Hiking along route 30. Hiking in Russia

“Route 30” - this hike in the Caucasus was recognized as the best hiking route in the USSR; Nowadays it has not lost any of its attractiveness for tourists of different levels and ages who want to enjoy the beauty of the Caucasus.

Hiking "Route No. 30" in the Caucasus passes along the once most famous in the USSR walking routeNo. 30 in the mountains of Adygea("thirty"). Every year thousands of tourists from all over Russia and abroad pass through it; its length exceeds 60 km.

This is an active holidayas part of a hike along route 30 in the best traditions tourist trips- food is cooked over a fire, sleep in tents, all things are carried in backpacks. At the same time, the “thirty” hike in Adygea is quite feasible for people in satisfactory athletic shape without acute diseases or physical defects.

Hike along route No. 30 in the Caucasus begins in the mountainous region of Hadjokh, and ends in resort village Dagomys (Sochi). On a hike on route 30 in the Caucasus we will see the Kuban steppes, and alpine meadows, and coniferous, deciduous forests, and the nature of real subtropics.

Now let’s talk in detail about what the phrase “route No. 30” includes. in the Caucasus, through Fisht:

Route 30 Caucasus - 1 day:

The main gathering place for the group is the Krasnodar railway station, until 8 am. There will be a transfer from here participants of the hike "Route 30" through Maykop to the village. Kamennomostsky (another name is Khadzhokh). The instructor will meet all other participants at the final point (Khadzhokhe) from lunch to evening, since the overnight stay will be near the station.

Today, on a hike along route 30, we will explore the surroundings of the village. Hadjokh. In a 15-minute walk we will see the main highlight of these places - the canyon of the Belaya River (Khadzhokh Gorge). We will be able to admire the rumbling and raging mountain river at the bottom of the canyon, walk along shaky bridges on a hike along route 30. We will also visit the Rufabgo waterfalls. Picturesque, but not too deep, after rains they turn into raging streams of muddy water. The 15-meter "Lace" is the tallest of them. Here, in a cozy clearing on the bank of the river, we will break camping, we'll cook dinner over the fire and spend the first night hike route 30, Caucasus.

(kilometre: about 8 km)

Route 30 in the Caucasus in the area of ​​Mount Fisht - Day 2:

In the morning we move to the Abadzesh Pass. This is already the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve: around us are lush herbs of the alpine zone and karst sinkholes, at the bottom of some there is snow even in summer. Gradually we move through the Abadzesh pass to the Rublenny stream on a hike along route No. 30. We go out to the famous Lagonaki plateau, where we admire the three-thousander Oshten, the treeless slopes of which contrast with the green hills of Lagonaki. At a stream where you can swim, we will stop for the second night in a tent camp on the hike “Along Route No. 30.”

(climb on a hike along route 30 in the Caucasus: 330 m, mileage: 10 km)

Route 30 in the Caucasus- Day 3:

Today on a hike along route 30 We leave our tents and things in place and set off for a radial trek to Mount Oshten (2804 m). Its wild slopes are in some places covered with white caps of the eternal snows of the Caucasus. It is important to leave as early as possible, because after lunch the top of Oshten is covered with clouds, which is dangerous for movement. Along the route No. 30, wonderful views of the Main Caucasian Ridge, underfoot there are many beautiful flowers (for example, the rare black tulips), many of which are endemic to the Caucasus. Accommodation today according to the hiking program along route 30 In the same place. Don't forget to admire the stars, which are much brighter here than in the cities!

(elevation gain: 754 m, trekking distance "Route No. 30" in the Caucasus in Adygea: 14 km)

Route 30 through Fisht. Caucasus - Day 4:

We continue our journey along route No. 30 in the Caucasus. The morning trek will give us new beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and valleys of the Caucasus. Then along the Guzeriplsky and Armenian passes we will go to the Fisht parking lot on the hike "Along Route No. 30". The same thing happens here White River- already powerful and wide, and there is also a very pleasant parking place. Those who find it too little can go on a radial trek (8 km) to the small Fishta glacier on a hike along route 30 in the Caucasus. It has been preserved since the last glaciation - about 10 thousand years ago, and in the scatterings of stones you can often find a fossilized shell or ammonite. The overnight stay will be at the Fisht tourist shelter.

(height drop: 470 m, mileage: 10 or 18 km)

Caucasus, hike along route 30 - Day 5:

Today's challenge hiking route 30 in the Caucasus- conquest of the Fisht-Oshten pass. First we will approach the Caucasian mountain lake Psenodakh, which has the shape of a crescent. The lake itself is quite shallow - just above the knee, but in one place there is an interesting funnel with a depth higher than human height. Mountains Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su, located near Psedonakh, are considered three brother mountains in local legends. The older brother is Fisht (2867 m), the middle one is Oshten (2804 m) and the younger “brother” Pshekho-Su (2744 m). From the conquered pass on the hike on route No. 30 we will have magnificent views of the rocky slopes of Mount Fisht and the sharp ridge Great Glacier. We will quickly descend from the pass to spend the night more comfortably.

