New Caledonia: general information. New Caledonia New Caledonia how to get there

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Moscow to New Caledonia, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in June prices reach an average of 216,117 rubles, and in March the cost of tickets drops to an average of 95,340 rubles. Plan your trip now!

Site users make hundreds of thousands of searches on our site every day. We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Moscow to New Caledonia changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 45%. The minimum price for a flight from Moscow to New Caledonia is 25 days before departure, approximately 98,913 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Moscow to New Caledonia is 7 days before departure, approximately 181,083 rubles. In most cases early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

The cost of air tickets from Moscow to New Caledonia does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Moscow to New Caledonia is on Fridays, their average cost is 97,353 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Saturdays, their average cost is 304,391 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. An airline can operate several flights on one day, and they will differ in price category.

The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket from Moscow to New Caledonia in the morning is 75,787 rubles, and in the evening 122,216 rubles. Evaluate all conditions and choose the best offer.

The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets from Moscow to New Caledonia on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets from Moscow to New Caledonia from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. Most low prices for air tickets from Moscow to New Caledonia are offered by Finnair, the most high prices– Korean Air.

New Caledonia- This is one of the oases of the Pacific Ocean. It is covered with tropical evergreen forests in which rare species trees and plants. Its deserted shores with golden and snow-white sands, as well as mangroves, border with the bright lights of nightclubs and noisy parties in local casinos. Undersea world It is breathtaking, and the coral reefs reveal all the diversity of ocean life.

French charm is mixed with a slight whiff of local Aboriginal traditions and Melanesian culture. Incredible views of waterfalls, relict trees and limestone caves will definitely leave a huge positive imprint on unforgettable vacation. Enclosed lagoon main island with a border in the form coral reef, which is not inferior in size to the Great Barrier Reef, extends over many kilometers of pristine water areas.

Briefly about the country

New Caledonia is an island of the same name among the waters of the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by small islands in the Melanesian part. It is a special administrative unit of France. Its borders run along the Australian economic zone from the southwest, meeting Fiji in the southeast, and Vanuatu in the north. Since this is a French "colony", banknotes here are presented in the form of the French Pacific franc. The country's population is only 245 thousand people.

The largest island formation is Grande Terre, its terrain is mountainous, and the coast is all indented by rocks. Numerous cozy secret coves hide the beauty of the coral reefs that are part of the coral ridge. The island has a large number of rivers and reservoirs, and the red soil is very fertile. The local forests, which occupy fifteen percent of the island's territory, contain very valuable tree species, including araucaria. It is he who is depicted on the coat of arms of New Caledonia. From the animal world, a huge number of geckos can be distinguished; the islands are very poor in the rest of our smaller brothers.

In 2018, a second referendum on secession and acquisition of status is expected independent country. In the meantime, state life is monitored by the French High Commissioner, who is appointed by the President of France.

Historical reference

The island opened famous traveler and the navigator James Cook in 1774, and named it after the name of his native country of Scotland - Caledonia, which is what it was called in ancient times. The history of settlement of the island dates back 3,500 years ago. According to historians, it began in the 13th century BC. At the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists discovered the remains of ceramic products in the territories of New Caledonia. In 1853, French authorities established an expansion over the island and, a decade later, sent a ship carrying convicted criminals there. The French began cultivating coffee plantations and processing coconut palms, and in the 19th century the mining of gold, lead, chromium and other minerals began.

After receiving the status of an overseas territory, local aborigines - Melanesians - began to stage strikes and organize riots in honor of the declaration of independence of their country.

By ethnic composition Melanesians (Kanaks) also predominate, the French are slightly behind them in quantitative composition. Polynesians, Indonesians and other nationalities also permanently reside on the island. Basically, the population of New Caledonia professes Christianity (Catholic and Protestant), there are also Muslims and Sunnis, but, along with these religions, the aborigines continue the traditions of local beliefs.

Besides French Thirty-three Melanesian and Polynesian dialects are common.


Compared to other countries in the Melanesian region, New Caledonia has a predominantly European culture rather than an Aboriginal culture. Even Aboriginal villages have become Europeanized areas, although their appearance is preserved in an archaic style. Those authentic round-shaped houses, covered with palm leaves instead of a roof, can only be found in very remote places.

