What category of basin does Lake Onega belong to? Lake Onega on the map of Russia

Lake Onega is the second largest lake in all of Europe. This lake is 2 times smaller than Lake Ladoga and contains three times less Veda. However, at the same time, the water in Lake Onega is of the highest quality: it is much purer than Ladoga water, and even the water in Lake Baikal.

The length of Lake Onega from north to south is 248 kilometers, and from west to east – 96 kilometers. Here a large number of capes, islands, lips and bays. The total number of all islands is 1500.

The shores of the lake are mostly sandy and pebble, but at the same time there may be rock outcrops. The shores of the northern region of Lake Onega consist of crystalline rocks, they are rugged and elevated. The topography of the lake bottom is quite simple, especially in its northern part. Lake Onega is home to almost all species of fish that are known in the reservoirs of Karelia. More than 110 tributaries flow into this lake.

Lake Onega. general characteristics

Lake Onega is one of the largest freshwater bodies of water in Karelia, which is located in its southeastern part. The total area of ​​the water surface of Lake Onega is 10,050 km2, and the total area including the islands is 10,340 km2. The maximum width of the lake is 248 kilometers, and the maximum width is 83 kilometers. The total number of islands is 1650, with an area of ​​290 km2. Whole length coastline is 1542 kilometers, and together with the islands - 2699 kilometers. The total volume of water masses is 295 km3. The height of Lake Onega above sea level is 33 m2.

The lake has an elongated oblong shape from the northwestern part to the southeastern part. Lake Onega is divided into several large bays and reaches. It is divided into 3 main parts:

  1. The main part is Central Onego.
  2. Northwestern region - Bolshoye Onego.
  3. The northeastern region, which consists of Maly Onego, Kuzarandsky Onego, Pyalemsky Onego, Tolvuisky Onego, Povenetsky Onego, Bolshaya Guba and a number of small bays.

Sandy and rocky shores predominate here. Rocky shores are common in the northern part of the lake and in the area west coast. Sandy banks stretch from the mouth of the Vodla River to the source of the Svir River.

The area of ​​the Lake Onega river basin is 51,540 km2. From it, approximately 16 km3 of water flows into the lake every year.

The water level in the lake changes every year. This is mainly due to the amount of precipitation. The constant current is expressed only in some parts of Lake Onega and is weak.

Lake Onega is one of the deepest reservoirs in Karelia (after Lake Ladoga). His average depth is 29.4 meters, and the maximum depth is 120 meters. At a depth of up to 10 meters there is approximately 26 percent of the total area of ​​the lake, at a depth of up to 20 meters - 42 percent, at a depth of up to 40 meters - 69 percent, and at a depth of up to 60 meters - 92 percent.

The bottom topography of Lake Onega is quite complex. This especially applies to the northern part of the lake. This lake is characterized by depressions and rises in the bottom. Typical landforms for the lake are selgi, luds, underwater ridges and ridges, holes and depressions. In addition, the lake also has some areas with a flat bottom. The soils of Lake Onega are very diverse. Rocky, stony-sandy, sandy and sandy-gravel soils are found here. The colors of the water in Lake Onega range from light yellow to yellow or orange-brown.

Lake Onega. Flora and fauna

Higher aquatic vegetation is the least common in Lake Onega. Its thickets can be found only in the northern part, in small bays and other places that are protected from waves.

The total length of the thickets is approximately 1 percent of the length of the entire coastline. These thickets mainly consist of reeds, and in some places you can find pondweed, reeds, water lilies, horsetails, villains, egg capsules, sedges and other types of vegetation.

The fauna of the lake is quite diverse, if we talk about its quality. Here you can see aquatic insects, mollusks, crustaceans, water mites, worms, bryozoans, sponges and others. In Lake Onega there are only 350 different forms and species of bottom fauna, however, only 30 percent of them have a significant distribution in the lake itself, but the rest are quite rare.

The richest and most diverse population is the thicket areas of the littoral zone, which make up approximately half of the forms and species known for this lake.

The average volume of biomass of the bottom mass of the lake in the summer and autumn periods is 11.5 kg/ha, with an average population of 5.72 million individuals/ha.

Of all the bottom fauna of Lake Onega, the most valuable food for fish are crustaceans, including pontoporea. Oligochaetes, in turn, are quite rarely used by fish as food. The most significant accumulation of food objects is in holes and depressions with a depth of up to 50 meters.

