Where to go on vacation in India. Where is the best place to relax in Goa?

India attracts guests who love the exotic, are chasing new experiences, and want to be satiated with new excellent emotions and feelings. This country is unique, only here pleasure and disgust, wealth and poverty, extreme and tranquility are combined on the edge. When going on a trip to this country of contrasts and secrets, it is worth deciding where to go in India, as there are places for the most different types recreation.

Brief geographical information

Located on the Hindustan Peninsula, India stretches for 3 thousand km from south to north and almost also from west to east. East End The country is washed by the Bay of Bengal, the west by the Arabian Sea, and the south by the waters Indian Ocean. The climate here is subtropical and depends on the monsoons. Precisely because climatic features Holidays here are divided into two seasons: dry (high) and wet (low).

India is diverse, colorful and exciting; here every traveler will find entertainment to their liking. Since it’s definitely not possible to travel around the entire country in one trip, those who come here for the first time need to decide on the type of vacation:

  • beach;
  • active hiking in the mountains;
  • introduction to Ayurveda;
  • excursion trips.

Travel to Beach India

The country is washed on three sides by warm sea water, but truly comfortable conditions suitable for beach holiday there are few places. Among the most famous places where sun lovers could relax, this is a small Goa state and the not so famous Kerala. The rest of the coast has practically no developed tourist and beach infrastructure, so we have to talk about these two resorts.

  1. Goa— go for picturesque beach landscapes with snow-white sand and turquoise sea surface. Young people come here in large groups, as only here you can have a lot of fun at fiery night parties.

Conventionally, this state is divided into:

  • southern an area where connoisseurs of comfort and service go on vacation, since only here you can find comfortable, fashionable hotels that provide a full range of services with high level service;
  • northern– this is a recreation area for “savages”.

Apart from beach activities, there are no attractions in Goa. Therefore, this is a place to relax.

  1. Kerala– considered more expensive and respectable resort area, located south of Goa. Wealthy guests of the country vacation here, so there are no large noisy youth groups. Varkala is considered the most popular holiday destination in this state.

For a beach holiday best time The period is considered to be November-March. At this time, the weather is pleasant, with a calm, clear sea and no precipitation.

Mountain tourism in India

The second most popular type of holiday in India is mountain tourism, namely hiking in the Himalayas. Western regions are more attractive for tourists mountain ranges, since it is easier to get here from Delhi.

The top places to visit in the Himalayas are.

  1. Rishikesh– these are foothill areas that can be visited even in winter. Yoga lovers flock to this place. Among the local attractions is the bridge
  2. Dharamsala– very popular tourist place. main feature Darsalas - the presence of the residence of the Dalai Lama. That is why in this place you can meet Tibetans and monks, visit numerous monasteries, and get acquainted with Tibetan medicine. There are many different courses here: from cooking to jewelry making.

In addition, Dharamsala is famous for its Iyengar yoga school and meditation courses based at monasteries. Lovers active rest can master trekking in the mountains.

  1. Revalsar– a quiet place near Lake Revalsar. This is a place of three religions, where a huge number of Buddhist monasteries are concentrated, where you can undergo meditation and attend courses.

Cultural holidays in India

It is better to travel to cultural places and attractions in October-November or March-April.

  1. Delhi– to get acquainted with the culture of the country, feel its aroma and see all the colors, you definitely need to visit its capital, the city of crossroads - Delhi. Despite the fact that it is very noisy and quite dirty city, only here you can see the real India.
  2. Agra is a typical bustling Indian city, but its main attraction, the Taj Mahal, is a must-see. Those interested in Hinduism or simply want to see the beauty and variety of temples should go to Vrindavan, where Krishna was born.
  3. Varanasi- a very special place, since its main attraction is funeral pyres that burn all day long.

These are not all the best places to go in India, because there are many areas to learn about Ayurveda, places where national holidays are celebrated, night markets, etc.

Climate and geographical location countries influence throughout the year.

