Club hotel tropicana 3 tunisia. Services provided at the hotel on a paid basis

Hotel Club Tropicana 3 is one of the most economical, but no less interesting and comfortable hotels in Tunisia. It is located on the first coastline, in the small town of Sakhalin, which is located near the city of Monastir, where the most interesting sights of the area are concentrated. Below we will tell you about the features of a holiday in a 3-star hotel in Tunisia and about the prices for vouchers and tours to the hotel.

What does Club Tropicana 3 offer guests? Hotel description

Club Tropicana 3, according to reviews, is a modest hotel. At the same time, it provides vacationers with excellent options for accommodating the whole family, including small children. In total, the hotel provides more than 300 rooms of varying degrees of comfort. The apartments must have all the amenities: their own shower and toilet, TV (with a connected modern game console), air conditioning, refrigerator, minibar, hairdryer. Almost all rooms have windows overlooking the sea.

Cleaning is done daily. The staff will delight guests with the thoroughness of their work, as well as interesting improvisations involving napkins and towels.

One of the main advantages of the hotel is Russian speaking employees. So, when checking into this hotel, you won’t need to purchase a phrase book or worry about your French.

Free wireless Internet is available throughout the entire hotel, although according to reviews from tourists, the Internet in the hotel is so-so. You can park your rental car for free in the hotel's driveway.

At the reception it is possible to exchange currency.

Paid services include a safe and a refrigerator, but you can refuse them.


The hotel also receives only positive reviews for the cuisine of its restaurant, which serves international and National dishes. For those travelers who check in late in the evening, the offer of a delicious evening dinner will be a pleasant surprise.

Meals are served three times a day, provided as a buffet. There is no special menu for children, but the assortment includes many dietary dishes and healthy food products. You can also order romantic dinners with your significant other at a local restaurant.


At the hotel reception (which is open 24 hours a day) Club Tropicana 3 Tunisia, you can ask what excursions go to the city of Monastir to explore local attractions. You can also purchase one-day or multi-day packages here. sightseeing tours to colorful places.

Hotel Club Hotel Tropicana 3 Tunisia also provides entertainment on its territory:

  1. BBQ areas;
  2. Tennis court;
  3. Two outdoor swimming pools where you can swim with your children;
  4. Children playground;
  5. Sun terrace.

Additionally, there is a hair salon, gift shop and minimarket on site.

The hotel has its own private beach, equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. There is a beach bar with a variety of drinks. For those who are not used to lounging even on the beach, there is the opportunity to engage in water sports, including windsurfing.

Video review about the hotel

Tunisia Monastir Hotel Club Tropicana 3 is a great place to spend a relaxing holiday with the whole family at any time of the year.

Prices for trips and tours to Club Tropicana 3*

In May, a vacation for two at the Club Tropicana 3* hotel on an all-inclusive basis costs 45 thousand rubles for 7 days, and two weeks of rest will cost 66 thousand rubles.

In June, prices for a trip to Club Tropicana 3 “all inclusive” start from 86 thousand rubles for two for two weeks.

At the end of July the most cheap tour the hotel costs 101 thousand rubles for two adults for two weeks on an all-inclusive basis.

Have a nice holiday in Tunisia!
Best regards, site team

As they say at school: 3 - satisfactory.
A three-star hotel, which, in my opinion, cannot be given a higher rating. Despite the pleasant first impression, living there opens up a number of disadvantages. Having relatively little experience of foreign beach holidays, and not being particularly picky, in this case I really find it difficult to come to a specific decision - to recommend the hotel or not. Let everyone, after reading this, decide for themselves how significant these shortcomings are. Of course, a number of the problems described in one form or another occur in other hotels, so this does not mean that the Tropicana is bad and all the others are good.

