List of national parks in our country. Reserves and national parks of Russia with names

Each country has special natural complexes that have special ecological and historical value. Tourists visiting these territories and waters acquire new knowledge in the field of environmental protection. A national park is a state-protected park with unique flora and fauna that is open to the public. Scientific activities are continuously carried out in the parks, and measures are taken to protect Red Book plants and animals. In Russia National parks began to emerge in the eighties of the last century. Today there are already 54 of them. This article will provide a list of the ten most popular national parks Russia from brief description, photo and location on the map of the country.

National Park "Lower Kama" (Tatarstan)

National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama"/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 265.9 km². It includes forest landscapes, lands economic importance and private properties. Most of the territory is covered with forests. Cities such as Nizhnekamsk, Yelabuga and Naberezhnye Chelny are located near the borders of the park.

National Park "Lower Kama" on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Meadow species also dominate in the Lower Kama. Plants listed in the Red Book, such as large-flowered slipper, dotted saltwort, and pure white water lily, grow on the territory of the park. In addition to conifers and pine forests, there are deciduous trees, birch and aspen. Animal world creates a unique flavor. The traveler will see a hoopoe, an eagle owl, a raccoon dog, a beaver and a muskrat. Tourists prefer such routes as “Shishkinsky Krai”, “Big Bor”, “Forest Lakes” and “Antiquities of the Kama Region”.

Khvalynsky National Park (Saratov region)

Khvalynsky national park/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 255.2 km². The territory is covered with forests, small lands are occupied by pastures, arable lands and swamps. Millions of years ago, deposits of chalk and other sedimentary rocks were formed in this region. Complex contributed to the development of rare plants.

Khvalynsky National Park on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The following are listed in the Red Book: chalk hyssop, feather grass, lady's slipper. Valuable trees are pedunculate oak, sycamore maple, and naked elm. The park is home to badger, ferret, buzzard, eagle, lynx, and wolf. Vacationers can choose from the following routes: “Monk’s Cave”, “Along the Bottom ancient sea", "Birch Grove", "In the Kingdom of Birds", "Barsky Pond".

National Park "Russian North" (Vologda region)

Russian North National Park/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 1664 km². Most of the land is occupied by forests; the territories also include private lands. Highways pass through the park and there is a gateway system.

National Park "Russian North" on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The lands lie in . Most herbaceous plants are rare species: Leafless browgrass, lady's slipper, lacustrine grasshopper, palmate root. The park is dominated by conifers and secondary forest trees. The area is home to rare representatives of avifauna, 50 species. Tourists can go to Sokolnichesky Bor, Sandyreva Mountain, and the trail to Mount Maura.

Natural park "Kandry-Kul" (Bashkiria)

Lake Kandrikul/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 51.7 km². The main object of study is the lake of the same name, Kandykul. It is famous for its clear and clean waters. The park includes the Tuneiman, Kazyltau and Gulbika mountains. Utrau Island is covered with water meadows.

Kandy-Kul Nature Park on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The landscape is a mixture of deciduous forests and steppes. The ground is covered with feather grass, pennyweed and lady's slipper. Gulls, mallards and ducks nest near the lake. There are many recreation centers located in the park’s domain: “Tonus”, “Ivushka”, “Solnechnaya Dolina”.

National Park "Shushensky Bor" (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

National Park "Shushensky Bor"/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 391.8 km². Shushensky Bor is a combination of forest-steppe zones and mountain systems. Northern part covered with pine forests, there are many lakes and swamps. The southern region is a mountainous area. A special object of protection is the black taiga.

National Park "Shushensky Bor" on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Visiting this area is impossible without permission from the administration. Endangered plants include vernal adonis, sibirica brunnera, and male shieldweed. The forests are inhabited by hares, lynxes, sables, bears, moose and wild boars. 35 species are listed in the Red Book. Popular routes are “Sayan Contrasts”, “Kingdom of Nature”.

National Park "Elbrus" (Kabardino-Balkaria)

Elbrus National Park/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 1010.2 km². Most of the land is occupied by forests, a quarter of the territory is private property. The pearl of the park is considered Caucasus ridge. There are hundreds of springs on the territory of the Elbrus region mineral waters, many lakes.

National Park "Elbrus" on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The strip of coniferous trees gives way to open forests; in the lower reaches there are alpine meadows. A unique animal is the aurochs. Chamois, wild boar, jackal, bear and lynx live here. The park was created for the development of mountaineering. Very popular ski resort"Polyana Aktau". Hiking tourism is also developed.

