Where is Guzeripl? Sights of Guzeripl: interesting places in the village

What makes it especially popular among tourists? What attractions of Guzeripl are worth visiting? We will answer these questions further.

Adygea: Guzeripl village

Guzeripl is a small village in the Republic of Adygea. It is part of Russia and surrounds it on all sides Krasnodar region. The climate here is moderate, pleasant, and the nature is rich in forests and rivers (Adygea is crossed by about 5 thousand rivers).

Guzeripl is located in the Maikop region of the republic, on the Belaya River. Guzeripl is located very close to the village and is surrounded by mountain ranges, therefore a favorable climate has formed here.

The village is small, a little more than a hundred people live in it. But clean mountain air, coniferous forests and wild rivers attract many tourists who truly appreciate the natural attractions of Guzeripl. People come to these places to improve their health and be alone with themselves and nature, to take a break from noisy cities and endless bustle.

Sights of Guzeripl: Partisan glade

Guzeripl appeared in 1924 as a village for lumberjacks. Two camps housed prisoners who were engaged in logging. During the war, logging camps were closed, and after the end of hostilities, the All-Union Camp was opened from Guzeripl. a tourist route. It ended at the Fisht shelter.

The Soviet route is still popular today. The path leads through the Partizanskaya glade, which is located near the Stone Sea ridge. here is more than 1500 meters.

The partisan headquarters in the clearing was still there during Civil War. During the Great Patriotic War, Adyghe partisans continued this tradition. Near the described place there is a ski resort. For hikers, Partizanskaya Polyana is intermediate point for climbing Fisht, Pshekho-Su and Guzeripl Pass.

Other attractions

On both sides of the Belaya River there are dolmens - places of worship- evidence that life existed in these areas thousands of years ago. Behind the village cemetery there is an old Railway which has historical value. It was built to deliver timber to the river; its length was about three kilometers; then the timber was floated on the water.

In the Museum of the Caucasus Reserve you can learn more about the animal and flora protected area. The museum dates back more than 60 years. There are stuffed animals, photographs, and exhibits telling the history of the reserve's founding.

The remaining attractions of Guzeripl are of a natural nature. There are several points in the valley from where you can see great view. From the Small observation deck on the Black Rock you can admire eastern part Guzeriplya. From here you can follow the path to the Big Observation Deck, where the southern and central parts of the village are clearly visible. An equally picturesque view of natural landscapes opens from the slope of Mount Filimonov.

At the beginning of May, the “Interalli - White” competition for amateurs will be organized in Guzeripl active rest. Here they carry out rafting, kayaking and canoeing, and going down the river on catamarans. At the same time, the festival of original songs “Primrose” is taking place at Partizanskaya Polyana.

Leave feedback

Yulia Stepochkina Loved it! wild nature, very clean and beautiful! The fern is impressive, it is wild, I have never seen anything like it anywhere else! Amazing place! We went down to the waterfall and just found ourselves in a fairy tale! When you walk along a path in the forest, it seems that this is the most the best place in the world) People, thank you for taking care of this corner untouched by civilization, it even breathes differently there)))

Elena Chebotkova Lots of impressions. We received a huge amount of positive emotions. Everywhere is clean. The only thing I have a small wish for is that there are too few animals in the living area area. I would like to see representatives of other species there, besides those that are there.

Lexx We were on the January holidays. A waterfall, rivers, sledding down the hill right opposite the entrance and then walked further - there was such a big dolmen, and a real live deer with antlers, and in the next enclosure 2 wolves were running in a circle and licking their lips at the deer. It’s clear that you won’t find wild animals like these in city zoos. There was an exhibition at the museum, but we didn’t go and we didn’t go to the rope park either - it was cold. Probably because we were sober and with small children

Lyubov Kasyutina The beauty and scale of this vast place captivated me. Thanks to the reserve workers for preserving this pristine natural wealth.

Elena. Usik Good place for family vacation in nature, there is a rope park for kids, I liked the museum which has seat place and there is a film about Caucasian nature, entrance to the territory of the reserve costs 300 rubles. There is also a dolmen there.

