Where is Kos. Kos island in Greece - a cozy and relaxing holiday on the shores of the Aegean Sea

Little Kos is only 50 kilometers long! Located in the Aegean Sea, it belongs to the Dodecanese archipelago, which includes 11 more islands among them - and Karpathos. From Kos to Turkey is closer than to Rhodes - Bodrum and Kos are separated by only 70 kilometers.

Per long history several strong earthquakes destroyed ancient monuments on the islands. The last, most devastating, happened in 1933.

The modern capital of the island - the city of Kos - is new town built after the disaster.
The island of Kos is green, with wonderful parks. Ancient monuments have been preserved, mainly in the form of ruins.

Kos has become a popular resort relatively recently. The island is entirely given over to tourists. Each resort town has its own, unique look and is designed for different recreation: youth, extreme, sports, family, sightseeing.

When choosing a resort on Kos, one must take into account its features. Kos is the most democratic holiday destination in Greece. It has the most 2-star hotels, the most low prices. This island is one of the most eco-friendly resorts not only in Greece, but also in the world. It is not surprising that every year more and more tourists come to Kos. In the summer, the 30,000th population of the island welcomes up to 600,000 guests!

There is everything that can attract any tourist - the cleanest sea, beaches with sand of different shades and with a deep history.

This is the island of Hippocrates, and to this day its inhabitants follow the commandments of the great healer. The healthy lifestyle of the islanders is noticeable in everything: careful attitude to land and water, which is not clogged with waste here, in the cultivation of environmentally friendly products.

Even wine is drunk here only what is good for health, and the favorite transport on the island is a bicycle.

Kos is the habitat of some rare species of animals and birds: pink flamingos, Caretta turtles, Mediterranean seals. The inhabitants of the island themselves are a peaceful and positive people.

In their environment, even tourists, exhausted during the working year, change, becoming calmer and ceasing to rush somewhere, completely surrendering to a serene rest.

How to get there

The length of the island does not exceed 50 km. Of course, like any island, you can get here by sea from the mainland and other islands.

But Kos has his international Airport, which takes charter flights and offers all the necessary services for guests - transfer, parking, cafe, first-aid post and duty-free shop.

Hippocrates Airport is located 27 km from the capital of the island, the city of Kos, in the village of Antimachia.

Directions to regular bus from the airport to the city of Kos costs - 4 euros, but it does not run very often, and it does not always drive up to the airport itself, bending around it on the way around.
Therefore, many prefer to take a taxi for 35 euros.

In order to have a delicious meal, it is not necessary to go to an expensive and well-known restaurant. It is a matter of honor for the owner of any tavern to feed the guests deliciously. As for prices, here, as in most seaside resorts, the rule applies - the closer to the embankment, the more expensive.

The average cost of meals is as follows:

  • Greek salad - 4 euros;
  • spaghetti with mussels - 6 euros;
  • moussaka - 7 euros;
  • kleftiko (baked lamb) - 8 euros;
  • house wine (0.5 l) - 5 - 6 euros;
  • keftedes (small round cutlets) - 6 - 7 euros;
  • lamb ribs cooked on an open fire - 10 euros;

  • a dish of freshly caught fish - 10 euros;
  • grilled seafood mix - 10 - 12 euros;
  • octopuses (grilled) - 8 - 10 euros;
  • stuffed squid - 7 - 8 euros;
  • Greek coffee - 2 euros;
  • local beer - 2.5 euros;
  • Greek dessert - 4 euros.

Portions are large, two (without wine) are likely to have a hearty dinner for 20 euros.

Of course, you can eat local fast food such as shawarma, its cost is 2.5 - 3 euros, but being on Kos and not trying the main dishes of Mediterranean cuisine is unacceptable.

It is problematic to exchange rubles here, since exchange offices very little. It is better to have euros with you in advance or use bank cards.

There are no fashion boutiques here, but there are many original and high-quality items produced by local craftsmen. In addition to the usual postcards, magnets for 1 euro and olive oil (from 3 euros per liter, they bring from Kos:

  • sea ​​sponges from - 3 euros;
  • paintings with local landscapes (oil) from - 5 euros;
  • ceramic products from - 5 euros;
  • textiles from - 10 euros;
  • leather shoes and bags from - 35 euros;
  • thick and fragrant wine Shiraz - 17 euros.

Tomato jam and honey from Andimachia, cumin and cheeses from Kefalos, especially Possa goat cheese, which is stored in red wine, sweet tinctures of almonds and cinnamon - surmada and canelada (at a price of about 5 euros) are very popular.

Souvenir shops are open until late in the evening, and those that are designed for the local population may close at 17.00, on Saturdays - at 13:00 in the afternoon, and on Sunday, as a rule, they are closed.

