"Road of Life" through Lake Ladoga: Historical Facts. "One-year" on the road of life: Slim ice and burning hands of the driver

On August 30, 1941, GKO adopted his first resolution No. 604 "On the transportation of goods for Leningrad", in which concrete measures were planned for the organization of water transportation in Ladoga Lake. On the West Bank of the Lake, the construction of the port of Osinovets, 55 km from Leningrad, not far from the station Ladoga lake- The final station of the Irinovskaya Railway. On September 12, 1941, two barges came to the seachers of Cape Osinovets from the eastern shore of Ladoga, delivering 626 tons of grain and 116 tons of flour. So began to operate the blockade "artery" of Leningrad, which the people called dear life. From September 12 to November 15, when navigation officially ended, it was possible to deliver 24,097 tons of grain, flour and cereals, more than 1130 tons of meat and dairy products and other goods. Each flight on the lake was a feat. The amount of food brought by Ladoga was a 20-day need of the city.

Water transportation in the fall of 1941 were the first stage of the struggle for the Ladoga communication, which was carried out during the entire period of the blockade of Leningrad. By November 1941, the city was already in the blockade for the third month. Weighted food reserves almost completely dried. The severity of the situation was aggravated by the fact that the water transportation was interrupted early by the beginning of the ice-staircase (although individuals made their way until December 7, 1941). With the onset of the ice station, the carriage was ceased to the water. The preparation for the construction of the winter road on the ice of Ladoga Lake began.

Two roads of the ice route

On November 22, the first autocolon of gas-aa trucks was published on the ice. The ice road, which became referred to as military road No. 101 (WAD-101), began to operate on November 26, 1941. All the way, due to the fatigue of ice I had to be transferred to the new route. And for the first month of work, the road was translated into new routes four times, and its separate sections are even more often.

The track was laid, denoted by milestones. The ice line was a well-organized highway, providing drivers a confident ride at high speed. The track was serviced by 350 adjustors, the task of which included machine dispersal, indication of the direction of movement, monitoring the safety of ice and other duties. The road became the most complex engineering structure. Her builders manufactured road signs, milestones, portable shields, bridges, built bases, warehouses, heating and medical points, power and technical assistance points, workshops, telephone and telegraph stations, adapted a variety of disguise means. This work required dedication and courage, since it had to be conducted under any conditions - junior frosts, chilling winds, Purge, art printing and raids of enemy aviation. In addition, the lighthouse lights with blue glasses were exhibited - at the beginning for every 450-500 m, and then 150-200 m

On November 24, 1941, the Military Council of the Leningrad Front adopted Resolution No. 00419 "On the construction of a military road No. 102 (WAD-102)" in this way, now the delivery of goods for Leningrad began to be made on two roads.

The road consisted of two ring trails, each of which had two separate directions of movement - for a freight traffic (in the city) and for the emptying or evacuation (from the city). The first track for the carriage of goods to the city was held along the route Zhikharevo - Desired - Troitsky - Lavrovo - Art. Lake Ladoga, the length of the direction was 44 km; For the emptore and evacuation from the city - Art. Lake Lake or Borisov Mane - Vaganovsky Descent - Lavrovo - Zhikharevo Lavrovo with a length of 43 km. The overall length of the flight on the first annular track was 83 km.

The second route for the carriage of goods was held along the route Fogokalo - Cobona - Vaganovsky Descent - Art. Lake Lake or Borisova Maine (58 km) and for the Yellow or Evacuation - Art. Ladoga Lake or Borisov Griva - Vaganovsky Descent - Lavrovo - Babanovo - Fogobalo (53 km). The overall length of the second annular route was 111 km. The former route Tikhvin - the new Ladog ceased to function, but was maintained in working condition.

Despite the frosts and blizzards, on the fire of enemy artillery and blows from the air, the occupation of the adversary on November 8 Tikhvin, the movement of the cargo vehicles did not stop almost one day. In November-December, 16,449 tons of cargo were delivered on the highway.

"Road of Life" is not only a lakeside highway, it's the way that it was necessary to overcome from the railway station on the West Bank of the Lake to the railway station on eastern Bank and back. The road worked until the last opportunity. In mid-April, the air temperature began to rise to 12 - 15 ° C and the ice cover of the lake began to quickly collapse. A large amount of water was accumulated on the ice surface. For a whole week - from 15 to 21 April - machines went on solid water, in some places in depth of 45 cm. In the last flights, the car did not reach the shore and the loads were transferred in their hands. Further traffic on the ice became dangerous, and on April 21, the Ladoga ice trail was officially closed, but in fact it functioned until April 24, as some drivers, despite the order on the closure of the route, continued flights along Ladoga. When the lake began to open and the movement of cars on the highway ceased, the employees of the track moved 65 tons of food products from East to the West Bank. In just the winter of 1941/42, Leningrad 361,109 tons of various goods were delivered at the ice highway, including 262,419 tons of food.

The end of January is two dates. On January 29, 1932, the first "half-hour", gas-aa was released. After 12 years, January 27, 1944, Soviet troops removed the blockade of Leningrad. So coincided that it was "half a gun" helped Leningrad wait for this moment.

Do not turn the steering
Something Murotno me ...
Close completely earth
Well, you, half a day?

A. Rosenbaum, "On the Road of Life"

What is the road of life, I learned in kindergarten. The teacher took a big book from the shelf, and on one of her reversals I saw a black and white photo: the in the white snow was trampled to the car, gradually becoming black dots. Probably the same day I received an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the blockade of Leningrad was. Approximately learned the details of the war all Soviet children were pretty early.

But something passes by or over time is forgotten. For example, preparing this publication, I came across the post about " famous symbol Wars "- the diary of Tanya Savicheva. And I realized that I don't know anything about it. Or do not remember, because once in fear, I preferred to forget? Sometimes it is very useful to bypass protective mechanisms of consciousness and remember such things. Therefore, I decided to gather here some stories about the road of life. To someone refreshed in mind, someone learned - and they remember everything.

