What is the name of the peninsula? The largest peninsula in the world: description, features and interesting facts

Or an island, while others are surrounded by water. It is often difficult to determine the exact boundaries and area of ​​this geographical feature. There are detached, attached and accumulative peninsulas. This article provides a list of the ten largest peninsulas in the world with brief description and location on the map.

10. Taimyr

Area 400,000 km². The peninsula is located in the north of central Siberia, between the mouths of the Yenisei and Khatanga. Located beyond the Arctic Circle, Taimyr is characterized by a harsh climate. Winter lasts 8 months. The landscape is presented and. Rocky lands with lichens and bushes give way to cedar forests. Lives in Taimyr reindeer, muskox, arctic fox, sable. Walruses set up rookeries on the coasts. Internal and external reservoirs are rich in fish. The territory of the peninsula belongs to Russia.

9. Balkan Peninsula

Area 505,000 km². The peninsula is located in the south. It dominates here mountainous terrain, the climate is humid and cool. In the south there are pine and oak forests, the north is represented by broad-leaved forests. Animal world is diverse, there are many representatives of , and . Among the mammals you can find wild boar, roe deer, deer, and bear. The peninsula is shared by 13 countries, including Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.

8. Iberian Peninsula

Area 582,000 km². The territory is located in southwestern Europe, washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to the Pyrenees, the climate in different parts of the peninsula has its own characteristics. The north and west are dominated by peat bogs and broad-leaved forests. To the south the flora takes on a Mediterranean character. There are groves of cork oak and dwarf palm trees here. In the interior, the landscape resembles a semi-desert. There are 25 species of birds. There are many reptiles and few have survived. You can meet deer, wild boars, mountain goats, and bears. The lands of the peninsula belong to Spain, France, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.

7. Somalia

Area 750,000 km². The peninsula is located in the northeast. This area has an arid climate. Summer temperatures are +34˚C, which is why the flora is not very diverse. Tropical forests grow along the banks of water bodies. The rest of the land is covered with grass and bushes. The animal world has many faces, but some species are on the verge of extinction. Crocodiles, hyenas, lions, and buffalos live here. The peninsula belongs Federal Republic Somalia and Ethiopia.

6. Asia Minor

Area 756,000 km². The land lies in the west. It is washed by the Black, Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean seas. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus. Climate, January temperatures average +10˚C. Evergreen and broad-leaved forests grow on the mountain slopes, which merge into the zone of alpine meadows. The fauna is rich in reptiles, birds and fish. The peninsula belongs to Turkey.

5. Scandinavian Peninsula

The area is approximately 800,000 km². The territory is located in the northwestern part of Europe. The north and west of the peninsula are famous for their fjords, which form many islands and archipelagos. In the south and east there are dangerous underwater rocks. Climate for the most part moderate. Almost half of the territory is occupied by forests. There are coniferous, mixed and broad-leaved forests. The fauna is represented by deer, elk, foxes and hares. There are bird colonies on the coasts. sea ​​waters rich in fish. Norway, Sweden and Finland are located on the peninsula.

4. Labrador

Area 1.4 million km². The lands are located in eastern Canada. On one side it is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other by several bays. In the east they rise mountain ranges. The climate is cool, average summer temperatures do not exceed +18˚C. Most of the territory lies in the forest-tundra zone. Vegetable world represented by firs, larches, white spruces. Labrador is home to martens, foxes and muskrats. The peninsula belongs to Canada.

3. Hindustan

The area is more than 2 million km². The territory is located in the southern part of Asia. Hindustan lies in the equatorial monsoon belt. 90% of the annual rain falls during the summer. The inland areas, covered by mountains, have a dry climate. The flora is alternating with light forests. It is observed along the river banks. Most of the tropical forests have been cut down, and the area is occupied by plantations. There are many representatives in Hindustan: tigers, spotted leopards. Amphibians, birds and reptiles are common. The peninsula is shared by India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

2. Indochina

The area is about 2.4 million km². The peninsula is located in southeast Asia, between the Pacific and Indian water basins. The terrain of the territory is varied: mountainous areas give way to plateaus and lowlands. Indochina is located in the climatic zone. Tropical forests coexist with mangroves, but most of natural vegetation is replaced by cultivated plants. Animals include monkeys, tigers, rhinoceroses, and wild cats. Indochina is home to Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

1. Arabian Peninsula

The area is about 3.25 million km². The peninsula is located in southwest Asia. Under the influence of continental tropical air, the peninsula has low precipitation all year round. The relief is represented by deserts, lowlands, plateaus and mountain ranges. There are no permanent bodies of water here. The main plant crops are date palm and coffee tree. Savannah-type vegetation appears on the mountain slopes. The fauna is similar to the fauna of neighboring regions of Europe and Africa. Here you can meet jackals, antelopes, gazelles, fennec foxes, and leopards. The world of reptiles is diverse. The Arabian Peninsula is home to Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

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The first place is rightfully taken Arabian Peninsula.