One evening, our Greek friend Nikos, the owner of sailing yacht"Eolos", and asked for help to overtake her to the island of Kos.

Every year he rents a yacht to a charter company for the entire summer season. We gladly agreed. Who would refuse a pleasant boat trip under sail, and even to the island, where we have long dreamed of visiting?

The departure of the Eolos was scheduled for the next morning, and there was very little time left for preparations. While we were getting ready, we began to remember what we know about the island.

General information about the island

Kos is part of a group of twelve, the so-called Dodecanese Islands. Dodecanese means twelve islands in Greek. Kos got its name from the Carian word "kion", which means sheep, as long-haired sheep have been bred on the island for a long time. However, there is another mythological version of its name.

Once Kos was called Merops, and its inhabitants - Meropites, after the name of the king who ruled the island. This name, translated from ancient Greek, means mortal. King Merops loved his wife Ehemea very much, and when she died, he decided to commit suicide. But the goddess Hera did not allow this to be done, turning Merops into an eagle. She made him rise high into the sky to Olympus itself, and asked the almighty Zeus to grant immortality to the king. Zeus placed Merops forever in the night sky in the form of the constellation Aquila. And the island was renamed in honor of the beloved daughter of Merops and Ehemea - Ko.

Kos is the third largest in the Dodecanese archipelago, and the second largest in terms of population.

Greeks love to spend their holidays on this amazing island, famous for its resort places and rich history. Today's Kos is a modern tourist center.

Here you can relax, heal, have fun, go surfing or diving, or just enjoy the sun and the sea on the beaches of the island, each of which is unique in its own way.

Nature lovers have nicknamed the island the Garden of the Gods for its protected forests, where you can walk among the many trees and watch the sunset.

History lovers call it the island of Hippocrates, in honor of the ancient Greek physician, a native of Kos.

Animal lovers are waiting for a meeting with pink flamingos and tame peacocks, carriage-coach turtles and harbor seals that live on the island.

In short, the trip promised us many pleasant moments.

The beginning of the sea voyage and arrival on the island

In the morning our yacht left the marina. The weather was beautiful, a light breeze was blowing, the bright sun was shining, and our mood was upbeat. But towards the end of the boat trip, we got into a strong storm. The mainsail was torn by gusts strong wind. With a damaged sail, we moored in the yacht marina of the city of Kos.

The mood was no longer as cloudless as at the beginning of the journey. It was impossible to rent a yacht to a charter company. Nikos announced that the repair of the sail would take several days, and urgent business awaited him in Athens. What to do? We volunteered to stay on the island and hand over the repaired ship to the company.

Attractions of the island of Kos

In the early morning, while the sun was not yet burning, but only gently caressing with its rays, we, having bought a map, began to decide where to start our journey. Kos is an island with a long history, traces of which can be found here at every turn.

And, despite the fact that the historical fate of Kos largely repeats the fate of other Dodecanese Islands, the special specificity of the history of the island is associated with the name of Hippocrates and the ancient sanctuary of Asklepion.

Therefore, our journey through the sights of the island of Kos began with him.

Sanctuary of Asklepion

So, in the southwest of the city of Kos, on the slope of a hill immersed in the greenery of cypresses, with a beautiful view of the sea, one of the most famous sanctuaries of the island is located - temple complex Asklepion.

In ancient times, it was a place of worship for the god Asclepius, the patron saint of medicine, whose cult was brought to the island by the Dorians. The ancient Greeks greatly revered the god Asclepius. Throughout Greece, special temples were built in honor of the god - asklepions, and his priests were called asklepiads and were engaged in healing. The temples were located in sacred cypress groves, most often in the mountains. A prerequisite was the presence of rivers or mineral springs near the temple.

Not only the temples, but the very surroundings around them were considered sacred. Access to them was allowed only after special preparations. First of all, the sick fasted for several days, and then they were fumigated and bathed in sacred springs. After that, they were allowed inside the temple itself, where a ritual of sacrifice was performed in honor of the god Asclepius. The sick were left in the temple to spend the night on the skin of a sacrificial animal, and then they told the priests their dreams. Those, in turn, interpreted them and prescribed treatment.

The methods by which the patients were treated were very unusual. Patients were instructed to take orally or externally the blood of a sacrificial animal, or bloodletting was prescribed. Many were recommended a special diet and even going to the theatre, listening to sacred chants, riding or hunting. The priests compiled tables describing the course of the disease and methods of its treatment.

Thus, priceless knowledge was accumulated in the asclepions over the centuries, passed on by the priests to the students, and only members of their families, whose roots went back to Asclepius himself, could be students.

