Top holiday abroad. Cheap tours abroad without a visa all inclusive

There is no country in the world that is not of tourist interest. Exclusive historical and archaeological sites, luggage cultural heritage, ecological beauties are found in each. Unfortunately, visiting many of them seriously impacts the wallets of tourists. However, there is a list of world tourism leaders by inexpensive holiday, including countries with entertainment, marine, environmental and cultural areas.

  • Europe
  • Russia
  • South America
  • Near East

Three inexpensive and beautiful European countries

Europe is very heterogeneous in terms of prices within different countries included in it. For example, in Finland, which is close to Russia, food prices are much higher than in the distant Netherlands, and therefore it is impossible to calculate a vacation budget based on distance.

Top three budget countries Europe includes:

  • Croatia
  • Poland
  • Romania


One of the most reasonably priced countries, gaining tourist popularity due to its location on Adriatic coast and surrounded by chains of islands, holidays on which are little different from holidays on oceanic atolls: the same bright seascapes, the same snow-white sands, exotic nature. Yachting is developing rapidly on the beaches of Croatia: it is the main entertainment area.

Added to this is a daily varied menu of spicy and spicy seafood dishes and local wine, famous for its softness and flavor palette.

It is customary to visit Croatia at the height of the summer heat, starting in June, and in early autumn, until October. But prices for accommodation, food and entertainment in the next season - October-November - will drop by half. At this time, you won’t always be able to swim, but going on a yacht and spending time in the lap of exotic nature will be quite cheap.

Flight: from 13,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.


This is a country in which the Middle Ages have remained intact in many places. When going to Poland, get ready for the fact that almost every resort will offer you an overview of a perfectly preserved knight's castle or the ruins of historically significant fortifications of the 12-14th centuries.

Most resort towns in Poland are ancient cities with atmospheric architecture, beautiful churches, and picturesque landscapes. Lakes framed by forests and parks create lyrical pictures that are pleasant for tourists tired of the bustle of big cities. offers cultural and ecological tourism with warmth and inexpensive accommodation and food. The climate of Poland allows you to admire it at any time of the year.

Flight: 8,400 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.

Day stay for two: from 5600 rub.


The leader in the list of the most inexpensive countries in Europe, and at the same time provides a variety of vacation destinations. For curious tourists- a country of fortresses and castles of the 14th-16th centuries. (among them the castle of the famous vampire Dracula!). For active tourists there are ski slopes and mountaineering routes, for lovers sea ​​holiday– Black Sea coast.

Romania is a very wooded country, it charms with its pristineness, interspersed with modern and very cozy cities.

The climate of Romania is similar to Russia, with the difference that in winter it is rarely colder than fifteen degrees below zero. But summers here are not very hot: on average, up to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Ski season: winter, from mid-December until the snow melts (usually the end of April). Holidays on the Black Sea last a little more than two months: from June to mid-August.

Flight: 10,500 rub.

Accommodation: 1750 – 2100 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4900 rub.

Asia: exotica affordable

One of the well-known inexpensive Asian destinations is Thailand, and relatively recently two more exotic beautiful countries have entered the world of widespread tourism: Cambodia and Vietnam.

Countries actively developing tourist destination, always have inexpensive prices and very attentive service. This is how they earn their reputation.


Many tourists have fallen in love with this extremely friendly, inexpensive country. Violet and turquoise lagoons of long beaches, stone steles as if dropped from the sky by giants, flowery outfits local residents– we have seen all this at least once in photographs, and all this is quite accessible to see in reality.

The main shrines of Thailand are the White Temple, as if carved from ivory, and more than thirty thousand Buddhist temples, carved, colored, inlaid.

The islands of Thailand are kept clean and fresh in their original form, undersea world charming. Local kitchen is divided into two directions: Japanese-Chinese (you won’t see such huge rolls anywhere else) and local spicy cuisine, sometimes even too exotic.

Visit Thailand from late November to February - this is the tropical season, ideal for beach holiday, and the hot season that follows, from mid-March to May. At this time, the temperature rises significantly, up to 37 degrees. The rainy season (June-October) is interesting in its own way, but there is a risk of spending your entire vacation at the hotel looking at the rain.

Flight: from 20,000 rub.

Accommodation: 1000 rub.


Thailand's small neighbor, Cambodia has finally dealt with the revolutionary upheavals and has begun to develop as a tourist country.

Surprisingly, Cambodia offers lower prices than Thailand and higher level of service. The beauty of the country is unique: twenty-two national parks attract eco-tourists. Blooming jungles, rare plants, and the lushness of the tropical forest coexist with beach areas on the shores of a very clean ocean.

Little Cambodia has the biggest religious building world - the temple of Angkor Wat is the main attraction of the country. The climate and recommendations for visiting Cambodia are the same as the climate and recommendations for visiting Thailand.

Flight: from 33,000 rub. (Siem Reap)

Accommodation: 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.


The popularity of Vietnam is becoming attractive for those who are willing to spend money on air tickets in order to then establish a financial balance through cheap accommodation and food.

The culture of Vietnam, long hidden from the eyes of Europeans, developed separately and is therefore so attractive to those eager to get acquainted with the unknown. Temples of rare beauty, excursions to the habitats of small ethnic groups of Vietnam, hiking and cycling through forested mountains: Vietnam invites not a tourist, but a guest.

He generously shares his rich views, gives relaxation on beaches stretching almost three thousand kilometers, and willingly introduces mysterious world exoticism and Asian mystery.

Vietnam also has the cheapest pearls in the world, the most unusual cuisine and very friendly local people.

From December to April, you can exchange the chill of the Russian winter for the delightfully warm breeze of the Vietnamese coasts. At this time, prices in the country are slightly higher than in the subsequent season, which lasts from May to October. This is the rainy season, but prices drop so noticeably that tourists are little bothered by the rain. They buy multi-colored Vietnamese umbrellas with fringes and go for an impression!

Flight: from 27,000 rub. (Ho Chi Minh City)

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.

Russia: such a familiar stranger

Holidays for the most active travelers. Karelia provides many tourist centers, and the tourist centers vying with each other to please tourists, offering fishing, hunting, kayaking, hiking to the forest and mountains.

