Greek island of Thassos: how to get there, where to stay, what to see? How to get to Thassos, independent trip Where is the island of Thassos in Greece.


According to myths, the first settler of the island was Thasos, who found himself there in search of Europa, the daughter of Eginor, who was kidnapped by Zeus. Thasos was unable to return Europe, and therefore, together with his retinue of Phoenicians, settled on the island, which has since bore the name of this hero. Herodotus also mentions the myth.

Story. Archaeological finds indicate that the island has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. It was later inhabited by the Phoenicians, who mined gold, iron and wood.

The first Greek tribes settled on the island in the 7th century. BC, these were immigrants from the island of Paros. The settlers adopted the knowledge of metal mining from the Phoenicians, and also established trade and cultural relations with Athens, the Cyclades and other Greek colonies on the coast of Macedonia.

Thasos reached its peak in the archaic period, the islanders owned a powerful military merchant fleet, and maintained trade relations with other islands Aegean Sea, Athens, Corinth and Ionia, their coinage gained power, and they also founded colonies.

Limenas was surrounded by fortress walls and three watchtowers, the ruins of which remain to this day. The fortress walls were destroyed three times: first by order of the Persian king Darius, and subsequently twice during the Peloponnesian War (between Athens and Sparta in the 5th century BC).

In 340 B.C. the island was captured by Philip II and annexed to Macedonia. In 281 B.C. the island temporarily gained independence when the Gauls invaded Greek territories and defeated the Macedonians. However, in 202 B.C. the island was again annexed to Macedonia.

In 197 B.C. the population of the island accepted the Romans as liberators, the latter, in turn, granted certain privileges to the islanders. Civil wars Rome in the 1st century b.c.e. negatively affected the state of the island. The situation changed during the Roman Empire. Christianity began to spread on the island, apparently, in 52, when the Apostle Paul preached in the region.

In 365, an earthquake occurred, which caused great destruction in all the cities and settlements of the island; part of the island sank into the sea. In the VI century. pirate raids begin, which have been disturbing the local population for many centuries. In 565, the island was captured by the Arabs, however, during the reign of Emperor Heraclius, the island was included in the Byzantine Empire. In 765, the Slavs captured the island, capturing many of the inhabitants. After the capture of Thessalonica in 904, the Saracens attacked the island and plundered it, many of the inhabitants were captured and sold into slavery in the slave market.

Despite repeated pirate raids, Thasos remained an inseparable part of the Byzantine Empire. However, when the Crusaders captured Constantinople and almost all Byzantine territories in the Balkans in 1204, Thasos was given as a gift to the Venetian Doge Dandal, who assisted the Crusaders in their campaign against Constantinople.

The island again became part of the Byzantine Empire in 1261 after the return of Constantinople by Michael Palaiologos. In 1306, the Byzantines granted the island to the Genoese, who remained its masters until 1455, during which time the island flourished.

The Ottomans captured the island in 1455 and until 1912 Thasos was part of the Ottoman Empire. In the XVII – XVIII centuries. the island's population leaves the coastal areas and settles in mountainous areas escaping from pirate raids. In 1813, the Sultan granted the island to the rule of Mehmed Ali of Egypt. In 1821, an uprising took place on the island, which was suppressed.

On October 18, 1912, Greek troops landed on the island. The island became part of Greece. After the Asia Minor disaster, refugees from eastern Thrace and Asia Minor settled on the island. Since 1960, tourism has begun to develop on the island, which is currently the main source of income for the island's residents.

Excursion around the island. Those wishing to take a tour of the island are provided with two alternative options. First - you start the excursion from the capital of the island, the city Limenas, and follow the highway to the western part of the island towards the village of Lemenaria. Second, the starting point here is also Limenas, from the city you move in an easterly direction, reaching settlements such as Potto and Feologo.

Limenas (the word itself translated means port) has been an important city of the island since ancient times. The city was built in the northern part of the island. The ancient city was located in the same place where it is located modern city Limenas. The highest point of the city was the acropolis, located on the hills. There were temples in which treasures were kept. Due to the intensive trade relations of the city, Limenas had two ports: commercial and military.

The city was inhabited before its conquest by the Ottomans. After the conquest, pirate raids began and the population was forced to leave the city and settle in the mountainous areas.

The island's population began to return to the valleys after 1830. new town began to be built on the site of the old one. Mostly residents from the villages of Panagia, Rakhoni and Agios Georgios participated in the construction. In 1922, more than 600 refugees from Asia Minor and eastern Thrace settled in the city. Currently, the city of Lemenas has 3,130 inhabitants.

In summer, Limenos attracts a large number of tourists from all over Greece and abroad. Most of the city's population is employed in the tourism sector. There are hotels and rooms for rent in the city, and there are also many seaside taverns.

The following beaches are available for swimming:


Makriammos beach, located 4 km from Limenos.


In antiquity, there were two ports on the island. The first was located in the northern part of the island and was protected by a pier and a cyclic tower. The second port was located in the southeastern part of the island and was also defended by two smaller cyclic towers. The intensity of traffic in the ports was so great that there was a special regulatory system to prevent collisions between ships.

Currently, the first port is destroyed, the second, opposite, has been preserved and is used for parking of fishing boats.

Near the port, close to Archaeological Museum, in the northeastern part of today's city there are remains agora , which were found during excavations carried out in 1948 - 1955. The territory of the Agora was a rectangle of 80x100 m, which was surrounded on three sides by porticos, commercial premises and warehouses, and in the north-eastern side there were administrative buildings and sanctuaries. The agora was built in the 4th century. b.c.e. and was the commercial and cultural center of the city. From the Agora, the central street led to the Roman quarter with buildings of the 1st - 2nd centuries, this is the era when the city was under the rule of Rome.

From the port a paved road leads to the ancient Theater , located in the northern part of the city. The theater was built in the 5th century. BC, it could accommodate up to 3,000 spectators. During the period of Roman rule, the theater was repeatedly used for gladiator fights, chariot races and other spectacles.

