Goa is washed by the ocean or sea. Seas of India

The beaches and ocean are the treasure of Goa, for which hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. Indeed, no matter how much you look for the best beaches and ocean for swimming on our planet, but the best combination of many factors for beach holiday than in Goa, it is very difficult to find.

Let's start with the sea. By the way, whether to call the body of water near Goa an ocean or a sea is a mere convention. On the one hand, on the map the body of water near Goa is called the Arabian Sea; on the other hand, it is the open sea, an integral part Indian Ocean. Therefore, I prefer to consider the body of water near Goa an ocean, but calling it a sea is also absolutely correct.

The sea is the most important thing for which most tourists from Russia go on vacation. Who and how well rested is primarily judged by quantity and quality sea ​​bathing and after that, by the intricacy of the excursions, the beauty of the architecture, low prices, delights national cuisine or quality of service. For a tourist from Russia, tired of the cold and gloomy skies most of the year, the main thing is the sun, sea and beach. It is with this that everything is in the best possible way in Goa. All European seas pale in comparison with the ocean near Goa. And the point here is not at all about beauty; there are many much more colorful water surfaces. The most important thing is the water temperature in Goa, which never drops below +28, and for most of the year it is around +30 degrees. To everyone who has ever vacationed in Crimea or on Black Sea coast Caucasus, it is well known that even in the hottest months - July and August, the water in the sea always remains cool, not rising above 25 degrees. As for other holiday months, in May it is still very cold in the Black Sea, in June it is simply cold, in September it is still tolerable, and from October it is only for “walruses”.

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The same applies to all European seas, even the most visited ones Russian tourists countries. Whether you are on Canary Islands, on the coast of Spain, Greece, Cyprus or Turkey - the water in the seas near these countries is never truly warm, staying in it for more than 5-10 minutes is fraught with colds, especially for children. If you think otherwise, then most likely you just haven’t really bathed yet. warm seas, which only happen in the tropics. Since childhood, I have loved swimming in the sea; a trip to the south with my parents was the main event of the year. But there was not a single trip during which I did not get a cold in the first days of my vacation due to being in cold sea water. I thought that with age my immunity would get stronger. But nothing changed either at 20 years old, when I was on vacation in Crimea, or at 25 years old, when I was vacationing in Sochi, or at 30 years old, when I was vacationing in Turkey and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, or at 40 years old, when I was vacationing in Montenegro and swam in the Adriatic Sea. The cold sea was always the cause of my colds, which poisoned my holidays. Everything changed when, at the age of 35, I visited Goa for the first time. From the very first swim, the ocean in Goa shocked me. It was so warm and tender that you didn’t want to get out of it at all. It was January 20th - during the period when the water temperature in Goa reaches its minimum levels, dropping to +28 degrees. When they told me that it is winter in Goa, I realized that people here simply do not understand what winter is because they live in paradise. Subsequently, my conclusions were completely confirmed.

We should especially talk about the waves in Goa, because there are a lot of rumors on this topic. The body of water off the coast of Goa is the open sea, part of the ocean, so there is almost no complete calm here; there are almost always waves. At the same time, there are never big waves in Goa. That is why, unlike, say, Bali, there are no surfers in Goa. There is simply nowhere to surf in Goa, because there are no waves suitable for surfers. Goa and surfing are two mutually exclusive concepts. The most you can find in Goa is a school for beginner surfers who need small, safe waves. These are the small and safe waves that exist in Goa. In some months they are a little more, in others - less, sometimes there are no waves at all.

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There is a reason for the lack of big waves off the coast in Goa. In Goa, by the way, a tsunami is in principle impossible. The fact is that a large wave requires depth to accelerate, while the Arabian Sea off the coast of Goa is shallow for many kilometers away from the coast. There is no space for the waves to accelerate, which would allow them to gain real power. Therefore, waves off the coast of Goa, even in the windiest weather, almost never reach dangerous levels for humans. Most At this time, the waves in Goa are completely harmless. It is important to note that the seabed in Goa is sandy. It is easy to enter the ocean, the sandy bottom is pleasant to feel with your feet. There are no cliffs or depressions, the entry into the water is smooth and gradual. You can clearly control the depth at which you feel comfortable swimming. Children in Goa can splash 5-10 meters from the shore, where the water, even for adults, only reaches up to their knees. Adults will be comfortable 50-100 meters from the shore, where the water reaches the chest or neck. More experienced swimmers can easily swim in Goa 300-500 meters away from the shore, where there are no waves at all, and the silent expanse of water gives absolute bliss.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

