What to see in Spain. Worth visiting in Spain Paradise in Spain


1. Alhambra

Palace complex The Alhambra in Granada is close to architectural perfection. This is perhaps the most exquisite example of Islamic art in the entire world. It is also the most enduring monument to the 800-year rule of the Moors in Spanish region which they called Al-Andalus. The red fortress towers of the Alhambra dominate the Granada skyline, standing out against the backdrop of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada peaks. Close to the Alhambra we see how the perfect proportions of the Generalife gardens complement the exquisite details of the Nasrid palace. In general, this is the most beautiful monument in Spain.


2. Sagrada Familia

One of Spain's greatest landmarks, the brainchild of Antoni Gaudi, built in the style of Spanish modernism, will continue to be completed for more than 80 years after the death of its creator. Bizarre and complex, inspired by nature and only slightly limited by the Gothic style, Barcelona's stunning temple rises into the sky with majesty. Incredible curves and deviations from architectural canons will leave you bewildered, and the small details of decorative curls on the façade of the Passion of Christ and the façade of the Nativity are worthy of many hours of study.

3. Mezquita

Mezquita, amazing temple complex Cordoba, was founded in 785 and is the most beautiful mosque in Europe, and can compete in splendor with any other architectural masterpieces of the Muslim world. This mosque meant so much to the main city of Muslim Andalusia that each new caliph tried to leave a trace of his rule in it. The most impressive additions to the mosque are the arches and vaults of the august chapel, built in the 10th century. Apart from the Christian temple that became part of the Mezquita in the 16th century, this is purely Muslim architecture in all its splendor.

4. Easter in Seville

Travel back to ancient Spanish medieval Christianity and experience Seville's masses at the amazing Easter celebrations that take place throughout Holy Week. During the processions of representatives of religious brotherhoods, believers carry the most beautiful pasos(figures) of Christ and the Virgin Mary to the noisy greetings of the laity. The most glorious procession takes place in madru-gada(first hours) Good Friday. Once seen, these celebrations are impossible to forget, as they are an exotic and endlessly delightful combination of theatricality, seriousness and deep faith. Religious processions occur in other cities in Spain, but nowhere do they reach such proportions as in Seville.

5. Evening Madrid

Madrid is not the only one European city with active nightlife, but it surpasses the others in its rhythm and the strength of street noise. As Ernest Hemingway noted, “In Madrid, no one goes to bed until they have thoroughly enjoyed the night.” Here you will find an endless variety of adjacent bars, small clubs, lively discos, cocktail bars, and chic clubs where celebrities flock. To really feel this atmosphere, head to neighborhoods like Huertas, Malazana, Chueca and La Latina.

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6. Pintxos in San Sebastian

Chefs can even turn bar snacks into works of art. Pintxos(pintxos - Basque tapas), sometimes called "haute cuisine in miniature", are small appetizers often served on a piece of French bread. Walk into any bar in the center of San Sebastian and you will be offered a wide selection of snacks at the counter. All in all, this is the most unforgettable culinary experience in Spain. Although the atmosphere in these bars is always relaxed, the art of experimenting with flavor combinations is very serious (this is the hallmark of the Basque Country), and there is no doubt that it will only improve over time.


7. City of Arts and Sciences

The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, designed by one of Spain's greatest architects, Santiago Calatrava, has helped transform Spain's third largest city into one of its most vibrant destinations. A bold and stunning masterpiece modern architecture, this complex includes a modern theater - the Reina Sofia Palace of Arts, a huge Oceanographic aquarium, the Hemisphere planetarium and the Prince Philip Science Museum.

8. La Rioja - the country of vineyards

La Rioja is a place where you can spend weeks winding along quiet roads in search of a delicious glass of wine. Wine shops (bodegas) offer wine tastings, and in picturesque villages the traveler will find magnificent wine museums, the backbone of this region. Hotel MarquesdeRiscal near Elciego, built by Frank Gehry, can be called the “Guggenheim of Bilbao” - in architectural scale and ambition. This hotel has become an elite center for wine tourism throughout the region.

9. Salamanca - a city of the Renaissance

Flooded with bright lamplight, Salamanca's elegant central Plaza Mayor is perhaps the most beautiful square in Spain. But it is just one of many gems in a city whose architectural splendor can be matched by few places in the entire country. This city is home to one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe, so the nightly festivities here are not complete without student revelry. It is this combination of splendor and energy that makes Salamanca the favorite city of many Spaniards.

10. Sierra Nevada and Las Alpujarras

The Sierra Nevada, with its majestic Mulacén peak (3,479 metres), the highest mountain in mainland Spain, provides a stunning backdrop to the warm city of Granada. Here you can ski in winter, walk in summer, and explore amazing pueblosblancos(white villages) Las Alpujarras. The villages of Las Alpujarras are one of the refuges of the Moors on Spanish soil and are somewhat reminiscent of oases North Africa; they are lost among the forests and deep gorges for which the region is famous.

11. Madrid “Golden Triangle of Arts”

Madrid may not have many architectural wonders, but what it lacks in architecture it more than makes up for with an incredible array of art galleries. The pearl of Madrid is the Prado Museum, where there is a place for masterpieces by Goya, Velazquez, El Greco and other masters from all over Europe. However, the Prado is also within walking distance of the Reina Sofia Center for the Arts, where Picasso's Guernica, as well as works by Dali and Miro, are exhibited. Nearby is the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, which brings together the works of the greatest authors of many centuries.

12. Asturian coast

According to one account, the emerald green region of Asturias, located in northwestern Spain, has 211 bays. Although the Atlantic is quite cool here, which may not please those who were planning to sunbathe, the beauty of these often wild and untouched reaches is simply breathtaking. Moreover, the villages, of which there are many along the coast and throughout the region, are some of the most beautiful in the coastal regions of Spain. And the dishes served in this part of the country are also famous throughout Spain.


13. Flamenco in Andalusia

Sublime and melancholic, touchingly intense, the art of flamenco originated in Andalusia and continues to exist here in the south of Spain, where you can discover the masterpieces of this genre. The birthplace of flamenco lies somewhere between Seville, Cadiz and Jerez de la Frontera, and in all three cities the colors of live flamenco cut through the night. Seville is especially rich in flamenco establishments. Performances with this dance are very fiery and memorable for a long time.

14. Walking in the Aragonese Pyrenees

Spain offers the walker a wide variety of places to explore, but the Aragonese Pyrenees are particularly renowned as an ideal destination for hiking. National Park Ordesa y Monte Perdido is one of the most outstanding (both literally and figuratively) places in the Pyrenees. Highest point of this mountain range is the peak of Monte Perdido (3348 meters). The park offers climbing along majestic rock walls and ice platforms, where you can sometimes spot chamois. Please note that the park has a limit on the number of people who can be in the park at one time.