From the theater a country road leads to the antique Acropolis cities. The location of the acropolis, located among three hills, is remarkable. The oldest remains of the acropolis date back to the 5th century. b.c.e. The temple, located in the acropolis, was dedicated to Pythias Apollo. On another hill there was a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena; the temple was probably originally built during the Archaic period and reconstructed in the 5th century. b.c.e. Between the hills is the sanctuary of the god Pan.

On the last hill, which is the steepest, was the last line of defense of the islanders. The wall here was more powerful, with two towers.

Northeast of the trading port ancient city there was a sanctuary of the gods Zeus, Athena, Artemis, Persephone and Nymphs. A Christian basilica of the 5th century was built on the ruins of this sanctuary. Today in this place there is a small church of the Holy Apostles.

There is a settlement 15 km from Limenas Bringing , which gained fame after the discovery of oil deposits in the sea.

The new settlement of Skala Prinu, founded by seashore, is an area of ​​unique natural beauty, with beaches and clean sea ​​water, fashionable tourist complexes and campsites are also located here.

Casaviti village

Picturesque mountain village Casaviti is located 7 km from the settlement of Prinos and 24 km from Limenas. This is perhaps one of the most picturesque villages on the island. Preserving its traditional appearance.

Traditional Macedonian architecture is represented here even in new houses

Not to mention the old ones

You can stop for lunch or just drink coffee in the central square of the settlement with centuries-old plane trees.

The village of Limenaria and the beaches of the area

The coastal settlement is located 41 km from Limenas, located at the foot of a small hill jutting into the sea. The local population is mainly employed in tourism; the most beautiful beaches here are

Beach spotTripiti

Sami beach Tripiti

Psili Ammos beach area,

Psili Ammos beach itself

Next village - Kaliva , in the vicinity of the village there was an ancient settlement. Here you can visit the private Papageorgiou Museum, which exhibits exhibits from the Classical, Hellenistic and Byzantine periods, as well as folk art.

The settlement of Potos and the beaches of the area

Settlement Pothos was located 7 km from Limenaria and 48 km from Limenas. The settlement is famous tourist place islands, there are many hotels and rooms for rent.

Beach of Saint Anthogios (Agios Antonios)

Roussogremos beach

Those wishing to visit the oldest traditional settlement of the island, Feologo , begin their journey from the settlement of Potos (After Kalyvya). The settlement of Theologos was built in the interior of the island in an area rich in vegetation. During the period of Ottoman rule, the Ottomans settled in the area, who built today's settlement. Later the settlement turned into administrative center islands, it became the most densely populated. Today, the settlement retains its traditional picture; many stone manors remain to this day.

Another traditional settlement of the island is Panagia , built in the 18th century, after residents of coastal areas left their homes due to repeated pirate raids. This is a settlement with the largest number churches and chapels on the island. In the center of the settlement is the main church of the Assumption of the Virgin.

A few kilometers from the settlement is the most famous sandy beach of the island - Chrysi Ammos, which stretches for 3.5 km.

Another picturesque village Potamya located at the foot of Mount Ipsario. A trail leads from the village to Mount Ipsario for those who wish to climb.

And a few more beaches

Salyara beach is located 5 kilometers from Makri Ammo beach, the beach is also called Marmara, from the marble effect of snow-white sand one of famous beaches islands

Petra beach which means stone. The beach is so named for objective reasons, it is located west of Tripiti

The beach or more precisely the peninsula with two beaches of Alykes

Gkiola beach. This is not a beach, but something like a natural pool.

Monastery of the Archangels is the main attraction of the island

The Monastery of the Archangel Michael is located twenty-five kilometers from the city of Limenaria. It is the largest and one of the most famous monasteries on the island of Thassos.

Built in the 18th century, it was initially dependent on the Philotheus Monastery on Mount Athos. This is largely why the monastery of the Archangel Michael preserved a collection of religious articles and works by monks. Part of the Holy Nail from the crucifixion of Jesus is also kept here.

The monastery is for women. During your visit, strict rules for visitors must be observed, which primarily concern clothing. For men - long trousers, for women - long skirts and blouses with long sleeves.

It should be noted that the monastery is located on the edge of a cliff. This fact turns it into a kind of observation deck, which offers stunning views of the Aegean Sea.

This point in preparation for an independent trip is the very first, since since 2014, in order to obtain a Schengen Greek visa, an advance payment of at least 30% of the stay at the hotel is required. If you plan to live where they cannot provide you with proof of reservation (payment will be in cash, for example), you will have to organize payment of this 30%, for example, at the booking office, in any hotel. And then you either say goodbye to this prepayment immediately, or you can return it - depending on the booking conditions of a particular hotel.

*Amendment. Since 2016, prepayment for the hotel has been canceled again.

We are preparing a visa

Regular Greek Schengen. You can order it from an agency, or you can contact the consulate yourself. The amount of body movements and time spent will be approximately the same in both cases. I prepared the documents, handed them over and picked them up. In this case, you will pay a commission to the agency for assistance in obtaining a visa. If you apply for a visa yourself, you can get all the information on applying on the website of the embassy or consulate, as well as call them. They answer in detail and clearly.

Buy plane tickets to Thessaloniki

You can buy a ticket to Athens, but this route is more expensive in terms of time and money. From Athens you will need to get either to Kavala (again by plane) or by bus to Thessaloniki (5-6 hours drive along the highway). To obtain a visa, you do not need air tickets, you need a prepaid hotel reservation. Therefore, you can look for tickets later in the trip, perhaps you can catch a last-minute charter ticket.

From Thessaloniki to Thassos - how to get there.

From Thessaloniki Airport the easiest transfer to Thassos. Or rather, the easiest one is from Kavala airport (then it’s only 1.5 hours to Thassos by ferry), but you can’t fly to Kavala from Russia without transfers.