Entire medical schools sprang up. A student and then a minister of one of them was the world-famous Hippocrates, who later founded his own school.

Just think - it was the 5th century BC. e. Hippocrates outlined his views on the symptoms of diseases and methods of their treatment in his medical collection, which consisted of 59 essays. Where various sections of medical science were presented, such as anatomy, physiology, pediatrics, dietetics, surgery, gynecology, and medical ethics, and Hippocratic methods became the source of modern scientific medicine. He also invented the famous oath, which is given by doctors all over the world.

During archaeological excavations in 1902 on the island of Kos, the remains of an ancient sanctuary were discovered.

Temple buildings are located on three levels. Such an architectural style was typical for the buildings of the countries of the East and was borrowed during the time of Alexander the Great.

Unfortunately, only small fragments of buildings have survived to this day. Much was plundered in different historical epochs.

Having examined the monument and admiring the beautiful view, we rush further.


Heading to Kefalos, we could not help but stop by the place Antimachia, which is located almost in the middle of the island. Antimachia is a traditional Greek village. Its hospitable inhabitants are engaged in agriculture.

This quiet, cozy place is interesting because here you can get an idea of ​​the life of a Greek peasant.

In a real Greek house, there is an exposition "Antimahiko Spiti", which contains items of Greek life. The house is decorated with handicrafts. And opposite the exposition is a pretty windmill.

The day was hot. I wanted to swim, eat fish, and we decided to turn to Mastichari, where there are many fish taverns and a beautiful beach.

In the tavern, having chatted with the owner over lunch, we learned that colorful honey festivals are held here at the end of August.

And in early September, a lot of guests gather for a festival of wine and winemakers with a tasting of local wines, traditional folk festivals are held, accompanied by music and dancing until the morning. Thanking Kostas for delicious food and interesting story, we decided to move on to the legendary Kefalos.


The current name of Kefalos (in Greek - head) the city received due to the role that it once played as the capital of the island. The city seems to be divided into two parts. The first is Kamari, a typical seaside resort with numerous bars, restaurants, taverns, nightclubs and chic shops.

The second part of Kefalos has a long history. Previously, it was called Astypalea, and it was the first capital of the island. Of the historical sights, it is worth highlighting the ancient Christian basilica of St. Stefanos, located in the town of Palatea. Here are the ruins of the ancient temple of the goddess Demeter, the patroness of fertility and agriculture. Next to the temple is an even more ancient theater dating back to the era of early Hellenism, and ancient temple Saint Palatiani.


In the very central part of the island there is a place called Pili. Olive groves and lush gardens surrounding the town, as if painted by a talented landscape painter. The white stone houses are located around the picturesque city square with its cafeterias, bars, taverns and restaurants, where everyday city life takes place.

In taverns you can enjoy local traditional dishes or pastries - curd cakes with honey and cloves, called katimeria, as well as goat cheese boiled in red wine, with aromatic additions from mountain herbs. At a distance of one hundred meters from the square there is a beautiful city fountain with six springs. And very close you can see the domes of the church of the Holy Cross, built on the site of a temple and an ancient burial place of the Hellenistic era, associated with the name of a local hero - King Kharmil.

made the biggest impression on us Old city- Palio Pili.

At the top of the Dikeos hill there is a dilapidated and abandoned fortress built during the years of the Byzantine imperial dynasty, which ruled from the 9th to the 11th century. Later, during the reign of the Ionite Knights on the island, the walls old fortress were fortified, and the fortress itself became one of the main defensive outposts of the island. Nearby is the Byzantine Church of John the Baptist with stunning frescoes.

But we climbed to the top of the hill not only to inspect the ancient ruins. From here you have a fantastic view of the Turkish coast and the city of Bodrum, located directly opposite. The sun was going down. The sea waves rustled below, and we listened to the song of the sea and admired this unforgettable marvelous spectacle.

Kos city - the capital of the island

We decided to dedicate the second day on the island to walking around the city of Kos.

The whole history of the island has left its mark on the appearance of the capital. The mixture of cultures, eras and religions reminded us of ancient Babylon.

The ruins of the old city are located literally a stone's throw from the yacht marina where our yacht was.

That's where we headed.

ancient agora

In ancient Greek and Roman cities, the agora - the central market square, has always played an important role in the political, spiritual and religious life cities.

It was a vast space where the male part of the population gathered not only to shop or sell their goods, but also to learn the latest news about politics, discuss everyday city events and just chat.

After 366 BC, the city of Kos became the capital of the island and its agora, located near seaport- the "heart" of the city.