The combination of shallow waters, small waves and sandy bottoms off the coast of Goa provides another very important advantage for swimmers. There are no predators dangerous to people in the sea depths of Goa; this is not their habitat. Of course, in the ocean further away there are sharks, rays and large fish. But they all need a deep and food-rich environment to live. There is none of this off the coast of Goa. Even a kilometer from the coast of Goa, the depth rarely exceeds 15 meters, which is not suitable for large marine predators. Many tourists in Goa paid attention to the catch with which fishing boats return to the shore. As a rule, fishermen's nets contain only small mackerel, enough for one family's dinner, and nothing more. The sandy bottom and the absence of corals and plankton create unsuitable conditions for the existence of even small fish, not to mention those who hunt them. Therefore, off the coast of Goa, unlike most other warm, tropical seas, swimming is safe. The ocean in Goa is comfortable for swimming six months a year: from mid-October to mid-April. It is at this time that it lasts tourist season in Goa. But even within these six months of paradise there are nuances, and I will tell you about them. In October, the ocean in Goa is very warm, the water temperature is stable +30+32 degrees. It is impossible to imagine a more comfortable temperature for swimming. Water in October in Goa is associated with fresh milk - just as warm, tender and velvety.

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But in October you cannot be sure of the consistency of the weather in Goa. October marks the end of the monsoon season in Goa. At this time, cyclones are common, bringing with them heavy rains and rough seas. Waves can disrupt the idyll of swimming in Goa in October. In November, the cyclones go away, the ocean off the coast of Goa calms down, and conditions for swimming become ideal. The water temperature in November in Goa is still +30. But it should be borne in mind that in the first half of November the air in Goa is hotter and more humid, at this time you should not forget to use sunscreens. The most comfortable atmosphere in Goa begins in the second half of November. November in Goa smoothly turns into a fertile December. The ocean in Goa becomes more refreshing at this time. The water temperature in Goa in December drops just below +30, the waves become very small or disappear completely. Swimming turns into pure bliss.

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In January, the water temperature in Goa drops to its minimum of +28 degrees, i.e. approximately the same as in Russian heated swimming pools. Only, unlike swimming pools, the water in the ocean is free of chlorine and other poisons, rich in all natural elements. Swimming in the ocean near Goa fills you with such a feeling of joy and happiness that it can be compared to swimming in “living water” from fairy tales. By the way, boys and girls experience the best moments of their childhood in Goa. Children in Russia can only dream of such beaches and a sea like in Goa. Beaches are made of fine sand, which is so convenient for building castles. A smooth entrance into the shallow ocean, in the shallow waters of which you can splash around for hours. Warm sea ​​water, from which you can stay in place from morning until evening, without any risk of catching a cold. It is the ocean in Goa that is the main holiday for children, which is impossible to forget for the rest of their lives.

Ideal weather in Goa lasts until February 6th. On this day people usually come to Goa strong winds. Winds bring with them disturbances on the surface of the ocean. The waves are small and harmless, but disturbing, which makes it difficult for some to relax in the water. For others, on the contrary, the waves in February in Goa give another reason to enjoy swimming in the ocean, because it is more interesting to swing on the waves, and to overcome them, it is more interesting to swim. To each his own. In February, the atmosphere in Goa is still wonderful, but not so stable. If from mid-November to early February the heavenly weather in Goa remains unchanged almost every day, then in February the climate can change much more often. Windy and cloudy days alternate with calm and clear days. Due to the changeability of celestial patterns, in February in Goa you can watch some of the most beautiful sunsets over the ocean, when the sun's rays pierce tunnels through the clouds and illuminate the surface of the ocean with bizarre “laser shows”.

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Indian summer comes to Goa in March. In India, the summer months are March, April, May. It is during the Russian spring that the hottest weather comes to Goa, which not everyone can comfortably endure. True, it should be clarified that in Goa it does not get +40, like in summer in Turkey or Greece, and it doesn’t get +50, like in summer in Egypt or United Arab Emirates. The climate in Goa is much milder. Even during the hottest period in Goa, in May the temperature rarely rises above +35. But if you take into account the humidity that rises to 80% during this period, not everyone can comfortably tolerate such weather. In March, the Indian summer in Goa is just beginning. Many Russians who come to Goa on vacation at this time do not even notice that the sun has become very active. And yet this is exactly the case. Let's say, if in January you can tan in two weeks at best to the “Moscow region” level, then in March a few days will be enough to achieve a skin color of a dark bronze shade. The main thing in March and April in Goa is not to forget to use sunscreen.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