National Park "Curonian Spit" (Kaliningrad region)

Curonian Spit National Park/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 66.21 km². The Curonian Spit is a sandy coastline of the Baltic Sea. The northern part belongs to Lithuania, the south-east of Russian lands is allocated for a national park.

National Park "Curonian Spit" on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The nature reserve includes coniferous forests, deciduous forests and bird colonies. Herbaceous plants are practically absent. The peninsula falls under the migratory route of birds; there are 262 species of them. The park is inhabited by, and. The Baltic coastal waters are home to 67 species of fish, including catfish, flounder and Atlantic salmon. Excursions along the Curonian Spit are popular tourist route Kaliningrad.

Pribaikalsky National Park (Irkutsk region)

Pribaikalsky National Park/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 4173 km². The purpose of the park is to preserve unique nature Baikal. Along the shores there are cliffs and cliffs, many bays and bays. The landscape is dominated by steppes and coniferous forests. A tenth of the flora is listed in the Red Book. Steppe plants are of particular value.

Pribaikalsky National Park on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

There are many ungulates and predatory animals in the park, and 25 species of fish live in the reservoirs. Some representatives of the rodent order have only recently restored their populations. Peschanaya Bay is a favorite holiday destination; it is planned to develop eco-tourism.

Sochi National Park (Sochi, Krasnodar region)

Sochi National Park/Wikipedia

The area is 1937 km². There are many rivers and streams flowing through the mountainous area. The park has rocks and waterfalls. Only in this area can you see Pitsunda pine and evergreen sequoia. Thanks to the subcontinental climate, the flora is very diverse.

Sochi National Park on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

About two hundred plant species are placed under special protection. Mammals are represented by chamois, wild boars, badgers, hares, roe deer and bears. The Leopard Population Restoration Center is located within the park. Tourists are offered to visit waterfalls, canyons, and caves.

Losiny Ostrov National Park (Moscow and Moscow region)

Losiny Ostrov National Park/Wikipedia

The area of ​​the park is 116 km². The territory borders with a residential area, highways and railways. Forests occupy most terrain, a small share goes to swamps.

National Park Losiny Island"on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Losiny Island is located in a zone of deciduous forests. Shaggy spruces coexist with oaks and lindens. The ground near the swamps is covered with mosses. Lungwort, goose onion, sedge, and wintergreen grow in the park. Lots of berry bushes. Moose actually live here; their habitat is in a protected area. Hares, squirrels, etc. also live in the park. Many birds nest here, 9 species are predatory. Vacationers can go on a walking tour to different parts of the park, choose a horseback ride or visit the Elk Biological Station.

National parks and reserves are some of the few places with almost untouched nature. virgin forests, cleanest lakes, rare and endangered species of animals - all this can be seen with your own eyes for a small price or completely free. We want to tell you about the largest and most remarkable natural parks and nature reserves in different natural areas ah Russia.

  • Square: 269 ​​thousand hectares
  • Location: The Republic of Buryatia
  • Date of foundation: September 12, 1986
  • Average temperature: in January −18…−19 °C, in July +12…+14 °C
  • Animal world: white hare, muskrat, squirrel, brown bear, elk, ermine

Here you can find animals listed in the Red Book; there are more than 40 rare and endangered species in the Transbaikal Park. The world of birds is also diverse: in the park you can see a black crane, a black stork, and a whooper swan. The vegetation is of particular value: many pine, cedar and fir forests are more than 200 years old. The park contains many unique natural monuments– capes, islands, caves, water sources, as well as archaeological sites, such as traces of ancient settlements.

The park territory includes several natural complexes: the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula, the islands of Chivyrkuisky Bay, and the Ushkany Islands. The latter, by the way, are especially popular with ants: there are more than six thousand anthills on the islands, some of them reaching the height of a man! The Ushkany Islands are also famous for seals: in the summer hundreds of individuals gather on large rocks. Seals are shy animals, so the park administration protects them from excessive attention of visitors - without special permission It will not be possible to get to the islands.

