Kefalonia island greece attractions. Beautiful island of Kefalonia, Greece

15 best places Cephalonia that is not in the guidebooks

The island of Kefalonia is one of the most beautiful in Greece. Svetlana shared her impressions of her journey through it and talked about the places that she liked most. And we have designed this into an ideal vacation program that allows you to relax and see all the interesting things.

Greece. Unique country where is the history ancient world densely mixed with culinary traditions and winemaking, ancient ruins coexist perfectly with the Athenian Acropolis that has survived to this day.

It's no secret that in, like in any other tourist developed country, There is popular places, which are on everyone's lips. Usually, the Greek titans of package holidays loom on the surface of the Russian-speaking traveler: Crete and the island of Thassos, the resorts of the Halkidiki peninsula and the monasteries of Meteora, the islands of Corfu, Rhodes and Santorini. Along with them, in Greece there are a huge number of not very popular, sometimes completely unknown to the general public, but no less amazing and beautiful places for relax. Since we are independent travelers, in most cases we don’t like overstaying tourist locations. That is why this time our choice fell on the Greek island of Kefalonia/Cephalonia, which is not particularly well-known in wide tourist circles.

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It is the largest of the Ionian islands in southwestern Greece and, as popular rumor goes, the greenest. We went to explore Kefalonia in the second half of September 2017.

Transport logistics

There are two ways to get to the island of Kefalonia - by air and by sea. There is an airport on the island, but there are no direct flights from Ukraine. Alternatively, you can fly to Kefalonia with a connection in Athens. But the most interesting option in terms of price and flight schedule for the dates we were looking for was offered by UIA, whose services we used. The logistics turned out to be as follows: a direct flight from Kyiv to Athens; we had a car booked in advance at the Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos. We then transited along the upper tip of the Peloponnese peninsula on our way to the port of Kyllini, where ferry services to the Ionian islands of Zakynthos and Kefalonia start.

On the island of Kefalonia, apartments were also pre-booked for 10 nights in the village of Mousáta, 15 km from the capital of the island, Argostoli. In many Russian-language reports that I came across before the trip, tourists mainly admired the northern tip of the island or the western coast of Kefalonia. I liked the coastline in the southwest and southeast of the island more, although at that time I could only judge from the photo on google maps. Therefore, they chose housing closer to the desired beaches. During the 10 days we spent on the island, we managed to travel and see quite a lot. I won’t talk about those places that are widely circulated on the Internet. I will only focus on what really impressed us.

One of the closest to our “base” in Musata and, indeed, one of best beaches Kefalonia - Koroni Beach. It is located in the southwest of the island at the foot of a high mountain. It's extended unequipped beach, that is, you need to understand that it is conditionally wild, where you need to take a towel and sun umbrella with you. As a bonus, there are a minimum number of people on the beach. We came here several times at different times of the day, and invariably there were very few people there. In my humble opinion, Koroni Beach is ideal for romantic getaway and search for inspiration: fine golden sand, smooth entry into the water, emerald waters Ionian Sea and a stunning panorama before your eyes.

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A little further up the mountainside above Koroni Beach we discovered another stunning place, Sesto Koroni Hill Bar - a wine bar with panoramic views. Amazing place, atmospheric. It would seem that everything is so simply done, sometimes from the simplest materials at hand, but the essence is in the sincere atmosphere and cordiality of the owners of the establishment (an English couple). Sesto Koroni is equally pleasant to be in during the day and in the evening, especially at sunset. The opening panorama is mesmerizing! Nothing superfluous, just the turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea and the neighboring island of Zakynthos stretching out in a light haze.

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Nearby you can also stop by for a tasting at the Melissinos Winery (one of the best wineries on the island), and we move further along the coast to the south of Kefalonia.

Next stop is Cape Mounda, the island's southernmost cape. Unusual coastal landscape: sand beach smoothly turns into a powerful stone slab that goes far into the sea, and closer to the tip of the cape, rocks with bizarre weathering forms and hidden grottoes hang over the shore. From a high hill above Cape Mounda you can descend to a long, seemingly endless, deserted beach. Beautiful landscape... and space, space! And the same stunning wind that only happens on extreme points land.

