Wild Polynesia. Polynesia

There are more than 1,000 islands in the central and western Pacific Ocean. This subregion of Oceania is called Polynesia.

What is Polynesia?

The Oceania region consists of three sub-regions forming an island region between South-West Asia and North and South America. This region of Oceania includes Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Polynesia consists of numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean inhabited by aborigines known as Polynesians.

The term "Polynesia" was first used by the French explorer Charles de Brosse in 1756 to refer to all the islands of the Pacific Ocean. A restriction on the use of this word was proposed by Jules Dumont-D'Urville in 1831. The islands of the South Pacific Ocean, the number of which exceeds 1000, bear the historical name of the South Sea Islands.

Geographical location of Polynesia

The Polynesian region occupies a small part of the world, covering a vast area of ​​the central and southern Pacific Ocean. The origin of most of the islands is volcanic. This region also includes the territories of New Zealand, the Norfolk Islands and Wewa Islands, which are part of the microcontinent of Zealandia. The continent is believed to have sunk about 23 million years ago and only recently emerged due to the movement of the Pacific plate, which lifted part of New Zealand.

Polynesia is characterized by islands within the Polynesian Triangle, although some islands inhabited by Polynesians are not located in this area. The Polynesian Triangle is formed by three groups of islands: Hawaii, East Island And New Zealand. Geographically, a triangle is formed by connecting the locations of these three islands. Other island groups included in the Triangle are Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Niue and French Polynesia. The Polynesian region also includes some small settlements in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Rotuma is a group of islands whose cultural characteristics are extremely similar to those of the Polynesians. Although these lands are located outside the Triangle. But despite the similarities, the inhabitants of the island of Rotuma do not speak a Polynesian language.

Population development in Polynesia

The population of Polynesia is believed to have been influenced by the sea migration of the Austronesians. By tracing the origins of the Polynesian languages, it can be revealed that the ancestors of the current population lived in the Malay Archipelago and Taiwan. Austronesians began moving from Taiwan to the Islands of Southwest Asia between 3000 and 1000 BC. Although there is some speculation regarding the movement of people across the Pacific Ocean to Polynesia. The first hypothesis suggests that the people of Taiwan migrated through the Philippines and Indonesia from New Guinea before reaching the islands of Western Polynesia around 900 BC. The second hypothesis is related to the history of the Austronesians, their beliefs and linguistic interaction with the aborigines South-East Asia. According to this assumption, the Austronesians were the first Polynesians. And the last point of view is similar to the first hypothesis, with the only difference that, according to the third model, the further stop of the settlers was in Melanesia. This theory is based on many linguistic and archaeological data.

Culture and occupation of the Polynesians

There are about 2 million Polynesians around the world. Most of them live in Polynesia, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. The language, culture and occupation are different depending on whether we are talking about Western or Eastern Polynesians. Western Polynesian culture is associated with high population density, a strong institution of marriage, a judicial system and traditional trade. The leaders of Polynesia were elected along hereditary lines (with the exception of Samoa). Agriculture and fishing were the main areas of economic activity and were developed quite well, since the life and well-being of the population depended on it.

Political history of Polynesia

The political history of Polynesia depends on the history of the individual islands that make up the region. On the Tongan Islands, power was transferred from the Tui-Kanokupolu dynasty after a bloody civil war in the 16th century In 1845, the Tonga Islands were united into a Western-style Kingdom by King Taufa'ahau, and the country was proclaimed a monarchy. In 1900, Tonga became a British protectorate under the Treaty of Friendship. On June 4, 1970, the Kingdom of Tonga gained independence from the British Protectorate. New Zealand was annexed by Great Britain in 1840 as New South Wales. The Fiji Islands were ruled by numerous chiefs until the main landmass was unified by King Takombau. The Lapita culture existed in Fiji from approximately 3500 BC. for 1000 years, then was supplanted by the Melanesians.

