Galapagos Islands on the world map: an extraordinary place on Earth! Open the left menu Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos Islands(Galapagos) is an archipelago of volcanic origin in Pacific... Galapagos is 13 large islands, 6 small and 107 rocks and alluvial territories. Due to volcanic activity, the emergence of new islands and the change in the boundaries of the old continues until then. The islands are located right on the equator at a distance of 900-1000 km from the coast of Ecuador. ...

The equatorial line divides the archipelago into unequal parts: to the north of the equator there are small islands of rock, and in the southern part all the main large islands of the archipelago. Between these parts there is not only a virtual border, but also a real deep trench under water

The major islands of the Galapagos archipelago are:

1) Isabela - the largest island in the southwestern part of the archipelago

The island is famous for the Wolf Volcano and Urbina Bay - where you can see turtles, penguins and iguanas.

2) San Cristobal - the island on which the capital of the Galapagos Islands is located. The capital was named - Puerto Baquerizo Moreno in honor of the President of Ecuador, who ruled in the 60s of the last century. It is a very small town with a population of about 7 thousand.

There is also a source in San Cristobal drinking water- a lake in the mouth of a volcano, I must say that all other islands experience a lack of water

3) Santa Cruz - the focus of tourism in the Galapagos, this island is the most Big City of the Puerto Ayora Archipelago and the Darwin Research Station.

Galapagos airports are located on the Baltra Islands and the capital's San Cristobal. The airport on Baltra serves those arriving at Santa Cruz Island, and from Baltra you need to take a ferry to the island.

Do I need a visa to travel to the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands belong to Ecuador. Residents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine can travel to the Galapagos and the rest of the country without visas for 90 days, the main thing is to have a passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry. However, at the airport of the archipelago, you will need to pay a special tourist tax of $ 100 (this is the state currency in Ecuador).

How to get to the Galapagos

You will have to get to the Galapagos Islands from Russia with at least two (more often three) transfers. You can only fly to the archipelago, and from one single city - Guiaquil, and the plane to this city, in turn, fly from the capital of Ecuador - Quito, Miami and Bogota... To transfer to Miami, you need an American visa.

You can also get there by yacht, or cruise ships, but this method is not affordable for many tourists

The flight from Quito with a landing in Guiaquil lasts at least 3.5 hours. Aviation website


The climate in the Galapagos Islands is two-season: dry and cool season lasts from June to November. In these months, the temperature at night is + 19-20, and during the day is 24-26 degrees and the warm rainy season is from December to May the temperature at night is +25 in the daytime 30-32. Despite the high probability of tropical showers, the Galapagos are usually visited from December to May.

The rainiest months are February, March, April.

Quite cool weather in the Galapagos is due to the cold current called the Peruvian. Because of it, the water temperature is slightly lower than what would be expected in equatorial waters. From July to December 22-23 degrees, from January to June from 24 to 28 degrees.

Why go to the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are a nature reserve. Therefore, they are not suitable for beach holiday: there are no expensive hotels, embankments and resort entertainment. People come here to explore the amazing local nature, as well as to dive / snorkel or go surfing.
The unspoiled nature of the Galapagos is strictly guarded. Animals, birds, insects, plants, seeds and even food (fruits, vegetables) cannot be brought to the islands. From there, you cannot take out all the same, including the shells found on the shore - this is a criminal offense. Some of the islands can only be navigated with guides; most of the islands will only have to walk along hiking trails. Naturally, local animals cannot be fed, stroked and frightened, and in general they cannot come closer than 2 m.
Public boats run from island to island, they are all based in Santa Cruz, so even if you do not want to stop on this island, you will not be able to bypass it. The schedule of public boats is not very convenient and it will not work to get to some protected areas with their help. You can, of course, buy one-day excursion tours, but they are not cheap at all, so cruises are the best option for traveling in the Galapagos. True, as a cruise participant, you will be attached to the group and a strict, common program for all, so that unity with nature will not work.

Galapagos animals

The main attractions of the Galapagos Islands are the animals and birds that live on them. Do not forget that it is the fauna of the archipelago that we owe to the emergence of the theory of evolution.
The most famous inhabitant of the Galapagos is the elephant turtle, the largest land turtle in the world (weighing up to 400 kg and up to 1.8 m long). It was she who gave the name to the islands, since "galapago" in Spanish is a turtle. The species is endangered: out of 15 subspecies, 10 remain today, the last representative of the 11th - the famous Lonely George, died in 2012 at the Darwin Research Station of Santa Cruz Island.

The marine iguana, the common conolof (another iguana) and the Galapagos sea lion are also endemic to the Galapagos.

Of particular interest (mainly scientific) are 13 species of Galapagos finches - a visual aid to Darwin's theory. All of these species descended from the same mainland ancestor, but over time they differentiated to occupy different niches in the food webs.
In the Galapagos, you can also find a charming blue-footed boobie, its bright azure paws will not leave anyone indifferent. The Galapagos penguin, buzzard and cormorant also live here.

Diving in the Galapagos

All Galapagos islands are popular with divers.

The best dives are considered to be small northern islands Wolfe and Darwin.

Video diving off Darwin Island


Galapagos coins with images of animals are a wonderful souvenir

Floreana is an island in the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island is also known as Santa Maria or Charles Island. It is the sixth largest island in the Galapagos Archipelago. Its area is about 173 square kilometers.

Floreana Island was named after the first President of Ecuador - Juan Jose Flores, under whose rule the Galapagos Islands came under the jurisdiction of Ecuador. And before that, the island was called Santa Maria in honor of one caravel of Christopher Columbus.