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We get into the car again and drive further, moving to the southeast of the island. First we pass the lively village of Skala, and literally a few kilometers later we park the car near the next object of our interest, a bay with the poetic name Kato Lagadi. There are no landmarks or signs along the route, only a small spot along the road where the cars of those in the know are left... That’s right: the bulk of tourists are brought to the bay on yachts and boats by sea, so there are no signs along the road. But there is still a land passage to the bay. The trail and the descent to the sea are moderately extreme, but if you have at least minimal physical fitness and hiking experience, there will be no problems.

Kato Lagadi Bay is an amazing coastal landscape, a series of grottoes and tiny coves with small pebbles and a smooth entry into the water. Great place for snorkeling! It’s better to come in the morning, when the sun’s rays brightly illuminate everything around and the grotto-caves can be seen in all their glory. After lunch, the sun goes behind Mount Enos and the grottoes hide in the shadows. However, photographs speak louder than words:

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Our next point of interest is famous beach Antisamos, one of the most beautiful beaches Greece according to TripAdvisor. A quick note: we don't like public beaches by default. According to our version, an ideal beach is when there are minimal or no people on it, and there is also a minimum of tourist infrastructure. To be alone with nature is our main desire on vacation. In the case of Antisamos beach, this is a rare exception when we betrayed our principles. The beach is truly stunningly beautiful. First of all, the view! The view of the bay, deep and elongated like a fjord, and the neighboring island of Ithaca is indescribable. Legends and myths ancient Greece, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey come to life before your eyes... and it's truly breathtaking just to see it with your own eyes! By the way, as local Greeks say, in the strait between Kefalonia and Ithaca there is ancient city the time of Odysseus. All that remains is to take their word for it. In general, on the island, quite a lot of reminders of Mycenaean culture (the period in the history of Greece from the 16th to the 11th centuries BC) and later periods have been preserved to this day, in particular the museum under open air Acropolis of Ancient Same (located high on the mountain above Antisamos beach, admission is free).

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Antisamos beach is also unique in that it is usually completely calm. This is due to the fact that the bay in which the beach is located is “covered” from the sea by the mainland and the island of Ithaca, and from the land side it is reliably protected by an amphitheater of high mountains. And indeed, it has been verified experimentally that even when a serious storm broke out one day, the sea in Antisamos Bay was calm and comfortable for swimming. To be fair, it is worth noting that despite all the aesthetic beauty, the beach also has its drawbacks: there are quite large pebbles underfoot, and the depth starts literally from the shore, so this beach is not very suitable for families with small children. But if you are an esthete and your rich inner world is in dire need of new doses of earthly beauty, then Antisamos beach is at your service.

However, you won’t be satisfied with natural beauties alone, so we are going in search of Greek delicacies. Each country has its own signature dish or product - specialty. This is part of the gastronomic history and culture of a particular country, where culinary traditions are respected. In Greece, one of the most famous specialties is, of course, Greek yogurt. It is difficult to live without it in Hellas.

Our guesthouse neighbors, Italians, warmly recommended a place in Kefalonia where you should definitely have a Greek-style breakfast. What can I tell you, Italians know a lot about gourmet food! This is a real oasis... a very small open area, but placing and submitting an order, relaxed communication with the young and cheerful owner of the establishment - this is exactly that rare case when the memory of something is etched in the memory for a long time and over time is mentally savored with slight nostalgia.

Breakfast in the tiny and inconspicuous Myrtillo is worthy of a separate story. This is not only a positive charge and a full stomach, but also a real taste pleasure. We only stopped once for breakfast at Myrtillo on the way to Myrtos beach (the Myrtillo cafe-shop is located on the main road west coast, between two observation decks on Myrtos Beach), but I really remember this place. Here you can buy local homemade and other only nature Greek specialties (honey, jam, jam, nuts) as souvenirs, and there is also a small open area with tables where you can eat.

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A proper Greek breakfast, like everything ingenious, is extremely simple. Greek yogurt, honey, tahini (sesame paste), nuts. You can also add seasonal fruits or homemade jam. It is not for nothing that, according to statistics, the Greek islands have the most long-livers, because with delicious natural food you can afford to live healthily for many years.