In March, ocean water in Goa heats up to October levels: temperatures of +32 become the norm. You don’t want to get out of the water in Goa in March at all. But sometimes this still has to be done, because in March, as in October, the ocean in Goa is not stable: calm days alternate with windy ones, calm gives way to disturbing waves. It is almost impossible to predict such changes in advance. The season in Goa ends in April. The heat in April, especially in the second half of the month, increases to +34 in the shade, and air humidity rises. The ocean in Goa at this time becomes even too warm, its temperature reaches +34 degrees. On calm days, swimming in Goa in April is a delight. But in April, the ocean in Goa is rarely calm, at this time the waves intensify, which sometimes do not even allow you to enter the water, knocking you off your feet. In May, the heat and roughness of the ocean in Goa intensify even more. In May, there are not so many favorable days for swimming in Goa; large waves roll in most of the time, and the water becomes so warm (about +36) that swimming in it is not very refreshing after being in equally hot air. However, I know people who claim that May is their favorite time in Goa, since there are very few tourists and you can fully feel like a serene native in a tropical Goan paradise. In June, the monsoon begins in Goa, that is, the rainy season. At this time, the sun is hidden behind a dense cover of clouds, and waterfalls of moisture fall from the sky. Streams of heavenly water flow down the Goan hills into the sea, flooding the beaches. During a monsoon, the ocean turns into a seething, dark brown mess with white crests of raging waves. Going into the ocean at this time is life-threatening; you may never get out again.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

If you have planned a vacation during the Russian summer, then there is no point in going to Goa at this time; most likely, you will only get disappointment. Goa is winter resort. Moreover, one should not think that the weather in Goa during the monsoon, from June to the end of September, changes in a similar way to Russia. In Goa, everything happens completely differently. Rainfall hits Goa, as a rule, on June 6-7 and then lasts for four months, almost without interruption, flooding everything and everyone. In recent years, however, this tradition has begun to be disrupted by global climate change on earth: there is less and less rain in Goa during the monsoon period, and more and more sun. But, be that as it may, the monsoon is an unfavorable period for a holiday in Goa: the air humidity is too high, and it is impossible to swim in the ocean.

// maharaja-house.livejournal.com

During the monsoon period there are very few tourists in Goa. Almost all restaurants and shops in Goa close during the monsoon period, their owners go home to different states of India and abroad, turning from those who provide tourist services to those who receive them. Goa is on vacation during the monsoon period. Stormy streams of water from the heavens clear the space of paradise so that in October they can reopen their doors to suffering holidaymakers from all over the world. In October, the sun peeks out of the clouds in the sky over Goa, and with it the first restaurants open and the first tourists arrive. Begins new season in Goan paradise.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the seasons in Goa.

29/01/2016 16:00

The opinions of tourists may not coincide with the opinions of the editors.

India is a unique and distinctive country; it, like a big magnet, attracts travelers from all over the world. Tourists enjoy exploring rich history, culture, architecture and amazing ancient traditions. But besides the attractions, the country welcomes guests with wonderful beaches. Many of India's seaside resorts are superior to the world's popular health resorts. The article talks about the most best places, where you should come to relax. You can go to India as a single tourist, with your significant other, a cheerful group or with children. Everyone here will find entertainment to their liking.

Amazing country

India - largest country in South Asia. It ranks second in population in the world after China. It is the birthplace of the ancient Harappan civilization, as well as the cradle of the most ancient religions - Hinduism and Buddhism.

The country is washed from the southeast by the warm waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean, and from the southwest - Arabian Sea. Due to this, the length coastline is more than 7 thousand kilometers. Almost along the entire coastline there are resorts in India by the sea, where more and more vacationers from Russia and Europe come every year. What attracts tourists here? This is a favorable climate in the high season and a gentle sea that warms up to 25-28 degrees, unique culture and architecture, many attractions, original Indian cuisine and, of course, friendly local people.

Where to go, where to stay, which Indian resorts by the sea are the most popular? The following article provides a brief overview of the best Indian


It is the smallest state of India, located on the coast of the Arabian Sea. It has a reputation as a world class resort. Everything here is landscaped for the comfort of tourists. But the undeveloped infrastructure and local architectural beauty attract travelers from all over the world. The main attraction of Goa is the 100-kilometer sea ​​beaches with soft and clean sand. Large diving centers, upscale hotels, chic restaurants, clubs, and discos are scattered along the shore. In the immediate vicinity there are many interesting places for cultural pastime. Those who stay in Goa, as a rule, do not look for another place to relax.


