5 states located on islands. Island state

The islands are a little piece of paradise. Which country can claim to have the most islands? Which country has the most islands? Islands can be very large or very small and are mainly composed of rocks.

It is estimated that approximately 700 million people on earth live on islands. Due to their isolation, islands typically offer a unique environment as they tend to be biodiversity hotspots with rare flora and fauna. Sweden is supposed to have more islands than any other country in the world. Below are other countries that have greatest number islands:

Estonia - 2355

A 2015 study found that Estonia has 800 more islands than previously thought, bringing the total number of islands in the country to 2,355. big Island in Estonia - Saaremaa, whose total area is 2,671 sq. km. Many of Estonia's islands are uninhabited.

Greece - 6000

Various sources indicate that the number of islands in Greece ranges from 1,600 to 6,000 depending on the minimum size defined as an island. Of the total, more than 166 have permanent settlements. Crete is the largest greek island in terms of area, followed by Euboea, Lesbos and Rhodes. All islands are located in different clusters, namely: the North Islands Aegean Sea at west coast Turkey, the Argo-Saronica islands near Athens, the Cyclades in the central Aegean Sea, the Dodecanese near Turkey, the Sporades off the coast of Euboea and the Ionian Islands in the Ionian Sea. The Ionian Islands have the best sandy beaches, while the Delos Islands are replete with historical and cultural monuments because it is the birthplace of Apollo.

UK - 6289

Great Britain is an island itself, separated from mainland Europe North Sea and English channel. Including everything overseas territories, Great Britain has 6,289 islands, most of which are in Scotland.

Japan - 6,853

Japan is a 2,990-kilometer-long archipelago consisting of 6,853 islands, of which more than 430 are inhabited. The four main islands are Honshu (which is the largest), Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu. While most of them are natural, there are a few in Japan artificial islands. Each of inhabited islands Japan has unique cultural and biological diversity. Japanese islands are a rich base for research and expeditions, as well as for fishing. Every year, about 1,500 earthquakes occur throughout the country. Four-fifths of Japan's territory is covered with forests and mountain ranges, about 200 active volcanoes make it difficult to expand settlements, farms or industry.

Philippines - 7107

The Philippines is a tropical country located in South-East Asia. Many of the country's 7,107 islands are popular among tourists for their beautiful beaches and turquoise waters. The largest island in the Philippines is Luzon, which is also the most populated island. Most Big city on the island of Luzon - Quezon.

Australia - 8222

According to the latest data, there are more than 8,000 islands in Australia. The actual number is estimated at 8222. Of these, 3747 islands are in Western Australia, 1955 in Queensland, 1000 in Tasmania, 88 in the Northern Territory and 346 in South Australia. Melvin Island is the largest of the total number of islands. Australia boasts a variety of wildlife, including kangaroos and platypuses. Other attractions include the Great Barrier Reef, lakes, forests and vast desert.

Indonesia – 17,508

The Republic of Indonesia is an archipelago mainly volcanic islands located in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is the 14th largest country in the world by area. The main islands in Indonesia include the Malaku and Sunda groups. On the Sunda Islands is the island of Java, on which the capital of the state is located - the city of Jakarta. Indonesian islands are popular among tourists for their unique beaches, volcanoes, prehistoric relics, limestone cliffs and rich wildlife including forests, elephants, tigers, etc. Indonesia's wildlife and culture make this country one of the best tourist destinations on the planet.

Canada - 52,455

According to Statistics Canada, the state has 52,455 islands. The largest of them is Baffin Island, which has an area of ​​507,451 square kilometers. About 30,000 islands lie within Hudson Bay, making it one of the largest archipelagos with fresh water. A total of 1,864 islands are found on the St. Lawrence River. To the north of mainland Canada is the Canadian Archipelago, which contains Queen Elizabeth and Manitoulin Islands. Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater island in the world and is home to 17 other lakes, which in turn contain even smaller islands.

Norway - 55000

The Northern European country of Norway has more than 55,000 islands. In fact, there are so many islands that it is difficult to count them accurately. Norway's coastline is estimated to range from 25,000 km to 83,000 km. The largest island in Norway is Spitsbergen.

Finland - 188,000

The Finnish Tourism Board recognizes that the country has 179,584 islands, 98,050 of which are located within the country's 188,000 lakes. Only 455 of these islands have permanent settlements and use water communication with the mainland, and have no roads. More than 700 of the islands are relatively large and have road connections to the mainland. Other tens of thousands serve recreational, expeditionary, research or other purposes. Tourists here can enjoy horse riding, kayaking, fishing and other outdoor activities.