Sometimes tribal leaders can still build such a dwelling for themselves, but the clothes and interior decoration are already keeping up with the times. When preparing food, New Caledonians also use European recipes, sometimes mixing them with their traditional ones.

Island paradise

Holidays in New Caledonia begin with its capital - Nouméa, which is a real city of fashion and entertainment. Here you can find cool boutiques with casinos, and beautiful gardens with sandy beaches. Near the main island, mentioned above, there is an archipelago called Luaete and the famous Ile des Pins (or pine island). The latter is a real dream for a perfect holiday: it is surrounded by white fine sand and incredibly clear water. This is a real refuge from the hustle and bustle, and can be reached in just a fifteen-minute flight from Grande Terre.

Shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes accept Australian currency and you can exchange currency at the airport and in banks. Some banks charge a fee of five dollars for each cash withdrawal transaction; the fee does not apply to euros. Banking plastic cards They are accepted in all city establishments, but if you travel outside the city, you will have to pay mostly in cash. In one week, you can withdraw no more than $350 through an ATM. Master and Diners Club cards are a bit limited in their use, but tourists will have no problems with Visa and American Express. It is also possible to cash out in banks or hotels of at least four stars.

Of course, having bought a tour to New Caledonia, everyone wants to take a piece of their vacation home as a souvenir. Therefore, the list of the most popular souvenirs will include amulets of local aborigines (Kanaks) and jade jewelry. All this can be purchased in the markets. But so in European countries If there is no special habit of haggling, then the same principle applies here - the purchase is carried out at the price announced by the seller. Moreover, if a tourist starts to bargain, the locals will perceive this as a sign of disrespect and, at a minimum, will refuse to cooperate with him.

Before purchasing a tour to New Caledonia, you need to think about how much a person can tolerate the hot climate, because the sun here is much closer to the ground and the radiation is very powerful. It is dangerous to be outdoors during the daytime - from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is necessary to use sunscreen every day and be sure to wear hats, glasses that protect from ultraviolet radiation, and drink as much fluid as possible (preferably fresh water).

It is better to follow the rules of swimming, since all beaches are mainly part of the ocean coast. There are frequent ebbs and flows, and there is also a coastal current, which can behave very unpredictably. Tour operators and guides recommend swimming in the lagoons. Don't forget about marine life. Inside coral lagoons, representatives of the aquatic part of the planet are, of course, rarely found, but in other parts of the coastal zone you may accidentally miss sea ​​urchin or even a shark.

Diving enthusiasts will definitely appreciate the deep-sea reef paradise. Dives should be carried out accompanied by an experienced instructor who knows the characteristics of the surrounding waters, since the great depths and complex currents around the islands can turn out to be an unexpected trap.

Traveling on the roads is easier here; more than five thousand kilometers of good road surface stretches across different directions, you will have to pay for a quarter of them. The traffic rules are identical to the French ones. The traffic here is average, and there is practically no congestion, because the largest locality is the capital of the state.

Cuisine of New Caledonia

An important point. When buying a trip to New Caledonia, you need to understand that all cooking traditions come from French cuisine. The main component of the entire island diet is, of course, seafood: shrimp, oysters, lobsters, local aborigines' salads of ocean fish in lime juice. In addition, bananas, coconuts, and sweet potatoes are widely used. Among alcoholic drinks, New Caledonians prefer wine, and among non-alcoholic drinks, freshly squeezed juices of various exotic fruits and coffee, the same thing that the French brought here. There are more than two hundred restaurants throughout the country offering excellent European-class service and delicious dishes from chefs.

Climatic conditions

The climate of New Caledonia is assessed as tropical trade wind. The air here is humid and hot, the air temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout the year and averages from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius above zero. The rains begin in November and continue until March, when cyclones pass over the islands. New Caledonia is characterized by the appearance of tropical hurricanes; in the autumn, the trade wind season predominates - that is, clear sky, but very windy.

How to get there

Since there is no direct plane connection between Russia and the islands, a flight from Moscow to New Caledonia can be accomplished in the following ways:

  • Through French lands using Air Austral.
  • Via Australia with Qantas and Aircalin.
  • Through New Zealand, to which, however, you will also have to fly in transit, c Air airlines New Zealand and Aircalin.
  • Through the lands of Vanuatu, using the services of Air Vanuatu.
  • Via Fiji South Korea or Japan by choosing Aircalin.

