A body of water into which no river flows. Which sea does the Don River flow into? The saltiest sea in the world

Lakes occupy about 1.8% of the globe, mostly small, quiet bodies of water with gently sloping sandy shores. But there are real giant lakes, several hundred kilometers long, with an area larger than some seas, on the surface of which real storms with multi-meter waves rage. Meet the ten largest lakes in the world.

10. Great Slave Lake

Great Slave Lake has an area of ​​28,930 km², and is the remains of a body of water formed after the melting of glaciers formed during the Ice Age. This is the deepest lake North America, located in Canada, 614 meters deep, which is bordered on one side by the tundra and on the other by the Canadian boundary shield. The name of the lake was given in honor of the Indian tribe that lived on the shore, whose name was very similar to the English word “slave”, which translates as “slave”.

9. Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi, also known as Nyasa, with an area of ​​30,044 km 2, contains 7% of the world's fresh water reserves. The reservoir is a depression on the border of Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi, 706 meters deep, into which 14 rivers flow. Storms often rage along the steep shores of the lake, during which shipping almost completely stops.

8. Great Bear Lake

The most big lake Canada, Great Bear Lake has an area of ​​31,153 km². The reservoir is located beyond the Arctic Circle at an altitude of 186 meters above sea level and has a depth of 413 meters. It was from uranium mined on the shores of Great Bear Lake that the atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

7. Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal, with an area of ​​31,722 km², is the largest repository fresh water in a world that stores 19% of the world's fresh water. The reservoir, 1,637 meters deep, was formed at the site of a tectonic fault, and is surrounded on all sides by hills and mountains. By the way, this is the most deep lake in a world where more than 300 rivers flow in and only one river, the Angara, flows out. Most importantly, Baikal and its shores are home to a large number of animals and plants that are not found anywhere else in the world.

6. Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika, with an area of ​​32,893 km 2, located on the border of Congo, Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi, was formed at the site of a tectonic fault on the border of the African and Arabian tectonic plates. It is the second deepest (its depth is 1,470 meters) enclosed body of water in the world and the second largest fresh water lake in the world. It also bears the title of itself long lake in the world, from north to south it has a length of 673 kilometers. The shores of Tanganyika are high cliffs and only on the eastern side there are flat areas. Due to the fact that the lake was formed many millions of years ago with a closed ecosystem, there are many unique species of fish that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

5. Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan, with an area of ​​58,000 km2, is the only one of the five Great Lakes that is entirely located in the United States. It is located at an altitude of 177 meters above sea level, its depth is 281 meters. Michigan is located high in northern latitudes and its waters are frozen for about four months of the year.

4. Lake Huron

Lake Huron, on the border of the USA and Canada, with an area of ​​59,600 km 2, has a depth of 229 meters and is located at an altitude of 176 meters above sea level. The most interesting thing is that Huron has a simply huge number of islands, more than 30 thousand, among which Manitoulin Island stands apart, the largest freshwater island in the world, which in turn contains the largest inland lake in the world - Manitou, with an area of ​​106 km 2.

3. Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria, with an area of ​​69,485 km2, is the largest African and tropical lake in the world. The reservoir was formed in a depression on the East African platform on the border of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda at an altitude of 1134 meters above sea level. Lake with big amount bays, bays and islands, surrounded by low swampy shores, only in the southwestern part, the water rests against sharply rising cliffs. Victoria has a depth of 84 meters, the main source of water replenishment of which is tropical rains. By the way, this is where the most long river in the world - Nile.

2. Lake Superior

The second largest in the world and the most large lake North America - Upper, has an area of ​​82,414 km 2. The reservoir was formed in the basin as a result of the movement of tectonic plates and soil erosion, which was filled with water from melted glaciers. Above the lake, 406 meters deep, not protected by mountains, there are constant winds. strong winds Because of this, strong seiches (standing waves) often form on its surface, severely destroying the shores.

1. Caspian Sea

The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea, yes, it is a lake, despite the fact that it is most often called a sea, has an area of ​​371,000 km 2. The banks of this reservoir are flat and swampy, only in the northern part they are strongly indented, in the area of ​​​​the delta of the Volga and Ural rivers. The Caspian Sea, which is located on the border of Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, has a depth of 1025 meters. The most interesting thing is that this lake appeared as a result of tectonic shifts, which led to the appearance of a closed body of water separated from the world ocean.

Location: between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa
Washing the shores of countries: Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Jordan
Square: 438,000 km²
Greatest depth: 2211 m
Coordinates: 20°44"41.1"N 37°55"27.9"E


The Red Sea, located in a tectonic basin and is inland sea third largest on our planet Indian Ocean, is considered the youngest and most interesting in terms of diversity of flora and fauna.

