What is interesting in Almaty. Sights of Almaty - photos, prices and reviews of tourists

For many tourists, the CIS countries are preferred when choosing a holiday destination. They want to know Kyiv, Chisinau and other regions of neighboring states. IN last years More and more people are trying to visit Alma-Ata, a city that until 1997 had the status of the Kazakh capital. Here you can get acquainted with historical and modern sights.

Almaty is home to one of the largest museums in all of Central Asia. It was founded in the 30s of the XX century. It was during that period that the formation of his main collections began. In 1985, the institution began operating in a new building, which is considered one of the best in the city in terms of urban architecture.

In total, the museum's holdings include about 300 thousand items. The most interesting of them are exhibited in seven exhibition halls. Of all the museums, this is the most visited in Kazakhstan.

  • Address: microdistrict Samal-1, 44.
  • How does it work: daily from 9:30 to 17:30, closed on Tuesday.
  • Ticket price: The basic entrance fee for adults is 100 tenge, for students – 70 tenge, for school students – 50 tenge.

Guests of the former Kazakh capital should definitely see one of the large halls designed for holding concerts, festivals and other cultural events. The palace was built in 1970, when D. Kunaev ruled the country. Its opening took place on the day of V.I. Lenin’s centenary.

The design of the building implies the presence of large spacious rooms located under a single roof covering. Special reinforced concrete racks act as support. The hall can accommodate 3000 people.

The Holy Synod ordered that in 1908 a convent. Initially, a small community was created at the Church of All Saints. Nun Nektaria was appointed the first abbess. The very next year there were about 80 women in the monastery.

After some time, the monastery closed. However, in 2003, the Holy Synod came to the conclusion that the monastery was worth restoring. Now this place is considered the spiritual center of Almaty.

The important attractions of the city include the cable car, which was put into operation in 1967. With its help you can climb the popular Kok-Tobe mountain. Now the route for ascent and descent of passengers meets all international safety standards.

The total length of the route is 1727 meters. It usually takes about 6 minutes to travel from the starting point to the ending point. The height difference between the two stations is 250 meters.

Of the interesting architectural objects, it is worth noting the Ascension Cathedral. It is a masterpiece of wooden architecture, and can also be considered a clear example of a seismically resistant structure. It is included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan that have republican significance.

The cathedral building was used in different ways at different historical stages. At one time it was used as a museum, then as a concert and exhibition pavilion, and also housed various public organizations. It was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1995.

The city has a zoo, which was one of the first to appear on the territory of Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1937. Now the entire area is divided into seven separate segments - each of them is home to certain classes of fauna. In total there are about 500 species of animals.

The zoo was created in Almaty not only to conduct research work, but also to familiarize children and adults with wildlife. Now it is very popular among citizens and tourists.

Many tourists will be interested in the television tower, whose height is 371 m above ground level. Famous architects worked on the project. At the base, they provided a three-story reinforced concrete foundation capable of withstanding heavy loads.

The tower is considered one of the most seismically resistant buildings in the world. She has already had to withstand earthquakes. To strengthen the soil, an apple orchard was planted next to the building, which also decorates the area.

Since 2002, the mosque building has been officially classified as an architectural monument. The structure was erected on the site of an old temple, which had been in operation since the end of the 19th century. The three-story rectangular structure can accommodate about 7,000 people. Famous architects were involved in the construction process.

The central dome of the mosque is located directly on a two-tier drum. It was decorated with stalactites around the circumference and interesting colored mosaics. The interior of the building has two-tiered arcades, which are used as additional space for visitors who come to pray.

One of the main symbols of the city is the Schoolchildren's Palace, which has about 80 sections and clubs. The building also has an Internet training center that allows children to gain knowledge in the field of computer literacy and learn how to use the Internet.

The building itself is a beautiful composition; in its center there is a celebration hall. Other groups of premises are adjacent to it. Near the building there are extensive areas and alleys that allow various events to be held.

Tourists have the opportunity to look at the largest museum in Kazakhstan, which contains more than 23 thousand exhibits. The basic part of the collection is represented by the works of masters visual arts countries. There are also foreign collections consisting of original works by Italian, French, English and German and other European artists.

Visitors can see the best exhibits from the fund. The institution carries out special work in several directions. Research is being carried out in the field of the history of national and foreign fine arts.

Another cultural attraction is the local opera and ballet theater. It opened in 1934, so it is of historical value. The theater troupe moved to the current building in 1941. Famous architects N. Prostakov and T. Basenova worked on its project.

In the 90s of the 20th century, the theater experienced difficult times. better times. During this period, work began on the restoration of the building. And they continued for several years. The theater resumed its activities only in 2001.

