The most complete overview of all the beaches of Koh Samui. Good beaches of Samui - the charm of the “party” Chaweng and the fashionable silence of Ban Tai

Koh Samui For wintering or remote work, for me personally it’s just an ideal option - if we talk only about Thailand and compare it with Phuket, Pattaya or the North of Thailand. Serenity and relaxation reign here, but at the same time, if you find one, you can freelance quite actively (work remotely). Lately I come to Samui to live for a couple of months when I have a lot of work accumulating and I want to plunge into a calm and pleasant atmosphere and get everything done in one fell swoop.

Samui is cozy, there can be no tsunami, there is a sea, a bike for rent and tasty food- what else is needed for life? There are noisy parties, shops, bars with nightlife, and there are truly quiet places and houses right on the seashore or in the jungle, where lovers of silence live and where I lived for some time.

On Koh Samui you can buy everything you need for life (or almost everything you can read that you can’t find on Koh Samui). There are three large supermarkets, markets, cafes and plenty everywhere. In general, in terms of civilization, everything is ok here, although the island is more of a large tropical village. And if your choice is in favor of Samui, then let’s puzzle you with one more choice - which area you’ll be from.

Large supermarkets where you can buy food and clothing are located on Chaweng and Lamai beaches. All night parties are there. Quiet family life - Maenam, Bang Por. Somewhere between tranquility and society is Chong Mon. And privacy for a very long stay - the entire south of the island and Lipa Noi. Further - more details about each beach in Koh Samui.

(Samui map big size is at the end of the post)


Chaweng- the most party place on Koh Samui. At the same time, if you try, you can find a quiet house to live here, as well as a huge number of noisy hotels, spas, restaurants, markets, and shops. Chaweng is a place where life is in full swing - day and night. Centers nightlife: Green Mango, Ark Bar, Sound Club. Although these points are very approximate, written from the words of friends, because I myself understand secret places much better than those where so many people gather.

  • On Chaweng there is the Samui International Hospital, which is not my favorite.
  • My favorite places to live are also located here - Tesco with a food court that sells the best freshly squeezed juices and Starbucks next to Big C.
  • When I live in the Big C area, everything I need for life is very close to me personally.

On Chaweng great beach, about 7 km long. In bad weather there is a strong wave, and in the high season there are a huge number of people.


Lamai— deep, sometimes rocky beaches. In bad weather, the waves here are very high and beautiful (I’m not comparing them to Bali; there is no surfing on Samui, but you can find windsurfing). There are a lot of hotels, bungalows, and restaurants on Lamai. This is the second most active party place.

  • There are many Russians and other expats living in Lamai. There are a lot of houses for long-term stays both on the shore and in the jungle.
  • There are many yogis and vegetarian restaurants in Lamai.
  • During heavy rains and floods in this area, everything is not so bad and even probably better than in other areas. Although it was worse during the 2011 flood, the infrastructure here seems to be improving.
  • For some reason, the weather in Lamai is better than in the northern part of the island. I noticed it personally, but many times it happened to me that I leave the north in a downpour that lasts for several hours, arrive at Lamai, and it’s dry there.
  • Tesco in Lamai sells the most delicious (in my opinion) tom yum on Samui. And in general, the “gluttonous courtyard” is very good here :)

Lipa Noi Beach on Koh Samui

Lipa Noi- a beach in the west of the island. Located just north of Nathon. Here is the calmest sea and beautiful sunsets (the beach is in the west). Lipa Noi has few long-stay houses, hotels and expensive villas. A small number of restaurants and cafes, not a very active party life, the main supermarkets are far away - half an hour or more away by bike/car. Generally - calm beach, suitable for a short holiday on Koh Samui and for lovers of calm and shallow seas.

*IN summer time the sea on Lipa Noi becomes very shallow, you may have to go to other beaches to swim.

Nathon Beach

Nathonadministrative center Koh Samui. There is a pier, bus station, market, banks. About 15 years ago, you could only change currency or cash out here (now in any area). And about 40 years ago, children from all over Samui came here to school and lived at the school all week, going home on weekends, because at that time on Samui there was not only electricity, but also no transport except bicycles and boats.

