Islands of French Polynesia. Polynesia: countries and brief information Islands where harmony lives

French Polynesia is in the southern region Pacific Ocean. Her maritime boundaries intersect with the Republic of Kiribati, Cook Island and the Pitcairn Islands - an overseas territory of Great Britain. This exotic archipelago tourist map planet is widely known. He is famous as perfect place for a luxurious holiday, where thousands of travel fans from all over the world come every year to soak up the soft rays of the sun.


French Polynesia, tours to which are very popular among Russian travelers today, includes 118 islands of various sizes and shapes. In terms of the type of holiday, its specifics, appearance, price parameters and level of service, a large-scale resort can be compared with Maldives, which decorate the surface of the Indian Ocean. The overseas community of France territorially occupies half of the Pacific region of Polynesia. It is divided into several groups of islands, only part of which has a permanent population, which is also interesting in French Polynesia.

Hotels here are presented for tourists with different income levels. The legal and legislative system is in accordance with the French constitution. At the same time, the main economic spheres of activity here are tourism, fishing and agriculture, and in some places dairy and meat farming is also developed.

The influence of civilization was reflected in the traditions and original culture of the islanders. In some areas, you can still find huts made from palm leaves and tree branches. Local residents in this place observe the laws of their ancestors, who live without the slightest regard for the development of the surrounding world.

Interestingly, the industrial sector here is represented by the processing of grown vegetable and fruit crops, as well as the production of souvenirs. Great importance for the development of the community has financial support from France. The population is dominated by Chinese, Polynesians, with a small proportion of French-Polynesian mestizos and Europeans. Christianity is the main religion here.

French Polynesia on the world map

The islands of this region are of coral and volcanic origin. The highest point is the peak of Orojen, which rises almost 2240 meters above the Pacific surface. The windward slopes abound with green, dense forests, which are combined with banana and coconut-banana plantations. At the same time, herbaceous vegetation mainly predominates on the leeward slopes.

In this place the fauna is not very diverse. It is represented mainly only by insects, birds and lizards. Much richer and brighter colors fill the expanses of coastal waters, home to amazing marine species that delight divers. The main advantage is the complete absence of poisonous species on land, and the ecology, which allows you to drink tap water.

general information

French Polynesia occupies an area of ​​about 4000 km². Holiday prices here are quite high - a week-long tour costs at least 50,000 rubles. The population is almost 290,000 people. Here official language is French though local residents They also communicate with each other in Polynesian dialects. In famous tourist centers English is also very common at resorts. The national currency is the French Pacific franc. Time lags behind Moscow by 12 hours in summer, and by 13 in winter.

Excursion into history

Polynesian settlements began to emerge on the lands of the archipelago at the very beginning of our era. In the first half of the 16th century, the islands were discovered by the famous navigator Ferdinand Magellan, who discovered the Tuamotu island group. France declared the main part of this region as a protectorate in 1842, including the Community Islands with the Marquesas Islands, Tahiti, the Tubuai and Tuamotu island groups. French Polynesia began to be called an overseas territory of the country in 1946, and 58 years later it was recognized by the community.


It has a predominantly trade wind tropical climate. In the north, subequatorial climate predominates, and in the south, humid subtropical climate predominates. During the rainy season (November - May) the heat stays around +30˚C, accompanied by strong humidity. At the same time, severe storms and tropical hurricanes are common. Summer and early autumn are more sunny, with the heat dropping by 10˚C, therefore this period is the most favorable time to visit the islands.

Customs regulations and visa

To experience absolutely all the pleasures of being on one of the most colorful and vibrant archipelagos of the Pacific Ocean, a visa is required. It can be issued at any French embassy, ​​indicating that you want to enter the overseas territories of the country. A simple Schengen visa is not suitable here. French Polynesia is a territory customs regulations which comply with the norms and requirements of French legislation.

How to get there?

Unfortunately, there are no flights from the CIS and Russia to the territory of this community. Therefore, travelers who are interested in French Polynesia have to take long flights with transfers in different cities of the world. The most common options are flights connecting in Los Angeles and Paris, and routes from New York to Tahiti Airport are also common. Travel time can sometimes take up to two days.


