The best beaches in Africa. Beach holiday in Africa Secluded island of Bom Bom

This article features some of the best beaches on the African continent, from the white sands of Kenya to the penguin beaches of South Africa.

Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa

About 75 kilometers from Port Elizabeth is Jeffreys Bay, which locals more often call “Jay Bay.” It's crowded here high season, as thousands of tourists fill the beaches, surf shops and fast food joints. However, for ardent surf fans, all this is trivial. What's more important to them is that Jeffrey's Bay is considered one of the top three surf spots in the world. If you're here to surf, head to the Super Tubes, on the east side of the main beach, around lunchtime. Here, throughout the year, it is easy to “catch a wave,” which attracts surfers from all over the world. Waves with breakers and whirlpools are a professional’s dream, but beginners should not venture here.

Anse Georgette Beach, Seychelles

Is it possible to be alone on the beach in the Seychelles? Certainly. To do this, just go to Anse Georgette beach. This secluded strip of sand can only be reached by boat or through the territory of a neighboring resort. Dazzling White sand stretches all the way to the ocean and further along the bottom. You can rent fins, a mask and a snorkel and dive.

Agadir, Morocco

Agadir's beach is as good as the city itself. A wide strip of beautiful sand stretches along the coast on the south side of the city. From the very morning people begin to approach here, throughout the day the beach is patrolled by mounted police. Near the beach there are many beach bars and cafes where you can rent sun loungers and parasols. In the ocean - this is especially worth emphasizing! - there are dangerous underwater currents. If you come here with children, don't take your eyes off them for a second. And adults are not recommended to swim alone. Lifeguards are on duty at the northern end of the beach from June 15 to September 15 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Tiwi, Kenya

Tiwi Beach is quite popular among budget travelers. A true tropical paradise that invariably attracts both holidaymakers and Kenyans themselves. Whole families come here from Nairobi. Coral reefs are located almost at the very shore, there are great places for snorkeling at high tide, especially in the northern part of the beach.

Sidi Moussa D'Aglou, Morocco

The beach at Sidi Moussa d'Aglou (or simply Aglou Beach) is located 17 kilometers from Tiznit. This is an almost deserted strip of sand and a good Atlantic wave for surfers. There are dangerous deep currents not far from the shore, so in the summer there are always representatives of the military police on the beach, performing the functions of lifeguards. They allow swimming only if conditions permit. Surfing is good, but not everywhere - you need to know the places. Few Moroccans (including migrant workers from France) come to Aglou beach in the summer; in winter there are also few people here. It's also quiet in the off-season. On the beach itself there are a couple of tombstones over the graves of marabouts, Muslim hermits. One and a half kilometers north of Sidi Moussa d'Aglou there is a small fishing village with about a hundred primitive dwellings carved directly into the coastal rocks.

Matemwe Beach, Zanzibar

Matemwe is a fishing village with traditional huts covered with palm leaves. Near the settlement, located on the north-eastern coast of Zanzibar, there is big resort with shady palm trees and several beaches. Not far from the coast is Mnemba Atoll, considered one of the best diving spots in the whole East Africa. Unfortunately, the idyllic charm of the village and beach is not likely to remain for long due to the ever-expanding major resorts, whose fences have already begun to “attack” the beach.

Boulders beach, Cape Town, South Africa

Boulders Beach has coves convenient for swimming and clean, cool water, but the main reason to visit this beach is the colony of critically endangered African penguins. Penguins lay their eggs on the beach, and you can share the ocean waves and sand with them. Just don't get too close.

The Atlantic Seaboards Beach, Cape, South Africa

On the shores of the Cape there are several small bays and beaches with snow-white sand. Along the edges of the beaches there are majestic white cliffs. A little further, in the interior of the mainland, rises the peak of the Twelve Apostles, not far from which is the famous Table Mountain, which has become a symbol of Cape Town. The beaches are ideal for sunbathing and picnics at sunset. From this side of the Cape Peninsula, it is best to watch the sun sink into the ocean, and the bizarre reflections of the mountains gradually disappear into the darkness on the water surface. The Atlantic Seaboards are, first of all, picturesque views, and secondly, hospitable, cheerful people and summer terraces cafes and bars in the nearby town.

