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1 Section 1. CURRENT STATUS, TRENDS AND PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL TOURISM and fostering cultural competence and a positive identity in society. Key words: cultural tourism, cultural heritage, cultural competence, positive identity. Globalization, informatization and post-industrialism have radically changed the status of cultural heritage and cultural tourism. The study of cultural heritage and areas of its use in tourism practices is relevant from the point of view of the effectiveness of the implementation of cultural policy in Russia. If earlier tourism was a form of leisure time, now it has turned into a cultural industry that actively uses the potential of cultural heritage. Tourism is often seen as a form of organizing leisure activities, however, in modern conditions, it seems more promising to study tourism as a problem of socialization, as a way of improving and developing a person through the use of cultural communication. The definition of "cultural tourism" is based on the correlation of the concepts of "culture" and "tourism", on the definition of cultural tourism as a way of consuming a cultural product by the recipients (M. Dragicevic-Sesic and B. Stojkovic, S. A. Krasnaya, R. Prentice and others. ) In the modern humanities, the domestic scientific tradition associates the concept of "culture" with spiritual practices, and the Western one with socio-ethnographic manifestations of behavior. Within the framework of the sectoral approach to culture, “cultural tourism” appears as a form of “cultural reproduction”, which includes * Pavel Evgenievich YUDIN, Deputy Director of the Center for International and Regional Programs of Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Moscow, Russia. Email: 11

2 P. E. Yudin consumption of art, folklore and other manifestations of culture. The World Tourism Organization predicts the share of cultural tourism in 2020 in the amount of 25% of the total indicators of world tourism. Russia's potential in this area is significant - about 40 million tourists a year, which is 5 times more than at present. Moreover, the cultural tourism industry is also a means of economic reproduction, maintaining cultural heritage sites in good condition, and cultural socialization of the population. This potential of cultural tourism as an engine of reproduction is increasingly used by modern states. Knowledge is organically included in cultural tourism as one of the fundamental and main forms of a person's relationship to the world. It is noteworthy that the European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education often lists education as the leading feature of cultural tourism. If the journey is combined with the development of a training program, then it receives the definition of cultural and educational tourism. In this form, it can be closely combined with other types of tourism - religious, ethnographic, ecological. The development of educational programs in the context of the Bologna process provides for the widespread international cultural exchange in the form of academic mobility and internships. Educational international contacts are both a form of cognitive activity, expansion of erudition, horizons, and a means of humanitarian cooperation leading to the formation of an inclusive culture and positive identity. Various foundations, grant organizations, the European program "Erazmus Mundus" create conditions for academic exchange. The most common types of cultural and educational tourism are language programs, summer schools, courses at universities, living in a family of native speakers, etc. Often this is the prerogative of young people. Tours, therefore, not only combine education with a cultural and excursion program, recreation and entertainment, but also expand cultural competencies (acquisition of horse riding skills, ballroom dancing, golf, tennis, etc.). In addition, cultural tourism is a means of self-determination of the individual in the context of the growth of cultural diversity. The growth of cultural diversity in the usual system of identity means the growth of cultural gaps in society, since traditional identity is based on the opposition of “We” and “Them”. One of the main problems that has arisen at the post-Soviet, European and world level is cultural diversity and its management on 12

3 Cultural and educational tourism and problems in the space of the CIS, Europe, the Caucasus, other regions and the world as a whole. These transformations resulted in new "rules of the game" determined by the market, globalization, informatization, ethno boom and other reasons. In the legal aspect, this situation in a civilized society is based on cultural rights, on the equality of all cultures: all cultures, all languages, all peoples are equal in terms of the principle of cultural diversity. On the other hand, equality of rights means that the only search for truth, including true values, is intercultural dialogue. In this case, the general form of culture, both globally and regionally, must take the form of an inclusive culture. In this regard, we can talk about cultural tourism in its various forms as a way to increase intercultural competence. This state matures in the course of immersion in a "foreign" culture, its semantic comprehension. On this basis, a person expands his knowledge, replenishes and corrects his beliefs. Cultural and educational tourism can also be considered as an important part of the process of intercultural dialogue, in particular, as "the approach of the mass consumer to high examples of world culture" . It opens up wide opportunities for self-determination of the individual in modern conditions. Modern society is developing not only the means of indirect, but also direct knowledge through the structures of everyday life. Let us once again emphasize the quality of the cognitive process, which is typical for tourism and cannot be replenished either by a verbal lecture in the audience, or by the use of 3D computer technologies, or by the use of multimedia. The cognitive process in cultural tourism has the dignity of immediate sensory authenticity. In a society of globalization, this role is played by educational tourism, which is one of the leading ways to expand the horizons about a "foreign", "other", "foreign" culture. On the other hand, this type of tourism has the property of entertainment, carries sensual pleasures and pleasures. For young people, this combination may seem especially significant. However, the main motive of such tourism is determined by the focus on the knowledge of the world, oneself and other people. Cultural tourism has generated a new world environment for the existence of the individual, as well as new stereotypes of culture, rules and forms of behavior, a new type of mobile, multidimensional, creative personality. Finally, cultural and educational tourism, which is based on natural and cultural heritage, acts as a resource for the self-presentation of society and the Russian state as a whole. In other words, it is necessary to emphasize the connection of cultural tourism with 13

4 P. Ye. Yudin is a complex process, like cultural transmission and cultural self-presentation of society. The problem of the cultural image (image) of Russia in the global information space is of significant importance. The fact is that in modern conditions the formation of social reality or its image occurs with the help of mass media. This is doubly significant for the virtual environment, for the Internet. However, the presentation on the Web can take place in a very truncated way: for example, the popular image of Russia is often represented by clichéd stereotypes: Dostoevsky, Rasputin, frost, Stalin, Russian vodka, etc. At best, from modern culture, the Tatu group. Therefore, the creation of virtual self-presentations of both the country as a whole and individual spheres of its culture is a special area of ​​activity for creating an adequate picture of Russian culture. For tourism, the branding of the cultural heritage of the region, the city is of particular importance. As examples, professionals cite Wales, which has secured the “golf resort” brand, and the town of Myshkin in the Russian outback, where the “mouse” theme is successfully played up. The absence of the region's brand blurs the essence of the tourist offer. Cultural heritage (as well as geographical, economic and historical features, legends and modern events) should become the basis for creating a certain image of the territory. Also, the diversity of cultural heritage, concentrated in a certain area, largely affects the specialization and development of the relevant types of tourism. As experts emphasize, there is a certain correlation between the content of cultural heritage, its richness and the cultural image of the region. So, E. N. Sapozhnikova believes that “than more species arts is represented in each territory, the more genres, artistic trends have formed, the more monuments of history and culture belonging to different styles, the more significant the cultural heritage of the people. In this case, the very process of mastering the cultural space becomes more concentrated. Tourism industry expert M. L. Gunare also emphasizes that “a culturally rich place should have a critical mass of cultural events from one-time festivals to the regular activities of cultural organizations” . In the era of globalization, the problem of representing the image of Russia is of international importance, primarily among the objects of the World Cultural Heritage. The leading role in the coordination and standardization of cultural and tourism activities throughout the world belongs to UNESCO and the WTO. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted at the XVII session of the General 14

