Which countries are located on Cabo Verde Islands. Cape Verde History

Another 500 years ago, Cape Verde was perceived as synonymous charming, hunger, references, care for non-existence.

But what is Cape Verde in general? Country? Rather, this is an idea. The archipelago consisting of the highest degree of various islands is the sandy hills, exhausted by the Pattone sites, bizarre volcanic formations.

The country's largest city, he is the capital - the city of Praia. The form of the Board is the Presidential Republic.

The archipelago is distinguished by a mild climate, a practically non-changing average annual temperature, held all year round at a mark with 25 degrees Celsius and a small amount of precipitation. Moreover, each of the islands is unique in nature and the landscape.

Cape Verde is located at the intersection of paths between Europe, Africa and America 620 km. from western coast Africa. And the city of Ribeira Grande for 150 years played a terrible and brilliant role in world trade.

The first to open this group of islands on the breadth of modern Senegal during the expedition sent for new discoveries sent to the West African shores, began ships under Portuguese flags. Which landed on the archipelago 1446 under the command of Diogu Gomesha and Diog to Afonus. On the southern island of Santiahu, from revolt in an extensive valley, they found perfect place For the pier, water and the complete absence of human souls that could prevent future settlement. It was enough for the first to appear in the expanses of the Atlantic. european capital South sand Sugara. Ingenious from a geopolitical point of view, the decision, which, too, on the outcome of the 15th century made its contribution to the picture of the world's change.

Today, only a lonely pillar before a calm port is reminded of slaves that were brought here from the West African coast and overloaded to other ships for further travel to the distant continent. But some of them remained on the islands.

And they remained as workers on Plantations Ribeira Grande, as a "girlfriends" for the portuguese soldiers and officials quartered here. And thanks to this state of affairs, in the wrestling environment european countries A completely new culture has arisen for trafficking, gold, coffee and sugar cane: Creole, the product of the merger of black Africans and white Portuguese. The first Creole community.

Ribeira Grande in the 18th century, after a number of unceremonious pirate attacks, has lost its key value, turning into Sidadi-Velia, " Old city" Only one fort remained, which was unable to protect people, the ruins of the once majestic cathedral, as well as poverty and hunger. But Creole cultures survived, in tongue, in music, in humans. Their struggle for survival scattered them on other islands, in Europe and around the world. So Cape Verde became the beginning of a long path, the birthplace of unique Creole music.

Now Cape Verde is a unitary state. Main cities: Praia, Mindel, San Fili. The head of state and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president, who is elected for a five-year term at the universal election by direct voting. Higher organ Legislative Power is the National Assembly. Here, people feel quite full members of society regardless of the material situation. Maybe therefore their carnavals are so colorful.

Today Cape Verde is the beach, surfing and "sodade" - music for the soul, it is probably the main associations arising from Cape Verde islands. Sun 350 days a year, temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees. And it sounds like heaven.

Probably not in vain the capital of Cape Verde is called the Praia that translated from Portuguese means the beach.

Video: Cape Verde

Republic of Cape Verde, the state on the islands of green cape in Atlantic Ocean At the western coast of Africa. The archipelago consists of 10 relatively large and 15 small islands and rocks. Depending on the position in relation to the prevailing winds, two groups are distinguished - windward and leeward islands. In the first group, the largest islands of Santo Antane, San Wanti, San Nicholas, Sal, Boavista, and in the second - May, Santiah and Fog. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 4033 square meters. km. Population 476 thousand people (1998). On the largest island of Santiaguiga (992 sq. Km.) The capital is the city of Praia.

Cape Verde. Capital - Praia. Population - 476 thousand people (1998). Population density - 118 people per 1 square meter. km. Urban population - 50%, rural - 50%. Area - 4033 square meters. km. The highest point is Vulcan Fog (2829 m). The main languages \u200b\u200bare Portuguese (official), Creole. The main religion is Catholicism. Administrative and territorial division - 14 districts. Monetary unit: Escudo \u003d 100 centavo. National holiday: Independence Day - July 5th. State anthem: "Sun, sweat, greens and the sea."

