Sights of Cambodia on a map with photos and descriptions of interesting places. Cambodia map Monuments of Cambodia

Cambodia is a country where surprises, discoveries, portions of amazement and impressions await you. Many people are mistaken in thinking that the only thing to see in Cambodia is Angkor Wat. In addition to the heritage of the Khmer Empire, which every resident of Cambodia is proud of, there are still a dozen things in the country that you should pay attention to.

Cambodia often not only amazes, but also shocks. You can see a well-groomed, green section of the street and even a skyscraper (in my opinion, the only one in the country). And here, around the bend, beggars will sleep on the asphalt, and children will dig in garbage dumps.

What to see in Cambodia and how to have fun

The most interesting places are located in three cities of Cambodia - Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville. This is the route many travelers choose. They fly, for example, to Bangkok, from there they fly or go by bus for a few days to Siem Reap, then to Phnom Penh for a couple of days and then relax on the beaches of Sihanoukville.

The second popular route in Cambodia is to fly into Phnom Penh (or Ho Chi Minh City), then fly to Siem Reap, and then head to Sihanoukville.

So here are 10 interesting places in Cambodia that are worth your attention. All these cities and events can be easily seen on your own. We are offering to you interesting route on the sights of Cambodia, designed for a standard 2 weeks of travel. Go!

Let’s start in order from the “top” city on the map - Siem Reap, then move to Phnom Penh and finally visit Sihanoukville. You choose for yourself in what order it will be more convenient for you to see the sights of Cambodia on your own.

★ Angkor Wat

This is the number one place in all of Cambodia and one of the most interesting places in all of Asia. Travelers from all over the world strive to visit Angkor and experience the former greatness of the ancient Khmer civilization. And you won't be an exception. Angkor will outshine all the temples you have seen before.

If you avoid any "strong tourist places“, then we advise you to give up your principles and be sure to see Angkor. You'll thank me later!

What else to see in Siem Reap besides Angkor? Take a tour to Tonle Sap Lake!

Tonle Sap Lake

Just get a glimpse of life on the lake. Houses on the water, the life of people who live in houses on the water all their lives, mostly due to a lack of means for a full-fledged existence. See what while you dream of luxury country house, someone dreams of food on the table and running water.

And in the evening, be sure to arrange a cultural program for yourself.

Apsara Dance

Traditional Khmer dance will take you into another world. Their postures and hand movements, arching of fingers, which girls learn from childhood, will not leave anyone indifferent.

From Siem Reap we move to the capital - the city of Phnom Penh. To get to know the city, it will be enough to allocate no more than 2 days.

Phnom Penh. Genocide Museum

If you are seriously interested in the history of the country, I recommend you visit this place. The former Tuong Sleng prison will open your eyes to the tragic history of this people. Events that happened in the 70s during the reign of the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot. A visit to this difficult place will also be remembered for a lifetime.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
We ordered a taxi online and paid by card. We were met at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You've already talked about your experience In this article


You may not stay longer than 2-3 days in Siem Reap and not allocate more than 1-2 days in Phnom Nen, but come to resort town Sihanoukville definitely needs to stay longer. For at least a week. After all, you’re probably curious what a beach holiday in Cambodia is like? What are the beaches of Sihanoukville famous for? What to see and how to spend your holidays in Sihanoukville. There are many articles on this topic on our blog, because we have already stayed in Sihanoukville twice for a month.

Try Cambodian barbecue

In the cities of Cambodia where tourism is more or less developed, you will always find the famous and beloved barbecue, both among the Khmers themselves and among all nationalities of the world. Steaks with potatoes, salad, meat, fish, shrimp and more. All the fun costs an average of 3 to 4 dollars per small portion. Small, it's like the photo below. Coming to Cambodia and missing the opportunity to have a stomach feast is simply unforgivable. The best barbecue is in Sihanoukville.

Under the barbecue, take a bottle of Chilean wine for $10. In Cambodia there is a duty free zone, so prices are very low.

Koh Rong Islands

You're probably stunned that there are islands in Cambodia? Eat. And not just any garbage islands, but very beautiful ones and definitely worth spending several days or even weeks on. It’s definitely worth going for at least 1 day. I promise that after visiting Cambodia you will dramatically change your opinion about the country as a whole.