Air communication between the islands has been established the best way. It connects about 30 land areas. The bus acts as an overland public transport, but only where there are asphalt roads. Between the nearest islands there is ferry service In addition, you can always rent a boat or motorboat. The same applies to movement on land: instead of various floating devices, bicycles and cars are rented.

Resorts and cities

The archipelagos of Polynesia have the following names: Gambier, Societies, Australa (Austral), Tuamotu and Marquesas.

The Society Archipelago has volcanic traces of origin. It looks appropriate: brownish-grayish outlines of the peaks of extinct volcanoes, overgrown with lush vegetation in the lower part. In addition, lush thickets of bushes are its usual appearance.

High mountains of palm trees rise above the tropical forests, together with the low-lying green part they create the basis of the border that forms the crown. An amazingly beautiful lagoon splashes in its center. The royal “crown” includes the following islands of French Polynesia: Tahiti, Bora Bora, Huanghin and Moorea.

Tahiti is the main island of the archipelago. Here is the city of Papete, which is visited by many tourists who are interested in French Polynesia. The airport, beautiful skyscrapers, a lot of comfortable villas and luxury hotels, many museums, several temples in the mountains and the city hall of stunning architecture are the main “civilized” attractions of this island.

Among the “uncivilized” ones are the peak of the Orohena volcano, the lake in its crater, gorges, and a magnificent valley. Let us add that one cape of the island is the point at which captains Blythe, Bougainville and Cook moored more than once about 300 years ago. This way an idea of ​​the place will be formed.

Two more dazzlingly beautiful islands: Moorea, shaped like a heart, and Bora Bora (French Polynesia) are the pearls of these places. They are bright, pure, possessing great beaches of crumbly white sand with fancy corals scattered across the warm surface of their waters.

Lagoons of islands with amazing beauties coastline is a rare, unforgettable sight. In this place you can admire views of the underwater world, feed tame sharks, and watch huge leopard stingrays.

French Polynesia is structured into five administrative divisions, which include the Leeward and Windward Islands, the Tubuai island group, the Marquesas Islands, and the Tuamotu-Gambier archipelago. At the same time, Mehetia, Maiao, Tetiaroa, Tahiti and Moorea belong to the Windward Islands, and Manuae, Bora Bora, Maupiti, Manupihaa, Raiatea, Motu One, Huahine, Tupai and Tahaa - to the Leeward.

Each of the divisions has its own administrative center, while the capital of the entire community is considered to be the city of Papeete, located on the island of Tahiti. It is the main transport hub and seaport French Polynesia. 26,000 people live here. In addition, it is one of the main tourist meccas of this community, with a scattering of natural and architectural attractions.

Among the resorts we can highlight the islands of Bora Bora and Tahiti, famous for their service, luxurious conditions for relaxation, fabulous landscapes, as well as amazing diving. The Tuamotu archipelago and the Marquesas Islands are extremely popular among wealthy tourists, with many atolls named after Russian explorers, scientists and military personnel.

In addition to deep-sea diving and sunbathing, people come here to go fishing, travel across the Pacific Ocean, and water sports or swim in clear, clean water far from civilization. Today, it has become very popular among young wealthy couples to celebrate their wedding here. There are surprisingly many options for spending time on the islands, and each of them will give you a huge amount of pleasant impressions.

A holiday here is an opportunity to experience exactly what paradise is. The proximity of water, the beauty of the island landscapes, the complete absence of fuss and noise and a wonderful friendly atmosphere make it possible to fully enjoy unity with nature, listening without interruption to the singing of exotic birds that serenely stroll along the sandy coast washed by clean waters ocean.


It is worth noting that local snack bars, cafes and restaurants serve different dishes: both masterpieces of French cuisine and delights from other countries. There is almost everything here, from exotic fish to simple French fries, therefore, no one is destined to die of hunger or lack of desired delicacies. There is an extremely rich selection of rare fruits and national drinks, as well as wines. Thanks to all this, French Polynesia is popular.

Hotels here are very diverse. In some elite establishments, the meal is accompanied by dancing, performed by representatives of the local dance school.