  • Square: 881 thousand hectares
  • Location: Altai Republic, Altai Mountains
  • Date of foundation: April 16, 1932
  • Average temperature: in January −8.3 °C, in July +16.8 °C
  • Animal world: bear, sable, wolverine, deer, ermine, squirrel, roe deer

Thinking about what nature reserves there are in Russia, one cannot help but recall the Altai Nature Reserve. It has a rather difficult fate: twice, in 1951 and 1961, it was disbanded, but was invariably restored. Its main goals are the preservation of Lake Teletskoye, the protection of forests, the rescue of sable, deer, snow leopard and other animals that are on the verge of extinction. There are many streams and springs on the territory of the reserve. clean water. The pride of the reserve is its cedar forests: their age reaches 450 years.

The territory of the reserve is practically impassable, only occasionally there are narrow paths, which only foresters and some employees can navigate. This is one of the largest nature reserves in Russia, its area is 9.4% of the total area of ​​the Altai Republic. The reserve is included in the list of pristine or little changed ecological regions of the world.

  • Square: 121 thousand hectares
  • Location: Primorsky Krai, village Lazo
  • Date of foundation: February 10, 1935
  • Average temperature: in January −5.1…−12.5 °C, in August +17.4…+23.5 °C
  • Animal world: sika deer, wapiti, goral, Amur tiger

Lazovsky State nature reserve Russia is named after its second director, Lev Georgievich Kaplanov. He was one of the first to study Amur tigers, which to this day serve as a source of pride for the reserve. In 1943, Kaplanov was killed by poachers who spread into the reserve during the Great Patriotic War.

Lazovsky Nature Reserve is the second largest in Primorye. Forests occupy 96% of the reserve's territory. It is the conservation and study of coniferous-deciduous forests that is one of the main goals of creating the reserve. In addition, employees try to preserve populations of animal species listed in the Red Book. For example, on the territory of the reserve there are 14 adult Amur tigers and more than 200 gorals, a cloven-hoofed animal of the goat subfamily.

  • Square: 17 thousand hectares
  • Location: Primorsky Krai
  • Date of foundation: 1916
  • Average temperature: in January −13 °C, in August +21 °C
  • Animal world: Far Eastern leopard, Amur tiger, Far Eastern forest cat, Himalayan bear, roe deer, wild boar, exotic butterflies

“Kedrovaya Pad” is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century after the creation of the Trans-Siberian railway line and the strengthening of Vladivostok as a commercial port, intensive development of Primorye began. Development was accompanied by deforestation, forest fires, indiscriminate hunting - including rare animals. In 1910, a forestry department was organized on the site of the reserve, which sought to preserve unique virgin forests. Thanks to foresters, deforestation, mining, and hunting stopped in Kedrovaya Pad, and soon the reserve itself was created.

More than 900 plant species grow here; some of them are not found anywhere except Kedrovaya Pad. Forests occupy 73% of the reserve's area. Particularly noteworthy are black fir forests, which are almost impossible to find anywhere else. Black fir, which gets its name from its dark bark, is the largest tree in the Far East. The wildlife of the reserve is also diverse - from the flying squirrel to the Far Eastern leopard, listed in the Red Book.

  • Square: 134 thousand hectares
  • Location: Samara Region
  • Date of foundation: April 28, 1984
  • Animal world: bat, golden eagle, elk, roe deer

There are about 200 natural and historical monuments in the park, including mounds, mountains and caves. The park is also rich in archaeological finds. For example, on the territory of the Samara Luka, burial mounds of the 7th–8th centuries and traces of the Murom town and settlements of the 9th–13th centuries were found.

More than 30 thousand bats live in the old adits in the park - 15 species in total, some of them are listed in the Red Book. Many tourists, when visiting the adits, made noise, lit fires, and took photographs of animals. Since bats are very sensitive, human intervention has resulted in death for many. To preserve the animal population, park staff have limited access to the adits. However, the park's scientific and technical council decided to create a "Bat Museum" so that visitors could still get to know the lifestyle of bats and their role in nature.

  • Square: 1,462.37 km2
  • Location: Smolensk region
  • Date of foundation: April 15, 1992
  • Animal world: beaver, squirrel, mink, golden eagle

There are 35 glacial lakes in the park - hence the name “Smolensk Lake District”. This national park strives not only to protect nature, but also to engage in environmental education activities. " Smolensk Poozerie» gladly receives tourists, organizes cultural events: bard song festivals, marches, excursions. For example, a sports ornithology competition is held among park guests in the spring and fall - this is, roughly speaking, a photo hunt for birds.