This state is located near the Arabian Sea, south of Goa. It is decorated with coconut, mango and This place is called the capital of spices. It is also the center of Ayurveda, a world-famous healing system. Therefore, many come here not only to soak up the white sand by the sea, but also to improve their health. Rich cultural heritage Kerala and a variety of entertainment options


The state is located in the south of Hindustan. Its territory is covered with dense forests, coffee and spice plantations, and there are many protected areas and cultural and historical monuments. But the main thing that attracts tourists to these places is the stunning beaches. Let's continue listing popular Indian resorts by the sea.


It is a large state in the central part of the country. It has an extended shape from the coast of the Arabian Sea deep into the mainland, therefore it is known for its varied natural and climatic conditions and rich opportunities for varied recreation. Here's the legacy ancient civilization intertwined with modern skyscrapers. The most popular resort town, especially among young people, - Bombay.

Tamil Nadu

The southernmost state is washed by the Indian Ocean. Its beaches are the longest in the country, and Marina Beach is the second longest in the world. The tropical climate prevails here; in the high season, the ocean waters are warm, gentle, and welcoming. In addition to swimming, you can rent a yacht or boat, scuba dive and admire coral reefs, visit local colorful attractions or enjoy nightlife entertainment. One of the most famous cities in the state is Chennai, which Hindus call the “South Gate of India”.


The state in the west of the country is famous for its temple complexes, mosques, forts, and beautiful parks. Mountains of Gujarat - popular place among the pilgrims. There are 10 temples on top of Girnar in Gujarat. To reach them, you need to climb a staircase of 5,000 steps. And of course, tourists love to spend time on the coast of the Arabian Sea.

The most popular beach is Mandvi, which is 6 kilometers long. It is distinguished by its fine white sand and azure colored coastal waters. Here you can watch sunrises and sunsets of unprecedented beauty. For lovers active rest High-speed motor boats, surfboards, scooters, scuba skis, and fishing equipment are available for rent. Tourists should be aware that some beaches in Gujarat are unsuitable for swimming due to strong tides and fast deep currents.

What are the best resorts in India by the sea? Reviews from travelers clearly indicate that they are located in the states of Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. The following will list the best beaches in these regions.

When is the best time to go on holiday to India?

Tourists advise going on vacation to Indian resorts by the sea from October to March. In October the rainy season ends and the season for diving, surfing and, of course, swimming opens. In November, the tops of the Himalayas are covered with snow caps, and in Goa and Kerala, aquamarine waters attract travelers. Peak tourist activity occurs in the winter months - December, January and February. This is the so-called high season. At this time, the optimal air and water temperatures are established, the humidity level decreases significantly, and the amount of precipitation drops sharply.

The Arabian coast of Hindustan is hundreds of kilometers of wonderful sandy beaches, among which there are pristine ones, almost untouched by human hand, and ultra-modern ones with first-class comfortable hotels and developed infrastructure. Resorts in India by the sea, photos of which are presented in the article, promise their guests a wonderful holiday surrounded by exotic nature.

Except beach season, the period from November to March is considered the best for excursions and sightseeing in India. The tropical rainy season begins in April and lasts until early October. The thermometer rarely drops below 40 degrees, the humidity indicator reaches 90-100%. Together, this creates very uncomfortable conditions for Europeans. weather, so few tourists come to India at this time (low season).

Indian resorts by the sea: Kerala

This state is called a tropical paradise for tourists. It stretches for almost 600 kilometers along the Arabian Sea. The beaches here are small, but municipal. They are recognized as the cleanest and most comfortable in the country. The best of them are located in the vicinity of cities such as Alleppey (another name is Alappuzha), Varkala, Kovalam, Kannur, and near the village of Muzhappilangad.

What tourists say:

  • Allepi is a very picturesque place with palm groves among rivers, lakes and lagoons. There is an excellent Vijaya Beach park with picnic areas and playgrounds.
  • Varkala is famous for its healing springs. For a small fee, local healers will give you a special body massage.
  • Kovelam is located in a bay with coral reefs. It seems to be created for fans of active pastime - divers, surfers, kayakers and water skiers.
  • Kannur is ideal for family vacation.
  • Muzhappilangad is unique in that its beaches can be driven by car.