On the shelves of souvenir shops and shops in resorts and islands of French Polynesia you can often see mother of pearl, shell jewelry and other handicrafts. In addition, famous French wines, fruit liqueurs, various valuable figurines and keychains, pearls, and souvenirs that relate to the characteristics of a particular resort are popular.

In no other place on our planet are there such beautiful, black and perfect-looking pearls as on the islands of French Polynesia. And this is not surprising: it is black pearls that are the first flashes of light, presented by the Creator to Tanya, the ruler of the ten highest levels of the holy Heavens.

Tane made stars out of them and presented them to Ruahata, the lord of the ocean, so that he would illuminate his possessions with them. And then the unique light ended up in the hands of Oro, the god of war, who, having fallen in love with a princess from the island of Bora Bora, decided to give her something beautiful - and created a pearl, enclosing it in a beautiful shell. And when he went down the rainbow, the light of its darkest tones fell directly on the unique case, and the milky-white oyster in it became completely black.

Thus, the most beautiful pearl of our world was created, and the oyster Margarita settled in the warm waters of the Polynesian islands and has been living here for several millennia (and she liked the local habitat so much that she would never agree to live anywhere else).

The name “Polynesia” is translated from Greek as “many islands,” and the modern name was established at the end of the 19th century, when the French Republic took the islands under its protectorate.

Thus, in currently French Polynesia is an overseas community of France, i.e. has broader rights when compared with ordinary departments of this state. It has customs and fiscal autonomy, a separate security system and its own government, which can independently sign international treaties.

Despite the fact that it officially belongs to France, it is not part of the EU and is not automatically included in the international treaties that the French Republic signs.

Where are the Polynesian islands

If you look closely at the world map, you will notice that the islands of French Polynesia are located in the Pacific Ocean, between Australia (5.2 thousand km to the west) and South America(6 thousand km in an easterly direction). It consists of five archipelagos, the total area of ​​which exceeds 4 thousand km² on land and 2.5 million km² on water, and they unite about one hundred and eighteen islands:

  • Societies - in the west;
  • Tuamo - in the center;
  • Marquesas - in the north;
  • Tubuai - in the south;
  • Gambier is in the east.

Due to the strong remoteness from the continent, despite the fact that the Polynesian islands are extremely beautiful, there are few endemic animals here: there are almost no mammals, only lizards, insects and birds.

How the islands were formed

Almost all the islands of French Polynesia appeared approximately 50-60 million years ago and, despite the fact that most of them are of volcanic origin, there are also many coral islands, they are easy to distinguish by appearance.

Coral islands (primarily this applies to the Tuamotu archipelago) have an oval, round shape or resemble semirings. They rise only a few meters above the sea, the lagoons are surrounded by coral reefs, and the land consists mainly of sandy plains covered with thickets of coconut palms.

At the same time, the Polynesian islands, which are of volcanic origin, are characterized by: the presence of a volcano and mountainous terrain(most high point French Polynesia is Mount Orohena located in Tahiti, whose height is 2241 m), dense tropical vegetation, a huge number of palm and coconut trees and the presence of valleys, forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, lagoons.

Geologists have recently discovered that these volcanoes are moving. Together with tectonic plates, they shift several centimeters in a northwestern direction every year. Many of them go under water - so geologists put forward the assumption that in a few million years the islands of volcanic origin will disappear completely and only atolls will remain, which, on the contrary, are increasing their area every year (both in height and in length).


Seventy-eight percent of the local population is Polynesian (78%). They began to settle here in the first century AD. Scientists have suggested that, most likely, these were settlers from Samoa (if you look at the map, it is located 3.5 thousand km to the west, closer to Australia). First, the aborigines settled the Marquesas Islands, then the Communities.

Despite the considerable distance from the continent, the population of the French community exceeds 28 thousand people. The Society Islands are considered the most populated archipelago (about 87% of the population lives here), and the main city of Polynesia, Papeete, is home to more than 26 thousand people (this is 7.5% of the total population). Local residents prefer to settle near the coast, and almost no one lives in the mountains.


Despite the fact that local residents are convinced that there are two seasons here - warm (from November to May) and cool (from June to October), in fact, the difference between them is noticeable only in the south.

