Problems of tourism in Crimea. Features of the introduction of innovative types of tourism in the Republic of Crimea

The program is published with abbreviations (indicated by .....), for the purpose of research and methodological work of university teaching staff, and educational work of students. The full text is published in pdf format on the official website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea

to the resolution of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated December 09, 2014 No. 501
(as amended by the resolution of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated June 29, 2015 No. 358)


  1. Program passport


Sources of financing of the State Program: funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, funds from the federal budget in the amounts determined by the Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”

Total amount of financing of the State program (thousand roubles.)

For 2015 - 2017 8,243,110.0

Federal budget 8,105,400.0

budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan 137,550.0

local budgets 160.0

Extrabudgetary funds are not provided.

Expected results of the implementation of the State Program

Ensuring comprehensive sustainable development of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment:

  • ensuring the development of resorts and health-improving areas with the protection and rational use of available natural healing resources, arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;
  • ensuring innovative development of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of public-private partnership;
  • modernization (reconstruction) of the existing potential of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea;
  • development of development concepts and the corresponding investment portfolio for the development of tourist destinations of the Republic of Crimea;
  • diversification of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea, focused on various segments of the tourism market;
  • expanding the scope of the active period of the tourist season, increasing the volume of sales of the Crimean tourist product;
  • creation of a unified information base of the Crimean tourist network (including route);
  • development of tourism products focused on the needs of the modern tourist;
  • quality improvement tourist services, the effectiveness of the activities of the Crimean subjects of the tourism industry;
  • formation of a modern, competitive, transparent structure tourism business;
  • creation of a new system of methodological staffing for the tourism industry that meets the needs of the modern Crimean tourist;
  • bringing the professional training of state civil servants and municipal employees of the Republic of Crimea, structural units responsible for the development of the resort and tourism sector, into compliance with legal requirements Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
  • bringing the quality of service in line with international standards;
  • promotion of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea in the international and domestic tourism markets;
  • development of types of tourism aimed at ensuring a year-round tourist season, including medical and recreational, cultural and educational, event, active, business and social;
  • formation of a recognizable tourist brand of the Republic of Crimea and its promotion;
  • development of scientific business concepts that describe the mechanisms for the development of the resort and tourism sector, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the tourism business.

2 . Current status and development prospectsresorttourism sector of the Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea is a unique region of the Russian Federation, which combines powerful natural-climatic and historical-cultural potential, which is the basis for the development of the resort and tourism sector.

Profitable geographical position peninsulas, varied landscape, favorable climate, natural resources(Black and Azov seas, water, forest resources), rich historical and cultural heritage ( the total number of architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Crimea is about 11,500 objects ), available recreational potential ( 100 sources mineral waters , 14 deposits of therapeutic mud ), historical experience - determine the main directions of tourism development on the Crimean Peninsula.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 40 salt lakes , the bottom sediments of which are formed by mud deposits. As promising deposits for use 6 objects can be considered in sanatorium-resort treatment(lakes Saki, Chokrak, Uzunlar, Koyash, Tobechik, Dzharylgach ), the total reserves of medicinal mud are 28.0 million cubic meters. Currently, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the only developed deposit of medicinal mud is Saki healing lake.

The resort resources of Crimea, along with favorable climatic conditions and healing mud, also include mineral waters.

More than 100 known mineral springs: chloride, calcium-sodium, thermal sodium chloride and others. Currently, about 20 mineral water sources are exploited on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, including in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria, Yalta, and the Bakhchisarai region.

The existing deposits of mineral waters are underutilized, mainly for internal and external use in health resort institutions. Mineral water pump rooms are equipped in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria and Yalta. For industrial bottling, only the well of the Saki mineral water deposit, located on the territory of JSC Beer and Soft Drink Plant Crimea (mineral water is known as Crimea), is currently used.

The effective functioning of the health resort industry remains one of the priority areas for the development of the Republic of Crimea.

It is based on the use of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, beaches, climatic and landscape resources, sea and mountain air.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there is 770 collective accommodation facilities(sanatorium-resort and hotel institutions) total capacity 158.2 thousand seats, of which 144 institutions provide spa treatment, 216 facilities provide health services, the rest 410 institutions – temporary accommodation services. Thus, the number of accommodation facilities providing treatment and rehabilitation services is 361 an object.