15. Overnight in a beautiful parador

You can get a royal stay in the Spanish state network paradores(paradors) - often luxurious and always extremely comfortable former castles, palaces and monasteries. There are only 86 of these paradores throughout the country. They make up the gold fund European service real estate, and many are also located on the territory of historical complexes (for example, the Alhambra of Granada), and the prices for overnight accommodation are more reasonable than you might imagine, especially if you book online and in advance.

16. Picos de Europa

These peaks rise in a tight group just above the rugged and ever-changing coastline of Cantabria and Asturias. The Picos are three majestic limestone massifs unique to Spain, but geologically similar to the Alps. The peaks of Europe are crossed by the most interesting tourist routes. As an integral part of Spain's second largest national park, these mountain ranges boast some of the most spectacular mountain landscapes in the country - a strong claim considering Spain also has the Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada. The Picos de Europa occupy a place of honor in this high circle.

17. Beaches of Menorca

While the Mediterranean coast of Spain has become the epitome of mass tourism, Menorca occupies a special place in its composition. The island was saved from the harmful effects of excessive economic development, so most of it is biosphere reserve UNESCO. The island has coastline 216 km long with many beaches that deserve a separate description. Some argue that getting to them by sea is the height of pleasure, but spending time there is no less pleasant. Among the best beaches are Macarelleta and Turqueta.

18. Santiago de Compostela

According to legend, it was here that Saint James, one of the twelve apostles, rested. Therefore, Santiago de Compostela in the far north-west of Galicia attracts pilgrims like no other place in the country. Its magnificent cathedral features an extraordinarily rich Romanesque façade and remarkable spiers. The cathedral is a famous destination for pilgrims along the Way of St. James in Northern Spain. But look beyond the cathedral and you'll see many other exquisite monuments, as well as a magnificent culinary culture that embodies the whole of Galicia.

19. Las Fallas

The noisiest Spanish festival is one of the most spectacular. It takes place annually in March in Valencia and is an explosive celebration with fireworks, music and bonfires that light up the sky for almost a whole week. But this is not just noisy fun. The Las Fallas Festival has deep cultural roots and is exceptionally inventive. During it, each region tries to outdo the others in making beautiful sculptures made of wood and papier-mâché, which are burned at the climax of the holiday.

20. Try the best jamon

Jamon (jamon, smoked ham) is one of the main dishes of Spanish cuisine and one of the few that is found throughout the country. If there is a national Spanish dish, it is not even paella, but jamon. In almost any Spanish restaurant, at almost any time, at least one jamon is prepared, laid out in a special roasting pan called jamonera. Thin, wafer-like slices of selected jamon (it’s called jamonibericodebellota, although there are many other types of jamon) - this is simplicity itself, and they represent for us the Spanish culinary paradise.

21. Cabo de Gata

Cabo de Gata is a pristine strip of protected coastline east of Almeria. These places are truly legendary for many Spaniards. For most of the year, the beaches, nestled between towering cliffs, are virtually deserted. It’s rare where else you can dive and walk like this. Indeed, Cabo de Gata is a kind of oasis, a place of stunning beauty that looks exactly as it did in those days when no one except the inhabitants of the Spanish coast had ever heard of the Costa del Sol. The best thing is that you can't see any tourist areas from here.

22. Way of Saint James

Every year, tens of thousands of pilgrims and tourists, driven by a variety of motives, set out on their journey through northern Spain. They are heading to Santiago de Compostela, a place incredibly important to all Christians. But the appeal of this great route is not limited to religious feelings. In the north of Spain there are many tourist routes, but no other allows you to penetrate so deeply into the soul of Spain, to experience the joys and whims of its nature. And upon completion of even the smallest transition, you will gain impressions for the rest of your life.


23. Segovia

One of the most beautiful small towns in Spain is Segovia. Here you will find beautiful Castilian churches and picturesque places, because the city stretches along mountain range, often covered with snow. But Segovia also has two legendary architectural masterpieces. Firstly, this is the Alcazar castle with several towers, which served as the prototype for the famous magic castle Disney. Secondly, this is a gigantic but elegant Roman aqueduct, made of granite blocks (fastened together without a single drop of cement). It has stood the test of time and has stood in the city center for almost 2000 years.


24. Holidays in Cadiz

Cadio creates a special dashing feeling of “living today” and almost immediately makes you fall in love with its central, sometimes destroyed, streets of the 18th century. Locals while away the hot summer nights in the squares of the old town and in bars near the water. And the fame of how Carnival is celebrated in Cadiz, its fun and passion spreads throughout the country. And the city itself is absolutely charming: breathtaking historical monuments, snaking whitewashed paths, panoramic observation platforms and the cathedral square - all this is no less beautiful than in other cities in Spain, and sometimes even better if you are blown by the cool salty Cadiz breeze.


25. Costa da Morte and Cape Ortegal in Galicia

We look absolutely tiny next to the wild Atlantic cliffs of the Galician coast. Near Cape Ortegal you will be blown strong winds, and the huge Atlantic waves will seem like just a tidal wave as they crash against the rocks of the headland far below. And along the Costa da Morte, where people talk only about shipwrecks, long and deserted expanses of sand alternate with menacing rocky headlands. If everything spanish beaches were so untouched!..

26. Shopping in Barcelona

Barcelona has been an icon of European style for decades, and high fashion designers have played a significant role in ensuring that reputation never leaves the city. As a result, Barcelona has become one of the world's largest shopping centers, a place where originality really matters. Shop along Barcelona's boulevards (Gràcia, Rambla de Catalunya and Diagonal Avenue), as well as in the countless private shops and jewelry boutiques in the Gothic Quarter, Born and Gràcia boulevards.

27. Three cultures in Toledo

Emblematic home of the Spanish Catholic Church and army, Toledo's medieval center is an outstanding World Heritage masterpiece. Toledo is known as the "city of three cultures" (where Muslims, Jews and Christians once lived side by side) and today remains a fascinating labyrinth of former mosques, synagogues and churches. The latter are still in active use, and the Toledo Cathedral is one of the most majestic in Spain. Since Toledo is located very close to Madrid, many travelers stay there only during the day and rush to the capital in the evening. But spend a night here and you will see Toledo in all its glory.

28. Costa Brava

This coastline is easily accessible by plane from the rest of Europe. It is dotted with the kind of villages and beaches that gave rise to the passion for summer vacation in Spain. The Costa Brava in Catalonia is one of the most beloved destinations in the Mediterranean. In addition, the spirit of Salvador Dali gives these places their originality and refined eccentricity. The great artist once lived in Cadaques. In addition, places such as Figueres and Pubol Castle are associated with the name of Dali.

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Spain has hidden quite a lot in its vastness mysterious places like a magical dream. This is a list of 15 of the most interesting ones.

Incredible waterfalls, forests like from a fairy tale, rock formations of incredible shapes, caves in which a dragon slumbers, rivers in which turquoise waters flow, absolutely red or pink earth... Spain has many hidden corners to discover something every time new without leaving the country.