It is located between the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Sea connects with Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, through the well-known Suez Canal.

Speaking about the Red Sea, you should pay attention to the fact that it is considered the saltiest of all the seas that are part of the World Ocean, which washes all the continents of our planet.

“Why is this sea the saltiest of all the seas?” a person who does not know the geography and location of the Red Sea may ask. The thing is that the Red Sea is the only sea in the whole world into which not a single freshwater river flows. Naturally, it is significantly inferior in salt content to the Dead Sea, but it should be remembered that practically no living organism can survive in the Dead Sea, and the Red Sea amazes even experienced divers with the abundance of life forms. And this despite the fact that the salinity of the water of the magnificent Red Sea is up to 60 grams of salts per liter of water taken for laboratory analysis.

As a comparison, it is worth citing the salinity of the water, popular among domestic tourists, in the Black Sea - it is only 18 grams of salts per liter of water.

In addition, describing the Red Sea, which is rightfully considered one of seven wonders of the underwater world, it is impossible not to mention that this is also the warmest sea on the planet. It is warmed not only by the rays of the sun, but also by the earth’s mantle, that is, in the Red Sea, unlike other seas, not cold, but warm layers of water rise from the depths. In winter, the water warms up to 21 - 23 degrees Celsius, and in summer up to +30. Due to the high temperature of the water and its constant evaporation, the Red Sea became the saltiest in the world, naturally, after the Dead Sea.

Origin of the name of the Red Sea

The Red Sea, according to the most conservative assumptions of scientists, originated 25 million years ago. Therefore, it is, alas, impossible to find out exactly why the Red Sea was called “Red”. There are only a few versions of the origin of the name of the Red Sea, although it is worth mentioning right away that none of them can be considered reliable.

According to the first version, the name comes from the ancient language of the Himyarites - a people who lived in South Arabia long before these lands were captured by the Arabs. The conquerors tried for a long time to decipher the writing of the Semites and decided to read the three letters “X”, “M” and “P” in their own way - “akhmar”, which translated means red. This assumption can be considered as a version that does not deserve special attention: it is difficult to imagine that the Arabs decided to add vowels to a foreign language in order to get a word that would be familiar to them, because they were deciphering the language, and not merging it with their own.

The second version, according to historians, is more plausible, although it is associated with the myths of many peoples who inhabited the territory near the Red Sea. They associated each part of the world with a certain color. The color red was associated with the south, where the sea was located, hence its name. According to documents that have survived to this day and have been deciphered by scientists, the Red Sea was mentioned back in the 2nd century BC, and in the 16th century some researchers called this sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean, Suez.

As mentioned above, the sea was formed even when India began its movement towards to the Asian mainland, and this event happened long before the first person appeared on Earth, so scientists will probably not be able to find out for sure why the saltiest sea that is part of the World Ocean was called “Red”.

The Long History of the Youngest Sea

Over the entire period of its existence, the Red Sea, despite its young age (naturally, according to geological standards), has experienced a number of changes and cataclysms. For 25 million years, which for our planet can be considered only a short moment, the level of the World Ocean has constantly fluctuated, which, by the way, is still happening. Glaciers melted and new ones formed; the waters of the oceans rose and fell by tens, or even hundreds of meters. As soon as the level of the World Ocean dropped significantly, the Red Sea turned into a huge salt Lake, where the salt content was several times higher than the amount of salt per liter of water in the Dead Sea.

By the way, in currently The sea is connected to the ocean by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. The deepest point of the strait is 184 meters. One can only imagine what will happen if a new ice age begins and the level of the World Ocean drops by 190 meters. The Red Sea will cease to communicate with the waters of the Indian Ocean and will once again become dead. However, this does not threaten our contemporaries and descendants. Such a decrease in the level of the World Ocean occurs over hundreds of thousands of years, therefore amazing beauty the sea that washes the shores of Sudan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and, of course, Egypt will delight everyone who wants to see all that wealth underwater world, which can only be found in the Red Sea or on the Barrier Reefs.

Scientists have found that the Red Sea quite often lost its “connection” with the World Ocean, and its coast dried up and was covered with salt. As a result of this, even now, alas, you will not find lush vegetation on the shores of the Red Sea, and you will not be able to quench your thirst from the spring that flows. The water underground also tastes salty. Surprisingly, even rains in the Red Sea area will not give life-giving moisture to the soil; they, like the sea and the springs near it, are salty.

Forest by the Red Sea

Yes, dear reader, you heard right, in the northernmost part of the Red Sea there is a forest consisting of mangroves. This forest is part of a nature reserve called Nabq. Only mangroves are able to grow in salt water and do not require constant access to oxygen to the root system.