If you come to Myrtillo ideally for breakfast, then for dinner it is advisable to climb higher into the mountains. For example, you can taste excellent young lamb not far from resort town Sami. Our destination is the mountain village of Poulata. The owner of the house where we rented an apartment told us about this place. In fact, this is an ordinary village in the mountains, which is notable only for the fact that the local specialty is excellently prepared here - young lamb meat. You can also try lamb, goat and other mixed grilled meats. But it is the rack of lamb on the coals that is the masterpiece of the local Greek cuisine.

In the village of Poulata there is a popular tourist establishment “Rambolis Grill Lamb Reataurant”, where tourists are brought by buses after an excursion in the Melissani cave (this is the “calling card” of Kefalonia, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Sami). And very close to this restaurant there is a small family tavern, the name of which cannot be reproduced in Greek (look at the photo). You need to arrive in the evening, around 8 o'clock is ideal. Because at 7 o’clock in the evening the workers are just getting ready to receive guests, and at 9 there may no longer be any free places left. They work until late as long as there are visitors. It’s very tasty, the portions are impressive, the prices are reasonable, and the attitude towards guests is good-natured. The owners of the establishment welcome guests like a family, and the food and service are beyond praise!

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By the way, the basic principle for choosing catering places in Greece (however, this applies to many European countries). Many domestic tourists have stereotypical thinking about what a catering establishment (restaurant, cafe, pastry shop or coffee shop) should look like. How is it usually with us? That's right: a cafe-restaurant will be cool and tasty if it looks at least decent: a beautiful interior, fabric tablecloths and napkins, expensive dishes, etc. This is a delicious restaurant. Tasty and expensive, there’s no other way. As you understand, the rules of “appearance” of taverns, familiar to compatriots, do not apply in Greece at all. In Greece, taverns focus primarily on the quality and taste of food. That is, if the food is not tasty, then you can do nothing further - there are no people in this tavern, and there never will be. Then the second most important thing is the view from the tavern, and only after that, almost lastly, is it about the design, beautiful dishes, napkins, etc.

Ask me, which tavern in Greece was most memorable and sank into your soul? The answer is simple: this is a tavern somewhere in the mountain wilderness or inconspicuous back streets of the old city, in a completely ordinary room, with the same ordinary ordinary people who prepare and serve food. After all, it is the delicious food and friendly atmosphere that is remembered, not the well-trained waiters and original design. Although this also has the right to be, but definitely not in Greece.

It would be worth starting with the fact that in Greece you always need to pay attention to the sign of the establishment. It is extremely rare for a tavern to have “taverna” written in front of it in English; most likely, it will be written “restaurant” in English. But a restaurant is just that: a restaurant with all the attributes: waiters, white tablecloths, etc. Authentic restaurants in Greece – a rare event, which you can only find in major cities, for example, in Athens or Thessaloniki, or at hotels. Their cuisine is also usually European. Therefore, the “restaurant” sign is a deliberate substitution of concepts for foreign tourists. If you want to try authentic Greek cuisine, you need a tavern with its understated simplicity and "family" feel.

When your stomach is full, you usually want more spectacles. Or if you suddenly get bored from a measured rest, and there is a desire to dilute the languor of life, you can go to the north of the island, to the small town of Fiskardo. There is a large marina for yachts, around which everything is touristic for the discerning public. In short - pretentious, expensive, cocktail bars, taverns and restaurants. Whatever your heart desires, for every taste and budget. In Fiskardo, in addition to the ancient architecture, I remember the impudent and not at all prim young Englishmen, blond Scandinavians, cheerful and loud Italians, drunk and noisy Czechs... the marina in Fiskardo is large, the audience is motley and colorful. You won't get bored, that's for sure! But for have a relaxing holiday It is better to choose housing in the immediate vicinity; you should not base yourself in Fiskardo itself.

