The best places to stay in Finland in winter: recreation centers, tourist reviews. Emigration and Life in Finland - Personal Experience What cities worth visiting in Finland in winter

Finland - harsh northern country. Among travelers who come to this country are popular ecotursm. Finland is famous for its nature - numerous lakes, water canals, national parks. All this creates an excellent ecology in the country. The country's climate allows tourists to travel all year round. In the summer, tourists prefer to visit entertainment parks and museums under the open sky. And the snowy winter ride the ski resorts or in the residence of Santa Claus.

A lot of interesting places Located in cities. Museums, fortresses and castles, vintage religious structures - the choice is incredibly large. Located attractions not only in the capital. In historical centers of small cities, such as Raum and Porvo, can be inspected by vintage buildings. Many of them are magnificent samples of Scandinavian architecture.

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What to see and where to go to Finland?

The most interesting I. beautiful places For visiting, photos and a brief description.

1. Senate Square and Cathedral (Helsinki)

2. Esplanade Park (Helsinki)

A park with a length of 400 meters, with linders planted around the perimeter. Based in the 1830s. Undoubtedly decorated Park are beautifully decorated luxury flower flower beds. The park contains many monuments to famous and historical personalities. Cultural entertainment is represented by the Swedish theater, as well as one of the oldest restaurants in Kappeli. On his scene, artists of different genres perform daily.

3. Fortress Sveaborg (Helsinki)

Inaccessible bastions of the fortress city of Sveaburg are located on the Rocky Islands near Helsinki. This place is under the protection of UNESCO. In the fortress there are a large number of museums of different topics - military museum, customs, museum of weapons, toy museum. Excursions on a submarine participated in World War II. On the two islands you can explore the remnants of military fortifications.

4. Fortress OlafSborg (Savonlinna)

The first in the defensive military business of Finland, the fortress, which was built taking into account protection against artillery shelling. Its construction began in 1475. Currently, this is a popular tourist destination, there are several museums of different topics - from the history of the castle to Orthodox iconography. Every year, opera festivals are carried out in the walls of the fortress. The event lasts about a month, it is visited by approximately 60,000 people.

5. Absay Castle (Turku)

One of the most ancient castles of the country is located in, founded in the XIII century. Improvered sizes, as well as a durable building material - granite and brick, allowed to use the lock not only for defense, but also as a prison or storage. The castle looks like a harsh military strengthening, a medieval atmosphere reigns in it. But within its walls, a solemn atmosphere was created, the castle halls are often charged for events.

6. Old Rauma

The historic center of Rauma. The city is founded in the XV century, however, the very first buildings of the old Rauma are dating XVIII century. Most of the vintage wooden buildings burned under fires. Interesting wooden buildings are the sailors of Christ and the House of Shipowner Marla. They contain museum exposures. Rare stone structures are represented by the Church of the Holy Cross and the City Town.

7. Old Torvo city

The popular area of \u200b\u200bthe city with the buildings of the XVIII century. New buildings here were erected after a fire of 1760. Travelers attract the flavor of the Middle Ages in the cozy small courtyards and narrow paved streets. It is especially interesting to walk along the embankment of the Porvonoyoka River surrounded by small wooden brown-red houses. Cathedral Porvoo is one of the most popular religious structures in Finland.

8. Monument to Sibelius (Helsinki)

Dedicated to one of their most revered composers in Finland - Jan Sibelius. The sculptor Eil Hiltten worked on a project of a monument for almost 10 years. It is a composition of 600 steel pipes. Music created by the wind creates an image of nature, which often sounded in the compositions of Sibelius. The ambiguity of the monument is often criticized, while it is one of the most visited tourists.

9. Tempeliaukio (Helsinki)

One of the most unusual churches in the world. Its inner space is cut into the rock, and the natural light penetrates it through the glass dome. Rough and untreated rock rocks create unusual acoustics in the church. The organ of the church has 3001 pipes. One of the Messe church in 2016 was held to the music in the style of heavy rock. In the year, the church visits about half a million people.

10. Camppy Silence Chapel (Helsinki)

With its form, the chapel resembles a wooden bowl without a handle. The inner walls are made of black alder, external facades - from a spruce rail, furniture - from ash. Altar Cross Silver. There is not a single window in the chapel. It does not host services, its purpose is to meet and talk in silence, far from the bustle of the world. Psychological assistance to parishioners have both ministers of chapels and social services.