To begin with - a little matching. We have already referred to the topic of the blockade and described in detail what kind of automotive equipment helped defend and at that time. In addition to the 40-strong "half-timer" of GAZ-AA or exactly the same gas-mm, but with a more powerful, 50-strong engine, here served and no less well-known "three-throat" ZIS-5 (he - "Zakhar Ivanovich"), And the American Land-Lizovskie Studebaker, but it was most - light cars came better for movement on the ice.

Significant amounts were equipped with firewood gas generators. What is the "half-one" in operation, you can find out. In the "Basic" version of "half-timer" was fed by low-octane gasoline, the compression ratio was only 4.25. Tractor ligroin was often poured into the tank, and in summer time - Light kerosene. Maximum speed In real conditions, it was rarely over 40 km / h, and it was on an even coating, and not on the snow and ice, which will be discussed further.

IN war time Equipment "half-timer" noticeably simplified: the modification of gas-MM-V did not have the front brakes, the wings were made of thin roofing iron (they are easily distinguished from pre-war on a more primitive form), the headlight had only one, left, the roof became a tarp, and the door - Wooden, otherwise they were replaced with "curtains" from the same tarpaulin. Is it worth mentioning that the heater in the cabin "Hondon" was absent in principle?

And here on this technique for two winters, 1941-1942 and 1942-1943, worked the chaffins that were delivered on the ice of the Lake Lake products and fuel into the blockade Leningrad, and inversely exported people exhausted hunger and cold. The blockade began on September 8, 1941, when the Germans took the defendant city of the Soviet Army for the Ring, and until the end of November, a message with Leningrad (imports of products and export of people) took place on water under the constant shelling of German aviation.

Test drives / single

Lights in my furnaces will completely ruin: gas-aa test drive on firewood

Not savings for the sake of experts from the history of the domestic car industry could pay attention to the title: Why are we talking about GAZ-AA if from 1939 produced gas-generating "half-sighters" gas-42? But...

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In November, the organization of the "Ice road on the Water Highway Cape Osinovovets - Mayak Sales" began to examine the 15th, as a result, it turned out that he was not yet everywhere. However, the first attempt was made to cross the freezing lake on cars - 60 cars came out of Leningrad, exporting people from the ring, and the next day they returned to the city with food.

But afterwards, especially in the autumn and spring, the cars often went under water. To minimize these losses tried in different ways. Machines initially partially replaced with horses with horses. As for the "half-one", they were not completely loaded, tieting the back of a laden sled-volokushi. And the drivers were left open the door to the cockpit - it was possible to jump on the ice if the car starts sinking.

In addition, a minimum amount of fuel was flooded in the tanks, exactly the path of one end - and the weight of the car was somewhat lower, and the loss in the event of the death of the car was not so great. The drivers of cars sitting in the column were prescribed to observe a distance of 100 meters from ahead of the walking and stricter, under the threat of execution, it was forbidden to stop if the neighboring car went under water - to avoid repetition of the situation.

Lake Lake is one of the largest in Europe, with a length of various directions from 136 to 207 km and a medium in a depth of 51 meters. Here there are real storms - one of them in September 1941, even before the emergence of a life of life, Skilled two barges, exported from the already surrounded Leningrad about 800 people, about 500 of which died. So in winter because strong winds There is practically no smooth ice on the lake.

In the photo: Products for Ladoga Lake (September 1942)

The Ladoga Life Road is officially called the Naval Automobile Road No. 101. Its length amounted to about 44 kilometers and about 30 of them - on the ice of the lake. The road was two lanes of 10 meters each with a distance of 100-150 meters from each other. But she was not a static object - the stock of ice strength was enough on average for two weeks, after which the track actually had to be launched, at a significant distance from the previous one. Each driver who goes to the ice was accompanied by a plate: "Every one-hour car is lucky for food for 10 thousand solders, by 10 thousand people. Driver, save these lives! ".

At night, the columns of the cars were with a light: the drivers turned off the headlights and focused on special viscos, regulators with bats "Bat", oncoming machines and equestrian drives. Visibility, thus, was very low - in such conditions it is difficult to determine, a puddle of melt water in front of your hood or a lean without a bottom, a small crack, in front of which a little to reset a slightly, or a dangerous Toros. Often the car simply flew at the speed under the iceplace, without any chance for the driver and possible passengers.

For the first two weeks of the existence of WAD No. 101, 157 cars took the ice. In the whole of the first winter - about 1,000. In the second winter, the losses were significantly less - just over 100 cars, but in the end, each third "half-hour" drowned, working on the road of life. For several decades after the war they got them from the bottom of Lake Ladoga. It is said that now, if you fly over the palm, in some places through the water, black rectangles are visible - the core of the smokers on the bottom of the "half-timer". Some of them became brotherly graves - there are cases when people weakened by the blockade could not quickly leave the body and tone.

Test drives / single

Test-drive GAZ-AA: Heroic "half-one"

Briefly about history is not by chance I say "short." The history of the truck is known to many and, frankly, is typical of many Soviet cars. In 1926 ...

32688 1 6 07.08.2015

Every 5 km on the road, nutritional and heating points were to stand, but some eyewitnesses say that sanitary tents and heating points were from each other at least 7-8 kilometers. And in addition to the danger, falling under the water drivers "half-one" accompanied on the road of life and the other - run into the art print or raid by enemy aviation. In the winter of 1941-1942, the Soviet fighters committed 143 air battles over the lake, and 121 fascist aircraft were shot down.

In that first winter, the existence of the life of life in the vicinity of Leningrad was stood with laid frosts - on the night of December 31, it was recorded -51.7 ° C. In the "Leningrad Poem", Olga Bergholts described the case when one of the chaffins in the flight of the engine strokes. He was going to try him to run, but his hands from frost were so expensive that he could hardly tear them away from the steering wheel. To somehow heat your hands and have the opportunity to revive the engine, he poured the palm with gasoline and speech: "And here - in the gasoline hand he / mad, quit them from the motor, / and quickly moved repair / in the blazing hand of the chauffeur. / Forward! Like a whitewash, / approxes to the mittens of the palm. / But he will deliver bread, will arrive / to the bakery before dawn. "

This story is based on real events, there is evident certificates: Anna Pavlovna Ivanova (Kulikova) worked on the road of life by Feldsher. She said that one day next to the sanitary tent, where she was the hostess, stopped the car, the driver of which helped his elbows, because the brushes burned down - to grasp the crowning handle of the staggering motor, he knocks his own hands. He got up and drove to a sanitary tent, but left the cockpit and took assistance only when she passed the driver by the driver by the driver along with the cargo for Leningrad - bags with flour.