The main attraction of the island is its unusually beautiful pink flamingos who have chosen the lagoon at the Punta Cormorant. Here you can find a beach where large sea turtles lay their eggs.

At Punta Cormorant, tourists will find black sandy shores, which, thanks to the inclusion of the mineral peridot, shimmer with green crystals. These inclusions indicate strong volcanic eruptions.

Tintoreras Island

Tintoreras Island is located near the town of Puerto Villamil and is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Turquoise crystal clear waters and the beaches surrounded by mangrove forests are home to a variety of animals, fish and amphibians.

White sharks, marine iguanas, crabs, blue gannets, penguins, reef sharks, sea turtles and sea lions can be seen on the way to and from the island. The island is also one of the few places in the world where marine iguanas successfully reproduce offspring. You can see how they bask on the shore, spit out the salt that got along with the seaweed and play. The island is a great place to get up close and personal with rare animals and take interesting pictures.

Fernandina Island

The island of Fernandina of the Galapagos archipelago is located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and was named after the King of Spain, who supported the great discoverer Columbus on his expedition.

In the very center of the island to be active volcano La Cumbre, in this regard, travel through Fernandina poses some threat to tourists. There you can also see a depression formed as a result of the collapse of the top of the volcano, at the bottom of which a volcanic lake shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Tourists are not allowed here, so you have to be content with walking along the coast, admiring the endless expanses of the Pacific Ocean.

Flora is not rich, the only thing that can survive in difficult natural conditions laurel cacti, of which there are a great many, and mangroves along the coast.

A pleasant surprise can be a meeting with cormorants, marine iguanas, and, of course, the famous Galapagos penguins. And on the shore of the ocean sea lions bask in the rays of the hot sun, sometimes giving their loud voice that can block the enchanting noise of the surf.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz is the second largest island in the Galapagos archipelago. The largest city of the Puerto Ayora archipelago is located on it, here you can find all the benefits of civilization. But the main attractions of the island, of course, are natural objects, of which there are many on the island, because almost all of its area is occupied by the Galapagos National Park.

There is an amazing place on Santa Cruz: Tortuga Bay, located not far from Puerto Ayora, which is a long beach with white sand, which is characterized by fairly strong waves. This is where surf lovers can practice their favorite sport and swim lovers can rest easy at the end beach strip where surfers are gone. Here you can explore mangroves, watch mocking birds, pelicans, marine iguanas or swim with sharks.

In the southwest of the island lies the calm waters of Las Ninfas, surrounded by cliffs in tropical greenery, and the nearby Bellavista Tunnel is famous for its sea turtles, various fish species, rays and sharks. Generally worthy places detailed description there are many on the island of Santa Cruz, but it is better to see them with your own eyes.

Hispaniola island

Hispaniola is also known as Hood. Hispaniola island was named after Spain. The area of ​​the island is about 60 square kilometers, and maximum height- 206 meters above sea level.

The age of the island is estimated at 3.5 million years. This is the oldest and most south island from the whole archipelago. Geographically, it is the most classic example of a thyroid volcano, which was formed by a single caldera in the center of the island. Over time, the island shifted from the hot spot, then the volcano went out, and erosion began.

The remoteness of the island from the main group of islands has contributed to the development of a large number of endemic inhabitants, which are exclusively adapted to local natural resources.

The Galapagos albatross, a rare bird species, lives here. The steep and inaccessible cliffs of the island are great for these large birds to take off. The Hooded Mockingbird is a fearless bronze bird that is also endemic to the island.

In addition, visitors to the island can come across brightly colored marine iguanas, gulls, lizards, boobies and finches. Large spacious bays attract a large number of sea lions.

Chinese Hat Island

The island got its name - "Chinese Hat" - for a reason. It is connected with its unusual shape, which outwardly is very similar to the inverted traditional panama, which is accepted to be worn in the provinces of China. But you can see the "headdress" only if you look from the northern side of the island.

Geologically, the "Chinese Hat" was formed relatively recently, as a result of the activity of numerous active volcanoes in the archipelago. It is located southeast of the island of Santiago.

On the beaches of the island, you can get a great tan, a lot of fun swimming and snorkeling. From the shore of the "Chinese Hat" the neighboring island is clearly visible. Santiago, with its beautiful volcanic landscape, and Galapagos penguins frolicking in the coastal waters.

Genovesa island

Genovesa Island is the most northeastern island of the Galapagos archipelago and covers an area of ​​only 14 square kilometers. The island has no permanent residents or tourist structures, so it is the best place for observing wildlife.

The majority of the island's inhabitants are birds, including entire colonies of gulls and phaetons. There are also different types of boobies, owls, frigates and others. In addition, sea lions, fur seals and iguanas can be found on the island. Diving activities are also available. Another attraction of the island is the road to the top of the mountain, which is called "the steps of Prince Philip".

Isabella island

Isabella Island (Isla Isabella). was named after the Queen of Spain. This is the most big Island Galapagos Islands. Christopher Columbus became the discoverer of the island.

The area of ​​the island is about 4640 square kilometers, its length is 100 kilometers, and its shape resembles the figure of a sea horse. At the moment there are five young active volcanoes on the island, of which two are located on the Equator.

The island is very rich in its flora and fauna. It's amazing a nice place! It is home to marine iguanas, penguins, crabs, pelicans, Galapagos turtles, gannets and other inhabitants. From the island you can watch the Galapagos whales, of which there are 16 species.

The local population of the island is only about 2,200 people. This territory is the most important nature reserve in the country, because it is here that more than 60 percent of the species of flora and fauna are concentrated.

North Seymour Island

North Seymour is one of the islands of the Galapagos archipelago, it is not large at all and is favorite place nesting of seabirds: frigates, gannets and gulls. Of course, the islands are also inhabited by the traditional Galapagos sea lions, iguanas and seals, which are not disturbed even by the strong waves beating against the picturesque rocky shores.