11. Assumption Cathedral (Helsinki)

The height of the cathedral is 51 meters. Built at the end of the XIX century. Red brick walls are crowned with 13 gilded domes. The interior of the cathedral is made in the traditional Byzantine style. Columns are made of solid granite blocks, arched arched arches decorated with painting. The main drawing is made on the top of the arch and above the altar. In the middle depicted the Holy Spirit, around - the starry sky.

12. Cathedral Turk

Lutheran temple, built in the XIII century in the Gothic style. The building survived a strong fire, several reconstructions and rebuildings. Currently, the height of the core of the main nef is 24 meters, and the height of the cathedral tower is 101 meters. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with frescoes, and Capella - stained glass windows. The attraction of the cathedral is an organ with 81 register. The church has a museum dedicated to the history of the Cathedral.

13. Arcticum (Rovaniemi)

The modern architectural complex, which includes a museum and a scientific center. A feature of the building is an atrium from glass of 172 meters long. It is called "portal in the Arctic." The tunnel is located on the Ounasyoki Embankment. It uses typical natural materials typical. Various exhibitions tell visitors about the culture and history of Lapland, nature and research of the Arctic.

14. Ateneum (Helsinki)

Art Museum with the largest collection of works of arts in the country. More than 20,000 exhibits of different types of art were collected in the museum - sculptures, graphics, paintings. The works of masters are presented in the period from the middle of the XVIII century until the middle of the 20th century. A total of more than 4,000 paintings and about 700 sculptures are exhibited. The collection of the museum contains the canvas of famous artists - Repin, Van Gogh, Levitan, Chagal, Shishkin.

15. Surasaari (Helsinki)

Open-air island-museum. Houses and buildings Museum are designed to acquaint visitors with the lifestyle and traditions of the Finnish people. 87 buildings are collected from the whole country. There are among them and samples of rural architecture of the XVII century, and the estate peasants of the XIX century. The most old museum building is a wooden church from Karuna village 1686 buildings. Every year, the museum is visited by several tens of thousands of visitors.

16. National Museum of Finland (Helsinki)

Built at the beginning of the XIX century in the style of romanticism of national architecture. The decoration of the building is a high cone-shaped tower. The museum's expositions are told about the history of Finland - from the Stone Age to modernity. Most of the exhibits were found in archaeological excavations. The collections of the museum are extensive on topics - coins, weapons, orders, jewelry, they talk about the culture and traditions of the country.

17. Kiasma (Helsinki)

Modern Art Museum. It is considered one of the most visited in Finland. Opened in 1998 and so far gathered a collection of works by the masters of modernity from 4000 exhibits. Presents paintings, photographs, video stations, spatial art objects. The building itself attracts attention no less than the exhibits in its walls. Its architecture is interesting in curved lines, the mirror windows reflect the sun's rays.

18. Art Museum Turk

Located in the castle of the style of the novel with the walls of gray. The building is built on poolalanmy hill. A rich collection of art objects - painting, graphics and sculptures, works of foreign and Finnish masters is collected in the museum. There is an exposition of wooden sculptures of the Middle Ages, a collection of weapons, coins and ancient toys. Art objects refer to different historical periods - from the Stone Age until these days.

19. Central Station Helsinki

Famous in the world sample of Finnish architecture. The building was built in the style of Northern Modern, the project was developed by architect Eliel Sainin. The station was opened in 1919. The practical architecture of the modern building was decorated with interesting details. The tower with a clock, a height of almost 50 meters. The walls of the restaurant hall are decorated with painting. The main entrance has established sculptures with lanterns in hand.

20. Old Indoor Market (Helsinki)

Founded in 1815, it is located on the embankment at the Chamber Square. Attracts not only tourists, but also gourmets Helsinki. Gastronomic shops offer a large selection of dishes - both traditional products and delicacies from Lapland. A total of about 40 outlets are located on the market. Recently, for a large-scale reconstruction, the market has closed more than a year.

21. Wood-processing factory

A unique atmosphere reigns in the industrial village of Verla. The woodworking factory is founded in 1872, it is the object of protection of UNESCO. Now this is a real industrial museum. It can be found in the history of the country's forest industry. Preserved primordial factory buildings, factory machines and workers houses. Cardboard made in the factory was supplied to different points of the world, even in South America.

22. Lookout Tower Pyutunki (Tampere)

Located on the territory of the reserve in Tampere. Built tower at the top of the ridge in 1929. The height of the tower is 26 meters, so it viewpoint is located at an altitude of 180 meters above sea level. It offers a beautiful view of the city and two lakes. On the first floor of the tower there is a cafe. It sells delicious donuts, and local artists arrange exhibitions of their paintings in it.