5 Cultural Tourism and Problems of the UNESCO Conference on November 16, 1972 and entered into force on December 17, 1975. Its main goal was to attract the forces of the world community to preserve unique objects of culture and nature. In 1975, the Convention was ratified by 21 states; over the 25 years of its existence, 137 more states have acceded to it. To improve the effectiveness of the work of the Convention in 1976, the Committee and the World Heritage Fund were formed. Two years later, the first cultural and natural sites were included in the World Heritage List, a kind of fund of outstanding monuments of culture and nature. The principles of cooperation in the field of culture and tourism are reflected in the declarations adopted in Manila (1980) and Mexico City (1981). By the beginning of 2005, the List already included 149 natural, 582 cultural and 23 natural and cultural objects from 129 countries of the world. A total of 15 objects represent the image of Russia. Italy and Spain are the most widely represented with more than 30 properties, America and Australia are the leaders in the number of the richest natural objects territories 10 and 9, respectively. As of the end of 2013, there were 981 properties on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 160 countries. Among these sites were: cultural heritage 759, natural heritage 193, cultural and natural heritage 29. The top ten countries in terms of the number of heritage sites were as follows: Italy 49, China 45, Spain 44, France 38, Germany 38, Mexico 32, India 30, Great Britain 28, Russia 25 and USA 21. Thus, in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, which includes almost 1000 objects, only 25 of Russia's natural and cultural space are represented (of which 15 are cultural heritage sites and 10 natural ones). This does not correspond to the vast area of ​​our country, the diversity of the natural environment, the ancient and glorious history, and most importantly, its contribution to world culture. At the same time, natural heritage objects are mainly represented by the Asian part of the country, and the cultural one is European. Meanwhile, in the expanses of Siberia, a number of cultural and historical sites are older than those of the New World, and the natural landscapes of the North of the European part, the Urals, and the North Caucasus are no less valuable than American sites that are included in the UNESCO list. As we can see, the creation of adequate, worthy, advanced images / images of national culture and cultural heritage has the character of an urgent political task. In this regard, let us pay attention to how the concept of cultural heritage has been fundamentalized and expanded over the past decade. It includes the transition from the protection of individual objects to the protection of large-scale and complex areas of urban landscapes, the preservation of not only outstanding monuments, but also areas of historical development in general, inclusion in 15

6 P. E. Yudin composition of monuments of objects of the XX century. (Soviet building), the protection of both tangible and intangible heritage, the transformation of cultural heritage into an element of the daily life of the city. Summing up the above, it is necessary to note the following: the development of cultural and educational tourism contributes to the formation of an inclusive culture that enriches its own culture with the content of a “different” culture and generates the properties of a positive identity; the development of cultural and educational tourism as a form of direct knowledge, an alternative trend of virtualization generated by the influence of information and computer technologies, compensates for isolation from the so-called constant reality; the development of cultural tourism as a form of direct knowledge helps to increase the cultural competence of the individual and fill cultural gaps (differences in communication); according to the culturological paradigm of social reproduction, the creation of creative clusters in modern territories is associated with branding and using the potential and values ​​of cultural heritage; the codification of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation as objects with a special cultural status (worldwide, international, etc.) is of particular importance for the formation of a positive image of Russia in the cultural space of globalization. References: 1. Baranov S. I., Vasilyeva E. A., Gunare M. L. IFES / MICE: pilot design: reader. St. Petersburg: Public Pro, Gordin V. E., Sushchinskaya M. D., Yatskevich I. A. Theoretical and practical approaches to the development of cultural tourism // Cultural tourism: convergence of culture and tourism on the threshold of the XXI century. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the St. Petersburg State. University of Economics and Finance, S Gunare M. L. Cultural heritage and marketing of tourist territories // Time for MICE. Meeting time Danilchenko T. Yu., Gritsenko V. P. Logical features of cultural and civilizational gaps / T. Yu. Danilchenko, V. P. Gritsenko // Cultural life South of Russia S. Doronkina E. G. Problems of understanding the essence of leisure // Socio-cultural activity: searches, problems, prospects: Sat. Art. M.: Moscow state. University of Culture, S. Dragicevic-Sheshich M., Stojkovic B. Culture: Management, Animation, Marketing. Novosibirsk: Tigra, Protection of cultural and historical heritage and regeneration of the urban environment [Electronic resource] // Project "Russian House of the Future" URL: (date of access). 8. Krasnaya S. A. Cultural tourism: educational essence and development factors: author. dis. cand. cultural studies. M.,

7 Cultural and educational tourism and problems 9. Mexico invests in tourism more than in defense and healthcare [Electronic resource] // News URL: (date accessed). 10. Morozova I. V. Interaction of cultures and educational tourism // Tourism and cultural heritage: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. Saratov: Publishing House of the Saratov State. un-ta, Vol. 1. C On the strategic directions of cultural policy in the CIS countries: an analytical report // Public Service C Prentice R. Experience in the formation and development of cultural tourism. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the St. Petersburg State University. University of Economics and Finance, Russian objects world heritage[Electronic resource] // Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage. D. S. Likhachev. URL: (date accessed). 14. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" from p [Electronic resource] // Russian newspaper. URL: (date accessed). 15. Sapozhnikova E. N. Regional Studies: Theory and Methods of Tourist Study of Countries. M.: Academy, Tourism in Russia: competitiveness and opportunities for development [Electronic resource] // Tourist Bulletin. URL: (date accessed). 17. Federal law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" from the Federal Law [Electronic resource] // Information and legal portal "GARANT.RU". URL: (date accessed). 18. Flier A. Ya. Culturology for culturologists. Moscow: Academic Project, Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management: Issues in Strategy and Culture / ed. by M. Foley, J. J. Lennon, G. A. Maxwell. London: Cassell, Tourism: 2020 Vision. Vol. 7: Global Forecast and Profiles of Market Segments. World Tourism Organization, Cultural Tourism and Problems of the Formation of the Russia"s Image in the Global Information Space YUDIN Pavel E., Deputy Director Head of the Center, Center for International and Regional Programs of Cultural and Natural Research Russian Institute for Strategic Research , Moscow, Russia Cultural tourism is an important form of direct knowledge in the age of globalization, virtualization and serving alternative growth promoting cultural competence and positive identity in society.


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19. Kholodilina Yu.E. Theoretical aspects of the development of scientific tourism in the region / Yu.E. Kholodilina // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University. - 2011. - 13 (132). - S. 500-505. 20. Refrigerator,

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Explanatory note The program is based on the federal component of the State standard for basic general education. In compiling this work program, copyrights were also used.

V.E. Gordin, M.V. Matetskaya, L.V. Khoreva St. Petersburg branch of the State University Higher School of Economics PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES AS A BASE

16 DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN MARKET OF ORGANIC FOOD D.G. Galkin, Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor Altai State Agrarian University (Russia, Barnaul) DOI: 1.24411/25-1-219-1774 Abstract.

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1. Explanatory note The work program is based on the federal component of the state standard for secondary (complete) general education at the basic level; course programs World Art

cultural tourism


The basic human needs are biological needs. The basic needs of a person include food, clothing, shelter, security, treatment for diseases, etc. But human needs are much more than just a set of conditions for survival. In connection with scientific and technological progress, with the constant changes that occur in various spheres of society, new needs arise and develop, aimed at achieving comfort, needs affecting all areas of human life (education, communication, travel, entertainment, hobbies and etc.).

In our work, we will focus on one of the types of human needs, the massive development of which has been observed in recent decades: the need to travel.

Recently, tourism has received significant development and has become a massive socio-economic phenomenon of international scale. Its rapid development is facilitated by the expansion of political, economic, scientific and cultural ties between the states and peoples of the world. The mass development of tourism allows millions of people to expand their knowledge of the history of their Fatherland and other countries, to get acquainted with the sights, culture, and traditions of a particular country.