(altitude gain: 630 m, altitude loss: 650 m, mileage hiking route 30 in the Caucasus: 13 km)

Route 30 Caucasus - Day 6:

Since morning on the hike “Along Route No. 30” in the Caucasus we will move on a short transition to the Circassian Pass. Along the way we will see an impressive 200-meter waterfall. Let's walk through Moonlight Glade, where V. Putin's dacha is being built. Let's admire the peak of Mount Mavrikoshka and the Circassian Pass (Caucasus), where a stele was erected in memory of those killed during the Second World War. We will spend the night at the Circassian Pass. By this time, the sleeping bag will seem much more comfortable than perhaps on the first nights!

(altitude gain: 700 m, altitude loss: 390 m, mileage hike "Along Route No. 30" in the Caucasus: 11 km)

Route 30 Caucasus - Day 7:

In the first half of the day hike along route No. 30 We have a long descent ahead of us through the beech forest, which is not called “fun” for nothing. The lower we go, the thicker and warmer the air becomes - the approach of the sea is more and more noticeable on route 30 in the Caucasus. The descent will lead us to the Babuk-aul farm. Having passed through the cordon, we leave the reserve and move towards the Shakhe River, across which a bridge has recently been restored, which will save us from the ford. We will set up camp on the bank of Shahe.

(altitude drop on the hike “Along Route No. 30” in the Caucasus: 1670 m, kilometer: 23 km)

Route 30 Caucasus, Adygea - Day 8:

Along a picturesque forest road, under the steady sound of the river, we move to the Solokh-Aul farm on route No. 30, from which it is a stone's throw to the long-awaited sea in the Caucasus. We pass the almost completely extinct village of Bzog. Near the river of the same name we will see a three-stage waterfall. Soon the magnificent canyon of the Skalisty stream will open before us on the hike "Along Route No. 30". Numerous streams and waterfalls flow down the walls of the canyon, water dust sparkles in the sun's rays. In the village of Solokh-Aul, those who wish will be able to visit the tea museum and listen to the interesting fate of the “father of Krasnodar tea” I. Koshman, and they will also be able to ride horses. From here the bus is coming to Dagomys and Sochi, to the warm waters of the Black Sea.

(altitude drop on a hike in the Caucasus "along route No. 30": 1670 m, kilometer: 23 km)

Route 30 through the Caucasus Fisht - Day 9:

The evening and night at sea will certainly be remembered for pleasant sensations. Today our hike along route No. 30 in the Caucasus is over, it’s time to part ways and return home. Those who wish can extend their vacation in beach mode.

“People often ask me: why do you need all this?
I answer: because every step I take is in the mountains Caucasus during a hike opens up unprecedented horizons and stunning beauties... Then, to feel victory when I climb to the top with my last strength... Then, that there are people with me who, in these “terrible conditions and hard physical exertion,” find, like me , relaxation and the meaning of life..."

Travel fills and decorates life. And hiking is the most romantic way to travel. After an interesting and eventful trekking, a person returns to normal life with a huge reserve of physical and mental health. New impressions and a beneficial, strengthening effect on the body make people go on hiking tours again and again.

RussiaDiscovery offers interesting hikes around Russia, along the most amazing places Russia. Do you dream of seeing the Putorana plateau? Do you want to touch the mysteries and beauty of Altai? Do you want to climb magnificent peaks and enjoy the grandeur of the mountain landscape? We offer routes that we ourselves are sincerely inspired by.

Active holidays on holiday weekends

A number of programs are designed so that the trip takes place during the holidays. Leisure- This The best way fill your little vacation with events. A full-fledged journey and exciting impressions remain in your memory.

We propose to spend the New Year's weekend in Altai and celebrate Christmas with adventures in the Caucasus. On spring break you can go on a trip to Crimea with your children. A variety of programs will allow you to find a trip that will match the dates of your vacation. Contact our managers, they will help you choose the best option.

Variety of routes and types of active recreation

Submitted hiking trips in Russia include such territories as:

  • Altai,
  • Kamchatka,
  • Kola Peninsula,
  • Siberia,
  • Caucasus,
  • Crimea,
  • Far East,
  • Putorana plateau,
  • Chukotka,
  • Yakutia
  • and others.

Trekking tours in Russia provide a rich program of active recreation, which may include:

Combined tours involve a combination of several types of active recreation within one program.

Travel conditions

Accommodation and meals are included in the tour price. Depending on the specific tour program, this could be accommodation in hotel rooms, in a cabin in the forest, in a tent camp, or even in a catamaran cabin.

The program is designed in such a way that the journey does not become just a grueling transition.

However, each walking tour presented on the site has a special mark on the level of difficulty. In our list you can find how extreme tours, such as “Primeval Kamchatka”, and tours on which you can take children from 8 years old.

All the basic equipment needed for hiking: cars, boats and equipment is also included in the price of the tour.

They pass through the most interesting places of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains and beyond.

There are, have been and will be hiking trips in Crimea. This is an active holiday in Crimea and, as a result, a healthy lifestyle!