Polynesian shipping

The Polynesian islands are scattered across the Triangle with sides of 6.5 km. Hawaiian Islands, East Island and New Zealand are inhabited by Polynesians. Sailors reached populated lands, relying entirely on their feelings and knowledge passed on from mouth to mouth. Travelers remembered important events to determine the direction in different time day and year. The stars were an important navigation tool. Other methods included the movement of wildlife species, the direction of ocean currents, and the color of the sea. The Polynesians' method of navigation was lost due to contact with Europeans, who greatly influenced the existence of the Polynesians in isolated parts of the Pacific Ocean.

French Polynesia is an overseas representation of France. This cluster of small islands is located in the southern part Pacific Ocean. The place is represented by several archipelagos, such as the Gambier, Tubuai, Marxist, Tuamotu Islands, and the Community Islands. Their origin is usually coral or volcanic.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

French polynesia. Map from satellite

Climate in French Polynesia trade wind, tropical. However, there are differences between winter and summer, although the temperature certainly does not drop below zero. The vegetation of the island depends on the origin of the island itself. On the volcanic islands you will find dense, evergreen forests, among which there are plantations of bananas and coconut palms. Also on the islands you will find many rivers enclosed in deep narrow valleys, and, of course, a huge number of tropical waterfalls.

The population is about 300 thousand. The majority are Polynesians, much less Chinese. Only 6% are French. The cuisine is mainly represented by fish. You will be gladly offered crustaceans and other seafood. French Polynesia is a paradise for lovers, spouses and newlyweds. People who care about beauty also come here underwater world and marine fauna. Also, many people are attracted to weddings under the mysterious ceremony of the Polynesian rite.


French Polynesia is known throughout the world as one of the most exotic regions in the Pacific Ocean. This is a huge water area that includes 118 islands of different scale and local color. The territory is the property of France, a country that earned the status of “colonial ruler” several centuries ago. For a leading European power, this overseas land is a real tasty morsel - very profitable and promising. Every year the number of people wishing to plunge into the atmosphere increases picturesque nature, the amazing underwater wealth of the ocean and a stunning holiday on the most fashionable beaches.

Islands where harmony lives

Five archipelagos - Societies, Tuamotu, Marquesas Islands, Tubuai, Gambier - make up the islands of French Polynesia. Located in the southern region of the Pacific Ocean, they occupy a total area of ​​about 4 thousand square meters. km. A distinctive feature of this region is the contrast of the local landscape. The islands are impressive not only Cote d'Azur, sandy beaches, but also dense tropical forests.

These 2.5 million square kilometers of total area can be compared to the territory of the European Union. But a particle of solid soil in Polynesia will surprise you with its small size. The land here occupies a little more than 4 thousand square meters. kilometers. If you add up all the islands, you get something like the island of Mallorca. But it is not its size that catches you in this corner of paradise, but its intangible beauty and amazing uniqueness of nature. As for the population, the island of Tahiti is considered the most inhabited. It also leads in the number of tourists flying to the island every year.

The Polynesian islands form groups characterized by certain features.

  • Society Islands. This group includes the so-called Windward and Leeward Islands. This group of islands is inhabited by greatest number people throughout French Polynesia. There are high mountain slopes covered with dense tropical forests. The local beauty is emphasized by coral reefs. The most famous island of this group is Bora Bora.

  • Tuamotu Islands. In some sources they received the romantic name “Strand of Tahitian Pearls”. The area received this name due to its large-scale black pearl resources. It is also home to one of the largest coral atolls in Polynesia. The primary name of the Tuamotu stands for “distant islands.”

  • Marquesas Islands. 15 islands, strewn with mountain slopes, are located on the equator. Of all the lands, only 6 are inhabited. It is interesting that the system of islands is called “mysterious”. Most likely, this is due to the unusual nature that creates an unusual, unique world.

  • Gambier Islands. These islands are closely adjacent to the Tuamot, but are still considered separate due to differences in culture and language. The unique lifestyle and landscapes truly allow Gambier to be a world unto itself.

  • Austral Islands. If you are tired of society and want to be alone, this place is the ideal point of arrival. These islands are sparsely populated. Many of them do not know human traces at all.