In fact, there are so many magical places in Spain that it is difficult to choose them. We tried to select for you the 15 most magical places in Spain and tell you about them, so that it would be easier for you to plan your new trip to our fairy-tale Kingdom.

1. Minas de Riotinto, Huelva, Andalusia

Lunar landscapes, absolutely red lands and red water in the river create the illusion that you are on Mars. But no, friends, you are on Earth and have not flown anywhere from here. Moreover, you are on the soil of the Kingdom of Spain!

Minas de Riotinto is one of the most interesting places on the map of Spain. These are landscapes that have been changed and transformed under the influence of human activity, starting from the Bronze Age, when people began to develop these places and their depths.

If you decide to visit this surreal place, it will not leave you indifferent.

2. Selva Irati, Navarre

Imagine a dense forest, behind every tree of which there is a fairy or a forest gnome or a hobbit (whichever you prefer) hiding. And all this among incredible colors: red earth, thousands of shades of green on the trees and the incredibly blue sky of Navarre. Selva Irati is the second largest beech forest in Europe (after the Black Forest in Germany) and the best preserved in its original virginity.

This unspoiled environment is ideal for sports and recreation, photo walks, senderism and just a weekend stroll to enjoy the unique landscapes.

3. Beach of the Cathedrals, Lugo, Galicia

Do you want to feel like a little ant on planet Earth? Head to the north of Galicia and visit the Beach of the Cathedrals.

Huge, 32-meter cliffs in the form of arches descend into the ocean. If you get here at low tide (in the morning or late evening), you can walk under these arches, which seem to have been carved into the rock by giant Cyclopes.

In fact, this unforgettable spectacle has been perfected by nature over many, many thousands and millions of years. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this one of the most amazing places Spain.

4. Hell's Throat Gorge (Garganta de los Infiernos), Caceres, Extremadura

The Hell's Throat Gorge Nature Reserve is without a doubt one of the most unique landscapes hidden in Spain.

It is in a privileged location in the north of the province of Cáceres in the western part of the Sierra de Gredos, in the heart of Valle del Jerte, full of waterfalls, streams, natural pools and huge bowls (pozos), carved into the rocks by water erosion of rivers.

This place is ideal for hiking, photo sessions. This is a worthy place to feel like a hero from The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.

5. Garajonay National Park, La Gomera, Canary Islands

Shrouded in fog or pierced by rays of bright sunlight, the laurel forests of Garajonay look like prehistoric landscapes. The only thing missing is dinosaurs and pterodactyls on the tree branches for complete realism...

This magical place, usually shrouded in eternal darkness, is so old and so virgin, untouched by human activity, that it dates us back to the Tertiary period.

The forest is on beautiful island Gomera, part of the archipelago Canary Islands. This corner of Spain is so full of wonders that you will definitely fall in love with it.

6. Las Medulas, Leon, Castile and Leon

Burgundy sand, sharp peaks, red rocks rising between chestnut and oak trees. Las Medulas are natural monument, which began to take shape during the time of the Roman Empire, which mined gold in open pits in these places and exported tons of it outside Spain.

Walking around Las Medulas is like a step into another reality, another dimension that allows you to expand your horizons.

Las Medulas are listed World Heritage UNESCO and are one of the most incredible cultural parks available in Spain.

If you are traveling to Las Medunas visit observation deck Orellana, to enjoy the panoramic view, be careful, it will steal your heart forever!

7. El Torcal de Antequera, Malaga, Andalusia

This is an almost surreal landscape, striking in its unusualness. El Torcal de Antequera is distinguished by the bizarre forms of limestone formed as a result of karst processes.

Walking between these peaks and polished stones and rock formations immerses you in Other worlds previously unknown to man. From the very first steps of walking through this place, your imagination is completely captivated by the surrounding landscapes.

El Torcal de Antequera is a true natural paradise in Spain that you have to see to believe1

8. Drac Caves, Mallorca, Balearic Islands

One look at the Drak caves is enough to imagine a sleeping dragon guarding treasure chests, how he lights a torch and in its dim light you can watch how drops roll down the stalactites into the mysterious lake in the cave.

This magical corner is located next to Manacor and its 4 caves descend to a depth of 25 meters below ground level. Inside the cave there is a large underground lake, next to which you can hear the captivating sounds of classical music.

It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful place in Spain...

9. Ordesa National Park, Huesca, Aragon

Deep intermountain valleys, high mountains, lush vegetation, turquoise rivers, waterfalls, and all this dissolves in the stunningly beautiful atmosphere of the Ordesa National Park.

The Ordesa National Park, located in the Pyrenees of Aragon, is something out of fantasy that goes beyond understanding. Here you can shoot fantasy films.

Ordesa Park is spread over more than 15,000 hectares of beautiful landscapes and is home to the most... big waterfall Europe, so choosing just one corner to enjoy all the beauty of Ordesa is simply impossible.

But we can advise you to go through the Añisclo canyon, the Pineta valley, and further to the famous Cola de Caballo valley.

10. Gulpiyuri Beach, Asturias

Despite the fact that mass tourism has already reached this point unique place, it does not lose its magical appeal.

Get out to this beach one day at dawn and you will see a stunning picture of the sea beach, with a piece of the sea... but you won’t see the sea itself, or rather the ocean, since everything is surrounded by green meadows, sun-drenched and high cliffs.

And although the depth of the lagoon is not enough for swimming, Gulpiyuri beach seems special, unreal... Perhaps nymphs come here to swim at night...

11. Fageda d'en Jorda, Olot, Catalonia

Mountains that are actually a dormant volcano, green landscapes, incredible patterns of tree roots on the ground, all this adds mystery and a veil of magic to this place.

The Natural Park Zone Volcanica de la Garrotxa, in spring and autumn, is covered with an incredibly colorful carpet, which gives even greater confidence that here you will definitely meet one of the heroes of local mythology.

Take a book, food with you, sit under a tree and wait... maybe you will get lucky...

12. Las Bardenas Reales, Navarre

Las Bardenas Reales is a semi-desert place where you will find various stone sculptures carved by water and wind over many thousands of years. Among the bizarre shapes you will find various plateaus, volcanoes, mysterious mountain inhabitants and what else your imagination tells you.

Walking through Las Bardenas Reales is like going to the moon, only you don't have to leave planet Earth to do it.

13. Sierra de Cazorla Natural Park, Jaén, Andalusia

Next to a sea of ​​olive trees that cover most Jaen province, you will find a green paradise, which is more typical of the north of the country.

La Cerrada de Elias is the most famous route in this place and the most beautiful. Additionally, this route passes through the village of Cazorla, a small medieval wonder that features the Castel de la Yedra with its imposing ramparts.

Here time has stopped and peace rules the place and the world.

14. Monastery of Piedra, Zaragoza, Aragon

Natural Park The Monastery of Piedra is a true symphony of water, light and nature, which come together here to give rise to one of the most magical places in Spain.

The flow of the Piedra River formed rocks, lakes, caves, and waterfalls along its path. Once you set foot on the territory Natural Park Monastery of Piedra, you will leave your heart here forever.