Lamu Archipelago, Kenya

- a real “mythology factory”. It is often called "Arabic" trading city”, but in reality he is more likely the last living reminder of the Swahili civilization that was the predominant cultural force on the coast until the arrival of the British. In the 1960s, Lamu, with its unique cocktail of sandy beaches, a touch of Islamic exoticism, stunning ancient architecture and hospitable local people, became an alternative to Moroccan Marrakech and earned a reputation as the “Kenya Kathmandu”. The city became a distant African outpost of the hippie movement and a transit point on the way to India. The shaggy guests were given only one condition: to stay in hotels and not spend the night on the beaches.

Port St Johns, South Africa

At first, Port St. John's is a little puzzling. It consists of three separate beaches scattered along the coastal area over a distance of several kilometers. The first beach, where the river flows into the sea, stretches along the road from the post office. Fishing here is good, but swimming is not safe. This beach is close to the city center where you will find shops and stops minibus taxis. Second Beach is located five kilometers to the west. To get to it, you need to turn right from the main road just past the post office. There is a lovely lagoon that is great for swimming, and there are a couple of places to stay near the beach. The section of the river near the Pondoland bridge is very popular among anglers. There are many more good beaches in the vicinity of Port St. John's Beach. There are more of them here than in any other place on the Wild Coast.

Ras Sudr, Egypt

The town of Ras Sidr (or Ras Sudr) is famous for the variety of seashells washed up on the beaches and the unpleasant odors emanating from the oil refinery. The petroleum aromas don't seem to bother Cairo's middle-class residents, who enjoy relaxing on the beaches of Ras Sidra on weekends. This part of the coast is quite windy, which many tourists who prefer the calmer beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh do not like. But sharp gusts of wind throughout the year turn Ras Sidr into real paradise for lovers of kiteboarding and windsurfing.

Grand Baie, Mauritius

This Mauritius beach offers plenty of fun activities, from skydiving to surfing to beach bars, restaurants and shops. It's almost impossible to splash around the shore here, since everything is crowded with boats, but Grand Bay is a great place for lovers aquatic species sports and hedonists.

Diani beach, Kenya

At Diani Beach, many people recognize their dream of an ideal beach with palm trees. Gorgeous, amazingly white sand, turquoise water (and usually crystal clear), Coral reefs not far from the shore (30 minutes swim or 10 minutes by boat), and, of course, “arches” of coconut palms, creating “oases” of cool shade, protected from the sun’s rays and constantly blown by a light, fresh breeze from the sea.

Rocktail Bay, South Africa

Sea turtles swim into Rocktail Bay, off the coast, from Kenya's Malindi (3,500 kilometers north) and from Cape Agulhas (2,000 kilometers west along the South African coast). They swim to the northern Elephant Coast from October to February to lay their eggs in the sand of local beaches. Sea turtles have hardly changed at all over the last hundred million years, and they have been laying eggs on these shores for about 60 thousand years. The entire northern part of the Elephant Coast is suitable for sea turtles, but they especially love Rocktail Bay. Since sea turtles are very easily disturbed and the government is trying to prevent uncontrolled crowds of vacationers from entering the beaches of Rocktail Bay, tours to the shores of the bay are offered by only four tour operators that have received special licenses from the state.

Mikadi and Mjimwema beaches, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Mikadi and Mjimwema - best beaches Dar es Salaam. There are no breakwaters here, like on Jambiani and Kunduchi located just to the north. The beaches are located a few kilometers south of the city. Both of them have avoided development with beach infrastructure and have preserved their pristine natural beauty. The beaches are perfect for lovers of peace and tranquility.

San Francisco Beach, Cape Verde

The chain of coves near the community of San Francisco, located thirteen kilometers northeast of Praia, the capital of Cape Verde, is worth a visit. The first thing along the road you will encounter are palm trees and a couple of villas standing a little further away. But the best beach is a little further, to the south. Steps go down from the shore into the water, built under ex-President Pereira. The sand is clean, the waves are good, you just need to take food and drink with you, since you won’t be able to buy anything edible on the beach.