Snake House

Not just any restaurant, but a restaurant with snakes. You sit down at a table where snakes crawl under the glass. We were impressed. Such restaurants, where you can literally dine in the company of snakes, have never been seen anywhere else. Therefore, you should go to Snake House not for the food, but for the spectacle at your table. The restaurant also has several terrariums not only with snakes, but also with crocodiles and several other animals.

From Sihanoukville you can go to see the following 2 interesting sights.

Bokor Plateau

An excursion to the Bokor plateau is top of the list. Until recently, Bokor could not even be found on the map. The plateau is located high in the mountains. In addition to the abandoned Bokor Casino and the view that opens before your eyes, you will also take a swim in the waterfall.

Riem National Park

I know that those who come to remote corners of our planet are always looking for unexplored places and less traveled routes. And a hike through the jungle, lunch with the locals in a hut on the river, sitting on the floor, and an exploration of the regions, which are not at all cloying for an experienced traveler, will only be beneficial. Riem Park is one such place in Cambodia.

Bottom line. What to see in Cambodia

As you can see, the list is quite small. In our opinion, these are the most worthwhile attractions in Cambodia that are worth seeing on your own or with a tour. You can see most of our list even in a week in Cambodia.

If time permits, you can expand your Cambodia travel program by visiting the cities of Battambang, Kep and Kampot. Interesting too tourist destinations, although not required to visit.

The ideal, of course, is to allocate more time to this country so that at the end of the trip you have a full-fledged vacation at sea, at least for a few days. Haven't you seen how wonderful they are yet? Then take a look!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a tourist on a package deal or have been traveling with a backpack on your back for years. Don't bypass Cambodia, there really is something to see here!

Having completed at least 5 things out of ten, you will be able to say with complete confidence to yourself and other travelers: “I was in Cambodia. I have a better understanding of the country. After all, I didn’t limit myself to Angkor Wat alone, but traveled to different places and saw so many new things that I couldn’t even imagine.”

– these are the most interesting places and historical sites cultural heritage ancestors that tourists should see first. Moreover, the country of Cambodia itself is very colorful and exotic, and many people dream of visiting it. It bears little resemblance to everyday life, but is extremely attractive to tourists and travelers from all over the world.

What are people hoping to see in Cambodia? Why do they go to the Khmer country? Once upon a time I also faced this question - why should I go to Cambodia? My husband said: we will go there for two days to see Angkor Wat. And so began my acquaintance with the cultural part of Cambodia. After all, we are all at least a little familiar with the sad history of this country in the 20th century.

In my article I will briefly talk about best attractions in Cambodia, about what constitutes its very essence. After reading it, you will be able to determine for yourself the most interesting places that are worth seeing during your time, and then make your own detailed route in Cambodia. Having visited these sights, you will definitely say: I know Cambodia.

It’s worth saying right away that there are a lot of attractions in Cambodia, despite the country’s not so large territory. Even main attractions of Cambodia very different - these are the ancient ruins of Angkor in Siem Reap, and the modern capital city of Phnom Penh, and beautiful beaches Sihanoukville. There are other interesting places that are definitely worth seeing in , because it has much more that a traveler will like than these three most popular destinations!

Here is basic information about the attractions of Cambodia:

  • Now most of tourists visit Cambodia in order to see its main attractions, famous throughout the world - the temples of Angkor and Angkor Wat. However, not everyone understands what this phenomenon is.
  • Let me remind you that Angkor Wat is the main and central temple of medieval Cambodia (Khmer Empire), and Angkor temples- this is the entire collection of these temples, now located both in Cambodia itself and in neighboring countries - and.
  • It is also worth paying attention to temple complex Angkor- these are the temples of Angkor, located in Cambodia near the main tourist city Siem Reap and accessible to all tourists single ticket(or on separate tickets). In our detailed guide around the city of Siem Reap with practical information and prices:

As you can see, Cambodia has many attractions and a lot to see. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

This list of Cambodian attractions shows all the most interesting and popular places Cambodia, where tourists can safely come without fear of old mines. Each attraction has a link with detailed description object and photographs.

There is much more to see in Cambodia than meets the eye. Above I have given a list of those that any educated person should see. And now I’ll tell you about what connoisseurs of Cambodia and South-East Asia.

