Hawaiian capital. Hawaii is a resort state with amazing tropical nature

Our readers asked us to tell you about the Hawaiian Islands, an exotic US state. I fulfill their request. Today we are heading to the Hawaiian Islands.

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago consisting of 8 large islands, several atolls, peaks of seamounts and more than a hundred tiny islands with a total area of ​​more than 16,600 sq. km. It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands include a total of 132 islands. The archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean and stretches over a distance of 2,400 km.

The basis of the Hawaiian Islands consists of 8 islands in the southeastern part of the archipelago (central part Pacific Ocean). From west to east these are the islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii. To avoid confusion in names, last island- Hawaii - often called the Big Island. Hawaii is usually associated with these 8 large islands, largely because the remaining 124 islands have a total area of ​​about 8 square kilometers. The largest island of the archipelago is Hawaii (Big Island) with an area of ​​10,432 square kilometers.

Hawaii's natural and varied landscapes, warm tropical climate, abundance of public sandy beaches and active volcanoes make it popular place for tourists, surfers and scientists.

In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th US state. Hawaii is separated from the continental United States by more than 3,800 km. Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state, including people of European, American, Polynesian, Japanese and other ancestry. Hawaii is the only state in the United States with an official local language. Despite the influx of tourists, many native Hawaiians have maintained their customs and traditions.

The state's official nickname is The Aloha State. The word “Aloha” is of Hawaiian origin and at the same time expresses greeting, sympathy, farewell, wishes for goodness and love. Most often said as a greeting.

Hawaii, like Alaska, does not have common borders with none of the other continental US states. Hawaii is the only state in the US that:

  • Not located in North America
  • Completely surrounded by the ocean
  • Entirely an archipelago
  • Where coffee grows
  • Has a royal palace

Approximately 90% of Hawaii's gross product comes from services and tourism.

Niihau) - The westernmost of the eight Hawaiian Islands. Visits to the island are limited due to the fact that it is the property of private individuals.

Kauai) - most ancient island archipelago of volcanic origin. This is a tropical oasis that delights millions of tourists with its natural beauty. Kauai has everything you'd expect to see on an island lost in the ocean: wide sandy beaches, mountains, plateaus, canyons, waterfalls, jungles and fertile valleys.

The land on Kauai is very fertile, coffee, sugar cane, mangoes, bananas, papayas, avocados, pineapples, etc. are grown here. The main attractions of the island are Waimea Canyon and the Na Pali Coast.

Oahu) - the third largest island (71 by 48 km) and the most densely populated island of the archipelago. The population of the island, excluding tourists, exceeds 950 thousand people. The capital of the state of Hawaii, Honolulu, is located in the southeastern part of the island.

To the west of Honolulu is the famous Pearl Harbor, the harbor where the US Navy is based. Oahu is known for its beauty, it perfect place for relax. One of the island's iconic landmarks is Diamond Head, the crater of a volcano that was extinct thousands of years ago. By the way, Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, was born in Honolulu.

Molokai) beautiful island, whose residents are skeptical about tourism and excess noise. This place is suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday.

Lanai) small island(29 km long), nicknamed "Orange Island". Lanai has some of the best golf courses in the world. Most of the attractions on the island can only be seen by traveling along dirt roads in a rented SUV. This a nice place, where there are not as many tourists as Oahu.

Kahoolawe) - the smallest of the islands, not interesting for tourists.

Maui) - the second largest and third most populous (154 thousand people) island of the archipelago. A diverse landscape, natural beauty and developed services make Maui one of the... favorite places recreation. In addition to beaches, tourists are interested in National Park Haleakala and the town of Lahaina.

Hawaii) or Big Island (BigIsland) is the easternmost and largest island in Hawaii. Population: more than 175 thousand people. There are 5 volcanoes on the island, 2 of which are active. Tourism is mainly concentrated on the western part, however, stunning landscapes can be found in any part of the island.

Excursions in Hawaii are not only sightseeing tours around Honolulu and the islands, but also visiting interesting sights and unique places, which will leave the brightest impressions.