The size of the Arabian Peninsula is about three and a half meters square. Saudi Arabia is located on most of its territorial part, on the rest of the piece there are United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and others. The huge peninsula located in the southwestern part is washed by seas such as the Red Sea and the Arabian, and gulfs such as the Persian and Oman. The sun on the peninsula never tires. Natural resources such as natural gas and oil deposits are also hidden here.

In second place West Antarctica.

This peninsula is the coldest among all. Its dimensions are slightly smaller than the previous one, it is the main region of Antarctica, separating the Trans-Artic mountains. This peninsula is not only very cold, but icy; the main part of it is covered with ice.

Third place. Indochina.

The space occupies a little more than two million kilometers squared. This peninsula is washed by the Andaman Sea and the South China Sea, and such gulfs as the Gulf of Thailand, Tonkin and Bengal. The peninsula has many rivers and a very humid climate.

On the fourth Hindustan.

Its size is not much, not little, but exactly two million kilometers square. It is located in Asia. There are, of course, India, Pakistan and, at the end, Bangladesh. There is one bay of Bengal, and one of the waters of the same ocean - the Indian.

Fifth place Labrador.

Refers to American shores, more precisely North American, and to be completely reliable, to the shores belonging to the peninsula called Labrador. Occupies one and a half million kilometers squared off the east Canadian border. There are waters nearby Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and there are a lot of rivers and, of course, lakes here. Animals such as lynxes and foxes live here, and quite interesting plants grow.

In sixth place is peninsula of Scandinavia.

The location of the peninsula is in the European North-West, its size does not exceed 800 thousand kilometers square. It includes Sweden, Norway, and a piece of Finland. There is a very interesting rock there called Troll's Tongue.

On the seventh is Somalia.

In parallel, Somalia is called the Horn of Africa, as its shape is reminiscent. It is washed by the ocean called the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. There are many parks and nature reserves on the peninsula, but nature still has to suffer from exhaustion. Many animal species here are at the level of extinction. Well, there are more reptiles here than in any other place.

Eighth place The Iberian Peninsula

It is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay. Previously, the Iberian peoples lived here, so the peninsula received another name - Iberian.

The penultimate position is occupied by Balkan Peninsula.

It occupies half a million square kilometers, on which Serbia, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Bosnia and many others are located. There are also the Balkan Mountains, and the peninsula was named after them. After Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the First World War began here.

In last, tenth place Asia Minor and Taimyr.

These two peninsulas split the last place in half.

Seas such as the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean wash Asia Minor. Türkiye takes over the entire peninsula.

Taimyr, located in Russia, is washed by the Laptev and Kara Seas. On the territory there are large lakes and rivers. Weather It's bad here, summers are very short and not warm at all. Northern animals live that are adapted to frost. For a long time no one lived on the peninsula, but over time people got used to the harsh climate.

Islands and peninsulas of Russia

The islands of Russia are located in all the seas surrounding it. But on Black and Seas of Azov These are just a few tiny coastal islands, so we won’t consider them. We will consider the islands in all other seas in the same order in which we considered the seas - along the borders of Russia clockwise. Table 1 includes not only the largest islands, but also those that are significant for some reason, geographical or historical. For archipelagos and individual islands, the areas and absolute elevations of the highest points are given here. Archipelagos, as well as islands that are not part of the archipelagos, are shown in bold. Squares big islands in reference books they are usually given in round numbers, in thousands of square kilometers, but the table also includes small islands for which such a measurement is unsuitable. Therefore, the table uses one unit, km 2, but it should be borne in mind that the last zeros in the areas of large islands are the result of rounding. For islands and archipelagos marked in the table with an asterisk (*), explanations are given in the text.