    So, you have two options to get from Thessaloniki to Thassos.
  • Drive along the Thessaloniki-Kavala route
  • Drive along the Thessaloniki-Keramoti route

This is the same road, just Keramoti is a little further from Kavala. From either of the two towns you can take a ferry to the island.

Thessaloniki - Kavala, Keramoti

We arrive at Thessaloniki airport, from where we need to get to the town of Keramoti or Kavala to take a ferry to the island. Options:

  • we rent a car (then you will have to pay for its transportation to the island by ferry),
  • we take a taxi (very expensive),
  • We go by bus (comfortable with air conditioning, not expensive, you can sleep after the flight). The journey along the highway will take approximately 2.5 hours.

Bus Thessaloniki-Kavala

Bus departure to Kavala from Thessaloniki bus station every hour. To get to the bus station from the airport, it will take about 20 minutes by bus or taxi. Thessaloniki-Kavala distance is about 130 km. Ticket price is about 16 euros per adult.


Ferries from Keramoti run much more frequently and arrive at the main port of Thassos - Limenas. Travel time is 40 minutes.

If you choose rarer ferries from Kavala, you will spend 1.5 hours on the ferry and arrive at the port of Prinos, this is the second port of Thassos. If Prinos is closer to your hotel, you might want to take the ferry option from Kavala.

Port of Thassos

Once at the island's port, to get to the hotel, you will have to use a taxi or immediately rent a car.

Cars in the port are not the cheapest, so you can rent only for a day, and then look for a better option. You can also check the bus schedule and use it. But believe me, after such a long transfer you hardly want to wait for municipal transport with suitcases at the ready, especially during siesta. And the bus is unlikely to stop at the doorstep of your hotel; it does so at stops.

Thassos is an island in the northern Aegean Sea, located opposite the coast of Eastern Macedonia. It is Greek territory and is located only 12 km from the mainland. The length of the island's coastline is 115 kilometers.

From Balkan Peninsula The island itself is separated by the Thassos Strait. Main city The island also bears this name, but is also known as Limenas or simply “port”. Not far from modern Thassos, the ruins of the ancient city of Thassos, founded about 3 thousand years ago, were discovered. Historically, it is part of the larger mainland region of Thrace, located to the south.

The rich vegetation of Thassos gives the right to call it the most green island Aegean Sea: olive trees, pines, cedars, spruces, lindens, dogwoods and other types of trees and shrubs approach the very tops of the mountains. green hills, snow-white beaches, small waterfalls in the wooded depths, marble rocks and clear sea enchant guests of the island. Lovers of nature, silence and antiquity prefer to relax here.

Due to its beauty, Thassos is called the “emerald island”, “green diamond of the Aegean Sea”, “island of the Sirens” and even the “marble island”, because. the mountains here are truly made of magnificent white marble, exported far beyond Greece.

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How to get there

There are no direct charters to Thasos, and therefore there are very few compatriots here. The most convenient way to get there is to fly to Thessaloniki (up to 250-300 EUR per person), then get to the port of Kavala near the city of Keramoti, from there by ferry to the island. There is also an airport in Keramoti, but there are no direct flights there from Russia.

Many people travel from the airport in a rented car, which can also be used to travel around the island. You can also get around the island by buses, which operate regular flights between local settlements, the coast and the capital of the island.

Search for air tickets to Thessaloniki (the nearest airport to Thassos)

Weather in Thassos

Thassos is the most northern island Greece, whose climate is formed by forests (9/10 of the territory), a mountain range stretching from northwest to southeast, many springs and the sea surrounding the island in a dense ring. In summer it is very comfortable and less hot than other resorts in Greece, average temperature- 27-30°C.

Beaches of Thassos

Thassos is primarily a beach holiday. On the coast of Limenas, tourists will find the beautifully equipped beaches of Makriammos, Limanaki, Glyfada, surrounded by numerous hotels, shops, bars, taverns and pubs.

Near Limenaria lies the sandy beach of Tripiti. Along it there are also taverns, cafes, bars and shops traditional for the resort coast.

In the Potamya area there is the snow-white Potamyas beach. And between Panagia and Potamia there are the beautifully equipped beaches of Chrysi Ammoudia and Chrysi Akti, forming the Golden Sands resort area. Washed in crystal clean water, they are surrounded by dense vegetation that goes straight down to the sea. The shore here is flat, which is very convenient for families with children. Mount Ipsario, rising above the beach, protects the area from the winds and gives it additional charm.

Between the settlements of Aliki and Loutros there is another popular beach called Paradise Beach. Near Potos there is a magnificent kilometer-long beach, perfectly landscaped and therefore very popular - with camping sites and other opportunities for a varied recreation. Nearby there is a small but well-organized Pevkari beach, surrounded by pine trees. The area owes its name to the magnificent pine forests nearby - “pevka” translated from Greek means “pine trees”.

Popular hotels in Thassos

Resorts and towns of Thassos

The port of Limenas is the commercial and administrative center of the island. The ancient city of Thassos was once located here. The ruins of the fortress wall, acropolis, theater, temple of Apollo, market square (Agora), old port, etc. have survived to this day. In the old part there is the temple of St. Nicholas and the Vatopedi monastery, called the symbol of Limenas. In addition, it houses a rich museum telling about ancient history terrain. Even higher in the mountains there is evidence of pagan times - a cave-sanctuary of the ancient god Pan, on the wall of which a relief with a flute in hand is still visible.


Limenaria is the second largest city on Thassos. The main attractions are the fortress, built at 600 m above sea level, and the Palataki Palace on a cape jutting into the sea. This is a two-story rectangular building with picturesque towers in an eclectic style, built at the beginning of the 20th century by the management of the German company Speidel, which at that time was mining ore in Thassos. Today it's local Cultural Center. There are many buildings in the area built by the Turks during their rule on the island until the beginning of the 20th century, as well as buildings in the neoclassical style.