And when the Purga began on Ladoga, the driver could easily lose the orientation in space. Once on the "half-timer" Ivan Kudelsky enolatked the ignition, and, while he fought with candles, the column in which he was moving, disappeared from sight, and rose a blizzard. Ivan managed to start the engine, but devoid of landmarks, he arrived instead of Leningrad to Shlisselburg, who was "under the German"! Fortunately, the clock met for a second was stunned, and the driver was able to tie him and deliver to our, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

To climb, dulling in a blizzard, for the driver was easier than simple. At the beginning of the winter of 1941, one of his first flights on the way of life from Leningrad Leonid Barkovich went along with his father, also a chaffiner. In the way of him, as well as our previous heroes, caught a breakdown. Father on his car together with the rest of the column went forward. Leonid was successfully fixed, moved further, and already driving up to the end point, remarked the truck in the dark. It was the car of his father - he did not have enough skido of the die fuel, and he almost a frowze to death. But he was saved - the son took a truck on a tug and dotted to the end of the route.

Test drives / single

His calls Zakhar Ivanovich: Test Drive ZIS-5

Between AMO and Zil Icestari, any big deal in Russia began with prayer. The construction of the Moscow Society Plant in 1916 was launched in the best traditions of antiquity - from a solemn prayer on occasion ...

22788 1 11 13.06.2016

According to another eyewitness - also one of the drivers who worked on the road of life - Alexandra Nikolayevich Shabova, heavier than everything was given not to jump from a sinking car on the ice, not shelling, not a struggle with cold and not a few flights per day. It was the most difficult on the evacuation on the way back, from Leningrad - not to give only evacuated depleted people. After all, they could take food very small portions, under the supervision of the doctor, otherwise they were waiting for a quick death. It was especially difficult to "negotiate" with children.

The Military Blockade of Leningrad lasted 872 days, from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944. The road of life, taking into account the navigation periods, when people and cargo were shipped by water, existed from September 12, 1941 to March 1943. To speak exactly about the ice road of life, then it served about 4,500 cars (it was occupied at a time, in different periods, from 1,2 to 3,000 cars), of which about 3,000 were "half-mounted" gas-aa and gas-mm, About 1,000 - "Triumphons" ZIS-5. Among the others were 40 urban buses of the ZIS-8 from the Moscow Bus Expedition, which arrived at Ludog in January 1942 and took 69,000 blockadications from Leningrad, having lost about a dozen buses.

On January 25, 1942, the daily rate of bread per person was enlarged in Leningrad - from 125 grams it was raised to 250. It became possible thanks to the road of life. In the first blockade winter, the road worked from November 22 to April 24, and in 152 days it was possible to evacuate from the city more than 550,000 Leningradians and 35,000 wounded servicemen, as well as transporting more than 360,000 tons of cargo, including over 260,000 tons of food. In the second winter, from December 19, 1942 to March 30, 1943, 89,000 people were taken out of expensive life, and more than 200,000 tons of goods were transported, of which over 100,000 were food.

Blocked Leningrad, despite his plight, continued to supply the front with weapons - it is difficult to believe, but the Tanks of the Kirov Plant were transferred on the ice of the Ladoga on their own, for the sake of reducing the load of the draggle removed the tower on the trailer-Volokuch (only for the first half a year the blockade the city built about 700 armor Machines), but most of the weapons and ammunition was also exported on the road of life on trucks. And when the preparation for the blockade breakthrough began, on the same way of life in the city, a huge amount and soldiers and military equipment were taken to the city.

If the Germans managed to destroy the road of life, Leningrad would die along with all his inhabitants. However, at first, the fascists simply did not have enough reserves - it was because of the impossibility of simultaneous attack to Moscow and Leningrad in 1941, the Germans decided to take the northern capital of Izmor - and in the future, significant reserves of Soviet troops were closed to Ladoga. In addition to the anti-aircraft guns of the Ten Artillery Division, the track was covered with air traffic police, three-fighter airlocks, a rifle regiment, a maritime brigade, the NKVD division and several other army divisions.

The cover has become so powerful that the car can go to the second winter with the headlights included. When the car fell under the ice, headlights (or headlamps, if you mean military performance) for a long time shone from the thickness of the water. They say drivers called these dead cars with "Svelli" ... In 1973, one of the dead cars was raised to the surface to become a monument, but could not restore the metal parts, so the remains of the truck simply rolled into concrete, recreation of lost forms. This monument is standing at the village of Dusivo, where in the years of the blockade was one of the car battalions. Contrary to popular belief, it is not "half a gun", but Zhar Ivanovich, ZIS-5.

But the monument to "half-timer" appeared much later - in 2012, the maximum detailed bronze copy of GAZ-AA was installed on a 10th kilometer of life. Where the "iron rescuers", drivers, their passengers and the goods were subjected to the most fierce shelling.

Now the children learn about the details of the war much later than their peers from the Soviet past. And in general, it seems to me, know much less. I still do not really imagine how to tell my 7-year-old son at least part of what is written in this article. But I will definitely do it.

The name "Road of Life", which was given by Leningraders of the Ice Highway through the Lake Lake, which began work on November 22, 1941, is not a poetic image. It was the only way to survive the deposited Leningrad to survive and even help the front, where they were received in the blockaded city of weapons.

The road began to act in those days when food norms in the city were reduced to the tragic 250 g bread per day for workers and 125 g for everyone else, people began to die from hunger thousand. Soldiers on the advanced received 500 g of bread. But even for the preservation of these norms, at least thousands of tons of food daily was required.

