Austrian lakes for swimming. Holidays in Austria in the summer on warm lakes

Relaxing on the water helps you relax and restore inner balance. The best solution would be lakes, and if they are located in Austria, get ready for daily admiration of natural beauty and unforgettable impressions.

We will tell you how to get to Austrian lakes, tell you about the most beautiful bodies of water in this country, and select places to visit in summer and autumn. We also have to entertain the children who want to go with us, and study the issue of the cost of travel.

Taking the train to the Austrian lakes

A train with a trailer-type direct carriage runs from Moscow to Vienna. The road is laid through Poland and the Czech Republic. There are also options with a transfer, but then you will have to travel through the territory of Hungary or Slovakia. You will spend at least 33 hours on the road.

There is also the option of traveling through Germany and Poland, but knowledgeable people advise against this route - it is too expensive.

The further route will depend on the lake you choose. Here is a list of the most popular lakes in Austria:

  • Wolfgangsee,
  • Fuschl,
  • Zellersee,
  • Mondsee,
  • Klopeinersee,
  • Wörthersee,
  • Neusiedlersee.

For example, Green Lake, located in the Styria region, is located near the town of Brück an der Muir. Trains depart here hourly from Graz and Vienna. You can also come from Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Linz. After arriving in Brück, be prepared to travel another 40 minutes by bus to Tragoss. It is easier to get to other lakes.

60 km from Salzburg lies Lake Attersee - very popular place from divers.
The water in the lake is crystal clear and suitable for drinking.

Lakes of Austria in summer and September

Each Austrian lake is unique. These places are suitable for a relaxed family vacation, but connoisseurs of water sports will also find something to keep themselves busy.

There is a dive center on the shores of Green Lake.

Three most beautiful Austrian lakes

In this section we have collected three of the most beautiful bodies of water in Austria. It was difficult to choose, since all the local lakes deserve attention. Go.

Diving on Green Lake on video

Lake Grünersee miraculously mixes above-water and underwater life. Look at this beauty, the only thing missing is mermaids!

Where to go with children

It is quite safe to relax on the lakes with children. In addition, the Austrians have thought out a competent infrastructure and a system of events that can please little travelers.

Here's where you should go first:

In general, the south of Carinthia is somewhat reminiscent Mediterranean region. The local resorts are distinguished by high-quality service, comfortable amenities, developed children's infrastructure and an abundance of water activities.

Visit the Velden water playground and the Perchaha water trail, designed for those who like to go barefoot.

Curious kids will also enjoy the Minimundus Museum, the exhibition of which consists of small copies of architectural masterpieces.

Lakes of Austria - the price of the issue

Since we are traveling to Austria by train on our own, we will calculate the cost of the trip based on this fact. Here we will provide layouts for travel, food and accommodation, and you will set the budget for entertainment yourself.

A train to Vienna costs about 5-6 thousand rubles (110 euros). Here are approximate prices for travel around the country:

  • Vienna – Graz (second class) – 30 euros;
  • Vienna – Innsbruck (depending on the class) – 50-100 euros;
  • Vienna – Salzburg (1st-2nd grade) – 47-80 euros.

Now about accommodation. On Lake Wörthersee you can stay in a three or four star hotel. You will pay 35-45 euros per night. This will be a standard double room with a telephone, shower, balcony, TV and other benefits of European civilization.

Austria is landlocked but has stunning bodies of water. There are many lakes here, which are popular not only among tourists, but also local residents. We will show you the most beautiful lakes Austria. If you're traveling to Austria, plan to visit at least one of these places!

Lake Plan is located in the Tyrol region of Austria. It is connected by a canal to another lake called Heiterwang. This is a popular boating destination, with several rivers accessing the lakes. The lake is great place for lovers active rest. There are paths for jogging and cycling around it. In winter you can go ice skating. Surrounded by the Lechtal Alps, you can go scuba diving or go trout and perch fishing. Passenger ferries also operate on the lake.