Above Limenas is the settlement of Panagia, the main attraction of which is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which houses many ancient icons from the 14th to 17th centuries. Among them, the most revered icon is the icon of the All-Seeing Mother of God. Also kept here is a red and white banner from the Crusades that belonged to Richard the Lionheart.


Mountain village of Potamya on the slopes of Ipsario - the most high mountain islands (1,203 m) - offers travelers a beautiful view of the surrounding area. It also houses the Vagis Museum of the Greek-American sculptor Polygnotos Vagis Hadzigeorgiou, who was born here in 1892.

Cape Aliki

Cape Aliki is one of the most beautiful and most visited places on the island. The main attraction is the temple built in the 7th century. BC e., behind which there are ruins ancient settlement. Nearby is convent Archangel Michael, patron saint of the island. The monastery houses part of the holy cross on which Christ was crucified. The monastery itself is located on the edge of a high cliff and looks at Holy Mount Athos, which is visible in the distance, in a slight haze.

Pothos and Theologos

In the vicinity of Potamya there is another tourist centre- Pothos, popular among lovers of noisy recreation. For those who like to party until the morning, there are many discos, cafes, bars and traditional taverns. A little higher in the mountains is the settlement of Theologos, where many old mansions have been preserved. Thanks to its architecture, the village of Theologos was declared a “traditional settlement” by the Greek state in 1979, thanks to which many of the buildings were restored. Maintaining the title of a museum under open air, local residents Every June, a folk festival is held here to represent the traditional wedding ceremony.


Kastro means “fortress” in Greek. This is actually a fortress in the central part of the island, located at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level among ravines and gorges. Now abandoned, it was built by the Gattilusie family from Genoa, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the walls. Here is the most old temple islands - the Church of St. Athanasius. On the day of St. Athanasius, January 18, the fortress comes alive with festivities in honor of the revered saint, and residents from all over the island flock here.

Sotiras and Prinos

At the foot of Ipsario, at an altitude of 380 m above sea level, lies the charming village of Sotiras, famous for the ancient ruins of former settlements, traditional village architecture and a drinking spring from 1888.

Prinos is the largest and most populous settlement in the western part of Thassos. This is cultural and community Center area, thriving due to the oil deposits found here. Nearby is the beautiful monastery of St. Panteleimon, one of the most revered saints in Greece.

Other villages of Thassos

The settlements of Little and Big Kazaviti, Maries, Kallirachi and a number of others are excellent examples of traditional architecture, immersed in green gardens and climbing the slopes of the mountain as if on steps.

Local cuisine is represented in numerous traditional taverns. The most authentic dishes are spit-roasted goat meat and local homemade wine.

In the very north of Greece, in the Aegean Sea, there is an amazing piece of land - the island of Thassos.

Its area is about 400 square meters. km, it is almost circular in shape: 22 km from west to east and 25 km from south to north, with a perimeter of about 90 km.

It would seem that it’s easy to get around it in a couple of hours by car, but how can you drive around this island without stopping to admire its spruce and oak forests, chestnuts and plane trees, beaches with white sand and the natural shadow created by the pine trees that sometimes grow at the very edge of the azure water.

Drinking water in Thassos is the purest and can be drunk from any source..
Greeks love to relax here, and so far there are very few Russians. Almost completely covered with forests, the island is often called “emerald”.
Its beaches are half empty and pristine.

You can only get here by ferry: this is both a drawback of Thassos and something that protects it from the destructive influence of the big world.

A little history

Thassos is a rich island. In addition to deposits of gold, copper and marble, the forests from which the ancients built ships have always been attractive. That is why Thassos was already a bone of contention between different peoples three thousand years ago.

Initially, the Thracians lived on it, but in the 2nd millennium BC. e. they were driven out by the Phoenicians. Then, at various times, this land was owned by the Athenians, Spartans, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, Venetians and Turks.

In the 7th century BC. Thassos became the center of a huge republic, where trade was the main industry. Vessels for wine, which were taken from the island for sale, are still found in different parts of the world, including in Russia.

At various times after this, Thasos was part of the Roman Empire, then after its fall it became part of the Byzantine Empire, but at any time it suffered from attacks by pirates.

However, the greatest damage to the local population was caused by the Ottoman Turks who captured Byzantium: a significant part of the inhabitants were killed, and out of 60 thousand people only 2.5 thousand remained on Thassos.

The island became part of Greece only in 1912, however, during the Second World War it was donated by Hitler to fascist Bulgaria, but not for long - in the summer of 1945 the island again became part of Hellas.

How to get there

Thassos is separated from mainland Greece by only 12 km of sea. But in the cities of Kavala and Keramoti, from which ferries go to the island, there is no international airports, so getting to your destination if you intend to relax on the “emerald island” is only possible with transfers.

When purchasing a tour from a tour operator in your homeland, you will most likely fly to Athens, and from there by domestic airlines to Kavala. In Kavala you will take the ferry and in half an hour you will be on the Greek Thassos.

If you are going to visit the island on your own, then from the Russian capitals it is possible, bypassing Athens, to fly directly to Northern capital Greece - Thessaloniki. Next you have two options:

  1. In Thessaloniki, rent a car and drive it to Kavala or Keramoti, and from there take the same ferry to Thassos (transporting a small car will cost 25 euros). This same car will be useful to you when exploring the island.
  2. Take bus number 78 from the airport (fare 1 euro) to the Thessaloniki Ktel Macedonia bus station and take the regular bus to either of the two cities - Kavala or Keramoti. The cost of a bus ticket from Thessaloniki to Kavala is 15 euros, round trip is 26 euros, travel time is 2.5 hours, distance is 153 km. Next – to the ferry (adult ticket 3 euros, child ticket – 1.5 euros). The flights have approximately the same travel time. The only difference is that the ferry from Kavala goes to the port of Prinos, and from Keramoti to the capital of the island, Limenas.