Rocks, by the way, are often replaced by white sandy beaches filled with flocks of Galapagos penguins huddling together and arranging massive dives into the water in search of food. Such unusual swims annually gather crowds of tourists who shoot an amazing sight on video, but, of course, from a respectful distance, so as not to interfere with the fragile natural ecosystem.

The island is surrounded by a 2 km road that passes through a place considered largest item nesting birds-frigates. By the way, local birds are practically not afraid of people. However, tourists there walk exclusively along special paths, accompanied by guides, but sometimes the birds themselves go out on these paths and stop at arm's length.

San Cristobal Island

San Cristobal is the easternmost of the Galapagos Islands. The center of the island is the city of the same name, where one of the two main airports in the region is located, so many tourists start their journey from here.

The island has all the conditions for tourism - a developed infrastructure with many hotels, restaurants, shops and access to transport. There are also many attractions on the island, the main of which are various beaches and tourist centers... The island is home to various animals and birds - sea lions, elephant turtles, various species of boobies, iguanas, and seagulls live here. Dolphins, sharks, rays, lobsters and others live in the waters around the island. Also, tourists will appreciate the variety of fruits that grow on the island - oranges, bananas, pineapples, lemons and other plants.

Galapagos Islands

The Pacific Galapagos Islands, belonging to the Republic of Ecuador, are also called the Turtle Islands, because in Spanish "turtles" - "galapagos". It is not surprising that this particular animal has become a symbol of the archipelago, because a large number of giant sea turtles live here. But, of course, turtles are not the only pride of the islands. It is home to many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else, such as the marine iguana, endemic species of seals or the Galapagos fur seal.

So rich natural heritage You can not leave without protection, because most of the rare animals today are close to extinction. Galapagos National Park includes virtually all of the islands of the archipelago. The islands are diverse: some of them are covered with dense tropical vegetation, while others have a desert "lunar" landscape.

The Galapagos Islands are marvelous and wildlife lovers are delighted to visit these places to observe rare creatures and enjoy the wonderful views.

Bartolome Island

Bartolome Island is a small volcanic island with an area of ​​only 1.2 square kilometers. Despite the small size of the island, here you can see some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region. Also, visitors can see various animals and relax on the beautiful beaches.

The island consists of two parts, on one of which tourists can climb Pinnacle Peak, which is the most famous and popular spot on the island, and from the top view the island's scenery. In another part of the island, tourists can go snorkeling, next to sea lions, penguins and other underwater inhabitants. You can also observe the rare green turtles that nest on the island.

Santa Fe Island

Santa Fe Island is located in the middle of the Galapagos archipelago and has an area of ​​24 square kilometers. Tourists are attracted by one of the most beautiful bays on the islands and a variety of flora and fauna.

The island's bay is its main attraction, it is protected from winds and storms and attracts with its clear turquoise waters. Also, tourists can see various animals that live on the island and in its waters - sea lions, turtles, stingrays, iguanas and many others. Walking away from coastline, where there will be an opportunity to look at various types of cacti and other exotic plants.

Plaza Sur Island

Plaza Sur Island is part of the Galapagos Islands and belongs to Ecuador. It is even named after the former President of Ecuador, Leonidas Plaza. In fact, this island is one of the nature reserves and is open to tourists.

It is not surprising that the Galapagos Islands are so interesting to explore, as they are home to many unique species of flora and fauna, some of which are on the verge of extinction. The archipelago belongs to the territory of Ecuador and is its separate province. Today, all the islands and the rocks surrounding them have been turned into national park where crowds of tourists come every year.

Where does the name of the Galapagos Islands come from?

Galapagos is a type of turtles that live on the islands, which is why the archipelago was named after them. These land mass assemblies are also referred to simply as the Galapagos, the Turtle Islands or the Colon Archipelago. Also, this territory was previously called the Enchanted Islands, since it was difficult to land on land. Numerous currents made navigation difficult, so not everyone managed to get to the coast.

The first approximate map of these places was made by a pirate, which is why all the names of the islands were given in honor of the pirates or people who helped them. They were later renamed, but some residents continue to use the old versions. Even the map contains names from different eras.

Geographic features

The archipelago consists of 19 islands, 13 of them are of volcanic origin. It also includes 107 rocks and washed-up land areas protruding above the water surface. Looking at the map, you can understand where the islands are located. The largest of them, Isabela, is also the youngest. There are active volcanoes here, so the island is still subject to changes due to emissions and eruptions, the last one happened in 2005.

Despite the fact that Galapagos is an equatorial archipelago, the climate here is not sultry at all. The reason lies in the cold current that washes the coast. From this, the water temperature can drop below 20 degrees. The average annual rate falls in the range of 23-24 degrees. It is worth mentioning that there is a big problem with water in the Galapagos Islands, as there are almost no fresh water sources here.

Exploration of islands and their inhabitants

Since the discovery of the islands in March 1535, no one was particularly interested in the wildlife of this area, until Charles Darwin and his expedition began to explore the Colon Archipelago. Prior to this, the islands were a haven for pirates, although they were considered a colony of Spain. Later, the question arose of who owned the tropical islands, and in 1832 Galapagos officially became part of Ecuador, and Puerto Baquerizo Moreno was appointed the capital of the province.

Darwin spent many years on the islands studying the diversity of finch species. It was here that he developed the foundations for future evolutionary theory. Animal world on the Turtle Islands is so rich and unlike the fauna in other parts of the world that it could be studied for decades, but after Darwin, no one was involved, although the Galapagos was recognized as a unique place.