Alexey Pobegailov The administration became insolent; on New Year's holidays, admission was 600 rubles. per person, although it was always 150-200 rubles. In fact, they are profiting from a unique natural landscape that does not belong to them.

Happy New Year!

Today we returned from a trip to winter Guzeripl. I already wrote about this place in a post from. But previously all our trips here took place in the summer and autumn. But now they have been honored in winter. And, as they say, a report in hot pursuit:

We approached Guzeripl in slight disappointment. The snow promised by the forecast was present, but somehow very poorly. The sun was shining like spring, slightly warming it up. The road is in excellent condition. But there are such surprises:

It’s scary to even imagine if such a pebble hits the car. And the rock “painting” is also depressing!

3. The Belaya River was calm, shallow and relatively clear:


5. Although in some places on our way (at the confluence of Kisha and Belaya) as always buzzed and seethed in full:

6. Rafting on the Belaya N it stops and in winter. Only the rafters' equipment changes and the start time of the rafting from the rafting workshop in Guzeripl - at 11:00 and 14:00:

7. The weather is great in Guzeripl. Only slightly windy:


For those interested in traveling to this wonderful place. Despite high prices V New Year holidays(has doubled), all hotels are packed to capacity. Let those who come for luck not be discouraged by the lack of cars in front of the hotels. We ourselves were surprised by this fact, but in the evening the picture was completely different. The parking lots are also full. People returned from various places: Lago-Naki, Dakhovskaya, Khomyshki, Pobeda village, Partizanskaya Polyana, etc.
Additional services (baths, walks on various types of transport, etc.) for the period New Year's holidays also doubled in price
By the way, for us, as regular guests of the hotel, “ White River", the administration gave us a gift - a trip to the hotel spa area at regular prices. For which respect to them.

After successful accommodation, we went for a walk around Guzeripl and to the nature reserve. We did this several times on previous visits here. But we are happy to go again.
9. Snow on roadsides:

10. The reserve was met with slushy snow mixed with mud. But the mood was good and they did not pay attention to such nuances:

11. An artificial dam on the Molchepe River in place:)

12. A wonderful gazebo on the banks of the Belaya River, where it is very pleasant to relax!

13. Such a highly artistic scarecrow guards the gardens of the staff of the reserve museum:

Well, these are two exhibits from that very museum. By the way, these stuffed bear and cub were made in 1936 and are still in excellent condition. This can be seen even from the photographs:


16. In the evening, to the delight of all the guests of ours and other hotels, it began to snow.

17. And by morning Guzeripl and the surrounding area were transformed into a more suitable and pleasing appearance for this time of year:




21. From the very early morning you can hear the hum of the engines of ATVs and all-terrain buggies.

After driving around Guzeripl, we headed to the Partizanskaya Glade.
The road hasn't been cleared yet. The autotourists driving ahead of us broke a rut. We moved along it to a clearing located at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level. The road goes up all the time. From Guzeripl we need to climb 900 m higher.

22. In the morning it was quite cloudy and the mountains looked inhospitable.


A couple of times we had to help stranded motorists get out.
By the way, the geography of guests of Guzeripl is very extensive. The bulk of the guests are from the Krasnodar region. There are a lot of Rostovites, Stavropol residents, Muscovites, St. Petersburg residents, Voronezh residents, Volgograd residents... The list could take a very long time.

24. They were pushing not this Rostovite, but another master. He, glad that he got out, ran far enough. And its passengers (in the left corner of the photo) will take a long time to catch up with their driver on foot, which is not very easy uphill and in the snow :)

Having reached the Partizanskaya glade, we literally found ourselves in a snowstorm. Very strong wind, blizzard. The temperature dropped to -5 compared to Guzeripl. And in the wind it’s all -15! The yokes don't work. The parking lots are covered with snow. You can only turn around using the Tetris principle. About 10 people tried to sled. My companion flatly refused to get out of the car. We probably just got here at the wrong time.