The capital of the island is the city of Limenas. It was previously called the city of Thassos, which is how it is sometimes designated on maps to this day, but since the 19th century locals began calling it Limenas. This is one of the ports of Thassos where tourists come from the mainland.

The capital is full of hotels, taverns, cafes and restaurants.

In the evening it is noisy and fun, you can hear music. People walk and get to know each other, spend time. Night life It flows on many embankments, along the beaches, where bars and restaurants are concentrated.

Prices match European standards; dinner for two with wine, meat and fish dishes, plus salad, will cost at least 40 euros.

If you move away from the coast a little deeper into the island, then in almost every quarter you will come across the remains of ancient buildings: former gates, majestic columns and walls of ancient buildings.

Take a walk near the old port, where you will definitely be offered a sea excursion on one of the many boats that will take you to picturesque bays where you can swim and even go fishing.

In the same area, it is impossible not to see the mountain with the ruins of an ancient theater rising above the city, and if you are not lazy and climb higher, you will be rewarded with a magnificent view of the island from above, and at the very top you will see an ancient fortress.
When you get here in the evening, you can watch a stunningly beautiful sunset.

By car in Thassos

There is a road along the coast, along the perimeter of the island.

In general, all cities and towns of Thassos are connected by paved roads with regular bus traffic, which are often branches from the main one - the ring one.
But it is much more convenient to use the services of Rent a Car (from 40 euros per day) to explore the island on your own.

Leaving the capital and turning left, you will come to one of the few sections that is not next to the sea.

The first settlement will be Panagia (Holy Mother of God). The church of the same name houses the most valuable and revered icons of the 14th-17th centuries, as well as the banner of Richard the Lionheart, which he carried with him during the Crusades.

The streets are quite narrow, there are a lot of tourists, so it is better to leave the car at the entrance.

In the center of the village, on the left side of the main street, there is an old oil mill, which is still in operation. You can immediately see it in action, and at the same time visit the store, which is more like a museum.

In addition to oil, they sell soap here. self made and Thasso olives. You won’t buy such dried sweet olives anywhere else in Greece.

Continuing to move along the circular road to the south, near the Potamya Rock you will see the Platania restaurant, where they often sell the unique Thasso honey.

Then you get to Aliki- one of the most visited and beautiful places on the island.
Leftovers ancient city with an ancient temple dating back to the 7th century BC, with inscriptions and pictures (including erotic ones) made by ancient Greek sailors preserved on the marble porticos.

Since the times of early Byzantium, marble was mined in Aliki, salt was mined, and later fishermen founded a village here.

The area has been declared historically valuable and construction is prohibited here; a small number of village dwellings are used as apartments for tourists.

Mountain village of Theologos, which is located 55 south of the capital, (from the village of Potos inland), the most populated in Thassos.
Not only tourists, but also Greeks come here specifically to taste the baby goat roasted on a spit. Together with homemade wine, this is the most authentic meal in Thassos.

If you decide to get to Theologos public transport, then you can do this by bus.

Flights depart from Limenas at 8.45, 9.45, 12.50, 14.50 and back at 6:00, 7.45, 10.40, 12.25, 16.30 - on weekdays, on Saturday - at 6.20, 9.45, 12.50, 14.50 to Theologos and at 6.00, 9.00, 1 1.10 , 16.30 – back to Limenas. On Sunday – one flight in the morning.

Pay attention to the beautiful beaches, with pine trees growing right at the very edge of the sea, at Skala Rahoni and Skala Prinu.

Island climate

During the hottest summer months it is noticeably cooler here than, say, Crete or Rhodes.

Temperatures in June and July rarely rise above +29, because this is the northernmost island of Greece.

In addition, deciduous and coniferous forests provide shade and significantly freshen the air.

The high season begins in the second half of May and ends in September, although the water temperature allows swimming until mid-October.
Average temperatures in Thassos during the season:

  • May: day +21, night +13, sea +18;
  • June: day +26, night +17, sea +22;
  • July: day +28, night +19, sea +24;
  • August: day +28, night +19, sea +25:
  • September: day +24, night +19, sea +23:
  • October: day +19, night +11, sea +20.


Despite its modest size ( coastline– only 115 km) Thassos can offer travelers more than two hundred hotels and guest houses. Renting villas, apartments and even rooms is also very common on the island. Hotels in Thassos are mostly economy class, but there are also those that will appeal to the most demanding guests.

Alexandra Golden Boutique Hotel 5*

The hotel is located in the village of Skala Panagias, 13 km from the port of Limenas on the very beautiful beach of Chrissi Amoudia, which translates as “golden sand”.

In several two-story houses, tourists will be treated to truly royal rooms with individual design, a jacuzzi and free internet.

The territory is divided into two parts by a small canal, between which there is a bridge; there are also several swimming pools.

The hotel operates on a half board basis, with guests eating in the gourmet restaurant.

Important detail: Alexandra Golden Boutique Hotel 5* can only accommodate persons over 18 years of age; families with children will not be accommodated there. In June Standart room will cost the couple about 60 thousand rubles per week.

Ilio Mare Hotels & Resorts 5*

The hotel is located 12 km from the capital of the island, in the town of Skala Prinu, right on the seashore, and consists of several 3-story buildings with marble floors and gardens with tropical vegetation around.

Holidays at Ilio Mare Hotels are a little more expensive, but you can and should relax here with children. The premises surprise with their unusual design, high ceilings and open verandas.

On the territory of the hotel, in addition to buildings, there is a swimming pool-lake with waterfalls, a pond with fish, and yet the main decoration of the landscape is a wonderful view of the sea. The hotel has its own sandy beach, where you can not only sunbathe, but also practice various sports.

