Sea of ​​Marmara on the map. The Sea of ​​Marmara is the smallest sea in the world

The Sea of ​​Marmara is the smallest body of water on Earth, getting its name from the island of Marmara, located on its territory. The coast of this water area is decorated with a wide variety of resorts, where tourists from all over the world love to relax.

Sea of ​​Marmara on the world map in Russian

The Sea of ​​Marmara is included in Mediterranean basin and refers to the seas Atlantic Ocean.

The sea arose as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust, dividing mainland Europe, Africa and Asia.

Where is?

The Sea of ​​Marmara on the world map can be found on Turkish territory at the point where the European and Asian parts of the country meet. The reservoir has borders with the Bosphorus Strait, and with the Aegean Sea through the Dardanelles Strait.

Description of the pool

The Sea of ​​Marmara has a very modest in size. Its approximate length is only 280 kilometers and its width is 80 km. The depth is slightly greater than Sea of ​​Azov– 1370 meters. The volume of water is approximately 3382 cubic meters. km.

There are several islands in the waters of the Sea of ​​Marmara. Some of them are inhabited, but there are also wild areas. The largest are considered Marble And Princes' Islands. Tourists are often taken to them during boat trips.

The coastal zone varies depending on the area. In the north The coastline is predominantly rocky and covered with forests. Here at the bottom there are many reefs, so this region is very popular among diving enthusiasts. South coast strongly indented by bays and bays.

The flora and fauna of the Sea of ​​Marmara is similar to. Here fishing is developed In particular, fish such as mackerel, mullet, horse mackerel, herring and tuna are caught in large quantities. There are a lot of shellfish in the water: oysters, mussels and sea dates, and there are also octopuses, lobsters and squid. Among the algae in the water, diatoms and peridinea predominate.


Prevails on the Sea of ​​Marmara Mediterranean climate. On average, in summer time the water warms up to +26°C, but of all the seas washing the territory of Turkey, it is considered the coldest (by 3-4 degrees). the sea does not freeze, and the water cools down to +9 degrees. At the bottom, the water temperature does not fall below +14°C.

Which countries does it wash?

The Sea of ​​Marmara washes Turkish coast. The water serves as a route for ships traveling from the Black Sea to and from the Black Sea. On quality sea ​​water this has almost no effect, since large ports are located far from the resorts.

Sea shores

The Sea of ​​Marmara has enough many fans who prefer to spend time at resorts located on its coast. There are sandy and rocky shores, as well as picturesque bays and bays with unique picturesque nature.

Popular resorts

Marmara Sea resorts have become popular quite a long time ago, since their purposes are very diverse. There are famous thermal And health resorts , as well as beach and entertainment places.

The coastline of the Sea of ​​Marmara is familiar to many by its names:

  • Genen– main thermal resort;
  • Denizkent– a place dominated by magnificent beaches;
  • Çekirge– a coast known for warm mineral springs;
  • Thermal– a resort famous for its thermal baths;
  • Erdekoldest resort region.

If you plan to travel to the Marmara Sea coast with children, then for such purposes it is better to choose resorts located on south coast, since the sea here is cleaner and the beaches are sandy with a gentle slope into the water. In addition, there is quite a lot in this place. The most popular resort in this region is Yalova– a city famous for thermal springs, well-established infrastructure and picturesque nature.

On the northern coast there is also Izmit– two large industrial and tourist center, important for Turkey.

In these resort towns most often they come to see the sights of the country, since the beach here is hardly suitable for swimming.

In general, in the north of the Sea of ​​Marmara the coastal zone very swampy, so tourists are recommended to go on vacation to the resorts of the south.

Largest island

There are many islands in the Sea of ​​Marmara, among which the largest is considered Marmara. Its approximate dimensions are 17 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide. It has a hilly topography, and its shores are mostly steep with small bays and beaches.

Since ancient times, the Greeks lived on the island and mined marble on it, and today they arrange here where they show works of art Ancient world and Byzantium. Ferries arrive at the port of Marmara, bringing tourists from the mainland.

Pros and cons of holidays

With the onset of vacation, many decide to relax, preferring resorts, thanks low cost and the ability to quickly reach them. At the same time, the Sea of ​​Marmara is popular because there are comfortable, convenient beaches along its coast. increased comfort, and the local air is so clean that no resort in the country can compare with it.

