Resort holiday in November. Where to go on vacation abroad in November for a vacation or honeymoon? Where to go in November alone, with a child, where to go inexpensively? United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Holidays in November are very popular among Russians. Many people strive for the warm ocean, choose exotic tours, well, someone likes to travel around Europe at this time. Today, in a short time you can find yourself anywhere in the world, you just need to contact the operator and choose a suitable tour. If you are wondering where to go with your children in November and relax with the whole family, then the recommendations presented below will help you make a choice.

November is a time to relax with children

In Russia, November is not the best time. The greyness, dampness, and sometimes frosts are depressing and depressing. It is at this time that Russian holidays and school holidays for children occur. All parents are faced with the question: in November, where else can you catch the sun's rays and bask in the sun? Well, for some, the weather is not so important; many schoolchildren during the autumn holidays with their class go on various excursions to Russian cities, to the most amazing places to learn more about the history of your homeland, see the sights, and just have a good time with your classmates. It is clear that on trips children become closer and become more friendly. Joint trips between parents, children and the class teacher make the team more united. The choice of tours is huge both for personal trips and for groups, both to hot countries and to Russian cities.

We choose exotic countries. Why this direction? The main thing is the sea and the heat

All experienced travelers advise all mothers who are thinking about where to go with their child in early November to go only to hot exotic countries. At this time, it is simply necessary to take the baby away from our gray autumn to the sea. Extend the warm period, this will significantly improve your health and prevent various colds, which at this time are already in full swing throughout Russia. In Thailand, for example, the warm high season is just beginning, hundreds of summer lovers flock here. In India, it is best to choose Goa, your child will love running barefoot on the beach. The sand here is either bright yellow or, conversely, white, almost like snow. If the child is small, then it is better to stay in the southern resorts as long as possible, to prolong the feeling of summer. Well, if you are going on vacation only for a while autumn holidays, then select tours with a short flight so that the journey takes as little time as possible.


For everyone who is planning a vacation in November with a child, where to go is perhaps the first question. One of the popular destinations is Thailand. You can check out a variety of tours and choose the one that suits you best. There are a lot of excursions and entertainment, it will immediately become clear that you won’t be able to cover everything, so decide which island you will go to. Phuket will delight you with unexplored jungles and impenetrable forests. Everyone who has been here advises going on such a trip with children. Enchanted forests will immerse them in a world of fairy tales and adventures. Children will remember trips to unknown places for a long time. We advise lovers of holidays and festivals to stay in Pattaya. There are more lively attractions here - an elephant village, a crocodile farm, and the folk village of Glush Nooch. The richest excursion programs are implemented in Bangkok. A relaxing holiday is preferable on Koh Samui.


Vietnam has long recovered from the war almost 45 years ago, and today it has turned into a wonderful resort. The weather here is excellent all year round, so for those who are deciding where to go with a small child in November, our advice is Vietnam. It is better to choose the southern regions of Vietnam. This is Nha Trang, Phan Thiet or Mui Ne, during this period the air temperature warms up to +32, and the water to +25. Your child can run on the snow-white beach sand for a long time. Tourists who have been here recommend visiting the wonderful amusement park "Vinpearl" with children. You can spend time here from morning until evening. And, of course, everyone will benefit from trying Vietnamese cuisine, famous for its spices, seafood and exotic fruits. Excursions to Ha Long Bay, Ho She Minh City, pearl farms, and nature reserves are popular in Vietnam.


If your vacation falls in autumn and you want to relax with your family, you don’t need to think long about where to go with infant In November. Choose the Maldives. It is in the fall that prices for tours are reduced, which allows many to go to these heavenly places. At this time, a wonderful period is coming here. The monsoon season ends and warm, dry weather sets in. Air +30, water + 28 degrees. In the Maldives, people simply relax, enjoy the sun, sea, exotic nature, and fruits. Peace and quiet, the beaches are semi-deserted. There are no noisy festivals or entertainment here. Truly a peaceful paradise. Well, if someone wants to have fun, then you can go to the capital Male. On November 11, Republic Day is celebrated here with noisy fireworks and parades.


It's not easy to decide where to go with your child in November, but if you want to plunge into... warm summer, get a lot of fun from entertainment, go to United United Arab Emirates. The weather here is wonderful at this time. The heat is not so annoying; during the day the temperature rises to +30 degrees. The sea water is warm +28 degrees. The most attractive places for fun leisure can be found in Dubai - dozens of amusement parks, water parks, a dolphinarium, an aquarium, and an aquarium. Parents who have visited here with their children are advised to visit the following places:

  • Safa Park. You can race cars here all day long, but not mindlessly. You must follow traffic rules. Useful and educational for children.
  • The territory is quite compact, so children will not get tired examining the animals. There are 1.5 thousand animals in total, and there are also very rare species.
  • Wonderland Park. A huge amusement park consisting of three parts. You can spend the whole day here. Interesting for children of any age.
  • Wild Wadi Water Park. This is perhaps the most extreme water park in Dubai. 24 waterslides, communicating with each other, reproduce the Wadi River. You can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h. The most expensive water park has clean pools, a unique cleaning system, and the water is heated to +28 degrees.

Hainan. China

Deciding on family council The question is where to go on vacation with your child in November, but at the same time not just lie on the beach, but see something educational and interesting, choose China, namely Hainan. Everyone who visited here during this period leaves only rave reviews. This tropical island is located in the very south of China and has been compared to Hawaii. In terms of climatic conditions, they are indeed similar, since they are located at the same latitude. In October the rainy season ends and a wonderful warm season begins. In Hainan, you definitely need to pay attention to the sights.

  • Butterfly Gorge. The children will be delighted. Hundreds of exotic insects fly freely in the park-reserve. The rarest species from South America, Africa and Southeast Asia.
  • Park "Edge of the World". On the sandy beach there are many stone blocks, each of which represents some kind of unusual figure. A very impressive sight.
  • Volcano Ma An. A dormant volcano, you will have to climb the mountain along steps carved out of real magma. Once you climb up, you will find yourself on observation deck, which goes around the perimeter of the volcano crater. Fantastic feeling upon inspection.
  • Nanshan is a Buddhist center. There are many Buddha temples on the territory. The main statue is the golden thousand-armed Buddha Guanyin, all strewn with precious stones.


If you are considering budget options and are thinking about where to go on vacation with your child in November, go to Egypt. Many Russian families with children gather here for the autumn holidays. Your vacation won't seem boring. In Europe beach season at this time it is already over, but in Egypt it is still hot, the air warms up to +32, the water - up to +28 degrees. It is better to book hotels in advance, as Arabs celebrate Ramadan in November. It may even happen that at the last moment there are no vacancies in hotels. For a holiday with children, it is best to choose Hurghada here. The beaches are sandy, the sea is warm and clean. Due to the richness of the underwater world, the Red Sea is often called the "aquarium of the sea." It will be interesting for children to go on excursions to ancient monuments. Plunge into the atmosphere of a thousand years of past. A visit to a real oriental bazaar will add zest to your holiday; rest assured, you will get real pleasure from shopping. Bright colors, the smell of intoxicating seasonings, and exotic dishes leave no one indifferent.

If you find yourself in Egypt, you should definitely visit the ancient monuments of the pharaonic era. The famous figure of the Sphinx, the pyramid, has stood in Cairo for thousands of years. Admire the beauty of the Sultan Hassan, Muhammad Ali, Al Rafai mosques. Visit National Museum, you will see many amazing exhibits there, a guide with interesting stories will take you through all the halls.


Many people fly to Goa from Russia with children and, if possible, stay here for the whole winter. The warm, mild climate allows you to forget about the severe cold and get rid of colds for the entire winter period. Best season- October November. The air temperature stays up to +32 degrees. Nights may be a little cooler until January, so it's worth bringing a windbreaker. However, you don’t have to bring heavy luggage with you; everything you need can be bought here at inexpensive bazaars. The most attractive is the Anjuna flea market. It takes several kilometers and stretches along the coast. You can buy almost everything here. The prices are really cheap. Traders offer bedspreads, hats, scarves, vests self made, various elephant figurines, ashtrays, decorations.

Goa can be called atypical Indian state. Here they profess Christianity, which remains from the Portuguese. In Panaji you can visit the most beautiful Catholic churches - Immaculate Conception. There is a beautiful Holy Spirit Church in Margao. Tours to plantations are very popular in Goa. It will be interesting for children to see how various spices grow: cloves, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, as well as exotic fruits mango, papaya, pineapple.

Where to go with children in November in Russia?