Sweden – 221,800

Experts estimate that Sweden has 221,800 islands, most of which are uninhabited. This number means that Sweden likely has more islands than any other country in the world. Even the country's capital, Stockholm, is an archipelago of fourteen islands connected by more than 50 bridges, as well as the medieval city of Gamla Stan, museums and royal palaces. The island of Öland has well-maintained beaches, a castle and buildings whose history goes back 5,000 years, making the island a World Heritage UNESCO. On other islands you can go swimming, fishing and other aquatic species sports

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The level of the world's oceans has constantly changed; nothing is constant. But in Lately, due to global warming, this process has become catastrophic for many coastal countries. Due to the melting of glaciers on the Earth's polar caps, sea levels are rising by an average of 4 mm per year. It would seem, what is 4 mm? In 10 years this is only 4 cm. Why such panic? But let's look at the issue more globally.

First, a little geometry. Let's consider ideal conditions: The shore of the island and the bottom of the ocean are perfectly flat with a slope of 5 degrees, like a wave pool in a water park.

What happens if the water level is increased by 4 cm? The coastal strip will decrease by 47 cm! And in a hundred years, the sea level will increase by half a meter, and island and coastal countries will lose five meters of coastline. But these are all ideal “laboratory conditions”. In reality, things are much worse. For example highest point state of the Maldives - about two meters. This is the highest, basically all the islands in the Maldives have a height of 0.5 to 1 meter above sea level. The UN Commission on Climate Change, based on its research, predicts a rise in global sea levels of 58 cm by the end of the century. According to other calculations, for example, the National Oceanography Center in the UK, sea levels could rise by 2.5-5 meters within 300 years. And if large coastal states are threatened with partial flooding, then small island states are threatened with complete disappearance.

The site has selected five countries that are most at risk of extinction as world sea levels rise.


This is a string of small islands formed from coral reefs with a maximum land level of 1-2 meters. If the sea level rises by 50 cm (in 100 years), most of the 1,192 islands of the Maldives could be flooded, and the population of 369 thousand people would lose their homes. And most importantly, the population will have nowhere to move, the country will simply disappear. Representatives Maldives The UN has always been one of the first to support any projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. They are one of the first to verify the UN Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

But according to various research institutes, it is no longer possible to stop rising sea levels. That is why the government of the Maldives has opened an account since 2008 to which part of the income from tourism will be transferred. These funds will be used to purchase land in Australia or India.


A small state located entirely on islands formed from coral reefs. The maximum height of the country is 5 m. It is located in the Pacific Ocean 1000 km north of Fiji. Like the Maldives, Tuvalu faces complete extinction in the next 200-300 years. The Tuvalu government is in talks with Australian authorities to secure a site for future relocation of residents. Considering that Australia has one of the lowest population densities, housing 10 thousand Tuvaluans will not be difficult, and it will obviously not be free of charge.

Marshall Islands

Located 500 km northwest of Tuvalu. Like its unfortunate neighbors, the Marshall Islands are threatened with complete flooding. Thousands of coral islands will be submerged within 300 years. More than 50 thousand people will be forced to search new country for life.


This dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the western part Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21.3 km² and a population of 10,261 people. Nauru was a little more lucky. The island is shaped like a chicken egg with a maximum height of 71 m (the height of Command Ridge) and the island is not in danger of being completely flooded. But 90% of arable land and 60% of habitable land will disappear. The country faces economic disaster in 200-300 years.


A Pacific country located in Micronesia and Polynesia, one and a half thousand kilometers south of the Hawaiian Islands. Kiribati consists of 33 small atolls, twenty of which are uninhabited. Most islands have maximum height 5-10 m above sea level and only Banaba Island has a height of 81 m, and is an elevated atoll in origin. However, it will not be possible to live on Banaba, since the island was almost completely destroyed during the development of fertilizers (phosphorites). The island will be interesting only for environmentalists, because here you can see the consequences of the mining industry. Tourism is very developed in Kiribati; more than 20% of the country's GDP comes from this industry. But within 100 years, most of the tourism infrastructure will be flooded, which will lead to severe economic consequences. And in another 100 years, most of the islands of Kiribati will disappear. Like Tuvalu, Kiribati is in talks with Australia about relocating to the mainland.