15. Green Caves (Cueva de los verdes), Lanzarote, Canary Islands

The volcanic island of Lanzarote is so unique that it is not surprising that in its depths it conceals such wonders as the Green Caves. This is a volcanic cavity, 7 km long, which was formed by lava from the Corona volcano 5,000 years ago.

This is one of the longest lava tunnels in the world, where the local population has found refuge for many centuries. Today these caves are open to tourists.

1. Montserrat Monastery

The monastery, located at an altitude of 725 meters above sea level, got its name from the Montserrat (“cut mountains”) mountainous area, 50 km northwest of Barcelona, ​​where thousands of bizarrely shaped limestone rocks rise in a small space. The Benedictine monastery is a center of pilgrimage for Catholics. The monastery houses a statue of the Black Madonna. It is believed that the Black Madonna helps women find the happiness of motherhood; many women and young couples come to her. If you get to the temple very early, you should definitely listen to the boys’ choir studying at the music school at the monastery.

2. Mount Tibidabo

The name of the mountain is translated from Latin as “I give to you.” It is worth climbing Mount Tibidabo not only to see the stunning panoramic view throughout Barcelona, ​​but also to visit the Temple of the Sacred Heart, as well as the ancient amusement park. Truly an amazing place in Spain. We have a separate post about Mount Tibidabo.

3. Temple of the Sagrada Familia (Sagrada Familia)

The Sagrada Familia is one of the main attractions of Spain. This amazing temple is located in the center of Barcelona and its construction has been going on for more than 100 years. It was built exclusively with private donations, which is why it became a kind of “long-term construction”. The external structure of the temple consists of 3 main facades - the facade of the Nativity of Christ, the facade of the Passion, the facade of Glory.

4. City of Ronda

The city of Ronda is one of the most exciting places in Spain. The city is built on high rocky plateaus (more than 780 meters above sea level), separated by the giant Tajo de Ronda gorge with chains of houses. The city was once a haven for smugglers and robbers, today it is one of the important tourist centers and attractions of Spain.

5. Salvador Dali Museum

The Salvador Dali Museum will surprise you and make you look at the world in a new way through the prism of surrealism. It would seem, what can you understand in his paintings and works? In fact, the art of Salvador Dali carries great meaning, irony, and unexpected twists. Experience it all for yourself when you visit the Salvador Dali Museum in Figueres.

6. Girona (old part of the city)

The old part of Girona deserves special attention and is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of Spain. In order to get into the historical part of the city and get around it without losing sight of anything, you don’t even need a guidebook; the ancient narrow streets will lead you to the ancient fortress wall, the Jewish Quarter, and the Cathedral.

7. Seville Cathedral

Seville Cathedral (or Cathedral of Maria de la Sede) is the largest Gothic cathedral in Europe! This truly beautiful place in Spain is worth a look! The cathedral is incredibly large, so in order to see it from all sides, you will have to walk around the entire historical center of Seville, going around the cathedral in a circle.

8. Roman Bridge (Cordoba)

The Roman Bridge is also favorite place in Spain for tourists, the 16-arch Roman (Old) Bridge, 250 meters long, across the Guadalquivir River, is located in historical center Cordoba is close to the city's main attractions - the Holy Field of Martyrs and the Cathedral.

9. Basilica Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Zaragoza)

The Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar is one of the largest churches in Spain, one of the largest located in Zaragoza. The basilica is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and named after her supposed appearance in this area around 40 AD. It is considered the first shrine in history dedicated to Mary. In the center of the basilica there is a column made of jasper, topped by a 15th-century statue depicting Mary holding the Child in her arms.

10. Park Guell in Barcelona

Perhaps one of the wonderful and vibrant creations of Antoni Gaudi, it is one of the most beloved tourist attractions in Spain. Park Güell was built in 1900-1914 in Barcelona. The park was originally conceived by Eusebi Güell as a green residential area; it was assumed that mansions would also be located on the territory of the beautiful green area. Guell commissioned Gaudi to design all the infrastructure and public spaces. But Güell’s idea was not destined to come true, since the park was located far from the center and did not become popular. As a result, Güell's heirs sold the hill to the city authorities, who opened the park to the public. The park is famous for its gingerbread houses, mosaic lizard, long winding bench (again in the shape of a lizard), the Hall of a Hundred Columns and many other wonderful wonders!

Sights and museums, the most interesting cities, beach holiday, ski resorts and hotel prices in Spain

The slogan of the Spanish tourism department is “I need Spain”. If you agree with this statement and have already planned a vacation in a hospitable Mediterranean country, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with information about its main attractions. In this review we have prepared brief information about tourist locations from the “must see” list in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville, Granada, Marbella, cultural features of Spanish leisure, popular resorts, shopping and cuisine.

Knowledgeable travelers claim that Spain is such a diverse country that it is almost impossible to get to know it in one visit. However, this should not bother you! Your first meeting with Spain can be so impressive that you will want to come back here again and again to continue immersing yourself in the original culture, centuries-old history and hectic pace of life in the modern homeland of Dali and Cervantes.



The capital of sunny Spain is often called one of the most beautiful cities Europe. To be convinced of this, you just need to walk along its wide and busy avenues on your own. Hurry to visit the most famous museums with impressive collections of world masterpieces and spend a siesta in the shade of plane trees in one of the parks of the capital, escaping the heat. And when darkness falls, it’s worth starting a tour of the city’s drinking establishments. You will be surprised to notice that traffic on Gran Via, Madrid's main street, is even busier at night than during the day. It’s not for nothing that Madrid breaks all European records for the number of nightclubs, restaurants and bars per capita.

The heart of the city is called Puerta del Sol. It is decorated with an equestrian statue of Charles III and the symbol of Madrid, placed on the city's coat of arms - the Ursa with a strawberry tree. The "Gateway of the Sun" is the geographical center of not only Madrid, but the whole of Spain. Here you will find a bronze plate from which the distances to all settlements countries. The oldest building in the square, built in 1761, is the Post Office House, which today houses the government of the Autonomous Region of Madrid. Its façade is decorated with a clock that notifies the Spaniards of the coming of the New Year.

Another square no less attractive to travelers is Plaza Mayor. During the Middle Ages, it served as a market and at the same time a place where executions at the stake and bullfights were held. Today it is decorated with an equestrian statue of Philip III and two outstanding buildings - the Baker's House, easily recognizable by the frescoes on the pediment, and the Butcher's House, which houses the city executive authorities. Adjacent to the east of the square is the Plaza de la Provincia with the Santa Cruz Palace - Spanish Foreign Ministry. Tourists also like to stroll along Villa Square, decorated with the Consistory building. At one time it also housed the La Villa prison, and today municipal officials work there.