The climate in the Hawaiian Islands is tropical, although the temperature and humidity are less severe due to the almost constant trade winds blowing from the east. Wherein climatic features vary significantly on each island. In fact, Hawaii only has 2 seasons: the dry season from May to October, and the rainy season from October to April. In winter, the temperature rarely drops below 18 C at night and stays around 28 C during the day. In summer, the temperature stays around 24 C at night and rises above 30 C during the day.

This event occurred on August 21, 1959. After joining the United States, the islands began rapid growth economy and population, which in 2015 is about 1.5 million people. The vast majority of the population live in cities, the largest of which are: the capital Honolulu (400 thousand people), the cities of Hilo (42 thousand people), Kailua-Kona (12 thousand people).

History of development

It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands were settled around 300 AD. immigrants from Polynesia and Tahiti. This led to the formation of several island kingdoms on the islands. The mainstay of Hawaii's economy at the time was the harvesting of fruits and the catching of fish and crabs using various versions of canoes. Before the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by European navigators, the indigenous population did not know writing, although they mastered the art of painting rock walls, many of which are well preserved to this day.

The discoverer of these territories was the British navigator James Cook, who ended up here by luck in 1778. For quite a long time he was considered a deity by the indigenous population, who, after the British stopped bringing them nails, “lowered him to the ground” by piercing his neck with a spear and cutting his body into pieces.

British sailors under the command of the captain of the Discovery ship, Charles Clarke, could not restrain themselves and carried out a land operation to search for Cook's body, but after the massacre of the local population, the leaders were able to return only Cook's head, and then without the lower jaw.

At the bottom of Kileikqua Bay, where James Cook's remains were supposedly buried, today lies a cast iron slab bearing his name.

At the end of the 18th century, King Kamehameha I, thanks to weapons received from European sailors, managed to subjugate the entire territory of the Hawaiian Islands to his power.

In the 19th century, the acreage of the Hawaiian Islands began to interest industrialists from the United States. People from all parts of the world began to actively come to Hawaii, which led to epidemics among the local population, which had no immunity to most diseases of that time. The indigenous population decreased tenfold from 300 thousand to 30 thousand.

Due to a shortage of workers, capitalists, owners of sugar cane production, begin to import labor from China, the Philippines, Korea and Japan.

In 1887, the white population, with the support of soldiers, carried out a coup d'etat and proclaimed the Hawaiian Republic instead of the monarchy. Eleven years later, in 1898, realizing the strategic importance and importance for the economy, the United States seizes the territory of the islands and gives them the status of broad autonomy, which does not suit the population, but suits the capitalists who do not want to bind themselves to American legislation in their relations with workers of factories and plantations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Hawaii was ruled by the "Big Five" - ​​a group of large oligarchs who owned sugar cane plantations.

In 1908, near the city of Honolulu, the United States built the port of Pearl Harbor and turned it into the largest naval base in the Pacific region. The treacherous attack on this base by Japan on December 7, 1941 was the main factor that forced the United States to join the anti-fascist coalition in World War II.

The most important historical stage in the development of Hawaii was June 27, 1959, when 93% of the population in a referendum supported joining the United States as a separate state. On August 21, 1959, Hawaii, along with Alaska (49th state), officially received the status of US states and became the 50th state, receiving the nickname Aloha State.

Geography and climate in Hawaii

Today, Hawaii is the fastest growing landmass in the world. This is due to high volcanic activity. In Hawaii, the Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes continue their volcanic activity, and there is also a passive dormant volcano, Mauna Kea. The area of ​​the islands is 28,311 square kilometers. Most of the islands are covered with tropical rainforests and savanna.

The climate in Hawaii is very favorable for recreation, tourism, and agriculture and is characterized as a tropical trade wind. During a year average temperature is 18-26 degrees Celsius.

Population of the State of Hawaii

The structure of the population and its characteristics are determined mainly by the descendants of migrants who most actively populated the islands in the 19th century.

According to the 2014 US Census, Hawaii's population was 1,419,561. In 2015-2016, the population may approach one and a half million.

By ethnic composition the population structure is dominated by people from Asia (about 40%) - Filipinos, Chinese and Japanese, the next group is Americans of European descent (25%), mestizos (14%), indigenous people (10%), Latinos (8%) and African Americans (3%).