Building an ice road through a laugh - the idea is absolutely grand and daring even for peacetime, especially considering that in 1941, Ladoga was not investigated enough, including her ice regime

Sergey Kursov

Director of State memorial museum Defense and blockade of Leningrad

To save the city and help the front, it was necessary to make an incredible: to create a whole infrastructure from scratch, which was to be smoothly to act a whole winter, solving many tasks. Such a project seemed difficult even for peacetime. In fact, it was the victory of science, and above all physicists, above the Hitler's tactics used by hunger as a means of warfare.

"Building an ice road through a laugh - the idea is absolutely grand and daring even for peacetime, especially considering that in 1941, Ladoga was not investigated enough, including its ice regime. The most large lake In Europe, it is generally different in a very variable temper and has always been considered very difficult in all respects, including for shipping, "said Sergey Kurseryov, Director of the State Memorial Museum of Defense and the Blockade of Leningrad.

"The road of life is usually represented by the town center as the road on ice, according to which herself go to Leningrad with flour," Kursina says. "But in fact, it is a huge, created literally in an empty place infrastructure that allowed to supply blockades and Leningrad, and Kronstadt. , and Oranienbaum bridgehead, and the troops of the Leningrad Front, and the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. The road has a lot of components: this is the "Aviation" with Big landth, and Ladoga military flotilla, defending Ladoga communications, and the Northwest River Shipping Company, which produced transportation during navigation, when the lake was not covered with ice; This is a telegraph-telegraph cable that has connected with Moscow, and a high-voltage electric cable that allowed electricity to be supplied to Leningrad from the Volkhovaya HPP - these cables passed along the bottom of the Ladoga. This is a pipeline that also passed on the bottom of the Ladoga, supplying the city by fuel. "

Leningrad, like a megapolis, never and could not be self-sufficient in the food plan, emphasizes the director of the museum. He was self-sufficient, only as a city front, because he could produce most of military weapons.

When designing the road of life, the experience of the past was taken into account when the ice trails became a convenient crossing, sometimes more reliable and comfortable than the autumn-spring off-road, ice paths were used and for military purposes. "Was the way the life of the urgent invention of a blocked Leningrad? And yes no," Kursina believes. "On the one hand, it was definitely an urgent invention. On the other hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement on ice existed for a long time. In St. Petersburg before the revolution Movement on the ice of the Neva Winter was generally accepted. These roads completely replaced the bridges. "

But all the ice communications preceding the road were short-term and were not designed for a huge transport and human stream, which went on the ice of Lake Ladoga in 1941-43.

Ice exploration

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ice Highway was discussed in Leningrad since September 1941. "On September 24, A.A. Zhdanov, members of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front were presented materials in the form of cards and text on 34 sheets. Then we reported on the expected character of freezing and the duration of the preservation of ice cover. On this day, the project of Ladoga Life Road is actually born on this day. , "wrote the head of the ice service of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet Mikhail Kazan in memories.

He played a big role in organizing the crossing of Ladoga. "Kazan distinguished himself and as an organizer, and as a designer, and then as pilot - and water, and ice. He accompanied the ships during navigation and led the service of the ice trace. He had a nickname ice grandfather, and" grandfather "is at the time of work There were only 25 years of life, "says Sergey Kurseryov.

The preliminary ice trace between Kobona and Coccorone was laid on the basis of materials that gave scientific research and surveys of fishermen - Old-timers of Ladoga.

The first detachment of seven half-one, each of which was lucky for seven bags of flour, moved on ice with a thickness of no more than 15 cm. Drivers stood on the steps and in case of danger of the failure of the car under the ice should have jumped. The detachment drove about 20 km, but the path was not there - the ice ended, the worm of it began. Machines had to upload flour on ice, return back

"To clarify the state of the ice on the routes of the intended routes on November 12," Mikhail Kazansky recalled. "Every a step of the scouts was a step into the unknown. Where the springy ice crust was lazy under the legs of the brave and cracked, had to go to bed and crawl."

On the night of November 16, the hydrographs were imputed in Sani and with compass, cards, lines (cables) descended into the flexing ice in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Osinovetsky of the Flootilla base and examined the route from Osinovka on the West Bank of Ladoga to Cobon on the eastern shore.

Almost simultaneously with the sailors, the exploration of this route was held by 30 fighters of the 88th separate majesty battalion. The detachment was out of Coccaro with a margin of vest, rope and rescue equipment, accompanied by two experienced fishermen who served as conductor.

The commander of one of the groups of this detachment I. Smirnov later recalled: "In maskhalats, with weapons, frightened by grenades, we had a militant look, but walking, sledges with verts, ropes, rescue circles made us similar to the Far North Winter Shops." Scouts moved one in three to five steps from each other and every 300-400 meters were cleared into the ice of the Veshki.

On the same day, according to the orders of the authorized Military Council of the Front of General A. Shilov through the lake in the Western direction, cars with flour for Leningrad were sent from a separate company a prodigation. The first detachment of seven half-hour (GAZ-AA), each of which was lucky to seven bags of flour, moved north of the islands Zeletsy on ice thick no more than 15 cm.

Drivers stood on the steps and in the case of the danger of the failure of the car under the ice should have jumped. The detachment drove from the cobs about 20 km, but there was no path on the way - the ice ended, the worm of it began. Machines had to upload flour on ice, return.

On November 19, an equestrian road outose from 350 sleds went from Coccorevo. On November 21, he delivered 63 tons of flour to Osinovets, but his path was extremely difficult: in some places, the agers discharged the bags with a flour of the sleigh on the ice, they were pulled by the empty, the flour was transferred to their hands and again loaded into the sleigh.

It was obvious that the launch of the car movement on a thin november ice There was an extremely risky check, but there was no possibility to wait.

Order No. 00172 "On the organization of the autotractor road through Ladoga Lake" was signed on the evening of November 19, 1941. The arrangement of the route, the construction of the infrastructure was to go in parallel with the launch of the ice road.