Sixty-five plant species of the “Smolensk Poozerie” are included in the Red Book of the Smolensk Region, 10 of them are included in the Red Book of Russia. Also rare are 26 species of birds and six species of mammals in the park.

  • Square: 6,621 ha
  • Location: Kaliningrad region
  • Date of foundation: November 6, 1987
  • Animal world: elk, wild boar, roe deer, fox, badger, finch, starling

In the north, the Curonian Spit park is adjacent to the Russian-Lithuanian border. This favorite place recreation for Kaliningrad residents and guests of the Kaliningrad region: despite its small size, the Curonian Spit is one of the most visited national parks in the country. Once upon a time, Scandinavians, Germans, and Balts lived on its territory. Therefore, the Curonian Spit stores many archaeological sites different eras: burial grounds, sites, traces of ancient settlements.

The “Curonian Spit” can be called a “museum of natural areas” - after all, on its territory you can find a variety of landscapes, from birch forests to sand dunes. And only here you can see the “dancing forest”: the pines planted in the park in the 60s of the 20th century bend intricately, resembling the figures of dancing people.

  • Square: 1,585 km²
  • Location: Novgorod region
  • Date of foundation: May 17, 1990
  • Average temperature: in January −10 °C, in July +16…+17 °C
  • Animal world: elk, marten, lynx, otter, bear, hare, badger, fox

Valdai National Park got its name from the city of Valdai, which is more than 500 years old. In addition to 82 archaeological monuments, the park is notable for its architectural and architectural monuments - these are ancient estates, a 17th-century monastery, and an 18th-century church. Since the park is located close to Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is one of the most visited in Russia. Eighty-six percent of the area is occupied by forests, where spruce, birch, and pine trees mainly grow.

Valdai National Park hosts many exhibitions and environmental education events - for example, game quests for schoolchildren. During the competition, children must carefully study information about the park in order to find the treasure.

  • Square: 659 thousand hectares
  • Location: Irkutsk region
  • Date of foundation: December 5, 1986
  • Average temperature: in January −15 °C, in July +14 °C
  • Animal world: bear, deer, lynx, wolf, white-tailed eagle, black stork

You can only get to the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve by water, by boat. The attraction of the reserve is the coast of brown bears. In May, from a ship or observation tower you can see how the owners of the taiga walk along the coastline. The reserve also contains the oldest volcanoes in the world - they are more than a thousand million years old!

The reserve is home to more than 300 species of vertebrates, more than 240 species of birds and 100 species of butterflies. In the administrative building of the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve, which is located in Irkutsk, there is a nature museum and a visitor information center.

  • Square: 303.8 km²
  • Location: Chelyabinsk region
  • Date of foundation: May 14, 1920
  • Average temperature: in January −21 °C, in July +18 °C
  • Animal world: ermine, polecat, hare, brown bear, flying squirrel, wolf

The Ilmensky Nature Reserve is of interest not only to tourists, but also to geologists. There are deposits on its territory precious stones and rare minerals: sapphire, zircon, topaz, aquamarine. It was here that 16 minerals were first discovered. Since 1930, the mineralogical museum has been open to visitors, displaying more than 200 minerals found in the reserve.

Since 1935, the reserve began to protect not only minerals, but also plants and animals. You can get to the Ilmensky Nature Reserve by car from Chelyabinsk or by public transport from Miass.

Ecotourism, or ecotourism, is travel to places with relatively untouched nature. The main principle for such a journey is to do no harm. environment, therefore, ecological routes mainly run through national parks and nature reserves. Here are ten of the most famous and interesting protected places in our country, where you can go to admire the magnificent nature in its original form.

Transbaikalsky National Park

Transbaikal National Park is one of the few national parks in Russia that fully meet UNESCO recommendations for this category of specially protected natural areas.
The Zabaikalsky National Park is located within a typical mountain taiga region. The relief is mountainous. Within the boundaries of the park there are large orographic units: the Svyatonossky ridge, the Barguzinsky ridge, the Chivyrkuisky isthmus and the Ushkany Islands.
Along the territory of the park, in the direction from northeast to southwest, there are two mountain range: Barguzinsky ridge - gradually descending from the Barguzinsky reserve to the lake. Barmashovoye (the highest elevation of the ridge within the boundaries of the park is 2376 m above sea level) and the Sredinny Range of the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula (the highest elevation is approximately in the middle part of 1877 m), gradually descending to the north and south. The Chivirkuy Isthmus connects the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula with east coast Baikal. The Ushkany Islands (Big Ushkany Island and Small Ushkany Islands) are the peaks of the Academichesky Ridge, which divides the Baikal depression into two basins - northern and southern.