ACCOMMODATION. For me, the main problem was the soundproofing in the room, which was less than completely absent. After all, you come to relax, so the appropriate conditions must be provided. It is clear that there should be entertainment so that guests do not get bored, but there should also be an opportunity to go to their own corner where they can spend quiet time. Those who built this hotel clearly did not think about this. The doors and walls look like they are made of cardboard - you can hear almost everything through them! They are watching TV in the next room - I can hear it. There is also an air conditioner there - I can hear its hum. People speak in an average voice - you can hear it, damn it. You could even hear them making love a couple of times (not a joke!). Entrance doors the rooms slam due to drafts if they are not controlled. Each such clap is scattered throughout the entire floor, so be sure that you will hear every coming and going of other guests on the floor (in fact, few people try not to make noise out of respect for others, which is a pity). Finally, noise from the street is also guaranteed - constantly screaming music near the pool, animation there (it all stops only somewhere from 13 to 15), as well as evening dances and performances in the amphitheater (almost always lasts until 23, sometimes even later ). The windows and doors are plastic, but it’s either in them or in the walls - the difference between audibility when they are open and when they are closed is very small. In the second case, you will listen to endless music. Even earplugs couldn’t save me from all this - so what kind of vacation are we talking about? The only thing left to do is either attend these events, even if you don’t want to or aren’t interested, or spend time in the lobby or bar. Note: about animation noise is only relevant for rooms Sea View(even numbers), on the other hand it should be quite quiet. The view of the sea and the hotel territory, of course, is actually very good, but this is a double-edged sword ( good view and noise, or a view of the courtyard and the highway, but silence). To be honest, at times I even had thoughts of asking to be moved to the other side, but the paid Sea View and the beauty outside the window still overpowered me. By the way, on the fourth floor the local music also merges with the music from the neighboring hotel (on the lower floors it is probably better) - the result is a cacophony. Only one question arises - adults, okay, but how do children tolerate all this and fall asleep to it? At the same time, I’m sure that the animation could have been twice as quiet, and no one would have lost anything from this - “on the spot” everything can be heard perfectly well.
In general, there are no complaints about the number itself. They clean well, everything works (TV - 10-15 channels, 2 Russian). Only the drain in the sink and bathroom is barely possible - either it was clogged in my room, or it was specially done so that less water was used. Well, a consequence of 3*: they don’t bring bottled water to the room, there is no refrigerator, there are no shampoos and other things (only liquid soap). The cleaning ladies pretend that they know English, but in reality, other than “Hello, how r U?” Can't say or understand anything :)

NUTRITION. Personally, I don’t need sophistication, I need simple and ordinary edible food, but at least with a minimum choice (I refuse to try dishes that look incomprehensible). Are you saying everything is included? Not everything... Let's start with something simple - water. As I already wrote, they don’t give you room service; you have to dial it in the cooler in a restaurant or in a snack bar (although there is a piece of paper with a crossed out bottle hanging there). Well, or buy it at the bar, of course (advice: when leaving, take the bottle with you or hide it in your bag - during the next cleaning of my room, they threw out an empty bottle, and there was nothing left to do but buy a new one at the bar! Business...). For breakfast, they fry one thing - either fried eggs, or an omelet (one name from it is a scrambled egg with two pieces of sausage and something else can hardly be called a normal omelet), or pancakes. So you have to eat what they make, or limit yourself to cold cuts, salads, fried donuts and pastries, porridge (everything is quite edible, but boring). There is only one soup for lunch. More precisely, it’s a potato-flavored broth into which you can add tomatoes, onions, peppers, herbs and pieces of bread as you wish. After three days you'll get tired of it. Salads for lunch and dinner are average; I didn’t notice anything particularly outstanding. Perhaps a strange salad of chopped sausage, cheese and something else, obviously left over from breakfast... Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard - everything is there, but for some reason there is not always butter. Fried, stewed meat, fish, chicken, all sorts of vegetables are available. There in the restaurant they bake pretty good pizza. There are fruits, but always one thing - either only watermelons, only melons, plums, apricots, grapes. I wanted bananas and oranges, but for some reason they weren’t there. Ice cream does happen, but rarely; in 10 days I only saw it 3 times (or does it appear and is immediately taken away?). Regarding drinks - complete nonsense with tea, coffee and juices, which are only for breakfast in the restaurant! For lunch and dinner, we put the cakes on a plate and go to the snack bar, or to the main bar, and drink there. There are several types of coffee in the coffee machines, but sometimes there was no black coffee (green and fruit ones are there, which few people drink, and black coffee is not always delivered on time). There is no lemon for tea at all. I don’t drink alcohol, so I can’t say anything. There are no problems with soda. Concentrated juices.
Between main meals, there is fruit in the snack bar, as well as some leftovers from breakfast or lunch. There, a friend makes pizza after lunch, but unlike the one in the restaurant, it is very simple and gets boring after a couple of times. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find French fries, sandwiches or anything similar for a snack.

BEACH. Everything here seems simple and clear. There are no problems with sunbeds and accommodation in the shade if you arrive no later than 10 am. There are more people at the pool, and there is more competition for the same amenities. Mattresses are paid, security guards check using coupons. The sea is shallow up to the buoys, the depth begins only behind them. The water in general was quite clean, but after the storm it was filled with algae and, in some places, some debris such as bags. The sand on the beach is quite clean. I almost didn’t see the jellyfish that everyone cares about so much, except that after the storm they were here and there, but then they disappeared. Apparently it depends on the period. It's a stone's throw from the hotel to the beach.

