Thailand features nature. The most beautiful places in Thailand

Beautiful nature spots in Thailand

The exotic nature of Thailand attracts everyone with its diversity and amazing beauty. On the territory of the kingdom you can find lakes, mountains, waterfalls, tropical forests and jungles.

The country itself is located on two peninsulas: part on the Indochinese, the second on the Malay. The shores of Thailand are washed by two seas: the South China and the Andaman.

The climate on the island is tropical, and the year consists of only:

  • Thai summer. Lasts from March to May. Characterized by very hot weather;
  • Cold period. Lasts from May to November. At this time, the monsoons bring heavy rains to the country;
  • Warm period. Lasts from November to March. It is during this season that he comes to Thailand a large number of tourists, since the weather there at this time is warm and there is no rain.

As for the relief of Thailand, the country is conventionally divided into five regions: the North-Eastern Plateau, the Southern Region, the Southeast, the Northern Highlands and the Central Plain. The soils in Thailand are different, depending on the location: in the north - red, in river valleys - alluvial and meadow, in the mountains - red soil, and in the southern part - podzolized laterite.

Jungle and wildlife of Thailand

Thai jungles occupy 60% of the territory, that is, most kingdoms. They are real thickets of teak and mahogany, bamboo, xylia, palms, ficus, as well as all kinds of fruit trees and wild flowers.

The unprecedented jungle of Thailand

In general, in Thailand you can find more than 500 species of different trees and 25,000 different types of flowers. This rich wildlife environment is home to animals such as tigers, tapirs, leopards, bamboo bears, elephants, rhinoceroses, etc.

Habitat of the clouded leopard
Monkeys of the Kingdom of Thailand

The country is also home to more than a thousand species of birds, from flamingos to parrots of different colors and sizes.

The Siamese Lofura has been chosen as the national bird of Thailand.

Exploring the nature of Thailand on your own is quite risky. Getting to know wildlife It is best done in the company of an experienced guide. Thailand, whose nature truly delights travelers, offers many excursions and trips into the wild jungle.

You can go swimming on the River Kwai, or stroll along forested hills and trails, exploring the Thai landscapes. In addition, the nature of this country can be explored in safer conditions. For example, in gardens or zoos.

National parks and reserves

Another way to safely explore Thai wildlife is through national parks and various nature reserves. They are located throughout Thailand and provide an opportunity to admire different parts of the country. In total, there are more than 50 reserves in the kingdom and national parks, which in total occupy 25 thousand square kilometers.

One of the most popular is this. The park consists of seven tiers, and on its territory there is the Erawan waterfall, which impresses all travelers with its wild beauty.

Another park that offers the opportunity to admire nature and animals is Khao Yai. It is located 200 km from Bangkok. There are also several waterfalls on its territory. Tourists are also encouraged to explore Mountain peaks.

Erawan Falls impresses all travelers with its wild beauty.

Fans of more extreme entertainment can choose one of the nature reserves located in the mountains. A walk along mountain paths and slopes in the natural habitat of wild animals will give you a lot of emotions and adrenaline. . You can do this in Doi Inthanon National Park.

It is located in the province. The mountains there rise 2565 meters above sea level. At the same time, at an altitude of 1800 meters there are beautiful forests where wild orchids and lichen grow.

Wild orchids in the tropical forest

There are also several waterfalls just below. At the same time, the park is not just a place for tourists to visit, but also home to the Meo and Karen mountain peoples who live in the villages built there.

Meo Highland Village

Hot springs are also popular. Most of them are located in forest areas. Therefore, there you can not only relax and heal your health in the hot water, but also see many trees and birds and animals living in this environment.

In addition, Thailand has many parks and reserves that provide the opportunity to admire the richness of the underwater world. One of these is Koh Samet Island in Rayong Province. Despite its small size, it is very colorful. The park is surrounded by coral reefs and beautiful beaches.

The wealth of the underwater world

For divers and lovers of calm beach holiday You'll definitely like it here. Also suitable for snorkeling national park Tarutao, which is located in the province of Satun. Its territory is limited to 51 islands. Another marine park is in . Ang Thong National Park attracts visitors to the kingdom with its silver sand beaches.

The nature of Thailand is diverse and beautiful. The tropical climate provides an abundance of exotic plants and flowers all year round, and caring Thais do everything possible to ensure that you can get acquainted with it in conditions that are safe for life and health.

Visiting Thailand is like traveling to another planet. It’s always warm here, people are always smiling, that’s how they do it, and the beauty of the local nature and beautiful beaches make you believe that there is paradise on Earth.