Altai Nature Reserve

Altai Nature Reserve - a World Heritage Site natural heritage UNESCO since 1998. Included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) - May 26, 2009. It is included in the "Global-200" (WWF) list - pristine or little-changed ecoregions of the world, which contain 90% of the planet's biodiversity.
The territory occupied by the Altai Nature Reserve includes five physical-geographical regions of three natural provinces. Almost all natural zones are distinguished in the spectrum of altitudinal zones Gorny Altai: taiga lowlands and midlands, subalpine and alpine meadow midlands and highlands, tundra-steppe highlands, tundra midlands and highlands, glacial-nival highlands. Forests occupy 34% of the total area of ​​the main zone. They are located in the lower and middle parts of mountains, on steep slopes of valleys, as well as on lower parts of sloping ridges. The lower border of the forest begins at 436 meters (level of Lake Teletskoye), and the upper border varies in different parts. So, if in the southeast it is at an altitude of 2000–2200 m above sea level, then in the northwest it drops to a level of 1800–2000 m.

Lazovsky Reserve

Of particular value in the protected area is the unique grove of relict pointed yew on the island. Petrov, thickets of endemic cross-paired microbiota, populations of such rare animals as the Amur goral, Amur tiger, and Ussuri sika deer.
The Lazovsky Nature Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the interfluve of the Kievka and Chernaya rivers. The Zapovedny Ridge divides the territory of the reserve into two parts - northern continental and southern coastal. Average height mountains are 500–700 m, individual peaks reach 1200–1400 m above sea level. The mountain slopes have varying steepness, on average 20–25 degrees, their ridges are narrow but flat. Significant areas are occupied by rocky placers. The height of the spurs decreases in the east towards the sea, the watershed ridges turn into small hilly ridges up to 100 m high.
The reserve territory includes two small islands- Petrova and Beltsova, located near southern border reserve. The islands are covered with forest.

Nature Reserve "Kedrovaya Pad".

The very first reserve Far East and one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia, formed to preserve and study unique for Russia undisturbed liana coniferous-deciduous forests of Southern Primorye, characterized by a high proportion of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna. The reserve and its surroundings are the only place in Russia where the Far Eastern leopard lives.
In 2004, the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve received the status of a UNESCO biosphere reserve.
The most valuable are black fir-broad-leaved forests or black fir forests, the Far Eastern leopard; on Mount Chalban, plants are common that are very rare in other places of the Far East - currant-leaved carp, Komarov currant. In the reserve, rock primrose was found for the first time (on Mount Chalban), and species new to science were described - Far Eastern violet and Ussuri corydalis. The Kedrovaya River flows through the reserve; its length does not exceed 25 kilometers. It is the ideal of a clean river for scientists all over the world.

Samarskaya Luka National Park.

The Samarskaya Luka National Park was created in 1984 by decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, and is one of the first three national parks in Russia. Samara Luka is a unique area formed by the bend of the largest European river Volga in its middle course and the Usinsky Bay of the Kuibyshev Reservoir. The Volga in this place makes a large arc facing the east, and then turns to the southwest. Its length is more than 200 km. The ancient carbonate rocks raised high here form something like an island.
Unique landforms, unique microclimate, Amazing beauty mountains, the blue necklace of the Volga that frames them, the unique flora and fauna have earned Zhiguli and Samarskaya Luka as a whole world fame.
There is an unusually high concentration of monuments of almost all cultures of the European forest-steppe known to science, from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age to the present. There are about 200 natural and historical monuments on the territory of Samarskaya Luka. It is also rich in archaeological finds.

Smolensk Poozerie National Park

The Smolensk Poozerye National Park was formed on the territory of the Demidovsky and Dukhovshchinsky districts of the Smolensk region in 1992 “to preserve natural complexes for recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes.” In November 2002, it was awarded the status of a biosphere reserve under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. The name "Smolensk Poozerie" owes its name to 35 large and small glacial lakes located in the park. Each of these lakes is beautiful and unique in its own way.
In terms of configuration, the park's territory is an almost regular rhombus. The maximum distance from west to east is 55 km, from north to south - 50 km. The geographical center of the park is located in the area of ​​the village. Przhevalskoe. The total area of ​​the park within the boundaries approved by state acts is 146,237 hectares. The security zone is 500 m of territory adjacent to the park border.