A continuation of the cultural series of attractions is the museum, presenting a geological exhibition. The history of the institution began during the Great Patriotic War, when one of the academicians took the initiative. Initially, he created a small museum, which was gradually replenished with new interesting exhibits.

A tour of the facility begins in the foyer. It is from here that visitors take the elevator to the main premises. On the ground floor you can see a mine with trolleys filled with ore.

In the central part of Almaty there is Botanical Garden, covering an area of ​​103 hectares. Its history begins in 1932, when a decree was signed to create a scientific base in the botanical sector. Since then, experts have been studying the acclimatization of plants, greening not only the city, but the entire republic.

Walking around the area, you can see birch, oak, rowan and other groves. Exotic plants grow in large greenhouses. However, you will need special permission to view them.

A relatively new cultural attraction is a museum specializing in military history countries. It was created in 1993. The exhibition of the institution demonstrates the history of military units that existed on the territory of the republic at different times.

Samples are on display in the museum military equipment, collections of all kinds of weapons and some other exhibits. The exhibition hall area is more than 2 thousand square meters.

In Almaty, one bath and health complex, consisting of three sectors, is very popular. In the first of them there is a Russian bathhouse, where the temperature reaches 100 degrees, in the second there is a Finnish sauna, and in the third there is a hammam with sun loungers made of stone.

Visitors can use the hydropathic bath, washing department, shower pavilion and various services. Clients also have access to special rooms where they can relax after bath procedures.

Let's sum it up

To visit Almaty and other cities of Kazakhstan, you do not need a foreign passport. However, it is recommended in any case. There are certain situations in which customs control may not allow you to leave the Russian Federation.

After familiarizing yourself with the places listed above, Almaty is worth exploring - the city that is currently the capital of Kazakhstan. Tourists who are interested can pay attention to similar objects located on Kazakh territory.

Almaty is one of the most interesting and worthy cities in Kazakhstan. Active development started in 1854 (founding date). Previously, there was a Kazakh settlement of Almaty on the territory, which was the Russian border fort Verny. In the last few years, the city has become increasingly attractive to tourists who dream of enjoying beautiful architecture, long straight streets, and amazing cleanliness.

Almaty is a wonderful city that attracts not only residents of Kazakhstan, but also Russia, the CIS and even Europe. An easy perception of the city, clean air, and order are complemented by the following attractions:

The main attraction is Republic Square, where the Akimat (Government House), Central State Museum and the Independence Monument.

The Central State Museum is one of the largest in all of Asia. Visitors can see about 300 thousand valuable monuments material and spiritual culture of the Kazakh people, which are presented in seven exhibition halls.

The monument, in turn, is the center of the sculptural exhibition. The total length of the exhibition exceeds 100 meters. The monument is made in the form of a stele with the “Golden Man”, who controls a winged leopard. Great performance!

Address: Satpayev street.

The Palace of the Republic is one of the most important concert halls in the city of Almaty. The building is located at the intersection of two famous avenues, or rather Abai and Dostyk. In front of the palace, where important cultural events are regularly held, there is a monument to the philosopher Abay Kunanbayev and fountains.

The building is designed in an interesting way, which gives it a three-dimensional design and the impression of floating in the air. The composition includes spacious rooms located under a powerful roof. Eight reinforced concrete supports are used as support.

In 2010, reconstruction was carried out for the first time, during which energy-saving and environmentally friendly, safe materials were used. An innovation was an orchestra pit with lifting mechanisms and a special platform designed for storing musical instruments.

The concert hall is designed for 3,000 people.

Address: Dostyk Avenue-56.

In Almaty, mosques are still being built, which are the basis of the city ensemble.

Sultan Korgan is one of the most famous mosques, which includes three tiers. Its construction was carried out in 1995 - 1997 based on the design of the architect Sh. Yusupov.

The mosque is distinguished by the following worthy aspects:

  • A large prayer hall designed for 500 praying people.
  • A special platform located in front of the entrance to the hall and distinguished by a hemispherical blue dome and small domes above the turrets of decorative minarets.
  • The park surroundings of the mosque: the garden has an Islamic and pre-Islamic sacred interpretation.
  • Exquisite design of the exterior and interior of the mosque.
  • Pastel colors that help calm people.
  • A classic 3-stage minbar that opens to every person.
  • Gradual narrowing of the interior towards the upper dome with a diameter of 6 meters.
  • 3-sided balcony serving for the women's room.

Sultan Korgan is one of the most interesting and important mosques in Almaty.

Address: Zhansugurova street-394.

One of the most worthy attractions of the Kazakh city of Almaty is majestic mountain Kok-Tobe. You can climb to it cable car or a special bus. And then amazing opportunities for tourism appear:

  • Admiring the panorama of the city and the TV tower.
  • Visit to a children's playground, restaurant and mini-zoo.
  • Capturing beautiful photographs with a bronze sculpture of the legendary band Bea

Without a doubt, you need to get to Mount Kok-Tobe.