Varela, Guinea-Bissau

Varela Beach has stunning natural views (possibly the best in all of Cape Skiering). Located near the border of Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. A great place for swimming and sunbathing in the shade of pine trees and low coastal cliffs. Locals and Senegalese like to relax here on weekends. Despite this, Varela Beach is relatively calm.

Ras ed Drak or El Haouaria Beach, Nabeul, Tunisia

Southeast of El Haouaria, at the very beginning east coast Cape Bon, hides the most beautiful (and little-known) beach in the region - Ras ed Drak, which is now more often called El Haouaria Plage. You can sunbathe on the snow-white sand in the shade of the jagged mountains.

Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde

This island has a picturesque desert interior and a “necklace” of beautiful white sand beaches along the entire coast. On most beaches there are no buildings or trees that provide shade. Particularly long and beautiful beach in Santa Monica. Boavista is a great island to explore in a 4x4 rental.

Cape Skiring, Senegal

The sand at Cape Skiring is very good. Better than other beaches in the area. The sea is warm, calm and safe. Throughout the day, a light refreshing breeze blows from the sea. The main activities of beach tourists are sunbathing and swimming, but you can also rent a jet ski or a surfboard with a sail. There is no rental office on the beach, but there are several nearby expensive hotels, where everything you need is available.

Kassa Island, Guinea

Kassa (or Ile de Kassa) is an island with a famous sandy beach Soro, eight kilometers long. This is Guinea's largest island beach. Unfortunately, the resort's popularity also means that it gets very crowded on Sundays during the dry season. Be careful and keep an eye on your belongings; cases of theft are common on Soro Beach. After spending a few days in Kassa, you will have time not only to sunbathe on Soro Beach, but also to visit more secluded beaches, of which there are many west coast islands; and explore villages in the charming island forests. It takes about an hour to walk from the village of Kassa to Soro beach. Along the way you will probably see monkeys and birds.

Sakalava Bay, Madagascar

If you need snow-white sand, pure water and a turquoise horizon, you will find all this on the beaches of Sakalava Bay in Madagascar. A great place to surf and get a tan. Of course, if you don't mind sharing the beach sand with lemurs and turtles.

World Travel


13.07.15 12:43

When we talk about beautiful, unusual and well-maintained beaches, the exquisite resorts of the Mediterranean or the incredible islands in Dubai come to mind. Africa is associated with deserts and safaris, well, maybe even with ancient Egyptian monuments. But the beaches of Africa are also beautiful! Tunisia and Ghana, Morocco and Sierra Leone, Zanzibar and Seychelles are waiting and beckoning - this is where the best beaches in Africa are located.

In Sierra Leone and Tunisia

Wonderful Sussex Beach is not located in the UK (as it might seem from the name), but in the city of Freetown (Sierra Leone). This favorite place rest as local residents, and tourists. However, swimming in these waters is not recommended: strong waves and currents are quite dangerous. But to get the perfect tan, this is what you need!

Tunisia's Sidi Bou Said is otherwise called “a paradise for artists.” This beach, located 20 km from the capital of the state (the city of Tunisia), gave its inspiration to European painters Paul Klee and August Macke. On the beach and in the surrounding area (ancient buildings, modern cafes, the ocean surface, yachts) blue and white colors predominate. Sailing and windsurfing are especially common here.

Secluded island of Bom Bom

Tiny Island state Sao Tome and Principe only gained independence from Portugal in the mid-1970s. It is located off the coast of Africa. It includes the resort island of Bom Bom. Strictly speaking, this is not a beach, but 25 comfortable bungalows (with a minibar, air conditioning, satellite TV and telephone, bathroom, hairdryer, comfortable furniture). Tourists here are guaranteed comfort and privacy - this is the best place for newlyweds and nature lovers. Sandy shore The islands just beckon you to plunge into the warm, gentle waves.

Musicians' refuge and fishing village

Along the coast Atlantic Ocean stretches the Ghanaian beach Kokrobite (19 miles from the capital). Here you can splash around for a long time with your children - swimming is safe. The water is crystal, the sand is the softest, local fishermen and fruit sellers are friendly and friendly. In the evenings, large turtles swim here, and it is a pleasure to watch them. In addition, musicians and acrobats have made the beach their “arena”: on Saturdays and Sundays they stage spectacular performances here.