This amazing plant is able to remove excess salt through its leaves, and life-giving fresh moisture nourishes the wood. Mangroves usually grow together in such a way that it is quite difficult for a person to get through them, and once in a certain area, you can easily find yourself in a trap from which it is impossible to get out without outside help. The mangroves of the Red Sea are home to a huge number of animals and birds, whose lives are monitored by ornithologists and zoologists in the reserve.

Flora and fauna of the Red Sea

If we say that The Red Sea is real paradise for divers, fishermen and people interested in spearfishing, this will not be an exaggeration. You just have to put on a mask and pick up a snorkel, and right off the coast you can see the enchanting underwater world with many colorful corals, sponges, sea urchins and fish.

Sometimes it seems that each species competes with each other here in terms of brightness of color and unusual shape. The warm and crystal clear waters of the Red Sea support many species of underwater flora and fauna, most of which are endemic. Life underwater here is in full swing and does not stop even in the dead of night.

Today alone, scientists who conduct research in the depths of the Red Sea have discovered and described almost 1,500 invertebrates, and almost the same number of fish species. The waters of the Red Sea are home to almost 300 species of corals, the reproduction of which is a fantastic picture.

Huge sea turtles and frolicking dolphins complement the amazing landscape and tell the tourist that he is in a place where underwater life is revealed to man in all its glory.

It is surprising that, according to ichthyologists, no more than 60% of the underwater inhabitants of the Red Sea have been discovered in our time. The greatest depth of this unique sea is more than 3 kilometers, which means that most deep-sea fish are not yet known to science. So far, only forty-three species of fish living at great depths have been discovered. Also, the Red Sea constantly poses more and more mysteries for scientists. It is still unknown why about 30% of the inhabitants of the northern part of the sea cannot live in its other part.

It seems as if an invisible border prevents them from moving from north to south. Although the chemical composition of water and temperature conditions in these areas are almost identical. Maybe the reason lies in the word “almost”?...

Despite the extraterrestrial beauty of the underwater world, the Red Sea is fraught with a lot of dangers. Touching the most beautiful corals, sponges or fancy jellyfish in the sea is strictly prohibited. This is written about in almost every tourist brochure. Injection sea ​​urchin or the bite of a poisonous underwater snake, toothed moray eel can lead to burns, an allergic reaction, severe blood loss, and sometimes death of the victim.

When diving into the depths of the Red Sea, you must remember that it is home to 44 species of sharks. Some of them are quite harmless creatures that live only at great depths and feed on plankton or small fish. However, among them there are also species that are most dangerous to humans, for example, the tiger shark, which often attacks a person for no apparent reason. Its mouth is lined with huge, sharp teeth that can easily tear off a limb. Alas, but in Lately attacks by tiger sharks on vacationers began to be observed more and more often, which, for the most part, most often ended fatally. There is evidence that a great white shark was seen in the Red Sea, which, even according to scientists, is a killing machine.

Having a natural origin and characterized by a constant directional flow. It can start from a spring, a small pond, a lake, a swamp or a melting glacier. It usually ends by flowing into another larger body of water.

The source and mouth of a river are its essential components. The place where it ends its path is usually easy to see, and the beginning is often determined only conditionally. Depending on the terrain and the type of reservoirs into which rivers flow, their mouths may have differences and characteristic features.


From source to mouth, the river flows in a channel - a depression in the earth's surface. It is washed away by a stream of water. The mouth of a river is its end, and the source is its beginning. The land surface along the flow has a downward slope. This area is defined as a river valley or basin. They are separated from each other by watersheds - hills. During floods, water spreads into depressions - floodplains.

All rivers are divided into lowland and mountain. The former are characterized by a wide channel with a slow flow, while the latter are characterized by a narrower channel with a fast water flow. In addition to the primary source, rivers are fed by precipitation, groundwater and melt water, and other smaller streams. They form tributaries. They are divided into right and left, determined along the flow. All streams that collect water in a valley from source to mouth form a river system.

In line they distinguish deep places(reaches), holes in them (pools) and shallows (rifts). The banks (right and left) limit the water flow. If during floods the river finds more shortcut, then in the same place an oxbow or secondary channel (sleeve) ends in a dead end, which connects downstream with the main flow.

Mountain rivers often form waterfalls. These are ledges with a sharp difference in height of the earth's surface. In valleys near rivers with wide channels, islands can form - parts of land with or without vegetation.


Finding the beginning of a river can sometimes be difficult. Especially if it flows in a swampy area and takes water from many of the same type of fickle streams or springs. In this case, the beginning should be taken as the area where the current forms a permanent channel.

It is easier to determine the origin of a river if it starts from a pond, lake or glacier. Sometimes two independent large water streams, which have their own names, join together and then have one channel throughout. The neoplasm has its own name, but the point of confluence cannot be considered the source.