ANIMATION. Again, not for everybody. During the day, various competitions and other entertainment are held by the pool, and sports games are offered. Evening performances are performed by the animators themselves, i.e. while in other hotels guest artists often perform (Chinese acrobats, fire shows, etc.), here everything is done entirely on their own. The supply of these performances is approximately 7-8 days, then they begin to repeat themselves, and exactly the same - even the songs are the same. Personally, all this bothered me for one simple reason: the presenters not only repeat the same thing, trying to fill the pauses, but also do it in several languages ​​(French, English and Russian). And also the music they play is kind of stupid - just a club-style beat (do they live up to the name of the hotel?) instead of something more pleasant and relaxing. In short, between 5 minutes of performance there are 15 minutes of outright nonsense. All this begins to either quickly become boring or infuriating (especially when you listen to all this from the room - God, it would soon be over...). Thus, there is animation, but it’s not for everyone. The amphitheater, which is usually only a third full, confirms my thought.

OTHER. Someone will say that the Internet is not needed on vacation, but I disagree. Nowadays it's the same required service, like everything else. Let everyone decide for themselves how much time to devote to the network. Wi-Fi is only available in the lobby and bar and is of poor quality. I didn’t think it could be so bad - it turns out it can happen. In half the cases it is impossible to connect to it at all, and when it is possible, the speed is such that even text messages can barely be sent. There can be no question of normally sending a couple of photos or scrolling through Instagram. Moreover, all this does not depend on the number of users. Yes, the more people are sitting, the more difficult it is to get through even with text, but sometimes 2-3 people are sitting, and still everything is muffled. At the reception, in response to a question about the poor quality of communication, they just smile sweetly and say: “Well, it’s not working now, try it in an hour - maybe it will work.” Tip: on the beach of the neighboring Sahara Beach hotel there is excellent Wi-Fi and, moreover, without a password. There are no fences or other barriers between the beaches. They carefully stepped aside, used it and came back. In the evening there is no one at all, you can sit quietly on the sun loungers and surf the net. A huge thank you to Sahara and a huge thank you to Tropicana, shame!
Among other things, there is a nice indoor pool, where there is usually no one. Of course, it’s not as warm indoors as in the sun, but otherwise it’s a pleasure to swim calmly! There are usually a lot of children in both the main pool and the small one. And in general there are a lot of them in the hotel, and they are quite young. If you manage to eat in a restaurant without listening to someone's child squeal, consider yourself lucky. There are significantly fewer children on the beach than at the pool.
And they don’t wear bracelets here... They probably themselves understand that no outsider will interfere with this trio :)
There is nothing outside the hotel gates. No shops, excursions - nothing. I went to Monastir by taxi - I liked the embankment and the Ribat fortress!

CONCLUSION. In general, the review turned out to be quite negative, as I warned about at the beginning. Despite this, no one will stop you from sunbathing, swimming in the sea and pools, and drinking without restrictions. And if you love animation and parties, then time will fly by. For me personally, the hotel's rating (which largely influenced his choice) is too high. 3 out of 5 - it is 3 out of 5, no more.

African state of Tunisia - popular place holidays for tourists from Russia and European countries. Every year, thousands of people are attracted by affordable prices in local hotels, a mild and truly healing Mediterranean climate, exotic African landscapes and a huge number of attractions and historical places. Anyone who is just planning a vacation in this country will certainly be interested in Club Hotel Tropicana & Spa 3* - a three-star hotel with an excellent reputation, which has earned an impressive number of rave reviews from Russian tourists.

About the hotel

The resort area where Tropicana 3* "(Skanes) is located is located near the ancient city of Monastir, the former historical spiritual center of Tunisia. Like many hotels in this African country, the hotel was built back in the mid-80s. Recent renovation and renovation work took place quite recently - in 2012. Today's Tropicana Hotel - a snow-white building in the European style with small comfortable rooms - offers its guests not only sea ​​holiday according to a convenient system all inclusive, but also a large selection of entertainment and SPA treatments.

Hotel complex Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia) - is part of a hotel chain Magic Life Hotels, however, cooperation with Russian tourism operators has been carried out relatively recently, over the past few years. During this period, the hotel complex attracted many guests affordable prices and won a lot positive feedback from Russian tourists.