French Polynesia: interesting facts

Unusual territory, exotic nature and unique animal world made the islands of French Polynesia filled with various mysteries and sacraments. A lot of interesting facts attract the attention of not only tourists, but also lovers of everything unusual, unique, inimitable. For example, have you ever guessed that:

  • You won't find snakes on the Polynesian islands. This applies not only to poisonous representatives, but to the entire class of creeping creatures;
    Polynesia is considered the birthplace of tattoos;
  • The stars are considered the best compass here. The local population developed their own star navigation system, with the help of which ancient sailors got to the desired islands using maps in the night sky;
  • Taaha Island can easily be called vanilla, because a huge amount of this delicate, aromatic plant grows here.
  • Moorea Island is the footprint of a dinosaur. What would you think if you saw it from a bird's eye view?

  • The local population knows what it means to seize the moment and not rush things. Dinner for a typical Polynesian family will take 3 hours. This is what it means to enjoy a meal and feel every note of the prepared delicacy.

There are many such interesting facts hidden on the islands. Everyone who returns from this piece of paradise can name amazing things that will be remembered for a lifetime. It could be an unusual fish with a bright color, an exotic fruit with an inexplicable taste, or a different sunset of the tired sun every evening. There is some kind of good magic and an amazing fairy tale on the islands of French Polynesia.


French Polynesia has the status of an autonomous territory. The French government is represented by the High Commissioner. The legislative body is the Territorial Assembly, elected by the population for a period of five years. Executive power belongs to the Government of Polynesia. The territory is represented in the French Parliament by one senator and two deputies of the National Assembly.

Islands scattered over an area of ​​more than 4 thousand square meters. km. in the eastern South Pacific, worn official name French polynesia. The main attractions of French Polynesia are its islands! This unique enclave unites 118 islands and atolls and is divided into five archipelagos: the Society Islands, the Astral Islands, the Marquesas Islands, the Tuamotu Islands and the Mangareva Islands. Tahiti, often called the "Island of Love", covers an area of ​​about 700 square meters. km. The deep green valleys are completely covered with dense tropical forests, thickets of soft ferns, among which flow cool waters mountain streams cascading into rivers rushing towards the ocean.

The islands are divided into so-called “high” and “low” islands. The "high" islands present a very rugged landscape. The peaks of the mountains in some places are higher than 2,000 meters, as, for example, in Tahiti. "Low" islands, or atolls, are surrounded by lagoons with a very rich and specific flora and fauna.

Islands of French Polynesia: map

1. Tahiti Island

Most big Island in the Windward group of islands in French Polynesia. Tahiti is the economic, cultural and political center of French Polynesia. Tahiti is part of French Polynesia, a semi-autonomous territory of France. Tahiti, the word evokes visions paradise island. Tahiti boasts high, majestic mountains, coral reefs, turquoise blue lagoons, white sand, palm-lined beaches and luxury resorts.

Fascinating video about Tahiti

2. Tetiaroa Island

The island is famous for being purchased by Marlon Brando, who fell in love with the island during the filming of the film “Mutiny on the Bounty” in 1966. heavenly beauty French Polynesia and was fascinated by the island of Tetiaroa. After the death of Marlon Brando, the island became the property of the Tahitian Development Company and in 2014 an upscale premium resort was opened on the island.

3. Maputi Island

Maputi Island is located in the far west of French Polynesia, approximately 300 km from Tahiti. This small island with a surface of about 9 square meters. km and about 1,200 inhabitants. Lying 40 km west of Bora Bora, Maputi is a miniature version of its larger neighbor. Just like Bora Bora coral atoll surrounds an island of volcanic origin.

4. Tahaa Island

Situated between the islands of Bora Bora and Huahine, Taha shares its surrounding coral reef with the nearby island of Raiatea. Taha is known as the capital of vanilla, and due to this smell, "Vanilla Island". Taha has an economy that is not as dependent on tourism as other islands and therefore has fewer resorts and tourists. This perfect place For travelers interested in native Polynesian life, however, this is a great place to buy exquisite black pearls.