During the autumn holidays, in many Russian schools, according to tradition, teachers and parents gather their children and take them on excursions around Russian cities in an organized manner. Our country is huge, there is a lot to see. Some also travel to neighboring countries that are friendly to us. Which destinations are the most popular? Where to go with children in November on vacation? Here are tips from experienced travelers; they offer the most popular and interesting destinations.

Saint Petersburg. Everyone knows the generally accepted excursion places of St. Petersburg. I would like to note that in addition to them, you can visit the theater or go to the circus with your children. TO unusual places We can include museums such as the "Museum of Water". The excursions here are very interesting and educational. There is also a Cat Museum, a Toy Museum, and a Doll Museum.

Kaliningrad. It is always attractive for its originality: ancient architecture, German streets on the outskirts of cities, fortresses. If you visit the local history museum, you will be able to virtually walk through the streets of old Koenigsberg. Worth a visit Museum military equipment and fortifications. The Amber Museum is also interesting here.

Traditional destinations during the autumn holidays, of course, are trips around the Golden Ring. The cities closest to Moscow are famous for their architectural ancient monuments and rich history. These are Suzdal, Tula, Vladimir, Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl.

IN Near Abroad it is best to go with children to Minsk. A culture close to us in spirit and hospitable residents will make the trip unforgettable. Well, there is a lot to see in the Belarusian Republic. In addition to standard excursions historical places and museums, you can go with your children to the local zoo; not only our usual, but also exotic species of animals live here. It will be interesting for boys to visit. The atmosphere here is unusual. You can do more than just admire the technology and listen to fascinating stories. You are allowed to try on pilot costumes and even sit on airplanes. There is an Oceanography Center in Minsk with interesting lectures. You can go to the Lebyazhy water park or the entertainment centers Cosmo, Discovery, Titan, and Tsargrad.

Many people want their vacation to be unforgettable and full of impressions, but usually in November the weather does not cause us joy and delight. The best way to get rid of the autumn mood and change rainy weather to sunny is a trip abroad to the sea. It is in autumn that the holiday season is just beginning in many countries. Let's look at the most popular tourist destinations, where you can relax abroad at sea in November.

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Why not go on a cruise? The prices are very affordable! , .

More and more often, Russian tourists decide to spend their holidays in Thailand. And this is not surprising! Magical white sand beaches and beautiful pristine nature are good reasons to go to this fairyland. In October the rainy season ends here, the nights become warm, average temperature– 28 degrees Celsius. November – beginning tourist season Thailand, there are more and more tourists every day, because the bright sun shines so temptingly.

In Thailand you can visit many Buddhist temples and monasteries, look at Royal Palace or take an evening cruise along the Chao Phraya River. On the night of the first full moon in November, Thailand celebrates the Water Festival.

On this day, all over the country people launch boats in all bodies of water. The festival is held in honor of Mother Water. People ask her forgiveness for the pollution and express their gratitude to her. Temples, houses, locals dressed in costumes - all this amazes every tourist with the variety of bright colors. On November 25, the annual Monkey Banquet takes place in the small town of Lop Buri.

Several hundred guests are invited to a grand vegetarian banquet, all of them monkeys. This amazing holiday is organized by the owner of one of the hotels. On the day of the banquet, he sends out invitations to his guests, tying them to nuts. People say that the monkeys understand everything, gather at Lop Buri and eat the vegetables, fruits and rice prepared for them. Can such a spectacle leave anyone indifferent?


In November you can go to India, but the best decision would be a trip to Goa. The air temperature there is about 33 degrees, and the water heats up to 27. A trip to the very heart of India with its colorful traditions, beautiful beaches, bright streets and exotic nature is what you need to relax after the cold November days in Russia. Such a vacation will become a trip to a fairy tale for you; it will definitely remain in your memory for many years.

In addition to all the obvious advantages, holidays in India are quite economical, which cannot but please tourists. Here by low prices you will be able to buy many things you need on vacation, so as not to carry huge suitcases with you. Don't forget to buy a windbreaker or a warm jacket, because the nights can be cool at this time. Excursions to ancient temples and monasteries, walks through bustling markets, swimming in the warm sea and riding elephants are just a small part of what you can do in Goa in November

Dominican Republic

An excellent holiday destination in November is the Dominican Republic. Ocean coast, hot sun and tropics - this is what this amazing Caribbean island is famous for. At this time, there are rains in the Dominican Republic, but they are short-lived and pleasantly refreshing. Pure White sand, palm trees and a warm sea of ​​sunny beaches allow the Dominican Republic to deservedly be called a sea paradise.

Of course, the main attraction of the island is its beaches, the most famous and popular of which are located in the province of Puerto Plata. The capital of the Dominican Republic, the city of Santo Domingo, is now named by UNESCO as a “Property of Humanity” for a large number of historical and cultural monuments. Here you can visit the Cathedral of Santa Mariala Menor, where the remains of Christopher Columbus are kept, the castle that belonged to his brother, the oldest university.

Are you more interested in recent history? Then take a tour of the Museum of Modern Art. All over the island you will find cozy parks created specifically for a quiet rest after long walks. Diving enthusiasts will be delighted by the many tropical colorful fish, dolphins and turtles. A beach holiday with children in this paradise on Earth will be an excellent solution. By engaging in active recreation, for which there are a great many opportunities here, children will not only have fun and have a good time, but will also be able to improve their health.


One of the best options for a November holiday is a trip to Vietnam. At this time, the weather there is already dry, the temperature fluctuates around 25-32 degrees. Prices are lower than in Thailand, and especially in Russia. An amazing combination of oriental exoticism and modern service will delight all guests of the country. Vietnam deservedly bears the name of Asian Hawaii. wonderful sandy beaches, surrounded by delightful lagoons, waterfalls and coconut trees only further prove this. In addition, you can visit well-maintained National parks, so pleasing to the eye. According to legend, in the coastal bays you may be lucky enough to see the red dragon, the local Loch Ness monster.

Climatic conditions in November in Vietnam are conducive to active recreation - surfing, scuba diving, paragliding, exploring the area on bicycles or ATVs. Excursion tourism also quite well developed. Each tourist is offered a large list of excursions to choose from, so that guests of the country can choose what they like.

In November, Vietnam hosts the stunning Oc Om Bok festival, which honors the spirits of the river and moon. The most interesting part of it is the junk rowing competition. If you manage to attend this holiday, you will be able to learn many amazing traditions and exotic customs of this magical country.


If you are ready to go to the other end of the Earth for warmth and sun, the best holiday option in November is the Maldives. At this time of year there is bright sunshine and virtually no rain. Here it is, a real tropical paradise! Lush greenery, flowering exotic plants with a pleasant sweet aroma - you can find all this only there. The Maldives is the best place for have a relaxing holiday, complete privacy and achieving harmony with nature. Even though in November, due to the opening holiday season, the number of tourists is increasing significantly; you won’t see huge crowds of noisy people on the beaches.

Everything here is organized in such a way that you can feel like the one for whom the sun shines here and the waves roar quietly. Amazing landscapes, bays full of bright corals and sterile cleanliness - these are the features of the beaches in the Maldives. The water temperature in November is about 28 degrees, which makes swimming and diving extremely pleasant.

By the way, diving schools are open to everyone on almost every island. The underwater world here amazes with its colorfulness and diversity: colorful fish, beautiful coral gardens, caves and thickets - all this surprises, shocks and leaves an indelible impression. On November 11, the Maldives celebrates Republic Day, accompanied by parades, vibrant carnivals and colorful fireworks.

Although the weather in November on the Turkish coast cannot be called beach weather, there are many very attractive features about holidays here. Comfortable air temperatures (+22°-23°) and water (+18-20°) create a gentle atmosphere in May. There are no noisy crowds on the beaches, you can calmly walk along Cote d'Azur, bask under the warm rays. Lovers of refreshing showers can still swim, but fans of the heat should start hardening up by plunging briefly into the invigorating waves. Best places in Turkey for beach holiday in November – Side and Alanya, because it rarely rains here and the days are warm. It is noticeably cooler in the evening - you should stock up on a set of warm clothes.

Besides spending time on the beach, November is a good time for memorable excursions to the historical and cultural attractions of a country with a rich past. Those who travel along excursion tours, have the opportunity to see the grandiose monuments of the Ottoman Empire: the Blue Mosque of Ahmed, the Topkapi Sultan's Palace with a museum of Turkish weapons, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (St. Sophia) with the weeping column. Tourists will be impressed by the famous bridge laid across the Bosphorus Strait (length - 1.5 km, width - 33.5 m, height - 64 m).

Everyone walks along it with pleasure, admiring the magnificent landscapes spread out below. Participation in the celebration of Ataturk’s Memorial Day (10.11) and the Feast of Sacrifice (17.11) will be an undoubted success. November in Turkey is the season for the ripening of generous gifts of subtropical nature in the form of citrus fruits, bananas, peaches, vegetables, which at this time cost a penny, and you can eat plenty of them and buy them for future use.