Mountain hikes in Crimea are easy and relaxing! While traveling around this beautiful and small country, we will storm peaks and conquer passes, wander through shady forests, spending the night in tents under open air, drink the delicious water of the springs, spend leisurely evenings talking about things around the fires and be involved in everything that surrounds us. We will get to know the mountainous Crimea by walking, enjoying the splendor of the views opening from the tops of low, but so beautiful and dear to the heart mountains, we will try to penetrate the innermost secrets of gorges, rocks, ridges...

Hiking in the mountainous Crimea is a good and interesting and educational thing. For those who love active recreation, long hikes, and are naturally curious!))

Time passes, and new things come into the world, and you sit and think how, what and why. New vacation, to the mountains or somewhere else, in all its manifestations? Yes! And so, after some thought, it was decided to expand the geography of our site by creating topics - Hiking in the Crimea with children, Auto-pedestrian tours in the Crimea, trekking in Nepal, hiking in the Caucasus and Turkey.

  • Hiking around the Crimea with children is a children's hike, not technically difficult, with dads and moms who want to introduce the younger generation to the living world of the planet.
  • Hiking tours in Crimea are a lightweight option for those who, for some reason, cannot participate in hikes with full equipment, i.e. with large backpacks for autonomous travel.
  • Trekking in Nepal is an acquaintance with the most high peaks planet and the amazingly beautiful originality of the east.
  • Hiking in the Caucasus, difficult mountains and passes, but interesting to everything that your eyes see.
  • The Lycian Trail hike in Turkey introduces the traveler to a smiling country, where it is always warm and hospitable.

After all, in each of us there is an enduring and glorious curiosity of the road, new worlds and recognition, and what is there, around the corner!

Hiking trip in Crimea "From goblin to mermaids"

  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The length of the hiking route is 59 km

There are miracles there, the devil wanders there...

The tourist route of the hike “From goblin to mermaids” passes through one of the most sparsely populated corners of the mountains of Eastern Crimea. On this hike through the mountains of Crimea we will meet cheerful watermen living in the wonderful waterfalls of the canyon of the Kuchuk-Karasu river, funny foresters will tell us incredible stories about the local forest inhabitants on the top of Mount Kok-Tash. We will swim with marvelous mermaids in the cool waters mountain lake and ancient caravan roads, through the mountains eastern Crimea, with my goblin friends, let's go to the bluest, most beautiful Black Sea in the world. About the amazing land of beautiful bays, juniper groves and rocks - tracts New World The little, fabulous owners of these places, hospitable gnomes, will tell us.

Route thread:Lower Kok-Asan - Upper Kok-Asan - Kuchuk-Karasu Canyon - Khmelevskoye Reservoir - Kok-Tash town - lane. Raven - trans. Maski - Orta-Syrt ridge - Black Waterfall - Kutlakskaya Bay - Karaul-Oba - New World - Sudak

Crimean mountain hike "In the shadow of the wind"

  • The hike lasts 6 days and 5 nights.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • Length - 84 km.
  • Southwestern route of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains.
  • Age limit - children from 12 years old.

Difficulty - high, large transitions.

Southwestern Crimea... Along the very edge, along the cliffs of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, this route runs. We will visit Grand Canyon Crimea, from the viewing platform of the Yalta meridian we will admire the expanses of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila, see the rocks of the Kastropol and Foros edges, pass through the Shaitan-Merdven, Baydar Gates, Laspinsky passes and see the beautiful rocks and bays of the “Lost World” of Cape Aya, previously closed to the public

Route thread:Simferopol - Sokolinoe village - Grand Canyon of Crimea - Ai-Petri - At-Bash - Spirady - Morcheka - Shaitan-Merdven pass - Baydar Gate - Laspinsky pass - Cape Aya - Balaklava

Southwestern route of Crimea

  • The trip lasts 6 days and 5 nights
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • Travel cost - 7300 rubles
  • The length of the hiking route is 64 km.
  • Southwestern route of the Inner and Main ridges of the Crimean Mountains.

" I'll lock myself here with Ariosto and 1001 Nights

Ivan Matveevich Muravyov-Apostol

Shady forests, telescopes and skies, canyons and rivers, cave cities and the roads of the ancients, the hills of the Crimean yayls and we, stomping in the beautiful landscapes of the small, but always loved by all, Crimea.

This hiking route in Crimea is designed as a hike of medium difficulty, and is quite passable for all age groups.

Route thread: Simferopol - village Scientific – cave. the city of Tepe-Kermen - Laki - Vysokoye - Bogatyr - Boyko massif - Grand Canyon of Crimea - Ai-Petri - Taraktash trail - Uchan-Su waterfall - Yalta.

Hiking "Passes of Eastern Crimea"

  • The hike lasts 7 days and 6 nights.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 7100 rubles.
  • The length of the hiking route is 78 km.
  • Eastern route The main ridge of the Crimean mountains.