Now Nathon has many cheap hotels, the cheapest clothing market and an inexpensive evening market for Thai food. This a good place for those who came to Samui for a long time and did not book accommodation in advance. In this case, you can stay in an inexpensive hotel right next to the pier and explore the island on your own by renting a bike here on Nathon, a car, or traveling by motorcycle taxi or tuk-tuk. * Taxi on Koh Samui very expensive.

The beach on Nathon is mostly not for swimming, but rather for work, with the exception of a small piece of the beach (with wonderful white sand!) in the far left corner, if you are facing the sea.

In summer it is very shallow and there are often shallows of 50-100 meters.

In the evenings, fishing boats come to the Nathon piers and you can buy seafood “first-hand” - the freshest and most inexpensive. In the evening, on Nathon, right next to the pier, there is a market where you can try inexpensive and tasty Thai food.

Bang Po Beach

Bang Po District is located 10 minutes drive from Nathon, in the north-west of the island. This is one of the quietest areas, with many houses for long-term stays right on the seashore. The sea on Bang Po is shallow, but you can swim - it becomes deeper in winter, and very shallow in the summer months.

From March until the end of summer, when the tides are very strong and the corals are exposed, it is interesting to swim on a koyak here. Underwater you can see corals, algae and colorful fish. For sailing at this time of year in Bang Por very small.

Since April there have been very beautiful sunsets and sunrises - the sun sets within sight “into the water” and rises within sight along the water line.)

Bang Po- my favorite area. Quite a lot of Russians and Europeans live here, but it seems that they are all not too avid party-goers and in general there is real peace and tranquility here. Chaweng with its main party spots and supermarkets is 30 minutes away by bike.

Bang Por has many inexpensive cafes with Thai food and restaurants on the beach. There are cheap rooms and bungalows for around 500 baht per night.

During the flood, Bang Por turned out to be one of the most favorable areas. We've been pretty dry and haven't had any power outages.


Maenam located on the north coast Koh Samui. The length of the beach is 5 km. In this district Very many houses and coastline and towards the jungle from the ring road, which can be rented for longer stays. There is not expensive hotels. Nice beach. On Thursdays, “Walking Street” takes place here - when one of the streets turns into a large market with very cheap clothes and food.

Maenam beach can be said to be excellent - deeper than on Bang Po, clean in places and moderately calm.

During the flood there were many flooded places here. The most difficult (flooded) sections of the ring road were on Maenam.


Bophut- a beach in the north of Koh Samui. Between Maenam and Choeng Mon (the most northern part islands). The length of the beach is 2 km. Nice, deep sea, not too many people. There are inexpensive houses for long-term living in the Bophut area, but many of them are not within walking distance from the sea (5-10 minutes by bike). Beyond the eastern part of Bophut is Fisherman Village- a very colorful place, with inexpensive hotels, excellent restaurants and a market. The market is not cheap, but you can find a lot of interesting things here.

Choeng Mon

Chong Mon- This is a short beach, only about a kilometer. The area itself is quite large, with many houses and villas of different price categories. A Thai-style house in a “Thai” village can be found from 7 thousand baht per month. Closer to the sea there are villas from 30-60 thousand baht per month. In some places you can find small and not very expensive houses right on the shore.

Choeng Mon is a suitable place for those who come to Samui for a long time, love an active party life and the opportunity to retire to their home in between parties. All the party spots are located not far from Choeng Mon, but you need to go to them by bike (10-25 minutes).

Hua Thanon and the entire South of Koh Samui

Hua Thanon And South coast Koh Samui do Lipa Noi is a quiet area with a huge number of houses for long term stays.

For beach holiday this is not a very suitable place - it’s quite shallow here, and in the summer there are very strong low tides and there are a lot of fishermen, but there are very beautiful beaches in hotel areas and beyond. In these places, very advanced foreign centenarians live - in inexpensive houses and quiet solitude.

Hua Thanon has a Muslim community village and a mosque. Residents of the Muslim village are mainly engaged in fishing and in the evenings you can buy inexpensive fresh seafood here.

About sunrises and sunsets on Koh Samui

The most beautiful sunsets on Samui are in Nathon and Lipa Noi, and in some places in Bang Po, Maenama and Choeng Mona. Sunrises - in Chaweng, Lamai, and some places in Choeng Mon.

In this picture you can see where does the sun rise on Koh Samui and where it sets and, looking at the map, figure out which beaches (Bang Po, Maenam, Choeng Mona) you can watch both sunrises and sunsets, or one or the other.