Table 1

Largest islands of Russia

Island Kotlin V Gulf of Finland The Baltic Sea is located 27 km west of the mouth of the Neva. Kronstadt is located here, now administratively part of St. Petersburg, but having independent significance as the oldest and most important base of the Russian Baltic Fleet to this day. The island is not high, on it there is the famous Kronstadt water gauge - a water measuring rod, from zero of which the absolute heights of Russia and all the former republics of the USSR are measured.

Existence Franz Josef Land was predicted in 1865 by the Russian naval officer N.G. Shilling. The archipelago was discovered by an Austrian expedition and named it in honor of its emperor. The archipelago was then explored by the British and the islands were named after members of their royal family.

Kolguev- usually in reference books the stress is on the second syllable, but from famous geographer ON THE. Solntsev, who worked there, had to hear Kolguev, which fits well with the general love of northerners for stress on the first syllable.

Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea are famous for existing since the 30s of the 15th century. Solovetsky monastery; place of pilgrimage.

New Earth - the largest archipelago in Russia by area, although it essentially consists of only two islands. The islands have been known to Russian Pomors, perhaps since the 11th-12th centuries, the name means “later developed”, “newly found land” (the English “Newfoundland” is an exact but much later analogue). Pay attention to the expressive name of the highest point of the South Island. The islands represent the northern continuation of the Urals, forming together with it the Ural-Novaya Zemlya mountainous country.

Vaygach- an intermediate (between the Urals and Novaya Zemlya) link of the Ural-Novaya Zemlya mountainous country.

Island Wiese- a constantly mentioned example of a discovery made from indirect data, on paper using calculations.

Severnaya Zemlya - pay attention to how strictly ranked - not only by area, but also by the marks of the highest points - the islands of Bolshevik, Komsomolets and Pioneer are located.

Island Wrangel intersects the 180th meridian, that is, it is located in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. A reserve where polar bears are a specially protected object.

Small group of islands Diomede It also has a second name - the Gvozdev Islands, in honor of the Russian surveyor who first put them on the map in 1732.

Urup- the island consists of 25 volcanoes merged at the base. Highest point- an extinct volcano, but there are two active ones - Trident and Berga volcano.

The location of the large islands of Russia in descending order of their area is given in Table 2.

table 2

Islands of Russia with an area of ​​more than 2 thousand km 2

Rank Island Where is Area, thousand km 2
1 Sakhalin Between the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk 76,4
2 Northern Novaya Zemlya, between the Barents and Kara seas 48,9
3 Southern 33,3
4 October revolution Severnaya Zemlya,
between the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea
5 Boiler room New Siberian Islands,
between the Laptev Sea
And East Siberian Sea
6 Bolshevik Severnaya Zemlya, between the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea 11,3
7 Komsomolets 9,6
8 Wrangel Between the East Siberian and Chukchi seas 7,3
9 Iturup Kuril Islands,
between Pacific Ocean And Sea of ​​Okhotsk
10 New Siberia New Siberian Islands,
between the Laptev Sea
and the East Siberian Sea
11 Bolshoi Lyakhovsky 5,3
12 Kolguev Southeast Barents Sea 5,2
13 Vaygach Between the Urals and Novaya Zemlya 3,4
14 Alexandra Land Franz Josef Land, northern Barents Sea 2,8
15 George's Land 2,7
16 Paramushir Kuril Islands,
between the Pacific Ocean
and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk
17 Aion East Siberian Sea, at the entrance to Chaunskaya Bay OK. 2
18 Karaginsky Separates Karaginsky Bay from Bering Sea OK. 2

There are islands not only in the seas, but also on lakes. They are small, but some of them are famous.

Valaam Islands on Lake Ladoga, their total area is 36 km 2. There are about 50 islands in total; this is the island of Valaam, has an area of ​​28 km 2, an absolute height of up to 70 m (accordingly, 5 m less above the lake level). Founded here in the 14th century. male Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery.

Island Konevets, also on Lake Ladoga, area about 11 km 2, absolute altitude 34 m, above the lake level 29 m, on it is the Konevsky Nativity Monastery, founded at the end of the 14th century.

Olkhon on Lake Baikal, the largest of the Russian lake islands. The area is 730 km 2, the absolute elevation of the highest point is 1276 m, which corresponds to an altitude of 820 m above the level of Lake Baikal. The island is separated from the coast by the Maloye More Bay and the Olkhon Gate Strait.