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Meanwhile we are going around northern part Kefalonia and smoothly move to the western coast of the island, closer to the inaccessible rocky bays and the piercing blue Ionian Sea, well known from publications in glossy magazines. The first thing your eye catches from the height of the main route is a long cape protruding into the sea. The view is incredible, so it’s impossible to just drive past! This is Assos - perhaps one of the most beautiful and spectacular places in Kefalonia.

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Assos is a small cozy town located on an isthmus between the mainland and a peninsula crowned by a Venetian fortress. The town itself is miniature and very touristy, which is not surprising in view of its special external attractiveness, and in terms of the number of idly wandering tourists it can easily compete with the pretentious Fiscardo. Assos looks equally great from afar and up close! Houses with brightly colored facades stretch up the slope of a small sheltered bay. On the narrow cobblestone streets, large tubs and tall clay pots with decorative and wildly flowering plants are everywhere, which I especially like in the south. In the marina, fishing boats and small yachts sway rhythmically, taverns with tables along the water, alluring smells of cooking food spread, and then spicy aromas excite the receptors. The colorful reality is pleasing to the eye, and the emotions are overwhelming inside... a real Mediterranean idyll.

If you are not too lazy and follow a wide winding path paved with marble, climb to the top of the peninsula to Venetian fortress(Castle of Assos of the 15th century), then you will be rewarded for your work and perseverance - the views are grandiose!

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We move further along west bank Kefalonia. In this part of the island the main road is laid at a decent height. At a decent height along steep cliffs! I don’t know how anyone perceives reality, but I am always impressed when a Man masters the mountains, “taming” them to his needs. Just imagine: along the western coast of Kefalonia, the road is in some places carved out of huge stone blocks, which causes genuine surprise and, of course, respect for the people who built it. And now driving along ideal mountain roads is a real pleasure, despite the endless turns. After all, behind each of them a new, unique view opens up, and you want to make stops as often as possible to capture this beauty as a memory. But, alas, there are very few suitable places for this. The track has two lanes, fences on both sides, closed blind turns...

Following the settlement of Assos is the famous greek beach Myrtos and one of the few equipped sites along the route where you can stop. This Observation deck Myrthos Beach Viewpoint. There are not enough words to express the fullness of feelings and emotions when you see piercing blue in real life!

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Myrtos Beach, along with the Melissani Cave, is the calling card of Kefalonia. We did not go down to the beach itself; according to reviews, it is not very convenient for swimming. It is usually very stormy and windy here strong wind, due to the fact that the beach “looks” into the open sea. There are large pebbles on the shore, and the depth begins immediately from the shore. But from the outside, especially from a bird’s eye view, this is a dream beach.

Further along the western coast of Kefalonia, between Myrtos beach and the village of Zola, there are several more moderately beautiful beaches and lagoons, but we go further - to a “secret” bay. Lost in the mountains at the north-western tip of the Paiki Peninsula, Atheras Bay is striking in its beauty at first sight. B carefully closed bay, a cape protruding far into the sea, everything is perfectly suited for swimming and relaxing - moderately secluded, there are small pebbles on the shore, a clean bottom and a calm sea. And the view is amazing, this is very important!

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I cannot ignore the capital of Kefalonia - Argostoli. This is the main transport hub of the island; most hotels and large supermarkets are concentrated around the capital, and the promenade along the coastal part of the city will bring a lot of pleasure. The city center is interesting and beautiful embankment, lined with colorful pebbles framed by date palms. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s morning, afternoon or evening – there is something to do in the capital at any time of the day.

The city of Argostoli spreads widely in the shape of an amphitheater along the shore of a large lagoon. There is an airport close to the capital and for fans of spotting this is a place of power. In addition to a large selection of beaches, there are several noteworthy places in the vicinity of Argostoli. For example, a viewpoint on the edge of the cape, the active lighthouse of St. Theodora (Agion Theodoron), better known as the Fanari lighthouse, and nearby the Katavothres Sea Mill watermill is located. Actually, tourists usually fly through this section (between Argostoli and the lighthouse) in cars without stopping. But in vain! From Argostoli a path stretches along the sea through natural Park, where along the way there are small coves suitable for swimming, pine trees, cypresses and junipers, thanks to which you can breathe in the heady Mediterranean pine air. I can’t even believe that there are such quiet, relatively deserted places very close to the noisy capital of the island.