It had the traditional appearance of an ancient market and consisted of three main galleries - northern, western and eastern, converging to the central square. They housed shops where they traded various goods for the needs of the townspeople. Around the Agora, you can see the remains of wide city streets and private houses, fragments of temple buildings dedicated to Hercules and Aphrodite, as well as the altar of the god Dionysus.

In the southern gallery of the ancient market there is a well-preserved domed building, which in the Roman era housed a dye shop. Here, during excavations, ancient coins and bronze figurines were discovered.

Villa Casa Romana (Roman House) on Kos

One of the most impressive monuments of the ancient city is the Roman villa Casa Romana. Its ruins were found during excavations after a strong earthquake in 1933 by Italian archaeologists. Greece almost immediately began the restoration, which lasted until 1940, but it was finally restored only after 60 years.

The size and rich decorations of the villa indicate that it belonged to one of the Roman aristocratic families who lived here around the beginning of the 3rd century. In front of the main entrance to the house rises a pedestal on which the inscription "Apeliksikakos" (the one who drives away evil) is visible.

The building has 26 rooms. Almost all rooms of the house have fragments of mosaic and marble decorations.

In the courtyard of the villa there is a fountain decorated with a mosaic depicting a panther devouring a deer.

The naturalistic scenes of the mosaic panels that line the floors in all rooms imitate the seabed. On some you can see the image of a dolphin, on others a mermaid riding a seahorse.

All of them are perfectly preserved.

Ancient Roman Odeon

The Roman Odeon was one of the most significant public buildings in the city of Kos. It is believed that this building was used not only for music competitions, but also at the same time was used for meetings of the City Council (designed for 750 people). The Odeon was built in the classical style of ancient semicircular amphitheatres. Once the building had a domed roof, which has not been preserved. Below is a place for the orchestra - a round shape with a marble floor.

During excavations on the territory of the Odeon, 18 marble sculptures were found. The most interesting of them is the statue of Hippocrates, now it can be seen in archaeological museum cities. Every year in summer time symphonic music concerts are held here, in which orchestras from all over the world take part.

Fortress of the Knights of Ionites

Near the port, protecting its water area, rise majestic walls Fortresses of the knights of the Ionites. The gates of the fortress are decorated with the coat of arms of the Grand Master of the Order of Fernandez de Heredia. The castle was built in the 15th century. It is a rectangular building with tall towers at the corners. The fortress was built to control the sea passage to the Holy Land during the Crusades.

The Turks, who later captured the fortress, used it as a barracks for a military garrison and the residence of the governor, and in 1816 the fortress was almost completely destroyed when a gunpowder depot exploded. And only in the 40s of the XX century, Italian archaeologists restored the structure. Then the German invaders set up a prison within the walls of the fortress, and a few years after the end of World War II, in 1948, the building was declared historical monument and taken under the protection of UNESCO.

Tired after a long walk, we wandered towards the port. People were walking along the embankment.

From bars, taverns and cafes came the multilingual speech, the sounds of music. And sadness crept into our hearts.

Tomorrow we will leave this amazing island

Kos did not have time to reveal even a small part of his charm to us. We did not see all its grandiose monuments, we did not enjoy sea ​​bathing, did not take a walk at traditional holidays in honor of wine and the god Dionysus, did not attend folk music and dance concerts ...

And we decided that we would definitely return here! See you soon, Kos!

Volcano Nisyros is considered a dormant volcano. It is located in the Aegean Sea, in Greece. Previously he was active volcano. It last erupted about 700 years ago and last breathed more than 12 years ago. In the central part of the island of Niceros there is a caldera, the length of which reaches 2.5 kilometers and the width is almost 1 kilometer.

It arose during a volcanic eruption. This was not the only eruption. In fact, the island is the southeastern tip of the underwater caldera of Kos, which is located on the opposite side - the western edge of the island of Kos.

Today it's well irrigated green Island which has fertile soil

Hippocratic plane tree

The plane tree of Hippocrates is a famous tree in the city of Kos, planted, as you know, by the great Hippocrates. According to legend, under the plane tree, the doctor wrote out prescriptions and lectured to his students.

The tree is located at the entrance to the Ioannite Fortress, which is also a famous landmark in Kos. The plane tree has an impressive scale - its circumference is 14 meters, and its age has already crossed the line of two thousand years. There is also a skeptical opinion - some believe that the tree has nothing to do with the great healer, that it is no more than 700 years old, however, according to many sources, this plane tree is indeed the oldest tree in the world.

It is amazing that the Hippocratic tree managed to survive for so many centuries. At present, the Greeks are doing their best to extend the life of the ancient doctor's plane tree. To prevent the branches from touching the ground, there are now supporting structures made of metal under them, preventing them from falling.