  • Phnom Kulen- holy mountain northeast of Siem Reap. Here you can see the very first Angkorian temple and the River of a Thousand Lingams. There is also one nearby, also called the River of a Thousand Lingams.
  • Temple of Preah Vihear- Khmer border temple, the subject of a territorial dispute between Cambodia and Thailand. Difficult to access, but now people go there on day tours. Read more about this in the article about.
  • Udong- one of the capitals of Cambodia near Phnom Penh. Famous for its beautiful temple on the hill and the tomb of the kings.
  • Takeo Province is located south of Phnom Penh and is distinguished by many pre-Angkoan temples - Tonle Bati, Angkor Borei, Phnom Da, Phnom Chisor and others.
  • Kampot- a small town in the south of Cambodia with French architecture. Here you can see how the best pepper in the world is grown and the salt is evaporated.
  • Kep- a village on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand and a former French resort. Now this is a place for leisurely beach holiday for youth, similar to . There are islands and caves nearby.
  • Phnom Bokor- This national park located in the mountains 8 km from Kampot. Here you can admire the waterfalls and visit the ruined casino and other buildings built by the French. Very atmospheric place due to the humid cool climate and the ruins of a bygone era.
  • Battambang It is distinguished by its preserved French architecture and compactness. There are nice surroundings around the city. The 9th century temples Wat Ek Phnom and Wat Banan are located here. There is also a hand-built dam called Kamping Puoi.
  • Pailin is located at the foot of the Cardamom Mountains and is famous for the mining of rubies and sapphires.
  • Ratanakiri Province in northeast Cambodia may be interesting to visit the hill tribes of Cambodia. Some villages are located close to cities and are safe to travel to. You should not travel to distant villages without a guide. Also near the town of Banlung there is the Yek Lum crater lake and waterfalls. It is worth knowing that coffee grows in the Ratanakiri province!

Various Cambodian attractions are located in different cities and provinces of Cambodia. Therefore, in order for your trip to Cambodia to be successful, you should prepare well for it and read information about the country. It would also be nice to make a route. For example, in I share ready-made routes around Cambodia depending on the time a tourist has - from two days to a whole month!

You can buy cheap tickets to Cambodia here:

You can also fly to Bangkok (Thailand), and then get from there to Cambodia in various ways:

Transport in Cambodia

You can travel around Cambodia both by plane and by bus. The first method is more expensive and much faster, and the second is cheaper, but longer in time and worse in comfort. There are currently three in Cambodia international airport: in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville. And from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap you can come by boat!

You can always combine and fly between the main cities and travel by bus over not very long distances. And also use others vehicles- cars with a driver, tuk-tuks and so on.

Where to live in Cambodia - hotels in cities

  • For example, to see the temples of Angkor, you need to come to Siem Reap. Here is the most the best choice hotels in Cambodia - there are very cheap and mid-price hotels, as well as luxury villa hotels.
    All Siem Reap hotels with prices and reviews >>
  • In Sihanoukville you can stay in good hotel for a beach holiday and go on excursions to different islands or beaches. You can choose a hotel in Sihanoukville
  • To see Udong or the pre-Angkorian temples of Takeo province, you should not leave Phnom Penh, but rather stay in one of the hotels in the capital of Cambodia, from where you can easily go sightseeing during the day. Book a hotel in Phnom Penh >>
  • If you want to go to the Ratanakiri province, then you need to look for a hotel in the city of Banlung >>
  • People travel to Phnom Bokor from Kampot, Sihanoukville or Kep. You can choose one of these locations. Or settle in Kep and only go on an excursion to Kampot.

What to bring from Cambodia - souvenirs and gifts

In addition to the best impressions of the sights of Cambodia, you can bring small souvenirs and gifts from the country to remember your visit to this exotic country:

  • Kampot pepper- the best friend of all French restaurateurs and chefs grows up in the Kampot province in southern Cambodia.
  • Coffee from Ratanakiri province, which has been grown in Cambodia since the beginning of French colonization. Mostly Robusta coffee grows here.
  • Gems surprisingly inexpensive in Cambodia: rubies and sapphires can be bought both in Pailin, where they are found, and in other major cities. You can also buy silver products in Cambodia. It is worth remembering that in the markets they sell stones and silver (more precisely, an alloy) that is not the same best quality By low prices. You must understand that it is impossible to buy a real ruby ​​for a few dollars.
  • Cotton scarves for gifts to friends. Scarves are sold always and everywhere, in all markets, and are very popular among Cambodians themselves. Products made from natural fiber will make a wonderful souvenir from Cambodia.
  • Paintings. If you really want to hang paintings depicting Angkor Wat or Bayon in your home, then buy it without worrying about how to transport it. The painting will be carefully packaged in a tight tube, and the painting will arrive at your home unharmed, subsequently reminding you of an unforgettable trip to Cambodia.