If we talk about the crustacean plankton of the lake, it is distinguished by significant species diversity in composition. In total, 37 species of lower crayfish live in the lake.

In the shallow coastal waters of Lake Onega you can find various forms of planktonic crayfish. Planktonic crustaceans reach their greatest quantitative development in the summer in the surface layer of water.

In terms of the abundance of crayfish, as well as their biomass in the horizon up to 2 meters, Lake Onega is an average productive reservoir in the entire republic. However, individual areas of this lake are unequal in terms of food resources in the shallow, most warmed areas.

In addition, if we talk about feeding, the composition of the crustacean plankton of Lake Onega has a number of positive features. The plankton of the lake is significantly dominated by cladocerans, most of whose mass consists of valuable food substances, which include holopedium and bosmina.

Lake Onega. Fish

In Lake Onega you can find almost all species of fish that are known for the reservoirs of Karelia. This lake is inhabited by sturgeons (sterlet), salmonids (salmon, trout, brook trout, pike fish, pit fish, vendace, whitefish), choriaceae (grayling), smelt fish (smelt), pike fish (pike), carp fish (roach, dace, silver bream, sabrefish, bream, golden crucian carp), loaches (mustached char, spined loach), catfish (catfish), eels (eels), perch (pike perch, perches, ruffs), gobies (Onega slingshots, lopars, sculpin), sticklebacks (nine-spined sticklebacks, three-spined sticklebacks), cod (lake burbot and lake-river burbot). Of the minigidae, the most common are the river lamprey and the brook lamprey.

In general, Lake Onega is home to 47 varieties and species of fish, which belong to 13 families and 34 species. It is possible to find chub in the lake.

The greatest fishing value in the lake is given to 17 species of fish, namely vendace, whitefish, ruffe, roach, pike, pike perch, pike perch, smelt, salmon, bream and perch, and the least important are crucian carp, ide, dace, bleak and grayling. Other species of fish in Lake Onega are quite rare.

The main commercial fish of this lake is vendace. It is common in almost all places. The vendace feeds only on crustacean plankton. In turn, kilets is a large form of vendace. It is mainly found in the southern part of the lake. Smelt is an object of mass fishing. But at the same time, it will also be used as food for fish such as pike perch, salmon, burbot and palia. If we talk about whitefish, there are 9 different forms of them in Lake Onega. In addition, all whitefish are divided into 2 large groups - lake-river whitefish and lake whitefish. Also in Lake Onega there is also burbot, or rather its two forms - lake-river and lake burbot. Burbot, like vendace, is ubiquitous. Pike perch is one of the most valuable fisheries on the lake, but its catch is quite small. However, the most common and numerous fish in Lake Onega is the ruffe, which is found at a depth of up to 70 meters. Perches can be found mainly in coastal areas, as well as in shallow waters open lake. Bream are found here in the area of ​​river mouths and sources. But pike is not of significant importance in the fishery of the lake. It lives in shallow, vegetated areas. If we talk about salmon, there are several stocks of this fish in Lake Onega. Now the most numerous is the herd of Shuya salmon.

But one of the most valuable fish of the salmon family is the palia, which is common in the area adjacent to the deepest parts of the lake. Ide in this lake is of insignificant commercial importance, but grayling can be found almost everywhere. Golden crucian carp are very rarely found in Lake Onega, unlike bleak and dace.

He iszhskoe lake ( Onego) is a lake in the European part of Russia, in the Republic of Karelia, in the Vologda and Leningrad regions.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the lake, but none of them are documented.

The area of ​​its water surface is 9720 km2, the total area of ​​1500 islands is 250 km2. Lake Onega is the 2nd freshwater lake in Europe (after Lake Ladoga), the 2nd lake in the Republic of Karelia and Leningrad region, largest lake Vologda region and the 4th lake in Russia in terms of water surface area.