One of the best beaches in Africa can be called the whole fishing village in Zanzibar. It's called Nungwi. Tourists adore this place for its national flavor: charming huts and intricate boats, for the clear blue water in which the sun’s reflections play. The village has a small aquarium with sea turtles. Children can spend hours admiring these funny creatures.

Arched rocks and boulders with penguins

In the southwest of Morocco there is a small (only 20 thousand population) city of Sidi Ifni. The pride of this place is the eight-kilometer Legzira beach with its bizarre red-brick arched rocks. The landscape is formed by centuries of erosion, everyone strives to photograph this miracle of nature. However, before you go here, learn all about the tides. Finding yourself between two arches at high tide is not very pleasant.

Cape Town's Boulders Beach is also impressive. As is already clear from the name, the main charm of this cape is the huge granite boulders that have been caressed by the waves for many years, polishing them to perfection. In 1982, this place in South Africa was chosen by African penguins. And they became the second reason why the beach is so wildly popular. Imagine almost three thousand penguins floundering around next to you. This photo will be the envy of all your friends!

The beauty of Seychelles and the beach for golf lovers

If you are looking for the best beach in Africa for surfing, Anse Coco Beach is located in the Seychelles. It is located on the eastern side of La Digue (the third largest of inhabited islands). Compared to other local beaches, this one is safer, there are more shady places, and how beautiful are the compositions of stones created by nature!

The magnificent Belle Mare beach in Mauritius is incredibly popular. It is easy to get here, and therefore those who like solitude will not like it here - the place is crowded. But for golf lovers it is simply paradise. There are two courses on Belle Mare - one with 18 holes (for guests of the local Belle Mare Plage hotel), the other for everyone, with 9 holes.

Another coast of the island of La Digue is rightfully considered the best beach in Africa. The beach is called ornately: Anse Source D'Argent. On a long stretch covered with fine white sand, there is plenty of space! Every morning here on northern part islands, crowds of tourists arrive to take a comfortable spot among the giant boulders and splash around in the shallow turquoise pool.

A man from one of the friendliest Ethiopian tribes, Hamer, Africa.

Hamer woman.
On the website you can admire a large number of works made not only by professional artists, but also by simply amateurs of their craft. Pencil drawings always attract attention, sometimes they fascinate so much that the hand itself reaches for a pencil or brush to try to reproduce something similar.

Girls of the Hamer tribe, located in Africa, drink an alcoholic drink in the morning that tastes like beer and dance in circles. The heat and alcohol put them into a kind of trance.

Residents of the Karo tribe are engaged in animal husbandry; they are considered the best masters in body painting, as well as in preparing for dances and holidays.

Photo of representatives of the Bena tribe, whose traditions have not yet been fully studied.

Men of the Hamer tribe go to graze cattle in the morning, armed with spears. Africa.

The Mursi are one of the most aggressive tribes in Ethiopia, whose men carry sticks and beat to death those who encroach on their leadership.

The people of the Karo tribe love a strict geometric style - they draw stripes, circles, and spirals on the body. They use natural materials for painting: chalk, iron ore, ocher deposits, coal.

The African Karo tribe is the smallest (about a thousand people).

A woman from the Surma tribe, which is located in the southwestern part of Ethiopia. These tribes are fenced off from the rest of the world by inaccessible mountains.

Hamer woman.

Photo of a woman from the Surma tribe with a child.

The tribes of Ethiopia mainly speak Amharic and Oromo languages.

An Ethiopian tribal woman smokes a pipe.

A child from the Surma tribe, whose population lives by raising cattle.

Men and women of the Surma tribe shave their heads to be beautiful, and children decorate each other with designs.

Unlike children of other peoples of Ethiopia, children of the Hamer, Karo and Benna tribes do not ask for money.

The Ethiopian Hamer tribe is interested in communicating with tourists who come to photograph them, touch and look at the white man.

Cattle breeding is well developed in this African tribe. The number of livestock measures the well-being of a family. In the Hamer language there are about thirty words to describe the different shades of color and texture of livestock skin.