General information

The Kingdom of Thailand is considered one of the most developed countries in the South Asian region. The state occupies the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and northern part Mallacca Peninsula, borders Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Malaysia. The coast of Thailand is washed by the waters Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, length coastline exceeds 3 thousand kilometers.

The landscape of Thailand is small mountain ranges in the north and western part of the country, a vast plateau in the northeast and the central and eastern plains. Natural resources- these are tin and rubber, natural gas reserves, lead, tungsten, coal, timber, fish, and fairly extensive arable land. Natural wealth The country also boasts magnificent beaches. Until 1939, the kingdom was called Siam, the new name of the country is Thailand, usually translated as “country of the Thais.”

Thailand in its own way state structure is a constitutional monarchy, with the reigning King Rama IX on the throne since 1946 - and this is the most long stay on the throne of the world. Parliamentary democracy in the country is disrupted from time to time by military coups - since 1932, when the Bloodless Revolution led the country to a constitutional monarchy, there have already been 20 coups. However, these unrest do not concern the royal person - the population treats the king with great respect and veneration.

Historians are confident that half a million years ago people were already living where Thailand is now located. Kingdoms and empires succeeded one another until a state was formed in 1238, which became the progenitor of modern Thailand. In the 19th century, a number of countries South-East Asia was subjected to European colonization, but Thailand escaped this fate.

Approximately 95% of the country's population professes Buddhism, and this religion largely determines the culture and traditions, behavior and values ​​of the population of Thailand.

Climate of Thailand

The length of the country from southern point to the northernmost - about two thousand kilometers. Therefore, the climate of northern and southern Thailand is different: in the north of the country it is humid tropical, and in the south it is subequatorial, monsoon.

The highest temperatures are observed in the south of Thailand, and the average annual and average daily temperature differences are minimal. The average annual temperature is + 28 °C; during the hot season, during the day the air temperature can rise to + 35-38 °C.

It is cooler in the north, and the difference in average daily temperatures is greater, especially in mountainous areas, where at night and in the morning it is +8-10 °C, and during the day - about + 25 °C.

The rainy season does not have very clear time boundaries, and the rains, although torrential, are short-lived. Most precipitation occurs in September and October. Most often it rains in the evening or at night.

The Pattaya area is considered the driest place in Thailand; here the average annual rainfall is the lowest in the country. On the island of Koh Samui, which is located in a special climatic zone, the rainiest months are December and January. In Phuket, the wet season begins at the very end of April and lasts until the end of October.

Cities and islands of Thailand

The capital of the country, a cosmopolitan city, a huge metropolis in perpetual motion. Bangkok amazes with its contrasts and Asian flavor.

The most popular Asian resort in the world. Pattaya has a huge selection of hotels and entertainment for every taste.

The second most popular resort in Thailand. The island has a well-developed tourist infrastructure and magnificent beaches. This resort is worth choosing for those who want to learn scuba diving on vacation - there are 10 diving schools in Phuket.

This snow-white beaches, coconut palm groves and relaxing holiday in the lap of tropical nature.

Attractive for a relaxing beach holiday, diving and eco-tourism. Located on the territory of the National Marine Park.

A suitable choice for lovers of small, intimate resorts. Magnificent scenery and beaches, excellent diving opportunities.

Koh Kood Island - great resort for lovers of eco-tourism, because virgin tropical forests grow on the island and there are very beautiful waterfalls. The beaches of the island are with white sand.

Rayong is quiet small resort 180 km from the capital, surrounded by fruit plantations. Picturesque bays, snow-white beaches, clear sea and geothermal mineral springs- Rayong will give all this to travelers.

Hua Hin and Cha Am are two top-class resorts located two hundred kilometers from Bangkok. Magnificent clean beaches with snow-white sand and the best five-star hotels in Thailand. Chiang Rai - this one ancient city- a magnificent pearl in the treasury of Thailand. Founded in the 13th century, Chiang Rai amazes with its beauty and harmonious combination of ancient temples and mountain landscapes.

Transport of Thailand

Air travel - domestic flights of local airlines make it possible to quickly get to anywhere in the country, including the islands. In Thailand, two airlines operate only domestically and three serve both domestic and international flights.

Railway connections - the country has four major railway lines and several minor ones. This type of transport is not very popular among guests of the country.

Road transport - in the country large network motorways good quality, intercity and tourist buses quite comfortable. Buses are the most popular and inexpensive way to travel around Thailand.

Water transport - to travel to the islands, you can use regular ferries or hire a private boat (water taxi).