What is a deflection

The rules of movement on the way of life were not developed in the traffic police, but in the Leningrad Fiztech (Physical and Technology Institute, FTI Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Capabilities ladoga ice As a pavement, a group of Fiztech scientists led by Peter Coweko was examined. Physicists have determined how ice cover was deformed on the lake under the influence of static loads of different magnitude, which fluctuations occurred in it under the influence of wind and changes of the surge-ride water levels, calculated ice wear on the tracks and the conditions of his break.

For automatic recording of ice fluctuations, a Physician Naum Reynov invented a special device - a deflection. He could register ice fluctuations on a temporary segment from 0.1 seconds to days. With it, it was possible to determine the reason for which in the first weeks of the work of life went under the ice about hundreds of trucks: the problem was in the resonance, which arose when the car speed coincides with the speed of the Ladoga wave under the ice.

The rules of movement on the way of life were not developed in the traffic police, but in the Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. For automatic recording of ice fluctuations, a Physician Naum Reynov invented a special device - a deflection. With it, it was possible to determine the reason why in the first weeks of the road went under the ice about hundreds of trucks

The impact also reflected from the shore of the wave and waves created by neighboring machines. This happened if the half-timer was moving at a speed of 35 km / h. Scientists did not recommend also conducting cars with columns and warned against overtaking on ice. When moving along the parallel tracks, the distance between the trucks should have been at least 70-80 m. The help of science allowed to reduce losses, and the track was exploited until April 24, 1942. The last cars were held in Ladoga with ice thickness of only 10 cm.

Leningrad meteorologists amounted to a special weather forecast for the winter of 1941-42, constantly updated certificates for the lake mode, were detailed maps With overviews of ice furnishings and a forecast of its development for two and ten days. Load capacity of ice was reinstalled several times a month, every ten days made up hydrological bulletins with forecasts about the thickness of ice: only for the first blockade winter it was measured more than 3640 times.

From horses to buses

Cargo turnover The Cape Osinovovets - Islands of Zelentsa with a branching on Kobonu and Lavrovo was determined by 4,000 tons per day. Transfer bases of roads were arranged in Osinovka, Vaganovo, Cobone, Lavrovo and Lake Lake Station. From November 22, a pedestrian and manpure opened on the way, from the 25th - automotive. From November 26, 1941, the order for the rear of the Leningrad Front The ice road became referred to as a military road No. 101 (WAD-101).

"At first, the sleeves were launched on the ice, because the cars he could not stand it yet," says Sergey Klenos. - Ice, sufficient to move on it then automobile transportIt was supposed to be a thickness of at least 20-30 cm. On November 19, 1941, the East Coast of Ladoga went to the equestrian tour, which returned to Osinovoven on November 21 with the flour for Leningradians. In the evening of the same day, a specially formed reconnaissance column of ten empty half-timer went through Leningrad through the lady on ice! On November 22, 60 cars came to the ice to the side of the cobs, having delivered 33 tons of bread to Leningrad. So began its work the ice trail of life of life. Each of the server-half-timer was loaded with only five-six bags with flour - they were afraid that more ice would simply not stand it, he bent under the wheels from gravity. "

German shells and bombs left the wormwings, which were literally attracted by ice on the cold, the snow masked them, and sometimes it was absolutely impossible to detect them. Folded cars tried to pull out. Saved goods: the flour was taken to Leningrad brewing plants, they dried there and then used for baking bread

The ice trails were only 12-15 km from the German position, therefore there constantly existed the threat of an airline or shelling. Shells, bombs left the wormwings, which on such frost literally immediately tightened with ice, the snow masked them, and sometimes it was absolutely impossible to detect them. Prutsted cars tried to pull out, but not always it was possible. Not only cars were saved, but also the cargo: the flour was taken to Leningrad brewing plants, they dried there and then used for baking bread.

The case was complicated by the fact that the old railway between Osinovitsa and Leningrad was not ready for receiving intense cargo traffic: before the war she missed no more than one train per day, and now six to seven major compositions. "On this road there were no water towers, and the water on the locomotives had to be applied manually; in addition, it was necessary to chop right away, on the spot, trees to supply a locomotive raw and very bad fuel, - wrote a British journalist Alexander Vert, who worked in The USSR during the war years and visited Leningrad. - In fact, the ice path through the Lake Lake began to work as a clock only at the end of January or even from February 10, 1942, after its serious reorganization. "

In January 1942, an evacuation was actively accumulated on the way of life. To transport people used passenger buses - They were more than a hundred.

Tanks without towers

For two blockade winters in the ice road, more than 1 million tons of cargo were transported and about 1.5 million people were evacuated.

"According to different sources, from 16 to 18 thousand people worked on the highway," Rostislav Lukovin's historian tells. "Sometimes Leningraders stayed, until they could leave, and worked there were unaccounted. Infrastructure served professional workers - movers in warehouses, three car repair plant: followers. , Tokari, Blacksmiths, finally, among the chauffeurs were not only military, but also the chauffery from civil enterprises. Rotation was big. "

"From November 1941 to April 1942 (152 days), an ice road was served about 4,000 cars, not counting the mangown transport," said Sergey Kurseryov. "Every fourth car did not return from the flight, having fallen in a worm of or hitting a bombard or an art crew." The technical condition of the machines during the almost entire first period of the track was extremely low. By March 1942, 1577 damaged cars were departed from Ladoga. Lacked fuel, tools, spare parts and repair products.