For year-round functioning are intended 139 sanatorium-resort (including 73 means of placing the state form of ownership of the Republic of Crimea) and 162 hotel establishments.

The number of year-round collective accommodation facilities is not enough to realize the potential of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea, the work of tourist and recreational clusters, and the permanent employment of the population.

It's hard to resist commenting here. Let's limit ourselves to interjection ugh. No sane investor will build hotels in Crimea. For the sake of 2 months of the season?

To implement the strategic goal of developing the resort and tourism sector, infrastructural restructuring, modernization (reconstruction) of the facilities of the sanatorium and resort complex, primarily the state (republican) form of ownership, is necessary.

Noted high level depreciation of fixed assets (most of them are worn out by 70-90%) and medical equipment of health resorts. At the same time, the unique experience and traditions of sanatorium treatment and improvement of citizens have been preserved.

As a result of the transition to a year-round operating cycle of collective accommodation facilities, the number of organized tourists may reach an additional 2 million people annually (an increase of 60%).

From the perspective of tourism development, the category of health resorts that provide sanatorium-resort treatment is of particular interest. This category is represented by the following main types of accommodation facilities:

  • sanatoriums – 93,
  • children's sanatoriums, medical centers – 31,
  • boarding houses with treatment – ​​16,
  • hotels with treatment – ​​4.

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the urban district of Yalta. At the same time, the majority of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in the urban district of Yevpatoria.

  • boarding houses – 130,
  • children's health camps – 77,
  • sports and recreation complexes – 8,
  • educational and health center - 1, where primary consultation with a doctor, SPA services, dietary nutrition programs are provided, there is a beach, swimming pool, sauna, etc.

In particular SPA services in the Republic of Crimea are provided by 42 institutions .

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 4.5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services, and about 14 thousand apartment renters.

Traditionally, in collective accommodation facilities over the past

for several years, an average of 1.2 million people were accommodated, or 1,454 people per

one collective accommodation facility per year (121 people per month), which

indicates that the available collective resources are underutilized


Total length coastline Republic of Crimea, suitable

for organization beach holiday, is 452 km. For mass recreation

There are 560 beaches for people on the water. Length of coastline

The number of equipped beaches in the Republic of Crimea is 103 km.

there are 354 subjects tourism activities, of which:

88 tour operators (included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators) and

266 travel agents (notified Rospotrebnadzor about the start of travel agency


2015 the provision of public services is carried out

“Certification of tour guides (guides), guides-interpreters and instructors-

conductors operating on the territory of the Republic

9 instructor-guides and 594 tour guides (guides, guides-


In 6 regions of the Republic of Crimea there are 9 tourism

information centers (municipalities: urban district

Evpatoria, Saki urban district, Sudak urban district, urban district

Feodosia, Chernomorsky district and Leninsky district). Besides, in

In the city of Evpatoria, activities are carried out by 3 tourist information

The Republic of Crimea has all the resources necessary for

development of the following types of tourism:

medical and health care (in the territory of the Republic of Crimea

144 institutions provide tourists with specialized sanatorium-

spa treatment);

cultural and educational (in the Republic of Crimea there are 15 state museums and more than 300 museums operating on

public principles. The funds of state museums contain about 800 thousand exhibits);

eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held annually -

musical, wine, military, choreographic, theatrical,

cinematic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become

traditional for the Republic of Crimea are the “War and Peace” festivals,

“Genoese Helmet”, “Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word",

"Bosporan agony");

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the Republic of Crimea there are

84 tourist sites, 26 places of public recreation, 193 tourist

cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads

creates conditions for cycling. Most varied for

mountain cycling tourism in the southwestern part of the Republic of Crimea);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools,

children's camps with scuba diving training);

equestrian (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more

20 equestrian clubs that have developed one- and multi-day routes

horseback riding for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives live in the Republic of Crimea

115 nationalities, 92 ethnographic sites are located, based on

for which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);

sports (international hang gliding competitions

sports, hot-air ballooning and others);

cruise (acceptance of cruise ships in the Republic of Crimea can

carry out 4 sea ​​ports located in the urban districts of Yalta,

Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria).

Despite the presence of many prerequisites for the development of various

types of tourism, currently there are a number of common problems,

hindering the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Political instability in Ukraine.

