The main attractions of Armenia on the map. Armenia: sights of the country (the most beautiful)

Today I’ll tell you about the sights of Armenia, some we visited ourselves, and some we didn’t have time to visit, which means there will be a reason to come again!

2. Khor Virap Monastery

It is located 42 km from the capital, near the border with Turkey. From here you can see one of the best views of Mount Ararat - the symbol of Armenia, which, by coincidence, ended up on the territory of another country. The border is closed and you can’t cross it here or anywhere else, but you can admire the mountain itself.

Khor Virap

It is best to arrive early in the morning by taxi or your own car, before the clouds cover Ararat from the foot to the top. The monastery itself is famous for the fact that Gregory the Illuminator was imprisoned here for 15 years, who was released when he cured the king of his illness.

3. Garni Temple

Located 30 km from Yerevan. For a long time this temple lay in ruins, but was restored during Soviet times. The construction of the Garni fortress began in the pre-Christian period of Armenia, and thanks to its favorable location, the citadel protected citizens from invasions.

Garni is the only monument of the Hellenistic and pagan era in Armenia.

4. Geghard

If you drive further along the road after Garni, you will come to the Geghard Monastery. It is located in the gorge of the Goght River, 40 km from Yerevan. Geghard is just very atmospheric place— some of the temples are carved right into the rock, and the patterns on the walls are mesmerizing. There is silence and twilight inside, a sacred spring flows straight from the rock. The water is cold and tasty!

It is believed that it was founded in the 4th century, and the name comes from the word “spear”. According to legend, a spear was brought here with which they pierced the body of Jesus Christ during the crucifixion. An object world heritage UNESCO.

5. Echmiadzin

Etchmiadzin is the most significant spiritual center for Armenians. Here is the residence of the Catholicos of all Armenians and important relics: a piece of Noah’s Ark, the spear that pierced Christ. The monastic complex was built in 303 and now includes Cathedral and educational institutions. Nearby in the city there are several more temples and a museum with a collection of medieval art.

6. Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory

It is located on the slope of Mount Aragats, 35 km from Yerevan in the village of Byurakan. Quite an unusual landmark of Armenia, one of the leading institutions of the Armenian Academy of Sciences. As far as I know, there is an unofficial hotel at the observatory where you can spend the night and book night excursion watch the stars.

7. Amberd Fortress

It is located a little further up towards Aragats. In the 10th-13th centuries it was an ordinary estate of the princes of Pakhlavuni. It was built to protect against attacks by the Romans, Persians, and Turks. Like Garni, the Amberd fortress is located on an inaccessible cliff - in ancient times, people wisely chose a place to build fortresses.

8. Lake Kari

High Mountain Lake Kari Lich (“lich” means “lake” in Armenian) is the end point of the road leading along the slope of Aragats, located at an altitude of more than 3000 meters. Coming here in the summer, you will find salvation from the heat of the Ararat Valley, because there may well be snow on the surrounding slopes even at this time. Doesn't lead to the lake very well good quality road, so allow plenty of time for the trip, and in winter the path here is closed due to snowfalls.

As they say, there is a cafe on the banks where they prepare the best khash in Armenia.

9. Mount Aragats

The most high mountain Armenia with four peaks up to 4090 m above sea level. The southern peak is easy to climb even for inexperienced tourists, but the northern peak requires serious skills. In any case, I recommend taking a guide if you are going to these places - you can find one in Yerevan at one of the travel agencies.

A two-day train with a guide, including accommodation, meals and transportation will cost about 45,000 AMD per person.

9. Lake Sevan

Armenians call Lake Sevan the sea. Its clear and cold waters are home to trout and other fish, as well as crayfish, which are sold cheaply everywhere. Sevan is located 70 km from Yerevan, and residents of the capital escape from the summer devastation here: many holiday houses have been built on the shore, boats are rented, excursions are held - a real Armenian resort.

10. Sevanavank Monastery

It is worth remembering that the city of Sevan is not exactly on the shore of the lake, but the Sevanavank monastery is located on a peninsula far from the city. From the parking lot there are stairs leading up to the monastery on the hill. From here it opens good view to the lake.

The peninsula was once an island, and monks settled here in the 8th century and built a chapel. Over time, there were more monks, and walls were erected around the island and three temples were built, and that’s how the monastery appeared.

In summer it’s quite crowded here, souvenir sellers and just beggars sit on the stairs - that’s the atmosphere.