The length of the lake from north to south is 248 km, from west to east 96 km. The length of the coastline is 1810 km. Maximum depth 120 m, volume 295 km 3 . The water surface is at an altitude of 35 m above sea level. The northern rocky shores are indented by large bays and narrow lips - Petrozavodsk Bay, Kondopoga Bay, Lizhemskaya and Unitskaya lips of the Bolshoye Onego reach; in the northern part of the lake there is the largest Povenets Bay with the Bolshoi Bay, etc. Between the reaches of Bolshoye Onego (the deepest) and Maloe Onego the most large peninsula Zaonezhye with Velikaya Bay, nearby largest island– Bolshoi Klimetsky and the island of Kizhi. Between the lips there are capes (navoloks) stretched to the southeast and often continue with rocky shoals - luds. From the mouth of the river Vodly in the middle of the eastern bank to the source of the river. Svir in the southwestern bay, the entire northeastern part of the coastline is low and level, the shores are swampy and overgrown with reeds.

On the shores of Lake Onega are the cities of Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, and Medvezhyegorsk.

Powerful and majestic, with long coastlines and many tributaries, Lake Onega is located in Karelia.

The lake is located in the European part of Russia and is considered the second largest freshwater reservoir, after Ladoga. Most of The lake went to the Republic of Karelia, about 80% of the entire reservoir was located there, and the remaining 20% ​​went to the Leningrad and Vologda regions. Lake Onega belongs to the basin Baltic Sea Atlantic Ocean.

Characteristics of Lake Onega

Lake area

The reservoir has a coastline length of 1542 kilometers, a total area of ​​9720 km². The maximum depth is 127 meters, although the average depth for the lake is about 30 meters.

The length from south to north is 245 kilometers, and the greatest width of the coastal zone is 92 meters.

(Map and diagram of Lake Onega)

Lake water temperature

The water temperature in Lake Onega during warm periods of the year (starting from May) varies from +5 to +13 degrees. In August, if the summer turned out to be extremely successful and warm, then in shallow water the water temperature will be about +17 degrees. However, the water in Lake Onega has not yet heated above +22.

During the cold periods of the year, starting from September, the lake cools down. After a hot summer, the temperature slowly drops, reaching +2 degrees in October and November. And when frost occurs, it drops to 0 or -2.

(Air temperature on Lake Onega in winter and summer)

The air temperature here does not warm up above +30 degrees, even if the weather is sunny for a long time. The highest temperature recorded in the lake is +35 degrees. The warmest period is July, when the air warms up to +17 degrees.

During the winter months average temperature air varies from -7 to -13 degrees. The absolute minimum recorded in this area was -42 degrees.

Svir River

Connected by a water thread, 224 km long, the Svir River two large lakes Onega with Ladoga. The river begins its movement from Onega and changes in its bed from 100 m in the very bottlenecks and up to 12 km wide Ivinsky Razliv, then the river flows in the lowlands, occupied in the past by glaciers and flows into Lake Ladoga. In the Ivinsky Razliv the river passes through the created Verkhnesvirskoye reservoir, with an area of ​​183 sq. km with a hydroelectric dam. The river contains 30 islands, and in the Leningrad region along the banks of the river there is the Nizhne-Svirsky Nature Reserve.

Nature of Lake Onega

Lake Onega is characterized by low shores. Therefore, there are areas of the coastal area that are completely swampy. However, such conditions do not prevent the development of flora and fauna, which is abundant both in the reservoir itself and near it.

The highest form of vegetation is least common on the territory of Onega; it can only be found in protected secluded corners in the northern part. But here reeds and reeds feel good, growing in an even row along the coastal zone. In some places you can find water lilies, sedges, pondweeds, egg capsules, and horsetails. Also, coastal areas are rich in dense taiga forests.

The fauna located on the territory of the Onega reservoir does not suffer from the conditions either. In total, more than 350 different forms and species live on its territory. Starting from the simplest forms, aquatic insects, crustaceans, mollusks and sea sponges, and ending with seals.

If we talk about feathered friends, then waterfowl nest on the lake - geese, gulls, ducks and swans. Often on migration there are such species as cranes, eagle owls, short-eared owls, grasshoppers, grebes, terns, and rails.

Fishes of Lake Onega: 1) Lake salmon; 2) Trout; 3) Palia; 4) Vendace

There are also more than 45 species of fish, which belong to 13 families. The species that a fisherman can find are: salmon, lake and river trout, catfish, eel, ruffe, pike perch, dace, crucian carp, sabrefish, rudd, smelt, roach, pike, silver bream, spined loach, sterlet, vendace, palia, whitefish, ide, perch and grayling. The most common of them are perches, bream, pike perch, smelt, pike, vendace and ruff, and the least common are whitefish, grayling, palia, catfish and dace.