23. Lemmenioki

Most large park Finland and one of the largest national parks in Europe. Its area is 2850 km². Most of the park occupies an impassable forest. More than 60 hiking trails are laid in areas available for tourists. Paths are leading to the main attractions of the Park - Waterfall Ravadascian, Valley of the Lemmeni River, Island of Ukonsaari. You can also try your hand in gold mining - there are golden forecasts in the park.

24. Urho Kekkonen

Picturesque national Park In the north of Finland. Basic excursions begin in the village of Saariselkya. In a year, the park is visited by about 180,000 tourists. Including families with children - for them on the border of the park zone are equipped resort zoneswhere you can even go skiing. The informal attraction of the park is the hill of Corvatunturi. As Local Legends say, Santa Claus lives on this hill.

25. Coastal Islands

The National Park was founded in 1938 and is part of the UNESCO Reserve. Its feature is an unusual landscape - several thousand islets and rocks. On the major islands There is a permanent population. From the animal world, the moose and seal and seals live in coastal waters. On the islands there are a number of attractions - Stone and wooden church, lighthouses and defense facilities.

26. Lake Saima

The biggest lake of Finland is formed by eight reservoirs related to each other. The area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface is more than 4000 km². In the waters of the lake there are about 13,000 islands of different sizes. Among the abundance of the inhabitants, you can select rare salmon forks and under the threat of the disappearance of Siemena Narpen. Through the shores grow thick coniferous forests. This is a great place to relax in nature.

27. Saimena Canal

Water canal with a length of 60 km, connects The Gulf of Finland And Lake Saima. It has eight gateways, three of which are located on the territory of Finland, the rest - in Russia. River and sea vessels can be riveted. Water walk across the Saymen Channel is popular with tourists. This is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the nature of the coast, historical objects, monuments and attractions.

28. Water Park Sapokka (Kotka)

The picturesque and well-kept park in, is beautiful at any time of the year. Flowers in it are planted so that their blossoms replaced each other. The main feature of the park is the use of water as the main element of the landscape design. Ponds, streams, waterfalls - create a special atmosphere. Natural stone also uses for the park. The original compositions from it have repeatedly received awards in international competitions.

29. Imatrakoski (Imatra)

30. Beach, Southeri (Pori)

The sandy beach in the west of the country is about 6 km long. Popular not only at local residents, but also in travelers. Large plots of shallow water are well warmed, and smooth entering water. This is especially valued by holidaymakers with young children. For surfing lovers and kiting beach, the beach is one of the best places in the country. Waves here are not particularly high, but stable, which is especially valuable for newcomers of these sports.

31. Syarkyannia (Tampere)

Amusement park, incredible sizes - its area is 50,000 m². There are 34 attractions for any category of visitors. For kids there are small gaming zones, for adult extremals - 30-meter slides. A separate entertainment zone was created based on the game Angry Birds.. In addition to attractions, a planetarium, aquarium, mini-zoo and the highest in the country work in Syarkyannia Park looking tower.

32. Linnanmayaki (Helsinki)

Amusement park, located in the country's capital. It has 43 attractions, slot machines, aquarium, observation tower, cafes and restaurants. In the open scene, the artists are popular in Finland. Annual number of visitors to the park is more than a million people. Wooden roller coaster is considered the most popular attraction. The park still has a carousel installed in Linnanmäki in 1896.

33. Village Joulupuk (Rovaniemi)

Julupukka Village (Santa Claus, or Santa Claus) is located in Lapland, inside the polar circle. Traditionally, it is believed that the Finnish Christmas grandfather resides. This place is one of the most visited tourists. In the residence of Joulupuk a lot of entertainment. There are fabulous mail, snowmobile museum, a reindeer breeding farm. Guests attract the Zone "Ice World Snowman" with slides and sculptures from ice.

34. Park Sculptures Weo Rökketenen

The park is located in the forest more often. All 500 concrete sculptures of the park created a master self-taught Weo Rökketenen. The sculptor spent on the creation of work for about 50 years. He portrayed people, animals and fairy creatures. Caricature figures cause various emotions from visitors. Someone they admire, someone calls them ugly and terrible. But no one else remains indifferent. Entrance to the park is free, this is the desire of Vejo Rökkenhen himself.