Previously, out of 6 million tourists annually visiting the Republic of Crimea,

the bulk of tourists (65%) were citizens of Ukraine. IN

Currently, a reorientation of tourist flow is being carried out - since 2014

the main tourists are citizens of the Russian Federation.

To develop domestic tourism, it is necessary to carry out

large-scale work to form an objective image of the Republic

Crimea as a popular safe tourist destination.

  1. Unsatisfactory state of infrastructure on the territory

tourist regions of the Republic of Crimea.

To ensure the comprehensive development of the resort and tourism sector

The Republic of Crimea has developed 6 tourism and recreational clusters,

which are included in the Federal Target Program “Social

economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020.”

Creation and operation of new tourist and recreational

clusters will allow you to create the necessary objects providing

infrastructures that correspond to current and future

requirements and needs of regions as tourist territories,

intensify investment and tourism activities in Crimea.

The formation of clusters is carried out locally throughout the territory

Republic of Crimea.

Clusters will be implemented starting from 2015, with their financing

more than 22.5 billion rubles were allocated. from the federal budget. Planned

develop clusters for all resort regions, taking into account their characteristics

development and implementation of the task of year-round operation of enterprises,

institutions (organizations) of the resort and tourism sector.

  1. The problem of transport accessibility of the Republic of Crimea.

This year marks a structural reorientation

passenger traffic to the Republic of Crimea – from priority previously

railway transport to air transport and road transport.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the limiting throughput thresholds

abilities of transport hubs and communications of the Republic of Crimea in

direction to other regions of Russia. Based on these restrictions,

we can conclude that the transport complex of the Republic of Crimea in

able to receive no more than 4 million tourists from Russia per season for a period of up to

2017, i.e. until completion of key development activities

transport complex.

The Republic of Crimea has all modern types

transport, but the placement and structure of transport communications,

transport infrastructure as a whole does not meet the necessary

internal and external transport and economic relations and needs

significant improvement.

In addition, a number of problematic issues in

tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Seasonality of the tourism industry.

Seasonal fluctuations in tourist flow to Crimea are reflected in changes

trends in job generation in the service sector, intensity

loading of means of transportation, accommodation, restaurants and attractions. In high

season there is an overload of tourist centers, prices rise,

Reservations for services for this period must be made in advance. B low

the season is the other way around.

In order to overcome the seasonality factor, it is necessary to develop and

promote new types of tourism products that are not subject to seasonal

fluctuations. This is, first of all, the development of medical and recreational,

cultural-cognitive, event-based, active, business and

social types of tourism.

Gradual modernization of the accommodation sector is also necessary.

  1. High level of depreciation of fixed assets and medical facilities

collective accommodation facilities. First of all, this concerns objects

sanatorium-resort complex located in the state

property, fixed assets and medical bases of which are worn out

70-90%, but at the same time maintaining the unique experience and traditions of the sanatorium

treatment and recovery.

Of the 188 collective accommodation facilities owned by the Russian Federation and state property

Republic of Crimea, need modernization and reconstruction of at least 107

health resorts The amount of investment in the reconstruction or modernization of one

object ranges from 85 to 200 million rubles. Estimated total cost

works on reconstruction and modernization of hotel rooms and medical

the base of these objects is from 18 billion rubles.

Reconstruction (modernization) of sanatorium and resort facilities

complex of the Republic of Crimea on a public-private basis

partnership as the most promising way to join forces

authorities and private business will ensure the main transition to

year-round operating cycle of industry enterprises, which in the future, with

strategically built development policy will entail an increase

number of domestic and foreign tourists, number of jobs,

volume of sales of services by both tourism enterprises and

enterprises operating in related industries

(transport, agriculture, trade, service sector, etc.).

  1. High level of “shadowization” of the service provision market

accommodation for tourists.

More than 4.5 thousand operate on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

households providing temporary accommodation services, and

about 14 thousand apartment renters ( private sector in recent years

received over 80 percent of the total tourist flow - about 4 million.

tourists per year), while key problem this sector is

high level of “shadowing” - private households are not subject to

taxation, state statistical data do not apply to them

reporting, they are charged as private households in all

municipal services.