The Kingdom of Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia. The country has a mild climate, which is dependent on the monsoons, with an average annual temperature of 25°C. The rainy season lasts from September to mid-October. A trip to Cambodia will be interesting for lovers picturesque nature, exotic beaches and ancient temples.

The local population is mainly Khmer. These are friendly people who happily welcome tourists. Because of civil wars, Cambodia has recently become tourist country, so locals have a positive attitude towards foreigners. The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh. Here, tourists can visit many historical attractions: Wat Phnom Monastery, Silver Pagoda, Royal Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, as well as museums.

Beach lovers should head to Sihanoukville. Here you can find a beach for every taste, from stormy beaches with cafes and souvenirs to quiet deserted wild sands. Lovers active rest you won't get bored in Cambodia. The resort offers extreme sports in air, land and water. You will be able to fly a paraglider, dive into the depths of the sea with scuba gear and feel the speed on motorcycle tracks. Local kitchen combines both familiar and exotic products. The main products are fish, meat, rice and vegetables. You can find a variety of soups on the menu. Exotic foods include frogs, snakes and spiders.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Cambodia?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photographs and brief description.

1. Angkor Wat

This temple complex, built in the 12th century, is listed World Heritage UNESCO. The architecture represents the Khmer Empire, also Angkor Wat national pride Khmer people. The temple was built in honor of the god Vishnu. This place is interesting because the complex is surrounded on all sides by a moat filled with water and you can only get into the temple from two sides. The area of ​​the temple is 2.5 km². This is the most big temple in the world, so tourists should visit this place.

One of the temples included in the Angkor complex. Here, majestic buildings and the forces of nature that envelop this place are woven together. The towers and terraces of Ta Prohm were pierced by vines and changed the original appearance of the temple. The temple was built in 1186 in honor of the mother of Emperor Jayavarman VII, on its territory there were 39 towers, 260 statues of Hindu gods, as well as housing for servants. This place is interesting for tourists because it was here that scenes from the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” were filmed.

3. Angkor Thom

It was built at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century and not all buildings have survived to this day. The main attraction is Bayon, which is a temple mountain with faces carved on it. Also in the city you can admire the Royal Palace, the Terrace of the Elephants with various figures carved into the walls, the Baphuon Temple and many other temples.

The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh, which has now become the largest metropolis. This is where luxury five-star hotels and large shopping centers are located. At the central market you can buy gifts and souvenirs, shoes and quality silk products, as well as almost everything that is produced in Cambodia. Among the attractions in Phnom Penh are the Wat Phnom Monastery, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda.

This temple complex is located on the border with Thailand, and for a long time it was the subject of disputes between the two countries until it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008. The temple began to be built in 893 in honor of the god Shiva. There is a 78-meter staircase on the site leading to the beginning of the main complex, and the entire temple is located on four tiers as the hill rises. Majestic palaces and stone statues can be seen on the temple grounds.

The name of this place is due to the fact that the floors there are lined with solid silver ingots. It was built in 1892 under King Norodom. In the center of the pagoda there is an emerald Buddha, opposite which there are many other Buddhas. What attracts attention is the 90-kilogram Buddha, decorated with shiny crystals, which was cast in 1907 by order of Norodoma. An atmosphere of wealth and grandeur reigns in this place.

The temple is located in Phnom Penh and is sacred to local residents; many come here to pray, and you can also meet “fortune tellers” there. The name translates as “Temple-Mountain”, it is located on a hill 27 meters high. A special feature of this place is the presence of animals: a tourist can feed the monkeys that amuse guests everywhere, as well as watch exotic birds and even ride an elephant.

This terrifying place tells about a sad page in the history of Cambodia. From 1975 to 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime operated, the goal of which was to equalize all citizens. The museum, which is located in the S-21 prison building where the Khmers were executed, contains photographs of those painful tortures. During the regime, about 17 thousand Cambodians who did not belong to the working-peasant class were killed.