Ice complex Medeu, located in the high mountain region of Almaty ( 1691 meters above sea level), is one of the most legendary landmarks in the entire city. The history of the complex began in 1920, but then the creation had just begun resort areas in the Medeo tract. In 1970, construction began on a sports ice complex, which hosts numerous competitions.

Medeu is one of the largest sports complexes with an area of ​​10.5 thousand square meters. Visitors can also note the convenience of visiting thanks to the presence of a convenient cable car and a large scoreboard in the 200 square meter arena. Additional benefits include a cafeteria and a hotel.

Address: Gornaya street - 465.

Aksai Gorge is a picturesque place in Kazakhstan. The total length of this beautiful corner is 20 kilometers. In the gorge you can see a clean drinking water, because the Aksai River starts next to high-mountain glacial lakes.

Above the spruce belt there are alpine corners, majestic rocks... In the lower part you can see shrubs and deciduous trees. Such picturesque nature contributes to the active growth of the popularity of the Aksai Gorge among tourists.

Address: Ile-Alatau National Park.

Almaty is famous for its interesting railway museum, which was opened in 1999. Story museum center started thanks to the collection of veteran railway worker Beisen Shormakov. Initially, visitors were offered a small number of exhibits, but over time the collection became rich and interesting. All expositions show how railway transport developed in Kazakhstan.

So, visitors can see the following valuable exhibits:

  • Household items of the Kazakh people and caravan settlements.
  • Working tools of railway workers.
  • Models that illustrate historical events.
  • Personal belongings of railway workers.
  • Archival documents.
  • Railway icons.
  • Railway station systems.

The guides will tell you about the development of the railway sector in Kazakhstan.

Address: Furmanova street-127.

In the eastern part of the city of Almaty there is a zoo. The exact location is at the foot of the northern mountain slope, in a park area.

A zoo is necessary to preserve and reproduce the gene pool of wild animals. At the same time, people can see many animals and learn more about them.

The zoo was created in January 1935 with the implementation of traditional design. The official opening took place in 1937.

Total area - 32 hectares. At the same time, 13 hectares are allocated for cages and aviaries, and 19 hectares for ponds with waterfowl.

The animals are divided into seven sections:

  • Ungulates.
  • Carnivorous mammals.
  • Primates.
  • Exotic birds.
  • Predator birds.
  • Exotarium.
  • Aquarium.

It's no wonder that adults and children love the local zoo.

Address: Ormanova street.

The botanical garden is located in the central part of the city of Almaty. Its total area is 103 hectares.

The history of the botanical garden started in 1932. From that time on, active working and scientific activities began. Botanists and breeders are working to study the acclimatization of plants and identify economically valuable species. The main task is to green the entire country.

Visitors can note amazing beauty botanical garden:

  • Birch, oak, pine, rowan and variegated groves.
  • Large greenhouses.
  • Exotic plants.

Perfect cleanliness and beautiful nature in the center of Almaty - this is reality!

Address: Timiryazeva street-48.

The Geological Museum is one of the most important cultural attractions. The story began in 1942. Active development started in the post-war period.

The basis of the exhibition is collection geological materials, samples of minerals and ores. The exhibits are presented by geological territorial departments and private collectors.

Address: Dostyk Avenue-85.

The Schoolchildren's Palace is an important symbol of the city of Almaty. The opening took place in 1983.

From the very beginning, the palace is distinguished by dynamic forms that are interestingly combined with the background of the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau. The central part is topped with a dome. At the same time, one can note the 40-meter tower of the observatory, located on the left side of the main dome.

The following materials were used in the construction of the observatory tower:

  • Two types of granite (Balkhash and Kordai).
  • Shell rock Mangystau.
  • Natural wood.
  • Metal.

The Schoolchildren's Palace is an institution where the younger generation is able to actively develop thanks to numerous clubs in different directions, sports sections, a concert hall, and an observatory.

Address: Dostyk Avenue-124.

The theater received the status of a national institution of Kazakhstan. Its history began back in 1932 on Far East. Over 80 years of work, about 250 performances and concert programs. The repertoire includes national and modern Korean performances, Kazakh and foreign drama productions. Currently, the theater complements the museum.

Address: Papanina street - 70/1.

The Mausoleum of Raiymbek Batyr is one of the most interesting historical sights of Almaty. The museum was created in honor of a warrior who lived in the Middle Ages and participated in battles against the Dzungars. Raiymbek gained fame thanks to his well-thought-out combat tactics in the battle with the Dzungar Khanate, as a result of which he managed to win a valuable victory.

Address: Raiymbek Avenue.