An interesting fact about this Tunisian hotel: there is a hotel with the same name in Spain. The location of the Spanish Club Hotel Tropicana 3* is Mallorca (an island that has long been mega-popular tourist destination for Europeans). On travel forums there are many reviews about the Spanish hotel from Russian guests. Due to the similarity of names, Tunisian and Spanish “Tropicana” are often confused when leaving reviews about vacations. Tropicana 3* (Mallorca) also has a three-star rating. However, prices for accommodation and services on the island of Mallorca are significantly higher. Also, the Spanish hotel can be found on the websites of tour operators under the name Club Hotel Riu Tropicana 3*.

Of course, when booking a tour, it is difficult to make a mistake and “confuse” Spain and Tunisia. But in some ways the Tunisian hotel and Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Mallorca) are really similar. The reviews left about them by our compatriots are quite positive and support the opinion that a “three-star” vacation can also be comfortable and safe.


Territory hotel complex- this is a fenced area with an area of ​​about 40 thousand square meters. m, similar to a blooming oasis. The infrastructure of the Tunisian Tropicana Hotel includes:

  • Main building (four-story building with elevator).
  • Two three-story buildings.
  • Car parking.
  • Internet cafe.
  • Two outdoor pools (for children and adults), one indoor with heated water.
  • Two restaurants, main and premium.
  • Four bars.
  • Banquet (conference) hall.
  • Children's complex.
  • SPA area and sports grounds.
  • Hair salon.
  • Doctor's office.
  • Laundry (self-service).

There is free Wi-Fi on the hotel premises, although, according to tourists, the network “catch” is very weak and only near the reception or in the bar.

There is no special exchange point for local currency, dinar, in the hotel. This service can be provided to the guest if he contacts the reception. Russian tourists They readily share their observation in reviews: it is much more profitable to exchange currency in the city. But the same “experienced” tourists advise treating this procedure with great care: exchange for dinars only at special points and do not hesitate to carefully count everything yourself, because employees of city “exchangers” often “make mistakes” in their favor.

All information about the services provided to guests of a Tunisian hotel, of course, can be found on the websites of tour operators. But you can fully form an opinion about the hotel by finding out what they say about the hotel Club complex Hotel Tropicana 3* reviews 2016 on Russian travel forums.

Beach, pool

The Club Hotel Tropicana 3* is located on the first coastline. A picturesque path leads to the hotel beach, which is only 200 m away. What do Russian guests say about the beach area of ​​the Club Hotel Tropicana 3*?

  • The hotel beach is quite “spacious”; it stretches along the coastline for 250 m, so there is enough space for all vacationers, even during the “hot” tourist months.
  • Great sand beach - main feature throughout the resort area of ​​Skanes. The beach is artificial, with clean imported sand, and compares favorably with the usual pebble-sand beaches in these places. The entrance to the sea is gentle, very convenient even for small children.
  • Lifeguards work on the beach daily.
  • Beach equipment (sun loungers and umbrellas) is always available in sufficient quantities and is provided to hotel guests free of charge. You can rent a mattress for an additional fee.
  • Pollution sea ​​water algae is one of the main problems of the entire Tunisian coast. If in calm weather the water in the sea is relatively clean, then even with a slight storm it brings a lot of “islands” of algae to the hotel beach. Garbage and algae are removed from the hotel beach.
  • Every second tourist who visited Skanes warns about the possibility of being “stung” by jellyfish. There is often advice to take a remedy for itchy skin with you in this case, but ointment can also be obtained from the hotel staff.
  • There are many local merchants on the beach, and there is the opportunity to ride a camel.


What rooms does Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia) provide to its guests? Photos of the rooms can be seen just below in the article. The hotel stock includes:

  • 244 rooms, designed to accommodate two guests, with an area of ​​27 square meters. m.
  • 66 quadruple rooms for up to four guests (31 sq. m.).
  • 7 family two-room suites for up to four guests (48 m2)
  • 1 luxury room for up to three guests, overlooking the sea. (70 m2).
  • 40 connected quadruple rooms.

The rooms in the hotel complex are equipped according to the “Standard” class. All rooms have access to a terrace or balcony. The furnishings and equipment of the room, in addition to furniture, include: TV, telephone, hairdryer, air conditioning, bathroom (shower and toilet). Some rooms additionally have a kitchenette and refrigerator, and a free safe for valuables. For small children, a baby cot can be placed in the room; this service is provided free of charge.

  • The rooms are not very big, but quite clean and neatly decorated.
  • The furniture is mostly new and in good condition.
  • Towels are changed daily. are not issued to guests.
  • Room cleaning is carried out exclusively upon request; the rooms have special signs for this purpose, which should be hung on the front door handle.
  • Bed linen is changed every 3-5 days. More often - only at the separate request of the guests.