The tourist routes of Crimea are interesting and even unique in their own way. Why, you ask? And you pick up the kaleidoscope of Crimea. Stop by. And turn slowly. The colored glass of the landscapes shimmer with all their wonders, change from one to another, transform into something new... and live, live their eternally beautiful life of the planet.

The hiking route is beautiful, a little difficult (long treks), varied and interesting!

In this hike we will have to conquer almost all the main passes of the Main Range of the mountains of eastern Crimea. The splendor of the landscapes, the openness of these places, canyons and rivers will not leave anyone indifferent on this route. We will follow the ancient caravan routes leading from the Varangians to the Greeks, climb the panoramic peaks of the mountains of Northern Demerdzhi, Tyrke, Karabi-yayla, swim in the wonderful waterfalls of the Kuchuk-Karasu canyon, and descend along the paths of the wild Kara-Kishla gorge, popularly called the Lesser Caucasus to the village of Morskoye, to the bluest Black Sea in the world .

Route thread:Angarsk pass - Northern Demerdzhi - Tyrke city - Karabi-yayla - Chigenitra gorge - Big Gate lane - Small Gate lane - Calliston lane - Alakat lane - Khurguch city - Upper Kok-Asan - Kuchuk-Karasu river - per. N. Shelen - village. Marine.

Hiking in Crimea with children

  • The hike lasts 6 days and 5 nights.
  • Type of hike: self-contained, with accommodation in tents.
  • The cost of travel is 7600 rubles.
  • Length - 45 km.
  • Venue: mountains of eastern Crimea.
  • Age limit - children from 5 years old.

"Ur-r-r-r-r-i-i-i-i! We're going on a hike!"

The proposed hiking route with children takes place in the mountains of eastern Crimea and is specially designed for fathers and mothers who want to introduce their children to the living world of the planet.

Children are cheerful, curious people: - What is this, why is this, and how does it work, maybe I’ll try... And so on, and everything in the same spirit happens wherever possible.)) So on hikes, where children stomp through the mountains along with adults, we hear every now and then: - What is the name of this flower and what kind of bird is singing there, and what kind of star is this, mom, and we still have a long way to go...))

We will learn how to pitch tents, make fires, determine the cardinal directions by local signs, determine the weather by clouds and sun, learn a little about the starry sky and how to cook food over a fire. At the end of the route we will have the Black Sea and an unusual quest with gifts. But what kind of quest you will find out directly in this very, very children’s trip to the Crimea)).

Route thread: Simferopol – Strawberry – Maski Pass – Khalasys-Oba (Diamond Mountain) – Mesopotamia – Black Waterfall – Kutlak Bay – Cape Ai-Foka – New World – Sudak

Crimea "Hike to Koktebel, to the land of blue hills"

  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 7800 rubles.
  • The length of the hiking route is 52 km.
  • South-eastern Crimea.

The route of the hike in Crimea passes through the mountains and the coastline South-Eastern Crimea and is intended for all lovers of the sun, beautiful landscapes, for those who love traveling around this sunny peninsula. We will visit ancient monasteries, climb mountains Sandyk-Kaya, Echki-Dag. From the tops of these observation mountains we will see the beautiful bays and bays of the southern coast, admire the sun-scorched, windswept hills of the ancient Meganoma and visit one of most interesting places Crimea - volcanic massif Kara-Da g. And, of course, the bluest thing in the world, the Black Sea, will be with us all the time. Here, like nowhere else, you can feel the splendor of the world around us, its beauty and infinity. Simple, uncomplicated transitions, peace and quiet of these places will allow us to temporarily forget about civilized, somewhere over the horizon, life.

Route thread:Simferopol - Surb-Khach (Holy Cross) monastery - Surb-Stepanos monastery - Lysaya mountain - Sandyk-Kaya mountain - Kizil-Tash tract - Kiziltash monastery of St. Stephen of Surozh - Echki-Dag mountain - Fox Bay - Kara-Dag mountain range - Koktebel and its surroundings.

Hiking trip in Crimea "Okoyomy Tarkhankut"

  • The route lasts 6 days and 5 nights.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 7300 rubles.
  • The length of the hiking route is 47 km
  • The coast of the westernmost Crimea.

Where the wind is dry and cool,

Tarkhankut rises from the sea...

What is Tarkhankut?... Firstly, it is the westernmost tip Crimean peninsula. Secondly, these are the horizons of the steppes, sky and sea scattering in all directions. Thirdly, from the wild, inaccessible cliffs of this peninsula you can feel all the vastness and splendor of the world around us... The route runs along the very edge of the steep coastal line of the entire peninsula. In spring it is the delicate green of the feather grass steppes of Tarkhankut, the cobalt blue of the sea and the cutting whiteness of the cliffs. In autumn, the ocher-yellow shores, cozy bays, wonderful sunsets and the same unrestrained horizons and sea, sea, sea...

Route thread:Evpatoria - Chernomorskoe - Abuzlar gully - Rapanya gully - Kipchak gully - Bolshoy Kastel gully - Dzhangul tract - Cape Priboyny - Olenevka village - Bolshoy Atlesh - Maly Atlesh - Uzhisheche Bay - Cape Uret - Maryino village - Evpatoria.