Urban transport - in cities, with the exception of the capital, regular buses No. You can get around in Songtays - pickup trucks with benches along the body. They can run like minibus, or just like a taxi, if you stop an empty car and negotiate with the driver. Russian tourists often called songthaew tuk tuks. You can take a motorcycle taxi, take a tuk-tuk (three-wheeled motorcycle taxi), or travel in an air-conditioned TAXI - METER vehicle.

Nature of Thailand

The nature of Thailand is extremely rich. Magnificent tropical forests, beautiful waterfalls, rivers and canals, Coral reefs and a rich underwater world. Thailand has about fifty national parks and reserves, areas of unique beauty, special ecological significance or special natural resources.

The country's special wealth is its beaches. Snow-white sand, fine and soft, like powder, turquoise sea waters, coconut palms off the coast, and azure blue sky - travelers from all over the world strive to get to this paradise on earth. The best and cleanest beaches in Thailand are the beaches of Ao Nang Bay, the beaches of Koh Phangan and Koh Chang.

Sights of Thailand

There are many in Thailand most interesting places and the most beautiful temples. Here are just a few of the most famous attractions that have become the hallmark of the country:

And the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok - on the territory of the Royal Palace there are unusually beautiful buildings, together creating a stunning ensemble: these are palaces, temples and stupas. The central place in the complex is occupied by the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. The Temple houses one of the main relics of the country - the statue of the Emerald Buddha, found in 1431.

Wat Pho Temple is located near the Grand Royal Palace in Bangkok. Built in the 12th century, it is famous for its 46-meter image of Buddha. There are 95 stupas on the temple grounds, and there is a gallery where 400 Buddha statues are displayed.

It is rightfully considered the most beautiful temple in Bangkok. Its pagoda, about 80 meters high, is richly inlaid with carved figures and, before the advent of skyscrapers, was the tallest building in the capital.

Royal Boat Museum in Bangkok - the collection features 50 boats, each of which is unique in its design and decoration.

Ko Tapu is a limestone islet off the coast of Phuket. The height of the island is about 20 m, it has the shape of an inverted trapezoid. This unusual island gained worldwide fame after the release of the film “The Man with the Golden Gun.”

The Viking Cave is one of the attractions of the Phi Phi Islands archipelago. Drawings were found in the cave, including images similar to Viking ships. Here, at the risk of life and health, they mine local residents swallow's nests, from which soup is prepared in Asian cuisine.

The river flows in the north-west of Thailand, famous for its very fast flow and stunning scenery. On the banks of the river there is an elephant farm, an orchard and small hotels right on rafts on the water. The hotels do not have electricity, televisions or telephones so that travelers can be alone with themselves and the surrounding nature.

Railway of Death - Railway between Thailand and Burma, built by the Japanese during World War II. Hard labor was used at the construction site, and during the entire construction period, about 100 thousand people died here.

Vimanmek Palace is a former Royal Palace, the world's largest teak structure. The palace now houses the King Rama V Museum.

Wat Phra That Doi Thong is a Buddhist temple located at an altitude of 1073 m in the province of Chiang Mai. The temple was built in the 14th century and is sacred place for believers.

Thai culture

Thai worldview and characteristics national culture are largely determined by Buddhism. So, every Thai tries to improve his karma good deeds. Every man should spend several months in monasticism at least once in his life. It is not customary for Thais to clearly show emotions in public, especially anger and aggression. Restraint and goodwill, emphasized respect for elders are valued.

Music and theater have always occupied a large place in the life of the country. Thai kings highly valued music; some wrote plays themselves or translated masterpieces of world drama into Thai. Pantomime theater is the most popular in Thailand.

Belief in spirits exists alongside Buddhist beliefs. Thus, houses for spirits are installed near houses and institutions, which they try to decorate as best and as original as possible. A person’s head is considered the house of spirits, so you should not touch your head. In general, touching another person is not accepted in Thai culture; even greetings do not involve physical contact: Thais greet each other with a slight bow with palms clasped together.

Thai cuisine

Rice is the basis of Thai cuisine; in fact, the word “food” itself is translated from Thai as “eat rice.” There are several types of rice in Thailand: black, brown, red, white, glutinous and fragrant. Thais eat meat, fish, and seafood with rice. Noodles are also in high demand. Noodles can be rice and wheat, egg and bean flour. Noodles are added to soups and eaten with a variety of sauces.

Thai cuisine uses a lot of spices; all dishes are prepared very hot. Therefore, travelers are advised to ask any restaurant in Thailand to prepare a dish without spices, not spicy. They will still bring you very heavily spiced food, but it’s really not spicy when compared to what the Thais themselves eat.

