A tour to the volcano is an extreme journey. Volcano

    On May 26-27, the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation was held at the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute (PMFI), a branch of the Volga State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Modern tourism in medical and health care activities.”

    The conference was co-organized by Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation(Volga State Medical University) and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia."

    The conference was attended by teachers and students of our college:

    1. Modern professional training programs for paramedical personnel are the basis for the quality of efficiency of sanatorium- spa treatment on CMV - Istoshin N.G., director of the state budgetary professional educational institution Stavropol Territory"Kislovodsk Medical College";

    2. Spa treatment methods: from past to future - Sherstyuk T.V., teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College"

    3. Organization of recreation and health improvement for children in the conditions of sanatorium and resort organizations in the North Caucasus region - Kipkeev A.I., chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for sanatorium and resort treatment in the North Caucasus Federal District, teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College"

    4. The influence of professional qualities on the stress resistance of medical workers in sanatorium and resort institutions - Arutyunova E.G., teacher-psychologist, State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College"

    1. Terrenkur KMV-treatment with terrain and movement - Varvarenko A.,, Pisna Z.V., scientific director, teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College"
    2. Caucasian mineral water resorts, W Agrebelnaya A., student at Kislovodsk Medical College , Seregina O.I., scientific supervisor: teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution “Kislovodsk Medical College”
    3. Change in saturation under the influence of ozone therapy in sanatorium-resort treatment - HIrakadze M. A., Lecturer at State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College" Student at State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College" Sarieva M.

    At the beginning of the conference, participants were addressed:

    Kuzmenko Margarita Pavlovna, Deputy Minister of Health of the Stavropol Territory

    Sizov Valery Nikolaevich, Deputy Minister economic development Stavropol Territory

    Pokhilko Lyudmila Vasilievna, Chairman of the Pyatigorsk City Duma

    Karpova Victoria Vladimirovna, Deputy Head of the Pyatigorsk City Administration for Economic Affairs

    Efimenko Natalya Viktorovna, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Perm State Research Institute of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation

    Istoshin Nikolay Georgievich, director of the state budgetary professional educational institution of the Stavropol Territory "Kislovodsk Medical College", Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, co-chairman of the commission on the sanatorium complex and domestic tourism Public Council under the Ministry of Caucasus of Russia

    Mikhailenko Vitaly Ivanovich, Chairman of the Commission for Resorts, Tourism, Ecology and Health Development of the Public Chamber of the UK

    Vsevolod Leonidovich Adzhienko, director of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

    The conference was attended by more than 150 scientists, representatives of government authorities and practical healthcare, who came from the resort towns of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, as well as from Moscow, Rostov, Saratov and Samara regions, Krasnodar region. Reports were also presented by foreign participants from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, Greece and Cyprus.

    The issues of development of resort medicine, rational use of medicinal natural resources. Scientists have made a number of proposals for inclusion in the state development strategy Russian resorts, which is now widely discussed.

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Ash particles and aerosol droplets absorb sunlight, causing temperatures on Earth and in the lower atmosphere to drop.

Ash and gas clouds from several eruptions that have penetrated the stratosphere over the past 250 years may have had this effect, mainly by absorbing sunlight, but also by disturbing the chemical equilibrium, leading to a temporary decrease in the amount of ozone. A very large eruption could have a detrimental effect on the global economy, changing the climate and destroying ecosystems that have already become fragile due to human activity.

Chapter 6. Tourism.

Tourist centers.

A volcanic eruption is an effective but dangerous spectacle. Volcanoes attract many visitors - regular onlookers, rock climbers and participants in educational tours. Some areas derive a significant portion of their income from volcano tourism. An outstanding example is the Naples Bay area. Here, in addition to excursions to the top of Vesuvius, tourists can visit the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum discovered by archaeologists (previously preserved under a multi-meter layer of pyroclastic flows). Etna, also located in Italy, is an important tourist site, and competing companies transport visitors to the summit from different sides of the mountain.

In Tanzania, routes to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, which take several days, have become so popular that the trails are literally clogged with tourists. In Japan, the classic stratovolcano Fuji is the most visited snow peak in the world, and national park Fuji-Hakone-Izu receives 20 minutes of visitors each year, attracted not only by Mount Fuji but also by the hot springs in the nearby Hakone Caldera.