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Nature. The archipelago has volcanic origin, but only the volcano fog (2829 m) on the island of the same name (from the middle of the 16th century. 29 eruptions occurred, last in 1951). Mountain Relief They also have the islands of Santiagu, San Wissents and San Nichola. The islands of the Eastern Group - May, Boavista and Sal - differ in small heights. As a rule, natural vegetation is better preserved in the valleys in the inner parts of the islands. Climate Tropical trade machine, hot and dry. The average temperatures of July 24-26 ° C, January 21-23 ° C. The average annual precipitation of 100-300 mm with a maximum in August - October (the warmer period of the year). On the plain islands, the precipitation rarely falls out, in the mountains in the mountains in some years there are strong shins and for one day "pours" up to 500 mm moisture. Such livne destroy the fertile top layer of the soil. The desicing effect is the East Wind Harmathan blowing from Sahara from October to June and bringing a lot of small dust. The structure of stone terraces and dams that delay water in the mountains allows you to develop effective irrigation systems. In addition, the network of artesian wells is expanding. The vegetation islands islands. On the northern slopes of the mountains there are single low evergreen trees of the Bombarer, the juicy leaves of which are used in traditional medicine. In the mountains on the Islands of Santo Antane and Santiaigu, pines, acacia, eucalyptus, cypresses are growing, and near sources fresh water Coconut and chipsticks. Flora has 450 local plant species and 150 introduced. The latter include some types of trees, such as a coffee tree, sugar cane, various types of vegetable, fruit and grain crops. Pets of the islands are brought from Portugal. Coastal waters are rich in fish (tuna, kefal, mackerel, etc.). There are sharks, sea turtles and langusts. In the 1970s, the problems of soil erosion were aggravated in Cape Verde as a result of intensive methods of agriculture. In order to protect the upper fertile layer of soil and retaining groundwater, a framework campaign was carried out. By the mid-1990s, the forest was covered already. 16% of the country's territory.
Population. In 1990, 341.5 thousand people lived in Cape Verde, in 1998 - 476 thousand over 70% of the country's inhabitants - Mulatto, people of mixed African-European origin. The rest of the population is predominantly Africans, not more than 1% - Europeans. Natural resources Cape Verde is very scarce, and in search of the best share, many residents of the country emigrated in the USA, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and countries West Africa. The most massive emigration has adopted in the 1970s (10-18 thousand people a year). According to estimates, approximately 700 thousand natives Cape Verde live abroad. The most populated is the island of Santiagu (175 thousand inhabitants). Each of 9. inhabited islands It can be compared with a miniature racial melting boiler with its cultural features and local dialects arising from the mixing of Portuguese and various African languages. 98% of the population - Catholics. Thanks to the efforts of the government to combat illiteracy by the mid-1990s, 72% of the population were able to read and write. Creole's most common, but the official language is Portuguese. Capital Cape Verde - Praia (61.7 thousand inhabitants) is located on O.Sangygu. Amilkar Cabral Airport on O.Sal takes transatlantic airliners. In 1998, the construction of an international airport in Praia was completed. Small vessels and planes of the local airline provide a message between the islands.
Political system. After gaining independence in 1975 in Cape Verde, a radical single-party regime was established, which existed to 1990. Under the pressure of the opposition, the ruling African independence party of Cape Verde (Paem) in 1990 was forced to make the creation of a multiparty democratic system. There was a movement for democracy (MPD) in the country. The first free parliamentary elections conducted in January 1991 ended with the victory of the MPD. On the month later, the presidential election candidate from this party, Antoniou Mashkarenyash, won over the candidate of Paras Aristide overwards. The new Constitution adopted on September 25, 1992 laid the "Second Republic" began with a new state flag and national anthem. The president and 72 deputies of the One-Parliament Parliament - the National Assembly are elected direct vote for a five-year term. The Assembly deputies choose the Prime Minister, which submits for the president's approval of the Cabinet of Ministers. Tips of local executive bodies are also elected on the general elections for a five-year term. In the early 1990s, the Government of the DEA carried out a transition to a market economy and provided conditions for foreign investment. In December 1995, MPD again won the parliamentary elections, and on the non-alternative elections in February 1996 A. Mashkarnayash was re-elected for the presidency.
Economy. In 1994, the country's GDP was $ 343 million, or 900 dollars per person. With considering low prices The last indicator can be considered equivalent to $ 1040. In the early 1990s, the average annual growth rates were approx. four %. In the mid-1990s, in rural and forestry and fisheries, it was occupied by approx. 40% of the working-age population. The share of these industries in GDP only a little exceeded 20% of GDP. The country is forced to import most of the necessary food, although corn, legumes, butt and sugar cane are grown on the islands. The most important types of commercial products are fish and seafood, bananas, coffee and peanuts. Industry is poorly developed. In 1994, it accounted for 6.5% of GDP and 5% busy. The main industries are the production of canned fish, cooking salt, tailoring, ship repair, processing of agricultural products. In 1993, the government decided to create free zones in which investors were exempted from paying customs duties and taxes on export goods and services. Green Cape Islands are located on commercial and transport paths in the Atlantic Ocean. The ports and airfields of the countries are transit centers for servicing foreign courts and aircraft. For a long time, Amilkar Cabral Airport on O. Sal was a transit point of communication between South Africa and New York. In the 1990s, this airport began to use European and Latino airlines for freight traffic. Every year the volume of shipping is increasing through the ports of Praia and Mindel, modernized in the 1990s. Magnificent climate sand beaches And the amazing mountain landscape of the islands attracts the flow of foreign tourists in Cape Verde (10 thousand in 1995). In 1997, the amount of foreign debt reached almost $ 200 million, and 26% of the annual export earnings are spent on its coverage. Significant funds come in the form of remittances from Cape Verde natives working abroad. In 1990, this source provided 20% of GDP. The assistance of international economic organizations for the development of the country in 1994 amounted to 35% of GDP.
History. Approximately 1460 O-Va Green Cape were open portuguese navigators. With 1581, these islands have become the ownership of Spain, with 1640 - the colony of Portugal. Portuguese colonists engaged in trading African slaves. The islands also served as a place of cortic for convicted Portuguese. Up to 1878 Archipelago and Portuguese Guinea were a single colony. In 1951, this colony was declared the "overseas province" of Portugal. In 1963, the African Independence Party of Guinea and the Islands of the Green Cape (Paigc) launched a national liberation movement in Portuguese Guinea, which did not spread to the territory of the islands. In 1974, the New Government of Portugal, who headed the country after the overthrow of the dictatorship of Salazar, recognized the Paygus the only government in Portuguese Guinea, which was renamed Guinea-Bissau, but this decision did not apply to the green cape. On July 5, 1975, Portugal provided the independence of the islands that have become called the Republic of Cape Verde since then. Payigk, having received the majority of deputy places in the National Assembly, included a new constitution article about the future unification of Cape Verde with Guinea-Bissau. After a military coup in Guinea-Bissau in 1980, the government of Cape Verde seized from the text of the Constitution 1981 all references to the future association of countries. In 1981, Paigk in Cape Verde was renamed the African Party of Independence Cape Verde (Parav), which remained the only legal political organization until 1990, when under pressure from the opposition was forced to agree to open multiparty elections. In the 1991 elections, the Movement for Democracy (MDD) won most places in the National Assembly, and Aristide Pereira, who held the presidential post since 1975, was forced to give it to His Anthony Mashkaryash. In September 1992, the government introduced a new constitution, which consolidated the multi-party system and economic development On the principles of the free market. In the early 1990s, special attention was paid to attracting subsidies to the economy of international organizations and foreign investments, which contributed to the expansion of the industrial sector and the service sector. In the parliamentary elections in December 1995, MPD retained most of the places in the National Assembly. A month later, the leader of the party A. Mashkarnayash was re-elected for the presidency. In 1996, Cape Verde became one of the founders of the portuguese state community.
Grigorovich A.A., Gribanov V.V. Cape Verde. M., 1988.