Over the past 20 years, the problem of resolving

activities and taxation of the private sector of the Crimean tourism

the industry did not dare.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop a system

identification of “shadow” subjects of the tourism industry, control systems for

activities of identified “shadow” entities in the tourism industry, as well as

one of the tools is to classify funds


Formation of a modern, competitive, transparent

structure of the tourism business will increase tax revenues in

budgets of all levels, create comfortable and understandable working conditions for

all participants in the tourism services market.

  1. Uneven development of the Republic's tourism potential

Today the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic

Crimea is characterized by uneven development, which is manifested in

increased load on accommodation facilities and infrastructure in the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea and, accordingly, minimal load on

east and west of the peninsula (more than 60% of tourists prefer the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea, while Evpatoria and Saki health resorts

not inferior to Alushta and Yalta).

The task of further development of the sanatorium-resort and

tourist complex and the Republic of Crimea as a whole is the development

Territory development plan with definition of their specialization, further

development of the sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, taking into account

existing tourism resources, infrastructure, types and volumes

services provided to tourists, market capacity with calculation

forecasted demand.

First of all, this concerns the development of development concepts

tourist territories of the Republic of Crimea. Lack of concepts

allows for comprehensive development of tourism for the long term

perspective, disrupts the coordination and actions of tourism participants

The development of concepts for the development of tourist areas will allow:

— assess the potential of the territories of the Republic of Crimea (including its

competitiveness) in general in the provision of tourism services;

— clarify the parameters of territories (including borders,

infrastructure support, etc.);

— identify priority types of tourism that have the greatest

potential and competitiveness;

— identify potential territories favorable for location

(or reconstruction) of tourism infrastructure;

— identify priority areas for tourism development;

— prepare indicative plans (business plans) for development

individual territories;

— investment passports of territories.

Realization of the clear tourism potential of the Republic of Crimea

specific target groups of tourists, ensuring the development of tourism in

based on public-private partnership will allow to attract more

financial flows not only to tourism, but also to other industries

economy of the republic, which will affect the increase in direct effect

development of tourism in the form of tax revenues to budgets of all levels.

According to the data World Organization UN Tourism

(UNWTO) currently the volume of sales of tourism services is equal to or

even surpasses the export of oil, food or cars.

Tourism has become a major player in international trade and

represents one of the main sources of income for many

developing countries.

Thus, the development of tourism taking into account the synergistic effect

will be an incentive for the development of the economy of the Republic of Crimea as a whole and will allow the Republic of Crimea to be withdrawn from the subsidized territory into

  1. 3 . Priorities, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators),

results, stages and timing of the implementation of the State Program

In the Republic of Crimea, the development of sanatorium-resort and tourism

complex is a priority direction for economic development

Republic of Crimea.


National priorities in the field of tourism, which should

be guided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, currently

established by the following regulatory legal acts:

tourism activities in the Russian Federation";

Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to

2020, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian

Federal target program “Development of internal and entry

tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, approved

2011 No. 644;

State program of the Russian Federation “Development

culture and tourism" for 2013-2020, approved by order

“On tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea”;

“About resorts, natural healing resources and health-improving

localities of the Republic of Crimea";

Federal target program “Socio-economic development

of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, approved

2014 No. 790;

Action plan for the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy in

of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11

2014 No. 2246-r.


The entry of Crimea into Russia, it seemed, should immediately solve many problems that existed on the peninsula at that time. The main problem was the further development and formation of the region. It was also clear here that, perhaps, the most promising direction for the development of Crimea is tourism. Another thing is what tourism should be like, who will go to Crimea and why? What services can be realistically provided to vacationers and what services cannot be provided.

The fact is that from the very collapse of the USSR until the reunification of Crimea and Russia, there was a “shadowing” of the tourism economy. The private sector, which cannot be controlled by the state, took first place, remaining free from accounting not only by tax structures, but also in terms of coordinating the services provided.

The sanatorium-resort aspect of Crimean tourism was mercilessly replaced by beach tourism of an unorganized nature. The decline of tourism without investment and any government support continued until the spring of 2014.

Almost immediately after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the situation began to change in a different direction: today 80% of tourists stay in hotels and sanatoriums, and only 20% in private houses. This has not happened for a long time in the history of the Crimean peninsula, and this is due to the fact that sanatorium and resort institutions have concluded agreements on sending vacationers with state and corporate institutions of the Russian Federation. This step is only the beginning of the implementation of a targeted policy for the development of Crimea, the foundations of which are set out in the Strategy for the Development of Crimea until 2020.