Volcano tourism is well developed in the United States, especially in Hawaii, where Hawaii Volcanoes National Park was founded in 1916. In addition to the overall beauty of the volcanic landscape, Kilauea's effusive eruptions, ongoing since 1983, provide additional income for helicopter tour operators. The world's first national park was created in 1872 at the Yellowstone Caldera, primarily for its geysers and hot springs. The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 caused significant devastation, but there are now at least four tourist centers associated with the volcano.

In Central America cruise ships now calling at the Nicaraguan port of San Juan del Sur so passengers can take part in bus trips to the edge of the active crater of the Masaya volcano. Costa Rica receives a lot of income from volcano tourism; One of the main attractions is Arenal, a stratovolcano that experienced a series of large Strombolian-type eruptions in 1968. Approaching the volcano itself is considered dangerous, but the coastal resort offers scenic views from distant vantage points.

However, there is always a certain risk. On August 23, 2000, a Costa Rican guide and two American tourists were caught in a 2.5 km long pyroclastic flow that reached the outskirts of tourist area. Two victims soon died from burns. Three days later, 10 people flying in a light aircraft were killed in a collision with the peak: apparently, the pilot flew too close for the passengers to get a better view of the surroundings of the volcano.

Chapter 7. Visiting volcanoes.

Erupting volcanoes.

If you want to see an erupting volcano, the most reliable one in the world is Stromboli. It is a basaltic stratovolcano that forms an island 60 km north of Sicily. You can get there by ferry or hydrofoil from Naples or from the Sicilian port of Milazzo. After climbing 1000m up a rocky path, you reach the summit with views of several active vents. Stromboli has been in a state of almost continuous eruption throughout human history. For the most part These are small explosive emissions at intervals from several minutes to several hours. At times, larger emissions claim the lives of unwary tourists who ignore safety rules.

The best place to observe active lava flows at the present time is the southeastern slope of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Here, lava flows into the sea through a system of pipes leading from the northeast rift in an almost continuous flow since 1983. On its way to the ocean, lava can often be seen through gaps, or it is squeezed out of cracks in the roof of the lava tube and spreads across the surface. The glow of the molten lava can be seen at night from the side of the road, or during the day if you try a one to three hour hike (each way) to get close to it.

Vegetation on Etna. Climbing up Etna (the journey lasts 40-50 minutes), you can see how the vegetation on the volcano changes. The slopes of the volcano are almost everything East Coast Sicily. And on the coast itself grows everything that grows on the island: Mediterranean plants (palm trees, biscus, phykidenia, cacti, agaves, human-planted fruit trees, vineyards, citrus fruits, olives). Oaks, hornbeams, pines, spruces. There are also so-called endemics, plants that grow only on Etna rare view birch, holmwood or holm oak. And, of course, the Ethnic violet, which grows to an altitude of 3000 meters.

Ethnic grape from which the wine of the same name is made. The rocks of Etna are very fertile, good harvests are obtained here, and the peasants who live here do not live in poverty. Almonds bloom in late February, early March.

Non-erupting volcanoes.

Another opportunity to see volcanoes can be provided by active but not erupting volcanoes. Visiting them can be a very exciting experience and almost completely safe. On the slopes of volcanoes located near tourist centers national parks, there are often developed trails with explanatory signs:

Surprisingly, the slopes of several active stratovolcanoes have roads leading to the rim of the summit crater. These volcanoes include Vesuvius in Italy, and Poas and Irazu in Costa Rica. At such observation points you can admire panoramic view to the volcanic crater and observe the fumaroles, but descent into the crater is prohibited for all but properly equipped scientific groups. Tourists visiting the island of Tenerife for the weekend Canary Islands, can climb cable car to a point located only 30 m below the peak of the Pico del Teide volcano.

Climbing to the top of other volcanoes requires serious skills mountain tourism or rock climbing.

In France, the Cheyne de Puy volcanic field, located northwest of Clermont-Ferrand, is a young volcanic landscape consisting of tuff cones, lava domes, tuff rings and maars up to 6,000 years old. On British Isles The age of the youngest volcanic rocks is about 60 million years, but, nevertheless, remarkable examples of trap basalts can be studied at the "Giant's Dyke" on the Antrim coast ( Northern Ireland) and in the Inner Hebrides (Scotland).