The nature of Karelia is poorly described in words: it is not only unique, it does not even have a pale resemblance to itself. Northern coniferous forests frame turbulent mountain rivers in lace frames, multi-colored rocks are reflected in the waters of lakes, sunsets and sunrises paint the world in all shades of gold.

A particularly revered place in Karelia is Kizhi Island, quiet and quiet place with preserved wooden buildings and wonderful temples with hand-carved carvings, one of which has as many as twenty-two domes.

The island preserves the memory of the original culture of the Karelian peoples and woodcarvers.

For a good rest, it is better to choose August - this is the month when the annoying midge disappears, and the beauty of Karelia is fully revealed. Lovers winter hunting and ice fishing can safely go in winter - it is very beautiful and cold in a Russian way, no annoying slush.

Road: from 1700 rub. (Reserved seat Moscow – Petrazovodsk)

Accommodation: from 600 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 12,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


Seliger is a long chain of lakes, traces left by a glacier that once passed here.

The transparency and purity of the water, the environmental friendliness of Seliger attract tourists with children to recreation centers, of which there are many built on the banks. Pleasant entertainment on the water is offered: fishing and boating, kite and windsurfing and simply relaxing in nature, necessary for modern city residents.

On Seliger, people often visit the Nilova Pustyn Monastery. The monastery was founded in the 16th century on the site where the holy hermit Nile, revered in Orthodoxy, reposed. Many stories are associated with him about miracles of humility and signs from above that surrounded the pious elder.

The monastic monastery is a place of pilgrimage.

Seliger is visited in the warm months, from May to mid-September. In winter, the lakes are a bit boring, although tourist centers offer New Year and Christmas holidays with festive entertainment.

Road: bus Moscow – Ostashkov from Tushino bus station. 7 hours travel, cost 781 rubles.
Then take a bus from Ostashkov to Berezovy Ryad or Svapusche. Cost 126 rub.

Accommodation: from 800 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 10,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


The most visited place in Altai is Lake Teletskoye, the center tourist excursions to the wonderful places of this region. Mountaineering, horse tourism, fishing, hiking and cycling trails with visits to caves, mountain ranges, forest gorges and waterfalls are developed.

Who hasn't heard of Lake Titicaca? A funny name for Russian-speaking tourists is the name of a lake that climbed to a height of more than three thousand meters above sea level. And these are not all the wonders of Bolivia!

Another lake that's dried up salt lake Uyuni leaves the impression of visiting a lake on another planet - the whiteness of the salt formations sparkling in the sun creates bizarre patterns and figures of unknown creatures, frozen forever.

There are traces left on the territory of Bolivia ancient civilization, which once rebuilt the stone settlement of Tiwanaku. This is a system of steps, plateaus, peaks and temples, mysterious statues and ruins of palaces. Tiwanaku was built not by people, but by gods - this is what the locals believe.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Bolivian Death Road will be a challenge - the most dangerous mountain bike route in the world.

Bolivia is a very poor country, and this explains the low prices for staying there. From May to October there is a dry season in Bolivia, this is best time to visit the country.

Flight: from 64,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.


Argentina's national parks combine all the world's wonders: these are gorges that are two hundred million years old, and blue ice, frozen in creative chaos, and scarlet deserts with the world's largest cacti, and amazing forests with trees bending in dance. Argentina's waterfalls adorn almost any national park, so you won’t be left without an impressive spectacle.

In addition to eco-tourism, it is proposed to spend time in Buenos Aires, a city of lush contrasts, where there is an artist district, La Boca, the colorful splendor of creative architecture, the center cultural life capital Cities. Culture in the Argentinean way is a fireworks display of meanings, colors and paradoxes, but it makes excellent souvenirs. The summer period in Argentina lasts from December to February.

Flight: from 55,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.

Africa: where humanity was born...

And sooner or later he is drawn to return to his roots. Almost everyone dreams of getting there, such is the romantic aura attached to traveling through it. And there are African countries that allow you to make your dream come true inexpensively. This:

  • Tunisia
  • Burkina Faso

South Africa

The former territories of English colonists gave the world such famous names as Table Mountain and Cape Good Hope. Now Table Mountain has become the center of a national park, and the Cape of Good Hope is part of a museum area with ports and castles.

South Africa is rich in polar types of attractions - these include English-style museums and the famous Big Hole– a museum-mine, and in contrast – truly African nature reserves lions, giraffes and other wild animals. Two civilizations have tightly merged in South Africa: one is industrial, urban, and the second is still wild.

The paradox does not leave South Africa alone: ​​here in Africa, you will see a diamond museum, an island inhabited by fur seals, a beach where a colony of penguins has managed to settle. Amazing country With low prices awaits you from December to February and from July to September.

Flight: from 34,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.


The favorable location of Tunisia made it an arena for the redistribution of ancient Roman power. From the Romans in this beautiful country Many buildings remained, including the Colosseum, which is not much inferior to what is now located on the territory of modern Rome.

From their rivals are the remains of the once richest Carthage. Add here wonderful mosques, Arab fortresses, cathedrals left over from the times of colonization, and feel the intensity historical events that took place on this earth.

The center of attraction for tourists here is still the Sahara Desert and Lake Chott el Nerid. Excursions to great desert peace and to huge lake, like ice covered with a crust of salt, is a must-see for a traveler looking for the wonders of the world. And in Tunisia you can try vodka made from figs!

A third of Tunisia is given over to the Sahara, and on the other side of the country the gentle sea washes cleanest beaches. Their visiting season is from June to September. From November to early April you can also swim, but dusty winds often blow and it rains.

It is a country with a population of more than a thousand tribes with a distinct culture and way of life. Burkina Faso is a must visit for those looking for real Africa with ritual magic, wildlife, safaris and predators.

There is National parks, where Africa lives life to the fullest, not knowing that civilization has long closed a ring around it. The parks are inhabited by hippos and antelopes, lions and rhinoceroses.