The Katun River, for example, connects with the Biya, which is similar in size. For both, the point of confluence will be their mouths. From this place the river already bears a new name - Ob. However, its source will be considered to be the place where the longer of these two tributaries originates. The confluence of the Argun and Shilka rivers seems to give rise to the Amur, but to say that this is its source is incorrect. At this point, two rivers merge to form a new name (toponym).


All rivers flow into a larger body of water. The places where they merge are easily determined. This could be a larger river, lake, reservoir, sea or ocean. For each case, the mouth will have its own characteristics.

In rare cases, the mouth of a river is where it ends, spreading over the surface without any new formation. Often the earth's surface in such areas has a minimal or reverse slope. In this case, the water slows down, seeps into the soil or evaporates (dry mouth). It also happens that its demand in certain regions is excessively high. Water is withdrawn for irrigation, drinking or other needs.

Taking this into account, an estuary is a section of a river where it flows into another larger body of water, ends up drying up naturally, or is used for consumer needs.

In addition to the usual confluence of rivers, deltas and estuaries are distinguished separately. They differ in the degree of manifestation of sedimentary rocks at the junction of the riverbed and the reservoir. Deltas are characteristic of rivers flowing into lakes, reservoirs and closed seas of continental type. They are formed by several branches and ducts.

On the coasts of oceans and open seas, the river is affected by ebbs and flows. Streams of salt water prevent silt deposits from being deposited, the depth remains constant, and wide estuaries are formed.

At the mouths of rivers there is often a long bay - a lip. It is a continuation of the channel, stretches to the very point of confluence and has a large width. The estuary, unlike the bay, is also a bay, but shallower due to the deposited silt deposits. It is often separated from the sea by a narrow strip of land. Formed due to flooding of low-lying coastal areas.


The name comes from the time of the historian Herodotus. Seeing the branched mouth of the Nile River, he called it a delta, since the outline of the area resembled the letter of the same name. This type of river mouth is a triangular formation consisting of several branches branching from the main channel.

Formed in areas where river flow carries downstream a large number of sedimentary rocks. At the confluence, the flow slows down and particles of silt, sand, small gravel and other debris settle to the bottom of the riverbed. Gradually its level rises and islands form.

The water flow is looking for new passage ways. The river level rises, it overflows its banks, flooding and developing adjacent areas with the formation of new branches, channels and islands. The process of settling of transported particles continues in a new place - the mouth continues to expand.

There are active deltas characterized by abundant sedimentary processes. They are formed under the influence of counter flows of fresh and sea ​​water. Internal deltas, in fact, are not such and can be located far from the mouth upstream of the river. They also have branching branches and ducts, but they then merge into a single channel.


If a river carries an insufficient amount of sediment into the sea or ocean, a delta does not form at its mouth. The influence of ebb and flow of tides also does not contribute to this. IN open seas and oceans where rivers flow, salty water, entering their mouths, forms a powerful stream and wave, which in some cases can go several kilometers deep, changing the direction of the main current. During low tides, the backflow of heavy seawater removes all sediment particles.

An estuary is a greatly expanded mouth of a river. Unlike the delta, it has an ever-increasing depth and a pronounced wedge-shaped shape. The stronger the impact of the tidal wave on the banks of the river, the more distinct the outlines of the estuary.

"Geography Experts" - Japan. Kazakhstan. Great Britain. 1. Determine by the contour which state is depicted. Grade 11. Australia. 2. "Mail". China. Belarus. Türkiye. Ukraine.

“Crossword on geography” - First steps in geography. What is the name of the model of the globe? What is the name of the line drawn on the globe and map. What is the longest parallel called? Compass. What is the name of a circle drawn parallel to the equator? Now you and I will solve the crossword puzzle. Symbols of a topographic map.

"Geography Quiz" - Bananas. Candies. 11. But if there are problems, welcome to the next slide! In India. 12. In the tundra. 13. 9. What is called “Negro bread” in Africa? 10. Delicious geography. I hope you answered all the questions in the quiz correctly. Goals and objectives: 1. Attracting interest in the study of geography. 2. Expanding the horizons of students.

“Questions on Geography” 7th grade” - Charades. Seas. Eskimo dwelling. Selva. Mountains. Copper. Savannah. Black Sea. Africa. Geographical puzzles. Desert inhabitants. Stages of the event. Andes. Panama. Yangtze. Researchers. Igloo. Ancient people. Element. Mountain chain. Red sea. Young shoots. Breeze. Geography experts. Continents. Fanza. Monsoon. Tsetse fly.