The advantages of a holiday on the Sea of ​​Marmara are obvious:

  1. Great opportunities;
  2. High service;
  3. Abundance of attractions;
  4. Comfortable;
  5. Not a large number of vacationers;
  6. Opportunity to improve your health.

The disadvantages include the fact that holiday season in this region lasts much less than in other resorts in Turkey.

Unlike the resorts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea, where season lasts from May to the end; on the Sea of ​​Marmara it ends at the beginning of October.

It is worth noting that the water temperature is not always suitable for families with children, since even on hot days it is seems cool. But such conditions are perfect for those who have health problems. The absence of scorching sun, healing air filled with phytoncides and the opportunity to cool off in water at this temperature make rest comfortable for older people, and thermal waters sources help in the treatment of many diseases.

The Sea of ​​Marmara, located in Turkey, is perfect for relaxation, since it has everything to make this vacation unforgettable.

And in this video you will find out what you found at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Marmara:

The Sea of ​​Marmara (Turkish: Marmara Denizi) is located on the border of two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, in Turkey, washing its shores. It is connected to the Black Sea by the Bosphorus Strait, and to the Aegean Sea by the Dardanelles Strait. The Sea of ​​Marmara is the smallest sea on Earth. The shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara are mostly high, steep and dissected. There are several mountain ranges along the coast. The Sea of ​​Marmara contains several bays, peninsulas and islands. The Marmara Sea coast has many faces with endless beaches, cozy coves and modern hotels.

Length – 280 km.
Width – 80 km.
Area – 11,472 sq. km
Volume – about 4,000 cubic meters. km
Average depth – 250 meters
The greatest depth is 1360 meters.
The name of the sea comes from the name of the island of Marmara (Turkish: Marmara). Yours modern name received in 1788 after a survey of the sea by the English captain John Marshall. The Sea of ​​Marmara was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust, dividing Europe, Asia and Africa. The territory of the Sea of ​​Marmara is located in a seismically active region, which is why earthquakes often occur and, as a result, tsunamis.

Islands of the Sea of ​​Marmara

There are a total of 23 islands in the Sea of ​​Marmara.

Marmara(tour. Marmara): The largest island in the western part of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara. Territory of Turkey. White marble has been mined on the island since ancient times. There are quarries on Marmara where marble is still mined today. The island is approximately 17 km long and 8 km wide. The most high place islands - Mount Buyuk Çayir with a height of 699 meters. Most Big city- Marmara. In the city museum open air There are works of art from the Ancient World and Byzantium. The main fairway of the Sea of ​​Marmara runs near the island. There is a “Marble” beach on the island.

Turkeli or Avsha(Turkeli Adasi, Avsa): Located south of Marmara Island, opposite Cape Aba. The length of Turkeli Island is 8.3 km, with a maximum width of 4.8 km. The island is located, as it were, on one giant granite stone. About 3,600 people live on Avsha Island. There are a great many mini hotels along the entire coast. The island is visited mainly by European tourists. About 80,000 tourists visit the island every year. One of the favorite vacation spots of Istanbul residents. There is a ferry from Istanbul every day, 4 times a day. Due to the mild climate, the island is fresh and comfortable even in the July heat. The island has beautiful beaches, such as sand beach Altynkum ("Golden Sand"). Türkeli Island is famous for its vineyards and wine cellars. By the end of September, due to strong winds hotels are closing.

Ekinlik(Ekinlik): Located next to Turkeli Island. The length of Ekinlik Island is 3.6 km and the maximum width is 1 km. The shape of the island resembles an inverted spoon. There is a small village on the island.

Pashalimany(Pasalimani): Located next to Turkeli Island in the east of the island. The length of Pashalimani Island is 9 km and the maximum width is 6.9 km. The entire island is covered with picturesque groves