You can see another famous African predator in Koudougou: the sacred Sabu crocodiles live there, quite harmless and friendly despite their terrible reputation. You can take a photo with them, and they don’t mind at all.

An interesting museum-repository that reveals the secrets of African magic is the Manega Museum, which has collected exhibits and objects of the sacred cults of ancient African tribes. The exhibits are quite dark and fascinating. Some are over a thousand years old.

A small Arab state-kingdom, almost completely covered with deserts, but attractive for beach holidays on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba, where diving is developed and beautiful coral reefs are hidden under the water.

Dead Sea, source of mineral salts, medical resort and the amazing creation of the planet is also located on the territory of Jordan. People seek it for a cure for many diseases; its mud and salts are used for cosmetic purposes. Visit Dead Sea, Jordanians believe, rejuvenates a person by ten years.

Not long ago, a city with a history of nine thousand years was included in the list of wonders of the world. This is Petra stone city, which once had both water and wealth obtained from the spice trade.

Petra is completely carved in stone and grandiose in its decline: its beauty is sad and majestic to this day.

Last minute tours during the period December-March and hot June-August will be very cheap, because this is the period when sea holidays will not be successful, but these months are great for excursions to the sights of the ancient Arab city. For a sea holiday, choose the winter period: from December to February.

Warm, welcoming and also safe. Turkey has always been inexpensive for tourists with a large selection of holiday destinations: it provides beaches on two seas, overviews of monuments of Roman and Greek culture and architecture, excursions to cooled volcanoes and cities hidden in caves.

Holidays in Turkey are never the same. Its diversity is limitless for connoisseurs of Eastern culture and ancient countries.

From Turkey you can bring not only impressions, but also inexpensive souvenirs and useful gifts, for example, real Turkish coffee.

The beach holiday season begins in April and ends in October. The “off season” lasts from November to mid-April, but this is the best time to spend a cheap holiday without crowds of tourists in a country with many cultural monuments and attractions.

Prices for food, gifts, souvenirs and decorations fall fabulously at this time: almost 70% of beach season prices.

Flight: from 9,000 rub. (Istanbul)

Accommodation: from 1500 rub.

Day stay for two: from 3500 rub.

This type of recreation is very popular among many people, because you can admire the sights, soak up the atmosphere of various museums, etc. A lot of interesting things can be seen in France, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Spain. In the listed countries there are a huge number beautiful architecture, museums, statues, castles and more.

If you want to take a lot of interesting photos, choose Italy. There is romantic Venice, the brutal Colosseum, the towers of Bologna and the castles of Milan. What is the value of just one fantastic Leaning Tower of Pisa, tilted to the side. And in luxurious Naples you can get to know amazing Europe very closely.

For those who do not want to spend too much, but still want to admire various elegant monuments, can go to the Czech Republic. In Prague you can find ancient castles, palaces and ancient architectural buildings. After exploring interesting places to your heart’s content, you can stop by a cafe or restaurant and have lunch.

Another one inexpensive country for travel - this is Spain. Although sightseeing tours It is somewhat more expensive here than in the Czech Republic, but prices for hotels and other similar services are several times lower than in the UK, Germany and Austria. Here you can visit the majestic El Escorial monastery, one of the best Prado museums in the world and look at unusual architecture Barcelona, ​​created by Gaudi himself.

If you need an atmosphere of romance and love, then better than France nothing to be found. No one will be disappointed when looking at the royal castles in the Loire Valley. Those who want to expand their horizons can visit the world's best museums on the planet, located in Paris.

Beach holiday

If we talk about relaxing on the beach, many will immediately say the correct answer is Egypt and Turkey. Indeed, in these countries there are all conditions for a beach holiday. However, besides them, the world is full of other great places. For example, you can relax on the beaches of Croatia. Here is the most pure water in the water area Mediterranean Sea. And when you want to hide from the sun, the pine forests that surround the beaches of this country are at your service.

A quarter of the coast of Montenegro consists of beaches only. These places have excellent service and unusually clean water. Here you can relax with the whole family and go diving, since the waves in local waters rarely rise above half a meter.

Spain is another place that is great for a beach holiday. It is in this country that Ibiza, the Balearic Islands, is located, Canary Islands and Costa Bravo. The cost of a holiday here is not that low, but it is worth it, because these are world-class resorts.

Winter holidays

If you decide to vacation during the winter, then choose South America, Southeast Asia. When everything in Europe is covered with snow, here it is the height of summer. Travel to Goa, Bali, Thailand or the Dominican Republic. The best time to vacation in these countries is in winter. This way you can extend the summer and visit snow-white beaches and in tropical forests.

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To have a good rest at sea, you need to remember some safety rules. If you go abroad, then additional requirements are added to them, which also cannot be ignored.

Stay at sea

Try to sunbathe in the morning before 11 and in the evening after 16. The hottest time, when the sun is most active, is fraught with burns, which can ruin your entire vacation and then prevent you from boasting a pleasant tan. Use sunscreen to protect your skin.

You should start sunbathing for 5-10 minutes, especially if you have naturally white and sensitive skin that burns easily. Then the time can be increased little by little.

Swim only in calm water, especially if you are not confident in your abilities. If the sea is stormy, then it is better not to go into the water at all. Try to swim not into the distance, towards the buoys, but along seashore, where the depth is still small. Don't swim for too long if the water is cold: you risk catching a cold, and your leg may cramp. Never swim behind buoys.

While swimming, try to sea ​​water does not get into your mouth, and after swimming, be sure to rinse it clean water, you can add fresh lemon juice for disinfection.

Try not to take valuables or large sums of money with you to the beach, especially if you are vacationing alone. If the hotel is nearby, you can even do without a phone. Thefts on beaches are much less rare than one would like to think. In the hotel itself, it is better to store documents and valuables in a safe.

Security abroad

Be sure to find out and write it down in a notebook or on a separate sheet of paper from the Russian Embassy in the holiday country, and if there is none, then the consulate. All contact information for such organizations should be at your fingertips, but not in your wallet. In case of loss of your passport or any problems with the local police or law, the first thing to do is try to contact the Russian mission and the local police.