Curonian Spit National Park.

The Curonian Spit National Park is located in the part of the Kaliningrad region bordering Lithuania on a narrow strip of land between the salty Baltic Sea and the freshwater Curonian Lagoon. The northern boundaries of the park run along the Russian-Lithuanian border.
The natural uniqueness of the territory of the national park is that it is the largest sand bar in the world. The dune landscapes of the spit are distinguished by their exceptional beauty and aesthetic impact on humans and represent a unique object for the development of eco-tourism.
The Curonian Spit has been regarded as “an exceptional example of a sand dune landscape under constant threat from natural forces such as wind and water. After the destructive intervention of man, which threatened the existence of the spit, it was restored through stabilization and protection work that began in the 19th century and continues to this day.” Currently the territory Curonian Spit is officially protected by the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention.

Valdai National Park.

The Valdai National Park was formed with the aim of preserving the unique lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland and creating conditions for the development of organized recreation in this area. The basis for the creation of the park was the unique combination and richness of natural components, the degree of their preservation and the ability to maintain ecological balance, and the enormous aesthetic impact of natural landscapes. A differentiated regime of special protection has been established on the territory of the park, taking into account its natural, historical and cultural features. In accordance with this, the following functional zones have been identified: reserved, specially protected, recreational, zone of regulated use around lakes and rivers, as well as a visitor service zone.
The national park is located in the northern part of the Valdai Upland, its length from north to south is 105 km, from west to east - 45 km. The boundaries of the Park approximately correspond to the boundaries of the drainage basins of lakes Borovno, Valdayskoye, Velye, Seliger and the upper reaches of the Polomet River.

Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve.

The Baikal-Lensky State Nature Reserve is located on an area of ​​659.9 thousand hectares. It is located on the territory of the Kachugsky and Olkhonsky districts of the Irkutsk region. The reserve stretches from south to north along the western coast of Lake Baikal for approximately 120 km with an average width of 65 km.
The total length of the coastline of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Zapovednoe Pribaikalye” is about 590 km and covers West Coast Baikal from the village of Kultuk in the south to Cape Elokhin in the north. In December 1996, the Baikal-Lena Reserve (along with Barguzinsky and Baikalsky) was included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites.
Currently, the process of unifying the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve and the Pribaikalsky National Park into a single natural conservation, scientific and tourist complex has been completed: the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Reserve Pribaikalye”.

Ilmensky Nature Reserve.

One of the oldest reserves in Russia, founded in 1920 to preserve unique mineral deposits. Since 1935, it has been transformed into a complex reserve for the preservation and study of mineral wealth, flora and fauna of the eastern macroslope Southern Urals. In 1991, the historical and archaeological branch "Arkaim" (currently the Stepnoye forestry) was added to the reserve for conservation and study unique monument early urban civilization of the Bronze Age - the settlement "Arkaim" and archaeological complex in the Bolshekaragan Valley. The reserve is the only mineralogical reserve in the country and one of the few mineralogical reserves in the world.
The Natural Science Museum is one of the five largest geological and mineralogical museums in Russia and has on display one of the largest biological dioramas in the country. The first collections of minerals and rocks of the reserve began to be created in 1925. In 1936, the first wooden building of the museum was built, and since 1990 the museum has been housed in a three-story building with six halls with a total area of ​​2050 square meters. m. The museum's fund includes about 30 thousand storage units, 9 thousand exhibits are exhibited. The museum is a major regional center for education in the field of natural sciences, receiving 50 thousand visitors annually.
The territory of the reserve is a kind of “mineralogical museum in nature”: about 270 species and 94 varieties of minerals were discovered here, and 18 of them were discovered for the first time in Ilmeny.
Of course, national parks, nature reserves, and just places with beautiful nature There are a great many in our country. I invite you to tell us about your favorite in the comments. natural region, I think many will find this interesting and useful to know.

There are enough stunning places on our planet that have retained their pristine beauty for centuries, despite all human attempts to destroy it.

Almost every country has its own examples of nature reserves and national parks, but only a few of them can boast of being included in the list of the largest on earth.