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The mill, located near the lighthouse, is very unusual place. Not so much interesting engineering structure, how many Katavotres is a unique geological phenomenon of the island of Kefalonia. Usually on an island the river flows into the sea, but on the island of Kefalonia the opposite happens. Streams sea ​​water fall into underwater karst crevices near the village of Katavothres (on the outskirts of Argostoli), then they pass under the island from west to east and appear on the surface in the village of Karavomilos (near the city of Sami), where they then flow into the cave lake Melissani.

In 1963, geologists from an Austrian university dropped 160 kg of paint in the area underground tunnels villages of Katavotres., and after 15 days traces of this paint appeared in the water on the eastern side of the island. The Englishman Stevens was the first observer to describe this unusual phenomenon. He decided to use the energy of the water that was lost in the “catavotra” (in the crevice) and built a water mill there, which we can still see today.

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What else is noteworthy in Argostoli? Every day in the morning and evening on the embankment you can take part in a free “attraction” - feeding sea turtles. One day we specially arrived early in the morning at the Argostoli embankment to see the Caretta-caretta turtles up close. It happens like this: at 9 am, fishermen with their morning catch moor at the pier on the embankment, where the first buyers of fresh fish are already waiting for them. A spontaneous mini-fish market is formed. The fish for the buyers are immediately cut up and the offal is thrown into the water right there. Turtles come to them to feast on them. If you see crowds of people on the embankment, that means turtles are there.

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And, concluding the topic of Argostoli, I would like to note that it is in the capital that active tourist life is in full swing. Here is the brightest evening promenade and, in principle, only in this place was noticed night life. In addition, Argostoli has a huge selection of establishments: taverns, restaurants, nightclubs, cocktail bars, pizzerias. And, of course, the Greek version of fast food “giradiko” and “souvladzidiko” is widely represented (the first is called after the dish “gyros”, and the second takes its name from “souvlaki” - these are small kebabs). In terms of cuisine, Argostoli has everything your heart desires, for every taste. We dined here several times in various establishments, but most of all I remember the family restaurant of Greek cuisine, Casa Grec, lost in the narrow streets of the old city.

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From Argostoli you can conveniently and fairly quickly move to the Paliki Peninsula. You can get there by land, but it’s much more comfortable to get there by water. The Argostoli-Lixouri ferry, which departs every half hour from the port of one capital of the island to another and back (Lixouri is the capital of the Paliki Peninsula), takes on board both passengers and cars.

The gathering point for vacationers on the Paiki Peninsula is the popular “red” Xi Beach. We deliberately skip it and head a little further, our goal is neighboring Koutala Beach. Most of the beaches on the coast of the Paiki Peninsula are known for their characteristic and expressive combination: a thin strip of bright red sand on the shore and high clay cliffs (this clay is said to have a cosmetic effect and can be smeared with it like in a spa - I can only take their word for it, we haven't tried). It looks very beautiful in sunny weather!

The sea is shallow and calm. Quiet, secluded, practically no people. In my opinion, it is also a great place to relax with small children - shallow, warm sea, sandy.

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Kefalonia- the largest of all the Greek islands of the Ionian Sea. To the north of it is about. Lefkada, to the east is the famous Ithaca, the birthplace of Homer’s Odysseus, and to the south is about. Zakynthos Highest points Kefalonia - Mount Enos and Rudi (1627 m and 1130 m respectively), its total area is 671 km².

The first mentions of the local inhabitants, the Cephalonians, are found in Homer’s poem “The Illiad”. In that distant era, their lands were part of the state of Odysseus. In subsequent periods of history, many conquerors visited the island. Its lands were dominated by the Romans, Byzantines, Normans, Turks, Venetians, French and English. And only in 1864 it finally became part of Greece.

The natural beauty of Kefalonia amazes you at first sight. The greenery of the mountain slopes covered with coniferous trees and the riot of colors of flowers that can be seen in every corner of the island are harmoniously combined here.