Women from the Hamer tribe.

The distinctive features of Hamer representatives are high cheekbones. They decorate themselves with beads, leather and thick copper necklaces around their necks.

Each tribe in the valley is unique, with its own customs and beliefs.

The Hamer nationality is approximately 35-50 thousand people, they inhabit eastern part lowlands of the Omo Valley.

The Hamer are Sunni Muslims. They believe that natural objects have a soul, and also believe in spirits that are able to take the form of a person or animal.

Representatives of the Arbore, a people belonging to the Afro-Asian linguistic group, live in one of the villages. There are about five thousand of them.

The Hamer tribe has a very interesting ritual - “running on the backs of bulls”, which men who have reached adulthood undergo before getting married. They must run four times along the backs of bulls standing in a row. A Hamer man performs the ritual naked, symbolizing the childhood he is about to leave behind. Cows do not always stand still, so it is important not only to run, but also not to fall, losing your balance. After successfully completing the ritual, the young man is classified as a “maza”. If he falls, he will train and undergo this ritual in a year.

The Arbore differ from other nationalities in that they wear numerous multi-colored beads. During ritual dances, they sing, believing that this relieves them of accumulated negative energy.

Before marriage, a tribal girl must be a virgin.

Representatives of the Hamer tribe have neither surnames nor passports.

A girl gets married at the age of 12.

A Hamer man has two or three wives and many children.

Typically, an African tribal village consists of several dozen round huts standing on stilts with conical roofs. Their frame is knitted from poles, and the top is covered with a thick layer of dried grass and straw.

The inside of the hut is divided into a living area, a granary and a goat pen. The master's bed is made of stones, covered with a layer of clay and straw, and covered with many goat skins on top.

African women braid their hair into a certain number of dreadlocks and smear them with ocher (for beauty and protection from insects).

A woman from one of the Ethiopian tribes drinks water.

The western and southwestern regions of the country are inhabited by various races: Afar, Agau, Oromo, Sidamo, Somali, Kafa, Beja, etc. And if you consider that each race includes up to a dozen different tribes speaking their own dialects, then there are different languages ​​in Ethiopia will get more than 200.

Almost every man from the African Suri tribe has a Kalashnikov assault rifle, which is always ready to shoot.

Not every man can have a wife, not everyone can afford marriage. The groom negotiates with the bride's father about the amount of the ransom. A wife costs 8-10 cows - for Ethiopia this is a fortune.

After the groom has paid the ransom to the bride's family, he builds her her own new house, regardless of what kind of wife she is. There she brings her dowry (clothes, several bags of grain, a dozen chickens and other little things necessary for arranging a new home). The husband himself separate house does not have, he leads a semi-nomadic lifestyle, living alternately in the houses of his wives, which he builds either not far from each other, or in one large fenced yard.

If suddenly the wife dies soon after marriage, then the husband has the right to return his ransom back. If the bride’s family has another daughter who has reached marriageable age, then the widower receives her in return for the deceased. Widows do not remarry.

Among the African tribes Surma and Mursi, the labial disc traditionally plays an important social role. The larger its diameter, the higher the girl’s authority and the greater demand she is as a bride.

Women take out the discs during meals or before bed, but do not leave them outside the home or in public. African women Surma and Mursi often exchange these jewelry among themselves (except those given by their husbands).

Hamer (Africa) woman with a pipe.

A Karo chief who participated in numerous raids and battles.

The African tribe Daasanach, whose people have become Orthodox Christians since 1983.

The population of Hamer often goes hungry - droughts lead to crop failure. Africa.

When a member of the Bodi tribe dies, his body is guarded for three days, after which he is eaten by his fellow tribesmen as a sign of respect. Africa.

Chief Hamer. The scars on the skin show the number of enemies he has defeated in battle.

World Travel


22.05.16 11:08

What do you think about a beach holiday? We are dominated by stereotypes that say that in terms of comfort and services provided, there is nothing better than the good old Mediterranean. Of course, we shouldn’t discount distant Australia and Southeast Asia with her exotic islands. What about the beaches of Africa? Do you think that on this continent only a safari is worth the candle (and even studying ancient relics and structures in the north of the continent)? You are not right! Africa also includes many of the most beautiful islands, and its coasts are so beautiful – you can’t take your eyes off them! You will see this for yourself by looking at the illustrations in our rating of the most beautiful beaches in Africa.