Don't rent anything from . There are more and more cases of problems among tourists who leave their international passport and then cannot get it from the business owner, since he demands a “ransom” for it.

Do not demonstrate values ​​or signs of wealth, especially in countries where the standard of living of the local population is significantly lower than that of tourists. But also in developed countries Be on your guard, theft and extortion from gullible tourists is widespread.

Buy health insurance that suits your travel style. If you are an amateur extreme recreation, then insurance should cover cases of such adventures. This will not only allow you to avoid large expenses in case of problems, but will also contribute to getting an emergency medical care on occasion.

Take with you to the country a first aid kit containing all “your” medications. Things like bandages and plasters are easy to find anywhere in the world. But finding an analogue of your favorite pills for headaches or something else in another country can be difficult.

Ticket prices start from 13,574 rubles.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 990 rubles, a double room in a hotel - from 1,000 rubles.
  • Food. Cold Lithuanian borscht - 190 rubles, fried potatoes with hunting sausages - 290 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Two tickets to the Museum of the World Ocean (excursion to a submarine) - 600 rubles, entrance to the Amber Museum - 300 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • Go to an organ concert in Cathedral and reflect on the eternal at the tomb of Immanuel Kant.
  • Visit the Fishing Village, climb aboard the B-413 submarine, and then stop by the Amber Museum. It is unthinkable to visit Kaliningrad and not buy an amber souvenir or jewelry.
  • Explore the Kaliningrad region: a little over an hour's drive from the city are the castles of the Teutonic Order - Insterburg and Schaaken.
  • Take a walk through one of the walking routes Curonian Spit- a natural wonder included in the List World Heritage UNESCO. Admire the dunes and intricately curved trees of the Dancing Forest.

Russia, Karelia

Ticket prices to Petrozavodsk start from 18,872 rubles.
When to go: May to September.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 1,000 rubles, a double room in a hotel - from 1,200 rubles.
  • Food. Kalitka (Karelian pie) with potatoes - 75 rubles, trout fish soup - 410 rubles, rowan liqueur - 190 rubles for 50 grams.
  • Entertainment. A trip to “Ruskeala” - 3,850 rubles for two, an excursion to Kizhi - 5,900 rubles for two, an excursion to Valaam from Petrozavodsk - 10,400 rubles.

Things to do

  • There are 60 thousand lakes and 27 thousand rivers. Go rafting or kayaking on the Shuya River or try to catch a huge salmon while fishing Lake Onega. If extreme sports are not attractive, go to the Kivach waterfall - this is the highest flat waterfall in Europe.
  • You cannot visit Karelia without visiting the Kizhi nature reserve, where real masterpieces of wooden architecture are collected. According to legend, the Church of the Transfiguration was built by the carpenter Nestor with only an ax. After construction, the master threw the ax into the lake so that no one could repeat his masterpiece.
  • Not far from the border with Finland is located mountain park"Ruskeala". Where marble was previously mined in an industrial quarry, there is now a lake with marble shores and underwater grottoes. On the way to Ruskeala, stop by the Tokhminsky waterfalls.


Ticket prices to Tbilisi start from 22,332 rubles.
Entry regime: visa-free. When to go: from May to July or September-October.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 361 rubles, a double room in a hotel - from 902 rubles.
  • Food. Khachapuri - 135 rubles, a portion of 10 khinkali with beef - 180 rubles, pork kebab - 270 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Excursion around Tbilisi - 1,800 rubles for two, two tickets to Botanical Garden- 90 rubles, round-trip cable car ride - 90 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • In Tbilisi, be sure to take the cable car up to the Narikala fortress and visit swap meet on the Dry Bridge, Shardeni Street and the Botanical Garden.
  • It is worth paying attention not only to the capital, but also to other regions of the country. From the interesting - ancient city Mtskheta, mountains and waterfalls of Svaneti, the Georgian Military Road and, of course, Kakheti with its wine.
  • For a beach holiday, go to Batumi, Kobuleti or Sarpi. The beach in Sarpi is considered one of the best in Adjara, the coastal region of Georgia.

Poland, Krakow

Ticket prices to Krakow start from 34,104 rubles.
Entry mode: Schengen visa required. When to go: to Catholic Christmas or from May to September.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 1,081 rubles, a double room in a hotel - from 2,153 rubles.
  • Food. Casserole (baguette with filling) - from 84 rubles, chicken fillet with mushrooms - from 227 rubles, 0.5 liters of draft beer - from 118 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Tickets to castles and museums - from 200 rubles for two, a tour of the Wieliczka salt mines - from 2,998 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • If you want to see the real Poland, fly to Krakow. Krakow is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities countries. This former capital state and place of coronation of Polish monarchs.
  • Wander through the Old Town and Market Square in Krakow, visit the architectural complex on Wawel Hill - there is a royal castle and ancient cathedral Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas. In December, be sure to check out the Christmas market.
  • In the city of Wieliczka, not far from Krakow, there are once the largest salt mines in Europe. You will be led through winding corridors past salt sculptures and underground lakes. To fully experience the atmosphere, you will rise to the surface in a special mining cabin.


Ticket prices to Tivat start from 28,370 rubles.
Entry regime: visa-free. When to go: May to November.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 1,750 rubles, double room in guest house- from 1,893 rubles.
  • Food. Fried cheese - 419 rubles, pork chop - 482 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Excursion to Ostrog - from 3,490 rubles for two, two tickets to Durmitor Park - 419 rubles.

Things to do

  • For natural beauty, go to Durmitor National Park. The gorge along the Tara River, which flows through the park, is the Montenegrin analogue of the American Grand Canyon. This is the most deep canyon in Europe: its depth reaches 1,300 meters. In Durmitor there is one of the most high points Montenegro - Mount Bobotov Kuk (2,523 meters).
  • Connoisseurs of medieval architecture have a direct route to the historical part of Budva, built during the time of the Venetian Republic. Then go to the Orthodox monastery Ostrog, carved into a steep cliff at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.
  • As for the sea, the choice is yours: or beaches Adriatic Sea, or the fjord of the Bay of Kotor.