11. Hayravank Monastery

30 km south of the city of Sevan you will find another monastery, also located on the shore of the lake, but it is much less often visited by tourists. It is already 1100 years old, and the walls are made of red tuff, like many buildings in Armenia.

12. Noratus Cemetery

Even further to the south, in the ancient village of Noratus, there is a khachkar cemetery of the same name. Khachkars are stone steles with the image of a cross. In these places you can wander and think about the eternal on a windswept plain.

If you want to drive through a completely non-tourist Armenia, go even further south along the coast towards Martuni and Vardenik. Go around the lake from the south - there are generally wild places there.

13. Tsakhkadzor

What to see and do in Armenia in winter? Of course, come to ski resort Tsakhkadzor. During the Soviet era, Soviet athletes trained here for the Olympics, and the city was recognized as one of the best resorts.

In the summer, the wind blows through the streets of Tsaghkadzor, but in the winter, skiers come from all over the area, including those from Russia. The hotels are full, and the price tag on everything is rising. It's easy to rent ski equipment.

However, the lift works all year round, and he will take you to the mountain. Explore the forests on foot or rent a horse. The city also has the Kecharis Monastery and the Orbeli Brothers House-Museum.

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14. Dilijan

The road after Lake Sevan rises into the mountains, then dives into a tunnel, and emerges as if in another country. Dilijan is called Armenian Switzerland for its picturesque landscapes and dense green forests. Since Soviet times, the city has been a “base” of creative people: actors, directors, writers, artists. And I understand them - Dilijan is surrounded on all sides by mountains covered with hornbeam forest, and the air is clean, clean.

And, as you know, water in Dilijan is the second in the world after San Francisco;-)

Street of old Dilijan

15. Khagartsin and Goshavank monasteries

In Dilijan national park Khagartsin Monastery is located. It may not impress you after dozens of others in Armenia, but it’s nice to walk through the forest, maybe even pick mushrooms and berries. locals come here on weekends for a picnic, why not also have a get-together near a mountain river?!

Goshavank Monastery is located in the village of Gosh and was founded in 1188.

Haghartsin Monastery

16. Lake Parz

There, not far from Dilijan in the mountains there is Lake Parz. We got here just on a day off - there were people like in a city park. And they actually built a whole park on the lake: crossing the lake on ropes, bicycle rentals, cafes with music.

A pleasant place to come for half a day, take a walk through the surrounding forests, sit on the shore and, after such activities, have a nice lunch in one of the cafes.

17. Ijevan

Ijevan still lags behind Dilijan in the development of tourism, but things are moving slowly. The city is the center of the Tavush region and has a milder climate than its neighbor. But both there and there are several sources of mineral water.

Thanks to the mild climate, a lot of grapes and other fruits grow in the area, so Ijevan is considered a wine-growing region. You can visit the winery as well as the local museum. Local craftsmen were famous for their ability to weave carpets, and during Soviet times, the largest carpet weaving factory in Transcaucasia was located in Ijevan. It may well be that your grandmother’s carpet is from Ijevan;-)

You can travel 35 km by car or bicycle along serpentines and mountain villages from Ijevan to Berd. It promises to be good adventure, but we left this idea for the second visit, not all at once.

18. Debed Canyon

On the road from Yerevan to Tbilisi lies the picturesque Debed Canyon with steep cliffs and a mountain river flowing somewhere far below. In the canyon there are the monasteries of Sanahin and Haghpat, which are included in the list of world cultural heritage UNESCO.

Here, every village preserves history, and each has a church. It is also interesting to look at the post-apocalyptic landscapes in the mining town of Alaverdi, where copper is mined. Some ash dumps, destroyed buildings, crumpled metal...

19. Noravank Monastery

Noravank is located a few kilometers from the main Yerevan-Goris highway and rises in a very picturesque area. Just like the surrounding gorge, the monastery is built of red stone and thanks to this it looks unusual.

In the 13th-14th centuries Noravank was cultural center and the residence of bishops. The road to the monastery is truly breathtaking and passes through steep cliffs and scorched earth. The landscapes are a little Martian!

20. Jermuk

Jermuk is small resort town, located at an altitude of 2100 m above sea level. This is where the legendary mineral water is produced. In the drinking gallery, everyone can drink water for free, and it differs in temperature and properties: different water flows from different taps.