From an economic point of view, tourism is a special type of consumption of material goods, services and goods by tourists, which stands out as a separate branch of the economy that provides the tourist with everything necessary: ​​vehicles, food, accommodation, cultural and community services, entertainment events.

Thus, in some countries tourism is one of the most promising sectors of the national economy.

By the beginning of the 21st century, tourism has become the norm in the life of a modern person, and in recent decades there has been a tendency for the development of predominantly cultural tourism.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of cultural tourism, as one of the main types of tourism industry, to analyze the causes of human needs in cultural tourism.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Determine the place of cultural tourism in the tourism industry;

To identify elements of culture that influence the formation of tourist interest;

Analyze the causes of human needs in cultural tourism.

The relevance of the work is to identify the main trends in the development of cultural tourism.

General characteristics of tourism

Travel and tourism

Travel and tourism are two inextricably linked concepts that describe a certain way of human life. Is it rest, passive or active entertainment, sports, knowledge of the surrounding world, trade, science, treatment, etc. However, there is always a characteristic action that determines and separates the actual travel from other areas of activity - the temporary movement of a person to another area or country that is different from his usual location or residence . Travel is a term that refers to the movement of people in space and time, regardless of the purpose of such.

Throughout its evolution, man has been characterized by the desire for world knowledge and pioneering in order to develop trade, conquer and develop new lands, search for resources and new transport routes.

For a long history of travel, geographical discoveries, industrial development of new territories, expansion of world economic relations, numerous scientific literature materials, reports and diaries were collected. They played an invaluable role in the accumulation of human knowledge in various fields of science, culture and technology. Many people have a need to see new regions and countries, to get acquainted with the life and customs of their peoples. All this was the reason for the emergence of a special form of travel - tourism.

The process of activation of economic ties increased the mobility of the population, was accompanied by the construction of roads, comfortable hotels, restaurants, the creation of recreation areas, treatment, the study of historical and cultural attractions, etc.

With the advent of regular passenger transport, a network of food establishments and accommodations, many of the risk and hardships that have been associated with travel for centuries have disappeared. However, tourism was available mainly to members of the propertied classes, who made expensive trips for recreation, medical treatment and entertainment.

Thus, tourism becomes a special form of movement of people. It developed on the basis of travels and discoveries carried out by navigators, explorers, historians, geographers and representatives of the business world, who collected numerous scientific researches, observations, descriptions, literary, historical and geographical materials, reports and diaries. The emergence of tourism became possible as a result of fundamental changes in the nature of social production, the development of means of transport and communications, and the establishment of world economic relations in various fields.

Tourism has its own history of development. The history of tourism is a science that studies travel (hiking, excursions), starting from the simplest, most elementary in ancient times to the present. In her research, she relies on a number of auxiliary disciplines: archeology, numismatics, paleography, ethnography and other sciences.

Tourism is an industry that develops in those regions that have natural and artificial features that attract tourists with a variety of activities.

As a rule, the category of tourists includes travelers who leave their place of permanent residence in order to meet their needs, depending on the purpose of the trip, and whose stay in the place of tourist destination exceeds a day.

A tourist product is a set of services provided by tourist and excursion enterprises to citizens (tourists).

An integrated system for organizing the production of such a product is called the tourism industry.

The tourism industry system includes specialized enterprises, organizations and institutions:

1. Enterprises providing accommodation services (hotels, motels, campsites, boarding houses);

2. Catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars);

3.Firms engaged in transport services (car companies, aviation companies, railway departments, sea and river transport companies);

4. Travel firms for the development and implementation tourism product(tourist bureaus, excursion bureaus, travel agencies, tour agencies);

6. Tourism management bodies (committees and departments of tourism, public tourism organizations and associations);

The development of the tourism industry depends on many factors:

· Availability of tourist and recreational resources;

· Availability of developed infrastructure of the region;

· Availability of qualified personnel;

· State support of tourism;

· Demographic and social factors;

· risk factors;

· Political and economic factors;

Scientific and technological progress, traditions, etc.

Classification of types of tourism and factors influencing it

In order to give the most complete classification of the types of modern tourism, it is necessary to use the most significant features that characterize a particular type of tourism, in particular, the nationality of tourism; basic need, the satisfaction of which causes tourist trip; the main means of transportation used in the journey; accommodation facility; duration of the trip; Group members; organizational forms; the basic principles of pricing a tourist product, etc.

I. The main types of tourism, which are formed depending on nationality, include national (internal) and international (external) tourism. International tourism, in turn, is divided into active and passive, or otherwise inbound and outbound tourism.

II. Depending on the needs that determine the tourist trip, the following types of tourism are distinguished:

1. Medical (medical tourism). At the heart of this type of tourism is the need for the treatment of various diseases. Medical tourism has several varieties, characterized by natural means of influencing the human body, for example: climate therapy, sea therapy, mud therapy, fruit therapy, milk therapy, etc. Often, several types of exposure can be used in the treatment, in such cases the type of tourism determines the main means of influencing the body of a vacationer.

2. Recreational tourism. At the heart of this type of tourism is the need to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. This type of tourism is very diverse. For example, recreational tourism may include the following programs:

Spectacular and entertaining (theater, cinema, carnivals, fairs, city days, festivals);

Hobbies (hunting and fishing, art and music, tours for collectors, etc.);

Educational (tourism, other sports, arts, crafts, etc.);

- "ethnic" and everyday (associated with the study national culture and non-traditional life);

Tourist and recreational (including routes with active means of transportation, swimming, skiing, etc.).

3.Sports tourism. This type of tourism is based on the need of two types, in connection with which two subspecies of sports tourism are distinguished:

Active (the basis is the need to practice some kind of sport);

Passive (the basis is an interest in a sport, i.e. a trip to attend competitions or sports games).

4. Cognitive (cultural) tourism. The basis of this type of tourism is the need to expand knowledge in various areas. Eco-tourism can be attributed to this type of tourism. Ecotour programs involve visits to protected natural areas.

5.Tourism for business purposes. This type of tourism includes trips to establish or maintain business contacts with various partners.

6.Congress tourism. Tourist trips for the purpose of participating in various events, including: conferences, symposiums, congresses, congresses, etc.

7. Cult (religious) tourism. This type of tourism is based on the religious needs of people of different faiths. Cultural tourism is divided into two subspecies:

Visiting places of worship on religious holidays;

Visiting holy places for the purpose of remission of sins.

8. Nostalgic tourism. This type of tourism is based on the need of people to visit places in the area of ​​historical residence.

9. Transit tourism. Transit tourism is based on the need to cross the territory of one country in order to visit another.

10. Amateur tourism. This type of tourism brings together lovers active rest engaged in skiing, mountain, water tourism, etc. A distinctive feature of this tourism is the need for self-organization involved in it. Tours are organized not by travel companies, but by the tourists themselves, together with tourist and sports clubs and unions.

Of course, in practice, very often there are combined tours that combine several types of tourism in one trip, due to the different needs of tourists, for example, recreational with educational, sports with recreational, etc. However, when analyzing tourism activities, it is necessary to highlight the basic needs that served as an incentive to travel.

III. Depending on the Vehicle used on tourist route, distinguish the following types of tourism:

1.Tourists on their own transport - tours on transport belonging to the transport facilities of the tourism system or directly to the tourism organization.

2. Transtours on rented tourist transport - tours on transport owned by transport organizations, used by tourist organizations on a leasehold basis (under a contract) for a period determined by the duration of the tour. Tourist organizations use sea and river motor ships, airplanes, special trains of tourist and excursion enterprises as rented specialized transport.