The Polynesian islands are located mainly in the tropical zone, and only the Marquesas are in the subequatorial zone. So it is not surprising that the weather here is almost always good (the average annual temperature is approximately +26°C), the sun shines brightly, and there is little precipitation (however, tropical hurricanes and powerful storms are not uncommon here, and in January quite a few -destructive cyclones).

Thanks to such magnificent weather, plants on the Polynesian islands bloom throughout the year, and during the cool season, flowering reaches its maximum size.

The most famous islands of Polynesia

The largest island of French Polynesia, Tahiti, the island of lovers, Moorea and Bora Bora, with magnificent resorts where the most famous people on the planet vacation, are considered the most famous islands in the world.


Magnificent nature - waterfalls, rivers, streams, dense forests, Mountain peaks, meadows with tropical flowers, magnificent beaches, Coral reefs that separate the lagoon from the ocean - the volcanic island of Tahiti is rightfully considered one of the most famous islands world (if you look at the map, it is located in the east of the Society archipelago).

Today, it has the highest standard of living throughout Oceania. Since Tahiti has an area of ​​1 thousand km², it is the largest island of French Polynesia. Here on the northwestern coast is The largest city French community and its political and administrative center - Papeete.

Moorea Island

The heart-shaped island of amazing beauty attracts the attention of newlyweds from all over the planet - and those who can afford it come here to get married (especially since Moorea wedding ceremonies here are extremely beautiful and interesting).

Since local marriage documents are written on the bark of a palm tree, they do not have legal force, so before visiting Moorea it is better to take this into account and get married in advance in your country (or later, as it turns out).

If you look at the Society's map, you will notice that Moorea is located 17 km from Tahiti in a northwest direction. This island is not very large - its width is 10 km, and its amazing shape is given by two small bays in the north, which are symmetrically located in relation to each other.

They appeared, as geologists explain, as a result of a natural disaster: Moorea used to be much larger, but after the volcano located in the northern part of the island collapsed during a powerful eruption, half of Moorea went under water. And the rim of the crater that remained on the surface was eroded, forming jagged peaks and spiers that gave the island an interesting shape. Despite its small size, there are eight mountains on the island.

Moorea will be interesting to visit not only for lovers, divers or those who like to relax among magnificent nature, but also for historians and cultural experts: here are the ruins of the ancient Polynesian temple - Marae Titioroa, and also located Cultural Center, where you can see what the local village looked like at the time the island was discovered by Europeans (1521).

A visit to the reconstructed village of Moorea will be quite educational, as here the center workers will demonstrate to tourists:

  • the art of tattooing by the ancient inhabitants of Moorea;
  • will show how tapa fabric is made;
  • will introduce you to wood and stone carving;
  • will demonstrate how the people of Moorea prepared their own food;
  • will conduct a master class on making musical instruments;
  • They will teach you how to weave wreaths from tiares - this flower has long become a symbol of French Polynesia.

Bora Bora

On the island of Bora Bora (on the map it is located in the northwest of Tahiti, at a distance of 240 km), celebrities like to relax - here are the most comfortable, luxurious, and therefore the most expensive hotels French Polynesia. If you wish, you can stay here in bungalows located over the water.

The island itself is mountain range with three peaks that were formed in the crater long ago extinct volcano. Bora Bora consists of several islands - one central one and motu (small coral islands).

The main attraction of Bora Bora is a lagoon surrounded by coral reefs with an extremely rich underwater world: in its center there is an open aquarium (lagunarium), behind the glass of which you can see barracuda, huge stingrays and even sharks, which tourists are allowed to feed under the strict supervision of an instructor.

Since 2004, French Polynesia has the status of an overseas community of France.

During the colonial expansion, 12 powerful empires shared power over the world. One of them - France - even before the start of the First World War, subjugated territories with a total area of ​​10.6 million sq. km.

In 1842, under the protectorate of the metropolis, which occupied a total of 500 thousand km. sq., also included the islands of French Polynesia, located in the Pacific Ocean.

In 1880 they were granted colony status. In 1946, the former colony became an overseas territory.

A small dot in the Pacific Ocean

Islands of French Polynesia

The territory, located in the south Pacific Ocean, is formed by archipelagos: the Society Islands, Marquesas, Tuamotu, Gambier and Tubuai. Only 76 of the 121 islands overseas are inhabited. With a population of more than 260 thousand people.