Ilio Mare Hotels & Resorts 5* is so beloved by tourists that it received several international awards as the best Greek hotel. It is located near the village of Skala Prinu in the southwest of the island. The cost of staying in a hotel for a family with a child during the season starts from 80 thousand rubles per week.

Makryammos Bungalows Hotel 4*

Located in Limenos, a few dozen steps from own beach with white sand. Despite the fact that the hotel has 4 stars, reviews from tourists who have visited it are extremely enthusiastic. Largely due to the fact that the bungalows that make up this complex are located in a pine forest right on the seashore.

Peacocks and deer walk through the green area of ​​the hotel. The beach is ideal, with fine sand, easy access to the sea. The hotel itself is located in the suburbs of the island's capital.

In Makryammos Bungalows Hotel 4* there is animation, entertainment programs, a children's mini-club and even a small zoo. All of the above conditions have created the hotel's reputation as one of the best on the island for families with small children.

You can live here on a half-board basis, but the holiday cannot be called budget: the cost of two weeks of accommodation for a family with a baby in June starts from 130 thousand rubles.

Budget hotels

Many tourists write that Thassos is not a place for a fashionable holiday.

The size of the island literally encourages tourists to travel around it and be surprised by what they see, and not just cover themselves with a tan. Therefore, a huge number of people go to Thassos more for impressions than for comfort, and, accordingly, they choose inexpensive city or suburban hotels. Fortunately, there are a lot of them here. We can recommend small family hotels in the city of Limenas:

  • Akti Hotel 2*;
  • Aigeo Hotel 2*;
  • George Hotel 2+*;
  • Pachis Beach Hotel 3*.

The hotels are located almost in the center of the capital, there are many cafes, shops, taverns nearby, as well as some best beaches islands.
They are very cozy, the rooms have everything you need for a good rest.

By the way, you can live here either on a “breakfast only” basis or without food at all. The most important thing that is always appreciated by tourists is the warm family atmosphere in the hotel and very helpful staff.
There are similar hotels in any coastal locality Thassos. The price for accommodation here starts from 30,000 rubles for two per week.


Archaeological Museum in Limenas

In the very center of Limenas, next to the old port, in the middle of the last century, French archaeologists discovered the ruins of an ancient (4-2 centuries BC) agora (square), which was once an important trade and political center of the island.

The Archaeological Museum was built opposite the agora in 1935. In 1999, it was reconstructed, and today the museum amazes tourists with its size and exposition; many do not expect to see such a scale on such a small island.

A large, bright building with an excellent air conditioning system, entry costs 2 euros, open until 15.00.

The spacious marble halls contain the most significant finds made on Thassos: these are household items of numerous peoples who lived on the island, and statues of Greek deities, and much more.

Some exhibits are displayed in the open air where in ancient times there was an amphitheater and market. It must be said that in Limenas there are a lot of architectural monuments located right in the city, because the current capital of the island is located on the site historical capital- the city of Thassos.

Monastery of the Archangel Michael

The largest monastery on the island is located 25 km from Limenas.

Driving south along the ring road from the capital, turning west will take you to the Potos to Aliki section of the road. The monastery is located right next to the road, in a surprisingly picturesque area on the edge of a cliff, looking at Holy Mount Athos. He greets his guests with a sweet treat in the form of fruit lukkum.

The monastery is famous for the fact that since its construction in the 18th century it has been under the care of the Philotheus Monastery on Holy Mount Athos, so a valuable collection of religious articles has been preserved here.

But pilgrims are more often interested in another shrine - part of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. A wonderful story is connected with its discovery, which the nuns reverently tell to all pilgrims.

The Monastery of the Archangel Michael is a women's monastery, and to get here, men must wear long trousers, and women must wear floor-length skirts and long-sleeved blouses.

Admission is free, from 14.30 to 16.00 the monastery is closed.
The schedule of buses that go from Thassos to the monastery of the Archangel Michael is also posted in the Church of St. Nicholas, which is located in the city center between the agora and the entrance to the Archaeological Museum.

In Thassos, in addition to the monastery of the Archangel Michael, there are many holy monasteries.

Ancient Sanctuary

Passing the monastery of the Archangel Michael, the road leads you to the picturesque Cape Aliki.
At the cape is one of the most interesting attractions of the island.

This is a Sanctuary that was part of an ancient city many centuries ago.

On the threshold of one of the porticos, sailors who lived about two thousand years ago left pictures and inscriptions, mostly of erotic content.

Ruins surround beautiful nature– mountains, forests and sea, so a visit to this place will not only be informative, but will also allow you to take great photographs.

Natural attractions

There are several places on Thassos that seem to be created to surprise people. For example, Laguna Giola is a kind of pool with clean and warm water, separated from the sea only by a two-meter stone isthmus. The depth of the lagoon is about 3 meters, but when the sea is rough, the water in it rises and becomes a little colder. You have to get here from the town of Astris by car, along an unkempt rocky road, and then on foot – almost a kilometer, but it’s worth it.

Another “natural” attraction that you should definitely visit is Mount Ipsario, the most high point Thassos. The mountain offers wonderful views of the island. You can get to it from the town of Potamya.

When talking about the natural wonders of Thassos, one cannot fail to mention its truly fabulous beaches. Marbled sand on the coast is a distinctive feature of some of the island's beaches. Its unique color contrasts with the bright blue sea, making the seascapes here impossible to compare with any others.

Best beaches

Paradise– located on the south-eastern coast, in a green picturesque bay, 20 km from Thassos, on a section of the road between the villages of Kinira and Aliki.

You can get here by buses that run from Thassos 3 times a day from 10.30, from the stop opposite the left pier where the ferries arrive.
From the central highway to the beach you need to go downhill a little.

Awarded the Blue Flag, ideal for have a relaxing holiday, there is an area for nudists (the left side of the beach, if you are facing the sea).