“Questions on Geography” - Exit. East Siberian. Ural. Taimyr. Beringovo. Which continent do all meridians cross? Name the third planet solar system. Pampa. Alaska. What is the name of the device for measuring atmospheric pressure? Sargasso. At the North Pole. Antarctica. Name the most big Island Russia. Black, White, Red, Yellow.

“Geography assignments, grade 6” - Lena. Everest. An object. Find the encrypted name of the ocean. Find the mistake made in the text. Lithosphere. Main features of lake basins. Development of attention. Eliminate the unnecessary title. Complete the puzzle. Encrypted geographical concept. Parts of the World Ocean. Rivers. Globe. Guess the metagram.

There are 11 presentations in total

Water of a mesmerizing azure color, with a visibility of several tens of meters - some bodies of water on the planet are still distinguished by incredible environmental indicators. They miraculously managed to escape the harmful influence of civilization; for thousands and millions of years, the water in them remains crystal clear. Some of the cleanest lakes and rivers on the planet are located in incredibly inaccessible places; to see them, tourists need to overcome a difficult path. Others, on the contrary, have long been centers tourist life, which does not prevent them from maintaining their unique environmental indicators. All the cleanest bodies of water on the planet are incredibly beautiful and certainly deserve the attention of the most sophisticated travelers.
Crater Lake, USA

In the USA, in the state of Oregon, there is an incredible beautiful lake Kreiter, it formed in a crater extinct volcano. This lake has become famous throughout the world for its unique deep blue water, which is considered one of the cleanest in the world. According to scientists, this lake was formed more than 7.5 thousand years ago, its average depth is about 350 meters. The size of the lake is also quite impressive, its length is about 9.6 km and its width is about 8 km.

This lake is one of the deepest not only in the United States, but also in North America. A few years ago around unique lake was formed national park, on the territory of which today they are conducting interesting excursions. The main event for travelers remains the climb to the crater of an extinct volcano; this is the only way to see the beautiful lake with your own eyes. In recent years, the amazing nature reserve has been visited annually by about 400,000 tourists from all over the world.

The crystal clear lake attracts not only curious travelers, but also ecologists and researchers. Several years ago, a group of scientists conducted an interesting experiment here. The fact is that initially there were no species of fish in Lake Kreiter; environmentalists decided to introduce some species of trout and salmon here. Their experiment was a complete success; today the lake is inhabited by fish. Tourists are even allowed to fish here, subject to the only condition - they must use artificial bait.

Lake Zyuratkul, Russia

In Russia among Ural mountains located amazing lake Zyuratkul, it is located at an altitude of 724 meters above sea level and is the most alpine lake Ural. The maximum depth of this lake is relatively small and is about 12 meters, and the area of ​​the reservoir is 13.5 square meters. km. Today, the amazing lake is considered one of the cleanest in the world, despite the fact that the water in it is by no means transparent. It has a cloudy tea color, which is explained by the fact that many streams flowing into the lake originate in swamps.

The area near the lake is famous not only for its natural beauty, but also for its historical sites. During the study, scientists discovered several important archaeological sites; here they raised tools of primitive people and found a giant geoglyph. For local residents Lake Zyuratkul has been a sacred landmark for hundreds of years; many interesting legends and beliefs are associated with it.

In the forests located along the shores of the lake, hundreds of years ago the Old Believers performed their rituals; while walking through them, today you can see unusual monuments carved from wood. In the territory national park Zyuratkul has excellent conditions for recreation. There are several equipped camping areas, so during the warm season, travelers can stay in these picturesque places for several days. There are hundreds of different excursions here, during which you can see the most significant natural attractions, as well as unique historical areas.

Piccaninny Ponds, Australia

In Australia, on the territory of the Piccaninny Nature Reserve, there is a system of ponds of the same name, which have recently been considered a favorite vacation spot for divers. There are three ponds in the system, all of them are crystal different clean water. However, each of these ponds has its own unique characteristics. The “First Pond” is the smallest, its depth is only 10 meters. Much deeper is the “Abyss” pond, its maximum depth is 100 meters. The water in this pond is crystal clear and visibility can reach 40 meters.

The Cathedral is considered the most unusual and interesting of the three ponds; its depth is 35 meters. This pond was formed in a grotto of limestone formation and is the most popular among divers. The system of ponds is located in a special swampy area, which is notable not only for its reservoirs, but also for its unique vegetation and fauna. This marshy area is home to several rare species of birds, the observation of which attracts not only ornithologists, but also tourists.

Piccaninny Park has a variety of hiking trails for tourists, as well as several excellent observation platforms, from which you can admire the beautiful ponds and their surrounding landscapes. Piccaninny National Park was established in 1969 and covers an area of ​​about 8.6 square kilometers. km. Since several years ago the ponds were opened to snorkeling and diving enthusiasts, today environmentalists monitor their cleanliness with particular care. For those who want to swim in these cleanest ponds, it will be necessary to comply with some formalities.