It is known that the socio-economic indicators of Crimea upon joining the Russian Federation did not reach the Russian average. Unfortunately, with all Russia’s desire to change the situation on the peninsula for the better, there are certain limiting factors. The main one is the instability of the socio-political situation in the border areas of Ukraine and Crimea. Therefore, there are certain risks for the development of international cooperation, weakening of international and foreign economic relations. The region is also insufficiently supplied with vital resources, sources of water, energy, food, as well as the lack of good road and rail connections with the Russian mainland.

It is clear that now these problems are being solved first. The transport accessibility of Crimea is changing due to an increase in the number of flights to Simferopol and government subsidies for paying for tickets from distant regions of the country.

So, for example, people flying on vacation from Yakutsk now spend about 12, or even 15 hours, taking into account the transfer in Moscow. In the summer, direct flights will be organized, which will be dated by the state, as a result average price a ticket from Yakutsk will be 8.5 thousand rubles, and the flight time will be reduced to 8 hours. The number of Russians will increase major cities, from which there will be direct flights to Crimea.

It is worth noting that all problems must be solved comprehensively. So, in transport complex all funds are now concentrated on the construction and reconstruction of the crossing Kerch Strait, airports and highways. They provide the connection with settlements and industrial facilities of the peninsula. And this is already producing results. You can already travel around the Crimean Peninsula quickly and relatively inexpensively. The roads have been put in order, and this work continues successfully.

In the engineering complex, funding will be directed to measures to ensure water supply, sewerage, bank protection and heat supply, as well as ensuring the management of solid household waste. The development of the social sphere involves the implementation of measures for the construction and reconstruction of healthcare and education facilities.

One more, very important aspect. Before Crimea joined Russia, the peninsula received vacationers from Ukraine. This was a deliberate policy of the authorities, who did not burden themselves with unnecessary expenses and attracting investments into dilapidated and outdated infrastructure.

Accordingly, the entire service of the peninsula was extremely low and unprofitable. There were no foreign tourists there either. All this makes itself felt even now. So, when you go to have a snack of local dumplings, you can see flies flying above them. In response to your indignation, you may hear the familiar Ukrainian: “Let it be so.” By the way, the service personnel in hotels and cafes are still Ukrainian. Low level service and lack of conditions repelled all hypothetical tourists from vacationing in Crimea.

Although today tourists from Russia have already filled vacancies in hotels, in 2013 they were 26% of the total number of vacationers, but in 2014 they became 93%. In 2015, the figure increased to 95% and is approaching 100%.

As the composition of vacationers changes, their priorities also change. If for Ukrainians the main and main criterion was the price, then for wealthy tourists from Russia, perhaps, the level of service and service will be an important argument for a holiday in Crimea. The reality is that Russians, having vacationed in Turkey and Egypt for many years, have become accustomed to the world level of service. They are ready to pay high price for the tour and get a higher quality and professionally designed product.

There is also a problem that tourists from Russia will not be satisfied with even very cheap services of poor quality. The faster tourism enterprises and private firms catch this trend, the more successful a niche they will be able to occupy.

Today, the range and quality of services provided in Crimea lags significantly behind the world level. This reduces competitiveness of this region and on international market tourism.

The main problem for the peninsula is the seasonality of tourism. For hotels and similar institutions, the season is only three months, and for medical and health centers five months. Only less than 40% have year-round activities. There is also an imbalance in the distribution of healthcare facilities in Yalta and Evpatoria. All this points to an unfavorable environment in the health sector. Changing this situation may just solve the issue of seasonality in Crimea.

There is also such a direction of tourism in Crimea as extreme travel and tent tourism. On the territory of Crimea there are about 38 campsites, which are essentially tent cities. They have a minimal set of amenities, which budget European tourists are also not prepared for.

There's another problem Russian Crimea is the labor force. Most tourism-related businesses cannot support all year round service staff. Previously, Ukrainian seasonal workers were invited to work in Crimea during their holidays. Now political difficulties have practically closed this opportunity for them.