This place clearly contrasts with all the beauties of Cambodia and visiting it evokes completely different emotions among tourists. The Killing Fields are a burial place for victims of the genocide regime and, together with the Tuol Sleng Museum, they form a single complex. In the fields are mass graves and bones and skulls of innocent victims can still be found there. Tourists are amazed by the memorial stupa, consisting of 8 thousand skulls.

In Phnom Penh, a tourist will easily notice this palace, since it is the only high building in the historical area. It was built in 1866 for the royal family, which still resides in the palace, so not all rooms are accessible to tourists, but this mystery is what attracts many people to this place. However, there is a lot to admire here: historical frescoes, the Throne Hall, where the 59-meter tower is located, the Silver Pagoda, the Royal Treasury and many more luxurious royal treasures.

The founder of the museum is the historian Georges Groslier, who collected unique collections of materials from the period from pre-Angkorian times to the 15th century. The museum contains the most ancient sculptures of the 5th-8th centuries; a statue of the eight-armed Vishnu from the 6th century and statues of Shiva from the 9th-11th centuries are still preserved. It is worth paying attention to the collection of ceramic and bronze items, presented in chronological order from the 4th to the 14th centuries. The highlight of this museum is a 19th century casket in the shape of a bird with a human head for storing betel leaves. After seeing the beauties, the tourist can relax in inner garden museum.

This new museum, opened in 2007, presents the history of the Khmer Empire in an interesting way. The use of the latest museum technologies will surprise both adults and young visitors. The museum building is divided into 8 galleries, each of which shows a certain period of Khmer life. You can get a sense of history by looking at the exhibits, as well as by watching the film, which is shown at the very beginning of the visit. The surprising thing is that you will even be allowed to touch some things, which is unusual for all museums.

This monument is located in Hung Xie Park, next to the Mekong River. It was built in 1979 by order of the Vietnamese communists and symbolizes the moment of the liberation of Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge and the establishment of friendly relations between Cambodia and Vietnam. Near the monument you can relax comfortably and admire the fountains.

This monument symbolizes the most important fact in the history of Cambodia - the liberation of the country from French colonization. The author of the monument is the Cambodian architect Vann Molyvann, who was inspired by the image Main Tower Angkor. The Independence Monument was opened in Phnom Penh in 1962, and an exact copy was later recreated in Siem Reap. The height of the tower is 20 meters. On holidays it is decorated with colored ribbons symbolizing the Cambodian flag.

The most pleasant place for walks at the resorts are the embankments. The Sisowath waterfront along the Tonle Sap River offers fresh air and a variety of bars and restaurants housed in historic 19th-century buildings. Tourists will be especially lucky if they come here during the New Year in April or the Water Festival in November, because this is where the main celebrations in the city take place. This is located wonderful place one kilometer from Wat Phnom.

The park is located in Kampong Speu, 112 km from Phnom Penh. This is the country's first state national park, with an area of ​​more than 350 thousand hectares. In these expanses of hilly terrain there are coniferous forests where relict pines and remnants of ancient vegetation grow. The diversity of flora and fauna amazes visitors to this place; they can enjoy walking, horseback riding and boat trips along the rivers.

The Tonle Sap is both a lake and a river at the same time. At a certain point, the river becomes so wide that the standing water in it forms a lake. This is the main natural attraction of Cambodia and the most big lake in the country. It is here that you have the opportunity to observe the life of local residents, houseboats which are located directly on the water. Twice a year the river changes direction, and if you get to the river during this period, you can successfully fish, as the fish will be on the surface.

Beach lovers should head to Sihanoukville, the most popular resort in Cambodia. It is here that various hotels, including five-star ones, are located on the banks. The resort continues to develop today, various bars and restaurants appear with almost any cuisine in the world, you can also find Russian cuisine. There is also Koh Poah Beach, owned by Russian investors. For lovers wild beaches It's worth going to the nearby uninhabited islands.

This waterfall is located in Sihanoukville. Its height is 25 meters, but the strength of the waterfall depends on the season: from August to October, the waterfall turns into a powerful stream, charging with strength. Local residents also come here to relax. The Khmers consider this place sacred, so at the waterfall you can find sanctuaries with figurines of gods.

Phnom Kulen National Park is famous for its tropical landscapes and picturesque waterfalls. Usually everyone is shown two waterfalls, but local residents claim that there are actually three of them: the first is very small, only three meters high, the second, 18 meters high, can be reached by mountain path, leading down, and the third 70-80 meter long is hidden in the impenetrable jungle.