Princes' Islands(tourist: Prens Adaları): The Princes' Islands are a group of 9 islands located in the eastern part of the Sea of ​​Marmara and 15 km from Istanbul. The Princes' Islands are often referred to simply as Adalar (Isles). The total area of ​​all islands is 10.8 square meters. km. They got their name because these islands were the favorite vacation spot of the Byzantine princes. Princes' Islands - popular resort place near Istanbul. Ferries depart every hour. The fare is 3 liras. Mostly tourists visit the largest island – Buyukada. Buyukada (" Big Island") has a length of 4.3 km and a width of 1.5 km. Northern part The island is built up with luxury cottages. The southern part of the island is covered with pine forest. The island can be reached by ferry in 1 hour. Prohibited on the island automobile transport. Tourists are offered numerous horseback riding, cycling and hiking. The second largest is the island of Heybeliada (Turkish: Heybeliada). The island is 2.5 km long and 1.3 km wide. Burgazada Island (Turkish: Burgazada), with a population of about 1,500 people. The third largest island of the archipelago. Other islands: Kınalıada (Turkish), area 1.3 sq. km; Sedefadasy (Turkish: Sedefadası), its area is 0.157 square meters. km.; the remaining islands are very small, with an area of ​​less than 0.05 square meters. km - Yassyada (Turkish: Yassıada), Sivriada (Turkish: Sivriada), Kaşıkadasy (Turkish: Kaşıkadası) and Tavshanadasy (Turkish: Tavşanadası).

Sights of the Marmara Sea coast

The Marmara Sea area is rich historical monuments. Of course, Istanbul and its surroundings are the richest area in sights; it would take at least three days to get around them: Bayezid II Mosque, Suleiman Mosque 1 palace complex Topkapi Seraglio, which houses a museum with a collection of the Sultan’s jewelry, as well as items that belonged to the Prophet Muhammad, Dolma Baggen Palace (19th century) and others. In the city of Izmit: an 18th century Ottoman palace (in currently occupied by an ethnographic museum). In the old city, next to the Orhan Gazi Mosque, there is the mausoleum of Sheikh Edebala

Marmara Sea Resorts

Yalova- a city on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The ancient name is Helenapolis. The city was named so by Emperor Constantine in honor of his mother Helen. Yalova is famous for its thermal center and its healing water. In the east of the city of Yalova, 15 km away is the Chynarjik resort with magnificent beaches and modern recreation centers. On the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara is one of the oldest and famous resorts- Erdek. From Seyitgazi Hill there is a beautiful panorama of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The city of Erdek is surrounded by olive groves and is beautiful because it is practically unspoilt by modern civilization. Turkeli (Avsha) is an island popular among tourists. Known for its luxurious beaches.

The Sea of ​​Marmara and the Aegean Sea are the most important waterways not only for Turkey, but also for other border countries. The most intensive shipping occurs in the Marmara Sea basin. The coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara is characterized by high population density, activity and the convenience of natural and artificial harbors of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The Sea of ​​Marmara is an ice-free sea. Istanbul is the most major port Sea of ​​Marmara. Bondirma is the second largest port of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The Sea of ​​Marmara has big amount berths. The Sea of ​​Marmara is also used to transport goods to the resort islands

January 20, 2014

The Sea of ​​Marmara is an inland sea of ​​Turkey. It separates Europe from Asia. The sea is like a piece of a puzzle, without which it would be impossible to piece together the Aegean and Black Sea through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits. It is located between Thrace and Anatolia.

Characteristics of the Sea of ​​Marmara

Length itself small sea planets - only 280 km. The width is even less - 80 km. But it is very deep. There are places where the depth reaches 1355m!
The salinity of sea water is almost 22%. This figure is higher than that of the Black Sea, but, compared to ocean water, it is much lower.

Interestingly, water at great depths has a salt concentration higher than in the upper layers - as much as 38%. And these waters do not move to the surface. In this regard, the sea resembles the Mediterranean.

Why is the salinity of the Sea of ​​Marmara quite low at the surface? The fact is that several rivers (Granik, Susurluk) flow into the sea and reduce the percentage of salinity. Most of these rivers flow from Anatolia, a peninsula in western Turkey.

This sea does not freeze even in winter, when the temperature near the surface is within +9 degrees. In summer the sea is very warm - up to +29 degrees.

On the shores of the sea are small towns, where tourists from different countries relax.

Seismic activity in the area of ​​the smallest sea

Many natural wonders appeared as a result of shifts in the earth's crust. In this case, the picture is the same. In ancient times, a deep rift formed that separated Africa from Europe.

The depression filled with water. This is how this small sea appeared.
The area around the sea is far from calm. Tsunamis and destructive earthquakes occur quite often here.

The North Atlantic Rift runs along the bottom of the sea. It is the cause of natural disasters. Behind last thousand years there were about three hundred earthquakes of varying strength.