During WWII, the United States arranged here military base, at the end of hostilities, the islands were turned into a haven for convicts. Only in 1936 the archipelago was given the status National park, after which they began to pay more attention to the protection natural resources... True, some species by that time were already on the verge of extinction, which is described in detail in documentary about the islands.

Due to the specific climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the formation of the islands, there are a lot of birds, mammals, fish, as well as plants that are not found anywhere else. The largest animal inhabiting this area is the Galapagos sea lion, but of greater interest are giant turtles, boobies, sea lizards, flamingos, and penguins.

Tourist centers

When planning a trip, tourists want to know how to get to an amazing place. There are two popular ways to choose from: on a cruise or by plane. The Colon archipelago has two airports, but most often land in Baltra. It is a small island north of Santa Cruz where Ecuador's official military bases are now located. It is easy to get to most of the islands popular with tourists from here.

Photos from the Galapagos Islands are impressive, because there is amazing beauty beaches. You can spend the whole day in the blue lagoon enjoying the tropical sun without the sweltering heat. Many people prefer to go diving, as the seabed is replete with colors due to the volcanic lava frozen in the coastal zone.

In addition, some species of animals will happily whirl in a whirlpool with scuba divers, since here they are already accustomed to people. But sharks live near the islands, so you should inquire in advance if diving in the chosen place is allowed.

Which country would not be proud of such amazing place like the Galapagos, considering it is on the list World heritage... Landscapes are more like pictures, since on each side they surprise with an abundance of colors. True, in order to preserve natural beauty and their inhabitants, you have to make a lot of efforts, which is what the research center is doing.

As surprising as it sounds, the Galapagos Islands have no indigenous population. Mainly Ecuadorian mestizos live here - the descendants of Spanish colonists and South American Indians who arrived here from the mainland in the second half of the last century.

And even earlier, the English pirates felt good here in the intervals between robberies - the islands remained uninhabited for a long time after the discovery: they were too far from the continent (the distance between the archipelago and Ecuador is as much as one hundred kilometers). An important role was also played by the fact that the Galapagos Islands have almost no sources of fresh water.

Even now, the population is small and does not exceed 30 thousand people who live on only five islands: Baltra, Isabella, San Cristobal and Santa Cruz, which is only 3.3% of the total territory of the archipelago, while the islands are inhabited only partially - in the center or on the coast, near the marinas.

The Galapagos Islands consist of thirteen large islands, six small and one hundred and seven rocks and alluvial territories (the total area of ​​the Galapagos is about 8 thousand km²). The archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean, and is a province of the state of Ecuador (located 972 km west of it). If you look closely at the Galapagos Islands on the map (they are located from 1 ° 40 ′ N to 1 ° 36 ′ S, and from 89 ° 16 ′ to 92 ° 01 ′ W), then you can notice that they resemble a pentagon in shape.

The Galapagos Islands were discovered at the beginning of the 16th century, when the ship of Panamanian Bishop Thomas de Berlang accidentally deviated from the course. Scientists recently found out that the South American Indians had been here much earlier, because they found the remains of dishes and other traces of human activity.

Galapagos and volcanic activity

Like almost all archipelagos formed at a great distance from the continent, the Galapagos Islands are of volcanic origin, as they were formed in the area of ​​a transverse fault that cuts the East Pacific Rise.

Volcanoes first appeared along this crack (from west to east), and after some time, about 5-10 million years ago, a volcanic plateau formed on one of the sites, and on it the Galapagos Islands, which have a complex configuration, meandering , rocky shores, and under water - a huge number of coral reefs.

Some of the local volcanoes are still active. For example, the most active of these, the Sierra Negra, located on the island of Fernandina since 1813, has erupted more than twenty times.

Since people do not live here, its eruptions are dangerous only for flora and fauna. Another active volcano, Wolf, which is located on Isabella Island, erupts less often and is the most high point archipelago: its height is 1707 m.

Galapagos climate

The climate of the archipelago is primarily influenced by ocean currents and winds. Despite the fact that the Galapagos Islands are located near the equator, due to the cold Peruvian Current washing the archipelago, the climate here is much cooler than in other regions of these latitudes: the average annual temperature is about 24 ° C (the hottest months are from December to June). Here, as in other equatorial regions, there are two seasons: rainy (December to April) and dry (July to October).

Archipelago life

Such a significant distance from civilization could not but have a positive effect on the wildlife of the archipelago - it is so unique and interesting that it is not found anywhere else in the world.

That is why in the 80s of the last century the water space around the islands was declared a "marine conservation area" (it should be noted that in size it is inferior only to the Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Australia), and UNESCO announced Biosphere reserve national park, which is located on an area of ​​almost 700 hectares.

And not in vain, because about sixty species of birds live on the Galapagos Islands, half of which are endemic, in the ocean depths not only a huge number of a wide variety of fish species live, but there are also many sea lions, seals, eels, stingrays, dolphins, huge flocks ( about 300 individuals) are swimming hammerhead sharks.

Despite its proximity to the equator, here you can see representatives of not only the tropical, but also the Antarctic world of wildlife - moss grows not far from the vines, parrots fly over the heads of Galapagos penguins, and dolphins swim next to seals. Some animals have long become symbols of the Galapagos Islands.

Penguins from the equator

Galapagos penguins are the only penguin species in the world that feels comfortable enough around the equator. These birds live mainly on the islands of Isabella and Fernandina, and nest in caves and lava voids.