Lake Masyuko, Japan

In Japan, on the territory of the island of Hokkaido, there is another crystal clear lake - Masyuko. It is located in the Akan Nature Reserve, the lake is surrounded on all sides by incredibly beautiful mountain ranges covered with dense vegetation. This crystal clear lake was formed in a caldera active volcano, the water in it has a shade of rich blue color due to its special mineral composition. Hundreds of tourists visit this beautiful lake every day as part of organized excursions around the national reserve.

While walking through the mountainous areas, they will have the opportunity to see many rare plants, animals and birds; it is most interesting to walk through these colorful places in the summer. However, visiting the reserve in winter also has its charms. On the territory of the national park there is another crater lake, Kussyaro, which also has its own unique features. The thing is that several hot springs flow into it, which prevent some areas of the lake from freezing even in winter. This feature attracts many heat-loving birds to the reservoir; whooper swans always spend the winter here.

The main feature of Lake Masyuko is that not a single stream flows into it, nor does it flow out. Researchers believe that it is precisely this feature of the lake that allows it to maintain its crystal purity for hundreds of years. It is also worth noting that on the territory of the reserve there are several interesting miniature villages, where you can get acquainted with the life of local residents and buy interesting souvenirs.

Bowman Lake, USA

In the United States there is the amazing Lake Bowman, which is also famous for its clear water. It is located in Montana, on the territory national reserve Glacier. Despite the fact that the reserve is rich in a variety of natural attractions, it is still visited by very few tourists. This greatly contributes to the preservation of the unique ecosystem here. Lake Bowman is impressive in size: its length is about 11 km and its width is about 1.5 km.

This fabulously beautiful lake is considered one of the most transparent in the world; today tourists here are provided with all the conditions for organizing have an interesting holiday. They can not only walk around the reserve, but also spend several days in a tent camp. The lake is home to a lot of fish, which tourists are allowed to catch, and you can also swim in some areas of the lake.

Situated on the shore of the lake camping It works only in the warm season, it is well equipped. Toilets and even showers are equipped on its territory; every measure is taken here to preserve the ecology of these places. Today, the main guests of this “resort” are local residents, although last years Bowman Lake also attracts a fair number of foreign travelers. Getting to this wonderful lake is not difficult; there is a road through part of the reserve.

Lake Sheosar, Pakistan

In the northern part of Pakistan, in the territory of the Deosai National Park, there is a fabulously beautiful Lake Sheosar. It gained popularity among tourists precisely because of its crystal clean water, for hundreds of years this lake has remained one of the cleanest bodies of water on the planet. The maximum depth of this lake is 40 meters, its length reaches 2.3 km, and its width is 1.8 km. This lake is located in a very inaccessible mountainous area, at an altitude of 4,142 meters above sea level.

Both car and walking excursions are organized for travelers. nature reserve. By jeep you can get to a remote mountainous area in just a few hours, while walking usually takes at least two days. For nature lovers, the best way to explore the reserve is on foot; there are several specially designated areas on its territory where you can set up a tent camp.

The best time The period for visiting the beautiful lake and walking around the reserve is from the beginning of June to the end of September, at which time the plateaus surrounding the lake are covered with carpets of bright colors. One of the main inhabitants of these picturesque places are butterflies; there are several dozen species of them. Already in November, the beautiful valley and lake are hidden under thick snow; it completely disappears only by May. During the cold season, excursions around the reserve are not conducted.

Peyto Lake, Canada

In Canada, you should look for one of the cleanest lakes in Banff National Park, where the world-famous Peyto Lake is located. This lake is located in an incredibly beautiful foothill area, its area is about 5.3 square meters. km. The length of the lake stretches for 2.8 km, and its average width is only 800 meters. The first to discover this amazing lake was traveler Bill Peyto, and the lake got its name in honor of its discoverer.

One of the main features of the lake is its unusual shape; if you look at it from a bird's eye view, it resembles a huge wolf's head. The water in the lake has a rich turquoise hue, which also attracts attention. Every year the lake is replenished with water from nearby glaciers. Mountain streams bring with them tiny particles of minerals into the lake, which make the color of the water so unusual. Nowadays, several comfortable recreation centers are equipped for tourists on the shore of the lake. Here you can have a wonderful rest for a few days and enjoy the natural splendor.

These places are especially attractive to fishing enthusiasts; the lake is home to rainbow trout, salmon, pike and other species of noble fish. Those who want to fish in this wonderful place should take care of purchasing a license in advance. Guests of the reserve can diversify their holiday with exciting walks; there are extensive forests along the shores of the lake. Here you can see many rare animals and birds, and in the summer the reserve blooms rare species colors.