Ticket prices to Ho Chi Minh City start from 43,922 rubles.
Entry mode: when traveling for less than 15 days, a visa is not required. When to go: to Hanoi - from September to February, to Nha Trang - from February to August, to Mui Ne - from December to June, to Hoi An - from January to August.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 664 rubles, a hotel - from 844 rubles.
  • Food. Pho soup - from 98 rubles, rice with seafood - around 170 rubles, freshly squeezed juices - from 40 rubles per 0.3 liter.
  • Entertainment. Excursion to the Kuti tunnels - from 2,257 rubles for two, two tickets to the Vinpearl park - approximately 3,900 rubles.

Things to do

  • Want to see a bay created by a dragon? Long ago, he crawled towards the sea and left behind him valleys filled with water. Of course, this is a legend. But Ha Long Bay is the most beautiful postcard view of Vietnam.
  • From Ho Chi Minh City, take a tour of the Cu Chi Tunnels. They were dug up by guerrillas during the Vietnam War to launch surprise attacks on American troops. Now underground passages with a total length of up to 200 kilometers, they have become a popular tourist attraction.
  • It would be strange to come to Vietnam solely for the sake of studying the cultural heritage of this country. Beach holidays are what attracts tourists. It’s worth going to Nha Trang, Mui Ne or Hoi An for it.
  • In Nha Trang, be sure to set aside a day to visit the Vinpearl amusement park. Leads there cable car more than three kilometers long. “Vinpearl” is a paradise for a budget tourist: for a very reasonable amount you can go on rides all day, see a dolphin show and go to the only water park on the coast with fresh water. Among the attractions, we especially recommend the electric sleigh: the cart rushes along a winding track, and you regulate the speed yourself.

Sri Lanka

Ticket prices to Colombo start from 54,034 rubles.
Entry mode: you can apply for an electronic visa permit. When to go: December to April.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in a hostel - from 673 rubles, a double room in a hotel - from 1,263 rubles.
  • Food. A serving of rice with curry - from 75 rubles, pancakes with banana and chocolate - from 90 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Sightseeing tour in Colombo - from 3,095 rubles for two, two tickets to the elephant shelter - about 1,800 rubles.

Things to do

  • The path to nirvana lies through the golden triangle: the cities of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy. Here are the largest and most important Buddhist temples and monasteries.
  • Connoisseurs of good tea should visit the town of Nuwara Eliya. See how the tea bushes cover the hills with a dense carpet and shimmer like emerald in the sun. Dilmah, Akbar - it's all from here. Sri Lanka is one of the three largest tea producing countries in the world.
  • Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage - without any exaggeration unique place. Here, elephant calves, who for one reason or another are left without parents, are raised and taught wisdom. You can even watch elephants bathe and eat.


Ticket prices to Tunisia start from 33,201 rubles.
Entry mode: when traveling for less than 90 days, a visa is not required. When to go: from March to June or September-October.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. Double room in the hotel - from 2,099 rubles, apartments for two - from 2,239 rubles.
  • Food. Fish soup - 165 rubles, grilled tuna - 470 rubles, a cup of mint tea - 50 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Two tickets to Carthage - about 500 rubles, a two-day trip to the Sahara - approximately 13,000 rubles.

Things to do

  • If you want to literally touch antiquity, here you will find what you were looking for. You can start from the capital: in Tunisia (yes, both the country and the capital are all Tunisia) visit the medina - Old city, where narrow streets weave into a labyrinth surrounded by a stone wall.
  • The ruins of Carthage are deservedly popular among tourists - once largest city on west coast Mediterranean Sea. Carthage was founded around 814 BC. From former luxury the amphitheater, aqueduct and baths of Anthony Pius remained.
  • Go on an excursion to the Sahara - after all, it’s not every day that you get the chance to see a real desert and visit the Berbers. By the way, the settlement of Matmata, where representatives of this nationality live, was seen by everyone who watched “Star Wars”: there it depicted the planet Tatooine.


Ticket prices to Casablanca start from 31,692 rubles.
Entry mode: when traveling for less than 90 days, a visa is not required. When to go: May to October.

Cost of one day

  • Housing. A room in a guest house - from 1,400 rubles, a double room in a hotel - from 1,959 rubles.
  • Food. Casserole with eggplants and tomatoes - 430 rubles, paella with fish - from 276 rubles, a cup of coffee - from 77 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Excursion from Agadir to Marrakesh - approximately 8,100 rubles for two, a trip to the Sahara with local guides - from 10,000 rubles.

Things to do

  • Visit Rick's Bar in Casablanca, where the atmosphere of the cult film by Michael Curtiz is recreated. Feel like Humphrey Bogart and order a bourbon.
  • For beach lovers, head to Tangier. To the west of the city is the longest in the country beach strip: 47 kilometers of sand along Atlantic Ocean. When you have had enough of swimming, you can go to the Sahara - such excursions are not only available in Tunisia.
  • Who said Africa is not for lovers? alpine skiing? In winter, the weather in the Atlas Mountains is good for skiing. You can slide down a snowy slope in the morning and swim in the warm ocean in the evening.
  • If you have enviable willpower and are not fooled by the sweet speeches of talkative sellers, go to the local bazaar to buy souvenirs. Bargain with all your might, here this process is almost more important than the fact of purchase itself.

USA, New York

Ticket prices start from 40,830 rubles.
Entry mode: visa required. When to go: March to October.

Cost of one day

Food and housing in New York are not cheap. But tickets from Moscow are inexpensive for such a long flight, and on the spot you can create a very budget-friendly vacation program.

  • Housing. Double room in the hotel - from 3,816 rubles, apartments for two - from 5,331 rubles.
  • Food. Hot dog - 186 rubles, chicken burger - 354 rubles, chocolate muffin - 154 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Two tickets to the Guggenheim Museum - about 2,800 rubles, two tickets to the zoo - around 2,000 rubles, a visit to the Statue of Liberty - about 2,100 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • Must-see in New York: Broadway and Fifth Avenue, Statue of Liberty, Times Square and Central Park.
  • Among the local museums and attractions, it is worth visiting the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Madame Tussauds, the botanical garden and the zoo. Of course, one cannot ignore the New York Museum of Modern Art, where works by Matisse, Van Gogh, Picasso and Dali are collected. By the way, on Fridays from 16 to 20, admission is free if you are not afraid of long lines.
  • There is entertainment in New York for every taste: a concert at the Metropolitan Opera, NBA or NHL matches. Going over budget? The breathtaking views from the Brooklyn Bridge are completely free, as is the ferry between Manhattan and Staten Island.