Numerous islands of five archipelagos (on the left - Tahiti and the main airport of Papeete or Faaa)

How to get there - flight from Moscow

Due to the considerable distance There are no direct flights to French Polynesia from Moscow. The most popular route involves a flight from Moscow to Tokyo on Aeroflot or JAL flights and a connecting flight with Air Tahiti Nui to Tahiti.

Other flight options: Moscow-Paris-Los Angeles-Tahiti flight operated by Air France, and Moscow-New York-Tahiti (Delta Airlines and Air Tahiti Nui).

Duration of any flight: 24-26 hours, not counting the time spent on connections (or 35-47 with connections).

They are heading to French Polynesia and cruise ships, departing from Genoa (Italy) and Santiago (Chile).


The islands of French Polynesia have a tropical maritime climate. The air temperature throughout the year fluctuates in the range from +20 to +30.

During the warm and humid season, which lasts from November to May, precipitation in the form of tropical downpours, hurricanes and storms is possible. Air humidity reaches 92%.

During the dry season, covering the rest of the year, stormy maraamue and toerau winds blow from the northeast and southeast. In the evenings the air temperature can drop to +17.

General information

The population of French Polynesia speaks French and Tahitian. IN tourist areas English is also widespread.

The main payment currency is French Pacific francs (1000 XPF is approximately equal to 8.30 euros). Widely used credit cards Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard and American Express.

Roaming of major operators mobile communications carried out via local network Tikiphone SA.

  • Transport
    Move between 35 largest islands French Polynesia provide airliners of the Air Tahiti company and the cruise ship Paul Gauguin.Travel by private jet, helicopter and catamaran is common. Some archipelagos have public transport, however, for greater mobility it is recommended to use a bicycle or rent a car.
  • Visa and customs requirements
    To visit, you must obtain a visa to visit the overseas possessions of France (TOM) at the French visa centers or at the relevant departments of the Consulate General. When crossing the border, you must declare cash, exceeding 7500 euros. The import of weapons, drugs and livestock products is prohibited.
  • Safety
    When planning a trip to French Polynesia, there is no need to worry about vaccinations: there is a well-developed healthcare system and there are no dangerous plants or living creatures. You are allowed to drink tap water. Although there are no restrictions in terms of clothing, for safety reasons it is recommended to swim in rubber slippers.

Best beaches

According to a survey conducted by CNN among Facebook users, best beach in the world - Snow-white Matira Beach– located on the island of Bora Bora.

Soft White sand and the azure waters of Matira beach

Its competitors for unforgettable relaxation on the shores of the Pacific Ocean are: Fakarava beach, located on the atoll of the same name,

Pink Coast of Fakarava

And black Pointe Venus, who took East Coast Tahiti.

Black Lava Pointe Venus

The Sigon rowing center and the beach at the Sofitel Hotel, located on the Moorea coral reef, are also popular. white coast Nuku Hiva, lying at the feet of the smallest Polynesian Catholic church.

Deserted, but no less beautiful slopes Wa-Huka, divided between the sandy Manihina, the small Motu Papa and the long Hatuan.

And the most fantastic beaches, strewn with fine pink sand, are located on Tikehau Atoll.

Excursions and attractions of the mysterious islands

You shouldn’t pay all your attention to just one of the Polynesian islands: each captivates with its unique charm.

Recreation, sports and entertainment

Extreme surfing in Tahiti

A string of islands lost in the Pacific Ocean promises many adventures for lovers active rest. Novice divers go exploring galleon sunken off the coast of Raiatea, sink into the shallow Tetopa Grotto, which is not far from Tahiti, and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the lagoon of Hua Hin Island.

A deep-sea fresh spring awaits their more experienced comrades "The Spring" and well "Hole in the Lagoon", located near Tahiti, passage "Teavapiti Pass", What east of the island Raiatea, and the reefs of Tupitipiti and Muri-Muri, located near Bora Bora.

In May, when the waves reach their maximum strength, Tahiti hosts international surfing competition “Billabong Pro Teahupoo”. On June 14 he accepts sailing regatta "Tahiti Nui", and from June 21 to 24 – international golf tournament.

