Cultural attractions of Australia. Australia

Australia is a highly developed state with an area of ​​7692 kilometers, which is one of the largest in the world. Located in the south of the globe, it is unique in that it occupies the territory of the entire huge continent and nearby islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans.

It is necessary to distinguish between Australia - the continent and Australia - the state occupying the ranking best countries fourth place in the world, which indicates high level life of the population.

Terra Australis Incognita

In our article we will talk about a state called In ancient times, people assumed that there were undiscovered corners in the Southern Hemisphere, called Terra Australis Incognita, which means “unknown southern land" Before the arrival of Europeans local residents Living in tribes, they obtained food using stone tools.

In 1770, an expedition led by exploring the coast of previously unknown lands recognized them as possessions of Great Britain. After 18 years, dangerous convicts began to be brought to the continent, which was isolated, and this continued until 1840.

However, in new country Free people also came for a better life and founded various colonies on the mainland, which later merged into one, called the Union of Australia in 1901.

Income to the treasury from tourism

For those who are not limited in finances, we offer wonderful holiday in hotels located on the islands in the state of Australia. The sights, first discovered by the French explorer Bougainville, are the largest and longest-lived organisms in the world.

Researchers of the World Ocean have found that the total area of ​​polyps is 3.5 million square kilometers, which is much larger than Great Britain, which considered the country its colony, and the organisms appeared more than eight thousand years ago.

Australia (state): attractions. Pink Lake Hillier

Another amazing place, where tourists come from all over the globe, despite its unusual color, is of natural origin.

Located on Middle Island, the lake has kept the secret of the pink hue of its waters since its discovery in the early 19th century. There are several versions explaining the strange color, but scientists around the world are inclined to one of them, suggesting that the delightful color of the lake is the result of the activity of various microbes. And in the hot months, the color of the salty reservoir changes to bright coral.

Local guides warn that best time To visit an unusual body of water - summer, which lasts in the country from December to February, because it is then that the color of the water becomes saturated and visible from afar. Tourists are offered the opportunity to view the local landmark from the air in order to fully enjoy the wonderful spectacle.

Abandoned British ship

There has been an abandoned British ship in Homebush Bay for many years, which was acquired by the country's government. In the 70s, the vessel was decommissioned, and it remained forever at the mouth of the Parramatta River. The state, whose sights (photo below) had changed beyond recognition under the influence of wildlife, did not take care of the abandoned ship.

Now the ship is completely rusted, and its interior cannot be inspected. However, even from the shore, tourists enjoy the stunning view of the ship, completely entwined with mangroves; the vessel looks especially beautiful at sunset.

Devil's stones

In a valley in the south of the country, more than a million years ago, under the influence of erosion processes, huge boulders called devilish boulders were formed. The state of Australia, whose sights evoke a sense of admiration, considers these stones to be a symbol of the outback.

Water and wind have rounded granite blocks left behind by volcanic eruptions, when hot lava seeped through cracks in the earth's crust.

Temperature differences do not affect boulders in the best possible way, and some of them split in half.

The ancients keep a legend that the devil himself once passed through this valley, scattering giant stones with a reddish tint. Now this corner is of particular attention to curious tourists, who come to admire the fantastic-looking area with massive boulders.

Ricketts Sanctuary

It is impossible not to tell about the unusual museum under open air, located near Melbourne. In a small park, viewers are presented with 92 sculptures created by potter W. Ricketts from clay and wood. The state of Australia, whose sights are very interesting, is proud of the museum called the sanctuary. Ricketts worked for 33 years to create his works, for a long time having lived among the Aborigines and was impressed by their special attitude towards nature.

The museum, created by the hands of one man, is considered one of the most mystical places countries. Strange sculptures seem to grow from moss-overgrown boulders and peek out from behind mighty tree trunks, and some statues spread their wings, as if protecting each other.

Tourists who walk here for hours note a completely different atmosphere of unity with nature.

The amazing sights of Australia (we reviewed some of them in the article) will always attract tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of nature and monuments created by human hands. Even experienced travelers will discover many new places, the memories of which will remain for many years.

What do you think are the top ten attractions in Australia? There are many opinions about which places are worth visiting first and which places are not the first. For example, I would visit the Australian landmark Sydney first. After much research, and most importantly, guided by personal experience In this difficult exploration abroad, we can highlight the ten best attractions in Australia that are worth visiting immediately. Otherwise, they simply won’t believe that you vacationed there at all. But I want to warn you in advance about the following, if you suddenly decide to visit these places and all the natural attractions of Australia, then in this case you will have to travel throughout the country, and believe me, you will have to travel a lot, since Australia is a huge country.