A state whose territory consists of an island and the adjacent part of the sea, for example, Cyprus, Malta, Tahiti... Dictionary of Geography

Island state- (Island state) The concept of an island state, descriptions of island states Information about the concept of an island state, descriptions of island states Contents Contents 1. List by area 2. Brief descriptions of some island states... ... Investor Encyclopedia

State of Tuvalu— Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during negotiations with the Prime Minister of the island state of Tuvalu, Willie Telavi, agreed to establish diplomatic relations between the countries, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on Sunday. Tuvalu island... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Coordinates: 26°04′03″ N. w. 50°33′04″ E. d. / 26.0675° n. w. 50.551111° E. d. ... Wikipedia

Great Britain; official name‒ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). I. General information V. is an island state in the northwestern part of Europe; takes... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Greek Ελευθέρα Πολιτεία Ικαρίας unrecognized state ... Wikipedia

CUBA, Republic of Cuba (Republica de Cuba), an island state in the West Indies (see WEST INDIA). Includes the islands: Cuba, Juventud (formerly Pinos) and ca. 1600 small islands and coral reefs from the Large group Antilles. Separated from the peninsula... encyclopedic Dictionary

Republic of Malta Repubblika ta Malta English Republic of Malta ... Wikipedia

KIRIBATI, Republic of Kiribati, an island nation in the western Pacific Ocean. Kiribati includes the Gilbert Islands (see GILBERT ISLANDS), the Line Islands (see LINE) (Central Polynesian Sporades), Phoenix (see PHOENIX (group... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Bahrain, State of Bahrain - State structure Legal system Judicial system. Control authorities Literature An island state in the northwestern part of the Persian Gulf, near the coast of Saudi Arabia. Total area 693.15 sq. km. The capital is Manama.... ... Legal systems of the countries of the world. Encyclopedic reference book


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There is such a thing as an “archipelago country”. What does it mean? What states can be classified as this type? And which country is located on 474 islands? The answers to all these interesting questions are in our article!

Archipelago as a geographical concept

If you look at a map of the Pacific Ocean, focusing on its southwestern part, you will see a huge number of islands of different sizes. Very often they are located in groups, forming so-called archipelagos.

The term itself is of ancient Greek origin and consists of two words: pelages - “sea” and arche - “old, ancient”. Initially, this term specifically designated a group of islands of Ancient Greece.

Islands within the same archipelago, as a rule, have a common genesis and are located on the same base (bottom). There are archipelagos of continental, volcanic and coral origin.

Archipelagic countries (list)

Each country has its own geographical position. Some states are located within the mainland, while other countries are located on islands.

Archipelagic countries mean those states that are located close to each other. Moreover, we are talking specifically about island groups. That is, for example, it is difficult to classify Croatia as this type, because its main part is located on the mainland.

All archipelagic countries are listed below:

  • Great Britain;
  • New Zealand;
  • Indonesia;
  • Kiribati;
  • Marshall Islands;
  • Solomon islands;
  • Seychelles;
  • Palau;
  • Tuvalu;
  • Tonga;
  • Japan;
  • Philippines;
  • Denmark.

It is worth noting that most of The countries on this list are located in Southeast Asia and Oceania - the most “island” regions of the planet.

Which country has 474 islands?

As we see, in modern world There are more than a dozen archipelagic states. In this list, one country is located on 474 islands. What is it called?

This country is Denmark. It is located in Northern Europe, just between the mainland and the Scandinavian Peninsula. Indeed, this country is located on 474 islands. All of them are characterized by lowland terrain and sandy soils. Only 70 of these islands are inhabited by people. The largest of them are Zealand, Bornholm, Lolland.

Denmark is one of the oldest powers in Europe. formed back in the tenth century. By the way, state flag Denmark is also the oldest in the world. The banner with a white cross on a red background has been known since the 13th century.

Modern Denmark is in the top ten of many world rankings. We are talking about the level of education, health care, democracy, human development and GDP per capita. In addition, the Danes have been called the happiest nation in the world more than once.

We offer you a few more interesting facts about Denmark:

  • located in the Danish capital Copenhagen famous park recreation "Tivoli", which served as the prototype of the famous "Disneyland";
  • Denmark is the first country to make same-sex marriage legal;
  • The Faroe Islands, as you know, belong to Denmark. However, few people know that they won them at cards from the Norwegian monarch;
  • Strøget Boulevard in the center of Copenhagen is the longest walking street in Europe;
  • it was in Denmark that one of the most famous and recognizable writers on the planet, Hans Christian Andersen, lived and worked;
  • Danes are forced to pay one of the highest personal car taxes in the world;
  • Perhaps the most famous Danish product on the world market is the Lego children's construction set.


Now you know which country is located on 474 islands. There are 15 archipelagic states in the world, which are located in different parts of the world.