3.Tours on the personal transport of tourists - specially designed individual or group tours for cars (owners of personal cars) with the provision of tourists with all types of services along the route (accommodation in car camping, meals, excursions, leisure, car repairs, etc.), except for travel .

IV. Depending on the mode of transportation, types of tourism are divided into:

1. Automobile tourism. This type of tourism has been rapidly developing since the second half of the twentieth century. It is currently the most widely used.

2. Railway tourism. This type of tourism has been developing since the forties of the 19th century. Relative cheapness railway tickets makes it accessible to the less wealthy segments of the population. Currently, the competition between rail and other modes of transport is intensifying.

3. Aviation tourism. This type of tourism is the most promising, as it saves time when delivering tourists to places of visit. Air tours are divided into group tours using part of the seats on passenger airlines and special flights with full aircraft rental for special tourist transportation.

4.Teplokhodny (water) tourism. With this type of tourism, routes are organized on river and sea steamers. Sea routes there are: cruise (travels on rented ships lasting more than a day). They can be both with visits to ports and without visits.

River routes - using ships of river shipping companies. They have subspecies: tourist and sightseeing flights are trips on rented river boats lasting more than one day and sightseeing and walking - trips of sightseers in order to familiarize themselves with memorable and historical places and rest, lasting no more than 24 hours.

For the organization of large and tourist-excursion flights, comfortable motor ships are mainly used. Both motor ships and small fleets (river trams, rockets, boats, catamarans, etc.) can be used to organize sightseeing and pleasure trips.

The advantages of water tourism on comfortable boats is that tourists are provided with accommodation, food, sports, entertainment, etc. on the ship.

5. Bus tourism. With this type of tourism, travel is organized using buses as a means of transportation. Bus tours can be ordinary tourist-excursion buses (with the provision of all types of services offered by a transport tour - accommodation, meals, excursion services) and the so-called "health buses" - pleasure buses (buses of one day).

6. Bicycle tourism. This type of tourism is available for use by a fairly limited contingent of tourists.

7. Hiking. This type of tourism is most widespread in domestic tourism. It should be noted that in practice, very often during one tourist trip, several types of transport are used, for example, an airplane - a bus, Railway- bus, etc., these types of tours are called combined.

V. Depending on the means of accommodation for tourists, the following types of tourism are distinguished:

1. Tourism in the hotel.

2. Tourism in a motel.

3. Tourism in the boarding house.

4. Camping tourism.

5.Tourism in a tourist village, camp site, etc.

In addition to the listed types of enterprises hotel industry, which determine the type of tourism, there are also such types as: houses and furnished apartments, rest houses, youth houses.

VI. Tourism is also divided into seasonal and non-seasonal depending on the time of travel.

VII. Depending on the duration of the trip, two types of tourism are distinguished: long-term and short-term (with short-term tourism, the trip is carried out for up to 5-7 days).

VIII. Depending on the composition of the group, there are:

1. Mass tourism (travel of tourists as part of a group);

2. Individual tourism (this type of tourism is most often implemented within the framework of business, scientific and health tourism. Recently, individual tourism has received significant development through the channels of family ties, creative exchanges, visits by invitation. Individual trips are also practiced under programs of social and youth tourism. Individual tourists can use the services of guides-interpreters, tour guides, travel organizers, conductors and accompanying persons, rent cars, use the possibilities of other forms of tourist service).

3. Family tourism (travel of tourists with family members.) This type of tourism has been greatly developed in recent years, largely due to discounts offered by travel agencies to people traveling with children. Youth (student) tourism.

4.Children's (school) tourism.

Youth and children's tourism has been greatly developed largely due to tourist exchanges both within the country and between different countries.

IX. Depending on the organizational forms, there are:

1. Organized tourism.

2. Unorganized tourism.

3. Club tourism.

X. Depending on the determining principle of pricing for a product, there is commercial and social (subsidized) tourism. Social tourism involves certain subsidies in various forms, both from state and public organizations, as well as commercial structures, in order to provide opportunities for recreation and participation in tourism activities of various segments of the population that do not have enough Money. For example, pensioners, students, the category of low-paid workers, etc.

The main factors influencing the development of tourism are divided into static and dynamic.

The static ones include a set of natural and geographical factors. They have permanent, unchanging meanings. A person only adapts them to tourist needs, makes them more accessible for use. Natural-climatic and geographical factors include: picturesque nature, favorable climate, terrain, underground wealth (mineral caves, etc.). Cultural and historical factors (monuments of architecture, history, etc.) can also be largely classified as static.

Dynamic factors include demographic, socio-economic, logistical and political factors. They may have different meanings, changing in time and space.

In addition, the factors affecting tourism are divided into external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous).

External (exogenous) factors affect tourism through demographic and social changes. This group includes: the age of the population, the increase in the number of working women and the change in income per family, the increase in the proportion of single people, the trend towards later marriage and family formation, the increase in the number of childless couples in the population, the decrease in immigration restrictions, the increase in paid business trips, and more flexible working hours, earlier retirement, increased awareness of tourism opportunities. The external factors affecting tourism also include economic and financial factors:

Improvement (deterioration) of the economic and financial situation;

Increase (decrease) in personal income;

Higher (lower) tourist activity depending on the part of income allocated for recreation;

Increase (decrease) in the share of publicly allocated funds to cover the costs of tourism and travel.

The socio-economic factors influencing the growth of tourism also include an increase in the level of education, culture, and the aesthetic needs of the population. As an element of aesthetic needs, one can consider the desire of people to get acquainted with the life, history, culture, living conditions of various countries.

In addition, external factors include changes in political and legal regulation; technological changes; development transport infrastructure and trade, as well as changing travel safety conditions.

Internal (endogenous) factors are factors that directly affect the tourism industry. These include primarily material and technical factors that are of paramount importance for the development of tourism. The main one is related to the development of accommodation facilities, transport, catering, recreation, retail, etc.

Internal factors also include factors of the tourist market:

1.Processes of demand, supply and distribution

2. Increasing role of market segmentation (the emergence of new intra-regional tourist segments. Increasing travel distances, a variety of forms of vacations, an increase in short-term stays, and an increase in diversification tourism development in an established tourist space, etc.);

3. An increase in the role of coordination of activities in tourism and monopolization processes (strengthening of horizontal integration, i.e. the growth of partnerships between large firms with medium and small businesses; vertical integration through the creation of strategic tourism unions; globalization tourism business etc.);

4. Increasing role of the media and public relations in the promotion, advertising and sale of developed tourism products;

5. Increasing the role of personnel in tourism (increasing the number of employees, developing a professional qualification structure, increasing the importance of vocational training, improving labor organization, etc.);

6. Increasing role of private tourism business

The factors listed above, in turn, are divided into extensive and intensive and restraining (negative).

Extensive factors include:

Growth in the number of employees;

Increasing the amount of material resources involved in the economic turnover;

Construction of new tourism facilities with the technical level of existing ones.

Intensive factors:

Staff development;

Development of a professional qualification structure;

Technical improvement of the material base based on the implementation of the achievements and results of scientific and technical progress, including the implementation of targeted programs for improving the culture and quality of service, industrialization, technologization and computerization of tourism;

Rational use of available material resources, objects and routes, etc.