After some of them, tsunami waves arose, of which there were more than 40.
In 1999, on August 17, the tsunami wave reached 2.5 meters! It caused numerous destructions and resulted in casualties.

Forecasts from weather forecasters and geological services in Turkey are disappointing. Around 2030, with a high degree of probability, a powerful earthquake may occur, the epicenter of which will be located near Istanbul. The consequences for the country could be catastrophic.

Islands of the Dangerous Sea

The island groups located in the sea area are called Princes, Pashalimans, Turkeli, Ekinlik, Khayirsyzada, Marmara.

On the Marmara Islands, in the giant marble quarries of Proconessus, a valuable material, marble, has been mined since ancient times. Tourists can visit the mining site. This is where the name of the sea itself comes from.

Imrali Island is famous for the fact that the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, Abdullah Ocalan, is serving his sentence here.

On the island of Genen they beat thermal springs, the water temperature in which reaches +80 degrees, as in Znamenny hot springs.

And on the island of Pashalimani there are delightful bright green sycamore groves.

Located on the Gelibolu peninsula, the attraction of which is Salt Lake. There are also several monuments to Turkish soldiers who died in 1915.

The Sea of ​​Marmara is a blue spot on the map. Beautiful, amazing, bright and at the same time very dangerous, it is an integral part of the difficult history of this ancient country.

Sea of ​​Marmara photo

The smallest sea on Earth is considered to be the Sea of ​​Marmara. Its name comes from the island of Marmara, where white marble was once mined. This body of water is located between the Asia Minor and European parts of Turkey. In the south it is connected to the Aegean Sea and the Dardanelles Strait, in the east - to the Black Sea and the Bosphorus Strait. Length 280 km, width - 80 km, area - 11472 sq. km, depth - 1355 m, volume - 4000 cubic km.

Sea of ​​Marmara, Bosphorus and Dardanelles

What is the smallest sea in the world, you ask? The answer is very simple - Mramornoe, which was first described in the 19th century by the captain of the Russian fleet, Mangari. At the end of the same century, scientists Spindler and Makarov conducted biological and hydraulic studies. It was they who believed that this small body of water was formed as a result of the fragmentation of the Earth’s crust, which subsequently divided Asia, Europe and Africa. This happened 2.5 million years ago.

Now the reservoir is located in a seismically active zone, where earthquakes often occur. Also, this sea was often mentioned in Greek culture, since it was here that the famous Argonauts sailed, and this body of water was a springboard for Scythian battles.

What is the smallest sea in the world?

The Sea of ​​Marmara is framed coastline, along it there are several mountain ranges. The seabed consists of three basins, and the main part of the territory is the coastal zone. In terms of salinity, our sea can be compared with the Mediterranean. And closer to the surface - with Black. The salinity of this reservoir is not uniform.

On the map it has rugged shores, as there are a lot of coves here. The coasts in the north have a large number of underwater reefs, which interferes with shipping, but attracts tourists.

In winter, the water temperature is no more than minus 10 degrees, and in the summer it can exceed 30 degrees. These data relate only to surface waters, the depth of which is about 20 meters. Deep waters have a much lower temperature.

Who lives in these depths?

Due to the fact that this is the smallest sea in the world, the fauna is not so rich. Here you can meet such fish as:

  • Horse mackerel.
  • Mackerel.
  • Pelamids.
  • Lobana.
  • Anchovies.

Most commercial fish migrate to the Black Sea when cold weather sets in.

Resorts and beautiful places of the Marmara Sea

Despite the fact that the Sea of ​​Marmara is the smallest sea in the world in terms of area, a lot of tourists come to these places every year. On its banks lies the most charming and a beautiful city- Istanbul. This city with rich history and culture will always be of interest to tourists. In these places you can see an amazing interweaving of living ancient history with modern technologies. In addition to the great Istanbul, guests are attracted here by the mass of picturesque and colorful resorts located in these places. One of the most paradises can be considered the surrounding area of ​​the city of Bursa.

The national color and incredible views of natural landscapes are clearly expressed here. In a short period of time you can visit both snow-capped peaks and lie on sea ​​coast, see green plains and enjoy colorful waterfalls.