From some beaches in Bang Por and Maenam you can watch the sun rise and set. This is most likely in June, least likely in December, when the sunrise and sunset points are farthest from each other.

Hotels on Koh Samui

I hope now you have a more or less idea of ​​which area of ​​Samui to choose for living. Any blogger reviews about specific hotels quickly become outdated - hotels wear out and others appear, so choosing and booking a hotel on Samui, of course, is best through the Internet and a hotel search engine.

Today, to search for hotels, I use , which has options from all the search engines we know (Booking, Agoda, etc.) - you can see discount promotions, compare prices and choose the most profitable options.

The best beaches on Koh Samui? Are you seriously?! There are more than ten of them here, and each has its own unique appearance, character and temperament. If you want, in front of you are kilometers of snow-white sand powder in the shade of palm trees. Or maybe you like rocky shores, from where you can admire schools of fish in crystal backwaters?.. So let's choose the best beach for you on Koh Samui!

I won’t mention anything about Chaweng, since I already described it earlier. You can get acquainted with its beauties in the article

Lamai beach on Koh Samui

The central part of Lamai is the most popular among tourists - close to numerous shops, cafes, massage parlors and water activities. It's usually crowded here, but not as noisy as, say, Chaweng. Umbrellas and sun loungers are included. As statistics show, this is one of the most.

Bophut beach on Koh Samui

Bophut located near the airport. Low-flying planes always cause a storm of delight among children. True, they appear quite rarely and, in general, do not distract much from relaxation. The bay is well protected from waves, but the sea depth here is decent. There is a fishing pier nearby as well as temple complex, known as the Big Buddha. By the way, there is something similar in Phuket -.

Bophut has indescribable sunsets. But for swimming it’s probably not the best the best option on Koh Samui. The water here is often slightly cloudy, with big amount algae and . The sand is quite coarse and dark in color. However, Bophut is quite crowded. Among other things, there are many sellers of goodies, swimsuits and jewelry. To the north, 13 kilometers from the beach, is located an equally beautiful one, popular for its heavenly beaches.

In terms of recreation and entertainment, the infrastructure is Maenam quite well developed. The coastline is always clean. Great scenery. The quality of the water can be a little disappointing - due to several rivers flowing into the sea nearby, the seabed is silted in places.

Maenam has a reputation as one of the most affordable areas to live. This place is well suited for lovers of peace and quiet.

Not far from Chomgmon settled down small island Fan Noi, which can be reached by wading. On the periphery of the beach it is quite easy to retire, but closer to the central part they are already in full swing on banana boats and jet skis, learning and even sailing yachts.

The sea in this part of Koh Samui is relatively calm, and the sand is pleasant to both the eyes and the feet. Especially in the northern part. Chong Mon will disappoint only those who picturesque nature prefers night entertainment.

All Beaches on the map of Koh Samui

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All guidebooks say that Samui is an island of serenity and a place for an ideal beach holiday in the Bounty style. And indeed it is!

Each beach on Koh Samui is unique and beautiful in its own way, but the entertainment and other infrastructure surrounding them, including markets, restaurants, shops, hotels, bungalows, houses or villas that can be rented for a holiday on Koh Samui - the beaches vary greatly.

Therefore, on the site we tell you about everything that may be useful in planning your holiday in Thailand and Koh Samui, so that you can fully enjoy your stay on Koh Samui and the islands surrounding it.

It will be more convenient for you if, when considering tours to Koh Samui or when organizing independent trip to Thailand on Koh Samui, map the island on which we have mapped all the beaches on Koh Samui will still be used.
By clicking on the name of a beach on the map of Samui, you will be taken to the corresponding description of this beach, accompanied by a short video from the same beach. Our interactive Koh Samui beach map marked for 25 beaches.

Also, when describing each beach of Samui (reviews can be left for each beach), we will tell you what to expect and what not to count on when visiting various parts of this truly heavenly place, which includes not only Koh Samui, but also the surrounding islands: Koh Phangan, Koh Tao and islets Marine Park Angthong.

In describing the beaches of Koh Samui, we tried to give only facts, without stooping to tourist tales about how it once was here, and why something is this way and not that way. ...In general, there are no lyrical digressions or fairy tales here.
If someone lacks them, then this is not for us, this is for the guides working on the “islands of Thailand” (according to some, especially “advanced” guides, for example, Krabi is an island, not a province of Thailand, Phuket is this is not an island, but a part of the mainland, almost like Pattaya, and the name of the Kingdom - Thailand - is spelled with a "th", that is - Thailand).