Today in Russia there is a specific Tourism Development Strategy for the period until 2020. Its main provisions are:

  • Increasing independence Federal agency on tourism; You can note the emphasis on the marketing component. It is also necessary to strengthen the presence of Russian travel companies on the international market. The state wants to provide large tourism businesses operating in the domestic market with maximum support, for example, in the form of a more loyal tax policy;

  • Closer interaction between the ministries of culture, education and foreign affairs through the unification of representatives of these departments into the interministerial committee on tourism. Within this structure, it is proposed to create working groups capable of solving emerging difficulties as effectively as possible;

  • Close interaction with business and the entrepreneurial environment through the creation of the Tourism Sector Association. This structure, in a bilateral discussion between representatives of the Federal Agency for Tourism and major entrepreneurs in the field of tourism on an annual basis, will be able to coordinate each other’s activities, making proposals and sharing opinions;

  • Emphasize continuous market research, tourism trends and recent developments. For this purpose, a large research organization must be created - the Institute of Tourism Research on the basis of the Federal Office of Tourism, which will supply government agencies with the most up-to-date information.

The development of eco-tourism in the region deserves special attention. It is necessary to develop a unified concept for the creation and implementation of green routes, including a certain set of measures:

  • Development of a network of green routes on the territory of natural reserves with the presence of basic and accompanying infrastructure that meets the principles of the “green economy”.

  • Promoting the development of cooperation between tourism business entities and specialized public organizations in organizing environmental tours and expeditions.

  • Introduction of a monitoring system to ensure the quality and environmental friendliness of tourist, recreational and hotel services.

  • Creation of a network of tourist information centers on the territory of natural reserve facilities to perform the functions of environmental education.

It should also be noted that the problems of tourism development in Crimea are not unique and difficult to overcome. There is a wide international experience, which needs to be studied and implemented, adapting it to local realities.

Issues of tourism development in the Crimean Federal District were included in the agenda of the Yalta International Economic Forum.

The tourism industry traditionally occupies a leading position in the Crimean economy, and the peninsula continues to prove its popularity and broad prospects as a tourist destination. This is evidenced by the observed increase in the annual number Russian tourists visiting the peninsula: from 1 million in 2013 to 4.9 million in 2015. In 2016, the tourist flow is expected to increase by another 500 thousand people.

The government of the Russian Federation and the Crimean authorities are paying increased attention to the development of tourism in the region. It was in Crimea that on August 17, 2015, a meeting of the State Council was held, dedicated to tourism for the first time.

“Currently, there are a number of positive changes in Crimea that are conducive to the development of tourism on the peninsula. The infrastructure is being developed step by step, a bridge is being built across the Kerch Strait. Simferopol airport is being reconstructed: its capacity has been increased to 100 flights per day. Increased power ferry crossing, the third line of the energy bridge was put into operation. The reconstruction and construction of tourist facilities is underway,” notes the head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov.

The Republic of Crimea is one of the ten federal subjects with the largest number of collective accommodation facilities. On its territory there are 262 year-round collective accommodation facilities, including 119 hotels, 67 sanatoriums, 31 boarding houses, 25 children's sanatoriums, 20 accommodation facilities of other categories, the total capacity of which is 65.4 thousand beds.

According to the results of the implemented targeted program for loading collective accommodation facilities in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, over the past two years, 100% occupancy of Crimean hotels, tourist centers and sanatoriums has been ensured during the “high season”.

An effective information and propaganda campaign was carried out to promote the tourism opportunities of the Crimean Federal District.

For the first time in 2015, package tours to the peninsula became widespread, which led to good results and predetermined the growing demand for Crimea among Russian tourists.

New ones are appearing on the peninsula tourist sites. For example, in 2015, a water park in Yalta and four new hotels were commissioned.

At the same time, to further improve the conditions of recreation in Crimea, modernization of hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums is required, a significant part of which has experienced a shortage of investments for many years. Today, every seventh collective accommodation facility in the region is under reconstruction and renovation.

In this regard, one of the main tasks for the development of tourism in the region is to attract investment to develop the infrastructure base of tourism and ensure the quality of tourism services at the level of world standards. Rostourism, for its part, pays great attention to expanding cooperation with banking and credit organizations. In particular, under the recently signed agreement, RNKB Bank will participate in the financing of investment programs and projects aimed at developing tourism in the Crimean Federal District.