Very rapidly built ports on the shore. "The Germans, capturing Schlisselburg, actually seized the entire port infrastructure in South Ladoga, because since the Russian Empire, it was Schlisselburg that was the main port in this part of the lake, - said Sergey Kursinov. - Fishing villages, where there was actually no infrastructure, in a meant week. It was necessary to turn into two powerful ports: one on the West Bank, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Osinovetsky Lighthouse, the other on the east, in the area of \u200b\u200bCobona. A huge fit front was built, new ways were made - and it was all done literally on "mossy, frying" shores. By the end of the navigation of 1942, there were two huge lake ports, which were divided by 30-35 km. A gentle front was built with a length of more than 8 km. At the same time, up to 80 vessels could be moored - and all this was created from scratch to save the city and Help the Leningrad Front Stand up. "

In total, more than 60 tracks were built on the road life. Some were intended for the provision of technology, ammunition went on another highway, and with such a calculation, so that in the case of an explosion, it is not damaging the neighboring machines. Separately, the export of wounded, children, also selected cars with petroleum products, because in case of an explosion it was a huge flame and, as a result - Landing ice

Rostislav Lukovina

"When the work of the road has settled somewhat, the purpose of the tracks was strictly defined," says love. "Some intended for a provision of technology, ammunition went on another track, and with such a calculation so that in the event of an explosion not to damage the neighboring cars. Separately was the export of wounded, children. Also, separately walked cars with petroleum products, because in the case of an explosion it was a huge flame and, as a result, setting ice. Everything was very thought out. "

"The life of life has served not only to deliver food to Leningrad," says Sergey Kursery. "The reverse flights from the city were held products, including the military, which was continued to produce Leningrad plants in the conditions of blockade. Even the tanks of kV, which were transported on ice. In 1941, they did only in Leningrad. To send them, the tower was filmed from the tank, thus reducing the pressure area on the ice, and the tank, following its strength on the ice of Ladoga, towed his tower on the sleigh. "

Also with Leningrad plants in Ladog, mortars, artillery guns, including those that were needed in the battle for Moscow were transferred. From Leningrad exported equipment and values \u200b\u200bto the rear, which did not have time to evacuate to the blockade.

The approaches to the way of life from the side of the Cobon defended the 1st Infantry Division of the NKVD, until September 8, defeated Schlisselburg, on the part of the Osinovka - the 20th Division of the NKVD, which in October 1941 fought on the Nevsky Pigatch. "The forces of the sailors were tightened here, part of the artillery sailors were transferred to the land parts for the service of artillery and anti-aircraft batteries, which were installed along the highway," Rostislav Luquinu tells. "The huge forces of sappers constantly minted approaches from Shlisselburg." Life's road covered Lenfront aviation. From December 1941 to March 1942, the pilots made more than 6,000 combat departures.

"Losses, especially at the first time, were very large," the police museum officer states. - In 1965, a group of divers in honor of the 20th anniversary of Victory passed on the bottom of the lake, on the way of life. They said that they actually walked on the roofs of the car. "

Mikhail Kazansky compared the life of life with a maritime transition: "By crossing the troops on the ice bridgeheads at night, without seeing shores, or in the afternoon, in the fog and the snowstream, you can compare with the pilotage of vessels in the pitch darkness, when lighthouses do not work and navigation funds are not working. Analogy It will become more complete, if we consider that the wind demolished the columns on the ice, like ships, aside from the laid course of the following; more than once it was necessary to see how the combat laws of infantry, like a crazy wind, having broken off separately Fighters, drove these "live sails" on the mine fields, as a wolf spinned and tipped into cars. Not every transition ended well. "

NKVD on the road of life: against traffic jams and crimes

Vad-101 worked a consolidated squad of the Leningrad Regional Police Department. The opera groups were located on the line, on the parking lots and on the loading and unloading bases. At the beginning of the work of life in her individual sites there were traffic jams - this problem was solved by December 26.

"It was inevitable, because no one has ever built such a track, it did not work on it, especially since one track was worked in the first days, and there was a movement in both directions. Drivers on the Ladoga route went away, already passing almost 300 km on The village of the fence in Tikhvinsky district, "explains Rostislav Luquin." When Tikhvin beat, the warehouses moved mainly to the Pella district, the path decreased to 40 km, it became easier, and people came not so exhausted. "

Police officers provided technical assistance to drivers. "We found very many workers of the life of life," love is remembered. "I then asked what kind of technical assistance, and one veteran I told me: you take a wrench and climb to twist nuts, help the driver to restore the car, and in the overload becoming more. and a loader. "

In the first winter, the work of the ice route, the police revealed 589 amelessly downtime of cars. "The police worked fundamentally and figured out why the driver costs without any reasons where it was not worth standing, and everything could end in the tribunal," says the police museum specialist. Fighting the embers on the road of life, by the end of March 1942 the police seized 33.4 tons of products from criminals, including 23 tons of flour. 586 military personnel and 232 civilians were involved in criminal liability. There were also facts when the chauffeurs were attracted for the fact that they took money and values \u200b\u200bfrom people evacuated from Leningrad.

The life of life continued to act in the winter of 1942-43, when it was used not only to ensure the city, but also when preparing the onset of the Red Army for the blockade breakthrough. "This infrastructure that was the only military-strategic line of communication blood Leningrad Before the gasket at the end of January - early February 1943, the so-called victory road in a narrow area along the southern shore of Ladoga after the breakthrough of Leningrad's blockade, "the Sergey Kurseryov emphasizes. - In principle, the road life somehow operated until 1944, helping the city. "

Julia Andreeva, Ekaterina Andreeva, Ivan Skirtach

The dropper, set by a seriously wounded fighter directly on the front line, will not be able to instantly heal and make a magically cover from shells and bullets; She just should not give him to die. The same role was played for the depleted Leningrad "Road of Life". The hardest blockade in the winter of 1941-1942, it was the work of the Ladoga Lake Ladoga Ladoga's work on the ice from an imminent and terrible death. There was no alternative to this path of Leningrad.

The German highest command in any case was not going to feed the civilians of the city, they were actually sentenced to hungry death. And for the USSR, the loss of Leningrad meant almost guaranteed defeat in the war.

Cars move along the lifestyle "road of life"

Ladoga - Threat and Hope

Started still in August 1941, when the Germans cut the last railway, binding Leningrad with the country. The Soviet command decided to evacuate civilians through Ladoga. This lake is known for its strong storms in bad weather. To ensure the security of the court with people, it was supposed to follow the old and Novoladozhsky channels laid in parallel south Bank Ladoga lake. However, on September 8, 1941, the Germans captured the city of Shlisselburg. The land blockade finally closed, but there is no possibility for the movement of water transport through the channels, which included in the Neva near the same Shlisselburg.