India in the summer months

Almost the entire summer period, India is at the mercy of the monsoons, which bring downpours to the country. Because of this, the sky is overcast with low clouds, air humidity reaches 100%, and sea ​​waters restless. Daytime temperatures reach +37 degrees, making it very difficult to breathe. At this time, you should avoid active travel around the country. However, this period is good for attending Ayurvedic and healing courses.

India in autumn

Until October, the country is simply drowning in rain. However, from the second half of autumn, precipitation becomes less and the weather is ready to receive the first tourists. It is better to go to Goa at this time, since there is a drought in the north, and the south is still suffering from rains.

India in winter

It's winter heavenly place for holidays in India. The weather here is completely restored, there is practically no rain. In the west of the country during the day the thermometers show +26 Celsius, closer to Goa it is hot up to +32 during the day, in the capital the temperature is 20-22 with a positive sign, so it is comfortable to visit the sights at this time.

  • For skiers, the winter months are an excellent opportunity to visit the Himalayas, as the snow cover has already formed.

India in spring

The spring months of March-May are a period of heat, when temperatures reach +41 Celsius, and there is no precipitation at all. At this time, it is better to visit mountainous areas, as the rest of the country is simply sweltering from the heat.

Living in India

Any traveler wonders which hotel to choose, and in the case of India, this question is especially acute.

There are several types of hotels in the country, which have certain conditions or lack thereof.

  • For young people there is special hotels, which are mainly located in the southern part of the country. Prices here are not high, and there are all the necessary amenities for life. Same inexpensive hotels are government hotels where Indian officials stay.

Select and book rooms in tourist hotels It’s better to use special websites in advance early booking. On such resources you can easily find budget options and hotels with Premium or Heritage status, where there are all comfortable conditions for living.

  • Private hotels represent a special category. In them the tourist will be able to experience the real local flavor, experience the life of real India. However, not everyone will like the lack of hot water supply, change of linen, and shared shower rooms. The guests of such hotels are mainly pilgrims or Indians.
  • If you want European comfort and convenience, then you will have to pay a lot of money. The availability of comfortable hotels depends on the area. There are many of them in the south, but the cost of living here is high, while in the north you can often get a discount in such hotels. But staying in a hotel with five or four stars is possible only in major cities: Delhi, Mumbai, etc.

The cost of a hotel stay is affected not only by the quality of services, but also by the season. So in high season Accommodation prices soar several times, and during recessions the cost decreases.

And the usual poverty beyond tourist areas. India is an ambivalent country, to say the least.

And yet she is beautiful. Its majestic Himalayas make you believe in the existence parallel worlds, amazing beauty the nature of the state of Kerala strikes you to the very heart, and the mystical sacrament of religious rites near the sacred Ganges plunges you into a trance. India is stunning with anthill cities, where everything mixes in a crazy cocktail: people, religions, languages, customs and smells.

When to go

Old Delhi and the capital New Delhi are thousands of monuments from different eras: mosques, Hindu temples, mausoleums, colonial-style villas. In huge shopping centers You can “shop” to your heart’s content, and in restaurants with gourmet cuisine you can appreciate the skill of the chefs.

Jaipur has absolutely incredible Mughal-era palaces built from pink sandstone. In Agra and the surrounding area, in addition to the famous Taj Mahal, it is interesting to look at the Red Fort of the 16th century with features of Islamic and Hindu architecture and Fatehpur Sikri - ancient capital empire of Akbar I the Great.

One of the most powerful tourist magnets is Mumbai with its famous Dharavi slums, the Bollywood dream factory and the Buddhist cave monastery of Kanheri. To visit Bombay is to discover India in all its diversity.

In the Himalayas you can see fantastic snowy peaks stretching into space, thousand-year-old temples with monasteries and people still living in past centuries. The most popular destination of mountain India is border Sikkim, surrounded by national parks. This perfect place for cycling, trekking and rafting.