If you would like to hear about the history of Madrid from qualified guides, you can join a two- or three-hour walking tour in Russian. , second -

As you know, Spain is ruled by a king. Anyone can visit his residence - the Royal Palace, built in the classical Baroque style of granite and white stone. Experienced travelers claim that the palace vaguely resembles the French Versailles. It is considered one of the most interesting attractions of the city. Admission ticket for adults it will cost 10 euros, for children - 5 euros. Juan Carlos II visits his residence exclusively for official events. The palace is open to tourists all year round; it is better to check the schedule at.

In the immediate vicinity of the palace, on its northern side, free entry to the Sabatini Gardens is open to everyone - it is quiet and cozy place with neat flower beds, a rectangular pond and amazing living boxwood sculptures. This is where the best photos of the Royal Palace are taken. The garden is open to the public from 10:00 to 20:00 (from October to March until 18:00).

Do you like football? Then you should definitely know the legendary Spanish team Real Madrid. It is called the real pride of Spain. If you are lucky, you will be able to catch a match of the best football club of the 20th century. There is a museum at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium where all the team's awards over the 114 years of its existence are kept. A visit to the museum is part of a tour of the legendary stadium. The cost of an adult ticket is 19 euros, a child ticket (under 14 years old) is 13 euros. Tickets can be purchased at box office No. 10. Comprehensive information on the tour on the official website.

Since we're talking about museums, we can't help but mention the Museo del Prado - the main artistic attraction of Madrid. Any self-respecting connoisseur of fine arts knows that the Prado is the richest museum in the world, whose scale can only be compared with the Hermitage, the Uffizi Gallery or the Louvre. Within its walls you will encounter masterpieces by Goya, Bosch, Rubens, Botticelli, Durer and Rembrandt. Allow a whole day to visit the Prado, as its exhibition will require a lot of free time from you. The museum is open from 9.00 to 20.00, except holidays and Mondays. Entrance ticket from 4 to 8 euros. When entering, do not forget to take a map of the halls, on which all the most striking paintings are marked, otherwise you risk getting lost and missing the most valuable things.

In Madrid, in addition to the Prado, there are two more outstanding museums - (entrance ticket 10 euros) and (adult ticket 12 euros, reduced price 8 euros, on Mondays from 12:00 to 16:00 - free admission). These three collections of paintings are called nothing less than the “Golden Triangle of Arts” of Madrid.

Museum card

When traveling to Madrid, do not forget to purchase the Madrid Card - a discount card that will give you free travel to public transport, discounts of at least 30% in cafes and shops, skip-the-line entrance to museums, and even guide services. You can order a card at or at tourist centers cities. Its cost for one day is 47 euros, for 3 days - 67 euros, for children for 1 day - 34 euros, for 3 days - 44 euros.

Neighborhoods of Madrid: where to go?

Warner Brothers Film Park

If you love movies or are traveling with children, then include a visit to the Warner Brothers Film Park in your travel plan. It is quite easy to get to: from the Atocha train station there is a commuter train line C-3. The journey takes 25 minutes. Your Pinto station, then you will need to take bus No. 413. We advise you to check the bus schedule so as not to be late for the last one. A taxi from the park to the train stop will cost 20 euros.

The area of ​​the amusement park is 250 hectares, it is divided into thematic zones - Cartoon Village, Hollywood Boulevard, Super Heroes World. Children will be interested in meeting their favorite cartoon characters, and adults will be able to ride on numerous roller coaster and thrill in haunted houses. The entrance ticket on the site for all categories of visitors is 25.9 euros, on site it is much more expensive. The schedule is possible.


We recommend heading to Escorial to visit the stunning 16th-century monastery and palace of San Lorenzo del Escorial. Here you will meet monumental paintings by Bosch, Velazquez, Veronese, Tintoretto, Titian and El Greco, and get acquainted with tapestries made according to sketches by Rubens Goya. A visit to Escorial is complemented by a walk to the marble mausoleum of the Spanish kings, in which only two tombs are free.

El Escorial also attracts with its climate, which is atypical for Spain - it is always cool here, even if in Madrid the air temperature has risen to an uncomfortable +30 degrees. An hour-long trip to El Escorial will give you not only an encounter with beauty, but also the opportunity to take a break from the scorching Spanish sun. The complex is open to the public from 10:00 to 20:00 except Mondays, from October to March until 18:00. Entrance ticket is 10 euros for adults and 5 euros for beneficiaries. A trip from Madrid will cost you 7-20 euros, depending on the chosen transport. You can go by bus or train.


Such a cultural phenomenon as flamenco deserves special attention. Andalusia is considered to be the birthplace of this dance, but shows of groups that perform on an ongoing basis can be seen in all major cities countries. If you want to watch flamenco dancing in Madrid, go to one of the "tablaos" - that's the name of the stage where the dancers perform. The oldest tablao in the capital of Spain is called

performances have been taking place here since 1956. You will surely be captivated by the graceful dancers in rustling scarlet skirts, who passionately and selflessly dance a hot dance to the ringing guitar chords.

This location is included in the list of “100 places you need to visit in your lifetime.” Music critics claim that El Corral de la Moreria is the best venue not only in Spain, but also in Europe. Concert organizers invite talented musicians and dancers from all over the country. A ticket to the show will cost you 50 euros (this price includes 1 drink).

The most interesting cities in Spain: Barcelona, ​​Seville, Granada, Marbella


Barcelona is called nothing less than Architectural miracle Spain. The Catalan capital's numerous historical sites attract millions of tourists every year. Guests are recommended to begin their exploration of the city by visiting the Gothic Quarter, the oldest in the Old Town. Its buildings date back to the XIV-XV centuries. The most visited location is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and St. Eulalia. It houses the residence of the archbishop. White geese live in the chapel of the cathedral; their color symbolizes the purity and purity of St. Eulalia. It is better to check opening hours on the website catedralbcn.org. Visit to the choirs and observation deck on the roof for 3 euros.

Fans of secular architecture will certainly appreciate the Grand Royal Palace (adult ticket 4 euros, reduced price 2.5 euros, children under 6 years free), unique concert hall Palace of Catalan Music (55-minute tour 18 euros, discounted ticket 11 euros), the Jewish quarter of Cal and the Gothic fountain in Sant Just Square.

The most popular museum in Barcelona is the Picasso Museum museupicasso.bcn.cat. This is a whole complex occupying 5 Gothic buildings on Moncada Street. Ticket price is 12 euros, free for children under 18 years old.

It is simply impossible to visit Barcelona and not touch the legacy of the great inventor Antonio Gaudi. It was according to his drawings that the construction of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral began, which is still unfinished. This fact does not prevent the enchanting building with many towers from playing the honorable role of the city’s calling card. The cost of tickets to the Sagrada Familia Cathedral is 15-29 euros (self-guided tour, with guide, with audio guide). The work schedule is better. In addition to the Sagrada Familia, Senor Gaudí's creative collection also includes secular buildings - the Palace of Güell, the Casa Vicens, the Casa Mila, nicknamed "The Quarry", and the Calvette mansion. All these eccentric buildings are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Montjuic area deserves special attention. Its most striking sights: the fortress of the same name and National Museum arts of Catalonia museunacional.cat (entrance ticket 12 euros, children under 16 years old, visitors over 65 years old - free). Tourists love to see the Magic Fountain and the exhibition (adult ticket 12 euros, reduced ticket 7 euros, children under 15 years old free). It was on Mount Montjuic that two world-scale events took place at once - the World Exhibition (1929) and the XXV Summer Olympic Games (1992).