35. Country Mumi Troll (Naantali)

One of the best thematic parks of the world where you can plunge into fabulous atmosphere. It can be found with your favorite characters and look at their lives. The park is located on the island and is the image of the valley of the mummy trolls. It has a mumi-house and houses of other characters, a laboratory, taking trees. Artists play with children in the images of the Heroes of Tuva Janson's books. On the stage several times a day there are performances.

In Finland, travelers will definitely like it. Before you go there, you should learn where popular resorts and a variety of entertainment parks are located, as well as their modes of their work. If you go to Naobum, with the intention to understand the place - it will not be at all.

First of allSince you gathered in Finland - visit the Finnish part of Lapland and start with her capital - Rovaniemi. We remind you, Lapland is the homeland of Santa Claus, and therefore the Santa Park operates here, which on June 18 begins his work in the summer.

Rovaniemi is considered informal homeland Santa, and therefore the most famous winter resort Finland. If you want to learn more about nature and life within the polar circle - in the capital of Lapland you have the opportunity to visit the Research Scientific Center, with exciting exhibitions and sensible guides.

Next, you can go to the city of Kuusamo. Fame This city earned due to the fact that it is located in large national Reserve Oulana. Five thousand with small ponds and lakes and a large number of other natural attractions make this reserve paradise for nature lovers.

If you are a lover ski SportTwenty kilometers from Kuusamo there is a resort hand. Here you can try out about thirty slopes for slalom, as well as special tracks equipped for beginner skiers and children. The season begins in October and ends in May. Forty-one kilometer ski trails from three hundred and sixty lights at night, providing the opportunity to enjoy the descent without unnecessary turmoil in the dark, when the tracks are empty.

Do not forget about the capital of Finland - Helsinki. Here are open for visits three major museum.

"Ateneum" - here a collection of Finnish and foreign arts of the period of the eighteenth-twentieth centuries is collected. A huge amount of Western European painting, porcelain products and silver items you will see in the Sinebrukhov Museum of Fine Arts. And if you want to familiarize yourself with the works of Finnish artists of the sixties of the twentieth century - welcome to the Museum of Contemporary Art "Chiasma".

In fact, the Finnish sights and places of recreation can be told for a very long time. This cold, northern country is always glad to tourists. Many comfortable hotels and hotels in any, even the smallest town are ready to take visitors and place them with maximum comfort, because Finns, although phlegmatic, but very hospitable. Finland is not the only country where you can see beautiful snow-covered landscapes, there are many other overgrowes :.

Travels and sit down with new acquaintances and adventures. However, in order for it to be the most comfortable traveler you need to find out about the place upcoming trip. Today in our article we will talk about the amazing city of Helsinki. About what hotel in Helsinki will be beneficial to an elite tourist, and which is a budget, which places of rest here are that ...

It is desirable to relax both in the summer and in winter, when the earth is covered with snow, and the air temperature drops below zero. Finland is equally well suitable for rest at any time of the year, here you always receive guests with great pleasure. The main value of this mill is the unique nature, which is protected with full responsibility and present to tourists in all its glory ....

World of travel


17.10.18 09:54

Endless forests, picturesque islands, turquoise lakes and pure rivers - Finland fabulously beautiful! You will not find here tanned noisy megalopolises, the delightful large and small towns of Finland are located in the midst of waterways, from where the hand to the natural wonders of the country Suomi. Luxury stores and fashion boutiques retire the avenues of the tourist cities of Finland, and the North polar circular The real adventures promises, no wonder here the victim of Santa Claus flourishes. Historical centers and their vintage wooden buildings are great, museums are famous for interesting exposures, and the influence of Russian and Swedish architecture is amazing. Before you are the most beautiful cities of Finland, which should be visited.

Magic Islands, Eclectic Architecture: Delightful Cities of Finland

Lappeenranta: Fortress and resort

On the shore large lake In the country, Lappeenranta was originally a city-garrison, but gradually turned into a charming resort. She belonged to the Swedish Empire, and then for some time our compatriots hung here. Huge fortress, magnificent Lake Saima, his picturesque shores (Lappeenranta - part of South Karelia), beautiful cafes and harbor make the Finnish city with a tip for tourists. And since it is located near the Russian border, there is no from our holidaymakers here.

Porvoo: Wooden House Kaleidoscope

The oldest (after Turku) The city of Finland Porvo is famous for its historic center - with unique warehouse buildings, lining the coast of the same name river and wonderful cobbled streets. Porvoo was founded in the Middle Ages, and his proximity to Helsinki makes the city a wonderful option for a day trip from the capital of the country. Multicolored wooden houses, an excellent culinary "scene", peculiar cultural events - this is what is worth visiting Porvo.