The most beautiful beaches in Africa: where to go

For adventurers and lovers of solitude

Are you dreaming of a true pearl? wildlife? Craving adventure? Or just want to find a secluded place? One of best options– Port St. Johns. This quaint beach is located on the coast Indian Ocean– in the Wild Coast region (South Africa). Would you say that South Africa is too far and not safe? You are partly right. But, if there is a bit of adventurism in your soul, and there is enough money in your wallet for a flight, get ready for the trip!

Lost heaven

Another “lost paradise” (in the sense of secluded) is the tiny island of Bom Bom Island, which belongs to the state of Sao Tome and Principe in Central Africa. The island's beach is the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by virgin forests (home to different types birds). Funny large turtles and whales splash in the waves, and if you go diving, beauty will open up before you underwater world- There are also a great many fish here.

Vasco de Gama came here

Another beautiful African beach favored by divers is the Quirimbas Archipelago, which belongs to Mozambique. This is a phenomenal place for divers! At the beginning of the 16th century, Vasco de Gama landed here, and since then, little has changed in the crystal waters and on the shore. The archipelago's collection of unique wildlife is still as rich (from angelfish, parrots to dolphins and hammerhead sharks), and the waves are just as turquoise. Newlyweds can spend an unforgettable honeymoon here.

Tanzanian miracle

In the northern part of the Zanzibar archipelago, in the waters of the Indian Ocean, the resort island of Mnemba basks, and its beaches are among the most beautiful beaches in Africa. This is a real Tanzanian miracle with fine white sand and emerald waves. Here you can sunbathe or relax under straw umbrellas, lazily sipping cocktails. Or you can swim and dive to your heart's content in the company of amazing dolphins.

Mauritian resort sunsets

The Mauritian resort of Trou aux Biches and its marvelous beach will please everyone. And for families with children (the water here is very calm, and the pearl-white sand is soft as feathers), and divers, and sailing fans, and those romantics who love to see off the sun in an embrace with their beloved. It has one of the most breathtaking sunset views in the world!

Swim with dolphins

Famous for its historical places and archaeological finds, Kenya's Lamu Archipelago is ideal for water adventures. The local beach provides opportunities for kayaking, swimming with dolphins, diving, and snorkeling. There are museums, bars, shopping centers, where you can buy local jewelry - they are original and elegant, and other souvenirs.

Visit the lemurs!

You will find beautiful African beaches when you go to Madagascar, namely to Sainte Marie Island. The sun never leaves the sky here all year round, and the pretty snow-white sand and clear sapphire waters beckon! Lounge in the shade of palm trees until the cool breeze invites you to swim. But nature has prepared a special gift for divers: unique coral gardens and a colony of humpback whales living nearby.

Island on the great lake

The wonderful, remote Likoma Island in the East African state of Malawi will rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. It's so calm, peaceful and quiet here! At the same time, the island will provide you with excellent hotel conditions and will allow you to enjoy scuba diving, kayaking, and boat trips to your heart's content. This is the only beach that is not on the ocean (or sea) coast, but on Lake Malawi (Nyasa).

Mecca for water extreme sports enthusiasts

True water sports enthusiasts, including surfers and divers, would be delighted to discover the delights of Boa Vista Island (Cape Verde). Curralinho Beach is a seemingly endless coastal strip of gentle sand. The waves, playing with all shades of turquoise, will gently hug you. And in local shops you will find excellent fresh food to refresh yourself after water fun.

Perfect in every way

An ideal place for a relaxing beach holiday is Anse Source D'Argent beach, located on the island of La Digue (East African state Seychelles). You will be amazed, and what is there - amazed by this crystal blue water (the entry into which is shallow, which will appeal to inexperienced swimmers and children), bizarrely shaped boulders and palm trees framing the beach. The sand here is a pale pink shade, slowly turning into snowy white. You will never want to return from this paradise, because Anse Source D'Argent is the most beautiful beach in Africa.