ice skating or skiing, and the exhausting sport hike through the field of ice toroids and deep superfluous snow with a heavy load of winter equipment and autonomous power supply.

The peculiarity of March torosa is that thanks to the spring sun, it has already partially, the snow, ice creases, and pile of pure broken ice becomes mobile. Walk through such fields is a terrain. The shafts of broken ice and toroids sometimes reach a meter altitude, and each step is preceded by a preliminary risk and clearing from fragments of places where the leg steps. Walking through complex torus without extra support on ski sticks is very risky. But even the use of sticks does not protect against falls. The legs constantly slide and manage to stick together among the ice floes in such ridiculous poses, which can be stretched with ligaments or to turn the leg. Unsuccessful dropping, you can break the ski stick and hurt the elbow about the ice. On the 150-meter transition through the torus band, sometimes it takes more than 40 minutes. Over the torosa strip, you can meet a mirror ice, which reflects the coastal rocks, on such polished ice you can move sliding on the soles, as ice skating.

Travel Features Lake Ice

It is difficult to stay from the temptation to ride a car with a breeze on smooth and thick Baikal ice, so that fluffy snow fluffy from under the wheels. In sunny weather, the frozen lake is simply uncontrollably manitis to leave onto ice and drive up close to the sparkling pin of the toroids or to coastal rocks, bizarrely decorated with heights of the shafts and swirling storm winds. Numerous car traces in all directions create an illusion of security. However, it should not be seduced - no matter how reliable ice seemed to be, his cunning is unpredictable. Even the roads marked with viscosity sometimes presented unpleasant surprises.

Ice rules should not be neglected - their observance will protect the trip. The main ones are: in front of the exit to the ice, ask local residents about the path features, do not ride ice at night, do not drink alcohol driving. In Baikal ice, there are dangerous fermented cracks, powerful ice drums and wins, dangerous for cars. The road is laid, often unknown, so not any car track can be reliable. On Ice, traces of beginners can remain with risk for themselves dangerous place. Live cracks can be clogged with ice, and it is not a fact that ice traffic jam will withstand another car. The reliability of the crowded ice mounds in cracks must be checked by running or scrap.

Ice about meter withstands the weight of the helicopter

Baikal freezes annually, and expensive on ice every year. With the beginning of cold weather, at air temperature below -20 ° C, in the first 3-4 days the ice increases 4-5 cm per day. At the end of October, shallow-water bays freeze, January 1-14 - deep-sea areas. Usually, the small sea is covered with solid ice in December, the whole Baikal freezes to January 15-20, although rare warm winters occur when these deadlines are moved for a whole month. In the terms of freezing of Baikal, large oscillations are observed by year. There are cases of freezing of the lake in the Gulf of Larch, for example, in early February (1899, 1932, 1952, 1959, 2004). In the southern part of Baikal is closed with ice 4-4.5 months, in the northern part - 6-6.5 months. At the water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, the thickness of ice ranges from 70 to 113 cm, while the pattern was revealed: the more snow, the thinner the ice. It is believed that the ice, broken by a storm when the lake freezing is less durable than homogeneous and monolithic. But even homogeneous and monolithic ice can suddenly give a crack. The torn ice is moving forward, in the cold a crack very quickly freezes, it slows down a slightly snow, and a dangerous trap for cars with 2-centimeter ice on the road with Veshkov occurs. Therefore, overpowering ice from the mainland on Olkhon is open only in the daytime day: from 9 to 18 hours.

Toyroids are usually 1.5-3 m high, but some of them can reach 5 m. The ice is a thickness of 10-15 cm withstands the weight of a pedestrian, a thickness of 50 cm withstands the weight of the cargo machine to 15 tons, 70 cm thick - the weight of the tractor, so in winter On the ice of the Baikal lay the winter. According to the instructions for the ice-crossing device, to pass the car with a total mass of 10 tons, the thickness of ice should be at least 30 cm, 15 tons - 35 cm, 20 tons - 40 cm with the average daily air temperature of at least 10 ° C. In warm winter, ice on crossings through rivers can artificially increase, which allows you to cross the machines up to 5 tons. At the plus temperatures, ice is changed for 2-3 days, and its carrying capacity is reduced by 20%. On the shallow water and the rocky shores ice melts faster, and the wins may appear at any time.

Official winter crossings, such as the mainland on Olkhon Island, are marked with ice-frozen in ice and regularly checked for safety traffic.

Every year, stale gaps occur in the same places - peculiar temperature seams in ice cover. They are formed, as a rule, by the shortest distance between adjacent protruding capes. The extended slots can reach lengths up to 10-40 km and the width up to 4 m, but most often the cracks are wide from 0.5 to 1-2 m. The appearance of these slots is caused by a linear expansion or compression of ice at daily temperature drops that sometimes reach 20- 30 ° C. It is estimated that when the ambient temperature is changed by 1 ° C, the linear extension of ice reaches 70 mm per 1 km. Many of these cracks do not freeze the whole winter, periodically narrowing or expanding. Their appearance is often accompanied by a strong "artillery" cod, often frightening people on ice. In the Irkutsk chronicles on "remarkably large bursts of ice, or so-called slots" in 1890, it is reported: "Even old-timers are not remembered for such long and wide gaps. The gaps were accompanied by a terrible roe, leading panic fear of residents of larch. It seemed that the High Mountains surrounding Baikal were ready to collapse. "

The danger is cracks and cracks with a width of 0.5-2 m. Many of them do not freeze all winter, periodically narrowing or expanding. No crack, even the simplest, does not intersect with the go. Before each of them, it is necessary to stop and check the condition of the ice by walking - special forged acute peaks with uneven faces so that it does not stick to ice. Frequently there are cracks with thin ice, easily made through the water of a walk. Such narrow cracked cars are jumping at speeds. To mitigate the impact wheel, the edges are hidden. Then shelter with water clogs are clogged with water, the machine for overclocking is driven by 200-500 m, the gate is set - a landmark for the driver, where the car will jump, then rapid overclocking up to 70-80 km per hour - and a rush through the crack.