Descriptions of most beaches on Koh Samui are accompanied by videos filmed right on the beach.
Each video clearly shows: what sand, what beach and entrance to the sea in each area of ​​Koh Samui. The videos were filmed mainly in cloudy weather, but even in such weather you can clearly see how good best beaches Koh Samui (reviews from island guests confirm that they are good even in the rain!), and on a sunny day, the beaches of Koh Samui are simply beautiful!

The beaches of Koh Samui are ideal for organizing.
Photo and video professionals working with our company will capture a wedding or any other celebration taking place on Koh Samui.
The best photographers and video operators on Koh Samui (reviews of their work also accompany a description of the services of each of them) are presented in the section.

We have written a detailed and very useful article "" - be sure to read it to have a general idea of ​​​​the island of Koh Samui itself, and where certain beaches of Koh Samui are located. Photos of the beaches can be seen in the description of each beach.

We also have the best for you Koh Samui beach map() and the suitability of the coastline for swimming.

Well, and myself Koh Samui island on the map it's very easy to find: Southeast Asia, Kingdom of Thailand, whose outlines resemble the head of an elephant, where the South is its trunk, and in the South we look at the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand.

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Are you going to go on holiday to Thailand, namely to visit the island of Koh Samui? Then this article is for you. It will cover the most popular beaches of Samui. But first, a little about the island itself.

Koh Samui: beaches, general information

Samui, or as it is called local residents, Koh Samui, located in which in the southeast it opens into the South China Sea. Thanks to geological and geographical features The location of the island has never experienced a tsunami, unlike Phuket.

The area of ​​Samui is 228.7 square kilometers. Local time is three hours ahead of Moscow. There are more than 50 thousand inhabitants. The length of the island's coastline is four kilometers. It can be noted that almost all the beaches of Samui are clean and amaze with their unforgettable beauty. During low tide, the water does not go far from the shore.

You can get to the island by plane from Bangkok. You can move around the surrounding area on songthaews. These are pickup trucks with seats that are located in the bed. You can also rent a motorbike or a car (if you have an international driver's license).

So, if you decide to visit this island, then a map of Samui with beaches, hotels, and attractions will help you quickly decide on a tour to Thailand.

Weather on the island

The climate is different from other regions of the Kingdom of Thailand. The island does not have a particularly pronounced rainy season, and it is not as hot as on the mainland. Let's look at the weather by month. For example, from January to March the following is observed: the rains become less frequent and shorter, the sea becomes calmer. Months such as February and March are considered ideal times for vacation. Daytime temperatures reach 31 degrees, nighttime temperatures reach 21, and water temperatures reach 28. The hottest season is observed in April and May.

Bad weather is very rare in Samui. The climate is tropical, hot with high humidity. The rainy season here is short, usually starting in October and ending in December. From June to September there is less and less sunlight. Low tides are noticeable on the beaches. Waves, tropical showers, and severe thunderstorms appear.

Where to stay on the island

There are many hotels on the coast to suit every budget and taste. You can choose a luxurious or budget option. But Samui hotels with private beach are rare for the Kingdom of Thailand. You can also rent apartments.

Hotels on the island are presented as complexes in the form of small villas or bungalows. Because it is prohibited to build tall buildings on Koh Samui.

Before booking the tour you like, you should study guest reviews of Samui hotels, carefully look at the photos of the beaches, the availability of sun loungers and umbrellas on them.

Choose based on your capabilities and preferences.

Where to eat

The bars and restaurants offer a variety of cuisines: European, Chinese, Korean, Italian and, of course, local Thai. Therefore, even the most demanding gourmet will find a restaurant to his liking.

There are both first-class restaurants with exotic menus and regular Thai eateries scattered throughout the island. So don't worry, you will always find a place where you can have a delicious lunch and dinner. Don't be afraid to try Thai food. Many people refuse to try it because the dishes are often spicy. Take note next tip: When you order food from the waiter, ask them to serve it “no spice” (without pepper).

We recommend trying the most common dish - tom yum soup. It is made with chicken or shrimp. According to your choice. And, of course, where would we be without rice? It is served, again at your choice, with chicken, shrimp or pork. The most popular fruits are coconut, bananas, passion fruit, mango. At the markets you can buy ready-made seafood.