If you wish, you can travel around Kefalonia all year round, visiting a new place every day - after all, there are 365 villages! Each of them boasts something unusual, but all the villages are united by traditional Greek architecture, an abundance of greenery and flowers, which local residents love to decorate balconies, courtyards and building facades with.

Unfortunately, the powerful earthquake of 1953 also left its mark on the island. Many houses were destroyed, including magnificent buildings from the Venetian period. However, there is a lot to see in Kefalonia: modern architecture complemented the appearance of cities and towns, and lush gardens still delight the eyes of visitors.


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Sights of Kefalonia

Monastery St. Andrew's And Church of Panagia Languvarda– the most interesting sights of Kefalonia that survived the earthquake. The monastery is notable for the fact that it houses a unique relic - part of the right foot of the Apostle Andrew from the monastery. There is also a museum here, where Byzantine icons and church vestments are displayed.

An interesting story is connected with Church of Panagia Languvarda, which is located in the village of Markopoulo. According to legend, during the period of Byzantine rule, pirates landed on the island. In order to save the nuns of the local monastery, the Mother of God turned them into small snakes. Since then, every year on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (August 15), many snakes with crosses appear in the village. The parishioners catch them and bring them to the icon “Theotokos of the Serpent”. People believe that if you apply a snake to a sore spot or even just hold it in your hands, you can be healed of ailments. Naturally, on this day hundreds of pilgrims come to Markopoulo to see the miracle with their own eyes.

While vacationing in Kefalonia, you can visit other equally wonderful places:

  • Unique underground Melissani cave lake, formed as a result of an earthquake
  • Drogariti Cave at a depth of 44 meters, which is about 150 million years old
  • The highest mountain reserve of the Ionian Islands Enos(1628 meters).
  • Asos Fortress, built at the beginning of the 17th century
  • Mycenaean period domed tomb of Zanatu, whose burials scientists date back to 1400-1000 BC.
  • Ruins of a Roman villa, on the walls of which magnificent mosaics have been preserved

Beaches of Kefalonia

Among the beaches of Kefalonia, it is difficult to give preference to just one, because every corner of the island has a unique and charming atmosphere in its own way. But there are several world-famous beaches that visitors to the island try to visit first.

Ammes. Small calm beach, covered with golden fine-grained sand, is located in the village of Svoronata. Nice bonus: There is an airport nearby.

Antisamos. The beach is located in a bay near the town of Sami, not far from the main port, and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful not only in Kefalonia, but throughout Greece. And it’s not surprising: here the green slopes of the mountains approach the crystal clean water, forming amazing idyllic landscapes.

Makris Gialos. This beach is known for the best infrastructure on the island: there are cafes, snack bars and restaurants, you can rent umbrellas, sun loungers and all the necessary equipment for relaxing on the water. Every year Makri Gialos is awarded the Blue Flag, an international sign of quality.

Platys Gialos. This beach is part of one coastline with Makris Gialos, it is also well equipped and awarded the Blue Flag. But it is Platis Gialos that tourists call the Greek Riviera. Pines, flowers and other greenery form the special charm and charm of this stretch of coast.

Myrtos. A large number of tourists come to the island. Kefalonia is exactly what you need to see around the world famous beach Myrtos. It looks especially impressive from the heights of the surrounding rocks - a strip of snow-white sand with an incoming azure wave beckons you to go down the mountain serpentine and relax on the seashore.

Xi. Xi Beach, located near the town of Lixouri, is interesting for its unusual yellow-red sand. It is believed that the local clay has healing properties, so many vacationers smear themselves with it and thus take sunbathing. The descent into the water on Xi is gentle and shallow, so the beach is preferred by tourists with children. There are places to eat and relax - there are many eateries, hotels and apartments in the beach area. Xi is also awarded the Blue Flag for Quality.

Rock. The sandy beach of Skala is one of the widest and longest (about 3 km) on the island. It is located on the territory of the city of the same name, so all the amenities of civilization are at hand.

Kefalonia Island Map

Photo: Mouzenidis Travel

Kefalonia(Κεφαλονιά) or Cefallonia(Κεφαλλονιά) or Cefallinia(Κεφαλλήνια) is one of the islands of the Ionian archipelago, part of Greece.