Erdek is deservedly considered the most popular resort of the Marmara Sea. Here is the most beautiful sandy beach, almost 12 km long. Thanks to amazing nature and good service for tourists, interest in the coast grows every year, and it becomes first on the list of attendance. Business and trade are developing well in these places, even though this is the smallest sea in the world. But for such ardent attention to itself, the Sea of ​​Marmara pays a huge price - its waters are very dirty and require careful care.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the best place to relax

The smallest and shallowest sea in the world and of course the warmest is the Azov Sea. It refers to the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and is located in Eastern Europe, washes some territories of Ukraine and Russia. Maximum depth reaches 13 m, length - 380 km, width - 200 km, area - 145,700 square kilometers.

This sea is characterized by bays, estuaries, sandbars and shallows, which is why in ancient times it was called a swamp or lake. The Sea of ​​Azov is connected to the Black Sea. The temperature in winter reaches 0 degrees and freezes for 2-4 months, in summer it warms up to 30 degrees.

Despite the fact that it is the world's smallest sea and shallow, sometimes strong storms occur. There have been cases when sea vessels disappeared during such severe floods. In addition, the sea waters are polluted by waste from factories and cities that are nearby. Sea shores sandy, on south coast There are hills of volcanic origin with steep mountains. Here you can find resorts, recreation centers with beautiful beaches.

Marine inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Azov

The reservoirs of the Azov Sea are dirty, the salinity is lower than in the ocean, since the water is desalinated by rivers, especially the Don and Kuban. There is a lot of marine life in it, these are:

  • Gobies.
  • Tulka.
  • Flounder.
  • Pike.
  • Ram.
  • Sterlet.
  • Stavridka.
  • Mackerel.
  • Herring.

As for mammals, porpoises and the Azov dolphin are found here. In addition, the depths of the sea are rich not only in living creatures, but also in natural gas reserves and various other minerals.

Recently, tourists noticed that the Sea of ​​Marmara has turned orange. Everyone suddenly became worried, what happened and why? Some decided that these were chemicals from ships, others that they were household waste.

In fact, everything is simple: the water is colored due to the plankton Noctiluca scintillans living in it. This single-celled organism is somewhat similar to a jellyfish and has colored pigments. During spring activity, it multiplies quickly and changes the color of the reservoirs where it lives.

It was also noted that plankton can color water brown, pink, green, red, and it does not harm nature.

The Sea of ​​Marmara is surrounded by lands belonging to Turkey, between its European territories and those located in Asia Minor. The length of the Sea of ​​Marmara is 280 km, the widest part is about 80 km. In total, the average annual volume of water in the Sea of ​​Marmara is about four thousand cubic kilometers. Greatest depth: 1355 m.

The Sea of ​​Marmara connects with the Black and Aegean seas through the straits: the Bosphorus on the northeast side, and the Dardanelles on the southwest. The origin of the Sea of ​​Marmara is believed to be tectonic. As a result of significant faults in the earth's crust, a division into the sea occurred, and the Sea of ​​Marmara was also formed.

The winding shores of the sea are covered with mountains, their southeastern outlines are strongly indented. On the northern side there are underwater rocks and reefs. The most large islands located on the Sea of ​​Marmara - Marmara and Princes' Islands. Several small rivers flow into the sea, most of which are located in the Asian part of the land.

History of the Sea of ​​Marmara

For the first time, the outlines and written evidence of the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara were compiled by M.P. Manganari was at that time a lieutenant commander in the Russian Navy. This happened in the middle of the 19th century. Later, at the end XIX Russians Researchers carried out an expedition dedicated to the study of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The organizers were the Russian Geographical Society and the Imperial Academy of Sciences. The expedition was headed by I.B. Spindler, S.O. took significant part. Makarov.

Due to the fact that the Sea of ​​Marmara passes through sea ​​route, separating Europe and Asia, shipping is very developed there. Since ancient times, that territory has been densely populated. Today there are several large resorts on the coast.

At the end of 1999, a Russian oil tanker sank while passing through Sea of ​​Marmara, at the same time considerable volumes of oil entered its waters. At present, the consequences of this event have been practically eliminated.

Temperature of the Marmara Sea

The average temperature in summer is 20 degrees Celsius, and in winter - 9 degrees. The Sea of ​​Marmara does not freeze. The salinity level is about 26 ppm on the surface, near the bottom - up to 38 ppm. This is approximately the same level as in the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, plant and animal undersea world Marble and Mediterranean seas similar in many ways. Fishing is well developed in the Sea of ​​Marmara.