Among the religious beliefs, Christianity predominates, occupying the minds of 29% of the population (Protestants 40%, Roman Catholics 28%, Mormons 19%) and Buddhism (10%). Other religions make up about 10%. Atheists make up more than half of the population (51%).

Economy of the State of Hawaii

GDP in 2015 was 78 billion US dollars. Per capita income is about 31 thousand US dollars. The state's unemployment rate is about 7%. The Hawaiian Islands are located along the North Pacific trade routes connecting North America and East Asia, Australia.

At the heart of successful economic development Hawaiian Islands tourism and related services (weddings, beach holiday, festivals). The Hawaiian Islands have a wide network of resort towns and settlements, a lot of natural and historical attractions, some of which are impressive natural parks. The tourism and entertainment industry accounts for 25% of Hawaii's GDP.

The industrial sector is based on the production of rice, sugar cane, fruit cultivation and their subsequent preservation. 1 million hectares are cultivated on the islands. land for growing rice, cane, pineapples, coffee, bananas, which are exported to different parts of the world.

An important part of the economy is made up of US military personnel, 75 thousand of whom live on the islands. Thus, about $10 billion is allocated annually for the development of the Navy and Army located in Hawaii.

Hawaii has the fourth highest number of millionaires per capita in the United States.

Due to high taxes in the state there is enough high prices However, the main payer of taxes and fees are tourists.

The cost of living in Hawaii, particularly Honolulu, is quite high compared to most other places. major cities USA. However, the cost of living in Honolulu is 6.7 percent less than New York and 3.6 percent less than San Francisco.

Hawaiian Electric Industries, private company, provides 95% of the state's population with electricity, mostly from fossil fuel power plants. Average electricity prices in October 2014 (36.41 cents per kilowatt hour) were almost three times higher than the US average (12.58 cents per kilowatt hour) and 80% higher than the second most expensive state of electricity, Connecticut. .

Hardly anyone would call the United States an exotic country, but Hawaii, which is one of its states, represents a real kingdom of exoticism with slender palm trees, strange flowers and an indescribable atmosphere of an eternal holiday.

Moreover, nature and civilization have achieved real harmony here: most residents speak English, cellular communications are of excellent quality, American dollars are in use, and fashionable restaurants and hotels are found everywhere. Thus, in Hawaii, literally every traveler can feel like they are in paradise, because the main wealth of the islands is soft sand, an alluring ocean, tropical palm trees, as well as exotic birds and flowers.

In addition, a distinctive feature of the islands is a carefree life and an endless festive atmosphere. Perhaps that is why the most common word here has become “ aloha”, which signifies greeting, farewell, love and joy. Well, another one of the main advantages of the Hawaiian Islands is their diversity: they all differ from each other in landscape, vegetation and degree of urbanization. Thus, the recreation options here are extremely varied, which will undoubtedly please even the most discerning travelers.




1,275,000 (2005)

Population density

7, 634 people/m2



Protestantism predominates

Form of government

presidential republic

$ (US dollar)


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


Climate and weather

Hawaii has a maritime tropical climate, which determines weather islands. The year here is conventionally divided into two main seasons: winter (October - April) and summer (May - September). In winter, the air temperature fluctuates between +18...+21 °C, and in summer it is approximately +29...+32 °C. In mountainous areas, temperatures are usually lower and sometimes even snow falls. Most of precipitation occurs in the winter months, and hurricanes occasionally occur from May to September.

The best time to visit the Hawaiian Islands is considered summer season, although you can swim literally at any time of the year, since the temperature of the coastal waters here always stays within +23...+28 °C.


The Hawaiian Islands lie in the western hemisphere of the globe, right in the center Pacific Ocean. They are the world's longest island chain, which consists of 8 large and more than 130 small islands, as well as atolls and reefs.

Hawaii represents volcanic islands, which arose as a result of numerous eruptions of underwater volcanoes. Thus, all the volcanoes and mountains of the islands represent the peaks of underwater mountain ranges. The most high mountains and volcanoes are located on the island Hawaii, including extinct volcano Mauna Kea(4205 m) and active volcanoes Kilauea and Mauna Loa.

Sharp changes in relief have contributed to the fact that there are quite a few a large number of waterfalls Highest Kahiwa Falls(533 m) is located on the island of Molokai. But freshwater rivers are not often found on the islands, of which the largest is Kaukonahua River(53 km).