So let's find out what the main attractions are in Australia:

10. Kimberly

Tenth place on the list is occupied by an attraction located in Western Australia - Kimberley. This is where tourism Australia begins with its ancient, steep mountain ranges, spectacular rocky gorges, breathtaking waterfalls and bottomless shimmering lakes.

9. Barrosa Valley

Ninth place in our ranking is occupied by one of the main attractions of Australia - the Barrosa Valley. If you are an ardent wine lover, then you should definitely visit this truly interesting attraction of Australia, which occupies one of the most important areas of wine business and tourism in Australia. The Barrosa Valley is home to some of the finest wines produced in Australia, including the world famous Penfolds Grange Hermitage.

Eighth place goes to the Gold Coast, South East Queensland. With its beautiful and enchanting beaches, amazing canals and waterway systems. Great weather all year round and spectacular night life has made the Gold Coast a mecca for tourists visiting Australia.


And now we come to the seventh place: National Park Australia, called Cockatoo. It is located in the northern part of the country and is famous for its rich Aboriginal cultural heritage and cultural sites. There are over 5,000 thousand registered art sites that illustrate twenty thousand years of Aboriginal culture.

6. Great Ocean Road

Sixth place goes to Great Ocean Road. This is Australian National treasure, stretching 243 kilometers along the southeast coast of Victoria. Australian Tourism has some of the most memorable attractions you'll ever see.


At number five is the huge city of Brisbane, which is located on the east coast of Australia. The territory of modern Brisbane has been inhabited by local aborigines since ancient times. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Brisbane received multicultural status national city. Brisbane has many attractions in Australia such as the Great Botanical Garden Brisbane, as well as parks: Roma Street Parkland, Mount Coot-tha, South Bank Parkland. Brisbane also contains numerous business outlets, which include hardware stores, clothing stores and much more.

4. Melbourne

In fourth place is the city of Melbourne and its attractions in Australia. The second largest city, it is often referred to as the cultural capital of Australia, and the "garden city". Melbourne is famous for its love of a healthy lifestyle and sports. And also a love of shopping and eating in restaurants.

3. Tasmania

So, number three on our list: The whole island State of Tasmania. Tasmania, affectionately known as Tessie by locals, is promoted and characterized as a natural state untouched by modern pollution, and this is largely due to its large and relatively unspoiled natural environment. About 40% (more precisely 37%) of Australia is located in nature reserves, national parks and World Heritage Sites.

2. Great Barrier Reef

We are approaching the second place in the top ten attractions of Australia. This is the Great Barrier Reef. It is impossible to fully appreciate all the delights of Australian tourism without visiting one of the most famous natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world's largest reef system, with over 2,900 individual reefs on 900 islands, stretching over 344,000 square kilometers, and is clearly visible from space.


So, the long-awaited first place in our ranking goes to Sydney and its attractions in Australia. Sydney is the most Big city Australia with probably the most impressive harbor in the world with the Harbor Bridge and the domes of the Sydney Opera House. On a sunny day, the spectacle is literally breathtaking.

Well, let's summarize our ranking of the ten most exciting places Australia, which a tourist should visit if the opportunity arises. Australia is a huge country and, naturally, not everyone will be able to visit all of the above places at once. Therefore, this list of the main attractions of Australia was compiled. He will help, at least roughly get acquainted with those places that you simply cannot avoid. I wish you all exciting travels!

Video attractions of Australia

Currently, tourism occupies an important place in the Australian economy. So Sydney receives about five million tourists every year. Except historical tourists They are also attracted by the country's most unique natural attractions.

Australia is also highly developed ecological tourism, which in Lately became especially popular. Many reserves and national parks have been created here, which are distinguished by well-developed infrastructure, equipped parking lots for tourists and tourist routes. A special place in the rapidly developing tourism business also belongs to gastronomic and esoteric tourism.

Australia has attractions, both historical and natural, that attract tourists like a magnet, helping them get to know this beautiful country better.

Opera house located in largest city Australia - Sydney is considered its calling card and is one of the most famous world attractions, as it is certainly an outstanding architectural structure 20th century.

The outlines of the theater resemble a huge sailboat that is ready to sail to a land where fairy-tale elves live or huge ears listening to the singing of the sea wave.

The history of the construction of this theater is interesting, the idea of ​​which first came from Sir Eugene Goossens, a composer and violinist from England, invited to the country by the National Broadcasting and Television Committee. He proposed building a theater on the rocky headland of Bennelogue Point.

In May 1955, the state government announced a competition for the construction of a theater, which was won by Danish citizen Jorn Watzon. The project of this talented Dane was based on the idea of ​​​​ancient architects from China and consisted of abandoning the construction of ordinary walls and installing a series of dazzling white roofs in the form of giant fans on a huge foundation. However, the theater was completed without his participation.