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ancient agora

Ancient Agora - picturesque historical place, the ruins of which belong to the Hellenistic and Byzantine eras. The word "agora" is translated from Greek as "bazaar". In ancient times, the Agora was not only a marketplace, but also a religious, cultural and political center.

In the Agora you can find the ancient temple of Hercules III, the ruins of the temple of Aphrodite, mosaic floors with images of Hercules and Orpheus. Near them there is also an ancient Christian basilica.

Buildings and temples were built on this square: baths, ancient theaters, a gymnasium, a Roman villa with frescoes and mosaics and other buildings that are an integral heritage of the island of Kos. Traveling through the Agora will leave unforgettable impressions and a lot of positive emotions from the antiquities seen.

The abandoned Byzantine city of Palio Pili is called a ghost town. It was built on top impregnable mountain even during the Trojan War. From the abandoned city today, only the ruins of the fortress walls remain, which can be seen from the foot of the cliff.

But even the ruins look majestic in combination with the mountain landscape. The legend says that Jesus often appeared to people in these places, and therefore the Church of the Appearance of Christ still operates here. It was built near Palio Pili by Blessed Christodoulos in the 11th century. locals they are proud of this beautiful temple, as well as the healing magical spring next to it, many pilgrims visit the sacred area.

In the village of Pili, next to the rock, a tilos has been preserved - an ancient burial of 12 underground crypts is believed to be the resting place of the mythical hero - King Harmil. The church of Stavros was built over the crypts.

Temple of Asklepion

The Greek Asklepion is a temple with a school and a clinic, which was built after the death of Hippocrates in 357 BC.

On the lower terrace of the temple are the remains of the porticos surrounding it on three sides and a powerful wall that supports the middle terrace. On the middle terrace there is an altar and several other temples dedicated to Apollo, on the upper one - the temple of Asclepius, to which a monumental staircase leads. Not only walls, but also columns and even statues have survived to this day.

In the temple of Asclepius, doctors and priests of the cult of Asclepius practiced the methods of treatment of Hippocrates, because patients from all over came here. The symbol of the cult of Asclepius was a snake, which was sometimes used to search for certain types of medicinal plants. Interestingly, the snake is still a symbol of medicine.

Peacock Forest Plaka

Peacock forest Plaka - amazing natural area and one of the main attractions of the Greek island of Kos. The forest is famous for the fact that many peacocks live freely in it, and numerous tourists come to admire them.

The pine forest of Plaka can be called the real kingdom of peacocks - there are a lot of them here! There are no cages or aviaries here, as in a zoo, peacocks live in the wild, but at the same time the birds are completely tame - you can easily feed them from your hand or even pick them up and take pictures with them. There is no limit to the delight of the children, and these beautiful birds make a strong impression on adults.

In addition to peacocks, there is a huge population of wild cats and small freshwater turtles. In the middle of the forest is picturesque lake, which is also recommended to visit - these places are very beautiful.

In general, the Plaka Peacock Forest should appeal to everyone - both older and younger. This is one of the most beautiful places on the island of Kos.

Volcanic island of Nisyros

Nisyros is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, which is a huge stratovolcano, one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. Cruises to the island are extremely popular among wildlife lovers.

volcanic island Nisyros has a relatively modest size - its area is just over forty square kilometers, and the permanent population does not even reach the mark of 1000 people. Nevertheless, the volcano, which gave the island its name, provides this place with a constant influx of tourists. Nisyros is a very picturesque place. The terrain here is mountainous, very spectacular, the coast of the island is covered with colorful volcanic sand, and the five craters of the volcano often throw jets of hot gas and steam into the sky.

Thrill-seekers can descend directly into a thirty-meter funnel of one of the craters, where among the sulfur crystals there are voids leading directly to the mouth of a fire-breathing mountain. The spectacle is unforgettable, and the impressions after visiting Nisyros will last for a long time. Of course, excursions to the island are very extreme, and are unlikely to suit lovers of a quiet and relaxing holiday. But seekers of strong impressions will certainly be delighted with the contemplation of the volcanic beauties of the island of Nisyros.

Are you curious to know how well you know the sights of Kos? .

Limnionas bay

Limnionas bay is very picturesque. This is not surprising, because the Greek islands with their bays and beaches simply fascinate and do not leave anyone indifferent - everyone strives to take pictures beautiful landscapes and sunbathe on the warm sand of a clean beach.

Limnionas bay combines Greek white and red fishing boats, as well as turquoise water and rocks. A boulder pier has been built in the bay to protect the boathouse from the storms that often occur on the north side of the island.