The Hawaiian Islands are lush tropical forests rich in fauna, magnificent sandy beaches, lush gardens, mountain gorges and step canyons, waterfalls, mountain valleys and plantations.


The main island of Hawaii is Oahu, on which the capital Honolulu is located. The main attraction of this city is considered Iolani Palace, which is famous for being the only royal palace in USA. Also worth highlighting:

  • Monument to King Kamehameha and Queen Liliokalani,
  • senate building,
  • Kawaihao Church,
  • governor's residence,
  • famous Waikiki beach.

In addition, the most important historical building of the island is the legendary naval base pearl harbor, which is now a memorial complex. Also deserves the attention of tourists Polynesian Cultural Center, consisting of seven themed villages, where unique performances with fiery dances in national costumes take place, and secrets are revealed ancient civilization. In addition, the island of Oahu is famous for the fact that the famous TV series “Lost” was filmed there.

Active Hawaiian volcanoes are of particular interest, so many have been built on the islands to monitor them. observation platforms and observatories, and to extinct volcanoes roads have been built and hiking trails. The volcanoes on the island of Hawaii (Kīlauea and Manua Loa) are most famous; there is even a Hawaii Volcanoes Park National Park , where you can see boiling lava flowing into the ocean.

If we talk about other islands, then it is worth highlighting the island Kauai, on which they are located beautiful waterfalls and colorful canyons. Moreover, this is the first Hawaiian island that the famous Captain Cook visited, so the place where he first set foot on the shore is marked with a monument. Also among the most visited places on this island it is worth noting:

  • Russian Fort Elizabeth,
  • Waimea Canyon,
  • ocean geyser Spouting Horn,
  • Hawaiian Hula Temple.


The Hawaiian Islands have a great variety of restaurants and cafes where you can taste both international and local cuisine, which is a mixture of Pacific and American traditions. The main products that are present in almost every menu here are seafood, chicken, vegetables and fruits. Recognized as the Pearl of Hawaiian Cuisine blue marlin, the white meat of which is considered very valuable. Most often it is baked with garlic sauce and served on long skewers. The constant menu items of any Hawaiian restaurant are “ lomilomi"(raw minced salmon), " laulau» (steamed fish), squid rolls, crab cocktails with lemon and spices, and battered scallops. The traditional dish of the islands is " liau" It consists of a whole pig, which is cooked in a special pit with hot stones. Moreover, initially the process of eating such a dish was supposed to take place at sunset and be accompanied by national dances. Now, of course, this only happens during local holidays.

Speaking about Hawaiian cuisine, one cannot fail to mention taro, from the tubers and leaves of which mashed potatoes and other side dishes are prepared. Also interesting is the spicy Hawaiian onion, which is added to almost all side dishes for fish and meat.

Well, the main dessert in Hawaii is tropical fruits - both quite familiar and unusual, like passion fruit, which looks like a small watermelon. It is also recommended to try the delicious coconut cakes and guava cake.

The choice of drinks is also very wide, but most often they offer black coffee, fruit juices, light wines, rum and all kinds of cocktails, for example, mai tai.


In the Hawaiian Islands, the classification of hotels differs from what is usual for us - the number of stars on the facade does not always correspond to general standards. Due to high competition and a large number of hotels, the cost of living here depends directly on the quality of service and the list of services provided. However, most hotels, regardless of class, have a 24-hour reception desk, TV, telephone, safe, air conditioning, refrigerator and swimming pool. Otherwise, the level of the hotel depends on its location, design, size, type of furniture and quality of service, as well as the availability of restaurants, bars, etc. Room prices often depend on the view from the window.

There are no all-inclusive hotels in Hawaii. The most common are the so-called resorts, which represent big hotels with restaurants, swimming pools and parks (from $200 per day). If you wish, you can easily find a mid-price hotel or rent an apartment (from $150 per day).