How to visit all these places at the expense of Tinkoff Bank

Advice for thrifty travelers: get your own bank card, which allows you to save miles for flights. From every purchase on the Internet or in a regular store, part of the money will be returned back.

Here's the cashback the Tinkoff ALL Airlines card gives:

  • 10% when paying for a hotel room and car rental. You paid 10 thousand for an overnight stay - you get a thousand back.
  • 5% when purchasing plane or train tickets through the website If you bought tickets for 50,000 rubles, you will get 2,500 back.
  • 3% when purchasing tickets through any other site.
  • 2% will be returned to your account from all other purchases.

Money is returned to your account in miles, 1 mile is 1 ruble. You can use miles to pay for a ticket on any airline in the world. At the same time, you can continue to accumulate miles in the loyalty program of the airline you use.

Bonus for Lifehacker readers

To all readers of Lifehacker " Tinkoff Bank» gives an ALL Airlines card with a free first year of service. Typically, annual card maintenance costs 1,890 rubles. You can read about all the features and benefits of the card.

Apply for a card, earn miles, travel and discover the world.

The British travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler (a very authoritative publication, it is even called the bible for tourists), in a survey of its readers, compiled a rating of the 20 best places for vacation and travel according to tourist reviews.

Of course, most of them voted for a seaside holiday. Therefore, Italy was at the top of the tourism podium in the “Best Country” category, and the islands of Greece received the highest rating, according to traveler reviews. But the list of the most attractive cities was not occupied by a city by the sea - it was topped by New York.

Slightly less popular, according to a survey of tourists, were the USA, Paris and holidays in the Maldives. Travelers ranked holidays in Turkey, holidays in Bali and Barcelona on the 3rd line of the rating.

Top 20 best vacation spots, according to tourists’ reviews: (selection by category: country, island, city)


A country





Islands of Greece




















Balearic Islands





Cape Town


South Africa

Saint Lucia

San Francisco


New Zealand










Buenos Aires
























Rio de Janeiro











Great Barrier Reef


Where lovers of culture and history relax

This year holiday in Italy ended up at the top tourist rating, which is explained by the widespread interest of tourists in the architectural and cultural monuments of Europe and the opportunity to relax at sea. Among all European countries It is Italy that leads in the number of attractions per square meter.

In this country, tourists will definitely not have the question “What to see?”, since any Italian city or village is a unique history museum under open air. What is the value of Rome alone, which respondents called the “center of civilization” for its richest culture and history and was awarded fourth place in the ranking of the best cities.

But not only Europe is famous for its attractions - holidays on a remote Indonesian island are also popular Bali. This island, according to tourists, ranked third among the islands, is the world record holder for the number of temples - there are about 11,000 of them.
rest in paradise our planet

Readers of the magazine who took part in the survey were asked 10 criteria by which they had to choose the most preferable islands for a seaside holiday. Exotic Zanzibar, famous for its excellent beaches, took only seventh position in the Top 20, and the Seychelles, despite its attractive scenery, came in ninth place.

And only holiday in Greece on the islands he found himself unrivaled and ahead of his rivals in all respects. So, according to tourists, they received the well-deserved “gold”. Here the attractions and all the conditions for a seaside holiday are beyond compare.

According to weather-sensitive tourists, the most favorable and even climate is observed in Barbados, which took fourth place in the ranking. Next after him Mauritius recognized by survey participants best place on land for fishing. And to capture the most amazing landscapes, tourists from all over the world go to SOUTH AFRICA, for which she got eighth place in the top twenty best countries.

Alluring lights of megacities

Despite high level prices, most tourists were attracted by the lights New York. Holidays in the USA and in New York in particular are becoming increasingly popular. The largest American metropolis topped the Top 20 thanks to its traveler-friendly infrastructure.

There are tons of places to have fun in New York and, importantly, all the attractions can be easily and quickly reached by car. public transport. In addition, New York offers tourists a large selection of accommodation options - from inexpensive hostels to luxury hotels.

Rio de Janeiro, occupying 17th place in the ranking, is named, according to travelers, the most “cheerful” city in the world, thanks to its unique atmosphere of entertainment and dreams. For pleasant shopping, most tourists prefer to go to Shanghai (18th place). Shopping lovers will appreciate the giant shopping centers, where you can find products for every taste and wallet size.

Great holiday at a reasonable price

Türkiye recognized as countries with the most affordable prices and occupy third place in the ranking. There is also a combination of seaside recreation and a huge number of attractions and interesting places. As we can see from this table, this combination is the most popular in our time.

If you want to have a great and economical vacation, experienced travelers recommend going on vacation to a Thai island Phuket or visit Turkish Istanbul, which are on the tenth line of our rating, compiled according to reviews of tourists.

Important for many optimal combination prices and quality of rest. Therefore, thrifty tourists gave high marks Buenos Aires, so "Paris" South America"It occupies 11th place in the city ranking for a reason, but for its price-quality ratio.

19th place on the list Cambodia, which besides unique nature and friendly locals attract tourists with its low prices.
For food lovers

And still Italy It’s not for nothing that it topped the ranking of the best countries - in addition to the attractions, it also has exquisite cuisine. Many travelers prefer Italian restaurants, making them favorite destinations for gastronomic tourism.

But the most delicious food, according to survey participants, is prepared in restaurants Cape Town(7th place), followed by San Francisco(line 8).

The most friendly and hospitable

This is how the residents are characterized Thailand travelers who participated in the survey, it was thanks to them that the “Land of Smiles” took fourth place in the ranking of countries. On a rest in India, You will receive the warmest welcome. She occupies sixth position in our ranking.