If you like to relax on sea ​​coast during the “velvet season”, then in November you need to go to the Emirates, where it is in full swing. The sultry heat has gone, the air has become cooler (+28-30°), the waves are Persian Gulf so gentle (+25°) that you don’t want to leave the warm water. Off the coast of the Gulf of Oman it is a little cooler (+23°), but it is warmer here at night. In November, tour operators offer significant discounts on tours for groups of more than 3 people - you can take advantage of this and go with the whole family.

You don’t have to worry about leisure time - you won’t be bored: there are many well-equipped water parks, amusement parks with breathtaking rides, zoos and all kinds of entertainment centers. Both adults and children will enjoy visiting all these sites, including zoos, especially since this can be done with large discounts on tickets.

The last month of autumn in the UAE is the season of various colorful festivals, international fairs and art exhibitions. If you are lucky enough to attend the National Festival, you can win a valuable prize or money in the lottery. Taking part in an interesting, vibrant Muslim holiday - Ramadan - will bring extraordinary pleasure. In short, there will be many pleasant impressions!

Holy, blessed, promised land - this is how Israel is most often called: an amazing subtropical country is washed by 4 seas, making its coast a continuous beach. In November there is a wide choice of places for have a wonderful holiday, not marred by unbearable heat. In the northern part of Israel, rain begins to fall more often, bringing additional coolness, which creates additional comfort. In the south (near the shores of the Red Sea) it rains very rarely, but even without it there is no heat, so a beach holiday on the snow-white sand will be simply luxurious. Here is a paradise for scuba diving lovers: Coral reefs near Eilat, thousands of tourists flying here from all over the world captivate with their unprecedented beauty.

Not only scuba divers can admire the famous reefs - an underwater observatory has been built here, which offers a magnificent overview of the underwater kingdom. By choosing the Dead Sea coast in November, you can successfully combine beach activities with a range of wellness treatments, famous for their effectiveness.

Those who are interested in the historical past of the Promised Land can choose the Sea of ​​Galilee, on the coast of which there are many ancient monuments and various kinds of attractions. Excursions to holy places will leave the deepest impressions, spiritually enriching everyone. A visit to the Ein Gedi national reserve, the ancient Masada fortress, the Sodom salt mountain and other interesting sites will be unforgettable. A November holiday in Israel is a truly magical stay in a blessed land.

If in many places from November to March the weather cannot be called beach weather, then in exotic Sri Lanka it is during this period that the best best time for an amazing holiday, filled with unusual impressions and previously unexperienced feelings. In November, the daily tropical downpours stop here, and thousands of tourists flock to former island Ceylon to splash around in the waters of the Indian Ocean and taste all the delights of the surrounding exoticism. And there is more than enough of it here: the famous Ceylon tea, the unique Spice Garden, many Buddha statues, an elephant nursery, the Royal Botanical Garden with a huge collection of wild orchids.

Here at every step you can meet monkeys peacefully coexisting next to people, ride elephants, enjoy fruits that taste unfamiliar, and see with your own eyes how the famous batik fabric is created in craft factories. For those who focus on being on the beach, it is better to go to Sri Lanka in the 2nd half of November, when the monsoons completely calm down, the ocean waves decrease, and the ocean becomes more gentle. But those who visit this wonderland in early November will not regret anything. Water skiers will have plenty of fun riding the waves, and lazy people will bask on the velvet sand. Excursions to local attractions in November will provide new knowledge about national traditions and entertainment and previously unknown amazing experiences.

Canary Islands

A holiday in November on a unique archipelago consisting of 7 large and many small islands formed as a result of a volcanic eruption is a great pleasure. Here, the daytime air temperature in November is very comfortable (+22°-24°), and the water temperature is +20°, a constant breeze blows, which allows you to actively engage in all types of activities. water sports. Considering the significant discounts on tours at this time, the Canary Islands are a real peak tourist season. Surfers different countries demonstrate their brilliant ability to conquer the turquoise waves of the Atlantic.

Many canoes and boats glide between the islands, carrying tourists. Children will also not be bored here: excursions to the dolphinarium, zoo, and nature, in addition to beach activities, will really appeal to them. The islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria are especially popular, differing from each other in their unique landscapes and unique natural attractions. It will be interesting to take part in the grand celebration of St. Martin's Day, which is celebrated at the end of the harvest season (11/11). Widespread folk festivals with fiery dances and general fun will brighten up the stay of tourists here.

The legendary “Island of Freedom” greets its guests with magnificent summer weather in November, when there is practically no heavy rain and the sun is not as hot as in previous months. Holidays on the coast Caribbean Sea It will be simply heavenly: the sun is hot enough, you can swim in water heating up to 25° around the clock. The Atlantic is also a delightful time to visit in November, although storms are possible at the beginning of the month. On such days, you can indulge in trips to historical, cultural and revolutionary sights, visit the famous tobacco museum, and take part in various holidays (for example, St. Cristobal).

Everyone will enjoy the spirited Cuban dances, lively songs and the love of life of the Cubans. Even simple walks among exotic natural beauties will become a fascinating experience. Fans of cave exploration can take up speleology; there is a large field of activity for them here. It will be interesting to visit factories where the unique production of famous Cuban cigars and rum is established. Tourists will like spicy, juicy dishes national cuisine and the unusually hospitable attitude of the Cubans.

The homeland of the ancients and the Aztecs and Mayans, full of magical mystery, shrouded in romantic legends - Mexico with its passionate energetic inhabitants, with nature sparkling with multi-colored colors, wonderful beaches of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts attracts hundreds of different kinds of tourists in November. Among them are those who prefer the famous VIP resorts of Acapulco or Rivera Maya and those who long to see the legendary ancient monuments - unique pyramids and ancient Indian settlements. The last autumn month in Mexico is the height of the beach season, when the rains have stopped almost everywhere, the waters are calm, the water temperature (+25-26°) and air (+22-28°) are super comfortable. Underwater spaces open up for scuba divers and divers.

Fans of surfing will easily find suitable waves, just as those who like swimming and lying on the sand will find their best place under the Mexican sun. November is a favorable time to visit the Mexican capital of Mexico City, where it is not at all hot, but warm enough to easily tour the many attractions and museums (50 of them). Amazing beautiful parks, interesting archaeological excavations leave an unforgettable impression.

Every year (11/20) the Revolution Day celebration is held here with wonderful concerts, carnivals and processions. On November 22, those who wish can listen to plenty of mariachi - national music played in honor of St. Cecilia's Day. What is it worth to taste authentic, fiery and incredibly tasty Mexican dishes and communicate with the temperamental, friendly residents of this truly beautiful country!

Indonesia, Bali

When autumn becomes coldest and rainiest in northern latitudes, summer is in full swing in Indonesia. The hot heat often gives way to pouring rain, and so on in a circle. The rains are short-lived, the tropical sun quickly dries up their traces, so in November the climate here is humid and hot. Indonesia is the largest Island state, which is washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. Each part of it is beautiful in its own way. Pristine nature, picturesque landscapes, clean beaches, rich flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world.

But the most popular destination was the island of Bali. “Paradise”, “Island of the Gods”, “Island of Love”, “Island of Volcanoes” - all these names characterize Bali from different sides. This is a place of contrasts. These are warm ocean waters for surfing and diving. This is a tropical jungle with monitor lizards and monkeys. This active volcanoes and fertile land. This is a lot of ancient temples. It is autumn, when the flow of tourists decreases slightly, that you can fully enjoy the beauty of the beaches and attractions of Bali.

Active tourists will certainly enjoy Kuta – a city with a lot of entertainment and high service. This is where the end-of-season music festival takes place every year. You can meet many world stars there. As an educational pastime, you can go on excursions to temples, visit the sacred monkey forest or the zoo. You definitely won't be bored here.

China, Hainan

The rainy season ends by the end of autumn, and the velvet season begins - the ideal time for comfortable rest in Hainan. It’s not cold yet, but the tropical sweltering stuffiness is already leaving, giving way to a climate more familiar to us. “Lord of the tropical latitudes,” Hainan attracts with its extraordinary beaches, local attractions, and culinary delights.

Here you can not only gain physical strength after a busy year. Against the backdrop of eastern calm and unhurriedness, it is easy to recover morally and be filled with peace. Tourist infrastructure is concentrated in the south in the city of Sanya. This is an attractive place for surfers and diving enthusiasts. But not only the beaches attract vacationers, but also a rich excursion program. It introduces you to natural diversity: the Butterfly Museum, Monkey Island, a safari park, one of the largest botanical gardens, an extinct volcano - the list goes on.