Traunsee is located in the Salzkammergut region. This vast lake is popular with outdoor enthusiasts. But his greatest fame was brought to him by a mythical underwater creature, which is compared to the monster in the Scottish Loch Ness lake. There is also something to see on the banks of the reservoir. These are the villages of Altmunster and Traunkirchen, as well as the amazing medieval castle Ort.

Lake Millstätter See is located in the Austrian region of Carinthia. The steep coastline makes it look like a fjord, with incredible surrounding landscape created by the Nok Mountains and the Drava Valley, to the south is the lush green Hochgosch area. The mountains protect the lake from cold winter winds, and the water temperature is quite suitable for swimming in summer. Near the lake is the village of Millstatt, which contains a surprisingly well-preserved 11th-century abbey.

In the Geilthaler Alps lies the Weissensee or White Lake, which is very popular. The ban on motor boats means that environment And wild nature. In summer you can go boating and canoeing, trout fishing or hiking along the banks. In winter, the surrounding area of ​​the lake becomes a ski area, and some areas of the frozen lake host speed skating competitions.

In the Austrian region of Carinthia is the stunning lake Wörthersee. Back in the 19th century, the Austrian aristocracy loved to spend the summer here. This lake has the warmest water in Austria, making it an ideal place for swimming in summer. In the small town of Pörtschach you can rent a bicycle to tour the region. During the summer, seasonal ferries operate to take passengers to various destinations.

Mondsee is one of the largest private lakes in Austria. Holidays here allow you to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Picturesque lake mentioned in the James Bond novel. From various points along the coast you can see the Northern Limestone Alps and the Northern Sandy Alps. On the shore of the lake is the city of the same name, from which you can admire the mountain known as the Dragon Wall.

Austria does not have access to the sea, but this is fully compensated by the presence on its territory of stunningly beautiful and clean lakes, where residents of the country and tourists love to relax. The lakes have equipped beaches and camping areas. Arriving at the lake, you can stay at a hotel and enjoy your holiday, taking advantage of all the benefits, or spend time in solitude, hiding in the canopy of trees and watching the serenity surrounding you.

This lake is located in Carinthia. It is famous for its fjord-like coastline. The area is very beautiful: a valley surrounded by mountains, forests, lush greenery and the smooth surface of the lake, which reflects the tree-covered hills and houses in the coastal villages. The mountains protect the lake from cold winds in winter, and in summer its temperature is quite comfortable for swimming. In the village of Millstatt, next to the lake, there is an 11th-century abbey.

Literal translation of the name Grünersee- “Green Lake”. It is not difficult to guess that it appeared due to the color of the water. However, in fact, the water of the lake, fed by a glacier, is as clear as a tear. And the green color is given to it by the greenery reflected in the smooth surface. The lake is located near the village of Tragyos. You can stay here for a few days to relax on the beach or go scuba diving.

A fabulously beautiful lake lies at the foot of the Galitaler Alps, in Carinthia. It has the reputation of being one of the cleanest lakes in Austria, which is difficult to argue with, seeing its impeccable transparency. Motor boats are prohibited on the lake in order to preserve the ecosystem in its original form. Here you can swim, explore the underwater world, take a ride on a passenger boat or rent a canoe. In winter, the lake freezes and becomes a large skating rink, where interesting competitions are held, for example, speed running.

This lake is considered the cleanest in Austria. The water from it is even suitable for drinking. The lake is very popular among Austrians and guests of the country: there are several equipped beaches where you can comfortably relax with the whole family. In addition, the place regularly becomes a venue for various festivals and celebrations. For example, the annual European Bike Week motorcycle rally takes place here. In normal times people come here in search of peace and have a relaxing holiday: They fish in the summer and skate in the winter.

Already in the 19th century, this lake in Carinthia attracted the local aristocracy, who came here for weekends and holidays. summer time. The lake has unusually warm water, which is the ideal temperature for swimming in summer. You can rent a bike or take a ferry ride, relax on a sun lounger with an interesting book, and explore the coastal settlements.