Everything in Jermuk is nice and cultured: old people talk near sanatoriums, holding glasses of mineral water in their hands, young people roller-skate or run around artificial lake. This is exactly how I imagined a Soviet resort. Now they are investing money in the city and slowly rebuilding it, the Hayatt Hotel and other pretentious hotels have already appeared.

A deep gorge runs through the city, descending into which you can find a waterfall.

21. Zorats-Karer

One of the most unusual and mysterious sights of Armenia is 220 stone slabs up to three meters high, some of them have round holes up to 10 cm in diameter. The name translates as “warrior stones.” Zorats-Karer is located 6 km north of the city of Sisian on a scorched plateau, blown by all the winds.

There is no exact version about the purpose of this structure: they write that the builders had good knowledge of astronomy, and the stones were built to observe the stars. According to another version, it is simply a cattle pen or a burial mound.

22. Shaki Waterfall

Near Sisian there is the Shaki waterfall, 18 meters high.

23. Tatev

Tatev Monastery and cable car to it - this is something that is definitely worth seeing in Armenia! The monastery was built on a rock near a cliff in the Vorotan Gorge, and this is one of the most picturesque places in the country. And the view that opens from Tatev is simply fabulous.

The “Wings of Tatev” cable car is the longest reversible cable car in the world and is laid at an altitude of up to 300 m above the gorge. Just imagine - you are flying at such a height, and below you is an infinitely deep gorge and endless serpentines.

You can also go along the road, then be sure to look at the so-called Satan's Bridge at the very bottom of the canyon. Near Tatev you can take several short walks through the surrounding villages and forests.

Holidays in Armenia are one of the best options, if you want to look at ancient monuments, feel the color new country, see beautiful mountains and even heal the soul and body. The country offers ample opportunities for those who are looking for ways to combine the useful with the interesting and will definitely be able to surprise. What to see, where to go and what you need to know about Armenia? About this and much more below.

Getting to know the republic

Armenia is one of the oldest countries in Transcaucasia with rich history and architectural monuments. Since she was one of the first to accept Christianity, this was reflected in numerous monasteries, churches and other religious buildings. The oldest cities that can be found in this country date back approximately 3000 years, with large beautiful castles and fortresses, distinctive architecture and beauty.

Where is

This high mountainous country is located on the Armenian Plateau. Its height is approximately 1,700 meters above sea level, its total area is 29.75 thousand square meters. km. It neighbors Georgia in the north, Azerbaijan in the south, and the west and south of the country with the Turkish border. The famous Ararat Valley is also located here. It is important to remember that the time difference with Armenia is plus one hour Moscow time. When going on a trip, you should remember this.

Armenia Map

How to get there from Moscow

The easiest way to get to Armenia is by air. Since there is no direct railway connection with Russia, suitable option There will also be motor transport or a bus. The best way is through Georgia.

Several direct flights depart from Moscow and head to the country's main airport near the capital Yerevan. Planes take off almost daily and different time, so choosing the right flight will be easy.

You can fly from Russia on flights of the following companies:

  • Aeroflot - flies directly from Moscow;
  • Air Armenia is the national carrier;
  • "Siberia" - departure from Moscow daily;
  • Vim-Avia also flies from Moscow every day.

Since there is no direct route from Moscow to the country by train, you will have to travel with transfers, and the price will be the same as a plane ticket.

If you are planning a trip to Armenia by car or bus, then you should know that the distance between Moscow and Yerevan is approximately 2250 km. When traveling this way, you must have documents for the car with you.

Popular holiday destinations

Mountains, monasteries, ancient civilizations, wonderful climate, delicious cuisine - all this is widely represented in Armenia. Rest, first of all, involves visiting the capital of the country - Yerevan. In the city you can find monuments of ancient civilizations, which are intricately intertwined together. Not far from this city is ancient capital the great country of Urartu, one of the oldest capitals of the past.

It is worth paying attention to another city - Dilijan. Here is the largest number of monasteries located in the mountains and sanatoriums offering treatment in thermal springs. The country also has a ski resort, Tsakhkadzor, which offers tourists a variety of conditions for recreation and training.

Holidays in Armenia also involve visiting the ancient ruins of the capital of the state, Urartu, not far from Baku. This country is also interesting because it is considered one of the first to adopt Christianity. Temple complex Etchmiadzin is considered one of the most popular; its appearance and construction date back to the beginning of our era, which is confirmed by the very fact of the appearance of Christianity in these territories.