Since the Galapagos Islands for penguins have a very hot and dry climate to survive, these amazing birds had to adapt. First of all it displayed:

  • On their size - the Galapagos penguins are considered the smallest penguins in the world: the growth of an adult bird is 50 cm, and it weighs about 2.5 kg;
  • In terms of numbers - no more than 2 thousand individuals live here (and their population decreases every year), and therefore these birds are considered the smallest species of the family and are even listed in the Red Book;
  • On the way of life - in the daytime, when the air temperature reaches its maximum values, Galapagos penguins sit in the water (they avoid it only during molt, which comes before the beginning of the breeding season), and go ashore at night when it becomes cooler.

Elephant turtles

The Galapagos tortoise lives on the territory of the unique reserve - the largest tortoise on Earth, which is rightfully considered one of the longest-living vertebrates in the world: wildlife Galapagos turtles can live for over a hundred years, and live even longer in captivity.

For example, the world's oldest known tortoise Henrietta from the Australian Zoo recently turned 175 years old (although the exact date of birth of this reptile is unknown, its approximate age was determined using DNA tests). At the moment, the Galapagos Islands have twelve of the fifteen subspecies of these reptiles:

  1. Smaller ones, whose weight ranges from 30 kg in females to 50 kg in males, have long and thin legs, a long neck and a saddle-shaped shell, which allows, in case of danger, to penetrate into vegetation and hide in it. They prefer to live on small islands, where lowlands and a drier climate prevail;
  2. Larger ones, weighing from 200 to 400 kg (the difference between males and females is not as significant as in small species), have a short neck, a dome-shaped shell, the length of which is from 120 to 180 cm. They prefer to live on large islands, in alpine regions with a humid climate.

In previous centuries, the population of these animals has decreased significantly. The main reason is, of course, people, since the Galapagos tortoise is able to live for several months without food and water, seafarers took them with them as "live canned food". If in the 16th century their population numbered 250 thousand individuals, then in 1970 it was only 3 thousand.

V Lately thanks to babies raised in captivity, the number of this species of turtles has increased slightly and, according to rough estimates, is about 19 thousand copies.

The Galapagos Islands are part of Ecuador. I did not know about this when I was going for the first time in South America... The jungle - yes, volcanoes - yes, but the fact that the very Darwinian Galapagos, where the century-old turtles live, will be so close to the capital of Ecuador and even closer to the second most populous city of Guayaquil, I could not imagine.

How to get from the airport to settlements

The airport is located on the uninhabited island of Baltra. From there, a free shuttle bus takes tourists to the ferry, which ferries to Santa Cruz, where there is a taxi to Puerto Ayora.

It is convenient to buy a tour on the mainland, then you will be met and taken to the hotel and attractions. For the first time in my life I was met with a sign "Daria Ofitserova". The short-lived tanned man led to the bus, where all the passengers of the plane were packed, including an American couple with a child and four suitcases, tourists in Ecuadorian hats, a group of schoolchildren, Indians and me - a lady in a pink resort overalls.

From plane to bus, from bus to ferry. Swim a minute, everyone put on their vests, paid a dollar, took off their vests, went out to Santa Cruz.
Without waiting for personal transport, I walked to the buses, ready to board any that the guide showed. But no: he got behind the wheel of a pickup - here it is the most popular form of transport: even policemen drive pickup trucks - and we drove off.

By train

No train.

By bus

You can't get there by bus either.

By car

By car only if it is flying.

By ferry

You can get to the Galapagos Islands only by plane, to move from island to island - by ship.

There are tours with a program for several days: you fly to the Galapagos and sail on a small yacht or big liner from point of interest to point of interest. The price of the tours starts from 300 USD per day, depending on the comfort class (economy, tourist, first or luxury) and the duration of the trip (usually from 3 to 12 days). The prices of en tours can be compared by.
You can plan the program yourself. Then, upon arrival, you are accommodated in a hotel and every day you choose tours in agencies on the islands. Day trips cost from 50 to 200 USD (the cheapest are by car around the island, the most expensive are boat rental and diving). You won't be able to see remote islands, where it makes no sense to go in one day, but you will save money.


Galapagos Islands - time is now

Difference in hours:

Moscow 9

Kazan 9

Samara 10

Yekaterinburg 11

Novosibirsk 13

Vladivostok 16

When is the season. When is the best time to go

It is always warm here, but there are two seasons depending on the ocean currents:

  • from June to November - dry and cool,
  • December to May is warm and humid.

In summer and autumn, the air and water have an average temperature of +20 ° C, the wind is blowing, but it seems that the indigenous islanders have a poor idea of ​​what -20 ° C can be called cool in Russia. So I boldly declare: you can go during the Galapagos "cool" season, if only you will not be tormented by the thoughts of +30 ° C in July in the middle zone of Russia.

Winter and spring are warm and rainy seasons. Air and water temperature +25 ° C. Despite the rains, winter is the most tourist time. Warm showers are not so scary, and if you are lucky, they will not be at all.

To summarize: you can go to the Galapagos whenever you want - the equator, it is always warm, prices depend little on the season.

Galapagos Islands in summer

Summer in the Galapagos is cooler, in my opinion, than in winter. The Humboldt current brings to the shores cold water and this lowers the temperature on land. But the water is saturated with microorganisms, which attracts fish and seabirds, there are more penguins, albatrosses arrive on the island of Hispaniola.

Galapagos Islands in autumn

Autumn, like summer, is drier and cooler. Sometimes there is a light rain, which is called Garoua, but the marine life is more diverse, so divers should go in the fall.

The mating season of blue-footed boobies is coming - this is information for amateur bird watchers. For everyone else: blue-footed boobies are just beautiful rare birds with blue legs, and you can see them in the Galapagos autumn.

Galapagos Islands in spring

As I said, December to May is warmer than June to November. More sun - take care of a sunscreen SPF 30+. The bonus of spring in the Galapagos is blooming and painting of flora, as well as the opportunity to watch turtles lay their eggs on the beach.