Lake Baikal, Russia

In the south of Eastern Siberia there is a world famous landmark - Lake Baikal. It is the world's largest reservoir of fresh water and the deepest lake on the planet, with a maximum depth of 1,642 meters. The area of ​​the lake is 31.7 square meters. km. The lake is interesting not only in itself, it is surrounded by unique natural landscapes. Many unique endemic animals live here, and you can also see a lot of rare plants.

Lake Baikal is of tectonic origin, its water is considered one of the cleanest in the world and is home to valuable species of fish. One of the main features of water is its high oxygen content, while the amount of minerals is very small. Lake Baikal is also one of the coldest in the world; the water temperature in it, even in the summer months, does not rise above +8 degrees Celsius.

One of the main unresolved issues related to the lake remains the theory of its origin. According to scientists, its formation was provoked by tectonic activity; the age of the lake is at least 25 million years. The inhabitants of the lake are of great interest to researchers; there are more than 2,600 species of them. More than half of the aquatic inhabitants are endemic and cannot be found in any other body of water in the world. One of the most important environmental problems Lake Baikal is wastewater. Many rivers flow into the lake, the water in some of them is polluted by industrial waste.

Moraine Lake, Canada

In Canada there is the famous glacial lake Moraine, it is located in Banff National Park. This lake is very small, its area is only 500 square meters. meters, and the maximum depth reaches 14 meters. At the same time, it is difficult to find equals in the beauty of this lake. The discoverer of this unique natural attraction was explorer Walter Wilcox. When he discovered this lake, he could not stop admiring it for half an hour. Later, in his manuscripts, the scientist noted that these were the happiest half an hour in his life.

This lake is located in a very inaccessible mountainous area, so for a long time no one knew about his existence. The water in the lake, which fills it year after year during the melting of glaciers, has a rich sapphire hue. Against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains, the lake looks fantastic. The best time to visit the lake is considered to be June; at this time the peak of glacier melting occurs and the lake reaches its maximum size.

Travelers can visit Moraine Lake only from May to September; the rest of the year the mountain road is closed for safety reasons. You can easily get to the lake by car, the nearest large locality is the city of Calgary. Recent years have been spent going to the lake organized excursions, By tourist route the bus runs. Half an hour’s drive from the lake there is a small mountain village, which will also be very interesting to visit as part of the excursion.

Lake Jenny, USA

Jenny Lake is located in northwestern Wyoming and is today part of Grand Triton National Park. This lake is also of glacial origin and is located at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level. According to researchers, the lake was formed about 12,000 years ago, its maximum depth reaches 129 meters, and its area is about 482 square meters. km. Despite the fact that this lake is one of the cleanest in the world, motor boats are allowed on it, which is actively used not only by researchers, but also by tourists.

The main route, formed along the shores of the lake, is called the Jenny Lake Trail; excursions here are conducted not only during the day, but also at night. Nearby is the beautiful Cascade Canyon, which is also an important attraction of these places. The name of the lake has a very interesting story. In 1872, one of the first large expedition groups, led by the Englishman Richard Lee, worked on the lake. This beautiful lake was later named after his wife Jenny.

Another attractive feature of the reservoir is the variety of fish species; fishing was allowed here several years ago. The most cherished catch of fishermen is trout; to go fishing here, you need to obtain a special license. Tourists are allowed to travel to these places only when accompanied by guides; among the inhabitants of the nearby forests there are many predatory animals, and bears are also found here. Just like many years ago, today the national park attracts hunters, and climbers also like to relax here.

Lake Pukaki, New Zealand

There are also many wonderful lakes in New Zealand, worthy of attention tourists. One of them is worth looking for on Yuzhny Island, where the beautiful Lake Pukaki is located. This lake of glacial origin has become famous throughout the world thanks to the rich blue color of the water, which, among other things, is also incredibly clean. The area of ​​the lake is 178.7 square meters. km, it is located at an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level. This fabulously beautiful reservoir stretches for 15 km in length and its width is about 8 km.

Several years ago, Lake Pukaki became part of a large hydropower system; experts made sure that such use of the reservoir would in no way affect its environmental performance. For local residents, the appearance of the hydraulic unit was a real breakthrough; it was thanks to the lake that they finally received stable electricity.

Not everyone knows that initially the glacial lake was very small, its maximum depth was no more than 25 meters. When the construction of a hydraulic station began in the 40s of the last century, the volume of the lake was significantly increased. Initially, in the center of the lake there was a small island, which, as a result of the expansion of the reservoir, was flooded. The water in the glacial lake is always very cold, so not everyone dares to swim in its crystal clear azure water. Even at the height of summer, its temperature is no more than + 7 degrees Celsius. Local residents have many beautiful legends associated with the lake; it got its name in honor of one of the mythical warriors.