The most popular Thai dishes:

  • Tom Yam is a soup based on hot chili paste with shrimp, fish or chicken. This soup is the hallmark of Thai cuisine. It is believed that constant consumption of this soup is an excellent prevention of cancer.
  • Som Tam is an incredibly spicy green papaya salad.
  • Tom Kha Kai - chicken soup cooked with coconut milk.
  • Mi Krob - noodles with sweet and sour sauce.
  • Phat Thai - rice noodles with shrimp, eggs and bean sprouts in a spicy sauce.
  • Yam Nua - grilled meat with cucumbers, onions and peppers, sprinkled with lime juice.

There are no sweet dishes as such in Thai cuisine; sweets are replaced by delicious fruits. Juicy mangoes and pineapples are especially good.

Shopping in Thailand

Thailand has a lot of shopping opportunities: huge shopping centers and malls, day and night markets, themed souvenir shops near the most visited tourist attractions. Here's what you can bring from Thailand:

  • Handmade wood products - these can be figurines, pieces of furniture or magnificent carved paintings, which craftsmen make according to individual orders.
  • Rattan wicker products - from small items for interior decoration to furniture sets.
  • Bronze products - figurines, cups, Thai bells.
  • Silver products - cutlery, vessels, boxes, fine handmade women's jewelry with embossing or blackening.
  • Ceramics - hand-painted porcelain dishes and elegant figurines.
  • Pearls and products made from them.
  • Textiles - T-shirts, polo shirts, dresses and bed linen. Everything is very inexpensive and of quite decent quality.
  • Medicines based on snake venom.
  • Precious stones and jewelry.
  • Thai silk.
  • Products made of snake and crocodile skin.
  • Cosmetics and coconut oil.
  • Fruits (durian is prohibited due to its disgusting smell).
  • Thai tea.

Thailand first stuns, then enchants, then envelops you in bliss and bliss. You can come to Thailand again and again - and there will still be something unseen, not yet discovered and unknown: Thai cuisine, underwater depths, virgin forests and mountains, or stunningly beautiful temples where Buddhist culture and centuries-old traditions are carefully preserved.

The Kingdom of Thailand is located in Southeast Asia on the Indochina Peninsula and a small area of ​​the Malacca Peninsula. It is worth noting that Thailand is the only country that has retained its sovereignty. Although at the same time neighboring countries became colonies of France and England. Thailand is a royal power, unlike other world states.

Many people want to visit this country as it is considered the epitome of romance. Therefore, most tourists book tours to the pristine jungle, which has not been affected by the spirit of civilization. The landscape of the kingdom is so fabulously beautiful, you will get to know the animal communities that are unique to this particular area. Such animals often pose a danger to people.

The danger of being in the jungles of Thailand is somewhat exaggerated. You need to listen to the advice of your guides if you have purchased a jungle tour. King cobras are considered the most dangerous, famous, graceful and graceful inhabitants of tropical forests. However, the king cobra can be seen in any part of the country.

Thailand beckons beautiful nature, which even attracts seasoned tourists. What's so beautiful here? Rivers, lakes, waterfalls, snow-white beaches, mountains, caves, rocks - all this amazes with its uniqueness. Don't forget about the jungles that cover most of the state.

If you are a plant lover, Thailand is a must visit. Here you will see amazing plants such as ficus trees, red trees, and a variety of palm species. The flowers are fabulously beautiful, beckoning with their originality and attractiveness: orchids, lotuses, fruit trees.

In Thailand you can see animals that languish in city zoos in the civilized world. Specially trained people prepare colorful, stunning and original shows for tourists. Wild animals participate in these performances, but every traveler strives to experience the unknown and original. Thailand is the leader in this position. How nice it is to swim in a pristine waterfall, which has not been influenced by civilization, to walk along forest paths, observing at least minimal caution. If you want to feel the adrenaline, you can wander through the rocky gorges that everyone remembers historical events happening in the state. After such tours, the traveler becomes familiar with the nature and beauty of the region, with the secret and historical.

Thailand is famous for its forests, which are famous for their Monkey Temples. In the past these were Buddhist Temples. Now the monkeys have chosen and equipped these places. You can also find the Tiger Temple, although on the territory of the temple, in addition to these graceful and formidable animals, all animals live without exception.
If tourists do not want to take risks and do not travel through the jungles of Thailand, they can visit the largest zoo: Khao Kaew. Here are all the animals living in the kingdom.

Captivates travelers with its diversity and beauty. These are tropical forests, mangroves, rivers, lakes, numerous waterfalls, mountains, caves, steep cliffs and snow-white coastlines.