A room that is not suitable for hotel guests for some reason can be exchanged by contacting the reception. This service is paid, as a rule, you are asked to pay about $20 extra for it. However, some guests managed to “bargain” and get a discount on this service or even move in for free.


In addition to the hotel restaurant, which provides tourists with all-inclusive meals, there are 4 bars of various types on the territory of the Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia). Also available (premium class).

In general, the reviews about the all-inclusive restaurant at Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia) are not just positive, but mostly enthusiastic. And first of all, this concerns compliance with sanitary standards, which in itself is a huge plus for a hotel in African country. Guests of the Club Hotel Tropicana 3* especially note:

  • Control of food quality and temperature at the buffet. Many guests of Club Hotel Tropicana 3* were impressed that the dishes served were constantly monitored using a special tester.
  • Variety and taste of dishes. The cuisine in the hotel restaurant is quite traditional; meat dishes, poultry, cereals, pasta, and a large selection of vegetables are served daily. There are no complaints about food being “overloaded” with spices. An excellent selection of desserts and pastries, fruit is served daily and in sufficient quantities.
  • There is an “open” kitchen: some dishes are prepared directly in front of guests.
  • When a dish on the buffet runs out, it is replenished.
  • Spacious and roomy dining room. There is enough space for all visitors, so there is virtually no need to reserve tables in advance.
  • Almost no queues.
  • Friendly, polite and very neat waiters.
  • All drinks, including alcoholic ones, are of good quality.

Comments on the organization of work in a hotel restaurant are extremely rare. Most often, hotel guests do not like the following:

  • Hot drinks are served in the main restaurant only in the morning. The rest of the time you can bring hot drinks from the bar yourself, which is not very convenient.
  • “Weak” hood in the kitchen. The smells of cooking dishes, especially fish, can be felt not only in the banquet hall, but also near the restaurant.
  • Seafood does not appear on the menu every day, and the choice of dishes from it is quite modest.
  • Water quality drinking water extremely low. Many guests preferred to buy bottled water in city supermarkets or at the nearest gas station.

About the hotel staff

Former hotel guests have repeatedly noticed the peculiarities of the temperament and work style of the local staff at Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia). Reviews from tourists characterize the hotel staff as calm, somewhat slow, but quite polite, smiling people. Some people are even a little annoyed by the slowness and orderliness, but many tourists were satisfied with the friendly attitude of the staff.

Vacationers were very flattered by the efforts of hotel employees to overcome the “language barrier.” Although state language is French, most of hotel staff can speak quite fluently English language and even tries to master Russian.

Hotel employees, like most Tunisians, accept tips with gratitude. However, the absence of “monetary reward” does not affect the service.

Leisure, animation

Reviews in 2016 about the hotel employees who provide leisure time and organize shows at Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia) are extremely unanimous: the animation in the hotel complex is called “incendiary”, “fiery”, “stunning”. Some tourists wonder how entertainment organizers can work at such an active pace almost around the clock. Already in the morning, the work of the animators is in full swing near the pool: they conduct aerobics, give dancing, Arabic, and archery lessons to everyone, organize fun competitions and group sports games. In the evening, guests are treated to an evening show with music and colorful costumes in the hotel’s small amphitheater; incendiary discos are often held. Animation at the hotel is conducted in English, French, Arabic and, as Russian guests especially note, in Russian. Moreover, to one degree or another, all animators are “Russian-speaking”.

What is especially important is that the work of the animators at Club Hotel Tropicana 3* (Tunisia) is characterized by Russian reviews as very unobtrusive. Entertainment is organized in such a way as not to disturb other guests while relaxing by the pool or at the bar.

Holidays with children: conditions, animation, entertainment

Former hotel guests often note the warm, very attentive attitude towards children at Club Hotel Tropicana 3*. Reviews of children's entertainment in the hotel complex clearly confirm that this hotel is perfect place For family vacation with kids. At the same time, the work of kids animators is especially emphasized, who do not let little guests get bored for a minute, constantly organizing games, various children's performances, and baby discos. The hotel's animators not only entertain, but also carefully look after the children, giving parents the opportunity to relax peacefully on the beach or by the pool.

There is a special on-site Children's swimming pool, a colorful playground, and a mini-club for children over four years old. What is especially important is that the restaurant also creates comfortable conditions for small guests: there is a separate children's menu and a child seat is provided.