There is also a place for fun here. In the last month of autumn, the Festival of Joy and Fun is held in Hainan. It is accompanied by competitions, performances, concerts and show programs. And on November 11, Singles' Day is celebrated noisily in bars and nightclubs.


Swim in two unique seas at once, the Red and the Dead, improve your health and visit holy places - all this can be easily combined in Jordan. The weather is pleasant, the summer heat no longer bothers vacationers. Possible weather vagaries in the form of beginning rains will not spoil your vacation. It is pleasant to be here at any time of the year. The most popular destination is Aqaba.

The city is called the “Jordanian window to the sea”; after the extensive deserts, its nature is perceived as a fabulous oasis. Aqaba is located on the shores of the Red Sea. Its special microclimate is created mountain ranges that surround the city. The water is warm, the air temperature is also as comfortable as possible for adaptation. Therefore, a beach holiday at the end of autumn can be unforgettably spent on a well-groomed coastline Aqaba, especially for families with children.

In addition, the city can captivate you with its cultural and historical attractions. They will introduce you to the ancient rich history of Jordan and reveal the secrets of the Middle East. To do this, you should definitely visit the Mamluk fortress, Lot’s cave, the Mujib nature reserve, as well as the “city of a thousand pillars” Jerash, Madaba and the legendary Jordan River.

A real exotic fairy tale awaits you in Mauritius. November here is comparable to the end of spring in northern latitudes. This is the beginning of the season, when there is not yet an influx of tourists, and the holiday can be calm and measured, with a slight touch of luxury. Snow-white beaches and warm waters of the Indian Ocean have created a paradise for those who love to soak up the sand. Romantic dates and wedding ceremonies are frequent events on local beaches, attracted by the gorgeous scenery.

Rich and vibrant undersea world attracts divers here. Fishing is popular all year round. Many hotels issue necessary equipment and gear for amateur fishermen are also delivered to the open sea. In addition, you can go canyoning, ride over the abyss, swim with dolphins, visit a crocodile farm, play sports, shopping and much more. If you want your dream vacation, go to Mauritius.

Columbus also called Jamaica the most beautiful island of the West Indies. Sunny weather, warm Caribbean Sea, and all this accompanied by rhythmic reggae music - what could be more perfect for relaxation? It’s comfortable to relax here: the hurricane season is ending, there’s no hot heat, but it’s not cold either. It is often recommended to visit Negril - one of the cleanest resorts in the world. You can see picturesque landscapes, cascading waterfalls, and tropical forests in Ocho Rios. Jamaica has become a popular destination for music festivals.

Music sounds from every corner here. In addition to festivals, there is also something to see here. Museum of the legendary Bob Marley, the ancient Appleton winery, the famous Blue Lagoon, mountain plantations of Blue Mountain - one of the best varieties of coffee in the world. Jamaica has amazingly intertwined African, Caribbean and British features, creating its own unique culture. The locals are very cheerful and hospitable. They delight visitors with their sincere smiles and serenity.

Seychelles is an incredibly beautiful place in Indian Ocean where summer lasts all year round. But the weather is not the same at different times of the year. At the end of autumn, the Seychelles meet the rainy season, which is accompanied by high air humidity. It is worth noting that tropical rains are fleeting: no sooner has the rain hit the island than the sun is already peeking out from behind the clouds. Therefore, precipitation does not have time to ruin the holiday for tourists. Relaxation and carefree – that’s what reigns in the Seychelles. Not surprising, because this is the safest state in the world.

The cleanest beaches and clear azure waters magically take away fatigue and fill you with strength – physical and mental. This is one of the popular “wedding” destinations. Carry out a wedding ceremony on the ocean and have a fabulous Honeymoon- perfect! Abundance good hotels, delicious local cuisine (Creole), high level of service - all this is evidenced by reviews from tourists.


We have always associated Africa with eternal summer. But Tanzania and Zanzibar are something far away, covered in legends and myths. But recently, tourists have increased demand for this destination. Basically, these are travelers looking for exotic things and experiences. Like many others African countries, Tanzania is distinguished by the absence of autumn. The weather here in November is warm, even hot. This is a good time to travel, only for those who are not afraid to encounter African exotica.

There is a lot to see in Tanzania. This is the most high point continent Kilimanjaro, the most big lake Victoria, kilometers snow-white beaches and indescribable panoramas, ancient cities and outposts, the place where the legendary Freddie Mercury was born, etc. The local color is so organic, as if it takes you into Arabian fairy tales about Scheherazade and Aladdin. Safaris are of particular interest. This good way see the diversity of African wildlife in their natural environment and even hunt. After such an unusual vacation, it is difficult to remain indifferent.


In November, the beach season in Europe comes to an end, but you can bask on the warm sand in Egypt almost all year round. The air temperature here is about 32 degrees Celsius, and the water is 26. In addition to the cleanest sea, huge beaches and wonderful service in Egypt, you can always enjoy unique excursions. Amazing architectural monuments from the era of the pharaohs and the Greco-Roman Empire are still preserved here. In Cairo, you simply must look at the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day - the Pyramids. In Luxor (the ancient name of which is Thebes) there is a complex with the temples of Tutankhamun, Amenhotep III and many others. On Sinai Peninsula There is a unique natural monument called the “colored canyon” - a huge gorge running along the bottom of the ancient ocean.

In addition, here is the most beautiful place on the Red Sea coast - national reserve Ras Mohammed, the magical world of corals and fish. In Egypt you can go fishing, diving, or ride a quad bike in the desert. In short, everyone will find something to their liking in this beautiful place. Towards the end of November, Ramadan is celebrated here.

This is one of the reasons for the huge number of holidaymakers in Egypt at this time. Therefore, to avoid any unpleasant situations, make sure to book your hotel rooms in advance. The best option November holiday in Egypt will be a holiday in Hurghada, where it is warmer than in other parts of the country, there are clean sandy beaches and many water parks.

Hello everyone from the fine white sand of Puka Shell Beach on Boracay Island, Philippines. If you are looking for where to go on vacation in November at the seaside, where it’s warm and dry, where it’s cheap, where it’s safe to relax abroad in November-December in 2018, you’re welcome heavenly place in the “Bounty” style, which, by the way, was opened quite recently for beach holidays.

Today I will tell you about a holiday at sea in late autumn - early winter. About countries where it’s really warm in November: the sand and the sea are just calling you back. Well, have you decided to pack your bags and fly away from the rain and cold?

Where to go on vacation at sea in November 2018 without a visa?

Where is the warm sea and comfortable conditions for a beach holiday in the fall? That's right, abroad. In Russia, even in the south, it is no longer possible to wet your feet and “ride” the sea waves.

A visa is a cost, both financial and time. Therefore, it is better to choose for your November holiday those countries where there is a visa-free regime for Russians. All you need is a foreign passport with a validity period of at least six months after leaving the place where you will go on vacation.

Philippines, Boracay island

Boracay is central, small and the most beautiful island Philippines, 7 kilometers long and 2.5 kilometers wide, with a population of just over 28 thousand people. This island was discovered by tourists relatively recently for a beach holiday. And now he has acquired a number of luxury hotels. Although you can relax here without the crowds.

The nearest airport is on the neighboring island of Panay. The entire island can be walked around during the day. But the local attractions are still worth stopping and seeing:

  • Awesome garden with hundreds of butterflies
  • Talipapa Souvenir Market
  • Caves with bats
  • Flooded dead forest

Beaches in Boracay with the finest white sand. Even on a hot day it is impossible to get burned by it. The sea is like in the Bounty pictures – transparent and turquoise. The same thing can only be found on Caribbean Islands. And what magnificent landscapes - sloping palm trees, graceful rocks, gently sloping coastline.

Everything for relaxation right by the sea: clubs, cafes, restaurants, spas, snorkeling, diving, windsurfing, kitesurfing.

Beaches of Boracay Island

The entire coastline is divided into beaches. Some are free and open, but in others they won’t let you in if you are not a guest of the hotel where the beach is located.

Foremost - White beach(White beach) (one of the 5 best beaches in the world). Here's where to go on vacation in November, at the seaside where it's warm!

All tourist life“boils” on this 4 km. white sand. Residents divided this beach into 3 stations. I recommend station No. 3 - it’s not crowded and there are places to drink cocktails.

The beach at station 2 is the most entertaining (that’s why there are more people here), but the narrowest. At station 1 there is shallow water near the shore and the most expensive hotels.

Bulabog Beach is the second most important. Active recreation lovers often come here in November-December: kiters and windsurfers. They organize competitions.

But Puka Shell Beach is the best - 800 meters of free paradise.