Where to enlighten and heal

Hinduism is extremely popular outside of India. Foreigners believe that if they can comprehend the wisdom of this religion, they will reveal the secrets of existence or at least find peace of mind. To improve their health, people go to Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala and Karnataka. There is “light” Ayurveda, when liberties in food and even entertainment are allowed, and there is a “hard” option - strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions, a strict routine, almost drill. But they say it's worth it.

For the quintessence of Hinduism, head to the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi. The less impressionable can stroll to the embankment and watch the funeral pyres burn and the deceased be seen off on their last journey. For the rest, it’s better to limit yourself to a tour of the temples, which are countless here.


How to get there





Some beaches are not suitable for swimming

There are direct regular and charter flights From Russia


Lots of tourists

To Kochi or Thiravanathapuram with a transfer from 10 hours


Not all beaches are good for swimming due to waves and rocks

Lakshadweep: Laccadive and Amyndives Islands

By plane or ferry from Kerala's capital Kochi


Expensive resort, closed area, many prohibitions

By plane from Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai; by ferry from Kolkata, Chennai and Andhra Pradesh


Closed area and many prohibitions


The state of Gujarat is famous for its national parks and reserves, where you can find rare animals such as four-horned antelopes. Coastline Gujarat is the longest in India (1600 km), but many of local beaches not suitable for swimming due to strong waves or questionable cleanliness.

Beaches of Gujarat

  • Ahmedpur Mandvi and Diu Island. The long beach is good for long walks due to the dense sand. Crossing the bridge, you can get from Mandvi to the island of Diu - a former Portuguese possession, where colonial-style architecture has been preserved.
  • Dwarka Island. From the city of Dwarka, in 15-20 minutes by ferry you can get to the island of the same name, where sand beach With coral reefs. Here you can see sea turtles, dolphins, octopuses and starfish.

Goa: north and south

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

India... A country that many people love in absentia, who were brought up on Bollywood paintings, Kipling’s books and Around the World programs. There is probably no person who would not like to see the famous Taj Mahal or pink city Jaipur...


India is located in the subtropical zone, so monsoons are regular there. To properly plan your trip, you must first decide in which region of India you plan to vacation. For example: beach season on the Indian Ocean coast (Goa) begins in November. At this time in mountainous areas(famous Himalayas) there is snow.

You should not travel to the central and southern parts of India from March to June (at this time there is sweltering heat) up to +45). The most comfortable period with October to March (+23-25). From July to September you can experience the rainy season.

Monsoon showers in most of the states of India occur in the summer: from June to September. In December, it becomes cool in the north of India, while in the south at this time it becomes almost the Velvet season: Warm but not hot weather sets in.

What clothes to take on a trip to India

You shouldn't take a lot of things on a trip to India. You will need clothes made of cotton and linen. But if you are planning a trip in winter or are going to go high into the mountains, then a pair of warm sweaters will come in handy. By the way, everything you need can be purchased in Indian markets - things there are high-quality and inexpensive.

Where to relax in India

The Indian state of Goa is a real tourist Mecca. Young people especially like to relax here, this is due to the fact that more attention is paid to the infrastructure, specializing in a wide variety of entertainment, including the famous incendiary night dance marathons.

When choosing a hotel, you need to consider its location. Conventionally, Goa is divided into northern and southern. If you are a supporter of a more respectable holiday, we recommend choosing hotels located on south Goa. But it is worth noting that a holiday here will be more expensive, because the “star rating” of the hotels is quite consistent with European standards, which cannot be said about the hotels located in the northern part of this Indian recreation area.

Accommodation in a two-star hotel on average per day will cost you 800 rubles. These are hotels such as Seaview Resort 2* (located 100 meters from one of the largest beaches, there is a ceiling fan in the room). A three-star hotel will cost more - from 1850 rub.. In this case, you can expect a ceiling fan, free bottled water, and Wi-Fi in public areas.

If you want your hotel to have impeccable service, then choose 5-star hotels. But you will have to pay accordingly - from 3500 per day.

In the north of Goa, accommodation in a room in a two-star hotel starts from 700 rubles. Breakfast may also be included in the price.