Beauty treatments

Separately, it is worth mentioning the many laudatory reviews addressed to the hotel spa. According to vacationers at the hotel, the SPA provides such high-quality service that even neighboring hotels book appointments for treatments. Guests are offered a wide range of beauty treatments: wraps, massage and hydromassage, thalassotherapy, cryotherapy, lymphatic drainage, peeling and much more. The salon staff selects an individual program of procedures for each visitor, and there is a fairly flexible system of discounts.

You can also pamper yourself with SPA treatments in the city of Monastir, in the center of which a SPA network successfully operates with a large selection of services at prices lower than in Russian cities.

Sports, outdoor games

In addition to sunbathing and swimming in the pool, the hotel complex gives guests the opportunity to “dilute” relaxing holiday sports games. On the territory of Club Hotel Tropicana & Spa 3* there are modernly equipped areas:

  • Mini golf course.
  • Canoe.
  • Courts for football and beach volleyball.
  • Darts and archery.
  • Tennis courts (hard surface) and table tennis hall.
  • Water activities and sports (equipment rental and instructor services are paid additionally).
  • Chess, billiard room.

Besides, resort area Skanes is known for its excellent golf course. You can try your hand at this elite sport by visiting one of the local golf clubs. Just three km from the hotel complex, on the Monastir embankment, it offers its services major center snorkeling and diving for swimmers of all levels and a modern yacht club.

Paid services

In all-inclusive hotels, as a rule, there is a price list for services that provide paid entertainment or provide additional safety and comfort. An invoice for them is usually provided upon departure from the hotel. The Club Hotel Tropicana 3* is no exception; for a relatively small surcharge you can get the following services that are not included in the basic price:

  • Safe at reception.
  • Selected species active entertainment: squash court, aquatic species sports activities (on the hotel beach), parachute flight.
  • Solarium.
  • Turkish bath (hamam).
  • Massage services.
  • Jacuzzi.

What to see: excursions, attractions

Excursion trips will not only help diversify your vacation, but will also give you a lot of vivid impressions. What attractions can tourists who choose Club Hotel Tropicana 3* for their holidays see? Tunisia is located on the territory of the ancient Carthaginian civilization, famous for its victorious military campaigns. touch ancient history this legendary state can be visited by visiting the ruins and catacombs of Carthage, located in the vicinity resort town Sus (Souss).

But visiting this city, located just 20 km from Skanes, is worth visiting not only for the ruins of Carthage. Sousse is called a real “pearl” for tourists. Here you can find a holiday for every taste. For those who like to have fun, there is an incredible number of clubs, cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, shops, and discos open around the clock. The city has a huge water park and a famous zoological garden. In August, Sousse turns into a huge “stage area” for the annual “Aussou” - a summer festival that includes a dance and music festival and a large carnival procession.

In addition, the city of Sousse has many historical sites. It is generally accepted that seaport, founded by Phoenician sailors, is older than Carthage itself. You can verify this by visiting the Medina - the historical part of any Tunisian city. In the vicinity of the Medina of Sousse there is historical Museum in a buiding ancient castle, a military fortress made of stone, ancient mosques and early Christian catacombs, high military and religious towers, an archeology museum and the Dar Essid house museum. And this is far from full list all cultural and historical sites of this resort town,

A two-day excursion through the Sahara Desert is very popular among tourists. During the trip, tourists will see caves - the dwellings of the Berbers, a delightful oasis, a crocodile farm, the ruins of an ancient Roman amphitheater and natural scenery for the filming of the legendary Star Wars movie saga.

But also sightseeing tour the nearby town of Monastir may be sufficient interesting entertainment. Many of the tourists who visited this historical locality, they claim that Monastir is not very interesting, and the impression of ancient monuments is spoiled by the nondescript appearance modern buildings and a large number of garbage on the streets. However, a guided tour can be quite educational. In the city you can explore the historical part of the city, the Medina, the first buildings of which appeared in the Middle Ages. Here is also an ancient building dating back to the 12th century, the magnificent Mausoleum of Habiba Bourguiba (the first president of this country) and the colossal building of the Bourguiba Mosque, the ancient Great Mosque and the memory of the time of Turkish rule - the Bricca Gate. In addition, in the vicinity of Medina there is an ancient military fortress called Ribat with an observation deck.

The city has several parks, a wonderful embankment for leisurely walks, the Museum of Traditional National Costumes and the Museum of Islam and other interesting cultural sites. Shopping lovers can find shops and souvenir and local craft shops in the city, and visit the noisy and colorful Arab market.