An important area of ​​development is also the diversification of Crimea’s tourism products and the realization of the region’s tourism potential in the “low” season.

Crimea has an excellent prospect of becoming a year-round resort area through the active offer of other (besides beach) alternative types of tourism. Particular attention should be paid to the possibilities of Crimea in terms of sanatorium and resort treatment. The peninsula’s competitive advantage in this segment is the infrastructural medical and health complex that has been formed over decades, an attractive price compared to European medical resorts (especially against the backdrop of changes in the ruble exchange rate), the possibility of providing high-quality treatment, and - what is important - a fundamental medical school.

Besides, Crimean peninsula has great potential from the point of view of developing sports, cultural, educational, military-patriotic, eco- and ethno-tourism. Unique nature region, a large number of historical monuments and military memorial sites, good transport accessibility and the ability to choose vacation options “for any budget” make these types of tourism potentially attractive to tourists.

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    The place of tourism in the country's economy. Tourist potential of Russia. Characteristics of the tourism market in the most developed regions of Russia. Analysis of the current state of the tourism sector in the region using an example Krasnodar region. Development prospects.

    thesis, added 12/15/2006

    Main features of tourism. The main functions and features of tourism marketing. A system of continuously offered services in the leisure market. Marketing strategy travel agency. Marketing structure of the organization and management of a travel company.

    presentation, added 12/14/2012

For modern development The economy of the Crimean region is characterized not so much by the development of separate industries, but by the formation of various inter-industry complexes. In this matter, tourism should be considered as a large independent economic system that unites various industries. Effective interaction of all types of organizations and enterprises within the framework of the intersectoral tourism complex is the basis for creating a high-quality competitive tourism product. The tourism complex was not previously considered as one of the effective ways to increase the competitiveness of the Crimean region. The hotel industry is usually characterized as a form of providing paid services for accommodation and leisure activities.

At the present stage of tourism development in Crimea hotel industry act as a reserve that is capable of forming the competitive advantages of the region, so this issue must be approached with an understanding of the trends and distinctive features, regional factors influencing the formation and development of the tourism complex of the Crimean region.

The problem of tourism development from a regional perspective was considered by such researchers as: M.G. Boyko, L.M. Gopkalo, issues of theory and methodology of economics and management, priority areas for using the resort and recreational potential of Crimea are touched upon in the research of S. Yu.

Top priority research work There is a need to accumulate and systematize theoretical knowledge and methodological approaches, and apply them in practice to solve pressing problems of competitiveness and attractiveness of the tourism industry at the regional level.

The tourist complex is represented by various organizations. Direct service organizations include enterprises - tourism organizers, whose main task is to provide tourism services. Indirect service organizations include enterprises in related sectors of the economy, science, culture, and education system. The formation of a modern market mechanism for the relationship between tourism enterprises in the resort and recreational sector requires analysis and consideration of a number of factors.

Let us list the main groups of factors influencing the activities of enterprises in the tourism industry:

1. political factors (international situation, political stability);

2. economic factors (general state of the economy, financial stability, development of the tourism sector);

3. socio-demographic factors (increase in population, distribution of population by income level, morbidity level);

4. medical factors (occupational and age-related diseases, morbidity levels in the country);

5. research (progressive scientific developments, modern service technologies, technologization and computerization).

Characteristics of types of tourism in Crimea

Walking tourism

Crimean hiking has been developing since the end of the 19th century. In Soviet times, several planned routes were laid across the mountainous Crimea, connecting to mountain and coastal tourist centers, and there were about three dozen seasonal tourist camps.

Currently, the organizers of most walking tours in Crimea are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Minsk and other travel agencies and tourist clubs.

Those who relax in a health resort on the coast always have the opportunity to take walks. For these purposes, there are specially equipped trails (Tsarskaya, Botkinskaya, Shtangeevskaya, Kalendskaya, Kurchatov, Raevsky, etc.).

Southwestern Crimea

The mountainous southwestern Crimea is interesting for its historical and archaeological sites- this is the Khan's palace in Bakhchisarai, " cave cities"and monasteries, ruins medieval fortresses, sites of primitive man and much more. Interesting routes on its territory offers Crimean nature reserve. The trails are laid through the most picturesque places interesting objects reserve.