Organized in Bora Bora, Moorea, Huahine and Tahiti cycling and jeep safaris, and guests of Maupiti can climb to Piku Hotu Parata, famous for its excellent views.

Traditional Polynesian cuisine

Polynesian cuisine is based on ancient ways of cooking. in an earthen oven - ahimaa. The ingredients of the dish are rolled into banana leaves and slowly baked on hot stones.
Fresh produce and seafood are widely used.

The most popular dishes are raw fish Tahitian style, marinated in coconut milk and lemon juice, Chinese ma'a tinito, made with pork and pasta with beans and Chinese cabbage, and poe - air pudding made from taro roots, bananas and pumpkin, flavored with vanilla and coconut milk sauce.

The best place to experience the island delicacies of French Polynesia is the ethnic Tiki Village located on Moorea.

Authentic Polynesian Village (Flickr/ Greg Putrich)

Hotels in Polynesia - accommodation in a panoramic bungalow

At the resorts of French Polynesia, the traditional “star” classification of hotels does not apply.

Most of the hotels here are resort complexes consisting of Polynesian-style bungalows. Elite cottages located over the water are equipped with a transparent panoramic floor.

You can swim directly from your room

On large islands There are hotels of extensive international chains that have their own SPA complexes and swimming pools: Novotel, Sofitel, Radisson Plaza, InterContinental.

Relatively inexpensive accommodation is offered guest houses and family boarding houses. Hotels in French Polynesia charge Resort tax: per day 1.5 euros from one guest. Breakfast in all hotels except chain hotels is charged separately.

Shopping and souvenirs - extraordinary gifts for friends

Guests of French Polynesia will not leave the hospitable Bounty Islands without Monoi oil, skin softeners, fruit liqueurs and crafts made from shards of hardened volcanic lava, shells and wood.

At the Pearl Market of Tahiti and Bora Bora, in mall"Vaima" and in shops along Pomare Boulevard you can buy jewelry with black pearls. The two-tiered Central Market of Papeete also offers a wide range of souvenirs.

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Polynesia refers to the vast territories of the Pacific region, which include more than a thousand large and miniature islands. All of them are distinguished by their incredible exotic nature and rich culture local population.


Geography of Polynesia

Polynesia, whose countries attract more and more visitors every year, is characterized by mountainous terrain, which is preserved on almost all the islands of the subregion. Since it is in this area that the convergence of two oceanic lithospheric plates occurs, almost all Polynesian states can boast of numerous active and long-dead volcanoes. Moreover, most of The islands were formed precisely due to the eruption of ancient volcanoes.
However, another important factor under the influence of which the flat and low-lying island territories of Polynesia appeared are coral reefs, for the sake of their unique beauty and rich underwater world, thousands of experienced and novice divers come here every year. For volcanic islands Average altitudes above sea level are typical, but on the Hawaiian Islands there are peaks exceeding 4 thousand meters in height, and the altitudinal maximum of Polynesia reaches 4202 meters. Another feature of the local island properties is the abundance of cozy bays, bays and surrounded by luxurious coral reefs.
The Polynesian countries occupy a fairly impressive territorial domain of about 26 thousand square kilometers, if you do not take into account the lands of New Zealand. According to experts, more than one million people live there, but it is quite difficult to give an exact figure.
Concerning local climate Polynesia, countries of this region all year round can boast high temperatures and quite favorable weather conditions. Of course, the climatic conditions of each country have their own specific characteristics, but they mainly depend on the distance of the islands from the equator and the proximity of powerful ocean currents. Characteristically quite a large number of annual precipitation- about 2 thousand millimeters. The local population often suffers from thunderstorms and typhoons.
Since the islands of Polynesia are very remote from the continents, the local nature and fauna are distinguished by a variety of endemic species of plants and fauna. However, if the flora here is really rich and tirelessly surprises guests of the islands, then the fauna is not particularly remarkable. However, the influx of tourists to the countries of Polynesia is facilitated by the fact that poisonous snakes and insects do not live here, and it is also impossible to stumble upon large predators. This is why tourists can safely enjoy walks through the rainforest and truly explore amazing nature island states.