As they say at school: 3 - satisfactory.
A three-star hotel, which, in my opinion, cannot be given a higher rating. Despite the pleasant first impression, living there opens up a number of disadvantages. Having relatively little experience of foreign beach holidays, and not being particularly picky, in this case I really find it difficult to come to a specific decision - to recommend the hotel or not. Let everyone, after reading this, decide for themselves how significant these shortcomings are. Of course, a number of the problems described in one form or another occur in other hotels, so this does not mean that the Tropicana is bad and all the others are good.

ACCOMMODATION. For me, the main problem was the soundproofing in the room, which was less than completely absent. After all, you come to relax, so the appropriate conditions must be provided. It is clear that there should be entertainment so that guests do not get bored, but there should also be an opportunity to go to their own corner where they can spend quiet time. Those who built this hotel clearly did not think about this. The doors and walls look like they are made of cardboard - you can hear almost everything through them! They are watching TV in the next room - I can hear it. There is also an air conditioner there - I can hear its hum. People speak in an average voice - you can hear it, damn it. You could even hear them making love a couple of times (not a joke!). The entrance doors of the rooms slam due to drafts if they are not held. Each such clap is scattered throughout the entire floor, so be sure that you will hear every coming and going of other guests on the floor (in fact, few people try not to make noise out of respect for others, which is a pity). Finally, noise from the street is also guaranteed - constantly screaming music near the pool, animation there (it all stops only somewhere from 13 to 15), as well as evening dances and performances in the amphitheater (almost always lasts until 23, sometimes even later ). The windows and doors are plastic, but it’s either in them or in the walls - the difference between audibility when they are open and when they are closed is very small. In the second case, you will listen to endless music. Even earplugs couldn’t save me from all this - so what kind of vacation are we talking about? The only thing left to do is either attend these events, even if you don’t want to or aren’t interested, or spend time in the lobby or bar. Note: about animation noise is only relevant for Sea View rooms (even numbers), on the other hand it should be quite quiet. The view of the sea and the hotel grounds, of course, is actually very good, but this is a double-edged sword (good view and noise, or view of the courtyard and the highway, but silence). To be honest, at times I even had thoughts of asking to be moved to the other side, but the paid Sea View and the beauty outside the window still overpowered me. By the way, on the fourth floor the local music also merges with the music from the neighboring hotel (on the lower floors it is probably better) - the result is a cacophony. Only one question arises - adults, okay, but how do children tolerate all this and fall asleep to it? At the same time, I’m sure that the animation could have been twice as quiet, and no one would have lost anything from this - “on the spot” everything can be heard perfectly well.
In general, there are no complaints about the number itself. They clean well, everything works (TV - 10-15 channels, 2 Russian). Only the drain in the sink and bathroom is barely possible - either it was clogged in my room, or it was specially done so that less water was used. Well, a consequence of 3*: they don’t bring bottled water to the room, there is no refrigerator, there are no shampoos and other things (only liquid soap). The cleaning ladies pretend that they know English, but in reality, other than “Hello, how r U?” Can't say or understand anything :)

NUTRITION. Personally, I don’t need sophistication, I need simple and ordinary edible food, but at least with a minimum choice (I refuse to try dishes that look incomprehensible). Are you saying everything is included? Not everything... Let's start with something simple - water. As I already wrote, they don’t give you room service; you have to dial it in the cooler in a restaurant or in a snack bar (although there is a piece of paper with a crossed out bottle hanging there). Well, or buy it at the bar, of course (advice: when leaving, take the bottle with you or hide it in your bag - during the next cleaning of my room, they threw out an empty bottle, and there was nothing left to do but buy a new one at the bar! Business...). For breakfast, they fry one thing - either fried eggs, or an omelet (one name from it is a scrambled egg with two pieces of sausage and something else can hardly be called a normal omelet), or pancakes. So you have to eat what they make, or limit yourself to cold cuts, salads, fried donuts and pastries, porridge (everything is quite edible, but boring). There is only one soup for lunch. More precisely, it’s a potato-flavored broth into which you can add tomatoes, onions, peppers, herbs and pieces of bread as you wish. After three days you'll get tired of it. Salads for lunch and dinner are average; I didn’t notice anything particularly outstanding. Perhaps a strange salad of chopped sausage, cheese and something else, obviously left over from breakfast... Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard - everything is there, but for some reason there is not always butter. Fried, stewed meat, fish, chicken, all sorts of vegetables are available. There in the restaurant they bake pretty good pizza. There are fruits, but always one thing - either only watermelons, only melons, plums, apricots, grapes. I wanted bananas and oranges, but for some reason they weren’t there. Ice cream does happen, but rarely; in 10 days I only saw it 3 times (or does it appear and is immediately taken away?). Regarding drinks - complete nonsense with tea, coffee and juices, which are only for breakfast in the restaurant! For lunch and dinner, we put the cakes on a plate and go to the snack bar, or to the main bar, and drink there. There are several types of coffee in the coffee machines, but sometimes there was no black coffee (green and fruit ones are there, which few people drink, and black coffee is not always delivered on time). There is no lemon for tea at all. I don’t drink alcohol, so I can’t say anything. There are no problems with soda. Concentrated juices.
Between main meals, there is fruit in the snack bar, as well as some leftovers from breakfast or lunch. There, a friend makes pizza after lunch, but unlike the one in the restaurant, it is very simple and gets boring after a couple of times. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find French fries, sandwiches or anything similar for a snack.