Entertainment and relaxation

The most important activity on the Hawaiian Islands is considered to be idle recreation for your own pleasure: sunbathing, swimming, going to restaurants, dancing until the morning and similar entertainment. The most suitable place for such a pastime is the golden beaches with turquoise water that surround majestic mountains, green canyons and tropical vegetation with enchanting waterfalls. And here there is how wild beaches, and fully equipped (with umbrellas, sun loungers, small cafes, showers and toilets). Also, on almost all beaches there is the opportunity to go surfing, windsurfing, kiteboarding, sailing, water skiing, parasailing and others aquatic species sports Besides, amazing beauty The underwater world attracts a large number of divers here. Fishing in the open ocean is no less popular in Hawaii.

Among the others active species Activities include cycling, golf, horse riding and tennis, as well as inland excursions and tropical rainforest ecotourism.

The youngest tourists also have something to do here: the hotels operate special kindergartens, where children are taught how to make jewelry from flowers and shells, a variety of games and Hawaiian dances. Well, for the fans nightlife It is recommended to go to large populated areas where there are a great variety of restaurants, nightclubs and bars.

In addition, Hawaii is famous for its bright and colorful holidays. Moreover, not only American holidays are celebrated here, but also their own:

  • The day Hawaii officially became part of the United States
  • King Kamehameha I Day,
  • Prince John Kuhio KA Day,
  • King Kamehameha I Day,
  • Prince John Kuhio Kalanianaole Day and many others.


Hawaiian cities have a great variety of shops and large shopping centers, where literally everything is sold - from clothing from famous brands to art objects. Moreover, for shopping lovers there is a great selection of all kinds of souvenirs, as well as ethnic jewelry and outfits. For example, in almost every store you can buy a traditional Hawaiian shirt or muumuu(Hawaiian dress). Jewelry, ceramics, nuts, coffee and exotic fruits are also in demand.

It is worth noting that Hawaii, like other American states, has strict rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, alcohol can only be purchased at those retail outlets that have a special license. In other places, only beer is sold. Tourists should also take into account that in all Hawaiian stores the cost of goods is indicated excluding taxes.

Most retail establishments are open from Monday to Friday, although some are open 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.


All international flights served by the main International airport Hawaiian Islands, which is located in Honolulu. In addition, some American companies operate flights to the islands of Kauai, Maui and Hawaii. Ferries also operate between the islands. Move from one settlement You can get to the other by buses and cars.

It's worth saying that public transport not developed on all islands. For example, on Big Island the only bus runs once a day. However, in large cities the bus schedule is more convenient. Moreover, the fare for this type of transport is quite low ($1). In addition, they operate in large populated areas. tourist buses. Also, if you wish, you can always use a taxi, but here it is quite expensive.

The most common means of transport in Hawaii is a car, since local highways allow you to get to almost any populated area. Moreover, car rentals in Hawaii are the cheapest in the US (about $20 per day). In order to rent a car, you must have a driver's license and the driver must be at least 21 years old.


Communication on the islands is excellent; any call here can always be made from one of the pay phones that are installed everywhere. They work from telephone cards, sold in all supermarkets, shops and street kiosks. In addition, many bars and restaurants have telephones from which you can also call anywhere in the world, but in this case the cost of negotiations will be much more expensive.

Mobile communications in Hawaii are of excellent quality and cover almost the entire territory of the islands, and international roaming is available to all subscribers of major foreign operators.

The Internet on the islands is quite widespread, and most Hawaiian hotel rooms are provided with 24-hour Internet access. In addition, many public areas have Wi-Fi hotspots.


The crime rate in Hawaii is very low, and the islanders are considered some of the most welcoming and friendly people in the world. Of course, crimes happen here sometimes, but mostly they are petty thefts. Thus, for personal safety it is enough to observe only general measures precautions. Also, do not underestimate the strength of currents and neglect safety precautions while swimming.

From a medical point of view, the Hawaiian Islands are also an absolutely safe place.

Business climate

In Hawaii, the basis of economic and business life is international tourism and the service sector. This is explained by the presence of a huge number of resorts, historical attractions and national parks. In addition, the Hawaiian Islands are the main transport hub in the North Pacific Ocean, through which strategically important routes pass. They connect Canada and the USA with East Asia, New Zealand, Australia and the Philippines.

Real estate

The Hawaiian real estate market is consistently popular with both US residents and foreigners. The main factor that determines its cost is location: the closer to the coast, the more expensive.