Galapagos Islands in winter

Going to the Galapagos in winter is perfect. I was in February and never saw rain during the promised wet season. I swam in the ocean - warm as cappuccino foam, and walked around the city in a T-shirt and shorts, forgetting about the Moscow "get ink and cry".


Galapagos Islands - monthly weather

Conditional areas. Descriptions and features

There are four inhabited islands:

  • Isabela,
  • Santa Cruz,
  • San Cristobal,
  • Floriana.

I would suggest settling on each of them. If you book a sea tour, then you will not have to worry about accommodation - you will sleep in the cabin. But ship travel is more expensive, so I decided to live on one island and make day trips to others. It remains only to choose where to settle.

Santa cruz

The easiest way to settle in the Galapagos is to fly to Baltra, from there take a ferry to Santa Cruz and by car to the largest city of the Galapagos (for a second, 11 thousand inhabitants) - Puerto Ayora. There are many options for accommodation: from hostels to luxury hotels. Prices start at USD 30 per night.

As elsewhere in Latin America, not all hotels have a website, so if you have not booked a hotel in advance, then in Puerto Ayora you can find where to spend the night.

In addition to traditional hotels, I would note a specific Latin American lodge - bungalows remote from the city. Galapagos-style boutique hotel prices are comparable to hotels in the city, but it will be difficult to get to the beaches and attractions. But nature!


Isabela is the largest island, but you can get there only by sea, arriving first at Baltra or San Cristobal. The largest (and only) city is Puerto Villamil.

Accommodation price from 40 USD: hostels, guesthouses, hotels and villas. The cost of housing depends on the number of people in the room, conditions and proximity to the beach - people come to Isabela for the sake of silk sand and bounty views.

San Cristobal

This small island is home to the second airport in the Galapagos. The center of civilization is the city of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.

Prices for hotels and hostels start from 40 USD, but there are not many options for accommodation, so if you want to stay here, it is worth booking in advance.


Quite a small, but still inhabited island. The locality is a village of 100 inhabitants of Puerto Velasco Ibarra, and there are practically no hotels here.

You can go to the island in one day, but if you want to stay overnight, book your accommodation very, very early.

Personal experience

I ended up living in Santa Cruz in Puerto Ayora. It looks like any settlement on the seashore: small, with souvenir tents - some kind of or, if you don't count the pelicans heading into the water at full speed, and fur seals are basking on the piers.

In addition to the central street, there are areas for locals. It's safe there, I walked alone, looked at schools and the university (how can you study when you have an ocean here?), A church on which a turtle and a pelican are painted - this can only be seen here.

What are the prices for rest

In the Galapagos, as I noticed, it is more expensive than in the mainland of Ecuador. There are many American tourists, travelers from all over the world, and locals do not hesitate to inflate prices, citing the uniqueness of the place. On the islands, as in all of Ecuador, the American dollar is in use, but if you can go to the mainland, having barely saved up for a ticket, then, going to the islands, stock up on finances. Here is a different world: not just, but a natural landmark that people come to see from everywhere and do not spare money for a dream.

How to save money?

Again, plan ahead! A ticket for a Quito-Galapagos plane will cost from 150 USD one way (moreover, a foreigner cannot buy a one-way ticket, so it will cost 300 USD right away). Guayaquil-Galapagos is cheaper (from 50 USD), but if you buy in advance there is a chance to find a ticket for only 14 USD. Better fly to the airport on Baltra Island. The second airport of the Galapagos, San Cristobal, is smaller and further away, which means there are few flights and tickets are more expensive. And one more thing: upon arrival, all non-citizens of Ecuador must pay 100 USD to visit the islands as a world famous nature reserve.

In my experience, it is cheaper to stay at a hotel on one island and move to other one-day tours than to buy a seat in the ship's cabin: the price of a sea tour starts from 300 USD per day, and living in a hotel, you can pay from 30 USD per night, buy excursions for 50-200 USD and dine for less than 2 USD.

It is cheaper to travel with a company, then you can rent a yacht (1000 USD for a boat for 10 passengers for 4 days!) And book inexpensive hotel rooms for three or four people (for comparison, a triple room - from 45 USD, single - from 30 USD).

The most expensive things about the trip are plane tickets and excursions. The food is very cheap - lunch in a nice restaurant can cost 2 USD, taxi in the city - 1 USD.

A super-budget option is to go to the islands as a volunteer. I have met such people in the Galapagos, but you will have to take care of a volunteer trip very in advance and take at least a month for it. The programs do not pay for travel, so in any case you will have to buy the plane ticket yourself.

Major attractions. What to see

Nature is the main attraction of the islands. The uninhibited animals that roam the beach and the city, century-old turtles and strange plants - everything looks like what you have already seen, but together - it drives you crazy.

I went to see nature, but did not expect how it would amaze me so. It seems to be a country landscape: a green lawn, trees at a distance, but suddenly the pastoral picture turns into a surrealistic one - from behind a bush, slowly chewing the grass, a huge turtle crawls out.

Considering that the largest city of the Galapagos is inhabited by 11 thousand people, you can imagine what the tourist streets look like. But the uniqueness of the islands is in everything, and even in small settlements there is something to see.

Puerto Ayora waterfront

The street that runs along the oceanfront in the capital of the Galapagos is called Charles Darwin Avenue. There is a center of civilization, cafes and restaurants, tourist offices.

At the beginning of the street, a fish market opens in the morning - locals sell seafood, and pelicans try to steal fish from counters. At the end of the street is the port from where yachts and ships sail to other islands.