In addition to becoming the gaps, the danger to cars is presented with straits arising on ice in the fields of exit underwater thermal keys and gases. Prouches, covered by a layer of snow, detect almost impossible. Open prescriptions - Walnings are visible on ice from a considerable distance, you just need to watch carefully and be able to distinguish them. It is more dangerous when they are hidden by a thin crust of ice, and after the snowfall, a layer of snow is sorgan. If the propaparves are caused by the output of deep gases, then under ice, if it is clean and transparent, you can see gas bubbles. Promapures formed by underwater keys or flow of warm water tributaries, it is harder to notice. Therefore, it is better not to move from the marked winter ladder, and where the rigs and cracks are possible, moving with a conductor who knows the features of ice in the area. Suspicious places need to examine carefully and try the thickness of ice with a walking or other sharp object.

On the thickness of the ice also affect the underwater flows that reduce its strength. For example, in the Strait, Olkhon Gates do not make ice crossing for this reason. In different years, the crossing is arranged either from the Kurkut bay, or from the mainland after the Sarma River delta. The pointer with the arrow "Ice Cross" will help in the right place to go to the ice. The official crossing on Olkhon is denoted by frozen vests, regularly cleaned the grader and check the thickness of the ice. It has marks: "Permissible carrying capacity of cars 5 ton," distance between machines 200 m, "" stop is prohibited "," Recommended speed 10 km / h ". Most other winterers are laid by fishermen and have no warning signs. Experienced drivers always prefer to stick to the track in the right direction, and if they ride directly, they try to ride cracks and suspicious places that differ on a gray color and are visible from afar. One hundred percent reliability on ice roads does not even happen to the conductor. It is known a few cases when the cars fell on the permanent winters between the villages of Listvyanka and cats. Much more often, cars moving at their own risk. In 2002, the Emergencies Expedition of the Emergencies Ministry spent a special search for sunken objects and only in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Small Sea registered 15 unreasured cars. According to local residents, at the bottom of the Small Sea is from 25 to 50 cars.

At the end of March, when the sun begins to harbor, it becomes dangerous to close to the rocks, near which ice melting occurs rapidly than on the open water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake. It should also be known that, despite the frosts and thickness, if a lot of snow fell and it quickly melted, due to the absorption of melt water and changes to its structure, the ice becomes less reliable and homogeneous than the ice on which there was no snow.

Usually on South Baikal, the road is paired on the ice of the lake from the village. Kultuk to Baikalsk and before the village. Marita. On the middle Baikal roads less. Most often on ice ride from the village. Listvyanka in the village. Cats (18 km), from the village. Largely holocious in the sandy bay. Sometimes local residents, if the winter was cold, punch the winter skate across Baikal - from the Cape of the Cross to East Coast. Official crossing, equipped with viscosity and pointers, is organized annually between the mainland and Olkhon Island. Most of all roads on the ice of the Small Sea, these are mostly fishing roads to the places of the treated fishing, but there are constant - from the village. Huzhir, along the island and in the village. Onguren, to Cordon of the Baikal Lena Reserve on Cape Sunny and Next to the Bay of Varnogle. Every year it is laid in the winter in the northern part of Baikal between the city of Severobaikal and pos. Ust-Barguzin through the Chivyrki Bay.

Hacking ice begins at the end of April from the Cape of Great Cadyl, opposite which melting under the influence of ascending flows of warm water underwater sources. Last but on June 9-14), the northern part of the lake is released. At the beginning of summer, in June, on the blue stroy of the lake in the northern part of Baikal, the clusters of dazzling white ice floes are swimming, on which they love to warm the nerve in the sun.

Ranged gap.Cell-cutting fractures on the ice of Baikal are formed annually in the same places and persist throughout the winter. With daily fluctuations in air temperature, ice is expanding or compressed. The width of the slit during the day can change significantly. They most often have a width of 0.5 to 1-2 m and a length of up to 10-30 km. Most often found in the middle of the Baikal between Olkhon Island, the Ushagniy Islands and the Holy Nose Peninsula. Present a danger to cars. Overcome them with thick boards or jump over speed.

Fuck. This is one of the types of ice on Baikal, formed along the shores at the initial phase of the lake freezing in the form of a thin ice edge - tackle, as well as ice, resulting in the fall from the splas of the waves on the rocks and stones. The thickness of the ice on the rocks sometimes reaches several tens of centimeters. With a strong storm, the bright cliffs can be covered with a height of 10 m. Spectacular societies are found on the cliffs of the islands of the islands, the capes of Kobyla head, Kurmsky in the Small Sea and on the rocks of the northern tip of Olkhon Island. The ice shell rolls the stones and decorates branches of trees and shrubs close to the water.

Weaves.In March, ice-reinforced wind can squeeze ice ashore at a distance of 20-30 m and climb a height of 15-16 meters. The winds of the ice are preserved on the shore of the unrelated until the end of May, when all the lake is already released from ice. In 1933, ice was blocked railway about art. Troha and collided with railway echelon rails along with the locomotive.