Most a budget option accommodation in Goa– so-called guesthouses (private mini-hotel). A room for two will be quite cheap - from 500 rubles per day. The plane ticket is the cheapest 16713 one way, most expensive 20 149 rubles .

You should definitely see the snow-white Fords left over from the Portuguese colonialists. It is also worth going on excursions to the Dudhsagar waterfall and the bird sanctuary.

If you are a supporter of not the beach, but excursion holiday, then we recommend buying a tour of Indian cities (as an option, negotiate individual excursions with a local guide-translator). You should definitely see the Taj Mahal, the Lotus Temple, the Krishna Balaram Mandir Temple, and visit Vrindavan (the Indians call it the city of 5000 temples).

Lovers of exoticism and real sensual sensations constantly want to replenish their collection of good emotions and memories. For this purpose, they go to distant countries, to other continents. Many people choose for their travels a unique country of its kind, full of mysteries and secrets - India. India is a land of incredible mixtures. Only here you can find a huge number of…

India – largest country region of South Asia. Wild contrast natural conditions, the “creaking” socio-economic situation of this country (relatively low prices) and overly busy streets - all this undoubtedly attracts tourists. There are a lot of markets in India where sellers try to outshout each other. People who are afraid of cattle should prepare themselves for the presence of cattle on Indian...

India is a country that ranks seventh among all countries in the world in terms of territory and population. In India, fantastic wealth and fundamental education go shoulder to shoulder with illiteracy and simply catastrophic poverty. The country has a population of more than a billion people, consists of more than 2,000 ethnic groups and speaks more than 200 languages. An integral part...

It seems to me that my acquaintance with India began more than once. I believe that in past life I was certainly a Hindu - that’s how this country attracts me.

It all started with writing a thesis at the university. It was about the influence of Indian languages ​​on English. Yes, yes, it may seem strange, but this also happened when the British Empire actively colonized various territories, including the Hindustan Peninsula. When I was writing my thesis, I read a lot about India, people, culture, and I got the feeling that I definitely needed to visit there. The opportunity came only after a year and a half - I went there to volunteer for 2 months, and it was then that my heart remained in this country. Since then I have spent a little less than two years in India. And every time I leave, I dream of returning almost at the same minute when the plane takes off from the ground...

Why do I love India?

My love for India is that feeling when you walk across the carpeted floor at Indira Gandhi Airport and see the good old mudras above the immigration counters. She communicates with locals in her already native “Hinglish” ( English language with an Indian accent) and shaking his head in different directions; in colorful bloomers with elephants and long bright women's shirts (kurtas); in shiny saris and a point between the eyebrows (bindi); in the hundredth photograph of cows on the road; singing along to the next Bollywood song that comes from the window of a passing truck or bus; in the art of calmly crossing the road when all traffic participants rush in different directions without rules and honk their horns; in a new henna design on the hand; in food that is added to spices, and not vice versa; leisurely sipping masala tea for 10 rupees on the road; in the simple and ascetic ashram life, where you need nothing but a mattress on the floor and a mosquito net; in the smell of incense; in quiet evenings on the banks of the holy river Ganga; the tradition is to eat with your hands while sitting on the floor; in a typical Indian bucket shower... I can go on and on! And even when you leave India, India never leaves you. You continue to wear bloomers, shake your head and call everyone “my friends”, you start looking for Indian cafes in a new place, you learn to make chapatis and brew masala tea... If you become “Indian”, then there is no turning back.

India is a country that made me understand that I have many other important things to do from 9 to 18. That I don’t need to be like everyone else. That I don't have to worry about what people will say about me. What you can eat tasty and healthy without harming living beings.India is a country where the word “boring” simply does not exist. She constantly keeps you in the moment, pushes you out of your comfort zone, shows that you just need to be, just be happy with what you have here and now.

Where to go in India? A guide for beginners using the example of summer

I don't usually plan full route of my travels around India, but I visit places from the heart or on the recommendations of friends and fellow travelers. Or I go to some retreat, and then visit something nearby. My India is sometimes spontaneous, sometimes repetitive. I love returning to Indian places that are already dear to me again and again.