Vaasa: Mecca students

In the early XVII century, Vaas lives a lot of Swedes (the neighboring Scandinavian country is located on the other side of the combat bay, less than 80 kilometers). The former name of the city of Finland is Nikolaystadt, because the Russians ruled here. The old town has suffered a lot from the fire, therefore most of the Vaasa is relatively modern. In general, this is a city of young - there are three universities in it and many low-cost bars and restaurants that have long been lured by students. The nearby strait of Noror-Quark is amazing, there is a lot of opportunities for relaxing outdoors.

Savonlinna: Saint Olaf Castle

Savonlinna prostered in the center of the Siemena Lake Region, borders with Russia and takes several small beautiful islands. This is an attractive place for wildlife lovers and exciting lake species. The indisputable advantage of the city of Finland is the dramatic castle of Olavinlinna XV century (or the fortress of Saint Olaf), erected by the Swedes. In it, the fantastic opera festival is held every year. Be sure to take a walk on the harbor, look at her cafe and on the market square.

Yuyväskyulya: Popular Rule

Another Finnish city, located between two lakes (they are called Caitel and Pilayanne), Yuyvashalyuly - the largest settlement in the Lakeland region. Stunning architecture, noisy night life (In the city there are a lot of teenagers), proximity to the magnificent lakes where good beaches are arranged - here's the "trump cards" Yuyvashali. This is a relatively young city founded by the emperor Nikolai first in 1837. Since the beginning of the 1950s, there are tall, and in this "hot" time of the streets of Yüvyskuli are filled with visitors.

Rauma: Historical Center Guarded by UNESCO

The old town of Rauma with his rhythmic beating "heart", the market square, and atmospheric streets, militant wooden buildings, is the largest in Scandinavia, from 1991 he is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. In addition, Rauma is an important port of the combat bay. The pride of the city - Lace, this craft and craftsmen dedicated to the weekly annual festival held since 1971. Not far from the coast is a few small islands - in the summer there are pedestrian tourist routes, and when the earth covers the snow, winter sports flourish.

Turku: former capital

Turku, the former capital of Finland, is beautiful, there is where to spend time! In addition, this is the oldest (and sixth in the number of inhabitants) the city of the country. Impressive castle and the cathedral rose in Turku before the XIII century. Their ancient atmosphere perfectly gets around with a lively young "aura": the Turku is full of students, as well as - nightclubs and cute bars. This is a cultural and scientific center of Finland, a large port, a gate to the West, from Turku it is easy to get to Stockholm to St. Petersburg (on the E18). The beautiful Auraioki River is caring around the city (here it flows into the Archipelago Sea). In winter, the Turku becomes the chief city of Christmas with a stunning festive fir.

Tampere: Stormy Thresholds and Galleries

Rich cultural and art scene, two huge lakesThe picturesque parks to which the streets are framed by trees, thresholds passing along a busy center, - Tampere is not found to be considered one of the most beautiful cities in Finland. Once there was a large industrial power plant, then the old buildings were repurchased, the galleries, museums, cinemas were located in them. On the city scattered sculptures, interesting shops, restaurants, and locals and tourists are happy to spend time on night parties.

Rovaniemi: Wonderful Santa House

At the extreme north of the country, next to the Polar Circle, built the most fabulous city of Finland - Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland and the House of Santa Claus. This is the popular tourist destination - which of us would not like to go to visit Santa or bring here your children here? The city was practically destroyed during World War II, so outside the village of Santa Claus Rovaniemi is not the most attractive place with banal typical houses. But if you look at the "light" to the winter wizard (of course, on the festive season), then we roll on the deer sledding, please note about elegant buildings and winking multicolored illuminations of fir trees. A B. cultural Center Arcticum you learn a lot about the culture of Sámi and local traditions.

Helsinki: Eclectic architecture and charm of Baltic

Of course, our list is the most beautiful cities Finland can not be represented without the capital of the country, magnificent Helsinki, located on the Baltic. There is a wonderful architecture, reflecting both the rich heritage of Finland and the influence of the Russian Empire, - churches and cathedrals, wooden houses, modern buildings, boutiques, galleries, shopping centers. Shopping in Helsinki is excellent, like the menu of local restaurants. There are fantastic gourmet cafes, there are snack bars with healthy food and national dishes. Islands, forest edges, beautiful beaches - the nature of the surroundings Helsinki prepared travelers a lot of pleasant impressions and charming surprises, which can be found in any season, whether golden autumn, Bright Spring, Snowy Winter or Warm Summer.