What to see while on vacation

It is better to start sightseeing in New Caledonia from the capital. After all, she is the clearest example of the merging of cultures. Noumea has a special charm French province, although it is almost the only normal and real pride on these lands. The city center is notable for its green square and large cultural center of local peoples. The sleeping areas are filled with old colonial-era buildings. Several tens of square kilometers contain: a library, a museum, a zoo, a huge area with an aquarium and tropical fish, Neuville, where you can see ancient pre-colonial ruins, a large number of yacht clubs and much more.

Around the capital there are mangroves that surround sandy beaches with developed tourism infrastructure. Judging by the reviews, you should definitely visit Rusa, where animals live in conditions close to their real habitat. No less interesting are the wineries hiding in the Amyu Pass valley. For local folklore, it is better to go to the outskirts of the city of Yengen, where the Black Rocks with the Bvarhat cultural center are located. Every week events are held there aimed at reviving traditional culture local people.

According to tourists, New Caledonia has its own picturesque old fort Teremba near La Foa, which must be included in the must visit list, and it is also worth walking through the roofless market - Farino. Tourists also report the beautiful Pazerel de Marguerite bridge, which was designed by engineers from Eiffel’s own design bureau.

We're going deep into civilization

Not far from the town of Burai there is a natural turtle paradise. This place is located quite far from the capital, 150 kilometers. Therefore, here you can observe pristine nature and representatives of ancient armored animals. Northern part The islands are more authentic, here you can enjoy views of savannas and mountain landscapes. rocky headlands, thermal springs, uniquely beautiful waterfalls and tropical vegetation will not leave any traveler indifferent.

Here you can see entire coconut groves and see how they are grown. real coffee. Moreover, nickel is mined in this part, which is the main export product.

Separately, you need to consider the island of Pen. This is a private resort VIP class. It is very expensive and covered with unique trees - Norfolk pines. It has preserved its original natural beauty with sand whiter than snow, and the life of the local aborigines - the Kanaks, who have lived on this land for hundreds of years.

Loyalty Island looks like coral atolls, they are like gems in a ring, framed by a picturesque picture of flora and fauna. There are a couple of tourist villages here where you can order a diving service, rent a yacht and calmly relax from all the bustle of the world, walking along several memorable contrasting routes.

Noumea 09:35 25°C
partly cloudy

The population of the country is 216,494 people. The territory of New Caledonia is 19,060 sq. km Located on the continent of Oceania The capital of New Caledonia Nouméa Money in New Caledonia Franc (XPF) Domain Telephone code countries 687

New Caledonia Hotels

There are 38 hotels in the capital of New Caledonia, Noumea. Basically, these are middle-class hotels, such as: “Le Promenade Numea”, “La Nouvat”, “La Pacifiqu”, “Chate Royal Bech Resort & Spa”, “Hotel Le Lago”. You can also find more status apartments, for example: “RAMADA PLAZA” or “La Meridien Numea”. Since the resort has a small territory, you can settle in any corner of New Caledonia, choosing an island and a hotel to your taste: “TIETI TERA” (4*), “KONIAMBO” (3*), “EVASION” (3*), “ NENGONE VILAGE" (3*), "Fairbridge In and Suite Caledonia" (2*), "RELAIS DE POINGA" (1*), "PAILOTES DE LA OUENGI" (1*).

Climate of New Caledonia: Tropical. Changes to the southeast, hot, humid.


Despite the small area of ​​the New Caledonia colony, there are a lot of attractions there. Only in the vicinity of the capital are there amazingly beautiful waterfalls - Ouadiana and Madeleine, the Perin cave, the Rus deer farm, the Le Bonome monolith, and the Pierced Rock cliff.

The main attraction of New Caledonia has been and remains the amazingly beautiful islands: Mare, Lifou, Tiga, etc. You can choose any one and enjoy the pristine nature.

Also popular among tourists are the Paserell de Marguerite Bridge and Fort Teremba in the town of La Foa, the Arab cemetery, and Baia dem Tortus Bay in Buraya.