If we talk about summer, then this is the season in India when you don’t have much fun, because monsoon rains reign throughout the country. And most the best place to hide from them - go north to the Himalayas. That's exactly what I did last summer.

For example, if you fly to India in early June and start the route from Delhi, then you can stay on the most famous street among backpackers, Main Bazaar in the Pahar Ganj district - there are many cheap guesthouses and along the entire street there are shops with spices, teas, incense, Indian clothes, fruits and so on. There you immediately plunge into the madness of India - rickshaws, cows, merchants are everywhere, and everyone needs something from you. Once upon a time, my first experience with India began with Maine Bazaar. On the first day, I was generally scared to go outside, but I quickly got used to it, and then I took off...

In Delhi you can see the Lodi Gardens, hindu temple Akshardam, the majestic structure of Humayun Tomb (in its image and likeness the Taj Mahal was later built), the Lotus Temple, which is often called the temple of all religions... I also liked the tallest minaret in the world, Qutub Minar. But I won’t give much advice. It’s better to take a couple of days to Delhi to recover and get comfortable a little, and then start moving north.

Along the way you can grab holy city Sikh Amritsar with its Golden Temple. In Amritsar, there will be men wearing multi-colored turbans everywhere - this is exactly what Sikhs are. By the way, every man of this religion is required to carry a curved sword. Yes, they are a little warlike, but very friendly. And greeting them by saying “Sat Sri Akal” will make their day. Once I said hello like that, and to celebrate I was treated to a coconut.

There, in Amritsar, it is worth watching the daily ceremony of closing the borders between India and Pakistan. A very entertaining and sometimes funny show, although it has a rather sad backstory. The military put on a real show, marching zealously with their legs raised, as if provoking the enemy to fight. Almost a cockfight unfolds before the eyes of the public, and the stands with frantic patriotism shout the phrase: “Hindustan Zindabad!” (long live India). From the Pakistani side comes: “Pakistan zindabad!” (long live Pakistan). All this is accompanied by loud music, and the culmination of the ceremony is the lowering of the flags of both countries and the closing of the gates.

While in Amritsar, you should try the famous Punjabi kulcha - a flatbread that can be prepared with cheese, vegetables, onions, potatoes, etc. And they also have the most delicious lassi - a popular Indian milk drink that is similar to yogurt.

But let's move on. We are on our way to Dharamsala, a city in the Himalayas. Mini-Tibet in northern India. There, in the village of McLeod Ganj is the residence of the Dalai Lama. You can walk along the streets and feel the incredible atmosphere of this place saturated with Buddhism, looking at Tibetan products, figurines... And at the same time maneuvering in the same Indian madness between crowds of Hindus, cows, shrill beeping cars and tuk-tuks, brave romantics on Royal Enfield motorcycles, sellers of Tibetan bread and knitted hats...

It’s great to walk around the Tsuglagkang complex in the early morning, spinning prayer wheels, get acquainted with Tibetan Buddhism at the Tushita meditation center a little higher in the village of Daramkot, go for morning meditation there, try the famous Bagsu cake in the village of Bagsu and street momos in McLeod Ganj (which is something like dumplings, only more often vegetarian), arrange a 1-2 day trek for yourself and climb the mountains to the Triund plateau, which offers a breathtaking view of the snowy peaks... There is always something to do in Dharamsala - there are cooking classes, yoga classes, and walks to the waterfalls... I really love this place. The weather there is pleasant until about mid to late June.

After Dharamsala it is good to go to Manali. The views there are even more impressive. You can stay in the village of Vasisht or in Old Manali. There are many trekking routes, waterfalls and hot springs. Not far from Manali, in the city of Naggar, there is the house of the Russian artist and traveler Nicholas Roerich, who for a long time lived and worked in India, where he spent his last days. I was absolutely delighted visiting this place. I was even surprised that he wanted to leave there and return to Russia, but, alas, the authorities did not let him in... The nature surrounding Manali encourages him to stay there for a long time and devote this time to some kind of practice. And by the way, June is the peak mango season in northern India, they are very juicy and cheap - in my opinion, a great start to the day, especially in combination with a visit to the waterfall...