The listed seaside resorts in India are equipped with budget guest houses, as well as 4 and 5 star hotels with excellent service. It is not possible to get to Kerala directly from Russia. First you need to get to Delhi or Bombay, from where it will not be difficult to get/fly to your destination.

Beaches in Goa

According to many, the best seaside resorts in India are located in Goa. The state is divided into North and North Goa, designed for budget tourists, there are many budget hotels and inexpensive cafes, young people enjoy having fun at discos. The beaches here are covered with darker sand and have high banks. In the most remote part of North Goa is wild beach Tiracol. Anjuna is also deserted. But Baga, Calangute and Vagator are well-groomed places where tourists relax in an organized and inexpensive manner. The most respectable beach is Candolim.

South Goa chosen by wealthy Europeans and wealthy Indians. This is a comfortable area, quiet and peaceful. The most picturesque place here is called Om. Bogmalo is a very small corner with an excellent sandy coast, surrounded by tall palm trees. Basically everything local beaches- Aguada, Majorda, Colva, Benaulim, Cavelossim - clean and well-groomed, with good hotels, excellent restaurants, developed infrastructure.

If you are planning a trip to Indian seaside resorts, Goa is a great option. The sea here is safe, the bottom is good, there are no steep rocks or pitfalls, and the waves are weak during the season. Getting here is very easy, there are many direct flights and trains.

Wonderful beaches in Tamil Nadu

In the state of Tamil Nadu there are wonderful resorts of India by the sea. Covelong is a beautiful beach, the best in the state, located 40 kilometers from the bustling metropolis of Chennai. It is very picturesque and calm here. Tourists can do anything water view sports One of the interesting attractions is the canal system between Covelong and Alleppey.

Marina Beach is 12 kilometers of golden sand and a clear azure sea. Even locals come here specifically to admire the magnificent sunrises and sunsets. But you need to swim here with caution because of the strong current. The exotic corner of Rameswaram Beach on a small island is connected to land by an engineering miracle - the Indira Gandhi Bridge.

Beach holidays in Maharashta

Ganapatipule is one of the best beaches in state. It is very clean, with snow-white sand, surrounded by picturesque natural beauty. The area called Dahanu Bordi is famous for its fruit and flower gardens. The luxurious Junu beach is well-maintained and crowded. Walking along the coast, it is easy to meet a Bollywood celebrity. The beach with the complex name Shrivardhan Harihareshwar is known for its peaceful, calm atmosphere. It is great for families with children and for those who love silence and meditation. The beautiful places on the shore - Mandva and Kihim - are also cozy.

In general, there are a lot of beaches in Maharashta. All of them are clean and well-kept, have excellent infrastructure and many attractions nearby, making this seaside resort attractive to millions of tourists. You can get to Maharashta from anywhere in the country. Almost all the hotels here are high class and have excellent service. Not all popular Indian resorts by the sea are listed (see photo above). There are still a lot of them - wonderful places for swimming and relaxing.

India is a unique country, full of contrasts, with its ancient traditions. Before you go here, you need to familiarize yourself with a few rules:

  • It is best to come on vacation to Indian resorts by the sea, the photos of which are simply mesmerizing, in November-March.
  • Tourists need a visa to visit the country. All details need to be clarified with the tour operator.
  • You must not enter the water in unauthorized places. This is dangerous to health and life.
  • You can travel around the country by plane (this is the most convenient), train (there are special quotas for tourists), bus or car.
  • Girls should not walk on the streets of India in too revealing outfits, in short skirts and shorts, with bare shoulders.
  • You need to communicate with Indians calmly and friendly. You should not point at objects with your index finger.
  • When entering a temple or mosque, be sure to take off your shoes.
  • In many states, the issue of hygiene is acute, so you should always carry wet wipes with you, do not drink raw water, wash fruits with soap, and do not eat salads made from raw vegetables.

There are a huge number of attractions in India. It's simply impossible to visit them all. But you definitely need to visit the main treasure of the country, its symbol - the snow-white marble palace of the Taj Mahal. It is located in the city of Agra, 200 km from Delhi. Tourists will be hospitably greeted by the beautiful resorts of India by the sea. In February in Russia there is winter, snow, cold, but here there is warm sun, excellent weather, azure sea.