Kindness and willingness to help strangers are traits inherent in indigenous people New Zealand allowed their homeland to enter the list of the best countries for travelers and take ninth place in it. Known for the friendly attitude of its people, the Fiji Islands are ranked 15th in the Top 20 best islands for relax.

Public order comes first

According to tourists, it was recognized as the standard of cleanliness and the most well-groomed city. Sydney, for which he was awarded fifth place. And in general, Australia, which ranks seventh in the ranking, is recognized as the most prosperous country in the world, and its residents are the happiest.

If you are looking relaxing holiday, then you just need to visit Vancouver(line 15), which respondents called the safest city in the world.

Summing up

I would like to say that this rating, created based on reviews from tourists, reflects only the subjective opinion of a certain group of travelers. We are sure that everyone can call one of their own the best, the most favorite place. And that is great! Reckless night life resort towns or natural parks, bodegas or folk festivals always find a place in someone's heart.

The world is big and beautiful. So many places we haven't been yet! Maybe we shouldn't make them wait so long?

What choice will you make? Let's make our own rating. Share with other travelers!
Write below which vacation spots were the best for you?

Find out where you can cheaply relax at sea in the summer of 2019 abroad and in Russia! We have chosen the most popular destinations for a holiday by the sea and calculated for each cost index. It will help you understand where to vacation is cheap and where it is expensive. Compare indexes, choose a resort and go on vacation on a budget.

How do we calculate the index?

We calculate two holiday cost indices: for vacationers on a tour and for independent tourists.

Tour holiday index. For each destination we find the cheapest tours for two for 10 days. To the cost of the tour per person we add the cost of a visa (if needed). We divide the result by 10. We get the cost of vacation per day per person.

We sum up the main expenses of a tourist and divide by 10:

  • Flights. We are looking for the cheapest round trip flight from Moscow. Tickets can be without luggage and with transfers.
  • Housing. We find double rooms at the lowest price; we do not consider hostels. Calculation per person for 10 days.
  • Visa (if needed).

What are we not counting? Food, travel, excursions, etc. - these expenses are individual and difficult to calculate. Our index does not reflect all travel expenses, but allows you to compare the cost of a vacation on a basic basis.

Why are tickets and tours only from Moscow considered? Firstly, most tourists fly from the capital on vacation. Secondly, the cheapest tickets and tours are usually from Moscow. If we count the indices for departures from all Russian cities, the review will surpass “War and Peace” in volume.

Is it possible to get it even cheaper? Can! In some cases, your vacation will cost less than according to our estimates. You will save if:

  • find a cheap one or ;
  • you already have open Schengen and are going to Europe;
  • fly on vacation during the low season.

Prices updated for summer season 2019 and are indicated in Russian rubles. Indices for European countries are duplicated in euros, for Asia - in US dollars.

Exchange rate: 1 US dollar ≈ 65 RUB.

Choose a destination to suit your taste and budget:

There are swimming pools not only in expensive hotels, but also budget hotels and guest houses. True, they are smaller there and the water can be changed much less often. (Photo © / Swissоtel Resort)

Greater Sochi

Where can you have a cheap holiday at sea if not? Tickets and tours are inexpensive, there is cheap accommodation, you don’t need a visa, you can eat inexpensively in canteens.

Tours. The cheapest ones are without food.

Flights. Usually in summer tickets cost from 7,000 rubles. The cheapest way to fly is Pobeda - tickets from many Russian cities cost from 2,000 rubles in both directions (without luggage), but they sell out quickly - you need to be on time. Luggage is paid separately, to save money, you can take one suitcase for two.

It’s cheaper to fly on your own only if you have time to buy the cheapest tickets on sale and without luggage. In other cases, a tour and an independent holiday cost approximately the same.

Beach in Lazarevskoye (Photo © / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)


In Crimea you can relax by the sea just as inexpensively as in Krasnodar region: accommodation and food are cheaper, flights are more expensive. Find out: and

On Ai-Petri, Crimean mountains(Photo © mr_wood /


You can have a cheap holiday at sea abroad in. In the summer of 2019, tours to Budva, Petrovac, Becici cost from 56 thousand rubles for two, air tickets to Tivat - from 13,000 rubles. Russians do not need a visa! Hotels in Budva can be found from 18€ per night. Lunch in an inexpensive restaurant in Budva will cost about 7 € per person. Find out more about and.

28,000 rub.
Flights 13,000 rub.
6,700 rub. / 90€
Visa 0
Tour holiday index 2,800 rub. / 38€
Independent travel index RUB 1,970 / 26.5€

Old Budva - a corner of Mediterranean architecture in the heart modern resort(Photo © varfolomeev/


A classic of the genre - Türkiye, beloved by Russians. Even bans on the sale of tours did not stop tourists; they flew on vacation. Fortunately, the ban has now been lifted.

Is it cheap to go on vacation? You can't get any cheaper! This is why holidays on the Turkish sea are so popular. You don't need a visa, and tickets, hotels and food are inexpensive. Pobeda flies to Alanya - from 12,600 rubles. Tours for summer 2019 now cost from 48,000 rubles for two, all-inclusive - from 52,000 rubles. But this is not the limit! You can often find cheap tours to Turkey (for 10-15 thousand rubles) - look for them in our section.

On a tour or on your own? The tour is almost always cheaper, especially last minute and all-inclusive.

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 24,000 rub.
Flights 12,600 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) RUB 3,800 / $58
Visa 0
Tour holiday index 2,400 rub. / $36
Independent travel index RUB 1,640 / $25

Kaputas Beach, Türkiye (Photo © toocheesh /


Electronic visa to Cyprus for Russians is free and can be issued via the Internet, but is only suitable for direct flights from Russia. If you fly with a transfer, you need a regular tourist visa. Find out about all the nuances of design.

Tour for 10 nights (per person) RUB 28,500
Flights 12,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) RUB 11,150 / 150€
Visa 0
Tour holiday index RUB 2,850 / 38€
Independent travel index RUB 2,315 / 31€

Blue Lagoon- one of the protected places in Cyprus (Photo © `TOMS` /


Greece is one of the most inexpensive places in Europe for a holiday by the sea. The flight from Russia is not far, prices for housing, food and entertainment are reasonable. not expensive either.