Cambodia is gaining popularity every day among tourists from all over the world. This perfect place for those who are open to new and unforgettable experiences. The country is surprised by the huge number of sacred temples, which are located almost everywhere. They can be found even in impenetrable jungles. And in the farthest corners of Cambodia there are tribes who are still not familiar with all the benefits of civilization! This is Cambodia - colorful and unique. Sights of Cambodia - 6 main places in our review.

Cambodia is officially recognized as a Kingdom, with an appropriate form of government. It is located in the southern part of Indochina, and belongs to Southeast Asia. It neighbors Vietnam, Laos and Thailand, having some common features with these countries. The size of the territory is 181,000 km2, the length of the coastline is 443 km. The longest single border between the Kingdom and Vietnam is 1,228 km.

Basic water resources- This is the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake. The landscape is represented by plains, hills and mountain ranges Kravan, Elefan and Dangrek. The royal domain is divided into 23 provinces and the capital city of Phnom Penh, which has a population of 2,234,000 people. The population of the entire country is approaching 15 million.

1. Capital Phnom Penh

The capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, is also the largest tourist center countries. In the city you can find both historical and cultural monuments and modern buildings. Attractions include: Wat Phnom Monastery, Royal Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha and Silver Pagoda. Please note that when entering sacred places A certain dress code must be observed. As a last resort, you can rent appropriate clothing at the entrance. Phnom Penh is the best place to meet national cuisine Cambodia. Moreover, you can not only try it, but also learn how to cook it yourself. Many restaurants in the capital offer this service.

2. Royal Palace

The most popular Cambodian seaside resort is Sihanoukville. From Phnom Penh to the resort of Sihanoukville you can take a bus. This trip will take at least 4 hours. This resort has a well-developed infrastructure. Here you will find hotels of any level of comfort, restaurants, shopping centers, bars, nightclubs and much more. If you want to go diving, then go to the nearby islands.

The most unique and exciting excursions can be found in the city of Siem Reap. It is located 240 kilometers from Phnom Penh. A stunning medieval landmark, Angkor Wat, was found here. It is the largest and at the same time the highest temple complex in the whole world. Not only the amazing size, but also the beauty of these temples is impressive. Just a kilometer from these places there is another amazing temple - Bayon. It is famous for having 216 smiling heads carved in stone on its towers.

Floating villages on Tonle Sap Lake are another attraction of Cambodia. You can visit amazing Cambodia using the Last Minute Package promotion. This is a unique opportunity to purchase the tour of your dreams very inexpensively. Prices for last-minute tours and trips will delight everyone!

Cambodia is an exotic country with a difficult fate. The sad events of the 20th century have not yet been forgotten, but travelers are still attracted to these places. They want to see in person the cultural heritage of other countries that is so different.
The best time to visit Cambodia is from November to February, when the rainy season ends.


Most tourists first of all want to see Angkor Wat, and this is understandable. The world-famous temple of the Khmer Empire was built in the 12th century and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as the largest in the world religious building. This is the real pride of the Khmers: the outlines of Angkor Wat can even be seen on the Cambodian flag. Writer Rudyard Kipling was so inspired by the atmosphere of this place that after visiting it he wrote his “The Jungle Book”. Episodes of the film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider were filmed here. The territory of the Angkor complex itself is huge - its length is 24 kilometers from west to east and 8 kilometers from north to south - and multi-level: it will take a whole day to explore every corner. You can get into the complex through just two entrances, and it is recommended to enter from the west so that the annoying sun does not hit your eyes.

Address: Siem Reap, Cambodia.

How to get there: the complex is located near the city of Siem Reap. You can get here with a tour or on your own. Many tourists hire a tuk-tuk, it will cost about 30 USD per day - the driver, by agreement, will take you to the temple, and also drive around the city for the remaining time. It’s better not to look for the first tukker you come across on the street, but to contact a travel agency.

Working hours: daily from 5:00 to 19:00.

Price: 37 USD per person for 1 day of inspection. You can buy a ticket for 3 days for 62 USD or for a week for 72 USD. For an additional 20 USD you will rise above the complex in a hot air balloon.
To explore the temples calmly, arrive early in the morning: this way you will not be exposed to the rays of the scorching sun and will avoid huge crowds of tourists. And the sunrise over the towers of Angkor Wat is a truly grandiose spectacle.