And more beaches that we were able to explore and are worthy of attention:

  • Dinivid Beach
  • Punta Bunga Beach
  • Balinghai beach
  • Puka Beach
  • Ilig-Iligan beach


During the high season (March-April and November-December) there are comfortable conditions for relaxing at sea. Time without rain, air temperature +28...+30°C, the sea is calm and warm. In summer the sea begins to bloom.

Well, where to relax abroad in November at sea? – this question has already disappeared from you, or let’s continue.


A last minute trip to Boracay Island will cost you 50-60 thousand Russian rubles. As for housing prices, everything is in comparison: from $10 to $250 per night for one. Food can be purchased in supermarkets. A dinner for two in an average restaurant will cost $10-20. Plus SPA treatments – $10-120. In terms of shopping, the island is no good, just a small thing.

Russians do not need a visa (valid for 30 days).

How to get to the paradise island of Boracay?

From Russia to the capital of the Philippines - Manila (with a transfer in Beijing or Hong Kong). From here to Panay Island (2 airports: Kalibo and Caticlan, cheaper in Kalibo). Then you need to get to the sea by bus ($7-12) and by boat to Boracay ($1.5).

Thailand, Phuket

It’s great in Thailand in November – the rains have faded into the background. Mild heat has arrived in Phuket and it is better to come here to relax at sea in November-December. In January it will no longer be cheap and there will be “darkness” of people.

During this autumn period, sunbathing and beach holidays are at their best. The gentle sea warmed by the sun attracts both our tourists and foreigners. In November, Thais celebrate the end of the rains with the Loi Krathong festival (translated as “floating boat of leaves”).

Everyone tries to make an unusual small boat, puts a coin and lights a candle (a tribute to water and light). And thousands of glowing ships rush into the open sea - impressive.

At the same time (November) the sky lantern festival takes place. And all the same thousands of lights, but this time in the night sky. Just imagine!

For excursions, I advise you to come here on vacation on the 10th of November, when the beaches of the Similan Islands and Phi Phi Islands are put in order after the summer tourists.

Weather in November in Thailand

Yes, everything is “OK” with the weather - the water temperature is more than comfortable (+27...+29°C), on the shore - +28...+30°C, at night +24°C. Beach holiday at its best! There are no winds, although there are rains, but only at night and not for long.

Beaches of Phuket

At the end of autumn, the sea is calm and it’s time to enjoy the beauty of the underwater kingdom. The best places to “dive” with a snorkel and mask are on the islands: Racha Noi, Dok Mai, Shark Point Nature Reserve, Bida Noi and Bida Nok.

Young people will have a great time on the beaches of the Patong resort - there is always fun, noisy and a lot of entertainment.

For a family holiday with children, choose beaches marked with red and yellow flags (they are not deep and have little current). All best beaches located in the west and south of Phuket: Karon, Kalim, Kata (sandy bottom and gentle entrance to the sea), Kamala, Nai Thon (secluded - quiet beach holiday), Nai Yang (one might say “wild”).

Prices in November in Phuket

Last minute trips to Thailand to Phuket can still be “caught” - 30-45 thousand rubles, hurry up! And so you understand that the “low season” is ending, and the time of the “high season” is coming. And prices for tours begin to gradually rise by 30-40%.

There are no problems with housing or food - prices are at the same level - a hotel room starts from $10, you can eat in an inexpensive restaurant for $12 (3-course lunch for two).

Air tickets, flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg: from 30,000 rubles.

No visa is needed, it is obtained at the border (30 days)

How to get to Phuket

You can get there by direct flight or with a transfer to Bangkok. If you take a ticket to the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, then the fastest route is again by plane (from $35, flight time 1 hour) or by bus ($15, travel time 8-9 hours). You can also get there from Pattaya (by plane or bus). From Samui and Kprabi by ferry (from $7).

Vietnam, Phu Quoc island

Another country where you can go on a seaside holiday in November without a visa is Vietnam. The weather varies by region. For a beach holiday, it is better to go to the south of the country.

It’s better to go on vacation to the island of Phu Quoc (Phu Kok, Phu Quoc, Phu Quoc, that’s what they also call it, and don’t confuse it with Japanese city Fukuoka). This is the most south island(50 km long and 25 km wide).


Water temperature in November is +26…+28°С. On land +28…+32°С. The high season is just beginning here. But this island is not crowded. You can relax and sunbathe without any problems.

Fukuoka beaches

Since this is an island, there are beaches all along the coast. The best of them is Bai Sao (Sao Beach). Fine white sand, turquoise sea, palm trees grow on the shore near the water. This place is in the same vein as the Bounty commercial.

There are other beaches: Long Beach (Duong Duong) - the most popular among tourists and Russians, Dai Beach - an amusement park with a water park and a huge Vinpearl Hotel, Vong Beach - wild.

November prices in Fukuoka

Last minute tours, let’s say not really “last minute” - for two and for 7 days a tour will cost you at least 65 thousand rubles.

Although if you fly on your own to relax at the seaside in November, air tickets here from Moscow will cost from $480, accommodation is inexpensive - a room for two is $12. You can eat in a restaurant or cafe - lunch will cost you $20-30.

A visa is not required for Russians (15 days).

How to get to Phu Quoc

The fastest way is directly from Russia, without transfers, but it is expensive (expensive 35-40 thousand rubles). The second way is from Ho Chi Minh City by plane (you can find air tickets for less than $50). For those who travel independently, it is better to get to Fukuoka by land (more economical).

Israel, Eilat – beach holiday in November

The Dead Sea resorts have always attracted our compatriots. It is best to go on vacation in November to the sea, where it is warm. And this is the city of Eilat in the south of Israel - here at the end of autumn it is really dry and warm, compared to other resorts in the country, where it can also rain.


The temperature during the day is +28…+32°C, and at night +16…+18°C. The sea is warm, +24…+26°C. All conditions for a comfortable beach holiday.

Beaches of Eilat

There are a lot of adapted and equipped beaches in the city. The cleanest and most modern ones are already occupied and closed to ordinary tourists. They belong to the hotels of the same name.

Although there are also public beaches where you can come and relax and have fun. The coolest beach for families with children is Dolphin Reef beach. The most popular one to dive is Migdalor (Lighthouse) beach. For young people - a noisy and dynamic Village.

Prices in Eilat in November

Last minute tour for two for 7 days – from 50 thousand rubles.

Flight from Moscow - from $420, rental housing - from $40 for two per day. Lunch in city restaurants - $20, and on the embankment - $40

Visa for Russian tourists will not be needed (90 days).

United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Where to go on vacation in November at the seaside, where it’s still warm and comfortable abroad without a visa? At this time (end of autumn) in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) the weather is not at all autumn - here the real Russian summer is in full swing. Prices, of course, are a little “biting” for a beach holiday, but you can still “skillfully” save money and relax “to the fullest”!

Weather in Dubai

At this time, in the Persian Gulf the temperature at sea is +25...+27°C, outside +28...+30°C, and at night +25°C. This balance of air and water temperatures creates wonderful conditions for beach holidays and excursions.

The best beaches in Dubai

Most popular place, where it’s warm, you can sunbathe and swim in the sea - “Al Mamzar Beach”. Actually, this is a park (entrance is $1.5). Second - " Jumeirah Beach Park" (free), sun loungers are located next to the world-famous Parus Hotel. Free beaches also: “Sunset” or “Sufouh” - semi-wild, “Kite Beach” - any entertainment to choose from.

How much does it cost to holiday in Dubai?

If we talk about prices, the UAE is not cheap: you can “grab” a last-minute ticket for 35-40 thousand rubles.

If you are planning to go on vacation in November, then a flight from Moscow to Dubai costs from $300. Hotel for two per night from $50. You can eat in a restaurant from $35 – lunch for two.

A visa in 2107 to the UAE can be obtained free of charge at Dubai Airport (30 days).

Maldives, Maldives

Where can you relax at sea abroad inexpensively? In the last month of autumn, a tourist trip to the Maldives can be much cheaper than in December or on New Year's Eve. Paradise islands will become available to the common man only in November.


In October-November the weather in the Maldives is comfortable for a beach holiday. Water temperature in the sea is +28°C, on the shore +30°C, at night +25°C. There is rain, but it is not long (it may not happen during your holiday).

Beach holiday

We cannot give preference to any particular island - they are all good and resemble Bounty-style beaches. White delicate warm sand, the same warm turquoise sea and palm trees leaning towards the water.

The most popular island among Russians is Kurumba. They also relax on: Nika Island, Banyan Tree, Naladhu, Sun Island

On November 11, the capital of the Maldives, Male, hosts a major public holiday, Republic Day.

How much does a holiday in the Maldives cost?