Hiking in Crimea "Kanis Route"

  • Duration - 6 days.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 7100 rubles.
  • Length of the hike route - 69 km
  • All eastern and southeastern Crimea.

Canis is Latin for dog. Why did we name the route that? Everything is very simple .

A long time ago, when there were still groups of planned routes, we met in the mountains of Crimea these wonderful creatures living there, omnipresent, roaming anywhere and knowing everything in the world, nimble, agile, varied mongrels who attached themselves to us, got acquainted and walked with us all the days of the hike. To end! We fed them, gave them nicknames, because they had no name or gender, and they became full members of our team.

At crossings they ran ahead, looking back at us, sometimes disappearing into the unfamiliar, disappearing somewhere, suddenly appearing and wagging their tails from the excess of their canine emotions. Tongue to one side, friendliness and happiness in movements.

Where have you been?

South-eastern campaign in Crimea "Cimmerian distances"

  • The route lasts 7 days and 6 nights.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 8300 rubles.
  • The length of the hiking route is 64 km
  • South-eastern Crimea, its coast and mountains.

South-eastern Crimea... Its coast... Bays and bays illuminated by the generous sun, low, windswept hills of sunny valleys, steep cliffs of betlands Meganoma, cape Bugas, Tolstoy... Unusual and at the same time familiar names - Sudak, Fox Bay, Echki-Dag, Kara-Dag, Koktebel, Quiet- attract many travelers here. This is a trip to the country of unrestrained sun, sea distances, beautiful coastlines, starry nights, sunrises, unexpected meetings and good mood.

Route thread:Simferopol - Sudak - Meganom massif - Cape Bugas - Cape Tolsty - Chalki Bay - Fox Bay - Echki-Dag mountain - Kizil-Tash tract - Sandyk-Kaya mountain - Sleeping Beauty mountain - Cimmeria country - Quiet Bay- Koktebel - Sudak - New World - Sudak

Auto-trip around Crimea "Beyond Summer"

Tour conditions:

  • Number of days – 4 days, three overnights.
  • Travel cost: 5500 rub.
  • Kilometers: walking part – 36 km. Auto – about 300 km.
  • Accommodation in comfortable and simple tourist centers(hot water, kitchen, shower, wi-fi).
  • We all prepare food (breakfasts and dinners) together, forming a consistent duty.
  • The departure and departure on the last day of the hike is independent (we don’t know who will go where at the end of the route, but if it’s to Simferopol, we’ll certainly take you).
  • Your own escort car.
  • Eastern route of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

In spaces mountain Crimea there are places where a traveling person who loves the quiet and beautiful timelessness of nature will receive truly aesthetic pleasure from walking into the deserted and hidden mountains, where everything he sees will become and remain with him for a long time.

One of these places in Crimea is the Arpat tract, living on the southern slopes of the Main Crimean Range in the southeast of Crimea, where we will spend some time walking around the nearby mountains and waterfalls. I was always struck by the privacy of this place. From the peaks there are magnificent views of the entire southern coast, in the gorges there is the transparent fluidity of waters and the comfort of the rocks of mountain gorges.

At the end of the route we have a classic Crimean trail - climbing Mount Sokol (Senator, Kush-kaya, 473 m above sea level) and visiting the Novy Svet tract. Sea. How could it be without the sea? This is Crimea! It, the sea, is very beautiful when there is no one.))

Hiking trip in Crimea "Peaks and caves of Mount Chatyr-Dag"

  • The hike lasts 3 days and 2 nights.
  • Type - self-contained hike with accommodation at a camp site.
  • The length of the hiking route is 34 km

Spread out... lying...

There are no contradictions in it.

Chatyr-Dag massif.

The route of the hike “Peaks and caves of Mount Chatyr-Dag” is a three-day journey through stone island height from 1000 before 1500 meters.

Many years ago, as a result of earthquakes, a small section of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, namely the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, separated from the main mass of the main range and “drove” 10 kilometers into the depths of the peninsula. Now this is one of 140 wonderful landscape monuments of Crimea!

The route of the hike is well thought out and therefore suitable for both beginners (dummies) and experienced (advanced) tourists who have already gone on mountain hikes more than once .

Crimea and the Chatyr-Dag mountain range these are two inseparable concepts. This mountain is beautiful at any time of the year!

We will spend the night in a cozy mountain shelter, where there is everything necessary for life, even a sauna and a fireplace room, so we only take personal equipment and food with us. We will make radial treks to the upper plateau of the mountain Chatyr-Dag, let's climb to its heights Eklizi-Burun And Hangar-Burun– magnificent observation points of the mountainous Crimea, we will examine equipped and unequipped karst caves lower plateau.

P.S. This route is interesting not only in winter, but also in summer! We look at the list of summer equipment.

Route thread: Simferopol - village Perevalnoe / s. Sosnovka - Chatyr-Dag massif - lower plateau - Marble Cave - Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave - Partizanskaya Cave - Vyalovsky Forest - upper plateau of the massif - Eklizi-Burun 1527 m - Hangar-Burun 1453 m - Yew Gorge - Angarsk Pass.