BEACH. Everything here seems simple and clear. There are no problems with sunbeds and accommodation in the shade if you arrive no later than 10 am. There are more people at the pool, and there is more competition for the same amenities. Mattresses are paid, security guards check using coupons. The sea is shallow up to the buoys, the depth begins only behind them. The water in general was quite clean, but after the storm it was filled with algae and, in some places, some debris such as bags. The sand on the beach is quite clean. I almost didn’t see the jellyfish that everyone cares about so much, except that after the storm they were here and there, but then they disappeared. Apparently it depends on the period. It's a stone's throw from the hotel to the beach.

ANIMATION. Again, not for everybody. During the day, various competitions and other entertainment are held by the pool, and sports games are offered. Evening performances are performed by the animators themselves, i.e. while in other hotels guest artists often perform (Chinese acrobats, fire shows, etc.), here everything is done entirely on their own. The supply of these performances is approximately 7-8 days, then they begin to repeat themselves, and exactly the same - even the songs are the same. Personally, all this bothered me for one simple reason: the presenters not only repeat the same thing, trying to fill the pauses, but also do it in several languages ​​(French, English and Russian). And also the music they play is kind of stupid - just a club-style beat (do they live up to the name of the hotel?) instead of something more pleasant and relaxing. In short, between 5 minutes of performance there are 15 minutes of outright nonsense. All this begins to either quickly become boring or infuriating (especially when you listen to all this from the room - God, it would soon be over...). Thus, there is animation, but it’s not for everyone. The amphitheater, which is usually only a third full, confirms my thought.

OTHER. Someone will say that the Internet is not needed on vacation, but I disagree. Nowadays, this is as necessary a service as anything else. Let everyone decide for themselves how much time to devote to the network. Wi-Fi is only available in the lobby and bar and is of poor quality. I didn’t think it could be so bad - it turns out it can happen. In half the cases it is impossible to connect to it at all, and when it is possible, the speed is such that even text messages can barely be sent. There can be no question of normally sending a couple of photos or scrolling through Instagram. Moreover, all this does not depend on the number of users. Yes, the more people are sitting, the more difficult it is to get through even with text, but sometimes 2-3 people are sitting, and still everything is muffled. At the reception, in response to a question about the poor quality of communication, they just smile sweetly and say: “Well, it’s not working now, try it in an hour - maybe it will work.” Tip: on the beach of the neighboring Sahara Beach hotel there is excellent Wi-Fi and, moreover, without a password. There are no fences or other barriers between the beaches. They carefully stepped aside, used it and came back. In the evening there is no one at all, you can sit quietly on the sun loungers and surf the net. A huge thank you to Sahara and a huge thank you to Tropicana, shame!
Among other things, there is a nice indoor pool, where there is usually no one. Of course, it’s not as warm indoors as in the sun, but otherwise it’s a pleasure to swim calmly! There are usually a lot of children in both the main pool and the small one. And in general there are a lot of them in the hotel, and they are quite young. If you manage to eat in a restaurant without listening to someone's child squeal, consider yourself lucky. There are significantly fewer children on the beach than at the pool.
And they don’t wear bracelets here... They probably themselves understand that no outsider will interfere with this trio :)
There is nothing outside the hotel gates. No shops, excursions - nothing. I went to Monastir by taxi - I liked the embankment and the Ribat fortress!

CONCLUSION. In general, the review turned out to be quite negative, as I warned about at the beginning. Despite this, no one will stop you from sunbathing, swimming in the sea and pools, and drinking without restrictions. And if you love animation and parties, then time will fly by. For me personally, the hotel's rating (which largely influenced his choice) is too high. 3 out of 5 - it is 3 out of 5, no more.

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