Cities on Lake Onega

The coastal strip of Lake Onega is densely populated, although it does not have million-plus cities on the shore. The entire coastal zone is dotted with small villages and settlements. Most of the villages are located in the southern and western parts of the lake.

The largest populations are the cities: Petrozavodsk, Medvezhyegorsk, Vytegra and Kondopoga, and if we take into account the urban-type settlements, the list can be supplemented with the villages of Povenets, Voznesenye, Shalsky and Pindushi.

If you travel through the territory of the Onega reservoir, be sure to visit Petrozavodsk. In the capital of the Republic of Karelia there is a large number architectural monuments, for example, the building of the old men's provincial gymnasium or the ensemble of Round Square. Don’t forget to also visit Kizhi Island; its main attraction is the historical, architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve.

Climate and seasons of Lake Onega

(Winter rotunda on the embankment of Lake Onega, Petrozavodsk)

In general, winter on Lake Onega is mild, the air and water temperatures are acceptable even for desperate swimmers who want to harden themselves. However, on the territory of the reservoir it is often too windy; the cold subarctic climate brings with it an abundance of air masses. In winter this results in prolonged blizzards and blizzards, and in summer - into storms.

When continental anticyclones arrive from the south and east, dry and hot weather sets in in the spring-summer period, and sunny and clear days in the winter.

Summer on Lake Onega is distinguished by picturesque places. Almost the entire coastal strip in Karelia looks like a colorful picture come to life, and under the warm rays of the sun the landscape seems fabulous. However, in the summer there is often precipitation in Onega; most of the norm (about 70%) falls from May to August.

There are thousands of bodies of water on our beautiful planet, each of which is interesting and significant in its own way. We will talk about Lake Onega - covered in legends, glorified by our famous ancestors, bewitching with its pristine beauty. They say that in winter you can hear the sun rising here, it’s so quiet all around. But in the summer, the shores of Lake Onega are drowned in the trills and chirps of hundreds of birds. Once you get here, it’s as if you find yourself in another dimension, where tangible and visible reality is intertwined with history, which you can touch with your hand.

Where is Lake Onega located?

This body of water is located in Russia, in the north-west of its European part. Approximately 80% of its area is located on the lands of Karelia, and the remaining 20% ​​is divided between Leningrad and Vologda region.

The shortest distance from the lake (through forests and swamps) to Onega Bay, which belongs to the White Sea, is 147 km. In 1933, construction of the 227 km long White Sea Canal was completed. It originates from the village of Povenets, which is located on the shore of the Povenets Bay of the lake, and ends near Belomorsk - a town with a population of about 10 thousand people, located in the Soroka Bay of the White Sea. Thus, an exit from Lake Onega to the seas of the Arctic Ocean was created. The closest neighbor of the described reservoir is Lake Ladoga. In a straight line it is 127 km away. The Svir river connects Onega and Ladoga. If you follow its winding channel, you will have to cover 224 km.

Landmarks for the location of Lake Onega can be the cities of Petrozavodsk, Medvezhyegorsk and Kondopoga, which grew up on its shores. They are located in the northern part of the reservoir. His southern shores sparsely populated. But the Onega Canal passes here, on the way of which lies the small but fishy Lake Megorskoye.

Historical facts

Studying our native nature is extremely interesting. Scientists now have many latest technologies, for example, isotope and radionuclide methods, spectral analysis. With their help, it was possible to establish that Lake Onega appeared on the site of a shelf sea 300-400 million years BC. e. (Paleozoic, period approximately Carboniferous-Devonian). It washed the shores of the Baltic - that’s what the continent that existed at that time was called. In those days in sea ​​waters There were many protozoa that had shells. Dying, they sank to the bottom, forming a layer of limestone. In addition, many rivers flowed into the sea, carrying with them grains of sedimentary rocks. Now a layer of limestone, sandstone and clay forms a layer about 200 meters thick in the lake. It lies on a solid foundation of granite, gneiss and diabase, resulting from volcanic activity.