The choice in beach bars here is not very large, the main thing is fast food. Sun beds and umbrellas are paid (7 euros per pair), even if you order from the bar that owns them. But it’s also okay to bring your own umbrella. There are changing cabins, showers and toilets (0.5 euros). The beach offers a fantastic view and you can take beautiful photos.

Pahis– a sandy beach on the northern side of the island, located near the Rahoni Rock, 7 km from Limenas.

A bus from Thassos will take you here for 2 euros, but you need to check the schedule, as it changes every month.

The beach is equipped for relaxation, there are bars and taverns, free sun loungers, as well as car parking. It is shallow and therefore convenient for families with children; its distinctive feature is the pine forest that approaches the water's edge.

Makryamos Beachcleanest beach on an island near the capital Thassos, holder of the Blue Flag.
Having left the capital to the east, you need to drive not along the ring road, but along the road that runs closer to the sea.
Pay attention to the signs for Makriammos, two kilometers of asphalt road will lead you to a separate gate. The beach is located there, next to the hotel with the same name.

The largest selection water activities and the best infrastructure is here, recommended for family vacation. On the beach there is even a small zoo with roe deer, deer and penguins; you are allowed to feed them, which children do with pleasure. Here everyone can choose a holiday at their own discretion. There are courts and volleyball courts, and the opportunity to go diving. Numerous bars and taverns, comfortable hotel nearby. By car there is a fee to enter here (2-3 euros per person), you can also get to Makryamos by water taxi.

Marble Beach- a secluded place on the east coast of Thassos with marble chips instead of sand.

You need to get to it the same way as to Makriamos, and then further along the sea to the east. The asphalt ends and a dirt road begins, sprinkled with marble chips, but generally flat and quite wide.
After 5 km you will reach a marble beach, the beauty of which is worth the slight inconvenience along the way.

The nearest hotel is a 40-minute walk from here, so the beach is almost never crowded.

Entrance and sunbeds are free, just make a reservation at a local bar.

The beach is small but magically beautiful. The marble chips are snow-white and the beach literally sparkles in the sun.

The infrastructure is excellent - changing cabins, toilets, in the cafe you can easily have a snack and order cold drinks.
Marble Beach can easily be considered one of the pearls of the island.

What to bring

As on any Greek resort, the island has a large selection of souvenirs or products of local traditional production - wine, honey, ceramics, sea sponges. But there is also something without which you simply cannot leave Thassos.

Olive oil. Greeks vacationing on the island stock up on oil here, and this says a lot. In the huge olive groves, thanks to the exceptional climate of Thassos, rare varieties of olives ripen, making it possible to produce oil of the highest quality. In any city on the island you will be happy to be greeted in specialized stores selling oil and related products.

Jewelry. There is a jewelry factory “Golden Iris” in Thassos, where three world-famous craftsmen work. Handmade jewelry is not cheap, but it has no equal in beauty. A guest of the island can place an individual order at the factory, and then receive it anywhere in the world.

Tours to Thassos

Standard tours

Few travel agencies will offer you a trip to Thassos; the road is very expensive in terms of money and time. Most often, tours to this island are sold from St. Petersburg, from where there are regular flights to Thessaloniki. The tour costs from 20,000 rubles per person, it includes:

  • transfer to the hotel and accommodation in it (as a rule, these are 3* hotels);
  • insurance;
  • meals according to the chosen program;
  • sightseeing tour of the island.

Since you rarely see Russians here yet, hotels often hold promotions where you can relax on Thassos a little cheaper.

Pilgrimage tours

A huge number of temples and monasteries on a small island, as well as relative proximity to Sacred Mountain Athos, on the Halkidiki peninsula, attracts pilgrims from Russia and other countries.

A week-long tour to the island with accommodation in a 3* hotel and visits to the largest churches and holy monasteries, as well as an excursion to Athos, costs approximately 45 thousand rubles per person.

Sometimes Thassos is just one of the pilgrimage points to the shrines of Greece.

If you are going to spend your holiday on this the most beautiful island in the Aegean Sea, then know that Thassos can be compared to a sanatorium or a country boarding house: everything here is leisurely, calm and extremely beneficial for health in general and nerves in particular.

You are unlikely to be able to have a blast, hang out and have fun with great shopping. But to breathe sea ​​air, mixed with the aroma of a coniferous forest, swim in the crystal clear sea and plunge headlong into the history of ancient Europe, best place just can't be found.

Small and picturesque island Thassos (Greece) is located in the northeast of the country, in the Aegean Sea. This is the northernmost and greenest Greek island, covered with forests, oak groves, chestnut and plane groves. The area of ​​Thassos is 450 km2, and the permanent population is just over 16 thousand. You can travel around the entire island in just one day.

A tranquil atmosphere reigns in this harmonious place, admiring fabulous landscapes and ancient sights. The island will appeal to those who love silence, picturesque nature and history. If you prefer a relaxing and educational holiday, then you will fall in love with this place.

How to get there

There is little in Thassos Russian tourists: probably due to the remoteness of the island from the nearest airport in Thessaloniki, where regular flights fly from Moscow. To get to the island, you first need to take bus 78 (ticket costs 1 euro) to the bus station, and then change to a regular bus to the port cities of Keramoti or Kavala (ticket costs 15 euros). The distance of 130 km can be covered by a rented car.

Then you need to take the ferry. From Kavala ferries go to the port of Prinos, from Keramoti to the capital of the island, Limenas. Transfer times are practically the same. For tickets you will need to pay 3 euros (adults) and 1.5 euros (children). A rented car can also be transported to the island for an additional fee (around 25 euros).

The isolation of the island creates certain inconveniences for travelers, because it is impossible to get to it without transfers. But thanks to this, Thassos remains quiet place with untouched nature, which is impossible not to admire.

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Villages and attractions of the island

Beauty Greek island difficult to describe in words. Ancient temples, snow-white beaches, picturesque mountains, groves, atmospheric settlements - all this is so harmoniously combined with each other that many travelers call this place paradise. Although the island is very small, you will have a lot of choice of what to see in Thassos and where to take amazing photos.