Armenia is one of the most ancient countries, famous for its winemaking. Wine began to be made here many centuries ago. The ancient Armenians believed that this was a blessing from the gods, and therefore they especially revered the place where grapes grew-Ararat Valley.

Another holiday destination popular among tourists is the Ararat Valley. Almost all tours to Armenia offer a variety of opportunities to visit this truly unique place. The valley itself is a plain in the Armenian Highlands west of Lake Sevan. The Araks River flows through it, which divides it into two parts - the large one, which belongs to Armenia, and the small southern part - part of Turkey. It is also notable for the fact that in hot weather summer days above it you can see something truly unique a natural phenomenon- Sun shine.

Temperature and climate of Armenia

The climate in the mountains is more severe, and therefore attracts lovers of traveling along the mountain slopes. In the Ararat Valley it is milder, but in the capital it can be very hot. In summer the temperature rises to +40 °C. That's why, best time For traveling to the country there will be the beginning of spring and autumn, when there are not yet or no longer such high temperatures. Winters in the mountains are very harsh, but excellent for skiing and winter sports. The season starts in December and ends in March.


The water temperature at the country's resorts varies. In the warm season in Lake Sevan it does not exceed +18 °C, which is quite cool. In spring and autumn it does not fall below +15 °C. In winter, conditions are more severe, so the temperature can drop very much, about 4-7 degrees on average.


In the foothills the average temperatures are summer time are +24…+26 °С. In winter they drop to +5 °C. It's much cooler in the mountains; depending on the altitude, the temperature ranges from +10 °C to +20 °C in hot weather, and in winter - from +2 °C to -15 °C. During spring and autumn, frosts are very common, sometimes the temperature drops quite significantly - down to -28 ° C.

Popular beaches

Most of the beaches in the country belong to the resort areas of Armenia and are located near Lake Sevan. Near it there are mountains and National Park.

Among the special entertainments offered at the resorts of Armenia, it should be noted the possibility of fishing - trout, pike perch, barbel and others. A license can be purchased right there, on the spot, from local companies that organize water tours.

Any trip to Armenia also includes a visit mineral resorts- Vanadzor, Arzni, Hankavan, Dilijan, where you can also find small beaches for relaxation.

Ski resorts and active recreation

40 kilometers from Yerevan to the north is one of the most popular ski resorts in the country. In the valley of the Marmarik River, more than 1900 meters above sea level, you can see Tsaghkadzor - it’s 13 km ski slopes. Here you can find one of the largest in the country sports complexes. There are also swimming pools, a stadium, a stable, a sauna and other sports facilities that can be used for relaxation and active pastime. Well, after active activities, you can visit many restaurants and cafes that will pamper you with their delicious national cuisine. If the question arises about what you can see in Armenia in winter, then visiting and relaxing at this resort will be the best options.

Must-sees: attractions

It is best to start a tour to the country from the capital. This is one of the largest and main attractions, which is located in the heart of the Ararat Valley. In the ancient dialect, the name of the city sounds like Erebuni, mentions of which date back to several centuries BC. The city was one of the largest in history, and was also famous for its trade. Here you can see Republic Square, which is located in the center, Mashtots Avenue, and many museums. Yerevan is very easy to navigate and travel. Among historically interesting places We can highlight: the Yerevan fortress of the 16th century, the Matenadaran - an institute that houses ancient manuscripts, the Sardarapat memorial complex, and of course churches, of which there are a great many here.

The first church in the world was built in Armenia. This is the Etchmiadzin Cathedral, which was the first of the documented ones. Its construction dates back to approximately the 4th century.

The city of Ashtarak is famous for its Karmvor Church, which is located on a mountain slope. Amberd Fortress, the ancestral domain of the princes of Pahlavuni, is one of the best preserved castles.

Travel to Armenia is limited to visiting modern cities. Armavir is the ancient capital of Armenia. Located on the left coast of the Araks. At first it was a fortress, which over time turned into Big city. Nearby is Artashat, which is often called the Armenian Carthage. Here the number of ancient monuments is the largest in the country. The capital of the Middle Ages, Dvin, is still under the supervision of archaeologists.

Artsakh has almost 2 thousand architectural monuments, and 600 of them are monastery complexes. The number of churches here has exceeded 500.