The origin of Lake Onega is associated with the height of the glacier then reaching more than 3 km. Moving, huge white blocks easily plowed the earth's surface, thoroughly changing the relief. This is also typical for the Baltic Shield, on which Lake Onega is located. About 12 thousand years ago the glacier retreated. The marks he left filled with water, forming large and small lakes. One of them received the name Onego. The exact etymology of the word is unknown, there are only unconfirmed theories. People began to settle on the banks of this reservoir, as evidenced by numerous petrographs that have survived to this day.

Geographical characteristics

This is the second reservoir in Europe after Lake Ladoga. Its total area (including all islands) is 9,720 km 2, and the coastline stretches for 1,542 km. The depth of Lake Onega varies. There are places where it reaches 127 meters, but closer to the shores and in small creeks it does not exceed 1.5-2 meters. Thus, the average depth of the reservoir is about 30 meters.

The famous lake does not have the correct geometric shape. We can only say that it is somewhat elongated from northwest to southeast. In the northern part there is the Bolshoye Onego Bay, which cuts deep into the land. Taking this into account, the maximum length of the reservoir is 245 km, and the maximum width is 91.6 km.


Walking around Lake Onega, you will notice that its shores are indented by large and small bays, lips and capes. In addition to Bolshoi Onego, there is Maloe Onego, as well as Povenetsky and Zaonezhsky bays. The lips in the northern waters of the lake are Povenetskaya, Velikaya, Shchepikha, Konda, Petrozavodskaya, Bolshaya Lizhemskaya, Unitskaya, Kondopoga. There is only one lip - Svirskaya.

The appearance of the banks is also different. In the wilder south, forests give way to shallows, which can be sandy or rocky. There are also many inaccessible rocks and picturesque but dangerous swamps in this part.

The northern shores are characterized by unusual geological protrusions called “ram's foreheads”. They are rocks (gneisses, granites) polished by a moving glacier, flat on one side and steep on the other.


In the European part of Russia, Lake Onega is not only one of the largest, but also a body of water with a huge number of islands. There are more than 1,500 of them here! These areas of land protruding above the water surface are large and very tiny, famous throughout the world and unknown to anyone, rocky and covered with dense forests.

Most large island called Bolshoi Klimetsky. Its area is 147 km 2. A natural attraction here is Mount Medvezhitsa, whose height is 82 meters. There are several villages on Bolshoi Klimetskoe, there are high school. There are no natural or historical monuments here. Communication with the mainland is carried out by ferry.

The second largest island is called Bolshoi Lelikovsky. He is about 6 times smaller than B. Klimetsky. People also live on this island, but there are no public buildings here, except for a small shop.

If you ask which one is the best on Lake Onega famous island, any person will immediately name Kizhi. Its area is only 5 km 2, its length is 5.5 km, and its width is 1.4 km. You can walk around this piece of land in a couple of hours, but its glory knows no bounds. Here is located the museum-reserve of the same name, created on the basis of as well as an architectural ensemble, included in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO. It is an ensemble of two churches (twelve-domed and seven-domed) and a bell tower. According to legend, the church “about the 12 chapters” of the Transfiguration of the Lord was built by a local craftsman without a single nail. So that no one could repeat his creation, he threw the ax into the lake.

Another island that I would like to mention is called Suisaari (or Suisari). It rises above the water in Kondopoga Bay. Island in given time uninhabited, but there is an ancient village that has the status of a historical monument. Quartz and chalcedony were found on Suisaari, and agates are also found here. Most of the land is occupied by forest, where even bears live. The shores of the island are very swampy. There are many bird nests in the reeds.

Rivers of Lake Onega

More than 1,000 rivers and streams carry their waters into the reservoir we are describing, and only one river flows out of it - the Svir. It is quite deep, has a length of 224 km, and connects Lakes Ladoga and Onega. The width of Svir can vary from 100 meters to 12 km. The river is navigable. A cascade of hydroelectric power stations was built on it, the largest of which is Verkhnesvirskaya. Svir is interesting because it is home to the Storozhensky lighthouse (the second highest in Russia and the seventh highest in the world) and the Nizhnesvirsky nature reserve.

About 50 rivers flowing into Onega have a length of over 10 km. The most famous are Suna, Gimerka, Vodla, Losinka, Chebinka, Neglinka, Anga, Pyalma and others.