The encyclopedia of the colley. - Open Society. 2000 .


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    The Republic of Cape Verde, the state in the Atlantic Ocean, on the Wah of Green Cape, near Zap. Coast of Africa. The state was proclaimed in 1975 and received the name of the Republic of the Island of Green Cape or, in short, the islands of the Green Cape at its location ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Republic of Cabo Verde, the state on the islands of green cape, near the coast of Zap. Africa. 4 thousand km & sup2. population 350 thousand people (1993); Mulati 62%, Africans (Fulbe, Balant, Manja) 35%. Urban population 30% ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Coordinates: 15 ° 55 's. sh. 24 ° 05 's. d. / 15.916667 ° C. sh. 24.083333 ° C. d. ... Wikipedia

    Cape Verde - State coat of arms and the flag of Cabo Verde. Cabo Verde, Republic of Cabo Verde (Republica de Cabo Verde). K.V. - State in the Atlantic Ocean, on the islands Green Cape. Area 4 thousand km2. Population of 328 thousand people (1985) ... Encyclopedic Directory "Africa"

    Republic of Cape Verde (República de Cabo Verde), a state on the islands of the Green Cape, near the coast of West Africa. 4 thousand km2. Population 350 thousand people (1993); Mulati 62%, Africans (Fulbe, Balant, Manjack) 35%. City ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    CAPE VERDE - Republic of Cabo Verde State located on the islands of green cape in the Atlantic Ocean, west from western point African coast of green cape. The archipelago consists of 10 islands and 5 islands, divided into leeward and ... ... cities and countries

The Republic of Cape Verde is located on the territory of the archipelago of the islands of Green Cape, about 500 km west of Dakar. It consists of 18 islands. Highest point It is a volcano fog, its height is 2829 meters. Length coastline It is 965 kilometers. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe state is 4033 square kilometers.