The main vacation spot in the city of Almaty is the picturesque Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. The total area of ​​the park area is 18 hectares. The park was founded in the 1880s on the site of the village cemetery, but the original name Starokladbischensky was changed. It should be noted that throughout its history the park has changed its name many times. In 1942, the modern name was officially adopted.

The park is well maintained:

  • Landscaped green area.
  • Beautiful alleys and paths.
  • Growing oaks, pines, aspens, elm spruces, poplars and maples.

The walk promises to give bright and truly pleasant impressions.

Address: Limited to the following streets: Gogol. Kunaeva, Kazybek bi, Zenkova.

Almaty is famous for its monument to the British rock band Bealtes. The monument was erected on the territory of the city park, located on the majestic Mount Kok-Tyube, in the spring of 2007. The sculpture is an original composition with John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison. The atmosphere is enhanced by the Beatles' music blasting from the park's many speakers.

Address: Park Kok Tobe.

Almaty is a chic city in Kazakhstan... It is here that you can note the fresh air and the cleanliness, neatness and order of the local population. Numerous monuments, well-designed buildings, cultural institutions and picturesque nature, park complexes - that’s all that is open to tourists.

Since Soviet times, everyone knows this city as Alma-Ata - “Grandfather’s Apple of Kazakhstan.” Later it was renamed Almaty. Many famous people of Russia were born in Almaty: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Batyrkhan Shukenov, the A’Studio group, Linda Nigmatulina and others. The city is already 1002 years old. In 2017 it hosted the Universiade. In honor of this event, the Almaty Arena ice palace was built. On the streets of the city you can find monuments in honor of Mametova, Kunaev, Moldagudova, Satpayev and other people important to the country. It has everything: mountains in the surrounding area, architecture, and exotic sights that are worth seeing.

What to see in Almaty in one day

Have you arrived in Almaty, but you only have one day at your disposal? You will be greeted by a nice and unusual landscape. You can use the services of a tourist guide. But if you don’t like the same type of excursions, create your own route. The name of the old city of Almaty. This is the most mysterious city in the world.

For lovers hiking you can start from New Square (Republic Square ). Go down to the fountain cascade and go straight down. The street will lead you to the Abai Ballet and Opera Theater. Cross the road and you are on the pedestrian Panfilov Street. Walking along the picturesque street you will reach the Old Square. Going even lower along Panfilov you will find yourself on Arbat.

After walking around to your heart's content, head towards the Green Bazaar, one of the main markets in Almaty. Take a look at the company store at the Rakhat confectionery factory. And then go up a little higher along any street from the Green Bazaar, you will find yourself in the park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen.

Do you like to ride in a car? Try using public transport. On Pedestrian Street there are two descents to the metro station Zhibek Zholy Station and Almaly Station. Take the metro, go by car. Each station is themed. At the station Drama Theater named after Auezov, visit the Circus, the Wedding Palace, the Aya entertainment complex, and the Central Stadium. To complete the tour, take bus 18, 79 or 30 to the Atakent Business Cooperation Center. Here big park, exhibition pavilions.

Where to go in two days

If you have two days at your disposal, be sure to devote one day to a walk around Shymbulak and the Medeo ice complex. Dedicate the second day to sightseeing, concerts, go to a festival, which are held quite often in the city. Or go beyond. Visit the vineyards in the village of Turgen, Trout Farm and others.

Where to take beautiful photos in the city

Almaty is located at the foot of the Tien Shan range. For lovers of exclusive beautiful photos direct path to the mountains. You can take breathtaking pictures at:

  • BAO (Big Almaty Lake)
  • Shymbulak
  • Park of the First President.
  • Issyk Lake

In summer the city blossoms. Any park, square, street blooms with roses, lilacs and chestnuts. Gorky Park often sets up free decorations for photo shoots.

Where to go by car

A car provides mobility for movement. But keep in mind, in Almaty, in Lately, cars are not a priority. The authorities are intensively developing public transport, which makes life difficult for motorists; waiting in traffic jams will not allow you to enjoy.

There are many interesting places outside of Almaty. Kapchagay reservoir. Locals call it “The Sea”, family recreation areas in the mountains, such as “FamilyClub”, “Tau Spa”, Trout Farm. Tabagan.

On your own or through a Travel Agency, you can purchase a tour to the Charyn Canyon, rafting on the Ili River, and the Kolsai Lakes.


    Located at 70/1 Papanina Street, corner of Yaroslavskaya Street. The theater was originally created in Vladivostok. After the deportation of the Koreans, the troupe reunited in Almaty in 1968. The national ensemble "Arirang" serves in the theater.
    Someone will say, “Korean theater is not for me.” But don't rush to conclusions. Along with the multinational flavor of Kazakhstan, the Korean theater has preserved the history of its people, language, and traditions.