Puerto Villamil waterfront

The embankment of Isabela Island differs in atmosphere from that of the capital - there is also a port, there are animals and birds, but life goes on differently - relaxed, unhurriedly, in an island style.

The promenade is called Melecon, where I saw bars with hammocks under coconut trees, fur seals and iguanas.

I categorically do not recommend going to the Galapagos for one day: just getting from Russia takes a day. The ideal trip duration is a week, the minimum is three days. But it is possible to see one island in a day. For example, I would recommend this option:

  1. Arrive at Baltra Island - the earliest flight arrives at 9.
  2. Hire a car, drive to Puerto Ayora. It takes about an hour to get there, but on the way you stop by a turtle farm, see twin craters and lava tunnels.
  3. Arrive in Puerto Ayora. After lunch, take a taxi to Darwin Station, go on a guided tour, and then drive to the beach and stay there until sunset.
  4. It always gets dark at the equator at 6, so return to the city and go to a restaurant in the center to celebrate your first day in the Galapagos.

Top 5

Galapagos - surrealism. In the morning you walk along the coastal shopping street: souvenir tents on the right, the sea on the left, and here, out of nowhere, a huge winged something flies out and at full speed fits into the water with its nose - a pelican. Okay, so be it. I meet with tourist group, waiting for the boat - a usual tour. If not for the fur seal, which lay down on one of the berths and basked in the sun.

Beaches. Which is better

Like everything in the Galapagos, the beaches here are unusual: on the shore there are not only sand, but also black stones of frozen magma. Popular are Tortuga Bay on Santa Cruz and Puerto Villamil on Isabela.

Tortuga Bay

The largest and most famous beach on the island of Santa Cruz and in all the Galapagos. Drive not far - about 2.5 kilometers from Puerto Ayora.

Here you can see seals, turtles and sharks (and swim with them). Of the birds, I saw pelicans and flamingos.

Puerto Villamil

Main city on Isabela - Puerto Villamil. The beach is also called. The atmosphere here is heavenly - coconut trees, iguanas run around white sand, seals lie in the shade.

As well as on Tortuga Bay - the coast of frozen magma, you can swim with a mask.

Other famous beaches

I would highlight the following:

  • Gardner on the island of Hispaniola.
  • Garrapatero to Santa Cruz
  • Puerto Egas in Santiago,
  • Bartolome island beach,
  • Postal beach on the island of Florentina.

Museums. Which are worth visiting

Galapagos is one large natural museum (it is not for nothing that every foreigner pays 100 USD upon entry), and there are rules here: animals are exhibits, they must not be touched, foreign flora and fauna not to be imported, will destroy the ecosystem.

Of the places that most resemble a museum, I liked the Charles Darwin Research Station in Santa Cruz and the turtle center on Isabela Island.

Darwin Station

Located in Santa Cruz near Puerto Ayora. This is a scientific center, but excursions are conducted for tourists, they tell about the famous Lone George turtle and show yellow iguanas, turtles and birds.

I saw a fur seal play with a swimming iguana, and it was like in a National Geographic movie.

Giant Turtle Breeding Center

There is a turtle breeding site on Isabela Island near Puerto Villamil.

There you can see turtle eggs, newly hatched cubs and giant adults.


All Galapagos Islands - large park but there are natural attractions that are definitely worth seeing. Among them are twin craters and lava caves.

Twin craters

Los Gimelos (from Spanish - twins) - two craters on the way from the airport of Baltra Island to Puerto Ayora. They look like giant pits on either side of the main road of Santa Cruz Island. Once there was gas in the craters, but it burst out, collapsing the surface of the earth.

Now around is a beautiful forest with fern trees, which, I heard, grow only in the Galapagos.

Lava caves

The Galapagos are volcanic islands, which means that lava once flowed through them.

It formed underground passages, and the strangest thing about these caves is that you can walk along them like an underground passage.

Neighboring regions

Neighborhoods of the capital of Puerto Ayora:

  • Darwin station (10 minutes drive from the center),
  • Tortuga Bay beach (2.5 kilometers from the city),
  • Twin craters, a turtle farm and lava caves (located next to each other, half an hour's drive from the coast to the mountainous part of the island).

I wrote about these sights above.

Surroundings of Santa Cruz - Isabela, Floriana and other smaller islands. I will talk about uninhabited islands further.

Nearby islands

The Galapagos is an archipelago, which means there are many islands in its composition. Four inhabited: Santa Cruz, Isabela, Floriana. And more than a hundred uninhabited. Almost everyone has an animal, fish or bird that is not found anywhere in the world. This is why the islands are worth visiting. Now I will tell you about the most famous ones.


Blue-footed boobies are watched in Suarez Point, albatrosses in Gardner Bay.

Santiago (San Salvador)

It is home to sea lions, turtles, flamingos, dolphins and seals. People come here to look at Darwin's finches, which led the scientist to the idea of ​​biological evolution.

To the port of Egas - snorkelling, to the Espumia beach - to see crabs and iguanas.


Martian landscapes with orange-red sand and nests of brown pelicans.


People come here to watch the Galapagos birds.

There are two attractions on the island: the Prince Philip Trail with bird nests on the rocks and Darwin Beach, ideal for diving.


The island is active volcano, tourists rarely come here.

They come here to dive.


The third largest, but uninhabited due to volcanic activity, which is still there.

Galapagos hawks can be seen here.


Dormant volcano, one of the most visited uninhabited islands.

He is famous for his landscapes, which even made it into the shots of the movie "Master of the Seas" with Russell Crowe.