Polynesian culture

Traditions and cultural heritage The peoples of Polynesia have always been interested in humanity and at the same time frightened. There are so many islands, so many nationalities. Residents of each Polynesian state can boast of their own language, or at least dialect. However, most of them were under the control of European powers for a long time, so the local population also speaks English and French languages. The most amazing fact It can be assumed that, despite the colossal distances between the islands and countries, all Polynesians understand each other perfectly and do not experience any language barrier.
It is known that the first settlements in Polynesia appeared in the first century BC. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds on the island lands, in particular ancient ceramics from New Caledonia. Europeans first arrived here in the early sixteenth century with explorer and navigator Magellan. A few centuries after this, the legendary ship arrived on the shores of Polynesia. In the twentieth century, the islands of the region were divided between France, England, Germany and the United States of America. Some of them are still owned by European powers.
Residents of the Polynesian islands are mainly engaged in agriculture, because the volcanic soils are fertile. Europeans brought some types of domestic animals here, so Lately Cattle breeding has also become no less relevant. The endless expanses of the ocean also create unique conditions for great fishing. Myths about cannibals inhabiting the islands of Polynesia have been greatly exaggerated, although according to one of the beliefs of the Polynesians, in order to increase your vitality, you must eat the brain or liver of your enemy. However, terrible tales about cannibals still attract thousands of curious travelers here.
The national cuisine of the islanders will certainly appeal to lovers of seafood and meat, which are cooked here over an open fire and served with incomparable tropical fruit sauces. Some rites and rituals of the local tribes are also of particular interest. There is certainly no place for boredom in the countries of Polynesia!

Tourist Polynesia: countries and islands that are worth visiting at least once in your life

  • 1) – in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean there is a luxurious tropical country that has long become a favorite destination for millions of tourists. Travelers are attracted not only by the rich excursion program of these lands, but also by the fact that the local population tries to preserve the pristine world. Lovers of active and extreme recreation They will simply be delighted with the abundance of local entertainment: gliding, bungee jumping, zorbing, diving and sailing. Of course, a holiday in New Zealand requires significant financial expenditure, but an excursion to Queenstown or Te Anau is definitely worth the money. Although everyone knows this country as a center of extreme tourism, the local sandy beaches are also perfect for a calm, measured holiday.
  • 2) New Caledonia- a French possession in Polynesia, where you should definitely come for the domesticated tropical nature. Everything here is done in a European style, so even if you find yourself on a tropical island so far from the mainland, you can enjoy the delights of civilization. Particularly popular are the local deserted beaches and incredible nature.
  • 3) Easter Island is a truly legendary place on earth, considered the most remote locality planets. It is here that the centuries-old moai statues are located, the purpose and date of creation of which historians are still puzzling over. Special attention should be paid to the volcanoes of the island with their fabulous craters and amazing stories. By the way, in January-February on Easter Island you can watch the fabulous Tapati festival, when local aborigines stage a truly incredible performance.
  • 4) The Hawaiian Islands are the famous Polynesian possession of the American state. Who doesn’t dream of a place where luxury hotels, endless snow-white beaches, powerful volcanoes and friendly natives await you? Along the coast of Maui, experienced and novice divers explore the ocean all year round. In addition, surfers love to conquer. The excursion program of the islands also offers wide choose connoisseurs of historical and cultural attractions.
  • 5) is one of the most picturesque island states in Melanesia. Most of all, local resorts are popular with newlyweds, because the atmosphere in Fiji seems to be created for romance and love. Natural parks with endemic plant species, valleys of blooming orchids or walks with dolphins can hardly leave a person indifferent. In addition, the ancient architecture of the local cities and ethnic markets will give your trip a special charm and exceptional atmosphere.
  • 6) Solomon islands- another blooming one Island state Melanesia. Although the tourism industry here is underdeveloped, local natural resources and amazing fauna never cease to attract curious travelers. It is the naturalness and originality of these islands that is considered their highlight.
  • 7) - another French overseas possession. The islands of this country have long been considered one of the most wealthy tourists. Here you can plunge headlong into luxurious holiday Among the popular activities worth mentioning are diving, yacht trips and excursions to magnificent national parks.

All Polynesian countries deserve your attention, because each of them has something to surprise its guests!