Located in the south historical region Salzkammergut. It is very popular in the summer, as its waters warm up to +26C, which is quite comfortable for swimming even for small children. In the city of the same name, on the shore of the lake, various entertainment events take place in the summer. The town is famous for its preserved Gothic church and picturesque surroundings.

The most big lake Tyrol is located at the foot of the mountains. IN clear water The forested slopes are reflected, coloring the lake in all shades of green. In some places the bottom is visible. The best way enjoy the beauty of the lake - take a ride on it on a sailboat. Private motorized boats are prohibited here. Thanks to the constant winds, the lake is popular with windsurfers.

Salzkammergut - resort area Austria, which is home to lakes, lush forests and ancient towns with medieval churches. One of these beautiful lakes - Wolfgangsee. It is named after St. Wolfgang, who built a church on the shore in the 10th century. In order to see Wolfgangsee at its best, it's worth boarding the old Schawbergbahn steam locomotive as it passes along the high bank above the lake.

Relatively small, but very beautiful freshwater Lake Zeller See located in Austrian Alps. The lake freezes in winter and therefore is popular all year round: in the summer fishermen and beach lovers relax here, in the winter local residents come to skate on the frozen surface. The lake is named after the nearby town, where a 16th-century castle and an impressive Romanesque church are worth a visit.

is one of the many lakes in the Salzkammergut region. It is surrounded by mountains, like a picturesque oasis. On its shore is famous city Hallstatt is a must-see for its traditional Austrian architecture and charming sights. Best View the lake opens to those who are not afraid to go to hiking over the mountains. In summer you can take diving lessons here.

Beautiful and large lakes Austria

The western part of the Republic of Austria between Lake Constance and the eastern part between Lake Neusiedler See is home to more than a hundred large and about a thousand ponds and small mountain lakes. If you decide to purchase a tour to Austria, then you can always give preference during your holiday to an outdoor pool, or a lake, or a quiet Austrian pond. Sports life is always in full swing on the reservoirs of Austria. The water in Austrian lakes is so clean, thanks to methods of healing and drainage systems, that its qualities are comparable to drinking water. Below you can get acquainted with the most famous lake areas of Austria, places where you can practice water sports or swim.

Lake Neusiedler See

Lake Neusiedler See (Neusiedler See) is the pride of the federal state of Burgenland. In Europe it is the only steppe lake. Its dimensions are impressive: the length is 33.5 km, the average width is 12 km, but at the same time it is not deep, the depth of Neusiedler See never rises above 1.8 meters. Neusiedler See is particularly popular among Viennese residents; they fill it up on weekends or holidays to go surfing or just swim. In Austria, many also call it “Lake Vienna”. Thickets of reeds frame the shores of the lake, this allows a huge number of rare animals and birds to live and breed comfortably. On this lake you can see the rarest species of herons. Not far from the cities of Illmitz and Apetlon, which are located east of Lake Neusiedler See, is located National Park, which is literally strewn with tiny ponds and lakes. This park is popular not only among local residents, but also among tourists visiting sightseeing tours in Austria.

Lakes Wörther See, Millstater See, Ossiacher See and Weißensee

Carinthia is the southernmost Austrian state and is home to several world-famous lakes. The largest of them are Wörther See, Millstater See, Ossiacher See and Weißensee. In summer they are the warmest and are visited by a large number of lovers aquatic species sports and swimming. In addition to large lakes, Carinthia also has many small lakes, also popular with tourists and locals. Here are some of them: Afritzer See, Klopeiner See, Feld See, Faaker See, Langsee, Keutschacher See and Pressegger See.