There are many benches on the shore of the bay where you can relax and enjoy beautiful views of the rocks and the sea. In the tavern located in the bay, you can always order fresh fish and other Greek dishes, taste wine and watch the sunset as the sun sets right into the sea.

The most popular attractions on Kos with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Kosa on our site.

The sights of the island of Kos attract tourists from all over the world. Kos will give unforgettable moments of relaxation for both active youth and those who come here for peace and tranquility. On Greek island so many interesting places that you want to be in several places at the same time.

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The plane tree was planted by a world famous physician with his own hands. Legends say that under this tree, Hippocrates wrote prescriptions for the sick and talked with his students. The plane tree grows near the fortress of the Ioannites. This is a tall and wide tree that is over 2000 years old. Skeptics think that the plane tree has nothing to do with the name of the great doctor, and that he is not even 1000 years old.

If we rely on the information of ancient sources, then we can conclude that the plane tree on the island of Kos is the oldest of all trees in the world. Amazingly, the tree was able to survive for so many years! The Greeks to this day treat the plane tree with special awe and care. The branches rest on metal supports. The tree rests on the bark, the wood has rotted from old age. Next to the tree of the ancient doctor is a mosque and a castle.

An amazing historical place, which is also related to the great Hippocrates. It is believed that at this place he taught medicine. This is where modern medicine is believed to have originated. The temple was built before our era, after the death of the healer. Asklepion was built in honor of the ancient Greek god of medicine Asclepius.

Legend has it that his father and mother were ordinary mortals. Asclepius was able to become such an unsurpassed healer that for this he was granted immortality. Shortly before our era, many temples began to be erected in his honor throughout Ancient Greece.

Hundreds of patients came to the temple of Asklepion with the hope of recovery. It was necessary to fall asleep directly in the temple, and in the morning to tell the priest everything that was dreamed of at night. The patient was selected medicines based on his dreams. Now this approach is comparable to the method of Dr. Freud. After healing, people brought generous gifts to the temple.

Tourists will not see the temple as such. Now there are ruins in its place. But they have retained their majesty to this day. Now in the ruins they arrange shows and performances on medical topics. Asklepion has a good location. From this place on the island of Kos, a gorgeous panorama overlooking the sea opens up.


The complex was erected by the knights who once lived here. Due to the earthquake in 1933, many buildings turned into ruins. Over time, the Panellenion was resurrected by the Italian fascists. On the site of the ancient ruins, they built a new building. During the Second World War, the Nazi party was located in the complex. Panellenion - historically significant place.

The building was rebuilt far from the most better times for the island of Kos. Near the complex is the Agora market, where you can buy fresh vegetables, fruits, as well as souvenirs and household goods. The location of the Panellenion is Eleftherias Square, where you can see many other remarkable places of the island of Kos. The complex fits perfectly into the local architecture.

Almost in the center is the ancient Agora, the ruins of which were found after the earthquake. Separate fragments of buildings have been preserved on the site of ancient temples. Agora was the largest market in Ancient Greece.

Inside the former market space is the temple of Hercules, the remains of the temple of Aphrodite and the Christian basilica. Agora included theaters, baths and other buildings. The ancient monuments of the temples were partially reconstructed. After receiving a new look, they became available to the gaze of tourists.

Kalymnos is located near the island of Kos. Attractions on it will be enough for a day, no less. In 1994, a maritime museum appeared on Kalymnos. Its owners are the Valsamidi brothers. The museum is their private gallery. Among the exhibits of the museum are the rare finds raised from the depths of the sea. In the Maritime Museum you can get acquainted with the aquatic inhabitants of the island.

A large sponge factory was created on Kalymnos. The inhabitants of the island got sponges from the sea. They dived without gear and the necessary equipment. They were guided by the experience and skills that they inherited from skilled ancestors. Over time, the situation has changed.

Before Kalymnos gained popularity among tourists, the sponge factory brought income to the island. Even today, a school is open there, which teaches the art of catching sponges. In addition to the sights described, the island is interesting for high cliffs with numerous ledges. Their merits were appreciated by thousands of extreme lovers. Nature has created rocks that are perfect for both swimming underwater and rock climbing.

Paleo Pili - ancient city on the island of Kos. It was built during the Trojan War. In the twentieth century, only the ruins of its walls remained from the city. At the foot of the fortress offers amazing views of the mountains. You can climb to the top by a stone staircase carved into the rock.

Climbing is not for everyone. For those who are in shape, it will seem like an easy physical exercise. The town of Paleo Pili has a dark history. It was once densely populated. But due to the outbreak of cholera, the inhabitants had to leave their homes.