Food. What to try

The main food in the Galapagos is seafood. They are fresh here - only from the ocean - and are inexpensive. If you can cook it yourself, I suggest buying them in the morning at the Puerto Ayora market and experimenting with the island cuisine. If you are hesitant, go to a restaurant. Food prices are not high here. You can dine for 2 USD, and a full dinner in a good restaurant on the waterfront will cost 15-25 USD.

Local dishes worth trying:

  • ceviche - fish soup also popular on the coast of Ecuador;
  • enseboyado - fish soup, but with the addition of onions;
  • empanadas - pies with fillings: cheese, potatoes, fish, etc.

In restaurants and cafes, try fish and seafood - they are fried or baked with potatoes, rice or yucca.

Especially worth mentioning about fruits. They are not local, imported from Ecuador, but ideal in the heat. You can buy the usual bananas and papaya, exotic guanabana, woody tomato and naranjia. All the fruits are made fresh, and coconuts are sold with tubes to drink coconut milk.

Fruit is sold on the embankments in small tents - tendes, and in Puerto Ayora there is a market (from the embankment, turn onto Baltra Avenue and walk straight for ten minutes).

All Galapagos restaurants are located in the cities and towns of the inhabited islands: Puerto Ayora, Puerto Villamil, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Puerto Velasco Ibarra.

In Puerto Ayora, tourist restaurants are located on the waterfront. The farther from it, the cheaper, but the less chances that they will bring you a menu in English, and the waiters will speak a language other than Spanish.

On the outskirts of Puerto Ayora, which is a 15–20 minute walk from the waterfront, which is the center of the city and civilization, there are many nameless cafes with plastic chairs, where a snack costs 2–4 USD. On Isabela Island, food is slightly more expensive.

Lunch on the Puerto Ayora waterfront will cost 10-15 USD, dinner 15-25 USD. I recommend El Chocolate, Isla Grill and Il Giardinos. On Isabela, you should lie in a hammock next to the Iguana Point bar. Here you can order beer or fresh juice and relax with beach-island music.

Restaurants with white tablecloths at expensive hotels... Here you can order good wine and taste local dishes with beautiful presentation. But the flavor of the islands, in my opinion, is still in the eateries and street cafes.

Safety. What to watch out for

The islands are safe. Here you should not be afraid of hooligans or scammers. You can walk in the morning, afternoon, evening and night, alone, together or in a company. Local residents are positive, tourists are their main source of income and they do not want to lose it.

The Galapagos give the impression of being totally protected. Do not pose any danger locals nor local fauna. Animals cannot be touched, so they are proud and self-sufficient and do not intend to attack. Even the sharks are kind here - in travel agencies there is a bathing service with Galapagos sharks.

I traveled alone. I walked around Puerto Ayora in the evening and at night, the locals not only did not think to make an attempt, but got to know each other and talked. When they found out that I was from Russia - Russian tourists do not come here often - they asked how long it took me to get and whether it was cold in Russia.

Things to do

The Galapagos will definitely have something to do. In addition to trips to the islands and visiting attractions, you can go snorkelling - they are sold and rented in shops on the coast. You can go diving - on your own or with an instructor, you can swim with sharks, go to the beach to meet the sunrise, or go to look at the plants, birds and animals in the vicinity. In the port or along the waterfront, there are many tourist offices that organize day trips, car and guide.

Extreme sports

The Galapagos is a legendary diving destination. Here are some islands to dive in.

Gordon Rocks

A place to swim with hammerhead sharks. For advanced divers, but worth learning for shark diving.

North Seymour

There are white and black reef sharks, green sea turtles. The place is conveniently located - the island is located between two large inhabited islands Santa Cruz and Isabela.


Here you can find not only fish and sea turtles, but also penguins - they swim in search of food.

Almost the entire coastline is a diving area. There are many diving centers near the port of Puerto Ayora where you can rent equipment, arrange transfers and lessons. For example, Academy Bay Diving, Scuba Iguana, Sharkfriends.

A one-day tour to a neighboring island with transport and equipment rental will cost from 140 USD.

If you are afraid of scuba diving, go snorkelling. They can be bought or rented from shops along the coast. Ideal for snorkeling - the cove near Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island. It is called the Shell of the Pearl - Concha de Perla. Here a hundred meters from settlement you can see fish, crabs and marine iguanas.

I also recommend Punta Espinosa on Ferdinand's island. There you can see not only fish, but also dolphins, and sometimes - whales swimming in the distance.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

The tents along the coast are full of Galapagos souvenirs, mostly with iguanas and turtles, but they are produced either in Ecuador or in China.

A more authentic buy would be coffee - it grows here on the islands, and the locals say it tastes like nothing else. In my opinion, this is just good coffee.

Also local produces jewelry. If you like their design, buy it - it will be a good souvenir.

How to get around the islands

Everyone travels on the islands on foot - the distances are short, or by pickup trucks - for some unknown reason, this particular type of car is popular here.

A taxi in the city costs 1 USD, around the island - as agreed with the taxi driver. There are no car call services or a specific place to find them. But you can easily hail a taxi on the street.

There is also a bicycle or scooter rental - about 15 USD per day.

Transport rental

There is no car rental service in the Galapagos. There is simply nowhere to go by car - the number of places that can be reached by land is incomparable with the number of attractions available on a yacht or ship.

If you want to travel from Puerto Ayora to a remote beach or other part of the island, negotiate with a taxi driver: for 10-15 USD he will take you where necessary and will wait a day or half a day.

Galapagos Islands - Holidays with children

If you want your kids to see iguanas and turtles in the wild rather than on TV, the Galapagos is the perfect place to do so. There are picturesque beaches with silk sand, calm, warm ocean. Children will definitely like it there.

Among the disadvantages - a long flight and the need to move between the islands by ship, this is not suitable for small children.