Lake Tahoe, USA

California is home to the amazing freshwater Lake Tahoe, located in the picturesque foothills of the Sierra Nevada. This lake is well known to tourists; in its immediate vicinity there are several popular ski resorts. Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States, with an average depth of 305 meters and an area of ​​about 495 square meters. km. Among the most beautiful lakes in the world, Tahoe is considered one of the most easily accessible; large roads run along the entire perimeter of the reservoir.

The lake was formed at the site of a geological fault in the earth's crust about 3 million years ago. Today, not only the lake itself with water of a fantastic heavenly color is of great interest, but also the coniferous forests surrounding it. Here you can see many rare species of pine and fir, as well as rare species of shrubs and grasses. The lake was discovered relatively recently, in 1844, its discoverer was Lieutenant John Fremont.

He explored these mountainous areas in search of a river, and discovered an incredibly beautiful lake, which a few years later was explored by scientists from all over the world. Most tourists began to visit these places after 1960, when the Winter Olympic Games were held at one of the local resorts. Since those times, an excellent tourist infrastructure has remained here; today there are comfortable hotels near the lake, and there are also many ski slopes of varying difficulty levels. It will be interesting for lovers to relax here too. hiking, at any time of the year, exciting excursions are held near the lake.

Blue Lake, New Zealand

One of the cleanest and most unusual lakes on the planet with the complex name Rotomairewhenua is located in New Zealand; translated from the Maori language its name means “Blue Lake”. This miniature freshwater lake is located within the Nelson National Forest and is part of a complex system of lakes. Ecologists began to study the reservoir in detail only in 2011; they accidentally discovered that the water in the lake is extremely clean.

Visibility there can reach 80 meters. From year to year, the lake is fed by water from nearby glaciers. Dripping with mountain peaks, it passes through many natural rocks, which act as a natural filter. Largely due to its purity, the water in the lake has an amazing hue, which during the day varies from deep blue to light purple.

One of the first specialists to show interest in the lake was hydrologist Rob Mirriles. After admiring the crystal clear water, travelers should definitely take a walk through the forests and mountain ranges. There are no any near the lake tourist centers, it is extremely rare to meet travelers here. The main visitors to these picturesque places are researchers and ecologists; recently, as a result of a major study of water in Blue Lake They equated it in properties and quality to distilled water.

Petermann River, Greenland

Some rivers are also striking in their amazing purity of water. An excellent example is the Petermann River, located in Greenland; it is known to a wide range of travelers under the unofficial name of the Blue River. The location of the river is the glacier of the same name, which melts in the summer and forms many small streams. They all converge into a single river, the water of which has a rich blue tint.

The incredibly beautiful and clean river poses a huge threat to the world ecology. In recent years, the Petermann Glacier has begun to melt four times faster, which is contributing to a significant increase in the water level of the world's oceans. According to researchers, the glacier will melt even more rapidly in the coming years, which could lead to serious environmental disasters. In the meantime, the crystal clear river is of great interest to scientists. They can estimate the composition of glacial waters that have been frozen for millions of years.

It is very difficult for ordinary travelers to reach this remote corner of the world with an incredibly harsh climate; this can only be done together with organized expedition groups. Now environmentalists are trying to take all possible measures to minimize the influx of glacier meltwater into the world ocean. In the coming years it may lose up to 100 sq. kilometers of ice, this amount of melt water would be enough to supply a large metropolis for 10 years.

Weddell Sea, Antarctica

Off the coast of West Antarctica lies the beautiful Lake Weddell, which is also one of the cleanest bodies of water on the planet. It bears its name in honor of the discoverer J. Weddell, who made an expedition to these places in 1832. The sea area is 2,900,000 square meters. km, and its maximum depth reaches 6,800 meters. In addition to the incredibly beautiful water of a heavenly hue, the sea is distinguished by a huge number of ice floes that float in it all year round.

This beautiful, clear sea is home to thousands of aquatic inhabitants, huge populations of whales, seals and fish live here, and penguins are also typical inhabitants of these places. Today the Weddell Sea is considered the cleanest in the world. The last major study of its water took place in 1986, the average visibility was estimated at 79 meters, which corresponds to distilled water.

Not all research groups, not to mention ordinary tourists, decide to sail on this sea; drifting ice poses a huge threat to ships. WITH northern sea There are many natural and physical phenomena associated. The water in it never freezes, despite the fact that its temperature can reach -25 degrees Celsius. The Weddell Sea is the coldest and cleanest sea on the planet. To see it with your own eyes, travelers need to be part of one of the research expeditions, but they go to this harsh sea extremely rarely