The capital of Andalusia is famous for its outstanding historical quarter, one of the largest in Europe. Tourists like to start exploring the city by visiting Cathedral catedraldesevilla.es, where the remains of Christopher Columbus, who sailed from the local harbor to New World. Entrance ticket for adults is 9 euros, reduced price is 4 euros, children under 14 years old are free.

No less popular place Among the city's guests is the Art Museum, the second most important collection of paintings in the country. The calling card of the city is the cathedral's bell tower, the Giralda.

This imposing building once served as the minaret of a mosque. Now there is an observation deck at an altitude of 98 meters. Ticket price is 8 euros, students and pensioners pay 3 euros. It is better to check opening hours. Another evidence of the Moorish invasion is the Alcazar palace-fortress alcazarsevilla.org with many galleries, waterfalls, fountains, courtyards and cozy gardens. An entrance ticket will cost 11.5 euros, a reduced ticket will cost 3 euros.

There are night tours (14 euros) and free visits on Monday evenings. Do not miss " Golden Tower» visitasevilla.es (entrance ticket 3 euros, reduced fee - 1.5 euros) and a magnificent observation deck, the Triana Bridge. In Seville you can admire the spectacle that made Spain famous throughout the world - bullfighting. above the Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza.


The pearl of Granada is the “Red Fortress” or Alhambra, the only example of Moorish architecture in the city. The Alhambra rises above the city, cresting a steep ridge above a wooded hill. The official website of the architectural complex is alhambra-patronato.es. We recommend booking your ticket in advance through the hotel administrator to avoid standing in line. Entrance ticket - 14 euros (includes visiting the Nasrid Palaces, Alcazaba, Generalife), children under 12 years old are free.

An equally interesting location in Granada is the old summer palace Arab sultans, decorated with fountains, pools and stunning Generalife gardens. Ticket to the gardens - 7 euros, in the evening - 8 euros. Among Christian attractions I would like to mention the Church of St. Jose, the Abbey of Sacromonte and the Basilica of St. John. If you want to try Maghreb Arabic cuisine, head to Calle Calderería (Calle de las Teterías). And for lovers of bathing leisure, there is a high-class spa complex in Granada, designed in the style of traditional Muslim baths.


The Spanish Mediterranean city of Marbella is a fashionable and very fashionable resort. During the high season, its population increases 2.5 times, reaching 200 thousand people. It is here, on the Golden Mile, that the most prestigious Spanish hotels and villas are located, where celebrities from all over the world and even members of royal families regularly relax. Some of the most comfortable beaches on the Costa del Sol include Bounty Beach, Playa de Rio Real, Playa de Alicate, Playa Hermosa Playa Real de Zaragoza Playa Fontanilla and Playa de Nueva Andalucía. The city has 4 operating ports - one of them is fishing and three are sports.

The most famous of them, the largest sports port on the Mediterranean Sea, is Puerto Banus. It is decorated with the “Victory” monument - a bronze giant, a gift from the sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. It is a stele topped with the figure of a man with his arms raised, looking out to the sea. Local people They dubbed him “the Russian who came to the sea for the first time.” Among the historical attractions of the city are many interesting ancient buildings: ancient Roman mosaics in Villa de Rio Verde and baths of the 3rd century AD in the town of San Pedro, Paleochristian basilica of the 3rd-4th centuries AD. in Vega del Mar, the Alcazaba fortress with the Thieves' and Royal Towers. A walk through the old city will give you many unforgettable impressions - the Ermita de Santiago chapel in Orange Square and the Corregidor House, made in Gothic and Renaissance styles, will be remembered by travelers for a long time.

Those wishing to admire the wonderful Mediterranean nature will enjoy the parks and botanical gardens Marbella - La Alameda Poplar Avenue, one of the city's oldest parks and the Arollo de la Represa Garden, cascading down to the waterfront itself with the amazing Bonsai Museum, which boasts the most impressive collection of mini-trees in Europe.

If you feel like you've already explored Marbella well, take one of the Costa del Sol sightseeing tours. This trip will take 2 days and cost 200-250 euros per person. Another interesting option for spending time is an excursion to Morocco. A one-day tour crossing Gibraltar and visiting Tangier costs 70-80 euros.

Beach holidays in Spain

Did you know that Spain is usually called “The most beachy country in the world”? And this is the case when quantity is inextricably linked with quality. More than six hundred beaches in Spain have been awarded the Blue Flag, an international award confirming that they are suitable for safe swimming. Please note that absolutely all beaches in the country are municipal and completely free. Let's get acquainted with the most popular beach regions countries so that you can choose a direction that suits your ideas about perfect holiday by the sea.

Mallorca is usually called a resort for bohemians. One of Balearic Islands will welcome its guests with comfortable air and water temperatures, a pleasant breeze, and the natural beauty of bays and lagoons. First-class hotels with well-trained staff will offer a lot of entertainment. If you get tired of a lazy beach holiday and admiring exotic nature, then diving, windsurfing, and rock climbing are at your service.

Tenerife is called the “Island of Eternal Spring” for its surprisingly mild climate, because even in winter the air temperature does not drop below +21 °C. One of the islands of the Canary archipelago is usually chosen by families with children and newlyweds. And this is not without reason - the gentle sea, magnificent sandy beaches, interesting excursion program and picturesque nature allow us to add this place to the list of the world's best resorts.

You will like the Costa del Sol if you don't like too much sun. The temperature at the resort rarely rises above +21 °C even at the height of summer. Obviously, this fact does not bother millions of tourists who happily come to resorts in Andalusia every year." Sunny Beach» - Benalmadena, Malaga, Marbella, Torremolinos, Fuengirola and Estepona.

The Valencian resort of the Costa Blanca is popular thanks to cleanest beaches with snow-white sand. Tourists are attracted by the excellent infrastructure and the opportunity to spend active leisure time at sea - scuba diving, cycling around the area, practicing rock climbing and windsurfing.

The Costa Brava, or “Coast of the Brave,” is located in close proximity to the border with France. This resort features a large number of beaches marked with the Blue Flag, as well as cozy bays and coves. The inaccessible rocks are covered with fir and pine trees. Suitable for family vacation, thanks to the many amusement parks and water attractions.

San Sebastian is an elegant resort located on the Cantabrian coast. Representatives of the European elite from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and France come here for a quiet holiday. Jazz fans come to San Sebastian every year for the Jazzaldia festival, and the International Film Festival is held here at the end of September, which means that the Velvet season Film elite from all over the world come here.