The weather in the area where Lake Onega is located is windy and changeable. Storms on the reservoir occur so often that the Onega Canal was even dug in its southern part to ensure safer passage of ships into the Svir River.

Winters here in some years can be mild with temperatures not lower than -4 °C, but more often quite noticeable frosts down to -15 °C, and sometimes down to -30 °C are observed. Winter lasts 120 days. In November - December, ice cover forms in the bays and along the shores, and by mid-January it spreads to the entire lake, except for the most deep places. In some years, the water here remains open all winter.

Strong winds can break ice, forming cracks. Then the white blocks creep one on top of the other. The result is a kind of mountains several meters high.

The ice breaks up by May, but sometimes you can find floating ice floes in June.

The warmest and most suitable months for holidays here are July and August. The water temperature in shallow water can warm up to +22 °C, but most often reaches +17 °C. The ambient temperature during the day rises to +30 °C, and average values ​​are around +20 °C.

The weather in this area is not only windy, but also rainy. The water balance of the lake is replenished by 25% every year due to precipitation. Rain falls steadily throughout the summer.


Lake Onega is extremely beautiful. Its shores are frozen in stern charm. They silently frame the surface of the water, sparkling in the sun with golden highlights. The water in the lake is so clean and transparent that the bottom can be seen at a depth of 4 meters or more. Some islands and certain areas of the coast are covered with dense virgin forests of coniferous trees, but deciduous coppices are also found here. Spruces, pines, fir, larches are the main higher plants that make up the Onega biome. Only occasionally does the eye catch sight of birch, alder and aspen. Walking around Lake Onega, you can see euonymus, honeysuckle, and currants in the undergrowth. Carpets of blueberries and lingonberries spread underfoot, cranberries can be found in the swamps, and the mushroom season opens in the second half of summer.

On the marshy shores and shallow waters, the banks are overgrown with reeds and cattails, which are very valuable for many birds. Some bays are decorated with lilies and water lilies, and wood sorrel, wintergreen, horsetails and other herbaceous plants grow green on the shores.


The surroundings of Lake Onega are full of life. Geese, ducks, and swans nest in the reeds. Cranes, terns, eagle owls, grebes, and grasshoppers also fly here. Woodpeckers, jays, tits, and many other small birds live in the forests.

The fauna is also widely represented. Local residents have repeatedly seen hares, squirrels, stoats, and roe deer in the surrounding forests. They say there are also bears here because their droppings are often found.

You can see seals in the waters and on the shores. They swim here for food. There are a lot of fish in Lake Onega. About 54 species of fish live here, including whitefish, smelt, grayling, pike perch, perch, eel, sabrefish, silver bream, pike, bream and others.

Fishing on Lake Onega is productive at any time of the year. You can fish from the shore or from the water, which is more preferable. The depth of the bays is 40-100 meters allowing the use of motor vessels.


The most famous and Big City, which grew up on the shoreline of Lake Onega, is the capital of Karelia (Petrozavodsk). It is called the city of labor and military glory, historical and cultural center Prionezhsky district. People lived in this area as early as 6,000 BC. e., as evidenced by the numerous sites found. But the city itself was founded by Peter I, who founded an arms factory here. Petrozavodsk is interesting for its historical monuments, architectural ensembles and the fact that interesting festivals are held here - “Hyperborea”, “Air”, “White Nights of Karelia”, as well as a sailing regatta.

Kondopoga is another city on the banks of the Onega, located 54 km from Petrozavodsk. It has been mentioned in historical chronicles since 1495. Since the 18th century, marble began to be mined near it, which was used for the construction of palaces in St. Petersburg. IN last years The city authorities are actively developing tourism here. Of interest are the Assumption Church, built at the end of the 18th century, but twice restored, two carillons of bells, as well as leisure. The city stands on the banks of the Kondopoga Bay. The depth of Lake Onega here is up to 80 meters, which allows for both amateur and industrial fishing. Its species composition in this area of ​​the lake is incredibly rich, and the bite is excellent.

Medvezhyegorsk This is the northernmost and youngest city on Onega. Its history began in 1915 with the construction of the railway. Medvezhya Gora station. There are no unique attractions here, but this town is an excellent starting point for traveling around Onega.