State of Goa, on west coast India, with a total area of ​​3702 km2, is one of the most popular tourist routes. Residents of the state have access to education, and their income and standard of living are much higher than those of other parts of India. The capital of Goa is the city of Panaji, and the largest city is Vasco da Gama. However, the state has become internationally popular thanks to its many kilometers of beautiful beaches and beautiful scenery.

Conventionally, the resort can be divided into two parts: North Goa and South Goa. There are not very many hotels in North Goa, and their status is rated only 2-3 stars. Along the seashore, the water is not very clear, and the sand is gray in color. There are no good roads or a high level of recreation here. This a budget option recreation for foreign students, low-income Indians. However, the so-called noisy and vibrant trance parties on the beaches are especially popular here.

It’s a different matter with South Goa, where the snow-white sand, cleanest beaches, gentle aquamarine waters of the ocean, expensive hotels, beautiful scenery, high level of comfort, lots of exciting entertainment: diving centers, tennis courts, swimming pools.

Whatever area of ​​Goa you choose: party-oriented North Goa or relaxed South Goa, you will be satisfied with your vacation in any case. Here you can easily find accommodation for every taste, from a simple hut made of palm leaves to a private house with beautiful view to the ocean. The price of hotel rooms is lower than in our hotels.

There is absolutely no such thing as a tourist season in Goa. It's always warm, rosy, fun and cool here. Best time the best time to visit Goa is September – April, since from June inclusive to September the tropical rainy season begins and there is high humidity in the air.

Sights of Goa

Among the main attractions: the 16th century Basilica of Bom Jesus, a UNESCO protected monument, the Church of Santa Monica, St. Augustine, Francis of Assisi. The old streets of Panaji and Margao, small but cozy cafes where you can taste delicious seafood dishes, attract attention.

After a pleasant time on the beach, you should go on an exciting journey through the natural beauties of Goa. The nature of the foothills is especially surprising: beautiful wild lakes, waterfalls, islands, palm groves, exotic animals, unique spice plantations and of course the jungle. A trip on a yacht along the coast of Goa will give you an unforgettable experience. river cruises through the crocodile jungle.

Your holiday in Goa will end with a visit to the Ayurveda center: the center of ancient Indian medicine.

How to get to Goa

Many tourists think that Goa is a separate country; in fact, it is a small, picturesque island. To fly to Goa you need to apply for a visa and buy an air ticket. Many companies offer direct flights. You can easily buy a charter to Goa through AirBooking. This is an excellent option for a budget and comfortable flight.

Pink lotuses, spicy curry, mighty elephants, healing meditations... India, Goa! A country, attracting tourists from all over the world.

What is so attractive about holidays? Goa tourists? We'll figure out.

Convenient location

Goa is one of the 28 states of India. Goa is small In terms of area, it is a state of India, with a developed infrastructure for tourism. The length of the territory from north to south is 100 km, from west to east 65 km. Finding a state on a world map is not difficult: first we look for the territory of India in the South on the Hindustan Peninsula. Next we explore the Western part of India, on the coast of the Arabian Sea. The state stretches for 1000 kilometers along the coast.

Continuing to study the map of this state, we will learn a lot of useful things about geographical location this territory:
  • The northern border is with the state of Maharashtra;
  • To the east and south it borders the State of Karnataka;
  • The eastern part comes close to the Sahyadri mountain range;
  • The capital of the state is the city of Panaj, and Big City– Vasco da Gama.

The state of Goa is located in the UTC +5.30 time zone, because of this the time difference between Moscow (UTC +3) and the state of Goa is 2 hours 30 minutes, that is, when it is 6 am in Moscow, it is already 8.30 am in Goa.

Information for divers: off the coast of Goa there are islands suitable for diving:

  • St. George;
  • Grandee;
  • Netrani;
  • Murdeshaur.

IN clear waters The Indian Ocean is rich in corals, shellfish, moray eels, tuna, cuttlefish and turtles. Among the marine animals you can meet a shark or a dolphin. Diving enthusiasts dive into the remains of trade and sea ​​vessels, which in large quantities suffered shipwrecks off the coast of Goa.

There are 2,450 hotels in Goa; to select a hotel based on its location on the state map, use.

Favorable climate

First of all, you should decide on the time most suitable for the trip.

The holiday season here is from November to April.

During this period, the average daily temperature fluctuates between 25-30 degrees.

In the period from May to June, the climate in India is hot and humid, and in July-September the monsoon season occurs; the amount of precipitation during this period can exceed 900 mm per month; you must admit, this weather is not conducive to rest.