5. Raiatea Island

Sharing a surrounding coral reef with the island of Taha, Raiatea is the second largest of the French Polynesian islands and administrative center archipelago of the Leeward Islands. Often referred to as the “Sacred Island,” Raiatea is believed to be where migration to the Hawaiian Islands and other parts of Eastern Polynesia began. Tourists can see here ancient shrines and artifacts, which are the best preserved of all the islands of French Polynesia.

6. Huahine Islands

There are actually two islands, big and small Huahine. Huahine is surrounded by a coral reef and connected to each other by a tiny bridge. Huahine is replete with secluded coves and some of the coves are best places for surfing. On southwest coast Little Hua Hin has one of the most beautiful beaches in French Polynesia with crystal clean water, ideal for scuba diving.

7. Moorea Island

Moorea means yellow lizard in Polynesian. Located just a 30-minute catamaran ride from Tahiti, Moorea boasts some of the most spectacular scenery of the French Polynesian islands. There is an ancient volcano on the island. Mount Tohiwea was torn in half by a catastrophic explosion centuries ago, earning it the nickname “Shark Tooth” for its appearance. The hike to the top of the mountain offers hikers a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains and nearby islands. Moorea along with Bora Bora and Tahiti main tourist destination in French Polynesia, a third of all tourists come to this island.

8. The famous island of Bora Bora

The idyllic island of Bora Bora gains its fame from its tranquil turquoise lagoon and white sandy beaches, which are protected by the coral reef that surrounds its perimeter. Bora Bora is a major international tourist center, famous for its luxury resorts. Snorkeling and diving among lemon sharks, green turtles and other marine life inhabiting Coral reefs, are the most popular types of holidays in Bora Bora.

Video: Paradise Polynesia

Polynesia refers to the vast territories of the Pacific region, which include more than a thousand large and miniature islands. All of them are distinguished by their incredible exotic nature and rich culture local population.


Geography of Polynesia

Polynesia, whose countries attract more and more visitors every year, is characterized by mountainous terrain, which is preserved on almost all the islands of the subregion. Since it is in this area that the convergence of two oceanic lithospheric plates occurs, almost all Polynesian states can boast of numerous active and long-dead volcanoes. Moreover, most of The islands were formed precisely due to the eruption of ancient volcanoes.
However, another important factor under the influence of which plains and lowlands appeared island territories Polynesia is home to coral reefs. Thousands of experienced and novice divers come here every year for their unique beauty and rich underwater world. For volcanic islands Average altitudes above sea level are typical, but on the Hawaiian Islands there are peaks exceeding 4 thousand meters in height, and the altitudinal maximum of Polynesia reaches 4202 meters. Another feature of the local island properties is the abundance of cozy bays, bays and surrounded by luxurious coral reefs.
The Polynesian countries occupy a fairly impressive territorial domain of about 26 thousand square kilometers, if you do not take into account the lands of New Zealand. According to experts, more than one million people live there, but it is quite difficult to give an exact figure.
Concerning local climate Polynesia, countries of this region all year round can boast high temperatures and quite favorable weather conditions. Of course, the climatic conditions of each country have their own specific characteristics, but they mainly depend on the distance of the islands from the equator and the proximity of powerful ocean currents. Typically quite a large number annual precipitation- about 2 thousand millimeters. The local population often suffers from thunderstorms and typhoons.
Since the islands of Polynesia are very far from the continents, local nature and fauna are distinguished by a variety of endemic species of plants and fauna. However, if vegetable world Although the fauna here is truly rich and tirelessly surprises guests of the islands, the fauna is not particularly remarkable. However, the influx of tourists to the countries of Polynesia is facilitated by the fact that poisonous snakes and insects do not live here, and it is also impossible to stumble upon large predators. This is why tourists can safely enjoy walks through the rainforest and truly explore amazing nature island states.