Capital Limenas

Limenas is the ancient capital of the island, where most of the architectural attractions of Thassos are concentrated. The city is surrounded by ancient walls more than two kilometers long. Fragments of the walls are in excellent condition. In the center of Limenas, visit the ancient market square, one of the best-preserved ancient sites in Greece. You will see many ancient sanctuaries, altars and porticos.

Initially it was fishing harbor without permanent population. Only a few years ago the village became busy resort with well-equipped but uncrowded beaches with azure water, clean even in the most popular tourist months.

Cars in Potos only drive on a couple of streets: most of Potosá is designed for pedestrians. Cozy streets are filled with restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs for every taste. In the evening, you can sit in a restaurant on the shore and watch the most beautiful sunset. IN good weather from the shore of Pothos you can see famous mountain Athos.

The highest point of the island is Mount Ipsario. Its peak reaches a height of 1200 m above sea level. The mountain is covered with green trees, and from its slopes a magnificent panorama of the island and coast opens. To admire these views, climb to the village of Potamya on the mountainside. Here you can not only enjoy beautiful scenery, but also visit the museum of the Greek sculptor Vagis.


10 kilometers from Potos is the mountain settlement of Theologos, which used to be the capital of the island. This is one of the most colorful attractions of Thassos in Greece. There are many restaurants in the town national cuisine, there is a museum of ethnography. But the main local pride is the ruins of the ancient city of Istanio.

The ancient center will not leave photo lovers indifferent: narrow streets and the attractive houses with high windows represent an example of traditional Greek style. You can diversify your holiday on Theologos on the well-maintained beach: it is especially appreciated by windsurfers, as the wind blows almost constantly here.

This historical village on the shores of the Thracian Sea is a must-visit for lovers of educational and intellectual recreation. Here you will not only enjoy beautiful beach and nature, but also ancient sights. The real pearl of Aliki is the ruins of an ancient temple with preserved ancient inscriptions.

Near the village of Kazaviti, in the interior of the island, is located one of the main attractions of Thassos - the monastery of Panteleimon, built in the first half of the 19th century. This building was built from rock stone, and the roof was made of wood and covered with slate. Near the monastery there is a cave in which, according to legend, Saint Panteleimon himself lived. It is believed that people who visit this monastery can be cured of any disease. Therefore, some travelers travel long distances to gain hope of recovery.

Another famous religious attraction of Thassos (Greece) is the large temple of the Archangel Michael on the edge of a cliff. It is located 25 km from the village of Limenaria. This convent was built in the 18th century. It is interesting both for its architecture and beautiful view on the sea. In addition, this is where a fragment of the Holy Nail, taken from the crucifixion of Jesus, is kept. Be prepared for strict rules for visiting the monastery: women can only enter in long skirts and with their arms covered, men - in long pants.

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Beaches of Thassos

115 km on the island of Thassos occupies a coastline with amazing beaches - white sand and clear water. Most of them have received the international Blue Flag rating. It is awarded to coastal areas with ideal conditions for recreation (clean water and ecology, high-quality infrastructure). Just looking at a photo from the island of Thassos in Greece makes you want to immediately be transported to its beaches.

This beach is hidden in a secluded area on west coast Thassos. Awarded a Blue Flag, San Antonio boasts excellent facilities beach holiday and establishments with friendly bartenders and waiters, whose cuisine deserves all praise.

In the southeast of the island of Thassos in a small closed bay Hidden away is Paradise Beach, which is favored by surfers. The sandy beach is covered with hills surrounded by tropical trees and plants. The quality and purity of the water are confirmed by the Blue Flag mark.

Paradise is divided into 3 zones - depending on the preferences of vacationers. The bikini area is chosen by tourists who adhere to conservative morals. The topless zone is intended for men and girls without a swimsuit top. A separate area is reserved for nudists. Vacationers are asked to respect the rules of each zone; there is local control.

Entrance to Paradise Beach is free, a sun lounger and an umbrella are provided free of charge, but before that you still need to make a reservation at the bar. It is enough to buy a regular milkshake.

This beach is located 5 km from the village of Potos. During the high season there are numerous restaurants and taverns, and finding a free place under an umbrella can be difficult. And all because Psili Ammos is considered the best sandy beach in Thassos. Cozy dunes with tamarisk thickets give it a special charm.

On Makrimos ( southeast coast, near the town of Limenas) families with children relax. This beach is distinguished from others primarily by its wide infrastructure and large selection of entertainment, including sports games.

Makrimos, like other beaches of Thassos, has been awarded the Blue Flag award by the European Tourism Committee, which indicates its high quality. There are bars and restaurants on site. Many vacationers prefer to stay in a nearby comfortable hotel.

The marble beach on Thassos is the highlight of the entire island. Instead of traditional sand or small stones, this beach is strewn with marble chips (marble is mined nearby). Thanks to this coating, the beach acquires a perfect snow-white shade in the sun. Tourists, amazed by such beauty, never cease to admire it and take numerous photos.

Local restaurants serve traditional Greek dishes, so you can spend the whole day on the beach and not worry about lunch. When they get tired of lying down, tourists go for a walk along the shady alleys of the olive grove, admiring the picturesque nature.

Weather and climate in Thassos

The monthly weather on Thassos in Greece differs from other, more popular islands. Thassos is located further north, so it is a little cooler here. The maximum air temperature in the summer months rarely rises above 29 degrees Celsius. Swimming season lasts from the end of May to the end of September, although many continue to swim in October.

Since the island of Thassos (Greece) is 90% covered with deciduous and coniferous forests, the air here is fresh and the weather is comfortable in any month. Therefore, the resort is ideal for families with small children and anyone who cannot stand the heat.

To better understand the features of the island of Thassos, watch the video, educational and with high-quality pictures.

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