Comfortable time to travel is February.

In February you will not be bothered by the heat, and the water temperature is comfortable.

However, the sea in Goa is warm, regardless of the time of year. For nature lovers, it is better to go to India after the end of the rainy season - in October, at which time it is green and beautiful.

The climate varies by season: wet and dry.

In May, a hot, dry period begins, which opens the way for the wet monsoon season.

From June to October there is a low humid period, northwest winds bring heavy rain and high humidity. The sea is stormy, the sky is covered with low clouds. Sunny days are rare.

From November to the end of April, the weather in Goa favors holidaymakers.

With the onset of the dry season, sunny, hot weather sets in on the coast. During the day the thermometer stays at +31°C, at night it is cool, around +20°C. Air humidity decreases, heat is easily tolerated.

Please note: the water temperature in the Arabian Sea does not depend on the season, constantly remaining at +26-28°C.

Conditions of stay in Goa

A tourist visa is required to travel to India. The visa is issued at the Indian embassy or consulates in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.

To obtain a visa, a tourist will need the following documents:

  • a passport valid for at least six months from the date of return,
  • color photograph 3.5 by 4 cm,
  • photocopy of the completed pages of the civil passport,
  • photocopy of the first page of the passport,
  • a completed application form received from the embassy or consulate,
  • It is possible that additional documents will be required at the request of the Indian Embassy,
  • pay the visa, consular fee was 40 dollars for a 6 month visa.

The visa processing time is 2 weeks, plus or minus a couple of days.

Comfortable and clear route

Conditionally, Goa state divided into Northern and Southern parts.

The North gathers a public looking for entertainment. Night parties, incendiary discos on the shores of the Arabian Sea, crowds of informals from all corners of the globe.

Lovers of peace and comfort go to South Goa. Snow-white beaches, coconut palms, comfortable hotels.

Whatever part of the state you choose, the problem of how to get to Goa easier is solved in the same way.

There are several ways to design a route:

  • Direct flight by charter flight from Moscow or another Russian city to Goa airport(Dabolim), the flight takes 7 hours. From the airport, a bus or local taxi will take the tourist to the selected hotel or bungalow.
  • Regular flight (for example, by Aeroflot) to Delhi or Mumbai. Then fly local airlines to Goa, while air tickets on domestic flights are often sold cheaper than charters due to the low cost of domestic flights in India.
  • Connecting flights via Istanbul or Frankfurt am Main. Please note that the option with a transfer in another country can also be cheaper than a direct flight.

Features of a holiday in Goa

Holidays in Asia are characterized by certain features, including in the Indian state of Goa. As a rule, there is no need to fill your own travel first aid kit to capacity; a standard travel kit will suffice.

There are many English-speaking employees in local pharmacies, so it is possible to purchase the necessary medicines on the spot. At the same time, Goa has a developed dental network, and medical centers and clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment and doctors, so there are no problems with obtaining medical care vacationers will not have this problem.
It would not be amiss to say that it is advisable to wash your hands after contact with money and before contact with food.

It is advisable to carry with you special alcohol-containing hand disinfectants, or special disinfection wipes, which are sold in stores and pharmacies. It is strictly forbidden to drink tap water. At the same time, taking into account climatic features region, it is recommended to drink up to three liters of fluid per day. It is better to brush your teeth with bottled water.

You should not drink drinks with ice, as raw tap water is often used to make ice.
If you decide to taste grapes, figs, mangoes, strawberries or apples, it is better to immerse the fruits for 5-10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before eating, or simply wash them with dishwashing detergents with a disinfecting effect, Dettol products are suitable.

Don’t forget to take out travel insurance, since due to the peculiarities of India, you can easily get injured when crossing the road, there is a specific traffic movement, or you can be poisoned by the local cuisine.

Local kitchen

It is better to start your acquaintance with the sights with local cuisine and local dances. National dishes worth trying in India:

    • Chapati flatbreads are thin unleavened flatbreads with additives to the customer’s taste: cheese, spices, salt or yogurt.
    • Curry sauce is a popular Indian dish, also a seasoning of the same name. The composition includes up to a dozen spices, but the main ingredient of the sauce is turmeric. Vegetables or legumes are stewed with curry, and sauce is served with fish and meat dishes.
    • Exotic fruits surprise tourists with their exotic shape and color. Try and appreciate the taste of mangosteen, Goan mango, passion fruit, papaya, and small pineapple.