25. In a word, they turned around and moved back.

26. As if in apology for the spoiled sleigh holiday, the sun periodically peeked out from behind the clouds and all the charm of the winter landscapes opened up before us:


At the urgent request of my companion, Santa Claus brought her a gift - a digital soap dish. And now photos from Elena are pouring in like from a cornucopia. It's nice that I have a photo collaborator. And your humble servant began to appear in photographs more often, which is good:




32. What spruce and fir trees are here! Beauty!

33. Bridge over the Zhelobnaya River:


Having received your dose of adrenaline from the difficult road and weather conditions trip to the Partizanskaya Polyana, having seen enough of the winter beauty of the mountain forest, having received a lot of pleasant impressions, we returned to the hotel.

And in the evening the promised spa area of ​​the Belaya Reka hotel awaited us.
Aside from the pleasant gesture on the part of the hotel in the form of not applying holiday markups to us, we must pay tribute to the quality of the services provided. And the most popular services are a bathhouse (sauna or hammam of your choice) and a swimming pool. Everything is done to the highest class, automated, excellent locker rooms with all the necessary accessories, showers, spacious steam rooms, enough large swimming pool with a set of devices for hydromassage, beautiful lighting, good music, and a bar if desired. In short, everything contributes have a good rest and good mood. We didn’t take any photos, there was no time for them :))

The next morning was snowy. The wet snow was just falling. The weather was not favorable for the planned walk. After a short time of getting ready, we sadly parted with Guzeripl and headed towards home. On the way we decided to stop at monastery- St. Michael's hermitage in the village of Pobeda. We've been here several times, but I wanted to visit again.

35. The snow did not stop for a second all our way to the monastery, and even during our stay there:

36. Holy Trinity Church, refectory of the monastery:

37. It’s gratifying that so many parents come to this Holy place with own children:

38. A colorful donkey (in this situation, more like a donkey) and its owner in the parking lot near the monastery, waiting for clients:

39. In the Holy Trinity Church of the monastery, despite the bad weather, it was very crowded:



42. Assumption Church of the Monastery:

43. Visitors were allowed to go up to the domed platform of the Holy Trinity Church, from where they would certainly have a wonderful view of the surrounding area. But not today. The snow hid all the nearby beauty:

This is our winter trip in Guzeripl ended. We were very pleased. We were convinced that you can relax here at any time of the year. Now we are planning to return here in April-May 2015 with the hope of seeing a rafting competition. As we were told, the spectacle is amazing.

Thanks for your time and good luck!

Lovely little one Adygea perfect for those who like a calm, measured camping, for those who love to eat delicious food and have a weakness for Caucasian cuisine and for those who love leisure, that is, endless descents and ascents both in the mountains and along rivers. In my opinion, in addition to the capital Maykop, as well as several monasteries and dolmens, special architectural attractions in Adygea You will not find, despite its rich and ancient history. Adygea- This is one big natural attraction. There are about five thousand rivers alone in its small territory. I think that there are even more mountains with beautiful passes here than populated areas. Therefore, lovers of mesmerizing landscapes, go to Adygea!

For example, in the foothills Caucasian ridge located small Guzeripl village, recreation in which you will remember for the rest of your life. Believe me, upon your return you will be bragging about the photographs to your colleagues for a long time and repeating “unimaginable beauty”, “breathtaking” and simply “wow” many times. Guzeripl- this is not a fabulous medieval mountain village, but a harsh village of lumberjacks that arose already in Soviet times. Even its name, translated from the Adyghe language, is similar to the Russian phrase “observation point.” Wow, it gives me goosebumps... before the Great Patriotic War, there were camps for maximum security prisoners and several large logging sites where prisoners worked. In memory of this long past I stayed here Glade Prisoner. Another large clearing is called Partisan, its history is already connected with the period of the Great Patriotic War. They say that Guzeripl- the only stronghold that the Germans failed to capture. In the post-war years, a cordon was located here Caucasian biosphere reserve . Today Guzeripl village is actively developing as a tourist destination mountainous Adygea.