As a result, the ships and courts of Ladoga military flotilla were forced to walk only on the lake. The route between the New Ladoga in the East and the Osinovian bay on the Western, the besieged the Ladoga coast of Lake was short, about 60 kilometers, but extremely risky due to storms that were not inferior by marine. In addition, neither the lighthouses nor notify the Favorter here have not yet managed.

Nevertheless, the first barges in the Osinovets came on September 12, 1941. And on the night of September 17, one of the largest catastrophes took place in the entire history of shipping on rivers and lakes. Non-purpose barge № 725 Together with the testicus "Orel" hit the storm. According to different estimates, it was 1200 to 1500 people. Of these, the tug was able to save a little more than two hundred.

But there was no alternative to Ladoga. Already in September 41, the situation with food in Leningrad began to worse rapidly. The precipitated city of one flour was required to 1100 tons daily. The first blockade autumn on the water was able to deliver hardly half of this volume. The aviation also could not transport any more than 100 tons per day.

By delivering to Leningrad food and other products of the essentials, ships and airplanes not only took out civilians, but also moved the troops from the city. About 20 thousand people transported as a reinforcement during the Oktyabrsky German attack on Tikhvin and Volkhovstroy helped to stop the enemy at the turn of the east of these cities.

But Tikhvin himself fell on November 9, 1941, and the delivery of goods for Leningrad from the east along the railway was interrupted. This put the supply of a blockade city at risk, he was on the edge of death.

How did the "way of life"

By this time, the Soviet side has already worked out a project to create a route of the Lake Ladoga Ice. Some experience of laying such roads has already been, and the most fresh and large-scale turned out to be obtained literally a year before the events described during the war with Finland. It was a throw of the Red Army on Ice Vyborg Gulf. By the time of the fall of Tikhvin, the first road projects already existed, the case was for the implementation.

Horse traffic on the ice of Lake Ladoga

North, more shallow part of the Lake Ladoga frozen faster. It was necessary to wait for this moment and conduct exploration. This was done on November 15-18. Then the small column of seven cars tried to go from the eastern shore of the lake, but unsuccessfully. The same thing happened to the second column. And only the intelligence of the 88th Most-Building Battalion, spending the whole day on the ice, managed on November 18 to find a way from the port of Osinovets on the "Leningrad" side of Lake Lake to the village of Cobon on the eastern shore. The ice trail from the idea turned into a tangible fact. For the first few days there should be equestrian weapons on it, and by the end of November - car columns.

On November 21, 350 horse harvesters arrived in the Osinovets, having delivered the first 63 tons of flour for Leningraders. So there was a subtle thread between Leningrad and Big Earth, without which the city would have survived the blockade. Officially, she was called military road No. 102 (WAD-102). She was led by the Major General of the Intensdant Service of Afanasy Mitrofanovich Shilov.

VAD-102 in work and in battle

Each kilogram, delivered by the "Life Road", cost big effort and losses. Machines fell and tone, the German aviation broke them, the track itself was to be transferred, because the ice could not stand the loads. Transportation management has established a special mode of movement of transport, in which the movement of the vehicles would not overload the ice cover. With all efforts, only in January 1942 per day the work "Road of Life" was able to deliver at least a minimal day of flour.

Back from the city along the same route they evacuated the population and continued to move the troops from Leningrad. And not only rifle parts. In February 1942, the Ice of Ladoga held the 124th tank brigade - several dozen heavy square meters. For the suspension from the tanks, the towers removed, thus reducing the mass, and they were taken after the battle cars on the sleigh.

Map "Life Roads"

The Germans categorically did not suit the existence of such a road directly under their nose. Luftwaffe bombers bombed it from the very moment of appearance, fighters hunted to Soviet transport aircraft. When the movement on ice was opened, the track began to "process" enemy artillery. The German command even prepared the 8th tank division to the jerk on ice to interrupt the supply of Leningrad. It was not possible to fulfill this plan only because of the overall onset of Soviet Volkhov and Leningrad fronts in January 1942.

Soviet troops defended the "way of life" from Earth and air. Here I repeated the feat of Alexei Maresheva Pilotchik of the 4th Guards Fighter Regiment Leonid Georgievich Belousov. He frowned his legs in flight, Gangren began, had to amputate them. Despite this, the pilot at the end of 1944 returned to the system. Hero title Soviet Union He received only 13 years later.

In the summer and in the fall of 1942, the enemy chased the Italian torpedo boats and armed German ferries-catamarans "Ziebel" to Ladoga. In October, the Germans took a major operation against the island of dryly, located next to the track. The Soviet garrison fell off with the help of Ladoga Flotilla.

In the summer, the path in Ladoga became exclusively water

Leningrad was ready for the second blockade winter. Ladoga Ladoga functioned regularly, the work of the track provided conditions for several large offensive operations of the Leningrad Front. By winter, 1942-1943 several projects of the organization of movement on ice appeared. Among them was such a risky as the construction of a trolleybus line. It is precisely because of the risk that this project was rejected. Instead, it was decided to build a railway bridge across the lady. But this idea did not have time.

On January 18, 1943, Soviet troops broke through the blockade of Leningrad. And although the movement on the "road of life" lasted until March, the main burden took on a new arterier - built for record 17 days of the Iron "Victory Road".

The material is republished from the portal worldoftanks.ru within the partnership.


  1. Kovalchuk V. M. Leningrad and "Big Earth". The story of the Ladoga Communication of Blocked Leningrad. L., 1975.
  2. Battle for Leningrad // Ed. S. P. Platonova. M., 1964.
  3. Tsybulsky I., Chchchin O. Soldiers Ladoga. M., 1977.
  4. Ladoga native // \u200b\u200bSost. Z. G. Rusakov. L., 1969.
  5. Documents of the 28th Army Corps of the 18th Army from the Nara collection.

70 years ago, November 22, 1941, on the ice of Ladoga Lake, Leningrad passed the first car column with a load of food in the deposited of Nazis.