After tasting the local cuisine, we set off to explore the local attractions.

Sights of Goa

Panaji city

The state capital and third largest city in Goa, with remains of architecture from the colonial period of India.
When visiting this city, we recommend visiting Chorao Island. There is a bird sanctuary on the island.

There are two beaches in the city of Panaji:

  • Vainguinim or Kurlavangni beach,
  • Miramar beach.

Old Goa

The territory contains architectural monuments such as the Basilica of Bon Jesus, St. Catherine's Cathedral, the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and others.

Most architectural monuments are protected by UNESCO treaties; visiting most monuments is free.

An ancient Portuguese fort, built in 1612, for defense against the Dutch. Today it is partly a prison, and tourist site. Next to the fort there is an old lighthouse, which you can climb for 50 rupees. The lighthouse offers a panoramic view of the fort. If you like photography, you will get beautiful shots in this place.

Open from 10 - 18, but it is possible to negotiate with the guards and visit the fort after hours, of course for a fee (past the ticket office).

Virtual walk through Fort Aguada (Click on , in the upper right corner to go to full screen mode):

Dudhsagar Falls

Dudhsagar falls is located on the northern border of the state, 60 km from the city of Panaji.

You will hear the legend about the name of the waterfall “Ocean of Milk” more than once, and when you see the jets falling from a height of three hundred meters, you will understand why the waterfall was named that way. Everywhere along the road, tourists are followed by crowds of beggar monkeys, and feeding them fruits from your hands is a special pleasure.

Spice plantations

In the jungle plantations, tourists are shown how and where cinnamon and vanilla trees and cardamom, cloves and black pepper, coffee, papaya, and jefruit grow. Impressive appearance betel palm trees, and specially trained Indians demonstrate the attraction, easily climbing to the top of the palm tree. Unprepared travelers cannot repeat the trick.

After the excursion there is lunch, during which rice dishes are served in combinations: red hot, brown spicy-sweet or green wild-hot.

Murdeshwara Island is located in the neighboring state of Karnataka.

Here stands a 7.5 m high statue of the destroyer god Shiva and an eighty-meter high Gopura temple tower.

In the fishing village of Murdeshwar, in addition to Hindu shrines, the way of life of ordinary Indians is presented.

The flea market in Anjuna (Anjuna Flea market) delights visitors with a large assortment of Indian goods, open on Wednesdays.

Here it is customary to bargain, then you buy the goods at a reasonable price. And you can buy:

Indian teas and spices, mahogany flutes and colorful editions of the Kama Sutra, aromatic oils, decorative sandalwood elephants, cashmere products, silk saris.

The Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin, who visited distant India in the 15th century, called his masterpiece literary work “Walking across Three Seas.” In addition to colorful saris, colorful oriental bazaars and an endless kaleidoscope of impressions from the local cuisine and customs, the traveler was also captivated by the seas of India, which today are one of the main magnets for tourists from all over the world.

The Edge of Eternal Summer

Wintering in the land of elephants and tea is very popular today. The question of which sea washes India is answered without hesitation by freelancers and other fans of simple work contracts, the conditions of which do not include daily attendance at the office or production site. Their patrimony is the province of Goa, where the beaches are the warmest, and the variety of levels and prices of hotels allows even the most modest travelers not to appear in the gray Moscow slush for many months.
The Hindustan Peninsula is washed from the west by the Arabian Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean basin. It is on its coast that the main beaches of North and South Goa are located. The climate on these shores is tropical, characterized by monsoons, and the water temperature ranges from +23 degrees in winter to + 29 in summer. Maximum precipitation on the Indian shores of the Arabian Sea occurs in the summer months.

Western direction

But Goa is not the only place where Indian tourists live, and when asked which seas are in India, the most advanced answer is the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. A very unusual state is located here, which includes the islands of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelagos. What is the special charm of a holiday on Indian islands?

  • The archipelagos are a closed area because there are nature reserves and National parks. The consequence of this is the need for special permits to visit, and therefore a real opportunity to be alone with nature.
  • On Andaman Islands Ships depart from the ports of Chennai and Kolkatta, the journey on which may appeal to fans of seascapes.
  • On Havelock Island you can go diving and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the Indian sea. The list of possible candidates includes sea turtles and dolphins. The forests on the shore delight with many colorful birds and even elephants that live here quite legally.
  • For those who prefer to admire the vibrant flora and fauna without diving, the islands' entertainment program includes glass-bottom boat excursions.