Nightlife in Armenia

For those who want to relax more actively, Yerevan offers many opportunities for night walks. After sunset, the entire city is illuminated with many colorful lights, especially in summer. Then life comes alive on the old streets of the capital. Especially many tourists and local residents relax on Revolution Square, where you can drink wine or coffee in a cafe. At 9 pm in the summer, multi-colored singing fountains turn on here - all you have to do is sit and enjoy the atmosphere.

There are also many fashionable clubs, cafes, and wine bars. Most of them are located in the center. Local performers always play in clubs; you can listen to both jazz compositions and fashionable music that is fun to dance to. The best thing is that entrance to such establishments is usually free for everyone.

Cafes, hotels, car rental

IN Lately the country offers quite wide opportunities for comfortable rest. Many cafes and restaurants offer their services both during the day and at night. Hotels have mostly retained the Soviet approach. This is due to the fact that the owners do not want to comply with the accepted classification. So don’t be surprised if you are served a very tasty dinner, but you still won’t get internet.


Since tourism has recently begun to develop with great strides, Armenia will surprise you with a variety of dishes. National cuisine is even one of the country's attractions. In any cafe, restaurant or other similar place, you will be offered lots and lots of greens, cheeses, vegetables, meat and definitely lavash! These are traditional components of Armenian cuisine. And also fermented milk matsun, a variety of salty snacks, twisted Chechil cheese, salads with beans and herbs, pilaf and, of course, shish kebab. This is only a part of all the delicious dishes that you will be hospitably offered to taste.


Hotels offer their services in all the largest cities of the country. Accommodation services are also offered by sanatoriums located in the most popular resorts. The most convenient and best hotels is located in the capital. They offer both transfer and winter gardens for viewing, and swimming pools with solariums.

New hotels are rarely built in the country. Therefore, even if the hotel category is calculated as 5 stars, the service corresponds to the 2-3 star category.


Buses are the main mode of transport. It connects almost everything big cities. But it is very important to remember that this type of transport rarely has a clear schedule of movement and shipments. Buses usually depart when they are full.

You can also travel by car, which can be rented in the capital. But this will require special driving skills - the country’s roads are very worn out, and mountainous areas and are generally absent. Traffic rules will also be problematic, since local residents accustomed to moving without signals and markings.

Shopping in Armenia

If we talk about shopping in this country, then we immediately need to mention a unique symbol - carpets. This is the real pride of Armenians. You can buy them both in specialized stores in Yerevan and in the market, where prices will be more reasonable. They all differ in color and national symbols.

Another souvenir that you can buy here is cognac. You can find it in any store, and the quality will be the best! You can also return home with copper Turks, bronze figurines, and amulets dolls.

Places for wellness

Transcaucasia has always been famous for its fresh, healing mountain air, mineral springs and beautiful landscapes. The best places There will be local resorts for recreation. Based on mineral springs- Hankavan, Arevik and Arzni. It is also recommended to visit one of the most large resorts Vanadzor. Jermuk and Dilijan also offer health and recreation services. More leisure offers the ski resort Tsakhkadzor.

Armenia and security

An important aspect of visiting the country will be maintaining special safety measures on the road. Since the local population does not strictly adhere to traffic rules, this can lead to accidents and injuries. Prepare for the fact that pedestrians will also cross the road right in front of your nose. It is difficult to buy good gasoline, so if you are concerned about the safety of your car’s engine, it is better to buy it in the capital.

Lighting on the streets is very poor, so traveling by private vehicle at night is prohibited, especially without the accompaniment of a person who knows the area.

The export and import of antiques is prohibited in Armenia, precious stones, art, drugs and weapons. It is better to declare large sums of money.

Holidays in Armenia are an opportunity not only to look at beautiful landscapes, enjoy fresh mountain air and relax at mineral springs. Here you can also see interesting sights, enjoy delicious national cuisine and observe unique traditions that are still passed on.

Armenia is one of the most ancient states on earth. Largely in connection with this, the country received a second name - a museum under open air.

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Sights of Armenia. The most interesting and main attractions of cities and regions of Armenia: photos and descriptions, location. What to see in Armenia in winter for tourists.

Armenia is one of the most ancient states on earth. Largely in connection with this, the country received a second name - an open-air museum.

There are more than 40 thousand historical monuments in the country. AND for the most part its are Christian monasteries and churches.

Highest density main attractions of Armenia concentrated in the vicinity of Yerevan and Kumayri.