Hiking in eastern Crimea "On the roads of the ancients..."

  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 4000 rubles.
  • The length of the route is 32 km.
  • Eastern spurs of the Karabi-Yayla massif.

The route of the hike across the Crimea “The Roads of the Taurians” passes in the area of ​​the eastern spurs mountain range Karabi-Yayla is the largest highland in Crimea by area, included in the main line of the Main Crimean Ridge at altitudes from 800 to 1000 meters above sea level.


  • Remoteness from the main tourist trails of Crimea, therefore - complete desertion.
  • The first day, for adaptation, in the forest: not hot and good.
  • Good visibility on the second and third days of the journey.
  • Parking near springs, where there are beautiful views and firewood
  • The splendor of the night stars: stretch out your hand and touch infinity.
  • Sunrises and sunsets are also ours and very impressive!
  • Communication, trail, mountain herbs, tea, conversations about nothing and everything, the world of Crimea and us!

Minuses: There are no downsides, because these are mountains!

Route thread: Simferopol – Krasnoselovka (Yeni-Sala) – Bai-Su tract – Karabi-Yayla – Chigenitra gorge – Rybachye (Tuak)

Hiking in the eastern Crimea "From goblin to mermaids"

  • The route lasts 5 days and 4 nights.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 6100 rubles.
  • The length of the hiking route is 51 km.
  • Mountains of eastern Crimea.

Routes hiking routes around Crimea are simple and interesting for beginner tourists. Here is one of them:

This route follows the paths of the mountains of eastern Crimea and is intended for beginner tourists. Technically simple transitions will allow us to appreciate the waterfalls of the river canyon Kuchuk-Karasu, antiquity of the caravan route of the pass Lower Shelen, splendor of panoramas South Bank Crimea from the heights of Mount Papaya-Kaya ( cape I-Phoka or Boar), the coolness of the waters Veselovskaya Bay, the majesty of the rocky walls of the mountain Karaul-Oba and one of most beautiful places eastern Crimea - tracts Novy Svet.

Route thread: Lower Kok-Asan - Upper Kok-Asan - Kuchuk-Karasu Canyon - Khmelevskoye Reservoir - Kok-Tash - lane N. Shelen - village Morskoe - Cape Ai-Foka - Kutlakskaya (Veselovskaya) Bay - Mount Karaul-Oba - New World - Sudak

Crimea hike "Journey through the country of Demerdzhi"

  • The route lasts 3 days and 2 nights.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • The cost of travel is 4000 rubles.
  • The length of the route is 38 km.
  • The middle part of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

As you know, humans are curious by nature. Why does he strive to find out what is there, around the corner?.. The answer is not at all complicated. We're just wired that way. And therefore, all the time, humanity is constantly discovering something new, unknown.

One of the most beautiful places on Earth is located in Crimea, in the middle part of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains. These are mountains Northern And South Demerdzhi. We will climb these beautiful mountains, let's examine the well-known Valley of Ghosts, we will visit one of the most beautiful landscape monuments of Crimea - Khapkhal tract, which contains one of the deepest waterfalls in Crimea with unusual name Jur-Jur. If desired, we can change the route of the hike and walk along the spacious Crimean yayla (yayla, dzheylyav - Turkic meadow, pasture) mountains Northern Demerdzhi and mountains Tyrke.

Route thread: Simferopol- Angarsk pass - Elhyi-Kaya mountain - Funa pass - Pakhkal-Kaya mountain - North Demerdzhi mountain - Demerdzhi saddle pass - South Demerdzhi mountain - Dzhurla tract - Tyrke yayla- Khapkhal gorge - Jur-Jur waterfall - village. Generalskoye - Black Sea

  • The route lasts 3 days and 2 nights.
  • Travel cost - 4000 rubles
  • The length of the hiking route is 32 km
  • Southwestern Crimea.

Very close, next to the Heraclean Peninsula, at the tip of the western mountains of the Main Ridge of Crimea, there is a protected, previously closed to the public, landscape natural monument Cape Aya. Three days spent in these places, easy treks, wonderful views from the mountain tops Kush-Kaya And Kokiya-Kaya, the wildness of the rocks of the lost world, the blue of the sea and sky, the coziness of the bays, the antiquity of the fortress Chembalo, inaccessibility of mountain fortifications Ascetic will allow us, at least for a short time, to detach ourselves from the realities of time, the noise of cities, industrial household chores and other things...

Route thread: Sevastopol - Laspinsky pass - Mount Kush-Kaya - Mount Kokia-Kaya - “ lost World” - Ayazma tract - Mount Asceti - Chembalo - Balaklava

Hike through the mountains to the sea along route 30

Famous All-Union a tourist route No. 30 “Through the mountains to the sea” Of course, we will go along the most interesting, shortened part of it, so the entire route, which has existed since the 30s of the last century, was covered in 21 days. The basic idea of ​​changing several climatic zones for the hike.