Landscape of New Caledonia: Coastal plains with inland mountains


The main leisure activity in New Caledonia is enjoying the picturesque landscape. You can appreciate the flora of the colony in Forestier Park, where in addition to the botanical garden, there is a large zoo. The Aquarium of Noumea deserves special attention. Fans of boat trips and beaches will enjoy the coast of Cuban, and fans of extreme recreation will enjoy the Baia des Citron beach, where there are excellent conditions for wind surfing and diving. Ideal for cultural pastime: Bernheim Library and Cultural Center Tjibau. The latter houses a café, various exhibition spaces and classrooms.

New Caledonia has resources like: Nickel, chromium, iron, cobalt, manganese, silver, gold, lead, copper.


There are only 5 museums in the colony. They all have different directions, so guests of the islands will have plenty to choose from. Four museums are located in the city of Noumea, one of which is the Territorial Museum, the oldest in the city. By studying its exhibits you can get acquainted with the history of this small country. The Geological Museum has soil samples, fossilized volcanic lava and minerals found in the depths of the colony. Nautical Historical Museum boasts a huge collection of nautical items and is housed in a charming colonial style space. The Noumea City Museum is dedicated to the history of the capital. You can learn all about the French colonization of New Caledonia at the Pite Museum, which is the namesake of the city in which it is located.

Money of New Caledonia: The currency of New Caledonia is the CFP franc. Australian and New Zealand dollars are also accepted for payment. Large banknotes are issued in banknotes up to 10,000 francs, and small banknotes up to one hundred are issued in coins not only of common metal, but also of precious metals.


The climate in New Caledonia is extremely favorable. Excellent ratio of air temperatures (+23-+25оС) and water (+26оС). The shores of the islands are washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Coral Sea. The island of Ile des Pins is known as fashionable resort. It is famous for its underwater grottoes, snow-white beaches and the pine trees that gave it its name. Tiga Island is known as a luxurious SPA resort. There are preserved craters with cool mineral liquid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Mare Island has preserved its nature almost in its original form. Its landscape is characterized by striking contrasts: high cliffs, flat-topped basalt massifs, dark forests and vast wastelands, as well as lagoons and small bays. New Caledonia has everything for health improvement and simply aesthetic pleasure.


A country as small as New Caledonia makes do with one international airport, La Tontouta, located 50 km away. from the capital. All routes are served by two airlines - Air Caledonie and Aircalin. There is very little information about transport in the country. It can be assumed that there is no railway connection there at all as it is unnecessary. But, of course, even on these small islands you cannot do without motor transport. Tourists who want to rent a car will be glad to know that traffic there, as in most countries, is on the right (drive on the left). But waiting for the bus can simply waste time - there is no clear schedule in New Caledonia.

Standard of living

A small country, New Caledonia is surprisingly rich in mineral resources. There are deposits of nickel, chrome, and iron ore. Nickel deposits rank second in the world after Canada. Against this background, non-ferrous metallurgy is also developing. Local residents are also engaged in soap making, woodworking, and canned food production. Many of these industries operate to meet domestic needs. Also, most Aboriginal people prefer agricultural activities. They grow coffee, bananas, and raise horses, goats, and sheep. Only nickel and coffee are exported. The standard of living of the population in the country is at an average level.


The New Caledonia archipelago is a French colony in the Pacific Ocean. It was discovered by James Cook more than two hundred years ago. The capital and, in fact, the only city is Noumea. Only about 70 thousand inhabitants live there.

Around the capital city there are picturesque surroundings: the Neuville region, Yengen, the town of La Foa, Tio, Kuaua, Kumak, Burai.

The colony also includes the islands: Chesterfield, Pen, Loyalty, Lifou, Mare, Uvea, Tiga.

The territory of New Caledonia is divided into many islets and atolls that form the Belém and Avon archipelagos. The total area of ​​the country does not exceed 20,000 km2.



Province Court

22.27631 x 166.4572

22.28333 x 166.58333

Province Court

Province Court

22.13333 x 166.36667

Province of Ile Loyaute

20.91687 x 167.26461

21.55 x 167.88333


Northern Province

20.93333 x 165.33333

Province Court

21.56667 x 165.48333

Northern Province

The city of Nouméa is the official capital of the island of New Caledonia, part of the French overseas territories. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean, and Noumea is located at its southeastern end on a small peninsula.