Restrictive factors affecting the development of tourism negatively include: crises, militarization of the economy, growth of external debt, political instability, rising prices for consumer goods, unemployment, strikes, crime situation, financial instability (inflation, stagnation of currencies), reduction in personal consumption , the unfavorable environmental situation, the bankruptcy of travel companies, the tightening of tourist formalities, the reduction of currency exchange quotas, the failure of travel agencies to fulfill their obligations, etc.

The seasonality factor occupies a special place among the factors influencing the development of tourism. Depending on the season, the volume of tourist activity can have very serious fluctuations. Tourism organizations and institutions are taking a number of measures aimed at reducing seasonal declines, for example, the introduction of seasonal price differentiation (the difference in hotel rates depending on the season can reach 50%).

Cultural tourism as one of the main types of tourism

The object of our study is educational or cultural tourism. Consider the features of this type of tourism and the factors influencing its development.

Main features of cultural tourism

The basis of cultural tourism is the historical and cultural potential of the country, which includes the entire socio-cultural environment with traditions and customs, features of household and economic activities. Any area can provide a minimum set of resources for educational tourism, but its mass development requires a certain concentration of cultural heritage objects, among which are:

Monuments of archeology;

Religious and civil architecture;

Monuments of landscape architecture;

Small and large historical cities;

Rural settlements;

Museums, theaters, exhibition halls, etc.;

Sociocultural infrastructure;

Objects of ethnography, folk arts and crafts, centers of applied arts;

Technical complexes and structures.

As we have already said, cultural tourism began to develop in recent decades. Cultural tourism is based on the needs of a person in the spiritual development of the culture of the world, through his visit, direct comprehension and experience of different cultures in different places, when personally seen forever becomes the property, belonging to the thoughts and feelings of the tourist, expanding the horizons of his worldview. The cultural self-expression of the people is always of interest. The natural curiosity of a tourist in relation to various parts of the world and the peoples inhabiting them form one of the strongest motivating tourist motives.

Tourism - the best way acquaintance with another culture. The humanitarian significance of tourism lies in the use of its opportunities for the development of the individual, its creative potential, and the expansion of the horizon of knowledge. The desire for knowledge has always been an integral feature of man. Combining recreation with learning about the life, history and culture of another people is one of the tasks that tourism is fully capable of solving. Seeing the world with your own eyes, hearing, feeling are important parts of the restorative function of tourism, they carry a great humanitarian potential. Acquaintance with the culture and customs of another country enriches the spiritual world of a person.

Culture is the fundamental basis of the process of development, preservation, strengthening of the independence, sovereignty and identity of the people. The identity of the paths of the historical evolution of culture and tourism predetermined the commonality of new methods of approach to their further development. In most countries of the world, there is a process of democratization of culture and tourism, which are an integral part of society. Self-awareness and knowledge of the surrounding world, personal development and achievement of goals are unthinkable without acquiring knowledge in the field of culture.

What is culture? Let's give some definitions. The first definition is based on cultural anthropology and includes everything that man has created in addition to nature: social thought, economic activity, production, consumption, literature and art, lifestyle and human dignity.

The second definition of a specialized character, built on the "culture of culture", that is, on the moral, spiritual, intellectual and artistic aspects of human life.

The cultural heritage of any nation is not only the works of artists, architects, musicians, writers, works of scientists, etc., but also intangible assets, including folklore, folk crafts, festivals, religious rituals, etc.

When visiting another country, tourists perceive as a whole cultural complexes, of which nature is an integral part. The attractiveness of cultural complexes is determined by their artistic and historical value, fashion and accessibility in relation to places of demand.

Culture features different regions of the world are increasingly encouraging people to spend their holidays traveling. Objects visited by tourists contribute to their spiritual enrichment, broadening their horizons. Culture is one of the main elements of tourist interest.

Educational tourism covers all aspects of travel, through which a person learns about the life, culture, customs of another people. Tourism is thus an important means of creating cultural links and international cooperation.

The development of cultural factors within the region is a means of expanding resources to attract tourist flows. In many countries, tourism can be included in the so-called policy of cultural relations.

Level cultural development can also be used to create a favorable image of a particular region in the tourist market. Elements and factors of culture can be channels for distributing information about the tourist opportunities of the area. The success of tourism development depends not only on the material and technical base that meets generally accepted standards and requirements, but also on the uniqueness of the national cultural heritage.

Objects of national cultural heritage must be presented intelligently and creatively. Scientific and technological progress has done its job: the products of one country practically do not differ from similar products of another country. Cultural uniformity is unacceptable. A region that wants to become a popular tourist destination must have unique cultural complexes and offer them to the tourist market.

The assessment of cultural complexes for tourism purposes can be carried out by two main methods:

1. Ranking of cultural complexes according to their place in world and domestic culture;

2. The necessary and sufficient time for sightseeing, which makes it possible to compare different territories in terms of the prospects for historical and cultural potential for tourism.

These methods are largely subjective: cultural complexes highly valued by experts do not always evoke an adequate response from tourists. The necessary and sufficient time for inspecting objects is to a certain extent determined by their availability and construction. excursion routes. Finally, the idea of ​​the value of cultural complexes depends on the level of education, national characteristics tourists. In most cases, interest in cultural objects is determined by fashion.

An important characteristic of a cultural complex is the stability of its compliance with the value criteria formed by the population. This factor is related to the long-term interest of tourists in a particular cultural object. The stability of tourists' interest in such objects of world cultural heritage as Pyramids of Egypt, ancient architecture, etc.

At the same time, a number of objects, such as Lenin's places, which were the most visited during the Soviet period in Russia, have lost their appeal with the change in ideological attitudes in society. Therefore, one of the main tasks of tourism organizers is not only the creation of a cultural complex for tourism, but also its preservation for a sufficiently long historical period.

Despite the fact that almost any information can be obtained from printed periodicals, fiction and other sources, the old truth never gets old: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times." Therefore, a region interested in attracting tourists should reasonably plan and develop special programs and events that increase interest in its culture, disseminate information about its cultural potential in order to attract potential tourists.

2.2.Elements of culture influencing the formation of tourist interest

Various areas of activity can generate a motive for travel and interest in a tourist destination. Important variables affecting the attractiveness of a tourist destination for different groups and categories of tourists are its cultural and social characteristics. Tourists are most interested in such elements of the culture of the people as art, science, religion, history, etc. Consider some of these elements:

Fine art is one of the important elements of culture that can form a convincing motive for a tourist trip. Its widespread strengthening is associated with the tendency to exhibit works of national culture in famous resorts (in hotel premises). visual arts in order to familiarize tourists with the culture of the region.

Also popular are festivals that widely represent various types and elements of national fine arts. For example, a characteristic feature of the Edinburgh Festival, which takes place regularly in Scotland, is that it introduces not only the works of local artists, but also the work of local composers, folklore - everything that arouses interest among tourists.

Music and dancing. The musical potential of the region is one of the attractive elements of the culture. In some countries, music acts as the main factor in attracting tourists. Well-known music festivals annually gather thousands of participants. Many resort hotels introduce their guests to national music during evening entertainment programs, folklore evenings and concerts. Audio tapes with recordings of national music, the sale of which is common in most tourist centers, serve as an excellent means of introducing tourists to the culture of the people.

Ethnic dances are a characteristic element of national culture. Almost every region has its own national dance. Tourists can get acquainted with dances at special shows, folklore evenings, during entertainment programs. Vivid examples of dance as an expression of national culture are the dances of the peoples of Africa, Polynesian, Japanese kabuki dance, Russian ballet, etc.