Kizhi, a low-lying island on Lake Onega, area about 5 km 2. The Historical and Architectural Reserve is located here, based on the wooden Transfiguration (1714) and Intercession (1764) churches; in 1950-1980 Other monuments of wooden architecture of Karelia were also brought here.


Unlike islands, whose area is determined fairly accurately, there can be significant discrepancies in the area data for peninsulas because the boundaries of many peninsulas are uncertain. For example, the border of Kamchatka can be quite confidently drawn along the isthmus, and the area of ​​Chukotka, given in reference books and measured on the map, differs by one and a half times, although, measured on the map, they accepted the most seemingly natural border of the peninsula. Nowhere in the reference books was it possible to find the area of ​​the Gydan Peninsula; it only said that its dimensions are approximately 400x400 km; Let's take 150 thousand km 2. In other cases, the areas are given according to reference books. We also briefly characterize the peninsulas clockwise along maritime boundaries Russia.

Table 3

Peninsulas of Russia

Peninsula Square,
thousand km 2
point, m
Where is
Tamansky 2 167 Between the Azov and Black Seas
Kolsky 100 1 200 Between the White and Barents Seas
Kanin 10,5 242 Separates the northern part of the White Sea
from the Barents Sea and its Bohemian Bay
Yamal 122 84 Between the Gulf of Ob and the Kara Sea
Gydansky 150 up to 200 Protrudes into the Kara Sea between the Ob and Taz Bays in the west and the Yenisei Bay in the east
Taimyr 400 1 146 Between the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea
Chukotka 49 1 032 Between the Chukchi and Bering Seas
Kamchatka 370 4 688 Between the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean
in the east and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the west

Tamansky The peninsula represents the western end of the Greater Caucasus. Kerch Peninsula in Crimea and Tamansky serve as connecting links between the Crimean and Caucasus mountains.

Kola The peninsula is the northeastern part of the Baltic Shield. The western border of the peninsula is a well-traced physical map a strip of depressions running from the Kola Bay south along the Kola Valley and further along Lake Imandra to Kandalaksha Bay - the northwestern bay of the White Sea.

Southern border of the peninsula Kanin carried out along the narrowest part of the isthmus between the Mezen Bay of the White Sea and the Czech Bay of the Barents Sea. A common mistake: the peninsula is called Kanin Nos; in fact, Kanin Nos is the extreme northwestern cape of the peninsula, the place where the Kanin Kamen ridge (a structural continuation of the Timan ridge) drops steeply to the sea. The southeastern end of Kanin Kamen is Cape Mikulkin Nos.

Lowland Peninsula Yamal separated from the main part of the mainland by the long Gulf of Ob; its continuation in the north is Bely Island.

On the other side of the same lip and the Tazovskaya lip branching off from it there is also a low-lying Gydansky a peninsula bounded in the east by the Yenisei Bay (on maps it is also written “Yenisei Bay”).

Taimyr- the largest and northernmost peninsula of Russia. His southern border fuzzy, it passes through the lowest part of the North Siberian Lowland, lying between the Central Siberian Plateau and the Byrranga Mountains, which stretch on Taimyr.

Western border Chukotsky The peninsula can be drawn along the line between Cape Vankarem on the shore of the Chukchi Sea (there is also a village of the same name) and the northern end of the Cross Bay of the Bering Sea (there is the village of Egvekinot). The peninsula is mountainous, there is the Chukotka Plateau, extending further to the west.

Kamchatka- perhaps the most clearly defined of the large peninsulas of Russia. In the north of the peninsula, continuing northeast east coast Penzhinskaya Bay, a lowland called Parapolsky Dol disappears; the same name is also used in relation to the isthmus, which is considered the northern border of the peninsula. The southern end of the peninsula is Cape Lopatka.



1. Is the Kanin Peninsula washed by the White Sea? Look first at contour map, and then check by physical.

2. Which island is connected to which peninsula by the Kuril Island Arc? Who owns this island and peninsula?

3. The straits connecting the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan are named after navigators, one of whom believed that Sakhalin was a peninsula, and the other proved that it was an island. Name both. Label the straits on the contour map.

4. Label the straits on the contour map:

Washing the island of Vaygach from the north and south;

Between Northern and Southern Islands Novaya Zemlya;

Between Severnaya Zemlya and the mainland;

Between the New Siberian Islands and the mainland;

Between Wrangel Island and the mainland; this strait is named after the captain of the American whaling ship Thomas Long (not to be confused with George Washington DeLong, the American polar explorer who died along with his expedition near the mouth of the Lena in 1881);

Between the Chukotka Peninsula and North America;

Between the southern end of the Kuril island arc and Japan; The strait is named in memory of the treacherous capture in 1811 by the Japanese of the sloop "Diana" under the command of Lieutenant Commander Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin.