The arch bridge is almost four kilometers long with the main arch rising above the water level by 53 meters, built in 1932. The bridge spans Potre Jackson Bay and is perhaps the most remarkable structure in the world invented by engineers.

At first, the cathedral was a modest chapel for criminals from Britain exiled to Australia, but in connection with the arrival of the first bishop John Paulding here in 1835, the chapel began to be called cathedral. First, the building of the former chapel was reconstructed in the neo-Gothic style according to the design of the talented English architect Yugastus Walby Pugin. But, unfortunately, the reconstructed cathedral burned down at the end of June 1865.

The new cathedral building was built in the Gothic style according to the design of an English architect Wilkinson Wardell. The architect took Lincoln Cathedral as the basis for his project, but made some amendments to his project, in particular regarding the reduced window glazing area compared to the Lincoln Cathedral.

Currently, the cathedral simply amazes with its splendor, and this is not surprising, since its length reaches 107 meters, and the width of the longitudinal room for believers is 24.3 meters with a ceiling height of 22.5 meters, the towers of the southern facade are 74.6 meters high. Today the majestic cathedral embodies the spiritual and cultural life Australia.

Location: St Marys Road.

The observatory building was built in 1858 and is, perhaps, the main historical monument Australian state. The observatory has a telescope, manufactured in 1874, with 29-centimeter lenses and an alpha-hydrogen telescope, with which you can observe the sun. There is also a planetarium under a huge dome.

Location: 1003 - Upper Fort Street.

The Australian Museum is located in Sydney. It was founded in 1827. It contains the most interesting collections of a historical, ethnographic and natural science nature.

Location: 1 William Street.

The Botanic Garden is the pride of the city of Melbourne. There are plants here that are known far beyond Australia. In this garden there is a small red brick house with a tiled roof, which is surrounded by flowering bushes.

From the stories of the guides, visitors learn that James Cook, a famous navigator, was born here. The house was purchased in England and transported to Melbourne.

The new Parliament building, which was built in 1988, is considered the main attraction of this beautiful Australian city.

The building looks very unusual, as it is entirely hidden in the hill. Grass grows on its roof and tourists are allowed to walk on it and admire the War Memorial. Nearby is the Old Parliament building, which is of historical value. It currently houses the country's political museum.

The museum with a unique collection of almost four and a half million exhibits is located in the Australian city of Perth.

This unique natural attraction occupies an area of ​​more than 350 thousand sq. km It is one of the natural attractions of Australia and is the largest coral formation on the planet. It is located along the coast of Queensland and has a length of two thousand km.

The formation of corals includes 350 types of polyps, which includes three thousand reefs. More than 1500 species of fish a wide variety of colors and patterns. Among them are the humpback whale and as many as six species of the seven known sea turtles on the planet. In shallow water, dugongs, a special type of mammal, hide in the algae thickets. More than 200 species of birds find food in the coral thickets.

Every year a huge number of tourists come to admire the beauty of the Barrier Reef, which poses a threat to the existence of this unique attraction, since the corals are quite fragile and are easily broken by pleasure boats. Corals also cannot tolerate rising sea temperatures and pollution. Another real threat to them are starfish, which love to feed on coral.

Another Australian natural attraction is without a doubt Ayres Rock. At its base there are caves with wonderful rock paintings that date back hundreds of years. It consists of red sandstone, which changes color depending on the exposure to sunlight. The rock is named after the Australian Prime Minister Henry Ayres.

This bay has another name - Shark Bay. Despite the fact that the bay is called shark bay, it became famous not for sharks, of which there are not so many there, but for very unusual ancient bacteria containing various salts - stromatolites.

Bacteria live and multiply using solar energy. Their colonies in the form of huge formations are located at the bottom of the bay. The peculiarity of stromatolites is that they have not undergone virtually any changes for three billion years.

This island is considered one of the largest on our planet. It is covered with sand dunes, which are almost 400 thousand years old. This island has lakes with fresh water. Their number exceeds 40 pieces.

It still remains a mystery where they came from here in the sands of the ocean. fresh lakes and why sand holds this water. Despite the wonderful sand beach amazingly white color, occupying East Coast island and has a length of one hundred kilometers, it is unsafe to swim here mainly because of jellyfish or, as they are also called, sea wasps. The sting of these wasps can cause death in humans. Tourists coming to the island, knowing this, swim in the lakes.

Local aborigines also call this island paradise not only because of the lakes, but also because of the beautiful tropical forests located here, consisting of huge eucalyptus trees and very picturesque swamps. Another attraction of the island are the wild dingoes.