Praia - Capital Cape Verde, the most densely populated city in the country, its economic and cultural Center. On its territory is the main port, through which the entire exports goes to neighboring countries. However, Praia is also the largest resort with great opportunities for recreation.


Several ethnic groups live in the country. Most of Mulatia, about 28% of common population Africans are occupied, 1% - Europeans.


The official language is assumed to be Portuguese, Creole and West African is also in great demand. IN big cities and resorts, some employees of the hotel and employees of public places, in particular banks, speak english language, on the Middle level.


About 90% of the population are Catholics, approximately 3% - Protestants, the rest of the population professes traditional ancient African beliefs.

Regions and resorts

Mostly here come to rest, for the sake of marine adventure. However, some cities and resorts have interesting opportunities for excursions.

Santiahuaga is the largest island, which is famous for its natural landscapes and a mild climate.

Sal - another popular island from which all starts tourist routes. The main feature of the place - international Airport and the Windsurfing Center, located in the town of Santa Maria. Due to the equipment, a professional approach, the center is included in the 5th best places in all over the world.

San Vicente - on this island is located the largest city Mindel. Here come for excursions on the preserved colonial buildings, and of course for the sake of night entertainment.

Santo Antane is the green corner of the entire archipelago. Here you can order numerous excursions in natural places. Mostly flourishes here hiking, beach rest and deltaplanism.

Boavista is the island of beaches and dunes. Walking around the terrain, you can enjoy the truth of the beauty of the desert, oasis, a great time on the beaches.

San Nicolau is a small island, it is famous for the presence of a famous rock, which survived ancient letters.

Santa Lucia - the length of the island is 13 kilometers, with a width of 5 kilometers, today it is the only one uninhabited island In the whole archipelago. Here come for a solitary rest, as well as for a diving.

Difference in time

Kaliningrad: - 3 hours

Moscow: - 4 hours

Samara: - 5 hours

Ekaterinburg: - 6 hours

Omsk: - 7 hours

Krasnoyarsk: - 8 hours

Irkutsk: - 9 hours

Yakutsk: - 10 hours

Vladivostok: - 11 hours

Magadan: - 12 hours

Kamchatka: - 13 hours


The country is dominated by the tropical climate. Best time For rest, this is the gap between June and October. At this time of the year, the air temperature on average reaches + 32 degrees, with water indicators + 26 degrees.

Visa and customs

To stay in the country Cape Verba for citizens Russian Federation Visa required. You can get it by contacting the Consulate of the country, which is located in Moscow. To do this, you will need to collect the necessary package of documents. It consists of a valid passport, filled questionnaire, and color photographs. In addition, you will be asked to prevent your hotel reservation or an invitation from relatives or friends, as well as tickets to both ends.

Tourist visa is issued for a period of six months. Documents are checked within 3 working days.

There is a second option, in this case you will receive a visa on arrival at the airport. To do this, you need to assemble the necessary package of documents, as for a regular visa, and get a special permit at the consulate.


You can import and export currency in unlimited quantities without declaration. It is allowed to import, without paying the duty of cigarettes in the amount of 400 pieces, 2 liters of alcoholic beverage. In addition, import and export of general consumption products and products are allowed as part of personal use. The list of prohibited items is standard, not allowed to carry drugs, weapons, psychotropic means, etc.

How to get

Direct flights from Russia to Cape Verde are not made. The optimal option is the flight from Moscow, next to Lisbon. From there you will need to make a transplant to the Sal. In addition, convenient connecting flights offer airlines that fly through Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt. Approximate flight time excluding transplant is 9 hours.


praia Island

san Vicente Island


baavista Island

sal Island

during the excursion you can visit interesting architectural places, as well as a large number of natural objects.


Cheap and popular view public transport - Minibus. She has no clear schedule, it is sent only after it is completely filled with passengers.


If desired, you can use a taxi service. About the price should be negotiated in advance. Taxi can be ordered for one trip or for the whole day.

Intercity transport

Between two large islands Sal and Santiaiguigu are running planes of local airlines. Before other resorts you can get to the ferry or on the boat.

Car rental on Cape Verde

Tourists are allowed to lease the car, for this, with you, you need to have international driving licensions, the Russian rights of the new sample, credit card. At the same time, the driver should be over 21 and have driving experience at least 1 year.