There are many monks on the temple grounds. Please note that women should not touch them under any circumstances. Before photographing ministers, politely ask them for permission: as a rule, they do not refuse and are happy to pose. In order not to embarrass the monks, choose clothes that are not very revealing - this is also of practical importance, since it is easy to get sunburned in the scorching sun. Please note that the stairs of some temples are very steep, so be careful and watch your step carefully.

Koh Ker

Sights of Cambodia, unfortunately, are not very well known in the world. As a rule, everyone knows about the jungle and Angkor Wat, but other places like the Pyramid of Death are not very popular. Meanwhile, the temple complex in the province of Preah Vihear, dedicated to the god Shiva, is of considerable interest. Those who are fascinated by the history of Cambodia will be interested in visiting ancient city Lingapura, where the pyramid is located. These structures were once forgotten, but with the development of tourism, the surrounding area was cleared of mines and shells. Koh Ker was built during the reign of Jayavarman IV at the beginning of the 10th century. It was assumed that main temple– the pyramid – will be his tomb, but due to technical errors made during construction, the future mausoleum began to collapse even then. However, the name “pyramid of death” stuck with it. The structure itself looks a little scary, but is nevertheless impressive in its size. In neighboring villages there are mystical legends about strange things that happen near the pyramid. In any case, even the most curious tourists should not go there.

How to get there: For about 45 USD you can book an excursion at any travel agency in Siem Reap. For 100 USD, tourists order a car with a driver - this is more profitable if you are traveling in a group. Some people risk renting a motorbike for 15-20 USD, but this method is only suitable for those who feel confident behind the wheel.

Working hours: 07:30 – 17:30.

Price: 10 USD per person.

Plan on about 2 hours for sightseeing at the temple. Locals Those who want to earn extra money will beg for alms, offer their services as a guide and sell souvenirs. It’s not so easy to get rid of them: buy a postcard from one, others will immediately come running. It’s better to say firmly once: “No.”
Attention: under no circumstances leave the hiking trails! The area around the city has not yet been completely cleared of mines. Take signs that say “Danger!” seriously. Mines!

Royal Palace

Sights of Cambodia- this is not only the former greatness of the Khmer empire. Magnificent roofs Royal Palace Even from afar they glow in the sun - this is the architectural dominant of Phnom Penh. The royal family lives here, but some rooms are still open to tourists. For example, you can visit the Throne Hall topped with a 59-meter tower, a treasury, a pagoda and a statue of the Emerald Buddha, decorated with diamonds. This atmosphere of luxury contrasts sharply with the general poverty of the kingdom.

Address: Phnom Penh, intersection of 184th and 240th streets.

How to get there: this is the very center of Phnom Penh, next to the Tonle Sap River embankment. It is very easy to reach: the tower can be seen from every corner of the historical center.

Working hours: daily from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

Price: 6 UDS, for 10 USD English-speaking guides offer their services.

Open clothing is not allowed; elbows and knees must be covered.

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

This place in Cambodia has a terrifying atmosphere and is really difficult to be in. Everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth visiting. This is a museum of genocide, located in the building of a typical Cambodian school - through the efforts of dictator Pol Pot, it was turned into the infamous S-21 Security Prison. It was here that citizens disliked by the regime were tortured and killed.

Address: Street 113, Phnom Penh 12304, Cambodia.

How to get there: The museum is located near the Independence Monument in the center of Phnom Penh. It’s easier to get there by tuk-tuk; drivers usually ask for 2-3 USD.

Working hours: from 9:00 to 17:00.

Price: 2 USD per person, photos and videos are free.

Be respectful of the tragedy that occurred in the country - do not smile in the museum, as warned by the icon hanging on the wall. Take care of your clothing: it is important that it covers your knees and shoulders.

National Museum of Cambodia

This museum houses the most interesting collections and artifacts from the most significant historical periods of the country. The terracotta building houses Khmer sculptures, bronze statues of gods and even a real wooden ship. It is best to start getting acquainted with the exhibition from the left pavilion; then you need to move clockwise.

Address: Phnom Penh, corner Street 13, Street 178.

How to get there: The easiest way is to walk from the Royal Palace, it will take just a few minutes.

Working hours: daily from 8:00 to 17:00.

Price: 5 USD, children under 12 years old have free admission. An English-speaking guide will cost 3 USD. No photography allowed.