Lakes Luntzer See and Erlaufsee

In this part of Austria there are lakes Lunzer See and Erlaufsee. Their crystal clear water attracts lovers of swimming and windsurfing. The lakes lie at the foot of the Alpine mountains. Along Austria's northern border with the Czech Republic there are numerous small ponds and lakes in the Waldviertel region. They also attract tourists and holidaymakers, although they are surrounded by dense coniferous forests, and only a few of them are suitable for swimming. You can swim, for example, in Lake Herrenteich, which is located near Lieshau. Most of these lakes are used for fish farming, mainly carp. Lake Ottenstein is especially popular among water sports enthusiasts; this place is called paradise.

Styria is not rich in lakes; there are not many lakes in this federal state. Lake Grundlsee is the most attractive for recreation. Its parameters are: length 6 km and width about one kilometer. Lake Grundlsee, along with the Altausseer See, is located in the center of the Salzkammergut region of the Styrian part and has been a Mecca for writers and artists in the summer for many decades. Lake Toplitzsee is famous for its Dead Mountain cliffs and rugged rocky shores. This lake is glorified in the legends of local residents. In the summer, not only residents of the city of Graz, but also travelers on tours to Austria love to spend free time and relax on the shores of Lake Stubenbergsee. The lake is located in the east of the federal state of Styria.

Lakes Attersee and Traunsee

The Salzkammergut district, very popular among locals and tourists, is located mainly in the federal state of Upper Austria. In this area there are famous, largest lakes Attersee and Traunsee, as well as the equally famous smaller lakes Mondnsee and Hallstatter See. The nature in these places is magnificent, the lakes are surrounded by the peaks of the Alpine mountains and slopes covered with forests. Lake Wolfgangsee is only partially located in Upper Austria, on its shores there is famous resort St. Wolfgang. The second part of the lake is located in the federal state of Salzburg. Like most lakes in Upper Austria, Lake Irrsee is surrounded by hilly terrain and is an ideal place for swimming and water sports.

Lakes Wallersee, Obertrumer See, Mattsee, Fuschlsee, Wolfgangsee and Zeller See

Resort complex « Salzkammergut"Located at the intersection of three federal states. Otherwise known as the land of lakes, it is also the pride of Salzburg, Lower Austria, and Styria. Nostalgia and longing for unfulfilled childhood fantasies and dreams remain for life, despite the changes in our lives. If you decide to spend your tour to Austria in Salzkammergut, then your childhood dreams will turn into reality. It's easy for a family holiday perfect place. You will really get great pleasure in these places from the complete freedom of the beauty of nature. Salzkammergut translated into Russian means “ Salt pantry" It is located 300 km from, in the very center of Austria. It's surrounded mountain peaks Lake District. Recreation here is varied: you can ride on a boat on crystal clear lakes, or you can simply wander around the numerous mountain paths, by using cable car admire the impressive beauty of this unique mountain region. Ancient monuments are carefully preserved in Salzkammergut. The capital of this federal state is . From Salzburg you can easily get to and relax on the lakes. You can go to the Flachgau region, located in the middle of fields and meadows, where the lakes Wallersee, Obertrumer See, Mattsee, and also visit other wonderful lakes are located. The most popular lakes in the provincial part of the Salzkammergut region are the Fuschlsee and Wolfgangsee lakes. And next to the resort of Zell am See there is Lake Zeller See, from the shores of which a magnificent view opens. You can admire the national park Hohe Tauern on the peaks of the Alpine mountains covered with ice.

Lakes Achensee, Pillersee, Schwarzsee, Tristacher See, Walchsee

Many beautiful lakes adorn the beautiful alpine landscape of Tyrol. Lake Achensee lies between the Rofan and Karwendel mountains. Lakes Pillersee and Schwarzsee, located near Kitzbühel, and Lake Walchsee, located on the border with Germany, are always suitable for swimming. The largest is Lake Tristacher See, which is located at the foot of the magnificent Dolomite Mountains in East Tyrol.