    Raiymbek - batyr - warrior and commander in Kazakh history. The legend about Raiymbek says: when the elder realized that his vitality was fading, he bequeathed to put him on a camel. In the place where the exhausted camel falls, place his body on the ground.
    The batyr's request was fulfilled. During the war, they tried to destroy the grave, but the equipment kept breaking down and did not allow the plan to be completed. In 1994, a Mausoleum was erected with the ashes of the batyr, and next to that same camel. Raiymbek's grave is located along the avenue of the same name. The place is quite lively and noisy. But people from all over Kazakhstan come here, they ask for blessings and health from the sacred place.

    The convenient location of the museum will not let you miss it. In the city center on Dostyk Avenue you have the opportunity to see all the wealth of Kazakhstan.
    In the museum you are immersed in the atmosphere of the mine. An elevator, shaped like a miner's cage, takes you to the halls of the museum. The founder, Satpayev Kanysh Imantaevich, collected a large collection of minerals from all over the country. Minerals, agate, crystals, all types of ores, etc. The Museum displays more than 900 exhibits. At the exit you can buy original souvenirs made of agate, fragments of ancient rocks and precious stones.


    The museum is relatively young. Was founded in 1999. The main railway carrier of Kazakhstan is located in the building of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC. Central exhibit layout railway in scale 1:87.
    The model shows the train stations of Turkestan, Astana and Almaty 2. The exhibit is all in motion. Small trains travel along it, spotlights shine. Have you ever seen rail laying equipment? All track equipment, diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, cars, etc. are presented here. Lovers railway transport will appreciate the museum.

    The mosque occupies an important place in the history of the city and in the hearts of believers. The mosque was built over two years from 1995 to 1997. The mosque was designed by Yusupov Sh.
    For many people, the mosque is their first home. Here Muslims unite to study Islam, perform rituals and help each other.


    On January 13, 1934, the first performance of “Ayman Sholpan” took place. The brilliant acting will make you fall in love with the theater. World classics are played on stage in the original language. Operas are performed in Italian, French, English, Russian and Kazakh. The plays are mainly staged by foreign experts. People go to the theater like local residents, and tourists. Guests of the city always try to attend performances. Get a charge of emotions and cultural enlightenment.

    This main square city ​​on Satpayev Street. Most of the important buildings for the city are located here:

    house of government - akimat. State institution, workplace for the mayor - akim of Almaty.
    The Independence Monument is a hundred-meter composition. At the very top, the “golden man” sits on a winged leopard.
    Along the road there are other compositions performed in the national style.
    Central State Museum.

    Located under Republic Square. Construction of the facility began in 2007. City residents did not like the changes. Traffic was difficult. Growing in the Tien Shan park are blue and chopped. And after cracks appeared in the road surface, residents began to drive around the square. Construction ended in 2012.
    The fairy tale of an underground store in an earthquake-prone area has become a reality. It's quite safe. The developer designed the project according to all technical standards.


    You will visit the Kazakhstan Museum of Musical Instruments while walking in the park of 28 Panfilov men. The museum houses exhibits from Asia, Africa, Europe, such as sarangi, dulcimer, kobyz, biin, kokle and so on. Representatives from Japan donated the folk musical instrument Shayim Daiko to the museum.


    On June 10, 1972, the Almaty circus began to receive its first spectators. The circus building resembles a Kazakh yurt in its shape and can accommodate about 2,500 spectators. Vivid spectacles with a taste of Kazakh poetry took first place in the CIS. The circus tours all over the world. Constant government support for the circus allows it to organize grandiose performances.


    Residents of Almaty call the Botanical Garden “the lungs of the city.” A green area of ​​103 hectares filters polluted Almaty air. High concentration of exhaust emissions in the air is an acute problem in Almaty.
    Families or friends come to the botanical garden to walk along the birch, oak and lilac alleys. At the entrance you are greeted by a Japanese garden, designed according to all Japanese traditions. Nearby is a greenhouse of rare exotic plants.

    This is a large entertainment complex on the peak of Mount Kok-Tobe at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level. You can climb it by bus or cable car, the length is 1620 meters. Kok-Tobe Mountain offers a beautiful view of the city.
    There are binoculars at the observation decks. Have your own petting zoo, exotarium, attractions, Ferris wheel, cafes and restaurants.

    In 2007, a monument to the British group The Beatles was erected on Mount Kok Tobe. Any visitor to Kok-Tobe can take a photo with the group members. The creation of a bronze monument to the group received permission from the copyright holder of the Beatles brand, Apple Corporation, and the mayor of the city of Liverpool.
    Band members Paul McCartney and Ringo Star gave their separate consent to the creation of the monument. Sitting on a bench next to the musicians, you will hear the group’s famous musical compositions.