Main cellular operator CABO VERDE TELECOM. It works on the basis of the GSM 900 standard. Russian subscribers of MTS and MegaFon can use Thuraya satellite communications.

You can buy a SIM card in any of the offices or at the airport.

the Internet

With the Internet, things are bad, GPRS roaming in Russian operators is absent. Access to the network only works on the territory of large hotels, hotels, business centers.


Official monetary unit - Escudo Cape Verde. Currency exchange points operate on the airport, and in hotels. However, more profitable terms Exchange offer banks. They work from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, some of them are open and on Saturdays until 12:00. It should not be changed the full amount, since here it provides a return exchange service.

FROM credit cards Only large hotels, restaurants and shops work.

How much to take money with you

How much to take money with them every tourist independently, based on their habits and preferences. We offer table prices for the most popular expenses, based on the 2017 data.

How to avoid problems

Cape Verde relatively safe Country, in all tourist regions There is a calm atmosphere. However, there are several rules that should be respected to avoid a breakdown of a relaxing rest.

Do not drink water from under the tap, it is advisable to buy water in plastic bottles. In addition, do not use ice, as it may also contain pathogens.

Use dairy products with caution.

Rinse fruits and vegetables with boiled water.

Big cities

Praia - Capital Cape Verde

Mindel - the second largest city in the country.


After fascinating holiday In Cape Verde, you can buy interesting souvenirs for relatives and friends. Various products of local craftsmen are very popular. These include clay figurines, baskets of straw, ceramic products.


Cape Verde's national cuisine is simple, there are no sizes and delicacies in it, but it is precisely in this that the zest is. Here you can taste simple, but with delicious dishes. Seafood are very popular. In restaurants you can order dishes from lobsters, tuna, taste a fish-saw, sea perch, or to taste the sucked crayfish and octopuses. National food is "Kachup", in addition, the inhabitants of each island prepare it on their own way.

Entertainment and attractions

Fogo - the most popular island of the archipelago

Sal - most sunny Island. Thanks to an amazing climate, here you can relax throughout the year.

Palmayeir is one of the interesting ports of the island of Sal. There are many underwater caves on its territory, reefs, so this place is valued among diving lovers.

Vertesta-Maria is a resort town located on the island of Sal.

Praia is the capital of the state, here you can visit interesting architectural complexes of the colonial period.

Sal-Rey - offers tourists to plunge into the atmosphere of African exotic.

Mindelo - the best beaches And luxurious nightlife.

Holidays and events

February - ash environment (the first day of the Great Post from Catholics)

March-April - Good Friday

The Republic of Cape Verde in the past was named as a green cape island.

(Cape Verde Republic). Island state At the western coast of Africa. Capital - G. Praia (94.76 thousand people, 2000). Territory - 4,033 thousand square meters. km. Administrative and territorial division - 17 municipal districts. Population - 412.14 thousand people. (2003). official languages - Portuguese and Creole (Cryoul). Religion - Christianity and traditional African beliefs. Monetary unit - Ackad Cape Verde. National holiday - July 5 - Independence Day (1975). Cape Verde is a UN member since 1975, the Non-Alignment Movement, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) since 1975, the African Union (AC) from 2002, the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), the Portuguese Community (Palop) since 1996.

The country is located on the archipelago of the islands of the Green Cape in the Atlantic Ocean at a distance approx. 455 km from Dakar (Senegal) - the most western point of the African continent. The archipelago is part of Makronesia (there are also Azores, Canary, desert islands and o-in Madeira). Consists of 18 large and small islands (Boavista, Brava, Brank, Grande, Santo-Passazus, Luis-Karneir, May, Once, Sal, San Wanti, San Nicholas, Santa Luzia, Santa Maria, Santa Antsan, Santiaga, Sapada, Sima and Fog). Most big Island - Santiaigu (991 sq. M. Km).

The newest story of Africa. M., Science, 1968
Danilov P.P. Republic of Green Cape. M., Thought, 1984
Grigorovich A.A., Gribanov V.V. Cape Verde. M., Thought, 1988
FOY C. Cape Verde: Politics, Economics and Society. L.-N.Y., 1988.
Cape Verde.. Boulder, CO. L.: Westview Press, 1998
Danilov P.P., Shmelkov P.M. Cape Verde Republic. Directory. M., Publishing Firm "Eastern Literature RAS", 2001
Africa South of the Sahara. 2003. L.-N.Y.: EUROPA PUBLICATIONS, 2002
The World Of Learning 2003, 53 RD Edition. L.-N.Y.: EUROPA PUBLICATIONS, 2002
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