The ruins here are legendary: there are rumors that Jesus Christ appeared in this place. The myth has no documentary evidence. Despite this, the Church of the Appearance of Christ was built. For nine centuries it has received pilgrims who come to the Son of God with gratitude for the grace sent from above. Jesus is asked for help and support in new beginnings.

Near the temple there is a spring in which they take water that has healing powers. In Paleo Pili, you can go to ancient Greek burials or visit underground crypts. Above the ancient relics stands the temple of Stavros. A resourceful Greek opened a tavern in this place where you can have a nice meal. Lunch after a long walk is what you need.

The mosque is located in the central part of the old city. As soon as you see it on the horizon, you can already admire the external appearance of the majestic building. The white walls of the mosque are decorated with Arabic frescoes. She is not as popular as her brother Haji Hassan. But this mosque also has its permanent parishioners, for whom it is a favorite place.

There is a market next to it. You can walk along shopping malls, buy different goodies or just take a walk. The mosque was built in dark times. Kos was under Ottoman occupation. When looking at the mosque, there is not a single hint that it was built in the difficult days of the island. Defterdar has retained all its rich and elegant decoration up to the present day.

There has been a fusion of several cultures on the island. From each left traces that have survived to this day. The island is extremely interesting with a variety of temples, mosques, castles. The mosque stands on the site of a former spring for ablution. The mosque has retained its appearance. Tourists come to its walls to get acquainted with multiculturalism.

You can buy souvenirs in the mosque. With the onset of darkness, the building of Hadji Hassan is illuminated by dim lights. Couples in love often pass by the mosque under the cover of night.

Once it was almost the most significant place on the island of Kos. There are suggestions that the Odeon served not only for musical events. It was attended by members of the City Council. The building was built in a classical style. The Odeon has a semicircular shape, like all ancient amphitheatres. A domed roof towered over the ancient structure, which collapsed over the years. At the bottom there is a place reserved for the orchestra.

During the excavations that were carried out on the territory of the building, many interesting sculptures were found, one of which was the statue of Hippocrates. It was placed in the archaeological museum. The Odeon welcomes guests from all over the world every year. Today it has become a venue for symphonic music concerts.

Roman house

The Roman house is an impressive monument on Kos. This is a villa that belonged to an aristocratic family. Jewelry indicates wealth and abundance. The villa is striking in its enormous size. The building includes 26 rooms, each of which is decorated with decorative elements. There is a fountain in the middle of the patio.

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The area of ​​the island is 267 sq. kilometers, and the length of the coastline is 112 km. According to the 2001 census, the population is almost 31,000. people, respectively, it is the second largest island, second only toRhodes, on the islands of the Dodecanese.

Scroll settlements relatively small:

the capital of the island is the city of Kos of the same name, near which the airport is located and resort towns: Kefalos, Mastichari, Kardamena, Tigaki, Psalidi, Marmari, Lambi, and Agios Fokas, famous for its thermal springs.

Each of these resorts has its own peculiarity, its own uniqueness, its own "zest", but they are all aimed at one task - to provide tourists with a magnificent, unforgettable vacation on the island of Kos.

Unlike other islands of Greece, Kos is less mountainous - it is predominantly hilly in combination with plains, but in the east of the island there is Mount Dikeos, on which highest point islands - eight hundred and forty-six meters above sea level.


The climate on Kos is formed in the conditions of the subtropics and the Mediterranean. As a result, summers on the island are hot, clear and dry, and winters are rainy, stormy with strong winds. But the spring on the island is wonderful. Young greenery pleases the eye with freshness and lush flowering of a huge variety of plants. This is the best time for those who prefer not very hot weather and a soft tan. Summer average monthly air temperature + 27gr. — +31gr., the water warms up to +25gr. the air temperature gradually decreases to + 22gr. But the water temperature is still quite comfortable for swimming and gradually decreases from + 25 to + 20 degrees. In general, the climate is not significantly different from the climate of the neighboring island of Rhodes, and it is very reminiscent of a vacation on the island of Kos. It is very convenient to use the weather informer from ForecaBox to find out the current weather and forecast for 10 and 15 days

Resort centers


About 33 km from the capital in the west of the island, the picturesque resort of Kefalos is located. A distinctive feature of this city is the presence of a beach with the whitest sand on the entire island and water near the coast does not overheat even in hot weather - this is the result of active undercurrents in this area of ​​the island. The coastline of the beach area is more than five kilometers. Excellent infrastructure and unique architectural the buildings.


12 km from the city of Kos is the wonderful resort of Marmaris with a magnificent beach stretching along the coastline for 2 km. Behind the beach area there are immediately hotels of various classes. The resort meets the requirements of even the most demanding tourists, it will be cozy and comfortable here for both lovers of a quiet family holiday, and those who prefer a dynamic, leisure and those who want to have a great night out.