Kingdom of Thailand (Samui): beaches

The most popular among tourists are located in the east of the island. Among them are the following beaches of Koh Samui: Chaweng and Lamai. They are very famous clear water and snow-white sand. In the north, the most visited are Bophut and Maenam. The water there is clean, but not as clear as on previous beaches, and the sand is yellow. The West is not so popular with tourists. Since it is there sea ​​port, and the water is dirty. So let's take a closer look at the best beaches in Koh Samui. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.

A map of Koh Samui with beaches will help you better understand and evaluate the location and size of the island. Be sure to buy it.

Chaweng Beach

Located on east coast islands. Chaweng Beach (Samui) is the most popular among vacationers. He is the center tourist life. Holidays in this part of the coast are suitable for young people and those who like to have fun.

The panorama of the beach is enriched with picturesque bays. The beach has fine white sand that doesn’t heat up at all. It is washed by crystal clear sea water.

There are northern, central and southern parts of Chaweng. South Beach, or as the locals call it, Chaweng Noi, is silent and beautiful. Famous for large-scale events that take place every year. Namely, a sailing regatta is held.

The northern part is considered the most serene and calm. The beach has fine-grained sand; when you walk on it, it begins to crunch like starch. There is no noise or unnecessary fuss here. This perfect place to merge with nature. And the emerald sea, palm trees, and the soothing sound of the surf encourage relaxation.

The central part of Chaweng is bustling with life from morning until late at night. Here you will find an abundance of various entertainment programs held in DJ bars, pubs, and clubs. And there are parties with fireworks on the beach.

While relaxing on the coast, you may notice Thai merchants walking around offering to buy clothes, jewelry, leather goods and various delights of Thai cuisine.

What to do in Chaweng

In this part of Koh Samui you can not only lie on a sun lounger and splash in the sea, but also go windsurfing, snorkeling, diving and others sea ​​activities(ride a jet ski, catamaran).

Be sure to go on a trip around the island and have a picnic in a place you like. Take a walk along Chaweng Lake. Go shopping, visit the following supermarkets: "Makro", "Lotus" and "Big C". You can also look into the massage parlor and SPA center. And in the evening you can visit discos and clubs where you can watch transvestite shows (see above what else you can do to entertain yourself in the central part of Chaweng).

There are also extreme entertainments, they are intended for those who like to tickle their nerves. This is a dive with sharks, a bungee jump. Cable car- a great attraction. There are ropes stretched between the trees in the middle of the jungle at different heights, along which the descent is carried out.

The island offers tourists many various entertainments, which will make your vacation more interesting and dynamic.

Lamai Coast

This is the second most popular beach among tourists. Located just south of Chaweng. The beach stretches for four kilometers. The sea is calm and transparent. The sand has a golden hue, the structure is similar to coarse salt and is mixed with small shells. Almost along the entire coast the bottom is safe. Only on the outskirts the picture is completely different. There are coral gardens, boulders, sharp stones. This part of the coast is not suitable for swimming. On Lamai beach it is more calm, life flows at a measured pace. This is an ideal place for a relaxing holiday with children. But it’s worth noting that there are few trees here, so be sure to take some with you when going to sunbathe. sunscreen and an umbrella.

Just like in Chaweng, the coast is patrolled daily by merchants offering to buy fruits, soft drinks and much more. There are massage rooms along the beach. Here tourists can enjoy Thai massage. Here you can book an excursion to any nearby island.

Things to do on Lamai Beach

You can ride jet skis, rent kayaks and everything for water skiing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, parasailing, diving. In the south of Lamai beach there are picturesque heaps - the Hin Tai & Hin Yai stones. These stone formations, symbolizing the feminine and masculine, are a natural landmark. Definitely worth a look. There are a huge number of legends about their origin. One of them is about lovers who did not receive approval from their parents. As a result, the young people rushed into the stormy sea. This abyss swallowed them up, and their bodies turned into stones.

Men should go to Thai boxing and karate competitions. And for women, visit the SPA center. And in the evening visit night market and go-go parties.

Be sure to rent a car and explore the surrounding area of ​​the island. Visit a fishing village with a Muslim community. There, people observe and honor the customs of their ancestors and live in fragile huts made of teak wood.