Lake Constance (Bodensee)

In the very west of Austria, on the border with Switzerland and Germany, is Lake Constance. Its parameters: length - 63 km and width up to 15 km. belongs to Germany and Switzerland most of water area of ​​the lake, and Austria itself is only 38 square kilometers. Not far from the capital of the federal state of Vorarlberg - Bregenz, the peak of Pfander (1,062 m) is located. By taking the lift to the top, you can fully enjoy the splendor of Lake Constance. Bregenz is also the largest port of Lake Constance. In the Rhine delta, south of Bregenz, you can visit a bird sanctuary located in dense thickets of reeds.

Summer, heat, scorching sun and a complete lack of desire to study or work. And there are so many temptations around: hiking in the mountains, trips and swimming in lakes and rivers, barbecues until night, new unexplored places in the vicinity or in other cities, budget tickets to nearby countries, whether by road or by plane.

In general, summer-summer, what are you doing to us. I just want to take a vacation and go to the beach somewhere: bask in the bright sun, swim in cool water and enjoy fresh fruit. But since not everyone has the opportunity to travel somewhere abroad, why not take advantage of the fact that you or your friends or children study/work in Austria and visit them during this wonderful time?

Lakes in Austria - how many are there?

In Austria, for a moment, there are 2,140 reservoirs, the area of ​​which exceeds 1 hectare, and 62 lakes, the area of ​​which exceeds 50 hectares - 43 natural lakes and 19 artificial.

On the website of the Austrian Committee for Health and Nutrition you can take a look at the list of lakes in Austria by federal state and get acquainted with detailed information by water quality, depth, bottom type, availability of infrastructure (toilets, changing cabins) and many other parameters. The information, in my opinion, is extremely interesting.

What you need to know if you want to swim in the lake

In most cases, if you go for a swim on an Austrian lake, located within the city or not very far from it, then you will probably find all the necessary infrastructure: there will be parking for your holiday, a well-kept beach or green meadow, and some kind of organized catering . You can buy ice cream, hot dogs, soft drinks, etc. - in general, a complete set of all kinds of tasty and not always healthy food that makes a vacation on the shore especially delightful.

If you are going to the mountains, then, most likely, you park your car wherever you can, and you also swim where you find a more picturesque place without large quantity of people. Ideally, of course, there would be no people at all. After all, the beauty of mountain lakes lies in the unique opportunity to reunite with nature, swim in icy water (yes, the water there is usually very, very fresh) and admire the mountain beauty in peace and tranquility - without children from the other ten families splashing around nearby who came to swim the same “urban” lake as you.

Do you need to pay for all this?

As I mentioned above, if you are going to a more or less cultivated lake with parking, a toilet and other amenities of civilization, then you will have to pay for the pleasure of swimming in such a reservoir. If you splash into the water, having first waded through the thorns of bushes and reeds, then, of course, you will not be charged for such a “wild” swim. But usually, due to the dense population coastline Most of the large and not very large lakes in Austria, finding free access to water somewhere, where, moreover, you would not have to pay, is quite problematic.

The prices are approximately like this:

  • for entry to the “beach” you pay about 5 euros,
  • for entry after 15:00 – 4 euros,
  • for entry after 17:00 – 3 euros.

But swimming conditions on the lakes and, accordingly, prices may differ from those indicated above. On some beaches you can swim for up to 20 hours. On some only until 18.

Once I was swimming in a small lake called Lanser See, near Innsbruck:

I arrived, parked my car, paid a certain amount for entry, and when I came back to the parking lot I found a ticket for unpaid parking. Well, somehow it didn’t occur to me that if I pay for entrance to the lake, I also need to pay for parking.

And on Lake Fuschlsee, near Salzburg:

you only had to pay for entry. Parking was free. Be careful and learn from my mistakes. By the way, sometimes kind people give up their parking ticket if they have paid for the whole day and have to leave early. Those. if they see that you have just arrived and they are just leaving, then instead of throwing away their coupon, they sometimes offer it to you for free with a smile. This has only happened to me a few times, but it’s always very nice when strangers help you from the bottom of their hearts.

I wish everyone a pleasant lake holiday and less stress with work/study!