Costa Dorada (“Golden Coast”) received its poetic name thanks to the purest golden sand, which shimmers in the shallow and warm sea lagoons, like real gold. The proximity to Barcelona makes this place popular among those who want to not only bask in the gentle Spanish sun, but also visit the many attractions of Catalonia. Families with children and young people like to relax on the Costa Dorada. The first ones like the shallow sea, comfortable hotels and a warm mild climate, the second ones like affordable prices and an abundance of amusement parks.

Connoisseurs of marine leisure claim that in Benidorm best beaches Mediterranean. This resort in the Costa Blanca region attracts guests with a wide range of services, especially appreciated by fans of outdoor activities and party-goers. There are many clubs and discos in Benidorm. This Valencian coastal town is equally popular with families with children, as many of the resort's hotels offer free accommodation for children under 12 years of age. Benidorm has playgrounds and entertainment centers, you can order babysitting services, and in restaurants parents of children will be offered a separate children's menu.

The Costa Tropical resort is located in the province of Granada. Tourists choose this place for great beaches and a calm, relaxed atmosphere conducive to good rest. The subtropical climate gives resort guests 320 sunny days a year. average temperature air does not exceed +24 C and there is practically no precipitation in summer time. The choice of hotels will please even the most discerning audience. The abundance of water parks and well-thought-out infrastructure makes the Costa Tropical ideal place both for family and youth recreation.

3* 4* 5* ApartmentsGuesthouseHostel
Majorca53 euros60 euros122 euros
Tenerife28 euros33 euros90 euros19 euros9 euros7 euros
Benalmadena131 euros198 euros85 euros65 euros53 euros38 euros
Costa Blanca40 euros54 euros119 euros20 euros20 euros17 euros
Costa Brava63 euros117 euros145 euros119 euros22 euros41 euros
San Sebastian45 euros89 euros264 euros100 euro36 euros15 euros
Costa Dorada44 euros67 euros375 euros49 euros24 euros18 euros
Benidorm48 euros104 euros236 euros62 euros27 euros29 euros
Costa Tropical55 euros100 euro 43 euros28 euros
Ibiza115 euros198 euros212 euros152 euros99 euros44 euros

Club holidays in Spain

Among fans of club culture, the island of Ibiza, which belongs to the Balearic archipelago, is considered a real Mecca. It is worth telling about this wonderful island in more detail. Despite the fact that he is distant from mainland Spain at 80 km, getting to Ibiza will not be difficult. The number of flights to Ibiza increases during the high season. If you are flying from Moscow, you will have to change planes in Barcelona. Such flights are operated by Vueling Airlines. The journey takes about 7 hours, cost from 240 euros. If you want to save money, you can choose a codeshare flight from Air Italy and Vueling Airlines with an independent connection in Milan. The journey takes about 13 hours, but the ticket will cost 191 euros.

There are also no direct flights from St. Petersburg. S7 Airlines offers flights through Moscow from 182 euros, the journey takes about a day, Vueling Airlines and Iberia will take you to Ibiza in just 6 hours, a ticket will cost 262 euros one way.

If you are traveling through Madrid or Barcelona, ​​you can take advantage of the offers of European low-cost airlines. A ticket from the capital will cost 41-68 euros, travel time is a little over 1 hour. Such flights are regularly operated by Iberia Express, Ryanair, and Vueling Airlines. From the capital of Catalonia you can fly to Ibiza for 24-28 euros with Ryanair and Vueling Airlines.

Another option is the ferries that operate regularly between Barcelona and Ibiza.

Information about flights can be found on the websites of carrier companies and Acciona. A one-way trip will cost from 60 euros, the journey takes 9 hours, but this time can be spent at a fiery sea disco, in a bar, in a swimming pool or in a cinema.

What awaits you in Ibiza besides parties all night long, famous DJs, foam parties and crazy sets from electronic music gurus? Nice beaches, gentle sun, picturesque olive groves, warm sea. Note that the capital of the island of the same name is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

When is the best time to fly to Ibiza if you want to dive headfirst into the club scene? The season opens in May, and its peak falls on the velvet season. From August to September, the world's most famous DJs, club residents and fans of club leisure flock to the island.

Let us note that during this period of time the not-boring island truly “awakens” with the advent of dusk - stylish boutiques, bars and nightclubs begin to open. The most popular "warm-up bars" open their doors to partygoers looking to recharge before hitting the club. This is not surprising, since most club establishments are open from 2 a.m. until the morning.

The most famous clubs in Ibiza are making waves all over the world: Amnesia is famous for its foam parties, Privilege is the biggest night club in the world, Space is open around the clock, Pacha does not close even during the low season, and the spacious terrace of El Divino, which serves as a dance floor for hundreds of guests, offers a magnificent view of the ancient Dalt Vila fortress.

Ski resorts in Spain

Despite the fact that Spain is considered a country with a stable hot climate, ski tourism here is developed no worse than beach destinations. The most famous and visited ski resorts Countries considered to be Port del Comte, La Molina and Baqueira Beret, located in the Catalan Hills. Baqueira Beret is a favorite vacation spot for members of the royal dynasty and high-ranking politicians, including the president. And on the heights of the Aragonese Pyrenees, with their famous thermal springs, there are no less popular resorts of Candanza, Astuna and Boi Taul.

Formigal, located in the province of Zaragoza, is considered the largest winter resort in Spain. There is usually little snow here, but walking tours along high mountain routes with coniferous forests will appeal to all wildlife lovers.

An hour's drive from Mediterranean coast The Sierra Nevada ski resort is located. The conditions offered here to tourists correspond to international standards, and in 1996 the World Championships were held in Sierra Nevada. alpine skiing. Barcelona and Madrid winter resorts They are not characterized by long-term seasonal attendance, but they compensate for this shortcoming with a wide selection of original entertainment and accommodation options for vacationers. Not far from Madrid are La Pinilla, Navacerrada and Valdeschi. In the vicinity of Barcelona there is Espot-Esqui and the same Baqueira-Beret. Here you will be invited to taste the most exquisite wines and rich Spanish cuisine as part of gastronomic and wine tours. But Spanish food is worth talking about separately.

What and where to eat

Legends are made about Spanish cuisine. It’s a rare traveler who, having visited Spain once, does not bring with him a new favorite dish. The abundance of restaurants and cafes leaves no chance to miss the opportunity to try national dishes and enjoy excellent wines. Here they take care of the tastes of not only adherents of colorful Spanish cuisine, but also those who prefer familiar food when visiting. In Spain, you can freely dine in an Italian, Japanese or Mexican restaurant. Note that Spanish cuisine itself varies regionally.

It is not surprising that Spain is home to the world's oldest restaurant, Sobrino de Botin, which opened in Madrid in 1725. Locals say that Francisco Goya once worked here as a dishwasher.