    The park was built back in the seventies of the nineteenth century on the site of the village cemetery. Its first name is Old Cemetery Park.
    The name of the park has changed several times over the years of its existence. In 1942, the park was named in honor of the soldiers of the Panfilov 1070th Regiment of the 316th Infantry Division, who defended with their own forces the German onslaught on Moscow in 1942. On the memory lane there are personalized monuments for each fighter, and blue spruce trees are planted in their honor.


    People's Artists of Kazakhstan, invited Western and Russian stars hold concerts here. REFERENCE After the construction of the Almaty Arena for the Universiade, the Palace of the Republic began to receive guests less often, but did not cease to be the main attraction of Almaty.


    On the territory of the park of 28 Panfilovites there is the Zenkov Cathedral. One of the city's leading attractions. The cathedral was built from wood using a unique technology without a single nail. It is one of the eight tallest wooden structures in the world. The cathedral survived a severe earthquake in 1910. But he did not survive Soviet rule. It was looted and became the Central Museum of Kazakhstan. In 1995, the cathedral again received the status of a holy place.

    The palace has a very beautiful architecture in the form of spirals connecting at one point. There is a large dome in the center of the building. This is the roof of the celebration hall. The Schoolchildren's Palace periodically holds events dedicated to international and national holidays.

    This is part of the Tien Shan range. The gorge is famous for the monastery and the Akzhar landslide. Monastic Scythian was founded in the 20th century. The monks who suffered for their faith, Seraphim and Theognostus, are buried on the territory. The Akzhar landslide was formed after the earthquake on May 28, 1887. Tourists come to walking routes. But passage through the checkpoint is only with passes.

    There are always weekends of ice skating. The ice on Medeo is made using technology that allows it to maintain the ice surface 8 months a year. For several years in a row, the skating rink hosts the Voice of Asia music festival.

Truly was cultural center, representing the way of life and recreation of the Kazakh people. In Almaty, attractions are directly related to history Soviet Union. The nature of the surroundings of Almaty captivates with its beauty. Mountain peaks give the city background a unique feel. In the city itself, two days are enough to explore all the interesting places, but outside the city you can explore for an eternity.

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What is the first thing a tourist should see in Almaty? Our short review of attractions will tell you where to go in Almaty.

1 Ice complex Medeu

A striking landmark of the city of Almaty - high-mountain ice complex "Medeu". The history of the complex begins in 1920. At an altitude of 1691 meters above sea level, a wonderful sports complex With artificial ice. The field area is 10.5 thousand square meters. m. It is unique in that it was here that more than 200 records were set. The skating rink is called “Record Factory”.

The hotel complex gives you the opportunity to stop and rest for several days. The local cafeteria allows you to enjoy excellent coffee or a cup of hot tea in the fresh air.

Where you need to come and see in Almaty is the Medeu sports complex, a bright star among the attractions.

After restoration in 2000, a cable car appeared here. It gives tourists the opportunity not only to ride, but also to enjoy the beautiful scenery and beauty of the area. In 6 minutes you can get from the city center to Mount Kok-Tobe. Highest point located 80 meters from the ground. In terms of quality of service, the road meets international safety standards. From the top platform you have an amazing overview of the entire city. Almaty at night is breathtakingly beautiful from a bird's eye view.

What else can you see on the mountain? Kok-Tobe:

  • go to a mini-zoo;
  • attraction "Fast Coaster";
  • visit a teahouse;
  • go to the Yurta restaurant;
  • make a wish at the “Fountain of Wishes”, which is made like an apple;
  • visit a climbing wall;
  • check out the art gallery and children's playground;
  • visit the monument to the rock group “The Beatles”;
  • buy a bunch of all kinds of souvenirs in local shops.

One day will not be enough to visit all the sights of Mount Kok-Tobe.

2 Botanical Garden

Most large park cities. It occupies an area of ​​103 hectares. In 1932, the first developments in scientific breeding work on plant acclimatization began. These works later helped in greening the city. Walking through the garden, you gradually move from one grove to another, where squirrels jump along the branches, bringing joy to children. To visit greenhouses with tropical plants you will need to take a special permit. A visit to the park will fill you with aesthetic pleasure and leave a good impression. Cleanliness is maintained not only by park employees, but also by visitors who understand the importance of preserving pristine conditions.

In the Middle Ages there lived a hero who fought against the Dzungars. And thanks to the right tactics he defeated the Dzungar Khanate. He is believed to have lived a good life and was buried with great honors. There is a beautiful legend. The wise old man had a presentiment of his death. And he asked to put him on a camel and bury him where the exhausted camel stopped. The burial was destroyed during the Civil War.

Then there were attempts to demolish the burials. By some miracle, the grave was preserved. There are also various legends about this. Initially, a granite stele was built in 1981, then a mausoleum was built in 1994. In 1991, one of the streets of Almaty was named after the commander and leader Raimbek Batyr.