Northern Alps. Snow-covered and beautifully furnished, they are famous for their resorts such as Chamonix, Courchevel, Les Arcs and Tignes. The Southern Alps, where the resorts of Serre Chevalier, Var and Isola 2000 are located, only reinforce the prestige of holidays in the Alpine massifs. Other mountain ranges, not so high and more distant from major centers, are less popular. The Pyrenees are famous mainly for their resorts with mineral waters Cauterets and Luchon and stations skiing, such as La Mongie and Superbagnères. The Central Massif is interesting, first of all, for the craters of its volcanoes and numerous resorts with mineral waters. Mountain ranges The Jura and Vosges attract Swiss and German tourists with their proximity.

Volcanic mud from mud volcanoes has long been used to treat a wide variety of diseases. The Taman salt lakes are no less famous, and the water itself Sea of ​​Azov also has medicinal properties.

Being the westernmost region of Kuban, occupying a unique piece of land extended into the waters of two seas, the peninsula stretches from west to east for 66 km and from north to south for 40 km. Its eastern border runs along a conventional line from the western part of the Kurchansky Estuary to Anapa. Cape Tuzla is both western point Kuban and the westernmost point of Russia. But there is no more attractive and even exotic phenomenon in Taman than volcanoes. And besides, in the modern space of Russia only in Krasnodar region- on Taman Peninsula The mud volcanic phenomenon has received the greatest development. It is no coincidence that Homer wrote about the mud volcanoes of Taman in his Odyssey. It was on Taman, “in a sad, bare area” - in mud volcanoes - that Homer placed the entrances to the underground kingdom of Pluto. The revival of mud activity attracts public attention and poses a popularization task for geologists studying mud volcanoes - to show the nature of mud volcanism, its imaginary and real dangers, the peculiar beauty of the hills, their geological significance, and the importance of accompanying geological manifestations.


Volcanoes are interesting to us not only as an unusual, grandiose natural phenomenon; their study helps us unravel the action and influence of internal underground forces on the life of the Earth. And this helps to search for treasures useful for humans in the Earth.

Before a volcanic eruption, the ground often vibrates - an earthquake. Sometimes it happens during an eruption.

When large sections of the earth's crust begin to move, they fall and rise, layers move over others, huge cracks form, and subsidence and uplift occur along them. Thus, over millions of years, mountain ranges were formed. Stripes where they appear mountain ranges, are less durable places in the earth's crust; Through them, material molten in the depths most easily finds its way to the earth's surface.

Active volcanoes are located in strips of mountain ranges or where these ranges have just begun to emerge - along the banks Pacific Ocean and in the middle of it, on the islands Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea.

Over time, the volcano ceases its activity, and rainwater, wind, ice and snow that accumulate on high mountains, destroy dormant volcano. Often in its place nothing remains but a plain, and only from the crumpled folds of the earth and the presence of igneous rocks do scientists conclude that mountains and active volcanoes. Of course, it is very difficult to find out details about an existing volcano from the remains, but they give us other, more valuable information.

The fact is that when almost no visible traces remain of a volcano, this means that its destruction reaches those deep parts of the earth's crust that were before those deep parts of the earth's crust that were once under the volcano; here, when the volcano was active, ores of various metals were formed.

The Ural Mountains, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Altai and many other mountains of Siberia and Far East, which are so rich in ores of valuable metals, and are those areas where in very distant times, tens and hundreds of millions of years ago, volcanoes existed and volcanic eruptions occurred.

Volcanoes and their activities are interesting not only as an extraordinary, grandiose phenomenon, but studying them helps to unravel the action of underground forces of nature that create treasures in the bowels of the earth that benefit man.


Volcanic activity is extremely interesting object for study and, of course, very interesting topic for storytelling.

Volcanic activity, one of the most dangerous natural phenomena, often brings enormous disasters to people and the economy. Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that although not all active volcanoes cause disasters, nevertheless, each of them can, to one degree or another, be the source of events that can lead to tragic consequences. Volcanic eruptions come in varying strengths, but only those that are accompanied by the loss of people and material assets are classified as catastrophic.

Chapter 1. General information about volcanoes.

Chapter 2. Location of volcanoes. Volcanic eruptions.

Chapter 3. Beneficial volcanic activity.

Chapter 4. Volcanic threats.

Chapter 5. Volcanoes and climate.

Chapter 6. Tourism.

Chapter 7. Visiting volcanoes.


List of references and Internet resources.