Getting to Guzeripl is not difficult.

Comes here regularly bus from Maykop, which is about eighty kilometers away. From the Maykop ticket office, on the street. Gogolya, 47, the bus to Guzeripl leaves daily at 6:50 and 16:30, the travel time (with all stops) is quite long - 2.5-3 hours, because Guzeripl is the last point on the busy tourist route.

Can be reached to Guzeripl from just on foot (this is just for lovers of active recreation), along the P254 highway through villages Dakhovskaya, Nickel and Hamyshki. This is about 50 kilometers, that is, 10 hours at average speed.

Now a little about placement in Guzeriple. Hotels they’re not cheap here, let’s just say right away, but they are available guest houses, camp sites and many forests where you can simply break camping. Almost all Guzeriplya hotels are located on the same street, so if you don’t book in advance, you can simply move from hotel to hotel in search of available rooms.

So, descending prices hotels Guzeriplya:

Guest house "Chalet Voyage", st. Lesnaya, 23, from 2700 rub./double room

Hotel "White River", st. Lesnaya, 41M, from 2700 rub./double room with breakfast

Hotel "Mountain Air", st. Polevaya, 3, from 2500 rub./double room

Hotel Abago, st. Lesnaya, 49G, from 2500 rub./double room with breakfast

Hotel "Guzeripl", st. Lesnaya, 23, from 2500 rub./double room with breakfast

Guest house "Eden", st. Lesnaya, 47Zh, from 2700 rub./double room with breakfast

Recreation center "Wolf House", st. Lesnaya, 23, from 2100 rub./double room

Hotel complex "Enektur", st. Lesnaya, 38, from 2000 rub./double room with breakfast

Guest house "Ozon family", st. Lesnaya, 4B, from 2000 rub./double room with breakfast

Guest house "VidGor", st. “Lesnaya”, 49, from 2000 rub./double room with breakfast

Recreation center "Partisanskaya Polyana", 15 km from the village, from 1400 rub./double occupancy

Guest house "Valentina, st. Lesnaya, 26, from 1000 rub./double occupancy

And now about the most interesting thing, about what to see in Guzeripl and take photos to the envy of your colleagues in distant, stuffy offices.

Dolmen of Guzeriplya and the Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Reserve

On the right side Belaya River, if you cross the bridge from the village, there is a ranger cordon. You will not be allowed into the territory of the Caucasian Nature Reserve without permission and accompaniment, but almost immediately at the cordon you can find two local attractions: the oldest and the highest dolmen of Adygea and the local Museum of Nature.

The museum is open to visitors all year round, seven days a week from 10:00 to 17:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00), on Mondays and Tuesdays from 14:00 to 17:00.

The museum was opened in 1956 and has not changed much since then. Here you can learn about the flora and fauna of those regions, as well as the milestones in the formation of the museum itself. Therefore, you should not devote a lot of time to inspecting it. But very close by is a really interesting artifact - Dolmen of Guzeriplya. Between two huge pine trees, or rather between their roots, there is a stone hut without windows, without doors, with a small hole on the front wall. Scientists have still not come to a definite conclusion whether dolmens were religious or funerary structures. To this day, dolmens are surrounded by many legends. The most common legend is that they were built by none other than giants, because it is difficult to imagine that an ordinary person or even a group of people could lift such thick and heavy slabs. Is no exception dolmen in Guzeripl, because it is the largest and oldest in Adygea. Its creation dates back to the 2nd millennium BC, which means that it is older than some Egyptian pyramids! They say that you can whisper a wish into its hole, and it will certainly come true thanks to the ancient spirits living inside.

Old railway, Zholobnaya river and waterfall

Just behind the churchyard Guzeripl village, on the right bank Zholobnaya River, you can find an old railway track stretching into the distance for about three kilometers. Today, only this short narrow-gauge railway line reminds of the sad past of the village at the very beginning of its history. It was along this road that timber was transported from the prison camp for further rafting along Belaya River to. Now it's tourist site, picturesquely covered with mosses. Part of it passes directly under the overhanging rock. This road will lead you to waterfall on the Zholobnaya River.