The famous and most beautiful brewery in Australia was built in 1824. Its founder is considered to be Peter Degraves. The granite building, the facade of which is made in the form of steps, looks like a medieval one Royal Palace. The building is surrounded by a well-kept garden.

Location: 131 Cascade Road, South Hobart.

The prison is located on the island of Tasmania. It once housed a woodworking factory, which lasted only three years: from 1830 to 1832, and already in 1833 a penal colony for men was located on its territory, which lasted until 1877.

This lagoon is located in the smallest state of Australia - Tasmania and is considered the World natural heritage UNESCO. This heritage includes those natural objects, which are the property of humanity.

Mount Field National Park

Tourists coming to Tasmania must visit Mount Field to admire the picturesque mountain landscapes, lakes with pure water, heather heaths, giving a huge boost of energy, alpine meadows and amazingly beautiful cascading waterfalls. Among them, the Russell Falls stands out especially, around which there are a huge number of ferns.

The island is famous for the fact that many ships often suffered disasters near it. Tourists arriving on the island will be shown the remains of such ships by their guides.

Besides, it's wonderful here wild nature. In general, Australian nature is diverse mainly due to its isolation from other continents. On Bonnet in large quantities inhabited by little penguins and petrels.

Tourists arriving on the island will be shown the dazzling white lighthouse on Wickham Cape, which is 48 meters. It is considered the highest in all of Australia.

In addition, the restaurant business is well developed on the island. Therefore, you should definitely visit local restaurants and try, for example, dishes with so-called premium beef or enjoy delicious cheese dishes.

Blue Mountains National Park Sydney

The name of the park is associated with the color of the haze that shrouds the eucalyptus trees growing there. Some of them are over two thousand years old. In the park you can not only just relax, but also go hiking.

The town of Katoomba, which grew out of the village, is located in its central part. Of interest to tourists is the rock called “Three Sisters”, as well as the cable car and railway.

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world by area. The size of the country is truly impressive: 7,692,024 square km, which is comparable to the territory of the United States without taking into account. Population – more than 24 million people. Despite the fact that ¾ of Australia is occupied by semi-deserts and desert zones, the country's landscapes are strikingly diverse, and the flora and fauna are quite multifaceted and interesting.

Sights of Australia - description.

The capital of Australia is Sydney.

The sights of Australia are so amazing that any guest or tourist who comes to this state will definitely find something attractive and leave an unforgettable impression from visiting the country. The main attraction of Australia is, of course, the beautiful city of Sydney. Its luxurious harbor with the Harbor Bridge located there and the majestic domes of the Opera House are known far beyond the borders of the Australian state.

Great Barrier Reef.

It is unlikely that you will be able to appreciate the beauty of travel without visiting beautiful natural places, namely the Great Barrier Reef. The world's largest reef system extends over 344 thousand km, clearly visible even from spaceships.

Australia, Tasmania island.

The island of Tasmania is a stunningly beautiful place for tourism. The third part of the reserves and national parks of Australia untouched by technological progress is located here. This island is visited annually by thousands of connoisseurs of pristine natural landscapes. Walking tours around the Bay of Lights, located on the island, will give you many sensations and joyful moments.


The sights of Australian cities are no less interesting. “Garden City” is the name given to the cultural capital of the country, Melbourne. Shopping center, delicious menus in restaurants, sports entertainment, vibrant nightlife - all this will give guests of the city a lot of positive emotions.

Kakadu National Park.

Australian Kakadu National Park is one of the most beautiful and visited parks in the country. It perfectly illustrates the centuries-old history of the Aboriginal people and is under state protection.

Barrosa Valley.

Winemaking is the most important area of ​​business and tourism in the country. Lovers of noble and world-famous wines should definitely visit the Barrosa Valley. Vineyards with amber clusters of ripe berries, the tart aroma of wine that seems to permeate the air and the gentle sun will be remembered for a long time.

Lake Hillier.

An unusual lake with pink water, surrounded by relict eucalyptus trees, is unique. Located on Sredniy Island, Lake Hiller is considered truly fabulous and extraordinary beautiful place in Australia.

The main attractions of Australia are known to many tourists. These are the places that are most visited. But there are also little-known places that are not in great demand among visitors to the country, however, they also deserve special attention. Below you can find a list of the most beautiful and interesting places Australia:

  • Sydney Aquarium
  • Great Ocean Road
  • Blue Mountains
  • Great Okin Road
  • Kings Canyon
  • Sydney Harbor Bridge
  • Harbor Bridge
  • National Park Purnululu
  • Sydney Opera House
  • Kangaroo Island
  • Whitsunday Islands
  • Fraser Island
  • Sydney Tower
  • Ayers Rock