4 Almaty Lake

Located in the gorge of the Bolshaya Almatinka River. The lake is wonderfully framed by three peaks - Tourist, Ozerny and Sovetov. Source clean water are glaciers. The color of the reservoir is unique and changes with the seasons from sky-turquoise to light green. The lake is alpine, so it is cool here and the water temperature does not exceed 8° C. The leading road to the reservoir is quite steep. But it is filled with magnificent views. The pass connecting the two lakes and Lake Almaty add even more charm to this place. Beautiful places Almaty attracts tourists to come here and enjoy nature and clean mountain air.

Located in Kazakhstan large park of 18 hectares. It was founded in 1870 at the village cemetery and was called Starokladbischensky. During its existence, the name was changed several times; since 1942, it has been officially dedicated to 28 Panfilov fighters. Monuments, obelisks with the names of Kazakh heroes, and the Eternal Flame fill the park with pride and patriotism. Go to the House of Officers and visit the museum folk instruments. See many monuments dedicated to the heroes of different warriors.

The pride of the city is the Schoolchildren's Palace. A beautiful building against the backdrop of the foothills. In operation since 1983. The unusual composition of the constructed buildings attracts guests to Kazakhstan. The 40-meter observatory tower, built of granite, spacious areas and alleys, and well-appointed buildings make it possible to accommodate 2,200 schoolchildren and make it possible to hold large events on the territory. For schoolchildren this is wonderful place spending free time. They work here about 80 circles different directions , pool. Operating auditorium with 800 seats.

A circus of professionals known throughout the world operates in Kazakhstan. In 1972, a modern building was built specifically for the circus group on Abai Avenue. The architecture of the circus is made in national traditions. The building has everything for the convenience and training of artists. Equipped courtyards allow you to walk animals. What is important for four-legged artists. There were difficult times in the life of the circus, but now it has been restored and operates safely.

The beautiful places of Almaty attract people of different cultures and religions. There are a lot of religious buildings in Kazakhstan - these are mosques, orthodox churches, monasteries.

Most famous:

  1. Central Mosque. It is a historical monument, made in the traditions of Islam. The “Central Mosque” coin was issued by the National Bank of Kazakhstan in 2006 (made of 925 silver with a face value of 500 tenge with a circulation of 4 thousand pieces)
  2. St. Nicholas Cathedral. In 1954, as a sign of gratitude, the cathedral received an icon of St. John, with a particle of his relics.
  3. Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord. Since 1982 it has been recognized as the cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  4. Iversko-Seraphim Convent. He does a lot of charitable work. A Sunday school for children is open at the cathedral.

Almaty- the former capital and a city that has not lost its charm, no matter what. For this reason, it still continues to be cultural and historical center countries where many interesting events took place at different times.

Sights of Almaty for tourists with names and photos

The “southern capital” of Kazakhstan, whose history began 2 thousand years ago, is located at the foot of the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains. Once upon a time a famous Silk Road, connecting and . At that time the settlement flourished, but XIII century Almaty fell into decline due to the raids of Genghis Khan.

Almaty received new opportunities in XIV century, when soldiers from the Russian Empire began to move into the city. It was renamed Verny, and when Soviet power reached this region, the city was returned to its historical name. During the same period, the city became the capital and remained so until 1997. Since then, many historical and cultural attractions have been preserved here, but the natural monuments are even more beautiful and picturesque.

Natural attractions

No matter how advanced and bright Almaty is with its luminous skyscrapers, wide avenues, golf clubs, chic restaurants and other signs of a metropolis, its main asset remains its picturesque nature. It’s not for nothing that Almaty is called the city of apple orchards and a place hidden between charming mountains.

The main natural attraction of Almaty is mountainous region Medeo– a place where about 120 different records were set. In addition to the incredibly beautiful landscapes that this mountain tract has, travelers are attracted by the pleasant climate, as well as the opportunity to go ice skating in a unique place.

In Medeo there is a sports complex with a high-mountain skating rink at an altitude 1700 meters above sea level. Its construction began in Soviet times, but after the collapse of the USSR, it for a long time was in decline. In 2009, the complex began to be actively reconstructed, and now it is accessible all year round. The skating rink is of a grandiose size, with an area of ​​10.5 thousand square meters. m., is a place where competitions are held and new records are set.

Also available in Almaty in winter ski resorts :

  • – a slope located just 15 minutes from the city;
  • – a ski park in the Talgar Mountains with a large selection of slopes;
  • – a resort located just 17 km from Almaty.