The towns of Kefalonia are clean, tidy and small enough to get around without any rush. If you want to come to this cozy corner to enjoy its picturesque views, you will not be disappointed. Lush forests, breathtaking mountains, dizzyingly high cliffs falling into the sparkling azure sea - this is what Kefalonia is all about. You can book a hotel in advance on a well-known website, and you can compare prices from different services. If you prefer to stay in private apartments, you can look at similar offers from local residents.

The cities here are very beautiful:

general information

The island has three name options: Kefalonia, Kefallonia, Kefallinia. You may also hear locals call it "Sephalonia". This is the name of the region, which also includes the island of Ithaca (Ithaca). Hence the name of the airport. The island is mostly known for being the location where the movie Captain Corelli's Choice was filmed. However, souvenirs related to the film are not as common here as you might expect, even in Sami, the old port in the east of the island where the filming itself took place.

Languages ​​of the island

An impressive part of the island's population spends only the summer months in Kefalonia and lives abroad in the winter. The reason is simple - there are very few jobs on the island after graduation. tourist season(April – November). Therefore, there are a large number of Greeks on the island who speak with an American accent. English language used everywhere here. The exception is older people who speak only Greek. Many will also understand you if you speak Italian, as the island is historically closely related to the nation from the Apennine Peninsula. Try learning a greeting in Greek and you will receive an enthusiastic response.

How to get there

By plane

Main airport international Airport Kefalonia, located near Argostoli and Lassi, is a regular, small island airport. In other words, if two planes arrive at an airport, it immediately becomes overcrowded. On Tuesday and Sunday the airport visits greatest number people, and on both days there is real chaos here. Remember that the word "chaos" is of Greek origin, so just try to move through it. Despite this, the airport staff are very friendly and calm. Flights to mainland Greece are operated by Sky Express and Olympic Air. You can find out the prices for flights for your dates on various aggregator sites, or, for example,.

You can also arrive here by ferry from Italy, mainland Greece or another island (the main ports are Argostoli, Sami and Poros). KTEL also provides buses from Athens from the Kiffisou Street station to various points on the island (ferry included in the price).


Kefalonia - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Kefalonia - weather by month


Kefalonia - weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

The island has four peninsulas and high mountains, which together creates a stunning landscape. A series of earthquakes (the last one in the 70s) left little of the ancient buildings on the island, but the local architecture is practically no different from the architecture of the rest of Greece.

In the center of the island there are two noteworthy caves: Drogarati Cave

unfortunately lost a large number of stalactites and stalagmites (it is said that during the occupation of Greece by German troops during the Second World War, soldiers used them as targets for training their shooting skills) and Melissani (in reality an underground lake above which the earth collapsed during an earthquake), filled crystal clear blue water flowing under the entire island underground rivers. Seeing them is an unforgettable experience.

Sami Beach (near the city of the same name) is also incredibly beautiful (blue water, white stones, mountains encircling a small bay), but there are always traffic jams around the beach. Myrtos Beach, to the west, is very popular but can get busy. It is known for its rather steep descent to depth (after 3 meters you will not feel the bottom), so it is not recommended for those who cannot swim. Be sure to bring sunblock as the beach is covered in white pebbles and the sun shines blindingly bright in high summer.

Not as amazing, but still good and not crowded beaches can be found in the south near Skala and the Lixouri peninsula to the west. Xi Beach, south of Lixouri, is an excellent spacious sandy beach where peace and tranquility reigns. Makris Gialos and Platis Gialos are two stunning beaches in Lassi but, as expected, often crowded. Petani beach on the Lixouri peninsula is also good, and on Antisamos, near Sami, some scenes for the film about Corelli were filmed. Kaminia Beach is a beautiful shallow beach between Anno Katelios and Skalla where you can spot a turtle!

The pier from which Mandras throws Pelagia into the sea in the film is located on Khorgota Beach.

If you want to implement boat trip, visit one near Ithaca or a trip on the glass-bottom boat Captain Mackie.