About the "Life Road", more precisely, about the Military Road No. 101 (Vad No. 101) in Soviet times there were many. In particular, the journal "behind the wheel" repeatedly published memories of the chauffeurs worked on the ice road.

In numerous publications, as a rule, the details seemed insignificant to someone were descended, and someone is cramless. Today, when the common Canva of what has happened is widely known, it is such details that are most interesting.

Lake Lake is the largest freshwater reservoir of Europe, with almost marine depths (allowed, in particular, the use of submarines) - it became the umbilical cord, which was bound by a fighting Leningrad with the rest of the country.

On November 20, 1941, as the Ice, from the Leningrad shore (in the vicinity of Kokorevo village), aside by the village of Cobon, the Sanning and Human Toms (almost 350 stubborn) was published under the command of Senior Lieutenant M.S.Murova. During the day later, this conversation will take the first 63 tons of flour to the city (with the need of 1100 tons / day). Then the first light machine crossed the lady. November 22 S. west Bank An empty column out of 60 GAZ-AA trucks of the 3888-year seats Captain V.A. Portochnowled. In the morning of the 23rd, transport came out of the cobs back, loaded with food. These are well-known facts.

Few people know about the so-called "small road of life", which ran through the ice of the Gulf of Finland - she connected Oranienbaum defensive bridgehead, Kronstadt and Leningrad. And about the road stretching 71 km from Shepelevsky Lighthouse to the Islands of Skar and Powerful in Finnish bay. What is noteworthy, this route crossed the same German road. The place of crossing the acreat was called the "international intersection". There were often clashes between our and Germans.

It is practically overlooked that Vad No. 101 was not created at the last moment, from hopelessness, but in advance, with the involvement of data compiled by even royal hydrographs. The road was provided by service, air defense system, with air cover. The NKVD division carried out checkpoints. The road was lowered ... The plan she was able to fulfill January 18, 1942.

In previous times, they tried not to focus on facts capable of generating unwanted speculation about the full drama events of those years. Speaking about hunger and cold, about the blockade rate of bread (as of November 20, 1941, the norm of the employee and dependent - 125 g), lowered, for example, the information that in 1942 the oil pipeline and high-voltage cable was laid in Leningrad on the bottom of Ladoga. They did not say that on ice, the Ladoga was transported tanks - special research and development limits of ice strength for different types of transport (including aircraft) and military equipment were determined.

A heavy tank square was not kept, so the tank went on him without a tower and dragged the tower on the Volokusha. So more than 700 combat vehicles were overtaken! Tanks were directed not from the "Big Earth" to the deposited Leningrad, as might think, and from the exhausted city to other fronts. Our contemporary, not familiar with the realities of those years, will then require an explanation: was it not better to warp the electricity and oil of exhaust inhabitants arriving on the bottom of the Ladoga of electricity and oil than to produce "export" armored vehicles? Answer this question is definitely personally, I am not entitled.

According to the "Road of Life", industrial equipment and cultural values \u200b\u200bcontinued to evacuate from the besieged city. Few people know that the ceiling plaffers at the Novokuznetskaya metro station in Moscow are decorated with the mosaics of Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Frolov, exported from Leningrad on the Road of Life. Professor Frolov remained in a deposited city and died of exhaustion.

Or, for example, such a detail: in many pictures it can be seen that the machines go along the ice highway with burning headlights, rightly like Nevsky Prospect. But what about adherence to the freebies? It turns out that German shelling and bombing roads are not effective enough (due to the lack of accurate benchmarks during shooting). On the contrary, due to poor visibility, the machine often fell under the ice. By turning on the far light, it was possible to notice the funnel from the airbab or wormwood in advance. By the way, Ice "tired", so it is incorrect to represent Vad No. 101 as one or two tracks - as the fatigue occurs, the road was transferred a few meters to the side, and there are tens of such tracks.

Total "Road of Life" served 4500 cars. For the winter of 1941/42, they were delivered to Leningrad 361,109 tons of various goods (including 262,419 t food) and taken to " Large land»554 186 people. The first ice car "navigation" closed only in the midst of spring, April 21. And then some desperate chauffera managed to ride on the highway later - ice, grown in a lady, up to minus 50 degrees, frosts still kept. The brutal truth of the war: Do not give out the winter of 1941/42 so harsh, the city could not survive ...

The blockade of Leningrad is a non-heaven wound in popular memory. 497 days, counting from the eight of September 1941, when the Germans finally cut the land links of the city with the rest of the territory of the USSR. Unprecedented blood spilled blood and duration Military operation of modernity. 2 million 887 thousand people lived before the war in the city. The blockade mercilessly calculated the inhabitants for three: the first destined to die with hunger, the second - to be exported to the "big land" in Ladog, the third - to stand out, completely disinterested by the horrors of the blockade and the joy of victory.

This, of course, is quite an approximate division - how appropriate approximate is appropriate to evaluate such dramatic events. However, there are no accurate data. In the Nuremberg process, the number of victims of the blockade was announced in 632 thousand people. Moreover, only 3% of them died of bombing and art-rods - the rest of the hunger. However, this number was repeatedly questioned whether increasingly increasing. In particular, today is often called the number of 1.5 million dead. The exact statistics simply could not exist, many were already dying on the "big earth" from exhaustion, without making moving.

The heroism of the chauffeurs who made two and even three walkers in Leningrad, monuments were delivered to the heroism of two and even three walkers.

"The dear friendship of many to many.

Still do not know on earth

Scary and joyful road ... "

Olga Berggolts.

A separate assessment leaving outside the car theme is waiting for solutions and events that caused so dramatic consequences for Leningrad and its inhabitants. Today, with high tribune, we hint that the events of the Great Patriotic War are not subject to revision, do not allow new interpretations. We are essentially urge to try to think. It is a reason for the adoption of the truth, whatever bitter it is, will help avoid tragic mistakes in the future.

In 2011, the journal "Driving", together with the Ministry of Transport, raised the remains of the remains of the "roads of life" of trucks from the bottom of the Ladoga.