Polynesian culture

Traditions and cultural heritage The peoples of Polynesia have always been interested in humanity and at the same time frightened. There are so many islands, so many nationalities. Residents of each Polynesian state can boast of their own language, or at least dialect. However, most of them for a long time was under the control of European powers, so the local population also speaks English and French languages. The most amazing fact It can be assumed that, despite the colossal distances between the islands and countries, all Polynesians understand each other perfectly and do not experience any language barrier.
It is known that the first settlements in Polynesia appeared in the first century BC. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds on the island lands, in particular ancient ceramics from New Caledonia. Europeans first arrived here in the early sixteenth century with explorer and navigator Magellan. A few centuries after this, the legendary ship arrived on the shores of Polynesia. In the twentieth century, the islands of the region were divided between France, England, Germany and the United States of America. Some of them are still owned by European powers.
Residents of the Polynesian islands are mainly engaged in agriculture, because the volcanic soils are fertile. Europeans brought some types of domestic animals here, so Lately Cattle breeding has also become no less relevant. The endless expanses of the ocean also create unique conditions for great fishing. Myths about cannibals inhabiting the islands of Polynesia have been greatly exaggerated, although according to one of the beliefs of the Polynesians, in order to increase your vitality, you must eat the brain or liver of your enemy. However, terrible tales about cannibals still attract thousands of curious travelers here.
The national cuisine of the islanders will certainly appeal to lovers of seafood and meat, which are cooked here over an open fire and served with incomparable tropical fruit sauces. Some rites and rituals of the local tribes are also of particular interest. There is certainly no place for boredom in the countries of Polynesia!

Tourist Polynesia: countries and islands that are worth visiting at least once in your life

  • 1) – in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean there is a luxurious tropical country that has long become a favorite destination for millions of tourists. Travelers are attracted not only by the rich excursion program of these lands, but also by the fact that the local population tries to preserve the pristine world. Lovers of active and extreme recreation They will simply be delighted with the abundance of local entertainment: gliding, bungee jumping, zorbing, diving and sailing. Of course, a holiday in New Zealand requires significant financial expenditure, but an excursion to Queenstown or Te Anau is definitely worth the money. Although everyone knows this country as a center of extreme tourism, local sandy beaches Perfect for a quiet, measured holiday.
  • 2) New Caledonia- a French possession in Polynesia, where you should definitely come for the domesticated tropical nature. Everything here is done in a European style, so even if you find yourself on a tropical island so far from the mainland, you can enjoy the delights of civilization. Particularly popular are the local deserted beaches and incredible nature.
  • 3) Easter Island is a truly legendary place on earth, considered the most remote locality planets. It is here that the centuries-old moai statues are located, the purpose and date of creation of which historians are still puzzling over. Special attention should be paid to the volcanoes of the island with their fabulous craters and amazing stories. By the way, in January-February on Easter Island you can watch the fabulous Tapati festival, when local aborigines stage a truly incredible performance.
  • 4) The Hawaiian Islands are the famous Polynesian possession of the American state. Who doesn’t dream where luxurious hotels await you, endless snow-white beaches, powerful volcanoes and friendly natives. Along the coast of Maui, experienced and novice divers explore the ocean all year round. In addition, surfers love to conquer. Excursion program islands also offers wide choose connoisseurs of historical and cultural attractions.
  • 5) is one of the most picturesque island states in Melanesia. Most of all, local resorts are popular with newlyweds, because the atmosphere in Fiji seems to be created for romance and love. Natural parks with endemic plant species, valleys of blooming orchids or walks with dolphins can hardly leave a person indifferent. Besides, ancient architecture The local towns and ethnic markets will give your trip a special charm and exceptional atmosphere.
  • 6) Solomon islands- another blooming one Island state Melanesia. Although the tourism industry here is underdeveloped, local natural resources and amazing fauna never cease to attract curious travelers. It is the naturalness and originality of these islands that is considered their highlight.
  • 7) - another French overseas possession. The islands of this country have long been considered one of the most wealthy tourists. Here you can plunge headlong into luxurious holiday Among the popular activities worth mentioning are diving, yacht trips and excursions to magnificent national parks.

All Polynesian countries deserve your attention, because each of them has something to surprise its guests!