Jungles occupy most of the country's territory. Many species of tropical plants grow here, such as teak and mahogany trees, ficus trees, many palm trees, fruit trees and all kinds of flowers, in particular lotuses and orchids. The jungle is also home to a variety of exotic animals: elephants, rhinoceroses, tigers, monkeys, flamingos, peacocks, crocodiles and many others.

In order to get acquainted with all this splendor of wild nature, it is enough to take advantage of special excursions or trips.

Of course, those who for some reason are afraid to go into the forests can visit gardens, zoos and shows with snakes, crocodiles and other animals within the city. But to appreciate the true natural beauty, it’s worth taking a trip to the real jungle!

Jeep Safari entertainment allows brave travelers to organize independent trip along forest roads, rivers and hills and get a full overview of the magnificent landscapes of Thailand.

A favorite excursion for most tourists is a trip along the River Kwai. Here you can carry out rafting or body rafting - rafting in life jackets, as well as bungee diving and visiting a seven-level waterfall. And then spend the night on a floating hotel in the wild jungle.

Here and in many other places in the country, anyone has the opportunity to swim in waterfalls, walk along forest paths and rocky caves, visit a village where elephants live peacefully, and even ride on horseback on these powerful and graceful animals.

In the forests there are so-called Monkey Temples - these are abandoned Buddhist temples or monasteries that were chosen by monkeys. Tourists and local residents often enter their territory to feed the animals and communicate with them.

There is also a Tiger Temple in Thailand. Despite the name, not only tigers live here, but also other wild animals. Tiger Temple is Buddhist monastery in the jungle with quite vast territories, who takes care of animals and treats the victims. Many animals themselves come here in search of peace and security and live in peace with the monks and guests of the monastery.

Thailand has open zoos such as Khao Kaew, where a wide variety of animal species live in their natural environment. Thus, tourists can get acquainted with almost all representatives of the fauna of this country in one day.

Thanks good organized excursions and experienced guides, nature and exotic lovers can get the most complete picture of this side of Thailand, gaining experience and incredible impressions.

The beaches of Thailand are snow-white soft sand, completely imperceptible under your feet, turquoise sea and tropical palm trees framing the shores. One of the most famous beaches in the country is Ao Prao Beach on Koh Samet. The place is intended for relaxation family vacation– there are no noisy discos, but there are modern luxury hotels, cozy bars and restaurants.

Lamai Beach on Koh Samui, beloved by many tourists. Many travelers believe that Lamai is not inferior to Chaweng in beauty. The sea here is excellent, especially in the southern part of the bay. The amazing landscape would be incomplete without granite boulders. In a relationship nightlife There are not many bars and restaurants on this beach, although you can find a couple of nice places if you want.

The picturesque Chaweng beach on Koh Samui. He is on east coast islands and stretches for six kilometers! Tourists are invariably drawn to this paradise by picturesque coves, fine clean sand and water like transparent crystals. The best entertainment venues are also concentrated in Chaweng. Bars, clubs and restaurants beckon!

A piece of paradise - Taling Ngam Beach on Koh Samui. One of the best in the western part Koh Samui beaches located in a secluded area. There are few hotels here and they are far from each other, which cannot but please vacationers. Visitors value this place not for its developed tourist infrastructure (especially since there is none here), but for its picturesque area. It's impossible to forget the coconut plantations, the palm-fringed beach and the amazing sunsets...

Thailand is not only paradise beaches, but also spectacular tropical nature. There are about 50 national parks in the country - land and water, which hide rare animals and birds, impressive waterfalls and beautiful rivers. One of the most popular national parks is Erawan, famous for its waterfalls. Main waterfall - Erawan, consists of 7 cascades and has a total height of more than 800 meters. The total length of the waterfall is more than 1.5 kilometers. Except Erawana, in the park there are also Phalun waterfall, karst caves with rock paintings, dams. The park is home to wild boars, pythons, Indian sambars, and chamois. Another picturesque park is located in Isan. Khao Yai is home to more than 300 species of birds and almost 70 species of mammals, including the Himalayan bear, tigers, and Indian elephants.

You can get acquainted with the wildlife of Thailand in the national park Khunchae, located on an area of ​​270 square kilometers. It consists of bamboo, larch, and pine forests. Among its fauna you can find the Bengal cat, slow loris, white-breasted bear, and Sumatran serow. Another iconic place in Thailand is the national park Khao Sok. Other sea national park reserveAng Thong, consists of 42 islands with picturesque beaches and beautiful views.