In the south-eastern part of Almaty there is another famous mountainKok-Tobe– a slope on which several attractions are located. From a distance you can see the TV tower and Kok-Tobe Park, which can be reached by cable car. The cozy park has equipped walking areas, souvenir shops and observation decks, from where Almaty and its main attractions are visible “in full view”.

There are a number of entertainment options for tourists in the park:

  • rope park;
  • playgrounds;
  • downhill;
  • Ferris wheel.

Those tourists who believe in monuments that fulfill wishes can wish for something fountain "Apple"- symbol of Almaty.

About 200 km from Almaty is located natural object, which is really worthy of attention - Charyn Canyon- a unique miracle of nature, not inferior in its beauty to the Grand Canyon. “Martian” landscape, especially the tourist section of the park - Valley of Castles– impresses with the most unusual forms of ancient sedimentary rocks. Over millions of years, they were carved by the World Ocean, and then the Charyn River and the wind completed their work.

Here, along a two-kilometer route, there are sandy layers of red and orange color, in which the bones of very ancient animals are frozen, as well as a variety of terrain - slopes, arches, hills and plumbs. The canyon road ends at Ash Grove– in a place where relict trees grow that managed to survive the Ice Age. You can stay overnight nearby so that in the morning, standing on the top, you can meet the alien dawn. Despite the remoteness, this site is worth a visit if you find yourself in Almaty.

City architecture

Almaty has a surprisingly harmonious combination of Soviet-era buildings, modern glass skyscrapers and luxurious religious buildings. In addition to the TV tower, which can be seen from any point, among the religious buildings of Almaty it is worth highlighting the main concert hallPalace of the Republic– a building founded in 1970 at the intersection of two avenues, Abay and Dostyk. The capacity of this grandiose structure is 3 thousand people. It constantly hosts exhibitions, concerts of world performers, as well as important conferences.

Near the Palace of the Republic there are two famous buildings of Almaty - Kazakhstan hotel and Arman cinema. The hotel can easily be called the hallmark of not only the city, but also the country, since the high-rise 102-meter building of the Soviet period is a symbol of the republic. Also interesting buildings The Soviet period can be seen on Revolution Square or on Arbat Street, whose real name is “ Zhibek-Zholy"(Silk Road).

There are several religious buildings in Almaty. The main object is Central Mosque- a snow-white building with blue domes, symbolizing harmony and simplicity. In the courtyard there is a cozy square with alleys, benches, lanterns and lawns. The building itself is considered one of the largest in Kazakhstan - it can accommodate up to 7 thousand people. For comparison - in modern capital the largest mosque can accommodate up to 10 thousand visitors.

In Almaty you can find Orthodox churches, the most famous of them is Voznesensky Cathedral - a church that has become a monument of ancient architecture in the republic. The temple was built in 1907 made of blue Tien Shan spruce, and its multi-colored domes look very unusual. The structure turned out to be so strong that during earthquakes the stone buildings collapsed, but the temple remained intact.

City museums

The largest museum of the republic is located in Almaty - Central State Museum of Kazakhstan– exhibition of historical and cultural heritage countries, represented in 300,000 exhibits. Here you can find national costumes, a real yurt, nomadic items, military armor, embroidery, jewelry and weapons.

You can get acquainted with the history of the city itself in interesting Almaty Museum. It opened quite recently, but there are already a lot of historical objects here, from the Bronze Age to the modern period.

Among interesting exhibitions it is worth noting:

  • Kazakhstan Art Museum - an art gallery with works of Russian and Kazakh talents;
  • Natural Museum of Kazakhstan - an exhibition dedicated to the rich historical flora and fauna of the country;
  • Geological Museum of Kazakhstan - an exhibition with a unique collection of minerals.

During excavations on the territory of Kazakhstan, many important objects were discovered, including the bones of ancient animals, fossils, and unique disappeared minerals. All this is now presented in museums in Almaty, so a walk through the exhibitions promises to be interesting.

What else can you see and where to go in Almaty

Walking around Almaty, you can meet several important historical monuments, of which the most important is considered Kazakhstan Independence Monument- a majestic object decorating the central square. In addition to him, in the city there are monuments to great people: Abai Kunanbayev, T. Shevchenko, Uraz Dzhandosov, Dzhambul, K.I. Satpayev and many other important personalities.

For those traveling around the city with children, Almaty has a zoo, a circus and the Eighth Wonder of the World water park - some of the largest entertainment facilities in Central Asia.

It is worth noting that former capital It's not called the city of fountains for nothing. There are fountains at almost every step - there are about 120 units. At the end of May they hold Fountain Day, when these objects are launched in the city so that residents and guests of the city can enjoy their beauty and splashes.

Almaty is incredibly interesting and original city. Its visit promises to bring a lot of positive emotions, and your acquaintance with the sights will be remembered for a long time.

The article does not pretend to cover all attractions; it reflects the individual experience of our blogger.