You can also visit the Wat Khunaram Temple, where the mummified body of the monk Loung Por Daeng is kept. During his lifetime he was a respected man. At the age of twenty he renounced the vain world and then spent his entire life in religion. In the temple I mastered the practice of meditation. The monk became a mentor for many students, passing on his knowledge and skills to them. At the age of 79, he died while sitting in the lotus position while meditating. For several decades now, his body has been in a glass sarcophagus, and it does not show any signs of decomposition. His eyes are covered with sunglasses.

Other coasts

The best beaches in Koh Samui have been reviewed. Now the choice is yours! But it is worth noting that prices on these coasts are inflated. If you prefer a modest holiday, then it is worth considering other beaches of Samui. Here are some options. On the northern side of the coast there are almost untouched places: Bang Por, Bophut, beach Big Buddha. In the northeastern part is the beautiful coast of Chang Mon. In the West convenient places there is practically no rest. Because the coast is rocky.

In this article we tried to briefly talk about the island, its coasts and attractions. The best beaches of Koh Samui have been selected. Have a nice holiday!

Description of areas and beaches of Koh Samui. Where is the best place to relax and live?

The island is like a big village, there are no cities here - the division into districts is along the beaches) There are almost no condominiums, one- and two-story houses, complete island relaxation.

At the same time, the island has almost everything necessary for a comfortable life: large shopping centers, banks, hospitals, very atmospheric bars, cozy cafes and luxurious restaurants.

What is the best area to live in Koh Samui?

The choice of Samui area depends on whether you want privacy or, on the contrary, live in a busy place. And whether you plan to use a bike or a car.

If you don't drive a bike, it's better to choose more "residential" areas. In my opinion, the best choice is Lamai. There are supermarkets, cafes, and the sea within walking distance. And some sights.

Other areas along the ring road are also suitable: Chaweng, Bo Put and Maenam.

And also, if you are interested in renting housing on Samui, you can contact the company Islandhouseforrent.

Description of Samui beaches

There are many beaches on Koh Samui, all of them are beautiful, but not all are suitable for swimming.

The most beautiful sunsets on Koh Samui can be seen in Nathon and Lipa Noi, in Bang Rak (starting from Big Buddha and east), and in Plai Laem. The most beautiful sunrises in Chaweng and Lamai.

Lipa Noi Beach

Lipa Noi is a beach in the west of Koh Samui, located just south of Nathon.

There are not many houses for long-term stays here, but there are beautiful villas and hotels.

For example, Nikki Beach. There is an excellent beach club where various parties are often held and films are shown. open air. And on a normal day, it’s very nice to lie on their sunbed in the shade with a cocktail in your hands.

Lipa Noi has the most beautiful sunsets.

But the infrastructure is not very good. There are several cafes, 7/11 Family Mart stores, but large supermarkets are quite far away.

You can swim on Lipa Noi only in winter; in the low season there are strong low tides and the sea goes far from the shore.

Nathon Beach

Nathon is located just north of Lipa Noi. This is the administrative center of the island and is more suitable for 1-2 nights than for a long stay.

There is no swimming beach here, except for a small patch.

In the off-season there are strong low tides.

But there are gorgeous sunsets, a bus station, ferry crossing, cheap market, banks and public hospital.

Bang Po Beach

Bang Po is located in the northwest of Samui, above Nathon. This is a very quiet, secluded place.

There are quite a lot of houses that are rented both daily and for long term. There are very few cafes and other amenities of civilization here, except for 7/11.

But you can live right by the sea!

In winter the sea is deep enough for swimming. There is some natural debris (things that fell from palm trees), but overall it is clean. In summer there are strong low tides.

Ban Tai Beach

Ban Tai - favorite place rest and wintering of Russian families, especially with children)

That's pretty too quiet place. There are several massage parlors, a couple of cafes, 7/11. To get to everything else you need to go by bike, car or.
Ban Tai beach is very beautiful. Bauni with crooked palm trees, white sand and a gently sloping entrance to the water (but not so gentle that it’s a kilometer to walk to the water).

Maenam Beach

Maenam is a popular area for both recreation and wintering. There are many rentals here, from bungalows right on the water to luxury condos in the mountains.

Eat cheap hotels and the beach here is excellent.