The Zholobnaya River carries its waters along with melted snow and mountain grasses directly from Lago-Naki plateau and here, as if slowly, it falls into a deep stone bowl, overgrown with dense moss on all sides. An amazingly peaceful and mesmerizing sight. From here, from the quiet green thicket, you can see Stone Sea ridge, protruding with its chest above the fir forest. This gray-haired stone giant is highest point ridge - Nagoy-Kosh rock.

Partisan glade

Partisan glade is located approximately 14-15 kilometers west of Guzeripl. You can get there along a good asphalt road that starts from the mouth of the Zhelobnaya River. The clearing received its name due to the fact that during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, here, on a flat, high and inconspicuous place, there was a local partisan base, from which it was very convenient to make forays into different directions. Right here local residents kept their cattle, hiding them from enemies. Experienced instructors say that this place became truly famous and touristic only after a tourist center was built here. Before this, it was very difficult for independent tourists who did not know the area to find access to the clearing, because the clearing is located under steep dolomite walls 80 meters high. Now Partisan glade is more of a transit point for those traveling to the side Stone Sea Ridge, To Fisht mountains, Pshekho-Su or at Guzeripl Pass. It is located at an altitude of approximately 1500 meters above sea level and offers beautiful views of the endless Caucasian mountain ranges and their peaks.

Yavorovaya Polyana

A little further west and a little higher, 6 kilometers from Partisan glade, exactly where the asphalt roads end, is located Yavorovaya Polyana, so named because of the dense thickets of the unique perennial sycamore maple. It cannot be said that this clearing is unique in some way. Another transit point for those heading to the mountains, another Observation deck for those who take a leisurely walk in the vicinity of the village of Guzeripl.

A small mountain village is located in the south of the Republic of Adygea in the foothills of the Caucasus Range, on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. Guzeripl is known for its pristine nature and the famous dolmen.

The village of Guzeripl, located in a remote corner of Adygea, is of historical and natural value. Guzeripl itself was founded at the beginning of the 20th century as a cordon of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. A little later, it became part of the Khamyshinsky rural district as a logging village.

The Adyghe pronunciation of the village is “gozaripl”, which means “observant”. Essentially this is true, since the village is the most remote settlement at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, and is located like a guard on the way to the beautiful and densely populated valley of the Belaya River. The village was built at an altitude of six hundred and seventy meters above sea level, among high mountain peaks covered with fir forests. Healing mountain air, crystal pure water the Belaya River, the delightful Caucasian nature made the former logging village a desirable vacation spot and tourist center. Guzeripl is surrounded by high mountain ranges on all sides, this creates a special microclimate in this valley.

Behind the bridge across the Belaya located in the village, the lands of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve begin; there is a cordon through which you can enter its territory. In the reserve you can visit a museum dedicated to the nature of the Caucasus and the history of restoration of the Caucasian bison population, go on an excursion to the Molchele River, see the largest dolmen preserved on the lands of Adygea and the monument at the mass grave of the soldiers-defenders of Guzeripl. The attractions of Guzeripl rightfully include the old railway, which is the starting point of the most famous tourist route. Every year, an international rafting competition, the Belaya Interrally, starts from the village.

The population of the village is very small, according to the official census it is about 100 people. This one comes to life locality with the arrival of tourists, who are very numerous here. Currently, Guzeripl is a rapidly developing tourist center. The village has all the prerequisites to become an excellent tourist center in the Caucasus in the near future. Tourist complexes are constantly being built in Guzerple. The village has various hotels, equipped to suit every taste. Fans of “wild recreation” can always set up camp in any place they like. The area in front of the village is especially popular among tourists, where tent camps are constantly located in the summer. There is a good asphalt road leading to the village from Maykop.