This The largest city New Caledonia, with a population of almost 100 thousand people and an area of ​​67 square kilometers. The city of Noumea is also the largest port Pacific Coast, important economic and business, shopping mall. In terms of industry, nickel smelting and processing flourishes here, and copper and iron ores are exported. This is not very common. tourist destination, however, vacationers will have something to see here. Narrow streets running down to the ocean waters, colonial architecture, ancient temples and cathedrals, as well as many well-equipped areas for beach holiday. It's dynamic developing city with good tourist infrastructure. You can go to interesting excursions, as well as a trip on a boat or yacht, to do aquatic species sports, diving or surfing, taste delicious local dishes.

Coordinates: -22.26666600,166.45000000

Pen Island

Pen Island - island in Pacific Ocean, near the island of New Caledonia. It is part of the French overseas territory of New Caledonia.

The island was discovered in 1774 by explorer James Cook. The island is 15 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide. The island has a population of approximately 1,969 people. Main and official language islands - French. The island has magnificent coastal forests and beautiful beaches with access to the ocean. It's really paradise, where you can forget about everything and have a good rest. The atmosphere of freedom and mystery has been preserved here.

Coordinates: -22.60386900,167.44091000

What sights of Noumea did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Wineries of the Amenue Pass Valley

The wineries of the Amyu Pass Valley, in New Caledonia, are located in the vicinity of the country's capital, Nouméa. Tourist excursions to the Amyu Pass valley, where extensive vineyard plantations grow and wineries are located, are regularly held from capital hotels. Local wine is especially popular among tourists. Tours are conducted with a guide who talks about the history of the wineries.

The first Europeans landed on the coast of New Caledonia in the mid-19th century. It was the French who immediately organized colonies here. The soil of the local lands was very fertile, and the climatic conditions were quite suitable for growing grapes. Therefore, grape growing and wine production were immediately established here. By the way, wine from wineries in the Amew Pass Valley is much sweeter than wine of the same variety grown in France. This is explained by the abundance of sun and the special fertility of the soil. On a tour of the valley you can learn all the technologies of wine production and taste the noble drink.

Coordinates: -22.27580000,166.45800000

The Paita Museum is located in the town of Paita, in New Caledonia, near the capital Nouméa. This museum is entirely dedicated to the French colonization of the island and tells the history of the country, from its discovery by Europeans to the present day.

Europeans first landed on the shores of New Caledonia in 1774. The island received the name Caledonia from the ancient name of Scotland, the birthplace of Captain Cook, who was the first to set foot on the island. Since then, the colonization of the island began, and to this day New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean belongs to the overseas territories of France.

The museum is located in the ancient village of Paita, which was entirely built by Europeans. The colonial-style mansion perfectly conveys the theme of the museum. The rich exhibition contains many documents dedicated to colonization - these include maritime navigation maps showing exactly how Europeans reached local territories, and the first photographs, building plans, and documents. There are also household items, weapons and clothing from those times. The Pite Museum is very interesting for tourists; excursions from all over the country are regularly organized here.

Coordinates: -22.13007800,166.36263600

Tiga Island

Tiga Island is the largest of the islands marine park Pulau Tiga, which consists of three islands: Pulau Tiga, Pulau Damit (known as " Snake Island") and Pulau Besar. Tiga Island is located in New Caledonia, in the southern state of Sabah, approximately 35 nautical miles southwest of the city of Kota Kinabalu.

Tiga Island was discovered in 1978. It was formed as a result of the eruptions of several mud volcanoes, the last of which occurred in 1897, and then relative volcanic passivity set in.

Several small craters can still be seen near the highest point of the island, spewing cool, mineral-rich liquid. These minerals are very beneficial for the skin, so guests of the island enjoy practicing mud masks. Tiga Island has a huge jungle, home to several species of mammals, numerous birds, and hundreds of insects. There are various fish and reptiles in the reservoirs.

On Tiga Island it is wonderful to go diving, snorkeling and take mud baths.

The diving season on the island lasts from February to April.

Coordinates: -21.09820000,167.80815800

Fort Teremba

Fort Teremba is located in New Caledonia, 124 kilometers from the town of Noumea, located on west coast Bay of Grande Terre. From the fortification walls there is a magnificent view of the surrounding area.