5. The highest point of Olkhon Island, having an absolute elevation of 1276 m, rises above the level of Lake Baikal by 820 m. What is the absolute elevation of Lake Baikal?

Each of us in a geography lesson was once faced with the need to define what a peninsula is. We will look at this definition in detail, discuss the types of peninsulas and Interesting Facts that are known to us today.

Islands and peninsulas

An island is a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides that is above sea level. One of the most interesting islands is René-Levasseur, located in Canada. It is unique in that it is located in the center of Lake Manicouagan, right in the middle of the mainland. It can be seen even from space.

What is a peninsula? The definition from 7th grade geography is that it is a part of a protruding continent surrounded by water on three sides. That is, the peninsula in most cases has a one-way connection with the mainland. The size of the peninsula is a relative concept. The small peninsula is sometimes called the cape. But most often the peninsulas are quite impressive in size.

Peninsulas are distinguished by origin

The indigenous group includes the following:

  1. Detached peninsulas. They are a continuation of the land, part of the mainland. For example, Apennine. Its area is 131,337 km². Most of it is occupied by Italy.
  2. Joined. Geologically, these areas do not belong to the mainland and are an independent part of the land, which “moored” to the shore and firmly settled there. A striking example of such a neighborhood is the Hindustan Peninsula. It is located in Asia; states such as India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are located on its territory. In fact, it is a fragment of Gondwana - as a result of the collapse of which Australia was formed, South America, Africa, Antarctica.

There is also a separate group - accumulative peninsulas. What are accumulative? They are formed in rivers and lakes due to the creation of a bridge of lake and river sediments that connect part of the mainland with the island. In this way, the Buzachi Peninsula in the Caspian Sea was formed.

The largest peninsula in the world

Now that we have looked at the definition of what a peninsula is, let’s move on to the description of the largest of them. It is an Arabian peninsula with an area of ​​approximately 2,730 square meters. However, its exact area is impossible to calculate, because it is not known where the mainland ends and the peninsula begins. It is the largest in the world.

Most of it is occupied by Saudi Arabia, and the remaining territory is occupied by small countries such as Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain. The southern regions of Iraq and Jordan are also located here.

The peninsula (the definition from geography of what a peninsula is is described above) is considered the place where the Islamic faith came to life. The most famous shrines of the Muslim world are located on it - Mecca and Medina.

In mid-summer, there is abnormal heat here, which makes it impossible to go outside at noon. The maximum value is +55 °C. At the same time, no more than 100 mm of precipitation falls per year. Arabia is one of the driest places in the world.

Here are the most interesting facts about large islands our Earth.

1. West Antarctica, or the Antarctic Peninsula, is the second largest in area after the Arabian Peninsula. It is absolutely unsuitable for human life. It's so cold here that if you throw a piece of steel on the ice, it will break into pieces. There are also no seasons on the peninsula - scientists live following the time of their homeland. Only 10 mm of precipitation falls per year. At the same time, 70% is stored in ice. fresh water the entire planet.

2. The Iberian Peninsula is one of the largest. Located in southwest Europe. There are 3 states on it - Spain, Portugal and Andorra (as well as the British possession of Gibraltar). It is also called Iberian - from the name of the ancient people of the Iberians, who lived here before the Romans chose the territory.

3. Crimea, the Eurasian peninsula, is one of the most unique on the planet. Just 100 years ago it was called more poetically - Taurida. Homer mentioned the peninsula in his poem “The Odyssey,” which dates back to the 9th-11th centuries BC. Presumably, in one of the Crimean caves, Odysseus met with cannibal giants. This cave is today considered one of the most mysterious in Crimea. The ancient Greeks called it the Harbor of Omens.

4. Labrador. Not everyone knows that such a peninsula exists. Meanwhile, it is quite large - its area is 1.6 million km 2. Located in Canada. Was named after Portuguese navigator, however, many people associate it with a large breed of dog. The climate here is characterized as temperate, with wet winters and cool summers. But in the north in summer the temperature averages -7 degrees.

5. The Apennine Peninsula is famous for the fact that it contains the Apennine mountain range, which crosses it exactly in the middle. It resembles the spine of a peninsula, dividing the area into eastern and western parts.