Folk crafts. The region that receives tourists should offer them a wide range of souvenirs made (factory or handicraft) by local craftsmen and artisans. Souvenirs are a good memory of the country. However, it should be remembered that a memorable souvenir made not in the country of visit, but in another, loses its significance for the tourist and is perceived as a fake.

All types of souvenirs, as well as other goods necessary for a tourist (tourist equipment, beach accessories), should be available and sold in conveniently located stores and other outlets. Motives for buying and spending money freely are quite strong during travel, and therefore tourist goods should be made in an assortment that is in particular demand among tourists. In some tourist centers, special shops in the national style are being created, where local craftsmen make products directly in the presence of buyers. This form of trade in souvenir products is a kind of landmark of the region and is of considerable interest to tourists.

Story. The cultural potential of the region is expressed in its historical heritage. Most tourist destinations carefully treat their history as a factor in attracting tourist flows. The presence of unique historical sites can predetermine the successful development of tourism in the region. Acquaintance with history and historical sites is the strongest motivating tourist motive.

The historical heritage of the region needs to be promoted to the tourist market. Therefore, national tourism organizations should be engaged in the dissemination of information about the historical potential of the area. Among the interesting innovations in the field of presenting historical heritage and attracting tourists, one can single out special sound and light show programs that have become widespread in Europe and the Mediterranean countries. The specificity of such shows lies in the special reproduction of individual pages of history using various special effects.

It is advisable to hold cultural events (folklore, festivals, etc.), traditional for tourist destinations that can interest tourists from different parts of the world.

An outstanding large-scale cultural event was organized in Singapore on the occasion of the beginning of the third millennium. The most sensational Asian holiday "MilleniaMania" was designed for a long period - from June 1999. to August 2000 Tourists participated in fantastic events, festivals, entertainment shows that make the change of millennia unforgettable. The celebration was carried out in accordance with the Singapore Tourism Authority's "TourismXXI" plan, which includes a significant expansion of the Chinatown area (Chinatown), the restoration project of which is estimated at almost $ 57 billion. According to the project, Chinatown within three years should turn into the liveliest area of ​​Singapore, reflecting its historical past. The Tourism Authority has developed a plan for special events unique to Chinatown: celebrating the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, performing the “lion dance”, wushu competitions, etc. Ethnic zones will appear near Chinatown, such as “little India”. The Millennium Celebration is expected to transform the city from a run-of-the-mill tourist destination to the tourism capital of the 21st century.

Literature. Literary monuments of the region have a more limited appeal compared to other elements of culture, but still constitute a significant tourist motive and the basis for organizing diverse tourist programs and routes. Literary works have the power to create an impression of a country and its culture. It is proved that the presence or absence of a certain kind of literature in a country indicates the state of its cultural and political systems. AT entertainment programs it is advisable for tourists to include literary evenings, especially since some hotels have well-equipped libraries. As part of educational tourism, it is recommended to organize literary tours to places associated with the names of authors and heroes of famous literary works.

Religion. Pilgrimage is the oldest type of travel known to mankind for thousands of years. Up to 80% of objects of tourist display are cult objects, for example, in Paris, cult objects account for 44%. The motives for the pilgrimage are the spiritual desire to visit religious centers and holy places, especially revered in a particular religion, the performance of religious rites, etc. Motivation comes either from the prescriptions of religion (for example, every Muslim must make the Hajj to Mecca), or from religious aspirations and person's beliefs. In the world, there are a number of monuments of religious architecture that are outstanding in their significance: Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral in France, St. Peter's Cathedral in Italy, etc., which act as the most important objects of tourist interest and attract tourists from all over the world.

Industry and business. The level of industrial development of the region is a serious motive for attracting a certain category of tourists, especially foreign tourists who are interested in the state of the economy of another country, industry, products, etc.

The so-called industrial tours are a great way to expand the corresponding segment of the tourist market. Travel agencies should facilitate the organization and conduct of specialized tours to plants, factories, industrial and other facilities, a specific list of which should be agreed with the departments of trade and commerce, hotel companies, service companies and other organizations that have direct or indirect contact with tourists.

It is advisable to use the practice of organizing specialized group tours for manufacturers of a certain type of product to another country in order to get acquainted with the process of its development, production and sale. Commerce departments of some countries and various industry groups practice specialized tours not only to familiarize tourists with potential markets, but also to attract attention to certain types of products, increase demand, sales, and networking. A striking example of the use of trade and business in order to
tourism - Hong Kong, where business and trade life acts as the most important element of the tourist experience.

Agriculture. The level of development of agriculture can attract the attention of farmers and agricultural producers interested in the region's agriculture. For example, Denmark, as a world leader in pig production, is visited annually by farmers from different countries. Farms located near tourist centers offering local agricultural products are an important link in tourist services.

The program of a specialized tour should include various events during which it will be interesting for a tourist to get acquainted with the range of products manufactured in this area, to take part in the process of its production, for example, in harvesting. This practice exists in Hawaii, where the tour program provides for tourists to get acquainted with varieties of pineapples grown on local plantations and participate in their collection.

Education. A high level of education increases a person's desire for knowledge. The influence of people on each other forms a global lifestyle that affects the development of tourism. Residents of one country, as a rule, show interest in the education system of another country. Therefore, educational institutions (colleges, universities, etc.) can become significant attractive elements of culture in the tourism market. The world-famous universities of Oxford and Cambridge have long become tourist attractions and independent objects of tourist display. In addition, the education system is a feature of tourism potential and can be successfully used as an element of attracting tourist flows, in particular, as the basis of educational tourism. The opportunity to receive a prestigious education attracts students from different regions, which strengthens the established and stable segment of the consumer market.

The science. Scientific potential can act as an incentive to visit the region, especially those who are directly involved in science or associated with this field of activity. Tourist organizations can provide various services learned societies(holding meetings, seminars, events that provide scientific information, visits to scientific facilities, etc.). In the age of the scientific and technological revolution, scientific complexes are an important resource for educational tourism.

Among the most popular scientific objects are specialized museums and exhibitions, planetariums, as well as nuclear power plants, space centers, nature reserves, aquariums, etc. Excursions to scientific objects can be organized both for specialists in a particular field of knowledge and for mass tourists. For example, the John F. Kennedy Space Mission Control Center in Florida attracts a huge number of tourists every year and offers educational and scientific information even to tourists who are not experienced in this field of knowledge.

National cuisine. National cuisine is an important element of the culture of the region. Tourists love to try the national dishes of the country they travel to. For example, almost all tourists visiting Russia for the first time want to taste borscht and dumplings. Some restaurants, offering national dishes to foreign tourists, explain what products are used and how they are prepared. Of particular interest to tourists are cafes, restaurants, taverns, the design of which is in harmony with the proposed menu, for example, a restaurant specializing in Russian cuisine, decorated in national traditions with elements of folklore.

Tourists consider food an important element of the trip, so the features national cuisine, the range of dishes, their quality will surely leave a mark in the memories not only about the rest, but also about the country.

Thus, the culture of the region is able to evoke the strongest incentive to travel among potential tourists. Therefore, the preservation of cultural heritage and its rational use are of decisive importance for the sustainable attraction of tourist flows and the preservation of the popularity of a particular tourist destination.

2.3. Development of cultural tourism in Russia

For its rapid growth, tourism is recognized as the economic phenomenon of the century.

In many countries, tourism plays a significant role in shaping the gross domestic product, creating additional jobs and providing employment for the population, and enhancing the foreign trade balance. Tourism has a huge impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods and others, i.е. acts as a kind of catalyst for socio-economic development.