I had the most fun swimming here. Moreover, both in winter and in summer. There were no strong waves like on Chaweng or low tides like on many other beaches.

A soulful beach, only pleasant memories.

Bo Phut Beach

Same perfect place for recreation and wintering. There is a lot of housing for rent here and quite good infrastructure.

Very close to large supermarkets. The sea is suitable for swimming regardless of the season, but sometimes there is mud at the bottom.

There are many cafes, both cheap and very expensive (especially in the Fisherman Village area).

On Fridays there is a walking street on Fisherman, and several times a week you can watch a fire show right on the shore. In principle, it’s nice to take a walk any evening.

Bang Rak (Big Buddha)

The Bang Rak area is unfairly ignored by many tourists. But in vain, it is very convenient - we lived there for six months, it was great)

Close to shops, close to the sea, a lot of things within walking distance. After Leva was born, I didn’t ride a bike for almost a month and was tied to the patch where we lived. So, almost everything you need is within walking distance.

The beach is cool, but there is no feeling of bounty due to the piers, numerous boats and longtails.

But the waves and tides are not scary; you could swim almost any day.

And yet, there are excellent housing prices. And a cool swing on the beach.

Plai Laem Beach

The area on the other side of the Big Buddha statue.

The beach itself is small, there are few houses for rent there, there are large and very beautiful hotels. But the place to live is so-so - the sea there is not very good for swimming, and in summer there are strong low tides. There is almost nothing in this area.

But there will definitely be beautiful sunsets here.

Choeng Mon Beach

Chong Mon is loved and adored by many winterers, especially those with children.

But I didn’t like this beach: it’s too shallow, even in winter. The water heats up to the temperature of a warm bath, but it’s impossible to swim there - you’ll have to sit like in a bathtub)

There are fragments of coral at the bottom; it is better not to swim barefoot.

There are both tie-style houses and expensive villas on the seashore. Close to Chaweng (but not accessible on foot).

Chaweng Beach

Chaweng is the busiest place on Koh Samui. All the major stores are located here (Central Festival, Tesco Lotus, Big C and Makro), and you can walk to them if you wish.

A huge number of bars, discos, restaurants, shops, massage parlors. Night market, walking street on Saturdays. SIH and Bangkok Samui Hospital are also here.

Accordingly, there are plenty of housing offers - like budget options for backpackers and luxury hotels.

It's nice to walk along the sea right on the beach.

In winter, the beach is not very good for swimming: strong waves, currents (sometimes rip), and sometimes low tides.

But when there are no waves, the beach is gorgeous. Especially in the Chaweng Noi area.

Lamai Beach

Lamai is the second most popular beach with a fairly developed infrastructure. Located just south of Chaweng.

There are many cafes and restaurants here, including right on the seashore; fire shows are often held on the beach. There is a market, Tesco Lotus and Makro supermarkets.

Close to the main attractions of the island.

Many expats live here, including Russians) But not only that, there are also plenty of Italians, Germans, French, and Australians.

Houses for long-term residence are mainly located not on the shore, but within a 5-10 minute bike ride. If you have transport, you can climb higher into the mountains and enjoy the view every day!

The beach has coarse yellow sand; in winter there are strong waves and it is not always possible to swim. It was great in the spring.

Hua Thanon and other southern beaches

Hua Thanon and the rest of the beaches in the south of the island up to Lipa Noi can be combined into one group.

These are very quiet (sometimes even wild) places, suitable for people who really want to relax about society and the basic benefits of civilization)

There are quite a few houses for long-term stays here, and there are beautiful expensive hotels. It will take a long bike ride to get to large shops and cafes.

The sea is beautiful, but not suitable for swimming. It is always shallow here, and in the summer there are low tides.

There is a Muslim village in the Hua Thanon area where you can go there for fresh fish and seafood.

My conclusion

  • If you don't want to travel around the island by bike, your best bet is Lamai. Everything is within walking distance - the sea and large shops. Close to attractions.
  • If you want some action - go to Chaweng.
  • It’s good with children in Ban Tai and Maenam. You can consider Choeng Mon.
  • Maenam, Bo Put, Big Buddha (Bang Rak), Chaweng and Lamai are good for wintering.
  • If you come at the height of the season, everything is busy or expensive - try looking in Bang Rak.
  • For complete privacy, head south or Lipa Noi.

In general, everywhere on Koh Samui is good. Ciao!