Of course, these are not all peninsulas that deserve attention. Our planet Earth is so huge that talking about all of it geographical features it is really possible endlessly.

The area of ​​the Crimean peninsula, which became part of Russia several years ago, is 27,000 km². However, land areas from this geographical category. Let's try to find the largest peninsula in the world on the Earth's globe by listing ten largest parts continents crashing into the ocean or sea.

Top 10 Large Peninsulas of the World

The geography of the planet is bizarre and does not recognize strict geometric outlines. From polar Russian coast to the harsh icy expanses of Antarctica, you can see similar islands, but sections of continents connected to the rest of the land.

10. Taimyr. Here is the extreme northern point continent of Eurasia. There is not a single city to be found on 400 thousand km². The largest settlement is the village of Karaul, where less than 800 people live. The polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen stayed in the winter hut on the site of which the village was built during his trip to Siberia. Cold rivers flow through this region and inhospitable mountains rise. Agriculture is impossible in the tundra, and the population is gradually declining.

9. The Balkan Peninsula is washed by the Black and Mediterranean seas, as well as several smaller ones. This part of Europe has always been full of life and history has been created. From medieval battles between Serbia, Byzantium and the Bulgarian Empire to the Yugoslav conflicts of the 1990s, these events took place on this 505 thousand km² landmass.

8. The Iberian or Iberian Peninsula is a distinct part of southwestern Europe. The waves of the Atlantic crash on its shores and Mediterranean Sea. Tourists go here to see Cape Roca - the westernmost part of the European continent and the southernmost - Cape Morocco. Located on the peninsula are Spain and Portugal, a piece of France and the tiny principality of Andorra, the territory of Gibraltar. The Cordillera Central, a mountain range 400 km long, also stretches here. The area of ​​the Iberian Peninsula is 582 thousand km².

7. Somalia was nicknamed the Horn of Africa for its characteristic shape. The waters of the Indian Ocean splash along its shores and are washed by the waves of the Gulf of Aden. The territory is occupied by plateaus and plateaus. The climate is arid and there is little precipitation. Somalia Peninsula – real paradise for reptiles, of which there are more than 90 species. The area of ​​the site is 750 thousand km².

6. The Scandinavian Peninsula is the homeland of brave Viking sailors. In the north-west of Europe there is a stunningly beautiful land, cut by bizarre fjords. Sweden and Norway are located here, as well as part of Finland. The territory covers 800 thousand km².

5. The Labrador Peninsula is located in North America in eastern Canada. It is washed by the waves of the Atlantic, Hudson Bay and the Strait. It is here that the Gulf of St. Lawrence is located - an estuary, i.e. the place where the river of the same name flows into the ocean, which is the largest in the world. Many rivers and lakes turn this part of the mainland into an amazing nature reserve with an area of ​​1 million 600 thousand km².

4. The Hindustan Peninsula is located in the southern part of Asia. In addition to India, the states of Bangladesh and part of Pakistan are located here. They splash along the shores Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The climate of Hindustan is monsoon and subequatorial. Half of the area is occupied by the Deccan Plateau, localized in the central region, and the entire territory of the peninsula is 2 million km².

3. Indochina is located halfway from one large state to another. Seeing in the aborigines the features of two peoples - Indians and Chinese - Europeans gave the corresponding name to the peninsula in southeast Asia. Waves crash on its shores South China Sea, Bay of Bengal, Strait of Malacca and Andaman Sea. The southern part stretches a narrow strip of the Malacca Peninsula to the south. The total area of ​​Indochina is 2 million 88 thousand km².

2. West Antarctica is a lifeless space hidden by ice crust southern continent. The Transantarctic Mountains separate this landmass from another major region of the mainland. The territory is 2 million 690 thousand km².

The largest peninsula in the world

The largest area is occupied by an arid and desert region, the only riches of which are oil, natural gas and sand.

1. The Arabian Peninsula is mostly occupied Saudi Arabia and is located in the southwestern part of Asia. Smaller states on the territory of the landmass are Yemen, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman. All this is located on 3 million 250 thousand km². Washed by the shores of the peninsula of Oman, Aden and Persian Gulf, Arabian and Red Sea.

The peninsula that exists in the world is larger than West Antarctica or Indochina. The Arabian land is entirely desert with skyscraper cities built thanks to oil and gas wealth.