The Roman villa, located in the vicinity of the Rock, with a mosaic floor, should be a must-see in your Kefalonia travel itinerary. Today, excavations in this place continue, and new finds make Viluu even more attractive to tourists.

Food. What to try

The Ionian Islands have their own culinary tradition, and local kitchen different from traditional Greek. She was not influenced in any way by Eastern culture, unlike Italian and Austrian. Since many Greeks moved to Kefalonia after the 1953 earthquake, Greek dishes can also be easily found here, sometimes even easier than traditional Kefalonia dishes.

The cuisine of Kefalonia is famous for its meat pie, which is served in several restaurants. This is more of a homemade farm dish than a modern one. Finding a good meat pie is not the easiest task, but at Captain's Table in Argostoli you will probably have best opportunity try this dish. The dishes served in many establishments are not bad, but they cannot be called spectacular. Menus may be the same in many places. Asking locals about the best places to eat is a good idea.

If you are in Argostoli, go to the big bakery opposite the harbor and get some small round cheese pies, they are delicious.

At the entrance to the Venetian Castle in Kastro there is an excellent tree-shaded restaurant/café with a very friendly owner (a Greek married to an Englishwoman). The homemade cakes here are very tasty.

In Poros there is a good tavern “Dionysos”, from which you can see great view to Ithaca Island and Marina. In this place you can find one of the most delicious meat pies on the island (creatopita), as it is prepared according to the traditional Cephalonian recipe (contains up to three types of meat). They also serve squid, which is sun-dried before cooking. Despite this, the restaurant's signature dish is moussaka, even a small piece of which is filled with many flavors.


Frappe is an instant cold coffee. Many people drink the drink. Inexpensive and refreshing.

Freddo cappuccino - cold cappuccino. Also very popular, like frappe, but stronger and less harmful to the stomach.

Ouzo is a Greek liqueur with anise flavor.

Mitos is a Greek light beer. Good for you if you've spent the whole day in the sun. In addition, the drink is quite inexpensive.

Orshad syrup is called sumanda here and is popular in Kefalonia.

Safety. What to watch out for

In Kafellonia there is very low level crime. However, be careful in busy areas, as tourists are the victims of most crimes. Traffic, as in general in Greece, can be too busy in the cities. The roads in the mountains are very winding, and some of them can only be driven by a four-wheel drive vehicle, but the roads are generally of high quality.

Watch your step; if the street is poorly lit, the sidewalks may be uneven.

You will rarely see a local police officer on a city street. They are mainly involved in issuing fines for speeding. You will need a translator if you contact them regarding insurance claims.

Things to do

In Agia Efimia you can rent a boat for a small fee and visit the untouched wild beaches, which can only be reached from the sea.

In Kefalonia you will find several riding arenas. It is also possible to arrange a horseback ride into the mountains through ruined villages and ancient vineyards, where the roar of mountain goats and the cry of eagles are the only sounds to break the absolute silence. This trip is very interesting and is recommended to everyone, even in the middle of summer. To the west you can drive to the remote village of Ateras, and then take the road down to reach the small beach with the monastery of St. Spyridon.

Wildlife Sense, (+30) 26710 81285. This is a volunteer organization working with local authorities and environmental organizations to protect rare species plants and animals through scientific research and informing ordinary citizens about this problem.

The George and Mary Vergottis Foundation organizes world-class concerts of both national Greek and foreign music.

Diving Club, Agia Efimia, +30 26740 62006. The club provides a range of diving-related activities. These can be classes for beginners (no special knowledge is required) or courses to obtain a scuba diver certificate.

Motorcycle tours in Kafelonia, Karavomylos, +306942665034. Opening hours: 8:30-16:30. Motorcycle tours in Kafellonia lasting from 1 to 10 days. Accommodation provided. Follow the "secret" roads of Kafellonia, discover ancient paths and hidden valleys. Food, drinks, and protective equipment are included in the price.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Be sure to purchase wild thyme honey, its taste is incomparable, as well as local wine, Robola.

As you can guess, souvenirs are sold here in large quantities. Some jewelry good quality sold at a low price; you are unlikely to be deceived, since the Greeks prefer to sell what they paid for.