To be honest, the prices are simply “cosmic”, but that’s why they are heavenly. In addition, the tourist service and cleanliness of the beaches are at a high level.

The most expensive part of the trip is air tickets: a round trip costs around 25-30 thousand rubles. There is always a choice and you can save money by finding a more profitable and cheaper option.

If you decide to go on vacation on your own, there is a wide range of rental housing available at prices ranging from $30 to $60. The cheapest option we found was $25 for a double room for a day.

The prices for food are not outrageous - on average you can eat for $10-$20 a day.

With all possible inexpensive calculations, the cost of a trip to the Maldives in November for two for a week will be 65-100 thousand rubles.

In 2018-2019, a visa to the Maldives is not required (30 days).

Where else can you go on vacation in November at the seaside abroad, where it’s warm and dry? Where to relax at sea in November inexpensively?

Not all countries provide visa-free travel for Russians, but now applying for and obtaining a visa is much easier than in past years. Moreover, doing this via the Internet (online) is absolutely no problem.

India, Goa

Well, haven’t decided yet where it’s better to relax at sea in November? Maybe India will attract you? The small tourist state of “Goa”. People come here for a beach holiday and Ayurvedic massage.

Weather in Goa

The torrential rains have receded and they have been replaced by heat - warm and dry. The weather reminds summer Sochi. The thermometer rises during the day to +32°C, at night to +23°C. The sea is very warmed up by the aggressive winter sun, the water temperature is +29°C.

Beach holiday in Goa in November

Calangute Beach is in demand; it is a local resort, like Antalya in Turkey. The most tourists are North Goa: there is a developed infrastructure, many hotels and trance entertainment. In South Goa you can relax peacefully: without unnecessary fuss, without the noise of parties.

Young people and those who like dancing love to relax and party on Anjuna Beach - hippies came here back in the 70s.

If you come with children, then the best and quietest places for a family holiday are: Benaulim beach, Patnem beach. The cleanest sand in the city of Cavelossim.

At the beginning of November, the Festival of Lights is celebrated here.

Vacation prices

A last minute tour can easily be purchased for 30-35 thousand rubles per person. The price of air tickets to Goa, if booked in advance, is from 30 thousand rubles. It’s much easier in Goa itself: renting accommodation starts from $6, and food is even easier – lunch for two starts from $5.

A tourist visa can be applied for online or through the consulate (RUB 1,800)

Sri Lanka, Bentota and Beruwala for a beach holiday in November

Exotic expanses of coral reefs await you on Bentota and Beruwela Islands. Sri Lanka. At this time it is especially comfortable and inexpensive. And again a beach holiday in the Bounty style, again a paradise with white sand and turquoise sea.

Weather in Sri Lanka in late autumn

You won't be able to get rid of the rains completely, but they are instantaneous - they dry as quickly as if they never happened at all. Air temperature during the day is +29…+31°C, and at night +22…+25°C. The sea is very warm, like fresh milk +27…+29°C.

Relax and have fun

If you want to relax by the sea, where it’s warm, then you should go to the west and south of Sri Lanka: Unawatuna, Matara (Polhena) and Dikwella. For active recreation, surfing: on the Kalpitiya Peninsula or in Negombo.

Bentota and Beruwela for a classic beach holiday and a little bit of waves. From here there is a beautiful view of the Indian Ocean.

Lankan attractions: waterfalls - Bridal Fatu and Bambarakandu, tea plantations, sacred mountains, Sinharaja rain forest.

How much does it cost to travel to Sri Lanka in November?

Since the high season is just beginning, last-minute tours can be purchased at very reasonable prices of 30-33 thousand rubles (per person for 7 days). You can find air tickets on your own for prices starting from $380 round trip.

Accommodation, as well as food, is plentiful and quite inexpensive - from $15 a room for two per night (if located close to the beach - from $20-30) and lunch for two in a cheap cafe from $1.5 and from $10 in mid-price restaurant. This is where you should go on vacation with your children at sea (to the Red Sea)

You can apply for a visa via the Internet (online).

Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh

Do you want to get to the best seaside resort in the world? Don’t know where to relax at sea in November? Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt is the beach holiday you need in the last month of autumn.


It is in late autumn that the heat drops to 33-35 degrees in Egypt. The temperature in the water is +24...+26°C, on land +25...+33°C during the day, and at night it is cooler +12...+18°C (blouses will be appropriate).

Beach holidays in November in Egypt

Not all beaches are suitable for families with children. There is a wide range of surfaces: pebble, pebble-sand and completely sand.

Young people come more often to night parties at the El Fanar resort Beach Resort" November will bring nothing to surfers - there is no wind. But you will be able to dive with a mask and see the underwater kingdom.

Prices for holidays in Egypt for the November holidays

A vacation in Egypt at the end of autumn cannot be called cheap - the cost goes through the roof up to 100 thousand rubles for two people for 7 days. But there is a small trick - from November 4 to November 20, prices for tours fall by 20-30%. And at this time you can buy a trip to Egypt with the all-inclusive system for 25-30 thousand per person.

If you are going to go on vacation at sea on your own, then air travel there and back will cost you 18-25 thousand rubles. Prices for rental housing (we are talking about a hotel room) – from $10 per person. And you can eat in a restaurant for lunch from $8.

Visa to Egypt for Russians in 2018

As you have already heard, organizing tours to Egypt from Russia was banned due to the 2015 plane crash. But now everything is fine - order and book tour packages for November in advance, and no one has canceled independent trips- which will be cheaper.

As for the visa, a free Sinai visa is valid in Sharm el-Sheikh (Sinai stamp “SINAI ONLY” for 15 days). In the rest of Egypt, a tourist visa is required and costs $25.

Where to go on vacation in November in Russia?

I think it’s not worth talking about a beach holiday in Russia at the end of autumn, unless of course you are “walruses”. But to take a break from the hustle and bustle, go relax and have fun on November holidays you're welcome.

There are so many in Russia wonderful places, that, it seems to me, it’s not enough to travel around them all your life and even see them out of the corner of your eye. In addition, if we talk about prices, then our homeland is not abroad and you can relax here inexpensively.

The most popular destination in Russia in November and on New Year’s Eve:

To improve their health, many choose sanatoriums and health resorts. If you are a lover of active recreation, welcome to the Caucasus and Mountain Altai. The start of the season awaits you here ski holiday and the immense beauty of Mother Nature. And there are simply countless excursions to Russian cities.

Mountain Altai

Where to relax in Russia at the end of autumn? Choose Altai and its mountains. Mountain air and light frost in a beautiful and clean place in Russia will bring you a boost of energy for the month ahead.

Skiing has not yet started at this time - the season opens towards the end of November - beginning of December. Ski resorts popular in Belokurikha, lakes Manzherok and Aya.

The weather is already almost winter: the air temperature during the day is −3…−6°С, at night it drops to −12°С.

Caucasus: Dombay and Elbrus region

The trails are open to active and sporty people ski type in Dombay and Elbrus region. November is the beginning of the ski season. Climbers and snowboarders conquer the slopes of the mountains.

Weather in November in Dombay: during the day +3…+6°С, at night up to −6°С. In the Elbrus region it is a little warmer - the temperature during the day is +3...+7°С, in the evening and at night 0...+2°С.

In addition to active recreation at the end of autumn, tourists can enjoy nature and local landscapes. And some people can get treatment in mineral springs.

Gold ring of Russia

Where else to go in November 2018 in Russia? Can be arranged little trip around the country and visit popular cities: “Golden Ring”.

In a week or two you can tour all the ancient cities: Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, Kostroma, Rostov, Ivanovo, Sergiev Posad, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky.

Tour prices at this time are much lower than in the summer: from 10 thousand rubles for 5-7 days per adult.

Have you already made plans for New Year 2019? Look how you could meet him this year,

Holidays in Russia in November 2018: options

During the November holidays, you can go on an excursion to the capital Moscow or St. Petersburg (Tretyakov Gallery or Hermitage, Peterhof), Kazan, Karelia, Crimea and Sochi. It all depends on your mood and weather.

You don’t have to go anywhere, but get together with friends or family and spend the fall outside the city listening to fragrant barbecues and soulful songs. And also warm up in the bathhouse and have a nice chat by the evening fireplace.

Where to relax and where to go on vacation in November with a child?

All of the above destinations can easily be classified as family vacations. But as a rule, people prefer warm and comfortable beaches abroad to inclement Russian weather. And the child himself will be extremely happy to swim in the sea and build a sand castle.

Before traveling you should pay attention to important points:

  • Travel time (it is better if the tour coincides with the holidays)
  • Watch the weather (country climate)
  • Children's entertainment is a must
  • Short flights
  • Comfortable conditions

In addition to the sea and sand, older children can go to Europe for educational and educational purposes: Spain, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary.