There are many monuments in the city, including one of ancient temples in Europe - Zvartnots, the construction of which dates back to the 7th century AD, the center of the Armenian-Gregorian Church of Etchmiadzin, the most magnificent temples Hripsime And Gayane, and also famous throughout the world Institute of Ancient Manuscripts. The capital of Armenia is beautiful zoo And Botanical Garden , the remains of an ancient Roman fortress and an 18th century mosque. We recommend visiting historical Museum , in which there are many interesting exhibits, such as keys to Yerevan fortress and numerous samples of clothing and utensils of townspeople.

A cross carved from stone. This Armenian phenomenon is a symbol of centuries-old and severe suffering of the people, sacrifices and blood loss. The monument is one of the most impressive landmarks in Armenia .

Pagan temple in Garni

The fortress and temple of Garni was built in the 3rd millennium BC. Previously there was a cyclopean church in this place ancient church- birdshena. During the reign of the kings from the Yervandid dynasty, Garni was their residence and the location of their troops. Another outstanding work of ancient architects is the Princely Residence of Tsar with the churches of St. Sargis, St. Grigor and Surb Astvatsatsin and the Getamech monastery (XII-XIII centuries AD). The greatest miracle of Armenia is the Gandzasar Monastery (1216 - 1238), often called the pearl of architecture.

An ancient monastery, the first buildings of which were erected in the 4th century AD. Its name translates as “spear”. According to ancient legend, the spear with which Roman guards pierced Jesus Christ was kept in this monastery.

Memorial Complex

The monument to the victims of the Armenian genocide is located on the Tsitsernakaberd hill. The construction was completed in 1965, on the half-century anniversary of the genocide. Architecturally, it represents a 44-meter stele, symbolizing the revival of the Armenian people. Next to the stele there are 12 pylons, in the center of which is an eternal flame. Nearby are bas-reliefs that describe a tragic page in the life of Armenia.

The main natural attraction of Armenia. On the territory adjacent to the lake there is a beautiful National Park, which includes the lake itself, the depth of which reaches 86 meters, and the area is more than 1200 square kilometers. The nearby Khorovsky Nature Reserve is home to jackals, lynxes, Syrian bears and wild boars. There are also beautiful resorts in Armenia, such as Dilijan, Tsaghkadzor, Jermuk and many others.

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Armenia is called an open-air museum - it is real paradise for travelers who are not afraid of long routes, who are ready to leave the city road to climb a mountain or descend into a hard-to-reach gorge. Here you can feel the passage of centuries and get in touch with both the past and the present.

5 things to do in Yerevan

  • Step into the holy of holies of Yerevan - the citadel of the Erebuni fortress.
  • Take a photo in front of the magnificent five buildings on Republic Square.
  • Visit the Matenadaran Museum of Manuscripts - one of the world's largest collections of ancient texts.
  • Try the khorovats kebab and wash down your meal with homemade wine.
  • Buy an excellent carpet with meaning from the legendary “Tufenkian Carpets”.


In ancient times, a beautiful fortress was erected in the village of Garni - a monument to the history of Armenia in ancient times. It was located on a high rocky cliff, surrounded on three sides by deep gorges of almost vertical rocks. On the flat side, the builders erected a powerful wall 26 meters high from large basalt blocks connected with iron brackets and filled with lead. For almost 7 centuries, the fortress served as the residence of the kings of Armenia.

On the territory of the fortress there was also one of the few pagan temples of the Hellenic era preserved in Armenia - the Temple of the Sun, dedicated to the god Mithras (known in this region as Mihr), built in the 1st century AD. Greek slave builders. During the earthquake of the 17th century. the temple was seriously damaged, but in the middle of the 20th century. This historical place was completely restored. During the Christian era, Armenian kings used the Sun Temple as summer residence or “House of Cool.”


Geghard Monastery is an ancient building of the 4th century. was originally the Ayrivank monastery. Its buildings have practically not survived, since the monastery was repeatedly attacked and looted. In subsequent centuries, new buildings dating from the 10th to 13th centuries were erected in its place.

The new name of the monastery Geghard is translated as “Spear”. According to legend, it contained the spear of Longinus, with which a Roman guard pierced Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Most of The beautiful churches and monastic cells of Geghard are carved into the rocks of the Garni River gorge.


Ashtarak is a beautiful town surrounded by gardens, which is considered one of the most ancient settlements in Armenia. The gorge of the beautiful mountain river Kasakh divides the city into two parts, offering a variety of cozy places to relax on its shores.