Group meeting place and time

At the Magnit store in the village of Kamennomostsky. Republic of Adygea, Maykop district.

You must be at the meeting place at 9.00 Moscow time.

From Kamennomostsky we move in an organized manner to the starting point, at the Lago-Naki checkpoint at the Azishsky pass. 40 km.

For participants who do not have personal transport, transportation to the starting point will be organized. Not included in the price. On average 500 rubles per person.

It is better to inform the trek coordinator in advance about the routes to the starting point and meeting point.

How to get to the meeting point without personal transport?

Start place and time

Checkpoint Lago-Naki on the Azishsky pass.

You must be at the start site at 10.00 Moscow time.

Personal vehicles can be left in a guarded parking lot at the checkpoint.

Finish place and time

The village of Solokh-Aul. Lazarevsky district, municipaleducation "resort city"Sochi,Krasnodar region.

We will be at the finish site at 18.00 Moscow time.


Checkpoint Lago - Naki - Guzeriplsky pass - Armenian pass - Fisht shelter - radial glacier on Mount Fisht - Belorechensky pass - Cherkessky pass - Babuk-Aul shelter - Solokh-Aul village.

Depending on the weather, the condition of the group, and the health of the participants, the instructor may make changes to the route and plan by day.

Plan by day

1 day.

In the morning we meet at the starting point at the Lago-Naki checkpoint (altitude 1800 m) not far from the Azish pass. We move with exits to observation points of the Kamennye More ridge to the stream near the former Rublenny booth. This not difficult transition is completed in 4 hours.

Day 2.

We leave through the Guzeriplsky passes (height 1965 m.) And Armenian (height 1833m) to the Fisht shelter (height 1600m). About 5 hours in time. Along the way, you can try swimming in the lake.

Day 3.

Radial access to the glacier of Mount Fisht. If the weather is favorable, the condition of the glacier is safe and the participants are in good physical shape, it is possible to reach the top (height 2867 m).

Day 4

In the morning, having assembled the camp, we go through the Belorechensky (height 1788 m) and Cherkessky (height 1830 m) passes, almost completely covered with beech forests, to the Merry Descent, which leads to the Babuk-Aul shelter (height 600 m) on the river bank Shahe. In time, approximately 7 hours.

Day 5

From the Babuk-Aul shelter, which is already in the subtropical zone, along the road going through boxwood forests, we reach the final point of the route - the village of Solokh-Aul, from where you can take a bus or taxi to the Black Sea coast. The walking part of the journey lasts about 6 hours.

Cost: 5 days - 9,000 rubles.

Making an advance payment in the amount of 30% of the cost, by transfer to bank card, ensures reservation of a place in the group.

The remaining cost, 70%, is paid in cash to the instructor on the first day of the hike. Payment can be made by transfer to a bank card.

  1. Passport.
  2. Compulsory health insurance policy.
  3. Backpack. Men's 80-140 liters, women's 80-100 liters. A large backpack can be compressed if it is not completely filled, but a small one cannot be stretched. Rain cover for backpack.
  4. Sleeping bag. Comfort temperature from +2 to -5 degrees, preferably with synthetic filler. You can use down, but it dries worse when wet.
  5. Mat (karemat), thickness, 8-12 mm.
  6. A wind-resistant tent, preferably with a skirt or a place in such a tent.
  7. Raincoat with hood or poncho with hood.
  8. A demi-season jacket or a light down jacket with a hood, ideally a membrane jacket with a skirt at the waist and cuffs on the sleeves, preferably in a size that allows you to wear it over your main clothes.
  9. A windbreaker or windbreaker with a hood, ideally a membrane one with a skirt and cuffs on the sleeves. With a water resistance of 10,000 mm or more, a raincoat or poncho with a hood is not needed (No. 7).
  10. Special attention! Tried, worn, closed trekking boots, ideally mountain boots.
  11. Tried and worn, trekking shoes as spare and bivouac shoes. You can use polyurethane galoshes.
  12. Two pants: lightweight microfiber trekking pants and windproof trousers, ideally membrane ones, in a size that allows you to wear them over your first pants and thermal underwear.
  13. Thermal underwear “for movement”, 1 pants and 1-2 sweaters.
  14. Two pairs of high-quality trekking socks, 2 pairs of regular socks, one of them insulated. Set of change of underwear, swimming trunks (swimsuit).
  15. Cap or hat.
  16. Hat, fleece or polartec.
  17. Two fleece or lycra gloves.
  18. Fleece or Polartek suit (pants and sweater). You can only wear a sweater.
  19. Headlamp with 1 spare battery.
  20. Sunglasses in a hard case, with an ultraviolet protection factor of at least 3.
  21. Sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50.
  22. Hygienic lipstick.
  23. Hygiene products: soap, if shampoo, then a sample (1 for two), toothpaste in the smallest package (1 for two) and a brush, toilet paper, a towel (not large), wet wipes 1 pack (about 10 pieces)
  24. CLMN. Mug, spoon, bowl, knife. Of course, the lighter the better.
  25. Thermos. Based on 500-800 ml per person or 1 liter for two.
  26. Bottle for water. Better plastic, 1l..
  27. Seat (preferably).
  28. Trekking poles (preferably).
  29. Flashlights, leg gaiters to prevent snow and dirt from getting into your shoes (preferably).