From Manali you can already go to one of the most remote and landscaped Indian states - Jammu and Kashmir, visit kingdom of Ladakh. The road from Manali takes about 18 hours along winding mountain roads (there is still a mountain there), but with incredible lunar landscapes. Ladakh has a wonderful atmosphere of Buddhism, mountains, some kind of unrealistically magical sky, freedom for traveling on a bike and various trekking routes. There are a lot of Buddhist monasteries, beautiful lakes, and everything around is strewn with multi-colored Tibetan flags. And if you're lucky, you might even see a furry, horned yak.The most convenient way is to settle in the city of Leh, rent a bike and explore the surrounding area, and in the mornings go to meditate at the Shant Stupa, which offers a wonderful view of the whole of Leh... And most importantly, do not forget to drink delicious apricot and sea buckthorn juices every day, of which there is plenty.

Of course, in Ladakh there may be a slight overdose of monasteries, but still, how great it is to ride a bike along the deserted roads of Ladakh, when there are snowy peaks ahead of you, and somewhere in the distance the golden Buddha sparkles on a hill...

You can fly back to Delhi from Leh, it’s better to ask for a ticket on the spot, where in travel agencies it’s one and a half times cheaper than if you buy it online. You can also arrange a continuation of the trip and travel by bus further through Kashmir through the city of Srinagar.

Here is an approximate route for the summer.

What else to see in India?

If the rainy season is not scary, or if you go not in the summer, but, say, in the fall, then I highly recommend getting acquainted with that very India from the pictures. Go to state of Rajasthan. Visit pink Jaipur with its elephants, palaces and forts; the holy Hindu city of Pushkar; blue city Jodhpur; Jaisalmer with its desert and camels; Udaipur, which is also called the Indian Venice... Then stop for a day in Agra and see with your own eyes the wonder of the world - the Taj Mahal.

And, of course, look into ancient city Varanasi on the shore sacred river Ganges, where the bodies of the dead are burned, and understand how impermanent everything is in this life, that in the end only a handful of ashes remains. India somehow teaches us the understanding of this impermanence especially easily.

India - amazing country, and visiting any corner of it is a small life, a new lesson and, undoubtedly, an exciting adventure.

In addition to the places already listed, I highly recommend visiting world capital yoga Rishikesh, which is located in the foothills of the Himalayas. It’s like there’s a special air there. While in Rishikesh, you are filled with a special feeling of happiness and tranquility. And it’s undoubtedly addictive, you won’t get away with it in just one week, although it seems like you’re doing nothing but sitting on the bank of the Ganges or reading a book in a cafe. There are many ashrams, yoga schools (personally, I like Om Shanti Om), various interesting master classes and satsangs are held (the famous spiritual teacher Muji often gives satsangs in March). Rishikesh is beautiful in March! And if you still manage to get to the celebration of the Holi festival of colors, then it will be a complete delight!

South India also definitely has something to show. State of Kerala strewn with coconut palms, greenery everywhere, very beautiful backwaters where you can ride a boat. The village of Varkala is attractive for its beaches, panchakarma courses, retreats, massages, and yoga. Not far from Varkala, in the city of Amritapuri there is the ashram of Amma, an Indian saint, and in Trivandrum - the Sivananda ashram, where you can spend a two-week yoga vacation and immerse yourself not only in the practice of asanas and meditation, but also in the theory of yoga, and also try to make yoga part of your lifestyle. In the north of Kerala, in Munnar, there are the highest tea plantations in the world, and on the most southern point India, in the city of Kanyakumari there are waters Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal.

Honestly, I can give advice for a long time, but it all depends on the season of visiting India. It’s better not to try to embrace the immensity, but to choose several places that are suitable for the season and study them thoroughly, immersing yourself in Indian culture. The main thing is to remember to fuel your Indian adventures with delicious local food and aromatic masala tea.

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