We are for a beach holiday with a child in the “Bounty” style!

What do you think? What did you do in November, where did you go, where did you relax - don’t be modest, share. Even when there is nothing to say, there will always be questions.


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  • unusual excursions from local residents.
    • Air temperature: 29–31 °C.
    • Water temperature: 27–28 °C.
    • Visa: A tourist visa for 30 days can be obtained at the airport.
    • Cost of living: from 678 rubles per night.
    • : from 17,139 rubles.

    In November, the weather in the United Arab Emirates is very comfortable, but there is no such influx of tourists as in December-January. So this month is great for relaxation: both beach and excursion.

    Among other attractions in Dubai: desert safaris, first-class water parks, skydiving, developed night life and even the opportunity to ski or snowboard. In general, there are a lot of recreation options, as befits a tourist center.

    • Air temperature: 29–30 °C.
    • Water temperature: 29°C.
    • Visa: need not.
    • Cost of living: from 860 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 55,647 rubles.

    Compared to other fall months, Jamaica experiences relatively dry weather in November. At the same time, there are still no crowds of Americans who traditionally fill the island in winter. Therefore, a quiet and more affordable stay than in the high season is guaranteed.

    In addition to lying on the Jamaican sand, you can also go on a tour of local waterfalls, raft down the Black River, overrun by crocodiles, and, of course, enjoy local cuisine and music (the birthplace of Bob Marley, after all).

    • Air temperature: 29–30 °C.
    • Water temperature: 28°C.
    • Visa: need not.
    • Cost of living: from 1,819 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 35,102 rubles.

    The end of autumn is a transitional period for the Maldives: officially the rainy season is still ongoing, but in fact there are not so many of them. Translated, this means reduced prices for a paradise vacation.

    The most precipitation at this time falls in the center of the archipelago, less in the north. In addition, it is worth considering that it is better to go surfing on Addu Atoll: there is the strongest wind.

    Otherwise, holidays in different parts of the archipelago are not much different. Beautiful beaches and water activities like diving and snorkeling are everywhere.

    • Air temperature: 29–30 °C.
    • Water temperature: 28°C.
    • Visa: need not.
    • Cost of living: from 153 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 30,706 rubles.

    You can go to this favorite place for downshifters starting in November, when the rainy season ends. And if they can still disturb some parts of the country, then the risk of getting wet in Phuket is minimal. One of the advantages of this situation: you can relax cheaper than usual, especially in the first half of the month.

    What else awaits you: warm and clean sea, nightlife and attractions, mainly temples and parks. But the island is big, there is a lot to see.

    • Air temperature: 30–31 °C.
    • Water temperature: 29°C.
    • Visa: Indian, you can get it online.
    • Cost of living: from 808 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 60,110 rubles.

    Perfect for those who like a more secluded holiday. Andaman Islands. On them, as on the entire Indian coast, comfortable conditions for recreation are established in November. And if you arrive in the middle of the month, you will definitely be able to find beautiful weather and attractive prices.

    Other advantages of the islands: beautiful sandy beaches and the main local entertainment - swimming with elephants.

    • Air temperature: 9–13 °C.
    • Visa: British.
    • Cost of living: from 590 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 9,772 rubles.

    November is a time of holidays and lights. The city will begin to shine on November 5, Guy Fawkes Night: at this time, Londoners will light bonfires and set off fireworks in honor of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

    A week later, on November 10, the townspeople will celebrate again. The occasion will be the inauguration of the head of the City district, which is called Lord Mayor's Show. This is one of the oldest British celebrations, which is accompanied by a colorful carnival and ends with fireworks over the Thames.

    And finally, in November the British capital will begin to prepare for Christmas. The city will be transformed for the holiday, Christmas markets will open and themed events will be held. In general, you won’t be able to get rid of the feeling of joy and magic.

    • Air temperature: 9–15 °C.
    • Visa: American
    • Cost of living: from 1,704 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 25,392 rubles.

    Another country that will plunge into the holiday atmosphere at the end of autumn is America. And we are, of course, talking about Thanksgiving, which will take place on November 22. Anyone who's seen a Hollywood movie (that's pretty much everyone) knows that this is the best time to eat turkey and pumpkin pie.

    The holiday will be celebrated throughout the country, but the most important celebration, the Macy's parade, will be held in New York. A procession of mummers, clowns, dancers and brass bands will take to the central streets of the city. The highlight of the parade, as always, will be giant balloons in the form of cartoon and comic book characters. On November 1 and 2, a very bright holiday takes place throughout Mexico - the Day of the Dead. Despite the fact that the occasion is not the most joyful (honoring the dead), Mexicans manage to celebrate it with their characteristic joy. It is interesting in November in Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria. At the beginning of the month, the Autumn Art Salon ends there, but from November 16 to 30 you can still have time to visit the largest Bulgarian film festival “Kinomania”, within which screenings and creative meetings will take place.

    Another bright event is expected on the last weekend of the month - “

    Every year the question “where to go to the sea in November” becomes relevant for an increasing number of our readers. Today we will not talk about the advantages of relaxation during this period, but will immediately get down to business and present you with a list of 7 countries in which your autumn vacation will be unforgettable.

    Our choice was influenced by factors such as the price of accommodation and food, weather and reviews from tourists, accessible location and availability interesting entertainment. So, here are the top 7 places for a wonderful holiday in November.


    A country where snow has fallen only three times, and in the summer the sun is so hot that laws prohibit working outside during the day - where else to go in the heat of the day? velvet season, if not in the UAE. In November, the air temperature in the largest emirate of the state rises to +30℃, and the sea warms up to +25℃.

    Important! When going on holiday to the UAE in November, take a T-shirt or a light long-sleeved jacket with you, as in the evening the temperature drops to +17℃, and a slight wind rises near the coast.

    There are several dozen beaches in Dubai, each of which amazes with its cleanliness, size and developed infrastructure. Most of them belong to the territory of hotels or hotels, but there are several places where you can enjoy the bright Dubai sun for free or for a small amount:

    Jumeirah Beach Residence
    • Jumeirah Beach Residence. A free city beach overlooking skyscrapers is located near The Walk embankment. There are not only cafes, changing rooms and toilets, but also exercise equipment, a well-surfaced jogging track and lawns for a picnic. You can also go for a swim in the November sea at JBR Dubai with children - there are several special areas for them;
    • Sunset is clean and calm beach for photo shoots under the bright sun, but you have to pay for the silence here with a complete lack of infrastructure;
    • The most exotic beach in Dubai belongs to the Sheraton Hotel. To enter its territory you will have to pay 38 or 60 dollars on a weekday and weekend, respectively, but for this money you will get beautiful views and relaxation under the shade of two hundred palm trees.

    Luxury entertainment! In November, the UAE hosts many sporting events, the most famous of which is one of the stages of the Formula 1 race. It lasts only 3 days and takes place on Yas Island, located just 100 km from Dubai.

    It’s worth going to Dubai in November not only for a comfortable beach holiday, but also for bargains. At the end of autumn, the international jewelry week begins here, in which dozens of large companies and hundreds of small enterprises from all over the world participate.

    Gateway Hotel

    What's bad about a vacation in November for those who want to spend it in Dubai is the prices for accommodation. Due to the high temperatures, few tourists agree to travel to the UAE in the summer, so a night in a double room will cost not 65 AED, as in mid-August, but at least 115 dirhams.

    Advice! If you want to save on your trip to Dubai, don't neglect last-minute deals. Also remember that citizens of Russia and Ukraine do not require a visa for a holiday of up to 30 days.

    Thailand, Phuket island

    November is high season on the coast Andaman Sea in Thailand. It is at the end of autumn that the weather in this part of the country is most comfortable for those who like to relax by the sea and ranges from +25℃ to +31℃. The period of rains and waves ends, the winds subside, the water temperature remains at +27-29℃.

    Vacationing in Phuket in November is a pleasure. At this time, here you can not only lie on the seashore, but also go diving, go on a safari to neighboring islands, take part in the Festival of Lights, watch the famous triathlon competitions or the evening shows of Fantasi and Siam Niramit.

    Advice! There are many in Phuket beautiful places, where you can go to the sea in November, but the most popular of them is an excursion to the Similan Islands. If you also want to relax here and avoid the effects of the recent storm season, go on vacation in the middle of the month.

    In total there are about 40 wild and developed beaches in Phuket. The best of them are:

    • Patong is the largest on the island;
    • Kata Noi is a great place for photo sessions with the background blue sea and picturesque mountains;
    • Surin is a beach for lovers of nightlife;
    • Nai Harn is a Thai secret place where it’s good to relax with the family;
    • Peaceful and calm, quiet but undeveloped Bang Tao.