When winter comes, many people begin to think about Lapland, and these thoughts, in turn, are forced to switch to Finland. And now you are planning your trip to this wonderful country. If you have friends in Finland, then your journey will definitely be unforgettable, since you will always know where to go where to go and what to pay attention from there. However, even if you go to Finland yourself, then you will not all be disappointed, because there you can find incredible wonders Nature and architecture. In most cases, Finland is associated with winter and snow, as well as with the capital of the country, the city of Helsinki. However, this does not mean that there is only one city in the country. The fact is that there are enough settlements, which have their attractive parties, rich in history and other characteristics that can surprise you. Learn about where you should go if you find yourself in Finland. This country often turns out to be undeservedly deprived of attention, as it borders with Sweden, which in the world is known much wider. The same applies to the world of tourism in which Sweden is one of the most popular countries, while Finland does not actively attract tourists. But this does not mean that there is nothing to watch. It can only mean what you will feel much more comfortable, since here you are unlikely to see crowds of people with cameras. And this is already a big plus.


The capital of Lapland and the Santa House is an excellent base in order to start a study of the smallest parts of this remote province (as well as tell Santa, which you really want). This city is located on the Arctic Circle, and this fact itself is exciting and makes want to go there even stronger. Accordingly, you can visit this city both in the winter and in the summer, and you will be surprised at how much it differs in different pores of the year. This, by the way, can be said almost about every city in Finland.


This ancient city is cultural I. historical capital One of the most beautiful regions of Finland Savo. It is located on Lake Saima, and here you will definitely find something to do. The city is also great place In order to start a study at the first glance of endless water networks of Finland. You can do it both on foot and swimming facilities, but one thing you can say for sure: you will not be boring, and you will take a lot of impressions with you and dozens of incredible photos.


This medieval town is located close to Helsinki, and if you go to the capital, then you must look here. Historical old city It can boast a large number of traditional brightly colored houses that can be watching infinitely. Porvo is also known for the large number of interior design stores, and is also the favorite place of Finnish artists.


Mariehamn is the capital of the autonomous province of Aland, and it is from here that you should start a study of thousands of Schhers and Islands, enjoying their untouched nature.


One of the most Finnish ways to spend time is to visit the sauna. If you visit Salla, you can get the most authentic stay in the sauna. You can warm up to the limit, and then go to swim naked in the crystal clean ice waters of the lake. Salla is located in Lapland, so it will not be a surprise for you what is here also there is something to do, except the sauna. Therefore, you definitely should be lined here for a couple of days to catch everything.


The city of Vaasa was located six kilometers south, but in 1852 he burned down her dottle. Today, the ruins of the old city are part of the National Park, and you can explore them freely. An interesting fact: Vaasa is a bilingual city, almost a quarter of the population speaks Swedish. Not far away, you will find the Crater of the contents, which was formed due to the collision with the land of meteorite millions of years ago, so this place you should also visit.


Oulu is one of the northernmost cities in the world, and it is also a very attractive place for tourists in winter. If you want to see the Northern Light, then better place You do not find. But it is still recommended to go beyond the city to avoid light pollution, which is inevitable for each city.


This city is located on the southern tip of Lake Saima. Interesting the fact that he was founded by the Queen of Sweden Christina. He is famous for being very popular tourist area In the summer months, just because of the proximity to the lake. If you want to visit the Russian city Vyborg, then you can easily get to it from here.


Turku is the oldest city in Finland and one of the most important in Finnish history. If you want to immerse yourself in Finnish story, culture and tradition, then you must visit this city.


If you at least once visit Tampere, then you will definitely have a desire to return. An unforgettable atmosphere of a small town reigns here, and you can access everything you dream, in a couple of minutes. It is best to visit this city in winter, because then you can catch a huge amount of snow. Or you can visit it in the summer when it becomes quite hot here, the sun does not enter a very long time, and you can go on one of the nearby lakes.


Naturally, no list of Finnish cities will be complete without the capital, isn't it? Summer is best time To visit this city. The capital is bright, here you will always find something to do, as well as a separate advantage is that you will never be far from nature. Of course, it is recommended to start studying Finland from visiting her capital, because here you can be soaked in the Finnish spirit, and then go to smaller cities, each of which has its own characteristics, whether perfect place For loving northern Siagia, hot saunas, cultural attractions or rich history.