Tours for summer 2019 you can buy from 54 thousand rubles for two. Sometimes we find last-minute deals and - follow our news.

Chip flights from Moscow can be found in Thessaloniki - from 9,700 rubles. To Athens, Crete, Kos, Corfu, Zakynthos, Rhodes - 11-16 thousand rubles.

Visa: 35 € (consular fee) + 1380 rubles (service fee).

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 27,000 rub.
Flights 9,700 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) RUB 8,170 / 110€
Visa 4,000 rub.
Tour holiday index 2,700 rub. / 37€
Independent travel index RUB 2,187 / 29.5€

Balos Beach, Crete (Photo © Riccardo Romano /


You can cheaply relax abroad by the sea in Bulgaria - this is one of the.

Flights. The most budget way to fly to Burgas or Varna from Moscow is charters. Tickets cost from 13,000 rubles.

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 23,000 rub.
Flights 13,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 6,700 rub. / 90€
Visa 4,000 rub.
Tour holiday index 2,300 rub. / 31€
Independent travel index RUB 2,370 / 32€

On the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo /


Tour for 10 nights (per person) 34,000 rub.
Flights 16,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 7,200 rub. / 110$
Visa 0
Tour holiday index RUB 3,400 / $52
Independent travel index RUB 2,320 / $35

Rub al Khali desert in the UAE (Photo © Daniel Jo /


You can have an inexpensive holiday at sea abroad. We vacationed in Phuket three times and Pattaya twice. Hotels and food are inexpensive, there are more than enough attractions, the beaches are excellent, and you don’t need a visa.

How much does a vacation cost? Considering the distance, tours and air tickets are reasonable: tickets - from 23 thousand, tours - from 67 thousand for two. Accommodation can be found from $10 per night.

Our notes will help you save:

Tour for 10 nights (per person) RUB 33,500
Flights 23,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 3,300 rub. / 50$
Visa 0
Tour holiday index RUB 3,350 / 51$
Independent travel index RUB 2,630 / $40


Tours to Egypt are still expensive - from 100 thousand for two. Tourists continue to vacation in Egypt, but already. It turns out cheaper than the tour. And in the old days you could relax with a voucher for 5,000 rubles for two! Flights from Moscow to Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada for the summer of 2019 cost from 20 thousand rubles, to Cairo - from 11 thousand. Hotels - from $12. Eating in a cafe - $4.

A visa to Egypt for Russians is obtained upon arrival - $25, a Sinai stamp in Sharm el-Sheikh is free.

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 50,000 rub.
Flights 20,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 4,000 rub. / 60$
Visa 0
Tour holiday index 5,000 rub. / $76
Independent travel index 2,400 rub. / $36.5

Pyramids in Egypt (Photo © Mondo79 /

India (Goa)

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 50,000 rub.
Flights 35,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 2,300 rub. / $35
Visa RUB 2,630 / $40
Tour holiday index 5,000 rub. / $76
Independent travel index RUB 3,993 / $61

Colors of India (Photo © Sven Van Echelpoel /


How to fly cheaper? Flights to Rimini in the summer of 2019 cost from 19,000 rubles. It’s cheaper to fly with Pobeda or another airline to Milan, Venice, Pisa - tickets from 10 thousand rubles. From there you can take an inexpensive bus to Rimini or another resort.

Visa: 35 € (consular fee) + 2000 rubles (service fee).

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 31,000 rub.
Flights 10,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) RUB 13,350 / 180€
Visa 4,600 rub.
Tour holiday index 3,100 rub. / 42€
Independent travel index RUB 2,795 / 37.5€

Roman Colosseum (Photo © jaymce /


Vietnam is one of our favorite countries! We came here three times, visited almost everywhere, and lived in the country for six months in total. The cheapest place to relax is in and. A little more expensive on, but the beaches there are better. Read ours - they contain a lot useful information from personal experience.

What is the price? You can relax at sea in Vietnam inexpensively. A visa is not required for a period of up to 15 days. Tours - from 80 thousand rubles for two. Tickets - from 23 thousand rubles. Room in good hotel in Nha Trang you can find from $10. The food is very cheap! You can have a hearty and tasty meal for $1-2. About how much it costs independent trip to Vietnam, read.

Tour for 10 nights (per person) 40,000 rub.
Flights RUB 23,500
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 3,200 rub. / 50$
Visa 0
Tour holiday index 4,000 rub. / $61
Independent travel index RUB 2,670 / $40.5

Visa: 35 € (consular fee) + 1700 rubles (service fee).

best resorts in Sri Lanka

Housing and food In the Canary Islands they are inexpensive. Hotels cost from 25€, there are excellent options for 30-40€. Budget breakfast - from 3€, lunch - from 4€, dinner - from 7€.

Tour for 10 nights (per person) RUB 32,500
Flights 10,500 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 16,700 rub. / 225€
Visa 4,300 rub.
Tour holiday index RUB 3,250 / 44€
Independent travel index RUB 3,150 / 42€
Tour for 10 nights (per person) 50,000 rub.
Flights 22,000 rub.
Double room for 10 nights (per person) 9,300 rub. / 125€
Visa 4,200 rub.

It’s hard to believe, but even in the Maldives you can have an inexpensive holiday at sea. Secrets budget holiday on paradise islands We revealed in a special review: . Read it!

How much should you spend? Russians do not need a visa. Tickets cost about the same as in Goa, Vietnam or Thailand. Housing is more expensive than in cheap Asian countries, but cheaper than in Europe. Decent hotels with high ratings start from $30. Big choice inexpensive hotels on the island . Naturally, we are not talking about luxury resorts on secluded islands - if you want a luxury vacation, you will have to fork out some cash. You can eat in the Maldives in establishments for locals - for $5-10.

Holidaying in the Maldives on your own is cheaper. Tours offer accommodation only in quite expensive hotels, so the cost of travel packages is high. Find out the best places to holiday in the Maldives >>

Maldives (Photo © Ben & Gab / / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Introductory image source: © james_clear /