It is worth noting that literally over the past few years average price prices for houses here increased by 18%, and for apartments - by 35%. Moreover, a fall in prices is not expected in the near future, and many analysts predict further growth.

You can't visit Hawaii and not become a member luau, which is included in the mandatory program of any tourist. It is an original way to celebrate various events (birthday, graduation, big harvest, won a competition, meeting guests, etc.). Typically, its program includes ethnic dances and a variety of games, as well as a real feast with the best local dishes. Moreover, Hawaiian luau so interesting and vibrant that tourists often come just for it.

Visa information

To travel to the Hawaiian Islands, all Russian citizens need a tourist visa.

It can be issued at the American Embassy in Moscow (Novinsky Boulevard, 21), and also in Consulates General in St. Petersburg (Furshtatskaya St., 15), Yekaterinburg (Gogol St., 15) And Vladivostok (Pushkinskaya St., 32).

The state of Hawaii is the last state (50th) to be annexed to the United States. It is surprising that geographic remoteness was not a reason for denial of status. It is located more than 3,500 km from the main part of the country. The capital of the state of Hawaii, Honolulu, is a city that has become a real bestseller for creators of all kinds of scanwords and crosswords. Other significant cities are Hilo, Kailua and Kaneohe. The number of inhabitants is about 1.5 million people. The name comes from the Proto-Polynesian language, literally meaning “homeland”. This word has become a household name for many Americans.

Hawaii State Symbols

Hawaii State Tree - Lumbang (Aleurites moluccana)

Hawaii's state flower is the Hawaiian hibiscus.

The state animal of Hawaii is the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Hawaii's state bird is the Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis).

Hawaii's state fish is the chevron triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus)

Hawaii State Jewel - Black Coral or Antipataria

Hawaii State Product - Coconut Muffins

State of Hawaii. Geography and climate

The Hawaiian Islands are surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, which annually brings 4000 mm of precipitation per year. Almost the entire land area is formed by underwater volcanoes. This feature has become the reason for such an unusual relief, attracting artists, directors and photographers from different parts of the world. There are about two dozen volcanoes here, half of which are active. The climate is humid and hot, without significant changes or differences. The weather can be divided into two seasons: wet and dry. Temperatures throughout the year range from 18-25 °C. There are no cold and harsh winters here.

State of Hawaii. Economy

The economy is built on three main areas: agriculture, tourism and maritime transport. More than 1 million hectares have been allocated for growing vegetables, fruits, nuts and cereals. Hawaii USA is the largest supplier of sugar cane, bananas and coffee. Our own factories produce sweet semi-finished products, canned foods and sugar. The tourist focus is dictated by the location features. The world's best resorts with unique underwater design of coastal areas were organized on the islands with minimal investment. How sea ​​transport helps you earn money? There are several naval bases existing on government funding. A huge number of services providing military support operate in local ports. Moreover, the most important Pacific routes pass through Hawaii. The state connects the United States with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other developed countries.

State of Hawaii. Population and religion

The population density is high, approximately 80 people per 1 km². Hawaii, the US state, is one of the few places in America where Asians occupy a leading majority. There are almost 40% of them here. Representatives of the white race are about 25% (Germans, Spaniards, French, Russians, Portuguese, British), and there are about the same number of mestizos. Despite big difference and national diversity, there are never civil conflicts here. Religious preferences: atheists - 50%, Jews 1%, Muslims - 2%, Buddhists - 9%, Christians - 30%. The bulk of the inhabitants settled on the island of Oahu, known for its excellent ecology and large amount of vegetation.

State of Hawaii. Interesting Facts

Mauna Kea Volcano

  • The Mauna Kea volcano is considered the largest on earth, taking into account its parameters located under the water surface (more than 10 thousand meters total height).
  • The Vaialeale volcano has created a unique climate around itself. This natural object collects a huge amount of moisture (about 12 thousand mm), which is anomalous for our planet.
  • The mild and even hot climate does not prevent snow from lying on the tops of the mountains.
  • The center of the state of Hawaii often became the location for filming films, and the film “Jurassic Park” was created on the island of Oahu.
  • Tourists spend about $12 million here annually.
  • The Kilauea volcano is distinguished by its activity, which attracts thousands of spectators from all over the world.
  • The state of Hawaii looks very unusual on the map. It consists of 8 large islands and more than 100 small ones.
  • Officially, the local alphabet consists of only 12 letters.
  • Almost 70% of women work here, which is a record for America and many other developed countries.
  • The legendary Waikiki Beach was created by human hands. All the sand was imported from California.
  • The area of ​​the state of Hawaii increases every year. This is due to volcanic eruptions that form land from solidified lava.
  • More than 120 islands are uninhabited. Many of them serve the local population, who work on a rotational basis.