In Russia, the impact of tourism on the country's economy is still insignificant. The lack of real investment, the underdevelopment of tourism infrastructure, the low level of service, the high level of crime, the insufficient number of hotel rooms, the shortage of qualified personnel and other important reasons hinder the development of tourism in our country. Statistics from the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries indicate that Russia accounts for less than 1% of the world tourist flow.

On the this moment In our country, the formation and development of the tourism industry is observed.

The tourist business in Russia is at the stage of restructuring, institutional formation, formation of intra-industry, inter-industry and foreign economic relations. This is one of the few dynamically developing types of domestic business. The interest of entrepreneurs in tourism is explained by a number of factors. First, the emergence of favorable conditions for the development of tourism business. Secondly, the interest of society in various types of tourism, the availability of tourism for the majority of the population. According to researchers, in the next few years, tourism could have a significant positive impact on the country's economy and its major cities with proper use of cultural tourism resources in Russia.

Thus, tourism, being a profitable sector of the economy, can, under appropriate conditions, become the most important item in Russia's gross national income.

2.4. Human needs in cultural tourism

Manila Declaration on World Tourism, October 10, 1980 proclaimed the following: “...Tourism is understood as an activity of great importance in the life of peoples due to its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic spheres of the life of states and their international relations. The development of tourism is connected with the socio-economic development of nations and depends on the access of a person to active recreation and holidays and his freedom to travel within the framework of free time and leisure, the deep humanitarian nature of which he emphasizes. The very existence of tourism and its development are entirely dependent on securing a lasting peace, to which it is called upon to contribute.”

“In the practice of tourism, spiritual values ​​should prevail over elements of a material and technical nature. These core spiritual values ​​are:

a) the full and harmonious development of the human personality;

b) constantly increasing cognitive and educational contribution;

c) equal rights in determining their own destiny;

d) the liberation of a person, understanding this as the right to respect for his dignity and individuality;

e) recognition of the identity of cultures and respect for the moral values ​​of peoples.”

These theses reflect one of the main functions of tourism as one of the components of society.

This determines the basic human needs in cultural tourism.

At the heart of cultural tourism is acquaintance with historical and cultural sights and unique natural objects, which contributes to the spiritual development of a person, his self-improvement.

An important role is played by the natural curiosity of a person, tourist interest in comprehending something new, unknown.

There are also modern conditions for the life of society: scientific and technological progress has radically changed the life of modern society. Its characteristic features are an increase in the intensification of labor, automation and computerization of production, an increase in stressful situations at work and at home, the anonymity of urban life and isolation from nature. All this contributes to the accumulation of physical and psychological fatigue in a person, which leads to a decrease in life and labor activity.

Tourism (inbound, outbound, domestic) as a multifaceted and active form of recreation contributes to the complete and comprehensive renewal of the forces and internal resources of a person spent in production and at home. It provides an opportunity to temporarily leave the place of permanent residence, change the nature of activity, habitual environment and lifestyle.

The renewal of interest in culture and art is also one of the needs of educational tourism.

Thus, all these factors contribute to the development of cultural tourism as one of the main types of tourism industry.


To date, there are many classifications of tourism. It should be noted that each type of tourism is individual in its own way, has its own characteristics.

In this paper, we have considered in detail cultural tourism, which has recently been one of the most common types of tourism.

Human needs for cultural tourism are determined by both external and internal factors and affect many aspects of human life and activity.

According to futurologists, at this stage there is a change in priorities in spending leisure time and spending on it. Recently, there has been a revival of interest and the introduction of society to cultural values ​​and art in general, in this regard, art and culture are gradually becoming an integral part of our lives.

Today, cultural tourism fully satisfies the needs of a person in spiritual development and self-improvement.

Bibliographic list

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In international tourism studies, tourism is called a social "phenomenon. Social (from Latin socialis - public) - related to the life of society. The phenomenon (German phanomen - being) - is interpreted in two meanings:

1) a philosophical concept, a synonym for a phenomenon given to us in the experience of sensory knowledge;
2) an unusual, rare phenomenon; exceptional fact, man.

The root word for the term " tourism"the French word "tour" has become, which in translation means "walk", "trip". Currently, in international tourism, the word "tour" means a tourist trip with such pre-planned parameters as route, timing, set of services.

The modern encyclopedic concept of "tourism" means travel (trip, hike) in your free time (vacation, vacation, etc.); a type of active recreation, a means of recovery, knowledge, spiritual and social development of the individual. In international practice, tourists include all persons who temporarily and voluntarily change their place of residence for any purpose other than the purpose of earning.

As of 1974, the UN defined tourism as a type of population movement that is not associated with a variable place of residence and work, leisure travel, participation in scientific, business and cultural meetings.

At present, experts from the World tourism organization define the concept of "tourism" as the activity of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.

The main social goal of tourism is to increase the duration and improve the quality of human life.

Meetings and joyful communication with nature and new people are the main social value of tourism. After all, the highest ideal of human society is the production of forms of communication between people whose rational needs are satisfied. The discovery and knowledge of the new is one of the natural inclinations of a person, which is dulled in standard conditions of life, but aggravated in travel conditions.

In theory tourist activity divided into domestic and international tourism. Domestic tourism refers to travel within the country of persons permanently residing in this country. International tourism is a combination of inbound and outbound tourism. At the same time, inbound tourism is called travel within the country of persons permanently residing in this country, and outbound tourism is called travel of persons permanently residing in any country to another country.

International tourists are citizens who travel outside the country of permanent residence and are included in WTO statistics. According to WTO statistics, 528.4 million international tourists traveled in the world in 1994; in 2000 - 697.6 million, in 2010 their number is expected to reach 937 million people.

Any activity that a person invents, organizes and improves has a certain social function or several functions. At the same time, the function (s) can have both positive and negative character. Tourist trips, according to experts, have such positive social functions as cognitive, socio-communicative, sports, aesthetic, emotional-psychological, health-improving, creative, pilgrimage.

1. Cognitive function.

Cognition is the process of reflection, analysis and reproduction of reality in thinking; comprehension of the laws of the objective world, the laws of nature and society; the totality of acquired knowledge and experience.

In the journey, a person learns the world around him both by logical and sensual means. At the same time, logical cognition includes thinking and memory, and cognition is sensory sensation, perception, and representation.

According to G.P. Dolzhenko, the cognitive side of tourism means "a person's desire for enrichment, knowledge in the field of history, economics, nature, science and culture, the desire to get acquainted with historical, ethnographic, natural and revolutionary monuments, military and labor traditions."

2. Wellness function.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The main criterion for assessing health is the level of a person's ability to adapt to the world around him. The successful adaptation of a person to the changing conditions of the surrounding world is called adaptation.

The level of innate and acquired qualities that ensure readiness for effective adaptation is called adaptability. Physical, mental and social adaptation is the more successful, the more actively a person advances in all spheres of life. And this, in turn, determines the level of his health.

As far back as the 18th century, the French physician Tiso wrote that "the movement towards" such can replace any medicine in its action, but all the medical remedies of the world are not able to replace the action of the movement.

Movement is inherent in tourism and in the first place in terms of health functions are its active species, i.e. those in which the tourist moves along the route due to his own physical efforts. Such efforts are practically feasible for any person. Only the correct dosage of the load is important, corresponding to the physical and technical capabilities of this tourist.