The fort was built in 1878 as a military fortress. Within the walls of the fort there was also a prison that housed about 300 prisoners. In 1898, the fort received significant damage as a result of a devastating cyclone. In 1989 the fort was awarded the title historical monument, and in 1922 some of the fort's first buildings were restored with the help of the local Margarita Association.

Now in the main building of the fort there is a small museum where you can see an exhibition dedicated to the history of the fort. You can also take a tour and visit one of the real prison cells. Every year, a two-hour light and sound show takes place within the walls of the fort, telling about the history of the construction of the fort and the everyday aspects of the life of guards and prisoners.

Coordinates: -21.72860000,165.71560000

Are you interested in knowing how well you know the sights of Noumea? .

Mare Island

Mare Island is the second largest after Lifou, in the Loyalty group of coral islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island belongs to New Caledonia, and accordingly belongs to the territory of France. In the past, the island was an atoll, almost entirely hidden by the waters ocean.

The island was discovered in 1800, and in 1803 it was explored by scientists. The length of the island is 43 meters, the width is from 16 to 33 kilometers, the population barely exceeds 5 thousand people, the bulk of whom are Melanesians. The soil consists of shell rock and sandstone, and local residents mainly rely on fishing and gardening.

In the interior of the island there is a wide lagoon where there is great places for a beach holiday. Locals– The islanders are very happy to visit tourists. They are happy to organize mini-excursions around the island and boat trips. It is worth purchasing souvenirs from local craftsmen, as well as tasting food that grows and is prepared right on the island. Most of all, avocados are grown here, which are subsequently supplied to New Caledonia. The island is easily accessible from there by ferry or boat - it's only 110 kilometers away.

Coordinates: -21.51666600,167.96666600

The most popular attractions in Noumea with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Noumea on our website.

The official name is Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies. Located in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Area 19.1 thousand km2, population approx. 211 thousand people (2003). Official language- French. The capital is Noumea (approx. 100 thousand people, 2003). The monetary unit is the French (clerical) Pacific franc.
Member of the Pacific Community (formerly STC, since 1983), has observer status at the Pacific Islands Forum (formerly STC, since 1999).

It is located east of Australia and occupies the island of New Caledonia (16.7 thousand km2, one of the largest in the Pacific Ocean), the Loyalty archipelago and many small islands. Length coastline- 2254 km. Geographical coordinates: 21°30 south latitude and 165°30 east longitude.

In the northwest, the island of New Caledonia is washed by the Coral Sea. The world's second longest coral barrier reef (after Australia's) runs along the coast (1,600 km), forming the world's largest external lagoon. Two mountain ranges ( highest point Panier, 1628 m) occupy 2/3 of the island and divide it into western and East Coast. In the west, the soil is quite poor, suitable mainly for pastures. In the east there are many short rapids rivers, lush vegetation and coconut palm plantations. In the south there are numerous lakes, green vegetation interspersed with red ferruginous soils. From St. 3 thousand plant species - 80% endemic (wild orchids, eucalyptus, Araucaria pine, etc.). Forest and bush occupy approx. 40% of the islands' territory. Among mammals there are only bats. Some of the more than 300 bird species are found only in New Caledonia. Coastal waters are extremely rich in diverse marine life.

Natural resources: approx. 25% of the world's nickel reserves include cobalt, chromium, iron ore, manganese, silver, gold, lead and copper. The 200-mile economic zone has potentially significant fish stocks.

Sights of New Caledonia

The climate is subtropical. From December to March it is warm (on average +25-27°C) and humid (up to 80%). From April to November - “cold and dry” (+19-24°C, up to 75%). The climate ranges from semi-arid to tropical depending on the landscape. All islands are in the typhoon zone.

The population is growing at an average of 1.4% per year. Due to more high birth rate The proportion of Kanaks (Melanesians) gradually increases. As of 2002, there are 42% of them, French-Caledonians - 37%, Polynesians - St. 12% (people from the Wallis Islands - 8.4%), Indonesians - 3.6%, Vietnamese - 1.6%, etc. In addition to French, 33 Melanesian-Polynesian dialects are used. Distributed and English language. Business life is controlled by Franco-Europeans. Up to 70% of Kanaks are employed in agriculture.

Infant mortality 8 people. per 1000 newborns. Life expectancy for men is 71 years, for women - 77 years. Competently St. 90% of the adult population.