South-eastern Crimea

Mountain southeastern Crimea, unlike the southwestern one, is interesting for its natural attractions - waterfalls, caves, mountain peaks. Recommended West Coast Crimea from Peschany to Lyubimovka, Laspi Bay, the vicinity of the village of Maly Mayak, the valley of the river. Sotera - east of Alushta, as well as the villages of Solnechnogorskoye, Malorechenskoye, Rybachye, Privetnoye, Morskoye, Vesele, Solnechnaya Dolina, Koktebel.

Bicycle tourism

Plain and before mountain Crimea, Tarkhankutsky and Kerch Peninsula very convenient for cyclists, especially beginners, due to the gentle terrain, uncrowded roads, availability convenient places for parking on the coast.

The mountainous Crimea, southern and southeastern coasts are somewhat more complicated in this regard. The terrain here is more rugged. More prepared cyclists come here. In the nineties, Crimea began to be explored by fans of mountain bikes. Mountain bike championships are also held in Crimea. An important role in this case is played by the presence near the mountains. Black Sea coast, where there is always an opportunity to relax and take a break from cycling.


Speleotourism - i.e. inspection and exploration of caves has a long tradition in Crimea - dating back to the times of the Crimean Mining Club of the early twentieth century. And now its popularity is constantly growing.

A huge number of caves (over 800) and other karst cavities in a relatively small area, their diversity, ease of access and approaches to them make the mountainous Crimea very popular in this type of tourism.

Rock climbing

Mountaineering in its classic form with eternal ice and the rarefied air of the highlands is impossible, but conditions are ideal for rock climbing - amateur and sport. Well-known climbing walls are equipped in accordance with international requirements. These are the Nikitskaya Cleft near Yalta, Mount Sokol near Sudak, Petrovsky Rocks near Simferopol, the rocks above the Red Cave.

Natural features Crimea is such that ascents can be made at any time of the year: in winter - to the Angara wall of Chatyr-Dag, in summer - to the rocks of the Grand Canyon, and in spring and spring - to conquer the rocks South Bank.

Rocks Grand Canyon- a “white spot” on the climbing map of Crimea: there is only one route laid out here, but the opportunities for rock climbing are large, and the rough surface of the steep cliffs is of particular interest to climbers for laying free climbing routes.

Auto tourism

The transport network of Crimea began to take shape approximately 25 centuries ago. Each era has left us sections of roads in deserted, pristinely clean, picturesque corners Crimea, with an abundance of natural and historical attractions - from the era of the Roman Empire to runways"Buranov" of the Soviet Empire. It’s nice for a beginner to take a breeze along the Bakhchisarai-Yalta highway. Highway, hand-carved in the mountains in the 19th century, makes hundreds of turns, climbing Mount Ai-Petri, from where the amazing beauty of the southern coast of Crimea opens up.

The Romanovskoye Highway, specially built for the passage of royal persons and then the first persons of the Soviet state, makes it possible to see the Crimean nature reserve in all its splendor: the Kosmo-Damianovsky monastery with a healing spring, a trout farm, the Gazebo of the Winds on the cliffs of the Gurzuf Yayla, the Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta and many other attractions of Crimea.

Water tourism

Water tourism is one of the new types of tourism that have begun to develop in Crimea recently. This includes riding on yachts, jet skis, boats, sailing boats etc. Most of them also require good strength and endurance.

Jet skiing is the most exciting entertainment, with the fullest feeling of space, speed and freedom. In handling it is not much different from a regular motorcycle, but it gives much steeper turns and overhangs.

Coastal waters Sea of ​​Azov enjoys long-standing and well-deserved respect among amateurs and professionals aquatic species sports: windsurfing (riding on a sailing board) and kite surfing (riding on a board following a kite).

Congress tourism

Conferences, congresses, seminars, scientific symposia, business meetings, exhibitions, training seminars on the most various topics. And, of course, annual tourism fairs. The most important of them is “Crimea. Tourism. Recreation”, taking place in Yalta in early March. The venue for business events, as a rule, is hotels, health resorts and famous palaces. Most of them have their own conference rooms with 300-500 seats and provide accommodation services for participants. In addition, cultural, excursion, transport and other services are provided.

One of the leaders of business tourism in Crimea is the Yalta Hotel. Up to two dozen business events are held here annually.

The optimal time for such events is April-May and September-October, when there is no influx of tourists.