The village of Guzeripl borders the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, which can be accessed through a bridge in the center of the village. Its main attraction is the Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. Walking along the road from the bridge over the river to the museum, you can admire the fascinating artificial waterfall of the Molchepy River, which flows from the dam of a small hydroelectric power station. The area adjacent to the museum is a protected area. Not far from the building itself there is a dolmen; in Adygea it is impossible to find an analogue to it in size and state of preservation.

During the Patriotic War in 1942, fierce battles took place in this territory, as evidenced by mass grave soldiers who defended the Caucasus - riflemen of the 379th Mountain Rifle Regiment. The museum itself was founded about 60 years ago and occupies several halls. They tell about the history of the creation of the reserve, widely present plant and animal world. The museum displays voluminous exhibits – stuffed animals. They are collected into biological groups presented in their natural habitat. High-quality photographs, panoramas, and original exhibitions help visitors get acquainted with amazing nature this region. The museum warmly welcomes its visitors without breaks or weekends.

The path to the museum lies through the post of the biosphere reserve, located on the left bank of the Belaya. Entrance to the Museum of Nature is paid. From the bridge over the river to the museum you need to walk about three hundred meters along the road.

On the right and left banks of the Belaya River, on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve and in the clearing of tourist gatherings, there are the remains of the dolmen of the village of Guzeripl. This archeological monument of the 1st-2nd millennium BC is one of the largest composite, well-preserved dolmens in the south of Russia. It is impossible to find an analogue to it in size and preservation in Adygea. It is huge, massive and mysterious.

Amazing with its engineering solution, labor-intensive nature, and sophisticated, at first glance, rough architecture, the megalith remains a mystery even today. Many scientists believe, and this is the main version, that dolmens are funerary megalithic structures of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages. Another popular theory is that elderly people went to die in them. There, in complete darkness and silence, they prayed and waited for death. Another group of scientists believes that dolmens, together with the pyramids, are part of the general planetary structure. The points where they stand were chosen deliberately. Dolmens are unique conductors that connect the earth with the information cosmic matrix, which ensures the development of all forms of life on Earth.

The attractions of Guzeripl rightfully include the old railway. In pre-war times, in the settlement itself there were two camps with convicts: general and strict regime; it housed repressed Don Cossacks, who for a time were engaged in logging and shipping timber. A narrow-line railway, 3 kilometers long, was located behind the village cemetery. They transported timber on a horse-drawn cart and a motorized locomotive. After this, the wood was floated down the Belaya mountain river. The war began, the zones were closed. IN residential buildings There is a cordon of the Caucasian Nature Reserve "Suvorovsky".

After the end of the war, it was from the end of the old railway that the path of the famous tourist route of All-Union significance began. It ran to the Partisan Valley, to the Fisht shelter and had access to the Black Sea coast. Now this is the most famous and popular tourist route. You can get to Partizanskaya Polyana both by vehicle and on foot.

Climbing up, you can admire the amazing nature and enjoy the clean mountain air. Combination picturesque nature with turbulent rivers, historical past, modern tourism makes the village attractive for visiting not only professional tourists, but also lovers of family holidays. And the old railway is the starting point of the most famous route.

In order to explore the valley of the Belaya River there are several panoramic points that represent a special attraction of the village of Guzeripl.

Small observation deck is located in the center of the village, on the Black Rock. The rock faces south with black coal shale and has a fairly wide flat area with tall slender pine trees. From here you can see the eastern part of the village. Just above this place there is a large observation deck. From the very peak of the rocky ridge there is a magnificent view of the southern and central part of the village. A safe path leads to this point from the Small Platform to the rocks shaped like a rooster's comb.

The third observation deck is located on the southern slope of Mount Cossack. There is a wide path leading up there and overlooking rock formations. From the rocky shelves there is a view of the mountains Abago, Atamazhi and the village of Guzeripl. From this place you can admire not only the beauty of the village, but also the splendor of the mountains, breathe in the cleanest air, and recharge with cosmic energy. On the territory of the reserve, on the slope of Mount Filimonova, there is another vantage point from which you can observe the beauty of nature untouched by man. Compared to other observation points, it is rarely visited by tourists.