State of Hawaii. Attractions

City of Hilo

The city of Hilo is known for its diversity of vegetation. A huge number of flowers grow here, the smell of which spreads throughout the island. Outside is the majestic Kilauea volcano, one of the largest on the planet. The local population believes that the goddess Pele lives inside them. When a mythical creature becomes angry or cries, an eruption occurs. The nature of the lava flows determines the mood of the goddess.

Village of refuge. State of Hawaii

The village of refuge is an ancient temple that forgave any, even mortal, sins of people. The path here is quite difficult, and therefore only a select few could overcome it. As a reward for his labors, the traveler received complete freedom and the blessing of the gods. The ancient buildings of this place create a unique atmosphere, motivating tourists to exploits and bright deeds.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor, which is still the home base of the American military, is known to every inhabitant of the earth. Based on the events of 1941, a huge number of films were made and books were written. Part of the famous harbor is open to tourists, immersing guests in the details of the conflict with Japan.

Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon is part of various tourist routes. Natural object was formed due to the eruption of the Kauai volcano. The canyon stands out for its unique atmosphere and picturesque views. IN this moment There is a tourist park here with all amenities.

Hawaii (English Hawaii) is a US state. Located on the Hawaiian Islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere at a distance of 3,700 km from the continental United States. Population - 1,283,388 (2008 status), including Hawaiians (26%), Americans and European descent groups (23%), Mestizos (13%), Filipinos (9%), Chinese (5%) , Japanese (1%), etc. The urban population is about 70%. Official language- English; partially (in everyday life) preserved and national languages, including the Hawaiian language. The capital and largest city is Honolulu. Other big cities- Hilo, Kailua, Kaneohe. Economically, the island of Oahu is the most developed.

Year of formation: 1959 (50th in order)
State Slogan: Freedom of the Land Embodied in Virtue
Formal name: State of Hawaii
Most Big city state: Honolulu
State capital: Honolulu
Population: more than 1.2 million people (42nd place in the country).
Area: 28.3 thousand sq. km. (43rd place in the country.)
More large islands in state: Hawaii, Kauai, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Maui, Niihau, Oahu.


The state is located on the Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean. Area - 16.8 thousand km². On the island of Hawaii there are active volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea, and the dormant volcano Mauna Kea (height 4205 m).


Tropical trade wind climate. The average annual temperature is 18-25 degrees Celsius. Precipitation up to 4000 mm per year. Tropical rainforests and savanna.


The islands were first inhabited by Polynesians in the 6th-3rd centuries BC. e. Back in the 16th century, Hawaii was visited by Spanish sailors, but they were officially discovered by the expedition of the English captain James Cook, who named them the Sandwich Islands (1778). Europeans found several state entities on the Hawaiian Islands, which at the beginning of the 19th century merged into a single kingdom. The development of interest in sugarcane production led the United States at the end of the century to increase its economic and political influence on the affairs of the archipelago. The local population, faced with infections brought from outside, from which it had no immunity, died out: by the end of the century, about 30 thousand people remained of the 300 thousand Polynesian population.

In 1893, with direct US intervention, Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown. A year later, the Republic of Hawaii was formed, which was directly dependent on the United States. S. Dole became the president of the republic. In 1898, at the height of the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed Hawaii and granted it self-governing status in 1900. From 1901 to 1902, the first president of the Senate of the Hawaiian Islands was Nikolai Sudzilovsky-Roussel, also known as Kauka Lukini (Kanak for “Russian Doctor”), who during his tenure managed to introduce reforms in support of the Kanaks, but was unable to resist the influence USA and was deprived of American citizenship for anti-American activities.