In an active journey, unlike a sports one, the tourist himself can determine the duration, length and technical complexity of the journey and interrupt it at any time. By the beginning of the 21st century, doctors identified two main causes of the deteriorating health of the Earth's population: unfavorable environmental conditions for human life and physical inactivity, i.e. limited movement. And it is active and sports tourism eliminate both of these causes and have a maximum healing effect.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest person in the world as of February 2002 lives in the Land of the Rising Sun. Japanese silkworm grower Yukichi Chuganji is 112 years old. He does not complain about health problems and is happy to share the secrets of his longevity. Meanwhile, Yukichi's age is not the maximum for a person.

The longevity record belongs to the Frenchwoman Jean-Louise Kalmen, who lived 122 years and 164 days and died in 1997. Before the title of the oldest passed to Chuganji, the oldest person on the planet was the Italian Antonio Todde. He was three months older than Yukichi.

The exact date of Yukichi's birth is March 23, 1889 in the Japanese city of Ogori. All his life he was engaged in sericulture and taught this craft to others. The secret to Yukichi's longevity is, according to him, that he leads a moderate lifestyle and tried to be an optimist. He does not refuse alcohol, but he does not abuse it either. His favorite dish is boiled rice mixed with pieces of chicken.

Western scientists have come to the conclusion that the evolution of man as a biological species has ended, people have reached the peak of their development. They believe; that since the process of evolution itself is based on the properties of genes to cause changes in a living organism to adapt to environment, man has ceased to develop, as he has largely lost his dependence on the biosphere, and in some cases even changes it to create favorable living conditions.

Almost all centenarians were closely connected with the biosphere, and it is tourist travel in its original form that is able (at certain intervals of a person's life) to return a person to the biological environment and preserve him as a biological species.

One of the main indicators of human health is the duration of his life.

3. Social and communicative function.

Communicative - intended, located to establish communication, i.e. communication through language. Transmission and perception of mental content.

Thus, the socio-communicative function of tourism is defined as the ability of travel participants to communicate with each other in an off-formal setting without production subordination, taking into account social status, age, nationality, citizenship and other signs of distinguishing people.

From the point of view of tourist perception, acquaintance with the travel area is not so much a survey of a certain territory, natural, historical and cultural monuments, but rather meeting new people. And the impression of a particular trip is, most often, the impression of communicating with new people.

4. Sports function.

In a broad sense, "sport" is actually a competitive activity, special preparation for it, specific interpersonal relations and establishments in the field of this activity, its socially significant results, taken as a whole.

The social significance of sport lies most of all in the fact that it is a combination of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main forms of preparing a person for labor and other socially necessary activities. Along with this, sport is one of the important means of ethical, aesthetic education, strengthening and expanding international ties that promote mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between peoples.

In addition to the concept of "sport", the term "sport" is used, i.e. a type of competitive activity with a specific subject of competition and special sports equipment and tactics. One of these types is sports tourism, which includes the fulfillment of discharge requirements in two types of tourist and sports competitions:

A) competitions in sports trips;
b) tourist all-around competitions.

Mankind has a variety of sports programs, but only tourism has all the necessary components of health: communication with nature, change of scenery, psychological relief, physical activity.

Sports tourism is easy to organize, accessible to people of any age. Tourism is a natural sport because loads in it are easily dosed. Sports tourism develops such traits of human character as collectivism, discipline, perseverance and perseverance.

5-6. Aesthetic and emotional-psychological functions.

Aesthetics (from Greek - feeling, sensual) is a philosophical science that studies beauty in reality, aesthetic education and the general principles of creativity according to the laws of beauty, a system of someone's views on art.

The aesthetic function of tourism is understood as the opportunity provided during a tourist trip to enjoy the beauty of nature, the creations of architects, sculptors, and artists. The aesthetic function is closely connected with the emotional-psychic function. It is understood in tourism studies as an opportunity to relieve stress and fatigue after hard work, to acquire positive emotions from meeting people, impressions from interesting tourist sites or overcoming natural obstacles in a sports or active tourist trip.

7. Creative function.

Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by originality, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, because always presupposes the creator - the subject of creative activity.

The huge creative potential of a tourist trip lies in the fact that its participants go beyond the stereotypical existence, are distracted from everyday trifles, and focus on solving new problems. For several thousand years organized travel accumulated a huge number of manifestations of the creativity of travelers.

First of all, these include:

Scientific discoveries;
- prose and poetry, both fiction and documentary and popular science;
- the invention of new models of equipment, clothing, footwear, vehicles;
- new food products for various types of tourism;
- new means and methods of teaching people - participants in active and sports travel.

8. Pilgrimage function.

There are about 8 million Muslims in Kazakhstan. There are 1 billion 126 million Muslims in the world. A pilgrimage is a journey to worship holy places (for Christians - to Jerusalem and Rome; for Muslims to Mecca and Medina, etc.). It is named after the custom of Christian pilgrims to bring a palm branch from Palestine.

Pilgrims (along with merchants) are the first travelers who had an exact goal of their movement in time and space. Pilgrims represent the beginning of classical tourism in this respect. After all, they overcame huge distances to the destination of travel, usually on foot, having a minimum of clothing and food supplies. Only in this way could they reach their destination without being robbed or killed, given the security conditions of the time.

Being one of the oldest organized travel functions in the world, the pilgrimage function has not lost its position. Moreover, in modern international tourism, pilgrimage is progressing. Global changes in the organization of the states of the world at the end of the 20th century led to an increase in the number of believers and in fact the number of pilgrims of the main world religions. The number of Muslim pilgrims, for example, is now so great that the authorities Saudi Arabia where are holy cities Mecca and Medina have established an annual quota for pilgrims from around the world.

Only the main social functions of tourism are named here, but there are a great many other positive functions. Therefore, people's need for tourism does not decrease over time, but grows exponentially. Researchers, for example, found that many people artificially reduce their needs, even for food and clothing, in order to make an interesting trip for them on vacation.

The implementation of these social functions is possible only with the use of tourist and recreational resources (TRR). These resources can be roughly divided into two groups:

1. a set of objects and resources of nature;
2. a set of cultural and historical objects.

Sports and recreational functions of tourism are implemented by natural resources, all the rest - by both groups of TRR.

Man as a biological species in the process of his development was directly and is influenced by the nature around him. The physical and spiritual needs of man as an integral being were initially in harmony with the natural possibilities of satisfying them.

Over time, there was a complication of human labor, its "enslavement" by machines, harmful technologies and increasing intensification. All these factors led to the permanent withdrawal of the human body from the natural balance and increasingly led to morbidity and disability. One of the main means of restoring the physical and spiritual strength of man is the life-giving power of nature.

Restoration of human health in the process of his communication with nature and people outside the main work in production is called recreation. At the same time, recreation can be active (sports and tourism) or passive (boarding).

The second group of TRR also plays a significant role in human recreation. Cultural and historical objects constitute the spatial base for passive recreation through excursions.

According to experts, excursion objects carry two types of information:

1) semantic, having a logical nature and addressed to the human mind;
2) ethical.

To obtain a certain recreational effect, not only cognitive information is important, but also emotional experiences of a person based on the perception of the aesthetic properties of cultural and historical objects.

In the economy of individual countries, international tourism performs a number of functions. He appears as:

1) a source of foreign exchange earnings for the country and a means of providing employment;
2) a means of expanding contributions to the balance of payments and the country's GNP;
3) a means of diversifying the economy, creating industries that serve the tourism sector;
4) a means of increasing employment, increasing incomes and improving the welfare of the nation,

With the growing need for people to travel, the tourism industry is also growing in volume as a set of enterprises, institutions and organizations that provide the production and consumption of goods and services for tourists. Therefore, the socio-economic role of tourism in the life of mankind is growing rapidly.