A walking trip “along route No. 30” is a real active holiday with tents, food cooked over a fire, and backpacks on your shoulders. With all this, the path is quite within the capabilities of those tourists who are going on a long hike for the first time and do not complain about their physical health.

The route starts in the mountainous region of Khadzhokh and ends in the resort village of Dagomys (Sochi). During the hike, tourists will visit alpine meadows, Kuban steppes, deciduous and coniferous forests, and also get acquainted with the nature of the subtropics - and all this in nine days “along route No. 30”.

And now more about the route program:

Rufabgo waterfalls.

First day: the group gathers for train station Krasnodar until 8 am. This will be followed by a transfer through Maykop to the village of Khadzhokh (Kamennomostsky). Those who did not make it to the training camp are met by the instructor in Khadzhokh. On this day the group will get to know the surroundings of the village. The main highlight of these places is rightfully considered the canyon of the Belaya River. Here you can see an amazing view of the river raging at the bottom of the canyon, which can be crossed on hanging bridges. Travelers will also see Rufabgo waterfalls, and the highest of them is the 15-meter Lace. It is in this place, in a picturesque clearing by the river, that the first overnight stay will take place with tents and food cooked over a fire. The length of the path is approximately 8 kilometers.

Second day: in the morning there will be a transfer to the Abadzesh Pass (territory of the Biosphere Reserve). All around are the herbs of the alpine zone, karst sinkholes, the bottom of which is covered with snow even in summer. Then the group smoothly moves towards the Rublenny stream through the pass. Once on the Lagonki plateau, you never tire of admiring the three-thousander Oshten, whose bare slopes create an amazing contrast with the green hills of Lagonaki. The second night of the camp takes place near a stream, in which, by the way, you can swim. The length of the path is 10 kilometers.

Climbing Oshten.

Third day: leaving all their belongings and tents in the camp, tourists go to Mount Oshten (2804 meters), the wild slopes of which are covered in places with snow. It is better to set off as early as possible, since in the afternoon the peak is covered with clouds and it becomes difficult to move. On the way to Oshten, superb landscapes of the Main Caucasus Range open up, and many beautiful flowers grow under your feet (including very rare black tulips). Night rest in the same place. The length of the path is 14 kilometers.

Day four: the group sets off, surrounded by valleys and mountains. Along the Guzeriplsky and Armenian passes, tourists go to the Fisht parking lot, where the Belaya River continues its flow - perfect place for a rest. In addition, those who wish can go on a radial trek to the small Fishta glacier (8 kilometers). The overnight stay will take place at the Fisht tourist shelter.

Lake Psenodakh.

The task of the fifth day is to conquer the Fisht-Oshten pass in the shape of a crescent. The lake itself is shallow, but in one place an interesting funnel has formed with a depth exceeding human height. According to local legend, mountains Oshten, Fisht and Pshekho-Su are brothers. Fisht is the eldest (2867 meters), and Pshekho-Su is the youngest (2744 meters). From the Fisht-Oshten Pass you can see a unique view of the rocky slopes of Mount Fisht and the ridge of the Great Glacier. Night rest - by the lake. The length of the path is 13 kilometers.

The sixth day begins with a transition to the Circassian pass, on the way to which tourist group you will see a waterfall (200 meters). Passing the “Moonlight Glade”, a view opens to the top of Mount Mavrikoshka and the Circassian Pass (a stele was installed here in memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War). The overnight stay will take place at the Circassian Pass. And believe me, by this time the sleeping bag will seem much more comfortable to you than on the first nights. The length of the path is 11 kilometers.

Mountain wall.

The first half of the seventh day begins with a long descent through a beech forest, which the locals call “fun”. Going down, you feel how the air becomes warmer and thicker (the sea makes itself felt). The descent takes travelers to the Babuk-aul farm. Crossing the cordon, the reserve remains behind, and ahead is the Shahe River with a bridge. This is where the overnight camp will be located. The length of the path is 23 kilometers.

Bridge over river.

Eighth day: the path to the Solokh-Aul farm, near which there is a sea through the almost deserted village of Bzog. Near the river of the same name you can see a small three-stage waterfall. And after walking a little more, the beautiful canyon of the Skalisty stream will open up to your eyes. Numerous streams and waterfalls flow down the walls of the canyon, and their rushing water shimmers in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow.

In the village of Solokh-Aul, anyone can go to the tea museum and hear the story of the exciting fate of I. Koshman, the “father of Krasnodar tea.” In addition, you can ride horses here. There is also a bus from the village to Sochi and Dagomys. The duration of the journey is 23 kilometers.

The ninth day will delight you with the sea. This is the day of the end of “route No. 30” and the return home. Those who wish, of course, can extend their vacation on the sea coast.