Whatever eyes look at the Russian immigrants to Finland, this country is close and even native. At one time, Finland existed in general as part of Russia. Today the state has the status of sovereign territory, and the living conditions of Finnish citizens may even be envied in Western Europe. A country where there is practically no corruption, really looks interesting for those looking for a new way of life. As with any state of the world, Finland has its pros and cons.

Migrants in Finland: Number, Growth

According to the latest statistical data, the number of immigrants entered into PMG is 4% of the country's population, it is about 240,000 people. In addition, approximately 160,000 foreign residents are present in the country temporarily or have double citizenship.

... More often, citizens of Russia are sent more often than other requests for a residence permit. Common cause of the request are: family relationships (43%), employment (32%), education (22%) ...

Migration growth in Finland recent years increases. The average number of this indicator is fixed at 500 - 600 immigrants for each year. A significant part of this figure falls on labor migration. The Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese and, of course, are routing to Finn. However, along with this, the number of emigrants increases rapidly.

Life standard in Finland compared to Russia

If you look at the world rating, the country in terms of living is included in the top 20 for many years (in 2018 - 15 lines). Actually, this is already observed a distinctive feature of the country, if compared with Russia, which in 2018 ranked 49th in the rating of living standards.

Life standard in Finnish - a kind of phenomenon. There are practically no hydrocarbon raw materials in Russia in Russia as in Russia. There is one wealth - a forest that Finns manage extremely reasonable and rationally. Meanwhile, Finland is actively engaged in high technologies and advanced far forward in this direction.

Naturally, in such conditions, ordinary people - citizens of the country - to live comfortably and comfortably. The Government of Finland is actively supported and the life of citizens. For example, the quality of food is estimated at the participation of 18 special expert commissions. For comparison: in Russia there are only 4 similar commissions.

Video: The first impressions of life in Finland of the emigrant from Russia

Random looks against the background of absolute Finnish well-being the next moment:

... 2014 became the last for 789 Finns, which ended the life of suicide. The causes of suicides were poverty, unemployment, state depression, alcoholism, lonely existence. For 25 years of suicide decreased half. Reference 1990 - 1500 suicides. A positive shift is explained accepted measureswho helped people with mental disorders easier to receive treatment and medicine. For the better, the attitude of those surrounding the mentally ill ...

Educational sphere

The educational model of Finns resembles Russian (more precisely, Soviet). This is not surprising, as, being in the past part of Russia, the Finns borrowed all the best from the field of Soviet formation and as a result brought elementary school to an indicative level. Today is the Finnish school (a sake of Soviet!) Is considered one of the best in the world.

Video: Impressions of the Russian student about Finno University

Finnish education is free for all levels of study. This moment the Russian immigrants enjoy. Significant part of them arrives in the country precisely for the purpose of studying. Higher educational institutions of the country are valued for the quality of teaching. Universities are especially allocated:

  • Helsinki;
  • Turku;
  • Aalto.
  • Oulu;
  • Lappeenranta;
  • Finnish Academy of Arts.

All listed educational institutions, and, in particular, the last university list are very popular among immigrants from Russia and other countries.

Analyzing the school and family environment, it is worth noting the features of the upbringing of school children. The rights of the child are zealously defended by the state. If parents move the permissible threshold of education, they thereby violate the rights of juveniles. And this is a serious article of the law, which is immediately applied by the authorities. There is no such rules in Russia. Good or bad, it is difficult to judge. But the difference in the life of the citizens of the two countries is obvious and here.

Work and salary

Work on the territory of Finland is the same attractive goal for Russian labor immigrants, as studying for students. High earnings up to 3 thousand euros for a month - a lacquer. Finns adequately pay even work workers without qualifications. Only here to get a good job and large earnings immigrant is quite difficult. The unemployment rate among Russian immigrants is 30%, while non-working fins slightly more than 8%.

High-paying position requires residence permit. Mandatory knowledge of the Finnish language - rule No. 1 for specialists. If the requirements are observed, the Finnish side will be happy to take the work of Russian immigrants-professionals in the field of construction, agriculture, Internet technologies. Russian immigrants without qualifications remain in demand as servicing hotel sector and medical institutions.

In terms of wages, the Finns are a little behind the leaders of the European Union. There is a significant difference in remuneration depending on the sphere and type of activity of enterprises. So, in state-owned enterprises, employment reward is often higher than that of private firms. Surprisingly, the staff over 65 receives a salary greater compared to young workers. Russian life is different from Finnish.