Catholics make up 60% of the population, Calvinist Protestants - 30%. There are adherents of other Christian religions, Islam, Buddhism, etc.

In 1774, the first European to visit the island was J. Cook, who named it after the ancient name of his native Scotland - Caledonia. In 1853 the island was annexed by France. The indigenous population of Kanakas (Melanesians) back in the 19th century. began the struggle for independence, periodically raising uprisings that were suppressed by the colonialists. Since 1956 New Caledonia - " overseas territory» France, until 1984 it was governed by its High Commissioner. As a result of armed clashes between the Kanaks and French troops (supported by the Franco-Caledonians), the Matignon Agreement was signed in 1988, expanding the autonomy of the territory and providing for a referendum on independence in 10 years. But according to the Noumea Treaty of 1998, before the referendum, a “preparatory” period (15-20 years) was established for the gradual expansion of the powers of local governments, the introduction of local citizenship, etc. In 1999, territorial and provincial elections were held and the first government of New Caledonia began to operate. In addition to disagreements between the pro-independence Kanaks and the Franco-Europeans (which affects the activities of their coalition government), there is tension (to the point of bloody clashes) in the relations of the Kanaks with people from the Wallis and Futuna Islands. In addition, the Kanak movement for independence itself is split, which together leaves the internal political situation difficult, despite the successes associated with the implementation of the Treaty of Noumea.

New Caledonia is an "overseas territory" of France with internal self-government status. The French President is represented by the High Commissioner. The legislative body is the unicameral Congress of New Caledonia, consisting of 54 deputies of three Provincial Assemblies (elected by universal suffrage for 5 years, the next elections in 2004). Deputies elect a president - head of government (P. Frogier, re-elected in 2002) and an executive committee - government.

The territory is divided into 3 provinces: North and South (more than 65% of the population) in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands.

IN administrative center Nouméa houses the secretariat of the Pacific Community (formerly STC).

Prominent Kanak figures include Jean-Marie Tjibau, a popular leader who was assassinated in 1989.

Basic political parties: Rally for Caledonia within the Republic (24 seats in Congress), Kanak Socialist and National Liberation Front (18 seats, it includes the Kanak Liberation Party, Caledonian Union, Melanesian Progressive Union, etc.), Federation of Cooperation Committees for Independence (4) , National Front (4), Alliance for Caledonia (3), etc. Residents of the territory participate in the elections of the President and Parliament of France, having 2 deputies in the National Assembly and a senator.

New Caledonia does not have diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation.

GDP per capita is 14 thousand US dollars (according to purchasing power parity, 2002). The share of agriculture in GDP is 5%, industry - 30%, service sector - 65%. 7% of workers are employed in agriculture, 23% in industry and construction, and 70% in the service sector. Unemployment - ok. 20%.

The basis of the economy is nickel mining and concentrate production (3rd place in the world, 130 thousand tons). New projects are being implemented to expand production (investments of $2 billion are planned for 2003-05 with a production capacity of 200 thousand tons of concentrate per year).

Agriculture meets only 1/3 of food needs. Coconut palm, corn, yams, vegetables and fruits are cultivated. Cattle are raised.

The manufacturing industry is represented by enterprises of the food industry, metallurgy, construction materials and woodworking.

The length of roads is 4.8 thousand km (2.3 thousand km with hard surface). In Noumea - main sea ​​port And international Airport. Of the 30 airports, 9 have - runways with hard surface, there are 5 helipads. The use of modern communication services is developing - by 2001 the number of Internet users reached 24 thousand people.

New Caledonia is visited by more than 100 thousand tourists a year (mainly Japanese, French and Australians). Tourism is important for reducing dependence on nickel mining; its growth is still hampered by insufficient infrastructure development, but projects are being implemented to improve it.

Export of nickel ore and concentrates - 75% of exports. Food (20% of imports), fuel, machinery and equipment are imported. Main partners: France, Japan, Australia. Financial assistance from France remains important (more than 1/4 of GDP).

Primary education is compulsory and free. In addition to 250 initial and approx. 30 public and private (Catholic) high schools, including St. 20 vocational schools, several lyceums and 5 higher educational institutions.

Traditional Kanak culture has been preserved in its most pristine form on the Loyalty Islands.