For fast food lovers, the Spanish coast offers 24 hours a day to visit McDonald's, WOK TO WALK, KFS, as well as try national Spanish sandwiches in the fast food chain 100 montaditos, or use the business lunch service from 12 to 16 noon for 10-12 euros. In the same price range, you can dine in a small Chinese restaurant, trying not only Asian, but also European cuisine. Street food will cost from 4 to 7 euros (we are talking about stuffed tortillas, churros, pizza or Spanish bocadio sandwiches).

Tapeo and the famous tapas bars are a separate type of recreation for Spaniards who want to have a tasty snack, drink excellent red wine and have a heart-to-heart conversation in the company of friends. Before serving the main course, various appetizers are placed on the table, each of which can be considered a complete and satisfying meal in itself, and then guests are offered cold gazpacho soup, perhaps the most common food in Spain.
Equally popular is the colorful paella with healthy seafood and golden rice, as well as a dry-cured pork product called jamon. For a dinner for two with alcohol, be prepared to pay about 50 euros in Madrid.

Spain has always been famous for its hospitality and warm attitude towards guests, whom it is customary to treat with wine. Of the white wines, the most popular are Ampurdan and Penedes, and the Spaniards give a special place to the famous sherry. national map wine The world-famous sangria is usually made with semi-sweet red wine and served with crushed fruit, ice and soda.

What and where to buy

While walking along the colorful Spanish streets, don’t forget to buy local homemade souvenirs that incorporate the whole range of impressions from your trip to this beautiful country.

From Spain they bring:

legendary castanets (from 10 euros), which can be bought as a gift to friends who are interested in music;
figurines of a bull or bullfighter made of wood, marble or clay. Also popular are bullfighting posters for 10 euros, where anyone can enter their name as a participant in the tournament;
red woolen cap "barretina vermelha";
famous Mallorcan colored glass and pearls;
figurines of a “pooping” man – caganera, which, according to the Spaniards, brings success, happiness and a rich life;
original leather goods (from 20 euros).

For gastronomic souvenirs, packaged jamon from the local supermarket from the famous culinary specialist Pedro Diego (from 10 to 17 euros per 1 kg), the highlight of Spanish cheese making is Manchego, a semi-hard cheese made from sheep's milk (10 euros per 1 kg). Pay attention to olive oil (5 euros), wine, spices, turron (3-5 euros), dessert that tastes like halva and aromatic tea.
Also very popular are porcelain (from 5 euros), the finest and exclusive lace (from 5 to 500 euros), amazing silk embroidery, fans (from 5 euros) and, of course, wine (sangria from 2 euros).

Spain is considered one of the world's largest shopping centers. There are a huge number of stores of the most famous and popular brands of world stars in the fashion industry, and the largest stock centers of leading manufacturers of clothing and household items. Fashion weeks are regularly held in Spain, setting the tone and direction for the upcoming season not only for temperamental Spanish men and women, but also for all guests who are in love with this beautiful country and are interested in fashion.

Please note the store opening hours. The famous Spanish siesta begins at one o'clock in the afternoon and lasts until four o'clock in the afternoon. For the Spaniards, this is not just a tradition, but a way of life that has remained unchanged for several centuries. At this time, the working mechanism of Spanish cities freezes in a peaceful pause, inviting everyone into their world of calm and joyful communication. Most government agencies, banks and, of course, shops and shopping centers are closed for a three-hour break. The only place in Spain with a vibrant atmosphere active life does not allow you to turn off the movement process even for a siesta - Sierra Nevada.

The usual opening hours for Spanish stores are: 9:00-13:00, siesta break, then 16:00-20:00. The exception is some large markets that operate without interruption.

Days of sales and discounts in Spain occur twice a year - from the beginning of the year to March and from the middle of the summer season to September. The most attractive cities for fashionistas and fashionistas are Barcelona and Madrid with entire complexes of the largest outlets. The Madrid quarter, located in the historical part of the city - Argüells, is widely known, as well as the Sol and Preciados shopping centers, where you can find any souvenirs, fashionable clothes, wedding dresses from the latest collections of leading designers.

In Barcelona, ​​getting to the most remote shopping centers is not difficult. Here, for shopping lovers, a special route has been launched, including the most popular stores - the Barcelona Shopping Line. Funny blue buses take everyone along a specific route at short intervals throughout the day. The ticket price is 10 euros, and the duration of the trip is unlimited.

In order not to get lost in this whirlpool of shopping diversity, the Spaniards offer to purchase a reference guide “Shopping Guide in Barcelona”, which is sold in all print kiosks and bookstores.

Sights of Spain. The most important and interesting sights of Spanish cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

In the minds of many tourists, Spain is an endless series of luxurious beaches of the Mediterranean and Atlantic coast, unbridled fun of the islands and comfortable ski holiday. But, nevertheless, Spain is also one of the oldest countries in Europe with its rich history, distinctive culture and impressive architecture. And, by the way, among all European countries Italy alone can barely boast big amount attractions than Spain.

Millions of travelers from all over the globe flock to this beautiful country, warmed by the sun, to see with their own eyes all its diversity. After all, the culture and architecture of Spain has been created by various peoples for thousands of years, as a result of which a certain eclecticism has appeared in it - but at the same time, it most harmoniously conveys the true spirit and temperament of the Spanish nation.

Barcelona has been one of the richest and most developed cities in Spain for a very long time, so there is a lot to see here. Just look at the ancient quarter in the Gothic style, the majestic calm of which especially contrasts with the hot temperament of this country. And the Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, designed by Gaudi, is rightfully considered one of the most outstanding architectural landmarks not only of the city, but of all of Spain.

The Arabs introduced notes of oriental flavor into European Spain, this is especially noticeable in Granada. This small quiet town, located at the very foot of the mountains, still retains the spirit of the Moorish conquerors. The Alhambra Palace (or Red Palace) can be considered the hallmark of Grenada; its walls change their color depending on the time of day and intensity of light, and its area is so large that it is often called a city within a city.

There is an incredible number of attractions in the very small town of Toledo. It was built on a hill, from which it was not only considered impregnable, but also received its name - “Toledo” is translated as “ascended”.

The architecture of Toledo is so rich and varied that the whole city included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. And Toledo is the favorite “sitter” of the brilliant El Greco. Only in this city can you enjoy the paintings of the great native of Crete in full scale: while staying directly in Toledo, admire his amazing “Thunderstorm in Toledo”.

The Arabs brought notes of oriental flavor to European Spain, this is especially noticeable in Granada.

And, of course, one cannot help but mention Madrid, the capital of Spain, a place where such a huge number of extraordinary attractions are concentrated that it is simply impossible to single out any one of them and call it a symbol of the city. Moreover, Madrid itself can rightfully be called a landmark not only of Spain, but of the whole of Europe. After all, it was originally built as a royal city with the scale and pomp characteristic of all kings.

And yet the list of attractions of Spain can be endless, this rich southern country famous not only for its architectural and natural diversity, but also for its unique culture - passionate flamenco, chilling bullfighting, a sparkling cocktail of fruits, ice cubes and unrivaled Spanish wine.