At the service of vacationers there are quiet cozy hotels, a modern surfing club with training for beginners, cozy cafes, restaurants, night discos, bars and various other entertainments.


Kardamena is located in the southwest of the island, this resort is known as one of the most popular among young people, cheerful and incendiary places on the island. Accordingly, there are a huge number of different clubs, dances, all kinds entertainment centers, cafes, bars, restaurants. The resort is also famous for its excellent beaches and very pleasant, white sand. The beach stretches along the coastline for more than 3 km.


Your vacation on the island of Kos will not be complete if you do not visit Mastichari. This resort is located west of the capital along north coast at a distance of 20-22 km from it. Resort Mastichari is also a major port. Mastichari is one of the best resorts island, which is especially suitable for fans of a quiet, family holiday.

Enough here a large number of a variety of hotels, i.e. for every taste and budget, which you can choose with the help of the well-known. Silence, peace, tranquility and excellent infrastructure, and in numerous restaurants and taverns located within walking distance from the beach there are a lot of delicious various dishes, incl. prepared from the freshest fish and seafood.As well as in the above resorts, the beaches of Mastichari have magnificent white sand and clear, azure waters.

Lovers of water sports will find something to their taste here. For example, due to the frequent occurrence of large waves, this place is ideal for windsurfing, and for beginners in this sport, there is a school. A very spectacular event is the local Windsurfing Festival dedicated to St. John, which takes place annually on August 29th. A special pride of the townspeople is the local Lido Water Park, which is the only one on the entire island and one of the largest in Greece with an area of ​​75 thousand square meters. m.


In the north of the island, 11 km from the city of Kos, there is the most sparsely populated resort of Tigaki. This place is fully suitable for those who prefer privacy. And for the most complete solitude and absolute merging with nature, you can visit the least populated island of Pserimos.

The resort also has a great opportunity for surfing. There is a relatively very long coastline, stretching for 10 km. Despite the small number, the resort is fully provided with all the necessary infrastructure and a sufficient number of various comfortable hotels designed for guests with any budget.


Where on the island can you have a fun, interesting, active time?Then the Lambi resort suits you according to all criteria. It is located near the city of Kos - this is a wonderful cozy place - the resort attracts tourists with amazing nature, crystal clean water and manicured beaches.

This is a place of concentration of all the most fun and exciting - a lot of nightclubs, discos, various attractions, karaoke restaurants and other entertainment. There is also an opportunity for an exciting sea ​​travel by yacht or boat, you can visit any of the islands of the Dodecanese archipelago. And of course, in Lambi there are the most comfortable hotels, and the best cafes, bars and restaurants with friendly and hospitable staff, and the close proximity to the city of Kos further expands the possibilities for tourists when choosing places where you can have a delicious meal and have a good time.


The resort of Psalidi is a sandy bay, located five kilometers from the city of Kos, it strikes a very bizarre coastline and uniquely beautiful seascapes that can be admired indefinitely. Here you feel very comfortable at different times of the year and even in the summer heat - after all, the beach area is surrounded by beautiful gardens, organically turning into the surrounding groves. sea ​​air lush vegetation around.

Accordingly, as in allresorts of Greece, all this splendor of the surrounding nature described above is accompanied by excellent infrastructure and a variety of comfortable hotels located along the coastline of the resort with friendly and hospitable staff,

Agios Fokas

In the southeast of the island is the cape of Agios Fokas, famous for its unique thermal spa, and from its coast you can even see the Turkish coast.

Unlike the above resorts, the beaches here are mostly pebbly. But the paths on the beaches for the comfort of tourists are lined with wooden flooring. The beaches are clean, well-groomed, sunbeds with umbrellas everywhere. But the main advantage of Agios Fokas over other resorts is the close proximity thermal springs Terma, only 35-40 minutes walk, but they can also be reached by bike, bus or car, which can be rented. Along with a rich selection of comfortable hotels, the resort also has a wide range of restaurants, cafes, snack bars and bars.

In the final part, it should be noted that all of the above resorts have excellent conditions for recreation, incl. and for the active. However great importance for a wonderful and serene trip to this amazing island, you also have your lucky choice of hotel and the purchase of a not very expensive air ticket. Many people know that the earlier you book a hotel and air ticket, the lower the prices will be, therefore, dear readers, we offer you a very well-known and proven service for finding air tickets and hotels to help you - this will significantly reduce your time and costs. The service (search engine) is not engaged in direct sales, it accumulates information within a minute from 728 airlines and 45 agencies. More details at

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The site wishes yougood luck and have a nice trip!