Greenland National Park

The largest national park in the world is located closest to the North Pole than any of its competitors. Its territory is 972 thousand km². As an example, one hundred and sixty-three countries of the world have a smaller area than this reserve.

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It was founded in 1974. Ordinary people do not live here, only staff. It is inhabited by about 10,000 musk oxen - at least 40% of the total world population. In addition, here you can meet a walrus and polar bear, reindeer, stoats, Arctic hare, etc. Vegetable world The area is represented mainly by lichens and mosses. In some places there are even birches and dwarf willows.

Rangel St. Elias (USA)

The list continues with the largest nature reserve in America, which is located in Alaska and is protected by UNESCO. Occupies 53 thousand km² - 9 states could be located on the lands of St. Elias.

Formed in 1980. It is home to nine of the sixteen highest mountain peaks in the United States, and the 2nd highest mountain in Canada. Rangel St. Elias receives 60,000 tourists a year. They are attracted by the spacious plains, snow-covered Mountain peaks, glaciers, of which there are more than one hundred and fifty.

Limpopo Transfrontier Park

The territory covers the lands of several African countries(Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa) and consist of ten different zones, forming one of the largest national parks in the world (37,000 km²). To date, the territory of the reserve has not yet been fully established; the 2nd phase of its development involves expansion to 100 thousand km².

The Limpopo Transfrontier Park was created relatively recently, in 2000. And representatives of the fauna began to appear here a year later. Here you can see leopards, giraffes, African elephants, spotted hyenas, cheetahs and other equally exotic animals.

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Kruger (South Africa)

Kruger National Park is a typical example of African wildlife. One of the most beloved nature reserves among travelers (a million guests a year) brings in quite a good profit. Founded in 1898, it is the oldest in South Africa and is located in the north-eastern part of the country. Length – 340 km, total area – 19 thousand km². Formed from three parts located between the Sabie and Olifants rivers. Included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The Kruger Game Reserve boasts an interesting variety of African “unarmed” safari. Most animals can be seen in the central part of the huge national park. Here you can meet hippos, giraffes, elephants, leopards, crocodiles, white rhinoceroses, as many as 17 species of antelope, more than 400 different birds.

Serengeti (Tanzania)

One of the most famous and largest national parks in the world is considered an example of perhaps the most holistic ecosystem on the planet. The oldest reserve in Africa was created in 1929. The territory is almost 15,000 km².

3 million large animals and nearly 500 species of birds live here. The Serengeti is also famous for the annual migrations of a million wildebeest, two hundred thousand gazelles and zebras - during the migration the animals travel over 3,000 km.

Yellowstone (USA)

The next largest and oldest national park in the world was founded back in 1872 in the American Rocky Mountains. First of all, it is known for its geothermal springs, geysers and eruptions. About 3 million tourists visit Yellowstone every year. different countries Fortunately, all conditions have been created for this.

On the huge area of ​​the reserve you can see rivers, waterfalls, lakes, caves, mountains, canyons, and even a volcano. Almost 2000 different plants grow here. The local fauna is no less diverse: 311 species of birds, nearly 60 examples of mammals, including pronghorns, moose, deer, grizzly bears, bison...

Snowdonia (UK)

The next reserve on the list is in the north of Wales. Named after the most high place Wales - Snowdon Mountains (1085 meters). Created in 1951. Area - over 2,000 km². Snowdonia is home to 26,000 people and receives 6 million tourists every year.

One of the world's largest national parks, there are more than 2,000 km of open hiking trails, as well as 260 km of hiking and horseback riding trails. The top of Mount Snowdon can be reached either by cable car or by road. walking trail, 13 km long. Several historic railway routes run through Snowdonia.

Bwindi (Uganda)

The area of ​​the reserve is 331 km², it is the “smallest” of the list of the largest national parks in the world. Located in the jungle in the southwest of the country. You can travel through it only on foot. It consists of forests located in the mountains and on the plains. Included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

  • Do not miss:

This reserve is the largest example of an African ecosystem. About 340 gorillas (almost half of their population), 120 species of mammals, and 346 different birds live here. Bwindi is famous for its exotic butterflies, of which there are over 200 varieties. The fauna is also multifaceted - 163 types of trees and more than a hundred species of ferns grow on the local land.

    - No. Name Location Area, km² Date of formation Type 1 Agrakhansky reserve Dagestan 0390. 0390.00 01983 04 08 April 8 ... Wikipedia

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