    Mali Garden Resort

    Going to Phuket in November is great, but expensive solution. During the high season, prices for accommodation increase by 20-30% and you will have to pay at least $10 per night in a double room, close to the beach - $25-30.

    Visa information

    If you are a Russian citizen and want to travel to Thailand for a period of less than 30 days, you do not need to obtain a visa in advance. To obtain permission to stay in the country, you need to have $700 per person and a return ticket. The same rules apply to Ukrainians, but for up to 15 days.

    In mid-October, rainwater runs out in Sri Lanka and the flow of tourists begins. For the rest of the autumn, winter and until April, the weather on the southwestern coast of the country is most favorable for a beach holiday. In November, the air temperature in this region rises to +31℃, and the sea warms up to +29℃. Until mid-January there are rains here, but they are short-lived, but from the end of autumn the wind calms down and does not raise strong waves.

    Ideal with children! Most of the beaches on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka are sandy and have easy access to the sea.

    In the southwest of the country there are more than 10 resort towns, among which the most popular are the ones with a turtle beach and the small one. You can go for a swim in the warm November sea to other resorts in Sri Lanka:

    1. Beruwela. Located just 55 km from Colombo. Popular among people who value peace and privacy. The island flavor has been preserved here; you can observe the life of the local residents. Read .
    2. Mirissa. Attracts tourists with affordable prices, beautiful beaches and suitable conditions for surfing. There is also the opportunity to watch whales in Mirissa. More detailed information about the resort is presented in.
    3. Tourists interested not only in relaxation by the sea, but also in historical sights, will like Negombo - the first beach resort Sri Lanka with a rich past. In November, here you can not only relax in the shade of many palm trees, but also go on a interesting excursion along the port, where the British, Portuguese and Dutch lived.

    You will find detailed information about holidays in Negombo.

    Where to stay?

    As in previous countries where you can go on a seaside vacation in November, accommodation prices in Sri Lanka rise during this period. So, having come to rest on southwest coast in August, you can rent a double room for $8 per day, and at the end of autumn the same option will cost from $10.

    Compare accommodation prices using this form

    Visa issue

    For a short stay in Sri Lanka, all tourists must obtain an electronic tourist permit. This can be done in advance by submitting an application on the Internet, or at the country’s airport, on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost of a visa in both cases does not change - $35 per person.

    India, Goa

    Goa is an excellent choice for a seaside holiday abroad in November. There are many reasons for this:

    1. The period of rains and strong winds is ending.
    2. The sea water temperature (+27℃) is the most comfortable for a beach holiday.
    3. Since the beginning of November, the choice of excursions that the whole family can go on has expanded significantly.
    4. After a long rainy season, you can enjoy the beautiful green landscapes and walk along the waterfalls. Plus, food prices are much lower during this period, as local residents begin to harvest their harvest.
    5. November is rich in national holidays, during which time you can see Govardhan Puja, Diwali, Theater Festival and Goan Heritage Festival.
    6. You can apply for an e-visa yourself online. The cost for Russians and Ukrainians is the same – $75.

    Of course, if you decide to relax on the Goa sea in November, you need to know about all the disadvantages of such a trip. Firstly, if you arrive at the beginning of the month, you risk finding the beaches slightly polluted by the remnants of storms. Secondly, boat excursions and diving activities are usually not available until mid-November. Finally, during this period, the high season begins in India, which means an increase in the flow of tourists and an increase in housing prices - from $8 for a double room.

    Important! In November, the air temperature in India at sea varies from +31℃ during the day to +20℃ at night - take this into account when packing your suitcase.

    Goa is famous for its wide coastline, warm sea and a beautiful underwater world. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a beach here where you can relax with maximum pleasure:

    • Expensive but picturesque Morjim will amaze you with its cleanliness, beautiful views, the number of Russian tourists and high prices in local cafes;
    • Arambol is the noisiest corner of the coast, where it is impossible to relax away from people and music, but you can have a blast in one of the clubs or at a disco;
    • Beach and shopping - this kind of mix awaits you in Colva, located in the southern part of Goa. By the calm sea, surrounded by palm trees, you will find several dozen shops and you certainly won’t leave here empty-handed;
    • If you want to go to the beach with the whole family, choose Cansaulim. There are almost no people here and there is no organized entertainment, but there are beautiful views, a smooth entry into the sea and the opportunity to relax in the shade of palm trees.

    Maldives, Thoddoo Island

    Another place where you can relax by the sea in November is the Maldives. The end of autumn marks the country's transition from the wet to the dry season; the air temperature remains around +30℃ during the day and +25℃ at night. During this period the sea warms up to +27℃.

    Why Todd?

    The Maldives is one of the best places for a beach holiday. You can choose any island you like, but, as a rule, prices here are steep, but Fr. Toddu pleases with quite affordable prices, because local residents It is allowed to rent out housing here. All west bank The islands are covered with sand and this is where the open tourist beach. Its central part is about 70 meters long - this is an official place for relaxation by the sea, where there are all the necessary amenities and cleaning is carried out regularly.

    Among the entertainments not related to relaxing by the sea, on Thoddoo you can choose fishing, water skiing and, of course, without exaggeration, excellent snorkeling and diving. You can also visit the holiday on November 11 - Republic Day, which is celebrated with folk festivities, marches and parades.

    No surfing! Surf lovers are better off choosing another place to relax at sea in November, since there are practically no waves on Thoddoo at this time.

    Accommodation prices

    Alimas Inn

    With the onset of the dry season, prices for accommodation in the Maldives increase significantly. So, for a double room you need to pay at least $65, despite the fact that in August the same option would have cost $17 less.

    Visa issue

    For those for whom the vacation turned out to be an unexpected gift, the Maldives will be an excellent option for a seaside holiday in November, because you can come here without a visa - it is issued at the airport upon arrival. You just need to have a return ticket.

    Dominican Republic, Punta Cana

    Endless beaches stretching over 32 km, a rich underwater world and beautiful weather - if you are tired of the usual sea, try going to Punta Cana and swimming in Atlantic Ocean. November for Dominican Republic– one of the most favorable months, when the wind calms down, the air heats up to +31℃, and the water pleases with a temperature of +28℃.

    Don't know where to go to make your vacation unforgettable? Then pay attention to these three magical places:

    1. The Saona Islands are a treasure trove for diving enthusiasts. Here you can not only admire the picturesque landscapes and light waves, but also get acquainted with starfish, various fish and other underwater inhabitants.
    2. Manati Water Park, where performances with dolphins and sea lions take place every day.
    3. Manatee Park has a huge number of exotic Caribbean animals living in one sanctuary and one of the few places where you can swim with dolphins.

    Housing prices

    Bavaro Green

    Unlike previous resorts, November for the Dominican Republic is the last month of the “high” season. It is during this period that you can relax comfortably and inexpensively at sea, paying only 15-20 dollars for a double room.

    Do you need a visa?

    The situation with the visa issue is also favorable - all travelers arriving for a period of less than 60 days just need to receive a tourist card upon arrival, worth $10.

    Vietnam, o. Phu Quoc

    After a long rainy season and typhoons, residents of southern Vietnam are preparing to welcome new travelers, but few of them decide to travel here in November. The reason for this is the weather, which calms down in 70% of the country only by December. Among the remaining 30%, the most popular resort is Phu Quoc, where budget travelers from all over the world go to relax at this time.

    At the end of autumn, tourists should count on sunny weather for 21 days a month, the remaining 9 may be characterized by short-term rains. Regardless of precipitation, the air temperature on the island reaches from +31℃ to +34℃, the sea warms up to +29℃. The coldest weather during this period is late at night, +28℃.

    The best Fukuoka beaches where you should relax in November are:

    Long Beach
    • Long Beach is a meeting place for all travelers. A huge number of hotels, cafes and restaurants not only create comfortable conditions for relaxation at sea, but also keep the coast clean;
    • Isabella Resort

      Going on vacation to Vietnam in November is quite a profitable decision, since prices for accommodation and entertainment during this period remain at an average level. The cost of a night in a double room in a regular hotel starts from $10-15, in a four-star hotel – from $45.

      Find out PRICES or book any accommodation using this form

      Visa issue

      For Russians wishing to visit Phu Quoc for a period of up to 30 days, a visa is not required. Citizens of Ukraine need to issue an electronic invitation in advance, and a visa can be obtained directly at the airport.

      So we told you about 7 wonderful places with their own prices, advantages and disadvantages, in the end, where to go to the sea in November is up to you to decide. Have a nice trip!

      Video: interesting and useful review Phu Quoc Islands with prices and life hacks.

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