On the shores of the lake there are many small towns and villages where tourists can find comfortable conditions for recreation. Among them are Pyalma, Povenets, Pindushi, Shalsky and others.


In the northern waters of the lake, environmental indicators are much worse than in the southern one. This is due to the fact that about 90% of industry and more than 80% of the population are concentrated here. Every year, thousands of tons of waste are dumped into Lake Onega, including phenols, lead, sulfur oxides, waste reclamation water, and sewage.


Interesting places There are several dozen in the vicinity of Lake Onega. All of them can be divided into natural and historical monuments. It is more convenient to get to both of them by water. The land routes in many areas are so broken that only an SUV can overcome them.

You can visit not only Kizhi Island on the lake. Of great interest are petroglyphs focused on east coast reservoir There are more than 800 drawings here.

Tourists are always taken to Cape Besov Nos. It is famous for its hooked shape, as well as the many rock paintings that decorate it.

Damn chair. This is an unusual rock formation near the village of Solomennoye. The height of the “seat” is 80 meters above sea level, and the height of the “back” is 113 meters. The damn chair was formed by glaciers. They say that if you sit on its edge and make a wish, it will certainly come true.

The Kivach waterfall on the Suna River was more powerful before the construction of the dam, but even now it fascinates with its power and beauty. The reserve of the same name is also located here.

Of the man-made monuments in the vicinity of Onega, there are dozens of ancient operating and already closed wooden churches. Each one is interesting in its own way. You can highlight Muromsky monastery in the village of Pudozh, the Museum of Martial Waters, the Church of the Great Martyr Barbara.


Tourists come to the lake to relax both “savage” and civilized. In the first case, there are a lot of possibilities and suitable places to set up tent camp. It is advisable to take into account that best weather they stand here in August, but during this same period there is a massive breeding of mosquitoes and midges.

You can also stay in guest houses, which are now available in almost every coastal village. The mini-hotels will not only offer you a place to sleep, but will also provide you with food and rent a boat and fishing equipment.

Fishing on Lake Onega is the main entertainment for men. Guest houses ideal for comfortable rest fishermen, because guests have the opportunity to take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse, cook their catch on the grill, and sleep in a clean bed.

55 km from the city of Petrozavodsk there is a sanatorium “Martialnye Vody”, which began its work in 1719. Allergies, skin diseases, cardiovascular system, lungs, joints, bone apparatus, nervous diseases, and digestive organs are treated here. Vacationers are offered comfortable rooms with amenities and delicious food. Treatment and diagnostic procedures are carried out using modern technologies.

Legends and myths

Lake Onega attracts many people with the mysterious phenomena happening in its surroundings.

The local population and tourists often see will-o'-the-wisps and dark figures. Some even hear bells and voices. These phenomena are most often observed in places of mass graves or where there used to be pagan sanctuaries.

There are also many documented cases that occurred in the vicinity of Lake Onega with people and give rise to assumptions that there are temporary and energy faults here.

The most sensational one occurred in 1073 on the island of Bolshoy Klimetsky with A.F. Pulkin, fleet captain, deviator. He grew up in these places and knows every trail here. While on the island fishing, Pulkin went deep into the forest to get firewood. The captain came ashore after 34 days. Pulkin could not explain where he was all this time and why the rescue teams could not find him.

Another strange story happened to the students. They arrived on the island to rest. But as soon as their boat moored to the shore, the guys felt an incredible energetic impact in the form of vibration and an unpleasant buzzing that caused headaches. All this stopped as soon as the students set sail from the shore.

In 2009, an incredible incident happened to a girl Anya (age 6 years old). Her family arrived on Lake Onega to relax as “savages.” Dad pitched a tent and made a fire. Mom started eating lunch. Anya was playing nearby, but suddenly disappeared. The parents searched everything around. The father rushed into the forest, constantly calling loudly for his daughter. Mom stayed near the tent. The girl was nowhere to be found. Imagine the amazement of the parents when, looking into the tent for the tenth time, they saw their daughter sleeping there peacefully. This story ended happily, except for the fact that Anya’s eye color changed, her curly hair straightened, old moles disappeared and new ones appeared. Parents are also embarrassed that the girl often speaks in her sleep in a language unknown to anyone.

Similar stories among local residents walks a lot. Lake Onega, beautiful and majestic, keeps many secrets and awaits their discoverers.