Bright feature of the labor market of Finland - a minor difference between the income of the rich and poor. In Russia, the manager of some raw company earns a million rubles per month, and the mechanic at the factory is 15 thousand. Finns, figuratively expressing the earnings of the manager of 4 thousand euros, earnings of the factory locksmith 2 thousand euros.

... Finland does not allow the transcendent gap in income. Managers companies earn only two or three times more simple workers. This factor is strongly valid for the crime level, which is the lowest in the world in Finland ...

Pensions and benefits

The country guarantees a worthy level of social protection to the low-income people, retirees, children, unemployed, young mothers.

Social support list impressive:

  • additive to earnings for each child;
  • one-time allowance at the birth of children;
  • compensation for the content of housing retirees;
  • disability payments;
  • benefits to persons without work;
  • and a number of positions.

Pension provision provides for the payment of a labor pension accrued on the results of work. In addition to labor pensions, may be paid:

  • folk pension;
  • pension payment to immigrants;
  • disability pension;
  • old age pension.

... The minimum pension (folk pension) for lonely pensioners is 496 euros. Family retirees pay 436 euros (Commune 1 category) and 400 euros (Commune 2 categories). Full popular retirement can be obtained only if I lived in Finland for 40 years. Recently, for older immigrants (over 65 years and more than 5 years of living in the country), a special allowance of immigrants established. The size of the manual is the same as the folk pension gives ...


If the labor pension is assigned to the actual age - 63 years, then the old-age pension is appointed to persons whose age has reached 68 years. The average retirement amount is 1500 euros. At the same time, pension calculations are taxed.

... Russian pensioners-immigrants pay social minimum. True, the acquisition of medicines pays social service. The pensioner goes to the pharmacy, buys drugs there at his own expense, and then he returns money. Pensioners can be free to make operations in front of cataract, glaucoma, etc. by payment of housing, also helps the social service if small pension is ...



Finnish medical care is clearly characterized by such an indicator as life expectancy (79.7 years). Another significant criterion for the quality of medicine is the mortality rate of newborns (1.3 per 1000 born). Both indicators suggest that Finnish medicine is at a high level.

The health care system is built on the basis of government agencies with the involvement of the practice of private doctors. At the same time, the private sector is under the rigid state control. Medical services are paid. True, the appeal to state clinics provides compensation. Therefore, citizens spend no more than 20% of the total cost.

On the tax policy of Finland

The tax policy of the country is clearly separate from the discussion of the social benefits of Finnish society. Separate, because thanks to tax collects, all folk merchants of Finland are questioned. If in Russia the same pensioners are exempt from real estate taxes or on vehicleFinnish retirees pay completely.

The size of the income tax is established individually for each commune category (region of regional territorial division). It can be a 20% tax or 36%. Any further received income is charged at a rate of 1.5-2 times higher. Thus, in comparison with Russia, the Finns also succeeded here, but not for the better.

How many Russian migrants live in Finland

According to official information, Russian migrants account for 1% of the country's total population. Slightly over 60 thousand people in digital equivalent. On ethnicity, this is the third largest community of Finland. There are two Russian communities, various on the principles of origin. One is the migrants of the old generation, settled on the Finnish Earth until the 90s. Another - a new wave of migrants, which began to arrive with the beginning of the 1990s.

Until 1996, the flow of new Russian immigrants was practically not regulated. Migrants from the subethnic group "Ingermanlandsev" rushed to the country. According to reports, there are about 25 thousand people today. Later, the Finns tightened the requirements for the criteria of Finnish origin, plus introduced the obligatory knowledge of the Finnish language. And today, Russian immigrants (with the exception of tourists) can not cross the border of Finland, if the IPAKI system is not passed with the A2 level (language test exam).

Is it good today to Russian

The ratio is quite favorable. However, there are problems of discrimination against Russian-speaking immigrants in terms of their employment. This topic was touched even at the Council of Europe. The European Commission on Human Rights noted serious violations. Finnish authorities quickly responded to comments and even initiated the creation of a Russian culture support fund. Nevertheless, pronounced Russophobia among the indigenous people of the country is impossible.

... Finns do not understand why the Russians believe that in the last 10-15 years have they become poor? Has anyone seen Russians with an outstretched hand on Finnish Parity? Finland and Russia brings the neighborhood, but the existing stereotypes make the neighbors perceive inadequate ...